
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Lauren Chen and James Lindsay #racist twitter.com


Explanation: James Lindsay (of the Sokal Squared hoax fame) recently claimed that antisemitism on the right is a result of Jews “embracing the religion of Wokeness” and came under fire for it. Lauren tried to defend him by saying that “increasingly” the behavior of individuals is seen as reflective of the racial/religious group as a whole, and claims that some on the right “are developing” anti-Semitic beliefs because of “woke” Jews.

James Lindsay #racist twitter.com


Why critical race theory is the biggest threat to Jews in America today

Antisemetism before critical race theory / wokeness (2001):

- Left-wing antisemitism: Jews are really colonizers. Look at Israel.

- The average American: It is never right to racially discriminate, or believe in racial stereotypes.

- Right-wing antisemitism: Jews secretly run everything like the banks and media.

Antisemetism after critical race theory / wokeness (2021):

- Left-wing antisemitism: Jews are actually white and benefit from “whiteness” / white privilege and white supremacy. So it’s okay to discriminate against them [EQUITY]. (The “Jews are really colonizers. Look at Israel.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

- The average American: It’s okay to discriminate against people if they benefit from racial privilege, and blame them for things that happened in the past based on their skin color as “antiracism.” That’s what the media, universities, Ibram Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and Nikole Hannah-Jones tells me. (The “It is never right to racially discriminate, or believe in racial stereotypes.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

- Right-wing antisemitism: The media & education system says all whites are racist but Jews “hide behind” their whiteness & never get blamed. I’m now taught that it’s okay to think of racial groups as oppressors / oppressed. (The “Jews secretly run everything like the banks and media.” narrative still exists, but it isn’t as big any more.)

Patriot Rising #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

A very horrendous bill was introduced recently in Congress called the "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021." The irony of this bill title is that it is not about preventing terrorism; it is about legalizing terrorism by the state against the citizenry. It would be more appropriately titled the U.S. Government Terrorism Authorization Act of 2021.

The motivating factor for this atrocity was said to be the recent purposely staged and intentionally allowed false-flag coup at the Capitol on January 6th.
This non-threatening Hollywood-like creation ended peacefully of course, but was made out to be another 9/11. This minor event has been called a terrifying attack, a domestic terrorism attack, a hate crime, devastating, an experience of terror by white nationalists, and heinous violent crimes; all said to have been prosecuted by homegrown domestic terrorists made up of white supremacists, and other racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists. In other words, white people!
In this planned legislation, whiteness is vilified, as the bogeymen are white supremacists, white nationalists, and supposedly those that that are guilty of 'hate' crimes, hate crimes being anything thought 'offensive' by idiot leftists, progressives, and globalists. None of this is qualified of course, and this pending bill is just as vague in its description of the targeted class. All these people and more should be silenced, "reprogrammed," and eliminated according to those supporting this act that is nothing less than a plan to prosecute false sedition.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Sophie Trudeau gets jungle fever, Canadian taxpayers get the bill”]

I somehow missed this when it first came out, though I was fairly occupied in the week of August 21st, but Harrington Lake renovations were being performed simply because Justin "Rat Bastard 2.0" Trudeau is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.

Canada’s National Capital Commission (NCC), the federal agency that manages national heritage properties including the Prime Minister’s homes, was directed to construct a sprawling second mansion at Harrington Lake by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in late 2019 — shortly after the federal election in October and just days following turbulence in the marriage of Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire, a source inside the PMO tells The Chronicle.[…]

This isn't the only time Sophie's interest in a British nigger hurt the working people who get robbed by the federal government either...remember the infamous WE Charity trip where she and Elba both got the Wuhan Flu and then never infected her husband?
Ditto the Shiny Pony's Costa Rica trip that was an excuse to get the grey in his beard (and escape his wife who hates him almost as much as a random Albertan)
Despite the (typical, but inexplicable) fascination women have to men in the Trudeau family, apparently Shiny Pony is such a lousy husband and lover that his wife has to seek BBC in the land of the BBC.

But it's the rest of us who play the role of sugar daddy.

Trevor #racist #fundie unz.com

Ability to interbreed does not necessarily make two animals members of the same species. At best one can conclude that it is highly probable that they are members of the same genus. But sometimes even different genera can interbreed (given the opportunity). An example might be the African and Asian elephants mentioned above. If the overall DNA is close enough and number of chromosomes match they can likely interbreed and produce a hybrid. Human classifications are constructs that do not determine the breeding capabilities of organisms, although breeding capabilities may be used in defining classifications.

There is plenty of scientific evidence to support a hypothesis that negroids are a different species (or even a separate genus between homo and pan) – even more so than for many other animal classifications such as chimpanzees, elephants, and others that are broken down into different species and genera – if consistent taxonomic principles were applied.

However, since about 1950 this cannot even be discussed by scientists without destroying their careers. James Watson, Nobel prize winning discoverer of DNA, certainly understood the implications of his and subsequent work by others.

He was villified by the media and the scientific community for merely hinting that SSAs were different and unlikely to succeed.

Of course this is all kind of meaningless. In reality, they are what they are regardless of how labeled and classified. The problem is the leftist/liberal/PC rejection of truth and suppression of open discussion of anything contrary to their preconceived ideology.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a story regarding a black sheriff’s deputy being denied a burial at a “whites only” cemetery)

(Paddyroller): There still some hallowed ground in the US.

(The Confederate): Cant a white man die in peace without these fucking niggers and nigger lovers throwing a shitskin next to him ?

(Chimpmaster): So they changed it to “the right of burial of the remains of human beings,” instead of the original well thought through "white human beings". Still it doesn't qualify. But the nigger will be buried at Sonnier Cemetery in Oberlin LA instead which coddles to shit skins. Maybe the sow misread Oaklin Springs as Ooking Springs?

(Georgia Son): We all don't want niggers corpses stinking up our hallowed ground. Can we at least have that?

(Dixieman): Nice to know that there is still areas where humans can Rest In Peace without their areas being contaminated with toxic nigger remains.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Feds Worried That Government Might Get What They Fucking Deserve”]

I’m against all violence, I denounce all violence, I legitimately don’t see a purpose in violence.

But I’ve got a joke for you:

What do you get when you cross a disenfranchised and beaten down, broken population of young white men with a society that abandons them and treats them like trash, blocks their ability to successfully reproduce, floods them with foreigners, and then locks them in their houses and steals their election?

I’ll tell you what you get: you get what you fucking deserve.

Federal law enforcement officials are warning that domestic extremists are likely more emboldened to carry out attacks on President-elect Joe Biden’s upcoming inauguration and throughout 2021 after seeing the success of last week’s siege on the US Capitol.[…]

Don’t go to the inauguration. Whatever you do, do not do that. Don’t even go there and yell. Frankly, don’t even go there as a journalist or a peaceful observer or whatever. This is literally going to be like the coronation of Emperor Palpatine.
The power of the Capitol Storm, and why it is supported by at least half of Republicans, is that it was not violent. I don’t want to talk about the role of violence in revolutions, and I’m not going to talk about that ever, really. But we can all understand this: the feds are looking for blood, and they are going to try their damndest to get some.

They wanted blood at the Capitol Storm, which is why it was allowed to happen in the first place, and all they got was a woman, a military vet who fought in their stupid Jew wars, murdered by a traitor cop.

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

Holy shit @epillepsy you got screenshotted just for commenting "High IQ" to OP's post :feelskek:

CuckTears strikes again.

Nah, I wrote some other stuff too.
They think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me of racism.

Not sure about the "they think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me or racism" part. They'd accuse you of self hating and racism toward females of your own race even if they knew you weren't white.
That's how lopsided those cucks are.

well my hypothesis is that when they read "racial purity," they assume it must be a "white supremacist" saying it because of their ingrained racism.
it shows how racist they are (and not me) that they default to thinking whites are superior and the only race that has advocates for it to be pure.
unlike them, i don't think whites are superior to east asians except in terms of noodlewhore valuation for mating.
all the best media comes from asia, the best writer as well.
so i would say they're the racist ones instead of me, since i want east asians to not go extinct, whereas they tacitly do.

shii410 #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Even people who engage in sexual market dynamics can be completely oblivious to how they actually work

I used to be friends with this one hapacel. his dad tried so hard to LARP as a normal conservative suburban father.

like buddy, you’re a sexpat and your wife is a subhuman third world foid who married you for US citizenship. you are a complete sexual failure, the lowest of the low. you’re a loser who had to import pussy from a shithole just to get anything. everyone sees people like him as a joke, and yet he’s fully convinced that he “made it” and that he’s a “successful married man with a wife and kids” and there’s nothing else to it.

when he says “my wife is a Filipina”, he seems to genuinely have no idea what the implications of that are or how it reflects on him, and sees it as no different from saying “My wife’s Irish/Italian/Scandinavian”. I honestly cannot tell whether he’s a giga coper or just giga bluepilled. apparently they’re divorced now which makes me wonder if he ever accepted that his role as patriarch of a “Old fashioned Christian family” was a complete meme and LARP

Apparently noticing these things makes you a racist. Let the racism roll.... r/IncelTear

Holy fuck at the cope in those comments they really think there’s nothing abnormal about a weird fat white guy who had never been in a successful relationship in his entire life going to a third world shithole for pussy. “It’s just called loving outside your race incels!!:soy:“. progressives have such a rosy view of interracial relationships, even fundamentally toxic ones

NPC brain rapidly switching between “White men with yellow fever are creepy misogynists!:soy:” and “Sexpatting in SEA? It’s called not being a racist and loving outside your race inkwell! :soy: ” depending on whatever seems more virtuous at the time:feelskek:

Apefricoon Devil #racist #fundie chimpmania.com

(from a thread titled ‘Fossil Discovery Proves Humans and Niggers Not Related’)

Apidima 1 and Apidima 2: Two 210,000-year-old (Almost) Human skulls found in Southern Greece

"The Apidima 1 skull, belonging to a male, and Apidima 2 skull, belonging to a female, were found lying vertically against the wall, on the same sedimentary layer, side by side and 15 cm away from each other. The anatomical study of these skulls, dated by the U/Th method between 220 and 130,000 years ago, shows that they can be attributed to the same group of hominins found throughout Europe and that they present a combination of "Neanderthal" and modern (Sapiens) human features."


Why is this discovery so significant?

Here's the answer. Ever since the discovery of the so-called "neanderthal" skulls throughout Europe, and in some parts of Western Asia (Anatolia (the land of ancient Greeks) and Caucasia), there have been a small group of anthropologists who vehemently opposed Libtards' "Out of Africa" myth. They argued that the fossil record suggest that Europe's "Neanderethals" were direct ancestors of modern Humans (Homo Sapiens) and further argued that the libtard delusion/propaganda of "Neanderthals" going extinct and being replaced by invading Apefricoons is just a massive, politically-motivated lie.

Now these 2 male and female skulls, which have a combination of "Neanderthal" and emerging modern Human (Homo Sapiens) features, conclusively prove that humans are descended from those "Neanderthals" who lived, throughout Europe, hundreds of thousands years ago and that as (we, Chimpmaniacs, already know) Humans and Niggers are not related or descended from the same ancestors.

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: Teen Tells IMPD That Older Brother Murdered 6 in Family Home

Black 17-year-old murders his family over an argument about leaving the house without permission.

A black kid didn't like the way his parents were treating him. His solution? Take their lives. Can anyone honestly believe that a civilized mentality exists in these sorts of people? During the Roman Empire days the German areas were considered uncivilized and barbaric, but I doubt any teenager from there would kill his own parents for slighting him. Even European barbarians from 2,000 years ago had honor and ethics. The same can't be said about the ghetto thugs who live in 21st century America.

(Robert Kelly)
In the black community, it is not uncommon for "elders" to be not much older than their children. You have a 20 year old who's mother is 37 and they listen to the same music, wear the same type of clothing, hang out at the same places, sometimes chase the same man. There's really no generation gap between them. The parent, in a way, gets looked at as an older sibling.

(Ilya Muromets)
The Black's propensity towards violence is because their IQs are on average near or at the mentally retarded range. & added to that, Blacks have a violence gene 25X that of whites , & Hispanics have it 2X more than European Caucasians. Genetic studies show that Africa today, has an average IQ in the 60s. Some nations are even lower! In Europe despite the massive turd world immigration there , it's on average in the mid 90s, still.

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill It's over for slavicels and nordicels

What are Italian men like? | Easy Italian 33

One comment chain and there's so many many brutal slavpills :feelsrope: and there one interesting comparing that northern africans and MENA men are seen as better looking than slavs and whites :feelsrope:, it's also over for blondecels. Also hope that incels will accept truth that blonde men are unfuckable for women and MUHHH MUHH JBW Slavcels are truecels just like curries look how many likes about finding slavic guys is opposed

image image

And worst of worst slavic women are tend to be overrated and men simps for them like under such video


Cope, nordics and Slavs have better pheno than Italians

not to women and send you living proofs

They have colored eyes and all hair colors, Italians only have brown hair and dark hair, and also shitskin eyes. They are rating GL Italian men, not average ones, long Midfaces are way more common in Italians than nordics and also weaker jaws

Literal praising of their beautiful brown eyes

Depends. Most meds would have no chance of ever competing with a slavic/nordic man due to height alone, but a med chad will mog a purely white chad to hell and back.

med chad has mroe agressive outlook and wild features Only thing nords and slavs have in advantage over meds is height and that's it

BummerDrummer #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL "This one's for you mexico"


spoilermarrying him only to make this colonizer's kids brown, this one's for you méxico

Punishing a white man by having sex with him jfl.

This is a highiq move and is technically true. Their kids won’t be white so the goal is there

She is like castizo, their kids will be white. Just look at Daniel Bryan's wife and kids.

They won’t be white in spirit. There’s having white skin and then being white

Is he white in spirit?

No because his last name is Fuentes and he has Mexican ancesyors

Well at least you are consistent with your beliefs, it is true that he is 17% Amerindian and 2% African according to DNA test and his family immigrated from Mexico but the surname he has is Spanish from his white ancestry that settled in Latin America.

Fuentes isn’t a white nationalist to begin with, he’s just a paleo conservative which isn’t race or identity politics (despite what the Jews tell their normcattle). Fuentes is probably part white sure, but majority isn’t all. I do the one drop policy instituted by the US during Jim Crow. It’s not just skin color, it’s cranium shape and phenotype and all that stuff.

fucksinglemoms #sexist #racist #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

SJW in Avengers Endgame

First of all captain marvel is super OP and thanos tried to punch her it did nothing. She so OP.

She also has a feminist haircut. They just had to give her that kind of hair. I know it's like that in the comics but the fact that she went to a normal haircut to a feminist 'rebellious' haircut, don't tell me there's no agenda there.

Gamora kicks StarLord in the balls. Basically encouraging domestic violence. They think it's ok to beat up men but evil to beat up women.

Another SJW element is Capitan America. He passes it on to a falcon. Captain America is now black. This symbolizes America turning black and casting out the white people. Whites are being kicked out and shamed while blacks replace them and be the heroes.

Iron man dying, bet they will give the moniker to a woman like his daughter, Pepper or the african american girl in comics

Thor letting Valkyrie rule New Asgard

Thor becoming fat, meaning to convey white males as lazy n ugly

Peter Parker a white male getting saved by like 10+ of all the female hero cast at once. Right before hes saved hes acting scared n whimpy

Another reason is transgender propaganda. They had a Bruce Banner and Hulk mixed. I think this is kind a a subliminal message that tells us that you can be whatever you want. Non-binary, both genders, or the opposite gender. They are saying gender is a spectrum. More pandering to sjws.

It might also be encouraging forced diversity cause hulk is 'mixed' kind of like mixed race. Who knows.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to Biden opting to place Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill)

(Massa Skim): Great... I wonder how long before he replaces Grant with Obongo on the Fiddy Dollah beel

(Beige Mix): There's a wide array of mixed race actresses and entertainers & if one of them was on the $20 you could wear sunglasses and not notice what they were, but H.T. is just ... gross.

(Dred Scott): Not even in office a week yet and already kissing nigger ass with stunts like this. Despicable! That sow was nothing but a typical nigger criminal, not to mention one of the most hideous sheboons ever. Who wants to look at that turd pile? Oh well, after this administration ruins our economy we won't have to worry about it because our money will be as worthless as the niggers pictured on it.

(Tired of Them): No doubt we shall have a nigger on a British note sometime in the not so distant future. The vile creatures have only been here since the 1950s and I'm trying to think of a famous nigger from Britain. By the way, I've never heard of Tubman. I remember Ram-Man from the He-Man cartoons but was not aware of the legendary Tubman. I still can't think of a nigger from Britain that libtards could nominate to go on a note. Any suggestions?

(Georgia Son): It's just another ungrateful nigger, only known because of the criminal smuggling route known as the underground railroad. not fit to be wiped off on a shit scraper.

patriots.win posters #racist patriots.win

AdamFox99: I mean, were it not for Jackson and the Trail of Tears, how would the country look today?

Toughsky_Shitsky: Like a trailer park full of drunk and doped up rapists. See any Injun reservation for an example.

AdamFox99: Little racis… no?

Toughsky_Shitsky: Ever been to an Injun reservation? Know anyone who has been raped on one? Know the drug, alcohol, and rape statistics on Injun reservations? If facts are rayciss to you, maybe go live on an Injun reservation for a year. Report back with your findings.

foffwankers #dunning-kruger #racist bitchute.com

The problem is always the same , always has been. The cult just keeps changing its name. 100,000 years ago they worshiped Pazuzu . Then they changed his name to Baal. They fed him our children. Now they call themselves Jews and still worship Pazuzu , sacrifice children and believe they are better. There's only 15.5 million of them. There always has been. One simple solution for them all equals eternal peace , liberty , honor and integrity. End the bloodlines , end the banks. They were chosen for one purpose. So we know exactly who the guilty are.

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Daily reminder that THIS was how foids reacted to Abortion being legalised in Argentina

View: https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1337589264100564994?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1337589264100564994%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

Foids LITERALLY jumping for joy and crying with happiness because they can now have more sex with Chad and be free to kill their own babies. How compassionate and empathetic

Women have probably killed more people than men and certainly more babies throughout history

interesting subhumans

meme gender

The empathetic gender:feelskek:

i hate soyciety

Life is meaningless to them (and pretty much in general) so they pursue pleasure over motherhood.

Females should be entitled to fuck (white) Chad without consequence! :soy:

Remember, men gave these creature's rights (specifically pig skins)

They're laughing, crying, jumping from joy. They weren't so happy when the WWII ended it seems (because nazi chad wouldn't come to save them from their subhuman men). Yaaaay I can freely mortify another creature inside me and go on fucking chad like there's no tomorrow!

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Maybe MAGA is Ready to Talk About the Jews?”]

Along with the Daily Stormer, there were two big internet forces in Donald Trump’s 2016 victory: 4chan’s /pol/ and reddit’s r/The_Donald.
I have not been a reader since 2016, but I’d imagine that it is currently fertile grounds to spread information about Our Greatest Ally to these folks. They are looking for someone to blame
There are two main reasons for the denial.
Childhood Brainwashing and Trauma-Based Psychological Abuse
Every child is taught that the Holocaust was the worst event in history, and they are continually traumatized with it, throughout their childhood. Along with watching an endless number of films[…]small children are shown pictures of piles of corpses[…]before the internet and pornography, this was usually the first time that a child has seen an image of a naked body
The Daily Stormer’s first mission was to use various forms of shock humor and spectacle to break through this mental conditioning.
Evangelical Christian Heresies
Evangelical Christians have devoted themselves to believing that the Jews are the people from the Bible. As we’ve talked about on this site in detail, “the Jews” are not the people of the Bible; they are the remote decedents of Israelites who rejected Christ.
It’s simply a fact that from the media to the Democrats to Jared Kushner, the people who destroyed Donald Trump’s presidency were Jewish.
There is zero strategic value in talking about Donald Trump as anything other than a tragic figure: a brave patriot who tried to save America but was thwarted by satanic Jews.

Various Incels #crackpot #homophobia #racist #sexist incels.is

TeeHee Another nice eugenics story in the NYT

The Sperm Kings Have a Problem: Too Much Demand

Foids want that big-brained Ivy League and Stanford seed, preferably from tall guys who go to the gym a lot and/or are fraternity members (Chads and Chadlites). And desperate foids are prepared to pay substantial dollar amounts for quality seed, which is marketed and traded not unlike the golden cum of elite racehorses.

"Mr. Allard said he had recently offered 35 vials produced by a particularly handsome blue-eyed, black-haired male, which is a rare combination." BUT LOOKS DONT MATTER


Somebody needs to pollute the 6’5 Nordic Aryan Chad sperm with 5’2 balding Indian sperm.

I would legit give anything to make that happen. The fact that sperm donation even exists is PROOF that normies all support eugenics. Two dykes raising a child is absolutely disgusting, but imagine being the male cuck whose wife gets pregnant from a LITERALLY UNKNOWN Chad's cum fucking disgusting.

(Copexodius Maximus)
Holy shit, this is absolutely brootal. Natural selection is okay if it fucks over males, but if no one wants women, they are allowed to just have kids and spread their disgusting genes around.

From the comments section:

imageInterestingly the only two kids from my son's HS class who were accepted by Harvard were both fathered by carefully selected donated sperm. Brave New World indeed. And both kids are tall and blonde, while both moms are short and dark haired.

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is

Discussion Do Incels have it better in Western or Eastern Europe?

Western Europe Votes: 21 43.8%
Eastern Europe Votes: 27 56.3%

My opinion: Slavcels have it worse.

In Eastern Europe they still have the traditional system without its just justification (e.g. providing safety/stability for men), but also the liberal degeneracy, so you have a toxic mixture between the worst parts of tradition (e.g. high demands for men) and the worst parts of liberalism (e.g. limitless freedom without responsibilities for women).

In many Western European Nations the society is so atomized that you aren't even forced to contribute to it or conform to any standards while this is not the case in these countries. In the West you can at least do LDARing with no financial problems and be completely removed from the society that doesn't care about you. Furthermore, there is also the wealth of the west.

I fully agree. our smv is low af in both E Euorpean countries and W European. western man has much easier time mating with slav women, while slav men are non existant to anybody besides slavic women and maybe noodlewhores. Ive seen tinder experiment in which british slut rejected chadlite bc he revealed that he's polish.

brootal pole pill. When she sees a Pole, she sees this pole image

DarienX & Robert Kelly #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Taking Stock of a Most Violent Year

The negro has been unleashed, he is now “free” to do what come natural to him. Murder, rape, rob and destroy. The establishment has given them the green light to do all of those evil things and are anxiously waiting to see how the average white man reacts. Should the average white man have the audacity to protect himself or property from being victimized by negroes, the establishment is eager and ready to pounce on that unfortunate white man. Like the McCloskeys or Kyle Rittenhouse. The crime wave is spreading to all cities and towns in America. No place is safe. The negro realizes that the countless negro mayors, police chiefs, DAs and prosecutors are unwilling to stop them. White officials are paralyzed from fear of being called a racist for simply defending the people. The tipping point is coming.

(Robert Kelly)
There was a total media blackout of the 2020 crime wave caused by BLM. The media instead focused on the imaginary problem of white supremacist police going around arresting and shooting black people for no reason whatsoever but skin color.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Nigel Farage: Why the EU are nasty and vindictive.

(Drew Blood)
When you lose your cash cow it makes feeding and housing all of Africa difficult!

(Rob Munro)
Bringing in the voters to keep in power permanently! USA is doing it with the South Americans, they currently only need around 17 million more voters on their side to stay in the Whitehouse. I read that probably around 23 million will probably be the amount they'll have due to Biden not deporting illegals anymore as he has sent a notice to Immigration Control in his first few days and also he is potentially giving amnesty to the ones already living in the USA! Scary times!

(Jake Curtis)
the USA is Northern Mexico soon

Legendarywristcel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Discussion Fem33yo virgin pajeet on dr. Phil

33-Year-Old Virgin Wants to Know Why She Scares Men Away

JFL she's my age and looks 10 years older.

She wants white Chad

Shes gross looking though. No chad is going to fuck her.

This is quite rare for a curryfoid, wanting to stay a virgin and only do it with a guy she intends to marry. But she should have just gone for her father's arranged marriage, she won't find any Chad who is not going to pump and dump.

Id reject this foid in arranged marriage too. Imagine betabuxxing for an ugly curry foid JFL.

She isn't that bad looking for a currywhore, but the point is that unless she is lying about her virginity, it is at least a sign of good character that she wants to remain a virgin until she finds the person she wants to marry. Leaving aside this particular foid, would the incel problem be anywhere near as bad if every single foid thought like this?

If she was a few years younger (arnd 25ish) and a virgin, i wouldnt mind doing her.

She should have gone with the arranged marriage at 22, instead I bet she kept waiting for some white Chad to not use her as simply his cum dumpster. Ethnic foids would rather be volcel for the remainder of their lives than get with a man of their own race that isn't 95th percentile

True. I see a lot of curry roasties where i live either single or divorced, but still looking for giga chads. They wont touch me with a 100 foot pole though.

Shigechi & WØLF #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel B-but porn is not real life inkel! Wrong


spoiler'BOOBS OR BUM?' Married female teacher 'told schoolboy lover, 15, "you have a bigger penis than my husband" in sordid texts', pal says

While you are jacking off to porn, underage Chad is living it. How many times did you see that shit about how the penis is bigger than the whore's husband in your porn? Porn is real life to attractive males. To us, to ITcucks, and the others not so privileged is just a fantasy.

Wanna take a wild guess of how much jail time this pig skin whore is going to face?

Not even a year.

Imagine what the headlines would be if the genders were reversed. Femoid pedos literally get praised and rewarded yet we're demonized for even questioning it. Also dickpill deniers on suicide watch

Because everyone knows that the male child is physically and mentally superior to the adult woman so she's not actually taking advantage of him.

We know this, but I don't think normies do tbh. Or maybe they do, fuck if I know

People can virtue-signal as much as they want about how muh women are just as capable as men and should be treated equally but the double standard when it comes to male and female pedos tells you all you need to know what we think of femoids as a society. They're children who are allowed to vote for some reason.

And cumskins gave them rights. At least ethnics kept their foids in line for the most part

Paddyroller #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

We need a Constitutional amendment to repeal the 13th Amendment and the civil rights laws based on racial ‘scrimination.

Prohibition, instituted by the 18th Amendment didn’t work, so it was eventually repealed by the 21st Amendment.

Likewise, giving niggers civil rights didn’t work, and all laws that purport to do so must be repealed. It should now be apparent to EVERYONE that giving niggers civil rights was the worst thing that could have happened in the US, setting the stage for niggers infesting Congress (both the House and the Senate) with their stupidity. Think Hank Johnson. If that nigger is not elected to the Senate, its next best job would be the trash nigger, collecting garbage on a garbage truck, and supplementing its income by selling drugs.

japanesepeople2000 #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

What is the Nanjing Massacre?
Are you confusing it with the Treaty of Nanking?
The Japanese government denies all such gossip.
Since there is no fact that the Japanese government had a policy of genocide, it is natural that Asians do not seek guarantees for the massacre.
Of course, Japan has never been brought to court by Asians, including the citizens of Nanjing, seeking guarantees related to the massacre and rape.
If you know any Asians who have been affected, please encourage them to go to court.
The Chinese who filed a lawsuit against a Japanese company for unpaid wages received their unpaid wages because they were found to be true.
Many Chinese people know that there was no massacre, but those with less knowledge are deceived by the propaganda of China's rulers who are famous for not lying.
The unfortunate thing is that the Chinese propaganda is not strongly denied because it is convenient to cover up the immorality committed by the Allies in mainland China and Korea.
It covers up the history of the West's failed attempt to have a Chinese puppet government control the entire Chinese mainland by attacking Manchuria, and it also hides the current situation in East Asia, where Japan had stabilized the region, but the West's failed policy led to the birth of a socialist state and chaos.
Even in Japan, there were people who believed in the silly propaganda.
But after seeing the scene of the Tiananmen Square massacre, where Communist Party soldiers were burned and hung in midair by unarmed civilians, the Japanese understood completely.
The Japanese were shocked to find out that they had been deceived, as there were no stories in Japan about Japanese soldiers being treated in such a manner.

Lipton Matthews #racist #wingnut amren.com

White Must Stop Pandering

White Americans seem oblivious to the fact that they will always be characterized as racist. Once, I attended a George Floyd protest, hoping to counter the nonsense of Black Lives Matter. Many black protesters were upset by the presence of a few white women — who were supporting their cause. One black man unleashed a torrent of abuse on a trio of white women. There were even people chanting that whites are aliens. Whites are suffering from a political form of “battered woman syndrome.”

Even when dismissed, white liberals write ridiculous articles blaming white Americans for most everything. For some, whiteness is innately racist, so there is nothing whites can do to cleanse themselves of their inherent racism. For some white politicians, policies only serve a purpose to the extent that they help or hurt black people. To get voters to oppose gun control, conservatives remind us of the perceived racist roots of gun control.

Blacks are more ethnocentric than whites, and according to a 2013 poll, a significant percentage of black Americans think that blacks are more racist than whites. If blacks uncritically think that whites are the enemy, there is little whites can do to ameliorate race relations. Black activists often argue that whites are the problem, so destroying white people is the sole route to progress. And yet, some whites reward blacks for treating them with hostility — which blacks will respond to, logically, by becoming more radical.

Apefricoon Devil #racist chimpmania.com

I hate and despise those perpetually-drunk, turd-brained, middle-class hippies with every fiber of my being. The contemporary UK wouldn't be so coonfused and degenerate if those scumbags didn't exist. The porn & drug-addled vacuous libtards have made their grovelling & disgusting coon-worship the UK's official state religion. And any decent human who rebels and refuses to degrade himself and his family to "equality" with those apefricoon nigger beasts gets arrested and charged with a made-up, meaningless crime called "racism"!

Well, I, for one, had enough of those degenerate libtards. They can all go to hell, or f*ck off to some African hellhole (which is essentially the same thing). I am very proud of the fact that I'm a human and I will never apologise or feel "guilty" for not being a hideous and vile nigger ape. That foolish and misleading neologism "racism" implies that humans and niggers belong to the same kind, which is obviously not true. I'm no more related to a babbling coonpanzee than I am to a chimpanzee.

Those SJW bastards can cry all they want but I'm not going to waste my life and work myself to death so that all those wog savage apes can come to my land and appropriate the resources which rightfully belong to me and my kinsmen.

Paul S #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Trump family, like the Heinz family (also Jewish), is from Kallstadt Germany, which is a small village located within walking distance of the Speyer/Worms/Mainz Rhineland metroplex. This area of the Rhineland (i.e., Speyer/Worms/Mainz) has basically been the "homeland" of Ashkenazi Jews for more than 1,000+ years -- indeed, even Frankfurt and the Rothschild clan are likewise just up the river, again within walking distance of Mainz. If you're a billionaire and you're from the Rhineland, it stands to reason that you're probably a Jew. I suspect his first wife Ivana was also Jewish.

That said, for a country that was founded (literally) by Zionist Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock and constituted 150 years later by Zionist Freemasons in Philadelphia, what would you expect? Rather than complaining about "Zionist" America -- which is something that has been in America's DNA since Day One -- I've found it more constructive to focus on my own heritage and ancestors, and pay as little head to the Beast as possible. Wise as serpents, harmless as doves so to speak.

H J #psycho #racist amren.com

It is disgusting that this Hindoo monkey use this event to justify the atrocities done by India to the Kashmiris. Massive human rights abuse is well documented in India controlled Kashmir. Thousands of Kashmiris vanished only to show up in mass graves. You are a disgusting piece of $hit.

You are an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. Subhuman leeches like you are the lowest of all, even lower than Muslims and "untouchables". Worthless subhuman POS like you live illegally in the US and leech off taxpayer dollars. Ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget like you have no place in this world, neither in India nor in the US. I don't even know what race you people belong to. You people look like subhuman tribal midget mongrel of some kind. This is how you people look like, is this subhuman tribal midget mongrel your grandma?

The Changing Face of Beauty in Northeast India | Short Film Showcase

What in hell is that creature supposed to be?

It's an ugly subhuman tribal mongrel midget from the Arunachal Pradesh state of India. They are indigenous subhumans of that land. Even more hideous than negro sheebons. DarkChocolate7465 is one of those subhumans. He is angry that Indians conquered that land.

H J #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

I have considered this about Hispanics as well because they seem to also have a better sense of reality and survival.

Hispanics seem to have criminality and savagery genes. The way cartels torture their victims puts ISIS to shame. They are only slightly better than Blacks in terms of intelligence. Despite being a large chunk of US population they are absent from occupations that require intelligence.

I think we should feel comfortable alienating people who aren't comfortable with addressing the interests of Whites, don't you?

Keep alienating people who are sympathetic to you. You are pushing us towards BLM/ANTIFA Marxists. Then you ask us why we vote for democrats.

I don't wonder why non-Whites vote for Democrats. It's all about the pandering and the gibs.

I can't speak for other non-whites but Indian Americans make twice the money and pay twice the taxes as whites. We are not taking gibs, we are giving gibs.

If you can go from 'supporting' White interests to supporting BLM, your commitment to White interests was very 'soft' in the first place.

LOL I'm only interested in supporting white interests as long as our interests are aligned. If you were not stupid, you would join hands with us to deal with negros and illegal border jumpers.

H J #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: A Story from the Urban Jungle

”It taught one white woman an important lesson.”

I find this unfathomable whenever I go back to the old country in Eastern Europe. There are some negroes and muslims there, particularly in the large cities, but lo and behold - they behave. They behave because they know that acting out, like attacking a White woman for example, would get them strung up by the balls and treated to a baseball bat deep tissue massage. The US is at a point where it not only impotently watches negroes abuse White women, it actively tries to cover it up.

The same thing happens in India. Unruly negros and muslims face the wrath of Hindus from time to time. There are a few negros who live in big cities. They are known to peddle drugs.

Peddling drugs, they do that in all major cities. I talked to a friend in Europe. A woman who works for the police said that each time a drug pusher is sent back to Nigeria, he comes right back the next year.

Sometimes when they are caught peddling drugs, stealing or harassing women they get a brutal beating in India. There are many videos on youtube, don't watch it if you are soft-hearted.

Storminnorman #racist #sexist amren.com

A White girl just having a history of one nigrowfekk in the wombpile is enough to drive a wedge between her and any White man she may want to rope into marriage in the future. One reckless coal burning incident can permanently tarnish the puzzy pedestal of even the most obsequious soyboy claiming to be unbothered by his girl's negrolatrous nethers.

Social media, the irresistible draw of attention whoring, and a naive belief among White women that virtue signaling erases the natural male disgust instinct, make a past peccadindu virtually impossible to hide from men.

Tired of Them #racist #psycho chimpmania.com

I really hope and pray that a famine of never before seen strength hits Apefrica alongside a shitload of nig on nig wars and other virulent goodifying events. It's the only way we can get rid of enough of these creatures that cause us inestimable chagrin. If the source of the evil demons is wiped out then humanity has a chance. Niggers that live outside the darkie coontinent will then have to lend a helping hand by stepping up their killing of one another. I'm the type of guy that will never be truly happy until they're all effing gone. As my username might suggest to you...I am sick to the back teeth of seeing and hearing niggers on my TV. Even though I choose my viewing carefully, the bastard boons pop up everywhere. That being said, I'm currently watching an American series called 'Carnivale' and I ain't seen a shitskin yet. Yippee! I'm about halfway through the first season and there are zero spooks so far.

CTON #racist amren.com

RE: U.S.-Bound Caravan Thwarted in Guatemala as Pressure Against Migrants Continues

Experts say Central American governments no longer have much "appetite" for the caravans.

It's almost like with Eastern Europe. While the 'migrants' from the 3rd world were storming onto Western Europe, they were trampling on Eastern Europe along the way. That's why Eastern Europe put up barriers and beefed up border security. I imagine various Latin nations along the way to America--who aren't cucked and full of racial guilt and scared of being seen as 'racists' as many White Americans are--will do for their respective nation what many in Eastern Europe did a few years ago.

Oh the horrorimage

Nothing angers white liberals more than seeing a large, white traditional family. "Oh, why do they have so many kids!" When I hear liberals say this, I would say "Hispanics and Muslims have large families, too. Why aren't you criticizing them for it? Why is it when whites have large families you lecture them about overpopulation and being a burden on the environment?"

DonezoTheClown #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: JFL a bunch of high school kids just beat up an autistic guy because a foid said he bothered her

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGEDQrrcoM8 They ommitted the part about the foid in the media ofc. He hit on the foid, being autistic he was awkward about it, so she sent a bunch of simps after him basically.

Ah good thing they blurred out the faces, can't let people know theyre pakis or they might start voting wrong. "B--b-b-b-b-but why are you racist mister, your own people don't fuck you so what's the difference anyways? You're a bad meanie for being racist and I'm gonna block you"

high iq they're not pakis though they're latinos

We'll never know for sure but I recognize the way they dress, either they're infiltrators or inspired by infiltrators. Niggers should just be here to apologize for ever crying about racism or "sfcels". Why are dumb niggers like @ThoughtfulCel and @Lowdickenergycel here pretending to give a shit, this is what you vote for, you cry when people are being racist here, own it stop being a fucking hypocrite this is your ideal society.

Everyone in the video except the black foid looks ethnically Spanish though lmfao...American education strikes again

They're all arabs from mudcountries my man, I'm not an American or I would think the same. These are our muslim invaderfriends I'm 99% sure, ever taken a look at the crime statistics?

Translate a few comments and you'll notice they all agree with me.

Jfl rent free in this cummy's head @ThoughtfulCel

Yeah you come here to virtue signal, meanwhile you're part of the problem, you want more of these dirty invaders, took you long enough to respond as well pussy. Bump because I want rapefugees and our ethniccel JBW-copers to see why we hate them.

Doug1943 #racist patheos.com

Of course, Tucker Carlson is absolutely right. The phrase "white supremacist" has become the Left's equivalent of the term "commsymp", used sixty years ago by McCarthyites to smear liberals. ..the McCarthyite mentality is reproduced by progressives.

Why, if someone reported that, while walking down the street at night, they heard footsteps behind them, turned around ... and were relieved to see that the people behind them were white .... the Left would label that person a white supremacist. But of course everyone now reading this would have the exact same reaction.

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Imagine not being BENELUX chad

Top 20 Countries With The Tallest Men - How Height Has Changed Over 100 Years


Not a single non-white country in there. Brutal racepill tbh.

bosnia is 6

are any countries in the Balkans really white though?

yeah, balkans and meds are not really white

whats the difference between balks and meds?

south slavs are dinarics, and meds...are just meds, just like jews are semitic

They're as white as any other slavs. Only Albanians are more ethnic looking and surprise they're not on the list.

i don't agree, but i don't want to engage with argument

Vox Day #racist #conspiracy voxday.blogspot.com

The Jewish News Syndicate would like everyone to please stop noticing that the US government is increasingly dominated by a small group of foreigners.
No doubt historians will be puzzled when one day, for absolutely no reason at all, yet another people ruled by a tiny foreign minority rebelled against their foreign rulers and overthrew them despite the best efforts of those rulers to discredit and disqualify the natural objections of their subjects.

After all, if the French rulers of Sicily had only thought to accuse Sicilians who disliked being ruled by foreigners of "anti-frenchitism", then certainly the Sicilian Vespers never would have taken place, right?

Don't be surprised to see more and more Americans aligning themselves with China and Russia against "their own" government. Especially given how that government cannot convincingly hide behind the veil of "democracy" or "the will of the people".

Big Chief #wingnut #racist youtube.com

Big Chief (in response to the comment - “Trump didn’t do shit he set us back”)
“Clearly you don’t have a 401k. Or earnings.”

*Commenter says Trump belongs in prison*

Big Chief
Last thing you want to do is put President Trump on trial

*Commenters replies to ask why not as he deserves to be in prison*

Big Chief
The courts rejected him for months. By all means let him plead his case.

*In response to commenter scolding him for only being concerned with money*

Big Chief
Where did Trump touch you? How exactly did he change your life. Should be easy for you to articulate.

Big Chief’s profile picture is a Nazi Parade

Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

The alternate title was: Bring on the Slaves!!

OMG.... just as i've been saying..... the world is entirely for black people; the Human Torch is a N*GGER!!!! Because i know that that 'word' is offensive to this 'darling' people, we'll just refer to them as NAGGERS as both words actually mean the same thing, unless of couse, you think that that world too should be banned from vocabulary, but black folks use it to refer to their own black women this way, so, i command that it stays.

WHY, Stan... why!!!! Johnny used to be a pain in the ass now he's really a total asshole! Unless dear Stan is just trolling the kid in black race suit in order to make MORE money at the expense of a poor 'brother', then i'll forgive him. OMG, first our beloved Annie in ginger hair and FAIR pale skin went into -negative- colors, now this shit happens..... But as long as the MASTER (Stan Lee) is white, then i'll allow it. Poor Johnny.... a beautiful blond jerk over a Nagger...... I think that Thor's drink on the Avengers: Age of Ultron made horrendous effect on dear Stan's mind to let a black take Johnny's suit.
You see folks? Blackamericans are killing the WHITE race, if nobody stops this atrocity they'll murder this planet as they did to Africa, Haiti, Jamaica and any other land they step on. But it's was all white-men's fault, if we never came across Africa for slaves to work on our vast fields of progress none of this would'tn happened at all. I'm deeply sorry that we lost the edge we have when we gave them freedom.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Around One-Third of Belgian Residents Are Now Foreign Nationals, or Have Migrant Backgrounds

I'd read a few years ago that the French-speaking Walloons encouraged immigration from the Congo and Francophone Africa to gain a population advantage against their Flemish speaking countrymen. Incomprehensibly evil. The Flemish part of Belgium has produced most of it's Identitarian patriots.

(Robert Kelly)

For those planning on escaping the coming South Africa in the United States, good luck finding a viable white country that isn't going down the tubes. Best to plan on finding the next best thing in either a white Latino country or someplace in the Far East.

What about Russia? Or even in the United States, Alaska? Not a lot of diversity up there or in northern or western Canada. Too cold in those places for diversity.

Wonder what the crime problem is like in racism-free, ultra-liberal Belgium. (Or shouldn't we ask that kind of a question?)

Amren had an article on here about how violent street crime exploded when Belgium started bringing in immigrants from the Congo. Of course, when those African immigrants end up in prison, it's obviously because of racism. The same old song and dance as here in the United States.

What happens when the Muslims decide the Left's usefulness to THEM is at an end and it's time to rename Belgium the Islamic Republic of Whatever?

Allahu Akbar!!!!

(Spaceman Spiff)
Those 19 year old Belgians that died trying to stop the Germans in WWI over 100 years ago sacrificed for absolutely nothing.

I remember seeing a "Belgian" sports team on TV not too long ago, most were black.

And yet, no one's concerned about the lack of proportional representation of white people in sport. But blacks being underrepresented in science, journalism, politics, business, etc., in a majority white nation? Now, THAT's an outrage!

The NBA is only about 18% white from figures I've found. Does any one ever say they need more diversity?

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: News Apparently the EU is preparing a session to talk about the "violent incel movement"


I wonder when the worlds male hate movement is going to come to an end

Men are being squeezed tighter and tighter, increasingly marginalized- these few and far between mass shootings are really just the beginning of what happens to a society that marginalizes it's men.

Maybe people will be able to finally see what's happening and reverse course, but far more likely they will squeeze men tighter and tighter and the backlash from men will get increasingly drastic and more violent, until we get a complete societal collapse. Either way, I don't care.

Can we talk about the violent black and arab movements first, you know the ones overrepresented in every cimre statistic across Europe. Fucking feminist fucks, I want out the fucking EU as well, turns rightwing politicians into leftwing Merkel puppets.

Truly that's the true danger threatening Europe rather than Islamic terrorism, economic recession and their gay lockdowns etc.

Violent incels? Last I saw it's the non-imcels committing the violence, like domestic violence, which involves being in a relationship

What did i said? With that geriatric as a president of the USA you can bet your life that the EU and the cucknite states of jewmerica will persecute us. Dumb are the faggots who defended any leftist politician in their lives, they will not forget that you posted here.

Relax niggers!

They are only looking for WHITECELS!

(...worse than a panicking herd of longhorns...)

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