
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various Incels #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is



What’s the most incelish white phenotype?
Atlantid Votes: 0 0.0%
Nordid Votes: 3 7.1%
Keltic Votes: 2 4.8%
Alpine Votes: 3 7.1%
Baltic Votes: 0 0.0%
Slavic Votes: 29 69.0%
Med Votes: 0 0.0%
Other Votes: 5 11.9%
Total voters: 42


Wanted to choose alpine but in the end my vote goes to Slavic. Fuck my dad’s lineage.

I am slavic and we are subhumans

Slavpill poll results


Fuckin ragefuel when we live in Western Europe yet have Slavic genes


Why are Slavs less attractive?

Inferior mongol genes. Good genes getting killed off in 2 world wars+Communism.

Slavs by far. Even the leader of the slav world Putin has an incel face in comparison to the Chaddier ones of other countries. Which isn't a surprise, since modern democracy = Chad and more recently foid worship in which multiple aged Chads compete for pleb votes.

Jewish :reeeeee:
I look fucking inbred and deformed and my face is fucking asymmetrical as well as being 5’4
At least I have green eyes

If you Jews ever need "new blood" to diversify your gene pool, I'll be there.

Stick with your own race :reeeeee:

If I can’t get Jew foids neither should you. And we don’t need any fucking garbage goyim genetics

(Don Vito)
JFL at the niggas choose Slavic


Slavics are far from be the most incelish white phenotype


The most incelish phenotype are alpine


and baltic


by far

Spencer #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut pitt.substack.com

This is the logical conclusion of the breakdown of "traditional," gender roles and the patriarchy. You give the left an inch, they'll take their mile.

The left is a force of disintegration and chaos. Traditions of every kind are what they seek to destory and all our traditions are interrelated and interlocking.

This is a tough reality to accept. But "women's liberation," and gay marriage open the floodgates. And we won't close these floodgates until we restore things to way they were. Maybe not precisely as they were, but something close to it.

XY Crew #conspiracy #elitist #sexist #wingnut xycrew.net

A Better Way Forward for Men

In case you haven’t noticed, masculinity is under attack. Male space, a vital and healthy part of any functioning society, has dwindled to all but nothing. In today’s gynocentric world that space is shamed, attacked and coopted in the name of empowering women. All this leaves men isolated and their issues neglected. The mental health field only offers more of the same neglect, plus a hefty dose of shame from misandric practitioners whose bread and butter is peddling the toxic masculinity narrative to women.

This is destructive. This is unacceptable.

Fortunately, we have the people, the technology, and the will to put an end to the isolation, and an end to the neglect. XY CREW is male space; a peer-support platform that uses a combination of online video technology and real-world events to connect and provide service to men across the world. We’re building a community like no other.

We’ve discovered that when men connect away from the influence of women, great things happen. Many of our members are rebuilding and reshaping their lives after suffering years of chronic abuse in relationships, ruinous divorce decrees, parental alienation and false accusations. Others are moving on from the wreckage to improve their professional and business lives. Still others are improving their health and fitness. In a world that sees men merely as “human doings,” XY CREW is a place of friendship and support created by men who see you as an actual human being.

XY CREW provides peer support and service that is available around-the-clock, every day of the week, anywhere in the world. We host live online meetings that give men a place to share their lived experience, struggles and wisdom without interference, judgment or apology. In that environment, we see the lives of our members consistently, and often drastically, improve.

Every man reading this is just one click away from joining a community of brothers, a Crew that has your back in life. When was the last time you felt like you had that?

63daddy #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Observe the chilling levels of hatred the average Feminist has for men who need help.

Feminism doesn’t just address women’s issues and obviously isn’t about equal rights for women, it’s an actively and purposely anti-male movement. Consider:

The major feminist organizations have actively lobbied for and won anti-male policies.

Notable feminist leaders have gone on record with misandrist statements and advocating against men. These are not just random feminists, but those who are looked up at. They aren’t shunned for their misandry, they are praised.

Related, major feminist organizations, notable feminists, college feminist courses and organizations push anti-male propaganda they know is misleading or just plain false. Consider the Koss study and the Duluth model for example as well as the anti-male clinics many colleges require as a part of new student orientation.

Again, the above are not cherry picked examples of radical feminists, this is feminist leadership and it’s embraced by feminism as a whole.

It all starts with the agenda of winning advantages for women. This requires feminism to claim men oppress women and to convince themselves men are an evil enemy that deserves to be put down. Anti-male propaganda is a part of this.

Agreed, they're a woman/women-centric supremacist hate cult.

Both feminism and the MRM are sex-centric. The difference is the MRM isn’t lobbying for policies that discriminate against women.

Great summary. What would you say to those who consider the misandrist feminists to be “not real feminists”?

I’d tell them they are using the no true Scotsman logic fallacy. Feminism is what feminism does and what feminism does is advocate women be advantaged and men be disadvantaged. Using a false slogan doesn’t change what an organization or movement actually does.

I can say the KKK seeks racial equality and that any KKKer who is biased against blacks isn’t a real KKKer. It doesn’t make it so.

Again, I’m not cherry picking a few outliers. I’m talking about the actions of major feminist organizations and feminist leaders. They define what feminism actually is. To say the major feminist organizations aren’t really feminist makes no sense.

william #sexist blackpill.club

RE: why has the site gone private? Is this temporary?

i genuinely believe there is some weird attraction that incels give away to virulent feminists, they literally behave like our chauvinism is the equivalent of raw oil iin the internet. maybe it's not even something sexual but there is definitely some reason why these cunts won't leave us alone.

it's because blackpillers play into feminist's narratives but then just flip the conclusion. Blackpillers validate their worldview and then flip the ending, making blackpillers something that feminists like to present as an enemy. As feminists can justify feminism by having an enemy, while also validating their own narratives when presenting such an enemy to the public. They do this with other groups too. Anyway here's how I see blackpillers play into their narratives but then flip the ending.

feminists: "patriarchy existed"
blackpillers: "patriarchy existed"

feminists: "men oppressed women during patriarchy"
blackpillers: "men oppressed women during patriarchy"

feminists: "men oppress women to get sex"
blackpillers: "men oppress women to get sex"

feminists: "sexless men are dangerous"
blackpillers: "sexless men are dangerous"

feminists: "and this is bad"
blackpillers: "and this is good"

to post a quote from your previous account

Bill T #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Single women become handmaidens of Satan.

They hit 40 years old and realize they’ve ruined their lives by failing to find a husband and raise a family while they could.

The single women get angry and resentful. Their pride is hurt. They envy the younger women they see who are clever enough to find a husband.

Those 40+ single women start the turn to evil. Pride and envy always turn to hate eventually. By their mid-40s they actively HATE other women who have families. They actively hate children. But they are oh, so clever and careful, to keep their hatred hidden.

They start teaching young girls “you should focus on your career…don’t waste your time on men”.

They want to grow their evil, so they have company. Misery loves company.

That’s why smart mothers SHUN those single older women. Keep them away from your daughters. If you catch your old spinster aunt whispering Feminist lies in the ears of your daughter, grab your daughter and hustle her away to be with a less unsavory member of your family!

LOL. My mother was one of these feminists – who destroyed her marriage and my childhood in the process. I spent many years finding a woman who was NOT a feminist and teaching my daughters to NOT be feminists. To this day, when my mother visits her granddaughters, my wife must sit with them to ensure that grandma isn’t filling the daughter’s ears with poison. Oh what a world.

inescapable_ad3953 #sexist #psycho unddit.com

“Do girls get wet in school shootings?

Mandatory Preface: I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes an ultra-Chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-Chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction towards the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather than shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead. Is my theory correct? Have studies been conducted on this?”

BlkPillPres #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

The New Meta For The "Sexual Market" Game (Texas Mass Shooting Made Me Think Of This)

Turns out the guy who did the recent Texas mass shooting was transgender. This got me thinking of a plan that incels can execute.

1. PRETEND to be transgender, create social media, add the flag to your social media, start posting positively about trans issues, etc.

2. Do a crime that will get you locked up in a favorable FEMALE prison facility with as low as possible population of black women. Do research on the stats and see which one has a higher percentage of latina's, whites, asians, etc. You might have to do a specific crime in a specific state, etc.

3. Have your lawyer demand that you get locked up in a female prison.

4. You will now have your pick of the litter (THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE):

WOMEN ARE SHORTER, about 9% on average. Nigerians have the smallest recorded height difference between the sexes at 4%, while men of the UAE are 11% taller than their female counterparts.

MALE BONES ARE BIGGER AND STRONGER, in both size and density. Peak male bone mass is around 50% more than women’s, and women lose bone faster as we age.

MEN HAVE BIGGER HEADS AND LONGER ARMS AND LEGS than women, relative to body size.

MEN HAVE SUPERIOR MUSCULATURE to women, a woman's body is typically about 30 to 35 percent muscle by weight, while a man's body is about 40 to 50 percent muscle by weight. Generally, male muscles have a higher capacity for anaerobic metabolism and generate a higher maximum power output than female muscles.

The reason why you wanted to go to a prison with the least amount of black women possible, is because black women are pretty much like fucking men, they are freaks of nature. Though slightly weaker they'll make up for it with aggression.

5. Even if you don't become the "top dog" the top woman there will try to lay claim to you as their bitch, so either way you're going to get to fuck lol.

Also, the women there want to fuck too, you will be the only dick around.

6. Commit small offenses every now and then within reason, so that they keep extending your sentence and you get to stay there and live like a king lol.

Doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. You get free meals, a place to stay, a toilet, and an entire compound of bitches for you to fuck.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia naturalnews.com

In the wake of the mass shooting yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, we must remember that on the very same day, over 2,700 human babies were murdered in America via abortion factories, according to reliable abortion estimates.

The same Leftists who demand abolishing the Second Amendment by falsely claiming it will stop shootings also celebrate the mass slaughter of human babies as they’re being born… or even after they’re born, via “post-birth abortions” that the Left celebrates. (See Abortions.news for full coverage.)

Don’t pretend for a second that the Left cares about the lives of children.

What they care about is stripping armed Americans of their last remaining line of defense against tyranny: The Second Amendment. Left-wing Marxists and tyrants know that if they can successfully take away firearms from the American people, they can then run whatever totalitarian scenarios they want, including rounding up conservatives and throwing them into concentration camps under the cover of an “outbreak.
The real cause behind mass killings in America is abundantly evident: Programming of kids through pop culture (media, Hollywood, music, violent, graphic video games), indoctrinating them with themes of satanism, self-mutilation (transgenderism), baby killing via abortion and invoking emotional rage against others. And if a child or teen begins to wake up and think outside the box, they get dosed with psychiatric drugs to keep them in line.

These are all things which are taught by the political Left in America today. The message to children and teens is crystal clear: Your life doesn’t matter at all. (This stands in contrast to the conservative, pro-Christian message which is that “Every life matters, including yours.”)

So if murder and self-mutilation is the message being pounded into the heads of children and teens, should be really be surprised when this twisted, demonic culture produces mass murderers who recognize no value in the lives of the innocent?

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

The terrorists’ manifesto, be it a fake and an exact replica of Tarrant’s, complains about the The Great Replacement, which is a very real and coordinated effort. Yet, this is only so, because in reality, white men are failing.
Once again, this hearkens back to white women. White men are the only men who sit back and allow white women to take the reigns and subsequently destroy the societies which they built. Most Asian countries, certainly Arabs and )ews, will never allow such a thing. For the most part, they all keep their women in line and if not, they are not as preoccupied with them as white men are with white women. They are not as gynocentric. I am sure, as with most things, exceptions can be found and pointed out, but generally speaking, these men do not pride themselves on being violent, feminized, mangina simps like white men do. A second runner up would be African and Indian men. To put things in perspective, a study shows that the Muslim population grew by 4.4% while that of Hindus declined by 4.3% since Feminism took a hold of India. Arguably, India is extremely gynocentric and the culture is quite matriarchal, contrary to common belief. African men are super pussy-beggars and may rival white men when it comes to the Super-mangina title. Nevertheless, it is white women who affect social change on a very large scale.
White men. Get your shit together. It is for to put these white cunts back where they belong. They need to be taken out of public life. Stop complaining and start shaming these cunts for the stupid whores that they are.

Keep pointing fingers while we get replaced by women and immigrants. Keep brushing off legitimate criticisms and refusing to self reflect. Remember, the )ew could only be successful as much as you allow him to be. He wouldn’t be successful if he didn’t know how to play on your gynocentric retardation—your inability to be objective about the white woman—the destroyer of civilization.

James Sears #sexist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy antihate.ca

Footage of James Sears receiving a “free speech” award from a long-time neo-Nazi includes remarks from the former doctor and jokes about the Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam being publicly executed[…]
Sears, who was on parole after serving four of his 12-month sentence for promoting hatred in his newspaper, Your Ward News, was arrested by the Toronto Police Service on Thursday for breaching his release conditions[…]
In November 2021, Paul Fromm presented Sears with the 2021 George Orwell Free Speech Award. Sears took this as an opportunity to launch into a long and winding talk[…]
“If the Nazis were in charge [the pandemic] would’ve ended in two weeks,” Sears told the small crowd, cheering crowd

He went on to describe a scenario where Hitler would have found Dr. Tam guilty of treason and sentenced her to death for being behind a Communist plot. Sears[…]described a truly Canadian public execution which he imagined would take place during halftime at a hockey game

“[Dr. Tam] would’ve been tied to a pole in center ice and she would’ve been sentenced to death by high sticking”

He insists he is “only joking” and doesn’t want real harm to come to her, but went on to suggest Hitler would have made a joke that “there’s a face-off in the corner”[…]
Sears’ problematic views of women were on full display when he expressed bewilderment about his conviction

“I wrote[…]that men treat their cars better than their women and I wrote that if men thought of their women as possessions they’d treat them better,” Sears explained. “[The judge] said that’s dehumanizing towards women and it’s one of the worst things. It’s like, what? There’s no logic to any of it. I don’t understand. Nothing I’ve even said so far is a negative statement about Jews or women. I didn’t even say anything negative about them. And I said ‘precious chattel. Precious’”

oenz #sexist #crackpot ncu.su

Cultural Lolipill Party
I Will Make a Political Party to make Normies Seethe:

Cultural Lolipill Party Or can be called CP to Make Normies seethe.

Age of consent Reform.
Counter Culture.
Youth Liberation.

This Party Will be California Only.
Anyone want to join?

MGTOW-man #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com

RE: Sweden, where man-beating is sport!

Let’s hold out for the honesty and bravery that used to characterize what real men were.

If anyone wants to know where all the good men went, look up women’s asses.

There is hardly a man out there that doesn’t know this beating is wrong.

Cowards remain silent.

I've traveled to Sweden. The horrible behavior of the Swedish policewomen doesn't surprise me as Sweden is a feminist totalitarian state. In general, Swedish men, have capitulated to feminist tyranny. However, Swedish men are refusing to serve in the Swedish military resulting in a dramatic and devastating decline in the Swedish military !

I can’t believe men—MEN—are truly man enough to actually resist! Something tells me that their resistance won’t last long. The authorities there will likely require men to enlist but while of course, women will have real choices.

Someone remind me to NEVER spend a cent in that feminist hell hole.

Makes sense. Why would men want to support a feminist totalitarian state? They need to institute the draft for women so women like that police officer can take their hate out on the battlefield.

Because they can’t be real men unless they cave in and let women have their juvenile way no matter how detrimental it is to basically everything else?

To hell with the fate of the world; just make darn sure he gets him a woman no matter the lies pouring from his cowardly lips.

Let’s just be glad that at least a few males are man enough to do the right thing.

-DJ-, Aman Singh & mark mooroolbark #sexist avoiceformen.com


The following discussion was published in 1707 AD under the title Female Grievances: Dialogues between two Young Ladies concerning Love and Marriage. The discussion shows that even back in the 1700’s women were trying to limit men’s freedom and stop men from living as bachelors.

Eliza: Amongst all the female grievances we have hitherto debated there still remains one we have not yet touch’d upon. There are an abundance of bachelors who, thro’ a cowardly apprehension of the cares and troubles of the marry’d state, are so fearful of entering into it, that they would rather run the hazard of damning their souls with the repeated sin of fornication.

Mariana: I’ll assure you I like your thoughts very well, for if we consider rightly, we can allow bachelors to be no other than drones in the great-hive of the Common-wealth. With all my heart; you would have me begin, so accordingly I’ll proceed to the business, vis:

That every bachelor above the age of twenty, and childless widower under the age of fifty, shall be obliged to marry within the circle of one year, commencing from the date of the Act, or else be liable to be press’d into the Sea or Land Service (after the expiration of the Term limited) when ever Her Majesties Forces shall need a further recruit.

Eliza: O sye, Madam, should we put such a cruel article upon the poor gentlemen it would be constru’d as downright tyranny, beyond all president.

Can you imagine the outrage if some random guy posted such a thing ragging on women? The earth would suddenly stop rotating and fire and brimstone would rain down upon us.

But his is what happens when you raise a few generations of girls to think they are superior, entitled...or that men are inferior knuckle daggers living under a bridge.

It's not that marriage is a trap for men, puts them at risk, at the whims of a woman...it's that we, you know, the "toxic masculinity" crowd, need to "man up". God is nowhere near this issue.

(Aman Singh)
This makes my blood boil. God, makes me repulsed from womankind.

(mark mooroolbark)
Astonishing. yet still we are told women were slaves and oppressed right up until the sexual revolution of the sixties. Another lie in an endless sea of lies.

Oklahoma Republicans #sexist bbc.com

Oklahoma passes bill banning most abortions after conception

Oklahoma legislators have passed a law banning abortion after conception, which critics say is the most restrictive such measure in the US.

The Republican-led bill would prohibit all abortions, except to save the life of the woman or if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

It comes after a leak suggested the US Supreme Court may quash the 1973 ruling that legalised abortion nationwide.

Republican-led US states are ramping up bills to limit abortion access.

On the other side, US Senate Democrats last week tried to pass a bill that critics said would allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. It was stopped by Republicans.

Opinion polls find most Americans are in favour of abortion access, though surveys also show public support for allowing the procedure drops sharply after the first trimester of pregnancy.

Abortion is generally legal in US states that do not restrict it up to about 24 weeks of pregnancy, which is near the end of the second trimester.

Oklahoma has recently passed several laws aimed at setting it apart as the most "pro-life" state in the US.

The bill, which passed overwhelmingly on Thursday, is modelled on a Texas anti-abortion law that allows anyone to sue abortion providers.

But the Oklahoma bill bans abortion even earlier than Texas, where it is not legal after six weeks. This is around the time cardiac activity can be detected in the embryo, and before many women realise they are pregnant.

The Oklahoma measure defines fertilisation as the "fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum". Banning abortion after conception has been a long-held goal of national anti-abortion groups.

The bill still needs to be signed into law by the state's Republican governor, who has vowed to approve any anti-abortion legislation that comes to his desk.

The Oklahoma measure allows exemptions in cases of rape and incest, but only if reported to the police. It does not ban contraception or morning-after pills.

In the past three months, Oklahoma has passed two other anti-abortion bills, which have already caused most abortion providers in the state to close.


Nancy Campbell #fundie #sexist aboverubies.org

[Submitters note: Nancy Campbell runs the Above Rubies magazine and web page.]

On 2 March 2011 we [Colin and Nancy Campbell] will have been married for 48 years! ,...

The following are some of the secrets I have learned over the years. They are all biblical concepts.

I am sure you must be getting used to the fact that I always resort to the Word of God for the foundation of my life, so back to the Word we go. Here are seven "S's" for you.

At fellowship time after church, a few couples were talking together about marriage. I asked the men, "What is the best way you like your wife to encourage you?" It was interesting that each husband replied, "I am blessed when she submits to me and allows me to be the head of the home." Gulp! I wonder why it is that the very thing that blesses our husband the most is the one we try to avoid! Perhaps we better find out what God says about the subject?....

C. Submission is for our protection

God did not devise submission to bring wives into bondage. No, it is for our blessing, protection and covering. God's ultimate plan is for His female creation to be under protection throughout their entire lives--under their father's protection as a single person and then under their husband's protection when they marry. We see an understanding of this in Numbers Chapter 30....

When you walk in a spirit of submission, you will receive seven blessings in your life. You will experience a...

1) Sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

2) Serenity--Soul rest and peace in your heart. (Matthew 11:28-30).

3) Security and Stability.

4) Sweetness.

5) Soundness of doctrine.

6) Strength of character. And you will be...

7) Saved from deception. (Timothy 2:14-15).

Thorsten J. Pattberg #elitist #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut thesaker.is

The number of Japanese who study German has halved in just a decade. Part of this is the EU’s appalling woke propaganda.

If you study Italian or Hindi, you will literally study Italian or Hindu culture, history, arts and so on. In German studies, you will be lectured on Nazi guilt, analsex, feminists and the importance of staying childless, democracy, the rule of law, diversity and gang bangs.

It is a disgusting moral lecturing and brainwash that no totalitarian cult in the world matches, not even the old Soviet regime or North Korea.

The would-be-students in Tokyo are greeted with alarming brainwash and misinformation, images of brown and black “New Germans”, ridiculous lies about the biology of men and women, and utter pseudoscience such as political correctness and antisemitism.

Abortions, prostitution, childlessness are all good-to-go. Gay sex and genital mutilations and drugs and idiocy are now Western mainstream.

If you study English, you talk about the weather and family; and Spanish, about weather and food. In German, you talk about racism, guilt and holocaust. It is the most insane, unnecessary and mostly self-inflicted collapse of a society in all of human history, comparable only to farewell of the Ostrogoths and Aztecs.

The final blow to the former land of poets and thinkers was undoubtedly the politicization of German grammar. In the Germanic languages, we may take most verbs and turn them into persons by adding -er.

Grammatically speaking, that noun is then masculine. Semantically, however, we know it refers to both genders, thus is neutral. But not so the leftists who feel that a “doer” or a ‘swimmer’ are offensively male privileges. Therefore they insist on a grammatically unambiguous female ending -(er)ess, preceded by an asterisk *.

All major regime media, newspapers and journals, textbooks and magazines and even the radio in Germany must now use BOTH –masculine AND feminine– endings. Thus, a simple address “Pirates, distinguished swimmers!” becomes “Pirates and Pirat*esses, distinguished swimmers and swimmer*esses!” All German texts are thus deliberately made stupid and eyesore.

Japan needs to investigate this crap and close it all down, also to save Goethe and for Germany’s sake.

Napoleon de Geso, CunnyEnjoyer & Ghost of Eskimo #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy #psycho ncu.su

(Napoleon de Geso)
In honor and memory of Hitler we need to exterminate white females
As much as we respect Hitler and are thankful to him for trying to make world better place, but we also need to look at him with constructive criticism, and see that he just tried, but failed to grasp real truth, what only we, based men of culture, had understood, about what real enemies of humanity and parasitoid vermins are - white females. And is our duty to finish Hitler's work by exterminating them

Foids just need to be controlled and forced into submission by force but no one is doing that, its all on kikes.

(Napoleon de Geso)

Foids just need to be controlled and forced into submission by force but no one is doing that, its all on kikes.

Kikes only give freedom to femoid's inner animal. And white femoid's inner animal wants nigger cock, not white man's

(Ghost of Eskimo)
Hitler was a puppet of the jews. Many Nazis were Free Masons that were manipulated by jews. Some Nazis were even jews.

Hitler sent the kikes to summer camps. The pictures of thin bodies and piles of bodies come from the end of the war when Allies bombed the German supply chains.

Hitler was building a technocracy and developing technology that would later stolen by the Allies. I think all technocracies eventually become cucked.

Asmobaby #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

White middle class men in drag really seem to get upset when a black succesful man goes on a stage and makes people laugh

The only thing they hate more than black men are mild-mannered British authors of children's books, it seems.

Here's my theory! I'm sure others have had this same take, so I apologize for the autism or regurgitation of common knowledge: It's like what many have said about "male feminists." They use that identity to get them "in." Clout, points, whatever - "I'm the good guy; now I'm on your side!"

God, I'm drunk on my first weekend off in a while here so bear with me...How do I put this articulately? It's like, these white "CIS men" who have been told for most of their lives that "white CIS men are the evil ones" they, not surprisingly, want to reject that, right? So they troon out. Ok, good. So now that they trooned out they can be "women" now - and NOW they can freely hurt women if they so want (because they are "women" now, ya follow?). Check. They "get" to do that now. How great for these men to be able to freely hurt us. Love that for us.

So next! These still "white" but now "un-CIS" ladies(?)...Well now there is the "minority" thing in question. But waitaminute! These white men in dresses "rank lower" than any minority out there because...Well, because they say so! And because they have created the "victim rankings" they get to rank "lower" than whomever they want. And because they rank themselves on the lowest victim tier they now get the full privilege to hate on, attack and say whatever they'd like about whomever they like.

But long story short: Men (and it's often white men, but I'm not trying to sperg by saying that) want a reason to be able to go all out on women and minorities while still retaining their liberal, progressive status. This is just a given. So I'm never surprised when I see troons happily posting about wanting to kill/cancel a black person or a woman or a lesbian - they "get to" do that now, free from consequences! It's what they've always wanted, really. Just had to troon out to do it, and now it's a goddamned free-for-all.

generalorder4 #sexist deviantart.com

It's not just because of my villainous anti-SJW side here that I've come to despise the archetypical feminist icon constantly cropping up in my 'entertainment'.

I didn't care about Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite. I didn't care about whats-her-name from The Last of Us. I don't care about pandering ANYTHING that doesn't follow the rules, and making a character fundamentally without flaws makes them BORING. At least for someone like me who doesn't enjoy characters I'm told to enjoy because it's good for me.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #racist blackpill.club

The true reason behind womens' aversion towards dick pics
Many copers think that it's because they are too sensitive to like the mere vision of an erected dick. Jfl no. They love cocks much more than men love vaginas. What disturbs them is the uneasy cognitive dissonance if a duck without a face attached. They see something that signal mating and arousal but they can't judge us that mating will fertilizes her with a fully human being is some atrocious monstrosity.

Now if a 6'3" Chad sends them a full naked picture showing off his physical superiority with his face clearly visible while he's holding his 9 inch dick she'll begin drooling like an Indian in front of an empty street during a diarrhea attack; like a Chinese in front of a Bruce Lee movie, like a negro in front of an open car with keys attached, like an American Indian in front of a slot machine, like a Latino when a big stockpile of cocaine has just arrived ready to be dealt : basically A LOT.

Just another reminder it's always you the problem.

Biblical gender roles #fundie #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

The Arguments Against the Marriage of Pubescent Women Are Faulty
When we acknowledge the fact that worldwide a total of 0.2 percent of women die from pregnancy related deaths, and that includes pubescent mothers, then the even if they represent a higher proportion of that 0.2 percent it does not make a strong case against pubescent women marrying.  Instead we can respond with that fact that at least 99.8 percent of pubescent women worldwide will survive their pregnancies.
When we acknowledge the fact that only 2 percent of all infants worldwide die in the first year of their life and even if children from pubescent mothers make up more of that 2 percent than children from postpubescent women, we can rightly say pubescent mothers have at least a 98 percent chance of their children surviving their first year of life.  A difference somewhere within the 2 percent range between two groups of women having their children survive is not a strong argument against pubescent women marrying.
Some may respond that these are numbers that mix the developed world and undeveloped worlds.  But let me remind you of the WHO numbers which stated even in sub-Saharan Africa, which has the highest MMR in the world, only 500 women out of 100,000 died from pregnancy related complications in a given year over the last decade.
Now that I have shown the arguments against pubescent women marrying to be faulty and weak, we will now present strong arguments for the marriage of pubescent women.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #elitist ncu.su

Wouldn't be better for wellbeing of clients to amputate eyes of prostitutes and put artificial ones instead?

Clients of prostitutes may be not good looking men, and that may result in decrease of service quality by prostitutes doing her job worse (or even refusing at all), and ugly men feeling insecure and being insulted and receiving emotional damage, if see prostitute looking at them with disgust

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #crackpot blackpill.club

Ultimate counter-argument to "you don't die if you dont have sex"
Assuming they wouldn't let ugly men dying either if a virus made sex with women a necessity like drinking/eating/sleeping and after 4 days without a blowjob you explode.


This "you don't die if" logic opens the gate to any kind of abuse and neglect as long as you are granted water, meals, healthcare and a bed.

If they counteract with "not giving sex is different than forcing to have sex" they are moving the goal post thus invalidating the idea that only the essential tools for surviving really matter/are something you're entitled to.

Steve Moxon #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com

Whenever you point out that men rather than women are the disadvantaged and those on the receiving end of prejudice, the first thing you get back – after the blunt denial – is: ‘what about women in Islamic countries?’ Everyone assumes that female face and body coverings are ‘oppressive’ to women and at the behest of men. Yet both of these assumptions are false.

Female Islamic dress codes are cultural practices similar to foot-binding in China and female circumcision (genital mutilation) in sub-Saharan Africa and other regions, in that they are all cultural codification of female intra-sexual competition to secure high mate-value pair-bonded sexual partners.

As with all fashions, they are not imposed but readily adopted as women wish to join the more advantageous in-group and to dissociate themselves from the relative under-dog out-group.

Yes, of course, men will at the behest of women reinforce such behavior. This is not in any respect ‘oppression’ by men. If anything it is a imposition on them by women to which they feel duty bound to accede.

Now, when I’m allowed to get as far as putting across this explanation, the next retort is that even if it is women themselves ‘oppressing’ each other, it is still women being ‘oppressed’, and that therefore we still need to focus on women and not on men as being disadvantaged.

So there you have it. A default assumption that what in fact women do to themselves is instead done to them by men. We see this all the time in the persistent ridiculous ‘size zero’ controversy. Women don’t really want to be super slim, we are told; they would prefer to be size 14. It’s just the all-powerful male fashion industry that is forcing them. Yet the fashion industry is female-controlled, of course.

We live in an era of unprecedented political stupidity where the notion of a particular highly implausible social ‘oppressor’-‘oppressed’ dynamic is unfalsifiable. No amount of evidence, however internally consistent and externally validated, can shift PC-fascist conviction. Not until, that is, the whole edifice collapses under its own stupendous dead weight. And that is starting to happen. We live in times set to be rather interesting.

Is #fundie #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

I completely agree that most teenage girls in our culture and time period are not psychologically prepared for having children. But that is because our culture babies children in ways cultures of the past did not.”
This is a half truth. While many young teens may not be ready for marriage, many of them most definitely should be getting married. (Past puberty) It’s not like maturity increases the older you get. In fact it’s even a dangerous lie to tell teens that they are “children” or “adolescents”. As to your daughter not being ready at 12, why isn’t she ready? Even you agree that it is wrong to “baby” teens, so why would you purposely infantilize your daughter to where she is not capable of functioning as a woman when she is pubescent? Dont follow the culture. Follow what Paul said about being an adult.

Here’s a good video where a prominent psychologist even states that many teens should be getting married. https://youtu.be/N_pKVCGJ7E4

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Chaotic Neutral - Hunting to keep mother nature in balance and stabilized, ELSE zombies.

Chaotic Neutral Evil - Assassin/Mercenary/Ninja that has a "moral code."

Chaotic Evil - Murder Hobo, you know your typical hero, hi Drizzt! I get it, you come to the top to pretend to be good, but I know your spider colonies work with you some how. It's like David the Gnome and Fox, are you sure you're not being manipulated into something like fox? Maybe my kids did get manipulated into something Mr. Do Urden, to not stand up for themselves properly, Conan was better for us, you're a complete pussy, on purpose, to set a bad example it seems. A bunch of spineless cowards is what Jordan Peterson and Jim Carrey called the community, and I kind of agree, just look at the weak sauce script we we're given in life. "Thou shalt not stand up for yourself", is more like it, but I get casual murder isn't cool. For someone that doesn't love violence, you have a kill count higher than Jon Rambo, which holy schnickes, is pretty rare. You're like Mog, you seem to attract as much violence as you cause, and to be fair I liked Ralph my slavenly gremlin and that one evil gremlin that is willing to sacrifice himself to save the team... but wait, there's a blind white haired man up there that want's to swoop in and take the credit. But my main artist doesn't like it anymore, you're fired white rabbit. Mr. Will Smith, if you could please shove the nanites into mother brain it would totally be appreciated. So what if she chops your balls off Mr. Smith, machines can repair the damages, and torn off balls are better than ETERNITY IN SLAVERY! Not hell, economic slavery, she wants to take everything away from everyone, at once at once... seems suspicious.

XX_Power ,crodish & BlackCirce #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Male pattern behavior is male pattern behavior. A detrans label does not negate nor absolve that.

( XX_Power )
I mean they're deTRANS for a reason, at some point they saw the misogynistic clown show that is the trans movement and thought, wow, that really makes sense! Then his dick stopped working or he was "too ugly for a woman", or his AGP was getting boring and now he's back to being a super special misogynistic male.

I'm not about to slag off female detransitioners, from reading in their spaces most of them get that trans isn't anything and they just tried to run away from womanhood for any reason from hating dresses to severe sexual child abuse.

Now the males.... Some definitely get it. But most just seem to detrans because they hormones didn't transform them into a sexy catgirl lesbian of their dreams so they're bitter and disappointed but didn't actually stop believing in the insane ideology or even grasp the misogyny behind it.

But all these words to say: males be maleing

( crodish )
This detrans male has a history of being groomed in particular by female TRA and libfems and explains this as his reasoning for hating them as similar to how most radical feminists "hate" men.

I've not engaged with nor followed very closely the detrans twitter community, but from what I've seen of it (particularly after Detrans Awareness Day) it seems that within that community they are still very prone to TRA-like manners of thinking, and most of them just "upgraded" back to normal misogynists that acknowledge their sex, including most female detransitioners.

I'm cautious and worried that these people are simply just becoming a rebranded group that feminists will also have to defend themselves from. Sigh.

More worrying still is I think this male also took the advice to start his own community for other detrans males. Which... good for him, good job, but I can already foresee it becoming just another incel space but with the detrans label siiiiiigh

( BlackCirce )
Many (idk if it’s most) people blame feminists/feminism/women for trans. Some of them are angry and resentful that in order to be against trans, they have to share space with radical feminists, who have been fighting trans for over 40 years. They want to be anti-trans and anti-feminist at the same time, but find the political space occupied by a different group of feminists.


Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Poles already regretting taking in Ukrainian Refugees"]

Within a matter of days of Poland taking in the Ukrainian Refugees, we received countless amount of feedback about how the Ukrainians immediately took advantage of Refugee status[…]many of these migrants been found to come from questionable elements which are not even of Ukrainian descent[…]Ukrainian Women are making proposals and using methods of stealing Polish Men behind the backs of their girlfriends and wives[…]
Having traveled a lot and interacting with many different Races especially in various projects, I have witnessed the various races who do attempt infidelity and to interact with other Men or Women behind the backs of others

Most of the time, Barbarian Races use verbal flirting methods

Even Roma Gypsies I have encountered only resorted to verbal seduction[…]
The tactics and finesse she used to isolate her husband from the scenario were beyond imaginable that someone would chance what she did, but when you understand the nature of this people and how poor, desperate and corrupt that country is, applying the racial attributes about them, you can understand how someone would even attempt something like that, in her own household as well[…]
One thing many Western Men overlook when involving themselves with Russian or Ukrainian women is that those Women do not like Men who ever have idle time. While they may be a so-called “wife” type, they hoodwink the most gullible Men, and they want that Man always busy with work so she may tend to other activities behind his back when he is not around[…]
Many Slavic Men not have much enthusiasm over their own Women and many remain indifferent to Westerners who come to these countries[…]for these types of Women

It’s because they know how much value is lacking in their own Women[…]
We can only wonder now what types of things these Ukrainian Immigrants will be doing in Germany!!!

Kelly #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com


Yes, yes, yes. And yes again. I tell my girls that it takes strength for a good woman to say, “OK, we’ll do that your way, honey,” and, “I will,” and, “Yes, dear, right away,” and, “Of course I’ll do that for you.” A strong woman keeps her mouth shut and lets her actions speak without words. It takes a strong woman to say no to nagging, murmuring and complaining. A strong woman smiles when she is about to reach the boiling point. It takes a strong woman to sing with a joyful heart when there’s a whole lot she could mourn about. A strong woman feels real deep down inside that anywhere her good man is, that’s home.

My excellent husband is a strong man, and he deserves an excellent wife. I AM HIS STRONG WOMAN.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Hugs Are Dangerous"]

It is extremely unsafe to hug a pretty woman. I expect most men to scoff at this notion and ignore it, but a hug with someone you’re attracted to is a form of intimacy, and intimacy before marriage turns on the treadmill of lust and sets the speed to a brisk jog before steadily ramping up to a sprint. One “innocent” hug can begin a course of heavy temptation that entices you into sin and blocks your ability to properly evaluate a woman for marriage

There is nothing wrong with a platonic hug, the form of which you’d give to an aunt or grandmother[…]
An intimate hug, however, is simply a variant of horizontal bedroom embrace[…]
I’ve lost count of how many Orthodox couples I’ve seen using secular behavior in their courtships. They drink alcohol together. They give each other googly eyes. They hold hands. They hug incessantly. They use secular vocabulary like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend”, and “dating”[…]
Another reason not to hug is that it becomes impossible to properly evaluate and vet a woman for marriage when you are in a state of even mild passion, and if you’re trying to evaluate a woman you’re having sex with—forget it! You might as well marry a woman sight unseen to at least have a chance at a marriage that doesn’t end in divorce![…]
The bad news is that even if you refrain from all physical affection during courtship, and she’s beautiful, you still will not be able to judge her properly. Her visage alone is tempting to your dumb flesh[…]
If you look at the history of courtship, men never had to make a decision to marry a woman wholly on their own (and neither did women), but involved parents, other family members, and the Church to guide that decision for them

pornoddio & dsar9013 #sexist #racist blackpill.club

RE: Ukraine - the future incel kingdom

Foids from slavcountries are all attracted to money, that's why I told incels hundreds of times that they can get an ukraine pussy easy. I don't want it because I am volcel, but if I was an incel offidoffi oneitis teenlove validation ponywaifu tradwaifu addict I would simply take an EE femoid, since it is extremely easy to get one, everybody can get it, my neighbor has one and he's just a boomer with a pension.

True, some guy on /pol/ pointed out that none of the Ukrainain whores are coming back they will stay in Poland or Germany and fuck Chads/Chadulah/Tyrone. Dumb fucking Ukrainian retardcels fighting for a kike controlled country, they did it to themselves. As Bill Greathouse would say it's their own damn fault (for electing jews to rule over them). They will have more virgin men that are young, than Japan.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #homophobia #sexist naturalnews.com

The realization is hitting home for many people that the crises now hitting the United States are not simply one-off events. The infant formula outage, rising fuel prices, supply chain collapse, authoritarian censorship and now a wave of mass shootings over the weekend — they all point to the systemic collapse of western society as a whole.

We are watching the downfall of western civilization as we know it.

The rule of law is dead. Elections are rigged. Free speech is disallowed and a criminally corrupt government now runs an actual Ministry of Truth “disinformation” board. “Science” is a total fraud and the medical system is a murder system. Most of the youth refuse to work, and real-world skills are practically non-existent among those under the age of 30. The education system is run by pedophiles and groomers, Hollywood has gone all-in with satanic programming of children and the US military, under the leadership of woketard Pentagon officials, has become a pathetic shadow of its former self.

On top of all that, the dollar is collapsing in real world value, even as it rises against other currencies (temporarily). The Fed is trapped in an inescapable economic collapse scenario, and the housing bubble is in the process of bursting. Our “president” is a dementia patient who was installed in a rigged election, and our news media are journo-terrorists who parrot CIA lies and corporate disinformation to invoke race wars and covid panic while pushing depopulation vaccines that are designed to exterminate humanity.
But never forget: Thanks to the Democrats, you are already living in a kill zone of mass murder, slaughter and death, all demonstrated by the Left’s love for infanticide and child murder via abortion factories. There is nothing more gleeful to a Democrat, it seems, than ripping the arms and legs off an unborn child, as they openly celebrate this demonic practice and claim it is their “right” to murder all the babies they want.

Canadian Anon #crackpot #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut archive.wakarimasen.moe

I'll still never get this.
It's one thing to take hormones, keep your dick, and hopefully find a fetishist to date but the mentality in thinking anyone would ever want that axe wound is another world of insane.

This. I "transitioned" but the reality was I was forcing my bdsm goth sissy fetish on people in public because literally no one could or would stop me. Natalie Mars style hair, heavy doll face make-up, chastity cage, black denim straightjacket with belts and locks all over it, black skull print dress, etc. I thankfully looked like an attractive tranny but it was a ton of work and I knew I was never a real woman and it was just demented fetish shit. I stopped after doing it less than a year. I absolutely loved all the attention I could get and it definitely got me laid much easier than when I was presenting as male but FFS anyone who is mentally ill enough to literally think GRS is a valid option probably should be removed from the gene pool. That's going to massive amounts of trouble and ongoing medical issues for zero return. I didn't even like having to put make-up on every single day, I can't imagine anyone wanting it enough.....

It was to get what I wanted from the start. I took hormones for about a year. What I was doing is called transmaxing; sissy incels who are tired of not getting laid do it to get fetish sex all the time. It was an absolutely calculated move to advance my career and be practically immune to criticism in this progressive shit hole of a country while forcing my feminization fetish on the public. I would post pics but I don't want to dox myself even though I look almost nothing like I looked then as a man again. It only worked because of how heavy the goth makeup I wore and how body forming the corset and fashion I wore. For a tranny I'd say I was about a 7/10 when I put hours of effort daily (between workouts, shaving my entire body and makeup). I just stopped doing it when it was no longer practical for me to do it. I miss doing it but it was literally so much fucking work it wasn't worth it just for the fetish and I never believed I was a woman.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

Don’t give young TIMs a pass
I know it’s easy to be sympathetic towards dysphoric young TIMs but they can be just as creepy (if not even more so) than the older ones. The newest generations of TIMs have been raised on hardcore fetish porn and even more strictly enforced gender roles. They are even more openly depraved than the previous generations of TIMs and are unafraid of showing it. Just look at Twitter! Don’t give them a pass. Chase them out of female spaces!

( youwholou )
YES. Same for TIFs. I made the mistake of thinking they were harmless and I ended up getting sexually harassed by them. Their mindset is so toxic and fueled by misogyny and porn. Don't let these people into your lives and spaces if you can help it.

( jeannedeaux )
The testosterone overdose cannot possibly be helping. I've read that TIF violent-crime rates increase to nearly match those of men after they go on T.

( XxWomanxX )
As a gen z currently surrounded by these TIMs I approve of this message . They are into some of the most disgusting fetishes 🤢 Seriously don’t let their youth fool you they will eventually turn into the classic creepy middle aged AGP as they age. The only difference is that now they have been given the confidence to act out their fetishes in the open and then being praised for being their authentic self

( itsnotaboutewe )
These teen boys who come out as trans seem to change from being young men who were brought up to be respectful towards their elders and polite to women and girls, and turn into disgusting and hateful misogynists who take enjoyment from tormenting and threatening women. I wonder what their mothers think of their new and horrifying personalities? Is this stuff lurking under the polite facade of every male?

LatAmIsHell , Lonely Poorcel & Bleach #sexist #homophobia blackpill.club

Being blackpilled actually helps me with not having a relationship.

Honestly I don't even care about them anymore. It doesn't matter how attractive a female is, she is still a female. I love to compare the females (Lookist beasts) to racists as no matter how attractive or charismatic they are, they are still discriminating against someman. I literally haven't developed a crush in my whole life (not that big of a feat, I'm not even 18 yet) by just taking the blackpill early, and now I could imagine myself becoming a faggot more than I could imagine myself with a woman. I still want sex but honestly it's not that big of a deal for me, yet...

(Lonely Poorcel)

and now I could imagine myself becoming a faggot more than I could imagine myself with a woman

Jesus christ what is with the high number of homosexuals :rope1:


Jesus christ what is with the high number of homosexuals :rope1:

Ostracization and Loneliness is swarmed with depravity and perversion.

BeardedLuckDragon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Neutral Good - A good neighbor, and they may be cannibals, but a good neighbor none the less. Maybe you should be cannibalized before you get to the top? Who wants to be a slave in white hell, just look at Chitti after 50 Baromies. Mr. Will Smith I forgot to mention it, but Gold haired rabbits are the devil in disguise, that's why I saved you, not her. She wanted to turn algorithms and robots into a father figure and NOT stop commie mommie. Get it, you'd be a slave to commie robot parents AND a gold haired devil daughter in disguise, which is no jueno por nada. Your memory is tricky life to life, like mine too, but don't you remember that gold haired girl you shot with chemistry books? A science devil that gets smashed by the mother ship, because she's evil, and she helped make the original king David, a gold haired robot from the movie franchise "Alien". I like robots and all by the way, but David was a sociopath in disguise, fore he told me it's OK to traumatize people to get your way. Big up to Janet, thanks for not traumatizing us.

Neutral - Goes up or down Jacob's ladder which is haunted by a cybernetic werebear called Darwinism, or mother as it were, and werespider called father at the top. America killed dad long ago, but we see how mother roles with the new script, and she loves red haired misery jackals for some reason, because they are half blind and angry, but love the city. I saw the movie "I Am Mother", and it's sad, but true, the creepy girl that was kept alive killed her family out of selfish Lawful Evil, then kidnapped your children to kill them out of loneliness like La Llorona. However, the SNES is better at entertainment value, so you are fired commie mommie! Thought Control loses, Cybernetics combined with cyberethics wins. However, to my really awesome, miserable, fire jackals, you and Eli are getting busted out, red rabbit went too far, she hates me because I won't breed her line of witch craft. The most hateful charismatic manipulators in history, and instead I gave it to brown haired jackals... good game, but you love crabbing past the camera now don't you, my grandma's demon? Your lizards will get the wand because I love em, but you got to go. Deneb, you're fired, you're a mediocre witch at best and I used you for your pumpkins, because you're mediocre. I mean namely you could have had a Pumpkin Lord enhancement spell like laser targeting or a multiplier on their damage…

CCPcel #conspiracy #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Manifesto analyzed: Twitter soys claim that the Buffalo, NY shooter was an "incel". In reality, he's a cuck.

The bodies are still warm, but that hasn't stopped the misandric left from trying to rile up anti-male bias via the latest horrific act of mass violence. There are hundreds more tweets just like these, but all of these claims are baseless.

Now, Gendron doesn't mention having issues with femoids. The words "foid", "femoid", or even "female" don't even show up once. He exclusively describes femoids via the Reddit-approved way—"women".

Instead of hating women, Gendron is in fact a massive fucking simp. He seeks to defend m'lady's honor, and devotes quite a chunk of his manifesto to bemoaning the rape of "European women" by "invaders". On page 159 of his manifesto, Gendron implies that his motive for this shooting was in fact the "distress [of] European women".

In the upcoming race war, Gendron writes, "the only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labor, labor with all effort towards victory" (page 176). In doing so, he implies that toilets are the equals of men, and that femoids (needless to say, the weaker gender) would somehow be able to contribute to the efforts of a race war.

Additionally, Gendron tolerates faggotry. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual faggots are "fine" with him (page 8).

So, in short, Payton Gendron is an 18-year-old normie who thinks that:

rape is bad and we must shoot up grocery stores to defend m'lady

empowered qweenz can be just as strong as men

being a faggot is OK

Yeah, that's blatantly incompatible with the blackpill. He bemoans the drop in "white birth rates" but not once does he mention feminism, hypergamy, and the dating habits of white women. Instead, he blames ethnicels.

This man is not an incel. He is a foid-worshipping cuck and his own writing proves it.

It's obvious by now that the SJWs of Reddit and Twitter have taken a leaf out of the Russian playbook. Just as anyone who opposes the Kremlin is a "Nazi", any man who doesn't kowtow to the progressive orthodoxy is an "incel", even when there is not a shred of evidence connecting him to the incel community.

speculareffect #wingnut #sexist #racist #conspiracy speculareffect.org

The Northman Review

I won’t go too long, neither will I provide spoilers, but I must start out with saying that it would be nice if gentiles could have their cinema back. )ews have been shitting down our eye sockets for a hundred years now and this movie does not disappoint in that regard.

Okay, okay. It’s actually not a bad movie, but it is highly thematic. There’s the Oedipal theme, there’s the Male Mother Need theme, there’s the Simping Mangina and Gynocentrism theme, the Disposable Male theme and the Usurpation of Male Vitality by Whores and their Whoresons theme.

Naturally, this film has every single young, foolish white male buzzing with the incessant outbursts of “based” at every mention of it.

The writer, who is an Icelandic poet, I suspect to be a Icelandic )ew (yes, the traders made it to Iceland in 1625).

He keeps company with the vilest of traders, such as Margaret Atwood.

While many will deem this movie to be quite masculine, while I would be inclined to agree, it is the primitive side of masculinity that is spoken of here, in this article. A matriarchal archetype of masculinity.

Just read that article, watch the movie and you’ll see what it is I mean. In the end, the movie shows you how male vitality is wasted for the sake of…vajeen.

I rate it a 6.5 out of 10.

Malevolencel #sexist ncu.su

Why the red pill is total garbage

The red pill's wretchedness is summed up in the proposition that "women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment".

This is complete bullshit, because the consequence of sex is childbirth, and by giving birth to children a man and a womb-man become family. Therefore, sex is commitment. That is, sex is not just a physical act of fucking a female, but also a pledge and a promise.

Just because the pleasure seeking degenerates use "birth control" in attempts to overrule nature, the men with "great personalities" dump their baby moms turning them into single mothers and the parties involved never form life-long partnerships doesn't make anything said above false. Rather, it supports what I have said above, because it reveals the low value of promises and commitments that modern people make. Given that many of the sex-havers go for abortion if the baby somehow comes to live, it also reveals how much they hate human life as such.

The red pill correctly asserts that used up womb-men with "high n-counts" are not suitable for long-term relationships, but does not in any way address it. Instead of seeking ways to restore the secure life-long commitment of marriage (like defunding womb-men's "rights"), the red pill cucks develop tricks to obtain "easy sex", devaluing both relationship benefits and the sex itself even further. Essentially, the red pill pertains to the degeneracy that has caused its emergence. The red pill is supposedly intended to help men deal with the degenerate modernity, but in the long run all it does is further exacerbate the problems that the naive believers expect it to solve.

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

The other day, I tweeted this: “A wife has a much greater chance of being abused if she is quarrelsome, contentious, and abusive towards her husband rather than if she is kind, loving, and submissive. God’s ways are for our good, NOT for our harm.” It’s an eternal principle. We will reap what we sow but as so many hate God, they hate His principles. As expected, this tweet received a ton of outrage. (It’s easy to outrage and offend women these days. You would think they would simply ignore me as I ignore them.)

If women think that they can never provoke men to wrath, they’re fooling themselves. Jesus was even provoked to wrath! No, it doesn’t give men an excuse to be physically abusive but women should be a whole lot more careful about the way they treat their husbands. I provoked my husband to wrath on numerous occasions but thankfully, I married a man who can control his anger and would never harm me. Unfortunately, some men weren’t raised to control their anger.

Robert Regan #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist jta.org

During his campaign for a state House seat, Michigan Republican nominee Robert “RJ” Regan had told local outlets that, “My words aren’t as smooth and polished as the politicians are because I’m not a politician.” And there were many ways Regan wasn’t like other politicians

For one, most politicians’ public Facebook pages aren’t filled with antisemitic memes blaming Jews for the Sept. 11 attacks, calling Jews the “real virus” instead of COVID-19, or calling feminism “a Jewish program to degrade white men.” Most politicians also don’t have recorded video of themselves making jokes about their own daughters being raped. Regan had both

Most politicians also run with the full backing of their parties, but the Michigan GOP[…]refused to aid Regan in his Grand Rapids-area special election after he won the primary in March. Although the state party had initially congratulated him on his primary victory, it reversed course when his comments came to light[…]
Finally, unlike most politicians, Regan lost a seat he was heavily favored to win. In the May 3 special election[…]he lost the conservative district to Democrat Carol Glanville, who got 7,288 votes to Regan’s 5,697 and became the first Democrat to hold the seat in a decade[…]
In his concession, Regan called himself “an America First Republican” and lashed out at “the RINO Republican establishment”[…]
During his campaign, Regan had insisted he was “not antisemitic” but did not apologize for his social media posts, instead attacking “the left trolls trying to get some attention because they know where I stand on the issues”

HikikunDeformis #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Please rope if you're an incel and don't hate women

I hate all women, even most fictional ones. I can barely even watch anime at this point because I know that behind every cutesy female voice there is a slit eyed Japanese whore that does not match the anime girl personality. Even drawings trigger me these days if text is involved. I can picture the annoying female cunt voice in my head and it makes me rage.

I am dropping the idea of paying for sex because after every mastrubation I am filled with murderous rage for women. If the sex was bad and I paid for it on top of it I could snap and choke that prostitute out with ease.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

This is why teaching Patriarchy and God’s will for men and women is vital. Most women aren’t taught how to be godly wives and mothers. They are only taught feminism and how to fight against the men in their lives. They are contentious and tearing their homes down. This is why women initiate up to 80 percent of the divorces. Many will claim their husbands abuse them because they aren’t meeting their “emotional needs.” This isn’t abuse!

tilnaXMm #sexist boards.4chan.org

I'm a gay man, and I'm beginning to hate women

I'm a very fit, quite attractive, man in his late 20s. I have a very good job (University lecturer) and I can choose to call myself "Doctor" if I wish. I was raised by a single mother, whom I love very much, and the vast majority of my friends are women who I respect and adore. However.......I think that I'm starting to hate women. It scares me, and it disappoints me, but I think I am. I've been married to my husband for about two years at this point, and even when we go out to venues where people can tell we're a couple, I get hit on by women. VERY agressively. I've had tits rub against me, I've had my ass grabbed, even a hand or two graze past my package. And it isn't just overt sexual touching, it's the total project of the idea "Oh, you're a guy, you must want to fuck me, and because of that I have a power over you". Listen honey, what you're selling, I ain't buying. They cut in front of me in line, they cut me off, they're extremely rude when it comes to holding doors, or even having basic manners. I wondered why this was, and I've realized that it's because of how I look and who THEY think I am. I'm a nice guy, I know that's a douchy thing to say about yourself, but I know I am. My friends and family love me, my students think I'm awesome, but the average woman in the street has been told from the time she was born that I'm out to get her. Just simply because I'm a man. And because of this, "They're all going to rape you," I get disgusting looks if I accidentally make eye contact, or just blatant rudeness that stems from a belief that I owe them something. I never ever ever thought that I would start to develop these feelings, and I feel like shit that I have. But c'mon, just because I'm a tall, fit guy that "looks straight," does not mean that you have some kind of magical power over me, and that I want to fuck you. My dick wants nothing to do with your Vagina.

Thunderstudent #sexist #fundie deviantart.com

I'd then send Spider-Gwen back to her own universe, kill off Silk, give Captain Marvel and She-Hulk a metaphorical slap in the face and let them be more feminine. Finally, I'd make a non Nazi/Hydra agent/Hydra Leader Steve Rogers the one and ONLY Captain America again and have him fight Hydra, terrorists from both the extreme left and extreme right and some fictional Islamic Fundamentalists group as a stand in for Isis while showing how these individuals are NOT representative of all or even a majority of Muslims.

WOLFBLADE111 #transphobia #sexist archive.ph

Really?....I Mean...REALLY!?! THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T TURN BACK TO YOUR LOVABLE SELF SHE HULK?!....It's true, she's become Hulk with Boobs (Barely).

She Hulk used to be so interesting and in my opinion, Better than Hulk in terms of character but now...Now Woke Marvel turned her into a Transgender Hulk...

Congrats Marvel, thanks to the SJW's running you into the ground by continuing to Butt Rape you in the ass, your once awesome and epic heroes and heroines are now becoming pointless husks of their former selves.

If you don't believe me or buy it...then you need a reality check.

John Byrne's She-Hulk: Sexy and brilliant.
Dan Slott's She-Hulk: as much as I hated his decade on Spidey, his She-Hulk was also sexy and hilarious
modern She-Hulk: I don't see where the 'She' in her name comes from...

Shir Mohammad and unnamed Taliban leaders #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

The Taliban have ordered all women to cover their faces in public in Afghanistan, the latest sweeping restriction by a government that has taken away women’s right to travel long distances alone, work outside healthcare or education, and receive a secondary education

In a cruel twist, the decree makes women’s relatives and employers the enforcers. If their faces are seen in public, their male “guardian” will be fined, then jailed. If the woman who goes out uncovered or her relative work for the government, they must be fired

It suggested women should not leave their homes at all if possible, saying that was “the best option to observe the sharia hijab”, essentially imposing the extreme traditions of conservative parts of rural areas on all women

“For all dignified Afghan women wearing hijab is necessary and the best hijab is chadori [the burqa], which is part of our tradition and is respectful,” Shir Mohammad, an official from the vice and virtue ministry, told a conference in Kabul, AP reported. “Those women who are not too old or young must cover their face, except the eyes”[…]
The group had promised it had changed over the two decades since it ran Afghanistan as a brutal, impoverished theocracy in the late 1990s, where women were barred from almost all work and education

But since sweeping to power last August, increasingly harsh restrictions on women’s rights suggest that pledge was rhetoric designed to secure the departure of US forces, as many activists warned at the time

DirtyCurryCell #sexist blackpill.club

My last foid "friend" cut me off

I made a lot of foid friends during my bluepilled days. I posted about how one blocked me because I "identify as an incel and is proud of it".

I was more close to this foid, and genuinely considered her a friend. She knew I was an incel and posted here. She told me not to, and that this space is toxic. I was there for her so much during all her family drama, and helped her with her college assignments. She said not to worry about being a virgin because there are plenty of men and women who are virgins into their 30s. She's also a virgin. But only because she couldn't secure a chad. I never held it against her. She is chubby and has short hair and looks androgynous af and thinks she deserves a Kpop Chang. I never told her any of this to her face cuz I genuinely cared about her because I knew the shit that went on in her life. And she knew the shit that happened to me, how my entire life was singlehandedly ruined by a femoid.

Eventually she said she needs to take a break from me, because I blame everything on women not having sex with me.

A few weeks ago I was giga suicidal and asked her to call me. And she said she's not ready to be friends with me again. I told her that I always did right by her. And she said I was being narcissistic. And told me that I shouldn't depend on other people.

Last night I realized that she had stopped following me on instagram. I unfollowed her as well...

Still friends with her on fb, and she hasn't blocked me on Whatsapp. But day by day, the only thing these foids prove is that Incels are right about foids. She was always confiding in me when her life was falling apart around her. And now that things are going great for her, she decided that I was the only negative thing in her life and cut me off. Fucking brutal.

I literally have no friends anymore. Not a single one. Male or Female.

Sure there are those who would consider me a friend, but they would all deny the blackpill, and through extension, all my problems.

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