Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist

Family Shocked After 14-Year-Old Whore Daughter Dies with Negroid Sex Pal
I was just thinking of the threat that 14-year-old sluts represent to our society, and today I was given a great gift reading that this one is finally dead.
If your stupid whore daughter is out at 3 AM cavorting with the negroes, then you’re really lucky if she turns up dead.

We do not need more stupid bimbos having sex with negroes, and if your daughter is one such bimbo, people are going to throw a party when she dies.

Well, your first mistake was naming the slut “Lyric.”

What the heck?
Yes, she was out at 3 AM roving for black cock.

Here’s the buck who got killed with her:
Ain’t that a beauty.

They’re not naming the suspect yet, but it is certainly another black she was also having sex with.

This is what happens when you let a teenage girl roam loose – they find all the black cock they can locate and gobble it up like fiends. Then, inevitably, she gets her wish and the bucks start locking horns with each other to lay claim on the pussy.

Look at her step-dad with his faggot hipster flat-hat and try-hard queer tattoos:
“My wife’s daughter is dead!” he hollered.

Many such cases.

People defend teen sluts and say they don’t know what they’re doing. Let me tell you something: they know exactly what they’re doing, and we can only hope they get what they deserve, which is a brutal death in a hail of bullets.

If I was President of America, I would give the shooter the medal of freedom award for putting this trollop where she belongs: in the grave.

@transwidows #transphobia #kinkshaming

“Old fashioned cross dressing” was not OK, and not something we should go back to. When it was “behind closed doors”, wives were still being coerced. Nobody these days would say that hitting your wife is OK as long as you do it quietly and nobody else knows.

Every time you make an exception or a prevarication to show you’re “not transphobic” it’s trans widows and children of transitioners who pay the price.

You might as well say “they should have to put up with it so we don’t have to”.

Also I suspect, the myth of the benign part time domestic cross dresser, was put about by the Beaumont Society to gaslight and trap wives.

For the hard of thinking who are currently attracted to the top tweet here, it’s comparing fetishistic male cross dressing where the wife is forced to participate, as being coercive control on a par with physical abuse. Coercive control is a crime and this is a valid comparison

@josefbosch #wingnut

Someday, the power is going to go out.

Someday, the factory farms will close their doors.

Someday, the WiFi will stop working.

Someday, the tap water will run dry.

Someday, the chaos will outweigh what’s left of order.

If the last two years has taught us anything, it’s this: we are NOT headed for a techno-utopian future with flying cars, food for all, walkable cities, world peace, and prosperity as far as the eye can see.

No, it’s FAR more likely that our nations are headed for darkness and hunger and disease and perpetual conflict.

And, when that day comes, no one will care enough to add a new letter to LGBTQ, no one will send Israel or the Ukraine billions of dollars, no one will sit in third period “Holocaust class,” no one will be there to teach our kids to hate themselves, no one will prance through the streets draped in rainbow flags, no one will march for the “right” to dismember their unborn offspring.

CRT and SPLC and IRS and ADL and LGBTQ and AIPAC and BIPOC and CDC... they all become distant memories when you’re hungry, when you’re thirsty, and when you’re in near permanent danger.

The evils of our day are LUXURY evils.

EVERYTHING these people have centered their lives around disappears when the streetlights fail to come on at dusk.

So, you. You and I will center OUR LIVES on things that will never go away—no matter how dark the darkness gets—faith, family, our people, our community.

Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut

(Lauren Witzke)
This is incredible. Go Russia!

spoilerRussia is offering a hero's medal and
$16,800 to women who have 10 kids

We kinda offer that here, just not for white kids.

@LaurenWitzkeDE Once again I am rooting for Putin and Russia. Dammit!!

@LaurenWitzkeDE If Poland and Germany did the same it would not risk being replaced

Russia also has significant migration from other countries, aka white erasure. It's a self-described multiracial empire.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy

World War III has already begun. You simply aren’t being told this because your government and dishonest media outlets are dedicated to keeping you in the dark. After all, they want to use the remaining time to stockpile food, ammunition, medical supplies and precious metals for themselves, and this can only be accomplished by withholding the truth about the situation for as long as possible.

The Prime Minister of Serbia may be an exception to this, as he is now publicly warning that the world is about to experience a “great world conflict” that will likely begin in the next two months.
What’s happening is that psychopathic western nations have — the real aggressors in this war — have unleashed not just “suicide sanctions” against Russia, but are also running Ukraine’s military operations against Russia. This means NATO is already in the war, even if NATO won’t admit it yet. Worse yet, NATO leaders are openly demanding the complete destruction of Russia and the occupation / exploitation of Russia’s natural resources, which is of course the entire model of global exploitation and pillaging typically carried out by the west. (Disrupt, pillage, control. That’s the CIA model that has been unleashed against other nations for decades…)

Conditions are already long past the point of negotiation or de-escalation between Russia and the west. The psychopathic leaders of the west are russo-phobic Russia haters who are determined to carry out genocide against the Russian people, even if it means destroying their own economies and agricultural supply chains in the process. These psychopaths, Putin has come to realize, can’t be reasoned with or trusted to abide by any agreements whatsoever. Russia realizes it must fight or die. That’s where we are right now.

Unfortunately, the insanity of western nations has escalated this conflict to a condition where whoever launches nukes first has the advantage.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #magick

Ole Dammegard is an intrepid researcher of staged Gladio II deceptions. He is subject to site attacks and censorship and is another individual who needs our support. His member-area research can be availed here by subscription. He has a closed Facebook group folks here might want to join and network. I participated before I made the decision to drop Facebook altogether.

Ole spotted something I’ve mentioned often on these pages: the existence of out-of-context photos of abandoned shoes at staged events. He feels these shoes are calling cards. I’ve always felt the staged images are forms of black magik, as it puts anybody laying eyes on them in a position to have to defy logic to accept them as real. If you accept them as real, you enter the trance.

Ole goes into some detail as to just how widespread the shoe calling card is — surprising even me. He thinks the Crime Syndicate may also have been using shoes as a mind-control trigger for some time. Ole believes these are made in Israel-Masonic psyops. I would say such imagery is certainly being used for some manner of social conditioning.

A basic Google search of the phrase “Freemason shoe” produced the following result, as well as numerous other entries:

Masonic Shoe: The Masonic shoe, which is also called the Blue Slipper, is symbolic of a physical confirmation of a spoken deed. To unloosen one’s shoe and give it to another person was the way of confirming a contract in ancient times.

<followed by photo examples of abandoned shoes at mass casualties events>

Erich von Däniken #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot

A Fascinating Exploration on Why the Darwinists’ Theory No Longer Explains Everything

There was once a set of ideas called the theory of evolution, conceived by clever people and confirmed by countless scientists. Then people discovered the electron microscope. This made it possible to make the molecules within the cell visible, and suddenly questions about evolution arose that were not possible before. Which force actually bundles the atoms in the right order? What moves the molecular chains into the correct position? How did the first living unit within the cell actually come about? How does inheritance work, how does information pass on to the next generation? Did humans descend only and exclusively from primates―as Charles Darwin and countless other great minds assumed―or did additional “engines” intervene in evolution?
Everywhere there are characteristics of animals that do not want to fit into the theory of evolution anywhere. And man? Are we really the most adapted life-form on this planet? Today, more and more scientists who contradict the previous theory of evolution speak out. The theory fits the changes within the species, but it can no longer be reconciled with the inner workings of the cell. Some other influence that has so far escaped us is affecting evolution. It is called “Intelligent Design.” Intelligent planning is suspected behind this. Anyone or anything―a spirit of the universe? Aliens?―could be behind this planning.

Erich von Däniken uses countless examples to demonstrate the impossibility of the previous evolutionary idea. He quotes scientists who argue against the previous teaching, but also those who defend it. Unfortunately, established science still refuses to look at discrepancies and holes in the theory of evolution, even though it is quite obvious that there is more going on with regard to the development of all species, as well as human culture, than could be explained by the theory of evolution alone.

Professor Ellis Washington, J.D #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

About the Author—Professor Ellis Washington, J.D.—I went to Harvard Law School with future POTUS Barack Hussein Obama for 1 year (1988-89), but I took the opposite path in Life—New World Order, Communism, Treason, Pedophilia & Satanic Ritual Abuse vs. Christianity, Conservatism, Protecting the Children & TRUMPism. I repeatedly refused to take the “Satan OATH” which is why I’ve been blacklisted for 30+ years—for my entire legal and academic career, yet I Fight on! Why?—For Harvard’s original 1692 motto—Veritas pro Christo et Ecclesia {= Truth for Christ and the Church}.

To escape the 150-Year Rothschild Chattel Slavery systems (e.g., Birth certificates, Social Security numbers bought, sold & traded on Wall Street) & Rothschild Debt Slavery systems (e.g., IRS, Income Taxes, fiat/counterfeit currency based on NOTHING, printed to fund false flag wars) of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Matrix (1871-2021), read and share the Truth of my Critical Thinking blog with the Youth that’s nearing 20 Million views @ & on Facebook — #JesusIsLord #DCActof1871

Commander Gyeorgos Hatonn via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #magick #god-complex #conspiracy

We use crystals, pyramid structures, domes, focus gems, etc., etc., for all sorts of things, none of which are to worship in order to gain power, wealth, sexual gratification or control of another. Can ye ones not move out of thy dark ages? Must you go right back into the practices which brought you down time after time after time? It is ALWAYS the same things which bring you down! Satan needs no new enticements; the old ones work over and over and over again. Could ye ones not at least be "inventive" and "creative"? Why can ye not see the "obvious"--why must ye turn always to the mystical? Insight and truth bring "freedom" and ye ones are terrified of "freedom"; terrified! For, in freedom ye must stand responsible for thy actions and choices--no one else to "blame" for thy failures at good choices.




I move to stand by and await thy petition. I am on ship alert; ye ones are in crisis.

Baguettecel, Sneir & Transcended Trucel #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist

Honestly asian/slavic men deserve to cuck western men

Like they are more superior, more smart, have stronger cultures, yet for some reason THEY are the ones constantly cucked... meanwhile guys from the global south (like Middle East or Africa) cuck everybody else even though they're dirt poor and uncivilized.

In a just, equal world, Asiatic and Slavic men would cuck Western men by fucking every Western woman to solve their inceldom since they have a worse gender imbalance than us. Then hopefully that would mean the Anglo American Jew hegemony would be gradually destroyed and replaced with a stronger, more trustworthy system...

Don't wanna hear about "muh biology", in the past it was the superior high IQ races who cucked the inferior low IQ races, NOW ITS THE FUCKING OPPOSITE! SO BEFORE YOU COME IN MY THREAD WITH THAT FUCKING COPE THINK!!!!


(Transcended Trucel)
Slavs lack cultural influence if you compare to asia or korea.


sad truth. Only slav media I can think of is the witcher. And maybe vlad/dracula story if that counts. Slavs need some more major franchises also globally famous musicians

mathlover & WholeGrain #transphobia

Lesbian visibility week event ..with a TiM

( mathlover )
"L With the T" as the title of the event is horrific. It is basically saying that prey (lesbians) should have no way to avoid their predators (rapey male "trans").

( WholeGrain )
All these TiMs with their "LwiththeT" hashtags and the like, meanwhile I see actual lesbians use "LetTheLOut" the most. Tells you all you need to know.

incisor #moonbat #conspiracy

The reason for all of this is the US-arranged coup that resulted in a Ukrainian civil war, and the stated intention of Zelensky to join NATO.

Russia should have acted more forcefully after the coup, making it clear that risk of a NATO-Russia war was great and probable unless the US stopped its interference. Missile attacks on Ukrainian military facilities should have been undertaken, while its army was weak and disorganized.

During the Vietnam war, American planes mined Haiphong Harbor and killed Soviet sailor there. Goose-Gander algorithm applies here.

I’ll never understand why Putin spent so much time whining like a rejected schoolboy about US moves, which he should have known would be relentless if not stopped with force.

Placing a Russian military base in Venezuela would also have been productive, and remains a possibility.

Harmonica #wingnut

[From "The Failure of the Third Red Scare"]

In the historiography of the United States, there are three periods that are particularly noted for a high degree of anti-communist sentiment – the 1920s, the 1950s, and the 1980s. These periods, especially the first two, are known as “Red Scares”[…]
To understand the Red Scares, we must examine the world right before they began. In 1914, communism was a marginal ideology[…]By 1920, all that changed[…]Communists were able to seize control of the largest nation on earth[…]Communist undergrounds sprang into action and launched terrorist campaigns[…]
This can also be observed during the Second Red Scare in the 1950s. In 1944, there was one communist nation on earth. By 1950, communism covered half of Europe[…]Even more concerning was the revelation of just how extensive Soviet spying had been[…]
After the fall of South Vietnam, communism quickly spread in Southeast Asia and Africa and was even threatening the one area of the world most vital to American security – Latin America[…]
Something does stand out about the Third Red Scare – what an utter failure it was. Though not perfect, the First and Second Red Scares did a fine job at stopping communism. After the 1920s, no nation would fall to communism until the end of World War II[…]
I think there are two major reasons for this. The first reason is that, unlike the previous two, the Third Red Scare displayed a distinct lack of concern for domestic communism[…]The ultimate reason for this shift in emphasis is due to the Right being unwilling to push for the full rehabilitation of Joseph McCarthy[…]
Though it was able to correctly identify the danger of foreign communism, the Third Red Scare failed to understand the threat of domestic communism[…]Now the Right is being forced to answer for its past failures

foundring #sexist #wingnut

It's Sweet To Be a NEET (It's Swell Bein' an Incel) - Original Song

There’s a new meme in town,
no, it won’t let you down.
We know society has sure gone to shit,
with a tip of my hat, I lift up my glass, and drink to the end of it.

From college I bailed, my relationships failed,
I’m jobless but feel oddly complete,
for I'm Not in Education, Employment, or Training,
I’m acronymically NEET.

When I was in school I was nobody's fool,
saw my teachers were aiming, for obedience training,
so I hit the road, lost my mind, kept my soul,
there was finally time to lift my feet and unwind.

(Refrain) While dreamin’, breathin’, keep on believin’,
eventually, we all complete the dream and reach the peak of NEET.
It’s sweet to be a NEET, it’s swell being an incel,
my delinquency’s complete, you see, all’s well that ends well.
They say the world the meek will inherit, but rest assured, the NEET will share it,
while NPCs complain and parrot, the current thing’s a pin they'll wear,
until they suffocate with flair, gee, what a relief to be a NEET. (/Refrain)

I looked for a job, didn’t like what they offered,
I heard, "Hey, wagie wagie, get back in your cagie."

I said, "Why don't you relax? You can have your licenses and tax,
don’t need much to get by to have harmonious lives."


I used to dig girls, got sick of floozies with curls,
with no phony woman distractin’,
I’m resumin’ all new euphonious craftin’.

But there’s nothing wrong with bein’ glad,
to get a wife that’s nice and trad!
'Cause humanity thrives with a family life,
that's breedin’, teachin’, to always believe,
that even we can be the light that guides us through the darkest night.

We won’t comply,
all NEETs unite,
all NEETs unite,
all NEETs unite.

So we didn't get jabbed,
the bosses said, "Too bad."
It was really that simple, my body my temple.
But that baby inside, is a life fightin’ to survive,
at conception, you’ll find a connection divine,
that’s dreamin’ breathin’ always believin’.


Gee what a relief,
oh what a relief,
it’s such a relief to be a NEET.

Various commenters #transphobia

Responding to the "How do we know what sex people are without checking their genitals?" crowd

( TheLastUBender )
I really love how women grimly and quietly squirrel away information, helpful articles, studies, incriminating screenshots and explanatory memes to combat the collective gaslighting.

It is like being part of a resistance movement. But I thought it would be about something less heinously absurd. Can't they axe this nonsense so we can focus on social policies and climate change? Ugh.

( Riothamus )

Can't they axe this nonsense so we can focus on social policies and climate change?

The entrenched interests started pushing this TRA nonsense after Occupy Wall Street brought mainstream attention to class issues. Gender Ideology exists purely to divide the working classes over the critical issue of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

( NotCis )
Yeah, I hate doing that. I don't want to participate in this charade that if we just present the right evidence in the right format, they'll listen to us. I prefer to respond with something like "Somehow modern man figured out which sex to rape and oppress for thousands of years before anyone knew what chromosomes were. Any theories as to how men managed that?" Put the onus back on them.

( TheLastUBender )
I can't say that I'm not part of the squirreling, but I LOVE your take. You're right, their claims are patently, obviously absurd, and presenting evidence won't work even as well as your reply.

( Tortoisemouse )
I have found presenting evidence does work.... not to change their minds (although you never know) but to make them concede defeat which is basically what happens when they have a big screaming fit, shout names at you and then block you. To me that's a win. And there are others watching. Even if the others watching are people who already agree with you, we give each other strength by speaking out publicly.

Also I have had some amazing experiences on Twitter of being attacked by a TRA, getting into a "debate" in which they get nasty, and then suddenly I am being backed up by two, three, four other women, all completely calm and reasonable and firm of resolve. It's like, we've got each other's backs.

But yeah. I wish we were fighting something that wasn't just a fabricated invented vanity project. That's partly why it's so exhausting.

DarkMTS_57 #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist

Dating is exclusively made for losers, too afraid to come out of the closet and be gay.

Dating a woman is the gayest thing a man can do. Hear me out, let's apply logic for a second.
All gay guys try to be a pale copy of an annoying bitch. When you hate on gay people, you actually hate on people mimicking annoying bitches. Now, bitches get annoying real fast. Soon enough, you end up with a cliché of a gay man. Soon enough, you're just fucking a gay dude with a vagina and loose tits. And that, my friend, makes you fucking gay.
Only dating young hot chicks isn't gay, but you need to dump them before they turn into gay dudes. For "people" who say that settling with a chick and having babies with her is the non gay way, they are wrong. Not only you end up with a fag with a vage, you also end up with little fags. Nothing is gayer than child play. Your whole life turns into watching fags do faggy shit, instead of shooting shit, working on shit, building shit etc.
Prove me wrong.

@Slatzism #transphobia

once again: gender theory came from queer theory and queer theory came from a bunch of male French intellectuals trying to turn their pedophilia into an academic discipline.

blaming mUh FeMiniStS for this shit is insidious midwittery

all the roads of gender ideology lead back to male sexual degeneracy. all of them. every single one.

all the roads forward through gender ideology inevitably take us to the normalization of male sexual degeneracy. all of them. every single one.

feminists (esp. lesbian feminists) in the 60s and 70s were the only ones sounding the alarm about this shit!

what was the result? the total demonization of feminism until which point it had been sufficiently psyopped by liberal parasitism so as to be completely unrecognizable.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Tomorrow, I will introduce the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to criminalize the child abuse that many call “gender-affirming care.”

My legislation would immediately make it a felony to subject children to puberty blockers or horrific “sex change” genital surgeries.

It also blocks all taxpayer-funding for these barbaric procedures, bans colleges from teaching it, and prohibits foreign aliens who commit these appalling acts from entering the U.S.

@repmtg What happened with The Age of Consent ? Parents/Doctors should be arrested for this type of abuse/atrocity on minor innocent children.

@lili60 @repmtg The jews destroyed the concept of consent so they could keep fucking children. The entire LGBTP movement was founded by the same jew who started NAMBLA. "Gay rights" is about fucking your children. Trannies are about fucking children. Vaccines were about fucking children. And it was about fucking children the first time the jews did it all in Weimar. Nothing has changed.

If you submit to jewish pilpul and agree to their arguments that an 8 year old can "consent" to DNA-altering genetic therapy, or "consent" to having a nice jewish doctor cut their uterus out, then having sex with your child is quite literally the least damaging thing they can "consent" to.

Even their Talmud talks about how harmless it is to fuck a 3 year old.
This is the tribe that controls our banks, our media, our schools, and our government.

I'm old enough to remember when both the Right and the Left agreed that female circumcision performed by primitive tribes on young girls was an atrocity, and was to be decried and discouraged in every way possible. Surely, this childhood transexual madness is 1000 x more egregious? No?

How bout a bill to remove the jews from power over our political and financial systems...take away their power and endless money supply and the kids will be saved by default..
But wait...I almost forgot..
You're a low life jew shill whore...nevermind...

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Deep State must be fired. Obama embedded tens of thousands of leftists into the bureaucracy. They obstructed Trump every day. The bureaucracy must be gutted before we have any hope of truly putting America First.

They're antiwhites. America can't come first until we put white wellbeing first.

@DrPaulGosar yes we had no idea how wide and deep the swamp was

@praisehands2004 well, according to the internet, there are approx 6 million freemasons (although I dont doubt that number is falsified)... so I'd say the 'swamp' is 6 million (est) deep.


@TotoLandMan when a Communist Regime uses communist tactics involving communist revolutionaries to push communist rule and policies on the people. Just call them Nazis so that they know their communist indoctrination through their communist schools and communist media worked on you and they'll overlook you.

@DrPaulGosar Why didn't Trumpstein do this on day one?

@DrPaulGosar Ask not why Obama put Communist infiltrators in the govt.
Ask why #Trump didn't purge them from the government on day one.

Then while we're at it.
How about you reconvene the House Committee for Unamerican Activities??
It's time someone finished Joe McCarthy's work.

@DrPaulGosar All current federal employees and contractors should be fired and banned from every working for the government or any company connected to the government ever again. There are no services they perform that anyone other than bums would miss.

yeehaww-cowgirl #fundie #transphobia

As a black girl, it’s just impossible for me to ignore the similarities between black face and drag as phenomenons that were/are incredibly normalized in popular culture. Both are offensive exaggerations of an oppressed class to the point of caricaturization by the oppressor class for entertainment and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The defence line drag apologists always use is that drag is an exploration of gender expression especially for gender non conforming males who were never able to express their femininity and that’s why it’s different from black face in that sense which is just blatant racism. What they don’t know is that white performers often used the excuse of exploring their “inner negro” when in blackface and it was actually a very popular response to blackface criticism lol. And even then..why should women be mocked and made sexual objects in order for men to be able to “express themselves” it’s really just grade A sexism so many drag performers have expressed not thinking that women should participate. There is no other explanation for why drag queens are overwhelmingly much more popular than drag kings and that’s the fact that embodiments of men aren’t seen as jokes. Recently read this really fascinating paper that talks about how similar the two are I strongly recommend it

John Byl, PhD (astronomy) #fundie

Does the Bible speak about reality or only about appearances? Sometimes, to avoid conflict with alleged scientific facts, it is claimed that the Bible uses phenomenal (or phenomenological) language, describing things as they appear from our human, earth-bound perspective rather than being factually correct in a more scientific sense.

An early example of this is found in John Calvin's Commentary on Genesis, in reference to the sun and the moon as "two great lights" (Gen.1:16). According to Calvin, this is factually incorrect since science had proven Saturn to be larger than the moon. However, Calvin excuses this on the ground that Moses had to accommodate his message down to the level of unlearned men, by using the language of how things appear to humans on earth. Factually correct language, Calvin opines, would not have been understood.


Can science genuinely give us such superior knowledge?

The philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) famously distinguished between the phenomenal (reality as it appears to our senses) and the noumenal (the actual reality behind appearances). He claimed that human science is limited to the phenomenal, and could never attain knowledge of the noumenal. Science is grounded in observations (i.e., appearances); any attempt to get beyond these must necessarily rely on theoretical assumptions that can never be definitely proven by science.

Only God can discern the reality behind appearances. God's view of things is the way they really are. Hence our only means to attain knowledge of reality is via God's revelation of it to us, particularly in the Bible.

Rod Fleming #sexist #transphobia

The OP dances daintily around the real issue. Certainly some adolescent MtF is the result of autogynephilia. This can set on with staggering rapidity. Where I live, there are many ado AGPs and they are not shy. In many the 'change' took less than a month and in some, less than a week. Until we find out what actually triggers autogynephilia, we cannot formulate strategies to counter it, other than one-to-one counselling. There are not enough sceptical counsellors. (I am one.)

However, the OP rightly suggests that something else is going on and there is. It appears to be a form of autoandrophobia, the fear of being a man, or the hatred of the idea of being a man. This is evident from the statements of subjects with this condition. What the OP dpes not do, spectacularly, is even ask why this autoandrophobia exists. She does not point to decades of anti-masculine propaganda pushed out by Hollywood and the MSM. She does not mention the teachers deliberately punishing boys - for being boys. She does not discuss the literally billions of anti-masculine online comments, some of which have been rehearsed here, which basically say 'woman good, man bad'. This is only a tiny selection of the vast amount of anti-masculine hate-speak we live under - and mostly, promulgated through social media, conventional media and education.

No, not all men are rapists. No, not all men start wars, though they die in them. No, not all men are violent criminals. No, not all men are abusers. In fact, nearly all men are decent, kind, courteous and protective. Yet the opposite message is hammered out, day after day. And where does it come from? It comes from feminism and the relentless anti-masculine campaign its leaders have carried on for 50 years now.

If you want to save these boys, you have to destroy feminism. Otherwise, sacrifice them on the altar of a bitter, jealous, man-hating cult and then, please, stop complaining and trying to divert the blame. That's your choice and we shall know you by the decision you take.

Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans #transphobia #conspiracy

[Part of a much longer article]
QAnon and other well known forms of internet and social media triggered radicalization arise from online echo-chamber communities. Reddit forums, Twitter, transgender Discord communities, and even chat during online gaming are rife with gender indoctrination. Trans activists and older trans women are often the source of the information our boys get online about all things trans. Older trans women coach younger boys online into taking hormones as young as possible so that they pass, and stay youthful and childlike in appearance. Our boys are told slogans, and are taught to not question or believe anything contrary to the ideology. These people tell our boys that detransitioned people are evil. They tell our children to run away from home and join glitter families because parents are abusive transphobes for even questioning what is going on. They tell our sons that the only solution to their problems is to medically transition. These influencers steep our sons in trans ideology and create a system of online indoctrination that is not that different from any other form of radicalization happening today. If you don’t believe me or think I am exaggerating, I suggest that you visit a few sub Reddits like r/MtF, r/asktransgender, or just find the twitter account of a trans activist or two and you will quickly see what I mean.

Ebrahim Raisi #dunning-kruger

Iran’s leadership has returned to Holocaust denial, its leader made clear in an interview with “60 Minutes,” after distancing itself from the phenomenon

“Historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians,” Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian president, said in an interview on the CBS News flagship broadcast Sunday when he asked if he believed the Holocaust occurred. “There are some signs that it happened. If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched”

The interview aired at the same time that PBS was showing the first installment of a six-hour new documentary, by Ken Burns, about the Holocaust. “The U.S. and the Holocaust” is the latest prominent work to make use of the vast trove of research available to scholars and laymen to show in meticulous detail evidence of the Nazi genocide of European Jewry

The falsehood that research that would deny the Holocaust is being repressed is a commonplace trope among Holocaust deniers[…]
Responding to a tweet quoting Raisi, Israeli interim prime minister Yair Lapid offered just two words — “Some signs” alongside four black-and-white photographs showing starved and murdered Holocaust victims. He was one of many people to lampoon the Iranian president’s comments on social media.

The BJP #quack #fundie

Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem and activist Erendro Leichombam were arrested last month for Facebook posts that said ‘cow dung and cow urine’ don’t cure Covid.

When the Manipur police barged into journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem’s home in Imphal on 13 May, his children — seven, three, and nine months — were paralysed with terror.

“Our oldest immediately turned to pacify our second child, who started to cry and couldn’t hold her stool. Our third is still a baby,” said Wangkhem’s wife, Ranjita. “For me, this is no longer a shock.”

About five kilometres away, political activist Erendro Leichombam’s house was similarly stormed by a team of police officers, who allegedly assaulted his elderly mother and dragged Leichombam out of his room, without giving him a chance to change out of his nightclothes.

“Nothing could stop them. No amount of pleading. They acted like he was some major criminal. He didn’t resist the arrest at all,” said Leichombam’s mother, L. Landhoni. “They hit me and pushed me aside, and I had difficulty breathing for 15 days after.”

Wangkhem and Leichombam were arrested after BJP functionaries complained about their Facebook posts, which said that “cow dung and cow urine” don’t cure Covid-19. It was in the context of state BJP leader S. Tikendra Singh’s death due to the illness.
“The cure for Corona is not cow dung & cow urine. The cure is science & common sense. Professor ji RIP,” Leichombam had written.

“Santhi Sanyung na yadrabo, oh!!! RIP # Rashikang Kangyet Hayeng nga chani,” Wangkhem had written, which loosely translates to “cow dung, cow urine didn’t work”.

BJP fundies #fundie #quack #wingnut

New Delhi: Journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem, charged under the National Security Act (NSA) by the BJP-led Manipur government this past May for commenting on social media that cow dung and cow urine don’t cure COVID-19, has been released from jail this evening.

Wangkhem’s release came four days after the Supreme Court ordered the immediate release of Imphal-based political activist Erendro Leichombam, who was also arrested by the Manipur Police on the same day – May 13 – as Wangkhem on the same charges. The duo had on May 17 got bail from a local court, but they were detained again after the NSA was slapped on them.

Getting out of the Saajwa central jail around 4 pm, Wangkhem told waiting reporters, “I am used to this now. While waiting for justice, I tried to spend two months of my incarceration by having meaningful discussions with various inmates; took their opinion on several issues.”

Various commenters #wingnut

The Pro-Life side WILL win in the end
Throughout time, those who have viewed other people as less than human have always been on the wrong side of history. The owning of slaves, Jim Crow laws, Nazism, Communism, etc. Viewing human beings of any size as anything else than what they are is a losing strategy. It might take time, but I have hope.

It’s harder because the unborn can’t speak up like African Americans during Jim Crow. Not impossible though.

The African Americans didn't magically achieve equality just by speaking up. They needed voices, white voices to listen and agree with them and stand up for them as well. It's not much different here except the unborn have a melting pot of support

I can’t remember who it was. It may been Charlie Kirk, but I can’t remember for sure. Anyway, he said the only way things like Nazism and Jim Crow can happen is if a percentage of the population is dehumanized. Then he talked about how the unborn babies are being dehumanized.

They're an easy target for hatred because- unlike other groups- babies can't defend themselves.

And when it does, they'll find someone else to oppress

I feel unborn humans is the last barrier of human rights violation. They are the perfect target for oppression not able to defend themselves and their killings committed in secrecy so I cannot imagine the humans that have a voice will be silenced.

As soon as we win the democrats are going to BLM all over again

EXACTLY. Human rights have expanded with time not shrunk. Even unborn babies have some rights depending on the jurisdiction (like past 25 weeks in most places) so is a matter of moving those rights a few weeks more. Piece of cake lol

I wonder when the parties will "switch" again when the left has to own up to abortion.

The party switch is the most hilarious thing ever. It's just a totally made-up cope for them to cling to when they have to deal with the past.

@cejacksonlaw #enbyphobia #transphobia

“Non-binary” is not real, valid, or meaningful. It indicates nothing about a person, except buy-in to a shallow faux-spirituality of ego worship w/ daily faith rituals of navel-gazing & breathtaking co-opting of gay rights (no you are not “coming out” as NB — that’s not a thing).

NB is “trans lite,” allowing people to join the gender craze (complete w/ social cred, special attention, legal privileges & oppression points) who otherwise wouldn’t b/c they know themselves well enough to know they don’t have the commitment to fake sex change.

NB is the shallowest faction of genderism — there are no expectations of behavior or appearance that flow from “declaring an NB identity,” yet laws that privilege “gender id” apply to NB as if it is the deepest: eg, it is NB that’s getting legal status as a 3rd sex (M/F/NB).

Non-binary is also the most naked appeal to a transhumanist spirituality of the “gender identity” labels, for the believers who medicalize “being NB” - “NB affirmation” (“nullo” surgeries etc) is a limitless, customized menu of ways to try & transcend (or just deny) being human.

@wmwoodward #wingnut #racist

@NatureAndRace The more I read Mein Kampf, the more I see Hitler in such a different light. He was, literally, facing demonic forces. One cannot face Satan by turning the other cheek. I was raised Christian, but I am 100% convinced that it will be the White Christians who mostly be to blame for White biological extinction because they have delusions that someone other than themselves are going to save us, they have delusions that "turning the other cheek" is going to be effective against these demonic Jews, and White Christians have delusions that "compassion" and "brotherly love" towards Blacks is more important than protecting and preserving a future for their own White children, for the White race. If some White leader doesn't step up in the very near future to lead the White people out of this demonic Jewry that has a vise on us, I cannot see how White people can avoid perishing.

I describe the White situation in an analogy: it's like White people are scattered both in boats in the ocean, all of which have holes in them, and White people on shore. The Whites on shore are helping the Blacks on shore, thinking the Blacks care for Whites, so the Whites on shore are doing everything to promote "love and compassion" for Blacks. because "it's racism not to!!"

The Whites on the boats that have holes in them, are divided. Some Whites know that in order to save the White race, they have to stay in the boats, seal up the holes, and stay with the other Whites in boats; however, many Whites in the boats are saying "No, we must have compassion for the Blacks on shore! It is wrong to hate other races! We must do everything we can for Blacks' survival and long-term survival" Mind you, these Whites are all on sinking ships among their own, so they are committing racial suicide by refusing to help themselves and, instead, helping Blacks who are ON SOLID GROUND.

Meanwhile, pigeons with messages from Jews about "Black Lives Matter" and "Don't be racist!" are constantly and abundantly being sent to the Whites in the boats. And constant Hollywood stars, movies, tv shows, advertisements are being viewed by Whites on the shore with anti-White messages, and Black-White men/women interracial marriage scenes.

@Nature_and_Race #wingnut

Natural Order of Mankind: Martial Collectiveness

The whole purpose of National Socialism, the philosophy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, is to bring human society back into alignment with with Nature, with the natural order of all life on Earth.

When one lives in accordance with the natural order they live in reality - rather than the artificial world we live in today. Living in accordance with Nature results in healthier development of individuals, tribes, societies, countries, and whole civilizations. Deviation from the natural order, however, results in exactly what we see surrounding us today: sickness, weakness, ugliness, degeneracy, decay, decline, and general insanity.

So what is the natural order of humankind?

Well, for one, human beings are a collective species. We only survived our evolution by banding together and working in teams - placing the wellbeing of the group before one's personal interests. Today's world, however, is very individualistic, very selfish, and we're seeing very clearly the results of that unnatural mode of existence.

We're hardwired to need each other, a need rooted in our blood from the very beginning of our species. To abandon this need for one another will guarantee a fast track to extinction, and a long, slow, miserable suffering along the way.

Another aspect of the natural order of human beings, particularly that of the White race, is that we're a martial species. We evolved for organized warfare, right down to our earliest days of evolution. Organizing against predators, then against rivaling human tribes. This aspect too we cannot deviate from without causing ourselves great suffering, as evidenced by today's weak, effeminate, hyper-individualist society.

The most important aspect of organized warfare is the philosophy of selflessness. Even today, the modern warfighter goes into combat without a single worry about his own safety, because he's been trained to only worry about his brothers to his left and right. He doesn't have to worry about himself because he knows that his brothers are worrying about him, just as he is worrying about them. And this is the mindset that human society absolutely NEEDS if it ever hopes to survive.


E.A. Koetting And Conner Kendall #magick #mammon

Black Magicians E.A. Koetting And Conner Kendall Are Summoning Their Most Trusted Demonic Allies To Unlock The Treasury Of The Infernal Empire In Your Life On The New Moon Of September 25
The Wealth Magick Ritual - $499
We will summon our most trusted demonic allies to work hard on your behalf, and both Connor and I will unlock the Treasury of the Infernal Empire and let the many riches of this world and the other spiritual realms flow into your life like a waterfall of abundance.

I, E.A. Koetting, will perform Belphegor’s Wealth Attraction Rite, in which I evoke Belphegor, the infernal demon of sloth, gluttony, and greed to begin working with you and upon you to make your desires known and to bring them to fulfillment. He will seal his sign upon you astrally, which will continuously attract increasingly greater degrees of prosperity and fulfillment.

In my ritual called The Cauldron of Ghob, I, Conner Kendall, shall call upon the Kingdom of the Northern Quadrant, the Watchtower of the Earth, and all the Earthly Elemental energies, powers, and forces shall gather forth rushing into the temple.

The Cauldron of Ghob is an actual astral construct and matrix of earthly power. I first discovered that this Cauldron was astrally made out of a variety of earthly metals, stones, minerals, rock, and stone, possessing a living sentience, and stamped in gold, rubies, diamonds.
Both Connor and I will film our rituals, so you can see and hear everything that happens, and receive any channeled insights that come through us. As soon as the ritual is complete we will begin processing the footage, and will send you a video link within a few days.

The ritual is not fully sealed until you watch the ritual video, as doing so confirms that you willfully accept these supernatural forces into your life. Once you’ve signed up for this ritual, we will bring your name before these Infernal Masters and seal their sign upon your life forever.

James Bailey #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy

When I first started investigating the evidence of alien beings, I was amazed by what I found and immediately sought a scriptural explanation. In my studies, I found testimonies of Christians who had been confronted by this same evidence but were unable to explain it from the scriptures so they committed suicide. It literally blew their mind but it didn’t have to be like that because all the answers were right there all along.
I knew they were not from another planet because I have a list of scriptures proving there is no life on other planets. So if they weren’t angels and weren’t human and weren’t from another planet then history must be repeating as the angels have been up to their old tricks again.
The advanced technology required to genetically engineer hybrid beings and make them look in some cases like little aliens and in other cases like ordinary human beings requires the kind of advanced and forbidden knowledge the fallen angels have possessed from the beginning, so their breeding program is not as far-fetched as it might sound at first. Yet, despite all their great knowledge of heavenly secrets, God did not give angels the essential requirement for any breeding program, which is the womb of a woman. God designed the woman’s womb to do amazing things that no one else, not even angels, can replicate. So human women are an essential component in their breeding program so the angels can mate with human women, just as they’ve been doing from the beginning.

After these women are impregnated, the angels allow them to carry their offspring during the first trimester, which is when the new life is produced and formed. During this time, the womb is still small so women don’t appear to be pregnant and in some cases they don’t even know they’re pregnant. After the first trimester, the angels and their cohorts visit the woman again and remove the offspring to complete the birthing process in their high tech facilities.

Marguerite Rigoglioso PhD #crackpot #magick #moonbat #ufo #quack

I’m thinking of Roe v Wade this week, and my initial concern over what this may mean for women in the already female-disempowering social system that dominates much of the world. This is a system some call patriarchy ~ but I identify it as a program of control originated by hostile interdimensional forces and kept running through coercion, mind manipulation, and rewards to compliant parties.

Among their many other interferences, these controller forces have hidden or hijacked most of humanity’s native bio-spiritual abilities.
I’d like to propose a “third way” of thinking about managing pregnancy that would allow us to leapfrog over either of these alternatives ~ even the need for herbal remedies ~ and thus circumvent the ensuing debates that are once again dividing our human family. I’m inviting us to consider the possibility that women have the high-level ability to conceive or not basically at will, through our conscious intention and fully activated womb powers.

This requires a shift in beliefs about the nature of our biological reality. A return to an understanding of what many of us are calling our Original Divine Human Blueprint.
I call this Lemurian knowledge. Knowledge from our previous feminine-friendly civilization that was located on a now-sunk island in the Pacific Ocean. Knowledge that provided greater safety, consent, and pleasure for all, on all intimate planes.
While we’re in 3D medicalized reality regarding our biology, “choice” can be seen as a pathway for women away from being externally controlled and toward freedom, sovereignty, safety, and liberation. But “choice” can continue evolving into complete body/mind/spirit mastery on the level of 5D and higher.
Lemurian knowledge will also include training for men in how to have orgasms without ejaculating. Yes, this is a well-known technique practiced even by men today, resulting in the sustaining of erections and multi-orgasmic ability.

Wayne Bush #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

"Wayne Bush is the man behind a website dedicated to exploring the question of whether going towards the white light reportedly experienced at death is the best option, or whether it may be a portal to an eventual reincarnation on Earth. Could we be conditioned to trust the light when it really leads us back into an archonic energy farm, or an advanced E.T. controlled soul cycle trap?"

Here is the link to the first hour of the show:


The tpoics we covered in the first hour:

-New movies in the last 7 years that fit the mold
-The Occult Luciferian Meaning of Disney Fairy Tale Princess Maidens
-Loosh, energy harvesting, psychic vampires
-Is The White Light of the NDE An Artificial Intelligence or Hive Mind Computer?
-Deconstructing the "soul school" idea.
-Fractals of God idea, and how it sounds more like AI Data collecting.

The second hour is on PLUS content.

PLUS Content:
-Astral parasite testimonials.
-Insights from the man who met the Demiurge.
-What Wayne plans to do at death instead of going towards the light.
-Occult scrying mirrors and Dr Raymond Moody’s Psychomantiums.
-Light lures in nature.
-The deep layers of knowledge and symbolism with The Never Ending Story.
-Mother Goose, The Cosmic Egg, & The Cygnus Constellation.
-The God Pan, Peter Pan, & The Wind In The Willows.
-Insights from NDEs.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut

RE: Don Lemon FACE MELTS When Brit Says WHITES Deserve Reparations FROM Black People For Ending Slavery

This is perhaps the most hopeful thing I have heard in years. Pushing back against the reparation bullsh*t and telling the truth that these worthless creatures will never own up to.

(Cool PapaJMagik)
Whoever said that is a hero. The antiwhite problem in America is nothing to laugh or poke fun at. Thank you, whoever this is and we need more of this

I've been saying africa owes reparations since I was a kid and as an black American it feels me with joy to hear it. Plus why is viola hyper focused on girl and women soldiers when the concept of child soldiers (mostly boys) are prevalent even today

(Sunaya Kong)
Thank you for doing this show. Here in California they are moving forward with some kind of “reparations” legislation ignoring the details of the history of slavery. Already some land, taken from the owners, has been “given back” to tribes. I have been trying to educate people mostly kids about the first country to put an end to slavery and the biography of William willberforce. When people think of Britain they think of colonialism, but they don’t think about what they sacrificed to actually put an end to slavery, not just in Britain but the world.

(Useful idiom)
I’ve never understood how people think reparations would actually work especially since there were over 6,000 black slaveowners in America alone. Combine that with the fact that only 2% of American landowners actually owned slaves. Add to that only 3% of current day Americans have ancestors who actually lived in the U.S. at the time. And don’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of White Irish slaves.

The INSTANT that she said "the beginning of the supply chain" you could see his face drop... because he KNOWS where it began. He has just spent his whole career pretending not to.

Im shocked that someone actually said this on TV! Maybe people are finally sick of all of this maybe the tides are turning

(James Palmer)
I absolutely LOVED the way Don reacted. It was like she just up & slapped him across the face with a wet fish. He had absolutely NO counter argument or statement to say. NONE.

Zhou Chang-Xing #dunning-kruger #sexist

What the f#@k is this?!

Users flaired as "not FA" are asked not to participate until further notice - r/ForeverAloneWomen

A few months back, we started applying flairs to women who had exes, bfs, husbands, kids etc. But also to women saying they were forever alone but were escorts, strippers, sugar babies etc. Anyone with half a brain can understand that between a FA woman full of complexes and hangups who struggles to take a selfie without crying and a woman who literally get paid to strip naked or fuck, there is a huge gap. Everyone feels lonely at times but thank god not every lonely person is FA.

I don't get it, is she trying to exclude all toilets?

This sounds like it should be a sub-Reddit with 0 users.

For context I was Ecosia'ing the psychology of female social dynamics and their dominance hierarchy after I saw something interesting in Hoofddorp a week ago. Out of curiosity I clicked on some vaguely "Femcel" looking title, I got curious and saw this announcement. Like, are these toilets this delusional?!

Even the ugliest toilet in the world gets more attention and positive reinforcement in a day than St. Sergi from Spain gets in his entire life. These toilets are ridiculously delusional, or ...

These are just (obviously male) Incels Astroturfing pretending to be toilets in the hope that somewhere among the billions of toilets on the planet maybe ONE could understand our loneliness and suffering only to find that none exist and no toilet would ever have either sympathy or empathy for us.

Likewise, we are not the sub for women who want to be alone or who fuck aroud. Some threads are completely taken over by women who clearly suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance, who have insensitive lines of questioning, who clearly don't get it but like the dramatic sound of a madeup internet label. Reading "no one ever liked me" on FAW and "my 3 exes told me the same" elswhere on reddit is a slap in the face.

Like, seriously, isn't this like every Fem"cel" ever?!

IncelKing #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist

RE: Autistic Chad "who can't communicate well" arrested for banging multiple teens.


A man who was already a registered sex offender is now accused of sexually assaulting two minors, and his mother says the alleged victims should have known better. 26-year-old Aleksandr Anatolyevi Rudenko was arrested back on Aug. 30 on five counts related to sex crimes. Lyubov Rudenko says that her son has autism, doesn't communicate well, and that there is no proof that he did anything wrong. The exact circumstances that led to Rudenko's current arrest were not released, but detectives say the two girls he allegedly assaulted were 13 and 17 years old.

Just be chad bro

>$135,000 bail
Holy FUCK that's a lot

Meanwhile there was a FEMALE high school teacher who kidnapped a 15 year old chad and kept him at her house as her sex slave for 3 or 4 days, and she was given $5000 bail, what a joke

Teacher arrested for 'hiding' teen boy in her home for days

The minor who had been missing since August 12 was rescued from the home of 31-year-old Florida teacher Kelly Simpson

So sick of these double standards, this society deserves everything bad that will happen to it in the future

I know it’s the government that creates and implements/enforces the law but the majority of the civilian population supports the government in their law/policy making, so they are guilty as well

He must've had a good personality and communication skills and it's totally not his chiseled jawline and blue eyes.

Here’s your “NT pill” for you
Nigga you ain’t “weird” you’re just ugly/short

NT-pillers on suicide watch

“But muhhhh autism”

If you’re good-looking you can be an autistic retard and still slay

Autism only makes or breaks average-looking men

Ugly men have no chance just based on their looks alone, so autism or not, doesn’t make a difference

EsotericSouthron #crackpot #elitist #magick #wingnut

The most important aspect of monarchy is legitimacy. This is central to all fair discussions of monarchy. When monarchies have "right of conquest" (as Great Britain did) then they do not necessarily reflect a connection to the folk of that land. Subsequently, there is the considerations of whether or not the House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha should rule British people (let alone the House of Hanover; which incited British disregard for the crown--and arguably culminated in the anti-monarchical sentiment of early Americans).

I think it pertinent to the discussion that people more fully appreciate what legitimacy means. King Arthur, for instance, was a legitimate king. In ancient monarchies, legitimacy was based on whether or not the king had "magical" powers ("magic" is simply related to the word for "make," and denotes a level of spiritual advancement). The Danish House of Skjoldung, for instance, traced back to Odin; who, according to some theories, was a legitimate historical king with supernatural powers.

I understand that some people will find this to be quackery or unbelievable. But consider that there are scientific institutes (such as dedicated to the study of psychic phenomenon. Physics has, to some degree, been forced to acknowledge that there is a connection between consciousness and changes in the material universe. That is, as ancient people understood it, called "magic" (and part of the phenomenon linked behind events like this: Legitimate kings had literal (not mythical) spiritual power. This is why the ancient test for a legitimate king demanded that the king be able to perform what humans today would consider miracles.

As strange as this might sound to some of y'all, monarchs who do not have a degree of unity with spiritual forces are, fundamentally, degenerated from the spiritual reality, and are too enmeshed with materialism to be trustworthy. The ancient rite of passing on a divine heir is also mostly lost to them. I'm a monarchist, yet must acknowledge that usurpers sit on the throne.

National Socialist Movement #dunning-kruger #racist

[From "Fun Facts about White People!"]

White people are unarguably the most beautiful and most physically attractive humans on earth. I can honestly understand the extreme jealousy of Blacks[…]Black…simply…is…not…beautiful!On this point I imagine, everyone secretly agrees. Whites are also the nicest, most polite and most enjoyable people to be around. Whenever a non-White obtains wealth, what's the first thing he does? He finds a White wife and moves into a White neighborhood![…]
Whites can have natural hair of black, brown, yellow, orange, red, silver or white. Whites can have eyes of black, brown, hazel, amber, blue, green, gray, violet or red. Whites truly are the peacocks of the human race! Non-Whites generally have many shades from black to brown, as their only natural color variations. And they are comically referred to as people of color[…]Evolution on glaciers in Europe, for tens of thousands of years during the last ice age, forced this evolutionary advancement, which expressed in Whites as more brain matter, about 5.5cm3 additional brain tissue located in the prefrontal cortex, a cognitive improvement not seen in races that evolved nearer to the equator. This is why White people perform better academically across the board. Asians for example, may be able to replicate almost every White innovation in existence, but they are themselves unable to do much more than copy[…]
Psychologist John C. Raven[…]developed Raven's Progressive Matrices, an intelligence test instrument that uses no language and no math, it is simply a series of picture puzzles of increasing complexity. Since standardized test results correlate extremely well with Raven's results, we may conclude the Black/White IQ gap is not caused by White racism[…]
Whites truly are, by every metric that you can name, the absolute masters of the human race

Philosophy Freshman Syndrome Award

TERF Edition

divinedionne #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #pratt

It's only illogical if you never carefully thought about the difference between a concept and a human being. Between the ego and your essential human essence.

Celebrities are a good example because they have larger-than-life personal brands (concepts) that often obscure their humanity. For example, a superstar like Beyonce is associated with certain concepts in people's imaginations: glamour, sexiness, icon, being a diva etc.

She's so heavily associated with these things that people might use her name as a substitute for saying these words. They might look at an outfit and say "That's so Beyonce" or a way of dancing, behavior, and movement and say "That's Beyonce-esq".

Yet, if you were to take it one step further and say "I identify as a Beyonce" people would find it odd. Because they recognize that although Beyonce is heavily associated with some concepts, she's also a distinct human being. And to" identify as" her is almost like saying she's more of an idea than a real, living breathing person.

Yet, this is precisely what the concept of gender does to women. It takes ideas and aesthetics commonly associated with female human beings (softness, feminity, wearing dresses, certain hairsyles, nurturing a child etc) and uses those things as a substitute for actual living breathing human females walking this earth. This is the reason why gender has been defined as a tool of sexist oppression wielded against women.

To "identify as" Beyonce Knowles-Cater I would have to first remove her humanity (her distinct human thoughts, emotions, ideas, livingness, beingness) and flatten her into a concept, an idea, behaviors, styles of dress, movements that I can embody.

This is what every male who "identifies as" female does. Without exception. And it would be one thing if they did it to cope with some mental illness. But now "You don't need dysphoria to be trans". It's the normalization of female dehumanization.

Ok bye.

furyosa , BlueToyotaTacoma & Vasilisa #transphobia

To the handmaidens of the 'Be Kind' brigade
She said 'Be kind' to the children protesting displays of their male teacher's fetish

She said 'Be kind' to the female athlete protesting the male athelete winning her race

She said 'Be kind' to the woman protesting a man's presence in her communal showers

She said 'Be kind' to the hospitalized woman protesting a man's presence in her ward

She said 'Be kind' to the raped woman protesting a man's presence in her shelter

She said 'Be kind' to the imprisoned woman protesting a male rapist sharing her cell

She said 'Be kind' but the kindness she's demanding only goes one way

She said 'Be kind' as she lay prostrate before her male masters

We said 'No' as we will not join you in your prostration

We said 'No' as we stand for women's sex based rights

( BlueToyotaTacoma )
It's why I have decided to stop feeling guilty all the time. My dad tried to make me feel like shit because he has a way of making his victims feel like they're the perpetrators. He is a narcissist and these men are the same. I don't owe anything to narcissistic men and neither do any of you. I don't care if he calls me a "little shit," a "manipulator," or anything else. Similarly, I don't care if they call me a "transphobe" or "bigot" or whatever. These men are just as bad as my dad. They are exactly the same kind of toxic person.

I'm sick of being made to feel small by men. When it comes to narcissists I'd rather be an "asshole" than a handmaiden.

(Vasilisa )
I felt so moved reading this. I think it encapsulates, in a very concise form, what it means to be a woman. I’m thinking here of the fact that I too was in the “be kind” brigade. We are conditioned to be so and much as I regret this, it was hard to unlearn - if it’s even possible to unlearn completely.

I see the “we” in the last verses as being a union of the “she”’s in the first verses. It’s finding a collective that gives strength, conviction and “class consciousness” to (some) women (like me. Others may not need it, and brava to them!).

I will save it to reread, (yes) thank you, furyosa.

FailedArtist , ATF & HikikunDeformis #transphobia #racist

defending troons is against the rules now
users who defend troons, or say retarded stuff like "troons are based" will get warnings, and then will get banned if keep insisting on this retardation. nuff said


Based. I remember that Phreddy guy was defending troons to the death, thank god the forum reset and his acc was deleted.

after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

I hope old posts don't count. I have lost all sympathy for these assholes, they are getting extremely authoritarian. I defended them strongly before, I've since made myself more informed about them, they've exceeded all limits in my eyes and can fuck off.


after the kf controversy i cannot tolerate troons being defended, troons are literally destroying the internet and censoring everything.

Man I hate trannies more than you but I am not upset about this case at all. Kiwifags used to go on incel websites and larped as users and tried to dox our members. Finally trannies did to them what we couldn't do all these years ago.

I don't like nigger rioters either but when they are curb stomping some white liberal traitor I also don't mind their antics as much. Or when a nigger kills a mudshark and her mixed race children.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia

Endless death and rape threats, threats of loss of livelihood, employers targeted, physical harassment, family address posted online with picture of bomb-making manual aren't 'mean comments'. If you don't yet understand what happens to women who stand up on this issue, back off.

Respectfully -- and I sincerely mean respectfully -- you need to fall back and support men like Matt Walsh. You're not built for this conflict. The failure and cowardice of men got us into this mess. Matt is standing up. You need to support him. Men have to fix this.

Respectfully, I've been facing down the Punch-and-Kill-TERFs brigade for a while now and not once have I thought, 'what I really want is to hand this over to a man who thinks feminism is one of the worst things to happen to western civilisation.' 1/4

Like many women on the left, I despair that so many self-proclaimed liberals turn a blind eye to the naked misogyny of the gender identity movement and the threat it poses to the rights of women and girls. Walsh's film undeniably exposed what many leftists are too scared to, 2/4

but a shared belief that women exist as a biological class (and water's wet and the moon's not made of cheese) does not an ally make. I believe women are susceptible to certain harms and have specific needs and that feminism is necessary to secure and protect our rights. 3/4

Walsh believes feminism is 'rotten' and his default appears to be denigrating women with whom he disagrees. He's no more on my side than the 'shut up or we'll bomb you' charmers who cloak their misogyny in a pretty pink and blue flag. 4/4

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

Most people's understanding of sexual degeneracy is limited to just LGBT.

They don't see that even treating sex like a recreational amusement, simply sleeping around for the sake of "sexual experience", is also sexual degeneracy.

A lot of people who rage against degeneracy are degenerates themselves. They just prefer their own brand of degeneracy, and only oppose select others.

@Nature_and_Race “yeah, I’m cool with casual sex and prostitution and people using sex as a weapon, but when it’s not strictly hetero is where I draw the line!!!”

Agreed. People need to be willing to purge all uncleanliness and deprived actions, not just those that don’t impact themselves personally.

@Nature_and_Race Apparently hetero degeneracy is OK to a lot of people, it's just same-sex degeneracy they don't like. It's all disgusting.

@Nature_and_Race Some of us are 'reformed' degenerates, or trying to be 'reformed.' Despite not being a "Christian tradfam," my wife and I have had better relations (emotional, spiritual, and physical) since I started the redpill journey. I have been the better husband, the better man, the better leader of the family. Our best years happened following my embrace of National Socialism.

@RebelPrepper1 @Nature_and_Race TRUTH!
And well stated. Same here! 14 WORDS

@Nature_and_Race True! Fornication is jewish just like faggotry.

Every time I hear a woman talk about how many dudes they’ve slept with (usually at least 10), or hear a mom give the godawful advice that gorls need to go through a “ho phase”, I die a little inside

@Nature_and_Race I don't even think in terms of degeneracy so much in that sense as I do more so as in the whole of the race. We've been selecting for good looks, income and who can survive best under a capitalist framework, that's degenerate to me in the overall grand scheme of things. Really the best way is to incentivize breeding for higher intelligence, fitness of mind and body etc. as it is there's no limits and we've bred legions of idiots, smoothbrains and insane people all who think they have the same right to everything everyone else does merely because they exist.

Various commenters #wingnut

Its about time.........

It starts with just ONE.....

spoilerBREAKING: The Kettle Moraine School
Board in Wisconsin has voted
unanimously to ban political displays
including Pride/BLM flags in
classrooms, as well as banning staff
from saying in emails what their
preferred pronouns are.

@Carryingmarine The only pride statement that should be allowed is pride in the American Flag.

@Carryingmarine How about a vote in favor of bringing Christian prayer back? When will we stop compromising with the enemy and calling it a win?

@Carryingmarine Sad state of affairs when crap like this requires a rule to be made.

@Carryingmarine honestly the preferred pronoun thing should be easy to shut down, it's such a farce, all it would take was people declaring that their pronouns are we/ our or "fuck you". Better yet just use "liar" as the pronoun for anyone's who don't align with reality.

@Carryingmarine Except displaying the American flag. ALL public schools should be required to fly our flag. I’m tired of people saying that the American flag is racist or offensive. If the American flag offends you, you are in the WRONG country. Don’t let the door hit you on your ass on the way out. (SPIT)

@Carryingmarine They will need AR's on campus under lock/key now that they pissed off the queers!! Check with South Carolina on how to do it.

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