
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Anthony of Westgate #fundie #conspiracy twitter.com

There’s literally nothing to explore in space it’s just a void occupied by demons. Atheist NASA cucks are obsessed with astronomy and space exploration because they can’t cope with the earth testifying to God’s existence.

Find an actual photo of a satellite orbiting in space, not a CGI image. It should be easy if there are allegedly 8,261 of them in orbit

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. His wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish-owned Bank of England set Hitler up as a means to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural elites who might interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."
The ultimate "ugly secret" is that the USSR was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They may have lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But the British would never abandon Stalin. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian dialectic. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression, censorship and indoctrination. Nazism was also a dry-run for the New World Order but it was their Plan "B"

The real point is that history is a hoax, contrived by cabalist central bankers, to advance world tyranny. They empower Satanists, perverts, and misfits to create war and mayhem. For example, chaos relieved Winston Churchill's chronic depression.

These perverts and monsters are our leaders. Subverted by a Luciferian Jewish cult, Cabalism, the moral bankruptcy of Western society is masked by material prosperity but this cannot last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentsia and masses can still be bought with their own credit.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the upcoming golden age of hydrogen. This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime.

The Rockefellers have used their control (via over 200 foundations) of the Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact they are the real masterminds behind the war in Ukraine, the attempted vaccine genocide and much more. They are now being thrown under the bus.
The very first act of the “Biden” regime was to protect Rockefeller oil interests by canceling the Keystone Pipeline which would have allowed the American people access to reliable oil supplies not controlled by the Rockefellers.

The war in Ukraine as well can be seen as a Rockefeller attempt to force the Europeans to buy oil and gas from them and not from the Russians.

My involvement with this family began over a decade ago when I asked Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka why he handed over control of all of Japan’s stock market-listed corporations to institutions controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. These include Blackrock, State Street and Banking, and Vanguard. I was told Japan was forced to hand over its’ corporations because it was being threatened with earthquake weapons (this was before Fukushima).

The subsequent March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan also forced the country to shut down its nuclear power generation and buy oil controlled by the Rockefellers.
Asian secret society sources say the Chinese are now aware they were subject to an electromagnetic attack disguised as a “pandemic” by the Rockefeller/Rothschild-led Khazarian mafia and are demanding the criminals responsible be arrested.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

We must admit that our own awakening was a slow progressive thing, and we too were fooled. We became aware of gigantic lies being told from on high back during the Vietnam war; but those lies were perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The singer Bette Midler gave us another rude awakening.

We loved her voice and we bought her music. We saw her on Johnny Carson, and in our naivete we didn't know that where she got her start, in California bath-houses, had anything to do with homosexuality. So, when she came to Cincinnati to do a concert, we bought tickets and drove down there to see her perform.

To say we were astonished would be a radical understatement.

We had no idea that she had such a filthy mouth, that she played to such an overtly and wildly enthusiastic following of loud, acting-out homosexuals and dope-smokers. Men in drag, men in leotards, screaming queens and tattooed butches filled the stadium. Filthy words filled the air, from the stage and from the audience, along with the heavy smell of marijuana smoke.
What was even more shocking, to us, was the reaction from our fellow office workers when we went back to work the next day. Wry smiles and condescension were the most common responses. They all knew. We began to wonder how many people we knew who might be happy to change their clothes and their whole persona and join in the weirdness of a Bette Middler concert.

It snuck up on us. It surprised us.

If you've been with us for awhile you know that nothing surprises us any more. The Marxist cultural revolution has been taken over, steered and driven by the Global Cabal of Davos, and it now appears that they rode that horse into the ground.
And we're not suppose to believe our own eyes.

We're supposed to believe them.

With all their assumed gender-pronouns. While all of their paid Antifa and BLM terrorists loot our stores, burn our police cars, assault our citizenry and are let off the hook by all of their paid local authorities.

Jordan Sather #wingnut #conspiracy jordansather.substack.com

There have always been infiltrators within patriot and truth seeking movements, why would there not be? Truth seeking movements, whether they’re about UFOs, 9/11, satanic cults, medical freedom, or any other topics the Deep State want to keep quiet would be target #1 for the Deep State to infiltrate in order to stifle their growth and marginalize these groups away from the mainstream consciousness. We know the FBI and CIA have had numerous psychological operations spanning back decades doing exactly that, COINTELPRO and PATCON being public ones. Logic would have it that there are more infiltration programs we don’t know about, even up to this current day.
It goes to note that many of these personalities ride the coattails of Q’s popularity in order to rope in their followers, too. We were told that “not all anons are authentic”, weren’t we? Infiltration over invasion, and all assets deployed? Too bad some Q followers out there didn’t take these warnings from Q to heart.
One of the worst things in my mind is that these clickbait narratives that irresponsible and/or deceptive “truthers” and “patriot” push is that it’s weaponized by the mainstream media against the whole movement. How many articles has the mainstream media printed using flat Earth, NESARA, JFK Jr., or tribunal nonsense to bash Q and “conspiracy theories” in general? It’s the poison the well tactics.

The truth movement is the wild west right now, with very little self-policing. That’s how many of these influencers have been able to spread their nonsense unabated and unchallenged. There are many vulnerable people who are scared, looking for hope in the midst of their fear about the world. That’s one reason so many have latched onto the hopium (false hopes) from this network. We must be vigilant, and we must use discernment and critical thinking. Keep your mind open, but not so open that your brains fall out.

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #quack twitter.com

Why do they hate Tobacco? And it’s not because it causes cancer, they don’t care about your health. They closed the gyms during covid. Anyone who closed a gym during a pandemic that kills people who are fat, clearly doesn’t care about your health at all. They hate nicotine. They love THC. They’re promoting weed to your children but they’re not letting you use tobacco, or even non-tobacco delivery devices which don’t cause cancer. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and thc makes you compliant and passive, that’s why. They hate it. It’s a real threat to them.

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger tass.com

(Ellipses original)

Putin says US troops in Germany occupation forces in legal terms, in actuality

According to the Russian leader, "German politicians themselves say that after the Second World War, Germany was never, in the full sense of the word, a sovereign country"

MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said US troops in Germany are still occupation forces in legal terms and in practice.

"Soviet troops were stationed in Austria but they left voluntarily <...> Russia as the legal successor of the Soviet Union is the guarantor of the constitution of the Austrian Republic and the guarantor of the neutrality of the Austrian Republic. In general, many ordinary people in Austria are aware of that and are grateful to Russia for this position. <...> As for other European countries, the situation is complicated," the president said at a meeting with university students.

He said "the biggest country in Europe, the economic giant is the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Soviet Union formalized legally binding terms to end its occupation."

"Following the Second World War Germany was divided, as you know, into four sectors: the American, the British, The French and the Soviet ones. So, the Soviet Union formalized the end of that occupation status, and the United States hasn’t. And strictly speaking, formally and in a legal sense, there are US occupation forces that are on the territory of the Federal Republic [of Germany]. And that’s what’s happening in effect: There are a lot of them there," Putin said.

According to the president, "German politicians themselves say that after the Second World War, Germany was never, in the full sense of the word, a sovereign country."

"This is not what I am saying, it’s said by prominent, I want to emphasize this, not Russian-oriented politicians, but German-oriented politicians, they are saying it bluntly. It's direct speech. A lot of what's going on has deep roots, certain foundations," Putin said.

@HeadlineUSA #quack #wingnut gettr.com

The “health” officials should go to prison for at least manslaughter!
👌🗽for more independent liberty #news please follow 👉 @HeadlineUSA
“Results from this study strongly suggest that mask mandates actually caused about 1.5 times the number of deaths or ∼50% more deaths compared to no mask mandates”… Read the full article at https://headlineusa.com/study-mask-mandates-responsible-for-increased-covid-deaths/

#headlineusa #fjb #letsgobrandon #democratsdestroyamerica #SaveAmerica #impeachbiden #AmericaFirst #democrats #Fauci #WHO #mask #masks #vaccines #mandates #covid #masksdontwork #joerogan #ivermectin #hcq #scamdemic #conspiracy #NWO #covid19 #billgates #thegreatreset #Q #WeThePeople #DNC #congress #NIH #CDC #wearamask #maskmandate #maskmandates


The study, titled "The Foegen Effect: A Mechanism by Which
Facemasks Contribute to the COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate,
analyzed COVID fatality rates in the state of Kansas which
proved that mask mandates caused higher death rates.

Dr. Jane Ruby #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut beforeitsnews.com

NEW Dr. Jane Ruby (1/23/2023): All Americans Now Trapped by Vax Status — Z28.3 is a Coded 666!

Dr. Jane reveals the DOD/HHS plan to track you down by your injection status, including those who took the shots, realized this is mass genocide and don’t want any more; and the Deagel Forecast shows that, although the entire world has been subjected to medical tyranny, it is the United States that is the real target; did you know that pharma companies have violated federal laws for many years as a part of their normal business?

This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (Rev 13:16)

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:17)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev 13:18)

FTW: The upper-level category code for these vax codes is Z28.3.

Z28.3 is a coded 666.

Z = 26th number in the alphabet: 26 = 13+13.

2+8+3 = 13

13 = the 6th prime number.

So, Z28.3 = three 13′s = three 6th prime numbers = coded 666.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The outer Cosmic Spirit Body activates the permanent Kryst spirit light seed for the Cosmic Kryst spark which begins to grow through an activated individuals’ breath channel or breathing tube that is internally laying upon the inner vertical channel of the spinal column and cerebrospinal fluid. The current embodiment process for first wavers entails intermittent phases of heavy purges of toxic, reversed or imbalanced energies, and begins to reconfigure the entire bone, blood, tissue and skin matrix composition, which may result in some heavy physical and neurological challenges of ascension symptoms. The Cosmic Spirit Body and the Mahara Reisha Suns of the Triple Solar Reisha and Yana forms were severely damaged from artificial machinery systems used to produce assorted AI harnesses and sound template distortions that accumulate mesh like sticky membranes of black goo miasma and inorganic dark matter. This artificial overlay with dark matter and black subtle forces has been manipulated with the Controller’s assorted electromagnetic weaponry and technology aimed at humanity to spread satanic entities for colonization. These are made of the inorganic AI hybridized substances used for the purpose of spreading energy parasites and opening dark portals into neighboring artificial systems.
The Sirian Crystal Temples modulate the eternal spiritual spark through its structure that operates in the internal domains of reality and then spans into the external reality fields that make up our time matrix. The Sirian Crystal Temples have been problematic with the Nibiruian hijack of our Melchizedek Maharaji and related blockages in the Sirius B 6D layers, until the Rasha Body layers were cleared out from the massive infections of Archontic shadow parasites, artificial machinery, miasmatic black forces and Black Dragon architecture used for perpetuating the Dark Alien Mother in the matter world.

Trump Supporters #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho vice.com

These are some anti-vaxxers feelings about Trump taking credit for saving lives with vaccines.

Ed Dowd: “Unfortunately, Trump is still hanging his hat on this vaccine, That guy needs to get off this asap or he’s done.”

Alex Jones: “He’s almost autistic when it comes to admitting he’s wrong.”

Tracy Beanz: “This is a very serious issue for me,” “I can’t look past it. By now there is no reason he shouldn’t know what is happening. Hate me if you want. I can’t look past this.”

The vast majority of the almost 2,700 responses to Beanz’s post agreed with her claim that Trump’s defense of the vaccine roll out meant they could no longer support him.

Stew Peters: “Millions have been maimed and murdered,” he falsely tweeted. “This is 100% disqualifying in my book.”

Telegram users: “Trump’s just as culpable and every time he continues to push it, more and more want him sitting next to Fauci and Gates at NUREMBERG 2.0,”

“Everybody in this movement needs to demand Trump denounce the vaccines, Everybody should be hounding him on all social media. If there’s a rally there needs to be chants. See him walking into his building in New York and yell at him to denounce the vaccines.”

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon exopolitics.org

Secret deals have been struck between an Earth Alliance of space faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations for major disclosures to happen in 2023, concerning the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. Senior military and government officials are participating in clandestine meetings being held in highly classified facilities, the news of which is being released as part of a plan to accelerate official disclosure.

In addition, insiders report ancient underground civilizations now plan to increasingly reveal themselves to surface humanity in 2023. Meanwhile, the awakening of giants in stasis chambers, the intervention of Seeder extraterrestrials, and return of the Enki faction of the Anunnaki will ramp up events in 2023 – with colossal disclosure ramifications! In the midst of all this, the US Congress has for the first time given protection to whistleblowers to reveal the truth about UFOs to the newly created All Domain Anomalous Resolution Office.

Meanwhile, the unprecedented growth in public discontent over rigged elections, the refugee crises, mismanaged economies, political censorship, the Ukraine War, etc., is leading to an unprecedented collapse of the Deep State control system precipitating a global revolution. Simply put, Truth revelations are causing a mass awakening.

The Deep State’s imminent collapse will facilitate major disclosures in 2023 about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life that have long been the crown jewels of the global control system.

In his first webinar for 2023, Dr. Michael Salla will review the incredible changes happening behind-the-scenes and provide details of how these are part of an unfolding disclosure plan developed by White Hats and positive extraterrestrial alliances. This webinar will prepare and inspire you for the amazing revelations about to happen and is not to be missed.

Date: February 18, 2023, at 1 pm East Coast / 10 am Pacific

Length: 2 hours plus 30 min Q & A

Cost: $35

Roger Helle #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie patriotpost.us

I’m not sure why, but these movies remind me of progressives who have gone off the deep end, not looking for treasure but looking for ways to make the lives of average Americans miserable. How much time do they spend trying to find the latest microaggression or cultural appropriation?

Do they sleep at night? Do they form little bands of fellow snowflakes to come up with all of these offenses that can trigger them into a rage? What a miserable existence they must live, trying to make our lives miserable.

Twenty years ago, we didn’t know about personal pronouns, “nonbinary,” “transsexual,” “gender fluid,” “gender reassignment surgery,” or men getting pregnant. We didn’t have a boy wearing dresses to school, sexually assaulting a girl, then being sent to another school to do the same thing without any consequences. When the father of one of the victims expressed outrage about what happened to his daughter, he was thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and taken out of the school board meeting. How did we ever live not knowing all of these things? Pretty good, I think.

Twenty years ago, we still had the Rule of Law and equal justice under the law. Sure, the system had flaws because we live in a fallen world spiritually.
During the 1960s, while serving in the Marine Corps, I watched as Republicans were going all out to pass legislation giving blacks the same rights as whites. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, if I recall, did not receive one vote from a Democrat. The Republican Party passed it on its own.

Now, 58 years later, we’re told Republicans are racist, white supremacists, homophobic, and the scourge of people of color. Not that the Democrats really do anything to help minorities. They just keep them on the urban plantations with the promise that “someday” things will be better if they vote Democrat.

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I used to enjoy listening to Bruce Springsteen's music. Then I found out he donates money to leftist causes and actually campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Now I can't listen to a single note he sings without feeling sick to my stomach.

The same with John Mellencamp, who used his music to help Bernie Sanders, an admitted communist, run for president in 2016. This is the guy who wrote "The Authority Song." Now he wants all of us to kowtow to the very authority he once rebelled against. I can't stand listening to his music anymore either.

Springsteen and Mellencamp aren't exceptions. Every musician you can think of turned out to be a commie puke.

It's the same with actors. Tom Cruise - commie puke. Johnny Depp - commie puke. Brad Pitt - commie puke in a dress. They all support leftist causes, they all shilled the virus hoax, they all towed the party line.

Outside of James Woods and that Hercules guy, neither of whom can get a job today, there isn't a single actor who hasn't turned out to be a flaming leftist commie puke.
Teachers and professors used to be respected. Today, they're at the forefront of pushing woke liberalism, trannyism, and every other degenerate and disgusting plank of the Communist Party. No one has any respect for them anymore, nor should they. Anyone sending their children off to be indoctrinated by these commie pukes needs to have their head examined.

Police officers used to be respected. But the last three years have shown them to be nothing more than commie puke enforcers of corrupt and illegitimate governments, arresting people for not wearing a mask. In some cases, forcibly injecting them with poison and/or locking them up in camps, while not lifting a finger to stop or arrest any of the BLM rioters looting and burning down businesses.

Every hero you used to have, every person and profession you used to respect - they all turned out to be commie pukes. So what are you going to do about it?

David Sorenson #conspiracy #fundie goldenageofgaia.com

They tried to kill me so I would not be able to tell you this
When I was conceived, a dark voice whispered to my parents: “Kill him!” They seriously considered aborting me, preventing me from ever seeing the daylight.

My mother, however, also heard a different whisper. “Don’t kill your baby…let him live!” She ultimately decided to listen to the second voice. While she held me in her arms, she heard a beautiful, warm voice tell her:

“Give this baby a lot of love, because I love him a lot.”

During my life, there were continuous attempts to take me out and prevent me from fulfilling the reason why I was to be born.
As a teenager, I experienced an existential crisis that prompted a strong push to commit suicide. During the middle of the night, while sitting near a canal with the razor at my wrist, I heard a voice: “Don’t do it. God has a plan with you in it.” I was puzzled. “God? What the heck…” I had run away from this Reality for years, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I just hopped on my bike and rode away.

Once, I was poisoned at a hospital, which experience resulted in severe atrial fibrillation and arrhythmia; the doctor said there was no hope for me. My youngest son threw himself on my hospital bed and prayed for a miracle. A half-hour later, another doctor walked in and shocked me with a defibrillator. I walked out the door, totally fine.
These are just a few examples of the many attacks that I’ve survived. I believe that I’m still around thanks to the intervention of One who truly cares about all of us.

Through the years, I began to understand that I am alive for a reason. There’s a message that’s been placed inside of me, and it’s a burning fire that I cannot contain. This is the message:

The Creator did NOT appoint or anoint the wicked to rule on earth. They have no mandate, no divine blessing, no crown, and no scepter. The sole reason they have so much power is because of their sophisticated deceptions that blind and control mankind.

Anonymous Coward #78861502 and TerraFirma's Esoterrorist #quack #dunning-kruger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #78861502)
Vaxxed are the equivalent of soldiers who experience the terrors of war based on deception and lies...


Their country called and they answered and served resolutely!

Now they're paying the price of patriotism and social obedience.

Like great citizens they put the interests of their nation over their own self interests.

Self sacrificing brave beautiful people.

(TerraFirma's Esoterrorist)
And just like all modern soldiers... they chose to enlist and rolled up their sleeves to be among the few, the proud morans.)

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

So many calamities, quandaries, and mysteries swirl in the zeitgeist these days that life in the USA feels like swimming against a rising tide of poisoned guacamole. Nothing has been able to stop that green spewage from the political Left, especially as it desecrates our very language to turn everything up, down, and everything inside, outside. You end up drowning the consensus about reality under the muck. Now, finally, there are political forces gathering to oppose all this deliberate malice and deceit and they will need something like a fire-hose to clean the joint up.

The outstanding feature of this political illness has been the utter lack of accountability for gross insults against the public interest — that is, things that really matter. As Congresswoman Ilhan Omar once put it so obliquely, “some people did some things.” Yes, people are at the bottom of all this mischief against the country and none of them have had to answer for any of it yet. Will it matter if they do? It may not correct all the disasters of recent past years, but it may prevent more disasters ahead as the nation struggles with epic changes to the business model for running everything in this land. Some people will have to do a lot of things to straighten out our agenda.

Everyone is aware by now that the new Congress is assembling several committees to attempt just that. One is the aptly-named panel on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. That’s an excellent name for it because the officials running the engines of state have carried out a war against the people. It is, after all, supposed to be a government of, by, and for the people, not a government against the people.

Toplet Bombs Blog #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy topletbombs.blogspot.com

Until very recently, Light Forces around the Earth were still subjected to quantum anomaly to a degree that kept them frozen in fear of the toplet bomb retaliations, hence their inaction. Their fear had its roots in the quantum shock of 1996, when the dark forces were able to shock the quantum filed of the universe to a degree only experienced twice in this cosmic cycle: at the moment of the Big Bang, and at the moment of the creation of the dark forces millions of years ago. The shock of 1996 has weakened the connection of the whole manifested universe with Buddhic and higher planes, and this has resulted in diminished power of Light and increased power of darkness. This shock is finally being addressed now, as the total amount of quantum anomaly has fallen under a certain threshold.

The events of October 15th have jolted the Light Forces out of their toplet fear spell, and they are taking more action now and are accepting more reasonable amount of risks. Nothing more can be said about the events of October 15th except the fact that the dark forces have crossed a certain unacceptable threshold, and the Light Forces have responded in a very proactive way that could trigger the toplet bombs."

Toplet bomb (TB) retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact...the main reason why the Light forces can not intervene directly in the situation on the surface of the planet.
What are the Toplet Bombs ?

1) Toplet = Quark Particle
2) They are the real reason for current impasse b/n the Light & the dark forces, & are assuring mutually assured destruction (MAD), a certain form of Nash equilibrium:

When those toplet bombs are removed, the breakthrough can happen.

Positive Military have Resistance Movement contacts who informed them about the reality of TB's & this is why they wont get the green Light for the Mass Arrests /Event.

Nikola Tesla via Erena Velasquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Nikola Tesla, and I am very happy to communicate to humankind through Universal Channel. If you don’t know my origins, I am Serbian-American electrical and mechanical engineer. During my lifetime I believed about unlocking and understanding numbers 3 6 9. I believe that these numbers can open all the secrets of Cosmos.

Since I left my physical form, I can assure you, there are no limits in anything. When humanity moves to New Earth, anyone will be able to use freely their imagination without restrictions and create amazing things. I am really very happy to be out 3D and become a free soul without limitations.

The awaken ones are aware that Old Earth has been set as an illusionary prison with a remote control, where everything is superficial without substance based on fake monetary system. Everyone’s direct responsibilities are having money in order to survive and pay for a shelter and food. In addition, you are expected to follow millions of rules implicated and printed by supposedly representatives of people. Do you see and understand, how preposterous is all of this? You are basically paying for a right to be alive on your planet.
Please, re-watch the Matrix movies again, you can see yourself in movie as Neo. Are you going to take red pill or blue pill? Stop believing that you are powerless, and nothing you can do. In the beginning, Neo, the main character in Matrix, thought so too. You can do many things to help yourself and others. Don’t wait to be rescued by White Hats or whatever they call themselves. You have a power to destroy the remote control of illusion, and you don’t need imaginary savers, who never saved anyone from experiencing nightmares for eons. It’s time to snap out and regain your power, as you are unstoppable soul.
Misery, disease and pain are going to dissipate. Free energy, incredible technologies and no more paying for anything are on the way to inhabitants of New Earth.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra was Caesaria
Who was also known as Little Caesar

Cleopatra was a descendant of Ptolemy who was a Hellenistic Jew
Hellenistic Jews lived in Greece
They were in power in Egypt and were never slaves as is taught in the Old Testament

Jesus was Little Caesar and was an Oraphim
Oraphims have quantum probability control
Meaning they can create events by using their light energy
They are 12 dimensional beings because they have 12 strand DNA

Oraphim bloodlines are typically Rh negative and are mostly Jewish
Draconian bloodlines are also Rh negative
These are the royal bloodlines which include US Presidents
They typically have a dragon tail on the lower spine
President Taft had a noticeable one
They also have extra vertebrae

Draconian bloodlines become stale and so they need to bring in fresh genetics
They bring in the Oraphim bloodlines which have high capabilities

Princess Diana was an Rh positive Oraphim
She was drawn into the Windsor Web so that they would not suffer genetic breakdown
And discarded when she was no longer needed

The royal bloodline which is also the Illuminati bloodline is part reptilian
They carry out Satanic rituals
Which involve the rape torture sacrifice and consumption of young kids

Humans partake in their sacrifice when they eat animals

Draconian Rh negative bloodlines which include Hollywood stars
Are easily possessed by reptilians

Oraphims have access to universal knowledge
By reaching the 9th dimensional consciousness
Which is called the Mouth Of God

That is why Oraphims are constantly tracked and interfered with by 4th dimensional reptilians

All humans are capable of achieving the Christ Consciousness
We can return to the 12 strand DNA by raising our resonant frequency

Do not give energy to the Savior Complex
Your energy is yours

Our cells are batteries
Our energy is constantly flowing in abundance

Manifest positive light energy
And the dark side will fade away!

Joe Allen #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie joebot.substack.com

Chatbots are at the front lines of an unrelenting AI (Artificial Intelligence) invasion.

The steady increase of artificial minds in our collective psyche is akin to mass immigration - barely noticed and easily overlooked, until it's too late.

Our cultural landscape is being colonized by bots, and as with illegal aliens, much of our population welcomes this as "progress."

The bots will keep us company. They will learn and absorb our personalities. And when we die, they will become our digital ghosts. It's a morbid prospect, but the process is already underway.

E-learning institutions regularly deploy AI teachers. Chatbot companions are seducing lonesome souls by the millions, including religious chatbots who function as spiritual guides.

At the end of the road, various start-ups are developing cyber-shrines where families can commune with their departed loved ones and find comfort in the digital undead.

In the minds of tech enthusiasts, AI chatbots of all sorts will be our soulless companions on the trek toward the Future™.

These ephemeral "friends" are key psychological components of what many describe as human-AI symbiosis. They will be like artificial guardian angels in our palms - and by extension, in our heads - answering questions and steering decisions.

One thing is certain.

Whatever you think about this invasion, AIs are falling to earth like stars from a godless heaven.

And with each successive wave, their voices are that much more convincing.
Bots are invading our minds through,

our phones

our smart speakers

our educational institutions

our businesses

our government agencies

our intelligence agencies

our religious institutions,

...and through a growing variety of physical robots meant to accompany us 'from cradle to grave':

We are being primed for algocracy...

Past generations ignored mass immigration and environmental destruction, both fueled by tech innovations, until it was too late to turn back the tide.

whiplash347 #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy t.me

<multiple links removed for size>

Nazi/Zionist war vs Christianity

Y is Israel & England last?
Y Evergrande? DOMINION
Y Red Cross? NAB, Westpac Trafficking
Wuhan Labs > ECOHEALTH
You can find all of this in Q Drops.
You have more than you know.

Australian Green Party = Nazi Germany = Zionist Khazarian Jew..

You will realise English Royal Family were bringing down England and siding with Nazi Germany who are & created by Zionist Jews & Romans dressed up as Catholics but are really Zionist Jews.
SOROS is targeted = Zionist Hungarian Jew, pretended to be Catholic, sided with Hitler, killing jews.
Hitler is a Rothschild. Rothschilds = Zionist Jew
Alec Baldwin
Red October



Who financed Bolshevic Revolution?
Rothschilds-Zionist Jews
Who financed Hitler>Zionist Jews
Who created Nazis>Zionist Jews
George Soros Zionist Jew does the same>Finances both sides, sits back & laughs.

Robert Maxwell > Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch = German, Czech, Hungarian, Ukranian Jew.
Here is 12000 for Google

Netflix CEO gone.

Do the rest for Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Bing & Instagram.

Just like DC is Empty, FBI, IRS & Whitehouse etc. Just like StockMarkets will be empty.

Hello Hoover Dam - Superman 1
Motorists should brace for travel impacts on Hoover Dam bridge next week.

Jan 19 - Alec Baldwin Red October comms, 31.4T Debt Ceiling reached
Press Secretary said President Harris, She will make a speech on the weekend. What's Joe gonna do 2day?
Jan 20 Inauguration Delta. Fryday
Jan 21 - New Moon, At it's Darkest
Jan 22 Lunar NY, Fireworks.
Jan 23
Jan 25
Jan 31 - USD to default or not be used in the world. Think Evergrande Reports? King Charlie Checkmate?

200,000 Evergrande Employees about to be laid off. Then Reports drop?

Trump has given us Wuhan Big Pharma Lab Comms, Law Of War Manual 5.13 Dams & Power Plants.

Concerned Christians Exposing Cultural Marxism #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

The Khazarian’s highly organized “Pivotal City Takeover Strategy” is really quite simple.

First, the Ashkenazi banksters and bagmen regularly finance the election campaigns of the most unethical and immoral, corrupted and compromised, bribed and blackmailed Democrat candidates (almost always black politicians) for mayor and the city council seats. Likewise, the most important city official positions are given to extremely incompetent blacks, and especially those with hidden criminal backgrounds. This is exactly what international criminal George Soros has done for decades, particularly in his systematic corruption of state, county and city public offices. In point of fact, there are hundreds of traitorous Rothschild bagman just like Soros who are surreptitiously following the very same playbook.

Then, the city and county attorneys, as well as DAs (who are often so-called Jewish lawyers and Zionist attorneys) keep those city leaders in check with regard to every important official action and mayoral decision. They are present in every single City Council and County Commission meeting whereby no one, but no one, ever makes a move without the explicit approval of the City or County Attorney. Where it concerns the Criminal and Civil Justice Systems, similar levers of control are pulled and buttons are pushed to keep everyone on the Khazarian plantation.

Lastly, the Khazarian Mafia is always ready to flex its muscles whenever the threat of violent enforcement is necessary to keep an installed politician or city official in line. And, they don’t even have to do anything physical; all they ever ask the wavering politician or judge or DA or city manager is: “Do you wanna be JFKed?!”
Once the Khazarian Cabal exerts firm control over any pivotal city in this manner, they dispatch their Democrat and RINO cultural marxists across the state to sufficiently pollute every single county, city and town in order to flip them into the “Sodom and Gomorrah” column.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

I have often pondered the question what would happen if Jesus wanted to join the UFO community.

First of all, the Christians would denounce him for speaking about other civilizations, his fathers many houses. Even if the Pleiadians, Sons of Arcturus, and UFOs were mentioned in the bible.

Then the Luciferians, heavily entrenched in the UFO community and almost all other institutions, would censor him and try to character assassinate him.

After all he did warn them about harming children, child and sex trafficking is a definite no no. They would engage the mainstream media to shame and destroy his character, probably accuse him of Russian collusion and knowing all their classified secrets.

Then the scientists would have a go at him telling him he is a woo woo nut job. They would say metaphysics and spirituality is not science even though they acknowledge at least 11 other dimensions and 100 billion planets observed that can sustain life in this 3rd dimension alone.
What would happen if Jesus destroyed the controlled narrative and said we are not alone, there are whole civilizations of very advanced beings who have conquered war, disease, poverty, balanced and maintained their environment and if the leadership desired they would make contact and help bring Universal Law and healing to Humanity and the Earth?

An invite to join a Federation of Worlds in peace. How would that go with the war industry? The medical and pharmaceutical industry? The oil, gas, coal, all industries that provide our transportation and energy needs? How would governments react with most of the leadership in the back pocket of these major corporations?

What if they had replicators? No need for Wall Marts, Costcos, all your needs would be met just by hitting a button. Electric cars would not need batteries, they would not need tires due to anti/counter gravity.

Are you starting to understand now why we don’t have contact?

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


It is no surprise that Andrew Tate is being “taken down”, however do not be surprised if this is actually nothing more than a Smoke and Mirrors operation and it could actually be staged altogether, just like the so-called “Trump Impeachment”

It’s Kabuki Theater[…]
With Trump’s alleged “Impeachments” and 2020 Election Loss, they had stirred both sides of the population

The Left Wing believed Trump was going to be destroyed[…]
The Right Wing were believing in the QAnon psyops[…]
Even the January 6th event was another great example of Kabuki Theater and Psyop Operations[…]
Trump only has loyalty to Capitalists and especially his Jewish Handlers[…]
The reason for going on about that is because I want you to think about it and relate it to what is going on with Andrew Tate’s sudden takedown, which also makes his Christmas Message he delivered to age “badly” in the eyes of his desperate and hopeful supporters[…]
From a lot of what we’ve been reviewing about Andrew Tate’s take down in Romania, it seems that this is more of a greater operation in having used Andrew Tate as an element and face cover for “Toxic Masculinity”, i.e. that the World Controllers spun him into the figurehead[…]
It also stirs up an element to make Men who do travel abroad to Eastern Europe or other countries to even more so be potentially viewed as “Sex Tourists”, so this effort seems to be aimed at targeting “Target Masculinity”[…]
It may also be playing a discreet role in bringing about the Gender Civil War, because it will only make tensions rise further between Men and Women[…]
Women in the West are also “closing their legs even tighter than ever” these days now as well, as they are seeing the money and freebie pools drying up around them rapidly[…]
Women who have no fear of their Men, are cunning

@THE_GREAT_RESET #conspiracy #wingnut #quack gettr.com

Let everybody know this has all be a horrible series of crimes committed by a Killer Global Cult...

They 'Predicted' everything, yet didn't warn us to not do stupid things? Or try to stop any of it?

Klaus Schwab wrote about everything happening now in his book 'Covid 19; The Great Reset.' He knew and even wanted these policies to collapse the Country. That is the only way he can have his Great Reset.

His book came out in June 2020, like three months after the Covid nonsense


Teutonic Heart #racist #conspiracy youtube.com

The number of crazed theories offered by Germany’s enemies about Germany’s alleged goals before the war, never ceases to amaze. People claiming that the Germans wanted mass world conquest have no knowledge or understanding of the internal-European colonial history of the Germans, nor of their intensely folk-first way of prioritizing actions. This video was very good, despite most of the sources being anti-German British, French, Jewish, and American politicians/propagandists.

James Red Pills America #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

➡ EVIL RINOs Are Being SET UP!
➡ WHERE In The WORLD Is Hillary & Schiff?!
➡ GOLD STANDARD Coming Back!

NEXT VIDEO: ”SG ANON LATE NIGHT! Situation Update Jan. 18! “We’re Witnessing The Fall Of World History’s Most Evil Empire! They’re All DOOMED! Digital Soldiers Are Awakening The Masses! Glorious Peace Awaits Us Around The Corner!” Absolutely MUST Video!”
➡ WE THE PEOPLE Are Changing The World!
➡ THE DIGITAL ARMY Is Awakening The Masses!
➡ GLORIOUS PEACE AWAITS US Right Around he Corner!

Dr. Debra Soh #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Gender ideology is a form of grooming.

Conspiracy theorists are the ones who are paying attention.

If you can count to two, you know how many genders there are.

When the entire process thus far has been corrupt, I fully expect any “investigation” into it to also be corrupt.

Keep sex offenders out of women’s spaces.

Gender self-identification was designed to be exploited.

Biological sex is immutable. There’s nothing to debate.

The he/him “allies” are always the most insufferable.

The word ”woman” is being redefined in the name of stealing our opportunities and trophies.

Parents pushing transition need a psych evaluation.

Detransition will soon be more common than transition. That’s my prediction.

Autism, sexual assault, and being gay are the real reasons girls are transitioning.

Incels Wiki #conspiracy #sexist incels.wiki

The Incel Crisis Coverup is an conspiracy theory alleged by many users on the incelosphere which claims that fakestreamers and most States are trying to hide the important increase in the number of incels throughout the world as well as blackpill related theories.


According to the theory, the government and various organizations are working to silence and contain incels and their theories. According to online activists and whistle-blowers, the majority of media and content we consume today has strong ties to the government and CIA. This is evident because most mainstream publications are shaming and ridiculing incels in every possible way. The only sympathetic articles made about incels are mostly on writer blogs like medium.com.

Many documentaries that are trying to capture the phenomena are under-budgeted, blacklisted and outright stopped for unknown reasons. Any mainstream documentary or video made by big media companies is usually downvoted by the majority of watchers.


Hollywood is alleged to have a big impact on young girls, especially with movies like 50 Shades of Grey, and American Pie. Nerds and outcasts are never portrayed in a positive light, unless they are milked for money or information. in many coming-of-age movies, the nerd might get laid in the end of the movie, after being rejected many times by woman. In contrast, the amount of movies that portray female loners/nerds in a negative light is minor and insignificant. Actors like Jesse Eisenberg are known to play the stereotypical male nerd role.


Many feminists use the incel debate to promote their own personal agendas. They usually say that 'incels are a result of male entitlement' and they also point out that arranged marriages is not the solution. Feminists are known to demand things they are not entitled to (free abortions, safe spaces, etc.), so it seems like a poorly made argument to begin with.

Online forums

Many have suggested that government-funded sockpuppeting is occurring in incel online forums, with either the purpose of derailing the narrative and dividing the groups, probing for potentially violent users, or pushing for ideologies and values that favor the status quo like MGTOW.

Scott Williams and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association #wingnut #conspiracy texastribune.org

Last summer, the sheriff of Coryell County in Central Texas took to an elevated platform in a small Las Vegas ballroom and made an unusual announcement: He was a “born-again sheriff,” he said, having “realized that I wasn’t doing my job 100%”

Sheriff Scott Williams runs a 92-bed jail and provides security for the courthouse in Gatesville. He oversees around two dozen employees. The county is known for its six state prison facilities, and Williams has struggled to keep his overcrowded jail in compliance with state standards. He cannot keep his department adequately staffed because his deputies are “tired of working like Hebrew slaves for very little money,” Williams told a local news source

In Vegas, he told the audience that he wanted to protect America from “globalists that are coming to destroy our nation,” saying “the moment we start acting like we are Americans, we are going to take our country back”[…]
Williams is part of the growing “constitutional sheriff” movement, which claims that sheriffs have the power to override federal and state authority on matters from border enforcement to gun control to election security[…]
A study last year by scholars at Texas Christian University and Tulane University on behalf of The Marshall Project found that as many as 1 in 10 of America’s 3,000-plus sheriffs believe they have the authority to stand between their constituents and higher government entities, a tactic they call “interposition”

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association[…]led around a dozen training sessions in Texas in 2020 and 2021[…]At an October 2021 session in Mesquite, the keynote speaker was Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton[…]
The seminars count for six to eight hours of continuing training credit required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement[…]
The constitutional sheriff movement has its roots in the Posse Comitatus[…]movement

@PeteTheCozyRana #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

You just cant make this damn shit up.

They #NWO cable has threatened and lied to all of us, conning us, forcing a #PoisonJab on us and our children, yet they don't take it themselves

#WakeUpAmerica #DoNotComply

Be #SuperStrait - stay #UltraMAGA - keep #PureBlood




Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

As an American who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s I wonder what became of my country. We were a homogeneous Christian people proud of our history. We were unified with a common language, prayer in public schools, and monuments to dead white men. We were safe in our homes and schools, in our streets, and on public transportation. A five-year old child could walk to school safely. Public schools were good. Teachers had degrees in the subjects they taught, not in something called education. We looked to the future with optimism.

What happened to my country? It was torn apart by bitchy white liberals, by the influence of Jewish Marxists known as the Frankfort School, and by the 1965 immigration act that turned the United States into a Tower of Babel. These developments launched the denunciation and “unmasking” that branded America as “racist,” “exploitative,” and “misogynist.” Today our history is a compendium of crimes as the New York Times 1619 Project, now taught in public schools, illustrates.

Restitution set in, with the result being that white American citizens, especially heterosexual white males, have become second class citizens against whom it is legal to discriminate in university admissions, hiring, and promotion. White students and employees are also required to be re-educated in “sensitivity training,” but no other race has to be sensitive toward white people.
How far our country has collapsed! An immigrant-invader can walk across the border, get a job as a police officer, and arrest you, especially if you are a Trump supporter who wanted a wall built to keep him out.
What explains this collapse except the complete absence of white confidence?

People without racial confidence, which is what most white people are today, are a people whose future is extinction.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

Are they aliens? Is it real or is it a hoax? What are we to make of all the celebrities and politicians with the slit eyes flashing for a second on TV or the numerous psychics and abductees who have said to have seen an overlay of a tall reptilian lizard like being in somebody’s frame or aura?

One cannot get a solid grasp on this bizarre phenomenon without a proper view of the cosmos, which is geocentric, fixed, and enclosed in a firmament. We must toss out the idea, then, of vast interstellar space, this is a NASA psyop. And along with that is the idea of aliens from another material planet flying here in ships. As we will see, the incursion of these “other-wordly” forces is much closer to home, and if anything, we must speak of them as ‘inter-dimensional.’ We must also have a firm grasp of Earth evolution and how the human being as a soul being fits into this picture. Steiner’s Anthroposophy provides this firm foundation.

So to answer the alien/shapeshifter question Gigi takes us back to the prior epochs of humanity, such as the Lemurian and then the Atlantian epochs.
So the Lemurian epoch was a feminine epoch (rooted in the past, tribal, atavistic) and the descending form of humanity ended up reverting to more of an animal form which spawned the apes. The apes are an offshoot of descending humanity. Which is a total flip of Darwinism which states that humanity evolved from apes, it’s actually that the apes devolved from a splinter group of humans that in the Lemurian epoch failed to keep up with the times.
So the main takeaway from her lecture is that these dark elite Illuminati types that seem to flash this reptile form, it’s not that they are reptilians themselves, rather they are humans that are possessed by a reptilian being that itself lives in the eighth sphere. The reptilian’s astral body is attached to the astral body of the human that they are possessing, as a kind of ghostly shell that hovers around or weaves through someone’s aura.

Wokal Distance #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

The woke gender theorists think they are special and have access to knowledge the rest of us don't have.

Gender theorists think the rest of use have been brainwashed by society into thinking all humans are either male or female.

Woke Gender theorists think that all of society was created by straight white males to advance the goals, prestige, power, privilege, and interests of straight white males, and for that reason literally everything in society is "structured" to advance the interests of straight white males.

Everything. Hockey, buildings, McDonalds, The English language, roads and highways, the sewer system, lightposts...everything in society is built for the benefit of straight white males.

They woke gender theorists think that because, in their view, everything in society is built by and for straight white males, everything in society either implicitly or explicitly perpetuates the assumptions and ideas of straight white males...even if no one else is aware that this perpetuation of straight male ideas is happening.

Robin Diangelo uses similar reasoning when talking about race in the clip below. She says it's impossible not to have a racist worldview if you're white.

Everyone is asleep at the wheel, casually being socialized into straight male idea...but the woke gender theorists are "awake" and they can see what's going on.

In other words you need the special knowledge only the woke have.

So because they think they have special knowledge no one else has they want to spread it...but they also think most people are to brainwashed to be able to understand.

But you know which group has NOT been fully socialized yet?


They want your kids, introduced to, or "initiated" into their way of thinking so woke ideas have a chance to take root in the mind of your child before his mind is fully formed.

It is about introducing their woke ideology to the kids, and initiating them into the woke way of thinking at an early age while the child is still developing.

They want to make sure your child is brought into the circle of woke people who have "woken up" to the fact society is all built by and for straight men, and they want to "wake up" your child as well.

This is what is going on.

@FutureFantasy #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut gettr.com

Dave Talks #782 - There Are No Coincidences.
I cover the lies, double standards, coverups, and crimes of the evil mind virus known as communism. My aim is to educate the people and build a movement to keep criminals out of power. MACA. Make America Christian Again. The elimination of communism is justice! Please watch the entire video. #nwo #Biden #trump

Monica Cole #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia onemillionmoms.com

Many parents have already found out that Disney Junior is no longer safe for young children. Now, Disney’s animated series Firebuds has added a same-sex couple to the program. One of the main characters, Violet, has two moms in the Vega-Vaughn family.

The creator of the show, Craig Gerber, tweeted, “After I sold the #firebuds pitch, my 1st detailed show overview included Violet’s 2 moms. Disney gave us 100% full support from day one. Thrilled to be making an inclusive show that reflects the diverse world we live in w/folks who care as much as I do.”

This isn’t the first time a same-sex couple has appeared on Disney Junior. In 2017, two lesbian moms were included in the Doc McStuffins episode titled “Emergency Plan.”

Conservative families will continue to have no choice but to stop watching the Disney Channel network or Disney+ in their homes so they can avoid previews, commercials, and reruns. Families will be unable to allow Disney in their homes since the network continually veers away from family-friendly content.

1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s animated show designed for preschoolers. This type of sexuality should never be included in a children’s cartoon, much less praised.

Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Disney should not introduce this information to young children. Therefore, Disney should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.

NewsPunch #conspiracy #sexist apnews.com

[AP News article. Title: "Fabricated WEF story published by site known for false news". I wasn't sure if #sexist was the right tag but the intent is also to trivialize human rights by presenting activists as crackpots.]

The claims came from a website called News Punch, which has published numerous stories based on conspiracy theories and has promoted fabricated information and quotes in the past.

The article was published Tuesday with the headline: “World Economic Forum Declares Pedophiles ‘Will Save Humanity.’” One Twitter user who shared the story on Wednesday received more than 10,000 retweets and 15,000 likes on the post, which was also viewed more than 450,000 times.
The article claimed — without citing any evidence or sources — that WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab called pedophilia “nature’s gift” to humanity. It also falsely stated that a research paper presented at the forum in Davos, Switzerland, described pedophilia as “nature’s attempt to cleanse the earth and ‘save humanity’ from itself.”

Yann Zopf, head of media for the WEF, said the assertions are entirely fabricated.

Clif High #wingnut #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com


Well, there goes the Narradigm….

A ‘narradigm’ is the operational paradigm in the normie mind. It is the normie’s POV for all their decisions on a daily basis.

The ‘narradigm’ is a paradigm that is created, not by education, and cumulative experience of the world forming a cohesive understanding of the reality encompassing us, but rather, the narradigm is worn into the normie’s mind by constant, and endless repetition of a narrative designed to support and enhance a specific agenda of an outside organization.

The current narradigm in Washington, and all these other, united States of America, has been a work in progress for at least the last 60 years, ever since the assassination of JFK. This has been a very expensive, and long process, the creation of this current narradigm.

Narradigms are engineered cultural delusions. We are living in the times of the WEF (*world economic forum) narradigm.

The WEF’s narradigm is dying now.
See now how the Deep State [DS] has released their hellwhores, the media, to finish off the Biden Regime, now that his corruption has tainted it too much for recovery. Yet another crack in the narradigm.

As the Narradigm cracks and splinters and crumbles before their eyes, the WEF has only the recourse of the Coward...denial, fear, and flight.

Look now to their Splendor, on display at their Davos meeting. The finest of foods, the finest of accommodations, the finest forms of travel, and the worst of humanity, all protected by tens of thousands of police, and military.

The WEF is certain, absolutely convinced beyond doubt that they can accurately predict the reaction of all people to their plans.

That is why they live imprisoned by their ‘security’.

That is why the WEF lives in fear.

They KNOW.
The Great Revealing is upon us! This year IT has begun! For even the youngest among you, none of their days upon this planet will be without the Great Revealing, no matter how long their life.

Solomon Pena #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho azcentral.com

A failed Republican state legislative candidate who authorities say was angry over losing the election last November and made baseless claims that the election was “rigged” against him was arrested Monday in connection with a series of drive-by shootings targeting the homes of Democratic lawmakers in New Mexico’s largest city.

Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina held a news conference Monday evening hours after SWAT officers arrested Solomon Pena at his home.

Medina described Pena as the “mastermind” of what appears to be a politically motivated criminal conspiracy leading to four shootings at or near the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators between early December and early January…

Police said Pena, an election denier, had approached county and state lawmakers after his loss claiming the contest had been rigged against him despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud in New Mexico in 2020 or 2022. The shootings began shortly after those conversations…

Deputy Commander Kyle Hartsock said at least five people, including Pena, were involved in the shootings. Pena is accused of paying the others to carry out at least two of the shootings, according to Hartsock, before “Pena himself” allegedly “pulled the trigger” during one of crimes…

The shootings began in early December when eight rounds were fired at the home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa, police said. Days later, former Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley’s home was targeted.

As news reports began to surface about the shootings, state Rep. Javier Martinez examined his property and discovered damage from gunshots. Police believe the shooting occurred in early December.

Then, during the first week of January, shots were fired at the home of state Sen. Linda Lopez – a lead sponsor of a 2021 bill that reversed New Mexico’s ban on most abortion procedures.

Lopez said in a statement that three of the bullets passed through her 10-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

Mr. Ed #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

In the future (which is here now) every home will have it’s own Med Bed as well a Replicator.

To start out the med beds will be located in public areas for all to use until the time comes that we all have one in our home. (same as a refrigerator or oven)

Then we will also get a Replicator and a Utilizer.

A Utilixer is a device about the size of your microwave oven that you recycle everything into to be reused again on a molecular level.

So you could say a Utilizer is a Recycler. (there’s a new word for your vocabulary) 🙂

No more waste or garbage to haul away to a landfill.

No more washing dishes. When you get done eating…it all goes into the Utilizer to be recycled.

No more washers & dryers. You just recycle dirty clothes and out come new ones from the replicator in perfect condition. (no more ironing) No need for it.

Everything you buy now to eat or wear or use in the home will be replicated for free at home. Look at the savings of time and money to go get these things all the time.

Say good bye to China WalMart. This will put them out of business for good.

Get ready as this is only one of many ‘off world’ technologies we are about to get. The cabal had about 6000 patents for off world technology they did not want us to have or know about for the past 70 years.

When the galactics show up here (when safe) they will bring so much more than what the Deep State had kept from us.

The SSP (Secret Space Program) had replicators & Med Beds for over 70 years. They got it from the dark ETs so the technology was not so good as what we will get from the GFL. (Galactic Federation of Light)

BTW…the SSP is now taken over by the good guys and renamed ‘The Space Force’ by Trump. What that means is…we now have our own deep space fleet. However the SSP fleet is old so the GFL will be providing us with new space craft fleets.

We finally escape this prison planet and the future is ours.

Welcome to the Golden Age of 1000 years of heaven on earth.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Whites Will Lose To Colored People For This One Specific Reason"]

The only people in the world who are careful and cautious about appearing Pragmatic, Righteous and Lawful are Caucasians

The Jews are using this to destroy Caucasians collectively, by guilt-tripping them through the Nobility of what it means to be Caucasian, and by the perpetual indoctrination of Christianity, and it’s destruction it has laid for over 2000 Years

There are very few Caucasian people left in this world who are willing to stand up as Pariahs against the rest of the world, let alone their own people for the sake of losing their reputations or being humiliated or ostracized for it

And when we look for such people like that, the most common class to find who are willing to be Pariahs are inevitibly the Criminal Classes

We couldn’t care less what other people think of us, let alone the Modern German or European Masses, or the World’s population itself

It should be known that the only Caucasian People which can ever expect to even have a whiff of a chance for survival, are those which are willing to be the most Ruthless, Daring Pariahs amidst the degrading, listless, mundane bourgeoisie and Corporate Drones which live their lives in Auto-Pilot

Even in the best case scenario, Displacement of most European Races is inevitable in some shape or form because of unwillingness to perceive or stand up for the task that must be done to ensure Future survival and relevance. With the exception of Russia, even all the other Slavic Nations will eventually be over-run, it’s only a matter of time[…]
Assuming of course, whomever or whatever remains alive in the case of Nuclear War

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

For all Joe Biden’s talk about “semi-fascist” and “un-American,” “ultra-MAGA” Republicans, it is the Democratic Party that has far more radically changed. It is descended into a woke, neo-socialist, radically green party. And it is committed, as Barack Obama once promised, to fundamentally transforming America. How it proceeds with that agenda is now as entirely predictable as it is creepy.

Before any presidential or midterm election, strict news suppression ensures that all bad news will follow, not precede, the voting. The Twitter files, Project Veritas ambush interviews, the Podesta emails, and occasional left-wing braggadocio confirm the fusion between the media and the Democratic Party.

To the degree there is any independent journalistic inquiry about Biden—such as we are only now seeing with Biden’s security violations—it is likely only because the party wants the 80-year-old enfeebled Biden out of office.
The Democratic Left has mastered the art of projection. Most of their own nefarious activity (now soon to be revealed) will be recalibrated as the crimes of their opponents.
It is hard to determine any major constitutional norms or long-held customs and traditions the new Jacobin Party has not sought to alter or junk to its own advantage. Remember there is no consistent policy concerning any of these proposed changes. Radical demands for reforms from the Left hinge only on their perceived short-term temporary political advantage.
Conservatives should be aware that they are not dealing with the party of JFK and LBJ. The Democratic Party has nothing in common with the agendas of a slick Bill Clinton and is well beyond the “fundamental transformations” of arch-narcissist Barack Obama.

We are faced with a strictly disciplined, no-nonsense revolutionary party, well known from history that aims to change the nation into something unrecognizable by most Americans. And it feels that it has now created the means to do it.

@BlessedHope23 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut gettr.com

Is the “ #GreatReplacement” really just a “theory?” No – #Americans really are being #replaced with #migrants …What the theory suggests is that the #Democrat left has been using mass immigration to literally #change the face of our country by watering down and eliminating the ‘evil white majority’ and replacing it with third-world poor migrants of color who will, theoretically, support Democratic policies that include #welfare, #dependency and a lack of upward mobility.

Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Janet Kira Lessin #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #racist enkispeaks.com


After the Deluge of 13,000 years ago, the lands that had been spaceports for the Anunnaki goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth were
ruined–covered with mud and water. The Mission Control Center in Nippur [Iraq] was buried beyond recovery. Only the Lebanon Landing Place of their old airbases functioned. The Anunnaki needed “a new Mission Control Center to replace the one that had existed before in Nippur.”

The Anunnaki decided to build a new spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula, with its long flat landing area and a new Mission Control Center in Mount Moriah, the future Jerusalem. These new space facilities were supposed to be under control of Commander . The Council selected Jerusalem on the basis of geometry; it was the place “equidistant from the space-related facilities. Jerusalem was to be the new Mission Control for Earth-Nibiru travel and communication.
Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones in 957 BCE on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved). Solomon’s Temple became the center of governance for the Jews for the next 410 years, when Nebuchadnessar destroyed it.
When the workers completed the temple, Enlil killed them all, lest others use them and brag of it. He broadcast that he’d give these slain craftsmen eternal life in the next world.

This structure, the 20-story high Portico, housed the Sanctuary, which in turn housed the “Holy of Holies”–Moses’ arc, a holographic image of the box with Enlil’s communication device and Enlil’s commandments to worship only him, etc..


<* - Author means not Khazarians Hebrews>

Just Empower Me/Kim Goguen #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist justempowerme.com

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on January 11, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. In this situation report Kim breaks down the global taxes and addresses Congress’ bill to abolish the IRS and how they aren’t helping the people, rather they are helping the Black Sun switch the tax collection from the Department of Treasury to Treasury of USA. But the cocky operatives running this scam won’t succeed! Many agreements related to the FED and IRS already expired! So Black Sun operatives stop salivating! The not so clever plan of theirs to obtain money for their black ops ain’t happening! Nor will their other not so clever plan of taking control of all Agencies by replacing Mayorkas with their guy is irrelevant. The GIA <Global Intelligence Agency> sits above all Agencies and already has a director. And she isn’t interested in funding wingnuts who are intent on hurting people!
And Kim already disabled the IRS, so members of Congress can go to the National Archives and see that the IRS has already been dissolved. In addition to the IRS, the Global Structure of Taxation and Causation system has already expired, as well as the Monetization of Leveraged Assets, and all that information is in the Archives.

Congress can go ahead and say they are abolishing the IRS, to make it look good for the people who don’t understand what Kim is telling us. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO SWAP OUT DRAGON FAMILY ROTHSCHILD PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GO AWAY FOR ANOTHER GROUP THAT ALSO NEEDS TO GO AWAY, AND THAT IS TREASURIES OF USA. If they think for one red hot second that Kim is going to ratify and pay for the Black Sun people to take over, they’ve lost their ‘bleeping’ minds.

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