
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

ElliotRodger #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

[Blackpill] Autism is a jew bullshit myth to target non cucks. It doesn't exist

Firstly autism came from (((psychology))) which is a kike dominated field based on the theories of (((Freud))) and other jew theorists, so any research and concepts that comes from this field is likely lies and bullsit. It's relevant too that autism's demographic is mostly straight males who are usually white, and obviously jews hate this demographic. So what better way to discriminate and target them than to invent a bullshit illness like autism and then stereotype autists as nerdy, faggy feminine and retarded, so that these men get bullied.

Always remember too that jews love and need "neurotypicals". Their best pets and most useful puppets are neurotypicals because they listen to all the nigger jew music and watch kikeflix, and they don't question the lies and propaganda.

Just answer this: if autism is real then why are most autists so normal? True mentally ill like schizos and extreme anorexics are obviously different from everyone else, so why are autists so normal if autism actually exists?

GeneticTrash #wingnut #racist blackpill.club

[Blackpill] What Hitler did was gutsy and a real leadership { All in Minecraft Of course}

What he did with jews and anti social elements was genius and you need to be able to lay down everything for your conviction.
and his actions ultimately led to his downfall and he knew that. yet he did what was good for humanity..
Soyciety will keep calling a coward for shooting himself in his bunker, but he knew he committed suicide the day he broke Versailles treaty..
He knew his end was near, yet he did what his conviction said...
{ All in Minecraft Of course}

Chimpmania #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

[from the ‘Chimpmania glossary’]

A race traitor who thinks niggers are "just like us." They tend to be very arrogant, call anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them a "racist," and most of the time they live in all white neighborhoods and never have contact with the groid. They tend to be hypocrites and if Barack Obama was white or a Republican, but still a nigger, they wouldn't give two shits about him

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #psycho #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

Myanmar: Full Riot for Anal Democracy

I’m not even going to comment on how it is evil when the government cracks down on riots in Asia, but good when they crack down on riots in France or the Netherlands or Germany. It’s just too obvious to even mention at all.

Remember that the military turned the internet back on.

If they would have just left the internet off, nothing would have happened.

It does make you wonder if maybe the military wasn’t getting some bad advice from somewhere, because now, they’re not going back to status quo – now they’re going to go full anal.

This is also going to affect the situation in Thailand, where they have women rioting in the name of gay anal.

That is to say: if the military didn’t have the balls to go full on and shut off the internet, they shouldn’t have done anything at all. The West’s control of social media is absolute, and they can get large numbers of people to riot very easily.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

You say you've
never met a full-fledged communist or communist sympathizer, but are you sure?

Not every communist you encounter in life sports a shaved head and coiffed goatee like Vladimir Lenin.

Communists, like cockroaches, hate to be seen. Until recently, most preferred to remain hidden, working their evil and sadistic plans far from the light of exposure.

However, just because communists prefer to remain hidden doesn't mean they are. You can spot a communist or communist sympathizer easily by three telltale signs: lies, self-loathing, and sexual perversity.
Because communists hate themselves, they want everyone else to feel their hatred and hate themselves too.

Communists hate America, they hate Western Civilization, and they hate Christianity. They hate them all because America, Western Civilization and Christianity represent everything they're not: love, freedom, beauty, courage, art, intelligence, the family.

Communists are so filled with self-hatred and rage, they want to see all of those things destroyed, even if it means destroying themselves in the process.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, beastiality, pedophilia, pornography, you name it. Communists love it all. The more sick and twisted the better. Communists are the ones pushing all those things on our society, pushing it on our children.

They love to corrupt children. They love to lure children into their dark and depraved world of perversity. Of course, none of this is new. They were doing it in Berlin in the 1920s and they're doing it now in every city in our country.
Do you know anyone who is addicted to pornography, addicted to homosexuality, addicted to sexual perversity? You just might know a communist

CTON #crackpot #racist amren.com

I've noticed many Asians tried to act white when it our society wasn't so anti-white, now they are hating on whites because it is "cool" to do. Another reason why they won't blame blacks for the anti-Asian violence is because the Left would have to admit multiculturalism and multiracial societies don't work, just like communism doesn't work.

They are conformists.

That's probably why they tend to have despot (Dictators) more so in Asian nations than in the West. They rely on authority and discipline in their nations, be it China or Japan etc.

Same goes for Indians.

Back in their native countries, they actually worship white people. Yet they come to a place full of whites, and they express hatred. Weird...

Various Commenters #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Migrants and the Threat to Women’s Rights in Europe


Between a quarter and a third of sex criminals in Austria are foreign.

Once again - and always -- You get what you pay for.

(Lawrence Drake)
The left are insistent that the primary cause of crime is poverty. But poverty can't explain sex crimes which have no financial payoff. This is something that really bothers the left and they prefer that nobody ever mention it. When cornered on the issue they will do what they always do, put "systematic" in front of words and attach "-ism" to the end of words, then declare without any evidence whatsoever that these systematic-isms explain everything.

Crime, especially violent crime, is the cause of much unemployment and associated economic misery in minority communities. It isn't the poverty that causes crime.

I agree. The primary cause of crime are cognitive and behavioral traits which also cause poverty. Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple) jokes that the main cause of crime is criminologists.

Poor whites in Appalachia have less crime than middle class black neighborhoods. Vietnamese boat people have very low crime rates even though they are often very poor.

Unfortunately for White women this problem must be solved by White women.

This is what I don't understand. it's their daughters who are going to get raped, after all, or harassed... there are some incredibly brave women - including former Muslim women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali - but so many middle class white women refuse to listen to the truth. And it's obviously the truth. Meanwhile, Ms. Ali, who is a very brave woman, is under death threats by the Muslims on a constant basis.

(Vox Nihili)
For most of the hard left- both men and women- the embracing of BIPOCs is the holy grail and trumps any loyalty to women. They're all too happy to sacrifice us on the alter of multiculturalism.

Fr. John+ & Warlock #crackpot #fundie #racist amren.com

RE: Young Black Men and Teens Are Killed by Guns 20 Times More Than Their White Counterparts

(Fr. John+)
The inability to be given absolution for your sins (and all crimes are sins) weighs heavily on a conscience- until such consciences are 'seared as with a red-hot iron' and then become Diabolical narcissists. So, yes, because Blacks and certain J-words) don't have the benefit of sacramental absolution, they become schizophrenic. And thus, blaming 'Whitey' for their crimes both gives them a false sense of moral rightness, as well as a convenient 'Other' to scapegoat. Don't you know that is what 'The Authoritarian Personality' by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford was all about- guilt transference for the crime of deicide, to blaming Whites for (((their))) inability to feel forgiven?

'and they were four times more likely to be victims than white females' And if compared to, say, Asian women or the Pacific ones? Or, are they scared of publishing those figures? On a different note: Always disproportionately hit… At least, now they have a beautiful excuse for the continual shooting - the White supremacy. What was it before? Anyone remembers?

Killed *BY* guns? Please figure out that guns possess no volition of their own, Nada.

Apparently, the blacks' belief in spirits makes them see the guns as something possessed with spirits. In this case, it is the White supremacy spirit that makes that poor black yuff take the gun and shoot his neighbor... The same White supremacy spirits inhabit all the monuments, schools, universities, - everything - around the poor, enslaved (until the virus era) blacks so they can not be responsible for anything they do. And it also includes the areas completely inhabited and ruled by the blacks (see Haiti for one)

ThoughtfulCel & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is


I love him, but I told him I am going to fuck someone else. It has worked out great.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT A FUCKING CUCK AND WHAT A FUCKING CUNT Pays for onlyfans because his wife is cucking him :lul: Both parties deserve to be beheaded publicly.

Unrelated but I guarantee he's white.

Lol yeah 100%. That's why when rightwingcucks on this forum talk about the pride of their race they forget the fact that whites are legit the only population who KNOWINGLY get cucked by their wives and just accept it.

90% of cumskins here would willingly cuck themselves if they had the chance.

It's unbelievable really. If you told men a few decades ago that they would never father children, that they would masturbate for enormous money to whores that they will never physically touch while their wife fucks other men and refuses sex with them while working in a dead-end-job with no future perspective despite having the best CVs possible and this was even one of the better outcomes they would have totally gone postal in public, but nowadays this is deemed acceptable. Unironically there is no cure for the West.

tehgymcel420 & The Cagot #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel I never asked to be born a sand nigger

My life is nothing but pain and misery, I'd rather have been born a cockroach. I hate how society has to make fun of me for not being able to get a foid to offer me her stinky roast beef flaps even though none of this is my fault, it is entirely due to my grotesque face. Oh Blackops2cel, if it is possible let this cup pass from me.

Do you believe that having brown colored skin attracts insects and other pests more readily than other types of skin tone?

idk, but it repels foids.

(The Cagot)

Move to a European country like France, Germany, Sweden etc... and you will literally be a Chad. Rap music in Europe heavily shills sand niggers.

White foids in France hate blacks and arabs, they very rarely date the best ones when they want exotism or look like cool. And Arabs hate Blacks, who knows why, so Blacks date Blacks, Arabs date Arabs, each race being socially and physically as far as possible from the others. Most Whites don't mix, and as most of the refugees and migrants arriving are male Blacks and Arabs, it leads them to an eternal sexual misery, forming gigantic waiting lines at La Jonquera brothels.

Robert Hoey Jr. #racist lowellsun.com

Four-term Lowell School Committee member Bob Hoey called a former Lowell Public Schools employee an anti-Semitic slur during a Wednesday morning episode of “City Life,” which airs on local channel 8 in several local communities.

During the first 30 minutes of the opinion program, Hoey, a guest on the show, host George Anthes, and producer John McDonough discussed issues including their dislike of the word “equity,” their displeasure at the U.S.’s embrace of undocumented immigrants and their cultures, the increasing diversity among Lowell High School’s student elected officials (“from Africa or an island somewhere,” Hoey said), and their disapproval of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among other topics. Hoey also discussed the movement of Indian American families out of Lowell into Westford and Chelmsford, saying “they care only about two things: education and policing.”

Segueing from a conversation about the use of the word “equity” in discussions about Lowell Public Schools and in the school budget document, Hoey then discussed the budget that was “all messed up,” according to Hoey, by former Lowell Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Gary Frisch, who now works in a similar position at Gloucester Public Schools. Hoey then referenced hiring Billie Jo Turner, the current Lowell Public Schools Chief Financial Officer, saying that “we lost the kike, I mean the Jewish guy.”

He immediately followed the use of the slur with “I hate to say it, but that’s what people used to say behind his back. Gary Frisch, that’s down in Beverly… he was the guy in charge of our budget.” Neither Anthes or McDonough said anything about his use of the slur in the moment.
“Cliff gives me information quickly when I need it, like I just mentioned something about Gary Frisch, I said a bad name,” he said. He then called himself “an Archie Bunker”

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com


It’s hard to understand how Asians are victims of white privilege. As you can see from this table, every one of the Asian groups makes more money than whites. Of all groups in America, Asians have the lowest crime and illegitimacy rates, the lowest welfare use, longest life expectancy, and the most years of education. They are doing a lot better than white people.

Why is the idea of the “model minority” anti-black? Because it suggests that if you work hard you can succeed in America if you’re not white. How do Asians manage to do so much better than their “white supremacist” oppressors? Beats me. But we’re supposed to believe that if it weren’t for white supremacy, blacks and Asians would love each other. If you think that’s how it works, type the words “blacks in China” into an internet search. White supremacy is hard at work over there, too.

Asians have been less likely to fall for this white supremacy stuff, but two forces are pushing them towards lunacy. One is the huge moral advantage of being a victim. The other is the fear that “white supremacy” is everywhere, and that everything bad is somehow the fault of white people. As I noted in my last video, even math has to be purged of white supremacy before blacks can learn it.

As Michelle Kim explained, the real enemy is white people. So, what’s the solution? Get rid of us? Just this week, the UN Secretary General warned that white supremacy is a “transnational threat,”. But if whites and their system are so vicious, won’t people begin to think it’s justified to use violence against such evil people? We are sure to see more attacks on whites. This insanity has dug in for the long haul. Even Asians are losing their minds. This means, the whiter your surroundings, the safer you will be.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Are Asians Going Nuts, Too?

In the last couple of weeks, there have been more than 20 attacks on older Asians in the San Francisco Bay area. Every known perp is black. Which is no surprise. This is a table from the DOJ on inter-racial violent crime. All it takes is simple arithmetic to calculate that any given black person is more than 45 times more likely to attack an Asian than the other way around.

NPR reports that city council members have “joined social justice groups warning against scapegoating” Scapegoating? You mean Asians have noticed that the perps are all black? Well, yes. When Asians notice a pattern, that “fuels fears and bias.” Fortunately, anti-black bias has been stopped in its tracks. As the Guardian explains, “Organizers, activists and academics have said that it is white supremacy that is at the crux of these racial divisions.” It’s not the fault of black people when they attack Asians. White supremacy makes blacks attack Asians and fools Asians into thinking blacks are violent.

There was a rally in New York City the same day. Justice for Vicha Ratanapakdee” – he was the guy who died after he was knocked down – “End the violence towards Asians. Let’s unite against white nationalism.” You end black violence against Asians by fighting “white nationalism.”

A few benighted Asians persisted in thinking that the problem might have something to do with black people, but as Eddie Zheng, the Oakland organizer explains, they’re ignorant. “For these communities, they’re just focusing on the harm and trauma they experienced without understanding the origins of this country and white supremacy.”

Michelle Malkin #racist #wingnut amren.com

Dear Woke Asians: Stop Blaming Whitey

I’m going to share a secret that liberal “people of color” and their agents in the media don’t want you to know. The recent crime wave against Asians is not the fault of Donald Trump or white people. It’s the fault of the perpetrators alone, most of whom thugs “of color.” Let’s pop the delusional bubble of left-wing Asians who marched this weekend in protests against “white supremacy”, donning “Black and Asian unity” T-shirts. These “wokesters” blame “anti-Asian bias” created by an imagined backlash by imagined “white supremacists” against China because of COVID-19.

Viral videos have exposed vicious attacks on elderly Asian subway riders and pedestrians in New York City. An inconvenient detail: The perpetrators aren’t wearing MAGA hats. More facts: Federal Bureau of Justice statistics data show that of nearly 600,000 violent interracial victimizations involving blacks and whites, black suspects committed 537,204 interracial felonies (not including homicides), or 90%, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10%. Black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes by 50% according to the most recent data. Whites are underrepresented by 24%.

These crimes in liberal cities are spiking as radical, George Soros-backed district attorneys enact soft-on-crime policies such as “restorative justice” that let violent criminals run free. When you elect soft-on-crime politicians and prosecutors, you get more crime. When you defund and demonize the police, all innocent citizens are unsafe — whatever their color. Blaming whitey may get you a few virtue-signaling points, but at what price in blood? What’s truly insane is that Asian-American liberals are marching arm and arm with the very dangerous zealots whose policies incentivized these street crimes.

jacobs101215 & bill53 #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Asians in this country are very left wing and vote Democrat because they want to disenfranchise whites and take over the country. East Asians living in their homogenous country are very authoritarian and xenophobic towards immigrants themselves. Civil nationalism is a bad idea because even some of the best and brightest among the nonwhites tend to display a strong in group bias towards the ppl of their original society. These gullible whites don't understand that the world is tribal warfare where ppl with your ethnic and cultural values work together and struggle for survival. These non-whites are constantly revealing their true colors and openly disrespecting whites in their own backyard.

I am coming to the conclusion that both blacks and muslims CANNOT play nice with any other "groups". No matter where blacks and muslims exist in the minority, there is tension with the majority. Once the roles are reversed muslims eliminate the minority. With race look no further then Rhodesia and South Africa both trying to ELIMINATE the white minority now. I don't understand Chinese Americans blaming whites for black felonious behavior. Look how blacks, muslims and Chinese minorities like Tibetans are treated in the PRC, there is NO white people there. There are NO greater racists in the entire world then the Han Chinese. Since the 1st emperor the Han Chinese have dedicated themselves to ELIMINATING all other ethnic Chinese. By some estimates the Han Chinese have murdered almost 1,000,000,000 other ethnic Chinese since the 1st emperor. islam has murdered an estimated 905,000,000 people on its march across the globe.

Jerry Derecha/In Search of Black Assassins #conspiracy #racist #moonbat #crackpot adrenogate.net

A reader of “In Search of Black Assassins” asked me what I believe to be behind the Drake- Pusha T Beef; and the Drake Black Face humiliating and degrading Black People. As you most likely know already, Roseanne Barr believes according to Talmud that Black People are a subhuman species related to tribes of APES and MONKEYS. She calls herself a rabbi. In Judaism, a rabbi is a teacher of Torah. The basic form of the rabbi developed in the Pharisaic and Talmudic era, when learned teachers assembled to codify Judaism’s written and oral laws. Israeli Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, says that it comes out of Talmud.
Roseanne Barr was also very clear comparing black people to the inhabitants of the “Planet of the Apes.” Roseanne Barr, HollyWeird’s MONKEY RABBI will sacrifice and throw Black People under the bus in the interests of ZIONIST ISRAEL, Druid Donald J. Drumpf, America’s Dark Circle and the ILLUMINATI at the drop of a hat. Apparently, Drake will do the same thing.
Drake is a Jew no different than the Monkey Rabbi Roseanne Barr. Everything he believes comes from the Kabbalah, the language of Fallen Angels.

Drake and Joy Ann Reid of MSNBC at the heart of the Roseanne Barr Israeli Mass Diversion Monkey Plot follow the same ILLUMINATI OWL. The owl symbol connects with the current Moloch Cult of the Bohemian Grove, and initiate degrees of the ILLUMINATI.

Lauren Boebert, US Representative for CO District 3 #fundie #wingnut #racist twitter.com

(Submitter’s note: this is in response to an article with the headline: “California to spend $28M to help arriving asylum-seekers”)

If blue states would stop wasting taxpayer dollars providing lavish lifestyles to illegal aliens, they wouldn’t need bailouts from the federal government.

No more money should go to states who spend our hard-earned cash on non-citizens.

Bankotsu #conspiracy #moonbat #racist globaltimes.cn

RE: Five Eyes today’s axis of white supremacy

The Anglo Saxons fought a race war against Muslims during war on terror and later another race war against Russia. Now they are starting a new race war against China. We can see more racist attacks on Chinese inside America. It is time to rally all the forces targeted by the Anglo Saxons and fight back. The racist agenda of the Anglo Saxons in suppressing China is obvious. It is time for China to lead global campaign to fight back against the racist propaganda attacks of the Anglo Saxons.

Skin color alone disqualifies India from being a part of the pact.Yet, they are ever so willing to let their white masters use an abuse them. Ironic! Only Indians think the world revolves around them. Must be something to do with the cow pee.

That's why no one respects India.

If the anglo saxons continues to use human rights and democracy to attack, suppress, curb and contain China, I think China will have to fight back by launching global anti racism campaign along with Russia, muslim, Latin America and African states.

Fight back hard.

John Mason #racist amren.com

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist

For the first time in my life, I experienced racism when I tried to interact with blacks and Hispanics the same way that I did with my white shipmates. I had learned how to get along with nearly any personality type, but just my appearance and voice seemed to irritate non-whites. This was also the first time I witnessed how quickly non-whites can shift from passivity to violence. I saw more fights in ten weeks of boot camp than I had in 18 years of my civilian life.

The blacks and Hispanics showed almost no ability whatsoever to master the simple academic instruction we were given. Every sailor that was “washed back” for academic standards was black. In nearly everything about Navy life, there were obvious racial divisions.

I never saw anything to change those observations. I met Filipinos and saw first-hand why their culture has the reputation it does for hard work and family values, but learned how openly racist they are. I worked alongside Caribbean blacks, and learned to my surprise that they despise American blacks and had more in common with white Americans. I dated a young black woman from the Caribbean for a time and was shocked at the amount of racist comments we got from black shipmates. In all the months we dated I never once heard a racist comment from a white person about our relationship.

What did my time in the military teach me about race relations in America? Racial differences are real. Everything holding blacks and Hispanics back from being successful is either self-inflicted or the result of their natural deficiencies. Every race prefers its own kind, and has the freedom to be openly racist, with the sole exception of whites. We are scolded by our own institutions for the very same behavior that is tolerated, and sometimes even encouraged, in other races.

Travis Patron #wingnut #racist #conspiracy jta.org

The leader of a far-right political party in Canada has been arrested and charged with willfully promoting hatred against Jews – reportedly a first for a Canadian political party.

Travis Patron, the founder and head of the Canadian Nationalist Party, or CNP, was taken into custody in the Saskatchewan town of Carlyle.

Wednesday’s arrest of Patron, 29-year-old native of that province, stemmed from a 2019 social network video called “Beware the Parasitic Tribe” that news reports said cast Jews as “swindlers” and “snakes.”

Patron also has a social media history of denying the Holocaust, according to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.

In his video, Patron claimed that Jewish people “infiltrate the media, they hijack the central bank, and they infect the body politic like a parasite,” and “what we need to do … is remove these people, once-and-for-all, from our country.”
CNP is registered with Elections Canada as a political party that can run candidates in an election, but it won’t get federal political party status until it has elected members of Parliament. That seems unlikely in the near future since its three candidates in 2019 garnered only a few hundred votes.

Fighting Monarch #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #wingnut #racist fightingmonarch.com

The Illuminati have a long history of assassinating presidents they don’t like.
Abraham Lincoln was the first, as John Wilkes Booth took him out.
Twenty years later it was President Garfield.
Twenty years later it was President McKinley.
Then they gave their stooge, Woodrow Wilson, a stroke.
Then they took out Franklin Roosevelt.
Then they took out President Kennedy.
They tried to kill Ronald Reagan, but he survived the shooting.
Sometimes they use bullets; but as the deaths of Wilson and Roosevelt indicate, they can also kill with poison or a blast from a directed energy weapon.
Or they can force a resignation as they did with Nixon.
I bet it won’t be long until Joe Biden dies of a stroke or a heart attack, or is forced to resign.
NWO wants Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.
During and after her parents’ divorce, she grew up in two hubs of mind control, Stanford University, where her father taught, and McGill University, where her mother worked.
Both of these places had an enormous amount of MK-ULTRA activity, so Kamala Harris must have been brainwashed.
No wonder Harris says people can choose their own “gender,” as she supported Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “guidance” on “transgender” students, co-sponsoring the federal “Equality Act,” and creating a special “Hate Crimes Unit” in San Francisco.
No wonder Harris supported the Green New Deal, which is nothing but code for the New World Order.
No wonder Harris opposed the “muslim travel ban” and no wonder she supports a flood of illegal immigrants, through which NWO seeks to destroy our national boundaries and rape our women.

Psycho #magick #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious Racial Discrimination in dating, does it happen to Whites as well?

yes , in Iran there is some states that are populated mostly by Turkmans, Turkmans look like Asians(Japanese, Chinese). Turkman girls are so attracted to non-Turkmans and our race (you can consider white), yet many of them rejected me, imagine how subhuman i am.

one of them actually liked me so i asked her out but then she said no and told me that i can't date non-turkmans and i can't even date, my father promised someone to give me to his kid. so i have a fiancée and plus i'm not allowed to have phone because i have a FUCKING MUSLIM TARD dad.(last part was added by me). i told her i will buy you a phone and telling her we don't need to tell anyone, and she kept running away from me and i followed her and talked to her and i kept standing in her way and she would change direction.

suddenly she stopped and told me no, i can't please leave me my dad will kill, if anyone see you talking to me my dad would kill me. and i was shocked, not about the things she said, i was shocked because i've been rejected by another girl at the same exact spot i was standing.

i didn't even listen to her anymore i just sit there on the ground and i was talking to myself out loud " what the fuck is wrong with me? at the same exact spot?! i'm probably talismed , yeah i'm talismed its unrealistic" (i was into talism shit back then, i thought someone spelled me, and that it's not possible to get rejected more than 100 times in a row. and she thought i'm crazy or sth and she left me.

and again FUCKING MUSLIM TARDS taking away one of my biggest chances with their stupid culture. I'm the king of rejection , my estimated record is 150-160 in real life and probably more than 500 over internet and apps like tinder.

Witch Doctor #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious Racial Discrimination in dating, does it happen to Whites as well?

Now, I've seen countless discussions on how ethnic men get the shorter end of the stick (Which is true), however have there been any white men shat on due to their race? For example, You are a white male living in a neighborhood with mostly blacks, you go to a black school, have black friends, but when it comes to dating Women won't date you due to either being white (This can happen with any type of woman), or you not being a handsome white chad, therefore useless in their eyes. I am mixed but I look extremely white (To the point where some call me Cracker as a insult).

it all depends on looks.

Race is apart of your looks, Me and someone else actually had a very similar story on the subject, basically a girl he liked told him he was "too light" for her to date, despite him being black.

Maybe in a liberal 98% white town an average white guy might lose to a tyrone lite if foids want something exotic.

Well, I did give my situation out in the op, I don't think it is all that common, but it did happen to me and a couple of others I know.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Curry man obsessed over "blonde haired blue eyed" women

image image image

Imagine simping this hard, over any type of foid. Men like this chump are a big part of the problem.

Now if only he went to a white majority school. The blondes would have bullied the little currycel and he would understand his place

(Made in Heaven)

never understood the ethnic worship of whores that age at the same rate as the dogs they fuck.

Blonde hair, blue eyes are pretty, but Nordic phenotypes are still ugly as fuck. Anglo women start to look really busted around age 30

I don’t think he witnessed that those girls are jock/model chads only. The “personality “ he wants to experience will be his worst experience when he only gets rejection after rejection The amount of time he said blonde hair blue is annoying

Being obsessed with people of other race is schizophrenic. If he breeds with the women he obsessed over then his offspring would be stinky brown mess with black eyes and brown hair. Would probably look Pakistani or Iraqi or something. Obviously if obsessing racemaxxing becomes popular then more and more people will become half-breed brown mystery meat. Who are you going to obsess next when there's no Aryan goddesses?

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Assails Five Eyes Intelligence Network ‘Axis of White Supremacy’


Oh how China must love the woke rabble who is helping them destroy the West without firing a single bullet.

All the while they can enjoy being a homogeneous society. Last time I checked only 0.07% of China's population was foreign born - hardly an example of diversity.

European ministries of defense are led by woke females who care mostly about kindergarten care for female and transgender female offspring. In the US, what is worse? Lesbian transgender generals or testosterone-deprived leftist softie generals? John Wayne types certainly don't qualify for higher posts in today's woke Western armed forces

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

China has learned that the only accusation that gets anything cancelled in the west is the charge of "white supremacy". So they're using this against an espionage consortium they don't like. Blame western cultural Marxists for this, not China.

Exactly. They've been reading American newspapers and their foreign spies/students have been seeing the trends on American campuses. The original sin is being white. Everything whitey does is white supremacy. They are using the woke against us.

I see China is jumping on the white supremacist bandwagon. Why not...everybody else jumps on whites; when they jump on whites, at least they don't have to view their own racism. What about all those Uighurs? Where are whites doing that to ANYBODY? Oh yes, white supremacists are beating up Asians in San Francisco NOT.

(idaho carth carth)
"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned “white supremacy” is an increasing threat to global security." !!! This thing is spreading to the whole world. Russia may be - is - the only holdout.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #quack #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

Fake ballots. Fake votes. Fake election. Anyone who tells you different is a fake.

Fake virus. Fake pandemic. Fake health officials and doctors peddling a fake vaccine.

Fake news. Fake experts. Fake people pretending to be journalists.

Fake research. Fake science. Fake global warming.

Fake shootings. Fake victims. Fake calls for new laws.

Fake racism. Fake hate crimes. Fake solutions to every fake problem.

Fake terrorists. Fake hijackers. Fake weapons of mass destruction.

Fake politicians. Fake laws. Fake leaders in every area of life.

Fake Pope. Fake clergy. Fake Christians fooled by a fake church pretending to be Catholic.

Fake conservatives. Fake patriots. Fake friends who will sell you out for 30 pieces of fake silver.

Fake free markets. Fake capitalism. Fake corporate welfare.

Fake lawyers. Fake judges. Fake laws.

Fake movies. Fake books. Fake celebrities.

Fake food. Fake vitamins. Fake water filled with fluoride.

Fake diseases. Fake health. Take this fake drug instead.

Fake economy. Fake money. Fake gold no longer in Fort Knox.

Fake history. Fake excuses for war. Fake moon landings.

Fake schools. Fake text books. Fake teachers peddling fake educations to the children of faked-out parents.

Fake sports. Fake athletes. Fake entertainment on every level.

Fake human rights. Fake consent. Fake choices.

Fake breasts. Fake tattoos. Fake women.

Fake muscles. Fake masculinity. Fake men.

Fake advertising. Fake products. Fake everything.

Are you real or are you fake too?

One-Handed Typist Award

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

India Still Hasn’t Legalized Anal Marriage, Court Says It’s Against the Family Concept
India still hasn’t gone full anal.

You know who thought the only hole a penis should go into is a vagina?

Adolf Hitler.

The man killed sixty trillion Jews in fake shower rooms.

And Indians love him.

They’d better hurry up and start really ramming those penises into anuses, really ejaculating hard into that feces – or Joe Biden will sanction them.

Ramming your penis into another man’s anus, using the rectum to masturbate your penis, and then ejaculating into the anus, so as your semen gets mixed in with the man’s feces is our core values as Americans. It’s not simply a right – it’s a requirement.

That’s who we are.

English, Motherfucker

Do you speak it?

Fed Up #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Adam Smith Business School Postpone Seminar by “Eugenicist”

The talk that was scheduled to be to be delivered was titled: “For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls: A lineage of 400,000 individuals 1750-2020 shows genetics determines most social outcomes”. In his book, he argues that socio-economic status is genetically inherited through the “genetic transmission of … some mysterious mix of drive and ability”. He also theorised that “200 years from now the descendants of enslaved African-Americans will still be underrepresented”.

Oh, my God! The very idea - of someone blaming the obvious (genetics) on why blacks are so predisposed to failure and crime.

So, genetics determine that whites are doomed to extinction in any territory that become multiracial? It’s genetics that eliminated white all throughout Africa, the Subcontinent, Asia, Oceaniana, Central America and the Caribbean?

What will eliminate Whites is the combination of interracial mixing and recessive genetics.

I'm SO confused. We are expected to believe "the Science" re: WuFlu but, we are supposed to ignore the science of biology.

Or any scientific research which provides a realistic explanation of why black Africans and their descendants are always the lowest racial group to be found on our planet.

Class is genetic. The raw, brutal truth of this fact is too much for little soft socialist brains to handle.

No doubt, the liberals and their black protegees will be running home to their mothers, and have themselves a good cry.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel brazil gamer finally rises up and kills femoid and films her dead body


Imagine if she was Twitch streamer and the murderer recorded this live for all her simps to see...


Just the thought is making a huge smile on my face.

I read a part of his manifesto. Nigga can barely write in portuguese and thinks he's a genius or something, he's clearly mentally retarded, should've killed himself, way better than shitzilian prisons.

He is also said to have sent a PDF with messages "of hatred against Christians and makes a nod to terrorism,"

First reports was that he was fucking her and after the sex he asked her help to kill some christian pastors, after she denied, he chimped out. Maybe is real, why was she in the house of some random nigger she met on the internet anyways? i guess he talking about killing christians to foids made them wet, but the foids always thought he was just an edgy larper

(trying to ascend)
He don't talk nothing with nothing, his ideas are totally disconnected from each other. He and the foid were planning to kill christians, and people are acting as the foid was innocent. He said he and his ''army'' could kill all the christians and it was better for them to obey him. JFL at thinking you can kill 90% of the population

And the foid already knew him since january, but on the day of the shooting, she refused to go with him and cancelled the pact they made, them he killed her. But I don't doubt he was doing this for fame and making foids wet, because he clearly not explained clearly reasons to justify his hate against christians, I read the book till page 30, and there is nothing justifying his hate

Vasile Zarnescu #racist #conspiracy jpost.com

A former Romanian intelligence officer has been sentenced to 13 months in prison for Holocaust denial in the first-ever conviction under the country’s 2002 law.

Vasile Zarnescu, 74, a former colonel who worked for the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) for 11 years, was convicted on Feb. 4 by a court in Bucharest for writing online articles describing the Holocaust as a “fraud.”

In 2016, Zarnescu also published a book entitled “The Holocaust – the Devil’s Bogeyman – Extortion in the Name of ‘Holocaust Money.’” In it, he claims that the death of six million Jews is “the greatest fraud in the history of the universe.”
Prosecutors had opened an investigation into Zarnescu after a book launch at a well-known Bucharest bookstore in April 2016 was canceled. The former officer was subsequently charged last year.

permanentlytemporary #crackpot #racist #dunning-kruger amren.com

The "Asians" are a complex and multi facetted grouping.
But realistic speaking the umbrella term "asians" is totally out dated and in need of modernisation.

For instance, the asians known as the old Indians of Indian.
They are homosapiens.
But the asians of Thailand, the Sians of Thai.
They are denisovans.

Theres a good hundred thousand years of evolution between the two.
The denisovans don't have sweat glads for instance, where as the homosapiens do.
There are hundreds of genetic variations, specialisations and differences between the "Asians"

Using the umbrella term "Asians" is only causing problems in the long term.

I am blunt for a good reason.
I refer to them all as simply coloureds.

Hence this is just another coloured march..
They are as common as muck.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

Inceltears, from what I can tell are just a bunch of whitecels denying JBW, pretending theyre not racist because they have some luck with ethnic foids. Also the foid members of IT are usually noodlewhores or black females, or really fat fugly BBW white foids. Actually, a lot of stormfrontcels have A LOT in common with the folks in IT.

Those groups ignore JBW because they know theyre guilty. Noodles, Curries, some latinas, and black females LOVE white males.

No one denies that the white race mogs the shit out of the other races. But the main difference is that ethnic males don't worship white females anywhere near as much as ETHNIC FEMALES (most especially white females) worship white males.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Of course”]

The good people at Gorilla Glue need to lawyer up, as the retarded negress who used their product in her hair is considering taking legal action against the company.

A Louisiana woman who’s gone viral as the “Gorilla Glue Girl” is considering a lawsuit after spraying her hair with ultra-strong adhesive.

TMZ reports Tessica Brown has hired an attorney and is discussing possible litigation against Gorilla Glue. She reportedly spent 22 hours in the emergency room at a hospital after she used the company’s heavy-duty Spray Adhesive when she ran out of the hair spray she usually uses, Got2b Glued.

It's important that the company gets ahead of this, and promises do better in the future, cue pointless weeping, give her $50,000, and...okay I guess they have to take some concrete action as well, don't they?

My suggestion is to put a new warning label on all Gorilla Glue products in order to guarantee this disaster doesn't happen in the future. I have a small mockup included below:
[“Warning: Do not apply to actual gorillas”]

BoomersOdyssey #racist deviantart.com

Yeah, no. Anyone that looks at Africa and then looks at Europe and says, "yup, these are the products of the exact same people," is simply an idiot. There's no way that anyone with a shred of honesty is going to look at blacks and Whites (or any other people for that matter) and say that they're the same species, let alone the same race. Chimps and bonobos? CLEARLY distinct species. Grey wolves, timber wolves and red wolves? All OBVIOUSLY separate species. Grizzly bears, polar bears and black bears? Only a fool would say that they aren't different. Various types of tigers? Even they get considered to be sub-species. Neanderthals and cro-magnons? Clearly recognized as distinctly different species despite having interbred with one another. Blacks and Whites? HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT THESE ARE DIFFERENT?!?!?!?!111?!? Seriously, anthropologists can tell the difference between blacks and Whites just from their bones. Suggesting that they're the same because of your delusional political ideology is just dumb.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Why I’m No Longer Changing My Indian Phrases Around My White Friends

Student felt she lost her identity by using English equivalents of Indian words.


Look, you adopt a country, adopt it 100%. If you love Indian culture so much you should go back.

How can you adopt a country when you're not of its founding stock?

Does she have some reason to think that white British people really care how a lot of foreigners "phrase" their speech? It seems that having an exaggerated idea of one's own importance is an essential element of "multiculturalism" among these young invaders.


Please punish us vile racists - by taking the next flight to India and thereby depriving us of your grace, beauty and eloquence.

You should see a picture of her!! Definitely no "beauty"!!!!!!!!

(E. Essington)
Put this young lady behind the counter of one of her uncle's convenient stores, and see if her biggest concern is still 'code-switching' around the melanin-free.

Perfect example that diversity is simply colonization and dispossession of the natives.

(Fed Up)
"I hope that making this active effort to use my Indian phrases will encourage others to do the same. "

This loser would better hope her White friends don't take the logical action - of drop-kicking her and leaving her isolated. I sure as hell would have.

Excellent. I hope all Hindus in White countries behave likewise. Hindus are unassimilable by virtue of their race, so why would we want them to resemble Whites in speech? The more alien they remain, the smoother their eventual repatriation will be.

Teutonic Knight #racist #crackpot incels.is

Slavcels, why is the slavpill so brutal to handle?

There are a lot of Slavs posting here and many of them had trouble accepting the slavpill at first, but would later take it and accept their bitter reality. Since then, a lot of posters admitted that taking the slavpill was extremely brutal. What exactly makes slavpill more brutal than the other racepills?

Why is slavpill so brutal to handle?
I used to cope thinking that I'm white and can do JBW game Votes: 13 39.4%
I used to cope thinking that Slavic women are more traditional Votes: 11 33.3%
I look like a stereotypical balding Polish in his late 20s Votes: 6 18.2%
I'm from an especially poor Slavic country Votes: 8 24.2%
I'm a mentalcel in Slavlands and it's absolutely brutal (I get bullied by Vladislavs regularly) Votes: 10 30.3%
Just don't be exotic in Slavlands theory destroyed me Votes: 6 18.2%
I used to think Slavic countries aren't that feminist Votes: 9 27.3%
The abortion, suicide, alcoholism etc. statistics Votes: 17 51.5%
The fact that a guy like Roosh could slay in slavlands simply because he didn't look like a Slav Votes: 11 33.3%
I'm not Slavic but slavpill is brutal even for me Votes: 11 33.3%
Total voters 33

Teutonic Knight #racist #sexist incels.is

Why would a slav who lives in Eastern Europe care about the slavpill?

Eastern Europe became a huge whorehouse after collapse of communism. You're not just competing with other Slavs but also with tourists and rich Western men looking for wives. Also Slavic women are bombarded with Western propaganda how local Slavic men are ugly and low value and how they should go for rich progressive foreign men. Slavic women also have the highest SMV on the planet and are attractive to literally every other race. If you live in an urban area of Slavlands where a lot of tourists and foreign students come it's very over for you.

What I noticed over the years as Slav in Slavland is that Germanic or Mediterranean (or overall western) looking Slavs always out preform Slavic looking Slavic.

Exactly. The Chads in Slavlands are either Germanic looking pretty boys in Western Slavlands and Russia (former Vikinglands) or Oriental-ish Turkish looking high T Chads in Balkans.

A western man 'ascends' because he is assumed by default to be richer then almost anyone in EE.

But they're not betabuxing. Who was Roosh betabuxing? Or other foreign exotic men who just come to EE to pump and dump? Or foreign students who don't even have jobs yet. Just don't be Slavic in Slavlands theory is legit. Roosh literally admitted that he was able to get women because he didn't look like a Slav.

Where are tons of ugly women is slavlands but best looking ones make it out of where in western world more often.

Most of women are unattractive (without make up) everywhere. But Slavic women probably look the best. The best way to confirm this is to look at female athletic teams from each country because that is the best sample of average, healthy (fit) women. Slavic women teams look by far the best.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

(Total Imbecile)

I think you're quite retarded to be quite honest... All Slavs I know are slayers (Yes, an anecdote, same as the gibberish you spout).

Yes and IT knows 4' 11'' indian janitors who get laid more than Brad Pitt, therefore the blackpill is nonsense

Why would a slav who lives in Eastern Europe care about the slavpill? His competition is other slavs, Eastern Europe is almost completely homogeneous. I can understand the slavpill for slavs who live in Western Europe though. Similar to how it doesn't make sense to blame the currypill when you live in India among other currycels.

Thanks to dating apps the entire world is competing with LA and NYC Why would some third world girl settle for you when Jake Paul can fly her to his Beverly Hills house and fuck her

All except “I’m from poor Slavic country”. At least doesn’t have it nearly as bad as rest of Eastern Europe money-wise. But everything else checks out. Slavic genes are simply subhuman. Balding at young age, weird ugly faces (gift from mongol invasion). This combined with the fact that girls are really pretty here is pure suifuel. Oh and any foreigner has it 100x times easier than your average polack, bonus point if his skin is dark.

The slav pill is extremly brutal for me because I am part asian. I use to cope with the fact that I was "white" but slavs can be much whiter than I am yet struggle to get laid so its double over for me.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack benjaminfulford.net

The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say.

The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines.
Many Pentagon sources say Trump is only acting and giving lip service to the Zionists and will soon turn against them. However, people need to keep in mind that he has always been an Israel firster by doing things like recognizing Israel’s illegal annexation of the Gaza strip and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. He also carried out blatant Nepotism by giving his Chabad (kill 90% of humanity, enslave the rest) son-in-law Jared Kushner inordinate power to negotiate Middle East peace deals for Israel.
Of course, we must never underestimate these criminals because they have literally thousands of years of experience in herding humans as if they were livestock. The attack on Texas -which involved deliberately shutting down their power grid in the middle of a cold snap- is one example. This came after Texas Congressman Ron Wright “died of Covid-19,” and as an election for his replacement looms, the corporate propaganda media is full of articles criticizing the Texas establishment for “mishandling,” its energy grid.

Dom Clark #racist #wingnut quora.com

Isn't Jewism the ultimate and purest fascism?

Quite the opposite. Fascism is fundamentally good while Jewry is fundamentally evil. Jewry directly opposes almost all of the foundational ideas fascism is built on. The essence of Jewry is domination through parasitism motivated by pure greed. Fascism is built on the ideas of hard work, self-reliance, charity, humility, submission to legitimate authority, and service motivated by selflessness.

Ugly_equals_Death #sexist #wingnut #fundie #racist blackpill.club

Blackpill There are 2 types of societies today

Where animals are food and protection
Where animals are pets who get food and protection

Where women want to become mothers
Where women want to become lawyers

Where men fight for freedom
Where men fight for censorship

Where traditions are kept allive
Where traditions are destroyed

Where people believe in god
Where people believe in the schoolbook

Where people are proud nationalist
Where people are proud globalist

Where the family is the most important thing
Where the individual is the most important thing

Where sexuality is something divine between a man and a women
Where sexuality is perverted and abnorm

Where people get raised by their parents
Where people get raised by goverment authorities
And some major coincidence first one never has jews in it what a twist.

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