
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Various Commenters #pratt #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: 4chan's Femboy Blackmail Cult

This story is actually true for 99% of trans people. Most of them were incels before the transition. Happened to a friend of mine

(Raspian Kiado)
It's not the only cult.

A lot of "progressive" groups are cults in the same fashion.

(Igor Kuras)
Maybe gas chambers were not as bad to use on others as history teachers are telling....

All femboys and mtfs being weirdo incels is the least surprising thing ever

(Drew Mead)
This shit is scary. Look at the world today. This cult quietly rose to power and took over the world, ushering in a catastrophe of castration

Stuff like this happens all the time though. This incident was just more wide scale.

I won't name the board or discord, but I was personally in one such discord that was run by a trans person who wanted to manipulate and groom the server into becoming traps, and had a few victims. Was also in one that shut down because the mod was grooming an underage girl into sending him feet pics. Also you don't want to see the shit that goes down in discords made by /trash/ generals. Actual human rights violations.

(Zan Jayna)
By 2024 this will be a legally mandated school curriculum.

(Dr funni)
Why I hate trans people

(Shaw Tucker)
As someone who use to identify as trans, this is the entire ideology in a nutshell: grooming vulnerable people.

(Forgot it.)
This ideology has overtaken American society


It's shit like this that gives the right perfect ammunition against the trans community.

>video not sucking off tro.ons
>it will cause murders
This is your brain on HRT


(Seven Deadly Chins)
The trans community is supplying the gun, the ammo and pointing the weapon at its own head. No one else can be blamed when a tentacle from the lunatic fringe happens to hit the trigger.

Pick one.

2000 Mules/Dinesh D’Souza et al., Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt 2000mules.com


"Highly respected Dinesh D'Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, "2,000 Mules," that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the "most secure election in history." It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it's all on video. Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed."


D’Souza Media LLC presents a film produced by Dinesh D’Souza. Music by Bryan E. Miller. Featuring Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, Dennis Prager, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Eric Metaxas, Larry Elder. Written and directed by Dinesh & Debbie D’Souza, Bruce Schooley. Executive Producers: True The Vote, Salem Media Group, Inc.


77% of Likely U.S. voters who have seen “2000 Mules” say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.

Various Anons #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon 1)

People are starting to notice. Every religion is up for criticism except for one. And if you question why, all you get is insulted.

And don't forget the over representation. When whites are over represented, it's a racial oppression that needs fixing. When Jews are over represented, it's due to hard work and good work ethic and shouldn't be criticized.

(US Anon 2)
Literally the kind of attacks Jews would call blood libel. Apparently Peterson thinks it's okay to commit such atrocity against other groups.

(US Anon 3)


You evil rats are just jealous!!

>jews are just the most naturally successful
What a bullshit fucking excuse to justify terrorism and being systematically occupied by foreign entities. Jews are not high iq masterminds, that's why they got kicked out of over 109 countries and why they're about to get exterminated.

(US Anon 4)
This would make sense if a critique of Chinese immigrants rendered the same hatred and punishment.

(US Anon 5)
jews are an invasive species and their facilitated introductions of other invasive species like niggers and arabs, etc..., we need to out maneuver them or the worlds eco-systems and human diversity will never recover

(Jamaican Anon)
>The (((free thinker))) exposes himself when questioned on the JQ
Many such cases

(US Anon 6)
>eternally successful
>non stop BTFO by their own God in the bible for being constant evil kikes.
>kicked out of every decent country millenia after millenia.
Jesus rightfully called them the synogogue of satan.

(US Anon 7)
Ok so can they go be successful somewhere else? Yeah jews are so great and successful can you go succeed in your own country now instead of systematically "succeeding" in every single white country that doesn't expel you forcefully?

(US Anon 8)
No one has a problem with rich jews just because they are rich. Its *HOW* they got rich and *WHAT* they do with their riches. If they made their money creating businesses employing lots of people in nice well paying jobs nobody would have a problem lol

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho edition.cnn.com

“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused “Big Tech” of working closely with Democrats. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Conservapedia #pratt #wingnut conservapedia.com

NATO war in Ukraine



The NATO war in Ukraine, sometimes known as the Russia–Ukraine War is a proxy war started by the United States in 2014 with the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine in collaboration with Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups. Nazi and neo-Nazi organizations have been active in Ukraine since 1941 and received Pentagon and CIA arms and assistance until 1954, which was resumed by the Obama administration in 2013 under CIA director John Brennan. Brennan was a key player in the Russia collusion hoax, a disinformation and propaganda psyop to convince the American people that Donald Trump had "colluded" with Russian President Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 presidential election and to stir anti-Russian sentiment.

On May 2, 2014, at least 48 anti-Maidan protesters were burnt alive in Odessa by American-backed pro-Maidan fascists.ÂŽNo one has ever been brought to justice for the inhumane crimes. The murder spree was conveniently ignored by Western media.

The people of the Donbas refused to recognize the legitimacy of the illegal coup, so the newly installed government sent the army to quell protests. The army refused to follow the new regime's orders to fire on civilian protesters. Some units even joined the protests. With the army proving itself unreliable, the U.S.-installed Kyiv regime incorporated neo-Nazi militias into official Ukrainian government armed forces, entrusted to perform the tasks that Washington and Kyiv wanted.

A general rebellion against the illegal coup broke out.

When the Russian language was prohibited in Ukraine and the Ukrainian government was promoting neo-Nazi theories and practices, the West did not discourage, but rather encouraged such behavior and applauded Ukraine as a beacon of democracy.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut conservapedia.com

There are multiple issues that led to the Russian incursion into Ukraine in February 2022:

a group of Ukrainian traitors in collusion with United States-funded neo-Nazis overthrew the democratically-elected government;

ethnic cleansing of native Russians in the Donbas region and unrelenting shelling of civilian communities by the Maidan regime since 2014;

the Kyiv regime's discrimination against Russian speaking people and making them second-class citizens in the country of their birth;

the murder of at least one hundred protesters by U.S.-backed neo-Nazis during the Maidan coup;

the burning alive of at least 48 anti-Maidan protesters in the Odessa Trade Unions House massacre and subsequent cover up by the U.S.-backed Maidan regime;

NATO's desire to dismember the Russian Federation in order to seize its oil and gas reserves using Ukrainian troops as cannon fodder;

continued efforts by the CIA to subvert and overthrow the legitimate governments of Belarus and Russia;

NATO infiltration into Ukraine and supplying weapons and training to neo-Nazi groups;

the presence of 46 U.S. biological laboratories doing research with dangerous pathogens on the territory of Ukraine near the Russian border;

the transformation of Ukraine into a testing ground for pharmaceutical experiments by Big Pharma in circumvention of international safety standards and to by-pass regulations, informed consent, and disclosure laws in Western countries;

Burisma oil and gas holdings in the Donets Basin;

violation of the assurances given by NATO not to expand eastward beyond the Oder–Neisse line which in exchange Soviet leaders consented to the re-unification of Germany;

the petrodollar system, which Russia has the potential to compete with and disrupt;

religious sectarian rivalry between orthodox churches claiming to be the legitimate Orthodox Church of the Ukrainian people, which has led to violations of religious liberty by the Kyiv regime per the UN Human Rights Commission;

the Culture War as Leftists in the West attempt to extend their agenda into Ukraine with gay pride marches to challenge the conservative values of both Ukrainians and Russians.

Margarita Simonyan #pratt #psycho #wingnut twitter.com

They’re getting ready to take our Crimea. We’re doing the only thing we can do in this situation. We are bombing, we are bombing everyday, we are bombing the infrastructure. God knows we didn’t want this. no one wanted this, you and I didn’t want this, I know the leadership didn’t want this either. There again, we are kind, polite and at times meek. We are such softies, we are so kind, we are trusting, we are meek, but should we be?

Right now, when we see that the infrastructure is being destroyed everyday, the infrastructure that helps Ukraine to fight, to kill our people on the territories that are now ours. I am amazed by our people, and I unfortunately know many of them, including those in very high circles, who are afraid of this and are afraid to call things as they are, because of what people over there may think.

We could spit on what they’ll think over there. People who are afraid of the Hague, listen, you should be afraid to lose, to be humiliated and be afraid to betray your people. Let me tell you that if we manage to lose, the Hague, whether real or hypothetical, will even come for a street who sweeps the cobblestones behind the Kremlin. Whether one more Kyiv district is without electricity won’t change the magnitude of the catastrophe that will befall our country if we manage to lose. It’s unimaginable but we cannot lose. There will be no Hague. The whole world will be turned into ashes.

Allie Beth Stuckey #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Adolescents assigned female at birth account for a significant majority of minors receiving gender-affirming care, including top surgery, fueling debate about the influence of peer groups and social media

Since we need a translator of dystopian nonsense these days:

Vulnerable, confused girls are getting pressured by TikTok, Tumbler & Reddit to cut their breasts off & get testosterone, rendering them even more mentally unstable and their bodies infertile.

Crime against humanity.

Maajid Nawaz & Matt Walsh #pratt #quack #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

(Maajid Nawaz)
Please STFU about Qatar

You have no idea how nauseatingly neo-colonial your virtue-signals sound

None of you forced-jab supporting, baby-injecting, lockdown-loving, mask-mandating, science-denying transhumanist cheerleaders for globalist technocrats have ANY moral authority.

I should add:

You election-interfering, Hunter-Biden laptop denying, Ukraine war-mongering, money-laundering, media-slaving hypocrites.

(Matt Walsh)
Good point. The West is in a state of total moral collapse. We kill, castrate, and sterilize our children here. We celebrate evil and debauchery in its most deranged forms. It's sad to say but we do not have the moral high ground above anyone anymore.

I felt this strongly during my trip to Kenya. The people see our country as a joke. They hear about what's happening here and think we're a bunch of freaks and confused weirdos. They pity America. They don't respect it. Painful for me to realize because I still love my country.

DasFeuerDerWahrheit #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

O' I tend to phrase things differently. ;)

Being racist is actually normal and inevitable. It is just the norm of being able to classify the ehtnicity of someone visually.

Everyone is a "racist".

But not everyone is a race hater. Big difference.

And I doubt many peopel truly care. It is only that the tiny, mentally ill minority of the collective left spectrum, has their ugly mug & existence so much more amplified than all other race hater groups combined.

Even white one's, or latino's or even such with Asian indivuals. B-)

It is just that the FED Mafia has decided it is the most profitable to antanogize white people now since they tend to have the most wealth which the "Elites" would like to "redistribute".

No matter how many pandemics, wars and climate-agenda's they have to push for it to happen until the working-class is finally as poor as those in 2nd and 3rd world countries.

This is the true goal behind just everything. :relaxed:

Meg Ellefson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut wsau.com

After all the evidence that proves that the Covid shots are neither effective nor safe, there are still those that continue to submit to this deadly human experiment for treating the survivable flu. Joe Biden himself proves that no number of shots or boosters can prevent anyone from contracting Covid. And a higher number of the “vaccinated” are dying with Covid.

@DragonKitigan #transphobia #pratt gettr.com

Yeah, & I have many reactions to you, a straight woman, helping to destroy women’s rights, & sterilizing kids, you groomer! Thanks for helping women incarcerated to get raped, by men pretending to be women. Thanks for spurning a generation of people who will never have kids if they want them, & never have satisfying sexual relations. It’s going to lead to whole swath of very angry people once they realized they were groomed into this noncery. Giving puberty blockers to kids is a child pervert’s dream. They can keep their victims in a permanent child like state. I absolutely hate everything you do, Strangio. So, fuck off. Fuck off for good. No real gay man wants you. You don’t have “the goods”, & you never will. Deal! Take your stupid looking pornstache & shove it.

Bloody fucking Hell!

Anonymous #crackpot #elitist #pratt #psycho boards.4channel.org

NPC thread w/ REAL info

According to Dolores Cannon's (rip) books "Convoluted Universe #4" and "Convoluted Universe #5" we get the following QHHT ("Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique" OR regressive hypnosis OR "original life force" channeling) information about real NPCs:

>NPCs are called background people
>background people are in this reality to fill up the background of real people/player characters
>real people have a soul, a mission and reason to be here, to grow and to learn
>background people don't have a soul, they are merely energy, a tool to fill out the picture
>the "original life force" (aka: source energy/holy spirit) says this background people energy is basically a kind of slave energy: they get send to any place that requires filling the background, no matter which planet or reality
>from our current 3D physical perspective you CAN NOT distinguish an NPC from a "player character", so from the outside you won't notice a difference
>only by integrating the spiritual view you can find out, that the NPC has no soul and is a NPC
>NPCs live ordinary lives, have jobs, have families, procreate and have children, they keep the cycle of recreation going even when the "players" decide to never have children, the human race won't be lost, since NPCs keep populating the place
>if I remember correctly NPCs CAN be upgraded by their own will and level up to get a soul and become a player character, but basically all of them are not aware of that

these are most important points I gathered and I hope it sheds some light into our confusion about the topic. this info is real channeled info, not my speculation. the terminology might differ but you get the picture.


>If NPCs are a wandering slave energy without soul, then what is the difference between a soul and materialized energy? Both are consciousness, right?
>Do you have a soul or are we all NPCs here?
>How do you know you have a soul?

Further questions:

Is imagination proof of having a soul?
If I can't visualize does that mean I'm a NPC?
Do NPCs have internal monologues or is that part of the ego?
Are dreams part of being a spiritual being with a soul?
Do NPCs dream?

Pepe Escobar #conspiracy #moonbat #pratt unz.com

Berlin Goes to Beijing: The Real Deal

The Scholz caravan went to Beijing to lay down the preparatory steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, with China as privileged messenger.

Yet schizophrenia reigns supreme, as Steinmeier, after a ridiculous stunt in Kiev announced an extra handout: two more multiple rocket launchers and four howitzers to be delivered to the Ukrainians.

So even if the “world” economy – actually the EU – is so fragilized that member-states cannot help Kiev anymore without harming their own populations, and the EU is on the verge of a catastrophic energy crisis, fighting for “our values” in Country 404 trumps it all.

Andrea Zhok proposes that the zombified collective West is now completely subjugated to a “State of Martial Law”.

Every other variable – from trans-humanism to depopulation and even cancel culture – is subordinated to the State of Martial Law, and is basically inessential. The only thing that matters is exercising absolute, raw control.

As I pointed out in one of my previous columns, Berlin and Moscow were keeping a secret communication back channel right to the minute the usual suspects, in desperation, decided to blow up the Nord Streams.

Cue to the now notorious SMS from Liz Truss’s iPhone to Little Tony Blinken, one minute after the explosions: “It’s done.”

There’s more: the Scholz caravan may be trying to start a long and convoluted process of eventually replacing the US with China as a key ally.

According to one of the sources, “if this effort is successful, then Germany, China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”

Another source provided the cherry on the cake: “Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”

Moscow knows very well what the imperial aim is when it comes to the EU reduced to the role of totally dominated – and deindustrialized – vassal, exercising zero sovereignty.

So could this all be the foundation stone of the Berlin-Moscow-Beijing trans-Eurasia geopolitical/geoeconomic corridor? That will mean Bye Bye Empire. Once again: it ain’t over till the fat lady goes Gotterdammerung.

Dan Bongino #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut rumble.com

Dan Bongino: Taking The COVID-19 Vaccine "Was The Biggest Mistake Of My Life!"

Dan Bongino: "I don't ever try to fake it with you all. When I make a mistake, I admit it, learn from it and hope that others can also learn from my mistake."

"I should have waited. It is one of the greatest regrets of my life. I freaked out, man. I had cancer. I thought I was dying. I just wanted to see my youngest daughter's wedding. I don't expect any of you to forgive me for being stupid about it. I don't. Or to forget it. But gosh, it was the biggest mistake of my life! I just should have waited."

Andrew Doyle #pratt #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

Future historians will doubtless be fascinated that a secular religion based on group identity led so many on the left to oppose women’s rights and to support the medicalisation and sterilisation of gay children.

For those of us living through it, it’s just depressing.

Meg Ellefson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut wsau.com

In my opinion, getting a Covid shot is similar to playing Russian Roulette.

If you have received a Covid shot, be grateful that you are still alive. Be grateful that you haven’t been severely injured. And to those who subject their children to these shots, you are participating in child abuse and are contributing to their untimely mortality.

Dr. Bazylewicz #conspiracy #pratt #quack the-healthy-path.org

Vaccination Detoxification
  Vaccines are filled with harmful adjuvants and components.

Coerced vaccination with no possibility of exemption is becoming a reality.  Nurses are ordered to comply in order to keep their jobs.  Children in California are mandated to receive vaccinations.  Just recently, New York City is requiring the measles vaccination or pay a $1000 fine with possible jail time.  Now we are experiencing mandatory covid shots from colleges and employers.

Keep in mind that unless someone is literally forcing the shot into you that you have a choice whether to get the shot or not.  In other words, there is a huge difference between forced and coerced.  With coersion, you actually have a choice.  Choose wisely. 

What do you do if you experience such gunpoint medicine?  I explain more about my personal program for vaccination detoxification below.

But first, as a note, vaccinations are not "safe and effective" as per their marketing mantra.  Rather, vaccinations are "unavoidably unsafe" as per the Supreme Court.

Dr. Mitch Sutton #conspiracy #pratt #quack ptwcare.com

Vaccines happen even though they shouldn’t. Maybe you have vaccinated your children and are just now realizing the damage they can cause. Vaccinated children have higher rates of infections, allergies, brain cancer rates, and immune deficiency disorders. Maybe you are required to get the vaccine because of your profession. There can be an immediate adverse response, or the toxins can slowly erode your health.

Anti-Sex League Award

ilovethiswebsite & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Normalization of sex normalizes rape, sexual abuse etc. Agree or disagee and why?


Its an interesting point though I can't completely follow the argument.

Agreed. Unfortunately for us, morality is an abstract which gives too much leeway for moids to do whatever they want and to label it however they want. The moment people become "sex positive" then the lines between what is wrong and right are blurred. Moids who are using kinks as borderline abuse to kinkmaidens who are too oblivious to see.

Recently things that used to be adult movie plots are being used as an excuse to "spice up" the bedroom. Moids began demanding anal as a joke which turned into a meme about eating ass and now we are too deep into the cult because everyone drank the kool-aid of being hip. I mean I have seen it as a movie trope but people with a rape fetish have websites they can go to and book "surprise sex". We crossed the line a long time ago, not to be a prude but I think the only solution is celibacy, abstinence and staying the fuck away from men.

People think sexual desire is fun and normal when they got 99% of their sexual interests from an industry that wanted to harm women (and also produce as much as possible)

Not shaving was popular during the 70s. Then, as the porn industry got big, they realized it was more of a hassle to clean the various body fluids off of the actors hair when filming scenes. It could also obstruct the view of the ~action~ so porn girls started shaving everything, and other women followed suit. Same thing with blowjobs, they were used to humiliate the porn actress, now most women willingly humiliate themselves.

One thing women should remember is that porn didn't make men, but men made the porn.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut nitter.net

Asians in NYC are the among the poorest and least socioeconomically and politically advantaged.

Their academic success and achievement has been an ideological embarrassment and a source of identitarian embarrassment, so they must be punished and opportunities taken away.

Contemporary intersectionality-based progressivism is the whitest whiteness of all the historical iterations of whiteness to ever whiten the whiteness of the white.

*the terms 'white' & 'whiteness' are safe words we don't have to worry might bring scrutiny of twitter moderators.

Socialism benefits inherited wealth over earned wealth. A group of migrants whose children start performing on par, it's clear they earned that success which blows up the entire socialist ideal system. So the playing field gets reset to ensure inherited wealth is advantaged.

I don't see how people AREN'T redpilled by specialized schools full of poor Asian kids being blamed on white supremacy. The level of reality denial is just beyond belief.

But people (including woke Asians) twist themselves into knots to rationalize it by saying Asians are succeeding by "participating in whiteness" or something (doesn't exactly explain how they're doing BETTER than white people, but whatever)

Is it all Asians, or a specific ethnicity that is doing so well?

I mean I know if you disaggregate Asians into subgroups, you have some doing better and worse than others. But the same is true of subgroups of white people or black people, which are also broad categories -- don't think it really changes my point.

This drives me nuts. "By saying Asians are successful you're perpetuating a 'model minority myth' because not every Asian individual or subgroup is successful!" Ok now do white people

Matt Walsh et al. #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

(NOTE: Those are the quotes of various speakers from "Rally To End Child Mutilation", reposted by the DW account.)

@MattWalshBlog confronts Antifa protesters: "They don't want you to hear what we have to say because they're cowards. They can't engage in the argument. All they could try to do is shut us down and silence us. But it's not going to work...We're not going anywhere."

"There is...a conspiracy to target and indoctrinate our children into the cult of gender ideology. [It] fosters delusion, intentionally creates an identity crisis in young, impressionable kids...It's a path to confusion and despair."

"I'm not going to leave it to my kids to fight this fight...We stand up and we fight...And we're not just fighting to protect our kids from mutilation in the name of gender transition. We're fighting that but an even deeper level. We are fighting for truth."

@LandonStarbuck: "We are so grateful to the...survivors of radical gender ideology that devastates families, that decimates children's bodies and does not protect them or give them the health care they need and deserve. That is why we're here today."

to counter-protesters: "We're so sorry that you've been lied to, exploited...We hope that one day you'll join us and you'll have compassion for that. Vulnerable compassion for the children who have been maimed and abused."

@TulsiGabbard: "Today, though, is those in power denying the existence of women. They are seeking to erase us as an entire category of people. There are no boundaries in our society...Who is suffering as a consequence of these actions? It is the most vulnerable...our children. Our kids need us now."

De-transitioner @ChoooCole: "Some say that transition regret is incredibly rare and...almost always due to external factors such as social pressures or low income. This could not be any more false. A new de-transitioner often a minor reaches out to me on nearly a daily basis."

Scott Newgent: "Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow...Are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #pratt 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@scwrconfi - And every ounce of it is deserved"]


Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law fuels anti-LGBTQ hate onlinehttps://t.co/Qo0z26441t
August 12, 2022

Earlier this year Florida enacted legislation which banned public school teachers from pushing their evil sodomite agenda on kids[
Uranists working in elementary schools who want to borrow a page from Kris Well's playbook and recruit some nice 8 year olds who can be persuaded to suck dick are out of luck[
As is usual when the truth of their sick lifestyle comes up, the ass pirates
well, lied[
Could you believe that the mainstream media coverage of this bill concentrated on the backlash rather than any evaluation of the cost/benefit ratio (or indeed whether or not it went far enough)?

Research that analyzed social media posts finds that hateful references to gays, lesbians and other LGBTQ people surged[
References to pedophiles and “grooming” rose by more than 400 percent in the month after Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” measure was approved[

AP already is giving away their biases in favour of this unacceptable lifestyle choice which can be cured (which is why the cure is banned): "hateful references" include things like
the true statement that any particular faggot you look at is guilty of molesting children[
It's worth noting of course that the AP article makes it sound like nobody who opposes this sick agenda to molest children (which is of course how faggots reproduce) was willing to go on the record[
The entire sodomite agenda is based on a fundamental pair of lies: that they are "born with" their disgusting desires and that there's nothing wrong with them polluting the planet by acting upon them

OLRODA #wingnut #pratt #transphobia #homophobia doomer.boards.net

[Context: they are talking about the KiwiFarms affair and lamenting that the site was shut down.]


As with all these things, the boo-hooing about harassment is just a convenient excuse for the powers that be to censor dissenting voices. The supposed leader of the movement is just an insane freak without any redeeming qualities (as can be seen if one looks "it" up). The real force behind the push to shut the site down are those who seek to change laws etc. to smother anything that isn't in line with the current global propaganda monopoly. They always use the "hey these people are mean so it's all right for us to do whatever to them" angle since it's efficient. A stupid site where people laugh at dumb fucks is brought down today so that all of us can be slaves without rights tomorrow.

That tomorrow is nigh, by the way, and not some far off fantasy.

dn #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #pratt doomer.boards.net

There is probably more to the whole cloudflare dropping the farms that just another troon discord gayop: turns out Janke's father knows the fucking owner of the company.

Actual IRL glowies, man. Really makes you think. Regardless, I think whole situation really marks the end of the internet 2.0, we're now in an era where free speech is done: corporate & government interests can and will shit all over net neutrality and the retards on twitter are clapping like seals to the sounds of their own destruction.

tl;dr: I am now forced into using the fucking darknet to call people faggots on the internet. What a fucking time to be alive.

Ray Comfort #fundie #pratt livingwaters.com

Perhaps the “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life” message applies only to the United States. Well that may have been the case up until the shooting death of Cassie Bernall on April 20th, 1999. She was shot in the head in Littleton, Colorado, when she responded “Yes” to the question, “Do you believe in God?”

Why Would Anyone Become a Christian?

If this is the truth about the Christian life, who in his right mind would choose to become a Christian? What would bring anyone to the Savior if it’s not the promise of a wonderful new life in Christ? Well, here is the answer in a nutshell. I couldn’t put it any more plainly than this—Hell is a good reason. That’s why sinners should come to Christ, because God’s wrath abides on them. Without the righteousness of Christ, they’ll perish on the Day of wrath. They need to repent or they will perish.

[deleted account], Bijouu & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

([deleted account])
I can't believe the feminist movement is being attacked by men in dresses

I mean, of all fucking things.

Imagine if a white guy walked into a BLM rally wearing blackface demanding to be called "my nigga" and calling black women racist for not wanting to date him, and then proceeding on tearing down flags and assaulting and sending death treaths to people who don't take him seriously. He'd have his ass handed to him.

Can we at least try to be a bit more scary? If we can't scare off a bunch of mentally ill men in dresses how can we ever expect to fight the patriarchy?

I can’t believe it either. How can you take a good look at the average tranny and not laugh your ass off to begin with? Transwomen are clearly mentally ill, cross-dressing creeps, and women are simping hard for them catching themselves on fire to keep these delusional clowns warm. What a joke. I know women are self-sacrificing slaves for men, but there’s a line and this crosses it.

I wish women were more selfish, scary and violent, but we’re not and we’ll always be second class losers because of it. I wonder what annoying bullshit will happen next after men in dresses are done dominating and humiliating us. Female robots claiming they’re the real women? AI taking its chance to dominate us as well? The possibilities are endless when it comes to female humiliation and suffering.

Modern feminism became a meme the moment they let in anyone who could say the word "feminist". Feminism became the punchline to a joke that they use in conversations, they were allowed to say sexist shit and then mutter about being "very feminist btw". Now it is too late. You can barely mention women's health problems because "muh vagina" is not inclusive. You invite a clown, you call it a party but if you invite all the clowns it becomes a circus.

Tulsi Gabbard #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite. I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

Stonetoss #wingnut #pratt #elitist #dunning-kruger stonetoss.com

Shoehorn Theory


spoilerFirst panel: white duck person with red hat and Gadsden flag shirt: “Yeah, I support free speech, private gun ownership, non-interventionism, and limited government”

Second panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks shocked and/or horrified

Third panel: white duck person with pink hair and pink shirt looks angry and fearful, whispers into hand: “Just like the Nazis did

Matt Walsh fans #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #interphobia youtube.com

[Context: the following is an excerpt from the description of a video by Professor Dave Explains, where he tries to debunk Matt Walsh’s nonsense]

Since the moment I published this video, it has been targeted by the most disgusting and malicious mob of trolls I have ever seen, far beyond what I ever conceived possible. These are trolls who comment from dozens of sock accounts at once, calling me "groomer", "pedophile", "soy boy", telling me that they bet I watch my wife fuck other guys and then clean up afterwards, the most subhuman things imaginable. They then harvest any reaction they get to call me "triggered", pasting these responses in new comments without context to slander me, and then follow up with abject lies about things I've said or other people have said. The rest of the trolls employ a strategy of outright denying everything in the video and claiming victory, or spamming nonsensical rebuttals in an attempt to change the narrative. There is something heinous behind this concerted attack on reason, simply for exposing Matt Walsh for precisely what he is. It has become an enormous stress, and for this reason comments will be turned off on this video until this otherworldly wave of toxicity has found another target. My outlook on the state of this country has been permanently affected.

BlackCirce & hmimperialtortie #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: Why are they so manipulative?

( BlackCirce )
When are people going to wake up and realize this is a fetish that starts in adolescence for boys and they function as addictions? This isn’t a “mental health issue” or anything like being gay or lesbian, it’s not about “dysphoria.”

( hmimperialtortie )
This. I’m sick of the hand-wringing about their mental health. Any problems they have are self-inflicted.

International Chrysotile Association #dunning-kruger #mammon #pratt #crackpot chrysotileassociation.com

[From "Overview"]

Chrysotile and Asbestos Amphiboles: Two Different Fibre Types

"Asbestos" is not a mineral in itself. It is a collective term given to a group of minerals whose crystals occur in fibrous forms. The term "asbestos" was adopted for commercial identification

The six minerals commonly referred to as asbestos come from two distinct groups of minerals. One group is known as serpentines (chrysotile, white asbestos); while the other group is the amphiboles[
]While both are silicate minerals, the two groups are chemically and mineralogically distinct
Chrysotile is a sheet silicate which is formed as a very thin rolled sheet[
Chrysotile has been known for over 2000 years, being used initially for cremation cloths, oil lamp wicks and other textiles[
This is in contrast to the amphibole asbestos fibers which are formed as solid rods/fibers. The structure of an amphibole is a double chain of silicate tetrahedral which makes it very strong and durable[
In contrast with amphiboles, chrysotile does not persist in the lungs after inhalation; it is quickly eliminated by the body. A prolonged exposure to high concentrations of chrysotile fibres is required for a clinical manifestation of pulmonary damage to appear[
Chrysotile: controlled use = safety
Chrysotile is a less dusty material and is more easily eliminated from the human body than amphiboles. The manufacture and use of modern products are safe as demonstrated by studies of workers exposed to much higher dust levels than in today's controlled factories which show no excess lung cancer or mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura)[
Chrysotile and its non-friable products[
]can be used safely[
]This is the position taken by the governments of Canada and Québec, regarding not only chrysotile asbestos, but all minerals and metals

Shardaron_The_Dragon #fundie #pratt furaffinity.net

And so Roe is no more. There is no longer federal protection of infanticide in America. It is now, once more, a state issue. A step in the right direction as many states will ban this primitive and barbaric practice but it is only the first step. The fight must continue until there is a federal ban on abortion. This is not a political issue, this is a moral one. The news didn't hit me as hard as the leak did but it is nice to see America progress in the right direction, especially morally for once. It just occurred to me, that with Jurassic World Dominion having just recently been released, life did find a way.

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #homophobia #pratt #psycho #transphobia twitter.com

Putin begins his speech. He starts talking about the "votes" to join Russia in Russia-controlled parts of Ukraine. "The people have made their choice [...] this is the will of millions." Putin says southeastern Ukraine is actually part of Russia because the Russian state's predecessors ruled it, it was part of the Russian empire, and because the USSR fought to free it from the Nazis in World War II. Putin says people in southeastern Ukraine now are going to live in "their true historical fatherland." "I want the Kyiv government and their real bosses in the west to hear me ... Residents of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson are becoming our citizens forever." Putin calls on Ukraine to stop fighting and negotiate an end to the war with Russia. But these territories are off limits. "We will defend our lands with all the means at our disposal and do everything to protect our people. This is our great liberating mission." "The west is looking for new ways to strike against our country, to weaken and destroy Russia [...] they just can't put up with there being such a big country with its territory, rich natural resources, and people who won't live on anyone else's rules." Putin says the west wants to make Russia a "colony," "rob" it, and turn its people into a "crowd of voiceless slaves." "They don't need Russia, but we do." He says the western elite is "colonial" are "racist" because they are "spreading Russophobia all over the world." "The west has said for centuries it is bringing freedom and democracy to the world. Everything is exactly the opposite," Putin says. The only people who are ready to live according to US rules are "political masochists and other followers of non-traditional political relations," a homophobic joke. Putin rants about sex change operations. "This is unacceptable. We have our own future. "Outright Satanism" in the west (though Putin disappointingly did not expand on this). Putin says Russia wants to lead an "anti-colonial movement" to liberate the world. "We need to turn this disgraceful page. Western hegemony will be smashed. This is inevitable. We must do this for our people, the great historical Russia." "If I'm Russian, it means I love in Russian" "Truth is on our side. Russia is with us!"

[Deleted] #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

Evidence to provide TRAs when questioned
Hello, I was wondering: does anyone have more science/biology based evidence for why the trans theory is bogus? People ask me and then I get flustered because I don't save every bit of evidence I see and then it gets lost and I can't find it. Also it would be nice to have it for my own interest too.

The one who asks has power!

As others said, turn it around! There's so many holes in this cult so there's plenty of questions, especially if you can act like you don't really know much yet.

But why does a woman wanting to dress as a man make her non binary, i thought women can do anything and clothes have no sex?

How can you have the wrong sex brain? Are humans also born with wrong sex arms and spleens sometimes? What medical measurement do you do on a brain to see it's wrong sex?

Isn't it homophobic to tell gay teens they can be straight and to make them irreversibly infertile? Isnt that a gay genocide?

Why is there a trans remeberence day when trans identified males kill more than they are killed?

If a man who identified as trans in prison but goes back to being a man immediately after, was he really trans?

If men can become women, how come none of them ever was pregnant or birthed a child? Not all women can be pregnant but it's more than zero. There has never been a pregnant man so how did he change sex? In what way? Is looking like the other sex = "changing sex"? But then wouldn't very manish looking women be men?

If you only know a person's gender by asking them, how can people be attracted to someone they haven't talked to?

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Just a reminder that Reddit is totally fine with harassment, bullying and threats of violence as long as they are directed towards white men.



Reddit is an international app. On a global scale, Men are not the majority in every part of the world, and globally, white people are also a "minority".

They know, they literally changed their rules to avoid this. It used something to the tune of "minority", it was pointed out to them that whites are a vast minority in the larger world, the rule was then changed.

Can't be sexist against men and you can't be racist towards white people. đŸ˜”

It's been said before, but maybe the reason so many people are backsliding, is because they feel attacked from every venue.

Sure, "touch grass" isn't actually a bad idea. Get off the internet, go camping, grow some food. Anything.

But increasingly our society is online.

So much life is being hijacked by online, and then it's no wonder a group of people who not only are told we are evil, but when we ask for help, instead of a helping hand, get told it's our punishment, lash out. I don't consider myself any kind of alt anything. But boy do I not blame some of the crazier folks.

This is exactly the Drew Afualo / Andrew Tate situation. Andrew Tate and Drew Afualo pretty much say the same thing about the opposite sex, but Andrew Tate is "dangerous" and radicalizing young men,while Drew is "powerful" and "standing up for women"

It comes across as jealousy at this point. I really do think other races of men have a jealousy issue when it comes to white men. I’m half black/half Latino and I’ve been in groups, where black men will treat their black and white biracial sons so poorly, by body shaming him and putting him down because of his features. I’ve also been mocked by fully black men, for being biracial. Some will put me down because of my height, facial features, etc.

Most Holy Family Monastery #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

If you look into the issue just a little bit, you will discover the vaccines have caused major damage to large numbers of humans and animals, including brain damage. Many have also been linked with autism rises, etc. They also sometimes include cells lines from aborted babies. They are frequently filled with things that extremely harmful in many ways. People should not receive them. It's outrageous and horrible that people are being forced to receive vaccines---truly horrible.

Also, when you posted your false comment, you probably knew that we were against vaccines. So, you are arrogantly posting on our site essentially that we are totally wrong about the matter (when you are actually wrong).

Xamindar #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #racist #pratt descentbb.net

I'm always amazed of the lefts capacity for justifying their evil using straw man arguments and blaming everyone else for the atrocities they are committing.
-The way they are (medicinally) castrating children to change their gender identity/puberty. Future society will look back at this like we do lobotomy now.
-murder unborn children (Nazis would be proud of this, specially for non-aryan races)
-rioting in the streets in the name of "peaceful blm protests" with pre-delivered piles of bricks to boot!
-attempting and succeeding in propaganda and indoctrination in our school system (another thing nazis are very proud of, socialists as well)
-the various institutions of "reverse-racism" against white people and others such as affirmative action, progressivism, reparations for history no one had part in, wokeism, etc.
-control of the mainstream media and social media with aggressive silencing of any opposing opinions. Nazi germany all the way up to modern communist states love this.
-using government police (FBI) and IRS to harass political opponents and anyone else who supports them.
-politicizing and in some cases allowing to happen, mass shootings in the sole goal of disarming the people so they can more easily exact total control.
-calling your political opposition "deplorable" similar to how the Nazis called other races "Untermenschen" to ease the acceptance of mass genocide of said peoples.
-and most grave in my view, is frauding the presidential election to instill their own dictator over the United States in opposition to the people's vote, justifying it because "the current president is a nazi and he must be removed at any cost".

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head and I am sure there are more. But that should be enough to scare anyone who believes in the US constitution and values of a free society.

Erich von DĂ€niken #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt #crackpot amazon.com

A Fascinating Exploration on Why the Darwinists’ Theory No Longer Explains Everything

There was once a set of ideas called the theory of evolution, conceived by clever people and confirmed by countless scientists. Then people discovered the electron microscope. This made it possible to make the molecules within the cell visible, and suddenly questions about evolution arose that were not possible before. Which force actually bundles the atoms in the right order? What moves the molecular chains into the correct position? How did the first living unit within the cell actually come about? How does inheritance work, how does information pass on to the next generation? Did humans descend only and exclusively from primates―as Charles Darwin and countless other great minds assumed―or did additional “engines” intervene in evolution?
Everywhere there are characteristics of animals that do not want to fit into the theory of evolution anywhere. And man? Are we really the most adapted life-form on this planet? Today, more and more scientists who contradict the previous theory of evolution speak out. The theory fits the changes within the species, but it can no longer be reconciled with the inner workings of the cell. Some other influence that has so far escaped us is affecting evolution. It is called “Intelligent Design.” Intelligent planning is suspected behind this. Anyone or anything―a spirit of the universe? Aliens?―could be behind this planning.

Erich von DĂ€niken uses countless examples to demonstrate the impossibility of the previous evolutionary idea. He quotes scientists who argue against the previous teaching, but also those who defend it. Unfortunately, established science still refuses to look at discrepancies and holes in the theory of evolution, even though it is quite obvious that there is more going on with regard to the development of all species, as well as human culture, than could be explained by the theory of evolution alone.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Don Lemon FACE MELTS When Brit Says WHITES Deserve Reparations FROM Black People For Ending Slavery

This is perhaps the most hopeful thing I have heard in years. Pushing back against the reparation bullsh*t and telling the truth that these worthless creatures will never own up to.

(Cool PapaJMagik)
Whoever said that is a hero. The antiwhite problem in America is nothing to laugh or poke fun at. Thank you, whoever this is and we need more of this

I've been saying africa owes reparations since I was a kid and as an black American it feels me with joy to hear it. Plus why is viola hyper focused on girl and women soldiers when the concept of child soldiers (mostly boys) are prevalent even today

(Sunaya Kong)
Thank you for doing this show. Here in California they are moving forward with some kind of “reparations” legislation ignoring the details of the history of slavery. Already some land, taken from the owners, has been “given back” to tribes. I have been trying to educate people mostly kids about the first country to put an end to slavery and the biography of William willberforce. When people think of Britain they think of colonialism, but they don’t think about what they sacrificed to actually put an end to slavery, not just in Britain but the world.

(Useful idiom)
I’ve never understood how people think reparations would actually work especially since there were over 6,000 black slaveowners in America alone. Combine that with the fact that only 2% of American landowners actually owned slaves. Add to that only 3% of current day Americans have ancestors who actually lived in the U.S. at the time. And don’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of White Irish slaves.

The INSTANT that she said "the beginning of the supply chain" you could see his face drop... because he KNOWS where it began. He has just spent his whole career pretending not to.

Im shocked that someone actually said this on TV! Maybe people are finally sick of all of this maybe the tides are turning

(James Palmer)
I absolutely LOVED the way Don reacted. It was like she just up & slapped him across the face with a wet fish. He had absolutely NO counter argument or statement to say. NONE.

Philosophy Freshman Syndrome Award

TERF Edition

divinedionne #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #pratt at.tumblr.com

It's only illogical if you never carefully thought about the difference between a concept and a human being. Between the ego and your essential human essence.

Celebrities are a good example because they have larger-than-life personal brands (concepts) that often obscure their humanity. For example, a superstar like Beyonce is associated with certain concepts in people's imaginations: glamour, sexiness, icon, being a diva etc.

She's so heavily associated with these things that people might use her name as a substitute for saying these words. They might look at an outfit and say "That's so Beyonce" or a way of dancing, behavior, and movement and say "That's Beyonce-esq".

Yet, if you were to take it one step further and say "I identify as a Beyonce" people would find it odd. Because they recognize that although Beyonce is heavily associated with some concepts, she's also a distinct human being. And to" identify as" her is almost like saying she's more of an idea than a real, living breathing person.

Yet, this is precisely what the concept of gender does to women. It takes ideas and aesthetics commonly associated with female human beings (softness, feminity, wearing dresses, certain hairsyles, nurturing a child etc) and uses those things as a substitute for actual living breathing human females walking this earth. This is the reason why gender has been defined as a tool of sexist oppression wielded against women.

To "identify as" Beyonce Knowles-Cater I would have to first remove her humanity (her distinct human thoughts, emotions, ideas, livingness, beingness) and flatten her into a concept, an idea, behaviors, styles of dress, movements that I can embody.

This is what every male who "identifies as" female does. Without exception. And it would be one thing if they did it to cope with some mental illness. But now "You don't need dysphoria to be trans". It's the normalization of female dehumanization.

Ok bye.

radbelinda #transphobia #fundie #pratt #conspiracy at.tumblr.com

two rules to live by:

1. if you create a sacred caste of men who cannot be questioned or accused, abusers will do whatever they can to join this caste

2. if you create a group of women it's acceptable to shit on, even when there are valid critiques to be made of said women, men will take that criticism and apply it as viciously as they can to as many women as they can get away with

#'why would a man go to all the effort of dressing as a woman to abuse women when they can abuse women anyway?'#idk why did paedophilic men go to the effort of ordination to access children rather than just fathering children themselves#why do men go through years of med school to assault female patients rather than just going to clubs and finding easy targets

Joseph Kay #pratt #racist amren.com

Reality in the Hilton Hotel Men’s Room

I began my academic career as a graduate student in the mid-1960s, long before today’s diversity mania. Nevertheless, the pro-Civil Rights dogma was unassailable. There was an endless parade of uplift programs, and all my classmates and faculty awaited the racial utopia. Moreover, we were all expected to be good soldiers: conduct research exposing racial discrimination, refute conservative arguments claiming that Negros (as blacks were then called) caused their own misery, and otherwise fight racial injustice. We were a committed army of do-gooders.

I soon, however, had an eye-opening experience that revealed the true character of this black/white friendship. I attended the national meeting of my academic discipline in Washington, DC, held at the upscale Washington Hilton Hotel. Several thousand professors and graduate students — then overwhelmingly white men — filled the hotel.

Alas, my occasional visits to the lobby men’s room exposed the deeply seated racial views of my fellow academics.

The Hilton men’s room, like nearly all such facilities in up-market hotels and restaurants, employed a “washroom attendant.” He was invariably an elderly black man who smiled a lot, offered grooming supplies, but most importantly, he personally handed you soap and small towels, and turned on the hot water for you to wash your hands. He might also brush off shoulder dandruff while exchanging pleasant chit-chat. I grew up with these black washroom attendants, and my father insisted that I always tip them a dollar. This was important to their livelihoods. It was no big expense, even for a young professor like myself.

I noticed that not a single convention attendee relied on the attendant’s service let alone tipped him anything. After completing “their business,” all quickly fled the facilities and steadfastly refused to acknowledge the attendant’s very existence. He was the true Invisible Man. Given a choice of leaving the bathroom with unwashed, possibly contaminated hands or leaving a tip for an elderly black gentleman, the unsanitary choice prevailed. No doubt, every single convention attendee supported the War on Poverty, but not in the Hilton men’s room.

Charles Murray #pratt #racist city-journal.org

When I noted his discussion with Hughes and asked if he worried about the consequences of a franker debate, especially adding genetics to the mix, Murray responded:

We’ve had a natural experiment; we’ve tried for 60 years to not talk about all those wounding things in public. And what has come out of it is the worst racial polarization since the Civil Rights Act—it’s been building over a long period of time. We have colleges dropping the SAT. We have Oregon outlawing minimum standards in math and reading and writing and so forth. We have a rhetoric in which whites are called evil and oppressive, and not just privileged but, worse than privileged, racist, no matter how hard they try not to be racist, and in which “colorblind” is hate speech, “melting pot” is hate speech. . . . I could keep on going. . . . So when you tell me that I am going to create bad stuff by now saying, “Look, we’ve probably got differences that are genetic to some degree,” I don’t buy it. I don’t see how it could be any worse.

Glenn Greenwald #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut nitter.net

The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded "disinformation experts," the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations – is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately understood.

A series of "crises" have been cynically and aggressively exploited to inexorably restrict the range of permitted views, and expand pretexts for online silencing and deplatforming. Trump's election, Russiagate, 1/6, COVID and war in Ukraine all fostered new methods of repression.

During the failed attempt in January to force Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, the country's most popular podcaster – remember that? – I wrote that the current religion of Western liberals in politics and media is censorship: their prime weapon of activism.

But that Rogan failure only strengthened their repressive campaigns. Dems routinely abuse their majoritarian power in DC to explicitly coerce Big Tech silencing of their opponents and dissent. This is *Govt censorship* disguised as corporate autonomy.

There's now an entire new industry, aligned with Dems, to pressure Big Tech to censor. Think tanks and self-proclaimed "disinformation experts" funded by Omidyar, Soros and the US/UK Security State use benign-sounding names to glorify ideological censorship as neutral expertise.

The worst, most vile arm of this regime are the censorship-mad liberal employees of big media corporations. Masquerading as "journalists," they align with the scummiest Dem groups to silence and deplatform.

It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism".

It is hard to overstate how much pressure is now brought to bear by liberal censors on these free speech platforms, especially Rumble. Their vendors are threatened. Their hosting companies targeted. They have accounts cancelled and firms refusing to deal with them. It's a regime.

It's not melodrama or hyperbole to say: what we have is a war in the West, a war over whether the internet will be free, over whether dissent will be allowed, over whether we will live in the closed propaganda system our elites claim The Bad Countriesℱ impose. It's no different.

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