
Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

Exactly, when people are forced into living in fear of prosecution for speaking out for so long, sooner or later that fear turns to hate, anger and frustration, that builds gradually until it needs an out let, with no out let, it blows up, when that happens, you get bloodshed and war it has no option because it is given no voice, no hope of being heard or heeded, so it has no other way but to turn into violence, bloodshed and..............................!

That is the out come to this mess, only now we know who is at the center of all this, and they haven't done themselves any good at all, they will pay, for this act of aggression against the White Peoples of this World!!

The JEW!

Teutoburg Weald #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

This stinks rotten. For a long time now the Liberal West has been pushing, and salivating over Putin's declaration that his country will not bow down to mass immigration and special treatment for Foreigners, then the start a Ukaranian Spring Revolution, no doubt the Jews were behind that as they were behind the Arab Spring Revolutions??

So the Government falls into the Western open border policies of mass Immigration? Which would obviously push Putin into a Border watch position, when were they going to start a Russian Spring Revolution to bring them into line with the Liberal West and its aim of swamping the White Nations with unwanted Turd World Invaders??

They've been after Russia and Putin for a good while, Russia is the last bastion of White Ethnic majority and domination, so it sticks in the side of the Liberal West like a long Thorn that can't be pulled out, plus Russia is not open to Zionist Influence and pressure, so now they are attempting to either bluff Russia into backing down, or at worse, push Russia into War???

As I say, It Stinks rotten!!

Obuma's Confused is he?? I bet!

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Discussing whether it is accapetable to call black people "niggers" or "coons"]

As for the N or C terms, the Darkies use em to each other all the time, but of course Darkies using such terms is fine, and its not Racist when used against one of your own, but old Nasty, Racist Imperialist Whitie, shouldn't use such terms, when speaking of Darkies, it might offend the Darkies frail Human Sensibilities mighten't it, and we shouldn't do that, it might make em cry, and the Bum badits of the Libral/Lovvie-Left might get cross at one, and report you to the CRE, Thought Police and RationalWikie and one might be put away for crimes against a Protected Specise, much like using the term 'Bum Bandit's' when speaking of the Libral/Lovvie-Left, it might offend them and they might come up to me riding side saddle, in their tight converted Leather Trouses, and shaven Arses, and Smack my hand for me, and give a make over...........................



PS. I couldn't resist this post, you've got to have a laugh at the Darkies and the Libral/Lovvie-Lefties, well, i need to.....

The Sycophantic, shit for brains, bunch of make up wearing Bum Tarts! And if your a Darkie, Libral/Lovvie-Lefty fucking Bum Tart, then in this day and age yer the most Fashionable, sheek, perfumed rag-head Bastard on the face of this fucking shit hole of a planet, and being a Muzzie, your twice the most Fashionable, Sheek, Perfumed rag-head Camel Humping Bum-Tart Bastard on the face of this fucking shit hole of a Planet........

Sorry not PC, but ha, sack me.............................

Sceadugenden #racist englisc-gateway.com

My eldest son came in from school yesterday and informed me he may be getting in trouble for making racist remarks in class. The heinous " crimes" were asking if albinos were a race. daring to call black people by their scientific name, Negroids, and dis agreeing with the " out of Africa theory". Looks like I get the chance to tell the Marxist self hating hand wringing teachers how things really are .

Eassex cempa #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[Background: Woden's Folk is a racist cult based on an "ancient prophecy" that is actually a piece of dialogue from Robin of Sherwood, a 1980s TV series]

It's funny how the central core of wyrd of our folkish faith is understood by us and never understood by the oh-so moral lefty arses.
Wyrd had me doing a random chain of searches via google and the ensuing linked topics last night.

The linked topic took me to the WF page on theRational Wankie site for the critique of all and sundry that the left don't like.
One thing they got all moist about on Rationalwiki was the usage the Hooded Man prophecy from the 80s Robin Hood.
Well all fair in a world that does not have a Northern Germanic faith that, as mentioned above, has wyrd at its core.

The left may well see nothing wrong with the pope getting revelation from the White Christ and then transmitting it to the faithful, so why is Wulf of WF picked out for seeing a revelation in the works of a person, priest or not, who just happens to write for a program.
As it is said, Wyrd goes where it must and if it needed to find an outlet via the pen of another then so be it.

Let's be honest here, putting diluted animal shite on the field you grow food crops on sounds disgusting if you don't understand the mechanism involved in the crop, so if you don't understand the web of wyrd then how can you judge the harvest of revelation and the field from which it came forth.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On Nelson Mandela]

Are you defending the Black son of a Whore??

Those White South African's built South Africa, the Black Natives didn't, besides those Whites of Germanic Heritage have been there for generations, I suppose you might as well say that we Englisc should go back to our Ancestors Homelands, Anglen, Saxony, Denmark, and so on, I bet the Waelasc would love that..... Besides, what's Racism?? a nothing term invented by the Liberal/Left or by their Jewish masters, to beat the White Nations with, of course, it doesn't apply to the Shit Coloured Races dose it, they can't be racist can they, like the Jews can't be racist either, after all, they are the chosen people of the Christian God, right....

So if the Boers have to leave South Africa and return to their Nations of origin then that counts for us as well, and the Americans of English origin, and Canadians, Australians and so on, once you start that, where you going to end??

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[Neopagan fun die saying that Christianity stole from heathenism]

As for why our later ancestors converted was by thieving, our own native beliefs and celebrations, lies, and the obvious threat of violence, and fire and brimstone, a mix of all those things, plus the use of the All-Father Woden, as the image of their God, all seeing, wisdom and power, otherwise, they wouldn't have a God.. Also the use of their term..............."In my Father's House there are many Mansions."

Which looking at it was stolen from the Heathen view of Asgurd and the upper and lower realms, where every God as his/her own Hall, at least this is my view, what ever it took to convert our Forefather's, the wondering Monks used it, to Convert our People, much as Islam has and is trying to do, the Desert Religions are much like leaches, latching onto a Tribe and bleeding it dry of all that is good and true...

As for the above view that Elves and such creatures are simply stories, you've never heard of Nature Spirits then? Everything of Nature, is alive, and as such has its Spirit, its guardians, that protect the life force of what ever Natural creature and thing it might be, even Rocks, Stones, Rivers, streams and such natural things vibrate on their own spiritual levels, and as such Nature Spirits, Elves and such live in these places and objects of Nature..

What might be in the Jewish History and story book otherwise known as the Bible, may be fictional Myths or legends, but the idea of Nature Spirits being such, is untrue, take a good close look at Nature around you next time your out, and listen, it is alive it breaths, it vibrates on its own level of Spirituality, only man made modern brick and tower blocks are dead, a City is teaming with life, but its Spiritually Dead....

Would you say for instance all the treasures of the Germanic/Norse Sagas are Fictional Stories? Myths, Legends are simply Kids stories? No smoke without fire..

Steed #racist englisc-gateway.com

I believe Judeo-Christianity has always been a control mechanism to pave the way for conquering Europe. There is no doubt that had Europe remained Pagan we would not be under Zionist occupation as we are today (and thus our nations would not be multi-cultural, multi-racial ones). Heathenry teaches kinship with your ancestors, Christianity teaches kinship with every human being on Earth.

That said, the reason our people adopted Christianity as our own is because it appealed to an ancient concept within our blood - that of the 'saviour'. There is such a notion as the Aryan Krist. So essentially, what the Romans and Jews did to subdue us was to wrap their non-European religion in an outer shell which appealed to deeply-held archetypes within our race soul such as the (Aryan) saviour. It is because of this that I don't blame our people who cling to Christianity (as many of my own ancestors did). They were and are drawn to the religion by its very English/Pagan values (whether they know that or not) but unfortunately they fail to identify the Judaic, non-European aspects of it and how harmful those aspects are to our national and individual identity.

In short, Christianity has good and bad aspects intertwined.
The good parts = Heathen and indigenous
The bad parts = Judaic and alien

Witnere #racist englisc-gateway.com

[David Cameron and his wife attend a Hindu ceremony]

And his stupid wife who feels the need to dress like a foriegner. I have never met an Indian who gave any concessions to our culture indeed many of them are at pains to tell Englishmen we have no culture in as rude and aggressive a manner as they can. I have no time for lickspittles like the Camerons and their ilk.

Steven #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Hmmm. Westgate Shopping Mall, in Kenya, is owned by Westfield America, whose boss is Frank Lowy. This is the man who, together with Larry Siverstein, bought the 99-year lease to WTC 1 and 2 fifty days before 9/11. Silverstein Properties also held the lease on WTC 7. The insurance payout was huge: £5.4 billion. Rumour has it Israeli commandos are assisting the Kenyans. Oy vey.

Teuroburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On a gay pride parade being attacked]

It was against the law once in this Country, and it should be again, they are Minority, and should go by the voice of the Majority and not the other way around as it is today, Minority Rule..

These degenerates are abnormal, not normal, they keep their degenerate desires to themselves, or they pay the price, there is such a thing as Self Discipline, not succumbing to your emotions, and base lust...

I'm no Liberal, never have been, and I don't agree with giving these Human abnormal Degenerates any soap box to spread their abnormal degenerate bile!!

They keep themselves to themselves, they stay where they belong in the shadows along side all other Degenerates, such as Transgenderists, Pedo's and other natural mistakes..

Sorry my views don't tally with the modern view of the Liberal idea of what should be, I've seen enough of this modern Liberal World to know it Stinks, its decadent and ripe for destruction, so what's left of the Normal Natural Human can begin again.

wesle #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Members of this forum refer to ethnic minorities as "orcs"]

im against a white history month for the simple reasons that our history is far far to complex and interesting to compress into a single month and if there was a white history month it would be used as a (false)justification for only teaching our history in that single month the rest of the year being slavishly devoted to learning about various orcs.rather then a month we should be demanding that our history be taught all through the year rather then a single month.

tjlowery87 #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Thread: "Ethnic cleansing of the English"]

in my own opinion,i think that the reason for the englisc ethnic cleansing is because the musslims,blacks etc.are scared of the englisc.so are other none Germanic countries(Obama ass has bascicaaly spit on the relationship between England and America).so what are theses goverments and other races afraid of?its simple,the ENGLISC ARE THE BULIDERS OF NATIONS.if it where not for the englisc there would be no usa,or austrillia and other countries in the anglosphere..the englisc have been fighting and whooping ass sense day one.and that scare goverments and also other races.......just my 2 cents.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On the discredited prophecies of Mother Shipton]

As always you have to fight your way past author's eager to cast doubt on whether she even existed, but then she's English. 'Scholarship' plays the provenance card to nothing like the same degree elsewhere in folklore. Nostradamus is too famous and publisher-friendly to suffer lasting critical damage while those from designated victim-cultures are simply considered untouchable. One only hopes the the judeo-oirish criminal syndicate that runs Hollywood never alight on these stories. Placing the old girl in County Cork and casting LIam Neeson or Gerard Butler in drag wouldn't really do her justice, though they would certainly be ugly enough.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The conflict is simple to explain: North Korea wishes to remain sovereign, to govern itself as it pleases and to be in charge of its own money supply. Zionist-banker-tyrants wish to take over ownership of North Korea's money supply and to dictate to them the values they are allowed to hold as a nation. These Zionist-banker-tyrants will fool us, the West, into doing their dirty work by lying to us about North Korea. They have done this countless times before and every one of our people who has fought and died in a war in the last 20 years (some would say the last 100) has done so based on a lie.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On the Boston bombing]

Boston's official website [or the one I saw anyway] gloatingly describes an English city taken over by oirishmen, so unless it's the usual method of writing us out of the historical narrative, and more of our people live there - even today - than officialdom cares to admit, my sympathies will be limited since I share none of the 'humanitarian' [international] instincts people cultivate in the erroneous belief it makes them civilized. These explosions make no obvious sense as part of the gun-grab even so, not unless they've a mind-controlled 'white-supremacist-NRA-fanatic' in the frame for it. Likely another anti-muslim stunt if they've a Saudi Lee Harvey Bin Oswald figure under guard at a local hospital, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On the lack of Wiccans in racial nationalist groups]

Do you mean those who hang around Stone Henge in white Frocks, and flowers in the hair, these sorts, ain't Followers of the Elder Ways, at least not in any Germanic form, they are simply playing at being druids and such, which is far from being of any Germanic heritage...
Middle-Class! Its them that hate us, a bunch of rich kids, playing at Revolution until they grow up and then they piss off back to Mummy and Daddy and get a Job at Daddy's Bank or Firm....

When i say hate us, i mean they hate their own people, I.E. The Englisc, It is the likes of them that are Fabians, Masons, Neo-Nazi-Liebour, the New Tories, the Lineral Internationalists who despise their own People..........

They wouldn't know what a real Heathen was if they were shown one!

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Non-native presence in England is like a balloon being held under water. The downward force on that balloon is the hand of the Zionist Government and its use of multicult dogma, propaganda, welfare, tolerance, positive discrimination etc. Sever it and the balloon rises out of the water, i.e. most immigrants leave.

But the fact remains that some will still remain. The 1/4 black, atheist, football-loving, beer-drinking, working chap who receives no special treatment, speaks no language other than English, has mostly white friends and cares not for political correctness will NOT leave. He would have to be physically ejected and his group of white friends would protest.

Wolf #racist englisc-gateway.com

All non white guests of this country will always be that,Guests.
Im sorry to offend anyone...well im not but anyway,English Folk are white Folk,simple as that.
I will not have some asian tell me he is english,just as i would not accept one calling himself scot,irish,welsh.Sick to death of the weak spirit we have somehow grown over the years.
Why do we always have to back down and say "oh its ok he was born here,you can bring your family over and they can spunge of our hard working folk and breed us out of existence"

Its time our folk got back the fighting spirit we are world famous for,nobody takes our little island without a fight!
No foreign mongrel is gonna spread there filthy culture to our lands,its time to fight back.

Racial Nationalists are the true nationalists,because there eyes are open,they have seen through the BS the left and its media are spreading.
Its time for nationalists of all forms to get our acts together.

Woden's Child #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The real problem we face in portraying our identity as Germanic are the self-haters, lefty academics, etc. These are the sorts that infect our education and media systems. Have you noticed that any time the Anglo-Saxons are mentioned, these sorts are always at pains to mention the 'they were only a elite minority and had little effect on our gene pool' bullshit? Do they do the same when discussing the origins of the Welsh and Scottish people?? Do they hell! Any time a programme featuring them is shown, it's full of the usual mournful sound of bagpipes and 'Celtic' flutes - and earnest talk of their rich culture and heritage, with the inevitable Welsh or Scottish voice-over . None of it's by accident either. There is a conscious effort to replace any idea of a distinct English identity with that of Britishness. The Welsh and Scots are of course exempt from this brainwashing technique. You will also notice that the Olympics and the Golden Jubilee celebrations are also pushing Britishness for all its worth - along with the fact that most of these televised celebrations have concentrated their efforts on England, just to drive the idea of Britishness into the English even more.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The Post-War rivalry between Britain (England) and Germany was by design. Personally I believe that WWII was partially engineered that way - to create a lasting friction between ancient cousins and prevent them from ever uniting when times called for it... like now.

Guthlac #racist englisc-gateway.com

The ethnic English are the only English race and nation. No one else can be off us. The English are white, but that is just part of our ethnicity, culture and identity. It does not mean any white person can be a real English person, even if they would like to be.

Any fool and foreigner can claim to be English, but the real English the ethnic English know it for a fact. Their families are all English, they know as far as they have knowledge of or have traced they are English family history. Those that have some Welsh, Scots or Irish in them still put their English ethnicity first as they know that so many folk of those places are actually of English decent. In some cases by over a thousand years of English living those areas or of the English families moving to those places on mass over the last few hundreds of years.

Anyone here who claims to be English, yet promotes and puts first being British, civic/semi-civic and claims every tom, dick and harry white foreigner (let alone alone any other coloured foreigners) can be English is either misguided or a traitor. They are what they 'claim' to be against. They are enemies of the English and England. As just as much a threat to us as the lab/lib/con, the EU, multiculturalism, islamification and 'immigration' /importation of votes.

Yngvi #racist englisc-gateway.com

I'm English through and through and have stated I am definitely not British but with time running out I'm beginning to change my mindset and with more and more aliens entering our countries I think its time the people of these islands put aside our differences to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for what is truly ours!

If that boils anyones piss then i'm sorry but i'm past talking about doing something and fed up of playing silly games. My only hope is that those with any bottle are ready to get off of their butts and fight for our homeland. People talk of when the time comes but has it not come already?

If you talk the talk then its time to walk the walk - if not then go find yourself a hobby and stop pissing about because this is not a game. The bloody country is in shit order and far from the dream those brave people of WWII had in mind for us.

If you've got a family, a wife or husband or if you have children and you haven't already become active then you should be ashamed into doing so. Do not let us be remembered as the weak generation which got butt fucked by the EU - be the generation which fought for these islands and the generation which won with glory. The past generation's did it and we must now pay homage to them to ensure our future generations inherit these lands.


This sounds a little hypocritical but the last time we were forced into working together we nearly ruled 3/4 of the world - (however I certainly do not condone that achievement because I believe it is partially to blame for what's happening to us now) - but the point I'm making is that in hindsight if we all work together then taking back our own homelands should be a stroll in the park for us. This is why at present I believe the only thing close enough to be able to achieve this is the BNP.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The BNP is an MI5 front. It's role is the traditional one of taking the steam out of conservative opinion by leading nationalists up the garden path. If it sows the seeds of further confusion to multiply the number of campaigning groups with similar names they do that too. This latest development doesn't surprise me at all. When I corresponded with members of the BNP a few years I couldn't help noticing how many of them, though English, actually lived in scotland. Corruption has its own stench. Read any unbiased account of Griffin's tenure and you'll be overwhelmed by it.

Yngvi #fundie englisc-gateway.com

I personally hate Christianity for what it has done to our people. Many Christian establishments have been taken over by the liberal middle class. You never see a poor Vicar and even to this day the collection bowl keeps rattling. Its also the fact that Christianity is a sand religion used to enslave and steal from the poor. I really couldn't care less if every church in England was flattened. Although some are stunning, they are nothing more than beacons of Eastern dominance over our folk and land. Many being built on ancient pre-Christian places of worship.

Its the people that make a religion and so I believe personally we need a new folk religion to bring us inline. One for the English by the English with England and its people at the fore. A warrior religion to help us survive in the coming years. Christianity is to soft and fearmongering. We must not fear our foes and stop bending over begging for forgiveness. Its time to hold our heads high and make our enemies beg us for mercy.

We should also not be forced to fear death or fear making mistakes which may lead to us going to 'Hell'. Its keeping people back from having the spirit and balls to fight. Christianity has become way to hippyfied to survive in this day and age. If the Church was to introduce Warrior arts to its practitioners and teach folk personal protection without fearing death then it may survive.

The biggest fear I have for Christianity is it will join Islam through being dominated. Remember - both the religions are Abrahamic. Its just that Islam is a more extreme version of Christianity.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

All you have said is correct mate, these not so bright Immigrants have enjoyed a very cushy existance in England for some time and, as you have said mate, they have and are being lined up to be the Scapegoat, whether they know it or not, and when the time comes, they will find themselves in the middle of a bloody Civil War, perhaps most will try and make a run for the Channel Tunnel, but some will try to stay and weather out the storm, hoping things will be just like it was before, but they will find that things will not be so cushy for none Immigrants as they once were!

There will be no middle road when the Storm hits, the innocent as well as the guilty will suffer, and numbers of Immigrants will find themselves on the wrong side, and will suffer for what Brit Unionists and especially Scots Politians have begun, and no one will be able to point the finger at the Ethnic English and blame them, although some will try, but what ever they say, the Ethnic English have been greaviously teasted and their Tolerance has been streatched to the limit of its reason and sense of fairness, and sooner or later its going to snap, and when it does, no place on this Island will be left out, it will end up spreading to the four corners of this Island and the Scots and Welsh will wonder why!

And if or when its over, for no one can tell how long it will last, the Ethnic English will come out of it stronger, less forgiving, less Tolerante and less trusting, the Ethnic English will have changed beyond all recognition of who they once were, because they will not be like they have been, and the Scots, Welsh or any other country will never find it easy to take the Ethnic English so easy going again, and the Ethnic English will not soon forget past wrongs done to them, and who did those past wrongs, the Ethnic English will no longer be such an easy touch as we have been.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

(talking about Anders Breivik)

But, this Nordic Hero, killed many son's and daughters of Islam and Orc's, casualties in an ever growing Race War that will sooner or later see the lid blow off in bloodshed never witnessed before, and on a scale never heard of...

Those of you who do not condone what he has done may not like my views, that is your right, but this is a reality check, what he did is apart of a growing Race War that will one day engulf the World in blood.........That can not be blamed on this man, but on those that brought all of this into being, and creating Race Hate, that they profess to despise, and pushing the white man into a choice that he would not ordinarily make unless he had no other course to take..

What he did, was an act of War, against a clear and present invasion protected by home grown quislings and other assorted scum traitors....So i can say that i can condone what he did, but not his targets..........If you really want to hurt the enemy, you go for the protectors of that enemy, the establishment that protects the invasion...........

Yngvi #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

This whole thing has been created by the EUSSR.

Multiculturalism is Dr Frankenstein and no matter what they try to do to make it seem lovey dovey it will always create monsters - sadly Breivik was a well made monster and i'm more than definite there are more to come.

The worlds population are being sardine'd into a tin can of genocide all whilst a handful of out of touch millionaires grim reap the rewards. This case is no surprise to Dr Frankenstein and doesn't change a thing. Breivik will be banged up in an asylum for the rest of his days and nothing will change with the EUSSR steam train. Sadly its full steam ahead for them and if people are ploughed down along the way, so be it.

Yngvi #racist englisc-gateway.com

Well there are hundred's and thousands of kids across Europe turning into whiggers, dumping their own ancient culture and adopting another. Why?

Media influence? Music? Education system? White guilt? The fear of Black? What is it that's driving so many kids to become Whiggers?

She was a victim not only of rape and murder but of the 21st century society.

But how do we fix it? - We promote our cultures in a good light, create role models, build preservation trusts, free books for schools, teach our children their own roots, train our people to take place in positions of power, share a cultural belief or religion, promote our own style and music, share knowledge, bring friends and family to the attention of sites like this, use our life time to dedicate ourselves towards helping the cause, set up cultural events, bring back our ancient traditions, get to know our neighbours and build community spirit, understand our rights as an ethnic people, learn our English common laws - be steadfast and use our own true laws against the false and illegal EU laws, show people the damage that multiculturalism has caused to this country and others, create an alliance with all other Germanic lands, build relationships with our children to build trust and ensure they are not being forced into the liberal way of thinking by their teachers and friends who's parents may be liberals, stop our children buying rap genre music or wearing said clothing. Distance ourselves from the main stream and use historical idols our children can inspire to be like (such as Hereward and Hengist & Horsa), have a white history month, a music of white origin awards, a white beauty contest, set up more white peoples charities, uphold the freedom of speech and teach our children not to be afraid to speak their own mind, release a blockbuster film that promotes an English hero with an all English cast, expose white slavery, use the race card whenever possible, boycott anything that doesn't fit in with our ethnicity....

Basically we play them at their own game!

Dan of Biggleswade #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On white women dating black and Asian men]

Dirty scum! It really pisses me off when i see a beautiful one of ours with them. First of all she must really despise her white skin to be like that and secondly she has no idea what she's getting herself into. The black n tans will only use them and then walk on when she pops one. Yes, some get married and seem happy but their kids and future generations are marked forever! Thier kids will probably class themselves as black and celebrate only one side of their heritage, which won't be ours, plus they're likely to fail in life and cause everyone a fuck load of grief. The word, 'Collaborator' comes to mind.

Steven #racist englisc-gateway.com

The majority minority in 2050 will be Muhammadans and it is then that Norway will cease to exist as a Nordic nation. Sweden will follow a decade or two later. When it does you can expect a forging of these two countries into one Islamic state. Of course that is what our own political class have planned for us here in England; they can't deny it, the figures speak for themselves.

The UK's Muhammadan population is 3 million plus and the vast majority of those are in England. Breivik acted on what he saw as a racial and ethnic takeover of his homeland by those who worship multiculturalism - the same worshippers we have here in England. There is no difference between socialists in Norway and socialists elsewhere in Northern Europe. The game is mass immigration and for each, sometime, somewhere they agreed to do the same: no majority ethnic group = equality, the mantra of the Left. It won't work because one ethnic group will fight to gain dominance over the others and that is human nature. The future, as Enoch Powell knew, is blood and death on an unimaginable scale.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Actually, my belief is that Zionism IS the end of England – or rather, it is the single biggest threat and is very close to wiping us out without us even realising it. Debt slavery and taxation that are bleeding us dry and will make slaves of our children; mass-immigration which is endangering our race and culture; the legal system which has stolen our liberty; Consumerism which has stolen our pride and our spirit; Christianity which has severed most of us from our Gods. These aren’t accidents. They are the methods of stealth used by Zionism/the Rothschilds to destroy us. It is NOT the same enemy as Islam. Islam is overt and crude, Zionism is covert and incredibly devious.

Teutoburg Weald #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

I've said as much on that other thread, arguing over Zionists, Liberals, Muslamics, Fabians, this that and the other is not going anywhere, because they are all in it together, none of em are separate, they are all singing from the same fucking song sheet, so whats the big issue??


Its not all Zionists its not all Muslims, its not all Fabians, its not all Marxists, its a fucking mix of all of em, they've all got it in for England, we know that, and its that that is important......

There are some on here who have got a thing about Zionists, what that thing is i'm not sure, its getting to be a Fetish it really is, some have Islam on the brain, some Marxism, it is all one, not separate, it is all under one banner the NWO, so lets get over it, we know who they are, so we know who we are up against.........

Bane Of Dumnonia #fundie englisc-gateway.com

The main targets of Breiviks rampage were the sons and daughters of Norways gilded liberal elite. They were the future leaders of Norwegian multicult, groomed for this role before inevitable shoe-horning into the upper strata of Norwegian society where they were to be richly rewarded for their betrayal of indigenous Norwegians. The hand picked 'chosen ones' destined to control the reigns of power.

These people are largely beyond redemption. They cannot be reasoned or argued with to back-track on their shameful, genocidal ideologies. They are all part of one of the most insulated and protected demos on Earth, shielded, at enormous cost from the devastation they wreak on the lives of those around them.

Breivik understood this.

He knew what has been well understood throughout human history. Violence works. Facts, data, reasoned arguments, circle-jerking on internet forums all make a tiny dent, yes. But only violence provides the incentive needed to make people sit up and pay attention.

Bane of Dumnonia #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Does anyone else find anything suspicious in the following.

Tony Blair becomes PM (married to a Catholic) ==> Irish peace negotiations are concluded/British army fairly rapidly pulls back ==> Tony Blairs glorious reign as PM ends, he immediately runs off to the Vatican and declares himself a Catholic convert

I'm all for peace and reconciliation. I care very little for Ulster Unionists, i'm sorry. I can't help but wonder if they've not been sold out in deals done behind the scenes though.

Can anyone enlighten one?

Bane of Dumnonia #racist englisc-gateway.com

The Byzantine Empire had the most effective and most succesful anti Jew measures in history. As such their empire lasted some 1400 years, without having to actually expel Jews even once.

Their solution was simple and was studied and summarised by the late great Ezra Pound.

Keep them out of politics

Keep them out of banking

Keep them out of law-making

Keep them out of the media

Keep them out of education

= all main possibilities for Jewish cultural subversion nullified = problem solved.

It is that simple.

PersecutedPatriot #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Political correctness in itself is a terminology designed for socialist control of the people and to enforce its corrupt values upon our society. How can it be politically correct for a nationalist and patriot who loves his Country to abide by the global intentions of socialist domination and a multicultural society where all ethnic values are destroyed and individual nations beaten into submission to accept that they are no longer part of a unique and proud culture but a ‘Citizen of the world’

In the last 300 years since the demise of the English parliament and rule enforced on us by the invasion of the Dutch and European mercenaries led by William of Orange. England has been without a voice and this is why Socialism was allowed to infiltrate so deeply into our cultural heritage and destroy us from within and the blame must lay with the British political system and our forced participation in the union that nobody really wanted. It is now time to rise up against the British political system and by doing so we can cast out socialism as well and restore our English heritage and cultural identity. Socialism must not be allowed to form an alliance with Islam or any other cult or foreign political ideology that is against English values and we need to spread the word and stay strong to our values. Once we show the people of England that there is hope and that by standing together we can defeat this political abomination that has partially destroyed our Ethnicity then only then can we regain control and cast it out once and for all. Keeping the faith and uniting together is the last hope for England for if we do not achieve this in the next two decades, then England will be no more and the likes of the Socialist led European Union and the satanic cult of Islam through its barbaric principals of Sharia law will ultimately control these once proud lands.

Harold Godwinsson #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On major English cities having large non-white populations]

Who the fuck needs the Cities anyway? I certainly don't, i hate cities, i'd rather be in the hills than in the city, let the Orc's have em for all the fucking use they are, we came from the land, why not go back to it, i'm sure we can all adapt, as mentioned above..

I thought there were fellow Englisc Folk on here, with the same Fighting Spirit of our Forefather's when first signed up, don't make me think i was wrong??

Defeatism is the first step to resignation, and finally surrender, and giving in, when you do that, your lost, fucked, no longer a man, and no longer worthy of your Ancestral Roots.........

I'd rather die fighting than surrender to defeatism, better to die fighting than submit to Islam or Globalism.......

Thjodolfr #racist englisc-gateway.com

Look how white men are portrayed in television adverts: usually fat, lazy, stupid or generally clown-like. In film or television the white man is always the 'bad guy'; negroes are portrayed as noble and wise, and even those that are a 'little rough around the edges' always come through in the end. The whole Magical Negro has been taken to new levels; no doubt the concept was to assauge white 'guilt' in America, but it has been foisted upon the whole West, even those countries that did not indulge in colonialism seem to have been swept up with this bullshit. The only white men you see in television adverts that do not fit the above descriptions tend to be metrosexual, geeks or spivs. Negroes, when there are seen in advertising, are always healthy looking, well dressed and seem smart, although the occasional token 'funny black' slips through the net. Outside of the ridiculous hip-hop culture, who are the successful black men? With very few exceptions they are athletes; their success relies entirely on genetic advantage not on work ethic, dedication, desire or background, but it would be 'rascist' to say so, but by not saying so it must be assumed that black sporting prowess is entirely due to the lack of those qualities in non-black racial groups, which oddly enough is actually 'racist' against everyone including the negroes; the blacks only win because nobody else bothers! So what if a negro can run faster or jump higher than you, the same can be said of many members of the animal kingdom. How many gay black personalities are there? One would assume that if we are all the same (as in species) then the numbers of gay blacks would be similar to gay whites. But where are all the gay blacks? Hidden away, not doubt, while gay whites are lauded as the epitome of civilisation. Negroes are portayed as masculine, physical marvels but blessed with ancient wisdom and nobility; whites are portrayed as stupid and lazy, inherently corrupt and evil. Why would a bimbo, her glazed eyes fixed on the 'telescreen' hour after hour, day after day not, view the negro as a better mate? The only black 'role models' are athletes, therefore this is how negroes are perceived; strong, athletic. Perhaps there need to be more television programmes featuring Royal Marines or the SAS, of course they have negroes in their ranks, but I would think the numbers are disproportionately low.

Thjodolfr #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[Thread about there being too many Muslims in Britain]

In 1933 the Jewish population of Poland was an estimated 3 million, in 1950 that figure was put at 45,000. There are almost 3 million muslims in the UK today. Just a thought...

Harold Godwinsson #racist englisc-gateway.com

As for Civil distubances, or Civil War, or Race War, yes, i believe something like that, is coming, and i believe it will begin in England first, and it will be bloody, and distructive, but i also believe that we the Englafolc will come out of it free, and for wiser for it..


i believe it will begin in England, and we must be ready for it, for we will be lost completely if we lose it, but i believe we won't lose it, i think it will be more of a race war, since the White Race's will be fighting for their very survival...

As far as the end of the world and all that Hollywood thing, well, the Earth Mother may take a hand, i don't know, you see the Earth has gone through so many changes in her history, this will will only be one of many, but i doubt if it will be the end of the world all together, just the end of the presant set up, therefore the end of the Global New World Order, and back to living with Nature, instead of against her, and back to being Normal Indevidual Folk-nations, independent of each other, and no more Globalist Agenders..

As far as all of us dying, no i doubt it, the Human race hasn't finished his evolution yet, not by a long way, so no, not all of us, although, there will be millions killed, which will bring down the Human numbers.. [thumb-up]

But that is only if it takes place at all that is, we shall only have to wait and see..

But i believe Race War is coming, yes most certainly, and with in the next three years or so, and i believe it will begin in England, why England?

Well since i believe the English, have been pushed into a corner long enough, and we will come out fighting like savages sooner or later, yes i mean like savages, like wild animals, for we must prove ourselves far more terrable and visious than any of those facing us, just like our Forefather's were like, and i still believe we have it in us to be like our ancesors, its not been bread out of us, its still there, we only show it when we are push into a corner and that time is coming..

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