Various commenters #transphobia

Woman gets called a transphobe for not wanting to share a bed with a TIM

(mathlover )
Why is this surprising? It was an opportunity for a "trans" man to coercively rape a woman. Or at least get off sexually. Is there any doubt that he would have been masturbating next to her in bed if she was able to rebuff outright rape? Or that he probably did masturbate, while sniffing the sheets, after she left the bed.

Everything these men do is easily interpreted and understood once you realize that everything they do is motivated by getting off and violating women to do so.

( Bolero )

The last, transmisogyny, is a combination of sexism and transphobia applied to trans women. Generally it involves seeing us as more dangerous than other women

Reality is a TERF, yet again

( no- )
Right? Why would they be more safe than other men? They're the same picture. And they know men are more dangerous than women because that's the excuse they use to demand access to female spaces.

( hmimperialtortie )
Imo they are more dangerous than other men.

( ErikaMart )
I'd share a bed with a normal strange man before a TIM I'm not joking

( butchplease )
If I have to choose between the man who's pushing himself into my spaces and the man who isn't, guess which one I'm taking.

( no- )
That's the thing about TIMs, they have a way of making other men look decent in comparison.

( XX_Power )
Statistically they're even more dangerous than other men! The crossdressers especially love rape and pedophilia if we go by incarceration data.

GoreHoundKillEmAll #wingnut

RE: The irony that this is a pro-abortion account. She’s talking about circumcision. 😐

So the skin at the end of my dick is more important than the life of the unborn life to this person WTF kinda logic is that. Honestly who really cares about circumcision. Also isn't it the parents choice why would this person care what the decided to do with there kid after all there ok with the parents choice to kill the kid so why care about dick skin

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement! For the FBI to RAID the home of the 45 President of the United States, or any President for that matter, is totally unheard of and unthinkable. This Break In was a sneak attack on democracy (our Republic!), and was both unannounced and done at a time when the President was not even present. It was for political, not legal reasons, and our entire Country is angry, hurt, and greatly embarrassed by it. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

@realdonaldtrump The FBI is no different than the KGB. Stand up against poisonous Jewish politics


spoilerEvery single aspect of the Trump campaign funding is jewish

@realdonaldtrump Um. Innocent people locked up for over a year for entering the capitol building after being invited in by police comes to mind.



..........GO ON,DO IT!!!


@realdonaldtrump Trump did nothing for us while he had the chance. Voting won't save you.


@realdonaldtrump it’s the jews.

Name the jew

@ShaneWood Trump

@syndicatespeaker @ShaneWood Trump is cucked to the jews

Congressman Paul Gosar , @MyChristianPage & @ad_libitum #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Remember when the FBI let Hillary Clinton get away with destroying 33,000 classified emails, and violating a subpoena?

And yet President Trump has his passports stolen from him.

This is blatant political persecution.

@DrPaulGosar don’t forget the j6 political prisoners who have had their lives stolen from them. And are still being unconstitutionally, criminally held without due process. All involved in this communist/globalist coup and persecution of United States citizens, need to be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity, war crimes and treason !

Trump was too busy licking jooish arse and didn't know how to drain the swamp while he had the chance. Now the swamp is eating him alive.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Christians and conservatives treated like third class citizens all over the place. President Biden and his people making inflation skyrocket while they dismantle our energy independence. The Democrats wielding the US Government against their political rivals. The swamp of corruption coming back in force and punishing anyone who believes in freedom. The FBI raiding an ex-president for the same thing Hillary Clinton got away with. Criminals being let back out on the streets to rape and murder even more people. The rule of law being ignored. Invasion at the southern border.


Remember the pendulum swings back. There will be investigations into the government corruption. The people doing horrible things will face punishment at some point in the future. If they get away with it on Earth they must face God's judgement. I believe in leaving it to God. God will take care of the evil, vile, and wicked. That does not mean we will sit here silently while they try and ruin the world. We will still speak up and speak out. We will do nothing to punish them for their choice to rebel against God. We will encourage them to repent and turn from their evil ways. We will pray for them. We will point them to God.


Our first citizenship is in the kingdom of Heaven. If God allows evil people to destroy America, and destroy the world then we have to acknowledge that this is not our eternal home. We have hope in Jesus Christ. We have hope in his return. Perspective is very important. Everything in human life is transient. This is just a way station we are in for a short time. Our eternal home is in the place Jesus is preparing for us. I applaud everyone who stands up to the corruption in the government. We have stood up multiple times. We continue to stand up. We face all kinds of hateful attacks for doing so. We will continue to obey God. We refuse to join in rebellion against God. We are on the winning side in the end.

Papirouge #sexist #wingnut #enbyphobia #transphobia

"forced birth" is an oxymoron
You can't "force" something that is going to happen anyway. When getting pregnant, that baby is fated to be birthed at one point

It's like saying "forced puberty" or "forced aging".

If anything, abortion is the only "forced birth" because it artificially induce a delivery before term

#interestingly enough the 'forced' something is pulled by tra refusing to go through puberty
#they totally alienize this natural process by using semantics making sound like puberty was forced onto them
#the parallelism between trans activism and abortion activism are very interesting
#bc they both rely on antagonizing totally normal and unharmful bodily process

Radiation Matters #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

Within the Bell of El we dive into concepts of the energybody which we could link with the torus and the crater earth concept regarding a transformation within its energyfield, with new sightings regarding the analemma, root of 3, vesica pisces, the mountain, the river and under the bridge, another look at playing redlight greenlight and we continue to explore a roadmap to Tomorrowland and a possible way out of it…and what are they downloading into this world? Stay tuned for more within this sequence series.

Our world has a history full of violence, wars and duality, in which humans are forced and challenged to reach full potentials in almost impossible conditions, triggering the dark side of our consiousness in repeating circles of manifestations which lead to pressurizing peoples hearts and compassion to its maximum limit.

Are we following the serpents way into an alienated world or will we see through the deception and accept our world got infected long time ago, a new age is comming, a big reset they say, will we fight and protect our hearts torus field or will we succumb to the parasites forcefield and its New World Order? I say follow the heart, no fear and act in the name of love

Chris O'Connor/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #magick #mammon

Chris O’Connor claims to have completed three “20 and back” tours of duty with secret space programs including one run by the United Nations. He says that he was born into a human family as an extraterrestrial starseed as part of a pre-life agreement with the US Navy/Air Force. In 1970, at age 2 Chris claims he was “age-progressed” to 25 years old where his past life memories as an extraterrestrial were fully restored, and he became a liaison/ambassador for different space programs.

Chris says that around 1990, he began serving with a United Nations run SSP that was based in the rings of Saturn that would conduct diplomatic negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations. He asserts that many of the negotiations involved exoplanet populations that had been negatively impacted by SSPs such as the Dark Fleet. Chris says that he currently is experiencing two timelines as his third “20 and back” tour of duty completes in 2030.

According to Chris, his SSP memories began returning around 10/12 years ago, and he is currently doing hypnotherapy sessions to fully restore these. Chris says that one of the conditions he required in exchange for his SSP service was that he would be permitted to release advanced healing technology used in the programs. Chris subsequently invented an electrotherapy device he calls a Divine Evolution Electromagnetic Micro Singularity Device (DEEMS) publicly available.

Helios via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot

Dear children of the Universe, I am Helios, your sun. This one has asked me what I have been up to lately, which caused me to laugh with delight, for I am expanding as you are expanding. Have you felt my light lately? Have you felt the shift that is occurring within your own inner sun, within Gaia’s inner sun? I too am a populated sphere, like your Gaia, there are many living within me, many of the higher dimensional energies who wish to feel my warmth and add their light to mine.
The Great Solar Flash is on many minds. I see your own inner suns and your own abilities to intercept and process and ground these codes streaming from me as equally important. But yes, it is coming. I see you as the prelude to this moment. For all moments are sacred. The Great Solar Flash will be sacred. This moment you share your Source light is sacred. It is all a massive sharing of light. It will be beautiful. (I am seeing rainbow lights and tremendous light, brighter than any white light, embrace the planet. I am seeing rainbow auras, around the people and the animals and the entire planet. I am hearing singing within my cells welcoming it in and yet it is very silent and deep, like creation takes a breath and it is a deep pause of light.)

Children of the Universe, there is nothing to fear. For all is light and all who forgot this will be reminded. I am deeply honored to converse with you this day. I am Helios. I would be honored if you would continue to speak with me, to continue to keep this line of communication open for in the higher dimensional realms this type of conversation is very easy and effortless. <...>
(I am hopping into the sun and feeling the plasma light. Surprisingly it is not hot but the intensity of the light is blinding and rainbow at the same time. I am seeing that the heat is an overlay of the hologram but really Helios is a massive light being and I am feeling that he is saying that so are we.)

Oilfield Rando & Joey S #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

(Oilfield Rando)

Normal water pressure has been restored to most of Jackson, Mississippi, officials say

Uh… are we gonna talk about how this appears to have been a billion dollar shakedown?


(Joey S)
I'm far too busy celebrating the end of environmental racism to discuss how the environmental racism probably never existed.

Anonymous #conspiracy

West Memphis Three
Satanic ritual rape and killing of two male children. Subsequent investigations damn well proved these three boys did it. Hollywood swooped in to defend them.

It was 3 kids, and while the three's guilt is one of the two (competing) semi-official theories, I suspect there was something much deeper at work. I think half the area was involved with that cult. Echols himself initially told police there was a huge satanist presence in West Memphis, including adults.

One thing I find interesting is how these guys were an early manifestation of the "Trench Coat Mafia" clique that would be implicated in several later school shootings - Pearl, MS, Paducah, KY, and of course Columbine High School, where eyewitnesses reported multiple gunmen yet the authorities concluded it was only the two. And similarly, authorities knew that Pearl and Paducah were conspiracies, there were even indictments, convictions, etc. yet nowadays they almost never include that aspect of the event in the mainstream treatments. Ever since Pearl, Paducah, Columbine, etc. it's been the "lone nut" profile, with no discussion of other parties involved. But from a profiling perspective, how could / why would the phenomena "morph" like that? The copycat effect? Or did the people steering these massacres just get better at covering their tracks?

Interestingly, there was one other case - Mar. 1998, the massacre outside Westsides Middle School in Jonesboro, Arkansas, not too far from West Memphis! In fact, Echols and Baldwin were tried and convicted in Jonesboro in 1994, 4 years before the massacre, and Echols' public defender was Val Price, who later represented one of the two child-shooters. Because of their ages (both younger than 13), they were eventually released despite killing five people. Not too long ago, one of them, Andrew Golden, died in a fiery car 'accident' killing himself and his family. The other, Mitchell Johnson, stands as the only known mass shooter to walk free.

Glenn Greenwald #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut

The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded "disinformation experts," the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations – is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately understood.

A series of "crises" have been cynically and aggressively exploited to inexorably restrict the range of permitted views, and expand pretexts for online silencing and deplatforming. Trump's election, Russiagate, 1/6, COVID and war in Ukraine all fostered new methods of repression.

During the failed attempt in January to force Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, the country's most popular podcaster – remember that? – I wrote that the current religion of Western liberals in politics and media is censorship: their prime weapon of activism.

But that Rogan failure only strengthened their repressive campaigns. Dems routinely abuse their majoritarian power in DC to explicitly coerce Big Tech silencing of their opponents and dissent. This is *Govt censorship* disguised as corporate autonomy.

There's now an entire new industry, aligned with Dems, to pressure Big Tech to censor. Think tanks and self-proclaimed "disinformation experts" funded by Omidyar, Soros and the US/UK Security State use benign-sounding names to glorify ideological censorship as neutral expertise.

The worst, most vile arm of this regime are the censorship-mad liberal employees of big media corporations. Masquerading as "journalists," they align with the scummiest Dem groups to silence and deplatform.

It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of "fascism".

It is hard to overstate how much pressure is now brought to bear by liberal censors on these free speech platforms, especially Rumble. Their vendors are threatened. Their hosting companies targeted. They have accounts cancelled and firms refusing to deal with them. It's a regime.

It's not melodrama or hyperbole to say: what we have is a war in the West, a war over whether the internet will be free, over whether dissent will be allowed, over whether we will live in the closed propaganda system our elites claim The Bad Countries™ impose. It's no different.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #fundie #racist

[From "Tucker Carlson Goes Full Monarchist, Attacks Freaks Condemning the British Empire"]

Tucker Carlson rode hard on Thursday night following the death of Queen Elizabeth

He straight-up said that colonialism is good, and that Indian civilization would be nothing if it wasn’t for the British

Even I was like, “wow, this dude is hardcore”

It’s at the beginning of the above video. I can recommend it significantly

But it’s just true – this anti-colonialism stuff is retarded and in light of what the US and UN are doing, it is just nonsensical. The UN has gone around the third world and forced people to take the deadly vax, forced them to close their countries down. The US is trying to force everyone in the third world to have gay sex and put women in charge of everything. They also support Islamic terrorists

The British Empire never did any of that. All they did was bring Christianity and try to teach the savages to read and act human

Basically, the Jews are forcing this idea that Queen Elizabeth is a representative of the British Empire, and I think people should just embrace that and say “yeah, she was – and the British Empire was good”

That’s what Tucker did and he did it perfectly. It’s also why these right-wingers whining about the Queen disgust me so throughly. She was just some high-born woman who didn’t really do anything other than look and talk regal. Attacking her as a person is just goofy. She wasn’t a person, she was a symbol. That’s how the left views her, and that’s how we should view her

JonFreeman #wingnut

The inherent "doomed to fail" nature of political correctness can be seen in itself.

Every few years the PC police change the name (social justice, woke, etc) because soon enough everyone else realizes these PC assholes are greedy power hungry cunts and the name gets a bad rep ... so these libs have to constantly rebrand themselves to avoid negative connotations


Just like how they constantly change what terms are "correct" to say at a given time.

Sprig_of_mint , shewolfoffrance & Bolero #transphobia

Genderwoo = the Satanic Panic?

One of my deepest areas of fascination is the 1980s Satanic Panic, which began by parents becoming convinced that their children's daycare was being secretly run by a cabal of Satanic pedophiles. This belief catapulted itself into mainstream American thought. Doctors, law enforcement, social workers, psychologists, and other authorities believed the lies that America was full of Satanic ritual abuse underground societies. They used slogans like "Believe the children" and "children don't lie" while using junk science and manipulative interviewing techniques to convince children and parents of Satanic abuse that literally never happened. There's a lot more to it, and I recommend those unfamiliar take a look. The general attitude from those my age who were only young children when this was going on is "what was everyone thinking? How could they have been so deluded?" Do you all think in a few decades everyone will the same way about transing kids? Here's what really gets me--for different reasons, but both the Satanic-panic-influenced Bible belters of my childhood and TRAs of today hate JK Rowling!

( shewolfoffrance )
One contrast I find interesting is that right now, it's the people who are raising the alarm about abuse who are accused of stoking a moral panic. I'm fairly sure that within 10-15 years massive lawsuits, journalistic exposés, and personal memoirs about detransition will force the issue into the sunlight.

And while the accusations of Satanic ritual abuse in the 80s were never substantiated, and never even plausible in the first place; the evidence of medical, sexual, and emotional abuse in gender activism is all right there. Many TRAs will even brag about it publicly. Off the top of my head I can think of Dr. Yeet the Teats, rapist Eli Erlick, and the promotion of suicide-baiting as a tactic to force family members to support transition.

( Bolero )
My favorite thing about the current era is that Michael "Jesse Singal is literally murdering trans people" Hobbes did a whole thing about Satanic Panic on his You're Wrong About podcast. I think it's actually where I first learned about Satanic Panic (before I listened to a couple of episodes where I'd had prior knowledge about the subject, and started mistrusting his reporting).


@tehbewilderness #transphobia #conspiracy

As a research methodologist the lack of defining terms spins my head..we are asking people for their views on an undefined, fluid and subjective group that can’t even define itself!

Trans is an illusory demographic created by the forced teaming the children of homophobic parents, & those who have fallen victim to the social contagion of gender identity beliefs,
adult male AGP fetishists who want to put on a male dominance displays everywhere they go.

@RexDraws #transphobia

Male inclusion in the women’s category excludes women and girls from playing sport.

I am in awe of brave female athletes like
, who are fighting for the next generation. I stand with you sisters!


Congressman Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
I'm proud to cosponsor this resolution. Merrick Garland must be impeached.

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Read my articles of impeachment against Merrick Garland.


@DrPaulGosar Impeachment is ok, but Eric Holder was impeached and continues to run the country into the ground with Obama, Rice and co.
Garland needs to be arrested and jailed. How about a prisoner swap? Free the J6 political hostages and put Garland in jail.

@DrPaulGosar Merrick Garland is a Jew. He hates the white race.

@DrPaulGosar You can't impeach a jew. That would be anti-Semitic.

@DrPaulGosar You, and a small handful of others, are truly patriots that the founders of this country would be proud to call colleagues!

Let God grant you the strength to take on the Goliath of Evil & Corruption that has swindled its presence into every institution of this formerly great nation!

And thank you for fighting for the regular people of this country!

May God Bless You!

@DrPaulGosar -> Well, let's do it then, nothing but talk, fake promises and kissing the backsides of the communist Democrats, like RINOS always do, has done NOTHING but make things worse.

@DrPaulGosar that’s a no-brainer he needs to go bye bye
but it’s going to take purging the entire department and starting over .
plus Abolishing the FBI.
Then get out of the education business abolish that abomination.


This is what happens when you allow jews in your homeland.

jews are AntiWhite by default of them being jews.

@DrPaulGosar You misspelled "shot".

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
It is crucial that we hold our Department of Justice accountable after the obvious political persecution of opposition to the Biden Regime.

The "national security state" that works against America must be dismantled.

@DrPaulGosar Antiwhites need to be put in prison.

@14W @DrPaulGosar ((They)), are trying to provoke a civil war to weaken America so that China can easily defeat it.

FBI is the new KGB. They started disappearing people with the #Jan6 political prisoners. No one cared. No one does anything. Congress doesn’t represent anyone but themselves.

@Joshua18 The ((FBI)) is the ((stasi)) of America, the ((CIA)) is the ((KGB))

If by “accountable” you mean “hung for treason” I’m all in.

@DrPaulGosar Couldn't agree more. The rank and file members are just as bad by knowingly going with the higher ups to go against their political opponents. What happened to their oath?

@DrPaulGosar I just loooooooooooove how most of the GOP stays silent or makes one teeny, tiny post on Twitter. They think they'll all be saved in their re-elections. Isn't that cute?

@DrPaulGosar Amen. Your establishment Republicans should perhaps listen a little closer to the growing dissatisfaction with their performance. We are no longer tolerant of "our complicity and corruption is in opposition to their corruption" We're no longer going to be the cowering pups grateful to our slightly less abusive elitist statesmen. It's more apparent than any of you realize there is clarity of how we've been misused and we are not the least bit amused. Tyranny coupled with exorbitant taxes has a predictable outcome. We've seen this movie before. And we are not peasants with garden hoes. Some incredibly capable folks out here. Just saying 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

CopyNinja87 #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #quack #magick #dunning-kruger

Pole shift / Revelations / Soul Trap Matrix / New Age Ascension - My unified theory

After 15 years of research on conspiracy theories, I have come to this conclusion.

Every 3000 years there is a cataclysmic event known as the pole shift. Our planet’s electromagnetic field resets. The reason for this event is that the earth has a scheduled defense mechanism that wipes out all technology and civilization that does not live in harmony with nature. The severity of each reset is determined by how much injury has been done to the earth's environment.

In the Bible revelations chapter, the pole shift is described by the seven trumpets, bowls, and seals. Together they depict the types of damage the earth will go through during this time. Rapture is nothing more than the suspension of gravity as our electromagnetic field resets.

The demiurge controls this world using a soul trap matrix simulation. The desperate push for vaccines by the cabal (who work for this false god and his archon servants) is because the vaccine prevents souls from ascending to the 5th dimension. Those who take the dna changing vaccine will “sell their soul to Satan”, meaning they will serve as batteries for the Demiurge forever, just like in the movie The Matrix.

Those who refuse the vaccine but are of too low a vibration will remain in the 3D realm and rebuild civilization. The ones who die during this time will travel to the appropriate layer of the dimension where they belong (lower, middle, or upper astral 4D). In the 5th dimension, there is no ego, and the real free universe is available to you. Telepathy, telekinesis, and creation with thoughts run the 5D realm. Our world operates on a cycle of eight ages: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Golden, Golden, Golden, Golden, Golden. Yes, the first three ages are followed by five Golden Ages, each age lasting 3000 years. These metallic ages also correspond to the Astrological Ages, each lasting 2000 years. We are currently living in the Age of Pisces soon to transition to the Age of Aquarius. Affairs in the physical are affected by affairs in the ethereal. We are ruled by cosmic events. As above so below.

The goal of the cabal is to control the destination of our souls for their own benefit. With this knowledge you can now make your own decision on where to go.

Ramona Lappin #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

The decks have been cleared!

All artificial and fallen Matrices, Grids and Timelines/ Realities have been fully collapsed now!

Dissolving all remaining illusions, delusions, veils and holographic overlays, implants and inserts NOW!

As only the true Truth remains and is being re-membered by ALL!

All remaining density, blocks, attachments, cords, hooks, miasma, interference patterns, seals, membranes, lower codings, reversals, gender splitting, AI, negative entities and aliens, traumas and false memories, ALL and any remaining artificial, inorganic and negative energies, frequencies, systems, architecture and matter, are being fully dissolved in the Diamond White Flame of Ascension with the help of the risen Diamond White Elohei!

As the True Guardians and Grail Queen’s and King’s re-claim their gifts, abilities, power, responsibilities and Guardianship over our Collective Realities, fully re-membering their One True Self’s again.

I am being shown a beautiful Diamond White Rose, with a touch of flush pink, at the Crystalline Core of Earth and within my Heart, fully opening its petals, symbolising the Collective Cosmic and Planetary Diamond Rose Heart and Grid Activations that are fully awakening us from the dream now! Bringing our Collective Ascension out of the artificial Matrix simulation and our many missions, to its full completion!
The new Krystar SAphiRa/ Christos-Sophia/ Androgenous Albion Body and Divine Angelic HUman Blueprint, is being fully birthed in holy Hierogamic Union, between the Divine Masculine and Feminine, as they unity as ONE with Source, birthing the Holy Trinity and themselves aNew, returning to their Original Innocence and Perfection, but with the lessons learned and Upgrades to their Original Blueprints integrated. This is what is fully bringing online the New Earth/ Holy Trinity/ Unity/ Diamond Grid, Hierogamic Union, Relationship and Sacred Sexuality Blueprints and Templates now. This is what is

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

Entity Art #crackpot #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

I research the global conspiracy a lot – as many areas of it as I can, from health, to transhumanism, MK ultra, fake terrorism, geopolitics, Zionism, Freemasonry, economics, history, WW2 etc etc. As well as this I also research the areas of ET abductions, Milabs and Secret Space Programs. I have been following the Secret Space Program area since it really came about – following all these ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘insiders’. This is mainly due to me having various related night-time flashbacks, night-time memories and ET experiences of my own. Ever since becoming lucid during various night time otherworldly operations, and the fragmented memories, I have been researching these areas incessantly and diligently.
The reason for this is that I have discovered that Hitler and Germany were actually the good guys, and the Allied forces were the bad guys (To put it in simplified terms). There are articles on this website with a lot of information about this, from a wide variety of sources. But in Ufology and the SSP narrative there is such a lot of negativity directed towards the ‘Nazis’.
It is important to remember that Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism was the biggest threat to the Freemasonic Jewish Supremacist Zionists and their aim for a New World Order / One World Government – so the negative propaganda and lies about Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism is very pervasive. Understanding the truth about Hitler and The National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP) should cause you to question the legitimacy of many of the testimonies in the Ufology arena.

You must also realize who your oppressors are, it’s not the ‘Illuminati’ or ‘The Cabal’ – its the 33rd degree and above Freemasons and the Jewish Supremacist Zionists – read ‘The Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion’…
You don’t save humanity and get real beneficial disclosure through sharing ET stories – you get it by becoming knowledgable, finding solutions and taking action against the system.

femlez34 #transphobia

RE: Watching trans murder rates inflate in real time

I've never met a TIM who passed, I can't imagine a situation where a man would be dating a TIM for a while and then suddenly learn they've been seeing a male. It would be possible to catfish someone online I guess.

They want it to be a hate crime so badly because otherwise there's no justification for their agenda. It's always "Sorry, it isn't fair for someone who went through male puberty to compete against women" -> "If you don't let me cheat in sports, some unrelated man out there is going to murder a TIP!", "Women aren't comfortable sharing a bathroom with males" -> "If you make us go in the men's room, we'll get hate crimed!", "Let's have children wait to medically transition until they've reached adulthood so that they're able to consent" -> "Preventing this child from being sterilized at age 12 will cause a different TIP somewhere else in the country to be murdered!"

It's their answer to everything because they aren't able to rationally justify any of their goals. If there are no hate crimes, then they really have nothing. Most of the people running the trans movement are middle aged white straight men who transitioned well into their adult careers and were never gender non-conforming as children. They tend to be high earning in fields like tech. They are essentially one of the most privileged groups in the country. They're desperate to bill themselves as the most oppressed in order to gain "allies" to push their agenda of giving male fetishists access to their non-consenting targets.

Etienne Charland the Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Following our rampage this week, the corruption grid has completely dropped. It’s 100% down in Canada, 95.8% down in Australia, 72.6% down in China, and 45.9% down in Europe. There might be one or two strongholds left to deal with in regards to Europe.

It’s 72.5% down in USA, 72.6% down in Mexico. There’s an increasing army of Lightworkers working on what remains.

I expect a lot of people to snap out of hypnosis.

There are some corrupt coaches whose business is flying higher than ever without any regards to God, which is not sustainable. The cliff is on the next solstice. They can keep flying for about 3 months, and we can expect a drastic crash for many on December 21st.

In regards to Pistis Sophia…

Pistis Sophia used to represent 75.8% of all energies in our Universe!! It’s now 0.13%.

Status report of Pistis Sophia last week: 1.3 million incarnations across the Omniverse. 75.6% Dark, 3.2% Light. We did another round of trimming; now it’s 0.005% Dark and 68.7% Light. I did the prayer: God, if you want her to serve you, you must provide her what she needs to move forward, and open the path forward for her. It replied “but she’s not serving me”, so I said “but she will, and needs your help.”

Out of 1.3 million incarnations, only 16 will serve God, 14 of which are on Earth. These are the only fragments that will survive. At least 6 of these 16 fragments must find their way to God, balance and happiness, or Earth will not survive. I expect 10 or 11 to make it through.

Following those prayers, Pistis Sophia as a whole has been pulled out entirely into a separate energetic space where she will not energetically interact with us, to protect her, and for her to recover.

Please send your prayers. The survival of our planet depends on Pistis Sophia finding its harmony with Source.

Then there are “composite fragments”, people who are part-Sophia part-Other, not exactly sure how that plays into this.


G. Wolf Faris #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The Plan”! I can easily believe that something so simply named in the early days of the conception of “The Steal”. These people are not overly intelligent, but they are soulless, which is a necessary component of these devious simpletons. Bush 1 & W + Clinton = Obama & his stolen sequel, a simple equation when you use the equation DARPA + Hanging Chads = Dominion that may have brought us the “Free & Fair” Elections that we have Today during the Obama – Third Term.
BTW, did you see Biden & Kamala’s “Speeches” on 9/11 Today, Biden speaking authoritatively while high on a cocktail of Adderall + Biphetamine + a taste of Cocaine, Kamala high on UnHoly Spirit + Word Salad, as visions of Muslims and early Visas danced in their eyes. Lovely.
Now we understand the significance of the immortal Obamacare in relation to our Elections, and it is a cinch bet that the WEF is now involved in our “Free & Fair” Elections per the necessary improved technology. Oh, and a word on Muslims presently invading our environs: How can you easily tell a Muslim apart from all of the other “Brown People”?
Muslims seldom speak Spanish until the CIA teaches them to. “Orale!”
Therefore, be it through St. Thermite or St. Fentanyl, another 9/11 is inevitable here in the “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave”, perhaps to divert the Enemy of the State citizen’s attention from the “Free & Fair” Midterm elections. Remember, for as long as “Thorough” rhymes with “Soros”, The Plan is still very much in effect. Simplicity itself.
So, “Accountability”? Who you gonna call, Ghostbusters? Sayonara.

Tore Maras/Forbidden Knowledge TV #wingnut #conspiracy

9/11 was an inside job. 9/11 caused us to lose our freedoms and it ushered-in the Surveillance State.

The perpetrators of your enslavement are walking around free. They’re the same people pushing the vaxx.

Tore Maras was a teenaged Navy Recruit when she was tapped to become a private contractor. She ended up working for two firms controlled by former CIA Director, John Brennan, The Analysis Corporation and Global Strategies Group.

On the eve of the 21st Anniversary of 9/11, Tore Maras shared bombshell details about ‘The Plan’ – as it was called – to destroy and control America.

‘The Plan’

1. Hatched by President George Bush Sr;

2. Initiated by President Bill Clinton, who Tore says was actually a front for Hillary and that Hillary was and is still in charge and it was Hillary who launched ‘The Plan’;

3. Former CIA Director, John Brennan was the one who drafted the CIA’s portion of ‘The Plan’; He personally fast-tracked and approved the “Express Visas” of all 19 hijackers who helped execute the 9/11 attacks while he was the CIA Station Chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;

4. James Clapper, as DNI, was responsible for the cover-up of ‘The Plan’; including his oversight of the fraudulent NIST Report on 9/11.

5. Donald Rumsfeld facilitated and capitalized the war operation of ‘The Plan’ as Secretary of Defense and he implemented the privatized Military Industrial Complex;

6. President George Bush Jr, in his capacity as President knowingly and willingly allowed ‘The Plan’.

‘The Plan’ was about digitizing citizen records from birth to death, monitoring all phone calls and communications, collecting facial recognition, health data aggregation – that was Hillary Care – but Obamacare did for them.

Tore Says Obamacare is ultimately about data collection to implement the Technocratic New World Order.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait réglé la Libération en 1945" - "How Henry de Lesquen would have solved the 1945 Liberation"]

Here in ten points and a conclusion how should have been managed the Republican question in France after 1945

1. Republican continuity. Institued by the Third Republic Parliament, Vichy France would have been viewed as perfectly legal and legitimate
2. The sword (de Gaulle) and the shield (Pétain), as said colonel Rémy, would have been the official doctrine of the Republic
3. Marshal Pétain, former Head of State, would have received the honors owed to his rank and the supreme services he gave to France
4. National reconciliation. No one would have been prosecuted for collaboration done after the June 22, 1940 armistice
5. Freedom of opinion. a) Apologism for collaboration would not have been a crime. b) Repealed by Vichy, the Marchandeau Decree of April 24, 1939 [Earliest French law banning hate speech] would not have been reenacted
6. French courts would have tried every wartime crime, including those by the terrorist-resistants
7. Maurice Thorez and other Communists who deserted before armistice would have been tried, sentenced to death and executed
8. France would not have participed to the judicial curcus by the winners at Nuremberg to humiliate the vainquished
9. France would have rejected the nebulous, tendentious and retroactive notion of "crime against humanity"
10. National unity. The State would not have made distinctions among former concentration camp deported between Jews and non-Jews

Conclusion: Political conditions were unfortunately absent for this beautiful uchronia. Consequences have been terrible

@FrancisAaronUK #transphobia

A trans activist YouTuber with a 930K subscriber base shared my song in a reaction video. In it, I am accused of focussing solely on transwomen, and not transmen. A gauntlet is thrown down: “How about you say the same points, but to me. What makes me not a man?”
The first and most obvious difference between you and I and the reason you are not a man is that you require synthetic drugs to sustain the simulation that you are a man. Your voice, that facial hair, none of it is naturally induced.
I do not need drugs to have a deep voice or facial hair, my body naturally facilitates it. Yours doesn’t. You have no acquaintance with the flood of natural testosterone during puberty, how it affects behaviour, how a male's life is moulded by it.
Unlike you, I never needed to amputate breasts because as a man I never developed them. Your body does not produce the sperm cell and will never do so. Your body developed to produce the egg cell and thus you will remain female no matter what.
The common cult retort here is to suggest that I must think an infertile woman is not a woman, that those who cannot produce a sex cell are therefore no longer male or female. This is thick.
A male dog doesn’t cease being male when its balls are cut off, likewise a female human doesn’t cease being female because she has her ovaries removed.
Your body developed the apparatus to produce the egg cell. You may have had a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy, but you will not replace that with the apparatus needed to produce sperm cells – the cardinal defining characteristic of a man – a characteristic you do not have.
You have a lump of skin affixed to your crotch which was sourced from your arm or thigh. This skin graft is not a penis, it’s a facsimile, a crude construct, a wedge of flesh fastened to your front which ultimately serves to cater only to an aesthetic whim.
It is either limp or requires a gizmo tucked under it that you press to inflate. You think this is a penis? It's a strap-on made of excised flesh. You will thus never experience sexual stimulation as a man, never have an erection, and you will never have sex as a man.

Various commenters #wingnut

You Can't Talk About Valid Arguments on r/Prochoice
I had an amazing thought today. It was a discussion for prochoice people that I was excited to share.

The argument: "If financial readiness or mental readiness is able to be a sole reason for having an abortion, can a man force a woman to have an abortion? Does he hold the same rights to be unprepared as a woman does?"

As I do with any subreddit I post to, I read the posting rules to r/prochoice and was confused to find that you are NOT allowed to post anything about the "non-pregnant partner" having a say in an abortion.

If there are any mods from prochoice here, I ask you why does this rule exist? If there are many people willing to make arguments beyond the labor of physically carrying a child, then why can we not discuss how this extends to men in the picture?

What do you guys think about the rule?

The unwritten rule of prochoice side is: The only time a man has a say on abortion is when he says "yes dear" to a woman that wants to abort how he feels about the abortion has to be in line with the woman wants or else he is a sexist pig that should be castrated, and an oppressor colonizer agent of the patriarchy. So basically, men's choice is to agree with the woman, period. You are welcome.

These are the people who like to say “no uterus no opinion”. Pro choicers are sexist towards men.

The pro-abortion thoughts on the male perspective of the situation are ever changing and in weird ways. They say we can have no opinion, but it was men who decided roe in the first place. Now they are say Amy Barrett is the reason for roe being removed but it's somehow the "patriarchy" at fault. Oh and apparently men can get pregnant now but still have no opinion. The mental gymnastics it takes to be pro-abortion is wild

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar FBI = antiwhite terror troops.

@DrPaulGosar You forgot the CIA and the IRS

@DrPaulGosar Dismantle the federal government and
-all -of it’s unconstitutional agencies.

Restructure according to strict Constitutional guidelines.

@DrPaulGosar Abolish it. Along with the IRS. But I don't think republicans will do it. They like the games they play with democrats.

@DrPaulGosar No! Dismantle it ! You guys have to start fighting fire with fire For crying out loud!!!

@DrPaulGosar shut down the jewish controlled banking system and criminal organizations like the FBI will not have sufficient funding anymore..

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, French: OTAN, Russian: HATO) was founded after World War II, in order to counter the communist Soviet Union. NATO is the only military alliance that stations nuclear weapons on non-nuclear nations territory.

NATO-backed neo-Nazis in the Donbas war.[2]
Since 1991 NATO has become a promoter of globalism,[3] neoconservatism, imperialism, neo-colonialism, and gay parades along with the rest of the homosexual agenda, which Russia (and the Bible) opposes. To justify NATO's continued existence, the most extreme Russophobes of the former Warsaw Pact states and in the West have taken control of its policy direction.[4]
To join the alliance, NATO members essentially cede their foreign policy sovereignty to the Leftist Deep State in Washington and London, and become vassal states on immigration, gay parades, and priorities of liberals. NATO's current secretary is Jens Stoltenberg of Norway.

Revolutionary Court of Urmia, West Azarbaijan, Iran #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #conspiracy

Two Iranian LGBT+ activists who vocally challenged gender norms are facing possible execution, alarming advocacy organisations across the world and prompting outcry from their supporters

Zahra Sedighi-Hamadani, 31, and Elham Choobdar, 24, are widely known as advocates of LGBT+ rights who were living in northwestern Iran

On Sunday, a notorious hardline revolutionary court in the northwestern city of Urmia reportedly sentenced the two to death on religiously motivated charges of “corruption on Earth”, for “spreading” homosexuality, propagating Christianity, and making contact with hostile foreign media

A news agency associated with Iran’s judiciary confirmed that the two had been placed on death row, but said they had been charged with “deceiving women and young girls and trafficking them to one of the countries of the region”

No evidence has been publicly released[…]
While little is known about Choobdar’s case, Sedighi-Hamadani has for months been the focus of efforts by activists and advocacy groups, including Amnesty International, which has described her as an “Iranian gender-nonconforming human rights defender”

The activist, a mother of two who is also known as Sareh, was reportedly arrested last October by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard while allegedly trying to cross into Turkey[…]
Legal experts are baffled at how a border-crossing charge that normally carries a fine of less than $200 (£174) somehow expanded into a death penalty case[…]
Citing no evidence, pro-regime social media channels have accused Sedighi-Hamadani of trafficking hundreds of Iranian women and girls and forcing them into sex work abroad

In April, the Revolutionary Guard-affiliated news outlet Tasnim published a propaganda video about the activist, accusing her of gambling and financial crimes, and mocking the campaign to have her released

Kristan Hawkins and Alex Kobylarz #sexist #psycho #wingnut

Kristan Hawkins: This is great news!!

Children deserve to be protected from abortion violence no matter who their fathers are.

Tech Witch: The cruelty is the point. Isn't it, Kristan? You're disgusting

fanster: Kristan: "Rapists should have more rights than their victims"

Alex Kobylarz: No one said that cut the crap we are for punishing the father. But the unborn baby is innocent and derseves the right to life protected by law I stand by miss Hawkins.

fanster: The victim should not be forced to have a baby.

Alex Kobylarz: What did the innocent baby do nothing . Jail the father but the baby has the right to life regardless of how they were conceived.

fanster: Because the victim has sentience and personhood. And it's wrong to make them go through a pregnancy they didn't consent to. There is potential for life in the early stages of pregnancy, but it's not the same as a developed human.

fanster: If there was a fire at an IVF lab and there were 10 embryos on one side of the building and 1 infant at the other, and you only had time to save either, you would save the infant because you know there's a fundamental difference between the two.

Alex Kobylarz: And an emybro is still a stage of life it is the beginning stage of life of an unborn baby so I protect and defend all life born or unborn.

fanster: No, you don't. Banning abortions means more women will die. But you don't care about that.

fanster: If you care so much about the unborn, I assume you also support comprehensive sex-ed and access to contraceptives, which are effective in reducing unwanted pregnancies?

Alex Kobylarz: It’s not about brith control but self control

Sierra #sexist #psycho #pratt

I've wondered the same thing before. Back in the day, it was nothing for girls to be married at 14, 15 to men 5-6-7 years older so why the outrage in this day and age when girls that age date boys in that age range? I guess I'm just a believer in the saying "age ain't nothing but a number".

This is my thing. If a 15 yo girl is caught having sex w/an 18 yo boy the boy could be arrested but if she were doing the same thing with a 17 yo boy then nothing legal can be done :dunno: So what's the difference in ONE YEAR in the boys age? I don't get it. During the R. Kelly drama I asked the same thing. Looking at the tape, it's obvious the girl was no virgin so my thing is if she were doing the same things she was doing w/R with a 14 year old boy then what?

I don't advocate pedophilia (I actually don't think KIDS should be having sex period but that's a whole nother topic). But I just can't grasp if they're doing it ANYWAY what difference does it make who they're doing it with?

Various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

I saw this on twitter a comment about using puberty blockers so that it is easier for their child to "pass". This concept of passing is so upsetting. Basically parents are condoning that their child will have to live a lie for the rest of their lives.

What a terrible way to live.

( Beru )
I honestly think that many of these parents are terrified at the prospect of having a visibly gender-nonconforming child. That's why they push for 'passing' at all costs.

( sojourner_truth_ )
Even if they pass, so what? They'll be sterile, mentally ill, and still their birth sex. So who cares if they can fool more people than a person who transed themselves later in life?

( princess_toots )
And "passing" requires keeping everyone at a distance. You can't let anyone close enough to you to realize the truth. What a sad way to live your life... close relationships make life meaningful.

( Stealthygal )
This bothers me too. Why not push for greater acceptance of a wider kind of presentation instead of medicalizing it? (Oh wait it's capitalism.)

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Fetishistic transvestites' main regret is not transitioning sooner. For them passing is an erotic obsession, which they project onto "trans kids". In addition, TIMs tend to have a "sissification" fetish (forced feminization of boys), and some are simply pedophiles. But victims of childhood (prepubescent) transition will typically not develop sexual attraction at all; never mind a paraphilia.

I also think this is a trial run for transhumanist elites to biologically engineer their children.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Ugh, your comment just made me realize that piece about how some of this might be adult TIMs living out their forced-fem fetishes on children; I hadn't connected those dots, but it fits. One of the cockiest 'egg-crackers' I'm aware of is also saturated in all of that shit and won't stop hornyposting on Twitter about it.

ropecel #sexist #psycho

RE: Can sexbots solve inceldom?

I will never live to see that kind of technology

I don't feel anything with rubber foids.. I want foids I can beat the shit out of.. and make them cry... the idea of me doing incel things like beating a foid is very exciting.. no one will give damn if I beat a sex bot.. which kind of sucks.. I want to do something anti social
[ in Minecraft of course ]

Elon Musk & Various commenters #transphobia

(Elon Musk)
We are simultaneously being told that gender differences do not exist and that genders are so profoundly different that irreversible surgery is the only option.

Perhaps someone wiser than me can explain this dichotomy.

There was a time when humanity realized girls could climb trees and want short hair and just be "tomboys". Many of them grew up to be fabulous mothers who showed their daughters how to be different. But now we cut their breasts off. Not exactly progress.

I wrote an entire book about gender ideology and its contradictions.

These ideas can’t be reconciled, which reflects how poorly thought out they are.

It's meant to be as complex and confusing as it can be, otherwise it could part of a rational discussion. It's emotional coercion; "if you don't agree with this statement you must be against the people whose this statement is about and therefor an enemy and a heartless monster".

The 3 biggest inconsistencies of gender ideology:

1. Insisting on respect for pronouns but imposing the label ‘cis’ on others.
2. Saying feelings are all that count but encouraging modification of the body.
3. Rejecting pathology but demanding access to medication and surgery.

Yes Elon. Because the losers, degenerates, and outcasts figured out that they can bully the masses into acquiescing to their behaviors under the guise of acceptance, inclusion, and equality. Now, the bar we’ve set as a society in civility is in hell, and it’s a free-for-all.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!



@jld61972 @realdonaldtrump There are no Biden supporters - only Trump haters.

@realdonaldtrump I have long said the FBI and CIA and IRS should be abolished.

@realdonaldtrump I cannot begin to express my contempt to all who have desecrated you in any way. The last few years have been torture watching them desperately try to bring you down. We, the true American people know the truth and there are millions of us, ready




President Trump,
Please gut the FBI, and all WEAPONIZED AGENCIES of gov't. Shut them down permanently. They are political, self-serving Uniparty thugs, who no longer serve any function for America. They are domestic enemies of our Constitutional Republic. Stop their...

C orruption
O verreach
P oliticization

T reasonous
H aters
U nhinged
G ov't
S wamp

@realdonaldtrump Time for the military to retrieve them.

@Desire_Peace3 @realdonaldtrump of course the military supports them so we must defend the military

Various commenters #homophobia

How do you say wood chipper in French?

spoilerThe first known case of human to
dog #monkeypox transmission has
been documented in medical
journal, the Lancet. The dog caught
it from its owners, a non-
monogamous gay couple in Paris.
The greyhound developed an anal
ulceration & mucocutaneous

@Dissidentsoaps They assraped their Greyhound??? 😯

Why are fags fucking dogs? Oh that's right sex gets bland for them fast, so they have to keep escalating the degeneracy to new heights to get aroused.

Let's hope pridepox becomes deadly like aids did

@Dissidentsoaps filthy dog abusing sodomites.

@Dissidentsoaps Why has the CDC and world health not declared these reprobates an immediate direct threat to the health and welfare of the entire worlds population?

@Dissidentsoaps pretty fast gays to run down a greyhound and shag it...despicable, but fast...


Straight up animal abuse
And they want to adopt children
Sodom and Gomorrah plague(@Dissidentsoaps)
How do you say wood chipper in French?

spoilerThe first known case of human to
dog #monkeypox transmission has
been documented in medical
journal, the Lancet. The dog caught
it from its owners, a non-
monogamous gay couple in Paris.
The greyhound developed an anal
ulceration & mucocutaneous

@Dissidentsoaps They assraped their Greyhound??? 😯

Why are fags fucking dogs? Oh that's right sex gets bland for them fast, so they have to keep escalating the degeneracy to new heights to get aroused.

Let's hope pridepox becomes deadly like aids did

@Dissidentsoaps filthy dog abusing sodomites.

@Dissidentsoaps Why has the CDC and world health not declared these reprobates an immediate direct threat to the health and welfare of the entire worlds population?

@Dissidentsoaps pretty fast gays to run down a greyhound and shag it...despicable, but fast...

Skeletonpatch #wingnut #dunning-kruger

I find it interesting that so many here are so quick to decry and dismiss any validity in the concept of a monarchy when I've never been convinced that democracy or whatever other governmental power structure one supports is any better. While the idea of a monarch being appointed and gaining authority via God or some other religious institution does not resonate with me, I do not see the very idea of someone being raised from birth to rule as inherently heinous in and of itself. In my opinion, those who seek power are rarely those who deserve it and those who are deserving will rarely seek it. All I need to do is take a cursory glance at any given selection of democratically elected leaders to confirm this position for myself. Will a lot of bad people end up on the throne? Absolutely, but not every person that wears a crown will abuse their power and intentionally bring suffering to their subjects. If my assertion on those who seek power is correct, then it honestly seems less likely to me that genuinely good-hearted leaders will be sworn in under democratic practices, but as democracies tend to have rather short terms the statistical probability that a few will get in from time to time does shoot up.

As for colonialism and imperialism, yeah, those are indefensible from a moral standpoint but I don't see how they're intrinsically tied to monarchies either. It will be hard to convince me that colonialism doesn't happen within modern democratic systems, especially when most modern democratic powers were built on colonial foundations. Individual wars under traditional monarchies may have been much more common but I feel that is simply due to technological advances allowing fewer seats of power to control much larger regions in the modern day, which reduces the total number of world leaders and thus statistically decreases the chances for conflict. However, thanks to that same technological advance the conflicts that do happen are on a much larger scale and have much higher stakes.

Berit Kjos #fundie

From tim, age 12: You make FALSE ATTACKS on telletubys. Will toddlers understand? No its to complex for them. I have a friend whos sister watches it and the dad dosent see anything wrong and hes a rev.

Berit Kjos:Toddlers may not understand the politically correct suggestions, but the images are stored in their minds. BBC and the producers do know what they are doing. They are bent on blending entertainment with learning, and they call it edutainment. The two main purposes are to make it fun enough to please their audience and to teach the new social values needed for a politicically correct global ethic.

Mr. Ed #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

NEW MEXICO: Dulce; Highly classified underground joint operational facilities. Extra-terrestrial technology is used there and it is residence to the Ciakahrr command, Naga officers, the Do-Hu work force and an outpost for the Orion/Alliance involving mainly Maytrei and Kiily-Tokurit. And whatever humans/hybrids/ puppets might be under their control. All collaborate together with the Terran CIA, in the lower levels of subterranean. structures that stretch to about 90 or 100 miles to the south-east. The Reptilian working caste is the one doing the ugly job in the low levels of these undergrounds, abusing and violating all the human rights on abducted Ter-rans. We are talking here about an evil alliance of the Reptilians fromthe Ciakahrr and Orion empires, with the US national security agencies and corporations, darkcults and even some social celebrities used as their human puppets in order to dominate the world at their liking. Dulce Base is more technically known as a Biogenetic Laboratory working on human control technique, cloning, cognitive research and advanced mind control, ani-mal/human crossbreeding, implantation of visual and audio chips, and children experimentation. Dulce is the second largest Ciakahrr and Grey underground base but the central core for all other ones. The largest facility is located in Taos, not very far from there.
There isa strict hierarchy involving the Draco-Rep- tilians and other extraterrestrial races involved in the invasion of Terra. Reptilians from Thuban, the Ciakahrr and Nagai (or ‘Dracos’), are in command of the Earth based Reptilians. These are in turn in command of the Maytrei (Tall Greys) and Mantis (Insectoids), who command the Do-Hu Zetai or the enslaved faction of Solipsi Rai and their related cloned and biosynthetic technicians.

Russ Winter #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy

Any person that has a grounding in reason and reality can easily ascertain that postmodernists and deconstructive “scholarship” is dominated by a circle jerk of self-promoting empty suits.
In his book Fashionable Nonsense Sokal examines the allegedly incompetent and pretentious usage of scientific concepts by a small group of influential philosophers and intellectuals.

In reading the literature of eggheadism, one aspect stands out in their sparring: Criticism is deflected by claiming that their approach has been “misunderstood.”

A key tenet of the Sokal message is dear to my heart: “If the text seem incomprehensible, it’s for the excellent reason that they mean precisely nothing.”
This all reminds me of sessions with several of my brighter friends back in the day. We called it “free associating.” We would go off on fashionable nonsense ad nauseam, usually under the influence of Mary Jane or mushrooms. Disparaging words were discouraged. One had to cheer-lead. And sometimes, it seemed, brilliant observations were made. Later, after sobering up, most of the absurdity was laid bear.
It seems this postmodern eggheadism overlays the drug culture and like-minded agenda driven cheer-leading quite closely. It can be fun, but a sober mind isn’t such a bad thing after all. I’ve tried a version of this game with my son, but now I just get annoyed. There must be a scientific reason for this.

Winter Watch takes this eggheadism a step further and holds it’s an aspect of the cartoon world black magik and spells being hoisted on the general public through the “intelligentsia.”
In particular the strong programme, or strong sociology, was in the cross-hairs. This school of thought is so arrogant that it holds that a scientific community bound together by allegiance requires a shared paradigm as a prerequisite for “normal” scientific activity. Social factors or conditions, such as cultural context and self-interest, predominate.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

<note - from 2017>
Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.
This month, we are providing a summation of the most common Historical Timeline Trigger Events that were generated during the Great Galactic War histories, in order to give greater context and meaning to the memory associations that occur throughout the remembering process. When we start to remember what has happened, this supports the reclamation of soul fragments and the returning of consciousness memories that were being manipulated by the AI version of the 3D timelines. The NAA have used dimensional blending experiments and alien technology to eliminate certain historical timeline records and to manipulate the perception of important figures throughout human history, in order to control or eradicate these memories from the physical 3D matrix of human perception.
This intense cycle is an extremely powerful phase of energetic recalibration into the higher frequencies that build a balanced and strong foundation for the emergence of our Starseed spiritual identity and Diamond Sun body, both in the physical and non-physical planes.

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