Obsidianiris #ableist reddit.com

[on bpd not being an excuse to abuse others]

Oh, come on now. I'm disgusted that this is getting so many upvotes. If it was really a matter of having 100% of our faculties and being able to exercise our will perfectly (which this implies), it wouldn't be a psychiatric disorder. Fuck this "take responsibility!" mentality.

I've been horribly abusive to loved ones. I loathe myself for it. But I never wanted to become that; I never saw it as making a choice--I was incapable of making choices normally because of this illness. This is utterly insulting.

Unconfidence #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Confidence is entirely overrated. Doubt, insecurity, not only are these more rational and useful for reality, but in the long run they're more attractive than confidence

How is insecurity more attractive? I'd like to hear your opinion, if you don't mind

I don't want a woman who thinks she's attractive, because that's not something I can or want to commiserate with. As appealing as the idea of some super-scottie-2-hottie is, realistically I know that I'd never be able to understand them the way I understand my girlfriend, who knows what it's like to go through life without the privilege of being the apple of everyone's romantic eye. I want someone who doesn't see my own insecurity, something I cherish and consider a deep part of me, as some defect, but rather an entirely understandable part of growing up in the world.

was in love with them that I've never leave them.

Intellectually speaking confidence is just horribly unattractive. The best learners are those that understand the position of ignorance from the start. Those who confidently stroll into the temple forget to take off their shoes, so to speak.

In general this is just a part of me. I highly value doubt, insecurity, and the like. I never get tired of reminding my girlfriend that yes, I do indeed love her, and rather than be offended by her doubt, I'm assuaged by the fact that she's so concerned, because that lets me know it's real.

Unconfidence #sexist reddit.com

And I sure as shit never heard of any sane person ever claim anything even remotely like "guys who don't feel entitled to women don't feel bad about not being in a relationship" which is fucking crazy.

Are you kidding? "Be happy with yourself." "You have to love yourself before someone can love you." "You have to be okay alone before you'll be okay with someone else." We're basically educated from birth that we're somehow broken if we're genuinely unhappy when we're not with someone. This has been extrapolated into the concept that if you're not okay with being alone, that it's because of mental deficiency, and in men whenever mental deficiency is mentioned, accusations of misogyny follow.

This is not made-up straw men. This is reality. Don't think so? Go to /r/relationships with a sockpuppet, make a post about how you've been repeatedly rejected, and how it makes you feel worthless as a person. Make sure to identify as a guy. Don't say they caused your pain, don't say you deserve them, nothing like that. Do talk about how your negative opinion of who she did choose causes you to doubt your self worth. Do talk about how much it hurts to try so hard to be a good person and be unappreciated. Watch those "entitlement" comments start rolling in.

Generally speaking, I cannot stand romanticism with people without "problems"I have tried to be with girls who were just too much psychological baggage for me, but those are extreme rare cases. In general, I tend to find someone's "problems" attractive qualities. Are they insecure about their appearance? Sexy. Do they feel a need to constantly remind me that they care about me, and be reminded back? Good, maybe I'll finally not feel apprehensive about expressing myself. Does the frustration of everyday life sometimes make her feel helpless? Great, maybe when I feel this way she won't treat me like I'm worthless. My problem is, I find all these qualities attractive which are considered "Mental Problems", and have aspects of my personality deemed to be problematic that I adore. It took me a long time to figure out that I love myself, for my own mental "problems", and don't want to "fix" them. But because of one-size-fits-all "wisdom", people like myself, who do not fit common mental ideals, are considered by many not only untouchable personally, but as someone who should not be engaging in romanticism at all and will warn their acquaintances against people like myself.

Unconfidence #sexist #psycho reddit.com

This is going to sound really negative, but fuck it, it's what I think.

Modern progressive relationship notions are incompatible with traditional romantic love. In traditional romantic love, a person who is dumped is not gone, the relationship is simply paused for the inevitable reunion, as of course "If it's true love they'll come back to you". In progressive ideals, a person is their own and cannot be kept as such. In traditional romantic love, sex is spontaneous and often established through nonverbal and unenthusiastic consent. In modern progressive ideals, anything short of enthusiastic consent is not good enough. In traditional romantic love, there are no boundaries regarding appropriateness and power structures ("Love knows no bounds"). In modern progressive ideals, a person shouldn't engage in romance with another person if society is structured a certain way (i.e. if one is the boss or teacher of the other, etc.).

What this boils down to is that modern progressive ideals are simply not compatible with all people. This is a really big problem, in my opinion. The norms have been crafted around what appeals to middle-to-upper class white feminists, based around a hyper-advanced understanding of oppression structures and an overarching desire to fight them. When a feminist gives the advice "Don't romantically approach women at work", the advice is not designed to help them attain a relationship, but rather to further social progress. If the advice were solely based on attaining a relationship, then the workplace, being one of the primary places where romantic relationships form, couldn't be discounted as a place to take action. To put it bluntly, this advice is not about doing well in the current reality, it's about changing the reality to a more ideal one.

I mean, I'm in a very progressively-structured relationship. I as the man do the housework and work less, I make less, and am generally the carer as opposed to the provider. My girlfriend works more, gets paid more, and does less housework as a result. I'm sitting here in pink pajama pants while I type this. But we also both have an established understanding that the other is not allowed to leave the relationship, and that any attempts to do so will result in stalking and an eternally persistent effort to make sure they can't be with anyone else. According to modern progressive notions, this is wrong, as we should both feel free to leave the relationship at any time.

We need to stop pushing this stock-picture-clean version of what an ideal relationship is in a progressive light, and instead start looking at actual examples of how these kinds of relationships pan out. If Jane and Jim break up and Jim is feigning that's it's hunky dory because he doesn't want Jane to feel confined or pressured, but then later goes and cries for days or slits his wrists, that's a problem and we aren't making the world a better place by mindlessly doling out the advice that Jim should just be okay with it.

we should advice Jim to seek professional help.

Or maybe we should instead try to think about what we can do to prevent these things from incarnating again, instead of basically pawning Jim off on professionals like the society we create has nothing to do with it.

Unconfidence #sexist reddit.com

The difference between a "nice guy" and a nice guy is the false sense of entitlement associated with the former. A nice guy is nice because he genuinely cares about how other people feel, and sincerely wants them to be happy. A "nice guy" pretends to be nice, because he's been misled all his life by romantic comedies into believing that any person he's nice to should love him just because he's nice.

Well, you can say I haven't done anything wrong all you want, I'm still treated that way, and it doesn't negate the original assertion that people are treated as if they're wrong in these situations. As a thirty year-old single guy, I can attest that the amount of gender-based difference in how peoples' expressions are treated is immense. I have never seen a 25+ year-old woman who complains that she is single or unwed told that she's not entitled to love, because the assumption is not made that she feels such; only with men is this assumption made, that being disgruntled with one's singleness is somehow an expression of entitlement to love, or in some cases even sex. I have similarly never heard a woman who complains about having been rejected frequently told that she should consider changing something about herself, or that there must be something wrong with her personality. However, whenever a guy has been rejected frequently, the first "helpful advice" is that maybe he should change his personality, grow confidence, stop looking for a relationship and look for a friend, etc. I mean, I posted a facebook status lamenting being stood up for a date cold with no call and got told that I shouldn't feel "entitled" to a woman's attention. Something is decidedly wrong with that.

I understand fully the distinction you're trying to make, what I think is lost though is how utterly impossible it is to tell the two apart, and both how ridiculously bad at it most people are, as well as how overconfident they are about their ability to discern between the two. The fact is, these mindsets of the "nice guy" aren't likely to manifest in romantically unsuccessful people; you don't start expecting reciprocity of affection out of the blue, it's a learned mentality. I mean, is it any wonder that this recent guy was rich, and quite romantically successful, but had a vendetta against girls who rejected him? We guys who have faced rejection our whole lives, we hurt from it sure, but we're used to it. You don't get this kind of reaction from someone without them having a preexisting expectation of reciprocity. In short, not only are the guys who actually get girls' attention more likely to be this, getting girls's attention is more likely to make guys become this.

But rather than see this, we see this kind of mindset as generated from rejection, and from a hatred that comes with it. Thus, we have a situation right now wherein simply voicing your discontent with your romantic situation gets you labeled this and denigrated. And if you disagree, ask yourself this; my second paragraph had little relevance to the topic at hand. Had I posted an argument such as that to, say, /r/relationships, would you not think they would deem me one of these "nice guys"? And regardless of whether they're right or not, do they really have enough information about me to make such an assertion?

Napoleon de Geso (“voluntary incel lolipantsuführer”) #sexist incels.is

[Based] Man's of culture Tinder bio

Fuck stupid uncultured cunts, not gonna larp as normie, accept me as I am, or fuck off

(just lied about age, too much misandrist ageism everywhere, but even 29 is "too old", considering to lower more)


TranscriptAdolf 29
💼lolicon įmonéje Incels.co
🎓Black Pill Academy
Supreme gentleman of culture with refined taste in lolis, searching for cute adorable comrade to stand against this degenerate world of humanimals together

Brian Niemeier #wingnut brianniemeier.com

If you want sterling example of top-down social engineering, look no further than the death of the western.

The western genre dominated novels, magazines, comics, and movies for decades. Contrary to common misconceptions, westerns never faded in popularity. One day, the word came down that westerns were over. These days, this once noble genre is a haven for vanity projects by over-the-hill actors.

Our overlords hate the western. Gary Cooper's iconic 1952 film High Noon shows why.


Internet pundits are fond of declaring various films from Network to The Muppet Movie to be parables of our troubled times. In the case of High Noon, the parallels are chillingly accurate.

Here we have a town facing an existential threat. A gang of rootless sociopaths is coming to take over and bring in every vice and racket under the sun. The people know exactly the kid of fate they're in for. They suffered the same tyranny before and only freed themselves after a long, bloody, and hard-fought struggle.

Now the man tasked with defending the town from descending into a thugocracy comes around asking for volunteers to help him fight the invaders. One by one, they all say no.

The soggy denizens of the local saloon actually welcome the gangsters. They look forward to enjoying the debauchery Miller will usher in.

Both of Kane's remaining deputies are willing to help at first. But one makes his help conditional on taking Kane's job when the fight is over. Knowing that anyone so venal isn't worthy of the responsibility, Kane rejects his offer. His other deputy stands firm at first but backs out when nobody else shows up.

The congregation of the town's church vocally supports Kane. At first, I thought we might actually see Christian men fighting in defense of their homes and families. No such luck. Cowards masquerading as Kane's friends, enabled by a milquetoast preacher, rationalize taking the cowardly way out with legalistic rhetoric and BoomerCon style buck-passing.

Even Kane's new bride decides to abandon him because she swore off all violence and became a Quaker after seeing her father and brother shot dead.

Meanwhile, a Mexican immigrant who openly hates the town prepares to move on after extracting all the value she could.

It's not hard to see today's death cultists and popcult paypigs in the degenerate saloon patrons. They're the fifth columnists eager to open the gates for usurpers in exchange for a fix.

The deputies and the judge who turn their backs on the problem perfectly represent our corrupt law enforcement and court system. Today the authorities are too busy making up crimes to prosecute innocent citizens for to go after real criminals.

Reverend Millstone is the picture of a Church hierarchy that's so out of touch they don't even know there's a problem, much less how to tackle it.

Like I mentioned before, the cucks in the congregation who whine that they pay their taxes so they don't have to fight outlaws are Conservative leaders who stand on principles that somehow always mean giving the Left everything they want.

I trust that the woman who marries a man only to abandon her husband the second the chips are down needs no further exposition.

IHateRoasties, footballsubbing & lickmytushyhole #fundie reddit.com

Re: Based parenting


In reaction to a LADbible article titled
“Mum Wants 14-Year-Old Daughter To Get Plastic Surgery Because 'Ugly People Get Nowhere'
She doesn't care about her education and is encouraging her to follow in the footsteps of influencers instead.”


this is NOT based. This is degenerate and her looksmatch is roping atm. Good morning, I hate women.

I wish my Mum gave me HGH, paid for plastic surgery and helped me truly maximise my looks when I was younger. That Mum is 100% right and people don’t like that because it goes against the grain.

Theres a big difference. You are a guy. You have one tenth the SMV of your looksmatch. You need a surgery in order to do anything, a girl doesnt.

Really isn’t any difference the benefits are just magnitudes larger. If I was a girl I’d still wish my Mum helped me maximise myself, if I didn’t want to be a influencer it’d still help me in every other aspect of life. Job interviews are usually given the any attractive girl.

if you were a girl youd have two thousand orbiters and wouldnt give a fuck about lookism, plus you can use fakeup

Makeup is still a form of lookism for girls. There’s also a huge difference between a foid and an attractive foid in terms of benefits.


this is NOT based. This is degenerate and her looksmatch is roping atm. Good morning, I hate women.

Can't agree. She ain't wrong is she?

You might not like it but this is blackpilled as fuck.


I see nothing wrong with this. Truancy is fascist bullshit. Props to the mom

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

“I doubt that VERY much. No one who rapes or murders ever says they were justified by their own moral code” ----- Really? You know the hearts and minds of EVERYONE? Perhaps you didn’t know that Islam allows for rape and murder. That is THEIR moral code, and according to you, those are acceptable morals since each person determines their own morals.

“The fallacy is all yours in assuming we need a common moral code.” ----- Without a common, universal, moral code, each individual determines what is moral – this is your argument. You have NO authority to say that another’s moral code (whatever that entails) is wrong. You have NO authority to assert that your moral code is right/good/moral any more than one whose moral code condones rape and murder can claim theirs is right/good/moral.

“Yes. Just like everyone else on earth. I don’t have to use your moral code, it is worthless to me.” ----- And YOUR moral code is worthless to others that don’t hold the same moral values (ones whose morals condone rape and murder). Whpo are you to assert that YOUR morals are correct and theirs is not?

“You struggle with the idea that people have moral codes as individual as they are.” ----- Not at all. I understand that people, like you, create their own moral code – and justify all kinds of evil and horrible acts. The problem is that you cannot see the fallacy in your own position. You cannot see that your position is illogical. You call other people’s morals wrong, yet cannot show why yours are right and theirs are wrong.

“If a person’s individual morals put others in harm, those people will be removed from society.” ----- Why is harm wrong? If you say “The Golden Rule”, then why is the Golden Rule morally correct?

Campbell Hayden #racist answers.yahoo.com

Adolf Hitler looked like a Jew.

If he'd worn a full mustache, he would have looked like he owned a Pizza Parlor.
So, he trimmed it down to distract those who took notice of the appearance of his fairly long nose.

He also had the sloping forehead common among Jews, as well as the characteristic sad sack eyes. Without the mustache acting as a distraction from the length of his nose, Hitler may have been seen as a Jew .... and the World would now be a much different place.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie kjbisjesuschrist.blog

References from Wicked-pedia??

I’m not sure why, but some referrers to my blog are coming from Wikipedia. I wonder, what does Wikipedia have that would lead people here to my blog? So I’m just going to presume that it’s the Lord, Who knows what He’s doing, and is perhaps leading folks to my blog to get them saved. At least that’s the only reason I can think of.

Yes, I believe God. I believe He can take a worldly, lying monstrosity like Wikipedia and turn it around to use it to His glory. Oh yes, sure He can, and I have no doubt that He has, and will still! God is over all, in all, and through all! You better believe He can do anything His will demands, even through His powerful puppet Satan and his evil devices! Oh yes, I sure do believe God!

I also believe the Lord likes to show Himself off at times. Any time a person is born again out of drug use, or a broken home, or even if they live a clean life, or are entangled in some kind of trial like divorce or the sin of sodomy; be assured, God is over all and He has the power to break that sin and show forth His glory in a changed life. We’re the stupid fools if we reject God’s love gift of salvation.

To reject Jesus is to damn your eternal soul forever in Hell. Why would you take any chance and risk Hell when this whole time you could run to the cross and receive the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes, I’m preaching to you, Wikipedians!! TODAY is the day of salvation! Come to Christ NOW, before it’s too late for you!

There’s a reference to Wikipedia for you. Now go publish it to the world!

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

As always, I stand with the Bible-Believing Christian brethren. But, honestly, I'm not surprised nor disappointed by DISQUS sunsetting the channels. As many of the brethren are aware, for years now, a certain troll has stalked me (and several other Bible-Believing Christians), threatened our lives, issued rape-threats, posted Christian kill lists, cyberstalked us, etc., and yet, most of the other "Christian" channel owners did nothing to support us during those times. So, forgive me if I'm surprised that any of the "brethren" that allowed the same cyberstalker to use their channels to further stalk, harass and threaten us do not move me to sympathy. In fact, some of those professing "Christian" channel owners joined in on the abuse and targeted harassment, lol. You can imagine my amazement at that...I still chuckle at the thought. How will they explain abusing a Bible-Believing Christian (who has never attacked them or even mentioned their names) with reprobates and God-haters to All-mighty God on Judgment Day. In fact, check this out:


Here is one of his death wish/kill-lists, unedited...he actually lists our usernames:


I thank God for people who stood with me, several of whom are agnostic and/or atheist...who woulda thought :). God is good! Those professing Christianity who abused and harassed me with reprobates should seek Jesus Christ and repent. I forgive them, but they still have to answer to God if they haven't already repented. I will not mention names because they know who they are. But, it would have been nice if you had told them, "You are very welcome to be part of this unity of Christians of DisQus. We are ALL family and we must stick together!!", when they were abusing us and yoking with reprobates against us.

In closing, please let me know how I can help Bible-believing Christians on DISQUS, but please also understand that I am ok with the sunset of channels. The ministry continues, with or without DISQUS. This season is over, but God has opened another door of opportunity to get the gospel out. Your move, boss :).

Patrick Crusius #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Full Text of Alleged Manifesto of El Paso Shooter" by Andrew Anglin]

This is the full text of the alleged manifesto of the El Paso Walmart shooter, posted in the interest of free speech and the right of the public to know the motivations and causes of newsworthy events. It is currently being deleted from everywhere.

Although the threads have all been deleted, the FBI has claimed that the manifesto was posted an hour before the shooting. They say they saw it themselves, meaning – I guess – that the FBI has guys sitting around reading every thread on 8chan 24/7 (I wonder how much they get paid for that?).


The Inconvenient Truth

About me

In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion. Some people will think this statement is hypocritical because of the nearly complete ethnic and cultural destruction brought to the Native Americans by our European ancestors, but this just reinforces my point. The natives didn’t take the invasion of Europeans seriously, and now what’s left is just a shadow of what was. My motives for this attack are not at all personal. Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement. This manifesto will cover the political and economic reasons behind the attack, my gear, my expectations of what response this will generate and my personal motivations and thoughts.

Political Reasons

In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important. Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Procorporation = pro-immigration. But some factions within the Republican Party don’t prioritize corporations over our future. So the Democrats are nearly unanimous with their support of immigration while the Republicans are divided over it. At least with Republicans, the process of mass immigration and citizenship can be greatly reduced.

Economic Reasons

In short, immigration can only be detrimental to the future of America. Continued immigration will make one of the biggest issues of our time, automation, so much worse. Some sources say that in under two decades, half of American jobs will be lost to it. Of course some people will be retrained, but most will not. So it makes no sense to keep on letting millions of illegal or legal immigrants flood into the United States, and to keep the tens of millions that are already here. Invaders who also have close to the highest birthrate of all ethnicities in America. In the near future, America will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs. Joblessness in itself is a source of civil unrest. The less dependents on a government welfare system, the better. The lower the unemployment rate, the better. Achieving ambitions social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed.

Jaykim25 #racist reddit.com

Uh oh, this superhero wannabe wants to play tough guy over the internet lol. But the fact is, you're basically letting it be known that you're one of those Asian men who make us all look weak and pitiful. You do know that, right? And the fact that you don't know about this tells me that you have very little experience with women in general.

Its very funny that you think I suffer from low self-esteem, when I know that I'm better than you in every way possible. Maybe its just that I actually have pride in myself as a man and want to be with a woman who actually likes Asian culture, and by extension, Asian men. I mean, where the fuck is your pride? Its like, you're one of those fucked up looking Asian men who aren't men at the end of the day.

Third, yes, the majority of Asian women in America are with white guys. Whether that means they think Asian men are below them or a 2nd choice, I'll never know. But what I do know is that this is leading white guys to think they're better than us. Hence, why I'm not around Asian women like this.

And fuck yeah we Asian men as a whole, are insecure as fuck lol. I mean, what do you expect when Asian women are denigrating Asian men with their white guys? Which is why Asian men like me only want to get with Asian women who love Asian culture and Asian men.

And you're a fucking idiot if you think that I think all Asian women are secretly wanting white guys. You do know that I've been with Asian women who you will never be able to attract, right? Again, nobody is going on about all Asian women. We're just discussing a very specific subset of Asian women that happens to be a slight majority in America. The women that you want to play superhero for lol.

Unconfidence #psycho reddit.com

Kill people

I've become somewhat terrified that this is my end. Since I was a kid I was always really morbid and such, but that's not why. This isn't some "I'm so fascinated with death" kind of things. I just used to joke that when I grew up I wanted to be a serial killer. I'm beginning to worry, as I get older, if this will come true.

I just don't know how to handle things and people anymore. I spent so long, so long figuring out what was right and wrong, and why it's right and wrong, and I developed my morality to a personal level. And I go through my life trying my best to be good, and help others. I give strangers rides, I help people whenever I can, and I'm generally nice. I'm always honest, especially romantically, and go to great lengths to make sure I don't deceive people. In return, I'm given bile. I'm stuck at a job that can't even feed me, with a boss who does everything in her power to sabotage me mentally, socially, and emotionally. My car keeps getting broken into by neighborhood kids, regularly wiping out any money I manage to save on new windows, the worst part of which being that I'm not really being robbed because I have nothing, they're just breaking my windows for fun. I haven't had a date in years. I haven't had a relationship last more than a month in a decade. A. Fucking. Decade. The douchiest guys I know, who call girls bitches and sluts behind their back, get every attractive girl that even appears in my life. I watched yesterday as a girl, beautiful, smart, and nice, sat there trying to vie for the attentions of an acquaintance of mine, who was too busy texting his new flavor of the week for him to pay her any attention. She left today for a modeling shoot. She will probably never even notice me in that way. This isn't just her. This is every girl that comes into my life. I don't know what it's like to be someone's choice.

So, I'm beginning to have serious doubts about being a good person. It has done nothing for me. All the emotional fulfillment that I'm supposed to feel just gets undercut by the rampant depression from dealing with the consequences of being a good person. Nobody else wants to be good, they just be as bad as they can get away with and leave the rest of us to foot their bill. Why should I keep going? Why should I give strangers rides, why not rob them? I need money. Why not just take what I want from the world? It's taking everything I have, slowly. I have almost nothing left for the world to take from me. I have no money, no love, and little in the way of possessions. Even my brain is going away as I get closer to the Alzheimer's which is destined to eradicate all the knowledge I've built in my studies.

It's just getting hard to see this life of mine concluding without me killing someone, at the least myself.

Ralph Drollinger #fundie rightwingwatch.org

Drollinger pronounced himself “blessed” and “honored” by the invitation to come to Nicaragua for the celebration and to talk about creating Bible studies for government officials. “In the United States of America, we have found amongst our political leaders, that it is essential they have a Bible teacher in their midst,” Drollinger said. He reiterated that point, saying “we have found in our nation, that it’s an important aspect of our government to have a Bible teacher in the midst of our political leaders.”

“Mrs. Vice President has said you are a Christian nation,” he told the crowd. “In America, we view ourselves as a Christian nation. But what is a Christian nation? A Christian nation is a Christian nation to the degree that the people in the nation reflect the attributes of God.”

Drollinger went on to say that it falls to the institution of the church to reflect the mercy, grace, love, patience and kindness of God, adding that other attributes include justice and righteousness, which God has “asked the state to manifest.”

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

“Have you actually taken the time to look up informed consent?” - Sure. It isn’t really a difficult concept to understand. However, YOU have FAILED to justify why consent is important or that not having it makes an action immoral. You’ve FAILED to provide the standard by which you assert rape and not having consent is wrong. You’ve FAILED to show that relations of minors in countries that don’t have legal age of consent laws is wrong. You cannot/have not applied your reasoning in a logical and rational manner.

“For God's sake, you're sitting here ASKING me why we need to protect 8 year old girls from rapists and predators.” - NO. I am asking you to provide moral justification for WHY rape of an 8 year old is wrong. You continue to FAIL to do that. You FAIL to provide a source of your morality that you don’t call “wrong”.

“Why do you require authority when no one is getting hurt or abused?” ---- Because you haven’t shown any moral authority that can assert that “getting hurt” or “being abused” is morally wrong. All you’ve said is that YOU are the arbiter of your morals. You FAIL to realize that illogical nature of such a position. If YOU are the arbiter of YOUR morals, and another is the arbiter of THEIR morals, why are YOUR morals any better than theirs? If there is no standard by which to judge morals, then ANY set of morals cannot be deemed wrong.

“What is YOUR answer if you keep telling me that mine is no good and comes from the wrong authority?” ----- My answer is that rape or abuse of ANYONE is morally wrong. The difference between my position and yours is that I have a moral authority that says such action is wrong – and all you have is YOU.

“You're going to tell me it's wrong for an 8-year old to be abused by a predatory adult because JESUS.” ---- God is the only moral authority standard. Jesus said to love thy neighbor and to not sin. Clearly, other societies don’t hold these same moral values. But, according to you, that’s A-OK because the individual determines his/her OWN morals.

“In fact I said the opposite. A slave does not consent. Stop lying your ass off.” ----- You asserted that LEGALITY is the determining factor – According to YOUR REASONING, slavery was okay because it was legal.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Throw your English Standard Version (ESV) that Bob Jones University sells and promotes into the garbage pail! Don't get sucked into dispensational teaching that idolizes present-day manmade Israel (founded in 1948). Here's an example of what the heresy of Zionism does to warp men's minds. Here is another example; and another! Zionism rots men's brains, turning them into superstitious quacks and junk theologians! Be aware parents and teach your children, that Luciferians are deliberately engineering society to commit fornication. If you don't believe me, watch this shocking video screenshot from YouTube of singer Taylor Swift. Sex is the God of Satanism, and they want to corrupt every teenager, through immoral media! Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” You need to be informed that a group of Satanists, operating in clandestine behind Hollywood and the music industry, want to turn every youth into a sex pervert! I tell you with all certainty that Taylor Swift doesn't love you! (What's with the creepy goat scene... bestiality?). I am amazed how stupid parents are, and that parents don't care about this perversion, and merely go along with it. Something is very wrong with people who are okay with this filth! If enough caring angry parents complained, something would be done about it. At a bare minimum, parents can express their angry views online to expose ungodly reprobates like Taylor Swift, who influence children to become casualties.

Our whole rotten society is saturated with demonic influences! I wrote this article to open your eyes. Everything being targeted at kids today is meant to ruin them! Evolution is a blatant lie, intended to blind children from the truth of a divine Creator—the omnipotent (all powerful) God of the universe! All of the promiscuous music videos are intended to seduce young people into thinking in terms of sex, sex, sex! They want children to become filthy homosexuals. And now parents and doctors are being pressured by the federal government to allow transgender children to embrace their sexual identity crisis at age 3. I'm not kidding! Lately I have been humming a popular old Patsy Cline song called: CRAZY!!! This world has gone totally insane!

Rodrigo Duterte #psycho #fundie newsinfo.inquirer.net

In what appears to be a mocking comment against his critics, President Rodrigo Duterte said Friday God promised him that all victims of extrajudicial killings would go to heaven.

“Enjoy your human rights in heaven,” Duterte said, addressing critics of his drug war that had killed thousands after he assumed office.

“God promised me all extrajudicial killing victims will go to heaven, iyan ang hiningi ko sa Dios. Sabi naman ng Dios, ‘pwede, pwede [That’s what I asked from God and God said, it can be done, it can be done],’” Duterte said.

“Gawin ko ba iyan kung walang guarantee? Kawawa naman, [Will I do it without guarantee? What a pity] now, they have consolation, they will go to heaven,” Duterte said as he led the inauguration of the Northern Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

“They’re doing drugs and they go to hell? Now, we have a consolation, they’re going to heaven. I said, God, just allow them, I am not asking for anything,” he said.

“Reserve the hottest place in hell for me and may I burn until eternity,” he said, but added, “If there’s hell.”

“Why would God create an oven for his creation? I said I have a God but it is not your stupid God,” he added.

Paul Bury #fundie familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is giving the trolls and haters some attention for a change. Normally we ignore the haters. Normally we ignore the trolls. I felt like giving them some attention for a change. Why would I do that? For a couple of reasons. One – I am open minded. Two – I believe in honest, transparent, and genuine communications. Three – I believe in challenging others mentally. Four – I care about others. Five – I want everyone to get better. Six – I want them to turn from their evil ways and come to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Am I throwing pearls to pigs?

It does not shock me to see all kinds of evil things said about me, and everyone else associated with Family Friendly Gaming from haters. It saddens me that they are not capable of recognizing their own hatred. I want to be very clear. I do not hate them. I do not hate them when they are saying all kinds of horrible things about me. I find it disturbing that they do not connect their entertainment choices with how wicked their tongues are. I am shocked they are not performing self-analysis. Going to other haters to reinforce their radical, extremist, zealot beliefs is not reality. Trying to diminish people of faith exposes them even more. I am not insulting them by speaking these truths in love. I want the haters to stop hating.

Some of the comments that I find most interesting is the disbelief in the opinion that evolution is a religious belief. There are plenty of resources that discuss this opinion that can easily be found online for anyone with an open mind and willing to listen. I did so and came to an informed decision. Another popular complaint is this game rated higher than that game. We have said for a great many years we give a diverse opinion from the worldly gaming sites. We also believe in obedience to God as opposed to rebellion. So our opinions refuse to join in the rebellion. Another fun comment is related to games are just to have fun. This has been dealt with in the Video Game Lies book, and in the magazine multiple times. Again anyone open minded can take the time to research that if they are open minded.
The drive by complainers are not doing their due diligence when the answers to their questions have already been provided. Maybe my expectations of them is too high. Maybe I give them too much credit. Ultimately the haters are proving me completely and totally right about their entertainment choices. All of their venom and hatred are not making the world a better place. We focus on as many positive things as we can. That makes the world a better place. I was once like them, and wonder why they cannot celebrate my diversity.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Cheryl Chumley #fundie gopusa.com

Christians Against Christian Nationalism, a movement driven by church leaders and executives of faith-based groups, just put pen to paper to warn Americans that “Christian nationalism” is becoming a concern because, in their words, it often serves as a cover for “white supremacy and racial subjugation.”
Sounds dire. Until you peer past the curtain, that is.

This is a campaign led by far-left types who use their religious positions to push their far-left ideas.
This is a campaign filled with self-proclaiming Christians whose Christian ideals and beliefs are, in strict biblical teaching, very un-Christian.

Hmm. Suddenly, the “Christian nationalism” they spit on becomes a pin the proud patriot, and particularly, the proud Christian patriot, should wear.

Among the “Christians Against Christian Nationalism” endorsers: There’s the Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley, executive coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, who supported the CBF’s opening of doors to gay church employees.
There’s Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, who openly backed the pro-LGBTQ bill, H.R. 5, The Equality Act, that would have barred discrimination based on “sex, gender identity and sexual orientation” — and who denounced President Donald Trump’s crackdown on refugees as “antithetical to our faith.”

There’s Tony Campolo, a founder of the Red Letter Christian Movement, who called for “full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the church,” as he put it, in June of 2015.
There’s Patrick Carolan, executive director of Franciscan Action Network, who just joined with more than 100 civil rights activists and social justice leaders to “pledge solidarity with LGBTQ Catholic school teachers,” Metro Weekly reported.

There’s Paula Dempsey, director of partner relations with Alliance for Baptists, who in 2017 said her staff were “thrilled” at the hiring of a lesbian couple to serve as senior members of a Washington, D.C., church — and that she hoped other churches would “have ministers who would identify as members of the LGBTQ community.”
There’s more. Many more.

But the big question is this: Just how “Christian” is this “Christians Against Christian Nationalism” movement in the first place?

After all, if these CACN types see the Bible as their rally call to fight against borders — which is another way of bucking the rule of law — why can’t they see it’s this same Bible that makes clear homosexuality, to God, is an abomination?

Grain, meet salt.

Or maybe, more to the point, conservatives, meet the newest leftist attack. It’s far-left ideology masked as religious righteousness. And it’s as wicked as it is clever.

An example? Here’s one. So when CACN endorsers write that “conflating religious authority with political authority is idolatrous and often leads to oppression of minority and other marginalized groups,” they’re not referring, say, to Sharia law, and how its Muslim adherents, working within the confines of government, toss homosexuals off buildings, or publicly cane women for the crime of walking in public without a face covering. No. They’re talking about Christian conservatives who stand for the rule of law.

They’re talking about Christian conservatives who believe in traditional marriage.

They’re talking about Trump, his supporters and those who believe in border controls.

They’re trying to draw moral equivalencies between religions that behead those of different faiths and religions of those in the Republican Party.

CACN endorsers say this: “Patriotism does not require us to minimize our religious convictions.” And this: “People of all faiths and none have the right and responsibility to engage constructively in the public square.”

They mean this: “Leave Rep. Omar Ilhan alone.”

They forget this: America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with an emphasis on both the importance of the individual and the concept of original sin that are spelled out in the Bible. From there sprang our governing documents.

Truly, it’s easy to keep Christian preaching out of the public square. It’s easy to confine the formal teaching of the Bible from a religious perspective to Sunday morning pews.

What’s not so easy, though, is to remove Judeo-Christian principles from our government — while still keeping the government our founders envisioned intact. Bluntly put, the country would crumble from within without its moral compass of Judeo-Christian teachings, without its base values of Ten Commandments principles, without its guiding belief of individual rights coming from God, not government.

Without its borders.

Without its traditions, and yes, traditional values. Traditional, biblically sound values.

Calling out such viewpoints as Christian nationalism, either subtly or overtly, is to deride our entire nation.
The takeaway is this: On CAGN, beware the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Patsy Lambert #fundie newberryobserver.com

God has a plan for our life
By Patsy Lambert - Contributing Columnist

I love the story in the Bible about Joseph. God took the evil his brothers did to him and turned it into something good.

The brothers sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites and they sold him. He ended up in Pharaoh’s house. Joseph was over all in his masters house. One day Pharaoh’s wife told a lie on Joseph and he ended up in prison. The butler and baker were in prison also. They both dreamed dreams and Joseph told them what the dreams meant.

After two years Pharaoh dreamed a dream and Joseph revealed the dream.

God had a plan for Joseph’s life. Pharaoh made Joseph ruler over all the land of Egypt. There was a famine in the land so Jacob sent his sons to get food for them. After a period of time Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. They were troubled when they found out it was Joseph, because of what they did to him.

“Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.” Genesis 45: 5.

Joseph took care of his family. He wasn’t angry with them. He knew that God had used him in a mighty way.

We may not understand why certain things happen to us but, God has a plan for each of us. Will we be obedient and follow God’s plan?

It’s amazing how God took something that was meant for evil and turned it into something good. God does have a plan for our life.

Karin Tag #magick #ufo #mammon seraphim-institut.de

Translator’s notes
- Italics represent gratitious English.
- [Fortune/Happiness] - the German word, “Glück”, means both.
- As always, errors are deliberate “translations” of errors in the original German.

Overview Events of the Year — Crystal Skull Guardian School 2019 — Star Gate Guardian Seminary 2019 — RetreatTrip Buddha Your LifeBuddha Your Life Seminary — Training for Future-Interpreter of the NazcaOracle2019 — Channeling Summer Solstice — Prayersline Crystal Library 24h — The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library 2019 — Channeling 21.12.2018 — Crystal Skull Guardian Advanced Traininig 2018 - Personal Channeling 2018 — Avalonian Crystal Guardian 2018 — DruidicHoroscopeSeminary — Magic of the Moon — Travel Stonehenge & Avebury — Training for Shamanistic Healer of the Future — Epiphysis Healer - Spiritual Healing through the path of pineal gland activation — One-on-one Advice “The Oracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library” — One-shot ceremony at the Atlantean Crystal Heart — Personal Energy Transfer with Corazon de Luz — Opening Heart and Soul — Angel Seminary — Mediators Training — Ch’usiqa Killa - Initiation into the power of the Moon-Owl with Corazon de Luz — Corazon de Luz and the Dragon Guardians — WIRAK WAYRA - The white wind — Seminary Every person has their star — MasterCode of Universe — Council of World Elders Report 3rd Congress 2013

Events 2019

Seminary “Buddha Your Life
In this seminary, You learn to manifest the Positive and set new goals that make You [fortunate/happy]. With the ancient crystal skull BUDDHA and the crystal skull SIDDHARTA from the future.

A special journey to Turkey

Exercises on the Manifestation of [Fortune/Happiness], together with the experiences of special Places of Power in Turkey, will help You manifest [Fortune/Happiness]. Buddha your Life and enjoy the Creative Force!

Jouney to Stonehenge of the Crystal Skull Guardian School Degree 3

The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®
The Earth Tablet of the Atlantean Crystal Library® - also known as the Nazca tablet - is, in connection with 100 Crystal Oracle Stones, a wondrous instrument for gazing into the future.

“The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®”
Seminary in Zürich, Life Force Fair

*Presentation of the Nazca Crystal Tablet for activating our Atlantean wisdom and for invigorating our spiritual growth
*Meditation with the Nazca Crystal Tablets and the Nazca Oracle Stones
*Introduction into the meaning of the 100 Stones of Wisdom
*Interpretation of the divination oracle for Mankind

Channeling with Karin Tag and Corazon de Luz
Life Force Fair, Zürich

Karin Tag channels the crystal skull entity Corazon de Luz, full of Light and Love. Much is said that is important and meaningful for us in this age. The channeling grants us a picture of our current situation and a gaze into our future. It is a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth and support in all situations in life.

Training for Future-Interpreter of the NazcaOracle - Degree 1
With the OriginalNazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®, you will attain your initiation ito the art of divination of the Atlantean Age.
Training encompasses 5 week ends in 2019:


Crystal Skull Guardian School Degree 2
You become able to harmonise the aura and energy field of humans, animals and plants powerfully with help of starlight.

Seminary “Buddha Your Life
Second instance due to high demand.

Channeling on the Summer Solstice on Friday, 21st June of 2019, evening event starting at 7 pm
Karin Tag makes herself available for a channeling of the crystal skull Corazon de Luz. It is explained what is very important for us in this age and a vision of our future can hep us with important decisions. Please tell us as soon as possible if you want to attend, as spots are limited by spatial constrains.


Star Gate Guardian Seminary
Enter the training for Star Gate Guardian together with Corazon de Luz and Karin Tag.

The training encompasses 3 weekends.


24 hours a day, the Prayersline of the Atlantean Crystal Library is there for you!
Crystal Library

24 Hours HOTLINE
2.50 € per minute.
The income will be donated to worldwide projects of the Council of World Elders.)

Your wishes and concerns will be energised at the Atlantean Crystal Library!
From Germany: [number] (2.50€/ minute); Austria: [number] (2.16 €/ minute); Switzerland: [number] (3.105 SFR/ minute)

Infos on the Prayerline of the Atlantean Crystal Library

Events 2018

April 2018
Annual/One-year (?) Training for Avalonian Crystal Guardian of Earth

Merlin’s Avalonian School is a unique school in which old druidic rituals, celebrations and magical ceremonies are taught.

Training encompasses three weekends in 2017⁄2018

June 2018
Star Gate Guardian Seminary

Star Gate Guardian initiation including course for constructing a Star Gate and Starlight Collector.

Training encompasses three weekends in 2018:

December 2018
Crystal Skull Guardian Advanced Training World Healing 2018
Advanced training of Crystal Skull Guardians of all degrees (Degree 1, Degree 2, Degree 3).

Channeling at the Winter Solstice on Friday, 21st December 2018, evening event
Karin Tag makes herself available for a channeling of the crystal skull Corazon de Luz. It is explained what is very important for us in this age and a vision of our future can hep us with important decisions. Please tell us as soon as possible if you want to attend, as spots are limited by spatial constrains.

Prize: 90,– Euro
Place: Region Frankfurt/Main
Date: Friday, 21st December 2018, starting at 7 pm (evening event)

Original GermanJahresübersicht Events — Kristallschädelhüter Schule 2019 — Sternentorhüter Seminar 2019 — Retreat Reise Buddha Your Life — Buddha Your Life Workshop — Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels 2019 — Channeling Sonnenwende — Prayersline Crystal Library 24h — Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek 2019 — Channeling 21.12.2018 — Kristallschädelhüter Fortbildung 2018 — Persönliches Channeling 2018 — Avalonische Kristallhüter — Druiden Horoskop Seminar — Magie des Mondes — Reise Stonehenge & Avebury — Ausbildung zum Schamanischen Heiler der Zukunft — Epiphysis Healer - Geistige Heilungen durch den Weg der Zirbeldrüsenaktivierung — Einzelberatung "Das Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek" — Einzelzeremonie am Atlantischen Kristallherz — Persönliche Energieübertragung mit Corazon de Luz — Herz- und Seelen Öffnung — Engelseminar — Mediatoren Ausbildung — Ch'usiqa Killa - Einweihung in die Kraft der Mond-Eule mit Corazon de Luz — Corazon de Luz und die Drachenhüter — WIRAK WAYRA - Der weiße Wind — Seminar Jeder Mensch hat seinen Stern — MasterCode of Universe — Council of World Elders Bericht 3. Kongress 2013

Events 2019
Workshop "Buddha Your Life"

In diesem Workshop lernst Du das Positive zu manifestieren und steckst Dir neue Ziele, die Dich glücklich machen. Mit dem antiken Kristallschädel BUDDHA und dem Kristallschädel SIDDHARTHA aus der Zukunft.

16. Februar 2019 (ausgebucht, Wiederholungstermin am 20. Juni)

Die Plätze für diesen Workshop sind aus räumlichen Gründen begrenzt.

Für Details bitte auf den Info Button klicken.

Anmeldung Info


Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

18. bis 22. März 2019

Info Fotogalerie

Reise nach Stonehenge der Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

28. bis 30. März 2019

Info Fotogalerie

Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek®

Die Erdtafel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® - oder auch Nazcatafel genannt - ist in Verbindung mit 100 Kristallorakelsteinen ein wunderbares Instrument, um in die Zukunft zu blicken.

1 Seminarwochenende 6. und 7. April 2019

Samstag 10 - 17 Uhr und Sonntag 10 - 13 Uhr



Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

29. April bis 3. Mai 2019

Anmeldung Info Fotogalerie

"Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek®"
Workshop in Zürich, Lebenskraftmesse

*Vorstellung der Nazca-Kristalltafel zur Aktivierung unserer atlantischen Weisheit und zur Stärkung unseres spirituellen Wachsens

*Meditation mit der Nazca-Kristalltafel und den Nazca-Orakelsteinen

*Einführung in die Bedeutung der 100 Steine der Weisheit

*Deutung des Wahrsageorakels für die Menschheit

Samstag, 11. Mai 2019, 10:30 bis 13:30 Uhr


Messehalle Zürich Oerlikon

Wallisellenstrasse 49

8050 Zürich

Tel. +41 (0)78 705 6000, Di - Do 10 - 12 Uhr

Vorverkauf und Info

Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz
Lebenskraftmesse, Zürich
Karin Tag channelt das licht- und liebevolle Kristallschädelwesen Corazon de Luz. Es wird viel gesagt, was für uns in dieser Zeit wichtig und von Bedeutung ist. Das Channeling gibt uns ein Bild von unserer momentanen Situation und einen Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft. Es ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit des spirituellen Wachsens und der Unterstützung in allen Lebenslagen.
Samstag, 11. Mai 2019, 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr


Messehalle Zürich Oerlikon

Wallisellenstrasse 49

8050 Zürich

Tel. +41 (0)78 705 6000, Di - Do 10 - 12 Uhr

Vorverkauf und Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 2

Sie werden befähigt das Aura- und Energiefeld von Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen kraftvoll mit Hilfe des Sternenlichtes zu harmonisieren.

8. bis 10. Juni 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Workshop "Buddha Your Life"

Wiederholungstermin aufgrund der großen Nachfrage.

In diesem Workshop lernst Du das Positive zu manifestieren und steckst Dir neue Ziele, die Dich glücklich machen. Mit dem antiken Kristallschädel BUDDHA und dem Kristallschädel SIDDHARTHA aus der Zukunft.

20. Juni 2019

Die Plätze für diesen Workshop sind aus räumlichen Gründen sehr begrenzt.

Für Details bitte auf den Info Button klicken.

Anmeldung Info

Channeling zur Sommersonnenwende am Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, Abendveranstaltung ab 19 Uhr

Karin Tag stellt sich zu einem Channeling des Kristallschädels Corazon de Luz zur Verfügung. Es wird viel erklärt, was für uns in dieser Zeit sehr wichtig ist und ein Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft kann uns jetzt bei wichtigen Entscheidungen helfen. Bitte teilt uns schnellstmöglich mit wenn Ihr teilnehmen möchtet, da wir aus raumtechnischen Gründen nur begrenzte Plätze frei haben.

Ort: Region Frankfurt/ Main
Termin: Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, Abendveranstaltung ab 19 Uhr

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

Neue Grad 3 Ausbildung in mehreren Blöcken.

22. bis 25. August 2019

21. bis 24. November 2019

Weitere Blöcke/ Termine nach Absprache

Anmeldung Info

Sternentorhüter Seminar

Gehe mit Corazon de Luz und Karin Tag in die Ausbildung zum Sternentorhüter.

Die Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden.

31. August bis 1. September 2019

16. bis 17. November 2019

Frühjahr 2020

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info


Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

18. bis 22. September 2019

Anmeldung Info Fotogalerie

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Sternentorhüter Seminar

Gehe mit Corazon de Luz und Karin Tag in die Ausbildung zum Sternentorhüter.

Die Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden.

31. August bis 1. September 2019

16. bis 17. November 2019

Frühjahr 2020

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

Neue Grad 3 Ausbildung in mehreren Blöcken

22. bis 25. August 2019

21. bis 24. November 2019

Weitere Blöcke/ Termine nach Absprache

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 1

30. November bis 1. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

24 Stunden am Tag ist die Prayersline der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek für Sie da!

Ihre Wünsche und Anliegen werden an der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek energetisiert!
Von Deutschland: 0900-1777 176 (2,50€/ Minute); Österreich: 0900-540486 (2,16 €/ Minute); Schweiz: 0041-901 800 913 (3,105 SFR/ Minute)

Info zur Prayersline der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek

Events 2018
April 2018
Jahresausbildung zum Avalonischen Kristallhüter der Erde

Die Avalonische Schule Merlins ist eine einzigartige Schule, in der alte druidische Rituale, Feste und magische Zeremonien erlernt werden.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2017/2018:

15. bis 18. Dezember 2017

20. bis 23. April

21. bis 24. September

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Ausgebucht/ Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar.

Neue Termine auf Anfrage.

Anfrage Info

Mai 2018
Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 1

26. bis 27. Mai 2018

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anfrage Info

Juni 2018
Sternentorhüter Seminar

Einweihung zum Sternentorhüter inklusive Kurs zum Bau eines Sternentors und Starlight Collector.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2018:

9. bis 10. Juni

15. bis 16. September

17. bis 18. November

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Ausgebucht/ Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar.

Neue Termine auf Anfrage.

Anfrage Info
Einzeltermine zum Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz

16. Juni, nur nach Vorreservierung möglich

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Ausgebucht/ Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar.

Info & Anfrage

September 2018
Sternentorhüter Seminar

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2018:

9. bis 10. Juni

15. bis 16. September

17. bis 18. November

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Ausgebucht/ Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar.

Neue Termine auf Anfrage.

Anfrage Info
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Die Avalonische Schule Merlins ist eine einzigartige Schule, in der alte druidische Rituale, Feste und magische Zeremonien erlernt werden.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2017/2018:

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24. bis 25. November 2018

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Einzeltermine zum Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz

8. Dezember, nur nach Vorreservierung möglich

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15. bis 16. Dezember 2018

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Channeling zur Wintersonnenwende am Freitag, 21.12.2018, Abendveranstaltung

Karin Tag stellt sich zu einem Channeling des Kristallschädels Corazon de Luz zur Verfügung. Es wird viel erklärt, was für uns in dieser Zeit sehr wichtig ist und ein Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft kann uns jetzt bei wichtigen Entscheidungen helfen. Bitte meldet Euch schnellstmöglich verbindlich an, da wir aus raumtechnischen Gründen nur begrenzte Plätze frei haben.

Preis: 90.-- Euro
Ort: Region Frankfurt/ Main
Termin: Freitag, 21. Dezember 2018, ab 19 Uhr (Abendveranstaltung)

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Brian Niemeier #conspiracy brianniemeier.com

Going back even further, the Protestant Reformation is often credited to the printing press, but the same technology helped ignite one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in European history.

It's no different today. The low-work, high-pay, incestuous character of the contemporary newsroom has just made the propagandists worse at hiding their intentions.

The latest spate of shootings by atheist Leftists egged on by fedposters is a great example. Five minutes on any news channel or social media feed will show you that the mainstream media is using these crimes as a handy club to beat white people--which the shooters were--and Christian conservatives--which the shooters were not.

So eager were the priests of the ruling death cult to condemn their sworn enemies that they were easily and hilariously duped, at length, by an obvious prankster.

It should be self-evident by now, but the mass media isn't there to inform you. Its purpose is to keep people in a constant state of low-grade panic--fluctuating within tolerances.

Why keep everyone afraid? Ask any accomplished salesman. Scared people don't think rationally. They're far more suggestible and manipulable. Watch any insurance commercial.

What the Boomers miss are the days when the media would openly use this tactic to sell beer and toothpaste while keeping the real propaganda subtle. Now that the entire TV ad revenue model has been proven fraudulent, the corresponding decline in journo IQ has torn the curtain away from their whole operation.

While you're better off not consuming news at all, here's a surefire way to tell if you're being manipulated. Is the lead story about some massacre/accident/natural disaster three states over? If so, and unless you have family in the affected area, the news is irrelevant. Act accordingly.

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

(Excerpts of a conversation in progress - some content removed because context can’t be provided)

“No, because rapists and murderers are not consenting, they're abusing others. Once again, you do not understand informed consent.” ----- I do understand what informed consent it. But you still haven’t cited why informed consent makes behavior moral or not.

“No, because you do not understand the concept of consent.” ---- I do. And a child can provide consent. Your hang-up is “legal” consent. If the legal system has no definition of age required for consent, is having relations with an 8 year old moral or immoral? And why?

“You fail to understand the difference between consent and abuse.” ----- You’ve shown NO connection between the two. You’ve FAILED to show why a child cannot give consent – other than “It’s the law”. So, I ask again, since slavery was legal, is slavery moral?

“If they find nothing wrong with rape or murder, yes their morals are wrong.” ----- HOW can you make this claim that their morals are wrong?

“All right, go ahead and abuse a child.” ----- Again, HOW is it abuse if (the child) consents?

“Says the law. Age of consent laws exist for a reason.” ----- So, the law is the arbiter of what is/isn’t moral? I guess slavery was moral, right? What about countries/societies that don’t have laws regarding age of consent – are relations with children moral in those instances?

“And you have elected to believe your denomination is right and the rest are wrong.” ----- Not “the rest” – just those who reject God and His word. But the same could be said of YOU, right? You reject anyone that doesn’t believe the same way you do. How is that any different than what you accuse me of doing?

“- No, I'm asserting that you have what everyone else has - an interpretation, which means you're just as wrong as everyone else and no one can agree about things because you're all so sure you've chosen the 100% correct understanding.” ----- Upon WHAT AUTHORITY can you claim that I am wrong? How can YOU be sure that YOU’VE CHOSEN the “correct” morals? You cannot even cite an authoritative source for those morals.

“You're trying to give it the answer you want, but you can't do that.” ---- I am using how words are defined.

“People don't commit murder because they believe it's acceptable...come on. They do it out of desperation in their situation and because they no longer care and have lost the ability to reason.” ----- So, now you are a psychologist and can claim to know the motivations of every murderer?

“I love the way you think any two people on earth can just make the decision to copulate and it's going to work out peachy.” ----- When did I ever assert that any behavior will “work out peachy”? Why do you insist on asserting that I’ve said things I haven’t actually said?

“Desires you feel you have the right to tell people to squash because of your religion.” ----- FALSE. All that I’ve simply stated is that homosexual behavior is immoral. People “squash” emotions and desires all of the time.

“Not confused at all. I never said our parents got everything right.” ----- Yet you DID say that you learn your morals from your parents – that your parents are your moral authority.

“We get older and our brains develop and we learn for ourselves what good morals are.” ----- “Good” based upon WHAT? You are essentially saying that YOU are your own moral authority. If someone’s morals allow for murder or rape, is that acceptable? If not, then upon WHAT AUTHORITY can one assert something is good/bad, moral/immoral?

“that as we learn to think for ourselves that we don't need a holy book to tell us what's right and wrong.” ---- Upon WHAT BASIS can you determine something to be right or wrong, moral or immoral? You haven’t answered that simple question. You keep going on and on about “learning what is right and wrong”, yet have NEVER cited a source for what is right and wrong. If someone grows up learning that murder and rape are moral, how can you say that murder and rape aren’t moral?

“This is the last time I'm going to humor you on this subject since you don't know and have no desire to know the difference between consent and abuse.” ----- Again, you continue to FAIL to cite an authoritative source for why abuse is wrong, or where not providing legal consent is a qualifier of abuse. You have FAILED to show why, in a society where there is no law regarding age of consent, it is immoral to have relations with a child who has consented.

“We take rapists and murderers out of circulation when they engage in this behavior because it's abuse and it's illegal.” ----- But WHY are those acts immoral? Why are “abuse” and “illegal behavior” immoral? WHAT AUTHORITY asserts that these acts are immoral?

“We don't do the same with homosexuals because they decide to engage in a sexual act because it's not abuse. No one gets hurt.” ----- Whether one gets hurt or not doesn’t determine morality.

“Yes. Age of consent laws aren't absolutely perfect and no two countries draw the lines in the same places, but they do the best they can.” ----- So, if a country/society define no legal age limits on consent, having relations with a 6 year old is acceptable/moral?

“The 20 year old man goes to jail. Quite rightly.” ---- What about in countries that don’t have any limits on age of consent? Is that 20 year old man having relations with a 6 year old girl moral or immoral?

Dimitri Verhulst #racist demorgen.be

Because God has his favorites and his chosen ones need to have their privileges the Palestinians were driven out of their habitat in favor of God's loved ones. Mozes wrote it, the chosen people belonged there and nowhere else, thus it counted as an argument. For my money the UN might as well have abolished heliocentrism.

Original Dutch:

Omdat God zo Zijn lievelingen heeft en Zijn uitverkorenen hun privileges horen te hebben, werden in 1948 de Palestijnen uit hun woonplaatsen verdreven ten gunste van Gods dotjes. Mozes had het opgeschreven, het uitverkoren volk hoorde daar en nergens anders, dus dat telde wel even als argument. De Verenigde Naties kunnen net zo goed het heliocentrisme afschaffen.

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

(Excerpts of a conversation in progress - some content removed because context can’t be provided)

“We're not living in the time of slaves.” ---- Yet people DID and that was LAW at that time – yet you contend that laws determine morality. Is/was owning another human being moral?
“You are trying to corner me into saying that our morality comes from the Bible. Well, it doesn't.” ----- How can you claim where my morals originate? My morals are based in God’s morals – as enumerated in the Bible. You have NO AUTHORITY to tell me, or anyone else, where my morals come from.
(On the age of consent): “We have to draw the line somewhere because until a child's brain is fully developed, it cannot and should not be held responsible.” ----- So, your “line” isn’t really about consent, but is about ability. Why do you believe a child cannot consent to something? Why do you believe that there is some magical point at which consent given is acceptable?
“It's morally wrong for about a million reasons, not least of which we don't need a bunch of teen and pre-teen parents running around who aren't mature or capable of caring for babies.” ----- So, yet again, you are imposing YOUR morals on society.
“Allowing perverts to abuse young children IS a far worse thing than allowing two consenting homosexual adults to physically enjoy themselves, and if you can't see that or need a holy book to tell you why it's wrong is downright shameful.” ----- You still have yet to articulate how a child is harmed in this scenario. You just keep asserting “harm” without ever articulating how harm occurs. And, it isn’t about “enjoyment” – it is about what is/isn’t moral. I am sure people engaging in immoral behavior are enjoying themselves – why would they voluntarily engage in behavior if they didn’t find it enjoyable?
(On rape/murder being immoral): “can't see for yourself that it's one person enforcing their will over another which goes right against the Golden Rule.” ----- Upon WHAT BASIS can you claim that the Golden Rule is moral? So far, you have failed to answer this simple question.
“Now tell me why you need a Bible to tell you that's wrong.” ----- Because without an authoritative source, all you have is YOUR OWN beliefs of what is right and wrong. If that is all you believe is necessary to form morals, then how can you force YOUR morals on anyone else by asserting that the Golden Rule is moral?
“We don't NEED people like you to "rebuke" what you call "sins".” ----- Again, it is NOT about what I call sin, but IS about what God calls sin. Sorry you are so confused.
“We need you to mind your own business because we have the right to have chosen to believe differently than you do and don't require the morals you have chosen to follow.” ----- So, a person who believes it is moral to rape or murder is acceptable? Are the morals of individuals who believe it is acceptable to rape and murder acceptable in your world, since that is the morals THEY CHOSE?

Kris Harpster #fundie quora.com

My choice is to not respond. It’s not my place to arm wrestle anyone over to my belief. If another “hears” truth in my words, and that leads them on a path in search of more truth, then I have planted a seed. If another resonates completely with my words, then that person is validated in their belief, and feels deeply seen and understood. I don’t personally believe that spiritual understanding can be taught to those who are not in a spiritual position to be taught.

I know, from my experience, spiritual understanding is not an intellectual enterprise. It’s truth beyond words and intellectual concepts. The intellect can be utilized to help illuminate truth, but this is useless as a tool to convince a nonbeliever. A nonbeliever doesn’t understand the truth is beyond intellect, and thinks that if the believer cannot win an intellectual debate, he is disproven. When the truth is, the intellectual debate is entirely outside the realm of spiritual truth.The intellect can only be used to indicate. The reality is beyond words. Using arguments made of words causes the reality to be lost.

James Laffrey #racist whiteswillwinparty.org

Circumcision is a Crime of Mutilation against Whites

Jews are the originators of the bloody genital mutilation ritual of circumcision — that is, cutting off the natural foreskin of the penis.

They can do it to their own, of course, which they have historically done.

Also, the Muslim-Arabs can do it to their own, as they are known to do.

But jewry has coerced that unnatural and stupid ritual upon the White race.

Why have they done so?
How have they done so?

Jews have coerced Whites into circumcision so that Whites would not outlaw the practice among the jews infesting our country (countries). Of course, there are secondary reasons, but they are not necessary here.

Jews have succeeded in this crime by coercion by verbally terrorizing young parents. Jew doctors have both exaggerated and lied about supposed harms in keeping the natural foreskin and supposed benefits of cutting off the natural foreskin.

Three excellent, brief videos by three different White professionals are presented in a group at these links on one site (on YouTube, which is jewTube):

1. Dr. John V. Geisheker (4:25. This video is displayed at the top of this article.)

2. Steven Scott, Gavin Sisk, and George Denniston M.D. (19:20. YouTube restricts this science-specific video to signed-in viewers only.)

3. Marilyn Milos, R.N. (9:44)

Each video repeats some vital information and adds very interesting new information. Taken together, they are completely conclusive on this subject.

For newcomers to the fact of jewry infesting the medical profession and the media, I ask you to carry the following question with you. It presents a clear choice related to who has generally provided truth through history and who has generally lied through history.

Who shall you believe: The best of your own White race, or the jews?

jew-rabbi-pedophile-sucks-baby-penis.1In the first video linked above, the doctor mentions “ethnic” considerations. Of course, he is referring to the jew “ethnicity” — actually the jew race.

What shall be the punishment upon the jews for their crime of deliberately terrorizing young White parents into agreeing to let them genitally mutilate us?

Yes, it is genital mutilation. That is what it is called when a similar crime is done to females. And that is what it is when done to males.

Jews coerced my parents. My mother and father, flooded with propaganda and mind poison from the jew-owned media, caved to the subtle terror inflicted by the jew doctors. And my mother caved to the jews and their mind-poison infecting the Catholic network, in which she believed back then. (My father subscribed to no religion.) Thus, I was circumcised. Genital mutilation was inflicted upon me. And I have suffered because of it.

What shall be the punishment upon the jews? If you know me already, you know that I have proved that we are already fully justified in reacting in Self Defense and killing all of jewry. It’s that simple. The crime of circumcision inflicted by terror is yet another capital-punishment crime committed against us.

Their males are already circumcised (except for some crypto-jews), so we may circumcise something else — such as their necks. But we are not the torturous type. We are Whites, and we are the race of all races who seek honor, justice, and improvement in all things. Simple, deserved execution is called for.

Anytime. Anywhere. Every appropriate chance we get.

Justice is to be served upon the jews. For the holodomor. For the deliberate starvation of a million Americans in the jew-contrived Awful Depression (not “Great”). For WW1. For WW2. For each subsequent unnecessary, illegal war. For 9/11. For the ongoing medical murders and mutilations against us. For the ongoing genocide against us by the above methods, and by forced nonWhite immigration, the instigation of violent crimes by nonWhites against us, and constant anti-White propoganda in their media and by our jewed government.

Kill jews. Save America. (Or save whichever White country you are in.) Secure a future for our White children. Fight back. Defend our race and our territory. We must destroy the enemy invaders. That means, kill them. Kill jewry.

Our Freedom Weaponry.

James Laffrey


melodicmisery #psycho archive.fo

This story takes place almost 6 years ago, I was a sophmore in high school. I went to a school of about 10k students, so my best friend, we'll call her Kate, and I were relatively unnoticed. Around this time I was in therapy for exhibiting ASPD symptoms, more or less it was that I had zero empathy, and I was completely apathetic. Kate was the opposite of my, she also had no empathy, but she was emotionally invested in everything, and thrived entirely off of her ego. In my opinion, Kate's always been well groomed and attractive, though her taste in men is somewhat lacking.

Early into the year, she was obsessed with a boy, we'll call Alex. He was the most lackluster guy I've ever known, he was the human equivalent to white bread. He had no real hobby's aside from the chest club and the anime club, and since Kate was quite abysmal with technology, she often sent me to internet stalk him. This was roughly 2013 to 2014, and smart phones were pretty common. Most of the people we knew had them, and low and behold, Alex did. I had a fake Instagram and Twitter, just to follow his every post and move, on her behalf.

I had no particular interest in him, but as her friend, I complied. I found Alex to be the blandest person alive, but out of loyalty to my friend, I'd send her updates verbatim when it came to whatever he posted.
Around Halloween, she sent me text updates about following him home, and had some idea about spending Halloween night under the cover of a full street, stalking him. I supported her in this endeavor, and went to the effort of helping her procure a costume that would keep her identity private.

Halloween night wasn't something I witnessed myself, but Kate told me about it the next morning. Apparently, she went to stalk him, as planned. Come to find out, he was hosting a party, or his friend was but it was at his house. He lived in a nice neighborhood, and with the hundred plus party goers, she managed to get inside. Alex ended up making out with a girl during the party, of whose real name I never knew, so I won't name her, just in case. She'll just be G. Well, as you can probably assume, Kate didn't like that G was receiving the affection she didn't deserve. That night, Kate didn't harm G, instead she drugged and coerced Alex into unprotected erm, relations, with her.

Alex didn't really even know who she was when she told him she was pregnant. In fact, Alex had actually started seeing G, and the pregnancy announcement severed their relationship. Around New Years, Kate and Alex got together, and prepared to have the child. Kate was sixteen, and Alex was seventeen. Neither or which was prepared to be a parent. This caused a lot of tension between them, and during a relationship break, Alex hooked up with G, which Kate found out from having her boyfriends phone password. Perhaps her reaction was a crime of passion, or perhaps it was calculated, but Kate hit G full on with a car a week later. She was never arrested, and G survived. She went directly over the windshield, and aside from a broken wrist and a lot of bruises, she was relatively unharmed. She didn't even have a concussion.

Alex and Kate ended up getting married this past year, and frankly I think Kate is the only interesting thing about him, and their two kids are just a symbol of that. Their kids are the only reason they're together, and I don't think Alex will ever leave, he knows Kate will kill him if he tries. He's not stupid.

How is their relationship? If it's toxic and she seems to get worse or stay the same you might wanna, you know, report her to the police. Or just tell her psychiatrist that she is violent. It's usually not good for people with obsessions to stay close to their obsession. And this could end in someone getting killed or severly injured, considering she has already possibly attemted murder.

I’ve only known her to be violent if she feels threatened in some form. As I’ve stated above, in more words, she essentially trapped him with not one but two kids, when they were never together in the first place. I neither support nor disagree with her choices as they were never mine to make. I’m simply telling the story, and I have zero intentions of ruining it for her as, deranged as it may be, she’s happy. As her friend that’s all that matters to me.

IHeartRedditGESTAPO #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

It's all anti-white and the non-military strategy to conquer the USA, and it's quite successful so far. It's the inevitable outcome from letting savages into your home and not expecting precisely what could have been expected.

It's gonna be funny that day when white liberals wake up and say "hey, that wasn't supposed to happen to me. I'm a virtuous white cuck." and brownie will say "fuck off white devil. We took what your forefathers built, and now it's ours. Go dig your own mass grave or live in the white refugee camp like they do in South Africa today"

D. J. Conway #magick amazon.com

Dancing with Dragons: Invoke Their Ageless Wisdom & Power

Why do all cultures, distant and diverse, have similar tales of dragons? Universal wisdom confirms dragons have interacted with people since time immemorial—they call to us, pique our curiosity, and arouse our fears. These mystical beasts are real and their power, their influence, and especially their magick can be captured. Building upon rituals and drawing on their energy, learn to befriend these inspirational creatures and become partners with them on a spiritual journey. Move with them, learn from them, dance in perfect human/dragon syncopation.

(Emphasis added)

Ezekiel in Exile #moonbat #conspiracy dailykos.com

All those who worship at the altar of Big Science, please tell me: how do you deal with Big Science’s huge, embarrassing inability to duplicate “scientific” study results?

The world is full of known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Humans’ understanding of the universe and even how human beings construct reality within their minds is very, very limited. Meanwhile, buoyed by Enlightenment-bred hubris, we’ve managed to destroy hundreds of indigenous cultures and the wisdom they had amassed through the millennia. I’m skeptical of New Age types because so many New Age leaders are hustlers just like their counterparts in more traditional religions. But I’m also skeptical towards those who worship science as a solution to all our problems when science itself is beset with hired hands who “demonstrate” the truth of whatever their employers hire them to do.

Unknown #racist contrajewishcorrespondent.blogspot.com

Many thought that Obama was the first Jewish president of the United States; however, based on my racial examinations, I have concluded that twenty-four of the forty-five Presidents of the United States have been of Jewish ancestry. One can look to see if someone was or is Jewish by examining their facial and other bodily features.

George Washington

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Abraham Lincoln

Chester Arthur

Theodore Roosevelt (Rosenfelt?)

William H. Taft

Woodrow Wilson

Warren Harding

Franklin Roosevelt

Harry Truman

Dwight Eisenhower
Eisenhower's middle name was David. Most people named "David" are Jews.

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon Johnson

Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

Ronald Reagan

George H. W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Barack Obama

Donald Trump

Some Incels #sexist reddit.com

Re: She will never be faithful to you. In her mind only Chad exists.


Transcript(I've been having an affair with my employee and I'm the happiest I've been in a while.

I love my husband and I'm very happy with him- He is my rock and everything I need, We have a blended family and we're the envy of our friends. This affair in no way reflects badly on him or our marriage. I'm not a young woman at 38 (my husband is 45), After 3 daughters, my body is far from what it used to be. I hired a young, model-handsome boy to work for my company. I didn't expect for him to be anything more than eye candy or a fantasy until I noticed him checking me out and giving me compliments. Soon, these tiny flirtations turned to clandestine sex. Although I know that what I'm doing isn't right, I feel absolutely on top of the world. I'm constantly getting told that Mm glowing from family friends and even strangers. I can actually look in the mirror and feel SEXY again and desirable. My husband is in absolute awe of me now. he can tell that I feel amazing about myself and he adores it. The deep confidence that this affair has given me has led to me dressing sexier$ waxing and wearing more make-up. My husband thanks God that he was able to land such a hot mama. ;) He's so happy! I know that this will have to end soon but I'm on a high I don't want to come down from. I find )


Literally hired a hot young guy just to be "eye candy". Foids should never be leaders or make any kind of important decisions because this is how their thought process works. Whatever looks nice.



I mean guys will sometimes hire hot secretaries to bone and whatnot. Kinda dumb but whatever...the difference is:

A foid will actually promote the eye candy and have the incel scrub the toilets, whereas the dudes will promote the hard-working incel so he too can have a hot secretary. Also a dude will keep the secretary a secretary and not promote her to management and will fire her if she starts some bullshit sexual harassment claims.


Women are only truly happy when they are used as cock receptacles by Chad(s), and have her children provided for by a wealthy beta. This is the only scenario where they don't go full on batshit crazy. Believing any single man can keep a women happy is cope.


Women are only truly happy if they are loved by rich Chad (or are independently wealthy themselves so Chad can be poor in that case). Anything else including the dual mating strategy is cope.


... and no one needs sex, it isn’t that important. It only makes you glowing, feel amazing about yourself, makes others adore you, and feeling sexy and desireable.

Some Incels #sexist reddit.com

Re: Women internment camps when?

image Image

How would you cope if you had to be medically celibate for a month? I (36F) have a large ovarian cyst and have been told to avoid sex and strenuous activity until my surgery at the end of this month. My libido however isn't listening, and I'm going crazy! Any advice would be welcome


And they have audacity to say that sex really doesn't matter. Meme gender


jfl at this. Jfl at this injustice. God please why




This is the reason why every major civilization had religious and cultural laws that severely restricted foid rights to prevent them from whoring and all the whores were mostly considered worthless when it came to marriage.

Foid liberation has allowed them to be relentless whores for chad who cant even imagine not getting pounded for a whole month.

And thanks to orbiters and betabuxers any foid can still settle down and find a husband no matter how many hundreds of cocks she took before that. Shit, a lot of "men" have become so cucked that they will let their wife continue whoring around openly even after marriage.


Based. I hate cucks. Worse scum of the planet. Actually if you're not Chad, only option is to be a cuck, besides prostitutes if you want some sex. Heck even Chad will probably get cheated on.

MillimetersOfBone #sexist reddit.com

"He's so creepy"

We all know that "creep" means "ugly man." Everyone knows this. Every woman knows this. Every man knows it, but some men pretend that they don't know it.

But why do they say "creep?" Why don't they just say "ugly?"

Well, imagine what goes on in the mind of a woman when she's approached by an ugly man. She sees a man with weak, shitty genetics. She hates him on sight. It's not a choice. She is programmed to be the arbiter of reproduction. She is, by nature, destined to determine which men will reproduce and which will not, and she has decided that this man should not reproduce, thus she will treat him with hostility, without trying or even noticing. She is additionally offended that this man seems to think he had a shot with her, making her question her own self worth. She projects this out onto the man, and concludes that this man intended to attack her status.

She is also horrified by the man. Consider the man's perspective. He thinks the woman should be flattered. The man wants nothing more than to make her happy. A man's life is infinitely more fulfilling if he has a satisfied sexual partner and a family to provide for. He wants to give this woman sexual pleasure. He wants to give this woman resources. But, to the woman, this man is nothing but a threat. His approaching her means that he wants to have sex with her, which means she would be impregnated with low quality genetics, forced to spend 9 months growing a low quality baby, and several years raising it. This is deeply terrifying, to her, so she projects this feeling onto the man and concludes that this man wants to make her miserable and ruin her life.

So here we have it. A woman is angry and horrified by a man who she believes actively wanted to lower her status and ruin her life. Why? What did he do? Nothing. His behavior was completely normal. The only reason this woman has responded this way to the man is his appearance. She knows this is shallow, and she doesn't actually care, but she doesn't want to appear shallow, so she invents a new link between his actions and her feelings, one that places the blame on him. "He was creepy," they say. "I felt uncomfortable when he approached me, and I'm an altruistic non-judgemental person, so he must have been actively trying to make me feel uncomfortable. His behavior is the problem."

Grade A manipulation. Cold to the core. And everyone falls for it. They have us by the balls, and the only people who are allowed to acknowledge it are the ones who have already been outcast so no one cares about them anyway.

vosidit98 #sexist reddit.com

Lots of women only really have a pussy to bring to the table.

Think about it: you're friends with a woman. Even if she's cool you can't treat her as one of the boys or society will grill you.

So you're left with "less than a male" friend.

A guy is almost always better off having a good male friend vs a good female friend.

A woman is ALSO almost always better off with a good male friend than a good female friend.

Anthony William #quack #magick amazon.com

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal

Anthony William, the one and only Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned in over 25 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades, and most of which has never appeared anywhere before.

Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives.

"The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose—it all comes down to healing," Anthony William writes. "And the truth about healing is now in your hands."

Stefan Limmer #quack #magick amazon.com

Shamanistic Interpretation of Illnesses (with CD): Understanding the soul message, finding ways of healing (GU Mind & Soul solo title)

No one like being ill. And yet, diseases are our constant companions. We tend to see something bad in them. But every illness and every symptom wants to communicate something to us. This message of the soul is unique in each individual case. Nevertheless, a general interpretation is also possible, giving a first pointer towards where the affected have to look deeper to find a cure. Naturopath and shaman Stefan Limmer decyphers the basic pattern of widespread syndromes from a shamanistic perspective, explains the “language” of our organs and shows how illnesses come to be in general. Here, Karma both of the individual and of the family, weakened archetypes within the soul or deep psychological wounds that have led to a loss of the soul can play a role. Paths to recovery are healing meditations, spiritual travels towards the Inner Healer in the book and on the CD. Additionally, many helpful inspirations are given on bringing aspects within us that have gotten out of tune back into balance.

Original GermanNiemand ist gern krank. Dennoch sind Krankheiten unsere ständigen Begleiter. Wir neigen dazu, sie als etwas Schlechtes anzusehen. Aber jede Krankheit und jedes Symptom möchte uns etwas mitteilen. Diese Botschaft der Seele ist individuell und einzigartig. Dennoch ist auch eine allgemeine Deutung möglich, um eine erste Richtung zu weisen, wo Betroffene tiefer hinschauen können, um Heilung zu finden. Heilpraktiker und Schamane Stefan Limmer entschlüsselt die Grundmuster weitverbreiteter Krankheitsbilder aus schamanischer Sicht, erläutert die „Sprache“ unserer Organe und zeigt ganz allgemein, wie Krankheit entsteht. Dabei können individuelles sowie Familien-Karma, geschwächte innerseelische Archetypen oder tiefe seelische Verletzungen, die zum Seelenverlust geführt haben, eine Rolle spielen. Wege zur Gesundung sind Heilmeditationen, Seelenreisen zum inneren Heiler im Buch und auf CD. Dazu gibt es viele hilfreiche Anregungen, wie wir Aspekte in uns, die aus dem Lot geraten sind, zurück ins Gleichgewicht bringen können.

“Dr. Joe Dr Dispenza” #magick amazon.com

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

What would it mean to become supernatural? What if you could tune in to frequencies beyond our material world... change your brain chemistry to access transcendent levels of awareness... create a new future... and transform your very biology to enable profound healing? This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a body of knowledge and a set of tools that allow ordinary people-people just like you-to reach extraordinary states of being. Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on up-to-the-minute research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to show how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for our lives. In these pages, you'll explore: - How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind - How changing your frequency allows you to create reality in the "generous present moment" - The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality - How to shift your awareness beyond the limited, predictable material world and move into the quantum field of infinite possibilities - And much more Using tools and practices ranging from state-of-the-art brain imaging to exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into a new world. "This is who we really are," he writes, "and this is the future I'm creating-one in which each and every one of us becomes supernatural."

Martin Sonnleitner #magick amazon.com

opening Third Eye: Purification and Activation of the pineal gland, Effective Techniques to expand the Consciousness

What are the benefits of an opened Third Eye?

* Times and times again, one hears and reads of that magical Third Eye that allows one to see many things clearly and intensively.

Very few, however, know what exactly the Third Eye is. In this book, we accompany You on an exciting journey of exploration and explain to You in all details what Your Third Eye is, how and where it can be found, and what benefits an opened Third Eye brings.

Start NOW and Learn:

Terms like Chakra and Yoga are explained, You gain insight into meditation and learn how You bring about a good Third Eye through Your nutrition as well.

* In this small and very personal advisor, we attempt to teach You the connections between the pineal gland and the Third Eye and you learn why the Third Eye is more than a mere product of overactive imagination.

* With this book, we take You by the hand and accompany You onto a new and most exciting path towards more intuition, humanity and empathy.

To learn what one neeeds to open one’s Third Eye Click on buy now in the upper right of the page and start today already!

Original GermanDrittes Auge öffnen: Reinigung und Aktivierung der Zirbeldrüse, Wirkungsvolle Techniken um das Bewusstsein zu erweitern

Was sind die Vorteile von einem geöffneten dritten Auge?

Immer wieder hört und liest man von jenem magischen dritten Auge, welches die Möglichkeit bietet, viele Dinge intensiv und klar zu sehen.

Die wenigsten wissen jedoch, was das dritte Auge genau ist. In diesem Buch begleiten wir Dich auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise und erklären Dir ganz genau, was Dein drittes Auge ist, wie und wo Du es findest und welche Vorteile ein geöffnetes drittes Auge bietet.

Beginne JETZT und Lerne:

Es werden Begriffe wie Chakra und Yoga erklärt, Du erhältst Einblick in die Meditation und erfährst, wie Du auch durch Deine Ernährung für ein gutes drittes Auge sorgst.

In diesem kleinen und sehr persönlichen Ratgeber versuchen wir Dir die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zirbeldrüse und dem dritten Auge zu vermitteln und Du findest heraus, warum das dritte Auge tatsächlich mehr als ein Produkt einer blühenden Fantasie ist.

Mit diesem Buch nehmen wir Dich an der Hand und begleiten Dich auf einem neuen und durchaus spannenden Weg in Richtung mehr Intuition, Menschlichkeit und Empathie.

Um zu lernen was man braucht um sein drittes Auge zu öffnen Klicke auf jetzt kaufen auf der rechten oberen Seite und starte noch heute!

Dieter Broers #magick #crackpot amazon.com

Age of the Sun: Forwards Into A New Era

In fascinating prose, Dieter Broers explains that we live in a holographic universe, in which the information and creative energy of the Whole is contained in every vertex. Our world is for from deterministic, it also it created through our selves as long as we transform our own Being and merge once more with the Cosmic Consciousness. Dieter Broers supports his revolutionary theses with the results of bleeding-edge research. In this, he draws from the very latest of insights on biophysics, quantum physics and heliobiology that were, until now, only known in the most elite circles of the scientific community. The astonishing conclusion of this unique, interdisciplinary synopsis: The perpetual process of Creation is not in any way an one-way street in communicating unceasingly with the energy of all cosmic planes, the human mind literally becomes the Co-Creator of the Universe!

Original GermanSonnenzeit: Aufbruch in eine neue Ära

Auf faszinierende Weise erläutert Dieter Broers, dass wir in einem holografischen Universum leben, in dem an jedem Punkt die Information und die gestaltende Energie des Ganzen enthalten sind. Unsere Welt ist alles andere als determiniert, sie entsteht auch durch uns selbst vorausgesetzt, wir transformieren unser eigenes Sein und verschmelzen wieder mit dem kosmischen Bewusstsein. Mit hochaktuellen Forschungsergebnissen untermauert Dieter Broers seine revolutionären Thesen. Dabei greift er auf allerneueste, bisher nur in engsten Kreisen der wissenschaftlichen Fachwelt bekannte Erkenntnisse aus Biophysik, Quantenphysik und Heliobiologie zu. Das erstaunliche Ergebnis dieser einzigartigen, interdisziplinären Gesamtschau: Der immerwährende Schöpfungsprozess ist alles andere als eine Einbahnstraße indem der menschliche Geist unaufhörlich mit der Energie aller kosmischen Ebenen kommuniziert, wird er buchstäblich zum Mit-Schöpfer des Universums!

Mick Williams/Lady Checkmate disqus.com

(Image shows Disqus as a sinking ship and “trolls” drowning)

Mick Williams:
Episode: On To Better Things.

Lady Checkmate:
Amen to that. As an aside, I understand the hurt and grief of the unique users who are losing their communities. On topic, the trolls are losing their minds, lol. Their years of stalking, trolling, death threats, kill lists, rape fantasies, and overall harassment (of not just other users, but of DISQUS admin and employees as well - complaining about everything from their cry-bully feelings to those they hate) accomplished nothing but to have their favorite place to troll (and them with it) deleted. Ohhhh, what will they do with their time hate now? Years of hatefully creating sock bots and entire sock armies to stalk and threaten users with was just a waste of time and their socks and bots are now useless...lol. Ain't God good? I have been so amused by the entire thing. Again, I do empathize with the grieving unique-users who are caught up un the sweep, but the trolls and their socks and bots are meeting a fitting end. Kudos to DISQUS! I ran my race, here. I finished my course, here. May God be magnified in all that we do and in all things. Most of you, I will never meet here on this earth, but for those who truly love God and are His...we will meet in heaven. To the lost, my parting words are still...seek Jesus.

Mick Williams:
The critters are definitely panicking. Without this hate outlet, they'll maybe take it to the street and get arrested, or end up in asylums.

Lady Checkmate:
Also, expect them to ramp up their trolling on DISQUS, while they can. Check out the spam folder, but be careful and do not click on any links. They are to'ed. Walk (metaphorically speaking) circumspectly, watch and pray. Most of you guys, I will never meet here on this earth, but for those who are truly Bible-believing Christians, we will meet in heaven. I look forward to that day. My parting words to the lost, after all of these years, would still be..."God loves you...seek Jesus".

Akhnai #wingnut incels.is

Religion or technology

As it stands we incels have only two options:

1)Reinstating religion and traditionalism.
>Sexual degeneracy will be regarded as a sin originating the Fall and will be constrained through rules and legalism(a'la Genevan Consistory/Sharia/Public Confucianism etc)

>Unmarried women will be slut-shamed and forced to settle down.With incels,preferrably

>Public burning of witches and deviant foids.
If a foid refuse to give you sex,just accuse her of heresy and get her torched.

2)Technocracy and Cyberpunk
>Synthetic wombs,catgirls and artificial hormones making foids useless and valueless.

>Destruction of traditional values,family units and all vestiges of ancient morality.
You can now live like a degenerate Chad,fucking sex robots and catgirls all around.
Retarded traditions like Chivalry or female worship will be extinct.

>Or you can go all Nick Land and upload your consciousness to cyberspace while all around you the last fabrics of human civilization disintergrates into chaotic hyperdrive infested with ultravirus.
You will no longer need foids,food or anything else really.
You will become a virtual,internet chaos god travelling through all facets of reality

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