
All about the Gay Agenda

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

At the writing of the following article, homosexuality was thankfully still a punishable crime in 72 countries...


Unfortunately, that is quickly changing due to international pressure from leaders like President Donald Trump...


We will see much more escalation of the sin of homosexuality in all its vile disgusting forms in the years ahead, if the Lord tarries. We are increasingly seeing effeminate male sissies and masculine female dykes everywhere in public today. It is repulsive!

Do you know what is the saddest thing of all, and grieves the great heart of God? I believe it is that many of the churches in America are indifferent toward sin, many even embracing the LGBTQ agenda! They are indifferent toward the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions, that pervert the Gospel and errantly redefine what it means to repent. Why Would Someone Who Truly Loves Jesus Christ, Support Corrupt Bibles That Reduce Him? The apostate Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has fallen prey to heretics like Rick Warren, Steven Furtick, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Beth Moore, as well as leftist political agendas. The SBC is today only a shell of its former self and has become an arena for apostates and false teachers to thrive in. God's curse in upon the SBC! In addition, the Satanic SBC published their own new Bible revision in 2017, called the “Christian Standard Bible” (CSB) that is GENDER-INCLUSIVE! To Hell with the Southern Baptist Convention and their 15,000,000 apostate members!!! God hates sin and is 100% against the LGBTQ community!!!

Graham Seibert #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut amren.com

Marry Your Own Kind

We can marry whomever we want. Anti-miscegenation laws are gone, and social norms have been relaxed. “Empowered” women, sexual liberation, and lesbianism mean there are fewer white women available or desirable as wives. White men are looking elsewhere, especially to Asian women.

There is a bitter backlash from white women who resent this, but nobody wants to marry a bitter woman. The “manosphere” is full of complaints about white women, so why should a white man marry one? I was married for eight years to an Asian and for 25 years to a half Asian (three children), and am now ten years into a successful marriage (two kids) with a white woman. Marrying your own kind — after choosing carefully — makes the most sense.

I have read widely on evolution. Survival of the fittest means differentiation and competition. The strategies that work best win out.

Sarah Blaffer Hrdy writes that human reproductive strategy was simply better than that of our ape ancestors. Nonreproducing females — sisters, aunts, grandmothers — help raise children. Human males do the same, at least more so than male apes. Human mothers can therefore bear children every two years or so as opposed to every five or six for apes. We out-bred apes, and with homo sapiens’ unique ability to speak and cooperate, other ape-men as well.

Real diversity

In Race, Evolution and Behavior Philippe Rushton applied r/K strategy to races. We evolved different reproductive strategies because we occupy different niches. Northeast Asians — fighting a harsh but predictable climate — became the most K selected. Africans, in a benign but unpredictable environment because of disease and predators, remained the most r selected.

Families reflect these differences. Asian “tiger moms” invest a great deal of effort in each child. Every member of a multigenerational Asian family recognizes that he must work towards bringing up the next generation. More than other people, Asians fulfill their roles out of a sense of duty. One of the attractions of an Asian wife is that sense of duty. Asian wives tend to feel obligated to feed their husbands, whether they like them or not, and to take care of children.

On the other hand, libido is weaker among the K-selected Asians. The newspapers carry stories of young Japanese and Chinese of both sexes who have no interest in sex. They are more likely to be faithful, but perhaps less likely to be satisfying partners. These are population averages; there is far more variation within a race than between the races.

Africans on average have measurably higher levels of sex hormones, mature earlier, and tend to have higher sex drives compared to Asians, but they don’t feel the Asian sense of obligation to spouses and children.

Caucasians are in between, although a bit more toward the Asian end of the scale. Stanford’s Luigi Cavalli Sforza has devised a scheme of measuring the genetic distance between any two populations. The genetic distances between the major races are much greater than those between any two European nations. Since our temperaments are under considerable genetic control, we are more likely to understand a fellow European at a deep level. That has certainly been my experience.

True love

Some things do not fall on the r/K continuum. We white folks came to believe in love and romance.

James Q. Wilson, writing in The Marriage Problem, attributed the notion of marrying for love to the medieval English practice of a young man moving out of the parental house to start his own homestead. When he was established and could afford it, he went out on his own to seek a wife among the local girls. He would choose on the basis of personal attraction, without much input from parents or anybody else.

Kevin MacDonald, writing in Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, pushes the practice back further. He links it to the individualism of the hunter gatherers of preagricultural Europe. Each individual rose on his own merits in the “Männerbund,” or brotherhood of men. These were egalitarian societies in which individual merit mattered more than family.

Dr. MacDonald proposes that monogamy was the standard in these societies. Individuals living close to nature don’t have enough resources to support multiple wives, and sexual rivalries would have destroyed the cohesion of the Männerbund. Both parties chose carefully because they were marrying for life. They wanted someone who was skillful at manly or womanly tasks, but also pleasant to be with. The Catholic Church, a uniquely Western institution, promoted monogamous marriage as a sacred bond, based on love, dedicated to raising children — Augustine’s fides, proles et sacramentum.

That sets Europe in contrast to the rest of the world. In richer societies elsewhere, families chose mates for their offspring to keep wealth within the family. They arranged marriages for the competitive advantage of the tribe. In some places, such as among the Indians of the Brazilian rain forest, chiefs simply assigned marriage partners. All members of a tribe were so closely related by blood that it didn’t make much difference genetically.

The upshot is that romantic love is a Western notion, and we white people evolved the mental equipment to make it work. We believe in love. While the Japanese have made a fetish out of sending Valentine’s Day cards, and the Africans certainly celebrate sex, we lead in our belief in love. Moreover, Western societies were unique in the status afforded to women. We evolved to treat them as true partners, not just status symbols or incubators of our children.

Belief in love is not an unmixed blessing. Westerners are uniquely disappointed when we don’t find it. An Asian man will remain with the wife of his youth and simply take concubines if he can afford them. Sex in African societies is unconstrained. Native Americans likewise consider fidelity to the tribe to be more important than fidelity to their partner.

We Westerners have put ourselves in a bind. Western women have grown to expect that they can have it all: a family and the true love that society celebrates and that their ancestors knew, along with freedom and a career. Sometimes it all fits, often not.

Before the 1950s, sex was seen as part of marriage, not an end in itself. People were expected to fulfill their obligations to each other in the marriage, especially with regard to earning money, keeping house, raising children, and paying bills. Satisfaction came from fulfilling obligations to family and society, not sex.

Hugh Hefner started Playboy magazine in 1953, and in the same decade, Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex. The 1960s saw Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, along with the pill, the sexual revolution, the antiwar counterculture, and drugs. The emphasis turned to self-gratification, with sex becoming a plaything more than an instrument of procreation as part of a larger, social commitment. Sex became burdened with expectations it could never fulfill, leading to generations of unfulfilled men and women. This is how we arrived at today’s situation.


The children of a mixed marriage are . . . mixed. My one-fourth Japanese children called themselves “mixers” — neither Asian nor white. However, when pressed, because being white is so monumentally out-of-favor, they lean toward their Japanese quarter.

If the genetic distance between the parents is great enough, the parents will be genetically closer to members of their own race than to their own children — hard as that may be to believe.

I had hoped my children would inherit their mother’s Asian work ethic and conscientiousness and my drive and curiosity. I was disappointed. Is this common? Anecdotally, I do not see as many successful mixed-race Asian Americans as one would expect.

Only one of my mixed-race children inherited the sense of romantic love I got from my parents. She is also inclined to be critical of men who don’t have an Asian level of conscientiousness. I believe that she and, indeed, all three of them would be more comfortable if they were not mixed.

There is unlikely to be a statistical study of the characteristics of Asian-Caucasian “mixers.” It is hard to imagine a more politically charged research thesis. Moreover, a rigorous statistical study would be very hard to construct. And there is the question of which Asians? Profs. Lynn and Vanhanen find that the average intelligence in Asian nations varies by as much as 20 points.

Children of any mixed marriage find themselves in the same position as my children. Are they white or Asian? Or, like George Zimmerman, white or Latino? There may never be statistical validation of this point, but it is common sense to stick with your own kind and to have children who don’t have to decide who they are.

What’s the solution?

To make ourselves attractive as marriage partners, we white people should learn once again to act responsibly. We should learn to respect each another. We should learn that true satisfaction comes from family. But what can you do if you want marriage and children when there are so few well-suited partners?

Look in the right places. Find religion. People who attend church are more likely to believe in the Christian tradition of monogamous marriage and family. Take on a self-improvement program: People who attend Toastmasters or take night courses are more likely to be just as conscientious in their romantic relationships. The people you will meet at Dale Carnegie or dance lessons are more likely to be outgoing and interested in forming stable relationships.

If you are a woman, you should attend American Renaissance conferences, where you will find many like-minded men. You will find younger people in identitarian groups. Don’t just attend — take leadership roles. Learn to speak publicly. If a person’s first impression is looking up at you on a podium, he might continue looking up at you.

You can expect the commenters on articles at American Renaissance to be on your wavelength. There are ways to protect your privacy — burner email addresses, SIM cards and Skype numbers — and still let people know how to reach you. The odds of finding a soulmate among people interested in the future of our people are certainly higher than on Tinder or eHarmony.

Millennial YouTube personalities such as Brittany Sellner (formerly Brittany Pettibone) and Blonde in the Belly of the Beast have an attractive message. Join the commenters on their YouTube pages or Mrs. Sellner’s book and make contact with them.

After my second divorce, I was too old to do these things. As a graduate student on an American campus from 2003 to 2006, I didn’t find anyone who would have interested me even if I had been young enough to be in the running. Two poignant books, “Sexual Utopia In Power” by Roger Devlin and “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer pretty well sum up my experience.

The logical choice for me was to look elsewhere. While there are substantial white populations in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and southern Brazil, the largest number by far are in Europe. Women in just about every less-developed or recently-developed country, whatever their race, are less affected by cultural disease than women in the United States and Western Europe. Moreover, an American income is also more attractive to them.

I consider the Visegrad countries — Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the Baltics to be recently developed. Although their standards of living approach those of Western Europe, the people remain traditional. I am continually encouraged by their resistance to the dictates from the European Union that they take immigrants. They are standing their ground, asserting that they are Christian countries and want to stay that way. The former members of the Soviet Union — Russia itself, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine — might properly be considered underdeveloped. Average monthly salaries are less than $1,000. Though Western culture is making inroads, these peoples are still better marriage prospects.

Although most people think going abroad means American men looking for foreign brides, it works the other way. The men in these countries are more traditional. They tend to be more courtly, more inclined to observe the traditional courtesies such as opening doors. They can fix things. They expect to marry, the major constraint being whether they can afford it. At the same time, the characteristics now called “toxic masculinity” haven’t been beaten out of them. A white woman looking for a real man — with both the advantages and disadvantages — could do worse than Eastern Europe.

University has always been an ideal stage of life at which to meet a partner. All of Europe has a tradition of relatively inexpensive education. Here in Ukraine, education is ridiculously cheap — the most expensive schooling is about $5,000 per year for medical school. Moreover, at some universities, a lot of the courses are offered in English. A parent interested in the prospects of grandparenthood and the well-being of his wallet could do worse than to recommend that his children study overseas. Although it will probably take longer if the language of instruction is not English, the knowledge of a foreign language will be a lifelong asset, the experience with a foreign culture invaluable, and the possibility of a delightful (and philogenitive) partner is valuable.

Racial diversity brings differences that are hard to overcome in any context, differences that are on constant display in the United States and Western Europe. Marriage is the most intimate possible human relationship. The difference between men and women is already profound, and bridging it is challenge enough for any couple. As I have learned from costly experience, it does not make sense to burden a relationship with the added differences of miscegenation. Marry your own kind.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist christorchaos.com

While I admit right readily that there will be no getting the “toothpaste back in the tube” again if one of the socialists vying for the presidential nomination of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist left winds up getting elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, it is only a matter of time before one of their number does managed to capture the White House. The demographics of the country are changing, and the very fact that the likes of the Jewish-born atheist and supporter of Marxism-Leninism despite labeling himself as merely a “socialist,” something that is evil in and of itself, United States Senator Bernard John Sanders (Independent, People’s Republic of Vermont), has the kind of enthusiastic support that he does is yet another proof of the effective nature of the ideological brainwashing and programming that has been taking place in America’s concentration camps, which go by the official euphemism of “public schools,” and of the constant drumbeat of leftism that is promoted by the so-called entertainment industry and by the mainslime media.

Another contributing factor to the rise of the “left” is the very prominent role played by the lords of conciliarism and their embrace of the naturalist, religiously indifferentist, Pelagian and anti-Incarnational civil state of Modernity that is the logical byproduct of Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry. Most, although not all, of the formerly Catholic elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities and graduate and professional schools are run by “leftists” of one sort or another, which is why the curriculum of formerly Catholic educational institutions is almost indistinguishable from their state-run counterparts.

The lies of “global climate warming” and environmentalism, statism, socialism, communism, relativism, utilitarianism, materialism, hedonism, religious indifferentism, pantheism, paganism and positivism are interwoven into the very fabric of public programs of state-sponsored, taxpayer subsidized indoctrination and ideological programming, noting that it is parishioners in formerly Catholic parishes in the control of the conciliar revolutionaries who subsidize the systematic destruction of even vestigial remains of the sensus Catholicus by lying about, misrepresenting and distorting the genuine history of the Catholic Church while extolling every false religion and atheism itself as superior to the true Faith. The sin of Sodom and all its perverted vices are now being promoted by the very same kind of ideologues whose predecessors sought to undermine the inherent innocence and purity of children by immersing them even in “pre-school” programs in the most vile, vulgar instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, an immersion that is continued throughout the indoctrination process. Loads upon loads of children thus indoctrinated have grown up to be “Bernie Bros” or supporters of that eminent Biblical “scholar,” the sodomite named Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, the reprobate who remains in perfectly standing in the counterfeit structures of conciliarism Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the hideous screech of a socialist who advanced her career by touting herself as having “Native American” heritage, Elizabeth Ann Herring Warren Mann (Madam Pocahontas: My late mother’s race is listed as American Indian on her marriage and death certificates, a categorization based on her adoptive maiden name as Norma Florence Red Fox, whose adoptive father was a vaudevillian performed who claimed, falsely, to be a Sioux Indian chieftain, but I never once used these documents in any manner as to do so would be to engage in a deception such as the one you perpetrated to boost your own career), the egregious pro-abort and a serial thrower of binder and temper tantrums (see Former Kobuchar Staffers Complain of Mistreatment and Bad Temper) named United States Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar Bessler or, among the other minor played, Michael Rubens “Nanny State” Bloomberg, about whom an entire section of this commentary will be devoted. Those devoid of any understanding of First and Last Things are prone to seeking utopia on earth, heedless of the fact that the entirety of creation has been resent asunder by Original Sin and is worsened further still by the Actual Sins of men. Such people are likely to blame the Cornavirus, no matter its probable origins in a Red Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, or the locusts that have devoured entire farms in Africa before passing into Dubai and traveling to Red China itself on the current president of the United States of America, Donald John Trump, rather than see them as plagues sent by the good God to chastise His rational creatures so that those who are in need of conversion will do so and those members of His true Church who have lapsed into Mortal Sins and show no sign of repentance or a desire to amend their lives will to go Confession and do penance for their sins.

Sadder still, the lies of Americanism are propagated even in many fully traditional Catholic venues, predisposing the young to believe that “democracy” provides us with an “opportunity” to thwart the very evils that have received protection under the cover of the civil law and are promoted with abandon throughout all the crooks and nannies of what passes for popular culture precisely because of the lie called “popular sovereignty.” Such Catholics are taught, whether wittingly or unwittingly, to seek their secular salvation, if you will, in “conservatism” and to believe that an election will hold back the gates of hell if it turns out the “right” way.

Despite all the agitation, however, evil keeps getting advanced in greater or lesser increments. It is not exactly “good” that President Donald John Trump, who has certainly been and continues to be the target of disinformation campaigns and the politically-driven prosecution of people in his orbit in whom he placed unwarranted trust as he did not care about their amoral ways, has appointed a sodomite, Richard Allen Grenell, currently the United States Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, to be the United States Director of National Intelligence.

The “lesser evil,” if not an absolute “good” or “essential” in the eyes of many of those who support the president reflexively and without any degree of critical evaluation, has done much to mainstream the homosexual collective’s agenda. It is tragic that so few seem to care or notice that silence about the incremental increase of evil is blameworthy as it is easy to speak out against the caricatures of evil that are seeking the nomination of an organized crime family of naturalism that would have warmed the hearts of the late Eugene Victor Debs, still late Norman Mattoon Thomas or the equally late Arvo Kustaa Halberg (Gus Hall). It is not easy to avoid being blinded by the excitement of the moment. One must come to realize that the dangers to one’s nation, no less one’s own immortal soul, are usually crafted by the adversary to advance evils so gradually as to go undetected until they become part of everyday living. In other words, according to the adage, “the devil without his tail is more dangerous than the devil with his tail.”

Scott Lively #wingnut #homophobia wnd.com

There comes a time in the evolution of the progressive agenda when true conservatives should stop using the "slippery slope" argument because the place we've degenerated to should be condemned as is. That's our situation today where the hero we're rallying behind to fight the progressive agenda has embraced one of its most insidious and destructive tenets. I'm talking about President Trump's appointment of open and unrepentant homosexual Richard Grenell to the position of acting director of national intelligence.

The insidious and destructive tenet of progressivism I'm referencing is "Sexual Orientation Theory" – a fake science invented by progressive political strategists for the purpose of normalizing LGBT lifestyles and de-normalizing the natural family. It has even less legitimacy than "climate change science."

Frankly, if Richard Grenell kept his sexual proclivities to himself and told people to mind their own business about his private life, I'd be more inclined to consider the "merit based" arguments for his nomination (though at first glance his resume falls far short of qualifying him for this position). But the minute he went public about his homosexual domestic partnership, he became a Marxist change agent, his very presence in public life an argument that a homosexual "orientation" is equivalent to normal sexuality. (Who in American history has ever wanted that goal? It wasn't the conservatives!)

When Grenell did that, he crossed the line from expecting reasonable tolerance from our genuinely magnanimous live-and-let-life society to demanding public acceptance. And in taking that step he also implicitly endorsed the progressive strategy of celebrating his "out" lifestyle as social progress, forcibly integrating it into society, and punishing those who object.

Yukon Jack #racist #conspiracy #ufo #homophobia #crackpot theuniverseisaprisonforthesoul.wordpress.com

Now once you wrap your mind around what is really going down on earth, do you really want to whoreship your creators, the space alien race who made us in a test tube? Do you really want to pray, on your hands or knees for space pricks who made us slaves for their own sexual degeneracy? No? I didn’t think so, get off your knees and open your heart and mind to what is really going on.



So let me clue you into the real nature of those that created us, just take a look at morally degenerate Israel, the holy land of queers and sexual deviants who view themselves as superior to all the other races (breeds) and think nothing of watching Palestinians living in squalor on the other side of the wall and getting cut down with .223 M-16s made in Amerika. What you are seeing with your own eyes is God’s great creation.

These chosen ones are closer to God, they are more like God, they have more alien DNA, which is why they are more sexually deviant, more heartless, more cruel, more manipulative, more harsh and punitive. What they really are is less human and more Anunnaki, and when you pray to God you are making these monsters your God. The Jew holy book says God created us from dirt; no, that is false; God created hybrid abominations, a totally damned mud specie.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia twitter.com

Joe St. George: Powerful moment (better audio): 9 year old Zachary Ro of Lone Tree asks @PeteButtigieg how he can be brave and tell people he is gay too

Bryan Fischer: Why Buttigieg must not be allowed anywhere near the White House. He's a one man recruiting machine, normalizing the crime against nature to nine-year-old children. Pete, according to Jesus, is going to wind up at the bottom of the sea with a millstone tied round his neck.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #wingnut kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com

The Youth and the Times

I went to the corner store this morning and it was as usual. There was a teen girl there (I THINK it was a girl) with her younger sisters or cousins, and they were buying snacks for their school lunches. This was not at all unusual; in fact it brought me back to the days when I took my children to school and we stopped at the store to buy snacks. What struck me was the way the teenager spoke, telling them to “hurry up, f***.” That disgusted me right then and there. The way the young people talk nowadays, it’s as if cursing means absolutely nothing to them except to appear “cool.” Well, young potty-mouth, God doesn’t approve of your profanity.

Fact is, the Devil has taken his evils towards the youth to an extreme that is even strange for him. Not only are our kids completely clueless about the Bible, but they think all of today’s atrocities as normal. They don’t know any better. Nobody has enough guts or insight to tell them cursing is wrong. They hear all kinds of filthy noise on the stereo and they sing along, because they don’t know any better.

I thought about how the public schools no longer teach our children, they indoctrinate our children. That means they teach them everything but the Bible– that sex is cool and makes you look good, that gay rights are for everyone should they choose to become queers, that evolution is a fact and not the religion that it is, and other satanic subjects that idiotic, brainwashed teachers tell their classes every school day. The public school I went to back in the 1970’s wasn’t perfect, but at least back then there were still a few morals passed down to both students and teachers alike. Nowadays, schools are hellholes of communism and anarchy and our children are left to themselves afterward. Why do you think there’s so much crime today? It’s because our kids have no Godly restraint, and they’re bored. They’re not taught to work or to have manners, but they sit around engulfing their moldable minds in satanic video games, or watching profane TV shows like South Park and Family Guy, or seeing grown men kiss and fondle each other on camera. It’s NORMAL to them. You think the Devil isn’t behind all of this? If so, God says you’re a fool.

I won’t elaborate on how child trafficking is thriving, because that’s for another post and I’m mad enough at the Devil as it is. But if parents and neighbors watched out for their kids better and sat outside with them, this wouldn’t happen. It’s both an outrage and an awful sin that is the direct result of the woeful lack of Bible preaching and teaching today. SHAME!!

Atavistic Autist #sexist #racist #homophobia incels.is

[JFL] Incels are called "psychopaths" for analyzing society and advocating for a more ethical order, while actual psychopaths are loved by normies and foids

I just came across this thread on le Reddit, which argues that the amount of psychopaths/sociopaths/antisocial people in society is severely underestimated, which is a proposition I would agree with.

But the example the OP uses for unappreciated psychopaths is... us. JFL

Learning how social dynamics operate, especially as it concerns female nature (which our soyciety not only allows but encourages to be totally uninhibited and unrestrained), and detesting it as "brutal" and "cruel" is not psychopathy.

Psychopaths are the ones who prosper in modern society, and are enlivened by brutality and cruelty, not the ones who are victimized by it. The free-for-all environments of the feminist "sexual marketplace" and the capitalist economic marketplace are their playgrounds, where they are the bullies and we are the bullied. By virtue of being as exploitative and parasitic as possible in intent, yet extremely charming in affect, psychopaths automatically excel with foid-bloodsuckers and their equivalents in the social climbing game: rapacious, greedy scum in corporations and manipulative liars in politics.

Just take Pete Butt as an example. He is the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, and he is a literal psychopath. Since the age of 6 year old, he has been completely enamored by the need to climb the social ladder and become the most powerful man in the world. Virtually everything he's done in his life has had that end in mind: to build a resume which would qualify him for the presidency, and establish its superficial credentials, while internally he believes in nothing but his own ambitions for the ultimate reigns of authority. He would be the youngest president to ever take office. And normie and foid voters are actually letting him get as close as he is to his goal!

Pete Butt is also gay, something which he did not admit until it became politically expedient for him.

I'm a psychopath for complaining about being lonely, but a dude pummeling his gf every day and all the thugs getting laid are good people.

Yeah okay.

Men scoring higher in psychopathic traits tended to receive higher ratings from women
Brazil, KJ. Forth AE. 2019. Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire: Formulating and Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp 1-18. [Abstract]

Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Vicary AM, Fraley, RC. 2010. Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1): 81-86. [Abstract] [FullText]

Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
It was found that a greater likelihood of being the perpetrator of bullying behavior was correlated with a greater sexual partner count. However, due to the nature of the study it was impossible to tell if the mediating factor in this relationship was the bullying itself, or the HEXACO personality traits that are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in this behavior, specifically the trait 'Honesty-Humility', that was found to being generally lower among bullies. This personality trait has also generally been found to be related to the 'dark triad' traits.

Volk AA, Dane AV, Zopito AM, Vaillancourt T. 2015. Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology. [FullText]
Provenzano DA, Dane AV, Farrell AH, Marini Z, Volk AA. 2017. Do Bullies Have More Sex? The Role of Personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science. [FullText]

Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

Palmer CT, Tilley CF. 1995. Sexual Access to Females as a Motivation For Joining Gangs: An Evolutionary Approach. The Journal of Sex Research, 32(3):213-217. [Abstract] [FullText]
Mocan N, Tekin E. 2006. Ugly Criminals. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 12019. [FullText]

Male serial killers, terrorists, and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women in prison

Fimrite P, Taylor M. 2005. No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row / Experts ponder why deadliest criminals get so many proposals. SF Gate. [News]
Gurian EA. 2013. Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18(5): 520-526. [Abstract]

Criminal and anti-social men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Ellis L, Walsh A. 2000. Criminology: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition. pp 227: Table 8.11. [References]

Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters—Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD)—were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented their sufferers with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.
Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.

Gutiérrez F, Gárriz M, Peri JM, Ferraz L, Sol D, Navarro JB, Barbadilla A, Valdés M. 2013. Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34(1): 41-48.

39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Gacono C, Meloy JR, Sheppard K, Speth E, Roske A. 1995. A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 23(3): 387-397. [FullText]

Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Researchers sought to evaluate niceness by defining it as: "a characteristic that may signal to potential partners that one understands, values and supports important aspects of their self-concept and is willing to invest resources in the relationship." In other words, niceness is the degree to which a person understands, values, and supports his partner's identity and values and is willing to put commitment and effort into the relationship. This is also known in psychology as "responsiveness."
The researchers found that men who perceived possible female partners as responsive found them to be "more feminine and more attractive." They also found that when men found women to be responsive, it led to a heightened sexual arousal from the men and greater desire for a relationship.
On the other hand, when women perceived their male partner to be more responsive, they were less attracted to the man.

Birnbaum GE, Ein-Dor T, Reis HT, Segal N. 2014. Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(10): 1341-1353. [Abstract]
Mejia P. 2014. Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around. Newsweek. [News]
Judge TA, Livingston BA, and Hurst C. 2012. Do nice guys—and gals—really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income. [Abstract]

Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
It was found that high degrees of female narcissism predicted a decline in marital quality and satisfaction over time. However, male narcissism did not negatively affect marital quality or satisfaction.
This would seem to imply men are greatly bothered by narcissistic wives, but women are not so typically bothered by narcissistic husbands. This conclusion is in keeping with evidence reviewed that women find narcissistic men more attractive and actively seek them as husbands.

Lavner JA, Lamkin J, Miller JD, Campbell WK, Karney BR. 2016. Narcissism and newlywed marriage: Partner characteristics and marital trajectories. Personal Disord. 7(2): 169-79. [Abstract]

Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Haslam C, Montrose T. 2015. Should have known better: The impact of mating experience and the desire for marriage upon attraction to the narcissistic personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 82: 188-192. [Abstract]


Cluster B personaliteehees rule the world. It is up to Cluster Cs with the revolutionary and cleansing spirit of OCD to wipe them all out and build a new ordER.

For their part, Cluster As will establish the new mythology/religion, and what superstitions foid-cattle should believe in.

Ted Bundy was a textbook psychopath but he got tons of women consensually and attracted female attention even after his crimes were brought to light.

Ted Bundy was literally a Republican activist and had his eyes set for a career in law and then politics. But he was too sexually dimorphic for his own good, and simply could not help himself from raping gullible foids to death.

Pete Butt and his innocent, neotenous face (not to mention his homosexuality) is much more suited for a psychopath with political inclinations tbhngl. Even if he was to engage in his sexual fantasies and rape little boys or murder, sodomize, and then cannibalize homeless men, nobody would even deign to investigate it.

Notably, the homosexual psychopath I study in the OP is into rap music:

Do you like rap music? You could be a psychopath

The article argues that this goes to show how neurotypical and normal psychopaths are, and I agree, but I think that it demonstrates the existence of a psychopath-negroid synthesis as well.

Just like ~50% of violent crime in the US is committed by Blacks, ~50% of violent crime is also estimated to be committed by psychopaths. Rap music seems to unite them, and together they commit an overwhelming majority of the violent crime (not all of it, because there is some demographic overlap between them, of course).

''It was convinient'' or in other words, he is just a typical follower. He is just a part of the hive mind and everything what might be considered different than that from the hive mind itself, is dangerous to it and therefore repusled.

The conceit of psychopathic niggers to appropriate autistic terminology and refer to others as "neurotypical" compared to them, and call their pathetic manipulations "masking," is absolutely hilarious.

I cannot wait until they are all put down. There is no place for narcissists and psychopaths in the upcoming ordER. They will learn the spirit of collectivism, cooperation, and solidarity which has heretofore eluded them in their mass graves.

plaguejester #homophobia #psycho deviantart.com

All the way. I hate everything about it. I hate how it's another special treatment for the mentally ill. I hate how it's used as a "pride" thing for something that people should be ashamed of. How it was initially about bullies, but then went to pretending that a homo offing themselves because of a bully is worse than a twelve year old doing it, since a twelve year old is too young to have a sexuality (because a twelve year old killing themselves isn't a big deal at all, not when compared to a 19 year old faggot). I hate how it turns the weak in martyrs by celebrating those that are bullied, instead of those that overcame their bullies (or the bullies themselves for strengthening those that eventually overcame them.)

All in all, this makes me sick. At least Da didn't force the purple scheme on me this year, like they did last year.

Edit: Here are some thoughts from some comrades. Go check'em out!

Mr. Bond & Moon Man #racist #sexist #homophobia #psycho bitchute.com

Mr. Bond ft. Moonman - Shootouts (Jadakiss ft. Styles P Shootouts Parody)

Moon Man and Mr. Bond are here to take care of this demographic situation.
Putting an end to the rising shitskin population.
We are also going to repeal female suffrage and put the death penalty on all kinds of degeneracy, cause by the jewish subversion of our culture.
Execution now.

[Verse 1]
Kikes at the ADL lookin at our picture
it's anudda shoah, these guys are like Hitler
Wrong we are worse cause niggas will die with ya
blow all non white ashes in the sky with ya
Even spics and gooks get a train ride with ya
Play the death count on TV news with a live ticker
Kill kikes
Kill nigs
we take you off of food-stamps, you don't wanna meet Bond
or that nigga moon man
murders go down
So do the rapes now
racemixers and whores
get burnt at the stake now
your gay holocaust
is no longer fake now
even kids know niggers
cause societal breakdown

moonman hand me the gun we make jew families run
Sieg Heil, I'm that nigger you know that
Do it, Germany Style
the Aryans are coming for war

[Verse 2]
Gassing more than 6 million
Cause everything is free for a nigga nowadays so
he has a lotta chillun
Talk about you "muh dik"
niggers make me sick
snipe 'em from the roof, peace out to Saint Dylann
white supremacy, we bring shitskins terror
Throw the fags off the building along with the Arabs
equal rights, kill subhumans of all feathers
diversity, even Abbos and Eskimos
get shoved in the shredder
raise the world IQ
two standard deviations
shitskins are a plague, the cure
send the Jews to satan
since hell has open borders
and kikes love immigration


Lynching, Stompin' a whore
Anything to do with hate crime
That's what we responsible for
Battin a fag
Knifin a kike
we're launching a war
run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor
We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers
I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger
we see you fags on youtube debating the left
and controversy sells but it ain't like death
So pop him in the head 'til his brains start to fizz on him
Set a rabbi on fire till he begs me to piss on him
Some pray for the day a new Führer will come
but we're already here, two for the price of one
Stage Four
Race War
You ain't NatSoc or a fascist nigga
You are gay and a traitor
anybody to my left
we got. A. K's for
and to my right's only the wall
no body hates more
of course we advocate crime
Red-pilling normies is a waste of time
We're a big tent bring your best friends
Fuck that, cucked crap
the only big tent will be in the death camps
if you real, start killing mate
unless shitskins die it ain't a real debate
Put a bullet through a refugee make traitors hang
That's how you make a country great again

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #racist #conspiracy #homophobia kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com

And what, pray tell, is this fad of going to Israel? There aren’t any real Jews there today, only Zionists. Look up the word “Zionist” in the JIS website to know more. Do you own homework! Zionism is a false religious front for the powerful elite Jews who worship the Devil, the master counterfeiter of all God does and has. Zionism equals Judaism today. I’m telling you, look it up! Correct me if I’m wrong! Today’s Israel is first in the headlines because it always has been! The elites like the attention! Only during the Millennial Kingdom will the real Jews (God’s chosen people) repent and truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ their Messiah, and only then will they forever be reconciled to God the Father.

Right now, Jews HATE Jesus more than when He walked the earth. Don’t believe me? Take a gander at all the HELLywood movies that curse in God’s Name with every other word and slander the Lord Jesus Christ in mockery and pure hatred. Ever watch the disgusting, satanic “Family Guy” cartoon? These reprobate producers think light of diminishing our precious Savior down to a weak, sissy, homosexual version of the Son of God. Let me educate you, dear reader: the Lord Jesus Christ was a carpenter, a manly man, masculine, physically powerful, and He spoke truth. The Lord won’t tolerate this wickedness much longer. God heaps up wrath toward those who continually despise and reject His only begotten Son. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes at the judgment!!

Robin Bright #conspiracy #homophobia #sexist #ufo #fundie ufodigest.com

That Hollywood, which is a district of the city of Los Angeles (L.A.) in the United States of America on the west coast of the continent of North America in the state of California, should be called ‘Babylon’ after the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), derives from a description of ‘a woman’, Babylon, by Jesus’ disciple, John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Hollywood is called ‘Babylon’ because it’s the capital of the global media Empire of the USA and has been since the first movie was made there by director D. W. Griffith, Old California (1910), before the censorship of the ‘Hays code’ (1934-67), established by President of the Motion Picture Producers Of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, effectively made it impossible for humans to ever learn anything of their own mode of sexual reproduction from mainstream mass media edutainment on the moral grounds that it would encourage adultery.

Christianity, after Jesus ‘Christ’, that is, ‘the chosen’, assured everyone it frowned on adultery severely, and despite Jesus’ leniency: `… women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Christianity’s moral stance is based on Jesus’ words to a woman allegedly caught in the act of adultery in the New Testament of the Bible, which Christians believe supersede the Old Testament law and history of the Jewish ‘chosen people’ of God, that is, the Torah and Talmud written in their Hebrew language, ‘Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) Because women are capable of sexually reproducing with each other, as the futanarian human species of women’s seed, adultery is what men practice on their race. Moreover, as it seems unlikely that women would ever marry, given the opportunity to be free of their ring slavery in host womb parasitism for war against their species, women aren’t ever adulterate. Consequently, Hollywood’s stance against adultery is a sham designed to suppress women’s seed, because if women were seen to be able to sexually reproduce with each other through the medium of cinema or television, it’d threaten the system of human slavery imposed upon the Earth by an alien rulership.

As 100, 000 women of the human futanarian species of women’s seed could sexually reproduce 1. 5, 000, 000 in 34 years, women are the perfect planetary colonist should their species ever achieve interstellar space travel. However, if they can be prevented from producing enough brainpower to give them the permanent memory through the immortality conferred by medical science to build and maintain the starship technology needed to carry them to the planets amongst the stars of heaven above and beyond the Earth, they’ll remain host womb slaves in parasitism. Although parasitism seems harsh in describing what men do with women, parasitologists use the term ‘parasitoid’ to describe the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it, and that’s what men do in their wars against women’s seed, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war upon the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) At least since the period of ancient Egypt, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite for ‘TV war’. In the myth of Ra, the sun god, he’s incarnated as Osiris, who is dismembered by his evil brother, Set. Although the goddess, Isis, remembers him, his phallus can’t be found, so Isis gives him hers, that is, without women’s seed the human race is a TV. Osiris is restored as Horus, ‘the sky god’, because satellite TV is more advanced.

When US President Ronald ‘Ray Gun’ Reagan announced his ‘Strategic Defense Initiative’ (SDI) on March 23, 1982, to establish a ‘ground and space based missile system’, it was labeled ‘Star Wars’ after the 1977 movie, Star Wars IV: A New Hope, featuring a ‘Death Star’ created by the evil Empire of Palatine to orbit planets and kill them, that is, it was an advanced Egyptian satellite TV system. The symbol of ‘the sky god’, Horus, is the hawk, because he has a hawk’s head, and the members of the Republican Party in the United States who’re gung-ho for war are known as hawks, that is, it’s the hawks of war that seek to prevent the human futanarian species of women’s seed from escaping the Earth to colonize the planets.

The actors and actresses in Hollywood are known as ‘stars’, because they are trained to be ‘egoids’. It was ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), that created the term ‘id’ to explain that the unconscious contained material repressed by the conscious mind because of taboo; for example, Christian morality’s taboo against adultery caused society to become sexually repressive to the extent that Africa’s DR Congo discovered a simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) mutation transmitted by homosexuals’ mixing of blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus in 1983. The human deficiency virus (HIV) injected at the base of the spine resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and collapse of the organs of the body, before the brain died. In short, Freudian psychology was the basis for understanding that homosexuality in the human ‘id’ produced an ‘incurable killer disease’ as their ‘biological weapon’ aimed at eradicating the human species, because that’s what Christian morality and homosexuals were for.

Although ‘ego’ was a term used by Freud, it was Carl Jung (1875-1961), a developmental, rather than a repression psychologist, that saw it as a vehicle for individuation through what he called ‘the archetypes of the collective unconscious’. Jung argued that the unconscious of each human individual contained archetypes, that is, images to be found in dreams, art and the imagination, which assisted the development of the ego, that is, consciousness. Where Freud posited a Super-ego that functioned as a censor to repress into the ‘id’ or unconscious, Jung posited a shadow level to the unconscious, corresponding to human instinct, which contained the archetypes. Consequently, it was only necessary to allow the instinctual subconscious shadow to emerge through art, dreams and imagination for ego-consciousness to develop.

Hollywood egos were called stars, because the life of most planets is dependent on their local sun, which for the Earth is its day star, Sol. In other words, actors and actresses were perceived as commensurate with suns in regard to planets, that is, they were their life. What this produced is describable as ‘egoid’, that is, a star’s belief that their ego was greater than that of the planetary consciousness. In simple terms, because men and women are a TV, they’re unable to accept the anonymity of being a woman amongst women’s seed, so they wage war on the human race in order to assert their egoism, which is ego-id, that is, a conflation of Jung’s ego and Freud’s id. For Hollywood unable to celebrate human sexual activity, ‘action’ movies featuring violence against an unnamable horror is usual, although war against women is what its audience are for. Typical is the nucleus of brave heroes fighting against an alien invasion, for example, Independence Day (1996), because it’s a psychological displacement of men’s actual role as aliens invading women’s Earth. In the ID4 movie, actor Bill Pullman has the role of US President Thomas Whitmore who, before an air battle with the alien invader, addresses USAF personnel in the west of the United States’ Area 51 top secret facility, which is 134 km north-northwest of the city of Las Vegas, near Hiko, Tonopah Basin, State Route 318, Lincoln County, Nevada state, a locale where research on alien spacecraft and their occupants has unofficially always occurred:

‘Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution … but from annihilation. We’re fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!’2

As women are capable of sexually reproducing 15 billion from 1 million in 34 years, even if the age of conception were formally agreed as 16 +, men would have had to have killed a huge number of women in order to be the dominant invading alien creature. However, because Hollywood stars are egoid, that’s what they’re produced for.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Pete Buttigieg]

This is really sick, two queers, one candidating for the office of U.S. President. Truly our fight as believers is against spiritual wickedness sin HIGH PLACES! The American people are as a frog in a warming pot of water on the stove. By the time we wake up to reality, the water will be boiling in our degenerate culture. ...


Could things get any weirder in our sick country? What next, Ernie And Bert Will Be Queers? (character writer says they are!). As Americans increasingly forsake the holy God of the inspired King James Bible, all the stops are being removed against the vile and dehumanizing sin of homosexuality. A whole new Godless generation is being raised up who have no fear of God, no respect for their fellow humanity, and without hesitation wallow in the depths of Satan!

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #kink-shaming #conspiracy #magick #conspiracy energyenhancement.org

Pornographic videos which spread the sex stimulant implant virus.

Sexual congress radiates sexual energy as well as sexual implant blockages.

A young lady virgin who gets involved with pornography will start with a lot of sexual energy - a hip.

A rosehip has many seeds, is juicy, sweet and filled with vitamin c.

She will be very popular until her sexual energy is drained, usually by video shoots where she will have to make love and climax with five men, one after the other. This virgin sexual energy radiance is highly prized by pornographers to attract, to piggyback sexual implants.

As the actors in these pornographic videos get drained, so they radiate less sexual energy, require more stimulation, more drugs to get the same response - a haw. The hawthorne berry is small, incredibly bitter and poisonous. The genesis of the whore.

The purveyors know this. They know their product. They know what radiates sexual energy the most. They know who radiates the most. They cut the stimulation parts together to get people wanting more. They cut climaxes together for the connoisseur.

They implant, implant, implant!!

Bars and public houses contain alchohol and nicotine implant viruses as well as sexual implant viruses.

Any addict will implant you with the drug addiction Implant.

The helper/collaborators spreading the sexual implant virus are usually beautiful sexual partners although the suppliers of drugs for drug addiction implants - the man - are also complicit.

As the amount of implants grow, as the need for stimulation due to an inherent lack of energy - because it has all been vampirised - grows, so the subject is coarsened and perverted - DEGENERATED AND DRAINED OF ENERGY.

There is always more energy in the undrained innocent.

As the addiction disease progresses, more and more stimulation is needed to provide the same response. There is a search for more energy. Thus sex, drugs, bondage and sado masochism, homosexuality, pederasty, sexual ritual, human sacrifice.

This is the field of the Marquis de Sade, Giles de Rais and Madame Bathory.

Rock and Roll - the radiation of Spiritual Energy - When the energy gets less, then drugs will, "crank up" the Spiritual Energy with the same results as in Sex - Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton - Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!


Eventually Vampirism - Chinese sexual tantra teaches how to steal sexual energy from your partners. High level Taoist Martial Arts use Implantation of Blockages beneath the Base Chakra to defeat their opponents. How to steal energy from others, thus the genesis of implant energy blockages - how to make them, how to drain the World - 7 billion people - of their energy.

The drained die easy.

Early death.

Macky Sall #homophobia modernghana.com

Senegal's President Macky Sall on Wednesday defended his country's ban on same-sex activity, saying during a visit from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that it "has nothing to do with" homophobia.

More than half of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa -- 28 out of 49 -- have legislation prohibiting or repressing homosexuality.

Same-sex activity is punishable by up to five years in prison in Senegal.

Sall said the West African state's laws reflected its cultural norms and that Senegalese citizens would reject legalising homosexuality.

"This has nothing to with homophobia," Sall told reporters at a press conference in the capital Dakar.

Trudeau -- who is in Senegal after visiting Ethiopia -- said he had "briefly" raised the issue of gay rights with his counterpart.


Sall said gay people are not ostracised in Senegalese society, however, and that every country had its own "metabolism" for change.

"Society will change, it will take the time it takes," he said.

Sall did not respond to a question from a reporter asking how the existence of anti-gay laws did not amount to homophobia.

Natan Lawrence #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hoshanarabbah.org

At the center of Baal worship was Baal-Peor, which was worship that involved obscene sexual rites. The name literally means “lord of the cleft or opening.” Some Bible commentators assert that Baal-Peor refers to degrading sexual rites involving bodily orifices including the worship of human excrement and anal intercourse. Excrement is that which is rejected from the body and is considered disgusting and undgodly. Such was the attribute of the Baalim — the worship of that which is disgusting and degrading by godly and civilized humans. Again, Baalzebub was the god of these disgusting practices. The children of Israelites fell into the worship of this idol (Num 25:3, 5, 18; 31:16; Deut 4:3; Ps 106:28; Hos 9:10).

Baalism also involves the worship of the earth. Earth worshipers believe that man came from the earth and is going back to the earth,which is his mother or god. In Baalism there is nothing beyond this physical life, and therefore, for the worshiper of Baal, life is hopeless, which is why he must indulge the self now, for there is nothing in the future beyond this life to look forward to. The mantra of Baalism, as it also is in Satanism and witchcraft, is “do what thou wilt,” “if it feels good, do it,” or “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

The Judeo-Christian faith is not only the antidote to Baal, but its main antagonist. No other religious system on earth has ever made war against Baal. The domination of Baal worship in our modern secular society worldwide is evidenced in no greater way than the society’s all out war on anything biblical and Judeo-Christian, while at the same time our society gives a pass to and even promotes every other heathen religious and philosophical system. For Baalism, the more unbiblical, perverse, satanic, sexually deviant the better! The forces of Baal dominates every public institution in America, which is why they’re all engaged in an all out war against every form of Christianity even in its most benign expression. Baalism hates anything biblical.

It’s time that everyone in our society wakes up spiritually and realizes who they have really been worshiping. For most people, it has not been the God of the Bible, the Creator of the Universe, but rather Baal or the devil who is merely an inferior created being. Baal promises much, but lacks the power to deliver on the promise. Serving him leaves one empty, hopeless, destitute and spiritually dead — forever! It’s time to repent of following the lusts of the flesh and start serving YHVH Elohim, the God of the Bible, which leads to a eternal life up in the New Jerusalem, instead of eternal damnation in the bottomless pit of the lake of fire (Rom 1:18–32).

Silent Witness aka kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #quack #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist dttflftl7.blogspot.com

I'm going to list some things that are surely of the Devil. I'm sure you can add to this list yourself. These are pushed and forced on us to make us think they're "normal." This is the result of no Bible, no prayer and no respect for God in these last days. Take away the Word of God from a nation, that nation is headed for Hell. I don't think I'll get them all, but in case you don't want to read a long list, here's a summary:


- 99.9% of the the internet
- Money (the love of which is the root of all evil)
- Cellphones
- Porn of any kind
- Gambling
- Sicknesses
- Death
- Poison
- Cults
- All religions
- Any Bible except the King James
- Propaganda & those who spread it
- Lies & all liars
- Deceit
- Satan worship
- Vaccines
- Junk food (use your imagination)
- High cost items
- Abortion
- Dishonesty
- TV
- Hollywood
- Celebrities
- Sports stars
- News anchors
- Media
- Movies
- Literature
- Same gender marriage
- Homosexuality
- Bestiality
- Actors, actresses
- Transgenderism
- Gender confusion
- Backmasking
- Secret societies
- New York City
- Los Angeles, California
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Salt Lake City, Utah (Mormon capital)
- Drag queens
- The Federal Reserve
- Murderers
- Crime
- Sociopaths
- Anything that diminishes God and glorifies Satan
- Every bible PERversion (all 2,000+ of them, including the NIV, NKJV, etc.)
- Social media (FAKEbook, TWITter, etc.)
- Dating websites (whores and whoremongering)
- Drunk driving
- Drugs (when abused and sold for abuse)
- Child trafficking
- Mormonism
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Roman Catholicism
- Anything that is man-based, man-made and man-promoted, including worship of men
- Inner cities/ghettos/jail houses
- Corrupt cops
- Corrupt judges
- Corrupt legal systems
- Abuse of power
- Trash in the streets
- Liquor industry
- Media industry
- Witchcraft, idolatry, Ouija boards, necromancy, magic, fairies, trolls, elves, etc.
- Obscene language & gestures
- Filthy speech (the F-bomb, the A-- word, etc.)
- High schools
- Colleges
- Elementary schools
- Preschools
- Day care centers
- Whores
- Pimps
- Filthy dancing (twerking, etc.)
- All pharmaceutical companies
- Dishonesty
- Our legal systems
- Corrupt government
- Whorish clothing (tight spandex, low-cut tops, halters, miniskirts, fishnet stockings, etc.)
- Disobedience
- Disrespect to others
- Taxes
- Cashless control grid
- The RFID chip and all its kin (the mark of the beast)
- Any store that pushes said chip technologies
- Fleshly desires
- Telemarkerters, scammers, phishing websites, computer viruses, etc.
- People who think sin is good
- People who cause others to sin
- People who run their mouths in obscenities
- People who can't stop interrupting while others are talking
- People who make a scene while shouting at others and don't care
- People who use you and abuse you
- People who love things that you hate, and hate things you love

And tons of others....

Bryan Crawford #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger finalcall.com

Using research conducted in his latest book, “Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity,” as the foundation for his lecture, Dr. Muhammad masterfully detailed the various ways in which the Black man has been chemically castrated and feminized—which involves much more than sexual identity or sexual desire.

Citing a scholarly article, “Neurohormonal Functioning and Sexual Orientation: A Theory of Homosexuality-Heterosexuality,” co-authored by Dr. Lee Ellis and Dr. M. Ashley Ames, and published by the American Psychological Association in 1987, Dr. Muhammad revealed how scientists have been researching “gender inversions”—switching male orientation to female and vice versa.
“The whole phenomenon of Black homosexuality today is a spawn of the White man’s science,” Dr. Muhammad argued.

He went on to explain that over a span of 30 years, culminating in 1987, scientists had mastered creating both neurological and behavioral sexual inversions in lab animals, using five different strategies designed to produce the same outcome: a form of castration that essentially caused males of the species to behave and act like females, particularly after the onset of puberty.

“Evidence has accumulated that many of the experiments conducted with laboratory animals have close parallels in humans,” the article stated. “We show that at least four of the five methods used in laboratory animals to induce inversions of sexual orientation appear to have similar effects in humans.”

For his lecture, Dr. Muhammad focused on two of those five methods. One was the weaponizing of a pregnant woman’s womb by tricking her immune system into producing antibodies that attack testosterone produced by her male fetus. The other was chemically inducing gender through introduction of “antiandrogens,” or drugs that can block or reduce the amount testosterone present in men.

“Testosterone does way more than control the male libido,” Dr. Muhammad explained. “Testosterone produces the male brain and controls masculine behavior. Testosterone masculinizes the brain of men. … It masculinizes behavior. What testosterone does, it encourages the behavior intended to acquire dominance. Scientists have said that an example of testosterone as a dominance hormone is that people who revolt against oppressors, their testosterone level is high. So, high testosterone is a biochemical attribute of those who revolt against oppressors.”

In the section of the article titled, “Pharmacological Causes of Human Sexual Inversions,” it reads, “As already discussed for laboratory animals, the evidence that drugs can cause sexual inversions, including inverted sexual orientation, is strong.”

The article goes on to say, “One set of drugs, the progestins (or progestogens), have been repeatedly implicated as having sexually inverting effects.”

Depo-Provera is an example of these drugs. It is commonly administered to women as a form of birth control, either through injection or a pill. Because it is an antiandrogen, Depo-Provera can block or significantly reduce the amount of testosterone produced in males, effectively feminizing them. This is usually accomplished by introducing Depo-Provera to women who are already pregnant, or after they give birth and are breastfeeding their babies.

Dr. Muhammad said in hospitals, doctors and nurses are “hawks,” immediately trying to get women to go on birth control after having babies. Female estrogen hormones can be passed along to encourage feminization in male children, he said. In addition, excess estrogen can cause masculinization in both female children and their mothers.

“The Black lesbian phenomenon, is scientifically produced,” he said.

Sea_Safer #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

[on Taiwan legalizing gay marriage]

This changes my mind.
Taiwan is China. All traces of Taiwanese national distinction should be wiped out and replaced by Chinese. These degenerates need to bend the knee.

They think that because they can trace their political history back to the Emperors that they are the true China.
This is not in keeping with Allahs teachings. The only true China is the one capable of defending its divine mandate - i.e Daddy Xi > whatever faggy crap this is

If hong kong goes the way of the degenerate west China needs to send in the tanks and clean house.

I don’t understand why reddit cares so much about HK. It’s a fucking shithole of a city, overpriced, overcrowded and all around filled with these arrogant cantos. Nuke it down china daddy

I'll only support HK independence if they too denounce homosexuality and blacks

this, but unironically

My priorities for HK:
conversion to islam
expulsion of the white devils
denouncement of bussy and trannyism

also good

GachiYellow #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy gachiyellow.wordpress.com

Now let me show you evidence of the NWO actively trying to turn people gay. Gay people didn’t need help to become that way 2,000 years ago and they sure don’t need to be forced to become that way. Why would the NWO want to do that. It’s a variation of eugenics. If a population does not breed it eventually dies. For more information on eugenics see my other blog: Pro abortion = Pro eugenics

So, what can turn people “gay”? Actually In my opinion I don’t think “Gay” or “homosexual” is the right term. This stuff literally turn animals and people into hermaphrodites. Lowering testosterone levels alters males to females. Getting to the point high estrogen levels feminizes males. What is estrogen? The definition of estrogen is:

“any of a group of steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body. Such hormones are also produced artificially for use in oral contraceptives or to treat menopausal and menstrual disorders.”

How can testosterone be lowered? Well the proper amount can be disrupted with endocrine disruptors. The definition of endocrine disruptor is:

“Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that at certain doses, can interfere with the endocrine in mammals. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones, can be derailed by hormone disruptors.”

What chemical can be used to do this? BPA. BPA is a Endocrine disruptor.

“Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic endocrine disruptor widely used in the production of plastics. Increasing evidence indicates that in utero BPA exposure affects sexual differentiation and behavior…We hypothesized that BPA may disrupt epigenetic programming of gene expression in the brain…BPA exposure induced persistent, largely sex-specific effects on social and anxiety-like behavior, leading to disruption of sexually dimorphic behaviors.”


“If a mother is ingesting BPA while carrying her fetus sex-related genes are turned on and off in response to fluctuating levels of hormones in the womb. Although a child may become male in the womb the fetus is being bathed in estrogen [Blogger comment: This could lead to the male having a female brain] and subsequently nursed on BPA bottles which consistently causes estrogen to metabolize in the infant’s body. Is this what is causing male children to gravitate toward the nature of a female?”


Below is proof that Gay people are used as a weapon by the elite. LBGT folks should be in a uproar about this. The NWO wants to use your cause to promote their sick evil eugenics program.

“Air Force Considered Gay ‘Love Bomb’ Against Enemies

The Air Force on Tuesday confirmed a report that in 1994 a military researcher requested $7.5 million to develop a non-lethal “love bomb” that would chemically alter the state of mind of enemy troops and make them want to have sex with each other rather than fight.”


There are multiple chemicals that are endocrine disruptors. I don’t know them all but I wanted to highlight BPA because this stuff is used in making things we eat and drink out of.

“BPA is used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins; it has been in commercial use since 1957 and around 3.6 million tons (8 billion pounds) of BPA are used by manufacturers yearly. BPA-based plastic is clear and tough, and is used to make a variety of common consumer goods (such as baby and water bottles, sports equipment, and CDs and DVDs) and for industrial purposes, like lining water pipes. Epoxy resins containing BPA are used as coatings on the inside of many food and beverage cans. It is also used in making thermal paper such as that used in sales receipts.”


To use this biological weapon, BPA, on people is so evil! Some of you may be asking why I put this in the religious section. Well for one the gay/straight debate usually ends up as a religious conversation. Also, I’m not posting this to bash LBGT. LBGT folks around the world should be outraged by this. Evil scum is actively trying sexually cripple all of us so we can’t procreate as God intended. LBGT don’t let the NWO use your platform as a base for one of their eugenic programs. Speak out against this.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

As part of the trendy obsession with going “trans” these days, the LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has launched a “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies” primer that instructs the next generation of youth into the “proper” use of LGBTQ-approved names for trans people’s genitalia.

A “strapless,” the guide explains, is a term used to describe “the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or ‘bottom surgery’), sometimes referred to as a penis.” And a “vagina,” it further explains, isn’t something that a biological woman is born with, but is rather a “word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.”

So, what is a vagina now called on a biological woman? According to the primer, the proper terminology is front hole, which the guide explains “may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.” And as far as who has a dick, the guide says “people of all genders” may have one, as a dick is a “word to describe external genitals,” which can “come in all shapes and sizes.”

There’s also a section of the guide that offers tips about masturbation, including a section entitled, “SCREWING, SHAGGING OR MATTRESS DANCING,” which explains how this “safe” form of self-pleasure offers trans bodies the opportunity to engage in sex “without barriers.”

For more related news about LGBTQ perversion, be sure to check out Gender.news.

Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not an identity
As you might expect, Twitter was quick to condemn this Orwellian, and quite frankly disgusting, trans manifesto for basically hijacking the English language. One actual female user called out HRC for stealing the word vagina from real women, and giving them front hole instead.

“Wow, so trans women have a vagina, but us biological women have a ‘front hole,'” this user tweeted. “LOL these people are insane,” she added, referring to Amir Sariaslan, the guy from the HRC who first tweeted about his organization’s language guide.

“What in the fresh politically correct dystopian 1984 language control hell is this?” asked another Twitter user about the HRC’s attempted theft of common vernacular to suit a special interest LGBTQ cause that 99 percent of society would prefer not to have to hear about or deal with ever.

“Um, what point is there in downgrading the correct anatomical name for a born female’s genitalia to ‘front hole.’ I can’t even,” commented another disgusted Twitter user in response to the HRC tweet.

“I’m pretty sure we’ve arrived at the Singularity now,” joked another. Enlightenment has been a total black hole.”

Perhaps the most declarative tweet of all was one guy’s chastisement about how the HRC foundation “does not own language, fortunately.” He concluded this tweet by stating simply, “I have two specific words for them,” which you can figure out on your own.”

Ethan Huff #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy naturalnews.com

TWITTER now becoming a delusional bubble of libtard lies; all voices of REASON are being systematically censored
Just days after Natural News reported that Twitter had speciously targeted the account of an independent, conservative-learning PJMedia.com journalist for suspension, the popular social media sounding board has reportedly axed from its platform the account of yet another independent journalist with similar political leanings – Megan Fox, also from PJMedia.com.

Fox wrote about her social media plight in a recent article, explaining how she’s repeatedly been targeted by the “big boys” as her work has gotten more popular. Fox’s YouTube channel, for instance, was apparently demonetized not long after conservative talk show legend Rush Limbaugh read one of her articles aloud on his program.

Matt Drudge has also picked up Fox’s work, which further drew attention to her and put her in the crosshairs of Twitter. An article she published entitled, “Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP’ Sensitivity Training (WTF?)” garnered plenty of scrutiny, including from the LGBTQ mob, which accused Fox of “harming people” with her free speech.

In responding to these allegations via Twitter, Fox told her critics that they “change the meaning of words” and teach children that science, a.k.a. biological reality, is false (though she used a more “colorful” swear word to express this). Fox further pointed out that the LGBTQ mafia is the entity actually responsible for hurting people like American business-owner Jack Phillips of the Colorado-based Masterpiece Cakeshop, who is being accused of “unlawful discrimination” against a gay couple that demanded Phillips bake them a wedding cake in violation of his religious convictions.

At the end of her tweet, Fox included the words “Go hang,” which she says is a colloquial way of telling someone, “I don’t care what you say.” This is how it’s listed in the Cambridge Dictionary, anyway, but Twitter apparently doesn’t recognize this definition as valid. Not long after tweeting this in response to one of her critics, Fox was presented with a message that many Twitter users are encountering these days:

Lance Goodall #homophobia #fundie #wingnut coercioncode.com

Some believe that Southern Baptist Seminary President and likely upcoming SBC President, Albert Mohler, is a hero of the Conservative Resurgence. In fact, Mohler is no hero for conservative causes.

A more careful examination of Albert Mohler reveals he has overseen a subtle but hostile takeover of the SBC by Critical Race Theorists, feminists, and Cultural Marxists and has platformed the most radical woke Social Gospel advocates under the sun. While saying one thing, Mohler has proven himself to almost always be doing the opposite of what he preaches.

One of the more tragic aspects of Mohler’s compromise is on the subject of the ‘gay Christian’ movement. Evangelicalism has been bombarded by homosexual “experts” on human sexuality who pretend to be believers but who are not set free of their queer desires. Mohler has embraced these “Same-Sex Attracted” self-promoting faux-martyrs and bid them swift godspeed to corrupt the church.
Mohler’s full support of the same-sex attracted narrative is also shown in his promotion of the book “Is God anti-gay?” written by Sam Allberry, a same-sex attracted priest in the Church of England. Allberry has publicly described himself as having “sexual, romantic and deep emotional attractions to people of the same sex,” and his book claims to offer a positive and liberating way forward for the same-sex attracted. Mohler applauds the ministry of Allberry and stresses that his book is full of “biblical wisdom.”

In contrast to the secular worldview espoused by Mohler, Dr. Williams affirms the biblical response stating, “Same-sex attraction, which Mohler wants the Church to embrace, is a sterile, unnatural perversion that denies the creation of God.”

The evidence outlined in this video makes a compelling argument that Albert Mohler’s accommodation to progressive ideologies and worldviews will not only destroy the Southern Baptist Convention, but indicates that Mohler’s theological error is a direct attack on what the Word of God declares regarding the sin of homosexuality.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com


Image: An election sign reading “Any functioning adult 2020”

I saw this on somebody’s fence when I went out this morning. Obviously what they’re implying here is that whoever is running for office this Primary Election may well be more than likely an immature, hen-pecked, wishy-washy, God-hating, Christ-rejecting, Bible-bashing, makeup-and-nail-polish-wearing, LGBTQ-pushing, probably transgender, novice who will make and break promises, a continual and shameful disgrace to our once great nation. Nothing is getting better, not by a long shot.

Folks, let me let you in on something. Voting is nothing but a propaganda front to make you think your choices will win. Fact is, you have no choice in today’s world. You learn what you know from the all-powerful newsmedia and entertainment industry. Whoever wins was already decided long before the elections even began. It has been this way for many decades, since after President Kennedy was shot in broad daylight.

I love what my country used to be many moons ago. Notice I said, USED TO BE. I hate this country now. I hate this “Great Satan” just like I hate her father, the Devil. No bones about it, the UnTIED States of AmeriKa is rapidly headed towards destruction. The last thing we need is another wannabe in the White House who talks like a man but thinks like a woman. I’m not naming names, but you see what I’m getting at, unless you live under a rock.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia soulwinning.info

If I had been a big tither, the pastors of Harvest would have tolerated me, guaranteed! But I am just a nobody. As a TRUE FRIEND, I gave THE TRUTH to Harvest's pastors, but they love MONEY and not THE TRUTH. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON HARVEST BAPTIST CHURCH ON GUAM! All I ever requested was to attend church, but they are wicked. Harvest abandoned me in 2015, forgetting about me, but I still desperately needed their love and help. Their incompetent pastors were either too immature or too selfish to care. You can't just butter people up while they're in your church, and then totally abandon them on a whim, after you force them out for being King James Bible only. The thing is that I begged their pastors to come back, and they coldly turned me down. What man of God does that to a hurting sinner? Sadly, the pastorate in America today has become a profession instead of a calling. That is why we are horrified to see women, atheists and homosexuals being ordained and hired to pastor churches!

Harvest Baptist Church Are Guilty of Emotionally Using and Abusing Me

In 2014 I attended Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year. I hadn't been so happy in a long time, but I made a fatal mistake—I TOLD THE TRUTH! As a caring friend, I bought some books with my own money, and gave them to the numerous pastors at Harvest, especially the senior pastor, because I heard him teaching Lordship Damnation. They couldn't have cared less, but worse, they wrongfully ACCUSED ME of causing “confusion” and “divisiveness” in the church. That was emotional abuse! Instead of appreciating that I was trying to be helpful, they abused me with their words, calling me “a cult” for being King James Bible only. What happened to the love? I have three dozen more articles that I am working on, exposing Harvest's apostasy!

Bob Jones University (BJU) has made national headlines for ignoring the pleas of rape victims asking for the institution's help. Just as the rape victims were ignored at BJU, who told THE TRUTH, my pleas concerning THE TRUTH about the corrupt modern Bible revisions were ignored at HBC. My desperate please regarding the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation were grossly ignored. I came into Harvest with a caring, loving and sincere heart! I cared, which is why I bought books with my own money to share with others, to help them grow in the Lord, making sure that the pastors got copies of what I was sharing, but they didn't like it. I freely gave the senior pastor of Harvest the truthful book titled, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE” by Pastor Al Lacy (1933-2016), which offended him greatly. When I tried to give a copy to his 15 year younger sidekick assistant pastor, he literally laughed in my face! We'll see who's laughing at the Judgment Seat Of Christ!!! The TRUTH MATTERS!!! Harvest's incompetent pastors are wolves in sheep's clothing, evil deceivers, salary-suckers, who lead the flock of God astray to use CORRUPTIBLE SEED!

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

Homosexuals are against hate unless you tell them the truth and the hate comes out. They are against discrimination until you discriminate against what they do then the discrimination comes out. They are against judgment until you judge them and then their judgmental gene gets into gear. They are all for love until you are not gushing all over them and then you see the lack of love surface.

A friend of mine who has investigated the world of homosexuality and written two books on the subject said that homosexuals are the most hateful, unloving and judgmental people he has ever met.

Roger Marks #fundie #wingnut #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren Objects to State Programs Funding Private Schools With ‘Anti-LGBTQ Policies’”):

Her comments, or how the comments are reported are full of double speak.

She said States should concentrate on funding state schools not private ones who are anti homosexual. The fact is the State schools are anti homosexual because they wil not allow a full and frank discussion of the matter. Their refusal to address the obvious keeps unhappy children in the chains of homosexuality.

As for not funding religious schools, the issue is not funding of religious schools, The issue is not funding schools that do not promote lies about homosexuality which tells us they are afraid of the truth and can't handle it.

As far as discrimination against homosexuals on the staff, would an atheist school be allowed to refuse a teaching position to a person who was a christian and refused to teach atheism as a fact. I can't see it not happening.

Some use text books that flout widely accepted facts. What widely accepted facts and by whom. Anyone with intelligence can prove that they are not widely accepted if you are not an atheist, and what are called facts can be anything but facts.

And by the sound of things if someone wants a homosexual kid to get a good education, the place to avoid is a state school as all they do is teach ideology, not the truth.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist jesusisprecious.org

It is no longer safe to be unpopular today in the United States. The media today bullies fundamental Bible preachers, labeling them as hate-preachers. What the ungodly media does is to stir up the public—inciting hatred and instigating anger—and then when they have stirred public unrest, they film the blasphemy being spoken in hatred against God's men. 1st Kings 21:25, “But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.” Acts 14:2, “But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.” The ungodly Zionist-controlled U.S. media (MP3, Unholy Alliance) stir up hatred against pastors and churches who oppose the LGBTQ homosexual agenda!!! I agree with Pastor Anderson on the meaning of LGBTQ (Let God Burn Them Quickly). Oh, you say, that is hate speech! No, that is the inspired Word of God! Psalms 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” The homosexual community are wicked! Homosexuality is a vile sin, just as adultery, fornication, rape, bestiality, polygamy, uncleanliness and all other forms of sexual immorality.

Pastor Anderson has been banned in at least 32 countries thus far. God bless him! Matthew 23:31, “Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.” Luke 11:47, “Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.” Luke 11:48, “Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.” Bible preachers have always been rejected and hated by the wicked! If you value your liberty and freedom dear reader, then you ought to embrace, support and love Bible preachers, because apart from faith in the God of the King James Bible, this country is doomed to destruction!!! I dare say that America can be saved, because we have gone too far into apostasy and decadence, to the point that homosexuals are legally getting married and adopting children!

What the media and city of Knoxville are doing to punish Grayson Fritts, evidences how far gone America is today. We are truly now living in the 11th hour of Bible prophecy. For merely expressing his rightful opinion (spoken from his own church pulpit), it has compelled ungodly critics to bring down the roof upon Pastor Fritts. Pastor Grayson has been forced into early retirement, and the ungodly media are boasting that he was fired. What ever happened to the First Amendment? What ever happened to freedom of religion, freedom of press and freedom of speech? If a preacher upholds the Biblical truth that homosexuals are worthy of the death penalty by the government, they want a pound of flesh from that minister. Unfortunately, things are going to get worse. If you haven't watched it yet, please find out what happened to a godly youth pastor in Canada, who called for parents to take a stand against sodomite propaganda being targeted at their children. The pastor was charged and convicted of hate speech...

SPEECHLESS: SILENCING THE CHRISTIANS (increasing violence perpetrated against Christians)

Twisted critics start touting, “Love thy neighbour,” as if rapists, pedophiles, adulterers, kidnappers, homosexuals and other Biblical crimes ought to be ignored by the government. Only a Luciferian government would sanction such evils. Hence, the United States! There was a time long ago when all these moral offenses were punishable crimes. Who gives any human being the right to pick and choose which sins ought to be punished? Who are men to say that homosexuality is or isn't a sin? God says it is! This entire matter boils down to whether or not people have FAITH IN GOD'S WORD. Why do you think the Devil has entered into the Bible publishing racket? Satan wants to obscure the Words of God, to confuse and obliterate, and change the truth of God's Word into a lie (Romans 1:25).

Check this out, how the scum-bucket Rockefellers and Western powers have destroyed Asia, through forced abortion policies, and paying women to get sterilized. It seems that most of the evil things in this world are perpetrated by the Freemasons who control the United States and created modern manmade Israel in 1948. Hell will be hot enough!

Americans in the decades to come, if the Lord tarries, WILL LOSE their freedom of speech. It is already happening across the country. It Is Tragic That Truth-Teller Alex Jones Has Been Banned From YouTube, Facebook And Media. Alex told the truth about Sandy Hook being staged. Alex told the truth about the 9/11 attacks being an INSIDE JOB! Read this: Florida Schools Ban Exposing Zionists. So now in Florida colleges you cannot expose the Masonic Zionists running and ruining our country. By merely slapping a derogatory label of “conspiracy theorists” across any truth-teller, they are instantly deemed a nut. Please watch the documentary titled: SILENCING THE CHRISTIANS! The LGBTQ community wants tolerance, but they won't tolerate the Christian community who refuse to accept the homosexual deathstyle. Being politically correct has replaced being Biblically correct! Homosexuals use the attack strategy of: desensitize, jamming and conversion to promote their ungodly agenda. Little by little, Americans will not be able to say anything negative about homosexuals or the sin of homosexuality in public. Nor will we be able to speak out against the crimes of government, the evils of Zionism, or tell the truth about staged false flag terror attacks (e.g., Sandy Hook). A truly free society is only one in which it is safe to be unpopular.

Chechar AKA Cesar Tort #homophobia chechar.files.wordpress.com

(By “ephebes”, he means androgynous teenage boys who look like women)

I am not a homo for the simple reason that I’d find repugnant any contact with a masculine face, and its body. And no: I am not ashamed for what I said in that thread at all. Precisely because they try to imitate them, queers represent a blasphemous insult to the nymphs and the underage ephebes. Faggots are like massive bears with the heart of a butterfly. Comparing Gitone with any of them is like comparing a vulgar, Felliniesque fat harlot with the Florentine Fete girls that appear on the cover of this book.

The so-called gay movement is like an Australopithecus africanus, after touching the black monolith of 2001: A Space Odyssey, has a glimpse of the mysterium tremendum of the universe. Alas, unlike the film this ape immediately fancies himself the astronaut Dave Bowman ready for the second leap forward in the path to Overman. Or even worse: he believes that he now wears a white miniskirt like the one that Ascyltus threw over Gitone in the Fellini film, and he further believes that the other apes will now consider this still primitive, apeish missing link as if he was a consecrated soprano of the future worth to listen and contemplate.

Nowadays, it does not occur to these Australopithecuses that a huge, four-and-a-half million leap forward is necessary for that specific dream to become true, or that presently only the androgynous ephebes, premature embryos of a yet not verified future, have the right of homosexuality—and only during his tender teens.

Draconiss #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming removeddit.com

As a lesbian, I fucking HATE the gay community.

Even when I was growing up and coming out as a baby gay, ive always despised people who just HAD to make their sexuality the single facet of their personality. What happened to just loving people differently and moving on with your life? I used to be heavily involved in my schools gay community, and all we did was discuss shit in a safe place. How to come out, our worries, our anxieties, our issues.

Instead we get the mess that is pride. Instead of helping our community and continuing the tradition of activism, all we get is an excuse to party and shoving genitals BDSM and other fucked up fetishes down the throats of kids! There are still real issues facing us. Higher rates of drug addictions, homelessness and obesity. But no, all we want to do is fucking drink and go clubbing. I was talking to my coworker the other day and he said all he wanted was a Pride that he could bring his dad and kids too to show what were about. I had to point out that some people still do bring their kids! To have them see furry and leather suits that show wildly swinging peens. Disgusting.

God forbid you criticize anyone. You get labelled a self hating gay, and “unworthy” to wear the label. Well guess what? Im a lesbian loving pussy even if im not “woke”. Its like the SJWs on tumblr infiltrated the real world. Giant rainbow flags, dildo tents, and nudity, so much nudity. The straights are right, youre being fucking obnoxious. And when people are less approving of us, this is why. Its shit like this that makes people hate us. What weve become in this day and age isnt something to be celebrated.

Dont even get me started on how ive gotten banned from the largest lgbtq sub just for stating that as a lesbian, I dont like dick. A literal clown world where I have to not only state, but get banned for stating the obvious? What kind of twilight zone shit am I living in?

There was a time where being a part of the community meant something. Now its all abide by my political beliefs or get out. Where was the queer community that welcomed everyone regardless of what they believed in regardless of their belief, instead of this militant mess we have today? If you honestly believe someone deserves to be treated like shit because they have a different opinion than you, YOURE the one being intolerant, and perpetuating the very thing you claim to fight. But hurrdurr its different cause were oppressed. No, youre acting like a fucking asshole, fullstop. And playing the victim card to justify your hate is fucking revolting. This community is being divided, where the more sensible of us just want to fuck off and live our lives in peace while the vocal minority just keeps dragging our image through the gutter.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia soulwinning.info

Homosexuality is done by lack of faith and by enmity against God. This is why homosexuals have perverted the Bible into a lie. The chairman of the Old Testament translating committee for the New International Version (NIV), Marten Woudstra is a homosexual. I'll never understand why any pastor would knowingly continue to use the NIV in their church after learning that the chairman of the Old Testament committee is a flaming homosexual. No wonder the word “sodomite” has been completely removed from the Old Testament. These are evil people! This proves that homosexuals do indeed harbor deep seeded ill-feelings toward God.

I've never heard a homosexual admit that what they are doing is evil and a sin. No, rather, they boast of gay pride, corrupting the Word of God and attempting to force their sick lifestyle on society. They have been largely successful only because Christians are asleep these days, at ease on Zion. To be more specific, Believers don't have enough faith in the Lord to fight for the Lord. Few believers today care enough to contend for the faith, sacrifice, forsake the sinful world and to take a firm Biblical stand against public wickedness. Of the few faithful Christians in America who have stood, some have been imprisoned. When freedom fails, good men rot in filth jails.

Berit Kjos #fundie #homophobia crossroad.to

This legislation may be the most ominous attack on "free speech" and Christianity since the founding of our nation. The silence of the mainstream media multiplies that concern. It suggests that many of our most powerful leaders want these bills passed behind closed doors, freed from any public accountability. Even so, the public is awakening to the facts.

On April 25, 2007, a House of Representatives committee approved a measure to add homosexuality to the list of groups "protected" by hate crimes laws. The Senate has prepared a twin bill, S. 1105. Except for the addition of the name Matthew Shepard, its title is the same.

Matthew Shepard? Few Americans could miss the shocking details of this young homosexual's horrible death in 1998. The media published that story 3007 times -- 45 times in the New York Times alone. It made Matthew a martyr for the cause of gay rights, hate-crimes legislation, and anti-Christian sentiment.

Did you read about Jesse Dirkhising's torture and murder at the hands of two homosexual lovers eleven months later? Probably not. The thirteen-year-old boy was drugged, strapped down, sodomized, tortured, and killed by two adults living in an apartment that 'reeked of excrement and was littered with drug paraphernalia. Like Matthew's murder, it was a horrible crime -- almost unfit to print. But that's not why most newspapers across the country refused to tell the story. The real reason? It didn't fit their agenda! It wasn't politically correct!

Nor is the Bible. Its unchanging standards can't be adapted to the new global guidelines for holistic spirituality and politically correct tolerance. So when eleven Christians shared the gospel as well as warning about homosexuality during Philadelphia's 2004 homosexual 'OutFest', they were promptly arrested and temporarily "charged under [Pennsylvania's] hate crimes legislation."

Christians aren't the only ones vulnerable. On April 11, a Maine Middle School student did something really foolish on a dare: He put some ham -- considered "unclean" by Muslims -- on a cafeteria table occupied by Muslim students. As punishment, the school suspended him. School principal, Maureen Lachapelle, sent a report of this incident to the Attorney General's office and to the County District Attorney because the ham incident was perceived as a hate/bias crime.

A crime? Does this line up with the fast-track Hate Crimes Bill in Congress? And if so, why? A quick review of HR 1592 might, at first, suggest a negative answer. Section 7(2), like the corresponding Senate Bill, defines "Hate crime acts" as:

(A) In general. Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, in any circumstance described in subparagraph (B), willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of any person"

But, you might argue, the boy neither caused nor intended "bodily injury."

True! But consider another key word, one that's part of the title in both bills. That all-important word is "prevention!" We're looking at the "Hate Crimes Prevention Act," not simply a law against "hate crimes." And the concept of prevention (or pre-emption) is open-ended. Its wide range of interpretations could be used in almost any situation to silence offending voices and to intimidate critics of useful "protected" groups such as homosexuals and Muslims -- long before any signs of actual violence.

For example, a Canadian pastor was concerned about the overt promotion of Islam at a local high school. It not only distributed copies of the Quran, it also offered Muslim students a room for prayer during school hours. Of course, Christian and Jewish students had no such "freedom." But when Pastor Mark Harding began handing out leaflets protesting this strange favoritism, he was charged with having "willfully promoted hatred." Having violated a new Canadian hate-crimes law, he was sentenced to 340 hours of "community service" at the Islamic Society of North America.

Pastor Harding claimed to be motivated by love for Muslim students, not hate. According to worldnetdaily.com, he expressed that love in a recorded phone call. Yet his own phone was swamped with more than three thousand real hate calls, including many death threats. When his trial began, the police protected him from the crowds of Muslims chanting "Infidels, you will burn in hell."

What is going on? Who is behind this unequal and borderless "protection" system?


The UN has established a massive, worldwide, inter-agency program of "prevention." Through the coordinated efforts of UNESCO, The World Health Organization, The World Bank and countless other UN agencies, its agenda is transforming not only beliefs and values everywhere, but also schools, churches, communities and nations. Words like "war" and "genocide" have been used for more than fifty years to persuade the world to participate in "peace-building" ventures that would create a climate of prevention everywhere. This cultural atmosphere is defined by UN declarations such as UNESCO's Declaration on Tolerance and Declaration of Principles on Religion in a Culture of Peace.

The UN policy of prevention requires "lifelong learning," re-learning, group-learning and service-learning. Continual progress must be measured through unceasing assessments that monitor compliance with new global standards for human resource development. What counts is progress toward the envisioned solidarity -- a global community where no one takes a stand contrary to UN ideology -- and where everyone is willing to compromise their beliefs, seek common ground, and flow with the group consensus.

While Biblical Christianity hinders such universal solidarity, the war against "hate" supports it. After all, it provides the incentive needed to intimidate and persuade the masses that they must change and conform.

In 1999, the United Nations published a pamphlet by Secretary-General Kofi Annan titled, "Facing the Humanitarian Challenge: Towards a Culture of Prevention." In it, Mr. Annan states: "...the common thread running through almost all conflict prevention policies is the need to pursue what we in the United Nations refer to as good governance. In practice, good governance involves promoting the rule of law, tolerance of minority and opposition groups.... Above all, good governance means respect for human rights...
[See Whose Rights?]

"Long-term prevention strategies, in addressing the root causes of conflict, seek to prevent destructive conflicts from arising in the first place. They embrace the same holistic approach to prevention that characterizes post-conflict peace-building...."

Do you wonder what he means by a holistic approach? It has to do with the vision of unity, wholism, solidarity, interconnectedness, or -- as the new global management puts it -- a systems approach based on "General Systems Theory." It tolerates no Christian "separatist" views.
As Al Gore said at a 1992 Communitarian Conference, "Seeing ourselves as separate is the central problem in our political thinking."

But "peace-building" implies more specific action than simply a holistic approach. An UNESCO publication I picked up in Istanbul during the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (See Habitat II) clarifies a broader issue. Ponder the following excerpts from Our Creative Diversity: Report on the World Commission on Culture and Development.The first paragraph was written by former UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar: "An ounce of prevention is better than a ton of punishment.... Imagination, innovation, vision and creativity are required.... It means an open mind, and open heart and a readiness to seek fresh definitions, reconcile old opposites, and help draw new mental maps."

"Universalism is the fundamental principle of a global ethics."

"Religion... has affected and sometimes poisoned the relations between majorities and minorities.... Extreme doctrinaire views[Biblical Christianity?] look to an imagined past, seen as both simpler and more stable, thus preparing the ground not only for a variety of overtly violent acts but also for the intimidation of individuals and indeed entire communities in matters of thought, behavior and belief, coercing them into accepting a single 'orthodox' point of view.... The challenge today, as in the past is to... distinguish between the beliefs and activities of the peaceful majority... and a minority of extremists...."


Some of the same warnings were sounded by the respective founding directors of both UNESCO (Julian Huxley) and the World Health Organization (Dr. Brock Chisholm). Both were determined to wipe out the "poisonous certainties" of Biblical Christianity in their quest for UN solidarity. Notice Dr. Chisholm's emphasis on prevention back in 1946:

"We must... find and take sure steps to prevent wars in the future.... The re-interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training... these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy.... The pretense is made [by uncompromising Christians who cling to old standards] that to do away with right and wrong would produce uncivilized people, immorality, lawlessness and social chaos....

"When [infectious diseases] were attacked at the preventative level, some martyrs had to be sacrificed to the cause of humanity, because reactionary forces fought back.... The problem is no longer the germ of diphtheria, but rather the attitudes of parents who are incapable of accepting and using proven knowledge for the protection of their children. Surely the training of children in home and schools should be of at least as great public concern as their vaccination.... [See Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools]

"For the very survival of large parts of the human race, world understanding, tolerance, and forbearance have become absolutely essential.... If it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently."

Today, more than half a century later, the world is rapidly conforming to this UN agenda touted by Chisholm and Huxley in the 1940s. The global network of "lifelong learning" aims to prevent anything that would hinder "positive" collective thinking. Few notice how effectively its tentacles now reach into community [mental] health programs in over 130 nations around the world.

Sunnnnnshineeee #homophobia #transphobia #racist amren.com

RE: Uber Driver, 28, Plotted to Drive His Car Into ‘Evil’ Gay Pride Parade to Kill Non-Muslims, Court Hears

I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse. Muslims have absolutely no business in our countries, they shouldn’t be our problem. Gays are just civilization destroyers, no matter how you slice it. Obviously not saying this guy should kill anyone, but we also shouldn’t be celebrating deviance as a society.

[I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse.]

You like terrorism more than quiche? Interesting.

If things were the way they should be, we wouldn’t have to worry about Muslims and their beliefs, because they’d be in their own lands.

And let’s be real here, the gays are just as militant in demanding people “convert” to their beliefs. They want to push their ideology on us and force us to celebrate them. They’re making it illegal for parents to try and get their gay children help, and are trying to make it illegal for parents to stop their minor children from mutilating themselves because they claim to be “trans”. And let’s not forget Drag Queen Story Hour and endless Pride parades and the fact that their uncontrolled sexual deviance has spread so many diseases and even brought many back into prominence, and their disgusting ways helped create MRSA and other super bugs.

Roger Marks #fundie #transphobia #homophobia disqus.com

(commenting on story “South Dakota House Advances Bill Prohibiting Hormones, Surgery on Youth Struggling With Gender Confusion”):

Good, good, good. Common sense is prevailing. If children under 18 cannot decide for themselves to accept help for not wanting to be homosexual, then they should not be allowed to decide they are being deceived by a heartless and deceptive Satan who is laughing all the way to the distortion and deprivation bank to screw up as many people's lives as possible.

Of course the ACLU would oppose the law because that is there modus operandi. Oppose anything that tells the truth.

David J. Stewart #fundie #crackpot #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

The horrifying truth is that Bob Jones University is promoting two drastically different, conflicting, ancient texts. Here is a helpful Bible version origin chart (here's a smaller chart). The saddest thing is that the Bob Jones crowd are an arrogant bunch, stiffnecked, full of wicked pride, and you cannot help them, “Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself” (Titus 3:11). They chuckle, mock, laugh and think Bible inspiration is a big joke, going as far as to call the King James Bible crowd “a cult” (as did Bob Jones III, who also endorsed Senator Mitt Romney—a member of the creepy sex-perverted Mormon religion) as U.S. President in 2007.

In his excellent 28-page book titled, “NIV: An In-Depth Documentation of Apostasy,” Dr. Peter Ruckman (1921-2016) rightly states concerning “dragons”:

XX. Deuteronomy 32:33. Case E: “dragons” is a no-no to a Laodicean apostate. There are no such things as “dragons” (Ps. 44:19, Jer. 51:37, Ezek. 29:3, Micah 1:8, Ps. 74:13, Isa. 27:1, etc.). All of these verses had to be altered, and so every Bible but the AV alters them. If you are a “King James Only” fanatic (a term coined by Bobby III to cover up the sins of his faculty members), you have the only Bible in English on this earth that says “dragons.”

SOURCE: Pastor Peter Ruckman - NIV: An “In-Depth” Documentation of Apostasy!

Unbelief suggests that “dragons” are not real and so “jackals” are more appropriate. Job must have been hallucinating while under great distress and pain from the suffering he was going through. After all, these modern Bible “scholars” have never seen a dragon before, so they must not exist, right? So this word must be changed otherwise it might embarrass them among their intellectual infidel peers. Some even mistake owls for ostriches! How wonderful to go hunting with these people!

That is exactly why these same infidel modern Bible scholars remove God's promise from Psalm 12:7 to “preserve” His “PURE WORDS” mentioned in verse 6. All of the corrupt modern versions change verse 7 to say that God protects the saints, instead of preserving His very pure Words. They had to change this passage of Scripture, otherwise they couldn't explain why we have literally HUNDREDS of English Bible versions today. If God kept His solemn promise to preserve His “PURE WORDS” FOREVER, then those PURE WORDS must exist somewhere in the world today. Clearly, the existence of SEVERAL HUNDRED English Bible versions is not in harmony with God's promise to preserve His PURE WORDS forever! Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

Sweetly said, with powdered sugar on top, why does Bob Jones University support this Satanic garbage? I could just as easily refute Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary (Cemetery), East Texas Baptist College, or any one of thousands of apostate Bible institutions today across the United States, who trash out the inspired Word of God. Since BJU is still recognized as the bastion of fundamental Christianity in America, I respectfully “rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;” (Titus 1:13). Bob Jones University was the greatest Bible institution in America in their hey day, when “Dr. Bob” as they called Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) was still alive. Unfortunately, since Brother Jones went to Heaven in 1968, it seems that anything goes at BJU. What next at Bob Jones, a LGBT support group on campus? Oh wait, they already have that... it's MIND BLOWING APOSTASY at BJU!!! Oh my God in Heaven! What the hell is going on at Bob Jones University?

Rabbi Zamir Cohen #fundie #homophobia hidabroot.com

The Root of the Desire for a Heterosexual Relationship

From the outset, we should establish that the normal desire of a man for a woman, and a woman for a man, does not derive from evil as Catholic Christianity believes — which is why they impose lifetime celibacy upon their priests and popes — but from a person’s desire to find completion. The Talmud informs us (Yevamot 63a) that an unmarried person is not a whole person, as the verse says, “He created them male and female… and called their name Adam.” (Gen. 5:2)

The implication is that both together are called “a man”. A complete human being is a person composed of two parts, one part male and the other part female. It is normal that each half seeks to complete what he/she is missing in his/herself. Each needs the other to complete him in many areas of life — and only when together, can they experience domestic harmony. The Zohar takes this one step further and says that there is no such thing as a female soul or a male soul, but one soul composed of two parts, the male part and the female part.

As with any vital and powerful drive, a person has the ability to choose whether to use this power of attraction to the opposite sex in a positive way — through marriage and by keeping family purity laws, or negatively — by not marrying and /or not keeping the family purity laws.

Causes for Natural Dispositions

With this background, we can better understand, from a spiritual viewpoint, why some men tend to be attracted to their own kind. Without going into the question of whether this tendency is inherited or acquired, some wrongly view these people are inherently bad. Usually these types of men have a certain docility which causes them to incline to their own kind.

They do not want to marry a woman. They do not feel like most men that the women they are living with is their second half who will help them achieve completion. They subconsciously feel that they lack masculinity, and need another man to supplement their masculinity. Once such a person understands that his natural docility is at the root of his problem, it will be easier for him to find a solution.

First, he has to convince himself that he is in fact a man in every respect, other than his docility. Every day he should mull it over in his mind, especially when his inclination bothers him, until he is convinced of it, and develops a sense of disgust towards forming an unhealthy bond with other men. He should bolster his attitude by considering that all those who indulged in their tendency in their youth, generally found themselves at the age of forty and older shunned by the society among whom they lived (as can be self-understood). They spent the rest of their lives without children, without a family, and without joy of life. The pleasure and satisfaction which they exhibited when they were young gave way to deep pain as they got older.

Brad Salzburg/Cultural Action Party of Canada #homophobia #wingnut capforcanada.com

CAP tend to focus on aspects of social issues establishment media shun. Here is an example: Why does Justin Trudeau so vehemently push all aspects of LGBT agendas?

After all, one primary result is the “feminization” of the male species. How can anyone– straight or gay– deny such thing? In CAP opinion, Trudeau has strong-armed our nation into trans-itioning to Gay Army Nation of the western world.

LGBT results in a depletion of masculinity in Canada. Trudeau & Co. push the concept of men dressing in women’s clothes. They promote the homosexual lifestyle, as well as transgenderism for males– of ANY age.

For Trudeau, masculinity is a no-no. Canada must be a nation of feather-weight, effeminate men prancing around in Manolo Blahnik pumps. It’s all so insane– including the ridiculous manner in which Justin’s media puppets go along for the ride.

Jason Morgan, PhD #fundie #wingnut #homophobia tfp.org

Since the beginning of the Culture Wars in the wake of the Sexual Revolution, conservative Americans have come to believe that many fellow citizens are at war with God. From abortion to same-sex “marriage” to the proliferation of gender and transgender ideology—and the celebration and promotion of these by the government and public schools—it does not take much to conclude that God’s Creation of the human person has been thrown out. His handiwork is rejected in favor of mankind’s own design.

Many who see this contempt for God are Christians. This taking up arms against the Creator is even easier to understand when one considers that Christians themselves have been endlessly targeted for their faith. Bakers, florists, teachers, doctors, prospective adoptive parents—anyone who dares to live according to a Biblical standard—is fair game for ostracism and even violent attacks. Christianity has become anathema to America’s rotten liberal establishment. The rapid rise in popularity of satanic cults makes it impossible to deny that Christians and their faith are under siege.
This evolving notion of morals is offensive to revealed religion and natural law, but Horowitz seems not to notice the real tension between political ideology and abiding truth. In other words, he believes that the Enlightenment can supplement the Church—a view shared by countless others (whether they know it or not) who call themselves “conservative.” Progress comes from liberal ideals, working on the raw material of tradition provided by the Christian past.
Careful reflection will reveal that this liberal framework supported by Horowitz can also be found in the views of say, Barack Obama, who Horowitz roundly criticizes in this book and his many other writings and speeches. Obama famously “evolved” on the question of same-sex “marriage,” to keep ahead of the shifting political winds.

However, can Christianity change to suit the same? Catholics and Protestants can both open their Bibles and read that God made us male and female, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, that we are knit together in our mother’s wombs, that we are loved into existence, that Jesus died on the Cross for each of us, and that we are to leave off adultery, fornication, sodomy, drunkenness, and a host of other sins and repent and believe in the Gospel. Did this change? Can this change? And, if it can, is liberal democracy sufficient to overrule Scripture? Barack Obama’s “evolution” was clearly a cheap political trick. Horowitz sincerely wants to carve out a place for Christianity in America, but if this is the price, then the question is whether the game is worth the candle.

Tony Randolph and South Dakota Republicans #homophobia #transphobia sdlegislature.gov

2020 South Dakota Legislature
House Bill 1215

Introduced by: Representative Randolph

An Act to prohibit the state from endorsing or enforcing certain policies regarding domestic relations.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added:

25-11-1. Marriage policies--Prohibitions.
The state may not enforce, endorse, or favor policies that:
(1) Permit any form of marriage that does not involve a man and a woman;
(2) Appropriate benefits to persons who enter a marriage other than a marriage involving a man and a woman;
(3) Permit counties to issue marriage licenses to persons other than for a marriage involving a man and a woman;
(4) Treat sexual orientation as a suspect class or as a basis of prohibited discrimination;
(5) Recognize a person's belief that that person was born a gender that does not accord with the biological sex of the person as determined by that person's anatomy at birth;
(6) Appropriate tax dollars to pay for sex change operations;
(7) Ban conversion therapy. Under this subdivision, conversion therapy, means a therapeutic practice in which a licensed medical professional, acting under authorized consent, assists a client in the goal or realigning the client's sexual preference to prefer members of the opposite sex who have corresponding reproductive anatomy;
(8) Permit public libraries or public schools in the state to partner with nonsecular organizations to promote, host, sponsor, favor, or endorse drag queen storytime;
(9) Mandate pronoun changes;
(10) Condone or affirm homosexual, transgender, zoophilia, objectophilia, polygamy, or sexual orientation doctrines; and
(11) Permit a person to change the sex on a birth certificate to a sex that does not accord with that person's anatomy at birth.

Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added:

25-11-2. Rights not affected by chapter.
This chapter does not affect:
(1) Marriages between a man and a woman;
(2) A person's right to set the person's self-asserted, sex-based identity narrative or sexual orientation; and
(3) A person's right to practice secular humanism.

Y.Marianov #fundie #wingnut #homophobia unification-family.blogspot.com

<From the rebranded right guard Moonies>

Members often ask me, what exactly is 'Humanism'. Well, Divine Principle is very clear. Humanism reverses all Subject-Object relationships; it expanded as a Cain-type ideology (product of our Physical Mind reversing dominion over our Spirit Mind). After Satan left Communism his power moved totally in the secular culture of Humanism and Relativism that destroyed morality and the foundation of the family in the last half a century. If we want to stop the degradation of our children, win the cultural war and open the way for peace, it is vitally important to reveal the twisted satanic nature of humanism and overcome it ideologically with the truth.

As Tim LaHaye wrote in his book, Battle for the mind, "Most of the evil in the world today can be traced to humanism, which took over governments, United Nations, education, television and other most influential fields in life." Humanism controls the society today by a network of organizations - humanistic associations, the education, trade unions, pro-sex programs, universities, porn magazines, even the hospitals and the textbooks of our children. But how much the aims of humanism are beneficial for humanity? It turns out that the values they promote are extremely destructive to the family and society, and especially dangerous for our young people.

What Secular Humanism infiltrates in people's minds

This becomes obvious when we check their main philosophical base expressed in the Humanist Manifesto:

1. Humanism rejects traditional moral values. They reverse good and evil. Not only values are made relative, but anyone who mentions what's right or wrong is marked by them as evil.

2. Humanism denies obedience to any authority, including parental, or the authority of God.

3. Humanism promotes selfish-individualism - extreme individualism, as the highest good: It propagates that everyone can do what he wants to satisfy his momentary desires.

4. Humanism directly attacks marriage and the family as outdated, claims free sex, homosexuality, sex with animals and sex with children are normal.

The culmination of the "humanist manifesto" is that the freedom of any kind of sexuality should be allowed: Including same sex relations, sex outside marriage, sex with many partners, or sex with small children and animals. At the same time Humanism's aim is that "the family" should be denied as an outdated and unnecessary unit.

This philosophy directly aims to liberate people from any moral standards and social responsibility. This Humanist mass-propaganda brought the collapse of morality in less than half a century. Understanding of it's essential nature and origin comes when we see that in fact Humanism promotes philosophically the four fallen natures.

The real evil in Humanism is REVERSING SUBJECT/OBJECT; Reversal of dominion on all levels... Thus destroying the order, destroying family, destroying society. And more and more, they are very open in proclaiming their evil goals. But they are very good in rationalizing why that's what what we should want.

EXAMPLES: Forbidding parents to discipline and teach values to their children, meanwhile they are Killing children, Raping children, making children Homosexual and Lesbian etc.

Johnny Red #sexist #homophobia incels.wiki

1) Only the beautiful face counts

2) Under a certain aesthetic threshold for women you are a cockroach or a creeping earthworm

3) "Alternative" girls do not exist, all women want only a man with a pretty face, some girls say they look for intelligence and personality in a man, but they lie to themselves and to others because they just want the pretty face

4) The "lesbians" do not exist, because they are such only with ugly men, with the beautiful they become magically "bisexual"

5) The ugliness is a real handicap

6) A handsome man approaches even if he is still and does not say a word, it will be the woman herself to send signals of interest, even obvious; a handsome man can really afford the luxury of standing still in a dark corner of a room without doing anything and waiting for the inevitable signs that if he does not receive it is only because he is a patty idiot

7) A crippled and / or retarded handsome man will always be preferred by women than a normal ugly

8) Under a certain aesthetic threshold the ugly begin to seem mentally ill

9) Women prefer to have sex with dogs rather than with ugly men

10) To make women laugh is not necessary to conquer them, because they choose the partner only on the basis of physical appearance; if you are ugly and you make them laugh at best they will see you as a funny guy, but certainly not as a potential partner

Michael Voris/Church Militant #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia churchmilitant.com

The whole pack of them are working for Hell.

The Left, all of it — entertainment media, politicians, Hollywood studio liberals, screenwriters, actors, college professors and administrators, NGO's, social justice warriors, liberal philanthropists, nutty philosophers, news media, warped sociologists, man-caused climate change cheerleaders, music industry executives, mind-rot authors, atheist scientists, you name it — the whole lot of them and anyone else who would fit under the anti-God umbrella, they collectively comprise the Luciferian Left. And that is to say the ruling elites of the culture who reject God and morality and seek to destroy any vestige of decency left in society.

It has taken them a couple generations, but they have managed to accomplish just about everything on their bucket list you could imagine. In just the space of my lifetime, we have accepted no-fault divorce, contraception, abortion, shattered families, single parenthood, test tube babies, designer babies, surrogate motherhood, open homosexuality, instant-access pornography, the corruption of higher "education," same-sex marriage, a giant welfare state, the destruction of the middle class, crippling debt, a "no one is accountable" approach, yet everyone goes to Heaven, there is no Hell — most people respond they are basically good people.
[Long screed about Harvey Weinstein here]
his whole Luciferian leftist mentality has more than crept into the Church. Think about the gay priest sex abuse cases where psychologically disturbed men were accepted into the seminary and then proceeded to rape teenage boys by the thousands. What did leaders do — promoted them, protected them, lied about them, covered for them, looked the other way, pleaded ignorance, then when finally caught and trapped, pretended they were ignorant, not vigilant enough.

And now, these same men are sitting atop the largest meltdown of the Church in world history, liquidating the patrimony of millions of immigrants, allowing liars in collars and miters to pervert the Faith, corrupt young minds, destroy the liturgy, keep silent on the greatest holocaust in the history of humanity, advance sodomy as a gift from God, convert the Church into a giant social justice agency and so on. They promote much of the same anti-God agenda as does the Luciferian Left — man-centered, climate change, world peace, destabilization of countries in the name of fighting poverty, backing the distribution of population control programs with government funds.

Where exactly is the line between these two worlds? Evil is evil whether it wears a swastika or a hammer and sickle or hides behind a hypocritical, do-good cultural agenda or dresses up in Church robes to destroy that same Church from within by teaming up with evil agents in the name of good.

Can you imagine, for just a moment, what the Last Day is going to look like? Dear God! All the sins and crimes against God and Man all seen together at the same time and same place for the entire human race and then the Final Judgment — all this evil, intended evil, the plotted overthrow of good, the perversion of truth, the trillions of trillions upon trillions of mortal sins committed by tens of billions of humans, many of whom worked tirelessly to normalize and establish these evils as actual goods.

Thank God we have a reasonable hope that all men are saved. Right!

Ron Hamman #homophobia #fundie #wingnut frontiersman.com

Will the Antichrist be a homosexual?

In answering this question, it is important to assert the question does not originate with me, lest someone out there think that I am bringing some new doctrine out to bolster the political climate. But as the study of Bible prophecy includes verbiage as to the behavior of the one called “that Wicked” by Paul in II Thessalonians, it is not only a legitimate question to ask, but also one to answer.

While the word “homosexual” is not in the Bible, the behavior of those who practice homosexuality, and God’s estimation of them, very definitely is. When the word came into existence I cannot tell you, but what we can say for sure is that when Noah Webster published his first dictionary in 1828, it was not included. This means that homosexuality is a modern word invented to replace the word Noah Webster did include, sodomy, defined as a crime against nature. This is historical revisionism in action.

Sodomy is defined in scripture by two things, the first being that of where it began: Sodom. In Genesis 13:13 we have the first mention of the men of Sodom, pronouncing that they “were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.” Their saga is continued in chapters 18 and 19 with their sin being so great that not only does God say that it “is very grievous,” but he himself comes down to destroy them with fire, the rubble of which still stands as a warning to us today.

While the Genesis account does not graphically describe their sin, leading some to deny it as being the same as homosexuality, their sin is obviously just that by how it is described: lying with mankind as with womankind. What other conclusion can be reached when they want to “know” the men who were in Lot’s house, the same word the Bible uses in Genesis 4 in relation to the conception of Cain? And that Lot himself understood their intentions is clear; not only did he call such behavior wicked, but he also offered his virgin daughters as substitutes, which the men of Sodom refused.

And one more thing: Sodomy is the only sin for which God came down from heaven to destroy. Though God dealt with many other sins in various ways, there is no other for which he came down from heaven to verify and destroy. In the New Testament, sodomy is declared to be “against nature.” And of the men, Paul in Romans 1 says they leave “the natural use of the woman….” In effect, there is no greater sin against God than to reject how he made you, and no greater sin against women than to reject how God made them.

But will the Antichrist be a homosexual? Having seen what the Bible says of sodomy, we have no further to look than the book of Daniel, chapter 11 to find our answer. It says, “Neither shall he [Antichrist] regard… the desire of women….” As I said at the onset, I am not the first to draw attention to this, but the verbiage is clear.

From a lost perspective, the reason sex sells, pornography is profitable, and prostitution is “the world’s oldest profession” is mankind’s desire of women. From Christianity’s position, it is part of the glue for the bond of marriage and the propagation of a godly heritage. But homosexuality does not regard this — in their unbridled lusts they burn for their own gender.

But consider this: The time is ripe for such a leader. Indeed, it should not be surprising that the one who is against everything Biblical and Christian should be a partaker of so great a sin; there is no greater way to reject the Creator than to reject your gender and his design for it. And at what other time have we seen such perversion come out of the closets onto our streets, threatening violence if we do not accept their ways?

Is it any wonder that Revelation 13 says that this same Antichrist will make war with the saints of the tribulation, and overcome them? Are they not now readying themselves to make it illegal to “offend” them in any way, calling it hatred to preach against their sin? Is it because they love us? The time is ripe for such a man.

But remember that sodomy is the one sin that God left heaven and came to earth to destroy. Could it be that this will be the predominate sin on earth when Christ descends from the clouds to fight against the armies of wickedness? And will it be just a coincidence that the Antichrist will be the very first occupant of the lake of fire, tasting eternal death 1,000 years before even the devil himself?

You be the judge.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia tfp.org

Achieving Christendom Is America’s Best Chance at Overthrowing Abortion, LGBT Reign of Terror

Christendom Is the Solution for the Emptiness of our Nihilistic Society
Grave moral problems are tearing the country apart. For many, this is apparent in the form of broken homes, procured abortion, shattered communities and lost Faith.

Many people get it right when pointing out the problems. However, they get it wrong when looking for solutions.

Some get it wrong because they look for solutions that address symptoms, not causes. Others search for a way out that involves the least possible effort. In these politically correct times, people are told not to offend anyone by their proposals. Thus, they automatically exclude the only real solution, which is a return to Christendom. They are willing to consider any other solution, no matter how absurd or improbable—anything but Christendom.

Christendom! It may seem shocking since its days seem long past. We are supposed to be in a post-Christian era. However, the urgency of our times call for it. We need a Christian civilization if we are going to overcome the present crisis. It needs to be at least considered.

A Rejected Proposal

Because our problems are moral, our solutions must also be moral. The rich treasury of Western thought and traditional Church teaching prove that the natural law and Christian morality are the norms that are best suited to our human and social nature. We find our greatest happiness inside institutions and social structures that take us to the end for which we are created—God.

Thus, we should naturally tend to favor Christendom. Everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, finds the best conditions for prospering inside a family of nations that facilitates virtue and promotes social harmony in this vale of tears.

But everyone avoids this conclusion. We have long been conditioned to reject this line of thought. This Anything But Christendom (ABC) Syndrome curiously applies alike to the political left, right and center. It embraces both secular and religious America. The most rigid tyranny bars anyone from thinking outside the materialistic box.

The ABC Syndrome and the Political Spectrum

Each political sector has its reasons for denying Christendom. For radical liberals, the ABC Syndrome makes sense. They resent any moral limits to their acts and do not care if there are harmful consequences. Individual pleasure reigns supreme regardless of self-destruction or the death of babies. Thus, a Christian moral code represents an unbearable restriction on their desires to do, think and be whatever they want. Their variant of the ABC Syndrome is to allow Everything But Christendom. Use any letter of the LGBTQ+ alphabet, but never use C for Christendom.

Those on the right have a different approach. We find Christians who truly desire a Ten-Commandment-based moral code, for example. However, they dare not propose Christian morality because the people and media who oppose it appear to be numerous. For them, it has no chance of winning. Thus, they subscribe to the Anything But Christendom approach on how society should be run. Every concession must be made to accommodate others who refuse to accommodate them. Christians dance around all the issues touching on Christendom, but no one dares say the word.

And then there are the radical moderates who want to appear non-radical. In their radicalism, these extremists purge all moral references from the debate. They prefer to tweak the status quo, hoping to avoid the Christendom issue altogether. As society falls apart, this effort proves elusive and ineffective.

Imposing the Christian Will Upon Others

Three main fallacies are used to justify the ABC Syndrome. The first is the mistaken belief that proposing Christendom imposes the Faith on non-believers.

Liberals think that establishing any moral limits means imposing Christianity on others. And yet they have no qualms whatsoever with imposing their anti-Christian will on Christians, on Christian feast days such as Christmas, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. They have no scruples about stuffing a Drag Queen Story Hour world of perversion down the throats of society, despite protests from concerned parents.

Christians cannot impose their Faith on those who do not believe because Faith is a gift from God. It cannot, by its nature, be imposed. However, Christians can and should enact reasonable laws based on the natural law that call for moral restraint to form a just and harmonious society.

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Since Aristotle, moralists taught that this natural law is valid for all times, places and peoples. By advocating such moral limits in the law, Christians merely obey the nature of all law, which restricts what individuals might do for the sake of the higher common good.

In proposing Christendom, we are not imposing but returning to an order that conforms to our human nature and which favors our development and sanctification. In submitting their Everything But Christianity agenda, the left imposes on society a destructive system that brings it to ruin.

Hopelessly Outdated

The second fallacy is that Christendom is so far removed from society’s current state that it is impractical to propose it. The Christian agenda is hopelessly outdated for postmodern times, it is falsely claimed.

There is nothing more outdated than today’s anti-Christian agenda. As Catholic thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira notes, there is nothing new about divorce, procured abortion, nudity, and moral depravity. Most “modern” proposals are merely recycled pagan vices from antiquity. Moreover, what could be more foreign to our American Christian heritage than the sudden appearance of transgenderism or the current mainstreaming of Satanic movements?

Indeed, most Americans identify with a return to our Christian roots. They have problems adjusting to the latest barbarisms proposed by a neo-pagan culture. The debate should not be centered on the age of the ideas proposed but their merits. The automatic exclusion of ideas because some claim they are outdated is foolish and wrong. The only thing that matters is if they are true or false.

A Long Time Frame

Finally, there is the fallacy that it is impossible to change society quickly, especially when most people seem to subscribe to the opposite of a Christian civilization. At best, a Christian restoration is a futile effort, they erroneously claim.

Again this argument sidesteps the merits of ideas. It focuses on the practicality of implementing them. However, this fallacy is as flawed as the other two.

Captivating ideas like homeschooling, for example, have drastically changed individuals and families in a short time. As the last elections have proven, voters will change their positions when convinced of the need to change.

Societies, too, can quickly and radically change. Consider the Sexual Revolution. Within the space of a decade, the sixties radically changed the mores, fashions and manners of that generation and all those that followed. Most people in the fifties were not hippies, but many adopted hippie ways in the seventies as these became mainstream.

The history of the Church is full of fervent missionary efforts in which whole peoples, burdened by their paganism, were quickly converted to the Faith by the efforts of men and the action of grace. These peoples changed their lives wholesale, adopting Christian ways in a short time.

People change their ways when times are empty, and ideas are exhausted. Indeed, it is in times like ours that grand ideas like Christendom have their greatest appeal.

Where Christ Is King

Thus, the time is ripe to debate Christendom. It should be done openly, unapologetically and enthusiastically. Many do not know what Christendom is. Indeed, the ABC Syndrome represents old liberal prejudices that distort the true nature of a Christian society. For too long, our shallow, materialistic society has suppressed the notions of wonder, sublime, and the sacred that correspond to the deepest desires of the human soul.

By engaging in the debate over Christendom, we address the emptiness of our nihilistic society that finds no meaning or purpose in life.

Above all, the failure to debate Christendom is fatal since it means the continued descent into an anti-Christendom of anarchy and unrestraint. This anti-regime is already seen in the dark yearnings of Antifa, anarchists and Satanic movements that call for a world without morality. They advocate the destruction of our nation and the persecution of those who keep the Faith.

Science Confirms: Angels Took the House of Our Lady of Nazareth to Loreto
These topics need to be discussed. We should not be afraid to proclaim our desire to see Christ as King. Numerous popes have described this Christian society as one that affirms the social Kingship of Christ. In his encyclical Quas Primas, Pius XI says that “Once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will, at last, receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.”

Only Christendom can be a truly just society for all.

kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #god-complex kjbisjesuschrist.wordpress.com

I’m afraid I admit to be an old fuddyduddy, a fossil, an old grandma-type who’s stuck on the old days, but I am someone who, along with my God, hates global unity, New Age religions, treehuggers, climate change, LGBTQ agendas, public school indoctrinations, children being let alone to become animals, global warming, religions of every sort, Satanic music, drunkenness, drug-addiction, gambling, porn of any type, Christian Contemporary garbage, the so-called prosperity gospel, false religions, false prophets, false teachers, false bibles, etc. You name that which is popular in the days we live, by God’s grace, I detest it and stay far away from it.

Humbly, I have the mind of Christ. I hate what Christ hates. I love what Christ loves. I love the King James Bible. I’m ashamed of today’s lukewarm Christianity. I cringe at other false cults’ devotion to lies (e.g., Jehovah’s Witnesses). I despise every evil work and way, and that’s because America is judged and the world is dying and about to come up before God Almighty upon her death.

Call me what you may, and hate me if you will, but I want to live for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and preach the Gospel to as many as I can, as long as I can while I still can. There are still a few seconds of daylight left. I will work while there is light to see by, even to the final second. The night cometh, when no man can work. And when the darkness falls at last, I will no longer be here, but in Heaven.

Heart Communicators #homophobia #racist #conspiracy heartcommunicators.com

BEWARE – this is a really ugly subject matter (SODOMY on children & Satanic Ritual Abuse) on this page but needs to be discussed as our leadership lives their lives with ritual and occultism and the sodomy practice. They do this with their piers and with pedophilia is big amongst these New World Order WANNABES. It is outrageous on its best day, it destroys lives – young and old. THIS SUBJECT MATTER IS ABOUT SODOMY WITH CHILDREN TO SPLIT THEIR MINDS AND CONTROL THEM FOREVER.
This is a part of the NEW WORLD ORDERS trans-gender luciferian agenda being put out and being enforced by our leadership, the military complex,and police forces with quite the vehicles and technology to do their jobs with these days.
Click here to read about The Key of David is the Rothchild Sodomy

“The”Key of David” is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain”. From Max’s thread
(white flashes of light in the brain are not worth signs of spiritual enlightenment. It is the signs of a perverted sexual deviant to put this on the masses).

Sodomy in childhood – NOT ON MY WATCH – how sick this world has become!)

Ku Klos Knights #racist #homophobia kuklosknights.com

We are White Christian patriots of the true Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan of our great country. We are for the future of our white Christian children and for our generations to come, join a traditional white klan who believes in the teachings of Jesus and therefore we do not believe in HATE. We are against homosexuals of both genders and we believe that marriage is between one man and one woman as Jesus teaches.

The ku klux klan of our country has never been more relevant than today and we stand for the protection our past history and for our future. This is a message of hope, that we of the KKK believe in our country. There is now a war going on against our people, our children, our cherished way of life and our principles. We must stand true to our klan and our brothers and sisters and family and pray that we can maintain our sense of loyalty to each other. Stand up and be counted!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Wake up Christians! Nearly every church today has been infiltrated by Satan, but they don't realize it. If your church is using a modern Bible version, other than, or in addition to, the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE, Satan has infiltrated your church. Please learn about, The Occult Roots Behind All Modern Bible Versions. Don't let Satan into your church, because it is God's Church! The new Bible versions have sinfully changed the plan of salvation; from “the simplicity that is in Christ” (2nd Corinthians 11:3), to one of human effort plus partial faith in Christ (aka, Lordship Salvation). Once Satan infiltrates a church, then the spiritual disease spreads until it kills the church completely. This is why 20,562 Presbyterian ministers in 10,083 churches in March of 2015 voted to accept same-sex marriages in their denomination. GOD RIGHT WITH GOD!!!

Singer Taylor Swift, whether she realizes it or not, is playing right into the Devil's hands, as a pawn for the Illuminati to further destroy America. Any honest person with a working brain, whether Christian or not, can see that the entertainment industry is trying to undermine the morals and values of youth today. The question of “why” has been answered in the preceding shocking quotes by William Guy Carr. Miss Swift's net worth in 2019 is an estimated $360,000,000. It is blood money! Taylor Swift is as popular as ever. Here's a sickening article titled, “13 Reasons Why Taylor Swift Is The Ideal Role Model.” Ideal role model? Are you high on something? Are you a Devil worshipper? There's your “ROLE MODEL” in a screen capture from her Wildest Dreams video on YouTube. This is why America's daughters are becoming whores, bimbos and hoochie-mamas these days! Their simply emulating their sleazy ROLE MODELS like Taylor Swift!

From enlarging the screenshot (as seen below), it appears that Taylor is intentionally arranging her fingers in such a way as to give an ILLUSION that she's inserting something into her female area. I really don't like showing this stuff, but as of November 2015 this disgusting video (WILDEST DREAMS) has received 190,499,160 hits on YouTube!!! Personally, I think YouTube (Illuminati controlled along with Google) artificially inflates their numbers, to give the impression that Taylor Swift is a massive success. If the video only received 5,000 hits, it would make her look like an everyday YouTube user. Albeit, there's no doubt that Taylor Swift is extremely popular and her videos are some of the most viewed on the internet. Look at the enlarged screenshot below, and the previous image, and you decide! Dr. Henry Makow is absolutely right that, Satanists Are Using Women To Destroy Western Culture. Here's another disturbing article I found in a Google search about Taylor Swift being a popular ROLE MODEL for youth...

15 Reasons Why Taylor Swift Is The ROLE MODEL Of Our Generation

Taylor Swift is of the Devil. Her Luciferian handlers coached her to do this, because they are degenerates, who intentionally want to lead our youth into sexual perversion. We know that Luciferians are behind the music and movie industry because of the prevalence of occult symbols that they employ. TAKE A LOOK INTO THE WINDOW OF DARKNESS! America didn't become the cesspool of iniquity that it is today by accident, our western culture was engineered by Luciferians (whose God is immoral sex)! Why do you think the official occult symbol for Freemasons is a giant 666 inch wide and 6,666 inch tall erect male phallus (aka, The Washington Monument)? ...


ABOVE: Taylor Swift, in her sick video “WILDEST DREAMS,” creating the illusion of sticking a dildo inside of her vagina.

Do you realize my friend that the preceding vile, lewd, ungodly and perverse video has received 670,694,589 views on YouTube!!! Any American man or woman who is okay (or indifferent) with the above video content being shown to our youth, is a morally-corrupt individual, and you do not fear the holy God of the King James Bible! Our nation is under Satanic attack!

The media's portrayal of Taylor Swift as a Christian is a big farce! Her younger brother is a student at the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic research university. Catholicism is a Satanic cult! Although rumors circulate on the internet of Swift's Christian background, Taylor herself refuses to acknowledge that she is a Christian.

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