
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #racist rooshv.com

[From "Why Are Jews Behind Most Modern Evils?"]

After reading The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about Jewish influence on Western culture, but I was only scratching the surface. Enter The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones, a thorough examination of why Jews tend to be revolutionaries of any society and how they do it. By the end of the book, I could say I understood the race of people that vehemently reject Jesus Christ.
Jews killed their religion when they rejected their promised Messiah, one that was foretold through centuries of prophecies. The Jews then had no choice but to invent a new religion around the Talmud, an exhausting series of legal commentaries that further exacerbated their prideful nature and rejection of the Word of God.
They rejected Him and the eternal freedom He offered in exchange for earthly power and enslavement to their carnal passions.
Once you learn how to recognize Jewish names and physiognomy, it doesn’t take long to see that just about every moral degradation under the sun is spearheaded by Jews.
Every now and then I encounter news that a group of priests had an interfaith dialogue with Jewish rabbis. To that I respond, why? What profit will Christians have from engaging with those who reject Christ
Unless you do manual labor, it could be argued that you are Jewish in character.
Along with the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, I consider it settled history that the Russian revolution was a primarily Jewish project, executed by Jews revolutionaries in Russia and funded by Jewish bankers from abroad.
Can we list any benefits that blacks have received from their long alliance with Jews?

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Large Venezuelan Migration Sparks Xenophobic Backlash in Colombia


Hypocritic Hispanic crybabies.

And in that case it seems even more strange because as far as I know the majority of Venezuelans are mestizos like the majority of Colombians so it's the same race, unlike the people coming across the southern border of the US.

(America first)
Hispanics can’t even get along with other Hispanics, yet they want me to believe that they are going to get along great with Whites, Blacks, and Asians.

Back in the 1980s, 20 percent of the population of oil-rich Venezuela consisted of Colombian immigrants. Socialism has sent all the Colombians plus millions of native Venezuelans back across the border. Now that the Democrat Party has achieved the total power they have long lusted for, they will make the US into North Venezuela. Mexico had better get ready for a large influx not only of Mexican-Americans but of actual Americans as well.

(Joe Dixon)
Biden's going to invite them all into the United States soon, what's another 5-10 million hispanic immigrants when you've already got 100 million. Just think of all that cultural enrichment, diversity and votes for the democrat party.


The message that Venezuelan migrants are no longer welcome comes from average Colombian citizens and powerful government officials alike. Last week, for example, Colombian President Iván Duque announced that undocumented Venezuelan migrants would not receive vaccinations for the coronavirus despite concerns from refugee agencies that this policy could lead to more infections.

“Of course they won’t get it,” Duque told a Bogotá radio station. “Otherwise we would have a stampede with the whole world crossing the border to get vaccinated.”

Common sense to take care of your own first.

Just another npr sob story to import more of them here.

They are on their way to chant Biden, Biden at the border.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #homophobia #psycho nowtheendbegins.com

What you watched yesterday unfold in the Capitol was a combination of events that all have one thing in common, everything you watched yesterday was the hand of Almighty God judging America for her sins, and then giving us the desires of our collective, national heart. America is godless, and now we have leaders with unlimited power to destroy us in precisely the same way Adolf Hitler used his unlimited power to destroy Germany, and almost the world. But Hitler was only a type of the Antichrist, now get ready for the real thing.
What happens now will be equally stunning. As you read this right now, leaders in Washington are demanding that Trump be removed from office now, as a statement, to send a message. The Democrats have the Congress, the Senate and the White House, and everyone is getting in line behind that. The “new” America will hold up abortion as a ‘human right’, glorify transgenders and all manner of perversion as ‘progress’, and they will absolutely force you to do things like take the vaccine. It will all be done in the name of preventing what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
The real American revolution was not what happen at the Capitol, that was the distraction. The real revolution will begin on January 20th, and the America they will create will glorify everything that God hates. For decades now, the radical Left has demanded God get out of America, yesterday He left. The people who are in charge now are the same people who defended and protected ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement, due-date abortion, and in this new America Christians will be hunted down and removed and the Bible banned. What’s coming now will be the New World Order.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

This is our Jonestown moment.
Renouncing the Creator,
humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult.
Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism.

If the Joe Biden is able steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. The country will be destroyed as BLM and Antifa are given free rein. Satanism, gender dysphoria, migration and lockdowns flourish. Don't think the Demonrats will rest on their laurels. They are coming after Patriots, Conservatives and Christians. It's what Communists do. Look at the covidscam. We must prepare to defend ourselves.

Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid?
Communism expands the Rothschilds' monopoly over credit (money creation) into a monopoly over literally everything of value: Power. People. Commodities. Animals. Information. Discourse. Thought. Behavior.

Its goal is to dispossess, enslave, and even exterminate humanity. This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN's agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property.

The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power.
People are astonished at the Demonrats' brazen disregard for democracy and basic decency. Communists are satanists. Satanists are dedicated to destroying civilization.

Jews don't know this but Judaism as defined by Cabala is essentially satanic. It seeks to destroy civilization and replace it with an Orwellian dystopia where they control every aspect of life. The Rothschilds seek to supplant God.

Abbas Ghassemi #conspiracy #racist jweekly.com

The University of California, Merced has launched an inquiry into the conduct of Abbas Ghassemi, a teaching professor at the university’s School of Engineering who was the owner of a Twitter account with a pattern of antisemitic posts.
The professor’s tweets included a photo of a “Zionist brain” with labels such as “frontal money lobe,” “Holocaust memory centre” and “world domination lobe.” That same image can be found on the website “Jew World Order,” which peddles antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Ghassemi also tweeted about the United States government, media and banking all being controlled by Zionists and Israel on 10 occasions between October and December. He also frequently referred to the State of Israel as “IsraHell.”

While it was active, Ghassemi’s Twitter account was set to public and his bio read, “Professor of engineering at the University of California.” He created the profile in 2019 and had tweeted over 2,200 times.

zuuluuz & Robert Kelly #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border


White patriots (in other words, true actual Americans) in Washington, DC right now, chanting "Trump Trump Trump". Meanwhile, nonwhite foreigners who are totally alien to the USA and all of its history, attempting to invade the USA at El Paso, chanting the name of their champion "Biden Biden Biden".

Is there any other country where noncitizens would do that? And on top of that, where they know that the leader of said country would welcome them as well? I doubt even the migrants to Europe do that.

I wish we could send all of those illegals to Israel.

I know a lot of people roll their eyes when this is mentioned(some Amreners don't agree even) but there's most likely Jewish involvement in it. Jews have been a privileged minority for years. Why couldn't they have just enjoyed that and stuck to making money and kept quiet? Why did they have to embark on this anti white agenda?

(Robert Kelly)
The Democrats were able to steal the election because they know that violence works. Had the election results been overturned, there would have been more murder, mayhem, arson and looting by BLM and Antifa. And the MSM would be supporting them every step of the way.

The MSM would paint them as fearless underdogs, fighting to preserve democracy and exercising their first amendment rights while the police and national guard are told to stand down. Any show of force against BLM and Antifa would be construed as racism and facism and Trump as a deranged, racist dictator.

They know that they have nothing to fear from the right. The right are always expected to tow the line. The right always have to be peaceful, law abiding and rule following while the left does whatever it wants when it suits their purpose.

DisformedHalfbreed #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel What is wrong with Dutch girls?

This post is mainly for Dutchcels, but if you want to share your thoughts about this then you are more than welcome. Can anyone explain to me why every foid in the Netherlands wants to date a Turkish/Moroccan guy?

When I go on tiktok and instagram all I see is memes about how they want a Moroccan or Turkish guy in tight tracksuits. Even the highclass hockey girls often talk about hot Moroccan and Turkish guys in class. The stereotype of them being a drugdealer/low life scum is appealing to them??? I seriously don’t understand that. They aren’t even tall in general, like 1,75m at most which is ~6cm below average in the Netherlands. They are also very disrespectful towards foids but even they seem to like that when they call them a whore?? WHAT the fuck is WRONG with Dutch foids?? Is it the dark curly hair that Dutch boys don’t have? Is it the dark eyes paired with a well tanned face?? Why are Dutch foids so into foreign or halfblooded Moroccans and Turks??

Biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Dutch/Turkish guys are often truecels who rot in the mosque or wageslave for pennies or maybe rob some stores because they don't have any money. Dutch girls HATE Arabs. OP is gigacoping. Moroccans are legit the most hated people in the Netherlands.

i think ure teracoping rn my nig, women are all coalburners and dogburners, plz stop with the bs

It's literally an official statistic from the CBS you utter retard. If you look at the statistics on the dislike of Moroccans you will find that women dislike Moroccans more than men. You are gigacoping hard, they hate us, ESPECIALLY WIHITE WOMEN.

okayden mr statistician

Vox Day and followers #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia voxday.blogspot.com

Vox: My summary:

* Trump knew Pence was planning the double cross

* He was testing the intensity of his support – would enough show, and would we take it to the Swamp creatures ourselves when called upon? To both he got a resounding yes.

* Disrupting the electoral certification was a bonus. Rudy thought they needed extra time to get help from the state legislatures that were reneging on their elector certifications.

* Pence is another full-on compromised pedo Swamp creature. All he had to do was send the dual slates back to the legislatures. He didn’t have to count squat.

Robert Browning: What did I tell you about the Irish? Mick Pence? They are a treacherous lot, one and all.

George D: I knew this was bound to happen ever since I learned Pence's wife name was Karen.

Crunchy Catchelot: His career will be over - no one will want him.

Pence is going to come out as gay soon and run as a Dem for Senate. Where can I get a bet down on this?

Wait, maybe he's gonna go for "transwoman". Either way, full globohomo switch.

nswhorse: Lin Wood's latest claim about Pence is that he is a literal homopedo. It's certainly plausible, given all we know about ticket takers.

Gaslight Award

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Media Ignore Raphael Warnock’s Racial Radicalism

He is senior pastor at EBC, the “spiritual home of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.” Like King, Rev. Warnock has trouble with women; his wife says he assaulted her. Rev. Warnock is said to have interfered with a child abuse investigation.

Less serious accusations have destroyed white preachers. Jerry Falwell, Jr. left Liberty University amid accusations of adultery. Ted Haggard and Jim Bakker’s careers ended after sexual sins were revealed. Jesse Jackson lost no influence after his own affair and illegitimate child were exposed. Mark Discoll left the church he founded after accusations of plagiarism, and nothing as blatant as King’s.

Journalists attack conservative politicians with ties to pastors they call “extreme.” Reverend Wright is a moderate compared to Dr. James Cone, whom Rev. Warnock called his “mentor.” Dr. Cone praised “the willingness of black church people to think about the total reconstruction of society along the lines of democratic socialism.” His advice to blacks: “If God is white, kill God.” For whites: “There will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: ‘How can we become black?’” (Perhaps Rachel Dolezal was a disciple.) Another quote from his book: “We have reached our limit of tolerance, and if it means death with dignity or life with humiliation, we will choose the former. And if that is the choice, we will take some honkies with us.”

What’s the end goal? “[T]he destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods.” [emphasis in the original]. If hate speech means anything, this is it. Senator Kelly Loeffler ran an ad suggesting Rev. Warnock was part of this radical tradition. Corporate media defended the “Black church” against Senator Kelly Loeffler’s “attack.”

DonezoTheClown #racist #sexist incels.is

The shit trickles down, niggers and thugmaxxed arabs are taking some of our women so we have to get em in your country, I know you hate white people but niggers/hispanics/arabs get more pussy than whites from my experience. Just be in favor of ethnostates instead of crying about whitey all the time and this problem wouldn't exist.

Going SEA is emasculating, imagine you need to move out just for some worthless chink pussy.

Also this, it's greencardmaxxing and betabuxxing, it's pretty fucking pathetic.

"our women" lmfao your incel ass is DEAD to them. White nationalists are an embarrassment. And btw I am white.

Buddy if you can argue that "we're getting more incels because of feminism and yadayada" then I can argue we'd have less incels without all this degeneracy and communist politics. Not saying I'd necessarily get laid but the top 10% of incels? Who knows. Also wouldn't the same go for the "seacels" you care so much about? Aren't they DEAD to their women as well? Not very consistent my JBW friend.

Anyone who isn't a white nationalist in 2020 is a fucking embarassment, even if I was a nigger I'd probably respect them just from seeing the evidence that whites are being replaced.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

For decades, progressives have been warning us about the religious right. There is no such outcry when it comes to the religious antics of Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock of Georgia. Taken for granted in all this is that the “Black church” fights for black racial interests. The Times would never write such fawning coverage of a conservative preacher. Journalists celebrate and defend the “Black church,” but have no sympathy for the “white church.”

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) recently bought an abandoned Lutheran church. “Asatru is an ethnic faith of European peoples,” explained AFA official Matt Flavel, “believing our gods are our most ancient ancestors, and basically worshipping them and building our community.” Although it bought a church building, AFA is not a church. The Nation of Islam’s headquarters is a former Orthodox church, but nobody calls the NOI a “blacks-only church.” National media made a big stink about the purchase, calling the AFA a “whites-only church” or even a “white supremacist church.”

Notice the casual description of the AFA as a “hate group” or “white supremacist.” One resident, Peter Kennedy, was upset. “What other religion in the world makes a big deal out of the color of your skin?” he asked in the Star-Tribune. The answer is: just about all of them.

Jews claim to be the Chosen People. The “Black church” is powerful enough to influence a president and may win a Senate race in Georgia. Shintoism and American Indian religions are largely folk-based, not missionary religions that seek converts. Even supposedly universal religions such as Islam are divided on who should be the authority, based on sacred bloodlines. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam may have seen Islam (or some variation of it) as the key to black emancipation, but the Sultan of Morocco used a slave army composed entirely of blacks as his “Black Guard.”

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel Genetically modified designer babies, Asian women and an end to r/hapas

Genetically modified designer babies, Asian women and an end to r/hapas

(quadRUPLE bogey)
4y ago digging deep I c :feelshehe: Also this will become a probability of it becoming more acceptable to mutate your kid to create a giga chad. JFL would anyone waste money on creating a giga stacie, sounds like an EXTRA WASTE OF MONEY:feelskek:


If they want to have a white kid so bad then just adopt one

probably because they want there kid to still be generically there's and have them come from there womb and not another women's. I wouldn't be surprised if a good amount of WMAF couples adopt fully white kids though.

Been a long time since r/hapas allowed posts like this jfl. China is already working on making genetic engineering reality, so it's only a matter of time before Asian children will look white.

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy jweekly.com

Recruitment flyers for the Ku Klux Klan were found outside more than a dozen homes and businesses in the small Northern California town of Tulelake last weekend. The flyers, which advertised the Loyal White Knights sect of the pernicious hate organization, were weighted down in rice-filled Ziploc bags and tossed into front yards, said Tony Ross, Tulelake’s police chief. They were discovered on Sunday morning.
On its internet homepage, the group mentions Jews 56 times, claiming that they control business, media and banking; are out to destroy Christianity and harbor “hatred for Christians and Christ;” that Jews killed Jesus; and that Israel has killed “way more Arab women and children” than the “supposed” 6 million who died in the Holocaust. It also includes antisemitic cartoons.

The flyers in Tulelake, first reported by the Herald and News, said “The KKK Wants You!” with a picture of a hooded klansman pointing a la Uncle Sam. They advertised a weekly call-in talk show and the web address for the Loyal White Knights.

“The radical Left,” the flyers read, “is giving Your hard earned money To countries and programs That are benefiting their Communist agenda instead Of Helping the American people Keep a roof over their heads.”

The flyers also espoused false claims made by President Trump alleging fraud in the 2020 election: “The Democrats pulled every foul trick in the book to steal this election from Trump! The Fight is not over! Ballots are still being counted!”

The flyers included a North Carolina phone number for a “24/7 Klan Hotline,” as well as a second number for what was referred to as a “Realm Of California” office, with an area code in Orange County.

BlackCel62 #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL My last post asking fellow cels here about what's the most low inhib thing they've ever done, made me realize just how low inhib I am in general.

I talked about the time where I stealthily masturbated behind my oneitis while we were in a elevator alone together in 7th grade. And in 8th grade, I was staring at my next oneitis tits in the middle of class for an extended period of time. Then in high school, I broke a foids jaw after she spat a big glob of spit on my face, I did not get charged with assault cuz she didn't want to risk getting charged as well. In sophomore year, I grabbed a random freshman foids ass as a dare, she just looked at me with a raised eyebrow and continued walking. Last thing I'll mention is when I threw a tray full of steaming hot pasta on one of my high school bully's face and just started beating on his face as he's laying on the floor. Keep in mind this beaner is a football player and why I did what I did was because he was shit talking. This is where I actually got charged with assault as a juvenile. It later got dropped though.

Honestly I'm not sure if there's even any saving me at this point. Even if there was some magical therapist that could help me with my handful of mental health problems, its probably too late to be helped. Shockingly I'm not as low inhib as an adult compared to my teen years, I guess now because I realize its so easy for a grown man to ruin his life. Like even if he says the wrong thing, his life is immediately made a living hell.

”Only blacks can do this type of stuff and live to tell the tale”

if you are under 18, you have all the space to be low inhib you want. If you weren't before, it's now over for you

All this while I was under 18, and when my autism was on maximum overdrive. Now as an adult, especially as a adult MALE, you have to watch everything you do and make sure you don't offend anyone. Or in simpler terms, just castrate yourself. Unless you want to be another victim of cancel culture.

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy savethemales.ca

For a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.

She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect, and gratitude.

A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most.

Feminism has trained women to reject this model as "an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype" even though it reflects their natural instincts.
The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defense, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext.

The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Now Resettles More Refugees Than Any Other Country, Mostly Through Private Sponsorship

(Frank Jones)

Sponsors stopped befriending migrants on Facebook because it was “too hard to say no.”

In a sane country these bleeding hearts would spend the rest of their days exiled or in prison.

(Francis Galton)

“I don’t even know how to say to someone, ‘I can’t help you’,” she said.

How about you say instead, "Why don't you stay in your own country and try to make it a better place."

Ahh the hopelessly naive. Refugees from Syria of all places? How would they know from social media if the "refugee" isn't Osama's second cousin or something? Chicanery is a tactic their own Koran instructs them to use on us infidels.


spoiler"The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them. " Justin Trude when asked dto comment on his Open Borders inmigration strategy.

An unpleasant relic? That's sick. This guy is white isn't he? Not sure but he does look ((white)). ‘the very concept of a nation founded by African settlers is offensive to me. Old stock black Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them’. I suppose ‘Jewish’, ‘Asian’ and about every color besides ‘white’ would work too.

(Kid Charlemagne)
We talk about Je*s pushing this third world invasion but a lot of it is these church ladies who fall for these desperation pleas or simply to feel virtuous. They never pay for this out of their own pockets and never ever have to live around their decisions or suffer the consequences.

Islam is correct about women.

"Too hard to say no" to people who hate you? These people are the very definition of pathetic.

Yukon Jack #crackpot #racist #fundie #conspiracy centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

The story of Jesus is fiction, so first understand there is no Jesus and no baptism by John because John the Baptist is also a fictional character. But in the story Jesus is baptized it for the fulfillment of all righteousness which makes no sense at all. If Jesus is God then he would be perfectly righteous and not needing to fulfill anything.



The author of the Jesus story is Josephus, a Rabbinic scholar, who was captured by Rome during the Judean War in 68 AD, then taken back to Rome in 70 AD and paid to write the Gospels. A Jewish scholar wrote the myth, using commonly held beliefs of the day to convince the readers that Jesus was divine and could beat death, and thus you could beat death if you believed in him.
The story is all make believe as no one can walk on water or raise dead people, and no one can rise from the dead. That is fiction. It is a lie. It is a big fat Jew lie told by a Jewish scholar Josephus to cast a spell on your mind that death can be beat when it can not. We all die, but since we are self aware, we do not want to die, so we believe a salvation story in denial of reality.
So the real reason why John baptized Jesus was to get you to believe the story line. That is the correct answer to the puzzle as to why the Jew Zeus God got baptized. And it is all bullshit, because no human is perfect nor can be, and a story of the perfect man is fiction. Furthermore, you do not have to get baptized to get right with God, but you should bathe and clean yourself.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill In this African Tribe, Men COMPETE for Female Attention

I invite you all to meet the Woddabe people of Sub-saharan africa. These peoples are known for their practice of a ritual which they call Yaake. In Yaake, men will wear make up, adorning beads and other accessories while dancing and doing all they can under the sub-saharan sun to appease the Wodaabe women in hopes of being selected to be wed.

Fellowcels, don't be fooled, this is happening everywhere in the world. You don't have to look to far to see the rituals of this tribe in our current culture. Men are constantly dancing, putting on a show in hopes of being selected by females.



As for the Wodaabe women? They don't have to do anything but point, even Married Women are allowed to participate and replace their husbands for a younger, more handsome spouse.

This makes my blood boil. I guess simping has always been in our genes. Sometimes I worry that we'll never be able to get rid of simping fully

the state of that african tribe, you cant escape cuckolds anywhere nowadays.

Simping is a male curse.

(Copexodius Maximus)
Holy shit, the most cucked culture on the planet.

Most native american (the whole 2 continents) and subsaharan tribes were always matriarchies before colonization. Europeans, MeNas and central (the Stans)/south (curryland)/east asians (riceland) were predominantly patriarchal and had therefore the most advanced civilizations in their respective golden era's.

And you wonder why they never managed to evolve beyond ooga booga

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious 'Thais-only' policy is racism, pure and simple


'Thais-only' policy is racism, pure and simple

JFL JBWmaxxers raging now they can't scoop the bottom of the barrel white worshipers and will now have to face their subhumanity like everyone else

From what I can tell it's only some random temples and a transport company. Don't work JBW bros you can still get the self hating pussy if you want to.

Thais kill western tourists, especially from the UK. Then they pass off these murders as "suicides".

Mahmoud #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Strengthpill — English people are the strongest in the world


brutally over for pakis

Inbreeding fucks over a LOT of things.

Yeah different measuring methods probably. There’s no way South Korea is above Nigeria

Malnutrition plays a great role. Nigerians aren’t as well fed as Koreans.

Pakis weaker than curries? No way. Pakis are northern curries and are taller and stronger than most Indian curries.

Inbreeding mate. I was surprised too but then it checks out with reality. 60% of Pakistanis practice cousin marriage. And Pakistan is worse than India in terms of nutrition. I think with time, India might surpass Pakiland in terms of height. The average Sri Lankan is now taller than the average Paki in stature. Not much though, Pakis are 167cm and Sri Lankan men are 168cm.

Cope on Pakistani grip strength being reported as lower on average versus Indian grip strength tbh

Pakistan reports the lowest grip strength in nearly all studies, and is responsible for the abysmally low South Asian average which is already lower due to malnutrition + genetics. Pakistan has an inbreeding problem which it seriously needs to tackle. Inbreeding is just brutally retarded. Thank God I'm not inbred.

Didn't know the Chinese had a relative good grip strength. Obviously it won't be as high as places like Sweden or Poland that generate the record breaker in Strongmen contests but still quite high.

China is almost getting to first world tier. Chinese people aren't starving to death, so obviously they'll have better grip strength than most of the world. Grip strength is like 80% nutrition and 20% genetics. That 20% is what matters in strongman contests which is why Anglos and NW Europeans win those.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Cuban Migrants Protest at Mexico Border, Seeking Entry to U.S.

(Francis Galton)

Dozens of Cubans protested at the U.S. border in the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez on Tuesday night, demanding they be allowed to cross and claim asylum in the United States. Jonathan Castro, 25, said he has spent one year and eight months in Mexico. “We’re fed up waiting,” he said.

The audacity of some branches of the human species is astonishing. Clearly this guy thinks the right to live among Whites is a human right.

The American people are fed up with foreigners trying to break into our country and telling us what our immigration policies should be.

Many of them do think exactly that.

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
The Cubans are so used to being able to enter the United States whenever they want that they feel entitled. Most of them already have family living here. Sadly, we learned nothing from the Muriel Boat Lift even with Hollywood ramming the point home that Cuba sent us a bunch of criminals.

(Phineas Gage)
Whites are fed up being the planetary wet-nurse! Go suck someone else's tit bud.

(Tommy Vercetti)

Funny, isn't it? Many of us Americans are also fed up -- with everyone and his extended family wanting, claiming the right to live here in OUR America.

While White South Africans like us are left to die In South Africa.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

A massive offensive aimed at finishing off the Swiss-based Octagon group and putting an end to their Nazi fourth Reich has begun. The executives of pharmaceutical companies, the heads of medical associations, and other people associated with the Covid-19 terror and vaccine campaign are high priority targets. The Swiss will be asked to hand over all Octagon group leaders or face complete destruction of their country according to Gnostic Illuminati sources.

“The Covid-19 Gladio operation is Swiss Octagon, Gladio is a compartment inside it,” MI6 sources confirm. This means a global mass murder campaign is being orchestrated out of Switzerland, which is why such radical measures are being taken.

Be warned though, the Octagon group is the de facto politburo of the about 1 million-person strong Khazarian Mafia and they do not intend to go quietly into the night.

One NSA source says there is intel indicating KM actors are now plotting against Trump’s call for patriots to converge on Washington DC on January 6th. The source warns it could become a deadly trap and if patriots want to help they should consider acting locally against politicians, doctors, etc. pushing lockdowns and “Covid-19” vaccinations.

If you still believe in all the Covid fear propaganda being churned out all day long by the corporate propaganda media, here is some fact-checking you can do: The Chinese Bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the so-called Covid virus originated is owned by the Soros Foundation as can be seen from foundation filings with the SEC. This same foundation owns the vaccine makers. The Soros Foundation is a front for the Khazarian Mafia.

Kurt Gersen #racist #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy amerika.org

By inverting White culture, the Left seeks to entrap the resurgent Right.

True Right, which is a synonym for traditionalism, consists of hierarchy, structure, order, heroism and overcoming one’s self in a true Nietzschean manner. It is antipodal to all things egalitarian, where “Utopia” is achieved by leveling all culture to the ground, obtaining equality through heat death.

When the Leftist neoliberal globalist media casts Blacks in culturally and historically White storylines about culturally and historically White characters, its aim is threefold:

- Erase white (pre-Christian, but also — and mainly — Christian) history and culture.
- Ingrain the egalitarian agenda into the soft brains of the millenials who do not know better.
-Kill the resurgent Right by drawing it into the Left’s semantic black hole.
There is no way in halting the Left’s continued takeover and warping of Western culture except through creating an alt-tech and an alt-culture completely divorced from Leftist, neoliberal, globalist-owned and controlled platforms. Stop being on the receiving end. Create a new culture because the old one has been stolen and subverted by the Left. Fight their idea (resentment-borne deconstructivism) with another idea.

Fly above them. It’s the only way. Let the people choose where they want to be and where they want to stay by offering them a legitimate alternative. Watch hordes of people desert the currently rotten and putrid social media sphere ruled by vindictive “fact-checkers” and SJW grand inquisitors, to where a new sun and a new Earth will be.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Hilaria Baldwin Admits Her Real Name Is Hillary

Never heard of this woman before, but what's really bizarre is the phrase "Europe has lots of white people in there," as if it's somehow a dubious anomaly that Europe is the indigenous homeland of whites, and also that she seems to assume that Spaniards are not white and that pretending to be Spanish somehow gave her "POC cred" among the bien-pensant anti-whites who dominate her political and social milieu.

Her kids all look Irish and English and maybe German. Poor kids were all given Spanish names which doesn't fit their look. Of course there's nothing wrong with being Spanish--Spain, after all, is a White European nation, still the name thing is odd.

(Robert Kelly)
If white male privilege is real, why does no one ever LARP as a straight, white male? I never see "Supposedly heterosexual white man outed as Gay, Cherokee Indian crossdresser". Because a gay Indian crossdresser outranks the heterosexual white man on the SJW victimhood totem pole. So there would be no reason for a gay Cherokee Indian crossdresser to pretend to be a straight, white man.


She was pretending to be a Spaniard right? Those are white people too.

Exactly so what is the big deal? I have met people in NYC who have done this. I've met people who feigned British and French. Some libs/left do this to set themselves apart as some sort of posh enlightened up-scale European, which they idolize.

SubhumanAbomination #racist incels.is

Serious Do Asians suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and slave mentality?

Asians are dogs to the White master while hatimg other races. The irony in this, is that Whites tormented them the most out of all other races. In fact, the others races never had any conflict with Asia that i can think of. But Whites, on the other hand, colonized them for decades; killing and raping them while stealing their resources. I mean they literally nuked them less than a century ago lmao, but they still think that Whites like or care about them and other races are dangerous and bad :feelshaha:

"White master race" is altright cope when you are are ugly incel and no one wants you. Incels have to stick together regardless of race unless you are a fakecel. You are oversimplifying everything and mocking ricecels as usual. Japan give the same poltards all the anime and severe yellow fever on the same coin and these poltards simp for twitch noodlewhores and onlyfans kek

I'm not saying Whites are masterrace, i'm saying that Asians lick the average White's shoes just for existing.

Historically whites got cucked by gooks. This is simply the white race seeking revenge.

Never happened, why are you trying to justify colonization for the White race by saying gooks started it? Who gives a fuck about gooks anyway? I'm happy that Whites tormented those stockholm syndrome rats

Alex Newman #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist libertysentinel.org

-The U.S. dollar will continue to decline as the Federal Reserve destroys it, losing more and more purchasing power even compared to other declining fiat currencies. As this accelerates — and there could be a catastrophic plunge in 2021 — the push for a digital one-world currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund will grow. The move toward a “cashless society” will also pick up steam.
-Independent farmers, ranchers, businessmen, miners, loggers, and other producers will continue to face the wrath of the establishment, all over the world. The plot to centralize control over all economic activity will gain steam, especially with the religious cover now provided by Pope Francis and his Rothschild-backed “Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican.”
-All of this economic misery will provide the justification for the globalist campaign to have a “Great Reset” to fundamentally transform everything from the economy and education to governance and business. The engineered economic crisis, which has been building for many years but went into high-gear with the COVID lockdowns, will be used to “Build Back Better” (more technocratic, less free) from the ashes.
-War on the family waged by the elites through the United Nations and the massive battery of “NGOs” will keep getting more and more intense. The sexual and homosexual and now transgender revolutions, all of which are aimed at undermining the family as the basis for society, will go into warp speed.

IstvanIN & Cosmik Debris #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Xenophobia Surges as Covid-19 Slams South African Economy

“Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in April said locals should be prioritized in post-pandemic recovery efforts.”

Too bad Nancy "give it all away" Pelosi doesn't think that way about Americans.

“You’ve got people all the way from Nigeria who are here to sell tomatoes on our streets. How is that helping us grow our economy? Every foreign national that came to our country since 1994 must be deported,” said Victoria Mamogobo, the 34-year-old chairwoman of the South Africa First party.”

And in the US since 1965.

“Since the apartheid system of racial discrimination ended in 1994, Africa’s most developed economy has been a magnet for migrants from the continent and as far afield as Bangladesh.”

Actually LONG before that. I remember a seemingly liberal co-worker mention that years ago. He was telling me about a news broadcast he watched covering illegal immigration into S Africa. This was at the height of the anti-apartheid movement. So, I mean here was the 700 Club making one of our argument for us; if the USA (or SAfrica) is so horrible and racist why are nonwhites en-mass moving here?

(Cosmik Debris)
Correct. The apartheid government had to install a deadly electric fence along the long border to prevent foreign blacks from entering South Africa for employment. The local South African blacks can't compete with the hard working foreign blacks. They run informal corner stores that South African blacks can't compete with even if they run them illegally. It's pure laziness and envy from protected blacks. Most employers would preferably illegally employ a hard working foreign black than and entitled, unionised and eternal racial victim South African black that is virtually impossible to fire.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Chinese Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Emerging, Divided Views

"South-Korea, the U.S. and Japan were the most common countries of origin among China-based migrants"

Ok, 2 out of 3 of those constitute the same race as the Chinese themselves so that's not true diversity. That would be like the US taking more whites from Europe.

(Francis Galton)
Yup, I noticed that, too. And the rest "Southeast Asia and Western Europe." I wonder what Chinese attitudes towards immigration would be if they got a real taste of third-world diversity. I'm guessing it might be a bit more negative.

(Tom C)
The Chinese should be the last to complain about immigration. They have invaded every last nook and cranny in the world. There is no village without a Chinese, no exaggeration. In Southeast Asia, they basically run the economies of the locals.

Fred Reed & BAN #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: National Intelligence Is More Important for Explaining Country Well-Being Than Time Preference

(Fred Reed)

Patient people fare better in life than impatient people. Based on this and on economic models, many economists have claimed that more patient countries should fare better than less patient countries. This survey measured six non-cognitive traits across 76 countries in about 80,000 persons. We combine this database with existing estimates of national intelligence (national IQs). Across all our results, we found that national IQ has 2-4 times the predictive validity of time preference.

IQ explains why Jews, two percent of America, so easily dominate a population far inferior. No? It also explains why the East Asians, half a standard deviation superior, are rapidly becoming the world's dominant people. They are just smarter. Check the students at MIT, Cal Tech, the elite high schools. It partly explains, I suspect, why Jews like Zuckerberg have Chinese wives. For either of these races to marry goyim is dysgenic. Assortative mating by intelligence is well known. Note also that the East Asians are much less militarily aggressive than whites, suggesting a higher order of civilization. Whites make weapons, Chinese make money. As do Jews.


They do have a point but the patient successful countries I know of have one race in them i.e. South Korea, Japan & China & little or no blacks to drive them impatient & eventually insane & one banned Jack Dorsey's Twitter so there might be a thing....

the most important thing is this: the more melinated your population, the more dysfunction your country will be... name one example of a melinated country that is successful and prosperous throughout history (maybe india, but it was ruled by mongols and mughals during their golden ages).

Tim_in_Indiana & Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Inc Will Recycle Used White Guys


As corporations try to make their ranks more ethnically representative, many experienced – if white and older – males will find themselves without a job. Chinese companies, deterred from acquiring U.S. firms with valuable intellectual property, can recruit their discarded human capital instead.

I would love to see these diversity-obsessed corporations fold and be replaced by new ones that celebrate talent and ability, and compete on that basis rather than on government handouts and preferences, but that will only happen if we defeat the scandalously fraudulent election steal which the left is currently trying to perpetrate on this country. Fortunately, I fully expect that to happen.

(Matvey Ivanov (матвей иванов))

this is why america is doomed.. and the rise of china is inevitable... chinese people dont have diversity quotas.. i cant wait for apple and the other SJW companies to fail when they start hiring inferior folks due to the amount of melanin in their skin

The weakening of the USA is a BLESSING to the world. The United States exports feminism, and negro worship through it's culture to the entire world. The USA is a nation led by criminals. They fund terrorists in Syria, they over throw democratically elected officials in foreign nations, they sanction nations that want only to keep their sovereignty, and they are the MUSCLE behind the international Bankers who exploit smaller nations. It is a evil entity in every way.

And as a bonus, the system in place seeks to ERASE and ENSLAVE its White male population.

Introvert #racist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Racism is natural & anti-racism is inherently cucked

It is natural to like those who are genetically similar to yourself and hate those who are genetically different from yourself, and this is something good.

The evolutionary purpose of life is to spread your own genes as much as possible and to remove the genes of your enemies. In prehistorical times; of two enemy tribes, the stronger tribe would kill all men and rape all women of the weaker tribe, thus leading to the stronger genes conquering the weaker genes.

All races have antagonistic genetic interests. Life is a genetic competition. Therefore I want myself and people similar to myself to succeed as much as possible, because the more similar other humans are to me, the better the world is. I want people different from myself to die, because they are a plague. After I die, I want to reincarnate as a human similar to myself and not as my enemy.

Thus, it is natural for me to support the success of my own race at the expense of other races. I do not care whether my race has rejected me (all races have). I do not seek validation from my race. I seek power over it, as a tool to promote my own genetic interests. I do not simp for white females. I want to enslave them.

As for race mixing, this is also why it is only bad when it is done by females.

When race mixing is done by a man, it is colonization. By reproducing with a female of another race, you contribute to the genocide of her race, which is in line with your own genetic interest. It is also fun to cuck other men, and by fucking a female of another race, you cuck all men of her race.

When race mixing is done by a female, it is race treason though. A race traitor whore sides with your enemy and supports the genocide of your own race. Therefore you need to torture all race traitor whores to death, along with the men who cucked you.

In conclusion: Whites hate ethnics, and ethnics hate whites. All races hate each other. There will never be peace, and that is neither desirable. Only one race, the most superior one, can ultimately have all the power. Which race it will be, will be determined by the race war. Might makes right.

This forum is just a temporary coalition between men of different races based on our shared hatred of females and our involuntary celibacy. It is not a brotherhood. If you have ever had this delusion, you are a naive bluepilled idiot who knows nothing about human nature.

Apefricoon Devil and Dixieman #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a story of a black police officer hand-delivering Christmas gifts to children and the elderly)

(Apefricoon Devil): Nigger-worshipping degenerate morons of Britain's Metropolitan police want you to believe that soulless Apefricoon nigger beasts are "generous" and "kind" "people" who look after and "care" for elderly widows and human children!


British libtards seem determined to outdo their American counterparts in finding new ways for spreading their insane and dangerous coon-worshipping delusions.

(Dixieman): We all know the nigger stole the basket and is trying to con his way into the elderly lady's house so he can get muhdik on. It is a shame that the elderly lady didn't own a couple of nigger hating dobermans.

sketiana #crackpot #conspiracy #racist sketiana.tumblr.com

(=Regarding Gal supporting her country in fighting the terror group Hamas, that antisemites take out of context against her=)

yes okay gal gadot did say she supports the killing of real life palestinian children BUT BUT LISTEN in the sequel to wonder woman they have a scene where she saves some arab childresn so it checks out! girl power!

Introvert (“Free Nathan Larson”) #wingnut #quack #conspiracy#racist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why you should NOT wear a mask, even if you are ugly, NOR take the vaccine

I have seen some incels saying “I like that everyone wears a mask, because then I can hide my ugly face”. This submissive mindset has to stop though.

Being ugly is not unacceptable. You have the right to exist. It is only females and cucks who want you to suffer, because they are sadists towards ugly men. They are the ones who do not want to see your face, and by then wearing a mask, you basically fulfill the desires of your oppressors. It is cucked.

Wearing a mask for protection, is foolish for three reasons:

1) Covid-19 is not real.
2) Even if Covid-19 was real, masks would still be useless. You still breathe, and this includes breathing in and out potential viruses. Wearing a mask instead only makes the air you breathe in contain a higher amout of carbon dioxide.
3) Even if masks worked, why would you want to protect other people from getting sick? Females would deserve to get sick for not giving me sex, and other men too, for being unhealthy cucks (healthy masculine men have a superior immune system).

Also, do not take the (((vaccine))). Not only because it is Jewish poison which gives recipients countless of “side effects”. I have also seen females saying: “I hope everyone takes the vaccine so I can go out and party again, teehee”. Taking the vaccine, is therefore cucked.

Instead of being hysterical sheeple, be healthy. My natural immune system is superior and would destroy any virus instantly. I do not need any vaccine. And to the people who want to force me to wear I mask, I say, like George Floyd, #ICantBreathe.

Total Imbecile #racist incels.is

[Serious] What would you do if a black girl confessed to you?

I feel really bad for saying this but I would really hate it if a negress girlfriend is my only choice

I always say that any girl can get laid which is true but then sometimes I browse r/Trufemcels thinking how theyre all just retarded for failing life on tutorial mode and how Id date them, but then when they mention theyre black I just lose all interest myself

Now Id fuck a black girl so no volcel here, but Id never date one seriously

But because I would feel bad just pumping and dumping a girl Id never just lead on and fuck a girl that I wouldnt also date

So part of me thinks that I would maybe reject a negress even if she confesses to me

la relance #racist #crackpot la-relance.tumblr.com

(=On a Facebook post by Gal Gadot in which she condemns the terror group Hamas, and wishes for a peaceful resolution between Israel and Palestine. Antisemites love using that post against her=)

never forget that in 2014 gal gadot publicly supported the Israeli militaries violent ambush in the gaza strip that led to the murder of four young palestinian boys who were playing soccer on the beach and WW84 screen wrote her character to save arab children playing soccer for entertainment purposes hollywood can CHOKE

Brabantian #conspiracy #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

The Christmas Day bombing clearly targeted a building of telecommunications giant AT&T whose Nashville facilities are also believed to serve a major outpost of the US NSA National Security Agency there. The NSA has long been in rivalry with the CIA, and they are likely now on opposing sides in the Trump vs Biden election fraud controversy.
AT&T is said to have been ready to audit suspected US voting machines, questioning the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are backed by George Soros, partner in creating 'colour revolutions' along with the CIA for decades. The CIA-NSA rivalry runs very deep, and the blast on Christmas morning perhaps signalled that this war has now gone 'hot'. Its staging, with sounds of gunfire to draw police and a recording playing warning to evacuate the area before a huge explosion, seems professional.
Like his friend Assange, Snowden opposes 9-11 truth, covering for a CIA operation; whilst Snowden and his Rothschild friend Greenwald bash NSA surveillance, media-hyping the 'spying on us' which was long

This ties in to the Nashville bombing, with the CIA apparently angry that Trump has not pardoned these apparent CIA fakers, despite how the CIA-Soros apparatus seems knee-deep in USA election fraud.

The CIA-NSA battle reflects a wide split overall in US law enforcement, with most police and sheriffs and US Marshals, much of Homeland Security, and many rank-and-file military, all horrified at this last year of riots running wild, police being unfairly charged with murder, and George-Soros-funded prosecutors letting criminals out into the streets to advance the Bolshevik agenda of societal collapse

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Hyped up Black man tells fat Hispanic woman to go back to her country and kill herself


She only started screaming after she knew he wasn't going get physical, lol.

And they say they’re the stronger gender

>a nigger calling a latina a monkey

Jfl at the pot calling the kettle black.

Also I bet this landwhale hambeast also attended Black Lives Matter protests. :feelskek: No outrage for you, bitch, it's cuz you're brown.

LMAO! That black man is BASED ASS FUCK! Talk about low inhibition and how triggered that fat bitch got LMAO!


Based af. We need more men to be low inhib, sucks that we can't since the media tells men to 'respect m'kween ' and 'don't hit a girl' and we'd probably get a life sentence if we stare at a foid the wrong way.

Low iq black cel, your telling women to go back, NO we need the women because gender ratio, the men can go back tho

Selinity #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is


Yes, that's right, in india and many other eastern european countries foids actually pay to go to events known as breeding parties where a bunch of curry foids have an orgy with white chad's with the intent on getting pregnant with white genetics. So that everyone is comfortable they all fuck at the same time in the same place. JFL, these women wouldn't dare to touch their own men but they'd be happy to pay for Chad's cock.

The requirements for the men are:

above 5'10


blue eyes (preferably)

Middle/Upper class

This shit is insane.

On top of that check this out:

“I almost feel like a god”: From dating to business, white men are winning in India

In countries like India, white skin grants a lot of social and economic advantages.

L. Todd Wood #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut creativedestructionmedia.com

With the exposure of Chicom influence, subterfuge, and corruption inside American political, economic, judicial and governmental systems, it is clear that a decades-long hidden agenda has been executed against the United States of America, and in fact the free world.

Think about it.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s ability to defend itself, you’d want to destroy its masculinity. ‘Toxic masculinity’ ring a bell? You’d want to destroy its ability to reproduce – abortion on demand, the more the better. You’d promote homosexuality as normal – no new warriors being born there for sure.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s culture — you’d promote radical feminism and destruction of the family unit. You’d try and confuse young children as to their gender, or even which pronoun they should use. You’d destroy a nation’s culture of self-reliance.

You’d destroy Christianity – like they do in China.

You’d promote massive waves of migrants from areas of the world that don’t share our values as a nation, a massive drain on resources and destruction of security and culture.
You’d do all this slowly, over decades, until one day in the future, when you thought you were entrenched enough, you’d literally try to steal a presidential election, install a Chicom puppet, and make the United States of America a vassal state to the Chinese Communist Party.

And, if even that didn’t work, you’d go kinetic — a dirty nuclear device in a big city, an EMP attack to destroy the electric grid. Or, a war in the South China Sea, or another virus.

It’s coming America, unless we get Trump back in his duly-elected rightful place in The White House.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Denver City Council Renames Columbus Park as La Raza Park


Aside from one resident who said he was opposed to the renaming and that it detracts from the local Italian-American community

It's always amusing when Hispanics and Latinos try to conflate themselves with Italians, like when blacks try to do this with the Ancient Egyptians. It's a great way to make an Italian's skin crawl.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. The next park or government building will be named after Jose Garcia Zarate or perhaps El Chapo. There is such a huge pool of names of these fine upstanding Hispanics, they can name every single park, building or school after these chaps and still have millions leftover.

So much for Mexicans assimilating smoothly into our culture and civilization as the liars who did this to us told us.


La Raza literally means the race and it only refers to one race. There is nothing unifying about this. Again, all diversity means is white people are bad. It's anti-white racism.

Exactly. It actually makes the park unwelcoming to anyone but Hispanics.

(Jack Ryanod)
“‘La raza is a word of unity and about celebrating community,” Sandoval said, fighting back tears.

I respond; No. "La raza" translates as... THE RACE So we're being accused of RACISM" by racial advocacy group called THE RACE. Kind of like being called a "Criminal" by a spokesman for the Gambino Crime family or my Chicago's Black Gangster Disciples.

But, but, but... "La Raza" is a social construct!?

At least they aren't being subtle. No one can say that they didn't know what the Mestizos were aiming for.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

(NOTE: Comments in reaction to this article.)

(Francis Galton)
I have often wondered about the 90-10 split in black vs. White violent crime. Given that the NCVS relies on the honesty of the person reporting, I would be surprised if the difference were not actually much greater, something more like 99-1. Blacks have been trained to hate Whites for decades, so when black victims are asked about the race of the perpetrator, many may falsely claim he was White.

(Rich at Large)

A widespread belief is that innocent black people are attacked and maimed and/or murdered by racist white people day in and day out.

Every white-on-black attack is heavily featured in the MSM for months and even years, yet they only have a few cases in the news each year (virtually all of which are justifiable by police). If there were more, we'd know. It's an extreme rarity, whereas all the ephemeral "local news stories" about black-on-white violence leave them nonplussed and don't even seem to register in their consciousness.

I wonder how the blacks and leftists as well would react if whites were raping and killing blacks on the same level they do whites. If they react how they do at just a few white cops killing blacks, how would they if the situation was reversed?

They already act as though whites rape and kill blacks more than blacks rape and kill whites, in defiance of all evidence of reality.

But they deep down know the truth. How often does a black person feel afraid in a crowd of whites as compared to the reverse? My point is imagine if it really WAS the reverse. The media would never report on anything else and it would likely be declared a national emergency.

Various Incels #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Never began for Muslimcels



I never expected a hijabi to blackpill people so blatantly.


I live in Croatia. It always makes me laugh when some rightwing copers think women from "trad" conservative countries like the Balkans/eastern Europe or muslim women are "better" (more likely to date them) than neoliberal western women.

If anything they're even fucking worse. One thing I've noticed is that western women (men too) were at least nicer to me compared to the Balkans. The only difference is that some actually do have lower face standards - because they want aggressive high T assholes like football hooligans and shit.

Volcel if you live in eastern europe and aren't thugmaxxing.

Sure bro my beta personality low T 5.5 inch wrist framelet ass can thugsmaxx ez. It's only for tall, aggressive, main battle tank tier frame hooligans, drug dealers, street nibbas etc.

Its funny how a power outage in Berlin would just erase half of Turkish Twitter

Not offense but from the few interactions I've had with Turks, nearly all of them have been huge assholes. Other people have confirmed that they're assholes too.

Oh, they can be worse to other Turks. Just amplify everything by 2 or 3 for things told and done to you to get a taste for the unlucky guys whom lost the genetic lottery in Turkey.

Various Incels #homophobia #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

JFL Tried to blackpill reddit on the importance of genetics

CMV: There's no point in trying in life if you're not born privileged

Can't comprehend how a person could be this dumb and pathetic, reddit really needs to get nuked. Fucking braindead delusional cunts. They're arguing against how looks, height and intelligence aren't determined by genetics.

(quadRUPLE bogey)
I've come to this conclusion with the birthpill. You were born to either SLAY / CUCK / SLAVE. Destined from your birth preset, since day one.

Jesus so many "muh personality" and cherrypicking survivorship bias in those comments. Giga soy indeed.

Amazing how neckbeards turn anti-science as science starts proving how shit genetics they have.

IQ correlates heavily, in the West, with financial success, educational attainment, not having children out of wedlock, never declaring bankruptcy, not being addicted to drugs, not getting in car accidents, not going to prison and many other life outcomes. IQ is also highly heritable and can be consistently measured. Maybe it isn't some abstract, platonic notion of "intelligence," like this guy seems to be reaching for, but it's certainly something.


should have mentioned you're a nigger or LGBT saying that, otherwise that's a big yikes

LMFAO, watch the retarded normfags try and get around that one, JFL

LibraryLover1999 #racist #transphobia saidit.net

Best way to deal with NigFems?

All my local Feminist Facebook groups are full of black lives matter propaganda and people demanding “racial justice”, even the radical ones. I don’t have a thing against black people I just don’t think they should be in a Feminist cause due to their culture (they might as well rename rap music to rape music) and the fact that 97% of all rape porn features a black man abusing and raping a white women. Not to mention black trans lives matter when they don’t. I did meet a person earlier this year who shares my views and we were going to start a group that excluded black lives matter stuff but she got expelled for bringing a knife to school not long after we met. We still go to the same church but we can’t currently go due to the BS lockdown. What is the best way to create something like this? I could create my own Facebook group but I know it would get reported.

Apotheism #fundie #racist apotheism.com

We’re in dire need of a ‘Europa Catholica’, a religious institution built upon doctrine and canonical law, responsible for establishing pious theology that ensures the maintenance of cultus deorum amongst the race.

Significant to all ritual and worship in the ancient world was ensuring it was done correctly. Contrary to wishy-washy free form ideas about any man being able to worship the gods how he pleases, it was the explicit duty of both the state and the priests to ensure that worship, ritual, and sacrifice was done in a consistent and proper manner. It cannot be stressed just how much they emphasised upon it being correct, that there was no two or three or four ways of doing something, divine cultivation was done a particular way, and the pain of drifting from this was a failure of achieving connection with the gods.

In answer to those who always claim in counter, “Who are you to say what is right theology and what is wrong theology? Who are you to dictate how the gods are to be worshipped?”, I say awaken from your dullness. You have been lulled into the contemporary frame of thought, espousing an idea of religion that denies it any certainty of truth or reality. You espouse a pagan nominalism which can lead us nowhere but towards a future of spiritual impotence.

There is the righteous, the proper, the true and the good. To promote elsewise is to promote the modern era, and so becoming a blockade against the spiritual redemption of the European soul, a hater of truth and a despiser of order. If chaos is what you love, it’d be better to join the enemy than to remain among us if your wish is to aid the race.

Unnamed Twitter posters #racist jpost.com

A flood of antisemitic insults, threats, and violent comments were spread on social media over the weekend targeting Miss Provence, April Benayoum, first runner-up in Miss France 2021 pageant, after it was revealed Saturday night during the final competition that she has an Israeli father.

“I have an array of origins: my mother is Serbo-Croat, my father Israeli-Italian. This gave me a passion for geography and the discerning of other cultures," Benayoum said in response to one of the judge's questions.

The reactions on social media were not long in coming.
“Hitler forgot to exterminate you, Miss Provence.”
"Uncle Hitler forgot to exterminate you."
"#MissFrance2021 do not vote for her. The reason: She is Jewish."
"Miss Provence has a link with Israel. Get rid of her."
"Miss Provence is Israeli. So the one that is voting for her, his mother is a prostitute."

Leading French-Jewish groups, the Israeli Embassy in France, and numerous local politicians strongly condemned on Sunday this storm of antisemitic attack against the Miss France contestant.

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