
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Black AfricanCell invades poland making Hiltler Look like a kindergarten bed wetter . Moggs all polishCells. #MokebeEffect

His name is Kenny Louis, small kenyan blackcell musiciancell based in Poland 27 years old . Married but still Expanding his genetic pool. You can search some of his popular songs on YouTube and Spotify.




He looks like a monkey.

Slav foids love em.


I think Slav women get off on the novelty. There's hardly any blacks that go to Eastern Europe unless it's to study.


Black people are commonly despised by Polish incels. On wykop.pl there is special tag #Mokebe when some inccels discuss about "stealing foids" by non-white nations, especially black people

There is a common conviction amongst our slavcels that Slav women dislike, if not hate Slav men and prefer Curries, Rices, BBC and South-European Latinos, even Arabs and Nordic +6'1 Chads

I went on that site, seems like some cuck shit from what I gather from the translator NGL.

So I came to incels.is, because wykop.pl even #przegryw became very cucked with many simps and other brainless foid worshippers. BTW is was ostracized by other "incels" for having Russian flag on avi (I had it very long before Ukr-Rus war), especially for Ukrainian foid worshippers

PolishCells are so soft ans nice as compared to other slavcels

Blacks are all fakecels, just fashion max retardss

This one just got lucky, majority of us are suffering in hell

ye, blackcels are fakecels, they can just come to Eastern Europe and slay left and right -- it's also way more safe than SEAmaxx
even in the West they can just guilttrip libtard foids into reparation sex

slav women hate slavs in general

if I wasnt a slav I would slavmaxx instead of seamaxx

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy specular-effect.com

Socialism/Communism are Feminine constructs based on Feminine values. Women and their cult of Safety has dominated much of human existence. This means, my dear sweet summer child, that goal of Communism is not a recent phenomenon of the industrial revolution. It has always been with humans.

This is something most people do not understand and it is why they take it all for granted and cannot get a firm grasp on how Socialism/Communism always appeals to the masses. Again, Socialism/Communism have ALWAYS been around. They are not recent “inventions” and iterations of history, by some ]ew with a scraggly beard in London with a faggot for a friend and sugar daddy (Engels).

Socialism/Communism are FEMININE constructs that predate ]ews. I know most of you don’t want to hear, nor accept this, but it is an inescapable fact. ]ews simply use Socialism/Communism as tools of division and destruction, just as they use their favorite morons—women—to bring about destruction.
Socialism/Communism are FEMININE ideations that seek to fix that which CANNOT be fixed. It is literally the hubris of the Feminine that believes itself to be the cure and answers to all the world’s ills and the belief that that answer is woven into the fabric of the Feminine being.

Breathe, brainless! Relax and comprehend what I’m saying. Most of people are too retarded and fucking dumb, or too shallow to comprehend that the power of the ]ew lies in WOMEN and the goyim’s gynocentric tendencies and nature. ]ews CANNOT be successful, were it not for women. The snake is powerless without the woman.

]ews are extremely Feminine, too. The entire ]ewish religion and experience is Feminine. The way they interact with the outside world is Feminine and the only reason why they are successful in their interactions. They behave like women on the political stage and receive the responses women receive from gynocentric men in politics.

Indracel #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

I find it amusing how foids say that they "fuck(ed) someone". It's like someone saying "my car drove me" instead of "I drove my car". You stupid toilet, you were fucked. You were the object that was being acted upon.

Being fucked isn't a bidirectional thing. One person fucks the other, and the other person is the slut who takes in all the fucking. Foids fall under the latter category: when they open their legs and let men stick their dicks down their rancid meatholes, foids are are the ones being fucked senselessly like filthy, depraved whores. A foid isn't "fucking" a man when she deepthroats and chokes on his cock, she's acting as a biological cum dumpster who only exists to pleasure him and get him to cum so she can swallow all his sperm up like the disgusting semen receptacle all toilets are :lul::lul::lul: It's why a foid's roasted beef flaps are so disgusting: us men were never meant to put our mouths near that scrunched up pile of fish meat, we were supposed to fuck that thing senselessly from a distance.

Ultimately, foids cannot fuck people. They fundamentally play the role of sex toys that get fucked, used, and thrown to the side by other men. They will never be anything more than sex slaves who are anatomically and behaviorally designed to pleasure their male masters during sex. Hell, the only way whores can gain any upper hand in sex is by mimicking the body parts of their male overlords with plastic strapons, but even then they won't truly feel anything or gain the kind of pleasure they crave when they take their proper roles as submissive sluts and get spitroasted by chads.

It's one of the reasons why no one is impressed when a foid has been fucked by hundreds of men: because like all other meat, she has an expiration date. Toilets need to thus refrain from laughably suggesting that they are in any way our equals in sex and that they "fuck" other guys. Because they can't fuck other guys, they can only pleasure them before they toss her aside.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I left Canada for Mexico in December 2020 just before the unvaccinated were denied their freedom to travel by plane.

I returned in June 2022 planning to sell my house and return to Mexico permanently.

I quickly realized that, although brain-dead, (politics, media, schools-universities, churches) the country was still alive and kicking. Free enterprise is resilient.

During the dark days of the COVID hoax, I had given up on my homeland but on returning I realized the meaning of home. This is my home. I have lived here practically all of my 72 years. I have always been a Canadian nationalist and did my PHD in Canadian literature. I belong here.

I am not going to let a Communist dictator, Fidel Castro's son, steal my country from me. I belong here. He doesn't.

I was here before him. I reported his birth on the front page of the Ottawa Journal Dec 26, 1971.

I have fought for this country all of my life, and I intend to go down fighting.

I am an assimilated Jew. That means I put the human race, and my country first.

I am a fish out of water in Mexico.
The things I don't like are obvious. I feel unwelcome as a white person. (Yes, I identify as white.) Throughout the West, globalist Jews are replacing people of European origin. I hate that the globalists are flooding the West with single young male migrants who one day could constitute a military occupation force.

Whites are already missing from TV, TV commercials and political power. I resent that the mass media has abandoned its responsibility to uphold the public interest and report the facts objectively. It has gone over to spewing propaganda. I hate that Canadian docilely accepted all the woke bullshit and feminism but the tide is turning. The globalists are going to be defeated and I am going to celebrate the victory for nationalism.

The Grinch #sexist incels.is

Male feminists are traitors and cuckolds

Imagine engaging in the war against masculinity as a male, you must really hate yourself and every other male on this earth.

Of course, a man who says shit like: "Women Are better than men" is just doing virtue signaling and trying to gain "good boy points“ in society and probably get some Pussy as a reward, like: Look at me, i am such a good boy, i don’t care about personal benefit, i only care about the benefit of women, i support women, even though they don’t support me, i am so selfless and a good boy.

At least, that’s what i hope, because otherwise it would mean, he hates his own gender, which automatically means, he hates himself.
They are like white cucks who suck the cocks of blacks, because they feel guilty.

I‘m not saying, men should support each other, what i am saying is, that male feminists simply despise themselves and because by fighting against the male gender, they are fighting against themselves like self hating cuckolds, the brainwashing is working on them very well.

I hate nothing more than male feminists

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Really tired of the media‘s outright LIE that all American women were so upset when Roe was overturned. Absolutely not. Millions of women celebrated. We still do. And now we are fighting our hardest to make sure laws protect all children. Abortion is sick & evil & we will end it.

PPEcel #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Hypocrisy Mentally ill faggot screams into megaphone directly at an elderly foid's face during protest


“F— you, you f—king white cracker. F— you, you ugly piece of sh—!”

A male far-left militant screams a racist slur over a bullhorn in the face of a woman. Far-left radicals have descended on the state capitol in Nashville to try & shut down @MattWalshBlog.

The video says it all, really.

Here's my question: How much of a meltdown would Reddit have if an incel did the same thing to a woman holding a sign during a feminist rally? Methinks they would start ranting about harassment. So why is it that the soycucks are OK with this type of behavior from faggots?

You can tell there's something cuckoo about SJWs in general. No sane person behaves like that in public.

why does """he""" look like a literal woman

It's a man that's pumped full of all sorts of chemicals so he can LARP as a femoid. A goddamned freak.

Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: Taylor Swift Will Release Midnights Teaser During Prime Video's Thursday Night Football

from a previous Taylor Swift video:


Long ago she would be burned in a fire till death for mating and or promoting sex with the African Apes and African Dogs or any Bestiality.
It was in the bible long ago to kill these animals that mate outside of their own race, when the white race was pure.

But somehow, religion promotes Bestiality now.

Exodus 22:19

19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

As sperm from mammals is the smallest cell in the mammal's body and sperm is programed to invade cells and release its DNA Package into the living cell. Kind of like a virus.

This has to do with Males DNA being sharded with the other man or beast.
Aids is a DNA Package that finds compatible cells to host the DNA.
DNA and sperm are smart cells and when sperm finds a male-on-male cell, the DNA, by nature tries to kill the Male on Male.

Africans have a corrupted blood cell, Sickle Cell Disease and think, black tight curly hair follicles that are not found on any other mammal.

The African she lays with is her lust for sex pleasure, and she created the life forum just for sex.
What she did not know, is the power of nature, taking in the male's sperm of a beast (serpent) would change her DNA into a beast.
Females have more pleasure nerves in the reproductive glands / organ then male mammals, and the sperm from the male mammal is like the tree of knowledge.

If the female takes in enough male sperm, by drinking by mouth and using her Birth Canal to take in male sperm, where the eggs (fruit) are, and repletely over one time or many times, depending on how foreign the two life forums are, the male's sperm will slowly program the female's DNA to conceive and reproduce life, that's the power of nature.

Males and Females are God like; they create life in their own image, like a female can create corrupted life forums and then share it with the males.
The Great redeemer hides the sins of man and beast.

If a female seeks pleasure any way she can, the female is the slave master and will enslave her man, sons, father and brothers for she lusts of comforts.

basementLDARcel #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

Incel Trait: getting excited about mass shootings.
It's always funny whenever a mass shooting happens, normies always wanna give up gun rights. Meanwhile, niggers shoot each other to death in the city every day and normies don't give a shit. This proves normies are actually sociopaths who only care about an issue when it affects them. This is why normies deserve to be killed in mass shootings, or better yet, when little kids get killed in mass shootings, because those kids will grow up to be bratty teenagers

On top of that, all the parents have to deal with losing a child, imagine the misery and despair they will feel. Why should us as incels care about children, when we are denied the opportunity to reproduce? It makes no sense. And going back to the gun rights, it goes to show normies don't care about the gun rights, or even understand how rights work. they will claim stuff like "when the second amendment was created we didn't have access to high powered AR-15s". Well, we also didn't have the internet when the first amendment was created, so by that logic no one should be able to say stuff online. Which is ironically what normies think in regards to this forum, they think us saying mean stuff and "Go ER (in minecraft)", is illegal, when it's not.

Fuck normies, I hope the next mass shooter reaches double digits in kills.

AsiaCel #sexist incels.is

Burqa are super high IQ if you think about it, they heavily limit foids attractiveness to other men, which reduces male to male competiton and cheating. Because you don't know who's a 18yr cute girl or who's a 85 yr grandma.

Also, foids can't cheat with fakeups anymore. That greatly reduces their cheat codes.

Combine this with banning foids from leaving home without a man, and many relationship related problems are reduced to a minimum.

Various incels #sexist #racist blackpill.club

I noticed that feminists seem to be pretty afraid of incels, but don't understand why. I mean, incels are pretty powerless, meanwhile feminists have all the power in the west.
So why are feminists afraid of incels?

I blame it on teaching them how to read.. and giving them freedom to watch jewtube...
they will watch propoganda on how ER was an incel and how he killed innocent wymen.. and they think all incels are ERs...
and you can see this on cuckeddit.. ER is the most widely used synonym for incels...and it is not just a bias against incels..
femoids will read over and over any new related to where a femoid gets killed or attacked at night.. like they read a wymen was killed by a homeless guy and so now they hate all homeless people...
it is hardwired in their brains...but all their hate vanishes when serial killer looks like Ted Bundy... its funny...
we need sharia law to curb these femoids form destroying this earth

This is also why wymen hate trump.. cause media portrayed him as being a anti femoid... femoids are so easy to manipulate if you are a chad...

[ in GTA V of course ]

Various Blackpillers #sexist blackpill.club

Why Foids Belong In The Kitchen.

They do. Foids should have all of their rights taken away and be sent back to the kitchen where they belong.

If they don't then they will continue to be sluts and ride the Chad carousal.

Foids should have no rights. Our ancestors understood this. It wasn't until jews pushed feminism that people started to believe in "Gender equality" Nonsense.

Men are superior to foids. They are far smarter stronger and taller. Foids are weak and emotional.

Foids are all grown children and should be treated as such. The hierarchy of man>Foid>Child needs to return.

Foids should also not have to right to say "No" To sex. Martial rape should be legal. Foids should also be disciplined when they misbehave by being spanked.

I support arranged marriages as a solution to Inceldom. Every man is entitled to his looksmatch.




they should make me a sandwish while doing the dishes and sucking my cock all at the same time, anything else?

the kitchen is truly their rightful place, considering how much stress the average women goes trough nowdays, they might as well enjoy it

We cant do nothing just accept that they are all Whores and move on

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL Millionaire giga Stacy E-girl Amouranth reveals abuse

"B-But just be a good person if you want a partner INKY !"
"W-who cares if she's been complicit in scamming her legion of simps out of millions for years!"

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! he's gonna drain her bank account and leave her with ONLY a million dollars

This is fake she is just doing this for attention

I think it's fake too. Probably just looking for an out so she can stop Hot tub streams and E-girl whoring without pissing off her simps.

(Praise the Sun)
Fuck this whore, she couldn't even cover her tits for this "serious matter"? Fucking disgusting mindset making as much money as possible.

Also personality detector disfunctional?


JFL at this literal millionaire drama...

Even if it's not staged, I don't get how it's relevant; you made millions off of desperate subhumans and LTNs, and decided to go along and disable your personality detector on purpose with your Chad while doing so, and eventually got the hammer...

Much sympathy from me, obviously!

Probably fake, if not... should have listened to her personality detector! Lmao fucking women

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Men have been programmed to believe that sex and "love" are the key to happiness. We need a woman's love to develop as men. We need to sexually satisfy a woman to prove our masculinity.

We are programmed to seek feminine approval when our own approval is all that matters.

We are programmed to idealize flawed and often stupid women instead of real ideals: Truth, Justice, Love, Beauty and Goodness.
Western society is a satanic (((Cabalist))) sex cult. Women have become sexual commodities. (((Communism))) has always viewed them as sexual utilities. If feminism were really pro-women, it would have promoted marriage and condemned promiscuity. Most women seek the life-long loyalty and love of a good man, their husband.

Anyway, I've been there, done that. I have satisfied a few women countless times and I have been satisfied as well. I've matured in the prescribed way. I discovered the lie by living it.

But I wish I had found a shortcut and downgraded the role of women and sex to its real level of importance, say from 75% to 25%.

The satanist media has given young women a delusional sense of entitlement. Our mental programmers present them as demi-gods.

Just like prostitutes, many young women are no longer attractive to men. Men find modesty, innocence, style, intelligence, and femininity attractive.

Moreover, I sense that fewer and fewer women are even capable of loving a man. Their hearts have been poisoned by satanist social engineering.
Am I bitter? Yes. I am bitter for all the ways my culture has lied to me. Here, I blame Illuminist brainwashing that elevates sexual "relationships" to the negation of everything else. And I blame myself for falling for this garbage.

The average man spends 75% of his energy on it. It's a great motivator for many men. And yes, I realize it's hormonal.

But we cannot let this biological and social programming ruin our lives. Many men are ruined by divorce. Many women are gold diggers.

Maryam_ #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

Why do men keep on having mental breakdowns over their version of the blackpill while women are apathetic to ours?

Ours is doomier and theres a lot to talk about, like, a lot to talk about in terms of general society and the world. Its like reaching enlightenment. Everything makes sense after blackpill feminism. Why does capitalism happen? Men. Wars? Men. Why do I have to wage-cuck my soul away? Men. What happens when we dont wage-cuck? Men. Since wage-cucking leads to climatic genocide, why do we wage-cuck? Men. Why am I depressed all the time? Men. Why am I in this planet? A man spawned me. I am a product of a mans seed. Fucking hell

Incel blackpill is such a boring ideology it makes me want to kill them for being retarded to something so obvious. Like... water. Shut the fuck up. Even the race theories men fucking love with their whole hearts are somewhat interesting though the moment you start to treat various type of caucasoids as different races altogether your ideology just sorta fucking dies at the gates lol.

And yet... men have a stronger reaction to their blackpill than women do for our blackpill. Both are technically just "water is wet" tier but men have mental breakdowns and go on shooting sprees at the thought of women possessing eyes. Shooting sprees, suicidal thoughts, creating incel forums... is male lust really that much of a problem for men?

Like... you should have known your place from the beginning. El em ay oh. You should have always known this. The bigger blackpill is the realization that you didnt know this. The actual blackpill is the fact that men were not aware that they were supposed to be good-looking, and that the female dating pool is filled with people that cant even get the basics of attraction right. Thats insane. Thats fucking crazy. Thats how little we are as women. Men cant even do the basics for us.

The male blackpill is so remedible too. Get plastic surgery, you egotistical smegshit. Thats it. How the fuck are women supposed to plastic surgery men into becoming better people for the benefit of humanity?

Nice Girl™ Award

Lover #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: r/BlackPeopleTwitter being misogynistic as hell as always

Honestly this is why I don't say "white men" when I talk about men being misogynistic anymore.

Lol not defending white moids, they were ethnic tier in the past century (though it seems like some ppl in the radfem community have forgotten)

But ethnic moids run some of the most miserable countries for women on earth. So I don't get why you were saying that in the first place. Unless you are part of the SJW hive stuck in 2013 politics. Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, DRC, etc.

Men of color proved again and again how misogynistic they are against women, especially women of color.

This is not news to us women of color who had to deal with them from day one. I am a gentle, actually cowardly person but I fcking want to literally kill all of my ethnic male relatives. They're pure scum. There is not one single good trait about ethnic moids. I would love to see all these South Asian moids swallowed up in an earthquake

"SJW hive stuck in 2013"

I was part of it

Ethnic men are simply white men without legal consequences for their actions

And who made it so there are legal consequences for people in white countries?

Some of the shit I see white men casually say online would make the peasants in my country get shocked

A lot of those posters are probably diaspora lmao trust me western ethnics are just so evil and depraved.

I doubt most of those posters are white

Vast majority is, because, you know, those posts are in english?

Western zoomers are almost majority ethnic. You really don't understand how prevalent ethnics are in major Western cities. In the UK, I might as well be in Pakistan or Nigeria.

We need to answer why white countries are "safer" but I don't think they will be safer for long. Or white anyway.

Some areas are like 80-90% non-white. Culture is dominated by ethnics, ethnic music and slang, not a single white thing is cool here. The age demographic that matters in London is definitely over 50% non-white.

And what do I perceive in the west? Women in niqabs shopping at my local mart for some fcking reason. Some of them are white I think. Wtf?

Manuel Garoffsen #sexist quora.com

Unfortunately, that's not so the case with women who are 24 or older. Without being rich, they cannot afford the necessities to be or remain attractive after 24, and said necessities of attractiveness include cosmetic surgery, expensive skincare and makeup products, and gym memberships, all of which are far out of reach for the middle class person. This ultimately means that women who are 24 or older and aren't rich are doomed to be overweight/obese, man-faced, short-haired and/or extremely wrinkly and old-looking. You'd be forgiven for thinking that a woman over 24 you met was a man.
With so much influence that feminists have, of course men are going to be forced to realize that all the attractive women they they met are only attractive because said women are in the 18–23 range and that they will be ugly once they turn 24 (unless said women are multimillionaires, but then these men will never be able to even talk to them unless said men are multimillionaires as well).

Knix137 #sexist #kinkshaming youtube.com

The people saying this is fake are indeed morons, but the people blindly defending amouranth are even worse. Anyone that wants to downplay how she chooses to earn money in the context of how she got into the current situation is deluding themselves. By allowing amouranth to do what she does on the twitch platform we have created a place where women can be exploited, full fucking stop. What's worse is that this exploitation goes both ways, far too frequently her biggest donors are people with unhealthy relationships with the internet and their peers and what she sells amounts to a drug for lonely hurting people. This makes her a piece of shit in several ways. She profits on human suffering, perpetuates it by leading people along, and has the audacity to broadcast opinions like she finds her audience contemptable. Respect is something that is earned and she's done nothing to earn respect from anyone. Perhaps the most important thing to grasp here is that what she does is nothing more than a modern iteration of the worlds oldest profession, Amouranth is a prostitute, and we really really shouldn't be surprised in the least that a prostitute, especially a high earning one, has attracted a pimp, her husband. Twitch has allowed their platform to turn into a techno brothel. We need to pull our collective heads out of our ass and recognize that the problem is the environment and the policies, the fact that the environment and policies lead to the creation of this situation is the indication that something is wrong. So instead of directing all your anger and frustration at the consequences of the situation that is prostitution on twitch direct you anger at the platform that allowed this to happen.

Stop allowing people to glamorize being a whore. If you think being a whore is empowering and improving women's lives you are the problem. Stop defending whores and start attacking the people making money off their existence.

Mobb #sexist #psycho youtube.com

(Submitter’s note: This is about Amouranth, a Twitch streamer.)

Charlie you bafoon, You really think this woman didn't set this man up to look like the villain. Some of you beta clowns have it easy bc you didn't have to go through this with a woman and in your case Charlie, you rich. Women know what they are doing and they don't just leave you NOOOO, they have to ruin you on the way out. I'm assuming she's making money now and doesn't want to be with him anymore but divorce isn't an option since I'm assuming there were no prenup. Sooo her smart brain told her, or someone did to set him up as an abuser and violent to make it easier to divorce without losing too much money in the process 2:12 after that I saw in her face how happy she was she got him. Oh Charlie be happy you don't experience this, being a rich beta male makes you judge other men through your life of privileged. And I say rich beta bc you didnt have to reinvent yourself to even get with women, life is tough out here brother.

Herschel Walker #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

Herschel Walker: anti-abortion Senate nominee denies media report he paid for abortion in 2009

A Republican nominee for the US Senate, who strongly opposes abortion rights, has denied a Daily Beast report that he paid for an abortion for a former girlfriend in 2009. Herschel Walker, a former American football player who is running for the US Senate in Georgia, called the accusation a “flat-out lie” and says he will sue the news outlet for defamation.

The Daily Beast published claims from a woman who says Walker paid for her abortion when they were dating. The woman, who was not named, claimed the allegation was supported by a receipt showing a $575 payment for the procedure, along with a get-well card, purportedly from Walker.

According to The Daily Beast, her bank deposit records show the image of a $700 personal check, purportedly from Walker, dated five days after the abortion receipt.

The woman claimed in The Daily Beast report that Walker encouraged her to end the pregnancy, saying that the time wasn’t right for a baby.

In a statement, Walker said he would file a lawsuit against the news outlet.

“This is a flat-out lie and I deny this in the strongest terms possible,” he wrote.

Matt Fuller, the politics editor for The Daily Beast, tweeted in response: “I can tell you we stand behind every word and feel very solid about the story.”

The allegation against Walker is the latest in a series of stories about the former football star’s past that have rocked the first-time candidate’s campaign in one of the most competitive Senate races in the country. Earlier this year, Walker acknowledged reports that he had three children that he had not previously talked about publicly.

As a Senate hopeful, Walker has supported a national ban on abortions with no exceptions for cases involving rape, incest or a woman’s health being at risk.

“I’m for life,” Walker has said repeatedly as he campaigns. When asked about whether he’d allow for any exceptions, he has said there are “no excuses” for the procedure.

Jasuuvius #homophobia #sexist fanfiction.net

Any other stories on the ENTIRETY of the goddamn internet with a like minded plot and theme? Everything else is written by weebs and soyboys and simps. There are no other stories like this. No stories about a badass overpowered MALE dragonborn that isn't fucking pathetic. I'm tired of searching for what should be a quick Google search. Everything else is drenched in anime and faggotry

various commenters #sexist blackpill.club

Why are men happy to die in war, while women flee and fuck other men?
Something I don't quite understand. Ukraine is like a hotspot of feminism. You've got femen there, this ultra feminist group that uses their tits to promote feminism. And they always talk about equality, quality, equality, and how the ukraine war is a war for freedom and equality. Yet now in the ukraine war, the men there fight and die, and their women flee the country and fuck other men in other countries. Why are men ok with that?
And why are men in the west constantly talking about equality when they are the only ones who will have to fight and die in wars?

Women are not born with moral compass and natural hypocrite.

Feminist will keep screaming about feminism until it's inconvenient for them (i.e. going to war), now suddenly women are the lesser being to men so they don't have to go to war.

IMO feminism is is merely manifestation of women's nature. They'll shed no remorse their men die in war, demand equality when it's convenient, they'll fuck whoever wins the war.

Why give Ukraine as the sole example of this? Russian women are notorious whores even among whores which are all women. The odds of deployed Russian servicemen getting cucked are very high.

And they are being cucked by choice. Ukrainian men can't even legally flee their country. They are fucked.

feminist are more than happy to use men as meat shields, and will rationalize it as men are the causers of wars, in their insane little minds if their boyfriend died protecting them from a robber, both the actions of the robber and the boyfriend are canceled by each other, because they are both male, feminism is a subprotect of marxism, which divide society in a bunch of classes instead of individuals, such as "women, poor, rich, men, black, white, jew, etc" and then these groups have historical debts based on perceived oppression. in their insane logic a black women who is a billionaire lacks the privileged of a white homeless guy.

and the same apply to feminism, somehow they think the soldier being blown up to pieces defending his country is equivalent to the one invading the same country, and in the end both this soldiers are only following orders by Mega Wealth and Politicians, because they are too scared of getting killed for desertion.

disfiguredcel & Various BPFers #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men will always prefer basic bitches

DARK_SHADOWS - Theme from A Summer Place

as above

while we pick the most intelligent individuals, they pick the most dull, dumb bitches, because they would "take care of their kids and be a good mother", but the drawback is kids inherit low intelligence. this mechanism backfires

([deleted account])
That's why people are getting dumber every new generation. Tiktok influencers had to come from somewhere.

boo hoo does that make you sad little baby? sorry but this isn’t the femcel sub, get the fuck out of here. We fucking hate men and don’t wanna be picked by them, unlike your sorry- oppressor loving ass. Kindly fuck off :)

u dumb bye

LOL.... What, you wanna be picked sweetheart?

aw yes, everything now is a pickme allegation, women hate women, nothing new

Femcels, this blackpill sub is not a group therapy space for you to bash pretty women ‘Stacys and Beccas’ because you want cock. There’s already tons of forums like that. Stop expecting us to coddle your whittle cock worshipping feelings👍

who said anything about pretty women? I said basic. Bitch, can you even read.

[deleted account], Bijouu & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

([deleted account])
I can't believe the feminist movement is being attacked by men in dresses

I mean, of all fucking things.

Imagine if a white guy walked into a BLM rally wearing blackface demanding to be called "my nigga" and calling black women racist for not wanting to date him, and then proceeding on tearing down flags and assaulting and sending death treaths to people who don't take him seriously. He'd have his ass handed to him.

Can we at least try to be a bit more scary? If we can't scare off a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses how can we ever expect to fight the patriarchy?

I can’t believe it either. How can you take a good look at the average tranny and not laugh your ass off to begin with? Transwomen are clearly mentally ill, cross-dressing creeps, and women are simping hard for them catching themselves on fire to keep these delusional clowns warm. What a joke. I know women are self-sacrificing slaves for men, but there’s a line and this crosses it.

I wish women were more selfish, scary and violent, but we’re not and we’ll always be second class losers because of it. I wonder what annoying bullshit will happen next after men in dresses are done dominating and humiliating us. Female robots claiming they’re the real women? AI taking its chance to dominate us as well? The possibilities are endless when it comes to female humiliation and suffering.

Modern feminism became a meme the moment they let in anyone who could say the word "feminist". Feminism became the punchline to a joke that they use in conversations, they were allowed to say sexist shit and then mutter about being "very feminist btw". Now it is too late. You can barely mention women's health problems because "muh vagina" is not inclusive. You invite a clown, you call it a party but if you invite all the clowns it becomes a circus.

starcrapoo, ChrolloLucilfer04 & Retardfuel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Russian TV ad to combat mass migration of russians. Shows woke america.

There is a small Russian community here in SF.

I have personally overheard when I was in the rich white Anglo section of the city (Marina district), whites poking fun of the slavs in the outer boonie portion of the city (Richmond district).

Slavs are seen as borderline ethnic. I believe Irish were at one point as well in the east coast.

only for males
retards will still breed slav and Irish foids

Slavs are massive patriots, despite being a zero competition to anglo Saxons, this is why they are filled with complexes

Duncan Urbanek #sexist #homophobia lgbtqnation.com

Now a far-right preacher known for his vile rants about the LGBTQ community is calling for men to burn their wives’ pants because, he says, it’s just a form of crossdressing.
Brother Duncan Urbanek spread the love of God by using anti-gay slurs and encouraging men to destroy their spouses’ possessions. Urbanek is a member of the Stedfast Baptist Church, one of the most vicious anti-LGBTQ hate groups in the nation. Church leaders have called for the execution of gay men and publicly celebrated tragedies that killed members of the LGBTQ community.

“People want to get so riled up… Yeah! F*gs are an abomination. God hates ’em,” he begins. “Well, didn’t it just say if you’re a crossdresser, you’re an abomination too?”

“Now obviously it’s not as bad as being a fa***t,” he continued, “But God is still very upset with your sin.”

“No what should we do about that, knowing this as Christians? If you’re a woman and you own any pants, throw them away. Light them on fire. If you’re a man and your wife has pants, throw them away. And if she yells at you, so be it. Throw them away. That’s a good fight to be in.”

“If I was caught wearing a dress and that was online,” he said as his strange rant continued, “I would do everything in my power to get rid of that picture. Like, man, I gotta find the owner of it and persuade him. I gotta pay him off. Like, man, please delete that picture.”

“You know, there is no picture of me wearing a dress,” he added quickly with a nervous chuckle, “because I’m never going to put one on. I don’t own any and I don’t want to wear any. And women should have that same standard.”

Kristol Clear #racist #wingnut #fundie #sexist #conspiracy theuglytruth.xyz

The followers of Judah-ism, featured in this article and in many others–who are on the front lines advocating (DEMANDING) a return to the ‘good ol’ days’ of Roe V Wade aren’t being driven because of an ‘absence’ or a ‘deficiency’ of ‘Jewish ethics’, but rather BECAUSE OF THEM.

Judah-ism permits the murder of the unborn, just as it permits ALL SPECIES OF EVIL, including the sexual abuse of children, and to that particular point, we will repeat our previously-stated assertion that one of the reasons that the followers of Judah-ism HATED and CONTINUE TO HATE the person of Jesus Christ so much was/is because of His love for children and who advocated that the death penalty be applied against those who would harm them.

Having said this, the following ‘protocols’ need to be understood in the ‘Kristol-Clearest’ of terms.

The ‘institution’ of abortion on demand, brought about by Jewish activism, Jewish agitation and Jewish action, has killed more Americans than all wars combined. The Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–perpetrated by the Jewish state in order to get the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East started–that killed 3,000 Americans, represents the number of Americans who have been killed in Jewish abortuaries on a daily basis for half a century.
Nota bene as well–it isn’t Muslims bringing this tsunami of lawsuits all across America in order to protect the business of child murder.

It is the followers of Judah-ism doing this, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just love to refer to themselves.

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked and answered is the following–


various Blackpillers #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

Wtf is happening in Iran?
Two weeks of daily riots and rebelling against government. All the talk about how police is super harsh against protestors and then we are treated to dozens of videos of whores disobeying and men doing nothing.

Imagine being an Iranian and not beating the shit out of these cunts. A grown man walking away from teenage girls when he could single handedly slap the snot out of 5 of them and chase away the rest of them from the premises. But instead these sluts remain unpunished like western uppedy whores.

It's good that a government actually kills the feminists though, that'slifefuel, irancels if they exist are very privileged, I wish I lived ina country like that except with white people.

Can you imagine being the security guys and being allowed to just slap women all day long?

It is nothing new unfortunately. I know some will say it is 100% the cia or some undermining tactic from a foreign regime. I won't say it's not possible.

But I've met some Iranians back in 2010 and they were already like this : pro fem, pro liberal, etc.. Obviously not allof them but quite a few. If you look at before/after pics of Iran or Afghanistan, there were already foids dressed in short skirts wanting to be "free".

The only thing maintaining strict rules for foids are MEN USING FORCE. Once these guys decide to be pro feminist and open, you see the consequences

Summer of 69, that's what's happening.

76 people were died in the protest. Among them 4 foids and 2 kids.

70 of them are men. 92% male casualty.

Men Simps are literally giving up their lives so that foids can freely roam around the streets half-naked.

It's the summer of 69, all over again.

The Transformed Wife (godlywomanhood) #sexist #elitist #fundie twitter.com

Feminists vs Christians


Raise daughters to be feminists
Prepare for college and careers
Be independent
Be loud/outspoken
Dress how you want
Preaches in church
Submits to no one (except to boss)
Single and has abortions
Uses birth control
Twists and manipulates God’s word

Raise daughters to do God’s will
Prepare to be wives/mothers/homemakers
Be dependent on God and His will
Meek/quiet spirits
Dress modestly
Silent in church
Submits to husband
Marry, bear children, guide the home
Fruitful and multiplies
Pursues sexual purity
Loves God’s word as written

ThatGamer707 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

I have friends and family that are so close we would choose each other over anything.

I couldn't care less about society or their rules or anything. The only thing that really matters to me is family and friends.

Doesn't mean I would like what they did but I have some ppl I would back and help almost no matter what. As long as they don't hurt anyone I care about

So you would remain friends with a convicted rapist?

Yep if they were a really close friend. Nothing anyone did would change my mind as long as it wasn't to me or someone I care about.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't be a bit more cautious around them. Like not bring any women or men depending on who they raped into vulnerable situations with them.

My relationship/bond with them depends on how we treat each other and the bonds we formed not what they do outside that.

Russ Winter #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

In research on the topic of witchcraft of the early modern era, little attention in given to those deemed witches. Feminist versions of the witch trials hold that the accused were often merely mid-wives and healers of peasant society who were burned for “no good reason” or because of poorly explained “hysteria.” Others claim it was indiscriminate prosecution of pagans or an earlier version of the shadow language term “satanic panic”.

Generally, this is a pervert justice warrior (PJW), very low-value narrative that dismisses attempts to reveal and counter Satanism, or just flat out evil as discrimination, hatred and prejudice. It is astonishing how frequently this scam is incorporated any time the awakened are asked to deny their lying eyes about the slime creatures crawling under the rocks.

No, not much attention has been given to the behavior of accused witches. The term “witchhunt” used in current vernacular implies persecution for no valid reason. But was that the case with accused witches of that period?
Heresy in and of itself was problematic during this period — but when fused with sorcery and perceived evil doings, it was a red flag and threatened the social order. Many ultra-rebellionist discordians, who rejected social and religious norms, went over to the dark side. The eccentric weirdness was noted, and these individuals sometimes self-identified as witches.
Burning was also used as a form of eugenics to eliminate the criminally mentally ill, as well as ultra-rebellionists, vagrants and indigents. Those with a “malignant spirit” (demons) were targeted, and this included those with schizophrenia, disassociative identity disorder, hysteria and epilepsy. And it included nasty, mean, mentally unbalanced people.
One study found that witchcraft beliefs are associated with the acceleration of antisocial attitudes and lower levels of trust in society. It wasn’t just scapegoating poor innocent pagan witches.

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Every time you watch a movie, television show, or streaming service your mind is being manipulated and molded by an unseen hand.
Are you familiar with the term "channeling"?

It's a word used by mystics and psychics.
Now what happens when you turn on the television? You turn the knob or press the remote to a specific "channel." You then invite whatever is on that channel into your home and into your mind. The use of the word "channel" as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally "channeling" unseen energy and influence into your life.

Are you familiar with the term "programming"?
The bottom line is White people, and particularly White men, are being programmed to accept their replacement. To accept it, to see it as inevitable, and to acquiesce their new position on the bottom of the totem pole. Sadly enough, it's working.
What about White women, you ask? They're even worse. The majority of women, and in particular White women, will believe whatever society tells them to believe. They've been brainwashed into believing that White is out and non-White is in; that being a wife and mother is boring, but being a whore or slut is cool and financially rewarding. They've been programmed to reject and loathe their White brothers - the very men who risked their lives for centuries to save White women and who have given White women everything they have.
Fat, dumb Americans would rather subjugate themselves to those who despise them, rather submit to mental slavery, rather allow themselves to be beaten and killed than experience the temporary discomfort of giving up the boob tube.

Thank God they don't make up the entirety of the White race. There are still White men, and a handful of White women, with balls; men and women with courage, fortitude, and vision working tirelessly to get us out of the mess we're in. Sadly, they are few in number. Are you one of them?

Padraig Martin #wingnut #sexist #racist #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Is The Constitution Good?"]

The United States Constitution[…]is one of the greatest political documents of all time[…]Often viewed as sacrosanct by the American political Right[…]I did not state the Dissident Right[…]
When I refer to the term “great,” I mean something of enormity and importance[…]The definition of “good,” is one that refers to the Constitution’s ability to achieve the objects of its intended purpose[…]
The Constitution was not a document drafted to endure modernity. It was designed to be destroyed by it[…]
When James Madison likely conceived of the amendment idea[…]never likely considered the fact that blacks or women would have an equal say in the electoral process[…]
Non-White minorities and to a lesser extent, women, tend to vote in a manner that dismantles the very protections enshrined in the Constitution[…]
Women are made to seek assurances of safety by their feminine construct[…]For the majority of human existence, women relied on male and/or tribal protection[…]Women tend to gravitate toward popular political positions that provide safety in numbers[…]Beta males have women who vote leftist and alpha males generally do not[…]
Non-White[…]are engrained to seek immediate comforts to the exclusion of long-term possible gains. This is evident in their choices[…]
The invitation to participate in some aloof concept like “freedom of speech” or “protection from unlawful search and seizure” is foreign to people who derive from more primitive societies[…]
Neither Roger Sherman nor Richard Lee could have considered a leftist voting bloc of black Marxists, transgender psychopaths, and single twenty-something-year-old females voting to limit free speech or eliminating the right to bear arms[…]
I believe the Constitution is a great document[…]It is also deeply flawed. The Constitution will collapse

just date a troon bro #sexist blackpill.club

A roastie offended me. Then I offended her.

I am merely walking around my apartment complex late at night, smoking a cigarette and in la-la land in my mind, thinking my thoughts, ruminating on various things. Then I reach on the sidewalk a roastie (she had just entered it from the parking lot) who, a few steps ahead of me, keeps glancing back at me nervously. I was not thinking about her (though I did notice she was in my "erotic view" so to speak.) In any case, the fear she evinced about me offended me greatly. It wounded me. It hurt me. Now I'm ruminating about this insult as I continue to walk behind her...as I increasingly take pleasure in causing the very discomfort of hers which offended me so greatly. I realize that I must soon get off the sidewalk and head towards my entrance. Before I do, I pretend to run real REALLY FAST right behind the roastie and then make a sharp left turn near her. Her frightened and alarmed surprise -- and my belly laughter as I walked away from her -- have made my week. Perhaps my month. Perhaps the year in sheer "wininng-ness."


To be clear, I didn't physically alarm her like I made it sound-- as I knew she was apprehensive about me behind right behind her, all I had to do was make the sound of someone speeding up. I remained in place and shuffled my feet to make the sound of someone sprinting suddenly. It was so slight and it scared her. I hope my belly laugh made her feel insulted like I was by her fear.

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

Heretic #sexist #kinkshaming incels.is

[Toxic Femininity] Kissing women is cucked.

The modern woman, by the age of 20 years, has experienced at least 5 sexual relationships with men if varying qualities. This does not even account the amount of casual sex that women seek out and endorse.

Imagine all of the nuts that have been blasted on the common foid's face. Imagine the sheer volume of semen that has coated the lips of the average foid.

Would you want to kiss an anus covered in feces? I certainly wouldn't. The lips of the modern female have been in very perverse and salacious places, they are not to be adored and desired.

Not only is kissing cucked because of the emasculating position that their "enthusiasts" are placed within, but the act of kissing insinuates the presence of a superficial values in a woman, values typically affiliated with maternal figures and good wives.

A woman who loves one man is corrupted further with all proceeding men she comes to love. (I am referring to acts of sexual love)

Remember comrades, never kiss a female.

Prostitutes especially.

No semen flavored kisses for you inkwells!


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@CerebroDeQueso_ This is why we can wear blackface without feeling bad"]


i saw a couple of gringxs criticizing Lizzo's rolling stone cover bc apparently she's appropriating our lady of guadalupe?

ok? our lady of guadalupe was/is a tool of colonialism. catholicism is shit. is its iconography becoming meaningless bc of "appropriation"? good
5:13PM·Jan 23, 2020

Last week the massive tub of human-shaped lard known as "Lizzo" (real name Melissa Jefferson, though if she legally changed it to that from "Pure Whipped Butter" I wouldn't be surprised), who spends 90% of her time claiming she's oppressed, spent the 10% of her time playing music in a one in a lifetime history opportunity: a classic flute created for President Madison's inauguration[…]
Many were disgusted by the performance, of an unslightly woman's ass begging men to please please fuck her or at least buy her lunch, and more than a few noticed the internal contradiction: the whole event certainly seemed like a lot of, oh, what's that word? Privilege. White male nobodies interested in playing the flute would be shot in the neck for trying to retrieve it, but the United States Government gives yet another negress special permission[…]
Incident that Cerebro references from 2020: Lizzo in hot water for cultural appropriation[…]
Cerebro performs a much-needed public service. He gives us a free excuse for when "cultural appropriation" is a bad thing: whenever the overarching culture is[…]
So go ahead and wear that blackface, then talk like the most stereotypical coon you can possibly imagine

FormerReformer #sexist mcommini2.blogspot.com

[on Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori]

Those who dissented from the Episcopal hierarchy were speaking of the actions of the PB as being against both the canons and constitutions of the [Episcopal Church] and thus illegal.

(on this blog we never refer to a woman as a "bishop" nor "priest"- this is a rule henceforth and forever more- but I will leave the "B" in place as the Episcopal church has yet to put the "b" in a kennel)

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

BREAKING: 22 children and 12 adults killed after Thai normie goes ER at daycare center

later shooting dead his wife and child

Of course it was a normie. Another malfunctioning personality detector, I see.

"The shooter came in around lunch time and shot four or five officials at the childcare centre first," said Jidapa, adding that among them was a teacher who was eight months pregnant.

The gunman forced his way into a locked room where children were sleeping, Jidapa said. She said she thought he killed children there with a knife.

Videos posted on social media showed sheets covering what appeared to be the bodies of children lying in pools of blood.

Yikes, sweaty.


Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

they are high IQ

(Inceldom Victim)
None cares about some subhuman country

brutal racepill tbhngl

Hey man, don't be sad, you have #StopAsianHate

I don't feel bad, let the whole world die, humans are trash anyways.

Why do they never go ER on all the racetraitor noodles and SEAmaxxers? Fucking cucks.

Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

Despite what whitoids think ricemen have always been good soldiers.

Tbh. Should've went after the lady boys/sexpats

good riddance. it would be a lie if I said its not a kekfuel.

Why target the innocent, I don't care what anyone says but he should be skinned alive

foidsare drooling over you now teehee

Mark Bauerlein #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #elitist amgreatness.com

If you’re invited to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner, and his daughter shows up and starts talking about America’s genocide of Native Americans, what do you say? Or if you’re in a discussion of classical education with other parents from your neighborhood and someone comments that classical education has a curriculum that lacks diversity and flirts with white privilege, how do you respond?
It sounds like a trivial occasion, but it’s really not. It happens too often not to be important. Woke attitudes have spread too widely for conservatives to avoid it. Not long ago, talk of “privilege,” “patriarchy,” and “transphobia” would have puzzled most Americans. Now, it echoes everywhere, in public and private and professional life.
It’s a social matter, a crossroads. “Do I speak my mind and annoy the present company? Or just nod and move on?”
It’s a losing game. Save your breath—don’t try to argue, don’t defend. The wokester is strong on belief and weak on knowledge, no matter how much she thinks she knows the real history of things. To be woke is precisely this claim of superior knowledge, a keener awareness than that of those still un-woke, asleep in their illusions of, say American greatness.
Instead of challenging the wokester’s knowledge, let’s go with the wokester’s knowledge and draw it out. Let her school us, let her show us her certainty and let’s accept her duty to instruct the ignorant. She wants to be a pedagogue; we shall accept the position of pupil.
In truth, wokeness doesn’t appeal to her intelligence and never did. It flattered her ego. Now, faced with questions directly related to what she has just stated, the certitude crumbles and the ego collapses. You have asked her for knowledge, and she hasn’t replied. She can’t.

You’ve won. It’s time to hum a few bars of Beethoven, mouth some words of Polonius, praise the dimensions of Greek columns, and detail what the Comanches did to their neighbors, and see if she’s ready to listen.

Georgeij #psycho #sexist reddit.com

If you think pedophiles need some kind of help, then by that logic, homosexuals need help as well. Because pedophilia is, just like heteresexuality, just a different version of how humans can express their sexuality. Of course it is not THAT simple, there are some complications. Such as only 1 version of sexuality can produce offspring, or some version have practical issues, such as that pedophilia cannot be acted upon with real children. But fundamentally, they all are just different versions of sexuality, and none of them are right or wrong. At this point in the development of the human race, enjoyment from sexual contact is just as important, if not more, than actually getting kids. And it is not simply about giving birth to new life, many people do it because they believe it will make their lives better and happier. All in all, we humans have lost the focus and determination we once had, but that is not bad, that is just the natural development of human intelligence.

And not only child raping is bad. Generally doing anything, really anything, against the will of another person (Unless, in some specific situations, this would be for the "greater good" and this is where it gets complicated) is bad.

Also, I think that people hype child molesters way too much. Without having the statistics, I am pretty sure there are way more heteresexual/homosexual rape going on IN EVERY COUNTRY, but sadly, this is what mostly makes newspapers and not some poor woman raped AND THEN PROBABLY KILLED in nearby woods. Because guess what, raping a child actually is easier than a full grown adult and this is why rape on adults sometimes (I don't exactly know how often) ends in murder. And this is somewhat worse, you can imagine.

georgij #psycho #sexist #homophobia reddit.com

Nothing wrong with pedophilia, man. If people can accept that someone gets their sexual/romantic satisfaction from the same gender as the one they belong to (Which, although I have nothing substantial against homosexuality, seems much less "natural" to me than fantasizing about 10 year olds of the opposite sex), then people should also accept that at least the fantasy of deriving sexual pleasure from minors is ok. I can see many practical problems with pedophilia, as actually getting the sexual pleasure obviously is impossible because of our laws, and because it simply seems immoral to me as the child does not yet have the mental capacity to make such decisions for itself. But as long as pedophiles explore their sexuality only in theory, only simulate situations through pictures, videos and their own imagination, I think everything is ok. I don't think I need remind you that there is a difference between being a pedophile and a child rapist/molester, although our media has, as with many other things, mixed those terms so that the term pedophile nowadays almost completely consists of negative connotations.

Also, consider things like beauty peagents for extremely young girls in the US and to a lesser degree, in other countries. The whole idea behind them is that little girls (I honestly don't know whether a similar concept exists for boys) are made to look beautiful, and at least for me, there is only a small step from beautiful to object of lust.

Vincent561 & BlackPilledOverdose017 #sexist #homophobia blackpill.club

I look 8+ and have a wife, but I like incel ideology. Am I in the right place?
Hi Guys

So, as you can see in my post count, I'm new to the incelsphere.
I wonder if I'm in the right place. I like a lot of the incel ideology. I hate feminism, and can't stand the LGBTQ+ community, because of their hypocrisy and misandrism.
I think a patriarchy similar to Japan in the past would be great. I also like the evolutionary explanation that incels offer for male and female behavior - it makes a lot of sense to me.

But as I understand it, incel means involuntary celibate, and I'm not really celibate. I have a wife (a very nice one, not a feminist).
And also I am definitely 8+ looks wise, according to the girls I met 10. Girls say I'm very handsome. (I won't post pictures.)

So I wonder if I'm in the right place. Can I be here, even if I'm not celibate?

No you are not in the right place.

You can not be an Incel or be on Incel forums if you have a wife and are a 8/10 in looks.

You are just black pilled.

But you seem good. You hate feminism and LGBTQ freaks so that's good.

Just spread knowledge of the black pill and black pill talking points somewhere else.

Mega Magi #crackpot #sexist #racist youtube.com

As a young girl, what I found strange was that my uncles didn’t show much interest in my two brothers and, for the most part, acted as though they didn’t exist; however, as soon as they reached puberty, my uncles started displaying this brotherly love toward them. It was as if my brothers had suddenly become new creatures that my uncles finally recognized as one of their own. Later, I concluded that puberty is when BM mysteriously shift into the predatory/prey relationship toward BW. My uncles were grooming and preparing my brothers to participate in the many ways that BM degrade, abuse, and exploit BW.

The wool has been pulled over most BW’s eyes and they have been manipulated into birthing and raising their greatest enemy; A deadly mistake because an adversary that is raised in your house has the ability to study your strengths & weaknesses and then later turn and destroy you. Basically, BW are birthing and raising each other’s Abusers & Enslavers.

Despite having raised BM in their homes, there is a huge gap in BW’s awareness and understanding concerning who BM are; especially when it comes to their true motives for everything they say, and do towards BW. I recently heard several BM “unicorns” talking within their so called brotherhood circle and one of them stated that a BW who he is in a relationship with thinks there is a partnership, then he said that there can never be a partnership because he views her as a second class citizen. Shortly afterwards, I heard another unicorn say that when society collapses & turn bad that many BM were going to sell their wives and daughters; I ‘m sure his wife thinks her unicorn is going to protect her when SHTF.

BM know that their penis is an instrument of DEATH and their semen is a pollutant that paralyzes & disorients BW’s mind, like snake venom. I also believe BM sperm operate like nano bots that rewrite genetic code and enslave BW’s mind. Their demonic sperm causes BW to be much more likely to attack other BW and also is why it is extremely difficult to save the majority of BW. BM are angry with True Divestors because they are not under their demonic spell, unlike other BW who have been Zombified. Your Enemies will NEVER DO or GIVE you ANYTHING that will benefit you, especially their Penis; the BM Penis is toxic THAT’s WHY ANY BW CAN GET IT!

Chris Black #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #sexist investmentwatchblog.com

Hitler and Putin are only historically similar in their demands: reunite lands populated by their ethnic kinsmen, who due to unfair historical circumstances brokered by enemy powers, are stranded inside nations that actively persecute and despise them.

Unbelievably, Putin made the same mistake as Hitler, which was not to invade the Soviet Union but rather to underestimate the will of the decadent liberal powers to refuse to give even an inch.

The fork in the road that departs from comparisons with known history is the advent of nuclear weapons.

This is scary stuff, but certainly — and perhaps we are underestimating them again! -makes irrational and inflexible Jewish globalists more likely to accept that other nations have sovereign interests too.

Is NATO willing to risk a nuclear exchange just to keep the Russians of Donbass and Crimea under Zelensky’s rule against their will?

The British, with USA material backing, were willing to escalate to a full blown World War just to prevent the unification of German populated lands with Germany.

I think it is unwise for Putin to be talking about nuclear weapons.

If he thinks he can spook the nihilistic, suicidal, homicidal sodomites and psychotic Jews who govern the West, he is probably mistaken.

The Kremlin is making a huge error to assume that just because all of the NATO nation diplomats they meet are female, nerdy Jews or gay that they will back off after hearing a few barks.
The crazed neoliberal elite and their Jewish handlers who run the West do not fear the possibility of nuclear exchange. They view the war in Ukraine as an existential fight for the existence of the neoliberal world order.

A fight they are as of now decidedly losing, particularly in the areas of global influence and adherence to neoliberal dogma outside the West.

The losing side in a war always acts the least rationally.

Martyros #sexist #racist blackpill.club

RE: what counts as "ascension"?

Banging a cute, virgin, aryan jb who is between 15-19 years old, with a looks-rating of at least 8 PSL.

And you fuck her raw with no condom, and creampie her, and she has to be lustfully in love with you, so much that she would rope if you ever broke up with her.

THAT is ascension. Everything else is cope and cucked.


That's exactly right. Over 80% of males are incels because of not being able to get virgin, aryan jb's. It's brutal out there, Sub8 is law.

Wtf??? How am I "diminishing and trivializing" the suffering of incels if the vast majority of men are incels?

Are you implying that if most men suffer inceldom it's not a big deal?

It is a big deal. And I fucking hate cucks who try to make inceldom a smaller issue than what it really is.

Imagine living your whole life completely alone without a cute, jb, aryan gf sucking you off every morning.


And the fact that this is the case for most males just makes it even more suifuel.

And the fact that men have to cope by settling down with non-virgin, non-aryan non-jb foids because of this is simply TERAMEGAGIGASUIFUEL.

It's rather rope than settle with a non-virgin, non-jb, non-aryan foid.


No, the coper here is you thinking that foids who are non-virgin, non-jb and non-aryan count as ascension.

If you wanna cope and "ascend" with subhuman foids that are not virgin, aryan jb's then do it, but you know deep down that it's cope and that nothing compares to being loved by a pure, aryan jb.

I'm the biggest incel ever, don't come here and tell me I'm some fakecel when I have suffered way more from inceldom than you ever will.

I used to fuck escorts and I even had a fwb relationship with a Dutch milf, but I was still incel.

Why? Because I was coping with subhuman foids, none of the them were ascension, not even the milf. She was a used up subhuman foid not being worthy of having as a gf or wifing up, so that's why I only had her as a fwb.

A fakecel like you would never understand my pain.


copeharderhun & TheSpaceDuck #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

RE: Feminist academic paper: "Society would be better off as a whole if more women were willing to engage in justified violence against men"


How did this even got published?

You know full well why. Feminists co troll every aspect of society, and their entire movement - despite what their claims are - is a genocidal anti male movement

The stuff feminist literature says about men is effectively what German universities were publishing about the Jews

I don't know what I find more surprising about the article. That feminists are starting to open up directly about being pro violence against men (generally it's encouraged as a by-product and not directly) or the absurd statement that comes afterwards:

To that end, women’s justified violence against men should be encouraged, protected, and publicized. This will require a reversal of the current trend in legal and social practices

Let's entertain the author's idea then, and reverse the current legal and social practices concerning male and female violence. This is what would happen:

- Female victims of domestic violence would be more likely to be arrested than their aggressors.

- Women would serve 63% longer sentences than men for the same crimes.

- Killing men would result in longer sentences than killing women.

- Female sex offenders would be punished much more harshly than their male counterparts, even when children are the victims.

- Police would be much more violent against women (an even bigger gap than the race gap).

- There would be a sentencing bias against women that would be 6 times higher than the racial bias.

- Justice taskforces would be defending that men shouldn't be jailed for their crimes at all.

- A man raping a woman wouldn't be considered rape by law.

Hmm strange, reversing legal and social tendencies towards gendered violence does the exact opposite of what the author claims it does. Strange thing, if we reverse legal and social tendencies towards gendered violence what we end up is surprisingly similar to the world radical feminists believe they live in. Wonder what does that say about how society and law treat men.

dmann27, UnconventionalXY & copeharderhun #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Sexual harassment includes sitting in rooms with more male officers than women, says police chief


"This is not about me, but I think sexual harassment is about sitting in rooms where you have more male officers than women. Where you're in a male-dominated environment for any woman - that's always challenging."

This is so dumb I can't even think of anything to say about it that doesn't also sound incredibly dumb.


Yes, "we" are all about going back to segregation again! /s

Segregation, except where mutually agreed, based on sex is the only way to reduce male-female tensions, because sex is so much a part of our lives due to our very biology.

Individual multi-use bathrooms segregate people and reduce any possible gender friction and I think this principle needs to be more widespread.

Greater living from home also automatically means physical segregation and I think single men and women having their own apartments and only moving in together when they decide to marry or form a committed relationship has merit in avoiding the consequences of cohabitation, recognition of relationship and resulting potential for resources to be garnished on separation.

Can we already? A world where I'm not forced to be near women and only do so of my own volition would be great

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