
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Sierra #sexist #psycho #pratt lipstickalley.com

I've wondered the same thing before. Back in the day, it was nothing for girls to be married at 14, 15 to men 5-6-7 years older so why the outrage in this day and age when girls that age date boys in that age range? I guess I'm just a believer in the saying "age ain't nothing but a number".

This is my thing. If a 15 yo girl is caught having sex w/an 18 yo boy the boy could be arrested but if she were doing the same thing with a 17 yo boy then nothing legal can be done :dunno: So what's the difference in ONE YEAR in the boys age? I don't get it. During the R. Kelly drama I asked the same thing. Looking at the tape, it's obvious the girl was no virgin so my thing is if she were doing the same things she was doing w/R with a 14 year old boy then what?

I don't advocate pedophilia (I actually don't think KIDS should be having sex period but that's a whole nother topic). But I just can't grasp if they're doing it ANYWAY what difference does it make who they're doing it with?

Various Commenters #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #wingnut nitter.net


Gay sex is illegal in Kenya and President-elect @WilliamsRuto previously said “we have no room for gays.” Ruto tells me “we respect everybody,” but adds “this is not a big issue for the people of Kenya” and President Kenyatta was “spot on” to say homosexuality “is not agreeable.”

The average Western journalist has no idea how conservative the average African is. And it leads to foolishness like this.

Man wants to talk about jobs, infrastructure and poverty... and she wants to talk about butt sex.

Every time they interview African leaders, they ask them these questions. In order to try to demonise them to Western audiences.

It's an attempt at ideological colonisation and subversion.

They don't ask Middle Eastern leaders such questions.

(Wilfred Reilly)
Actually "respecting other advanced cultures" - Chinese, Arab, Nigerian, Brahmin- would be a death-knell for Western leftism.

The in-practice "multi-cultural" response to this problem is to focus curricula, etc totally on modern Western issues but use multi-colored presenters.

(Obianuju Ekeocha)
LEAVE US ALONE!!!! You keep setting traps for African leaders to try to villainize them.

The look on his face speaks volumes here. Trying real hard to not roll his eyes. We need to be making this face more in the US.


Africa has real problems not imagined ones.

and the west is creating real social problems for itself daily

(Very Swell Nice Guy)

Everyone outside of the west does not want western social values, they want economic prosperity but not broken family units

Hell, half the West doesn't want Western social values, they want economic prosperity and intact families too!

(Daddy yo)

What is it with America and imposition of thier culture on people
Cant you just accept everyone has a way of life and its not all like yours

It's not even the culture in America. The LGBTQ community just have a very strong lobby...

Various Incels #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Most disturbing thing I saw on IT

Hey incels! 26(MtF), autistic, celebrating 4 wonderful years with my 5'0" tall hubby! 😍 The man of my dreams. Keep seething tho! 😂🙄


This is kinda sad actually

Just find a man with a wig theory

Kill it with fire.

Which one of them do you think has more autism? I got no fucking clue

Wait that non-troon dude is 5ft tall


I've never seen tranbomination with more than 50 updoots, even IT is lookist


Pukefuel of Thursday

(Misogynist Curry 卐)

"even IT is lookist"

yep, during recent flood of selfies most attractive people got most upvotes xd

Maybe it's because of their nice personalities not looks:lul:

If anything this is further proof for the blackpill. That dude would've been able to have a cute wife if he was 5'10" but he had to settle with a nasty looking troon. He's an alright looking guy. Absolutely over for short men today.


just begging for an incel to call me ugly


Why would incel call her ugly where she is clearly not?
I mean maybe nose is too small ok, but she is definitly attractive.

Long story short 726 upvotes for attractive female and 38 upvotes for pictures of tranny faggots that everyone puke at - blackpill definitely is not real.

Jared Taylor #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Breaking the Sound Barrier on Campus

On Friday, I gave a speech at Arizona State University — despite furious opposition. “Anarchists” and “anti-fascists” tried to pressure the university to cancel the talk.

My talk, “If We Do Nothing: A Defense of White Identity Politics,” was an introduction to why white racial awareness is necessary. I started with the basics of race — that it is the biological equivalent of subspecies in animals — and described the most important racial differences, with an emphasis on intelligence. I pointed out that refusing to recognize racial reality means unfairly blaming whites for the failures of blacks and Hispanics, and for this reason alone, it is essential to talk about them. I gave examples of how diversity is a terrible weakness, not a strength, and argued that the attempt to build a multiracial America has failed.

“What is the solution?” I asked, and replied that it lies in the scores of racial identity groups on the Arizona State University Campus — of which I had counted no fewer than 70.

There is not, of course, a single “white” or “European” group on campus. This is typical of the fatal double standard according to which only whites are barred from taking the most obvious efforts to defend their interests and ensure their continued existence as a people.

On a campus that prides itself on “diversity” — whites may already be a minority — non-whites band together in a clear effort to build racial solidarity and promote identity politics. If diversity is a strength, why do non-whites want homogeneity? Because disengagement is the way to escape the irreconcilable differences that are poisoning America. Most people prefer to be among people like themselves, and campus groups point the way for society at large: Some people may want to live multi-culti lives, but the rest of us must have the right to go our own way.

I ended by saying that I wanted the best for people of all races. Let blacks build Wakanda and Hispanics build Aztlan, but with their own efforts and with no whining about “white privilege.” And we, too, must have our own nation in which we can live according to the ways of our people.

[deleted] #sexist #pratt reddit.com

I think women need to start being better partners to their husbands...particularly with regard to financial matters. Women have the right to earn a living and have the same financial obligation that a man does. To take care of themselves and their children. Women who sit around on their asses all day while their husbands go to work and then complain about how their job is the hardest in the world just make me roll my eyes. I have worked full time...raised two kids...and have a beautiful immaculate home. And although its not always easy, cleaning a house and raising kids (once they're in school) is NOT even remotely close to what it takes to earn a living. I'm also sick of the blatant disrespect of men on commercials, shows, etc. Like they're incapable of doing household tasks or rearing children without some bitch nagging at them all the time. I would NEVER speak to my husband that way. He deserves my respect...he works hard, he's brilliant and although I may do some things better than he does...he does things I'd never be able to do. We each have our skills and together we're greater than the sum of our parts. Being a feminist isn't a license to disrespect or take advantage of men...especially not good, hardworking, kind men.

@starmum22 #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

A🧵on the great unanswered questions of our time. You all know them, you’ve all asked them and all you get in reply are circular definitions, insults or tumbleweed.

1. What rights do trans people currently not have?
2. Why is it ok to identify into a sex but not a race/ethnicity/disability?
3. Why is standing up for women’s rights transphobic?
4. Why do you care about preferred pronouns when they’re used if you are elsewhere?
5. If trans women are women what they transitioning from?
6. If trans women are women why do they need to transition?
7. Where are all the middle aged women transitioning?
8. If trans men are men, why are they not dominating men’s sports?
9. If being trans is not a medical condition, why do you need medical interventions?
10.How can you be both trans and non-binary?
11.Why does it take surgery and drugs to be your true authentic self?
12.Where are the statistics showing trans people are attacked at a greater rate than other groups of people?
13.Why are trans women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces justified but women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces means they are hateful bigots?
14.Why is it not ok to misgender a trans person but fine to call someone ‘cis’ when they’ve asked you not to?
15.If gender is a social construct and anyone can dress/behave however they want, why the need for transition?
16.If sex isn’t real, why transition?
17.Why do feelings trump material reality?
18.Do you believe that adult male born people with a penis should be able to undress in female communal changing rooms with women and girls?
Feel free to add your own.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Feds Cut Funding for Anti-Racism Project Over ‘Vile’ Tweets


"Life is too short for shoes with laces, or for entertaining Jewish White Supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.”

He's got to be thinking, "if I only left out 'Jewish' I would still be collecting that sweet government loot."

(Marc Zuckurburg)
Figures. The only reason they're cutting the funding is that someone said something bad about Jews. It didn't bother anyone that it was anti-white from the inception, and probably had people associated with it that said just as mean or worse things about white people.

It's s a crime in most every nation to say something about Jews. You are stigmatized if you say Jews control things, BUT..... "They have no power" Right...

(Jim Barston)
Exactly. Just like Nick Cannon who said whites were cavebeasts and J*ws controlled the media. He only had to apologize for one of the comments.

“antisemitism has no place in this country.”

Yeah, ok. But hating Whites is totally FINE.

(Alan Nathan)
All he had to do was not include the word "Jewish" in the tweet, and it probably would have been accepted.

Shmuel "Sam" Coinsniffer #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why are troons always the masculine ones - I think I might have solved this mystery

Every tranny lolcow ever has an anvil jaw, 5'oclock shadow and look like a caveman with a wig. Not only do they never pass, but they are always the most masculine ones that decide to troon out. But why?

I was listening to MATI, and Jewrsh was talking about the autist-to-troon pipeline. Most trannies are autistic, this isn't news either. So autism, masculinity and trannies, how do they all connect.

I present to you: The extreme male brain theory:

The extreme male brain, explained

TL;DR Autists are exposed to abnormal amount of testosterone in utero and this affects the brain.

Well, actually it affects the appearance as well:

They created two sets of composite images made up of the facial appearance of individuals scoring high and low for symptoms of ASD. When these images were rated they found males with more symptoms of ASD to be rated as more masculine in appearance.

This finding not only lends support to Baron-Cohen’s theory but also connects physical traits and behaviour through hormonal effects.

Masculine Features Support ‘Extreme Male Brain’ Theory Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Puzzle solved or am I being autistic.

for every tranny that passes


theres a dozen more that are built like linebackers with jawlines that could cut glass


Sick of seeing Chad trannies with a nicer jawline than me.

Many such cases! am lowkey jealous

When TiMs are confronted or misgendered, they get angry and resort to violence, while TiFs hide and start crying. They can cut off their tits and dick but they can't dig out the socialization (or autism).

Now find a link between autism and transitioning

Autist becomes incel becomes tranny. It's such a common thing Incel wiki has an article on it.


Moonlit Piglet, foreword Wesley Yang #pratt #transphobia wesleyyang.substack.com

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been interviewing teachers and parents of schoolchildren caught up in the ongoing transgender social contagion that is an open secret visible to all teachers and parents in certain Blue enclaves. I spoke to multiple parents who reported that between 20 percent and 50 percent all the girls in their children’s middle or high school classrooms identify as trans or non-binary. The following is written by someone whose identity I have confirmed, who teaches in a Blue enclave somewhere in America.

Last month, I wrote another piece for Wesley’s Substack where I talked about the biggest barrier to discussing DEI programs productively: If you’re honest about what’s going on, no one will believe you, because it just sounds too crazy to be true.

Here are some solid figures: I had six classes last year, and I didn’t have a single one without multiple students who identified as transgender. The absolutely lowest number was two in a 26-person class. 70% or so of these students are female, and talk about breast binding and “top surgery” are common conversation topics at lunch time.

It’s relatively common for students to transition, detransition, and transition again, especially in response to the identity shifts in their classmates. At one point, a single student’s decision to go with they/them pronouns set off a chain reaction that resulted in four more of her friends doing the same. It’s gotten so ridiculous that a neighboring teacher recommended weekly pronoun checks.

It’s primarily a way for straight kids to make themselves gay.

And why wouldn’t they?

In these internet-poisoned youth subcultures, being a boring straight kid (especially a boring straight girl!) puts you at the absolute bottom of the hierarchy, a totally acceptable target for barely-concealed contempt and passive bullying. I had a group of queer students who ate lunch by my desk every day, and every other joke they made was about the one “token heterosexual” who liked to hang out with them.

Of course, she was non-binary too by the end of the year – you can only take peers “punching up” at you for so long before you’d want to join them on their level.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Nigeria bans diversity (i.e. no white models) in advertising

Guess what this country did?

Hey let's ban "diversity" in predominately white, Western countries too! Hey why not, if Nigeria can do it we can too. That would be nice.

I never realized how much hatred the black community has toward Whites until recently, like the past few years. Now we can begin to see why and how the 1804 Haiti massacre happened.

Funny how no one is crying how racist, horrible and evil Nigeria is. Yet you can bet if Sweden Norway, Germany, the UK, US or any other white country did this, or banned non-white immigration everyone would be crying how racist, evil, and hateful they are, and would demand everyone to boycott them, or anything that comes from them.

"Diversity" is forced only on white countries and every white country. Notice the Jews, who are the ones forcing "diversity" on every white country have some of the strictest immigration laws for their country. If "Diversity" is really so good why is it only forced on white countries?
Well, those of us awake to the agenda know it's because the Jews themselves know it's bad and destructive, and they're only forcing it on white countries because we're the ones they want to get rid of.

The end result of this so called diversity of it's allowed to continue, ironically, will be zero diversity. Everyone will be brown skinned with black hair and dark brown/black eyes.


Nigeria says the need to “develop local talent” and support “inclusive economic growth” justifies the move.

Nigeria was previously heavily reliant on foreign models and voiceover specialists in its ads, including white models and voiceovers with British accents, according to The Times.

Negros being self hating jealous negros . What this is really saying is the mere picture of White people on their TV and other advertising and media simply reminds them their looks and their brains pale ( excuse the pun ) in comparison.

(Huginn ok Muninn)
GOOD. They need to be trained to lust after their own women, not ours.

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist archived.moe

Fuck this country, this country is anti white, it discriminates against white people, the leaders of this country hate poor whites like me and favours shitskins and degenerates. This country is full of them and has no culture, if it did in the past, its all gone now. This shithole isn't worth fighting for. Hurry up Gott and Straffe the UK now. I want to leave and never come back.

Being an Englishman in 2022 is a curse unless you're rich and/or attractive, or a w*man.

I walk to town today to do some shopping, I see Muslims and blacks everywere walking down the street, takeaway shops and corner shops run by them, their languages being spoken, rubbish everywere and I have to see a mosque when I get home to. This country is horrid.

Watch your own countrymen deny the existence of British as a people. They are literally performing a cultural genocide against you while denying you exist.


I don't give a shit about this country, this country hates whites so I hate this country.

shii410 #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Based Anti-Racist British police officers told teachers & social workers to not report sex trafficking in order to avoid inflaming racial tensions

This is very based! Thank you to those Based officers as well as the BIPOC Immigrant community in Britain

The feminist take on this is unironically probably that the police and grooming gangs are part of the same faction and are oppressing women together because of their shared patriarchal interests (which is how the world should work)

A three-year independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation finds that over 1,000 children in the English town of Telford were sexually exploited beginning in the 1980s. Teachers and youth workers were discouraged from reporting child sexual abuse and police were nervous that investigating the abusers would inflame racial tensions.

Similar with other grooming gang cases, it was alleged that the authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of being seen as racist,[13] with police having known about gang activities since the early 1980s.

Jfl they use the term Asian men (which literally always means East Asian when westerners use the term in any other context) as if ricecels are going around raping thousands of foids but everyone who was arrested for being involved in this has a Pakistani name

snowlord #fundie #pratt thinkspot.com

Dawkins muses: “Living things are not designed, but Darwinian natural selection licenses a version of the design stance for them [oh, that’s very generous of it!]. We get a short cut [one has to pick up that he is being sarcastic here] to understanding the heart if we assume that it is ‘designed’ to pump blood.” So, au contraire, the heart just by chance grew to be a pump – for no purpose whatsoever, mind you – because, well, “accidents happen?” Why didn’t it “accidentally” grow to be, say, a waste-disposal site, a pulley to hoist objects upward, a bone-assembly plant, a poison-producer, a … (fill in the blank)? Fancy that: it just so happened to coordinate its development with that of blood! And in cooperation with an enormously complex circulatory system of a myriad of blood vessels needed to make blood useful for tens of trillions of cells, missing none! And miraculously timed to receive electrical signals from some clump of gray stuff in the head to make the fool thing function on a timed cycle of beating! And choreographed with these things called lungs that provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide to make blood relevant at all! And a handy stomach to supply nutrients that blood can then transport to all parts of the body! And a shell of skin to keep that blood from squirting out into space! We simply ought to give evolution an advanced degree … probably even the Nobel prize for physics and chemistry. Wow, I’m impressed!

The very thought of all this super-massive, simultaneous accumulation of hyper-intricate operations … and the blasted thing dies in the end? What’s up with that? Why all the convoluted bother? If there’s no “purpose” or “design,” what’s the point? Well, of course there can be none. We are fooled to think there must be a reason, and we live our lives as if they have some ultimate meaning. What a bunch of rubes we are! For all the ultra-intelligence of evolution, funny that it should, by luck of the draw, slap together humans as dumb idiots, which is really weird, come to think of it, given our astounding IQs to “design” astonishing technology ourselves … for alleged “purposes” (ho, ho, ho, what dupes we are!). Teleology is an unwelcome guest who simply won’t leave the party.

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #pratt archive.ph

I posted this on my Minds page just a moment ago...

While I'm open to the possibility of being wrong, I believe the reason Liz and her father are so obsessed with trying to stop President Trump is probably very simple...

President Trump was and is a peacemaker, as evidenced by his refusal to start new wars, the Abraham Accords, the fact that Russia hadn't gone after Ukraine and China after Taiwan during his First Term are proof of this. He was a keeper of the peace, not a warrior.

The Cheneys on the other hand, their family fortunes come from war. They are war profiteers, for them, they NEED war so that they can rake in profits on death and destruction. And President Trump threatens all of that.

So Liz and her dad are personally threatened by President Trump and his America First, no foreign wars, no new-wars, peacemaking agenda as if the US is not involved in war, the Cheneys' money spigot gets closed off and so their cushy lifestyle gets threatened. Liz and Dicky can call President Trump every name in the book, but they'll never admit that the real reason they oppose him is because they hate peacemakers like President Trump. That would be admitting that they're war profiteers and that letting them take power would mean war-war-war!

But God willing, the Cheney dynasty died last night with the ouster of Liz in Wyoming...and good riddance.

Utah Parents #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #transphobia deseret.com

After a girl beat their daughters in sports, Utah parents triggered investigation into whether she was transgender

After one competitor “outclassed” the rest of the field in a girls’ state-level competition last year, the parents of the competitors who placed second and third lodged a complaint with the Utah High School Activities Association calling into question the winner’s gender.

David Spatafore, the UHSAA’s legislative representative, addressing the Utah Legislature’s Education Interim Committee on Wednesday, said the association — without informing the student or family members about the inquiry — asked the student’s school to investigate.

The school examined the student’s enrollment records.

“The school went back to kindergarten and she’d always been a female,” he said.

He told committee members about the events in response to their questions of whether the UHSAA, which sanctions and oversees high school activities, receives such complaints and how they are handled.

Spatafore said the association has received other complaints, some that said “that female athlete doesn’t look feminine enough.”

Colin Wright #pratt #psycho #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

“A good portion of children do know as early as from the womb” that they are transgender.

At Boston Children’s Hospital “we see a variety of young children all the way down to ages 2 and 3.”

This is literally a sick cult that mutilates children. That's not hyperbole, it's absolutely true. The best time for outrage was over a decade ago. The next best time for outrage is RIGHT NOW.

This has gotten so out of hand. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Yeah, yeah, sex isn't a spectrum blah blah blah. A person's sex is defined by gametes and reproductive anatomy blah blah blah.

While these details are important to understand, don't let these finer intellectual points distract you from what's happening on the ground:

Gender nonconforming children are being indoctrinated into a cult that is mutilating and sterilizing their healthy bodies with hormones and surgeries based on the pseudoscientific belief that it's possible for a person's body to not "match" their mind.

Vladimir Putin #crackpot #pratt #wingnut pravda.com.ua

From a speech Putin gave were he says that Western elites started the Ukraine War to distract their people from falling living standards and poverty while Russia and China are fighting against the "dictatorship of supranational elites" to build a more democratic world.

"Thereby, they [the west] are trying with all their might to preserve the hegemony and the power that is slipping through their fingers; they are trying to keep the countries and people in the grip of a neo-colonial order. Their hegemony means stagnation for the whole world, for the whole of civilization, obscurantism and denial of culture, neoliberal totalitarianism.

They need conflicts to maintain their hegemony. That is why they prepared the fate of cannon fodder for the Ukrainian people, implemented the "anti-Russia" project, turned a blind eye to the spread of neo-Nazi ideology, to the mass murders of Donbas residents, pumped and continue to pump the Kyiv regime with weapons, including heavy weapons."

"Russia, together with its allies, partners and like-minded people, will improve existing international security mechanisms and create new ones, strengthen its armed forces and other security structures, take other steps to build a more democratic world, where the rights of all peoples and cultural and civilizational diversity are guaranteed."

Steve Sailer #dunning-kruger #racist #pratt archive.ph

Fortunately, our new more sensitive society has done a heckuva job decolonizing the Arecibo radio telescope (above) in Puerto Rico.

What work? This is the easiest work ever You sit around and make up reasons why words hurt your feelings. E.g., let’s do Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence:

The word ‘search’ is highly problematic, with a racist past. It featured in the title of African explorer Henry M. Stanley’s famous memoir “The Search for Dr. Livingstone.” The concept of “searching” is highly redolent of white male exploration and discovery.

“Extraterrestrial” is Earth-centric. Why should Earth be privileged as being “terrestrial” when all else in the universe is “extraterrestrial?”

“Intelligence” is highly discriminatory. Intelligent people know that stupidity is just as good as intelligence because they are intelligent, which makes them better than the stupid. Or something.

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.wiki

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

The_Real_PMC #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

All feminists are like that, all feminists hate men period. Feminists are allied with each other and enable each others hate.

Transcript[Panel 1]
[Panel 2]
-Pauline Harmange-
[Panel 3]

BuebztTu #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #god-complex #pratt #racist #wingnut archived.moe

>Surviving alone

Completely dependent on western gibs.

>Never siding with cabal
Constantly praising israel for slaughterin palastinians.

Daj ne seri, majmuncicu.

Never starved!
Most of Europe at one point or another had a famin.
Most of the world did!

And for anyone wondering what storm tragedy was, it's cabal and vatican genociding Serbians and removing hundreds of thousands of civilians from their land in one swoop operation.
They would shoot at convoys, pull children out of mothers aems and masacer them... stories were Horrific.
All done by people who forgot they were once Slavs and now worked for satanists, like most of Western nations goverments did so and so called Croatians.

It's because Serbians never give up Slavic origin, and particularly Christianity!
vatican and cabal cannot live with that!
Crimes against Serbs just in recent history are beyond what anyone can immagine here.
cnn vatican and cabal aided in those crimes and even attempted to frame Serbian people for crimes they themselves, cabal, comited against Serbs.
And bearly anyone stood up and spoke/witnessed to the world on behalf of the slaughtered children, and butchered civilians.
Persecuted, scattered, tortured, blamed... some dont even know their origins anymore and turn their knife at their people from lands close and far.
And Slavs gavr contributions behind everything that was useful is a Slav technology wise.
There is people speaking here, and elsewhere, some now the truth some don't, some are truly ignorant some lie pitpusfuly.
But truth cannot be hidden forever, everything is logged!
Everything balanced out eventually, that's how universe works.

You can swear and attempt to ofend me all you want, the only thing that ofends me subject related is that so many were so willing to butcher children!
And so many know, and they deny them the truth.
That's it.

NoteComprehensive695 #pratt #transphobia reddit.com

As a non-passing Trans woman, I feel there is no place for me in society, but I cannot envision a future for myself in the closet.

29 MTF

I started HRT almost 5 years ago and I've had zero results physically, in some ways I actually look even more masculine than I did pre-everything due to weight gain and general aging.

On top of it all, I just see so much hatred and venom spewed towards people like me at every turn. And I'm not talking about conservatives assholes, I'm talking about progressive people who never stop preaching about diversity and inclusion, but instantly shut the door behind them when it comes to trans women who have committed the cardinal sin of being too ugly. I see it non-stop from Cis feminists, other LGB people, Trans men and AFAB NBs, and younger passing Trans Women. Everyone looks down on non-passing Trans women. We're constantly ridiculed, treated with suspicion at every turn, derided as monsters, predators, & perverts, blamed for making "real" (aka passing) trans people look bad, and relentlessly shamed anytime we even try to exist uncontroversially in any sort of space, all while constantly being talked over and gaslit about our own life experiences, and our pain and suffering erased, and our accomplishments invalidated, bc after all we're just uber-priviledged men, and thus we clearly dont have any real problems in society.

It has all made me incredibly bitter and resentful. I feel like there's no place for people like me anywhere, not in normal society, not within progressive bubbles, and not even within the Trans community itself. I've lost my ability to empathize with or trust other people, unless they have similar circumstances to mine (AMAB, non-passing, no social support). I don't even know what I want or hope to gain from typing all of this out, just that this has been boiling over for a while and I need to get these feelings off my chest before I explode.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut fitnessformulax.it

[mod note: we’re actually sick and tired of this Wayne Allen Root crap being heaped upon us here by the ton, and 97.5% of these submissions get deleted before they appear, so please don’t take this one as a sign of approval. Please keep this to a bare minimum. Like, one every month?]

(about the Covid vaccine)

Yes, you read it right. There are (so far) 33 dead or sick friends and relatives since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaccinated. Each one of them.

This is a “cluster of vaccine illnesses and deaths.”

This is like the Love Canal New York cancer group from the 1970s. You can’t ignore it when you see so many dead or very sick people in one group.

But it has nothing to do with our wedding. Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere.

Pepe Escobar #moonbat #pratt unz.com

For Those About to Rock, NAM 2.0 Salutes You

Those were the days, in 1955, at the legendary Bandung conference in Indonesia, when the newly emancipated Global South started dreaming of building a new world, via what became configured later in 1961 in Belgrade as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

Now, the Spirit of Bandung lives again.

Putin, Raisi and Erdogan did not meet to carve up the world. They met essentially to discuss how another world is possible.

The much-debated Turkish military operation in northern Syria in the end may be restricted to taming the YPG Kurds. The heart of the action will in fact revolve around how the Russia/Iran/Turkey/Syria alliance will make like impossible for Americans stealing Syrian oil.

The NATO/Five Eyes/Intermarium combo has absolutely nothing to counteract these (overland) facts on the (Heartland) ground except to throw a pile of HIMARS into the Ukrainian black hole. And of course, keep de-industrializing Europe. In contrast, those across the Global South with a keen sense of history – as in the grand debate of ideas in a Hegelian sense – and also versed in geography and trade relations are busy getting ready to hit (and profit from) the new groove.

As much as it’s a blast to survey all the instances of Russia playing strategic ambiguity to levels capable of baffling the entire, bloated “Western intel” apparatus, what is coming to the forefront is how Putin – and Patrushev – are now willfully turning up the pain dial to tactically exhaust not only the Ukrainian black hole but the whole of NATOstan.

Western governments are collapsing. Sanctions are being ditched – practically in secret. A Deep Freeze winter is a given. And then there’s the incoming economic/financial crisis, the Definitive Monster from Hell, as Martin Armstrong has made it quite clear: “There is no way they can get out of this other than default. If they default, they are worried about millions of people storming the parliaments of Europe…This is really a tremendous financial crisis that we are facing. They have been borrowing year after year since WWII with zero intention of paying anything back.”

CelestiaQuesta, Notsofast & WATTBA #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #psycho #wingnut unz.com

The MonkeyPox Anal Sex Bioweapon has reached a new phase in its contamination. Kids are being sexually molested by infected MonkeyPox GlobalHomo pedophiles. Yet unlike the HIV/AIDS GlobalHomo virus, they turn on the scare factor and raise the lockdown mandates again.

It’s ironic that Washington DC has a high count MonkeyPox infection rate. Are there that many homosexuals living there, or is it just a meeting ground for government sponsored anal sex orgies on the public dime?

What’s sick is how these GlobalHomo sex freaks are obsessed with phucing monkeys in the azz. No other species does this in nature.

now that the w.h.o. has declared monkey pox a”public health emergency of international concern” , i purpose a social experiment, print a thousand bumper stickers with the w.h.o. logo that read : “get ass jabbed for monkey pox, it’s your civic duty”. next place the stickers on random cars in big box store parking lots all over your city. who knows, it could go viral!

As a ‘European citizen’ (whatever that’s supposed to mean) I can say that I’m living the Z-op & the multipolar Zeitgeist as a liberating operation from a peoples perspective… and it rocks !
My one and only concern is that Russia (and China) could reach an agreement with this whole band of €UrocrataZ & evil ImperialiZts without having completed the de-€UronatoZification & de-ImperialiZation in full.

Russia (& China) Don’t let us down, please.

Chris Aldridge #fundie #pratt caldridge.net

Hellenism Lost Is Honor Lost

During the last few years, part of my Hellenic studies has been the examination of modern Greece and its people (who are predominately Orthodox Christians). In any case, most Greeks today are not Hellenists, and there is no debate whatsoever that ancient Hellas was far stronger, far more prosperous, and far more successful in government and economics. But on a personal level, I have also routinely noticed the decline in human character.

I was talking with a friend and fellow Hellenist who actually lives in Greece today, and I happened to ask if there are any ancient cemeteries still standing.

When my Hellenic friend responded to my question by saying that, yes, indeed there are some ancient burials still visible, but people have littered them because they don't care, it saddened me at how far the culture has fallen. I secondly remembered a few years ago when I saw images of a ruined temple of Aphrodite in between two apartment buildings that was also covered in trash.

In ancient times, people wouldn't have dared to desecrate a temple or a cemetery. Not only because they feared Divine punishment, but because it was simply wretched. People had real honor, character and respect in the old times.

But when humans lost the honor and dignity that Hellenism brought to the Hellenic people, they also lost their sense of sacredness, even of their own personal human life and behavior. It is this loss of the spiritual world and of the physical self that has greatly aided in the decline of Hellas and her people. I'm not saying that only Hellenists are honorable, but it clearly brought a world of difference to the Greeks that they no longer have, and their culture has paid the greatest of prices.

knightlautrec #transphobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

The fuck is inappropriate with the word Wendigo? Fuck this. If they're gonna side step all the native stuff for muh colonialism white guilt and stuff fuck this edition. It's already doomed. I also imagine they're gonna try and put less emphasis on how based werewolves are. Because gaaaaayssss. Ten thousand dollars they're gonna start including tranny Furies and gifts to change gender that are permanent and not just man skin. They allow metis males but never in a thousand years would they allow a true male especially considering their decades of culling male true.

But this complaining about BF isn't new. This classic sperging from 2016 shows its already begun and poor troons were crying about an all female tribe for ages...Which is hilarious to me. Since again, a female only thing is cried about by woke left men who call themselves feminist for not accepting men who think they have dominion over the space of women just because they say so. The irony of it is just...astounding. I don't even like Furies all that much as a tribe but they at least have a hard line stance that flavours them and they are uniquely female in the very least.

Onyx Path discord is full of trannies though. So that tells you something. W5 is probably going to be bad honestly. I was semi interested but this development of censoring a word for being 'bad' is red flag one.

scalliano #wingnut #pratt doomworld.com

But no, like all fascistic movements, Gamergate missed the mark from the start, blamed everything on marginalized people with little actual power and allowed itself to be used as the watchdogs of an oppressive industry that was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the show - because at the end of the day those self-proclaimed crusaders for "ethics in video game journalism" would give the industry their money anyway.

Really? I must have been reading about an entirely different GamerGate. You know, the one that #NotYourShield became a big part of after all those hitpieces dropped at exactly the same time?

Internet shitfights are not fascism. I live in a country with an actual far right contingent, and GG ain't it.

This is why you can't cite Wikipedia in academic studies.

Anatoly Karlin #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut unz.com

The Idiocy of the Average - and Why It Matters

Reasonably intelligent people (for instance, the readers of this blog) tend to overestimate how smart everyone else is. About half of Americans are unable to correctly read a table and do a simple addition/subtraction calculation. Such is the banal reality of the American high-90s average IQ, which is still a dozen points above the world average.

You might have a good general appreciation of the different average IQs of the world’s major regions and appreciate that national wealth depends largely on a population’s intelligence, but putting the two together is quite tricky.

PISA website has sample math questions from the 2012 assessment, with six different levels of difficulty. Hopefully, this will give us a better perspective on what average national IQ means in practice. And why seemingly minor differences between them are important and explain the vast bulk of international differences in GDP per capita and general socio-economic success.




Level 6


I suspect that many of you can do it in your heads within a minute. But a majority of all the tested teens begged to differ.

OECD average: 3% (!!). Korea: 12%, Japan: 8%, Germany: 5%. The US, Italy, Sweden, and Russia were all at 2%; the Mediterranean was at 1%.

Some countries where a big fat 100% (rounded up) were unable to do this problem: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Uruguay.

The number of people at this level, the highest measured by PISA, is dwindling away into insignificance in Latin America and the Middle East.

According to Kremer/Jones, it is the relative strength of the O-Ring sector in the developed world which explains why a hairdresser earns five times as much in Belgium as in Brazil. Why is this O-Ring stronger in Belgium than in Brazil? Because in Brazil, only a tiny fraction of high school students can do anything much more complex than a simple, single-step arithmetic operation.

James Thompson #elitist #pratt #racist unz.com

World IQ 82


David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich Mean Intelligence benchmark of IQ 100.

What does IQ 82 mean in practical terms?


There has been a lot of animus against country intelligence scores. As explained before, data quality varies between countries. You already knew that, because if countries really differ in intelligence, that will show in the way they conduct themselves. Some countries will do forward planning, and others will do less. Some will conduct regular censuses and surveys, and others won’t. Some countries may have people who are more willing to cheat than other countries.


Naturally, country level data may obscure regional differences, and caste, tribe, class and religious differences. These are matters of granularity. Some countries are homogenous as regards talent (China may be in this category) others are not (India).

Country IQs may explain how that country conducts its affairs. Intellectual assessments ought to have explanatory value, thus leading to greater wealth, and discrepancies need to be investigated and explained. Two main sources of economic discrepancy are tourism and natural resources: the presence of either can inflate economies which lack human capital.


This list is useful and you may find it worth printing out. It would fit nicely on the back of a door. Yes, it mixes environmental and genetic effects, but it gives you a rule of thumb as to what countries, on average, are capable of doing.

John C. Wright #racist #fundie #pratt archive.ph

Note that Moorlockery, Social Justice, Postmodernism, Postrationalism, Self-Important Holier-Than-Thou Jabberwocky, Cultural Marxism, Coprophagy, or whatever you want to call this moral and mental disease that has corrupted our society not only destroys comic books (Female Thor, Negro Johnny Storm and Jimmy Olsen, Islamic Batman and Ms Marvel) and science fiction (If You Were an Ancillary Pronoun Wereseal, My Love) and politics (CNN, MSNBC) but indeed render the Morlock incapable of any work or act requiring even a modicum of honesty and integrity.

Likewise for George Carlin, Mort Sahl, the TV show All in the Family, and the likes of Janeane Garofalo and Dick Cavett – indeed, his favorite adjective at this point became “subversive,” and like most of his ilk he remained incredibly blind to the fact that he and those who think like him are now very much the establishment and that a true “subversive” nowadays is a Christian conservative. Even as they are closing down bakers for sticking to their Christian convictions, they imagine themselves “subverting” all that they hate.

Of course, you are clear on what they hate – the Church, America, all forms of public decency. Lenny Bruce is hailed as a hero for mocking all of these things and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

And on and on it went, and I felt tremendously badly about it, firstly because my wife had given me this as a gift, and it would be rude indeed to express distaste; but also because, without the left-wing poison, the book would actually be quite good, because when he didn’t indulge in lefty preaching, it was actually engaging and interesting. But he just couldn’t help himself. Political mockery of conservatives by liberals was shaming the powerful with the truth; but Dennis Miller’s conversion to conservatism after 9/11 was bigotry. Conservatives have a “pathological hatred” of Obama, but the pathological hatred heaped on George W. Bush was liberation. Shockingly, even Bob Hope was raked over the coals for daring to go to Vietnam and entertain troops that were facing death to protect self- indulgent drug addicts like Lenny Bruce or George Carlin.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Mass Immigration was Blair’s Attack on Britain

(The ice pick that killed Trotsky)
Blair was the worst thing to happen to Britain post-war and that says a lot.

(Kyr Man)
Tory economic policy - higher taxes, more debt. No economic conservatism.
Tory foreign policy - liberal interventionist, no national conservatism
Tory immigration policy - hyper promiscuous borders - certainly no native or national conservatism
Tory housing policy - destroy Britain ancestral greenlands to build migrants homes - no native conservatism

Which part of the the Tory party is right wing exactly?

(Peter Field)
Jeez, as a born and bred Londoner, English parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc it's a tragedy what's happened. I was born in 1967, the changes in my lifetime are catastrophic , for my mum who died 2016 even worse.

(T G)
My entire teens and adult life so far has been plagued by the nightmare of mass immigration. It will only get worse...

(Tim the Enchanter)
I'm always amused by the "muti-culturalism" argument. As an American, I live in a place that was designed to be multi-cultural, but isn't really. Although it is often wistfully described as a "melting pot," what it really is, is just a very large place peppered with little pockets of varying culture. People come to America -- not to be Americans -- but to live in America with other people just like them.

There’s nothing wrong with treating invaders as enemy combatants.

(Kevin H)
So they admitted to colonising Britain? Wasn't colonisation bad when we did it though?

If you know anything about Roman history in Britain, allowing and paying sea faring barbarians to settle is always a recipe for disaster

(unopened envelope)
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what these so called "benefits" are for mass immigration..

Tobias Langdon #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut unz.com

I can only conclude that the Jewish families turned up, saw the hideous whiteness of the fascists at the park, and fled for their lives. Jews “love diversity,” remember. They “just feel comfortable” amid a “kaleidoscope of skin colours.” So while the fascist fun-day was a sea of hideous whiteness, the Family Fun-Day organized by Jewish Care would have been a kaleidoscope of color.

Well, sarcasm over. Jewish Care didn’t invite Muslims and Blacks to join the festivities, of course. The photographs aren’t of a Fascist Fun-Day but of a genuine Jewish Family Fun-Day. That’s why the photos are “hideously white.” Ashkenazi Jews flocked to Hertfordshire to enjoy what they assiduously deny to White British goyim: the exclusive company of their own kind. Jewish Care’s Family Fun-Day wasn’t enriched with Blacks or Muslims, which is why it wasn’t enriched with crime or obnoxious behavior either. While working tirelessly to turn Britain and other Western countries into Third-World swamps, Jews are careful to maintain ethnocentric islands amid the chaos and crime. If those islands are ever threatened with submersion by vibrancy, Jews have a secure place to flee: the ethnocentric enclave of Israel, where that age-old Jewish injunction to “Welcome the Stranger” is completely ignored. Israel doesn’t welcome black and brown strangers: it keeps them out with high-tech fences.


But what’s good for Jews — ethnocentrism and exclusion — isn’t good for goyim. Or rather, it is good for goyim, but that’s precisely why Jews want to deny it to goyim. Jews don’t want what’s best for Whites: they want what’s worst for Whites. That’s why both America and Britain have open borders and endless ethnic enrichment. Jews are in control of politics on both sides of the Atlantic, so governments pursue what’s worst for Whites, not what’s best. But I think Jews should remember a warning from their own Bible: “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” (Proverbs 26:27)

unnamed patient #quack #pratt bbc.com

A young adult in New York has become the first US resident in nearly a decade to contract polio, state health officials say.

The unnamed patient in Rockland County is said no longer to be contagious, but has developed paralysis from the virus.

Officials say the person was unvaccinated, and was probably exposed to an individual who received a vaccine that contains the weakened live virus.

The last known US case of the highly contagious virus was recorded in 2013.

Once feared across the nation, the disease was largely eradicated by a national vaccination campaign that began in 1955.

Annual cases quickly fell from fewer than 100 in the 1960s to fewer than 10 in the 1970s - and the US was declared polio-free by 1979.

Ann McLean #racist #pratt heraldcourier.com

Now comes Richmond-area historian Ann McLean, [Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin’s] appointee to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources and an apparent magna cum laude graduate of the Jubal Early School of Lost Cause Revisionism.

Our moment of racial reckoning, teetering on the brink, does not need a Confederate apologist. But here comes McLean, who likened Abraham Lincoln’s attempt to preserve the Union to “Russia invading Ukraine” during a July 18 interview on John Reid’s talk show on WRVA radio. She also claimed that "slavery would have been outlawed in the South within five or 10 years, but they wanted to do it on their own time."

I can only assume that “they” were not considering the desired timetable of the enslaved.

Seven months earlier, on the same show, McLean defended Confederate monuments with a heaping helping of Lost Cause pablum.

“Fake news or false narratives are not new,” she said. “And this whole tragedy is that these statues were built to tell the true story of the American South to people 500 years from now.”

“But we have forces right here 150 years later that want to destroy the evidence of that story,” she said, framing the Civil War as a “fight for sovereignty of each state and constitutional law.”

SarahRose #dunning-kruger #pratt raptureforums.com

Amen! The term kind is also used when God tells Noah about gathering the animals, which makes getting them on the ark reasonable, since there are way less kinds (categories like feline, canine, etc.) than species. Although God could make it happen even if it was every species.

People try to use the Galapagos birds as “proof” for evolution but it doesn’t prove anything other than that animals can adapt to their environment — which really only proves how awesome God’s creation is.

The more I read the Bible, the more amazed I am at how much God has revealed to us through His word. I am so glad we don’t live in the Dark Ages and we can read it any time we want.

James Lankford #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt thehill.com

GOP Sen. James Lankford (Okla.) on Thursday blocked a Democratic request to unanimously pass a bill seeking to protect interstate travel for abortion.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), joined by a string of Democratic senators, had sought consent to pass a bill that would prevent states from punishing women who travel to other states where abortion is legal to get the procedure.

Does that child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?” Lankford said in objecting. “Do they get to live?”

“There’s a child in this conversation as well,” he added.

Accept Only Substitutes #pratt #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Today, TRAs taught me that I'm a self-hating rapist:


That's not at all what she's saying. We don't let men take care of vulnerable women because we can't read the minds of the men we hire to make sure they aren't perverts and won't sexually assault them. Like it or not men make 99% of the sexual assaults we know of.

A study of college students a number of years ago showed that one third of the men said they saw no problem in having sex with a very overly drunk woman. Many of those men also said rape was wrong.

I'm not here to get into a debate on consent or saying all men are bad, but 1/3 thinking it's okay to take advantage of someone who isn't all there at the moment is terrifying for all women to hear. If that many think that's okay, how many think having sex with a disabled woman or girl is okay?

Maybe if the stats on trans women committing sex crimes were more like women's stats then people would feel more comfortable with letting them take care of the vulnerable. Since we know better it's not at all okay.

I'll go far as to say that anyone who has a penis - in any form - asking to take care of vulnerable women and girls is a huge red flag for being an abuser. These positions go to anyone with a clean criminal record and pay shit, so they aren't attracting the best type of people. It's hard, gross, and demanding work.

Damien Rieu #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut nme.com

Following the assassination of former Japanese president Shinzo Abe, a far-right French politician has seemingly confused the suspect with game developer Hideo Kojima.

Damien Rieu, a far-right politician and vocal supporter of the “identity movement” in France, then replied to the post writing “the far-left kills” alongside several images of Hideo Kojima.

Both the tweets have since been deleted but Autain has called out the racism behind Rieu’s reply. Sharing a screenshot of the exchange, Autain wrote: “Freewheeling Damien Rieu confuses an assassin with Hideo Kojima, world authority on video games. The extreme right in full racist delirium.”

At the time of publication, Kojima is yet to respond but Rieu has since apologised,

Matt Walsh #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt archive.ph

But I mention this today because

1) The messages/emails were particularly vitriolic and venomous, even by modern standards, and prompted by an extraordinarily uncontroversial statement and

2) I want secularists and left wingers to stop hiding from the fact that the real bigots and prejudiced dirtbags are on their side. There is something in your worldview that produces this, neo-liberals, and it’s time for you to own up to it.

My faith is not just an opinion. An opinion is “the Godfather is a good movie”. It’s not just my personal “taste”. Taste is “I like hot sauce with every meal”. It’s not just a “belief”. A belief is “I think there are microbes on Mars”. My faith is my identity. It’s who I am. I’d die before I’d give it up. I wouldn’t die for hot sauce or my De Niro DVD collection. I don’t identify myself by my belief in space creatures. But my faith is my IDENTITY. Do you get it? If I called it my “lifestyle” would you afford it the same respect you afford sexual proclivities? What if someone posted on Facebook discussing their homosexuality and a bunch of people messaged him saying they’d “lost all respect” for him, and now found him to be “disgusting” and “stupid”? I imagine those people would be liable for hate crime prosecution, and you’d be the first one at their door with your pitchfork and your hangin’ rope.

Look, if you hate me or insult me because of my Christianity, you are a bigot, an intolerant neanderthal, and a hypocrite. But go for it. And, please, if that’s your attitude, stop reading what I write and listening to what I say. Go away. Do me that favor. But while you hide in that nice little bubble, at least face yourself. See yourself for who you are. You’re too scared to confront conflicting ideas, but are you man enough to confront yourself? You’re hateful, prejudiced and bigoted. That’s you. Time to own it.

LittleDixie #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

"Black Culture" is sabotage

Take a moment and think of what success looks like.

Do you picture drugs, guns and promiscuity? Is the most important thing in a successful life violence or the potential for it? Is it joblessness? Is it flamboyantly spending money on booze, drugs and hedonism? Is it a flashy car or expensive jewelry? Is it a long record of sexual conquests? Do you imagine any of that is a template for success?

Black people were sold an identity - that of the gangster. A vast cultural movement was pushed on black people, a movement based off of honor culture (violence), criminality and poor life choices. If you look at "black culture" with an honest eye, you'll see that it is a template for failure, poor health, broken families and poverty. Added on top of this is the victimhood mentality, which eliminates the possibility that anyone with it could recognize that their actions are the cause of their poor outcomes. It is almost like "black culture" is a psychological weapon against all black people, and it has done more damage to them anything else.

Yes, we deserve better than to have people like you being racists. None of us asked for that, nor did we ask for you to intentionally attack our people. Repeatedly and with great precision. Even the ideals that you pretend to cling to have been denied to us.

I used to care when people called me racist. But, it's so ubiquitous whenever I talk to people on the Left, I find it hard to take seriously anymore. Believe what you want, I'm not going to play your stupid game.

"Black culture" is cancer. And to be clear, I don't mean that anything black people do is bad, but that a nucleus of very toxic attitudes has been socialized into black people. There's not much in "black culture" that will make anyone successful. It will just lead to more fatherlessness, crime, violence and poverty.

Can you find a cultural movement that is being sold to any other race that is as harmful and negative as the one being pushed on black people? Do you see a corollary in any other race?

Myron says other races laugh at blacks for victim mindset

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