
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

The Hanged Man #elitist #sexist incels.is

"Women have unlimited options"


Once in a while, the inferior gender, also known as women, will boast about their unlimited options by telling us that women have sex with who they want; men have sex with who they can.

While this is true, women will never be honest about it and admit that there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Having unlimited options does not make you noble; the way you deal with them does. If I choose to consume an unlimited amount of food, does that make me noble? No, it makes me fat and sick.

Worse even: women had to do absolutely nothing for that amount of options. It is not like they deserve it.

So what's noble about a woman who has unlimited options? Committing to one man and starting a family. Again: there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Oncefa2 #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

Soft power is much more relevant than hard power, and women are the ones who have the most power in society under this metric, not men

People usually point to the apex fallacy when discussions about power and patriarchy come up, but I think there's a much more important discussion to be had around soft power instead.

Even if men make up 60% of senators and 90% of CEOs, they represent fewer than 20% of people who have power at home, and only 16% of people who have custody over their children.

Women on average get their way socially, legally, at home, in the marriage and dating world, and in many other areas of life.

That represents a metric of power that is much more relevant to the vast majority of people. It is a form of power over your own life, and over the lives of other people who you know personally.

For example, 80% of relationships are controlled and dominated by women. Women also display much higher levels of social aggression and are more likely to get their way in gender mixed friends groups.

If men are being bossed around in their homes and have no say over their bodily autonomy, reproductive choices, or their own labor and financial future, then it doesn't really matter if they might have a measure of power at work.

In the end, whatever power they have publicly can be used and manipulated in private by other people.

The fact that men often hold formal positions of power in society may even be because other people push them there for their own benefit.

After all, it is preferable to be the wife of a CEO than to be a CEO yourself. The vast majority of wealthy women do not work, do not cook, do not clean, and often times don't even raise their own children.

Meanwhile the average CEO works 80 hours a week under stressful conditions and ultimately does not have any power when he comes home: his wife can leave him, take his money, his children, and continue her privileged lifestyle without him.

This is a rather bleak outlook despite being a "powerful CEO", which should make you wonder how much power a regular working man has.

Any analysis that fails to look at this is going to be fundamentally flawed.

Blair #sexist thetransformedwife.com

I’m giving my point of view on pants from a man’s prospective.

Whether a woman wears pants that are skin tight or loose does not matter.

When a man sees a woman in pants, he is NOT looking at the woman’s face at the beginning.

If a man is looking at the woman who is facing away, his eyes are automatically drawn to her rear end.

If the woman is facing him, his eyes are automatically drawn to her lower waist area. (you figure out the area I am talking about)

It doesn’t matter how “Christian” the man is, pants on women are designed to draw a man’s eyes to those parts.
The pants legs coming up and joining together near the waist, are designed to “funnel” a man’s eyes to certain areas.

Its then up to the man whether he averts his eyes, or sins by continuing to look.

My elderly advice to a woman wearing pants is to wear a dress or skirt over top the pants.

And shame on all the “christian” women wearing skin tight jeans or jeans with rhinestones glued to the rear of the pants.

Please don’t tell me those “naive women” do not know they are dressing that way. THEY KNOW!!!!

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

In past generations, EVERY ONE knew that men are stronger physically and emotionally than women. Men have ten times the testosterone than women do. Yes, men’s struggle is with their sexual nature but women’s struggle is with their emotional nature. Men and women are different. We are not the same. (It’s sad that I even have to write these words.)


Can you even imagine what women in the military who are captured by the enemy must endure? I am sure it is horrible! Women are much more vulnerable and defenseless than men. Women are the ones who are raped. (Yes, some men are being raped today, too, in today’s perverted society but it normally takes several men to do this whereas it only takes one man against one woman to rape a woman.) How about a female police officer caught in the middle
of a gang? What if a female firefighter had to drag a 200 pound man down from a second story on a ladder to save his life? Women cannot do this. It is all nonsense.

Deleted member 33829 and GaryFromSpongebob #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

16F innocent child posts a selfie on reddit

( Deleted member 33829 )


Hope none of you guys let your eyes wonder, shes clearly so innocent, probably still doesnt even know what sex is

Pedo if you felt any different than looking at a picture of a silver toyota corolla

Women don't even mentally mature past 14 years old. There's no mental difference between a 14 year old teenager and a 35 year old roastie. "Life experience"≠ maturity. The only actual difference anyone can find is that one is fertile and somewhat capable of pairbonding and the other is a infertile and a utterly worthless whore.


Daily reminder they destroyed a men's life for getting nudes from a 17 and a half year old when he was 19
Daily reminder they want sub 8 men to marry 35 year old roasties while 15-18 year old foids are allowed to date with 20-25 y/o chads and ''explore their sexuality''

( GaryFromSpongebob )

I honestly get disturbed with all these pretty women surrounding our daily lives (now they invaded the fucking internet too). I basically try to stick at home mostly , main reason being getting extremely depressed just by seeing a pretty girl.

I think I just turned myself into a wild animal, I start to see their necks and imagine myself having rough sex with her, my hand around her neck , even biting their necks.

So I just stare down when I get out of home. Thankfully I don't have a sister, because after so many years of accumulated sexual frustration, I would be looking at her ass daily. It may sound disturbing, but this is just our body saying: "no more dude, we can't handle this shit no more".

Charlie Kirk & various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #sexist #transphobia gettr.com

(Charlie Kirk)
Watch how many Democrats show up to protest the Supreme Court saving millions of innocent lives and tell me this isn’t a spiritual battle.


My body my choice is back for women who want to kill their babies, but still not for those who do not want to take a possible kill shot !! And, since they claim that men can get pregnant, complete with male pregnant emoji‘s, why aren’t men being offered abortion?
And lastly, I thought calling somebody a woman was an illegal pronoun! Half of the babies in the womb are women, so how is it called female healthcare to chop female babies into pieces?

For sure it is a Spiritual battle and the dems side with darkness and satan.


It is very much a spiritual battle. Satan has been ticked off like crazy since Trump became president. The Demonic-party with its share of Rino republicans are still possessed. Even with Trump out of office, the Demon-rats remain obsessed.

Anyone who can support abortion, especially in the unfettered ways that most of these wack-job leftists do, has either no soul, or has leased theirs to Lucifer.

To ardently support and protest the right not only to kill babies in the womb, but in some cases after the child is birthed is pure evil.

Dave #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Louise says:

Dave, just to clarify. You do not believe a wife has the right to disobey ever? Even if her husband commands her to have an abortion, or stand by idly while he molests their children or even commands her to participate?

Dave says:
March 7, 2017 at 8:18 am
Hi Louise.
No, she does not have any right. She has a responsibility to obey her husband. I read nothing else in scripture.
God works through all kinds of things that are horrible to our minds. He restores all things.

Various Commenters #wingnut #sexist #homophobia gettr.com

Look what Governor DeSantis did to Disney when they tried to groom children

Now imagine his response to companies that want to push for unlimited abortion rights in Florida

Tread carefully, woke companies

MSM and Hollywood have spent decades foisting a massive case of Self-Effacing Solution Personality Disorder on the populous. Wokism = abuse of those suffering from SELF-EFFACING SOLUTION PERSONALITY DISORDER!

Whooo hooo! Bring it!!! Planned Parenthood is simply a baby killing, body parts trafficking donor for the Democrat party. And we fund it! Destroy Planned Parenthood, they are a scam. They are not “women’s healthcare”, they are about abortion.


dasho #sexist #wingnut doomworld.com

I thought this would have been clear by now, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. "Toxic masculinity" is a term I don't take seriously, and in practice it is used to vilify men in general. Anybody with a reasonably well-adjusted moral compass doesn't need a diagram to classify behaviors as generally good or generally bad, nor do they need any kind of special language to describe it, nor do they need to confine it to one gender.

Bill Mitchell & Various Commenters #sexist gettr.com

(Bill Mitchell)
Everytime I see these liberal abortion protesters, my first thought is, "Someone is actually having sex with these women?"

Some men are desperate, since the attractive, kind women are MAGA and don’t put out at the drop of a hat.

"Someone is actually having sex with these women?"

Soy beta boys like Newsom, Swallwell, Beto, Trudeau.....that is who does the deed with these freaks

No self-respecting rapist would rape them.

Police Officer/D.A./Defense Attorney: Did you rape that woman?

Accused Rapist: I did not rape her. I could NEVER get that drunk or high. Because if I did, I would be DEAD!!!

Don’t count on it. Most likely they’re NOT having sex which is why they act like psychopaths.

Karl #sexist thetransformedwife.com

(A comment on article “Should Women be Police Officers”)

These women who try to take men’s jobs need husbands who are virile enough to keep them barefoot and pregnant. After six or seven children even the most committed feminist will learn the basic lesson of human biology that a woman’s proper role is in submission to her husband.

La_Terfa , crodish & homosuperior #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

(La_Terfa )
Fuck moids, they can solve their own little pathetic problems. They could do it very easily, in fact, since most of their problems are their own creation. Women's issues are a thousand times worse, and they're not our fault, they're all of the abuse we suffer from others due to our biology and bodies.

And in the case of TIFs harassing gay dudes, well, gay men already tell them to fuck off with no repercussions, because society respects men's dignity.

And no, I don't "support" men in anything except being quiet.

( crodish )
I'm fine with men's spaces being "invaded" by females because 1) maybe then they'll finally fucking understand why it's a big deal to us 2) TIFs are going to pose VERY little threat to them regardless of the fact 3) men need to start being more responsible for their class as a whole.

Women are already fighting against men in female spaces, women who argue that men SHOULD be in our spaces (fuck you Emma Watson), and we're probably going to be asked and blamed for women in men's spaces, too. Women's fault for everything while the men just pile on, rules of misogyny, etc. Tired of it.

I know there are some men fighting back already, both straight (Chris Billboard comes to mind, as do a bunch of conservative politicians and comedians) and gay (MrMenno is my favorite, and most of the others who are normally allies with "GC" TIMs on twitter), and that includes the few men on here as well, but there needs to be more. MORE.

At the same time I am concerned that most of the men I see standing up against gender ideology are the same men who believe homosexuality is sinful and that women should go back to the kitchen and that abortion is murder. Sigh. Fuck this earth

( homosuperior )
I almost agree, except for two reasons: I have an autistic brother who cried when he saw two men pretending to be women the other day, and was confused why they were “lying”. If he was in a men’s bathroom and a girl walked in pretending to be a man, I know him, he’d refuse to use a bathroom in public again. And secondly, I’m worried of the safety of young TIFs. I identified as a TIF, but I never used men’s facilities (never medically transitioned either), because I’ve been sexually assaulted by a man in a bathroom. [...]

JayGoptri , AnalAndro & Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist #racist ncu.su

Judge whose not a Biologist
This proud woman of color can't even describe what a "woman" is. If the question was making her confused because of all the edgey new age commentary she's supposed to say, which is clogging her mind, she could have at least just given a few examples of the female species. Of course shes not a Biologist, so she gets a pass? And just today, all the leftist stations reporting "Science says there is no easy answer to the question"

The absolute shitty state of affairs in America.

The w*man is the cultural construct to describe the femanoid human beast, it's half human and half beast. The w*man concept is too normie so I never use it. I agree that it's just a damn costruction of a culture, so yes I think I can use the w*man concept to diagnose illness of a culture.

This womban here is a black african american nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey. The whole concept of "african american black nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey" is another social construct, that is valid only in white countries, exclusively in white countries. This concept is not universal, if you are white and you go visit some nignogg jungle savages, they don't see you as an "evilwhitey oppressor" because they don't even know what an university is.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
I was going to make a thread about her lenient sentencing of a man convicted for having computer child porn images. She was pretty reasonable and only gave him a few years for having thousands of images.

The Cuckservatives were raging because they would like him to tortured by a pack of soyboys for life in Gitmo. How dare she be lenient to a man who barely committed a crime.

Sandman #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #sexist youtube.com

Demi Lovato Gets Sexier Everyday - MGTOW

Singers deciding to be fat non-binary clown world shows. This is what happens when you go woke at the same time you hit the wall. She's 30 now and the music industry is brutal for women. The audience moves on to more attractive women that are prettier, younger and more fertile.

30 year old guys no longer find them as attractive as they once did, so instead such musicians embrace their inner butch to get those bucks.

Her new number of subscribers is falling but the views just keep going up and up. That's suspicious and it makes me believe that she's part of some sort of woke agenda and that's why she's being pushed by big platforms, the idea is that very attractive women with high SMV should be willing to reduce it. Feminists like this because they see it as a way to punish men when women don't live up to so-called "patriarchal beauty standards", most of us don't care though, all we do is find younger female musicians to listen to that are still feminine. There's always women willing to exploit their tits for clicks.

I was going through my twitter feed the other day and there was a woman complaining that three of the girls in her daughter's class were actually transitioning and on male hormones, and that one kid was non-binary. This is part of the whole transhumanism agenda. In order to break down what it means to be human, our overlords need to first break down gender by saying that there are more genders than flavors of baskin robbins and then eventually the push would be to make all of us non-binary.

I believe Lovato is exploiting this for her own financial gain and probably doesn't understand the insidious nature of what's going on.

I'm in the process of reinventing myself in this "sigma sphere", a term I just coined. I'mm trying to covertly carry over MGTOW philosophy to the most productive and desirable men in our society and I'm coining phrases like "relationships and marriage are kryptonite for your mind" and "kryptonite for your grind." I believe in sigma because I realized I have had all the characteristics of it my entire life, so it's a natural fit for me, but to fully self-actualize as a sigma you need to embrace being single.

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Think back with me in America before 1950 when there was no birth control. Most men married early since being promiscuous could easily lead to pregnancy and most men didn't want this responsibility without marriage. If they did get a woman pregnant, they would marry the woman whom they impregnated since this was the proper thing to do. There was no such thing as "safe" and legal abortions. Once a woman had a child and was married, she was home full-time with her children since this was what women knew they were supposed to do. If they had a job, they were fired once they got married so they could be at home and care for their husband and home until they did become pregnant. Most families had anywhere from five to more children. The average number was around six. The children were disciplined according to biblical principles and taught the Bible in school. Most people owned guns but no one went into classrooms and shot children dead.

Men knew they were the providers back then since everyone knew once a couple got married, they would probably begin having babies and the mothers needed to be home caring for them. Little girls grew up knowing they would probably get married and have children so they were ready and most were excited about having their own husband, children and home. Their mothers had prepared them for this very important role. Life was easy when there weren't a lot of "choices" for them to make. Therefore, they were content in their role of being home with their children while their husbands worked hard to provide for them. Was it a perfect time in the history of America? Of course not. Racism was an ugly and evil practice in America that should never have existed. Life on this earth will never be perfect but men worked hard to provide, women worked hard at home and cared for their children, and the family unit was strong, thus our nation was strong after the Civil War which ended slavery.


I have stated before that I hate birth control and the destruction it has caused in our nation. Sexual promiscuity keeps getting worse. Millions of babies have been slaughtered. Women can put off having babies to pursue careers as long as they want. Most couples only want one or two children; not enough to "multiply" as the Lord commands. Many more bad and ugly things have come from birth control than good.

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Did you know it is human nature for women to be lazy and go from house to house? “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things they ought not” (1 Timothy 5:13). Women don’t want to stay at home but be out and about continually being away from the home and finding entertainment, a career and fulfillment instead of being where the Lord has called them to be. Do you see that the root of feminism is against God’s plan for women? Its entire mantra was to get women out of the home and it has accomplished what it set out to do.[…]

@HowToSeduce and @PUA_DATING_TIPS #sexist #crackpot #mammon theintrovertplaybook.gumroad.com


The Introvert Dating Playbook: A Proven System for Opening Women (Bonus: Womanese 101)



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Jean-Noël Strauss #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Race et beauté:les femmes congoïdes sont-elles moins belles?" - "Race and beauty:are Congoid women less beautiful?"]

As statistics from online dating services show, race is among the criteria[…]Congoid women are less succesful than other races' women. Satoshi Kanazawa, LSE professor and evolutionary psychology specialist, wrote Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women? Basing on US study program Add Health[…]Kanazawa calculated a "Physical Beauty Factor." While one of his previous articles showed women were in average more beautiful than men[…]it wasn't true for Congoid women[…]
Why are Congoid women less beautiful? The professor rejects BMC[…]He also rejects hypothesis basing on the beauty-intelligence link-Congoids have lower IQ[…]
Kanazawa propose a hormonal justification. Congoids have higher testosterone[…]Testosterone is an androgen[…]Men are more viril and women more manly. These, less womanly, are less attractive[…]
As to the self-overrating of Congoids' beauty, it can be explained by higher testosterone rates, which favors self-confidence[…]
Professor Lynn notes success of Mongoloid women among Caucasoid men is caused by lower testosterone rates, making their face more feminine. Kanazawa seems to be on the right track

Matt Walsh #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

A lot of feminists have gotten angry at me that I didn't include them in What Is A Woman. Interestingly enough, none of them have ever tried to include me in any of their projects. Funny how this is a one way street.

Black_Orchid13 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Kids should be put in cages.
A couple of days ago I took a trip to the zoo for my birthday! I absolutely love the zoo! But if there is one thing I can't stand is when people taunt the animals, but of course as we all know "Kids will be kids!" (read as "assholes will be assholes!").

Anyways, as I was walking through the catwalk there was one little asshole little girl who was worse than the rest. She sat next to the cougar cage growling and hissing and making stupid cat noises at the cougar who looked like she had just about had enough of everyone's shit. The little girl made one more growling noise and the cat looked like she wanted to devour the little crotch demon, and oh how I wish she would have :/ The little girl got scared and ran off to her mommy. What the fuck did she expect? little cunt.

Kids should be put in cages, not animals.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Let this old guy spell it out of you ladies because you are too young and gullible to figure it out yourselves.

You menstruate every month. You were designed to have children and raise them to be responsible citizens. You were designed to nurture husband and children.

As a result, you will be cherished. Having a family ensures you will be loved and looked after until you die. Contrary to what the media tells you, you will not be loved for your looks, personality or talent. You will be loved for what you do for your family. People love people who love them. Love isn't free. It must be earned.

Beauty fades with age but love just gets stronger.

Sex for sex's sake is a cheap facsimile of sex as an expression of love.

You have been brainwashed to eschew marriage and have anonymous sex because the satanists who control practically everything don't want you to have families. They are trying to depopulate the world and destroy the institution of nuclear family. This way people will be dependent on them.

You are being duped!

0nsen #sexist fluentlyforward.com

It's simple math, do you want to get a wife with more or less years of beauty ahead of herself? Twenty-five is just the modern cut-off where it no longer makes sense to invest into marriage, because the pay-out isn't enough. In Muslim countries where women do not get a say, girls get married off at like 6 years old in some cases to maximize the pay-off.

Western countries also used to be similar to that. One of the most famous love stories in our culture is Romeo and Juliet, where they run off and get married without their parents consent by a random priest. Juliet is aged 14 at that point, while Romeo is a young man.

So pretending that twenty isn't old enough to marry, when in fact 20+ is already really, really late for girls isn't doing anyone a favor. It's bad investment advice. Women interested in marriage need to be aware that there's a time limit and setting it at 25 is already very generous.

Don Vito #crackpot #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Soft troonmaxxing...worth of it?

Before an admin will bash me with a +20% warning or banning me or delete my thread.

Lets talk about the elephant of the room of inceldom.

Lets talk about exploiding the lesbianpill in your favor.

As it was said several times. Foids rather to fuck other foid before an ugly man. My headcanon is that we are all like machines. We have a firmware that defines our behavior. My hypothesis is that foids rather to fuck other foids before ugly/short men in order to dont breed. This because their firmware says them that is not worth of it. Too much resources invested, risks to be slaughted during pregnancy since being short or ugly are signs of bad health and risk of passing these genes to children.

But what if wearing wigs, using make up or fake nails give the illusion to foids that we are other foids?

A couple of examples


Various Incels #crackpot #pratt #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

RE: FtM Transgender community meets the Blackpill.

"being a man is like dying and coming back as a ghost"
I can't believe it took a woman to perfectly describe man's experience.

It really hit me when they were speaking about being a ghost. I haven't really lived. Life as an average/ugly male is just a different world entirely. You get treated as disposable garbage, no one cares about your issues, people are distant toward you, people think it's ok to mock you, dating is shit or non existant. It's just misery.

(Jack Archer)
Many women literally don’t know how good they have it. My friend’s gf was complaining about the fact that her default option is having a family and a husband. Meanwhile, a male’s default option is living penniless and alone with no family or wife. Unbelievable.

(Janos Fejos)
Imagine you went through a dangerous and difficult transition to have a better life only to find out that it's actually hell on earth.

(Berserk S.)
Women think every guy lives like the handsome hot dude they admire.

I knew a trans girl who became a boy. Told her she was gonna have problems because of her height. Didn't listen to me. Then, depression took over.

Imagine choosing life as a 5'6 male.
I just feel bad - these people have been lied to about the patriarchy or whatever.

It's simple. Being a woman means you're the prize and being a man means you're the competitor. Competitors are naturally hostile to each other and most wont get the prize because they weren't good enough. Prizes or trophies just have to sit there and look valuable. By choosing to be a male you're choosing hard mode in life.

(David Brinkerhoff)
I have, at times, tried to explain the difficulties and challenges of heightism in the modern world to my sister. It is literally impossible to get them to understand. Their life experience is that Chad can pick and reject whomever he pleases. It hurts them to be rejected/ignored by Chad and so they redirect their insecurities by assuming all men are Chad.

Ftm shock is even bigger than sub5 discovering blackpill, since they already lived in hell, just found out why...Ftm went straight from tutorial to impossible nightmare mode

Emilio Lizardo #sexist medium.com

If you are a woman and have not got a family by age 35 you’re in trouble. You’re going to be dating/marrying much older men or low status men. Or buying cats.
Feminism told you that you could have it all. Feminism lied. The big problem is that you will still believe that you have the SMV of your 20s. Regret, resentment, and depression are your future.
Who men get to marry is determined by my status and wealth, who you women get to marry depends on your attractiveness, age, and fertility.
And yes, I am married and my wife is 16 years younger. :)

Dr Mordechai Kedar #psycho #sexist #wingnut huffingtonpost.co.uk

{from 2014}
An Israeli academic has been defended by his univesity after he implied would-be suicide bombers could only be stopped if their female relatives were threatened with rape.

Dr Mordechai Kedar said he was not suggesting such a tactic, but added "the knowledge that their sister of their mother will be raped" was "the only thing" that would stop terrorists from attacking Israel.
“We can’t take such steps, of course,” Kedar told the programme. “I’m not talking about what we should or shouldn’t do. I’m talking about the facts. The only thing that deters a suicide bomber is the knowledge that if he pulls the trigger or blows himself up, his sister will be raped. That’s all. That’s the only thing that will bring him back home, in order to preserve his sister’s honour.”

John Piper #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

A woman asked John Piper if it was okay for women to become police officers. He answered her here. I will give a few comments from his article and then respond.

“And here’s my conviction: to the degree that a woman’s influence over a man — guidance of man, leadership of man — is personal and directive, it will generally offend a man’s good, God-given sense of responsibility and leadership, and thus controvert God’s created order. To an extent, a woman’s leadership or influence may be personal and non-directive, or directive and non-personal. I don’t think those would necessarily push the limits of what is appropriate.

“That’s my general paradigm of guidance, and you can see how flexible it is, how imprecise it is, so let me give some examples. A woman who is a civil engineer might design a traffic pattern in a city so that she’s deciding which streets are one-way, and therefore she is influencing, indeed controlling in one sense, all the male drivers all day long. But this influence is so non-personal that it seems to me that the feminine/masculine dynamic is utterly negligible in this kind of relationship.

“On the other hand, a husband and wife relationship is very personal, and hence the clear teaching of the New Testament that the man should give leadership in the home, and that she should give glad partnership in supporting and helping that leadership come into its own.

“On the other hand, some influence is very directive, and some is non-directive. For example, a drill sergeant might epitomize directive influence over the privates in the platoon, and it would be hard for me to see how a woman could be a drill sergeant — ‘hut two, right face, left face, keep your mouth shut, private’ — over men without violating their sense of manhood and her sense of womanhood.”

General-Future-3597 #sexist #psycho unddit.com

(submitter’s note: text is slightly abridged to accommodate the character limit.)

I fucking hate women and I'm tired of pretending I don’t

Why is it so taboo for men to hate women, yet women post on social media all the time about how much they hate men? I thought women want equality? Maybe they only want equality whenever it benefits them.

I hate that women forced me to be a 33 year old virgin.

Out of all the billions of women on this planet, none of them wanted to have sex with me.

I went to bars, parties, strip clubs, college campuses, I bought women drinks at bars, I showed interest in them by trying to get to know them more, I went on many dates, but none of those women I talked to ever wanted to have sex with me.

The only reason why some of those women viewed me as creepy, is because I'm ugly.

I love how women say confidence is more important than looks and status, but if that's the case, why didn't any woman want to have sex with me while I was approaching them for 10 fucking years? Why do they act cautious and scared around ugly guys, but they see attractive men on tik tok and dream about meeting up with them and having sex with them? Those tik tok guys are attractive and I'm not.

Why can't women be honest and say that looks matter more than confidence? Why do they lie? I'm seriously sick and tired of cautious picky women.

I'm fucking harmless, I couldn't hurt a fly! Most women nowadays are bigger than most men.

I'm a small skinny guy, so most women are very physically threatening to me.

Years ago, I asked a 300lb woman out and we went on a date.

It seemed to have gone well, but after the date, I asked her what's her opinion on coming back to my place after the first date and she says she doesn't feel comfortable having sex on the first date and I asked why.

I'm tired of women, especially big women, pretending to feel nervous and cautious around dudes that are way smaller than them.

Anyway, I'm a virgin because no woman on this planet finds me attractive enough to want to have sex with me.

Vitarius #fundie #psycho #sexist incels.is

Catholic women who have relationships with non-Catholic men

Devout Catholic women are very rare (Proverbs 31:10), which already makes things very hard for us devout Catholic men. But then you have these Catholic women marrying unbelievers, making our lives even more hard.

By marrying unbelievers, these women even put themselves and their children in spiritual/moral danger: "Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

These women are even worse than race traitors who complicate the lives of men of low value races by marrying white chads.

Their unbeliever husbands/boyfriends must be exterminated.

you are being kind of cuckish by the whole exterminate their boyfriends kind of thing,when really women are the only ones at fault.if 99.999% of a gender just wants to bang some small percentage of the other chad,it's not a mens issue it's a womens issue.

catholic women who marry man outside of the faith are disgusting pests who no one should respect.they are less then whores for at least whores have something to show to despite their degeneracy(much money for their children),whilst catholics whores have nothing to show apart from divorces from 8 men and 3 kids one of them who is a tranny soon to become statistic and the other two are whores whose they only church they belong to,is to the church of satan.

now,i am not saint,nor did i ever claim to be so,but it blows my mind how some people have everything yet fuck it up.

My logic is "if we kill the unbelievers, these women can remarry, and this time to Catholic men".

What about women who meet Christian men who are Protestant/Orthodox?

When I wrote this thread I had all "unbelievers" in mind: Atheists, Protestants, Jews, Orthodox, Pagans... Catholic women should marry Catholic men, basically.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Lawsuit"]

Don’t get too blackpilled, bros

BLM has peaked and crashed in popularity

#MeToo has peaked and just suffered a devastating defeat

The Great Replacement has gone mainstream

Twitter is about to fall under the control of Elon Musk and become a siege engine of “misinformation” in the culture war

The Wokelash is sending the “permanent progressive majority” into the dustbin of history

Roe v. Wade is about to be struck down by the Supreme Court

Margaret Atwood is saying [i]The Handmaid’s Tale[/i] is coming true. The ideology of Gilead is going mainstream

If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism. The “New Woman” made her debut a century ago. The culture could easily start trending in the opposite direction

@TommyRobinson1 , @Usaswordsman & @sherrint #wingnut #sexist gettr.com


I can’t help but think the timing of this Supreme Court “leak” about cancelling the Roe v’s Wade abortion case is a little suspect.

Mid terms are not far away, how can dribbly pedo Joe Biden get more of a voter turnout to favour the Democrats???

Ahhh yes, the contentious issue of abortion rights which splits the USA in half ideologically.

Shall I take my tin foil hat off now????

Well.. it used to be that women did not act like whores and screw every men who gave them a beer. It used to be that women were virtuous, but that has been destroyed by "Woman's Lib" and other Leftist policies, like abortion on demand, taking away a woman's responsibility to be a rational adult. Much of this has been the influence of foreign "Migration" and undercutting our values by our own black citizens, spurred on by Democrats. Democrats are and always have been Communists from the very start, and have always wished to tear down America, all while lying through their collective teeth about how virtuous they are.

The "you're pro-life until the baby is born" line always gets me. I'm very much anti-murdering babies. I'm also very much anti-everybody but you paying for the consequences of your actions. It's not my job to take care of somebody else's kids. It's also not my fault if women whore themselves out because "sex feels good, so you can't expect people not to have sex" (yes, I've had that one thrown at me). Oh but I can expect that, because if a person can't control their base urges, they are nothing but animals. The human ability to show restraint and rise above the "natural man" is what makes us human. I don't give a shit if something feels good, you always have a choice whether to do it or not. I've heard injecting heroin feels good, doesn't mean anybody should do it.

Hope it's ended to hell with what these baby murderers think ! No one has a right to infringe on anyone's right to life , it's called murder you morons and it's the most barbaric ways !

Nick Fuentes #sexist #psycho rumble.com

[in response to the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard verdict]

We need to go back to burning women alive more. Like, when they’re convicted of crimes, obviously, not in random acts of violence. But remember that in medieval times-I’ve said this on the show before-when women were witches, what happened to them? They were burned alive. Real phenomenal.

And we stopped doing that, and everything went out of control. You know, we said, “Oh, that’s such a horrible tragedy, and we need to stop burning women alive for casting spells,” and then guess what happened? They started casting their spells again, they started speaking in devilish tongues and casting spells. Now we’ve got a totally fucked up society where women are molesting your kids in primary schools, and women are accusing you of rape (or they’re raping you in some cases) or they’re killing you.

And is Amber Heard not one of these people who would be sentenced to death for being a witch in medieval times? I mean, she probably would be. Would the world not be better if these spell-casting witches received something more than a promotion at work? I don’t know, I’m just saying things seem to work out a little bit better when the witch question was answered.

Ashley St. Clair #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist thepostmillennial.com

DQSH NYC’s self-proclaimed agenda aims to erase binary gender identity altogether and sets out to teach children "there’s no such thing as girl clothes and boy clothes, or girl toys and boy toys."
The pre-booking informational packet contains even more concerning "tips" for convincing parents who don’t want their children being exposed to a drag queen event stating, "Some schools end up canceling events due to complaints from parents. If you need help explaining the importance of LGBTQ-affirming programming such as DQSH to your school’s administration or parents, we have resources for that!"

UK Anon #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia boards.4chan.org

The latter is understandable. The former makes no sense though because roasties acting like aggressive whores doesn't give them the visibly obvious traits that men can't get rid of when they become trannies. Those aren't behavioral traits and aren't as simple as butch haircuts or a non-delicate posture.
I'm referring to how men seem to be unable to identify these rather obvious traits. This is interesting as I know that men are more visual in their attraction, so it implies that this increased emphasis on visuals may be so specific to key traits that complexity or attention to detail is actually lost.

It's because they've pushed a lot of androgynous, trannies or very masculine females as pop stars. People grow up thinking Iggy Azalea, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, etc, are your typical women. They're not. They are all very tall, very imposing, very big framed, very confident, use alpha male body postures and body language, have very wide backs and broad shoulders, very sharp, angled facial features, and so on. I genuinely think some, or even all of them, are secret trannies used for the purpose of eradicating gender in the West. Also a lot of male pop stars are very small, very feminine, very sweet. Bruno Mars, Charlie Puth. They are reversing the gender roles.

Roosh V #fundie #ableist #conspiracy #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Marrying A Woman With Mental Illness"]

Diagnosable mental illnesses are so commonplace that it’s inevitable for a single man to meet a woman who is “mentally ill.” Should he still consider her as a wife or try to find another woman? This is a difficult decision that must involve God, his priest, and Christian family and friends[…]
Every man and woman born in this fallen world will have severe problems with their passions until they are purified by the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are prone to lust like I[…]
When evaluating a woman with an active passion, you must ask yourself several questions. Is she actively struggling against the passion? Has the passion’s control over her declined from its peak?[…]
Since I have so much experience with pride and anger, I believe I can handle it[…]But how about a woman who is slothful?[…]
To have a passion is not to be mentally ill[…]Medical industry has so broadened the definition of mental illness[…]huge percentage of the population is “verifiably” mentally ill[…]
Many women on anti-depressant medication take it because they are “sad.” Winter came around and they weren’t having fun in life[…]Another woman was “tired” from her busy schedule and didn’t get “enjoyment” out of casual sex and other secular activities. Another woman started being “depressed” when she couldn’t find an office job she enjoyed. In cases like this, I believe the problem is not mental illness but a lack of Orthodox faith and coping mechanisms[…]
Should you marry an immature woman who is on anti-depressant drugs? How about if she took them in the past but does not take them anymore?[…]
It is my opinion that most people diagnosed with mental illness are merely immature, but there are people with what I’d call “severe mental illness”

Al-3_x #crackpot #elitist #sexist wykop.pl

[ Note: Translated from Polish original via DeepL ]

@BigKahunaDick has made the greatest discovery of modern history. His thoughts on #dickpill are the most revolutionary since the rise of Christianity. People have wondered for centuries what makes outstanding people. Some have talked about the will to power. Others about high intellect, and still others about indomitable will. However, all these things are secondary to having a great member. Some might think that it is only about women. This is not true. A big penis is a guarantee of success in life and healthy relationships. People with small penises are usually insecure, submissive and mentally weak. Having a micro penis not only affects your mental condition, but also your character. Every great leader, scientist, artist or philosopher had at least 30 cm in his trousers. If you don't have at least a 24 centimetre penis you will be a loser in every field for the rest of your life. It's over for losers. If someone thinks I'm talking out of turn, they probably have a small one and have complexes themselves.

#filozofia #blackpill #dickpill #redpill #takaprawda #przegryw #incel

[ Original in Polish: ]

spoiler@BigKahunaDick dokonał największego odkrycia historii nowożytnej. Jego przemyślenia na temat #dickpill są najbardziej rewolucyjnymi od czasów powstania chrześcijaństwa. Ludzie od wieków się zastanawiali co czyni ludźmi wybitnymi. Niektórzy gadali coś o woli mocy. Inni o wysokim intelekcie, a jeszcze inni o niezłomnej woli. Wszystkie te rzeczy są jednak wtórne wobec posiadania wielkiego członka. Niektórzy mogliby myśleć, że chodzi wyłącznie o kobiety, ale to nie prawda. Wielki penis to gwarant sukcesów życiowych i zdrowych relacji z ludźmi. Ludzie z małymi penisami są zwykle mało pewni siebie, ulegli i mentalnie słabi. Posiadanie mikrusa nie tylko wpływa na twoją kondycję psychiczną, ale i charakter. Każdy wielki przywódca, naukowiec, artysta czy filozof miał przynajmniej 30 cm w spodniach. Dlatego jak nie masz przynajmniej 24 centymetrowego członka to będziesz przegrany w każdej dziedzinie do końca życia. It's over dla przegrywa. Jak ktoś natomiast uważa, że gadam od rzeczy to pewnie sam ma małego i ma kompleksy.

Some “losers” #ableist #elitist #sexist wykop.pl

[Note: Translated from Polish original via DeepL. Loser (przegryw) = incel, they know the term but prefer their own. Oskar = Chad and Julka = Stacy, though the second one isn't really needed there.]

( trike )

The extermination of Oskar commenters has begun.

The #przegryw tag has become a source of ego boosting for Oskars. They post pictures of themselves just to get comments that reinforce that they're not losers. I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing here, if your posts are all about crying for attention and bragging about how much better your lives are than ours, you're pissing me off, a while ago I didn't care, but now I'm blackballing every plastic bastard who wants to boost his self worth with our suffering. Out of the tag k**wy.

( Powiew_morskiej_bryzy )

There should be some kind of verification of who is a real loser. And then have the account verified and confirmed. Otherwise it will be over for the tag. #przegryw

( BrockLanders )

Everyone here thinks he is a real loser and judges by his own yardstick.

One earns 5k, has a car and lives for free with his parents, but has no one to go for a beer with and has never touched a girl and considers himself a loser.

Another earns the minimum wage in a 3-shift kolkhoz and rents a flat with Ukrainians in the district, because he had to move out because of his pathological parents, but the first one will tell him in advance to get the fuck out of the tag, because he had a girlfriend in high school.

And the third one recently split up after a 10-year relationship, hasn't moved in six months, realised that the market situation is fucked up and tags #przegryw xD

( dizzy126 )

- no sex (paid sex does not count)
- ugly face, but really ugly
- mental illness
- severe family problems
- obesity
- involuntary unemployment or kolkhoz with little prospect of improvement
- physical illnesses making it difficult to function normally (including mutilations etc.)
- under 180 cm tall
- social phobia

You need at least 3.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie moonbattery.com

[From "Uvalde as a Symptom of Liberalism"]

This isn’t about the availability of guns or the uselessness of local authorities. Uvalde is a symptom of a more serious problem: the engineered collapse of civilization

For decades, progressives have pumped raw sewage into the cultural water supply. First among their crimes, they have used feminism, the welfare state, the LGBT agenda, and the glorification of moral degeneracy to destroy the nuclear family

As John Daniel Davidson suggests, Salvador Ramos was a product of his culture:

A broken home, no father or father figure in his life, no church or community of any kind, no real friends except those he met through social media. Here we have, in brief sketch, not just a profile of a school shooter, but an indictment of our entire culture. It was the same in Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and many other places

Start with lack of family, lack of faith, lack of anything meaningful to believe in because leftists have torn down everything with more depth than political correctness. Add in the increased alienation inflicted in the name of Covid[…]
Applied liberalism. That’s the answer to [url=https://notthebee.com/article/check-out-this-thread-on-school-shootings-over-the-past-200-years-and-wonder-where-things-went-wrong]this mystery[url]

behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I think it is also the fantasy that they will get accepted into the private inner circle of women and be able to participate in secret, female-only stuff (which they think includes sharing tampons with each other). Posting about tampons on TikTok and other places is part of the fantasy; it's aspirational for other troons watching it, and the troon doing the posting gets pleasure both from building up his fantasy and from knowing that other troons envy his successful womanhood.

In reality, not only is "sharing tampons" a fantasy, but these men will never be accepted into women's inner circles. Not even the handmaidens actually want to hang out with male troons in real life; handmaiden support of brave transwomen extends to commenting enthusiastically on posts to show how enlightened they are, and nothing else. Most men who have already trooned out know this deep down, which is part of why they're so bitter and miserable.

tomboyfriends #sexist #psycho tumblr.com

On one hand, I want to believe that males aren’t inherently violent as a matter of a broken biological disposition. That male violence is all because of gendered socialization. And with enough change, we can teach and reform the rape, violence, and murder by men away.

On the other hand, male sea otters rape seals to death and male dolphins will gang rape female dolphins, so. Male lions and chimps will murder the offspring of females to force their mothers into estrus. Not to mention all the sexual violence that happens in many other animal species. Especially of mammals, which are the closest to us. Could these animals be changed with social reform? The male desire to rape, assault, and murder effectively taught away? I wouldn’t bet on it.

Even with human mental capabilities, knowledge of right and wrong, and the capacity for free will, men still continue to choose violence. Men know how they drain women, how they harass and devalue women and could choose to end their male violence at any given time. They just choose not to, because they don’t care about women, and never will.

The only solution is to take males out of the equation entirely. Not rehabilitation. Not trying to teach them respect for the female sex, which they will never take to heart.

An exclusively female space will find no male violence.

Various Anons #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(UK Anon 1)
>Man starts beating and raping a woman on subway
>dozens of male passengers just watch, some video
>no one helps

This is what happens when the top 10% of men are having sex with the top 90% of women.


(US Anon 1)

I didn't want to assume their gender

This. If she didn't want rape//violence she shouldn't have traveled via subway/bus...

(Brazilian Anon)
Maybe women just deserve to be raped? Have you thought about that?

(US Anon 2)
that is what happens when you leave the kitchen and enter the workforce. Men warned women the world was dangerous and they asked to be free to be raped. Now you are being raped. Deal with it.

(US Anon 3)
>She more than likely voted for the people allowing these feral joggers to jog around unobstructed.

>God forbid you interfere, the ferral jogger can stab you and get out on bail on the same day.

This. Most women believe Black people are not violent, and will not assault them sexually or physically. Because of the way the media has painted them as sad, sick, wounded puppies.

If I try to help, I will get called a racist and get in more trouble than the man who is assaulting her. Then women like the news anchor grandstand about how men are weak, and cowardly.

Well, maybe they shouldn't have created the conditions of Anarcho-Tyranny and race-baiting in the first place, right? It is past race-baiting, it's a race war, and the media is covering it up. I don't have nigger fatigue, I have nigger exhaustion.

(US Anon 4)
Schrödinger's feminism has resulted in apathy towards women.
She didn't call for help so people probably just assumed it was yet another case of a nog beating his girlfriend in public. You try to step in in that kind of situation and they'll both start attacking you, living in NYC I've seen it more than once.

(US Anon 5)
>dressed in women's clothes
2x protected class, people probably figured that if they tried anything they would be cancelled for being racist and transphobic

brown woman vs. trans nigger

who has more oppression points? no one knows so no one can act.

TheSpaceDuck & LatinoEsq #sexist reddit.com

RE: Privilege


This is nothing new, every man experiences this every day of their job-searching life. However what many don't know is that there have been actual studies done on this topic showing a general bias against men in hiring.

https://academic.oup.com/esr/advance-article/doi/10.1093/esr/jcab043/6412759 - Study found discrimination of men in hiring but no discrimination of women.

https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1418878112 - Hiring bias in STEM is 2:1 in favour of women

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165176519303428?via%3Dihub - Women favour hiring other women. Men do not favour hiring other men.

Towards the end of law school, my friends and I would discuss this same concept and all agreed that being a woman gets your foot through the front door more frequently than a qualified man. We’d constantly hear about certain female colleagues landing interviews and positions at firms that were completely out of their league. It was a running joke when someone would say they interviewed at firm but the position would probably be offered to the hot female applicant that was also waiting for her interview in the office lobby.

The icing on the cake was when the guy who was 2nd in line to being valedictorian (this guy was clearly at the top of our class from the beginning but got beat by a colleague who stayed off a semester to land the honor) got beat for a position at probably the top firm in the city by this very attractive colleague who was out of his league. I think mostly anyone who kept up with these lawschool politics knew exactly why that happened.

Suffice to say, having a pretty face, small waste and long legs gets your heel through the front door anywhere in the corporate/legal world.

Ghost of Eskimo #sexist #racist #wingnut ncu.su

The Blackpill Needs a MLK and Malcolm X

MLK and Malcolm X were considered the Ying and the Yang.

MLK was the moderate and Malcolm X was the radical.

But in reality MLK was a radical nigger commie. But the normshit cuckservatives loved hearing him quote the Bible and talk about Jebus.
We need a radical blackpiller to publicly say shit like, "We need to enslave foids, you can't rape your wife, domestic violence isn't real, you should be able to marry 7 years olds, Female Genital Mutilation needs to standard, etc."

We need a list of the most radical things you could do to women that can be passed off as serious.

Then we need an MLK incel to come out and quote the bible. And offer more moderate positions and placate the Christcucks.

1 Timothy 2:11-12​
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)

"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (I Corinthians 11:8-9)

oenz , mvolski & AnalAndro #senpai_noticed_us #sexist #crackpot ncu.su

JFL People Reacting to my View on Rape.
oenz #psycho #sexist

it's intriguing because it's perfectly natural

Rape is bad. Reason is because body is private property. Rape is not capitalistic. When you are capitalist you have to hold in your heart the value of private property, whoever touches your body without your permission is doing a communist action, so if you have a rifle you are allowed to shoot. Just like what happened to rittenhouse, somebody touched his rifle (private property) and he opened fire (totally legitimate defense against commy robbers), it's very simple. If somebody touches you without permission you are allowed to shoot him in the head.

EmiNVS & 63daddy #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

RE: False statistics and why they are ridiculous.


And then there’s the stuff like: Only 2% of rape accusations are false.

Like, seriously, how are these numbers believable to any rational person?

This one isn't false, its just a half truth.

Between 2 to 10% of rape accusations are PROVEN to be false.

By comparison, only around 6% of rape accusations are PROVEN to have happened (It's either 4% lower than false rape claims or 4% higher, but if we take the median for false ones, it's 6%, just as much as convictions).

The problem comes that when the first statistics is brought up, the second doesn't appear, and when the second is brought up, the other doesn't appear and all 94% of cases that did not end in conviction are considered to be guilty people left free.

Feminists with the aid of media endure their false information drowns out the facts.

Consider how many citizens in Russia think their invasion of Ukraine is justified. They think it’s justified because the information they receive is biased and controlled. Same thing.

Years ago the DOJ published a brochure showing 6 in 1,000 college students were sexually assaulted. This document is nearly impossible to find in a search. Similarly, under the Cleary Act all reports of college sexual assaults are public information and show similar results, but again almost nobody reads this information. What you are bombarded with is feminist misinformation such as the koss “study” (which counted any sex after drinking as a sexual assault).

The BLS, DOL clearly states the gender wage gap does not compare equal work, but it’s not their mission to make the public understand this, so again it’s drown out by feminist misinformation claiming it’s comparing equal work.

Over the past few years especially, it’s been no big secret that much of the media supports woke agenda and censors any conflicting factual information. Welcome to the “cancel culture.”

People don’t want to acknowledge what they've been led to believe for years is actually false.

Hunter Wallace #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "TAC: The LGBTsQewing Of America"]

Editor’s Note: That’s one of the many “blessings of liberty” above that we have covered over the years

We used to live in a White Christian culture

In the vast majority of cases (unless your parents were recent immigrants), this is likely why you exist. You exist due to the reproductive choices that your ancestors made

Those choices were shaped and channeled by the dominant culture. In the South, where evangelical Protestantism shaped our culture for centuries, we had customs like the one drop rule. We had legal segregation and anti-miscegenation laws. Southern culture valued racial purity[…]Homosexuality was discouraged. Divorce was rare and hard to get. Abortion was illegal. White identity was valued. The White and Black family was strong through the Jim Crow era. The norm used to be that most people got married to someone of the same race and religion and reproduced themselves[…]
Culture used to be overwhelmingly local. The states and local communities made their own laws and largely governed themselves. The rise of the mainstream media (film, radio, television in that order) from the 1910s through the 1960s shifted cultural power away from, say, the segregationist editor of the local newspaper to liberal elites with a modernist sensibility who were on television in New York City, Los Angeles and Washington[…]
Christianity went from being the hegemonic dominant culture to a kind of respected sub-culture to just another lifestyle[…]
Much like feminism (the “New Woman” was inspired by modernism) and abortion (nothing is owed to future generations because everything is owed to the Self) and gay marriage (any “marriage” is as good as any other and people should be allowed to express themselves), the “trans” craze only makes sense in a deeply modernist cultures

UK Anon #kinkshaming #pratt #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

You probably dont know how bad things really are.

I turned 18 6 months ago and here's my findings:
>in my school everyone had porn addiction.
>Girls are all openly whores (they actually ask you for money for sex).
>everyone my age has the sexual habits you would expect of a 40 year old bald pervert.
There was literally a girl who was semi infamous for throwing up on peoples dicks, this was when she was 16, not even joking.

I feel like even people 5 years older will never understand how bad it's gotten.

Not even to mention the daring situation. There were like 15 people in the school who got pussy, and they got all of it. Then their Chad-lite arbiters got crumbs, and everyone else got absolutely none apart form statistical anomalies.

literally everything you've pointed out was how it was in my experience, and that was about 15 years ago. down to the girl who had to change schools after she threw up on too many people she was fucking at parties- she only did it like twice but yeah.

I think throwing up on someone when drunk is different from doing it as a kink thing. Rumour has it she eats a lot of strawberry ice cream so it doesnt smell bad and I think she does it sober. That's fucked.

Bet this was some kind of unfortunate accident

I know for a fact it's not. She does it as a kink. Lots of people watch that kind of stuff. Deepthroating.

Holy fuck that's so fucking hot why did I never have this in school.

I bet you could get her to put your dong in her throat for 200 quid. I could literally do it right now if I get up in her insta dm's but she probably has some kind of oral disease from sucking so much cock.

You are better off ducking a Costa Rican immigrant. Probably less chance of aids too.

I live among Hispanics, I still don't get any. I guess it's because I'm an introvert.

Girls have absurd standards so none of us get any, but I'm sure you can bribe them if they are wetbacks.

So how is Liverpool otherwise though?

Haha, you are actually bang on mate. It's not bad. Like any other city. I live rurally though.

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