Kevin Sorbo #fundie #wingnut

“When I tell people I’m a Christian and a conservative, it’s like being a double leper in Hollywood,” Sorbo told Kirk Cameron on Cameron’s latest episode of TAKEAWAYS. “Being conservative is enough, but being a Christian seems to be even a more bad thing to be in Hollywood, it’s very strange to me.”

bellatrixbells #transphobia

RE: Trans complains about the creepy crossdressing fetishists in their midst

This sounds a lot like another example of an autogynephile attempting to echo women's words and appropriate them to make himself feel more womanly, or to give credence to his movement.

I mean, let's break this down.

"What is up with some crossdressing fetishists persistently trying to insert themselves into trans people's (usually trans women's) spaces? And why is it usually older men who do this?"

What is up with some crossdressers persistently trying to insert themselves into opposite sex people's (especially women's) spaces? And why is it usually straight, older men who do this?

"I'm not usually one to kink shame (even though I find this particular fetish to be pretty misogynistic, the whole "sissy slut" thing), but it feels really gross and disrespectful to me."

Yeah, because dressing up as a woman (whatever that even means) and entering non consenting women's safe spaces isn't misogynistic, gross and disrespectful. It's only misogynistic, gross and disrespectful to TIMs if the man in question is an older fetishist.

"I get people and mods trying not to be gatekeep-y, but why does this sort of thing seem to be more tolerated than chasers?"

Because the whole premise of the trans movement is autogynephilia and the destruction of women's boundaries? Chasers harass men (TIMs), while TIMs "only" harass women. Of course the TIMs who have taken over women's spaces specifically to prevent any sort of gatekeeping will care about limiting chasers, but not autogynephiles. Doing so is antithetical to the entire trans movement which claims that anyone claiming a "female gender identity" should unquestioningly get to enter women's spaces.

"Fetishizing the trans experience, in a trans space no less is gross. It's gross when chasers do it, it's gross when other people do it too."

Dude, fetishizing and appropriating women's (and gay men's!) experience, in a female only, feminist, or gay men's space, is gross (and don't even get me started on lesbians!!). It's gross when crossdressers do it, it's gross when other people do it too. Even the poow widdle HSTS.


actualdyke , Feminist_Username & UnknownBeignet #transphobia

RE: 'HER' - a (previously) lesbian dating app now has 'Terf Control'

( actualdyke )
lol they'd literally rather kick out wrongthinking women than actual males off of the app meant for women. i jumped ship on HER yearssss who when i realized the app was mostly men, but this is a new low lmao. I would pay to see the TIMs' faces when they eventually realize theyve run all the women off the app and now they're all the options are other men like them.

( Feminist_Username )
It'll be like Ashley Madison where there aren't any organic female users and the company just makes fake profiles to keep the men interested. It's exactly what they deserve and it's not like they know what a woman is anyway lol so they probably won't mind

( UnknownBeignet )
I mean, I'm also ok with the TIMs getting scammed by bots

( Feminist_Username )
Lmao. Look how long it took them to figure out they're the only ones posting and commenting on reddits "lesbian" subs. Years. Their entire movement flies in the face of reality, they're always the last ones to notice their own grossness and they have the disposable income to make themselves the perfect target for this kind of scam.

I genuinely feel bad for lesbians though. All I feel like I can do is keep calling it out when I see it.

( actualdyke )
haha yup they have no idea what a woman is until it's time to date one - Then they're just as dick exclusionary as us good ol terfs

Liz Wheeler #wingnut

Elon announces he’s gonna buy Twitter & restore free speech.

Suddenly he’s called a racist.

Elon announces he’ll vote Republican.

Suddenly he’s accused of sexual misconduct.

The left is so evil. And predictable.

NewNumberTwo #pratt

Note, the new, black female Bond is basically a no show. Turns out, the writer simply wrote around her, and made a story that the old, male bond, and this new lady, are the stars of. Probably wanted something weird, like a good story.

Lets say you are a writer. Lets say your boss demands a new, black female Bond. So, you simply don't make the story about her. Write the story you want to write.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #racist

The true reason behind womens' aversion towards dick pics
Many copers think that it's because they are too sensitive to like the mere vision of an erected dick. Jfl no. They love cocks much more than men love vaginas. What disturbs them is the uneasy cognitive dissonance if a duck without a face attached. They see something that signal mating and arousal but they can't judge us that mating will fertilizes her with a fully human being is some atrocious monstrosity.

Now if a 6'3" Chad sends them a full naked picture showing off his physical superiority with his face clearly visible while he's holding his 9 inch dick she'll begin drooling like an Indian in front of an empty street during a diarrhea attack; like a Chinese in front of a Bruce Lee movie, like a negro in front of an open car with keys attached, like an American Indian in front of a slot machine, like a Latino when a big stockpile of cocaine has just arrived ready to be dealt : basically A LOT.

Just another reminder it's always you the problem.

@TimRunsHisMouth , @OdinPerez81 & @Slan64 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut

Love that I can post memes like this here.

Person receiving vaccination: what side effects can I expect?
Person giving the vaccination: World depopulation

Their goal: Maintain Humanity under 500.000.000 in perpetual balance with nature
Theor tools: chemtrails, weather mdofication, war, poison in the food, junk food, GMO’s, flouride in the water, vaccines, drugs, white vs. black, false flags, 5G, Hunger, Mainstream Media, Entertaining Industry

Trump won the election
Babbitt was murdered
McAfee didn't commit suicide
Covid came from a lab
Fauci knew
Hydroxychloroquine worked
Biden has dementia
People are dying from the shot
Hillary Clinton is a killer
Masks are irrelevant
It came from China
BLM are terrorists

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

Democrats Don't Give a Damn About This BLM: 'Babies' Lives Matter'

Insanity. Everything President Joe Biden and his radical, treasonous, communist cabal does is pure insanity. But nothing is stranger than the Democrats' obsession with and hatred for children — whether it be murder in the womb, or much later.

I'm not just talking about their obsession with allowing abortion up until birth. This is a clear mixture of insanity and desire for the mass murder of living, breathing babies.

But give Democrats an inch, and they always want a mile.

Now these same Democrats are going after perfectly healthy babies, months or even a year after birth. Because of a harsh nationwide baby formula shortage, babies could starve to death, or certainly face diminished lives because of damaged immune systems.

But Biden and Democrats are clearly too busy and distracted from destroying the economy; killing the entire energy industry; whipping up hyperinflation to destroy the middle class; sending $40 billion of taxpayer money to Ukraine (which I believe is the most corrupt nation on earth); trying their best to start a nuclear WWIII with Russia; making sure every violent criminal is released without bail; opening up the border to every disease- and poverty-stricken person in the world; brainwashing kindergartners to hate white people and question their sexual identity; asking the Justice Department and FBI to persecute and prosecute parents at PTA meetings; and of course, allowing violent, illegal protests at the homes of conservative Supreme Court judges — knowing full well that one of these days a judge or their family may be murdered by an obsessed, abortion-crazed Democrat protester.

All of this obviously takes precedence for Biden and Democrats over something as unimportant as feeding babies.

Mystic Post #fundie #psycho #wingnut

While there is a growing contempt for Christianity by mainstream media and the ruling class in the United States, the exact opposite trend is happening in Russia. In Putin’s Russia there is a clear return to its Christian Orthodox roots.
If end-times are ever to be ushered in, I am convinced it will be a clash between a reckless, cancel culture obsessed USA vs. the Russian state that is willing to fight a winnable nuclear war to preserve Russian Orthodoxy.
This is not wild speculation. Russian President Vladimir Putin has often warned journalists of such risk.
Putin told a group of reporters, “that the threat of nuclear war should not be underestimated… the danger of the collapse of the entire civilization and maybe our planet is being downplayed,”

…Today, the culture of the United States is dominated by a secular elite attached to nebulous progressive ideologies, rooted in anti-christian values. Russian leadership views the construct of liberalism with disdain. Rather than seeing a “culture of tolerance” they see an aggressive adversary determined to march its progressive values into the heart of Moscow.

Lauren Chen #wingnut

Netflix is experiencing a subscriber exodus, crashing stock prices, and massive layoffs.

Could this possibly be because most Netflix series have almost become synonymous with WOKE propaganda?

Get woke, go broke.

Scott Lively #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

It was February 4th, 1987 and I was part of a small group of men who had just been hired to sell knock-off “yellow-pages” advertising to businesses in Portland, Oregon. I had heard the news driving in and mentioned it to the group, one of whom was an outspoken Christian. His surprisingly blunt response to my Liberace mention was to say “Too bad he went straight to hell.” I instantly realized he was probably right but I was too intimidated by what the others might think of me to admit I too was a Christian who believed that. I felt ashamed, not because I agreed with him, but that my faith was so weak compared to his. It was a milestone in my Christian walk.

Liberace, a piano prodigy from the age of four, was the most flamboyant homosexual of the 20th Century: described in the Daily Mirror in 1956 as “the summit of sex—the pinnacle of masculine, feminine and neuter. Everything that he, she and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.” Liberace always denied being a homosexual, but was outed by both his former teenage live-in lover/houseboy and by actress Betty White who admitted having many times been his “beard” in public (to give him the facade of heterosexual normalcy). Liberace died of AIDS.

From that day forward I carried on an inner struggle against self-censorship on politically incorrect topics. It was only after years of suffering persecution for my faith as the spokesman for a Christian political organization which fought abortion and the LGBT agenda that I finally won that internal battle and experienced the liberation from the expectations of men that is promised in John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What He offers is not just freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), it is the freedom to believe and speak hard truths regardless of what anyone else thinks about it.

JohnEngelman #racist #wingnut

Anti Racism is a Shabby Substitute for Lost Religious Faith, by John Engelman

Anti Racism has become a shabby substitute for lost religious faith. Secular liberals pride themselves for rejecting a religion that cannot prove its tenets. They have adopted a dogma that can be disproved. This is what Charles “the Apostate” Murray has said about their dogma in his September 2005 Commentary essay “The Inequality Taboo:”

Putting this in my own words I will say that a person’s race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification of humans, it should be acceptable to study the durable ways the races differ in average intelligence, academic performance, criminal behavior, and sexual behavior.

But it is not. When one is accused of racism truth is no defense. It is evidence for the prosecution.

Liberals condemn conservatives for banning books from school libraries and school curriculum. Most liberals would try to fire a high school civics teacher who assigned his class to read “My Negro Problem and Ours,” by Norman Podheretz and “Race, Evolution, and Behavior,” by Professor J. Philippe Rushton.

They would probably succeed. Conservatives do not try to suppress the discussion on global warming. Liberals do try to suppress the discussion on the relationship between genes, intelligence, crime, and race. Nevertheless, it is liberals who condemn conservatives for opposing science. Race has become an area where the more one rejects science the more enlightened one is said to be.

In addition to being a religious substitute, anti racism gives affluent liberals an alternative to working for the economic reforms that would restore a steeply progressive tax system, and which would raise their taxes. Anti racism gives affluent liberals, who have lived, gone to school, and worked in nearly all white and Oriental environments, the opportunity to condemn the racism of white blue workers who attended black majority public schools, lost job opportunities to affirmative action, and been victims of black criminals.

CJtbRmcK #crackpot #racist

Proper classification of "White"

Since there is a lot of confusion and shitflinging on this board about what constitutes "White", I thought I would try to define it properly.


Firstly, all Whites are Europeans, not all Europeans are white.
What constitutes an "European"?
>1. The ethnic group was present over 1000 years ago (1000 AD or earlier) in Europe.
>2. The ethnic group developed within the last 1000 years in Europe from a native ethnic group.

What constitues "White"?
>1. The ethnic group is European.
>2. The ethnic group has a very significant percentage of fair-headed (25% ca+), fair-eyed (50%ca.+) and fair-skinned people


>3. The ethnic group is culturally western (from a country of mainly christian (preferably protestant, catholic may also apply) background, belonging to Faustian civilization, within the Hajnal line i.e. historically developed and historically contributed a fair amount to European civilization)
>4. The ethnic group is primarily of Germanic or Celtic blood.


Culturally and in terms of historical contributions Italians and Greeks are certainly closer to "Whites" than most other Europeans on the map are (and Italy mogs most of the other countries too), but due to their somewhat darker complexion they can not be lumped in with physically different NorthWestern Europeans.

Sample in average IQ too


About IQ there's so many surveys with wildly varying stats that I am legit not sure as which one to pick

I forgot to include height which is a trait fairly often associated with "Whiteness" and which may bring up lower Western Balkans quite a lot.

From a purely strategical standpoint, furthering divisions between Europeans instead of solidarity will do us no favors in the long run.

However establishing that not all Europeans are "White" could also detract much ground from the left's collective attacks on "Whites", e.g. when a Slav claims a separate category and claims victim status.


Biblical gender roles #fundie #sexist

The Arguments Against the Marriage of Pubescent Women Are Faulty
When we acknowledge the fact that worldwide a total of 0.2 percent of women die from pregnancy related deaths, and that includes pubescent mothers, then the even if they represent a higher proportion of that 0.2 percent it does not make a strong case against pubescent women marrying.  Instead we can respond with that fact that at least 99.8 percent of pubescent women worldwide will survive their pregnancies.
When we acknowledge the fact that only 2 percent of all infants worldwide die in the first year of their life and even if children from pubescent mothers make up more of that 2 percent than children from postpubescent women, we can rightly say pubescent mothers have at least a 98 percent chance of their children surviving their first year of life.  A difference somewhere within the 2 percent range between two groups of women having their children survive is not a strong argument against pubescent women marrying.
Some may respond that these are numbers that mix the developed world and undeveloped worlds.  But let me remind you of the WHO numbers which stated even in sub-Saharan Africa, which has the highest MMR in the world, only 500 women out of 100,000 died from pregnancy related complications in a given year over the last decade.
Now that I have shown the arguments against pubescent women marrying to be faulty and weak, we will now present strong arguments for the marriage of pubescent women.

Christian Gomez #wingnut #conspiracy

Former Congressman Paul Broun (R-Ga.) is running to return back to Congress to represent Georgia’s 10th congressional district. “We need to get the United States out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S. and that’s what I tried to do when I was in Congress” Broun tells The New American

In the interview, Broun recalls how when he was in Congress he introduced an amendment to a foreign appropriations bill in Congress to zero-out U.S. funding to the United Nations. “They are enemies of liberty and freedom, they are enemies of our Constitution,” Broun says of the UN. A vote on Broun’s amendment failed as did the vote for a second amendment he introduced to the bill that would have just cut UN funding by 10-percent

He further explains that the problems in Washington go beyond Biden and Obama, calling out both former Republican Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush as globalists, who look toward the United Nations and supported open-borders[…]
If elected, Broun vows to reintroduce the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, as he did in 2013, along with the Federal Reserve Transparency Act to conduct a full audit of the Federal Reserve. During the interview, Broun further called for abolishing the federal Department of Education, the Federal Reserve System, and returning the U.S. to a gold and silver standard

Broun also backs constitutional amendments to repeal both the 16th and 17th Amendments, which provided for the progressive income tax and direct election of U.S. senators respectively

John C. Wright #homophobia #fundie

But there is no story to follow. Not even supervillains can express "homophobia" under the rules of political correctness, nor can a black man be a total badass, like Luke Cage the Power Man once was, nor can a handicapped guy been seen to suffer, as Matt Murdock the Daredevil once did, nor can a sexual pervert have any personality, as no incarnation of Batwoman ever did. No woman can be seen to suffer nor to fail at any task, nor fall short in any way, as all the prior generations of superheroines once did, and their older sisters, the Cliffhanger Queens such as Nyoka of the Jungle or the Daughter of Don Q reach triumph without shoot-outs, chases, escapes, fist fights, cat fights, cave-ins, wild ape attacks, torture, mayhem, or being trapped beneath a lowering ceiling of spikes.

Compare this to girl-type Captain Marvel, or girl-type Hawkeye or Batwoman the Lesbian, who overcomes whole space fleets of aliens without breaking a fingernail, and suffers neither doubt nor heartache, loses no friends, does not have any Uncle Ben killed through her negligence, has no Aunt May to care for, nor J Jonah Jameson to be her overbearing bossman. She is never low on money, never turned down for a date, never called bad names, never faces anyone able to hurt her. There is no story there.

Quick-- without looking it up -- we all know Batman's origin story, right? Fine. What do we know about Katie Kane the Batwoman, aside from her sexual orientation? Any parents killed by mobsters? Home planet of "batworld" blew up? Magic bat-ring ring from alien space-cop? Exiled from paradise because she fell in love with a handsome flyboy? Last survivor of of the bat-people of Mars? Learned the mystic arts from a bat-worshipping Tibetan? Bitten by a radioactive bat? Anything?

I confess I am not familiar with this character. I know nothing about her, aside from her status as a poster child for perverts. I know the origins for all the batgirls, however, the police commissioner's librarian daughter, the mute superninja raised by assassins, the daughter of the c-list supervillain Cluemaster. Can anyone name any storyline or story arch that was really memorable for Batwoman? Any stories.

John C. Wright #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt

"So I wonder, other that the obvious purpose to deconstruct and destroy Superhero comics, if in the most clumsy manner the Woke are attempting to express their own immature drama and pining for romance into the wrong genre."

I have no insight to offer on this theory. I have strong doubts, because I am a cynic, but I do not know.

But I do have a rule of thumb to suggest: if one took a homo story from one of these comic books, and sex-swapped one character, so that gay Iceman was dating a girl instead of a boy (not Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane, Judy Harmon, Zelda Kurtzberg, Laynia Petrovna, Annie Ghazikhanian, Opal Tanaka, or Marge Smith) but a new girl with all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable? Would the two seem to "go together"?

Likewise, if Tim Drake were dating Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) or Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) or Secret (Greta Hayes) or Ariana Dzerchenko or
Tamara Fox instead of a boy, and she had all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable?

The cynic in me suspects I am asking a trick question. If you read the comics in question, the cynic in me strongly suspects you may find to your surprise that the gay boys these orientation-swapped supers are dating have no personalities to speak of, no flaws, no frustrations, no dreams to achieve, because the portrayal of imperfection in a gay boy offends the gay privilege our society currently affords perverts, due to what might be called "gay fragility".

Again, the cynic in me strongly suspects one will find the so called romances are not romances at all, with no romantic tensions, none of the thrill, doubt, heartache and so on that accompanies finding a mate and the mother of one's progeny to carry on the family name.

Love and romance are not part of their mental environment. Power is. The power to change men into women and normal men into perverts is a godlike power. They cannot exercise this power in real life, but they can force others to change pronouns, and can defecate on long established and well loved fictional characters. They cannot be god, but they can pretend to be god.

Voluntaryist #racist #ableist

Im not racist (unless you use some retarded leftist meaning of the word I guess). I don’t hate people just because they belong to a different race. If I see a normal black person I would treat him like any other normal human but I will not pretend that an average black person is as good as an average white or asian person.

Generalorder4 #homophobia #transphobia

Well, seeing as I don't believe in gender identity and consider homosexuality a biblical sin I'm not entirely thrilled with normalization XD
Also none of this goes much ways to disproving my point that we are just going so far out of our way to be hip we're losing the threads of sanity.
Apparently people like ME don't count as people. I don't want to get political here but I've been treated like pond scum all of my life and people didn't see an issue with it.
But a subsection or the population is complaining about discrimination when they are continuously positively reinforced by every aspect of the media?

It seems...misguided.

Generalorder4 #dunning-kruger

"It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin."

Various Commenters #transphobia

The Russian soldiers who are raping little girls in Ukraine sure seem to know what makes us female.
I lost the link, but read on Twitter that girls under 10 are coming into the hospitals in Ukraine with rectal/vaginal tearing.

And of course older girls and women are also being raped regularly.

Turns out everyone knows exactly what it means to be a woman/girl when they want to rape us.

( Misssarcasm )
In my eyes the raped women and girls have it worse than the killed men.

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

( omerta )
In war people expect women to be raped, it's just a a casual thing that happens as a result.

When it happens to men/boys, on the other hand, that's when it becomes an atrocity, a terrible human rights violation, etc. etc. because men are supposed to die with dignity during war while women suffer and are humiliated.

A non-passing TIM would be clocked and likely murdered, not raped, although many of them may fantasize about it. I don't think any passing TIM would be able to pass military fitness tests (would gain too much muscle) so that's not something they care much about.

( Snowy )
I have no doubt some of them actively fantasize about it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
It's part of the perks of joining the military. It's been known for thousands upon thousands of years.

( pennygadget )

I wonder what the many many "transwomen" say to this. If they feel jealous.

They'd say: "Just tell the Russian soldiers you identify as a boy and that raping you would be gay!"

Generalorder4 #racist #pratt

Fast forward to the better 'woke' versions...

G.I. Joe: An exclusively non-American team of overweight women create international incidents because all authority (other than their own) is wrong.

Masters of the Universe: Lesbians deal with their insecurities.

SuperHeroes: People with incredible powers but deep-seated neurosis live average lives and avoid work when they aren't being emotionally validated for doing nothing.

Star Wars: Women (and a couple of males for them to order around) effortlessly defeat Nazis.

Dr. Who: A WOMAN goes to different times to tell MEN how dumb they are. (I emphasize because gender is desperately important...apparently)

Star Trek: A psychotic team of children kill MAGA straw men.

Douglas S. Winnail #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

(continued from
Since the fall of the Roman Empire, generally biblical moral values about marriage and sexuality have characterized much of Western civilization. These values were widespread in America, Western Europe, among the British-descended peoples, and in areas where their influence spread. However, in the last several decades, these moral values have been attacked, mocked, and pushed aside in the Western world by a rising tide of enforced secular values. Prior to the early 1960s, there were laws against abortion and all 50 states in America had laws that criminalized homosexual activity. Yet, today, nearly 70 percent of Americans now support same sex-marriage—up from only 27 percent in 1996 (“Gay marriage is the left’s biggest culture war victory,”, June 8, 2021). “Majorities of adults in all 15 countries in Western Europe surveyed by Pew Research Center in 2017 support same-sex marriage…. Support is even higher in Sweden (88%), Denmark (86%) and the Netherlands (86%)” (“Where Europe Stands on Gay Marriage and Civil Unions,”, October 28, 2019). In recent years, Gay “Pride” parades have attracted millions of spectators and thousands of scantily-clad participants in many Western countries—generating considerable tourist dollars for the sponsoring cities. In 2021, U.S. embassies were instructed to fly the rainbow flag in honor of “Pride Month.”

The most recent battle in the ongoing cultural war is transgenderism. American president Joseph Biden has declared “transgender rights” as “the civil rights issue of our time”—and the push is on to eliminate anything that appears to discriminate against transsexuals. In America, public libraries are even sponsoring “Drag Queen story hours” in which men dressed as women read to children about two worms that love each other and a baby animal with two mommies or two daddies—themes that are also portrayed in animated cartoons on today’s children’s television programs.

Douglas S. Winnail #transphobia #homophobia


There are sins that destroy civilizations. The consequences are clear throughout human history.

Today we are witnessing a massive effort to totally transform the cultures of the Western world. Behaviors long viewed as immoral perversions—abortion, prostitution, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transvestitism, and transgenderism—are now being promoted as acceptable and even celebrated as “alternative lifestyles.”

Governments and churches are welcoming these “liberating” trends, and schoolchildren are being taught to view these behaviors as legitimate and desirable. Many who oppose or question this agenda are attacked as narrow-minded bigots clinging to an antiquated set of values. In some places, negative discourse about these now-sanctioned behaviors is often labeled “hate speech” and punished with fines or imprisonment. But are we witnessing real progress that will usher in a new era of acceptance, equity, and social harmony? Or are we watching history repeat itself with the return of perversions that will hasten the decline of nations and the debasement of civilization?

It has long been said that if we don’t remember the lessons of history, we will repeat the mistakes of history. So, are there sobering lessons of history that are especially relevant for us today? Are we making the same mistakes that led to the downfall and demise of earlier cultures and empires? If so, why aren’t modern leaders and educators pointing out the dangers of blindly going down the same path to destruction? Why isn’t the media calling out those who ignore the tragic lessons of the past? The record of history is certainly full of vivid examples—if we have eyes to see.


@janeclarejones #transphobia

That doesn't mean we should just to do away with it like we could do away with capital, the financial system, or waged labour. Because denying gender is also denying actual forms of living and embodied human existence,

And here we get to the knotty know a the core of all of this.

Gender is a social construct. What would denying this construct mean? We do not deny that it exists. We think however, it is harmful. You would try to proscribe us critiquing a social system which exists in order to exploit us and undermine our humanity because some people 'identify' with this system, and have built their "forms of living and embodied human existence" on IDENTIFYING WITH THE MECHANISM OF OUR OPPRESSION.

If, as you seem to claim, gender identity is not innate, then why should we not question people who are forging identities by identifying with an oppressive and harmful system?

Why would you not join us in asserting that people can dress and act anyway that their personality

inclines them to, and that they do not need to do so by identifying with and reifying harmful and oppressive social structures, that they do not need to internalise and ossify these structures by making them the entire basis of their 'identities,' and that they do not need to try

and make people who have every political basis for rejecting these structures collude with them in their efforts to reify and ossify them as the basis of their identities?

Patriarchal gender is harmful to the humanity of female people.

We will not identify with it. We will not be defined by it. We will not turn a blind eye to people essentialising it. We will not forget that the way it shapes our subjectivity damages us.

We will not be told that we are privileged because we 'fit it.' We will not be gaslit by men who have no idea how much damage gender conformity does to women, that trans or queer people are the only people who know anything about gender, and that 'cis' women need to STFU, when

you have completely trashed the materialist analysis of why gender exists, have completely forgotten it has anything to do with exploiting female people, and in fact, have no fucking model of gender that makes any explanatory sense whatsoever.

Andrew Anglin #crackpot

Based on the manifesto, the shooter doesn’t appear to have been stupid, and anyone who is not stupid is able to work out the cost-benefit analysis of these shootings. There is no benefit to speak of, and the costs, both to the individual and to right-wing politics, are extreme.

Ultimately, the only person who can actually be blamed for a mass shooting is the guy who did it. But of course, we live in a society, and all people are products of their society, so there is good reason to analyze what puts a teenager into a mind space where they think doing something so destructive is a good idea.

The most obvious and most important societal cause is political censorship. It has been understood since the printing press, mass literacy, and the subsequent political enfranchisement of the masses of people that political engagement is the only way to avoid political violence. What has happened over the last 5 years is a program of total censorship of American people who disagree with the government. This is total political disenfranchisement of the entire society. If you are only free to agree with the establishment, then you do not have free political speech (even if you do agree with the government).

When people are not allowed to express themselves and engage with society with words, some of those people will engage in violence. The various shootings that have been blamed on “white supremacy” have all happened after the US began its mass censorship campaign. Obviously, political censorship doesn’t justify shooting a bunch of random people. Individuals must be held responsible for their actions. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t say “if this person wasn’t censored, they would not have done this shooting.” The media is blaming internet speech, when this is literally the opposite of the truth.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia #ableist

Here’s an idea: If your child is delusional — in this case, a girl who believes she’s a boy — maybe don’t send them to school. Maybe you should put them in a lunatic asylum. But instead, what is being done in the name of “inclusion” is requiring everyone to participate in the psychotic teenager’s “gender” delusions. You can be fired from your job for refusing to cooperate with this coercive insanity.

Payton Gendron #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

A manifesto allegedly written and posted by the suspect in a mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket that killed 10 people laid out specific plans to attack Black people and repeatedly cited the “great replacement" theory[…]
The manifesto, which appears to have been written by 18-year-old Payton Gendron, included a shared birth date and biographical details with the suspect in custody. The PDF was originally posted to Google Docs at 8:55 p.m. Thursday, two days before the shooting[…]
The manifesto, which has not been modified since it was posted on Thursday, includes elaborate details of a planned shooting. The document claims the suspect chose Buffalo because it was the city with the highest number of Black people in his vicinity[…]
The manifesto includes dozens of pages antisemitic and racist memes, repeatedly citing the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory frequently pushed by white supremacists, which falsely claims white people are being “replaced” in America as part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy theory. Other memes use tropes and discredited data to denigrate the intelligence of nonwhite people[…]
Gendron claims that he was radicalized on 4chan while he was “bored” at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020

The document also claims “critical race theory,” a recent right-wing talking point that has come to generally encompass teaching about race in school, is part of a Jewish plot, and a reason to justify mass killings of Jews[…]
Gendron repeatedly cites Brenton Tarrant[…]
Suspect said he planned to post his manifesto and links to his livestream to 4chan, to a knockoff of the now-defunct extremist website 8chan and to servers he frequented on the chat service Discord, in part to see if his livestream was working

Catherine Glenn Foster #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie

"In places like Washington D.C.," fetuses are "burned to power the light's of the city's homes and streets," claimed Catherine Glenn Foster, who had, just minutes before, sworn not to lie under oath. The GOP-summoned witness let loose the wild and utterly false accusation that municipal electrical companies are powered by incinerated fetuses.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #elitist

Wouldn't be better for wellbeing of clients to amputate eyes of prostitutes and put artificial ones instead?

Clients of prostitutes may be not good looking men, and that may result in decrease of service quality by prostitutes doing her job worse (or even refusing at all), and ugly men feeling insecure and being insulted and receiving emotional damage, if see prostitute looking at them with disgust

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #crackpot

Ultimate counter-argument to "you don't die if you dont have sex"
Assuming they wouldn't let ugly men dying either if a virus made sex with women a necessity like drinking/eating/sleeping and after 4 days without a blowjob you explode.


This "you don't die if" logic opens the gate to any kind of abuse and neglect as long as you are granted water, meals, healthcare and a bed.

If they counteract with "not giving sex is different than forcing to have sex" they are moving the goal post thus invalidating the idea that only the essential tools for surviving really matter/are something you're entitled to.

@Catullus_vincit #transphobia

Confused? Here's the quick down & dirty:

- TRANSWOMEN (deranged MEN) victimize WOMEN and CHILDREN, often through sexual assault

- TRANSMEN (deranged WOMEN) victimize CHILDREN through the schools, post-transition pregnancy & indoctrination

That's muh TedTalk. Thanks you.

ChaChaHeels:BlackOnes #transphobia

I’ve never ever ‘identified’ as woman because there has never been any need to do so.
Forms ask for M/F, not M/W.

I am a woman only because I was once a female zygote, then a female baby, then a female child and, due to the sheer good fortune of not dying in childhood, became a woman at the age of majority (ie adult human female = woman).

Mitch has never been a female zygote, nor a female baby, nor a female child. Thus, the way I became a woman (through aging out of childhood) has fuck all to do with the way Mitch became a pseudowoman.

Try again, Mitch.

Jared Taylor #racist

Why There Will be More Payton Gendrons

Everything Mr. Gendron wrote and did was driven by fury at the replacement of whites in traditionally white-majority nations: “To preserve our cultures and people we must be physically separated,” he wrote. “Whites do not belong in Nigeria the same reason why blacks do not belong in England.”

What is “The Great Replacement” and why does it evoke such passion? The phrase is shorthand for large population changes. In 1960, whites were 85 percent of the US population, and assumed they would always to be the overwhelming majority. Today, they are down to 58 percent, and by 2060, their numbers are projected to drop to 43 percent.

The same process is underway in every traditionally white nation. In Britain and France, natives are expected to become minorities by 2060 or so.

For those who welcome white replacement, it is not a conspiracy but something to celebrate. Michael Moore declared the Census Bureau’s release of the same 2020 data, “the best day ever in U.S. History.”

Facts are not racist or sexist. The 2020 census found that in the previous 10 years, the Asian population in the United States had grown by 35 percent, Hispanics by 23 percent, and blacks by 5.6 percent, while the number of whites declined by 8.6 percent. Charles Blow of the New York Times wrote that “it was a terrifying census for white nationalists.”

Non-violent replacement has the same results as military occupation. If Mexico had conquered parts of the Southwest, there would be a dominant Mexican/Hispanic presence of language, culture, aspirations, people — which is what we find today.

Today, the entire West is united in support for Ukraine against Russia. Why? Because it is fighting The Great Replacement — this one armed. But if Ukraine saw a huge influx of Russians would Ukraine be changed even a fraction as much as The Great Replacement is changing the United States?

Nations have a powerful urge to protect their identities. It is Basic Law that Israel is a Jewish state. This officially recognizes a precious identity that replacement would destroy. All non-white nations have an equally powerful, instinctive opposition to replacement. What Turk or Thai or Tunisian would even think of setting in motion policies that would reduce their people to a minority?

US Anon #elitist #fundie #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut

Why are Vaxxoids like this?


>Be Pureblood Christian
>searching for Christian stuff
>end up at a website worse than reddit
>see recent thread there (3 hours ago)
>read first comment in the thread
>commenter is filled with madness
>calls people "incels" and "assholes" for not getting vax juice
>Implies you shouldn't date unless you follow the narrative
>why are vaxxoids so angry?
>why are vaxxoids npcs?
>why are vaxxoids like this?
>feels tired anons
>link below
Anyone getting covid/vaxxoid fatigue yet?

Probably a boomer. Definitely not walking with Christ.

I don't think the people are Christian there. Seems to be a place to mock Christians and anyone who goes against the current zeitgeist.

Steve Moxon #sexist #wingnut

Whenever you point out that men rather than women are the disadvantaged and those on the receiving end of prejudice, the first thing you get back – after the blunt denial – is: ‘what about women in Islamic countries?’ Everyone assumes that female face and body coverings are ‘oppressive’ to women and at the behest of men. Yet both of these assumptions are false.

Female Islamic dress codes are cultural practices similar to foot-binding in China and female circumcision (genital mutilation) in sub-Saharan Africa and other regions, in that they are all cultural codification of female intra-sexual competition to secure high mate-value pair-bonded sexual partners.

As with all fashions, they are not imposed but readily adopted as women wish to join the more advantageous in-group and to dissociate themselves from the relative under-dog out-group.

Yes, of course, men will at the behest of women reinforce such behavior. This is not in any respect ‘oppression’ by men. If anything it is a imposition on them by women to which they feel duty bound to accede.

Now, when I’m allowed to get as far as putting across this explanation, the next retort is that even if it is women themselves ‘oppressing’ each other, it is still women being ‘oppressed’, and that therefore we still need to focus on women and not on men as being disadvantaged.

So there you have it. A default assumption that what in fact women do to themselves is instead done to them by men. We see this all the time in the persistent ridiculous ‘size zero’ controversy. Women don’t really want to be super slim, we are told; they would prefer to be size 14. It’s just the all-powerful male fashion industry that is forcing them. Yet the fashion industry is female-controlled, of course.

We live in an era of unprecedented political stupidity where the notion of a particular highly implausible social ‘oppressor’-‘oppressed’ dynamic is unfalsifiable. No amount of evidence, however internally consistent and externally validated, can shift PC-fascist conviction. Not until, that is, the whole edifice collapses under its own stupendous dead weight. And that is starting to happen. We live in times set to be rather interesting.

Jen McCarty #magick #ufo #moonbat

We would like to speak to you today about the significance of the upcoming six six portal.

The 6.6 portal is overruled by the planet Venus, as Venus is the planet that is associated with the number six.

A few days ago, I received an extremely powerful and potent vision that our galactics were using the energy of the six six portal to activate a correction in the divine feminine blueprint. I was quite surprised when my guides presented this transmission to me, as I honestly did not think that the divine feminine blueprint could be so deeply distorted.

But what I was shown was that due to patriarchy and the role that women have taken on in these patriarchal times, this has created a profoundly dense distortion within the divine feminine blueprint, predominantly pertaining to the issue of sacrifice, martyrdom and putting one's own needs last.

This has been such a heavy-duty ancestral pattern that has been passed on for many generations, and it truly is rare for any feminine ancestral lineage to have got away with this programming.

Therefore, the galactics, with the support and spirit of mother Venus have ordained that we show up for this divine feminine 6/6template re-correction ceremony.
As we clear this blueprint, we clear it in all the generations in front of us and all the generations behind us, because we are working in the quantum field where all timelines converge and operate concurrently in the zero point field, the present moment of now.
The 6/6 transmission will take place at 6:56 PM on the 6th of June.

In this transmission, we will be working with extremely high level ascended beings and galactics to completely re-correct the divine feminine blueprint that has been heavily distorted by the energies of sacrifice, martyrdom and putting oneself last.

This will have a huge effect on all the future generations to come, and we will activate an essential ripple in the quantum field, which will affect all timelines past, present, and concurrent.

Nick Fleming #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Today, at 11:00 AM, the Constitutional Convention took place in Washington D.C. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Yesterday, when this was started the White House flag was flying at half mast. This signified the death of the US Government Inc. Today, the flags were flying high.

The corporation is dead. Long Live the New Republic of the United States.

It must be noted that on March 2, 3, 4, and 5 this year, the plans for this Constitutional Convention were meticulously laid in Abilene, Texas at Dyess Air Force base. Now, finally, yesterday, Monday, May 16, 2022, we see the results of their plans. The glove was dropped. 34 States and their HONOR GUARD marched in D. C., to commemorate this Great Act. 34 States participated in this Constitutional Convention. Ten (Blue) States declined to participate and One State, Hawaii abstained. Hawaii has chosen to be an independent Nation State.


The Grand Jury is back, and they will be burning the evil (CABAL) house down, issuing indictments to tens of thousands. OUR TIME HAS COME. Saturday, we witnessed the US Supreme Court fail to do their duty to set down the unlawful Biden Regime in the criminal, traitorous, unlawful 2020 election.

The World Health Organization and its treasonous assault on the sovereignty of We the People, must be stopped.

Stand alert Tier 4, this is the Start of Something Big.

Biblical gender roles #fundie

“ Biologically speaking, a woman’s best time to conceive and bear children is from the time of her first period (for most girls between age 12 and 13) and age 24. After age 24 chances of birth defects and problem pregnancies begin to rise. At age 30, a woman has used or lost 90% of the eggs she will ever have and this is why women in their 30’s typically have a much more difficult time getting pregnant.

Is #fundie #sexist

I completely agree that most teenage girls in our culture and time period are not psychologically prepared for having children. But that is because our culture babies children in ways cultures of the past did not.”
This is a half truth. While many young teens may not be ready for marriage, many of them most definitely should be getting married. (Past puberty) It’s not like maturity increases the older you get. In fact it’s even a dangerous lie to tell teens that they are “children” or “adolescents”. As to your daughter not being ready at 12, why isn’t she ready? Even you agree that it is wrong to “baby” teens, so why would you purposely infantilize your daughter to where she is not capable of functioning as a woman when she is pubescent? Dont follow the culture. Follow what Paul said about being an adult.

Here’s a good video where a prominent psychologist even states that many teens should be getting married.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn Commander-In-Chief of the Lighted Realms via Patrick Bellringer #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #crackpot

I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of the Lighted Realms. In my Higher Self I am ATON. I speak for God Aton of Light this day to you who are still refusing to wake up to the LIE and come to the Light of Truth. Truth hurts, but Truth must be spoken to reveal the Lie.

“I come this day that ye shall be given to recognize of My presence. I Am! I AM the LAW, the TRUTH, and the WORD. You need no burning bushes nor snakes into the staff—nor do you need blazing wheels in the Cosmos. Hear Me clearly, children, for you who have been misled into the corners of darkness and into behaviors which have unbalanced your planet and soiled the places of perfection, shall hear Me, find Truth and turn unto that Truth in the days that follow, or you shall be separated into the places away from My presence.

For, as you have made your choices, and continue to act in ways against the Laws as given unto your species to maintain balance and wholeness of soul direction, you shall continue in the places of the adversary which have pulled you down. You have put reason and Godly thought to the side and entered into the places of darkness—claiming that you know not that which is Truth and living according to that which Man has made “legal”, but that which remains ‘unlawful”.
My commandment reads: “You shall not murder your fellow man.” Your evil government has sent your children to murder innocent people—unarmed men, women and children—all in the name of “freedom” and establishing a democracy. Say what? No, the Darkside does not want to establish a democracy anywhere! They wish to destroy, control and eliminate the “useless eaters”. Their aim is to destroy Planet Earth if they cannot have their way. These evil ones have worked millions of years to keep you stupid and poor, and for you to think that you are free, when you are shackled with lies. The last nails of your coffin are being put in place.

Joachim Bartoll #crackpot #conspiracy #quack

The authorization by the evil FDA comes May 17, 2022, exactly 201-days after Bill Gate’s October 28 birthday. And if you still don’t know the enormous importance of the Jesuit number 201, please read this before moving on:

William Henry Gates = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201

Bill Gates also helped with the pandemic simulation ‘Event 201,’ just months before they staged the fake pandemic.

May 17 is the 137th day of the year, fittingly 137 is the 33rd prime number; the Freemasonic ‘33.’ Remember, Bill Gates was the CEO of Microsoft for 33-years.

Bill Gates = 33
Federal = 33
Masonry = 33
Bill and Melinda Gates = 115

And this sterilizing and deadly vaccine is for targeting children between 11 and 5, like 115.

The staged and fake pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020, by the evil health organization WHO. This ‘emergency use’ authorization of the ‘covid-19 booster’ by the FDA comes exactly 67 days after the anniversary of the declaration.

Emergency Usage = 67
Covid-19 Booster = 67
Sterilizing = 67 (what they are for, the depopulation agenda)

May 17 comes with 44– and 55-date numerology, and the vaccine is from Pfizer.
5/17/22 = 4 + 17 + 22 = 44
5/17/22 = 5 + 1 + 7 + (20) + (22) = 55

Pfizer = 44, 55

Covid-19 Vaccine = 55
The Jesuits = 55, 55

May 17 not only comes with 44-date numerology, it also comes with 64.
5/17/2022 = 4 + 17 + 20 + 22 = 64

Faked Virus = 44, 64

Their clever little way of mocking us with the truth. Revelation of the method.

And speaking of mocking, notice how they ALWAYS use the Number of the Beast in ALL vaccine stories. They claim “a third vaccine dose raised Omicron-fighting antibodies by 36 times in this age group.”
36? Of course, because 6 x 6 = 36. As in 66.

Joseph R. Chambers #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming

But, homosexuality and lesbianism are sins that are in a war against God. The Bible calls these sins, which include bestiality and many varying actions connected with sexuality, sodomy. Sodomy is all unnatural acts of sex. A husband and a wife that have been induced into oral sex with each other have become sodomites and will be destroyed unless they repent and reclaim their sacred honor. Why are acts of sodomy so dark and degrading? The answer is beautiful and lies at the heart of our created glory. Our God created us in His own image and after His own likeness. The Holy Bible says that we were created a little lower than the angels, "For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." (Psalm 8:5) We are sacred creatures and are accountable to the Creator for maintaining both our honor, as well as His honor. While all sin affects that honor, sodomy destroys that honor. Sodomy is one of the few human actions that has no basis in natural desires. Satan introduced humankind to this dark level of violent, savage depravity in his defiance of God and hatred for mankind, God’s unique creation.

An individual that becomes enslaved in this lifestyle has joined Satan’s war against God. This lifestyle had become rampant before the flood when fallen angels, led by Satan, went unto the daughters of men and they conceived and bare giants or Nephilims. A transvestite is probably the closest creature to this original result of sodomy. The sons of God were fallen angels that had developed uncontrollable lust for unnatural flesh. Sodomy has always been deeply connected with evil spirits, which are fallen angels. The Hebrew word for sodomite is a sacred person that serves as a temple prostitute. The action of sodomy is licentious idolatry. It is worship of Satan. It is the final act of a dying society.

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #crackpot

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Chaotic Neutral - Hunting to keep mother nature in balance and stabilized, ELSE zombies.

Chaotic Neutral Evil - Assassin/Mercenary/Ninja that has a "moral code."

Chaotic Evil - Murder Hobo, you know your typical hero, hi Drizzt! I get it, you come to the top to pretend to be good, but I know your spider colonies work with you some how. It's like David the Gnome and Fox, are you sure you're not being manipulated into something like fox? Maybe my kids did get manipulated into something Mr. Do Urden, to not stand up for themselves properly, Conan was better for us, you're a complete pussy, on purpose, to set a bad example it seems. A bunch of spineless cowards is what Jordan Peterson and Jim Carrey called the community, and I kind of agree, just look at the weak sauce script we we're given in life. "Thou shalt not stand up for yourself", is more like it, but I get casual murder isn't cool. For someone that doesn't love violence, you have a kill count higher than Jon Rambo, which holy schnickes, is pretty rare. You're like Mog, you seem to attract as much violence as you cause, and to be fair I liked Ralph my slavenly gremlin and that one evil gremlin that is willing to sacrifice himself to save the team... but wait, there's a blind white haired man up there that want's to swoop in and take the credit. But my main artist doesn't like it anymore, you're fired white rabbit. Mr. Will Smith, if you could please shove the nanites into mother brain it would totally be appreciated. So what if she chops your balls off Mr. Smith, machines can repair the damages, and torn off balls are better than ETERNITY IN SLAVERY! Not hell, economic slavery, she wants to take everything away from everyone, at once at once... seems suspicious.

XX_Power ,crodish & BlackCirce #transphobia #sexist

RE: Male pattern behavior is male pattern behavior. A detrans label does not negate nor absolve that.

( XX_Power )
I mean they're deTRANS for a reason, at some point they saw the misogynistic clown show that is the trans movement and thought, wow, that really makes sense! Then his dick stopped working or he was "too ugly for a woman", or his AGP was getting boring and now he's back to being a super special misogynistic male.

I'm not about to slag off female detransitioners, from reading in their spaces most of them get that trans isn't anything and they just tried to run away from womanhood for any reason from hating dresses to severe sexual child abuse.

Now the males.... Some definitely get it. But most just seem to detrans because they hormones didn't transform them into a sexy catgirl lesbian of their dreams so they're bitter and disappointed but didn't actually stop believing in the insane ideology or even grasp the misogyny behind it.

But all these words to say: males be maleing

( crodish )
This detrans male has a history of being groomed in particular by female TRA and libfems and explains this as his reasoning for hating them as similar to how most radical feminists "hate" men.

I've not engaged with nor followed very closely the detrans twitter community, but from what I've seen of it (particularly after Detrans Awareness Day) it seems that within that community they are still very prone to TRA-like manners of thinking, and most of them just "upgraded" back to normal misogynists that acknowledge their sex, including most female detransitioners.

I'm cautious and worried that these people are simply just becoming a rebranded group that feminists will also have to defend themselves from. Sigh.

More worrying still is I think this male also took the advice to start his own community for other detrans males. Which... good for him, good job, but I can already foresee it becoming just another incel space but with the detrans label siiiiiigh

( BlackCirce )
Many (idk if it’s most) people blame feminists/feminism/women for trans. Some of them are angry and resentful that in order to be against trans, they have to share space with radical feminists, who have been fighting trans for over 40 years. They want to be anti-trans and anti-feminist at the same time, but find the political space occupied by a different group of feminists.


Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist

[From "Poles already regretting taking in Ukrainian Refugees"]

Within a matter of days of Poland taking in the Ukrainian Refugees, we received countless amount of feedback about how the Ukrainians immediately took advantage of Refugee status[…]many of these migrants been found to come from questionable elements which are not even of Ukrainian descent[…]Ukrainian Women are making proposals and using methods of stealing Polish Men behind the backs of their girlfriends and wives[…]
Having traveled a lot and interacting with many different Races especially in various projects, I have witnessed the various races who do attempt infidelity and to interact with other Men or Women behind the backs of others

Most of the time, Barbarian Races use verbal flirting methods

Even Roma Gypsies I have encountered only resorted to verbal seduction[…]
The tactics and finesse she used to isolate her husband from the scenario were beyond imaginable that someone would chance what she did, but when you understand the nature of this people and how poor, desperate and corrupt that country is, applying the racial attributes about them, you can understand how someone would even attempt something like that, in her own household as well[…]
One thing many Western Men overlook when involving themselves with Russian or Ukrainian women is that those Women do not like Men who ever have idle time. While they may be a so-called “wife” type, they hoodwink the most gullible Men, and they want that Man always busy with work so she may tend to other activities behind his back when he is not around[…]
Many Slavic Men not have much enthusiasm over their own Women and many remain indifferent to Westerners who come to these countries[…]for these types of Women

It’s because they know how much value is lacking in their own Women[…]
We can only wonder now what types of things these Ukrainian Immigrants will be doing in Germany!!!

Kajm #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot

imageI am calling this right now.

Reductions in crops due to lack of proper cultivation - ie, FERTILIZER - will be claimed to have been caused by 'man-made climate change.'

UNnaturally, the Left / Media / Dems will be ready to make these claims, just in time for the run for US president, at some point in 2023.

Origin of this tweet, here:

Darin Long #homophobia

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Middle school students in a class at Christian Academy of Louisville (CAL) were assigned to write a letter to a "homosexual friend" in disapproval of their lifestyle.

The assignment asks students to show the friend, from the Bible, reason and personal friendship "that God's design for them is good," "that homosexuality will not bring them satisfaction," and "that you love them even though you don't approve of their lifestyle."

According to CAL Superintendent Darin A. Long, the assignment was part of a unit of study that discusses "what are humans and where is their identity."

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