
The narrow-minded fools at FSTDT laughed at my theories of Fractaral Psychoceramics! They called me mad! They called me a CRACKPOT! (tag for pseudoscience, pseudoscholarship and bizarre theories)

Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God, Creator and etc. This is my second communication to humankind on request of Prime Creator. He asked me to bring to your attention the importance of following the Universal Laws and the truth about the walk-ins. <walk-in souls are new light souls literally replacing original souls>

When ego is in charge instead of the soul, it can let you believe in the false information. The Universal Truth is the most reliable source you can link to, the connection comes from the God within you.

The humankind came to rescue Mother Christa and got stuck here because of 3D Matrix. This is the right time to let go of all the attachments and leave the Matrix as soon as possible. To accomplish this task, you must stay 24 hours in high vibrations above 3D.

Your next step is to Ascend and move to the New Golden Age. In the near future the old Earth is going to dissolve, as at this moment there are two versions of Mother Earth: 5D version and 3D version.

Please aware, the action of taking someone’s life is unacceptable and punishable by the Universal Laws to the extent of loosing the soul. Some of these dark entities killed millions and destroyed whole Galaxies. Prime Creator and I, Supreme Father, both can’t allow for such travesties to continue to happen, so we got involved as having a free will gave too much freedom to the Darkness. The balance between spiritual world and non spiritual needs to be restored.

Regarding the walk-ins, I want to ensure all of you, it’s prohibited for the reason of making disarrays and confusions, and it could cause some unexpected and tragic events. For the safety of physical bodies or host, it is not permitted by the Universal Laws, which are same to every race in the Cosmos.

You don’t need anyone to assist you to win this battle between Light and Darkness. Each soul, who came here to rescue Mother Gaia, carries the essence of God within.

Steven Beckow #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut goldenageofgaia.com

Knowledge is power, they say, and so here is knowledge of the nature of Reality. Here is knowledge of the One God we all kill each other fighting for.

Fighting or not, we all of us are embarked on the same journey – From God to God, from ignorance to Self-Knowledge, from hardship to ecstacy.

The nearer we get to our destination the better we feel. That can’t be said for the outcome of war.

Our religions, though they started out sincerely, have fallen under the control of cabals and elites who’ve used them as a means of control.

Some religions claim that they’re the only road to salvation. Others claim that those who don’t worship their God, or don’t get baptized, or don’t confess the founder of their faith are damned.

It’s said that the same cabal or elite that rules this planet used the strategy of divide and conquer and nowhere did it work better than with religion.

Soon we’ll be seeing many religious leaders tried for crimes like pedophilia and satanic sacrifices. Already buildings like the Vatican have been shut down.

Our views of spirituality stand to change mightily in the years ahead. Teachers from higher dimensions will begin to correct some of the fabrications and manipulations that have passed for religious doctrine and practices.

A cross-cultural spirituality may have a short life span before becoming multidimensional and omniversal.

These essays are part of building Nova Earth; specifically, Nova Spirituality. As a collection, they set out the situation as things stand. It’s like a knowledge baseline from a terrestrial standpoint.

I anticipate then that galactic masters, angelics, and other higher-dimensional beings will give us an overview of which this will form, if I’m lucky, one puzzle piece.
I hope to show how different words are used to point to the same three levels of reality, which levels can be found in most if not all religions.

Another way of saying that is that these essays look at the purpose of life and the Divine Plan to accomplish it.

Mike Adams #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack humansarefree.com

The Maricopa County forensic audit results have been leaked, and if the draft documents are correct, they already show over 54,000 fraudulent, faked and otherwise invalid ballots — more than five times the margin of “victory” for Joe Biden.

And this is from just one county alone: Maricopa.

If the same holds true across other counties in Arizona, the fraud vastly exceeds 100,000 ballots.

That means Biden didn’t win. The election was rigged.

The lying left-wing media is going to try to gaslight the nation and falsely claim the audit proves Biden somehow did win. That’s a brazen lie, like saying 2+2=5. (But what else would you expect from the media these days?)
As the truth about all this begins to seep into the consciousness of the American people, the illegitimate Biden regime will be seeking to unleash desperate measures to distract the American people with another engineered crisis of some sort.

We see the next 7 days as a high risk window of opportunity for the deep state to pull something huge… 9/11-scale, or even bigger.

One of the most likely events seems to be a staged takedown of communications and power infrastructure to prevent people from communicating, all conveniently blamed on a cyber attack from China.

This self-inflicted cyber attack would then be used to justify America launching kinetic warfare against China… and suddenly we’re in the middle of World War III, with Biden claiming, “Now is the time for all Americans to come together” and stop paying attention to “divisive” election audits.
At this point, there’s no crime the Democrats won’t commit in order to distract people from the truth. They are, after all, already waging biological warfare on the American people and the entire US military.

They’re already in kill mode with covid, and Biden has already restricted monoclonal antibody supplies to red states — an act of war targeting his political opponents.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy amg-news.com

In this article, we talk about the connection of the Rockefeller family dynasty to CERN. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). I have warned extensively about CERN and believe that the Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, one beyond space and time. CERN also invented the internet, a matrix system that now covers the Earth. The internet has now taken over everything about life.
Everything is “wired.” The last thing that isn’t wired is the human body. Implantable devices are necessary to accomplish the wiring of the human body to the WWW. That is why mandatory chipping will come to pass, because every human must become a literal part of the WWW, which is the 666.
The Rockefellers also send their own scientists to CERN to conduct experiments. These particle physicists are from Rockefeller University and are some of the top scientists in the world in their respective fields. They have been instrumental in discovering new particles at CERN.

Did CERN Create Black Hole Inside Earth? City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. CERN is opening portals into other dimensions, possibly even hell. Everything you are about to see is real.

CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? Smashing particles at the speed of light (or near) is in my theory attacking God himself and as we know, without light there would be no life, Earth or the Moon possibly?
The LHC facility on the Franco/Swiss border is changing weather patterns and even possibly attracting meteors with the huge magnetic force it put’s out? CERN has many backers and many objectors but the most important is CERN itself, only “it” can address the worries of everyday people and they choose not too, why?

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie adrenogate.net

There are many cults in this world, but they all lead to one devil, though the manifestations of this Devil over the years has shifted from Bull – The time of the Minoans of Crete, when we were in the age of taurus into the age of Aryans and the Ram, We get these Houses from the procession of the equinox and they either fall into Sol or Luna worship. We are in Pieces moving into Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity.

The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites for millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lifes and civilization. Many have spoken of the basilisk as a threat through out time, often referring to it in terms that lacked the knowledge to describe them adequately. Hinting and beating around the bush, they could see the symptoms but not the cause.
The devil is often referred to as a snake, serpent, dragon – That old serpent which is the devil, has been worshiped in the form of the animals that those cultures held in high esteem.

Whom exactly is this devil? It i a transsexual hive mind who calls it’s self the queen of heaven and uses parasite demons to infect the children of God, by which he tempts them, influences them, kills them and even takes complete and totla control over them through demonic parasitic possession.
The parasite is some thing that has lived on in the background, motivating people to live out side of their own self interest, to partake in unholy rituals involving homosexual acts and human sacrifice, this parasite can be found in meat, produce and water supplies. It is the leading motivating factor behind homosexuality, pedophilia, human sacrifice and blood rituals and that is how it is spread among the elite and their golems and goy. They are a wasteland of parasites, zombiefied and droned out into being an NPC, An Enforce or An Acolyte of their secrets.

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, and I am happy to connect to humanity today with new information.
Two leaders on your planet are widely discussed and looked at as being positive beings. I don’t need to specify their names, as everyone knows who I am talking about.

One of them, who dearly loves his country, was given a choice to stay on a positive or a negative side, so he chose to be on a positive side. The Second one elected himself and created laws to secure his position of being the President in his country forever. Also, he was forced to choose between the Light and the Darkness, so he chose to cooperate with the Light.
Also, I want to let everyone know that I never said or the Galactic Federation of Light anything about the souls swapping. It’s false information, which was spread by the Dark Entities. You can have only one soul that keeps your physical body alive, and as soon as the soul leaves, the physical body expires.

The theory of coming with the desire to switch physical bodies with other souls is not allowed by the Universal Laws. It would create complete chaos in the Cosmos, and the consciousness would end up being transferred to the Artificial Intelligence by the Dark Ones. You don’t want that to ever happen, AI would destroy billions of civilizations and everything in sight.

There are many fake Ashtars who pretend to be me and spread incorrect information. I only speak through genuine and truth speaking channel. Please, be aware and use your own discernment about floating false data.

Let me share, the latest intel on the event that happened in September 2021 in your world. I am not going to specify the date as it’s already in the past. There were 3 nuclear missiles launched. One was suppose to reach Japan, the second one - Europe and the last one suppose to reach the United States. My fleet destroyed them as soon as they were sent. Your planet almost ceased to exist.

Awakened-UK #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #fundie awakeneduk.wordpress.com

A friend asked me to explain the Levites of the Tribes of Israel. Let me explain something for those unaware. As I stated thus before, the Tribes of Israel were dramatically different based entirely on their mothers and the mtDNA because Jacob / Yakub was B- and a hybrid of all three tribes but the founder of the B-.
So when lookin at the Tribes of Israel you must pay close attention to the mothers of the blood lines because this is how, when and where the Betrayer lines of the Canaanites bred back into humanity. The Bible itself was nothing more than the Dragon blood lines killing each other in a bid for power and control and this is fact, since the Tribes themselves would even attack each other.
So to this day, all of these Draco blood lines all share the Canaanite / Demon Clan, the Ashkenazim / Naga and the Hebrew Jews / Daywalkers DNA in various ratios. We have ruled Earth for over 4000 years and it’s been nothing more than the Draco killing each other in a bid for power and using humans as the fodder / guinea pigs / sacrifices / pawns / cattle etc in their wars to keep their numbers down and fight over control.
It wasn’t until Daniel taking over Babylon that shit hit the fan, because the Satanic lines used to rule Babylon until the Hebrew Jews showed up and Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel authority over Babylon. Everything was actually improving due to their presence and it wasn’t until the Tower of Babel that things took a turn for the worse.
After the destruction of the Babylon, the Canaanite Betrayers lines retook up their oath to destroy humanity and vowed to never interbreed with them ever again, and remain as almost pure Demon Clan Canaanites as a result and yes, due to lack of Pleaidian genetics, they are the Unholy Feminine who follow the Right Path of the Qlippoth. NO MALE ENERGY AT ALL which is also why they are all transgendered. Their ‘women’ dress like men and their men like women due to the Satanic Inversion of energy.

Richard Luminous via Jessica Rosalie & Richard Melchizedek #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

We are bringing through some information on the recent events that have occurred throughout the Universal System and Architecture. Instruction sets through the morphogenetic fields have been amplifying the energetic systems for transfiguration. We have entered into the Gaian Core and reclaimed all of the Maji Grail King and Queen Templates. This is opening up a sequencing now for a remembrance of our light energies and light technologies as we open the Gaian Planetary Interface Records to access a deeper remembrance of our True Ascended Masters and Azurite Families. This is further bridging the three 48 matrices of the 144 dimensions.

We are anchoring a timeline that is fully reconciling the Gaian Memory of all physical, elemental, energy systems, and architecture. This unlocks a dimensional gateway to all of the information of how the Gaian Matrix became infected through parasitic energy technology and opened it into a full-body infection that continued to spread. Our Guardian Teams continue to return all Guardian Systems and God World Technology back into control of our Aurora Kryst Families and the 7 Levels of Heaven.
There is a Rainbow Dragon Shield of piezoelectric and plasmic wave light which has begun to remove the toxic energy fields and astral webbing through the heart of the universe. As it continues to go into a deeper purification the Earth’s Core is now able to amplify a piezoelectric Rainbow Plasma Current through the Inner Earth Realms. Through the Inner Earth Realms, there is mass clearing out of all the fallen legions that have been hiding in the Stargates and Inner Earth channels. They have been working to restrict all access through the Inner Earth Gates and channels to the 8D Core and to the 10th and 11th Stargates as we have begun the emancipation of these Stargates. By removing their harmonic codex to access the gates into the universal time matrix we have been able to hold them within certain underworld realms.

Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos via Diane Robbins #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy blog.diannerobbins.com

The weather anomalies on Earth are out-picturing the chaos in people's mental bodies. There are so many restrictions and laws being imposed upon the people and so much confusion and fear that people are feeling and that Nature is absorbing and then reflecting back to us in the form of erratic weather. Nature is out-picturing people's confusion and fears, along with all the pollution it has had to absorb from people's careless ways and harm to the Earth.
There will be a few more storms or weather anomalies and then be over. You have already experienced Covid, fires and drought. And now we are witnessing the suppression of the Divine Feminine taking place in Afghanistan that soon will be put to an eternal end. By 2025 a new Earth will emerge based on Love and Equality for all.
For great changes are ahead for the American people and the people of the World - including Afghanistan. The Spiritual Hierarchy and Angels and Silent Watchers and Great Cosmic Beings are all focused on planet Earth, helping in myriad ways to remove the darkness and usher in the Light. Soon you will see great assemblages and masses of people take to the streets in protest against all the injustices and constraints and laws being imposed against Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Speech. People by the hundreds of thousands will protest and join together to demand the truth. You will see the grounds of the White House filled with millions of silent protesters who stand with their backs turned on the White House demanding the return of justice and liberty and freedom of speech. This is indeed the GREAT AWAKENING we've all been waiting for and IT IS HERE NOW!


I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the very center of our Hollow Earth.

Whiplash347/Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon dinarchronicles.com

Defcon1 Scare Scenario Events will put the world on high alert while grinding everything to a halt, activating Global Martial law, Mass Arrests and National Lockdowns so everyone could stay at home safe and watch documentaries broadcast 24/7 designed to awaken the General Public.

On 11 Sept. Trump called for 21 Days of Prayer, which takes us to Oct 2nd as in the Mickey Mouse Clock with its hands on 10 & 2.

Cue post 2903: Within the next 21 days (from Sept. 11 2021) BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place. 21 Days of Prayer = 7 + 7 + 7 WhipLash347: 7 Presidential Messages, 7 EBS Alerts, 7 Kingdoms.

Water Event expected at any time: A volcano on LaPalma Island, of the Canary Islands, Spain was causing a land detachment the size of Manhattan Island that could easily slide into the Atlantic Ocean, generating a Tsunami – that would strike the US East Coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several miles on the US coastline under tens of feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore.

Financial Collapse Event expected at any time: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919.
Harvest Moon Sun. evening 9-19 through Wed 9-22 3:20 EST Autumn Equinox makes its peak illumination today 9/20 at 7:55pm EST.

I believe the EBS will be this Wed at 3:20pm triggered by the Tsunami Mass Extinction event

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter (about 300 foot) tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US, the Southern coasts of Europe, and large parts of coastal Africa and South America.

This comes after the three gorges dam in China came under heavy pressure from “once in a thousand-year flooding,” earlier this summer. If the dam burst, as many as 600 million Chinese would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded.

It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake, criminal administration of Joe “rubber mask” Biden faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet.

On the surface, this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and China, each threatening to flood the other.

These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported (in the West) imminent collapse of China’s Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about “budget deadlock” in the US government.

The Evegrande collapse, if related entities are included, would affect $1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chinese economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US, CIA sources estimate.

That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/China conflict.

However, fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society, the French Grande Lodge de L’Orient freemasons, the Swiss-based Octagon group, the Italian P3 freemasons, and the Satanic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders. Parties such as the Chinese Lotus freemasons, the Scotts rite freemasons, the Russians, and others are also involved to varying degrees.

Arbitrary Skepticism Award

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut adrenogate.net

Just about everything he covers in this video are the versions of the current theories that I also agree with, (e.g.: we live in a crater on a flat earth underneath a firmament, deserts and continents were artificially created, the existence of a cataclysm that destroyed the global Old World empire that the internet likes to call “Tartarian”, outer space is fake, the existence(past and present) of grotesque genetically engineered humanoid creatures). He’s right-on about most of the subject matter he covers and is one of the few who is willing to delve head first into this stuff without ever compromising for the sake of not seeming crazy.

Though I’m not too sure I agree with his take on humans being the result of a genetic experiment that mixed a monkey with a pig.

I’m also pretty sure that nuclear weapons are fake and nuclear energy does not create the hazardous waste product they claim it does. The radiation is not actually dangerous. One of the Whistleblower scientists said that he used to swim in the pool that contained the graphite fuel rods. But I do believe that there was a catastrophic war to go along with the Mudflood event and I’m sure they were using something like directed energy weapons on each other. I think San Francisco got hit by one of these weapons and that was what the great earthquake really was. So I am all ears as far as his theory that the northern part of Russia and Siberia was literally bombed into the ocean and sunk to history as a means of covering up the core of this lost empire. Who knows what this area truly looked like. We’ve seen the anomalous ENORMOUS megalithic ruins in remote areas of Siberia. Was this now lost region once an endless megapolis cityscape of endless Old World buildings covered in advanced antiquitech ?

Corey Goode #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

When I was being taken around the Sol System by the Mayans and Anshar we visited The Moon, Ceres, Mars, Super Federation Bases around Jupiter and Mars and finished with Antarctica. For the purposes of this summary, I am going to share what was gleaned about the Reptilians and slightly condense the information we observed from their bases/cities on the Moon, Mars, and the Antarctic. The activities at all 3 Reptilian locations were very similar.
• The Reptilians had relatively small bases on the Moon and Mars when compared to their large city in Antarctica. There were two main bases on the Moon that were very close together (Could be considered as base complex) and one base on Mars that was a military outpost.
• The bases on the Moon and Antarctica had very similar activities and functions. There were two cloaked satellites (ancient in age) that are in orbit around the Earth that are a part of the Reptilian mind and mood control projects.
• When viewing the Reptilian City under Antarctica we observed a horrific sight. I didn’t get a number but what appeared as Millions of Reptilians were deep under the ground in a city carved out of caverns. There was a portion of the city that had very high-tech equipment and devices that were being actively and jointly worked on by Reptilians, Bio-Droids, and Humans. Further down in the cavern is where we found the other casts of the Reptilian society. The look of this area could be described as spartan and low-tech. It felt like an old Celtic castle with the red, black, purple, and maroon tapestries hanging over large doorways and statues placed in passageways. There was a lot of death-themed art on the walls that looked like it was painted or tattooed on what looked like skin from the backs and chests of humans and other beings they have encountered.

Michael Salla PhD #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut exopolitics.org

Many people are asking me about the conflicting intel coming from Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, when compared to the intel being presented by the extraterrestrial contactees, Elena Danaan and Megan Rose. Corey has recently put out a video and statement with his update on the current exopolitical situation that people are asking me about given my ongoing series of articles on updates provided by Elena and Megan. In response, Elena and Megan put out their own video where they explained their intel and sources, and why its not “pie in the sky hopium”.

There does indeed appear to be conflicting intel coming from Corey and Elena/Megan about the present state of exopolitical affairs in terms of the current operations of the Dark Fleet, Draco/Orion Alliance and Interplanetary Corporate Complex. Corey’s latest update suggests that the latter remain very much alive and operational in our solar system, while the Earth Alliance has recently suffered some serious reversals. On the other hand, Elena/Megan’s information suggests that the Dark Fleet, etc., are in disarray and in varying states of collapse, with power being transferred to the Earth Alliance who are taking control of our solar system.
So there are two timelines, and two perspectives on what is really happening around the planet depending on what you accept as truth regarding the Biden Administration/Deep State and White Hats/Earth Alliance. I believe that something similar is happening in space.
At this time in our history, when humanity appears to be collectively experiencing a dark night of the soul, I believe it very important that we focus on more optimistic information since this does influence the timelines.

As the old adage tells us, “where attention goes reality flows.” That is the reason why I have been promoting Elena and Megan’s intel recently. I believe it presents a more desirable direction we should collectively take the planet, and it is well supported by many space events

Miles Mathis #conspiracy #crackpot mileswmathis.com

For those who haven’t spent any time on my science site, what I discovered more than a decade ago now was that celestial mechanics and the Solar System are not powered by gravity alone. I proved that the big field equations—like those of Newton, Laplace, Lagrange, and Einstein—were actually dual-field equations that always included charge. It is charge, not gravity, that drives everything, including orbits, tides, and everything else. Charge also drives the 11-year Solar Cycles, and I had shown exactly how that worked by 2014. In February 2020 I finally provided all the graphs and flow charts proving it. I was able to match past charts and to predict the next cycle. Those predictions are all coming true in real time, so much so that the mainstream is in a panic. They are going so far as to miscount sunspots in order to hide the fact I was right.

Shouldn’t they be happy someone has finally figured this out? As scientists, aren’t they supposed to be excited by new knowledge? Well, they are supposed to be, but they aren’t. They don’t like the fact that an outsider saw something they didn’t. So they are hunkering down and refusing to budge, either pretending I don’t exist or covertly attacking me. This should not really surprise anyone who knows how things actually work in this world.

Rainblow #crackpot #moonbat forum.literotica.com

Wtaf?! You're worried about the price of meat going up? And not about the negative environmental impact and health benefits, not to mention the suffering and torture of billions of sentient beings that the Animal Industrial Complex is directly responsible for? Try eating a climate, health and animal friendly diet, SugarDaddy1.

Try the real paleo diet: You eat nothing you didn't kill with your bare hands!

And you don't get to use them to eat it!

Ya, that's a hard no. I'm not a specieist and prefer the taste of kindness.

You'll find that just above the left ventricle. Bon appetit!

Got that right it's in my fully functioning heart that's not clogged with saturated fats. I'm also not at risk of high cholesterol which causes heart problems because there is ZERO cholesterol in a plant based diet. All cholesterol comes from meat and meat by products. High cholesterol is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. So yeah, my fully functioning left ventricle is only one of many reasons for my feelings of compassion and why an earth friendly diet tastes of compassion. And good health. And saving rain forests and lowering green house emissions. You should try being part of the solution and not the precipitate.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #crackpot brianniemeier.com

Several attributes of demons follow directly from their non-material nature.

* Being made of no parts, they’re effectively indestructible.
* As pure intellect and will, they’re really, really smart and ferociously determined.
Having no physical properties, they don’t take up space.
* As a consequence, they don’t need to “move” or “travel”. Though not omnipresent, they can be anywhere they think about without traversing physical distances.
* Therefore, it’s less accurate to say that a demon can “get inside of” someone/something and better to describe its activity as “attaching itself” to a person, place, or object (remember: a demon is “located” wherever it focuses its thought).
* How can nonphysical beings interact with the physical? Probably not that differently from the way your own spiritual faculties can affect your body (e.g. psychosomatic and mental illness).

sexratiocel #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #sexist incels.is

RE: Perceived intelligence is attractive, but real intelligence is not. Bones >>>>>> intelligence

Normies getting blackpilled hard

In a series of speed-dating sessions, women rated men who were *perceived* as being more intelligent or funny as more attractive, but rated men who were actually more intelligent as slightly less attractive.

1. Women find men who are perceived as intelligent to be more attractive --->

2. Taller men are perceived as more intelligent than shorter men --->

3. Thus, the heightpill strikes once again, as once again taller men are shown to have it better with women than shorter men.

It just never ends.

Not just women. People over 6'2" are more likely to be CEOs because of their perceived intelligence and "decision-making" due to height, not actual intelligence.


It pisses me off to no end.

Not only is male tallness attractive to foids in and of itself, there is also this "secondary attractiveness amplifier" of being perceived as more intelligence and therefore (once again) more attractive. Another such secondary attractiveness amplifier is that tall men tend to actually be richer and have higher status, and thus once again they are deemed more attractive. It's like femur + tibia literally make or break your success in life in every single field and in all fields combined.

What horrible deed did I do in a previous incarnation to deserve being both actually high IQ and high libido and at the same time so short (5'7") that people dismiss my actually high IQ and my high libido goes unfulfilled?

My theory is that we were Chads and Stacies before and now we atone by going through the opposite experience.

Looks are everything and everything is looks. All else is delusional cope.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of public record that Donald Trump was bailed out multiple times by the Rothschilds during his business career.
My understanding is that he was offered protection from blackmail if he agreed to go along with a military move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he seemed to be “draining the swamp” but something happened. My understanding is that he was unable to stop the US default on international payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in exchange for money to keep the USA Corporation afloat.
What Trump should have done is formally declare bankruptcy and negotiate a restructuring of debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a dystopian failed state controlled by Satanic gangsters.
The US military offered Trump the chance to overturn the stolen election. He failed to do that. He also strongly pushed vaccines for a disease that does not even exist.
That is why the military needs to stand behind someone like general Mike Flynn who does not have skeletons in his closet.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie energeticsyntheis.com

Beloved Holy Presence of God, in pure love we open all channels of eternal light. We clear all living light fibres to be fully connected and resonant with the living light code vertically, horizontally and diagonally. As you intend to go within and focus within your own inner vertical channel intending to secure and strengthen your direct connection and relationship with God and Source. Now let’s bring forth the unity vow. As we create the hub handshake with unity vow:

Defenders of truth, sovereignty, and liberation; Guardian Christos families serving the Oneness, from across the omniverses we call upon our Guardian families in Christos-Sophia to join with us now. Our unification is demonstrated in the waves of omnilove as we sound our heart tone to you now. Our energy body is updated renewed and forever perpetuated in the internally sustained light of our Cosmic Source Domain.

This alchemical container is consecrated and dedicated to the purposes of One. As we endeavour to be the knower of God to then become the wayshower of God, please sustain us in the eternal power of our God consecration. We call for gatekeeping in order to hold our mission, our highest purpose in service to the eternal light source, the living light code. Our intention is unification as the Cosmic Christos Principal manifested in this reality here and now.

We request the handshake to fortify our spiritual links to the universal cosmic trinity, the heart and core of One, that which is the source of our genesis. With deep reverence for all of life Beloved God breathe your living life codes into our created form. We state our mutual purpose as One. Please resurrect all inorganic and artificial patterns to the organic and eternal living light as we state our mutual purpose here today to resurrect these patterns. To that we say thank God I AM the living eternal light and so it is.

The Arcturians via Natalie Glasson #crackpot #ufo #quack #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We, the Arcturians, have a special activation that we wish to share with you to support a vibrational heightening and advancement of your physical body. It is known as a cellular treatment. On the inner planes, within our civilisation, we have many treatments, many activations, initiations, and all are created from the purest vibration of light, the highest intentions, and the most sacred expressions of the Creator.

For the cellular treatment, we create cells of light. We first scan your own physical being; we scan your soul and all energy bodies of your being. We recognise the vibration you are currently holding. We recognise the vibration of your soul, and we merge these vibrations. Connecting with your current vibration and your soul’s vibration, we merge them and fill them with light. This creates for us a vibrational frequency which is the aspects of your physical body that have been healed and the vibration of your soul. This process is very clean and clear. We do not add any other light, we use the light of your soul to create the cells.

Once we have scanned your being and have determined the vibration of frequency that your soul is and your healed physical being are aligned with. We then access this vibration to recreate cells of light. When you are ready, we come forth, creating a circle around you with many Arcturian Masters of Light. We begin to pour light that is not from our civilisation, it is directly from the Creator through our beings into your being. As we send this energy, we begin to integrate the new cells of light that hold your vibration of a healed and complete body and being, and the highest vibration of your soul. We support these cells in anchoring into your own cells. This process may take time and you may wish to lie down to experience it fully.

Nicholas Pereira #crackpot #god-complex #quack #wingnut vice.com

In a riding tucked away in one of Canada’s most forgettable provinces, you’ll find a candidate preaching about a topic sorely undercovered this election: semen retention.

Nicholas Pereira is the People’s Party of Canada candidate in Saint John-Rothesay, New Brunswick, but on the internet, he’s known as Nakula Das, a YouTuber dedicated to making sure his followers don’t ejaculate. Pereira’s videos are of the vlog variety, typically addressed to his “semen retention army,” and at times beginning with a prompt salute to his “soldiers.” He also offers his teachings on Instagram where he posts about techniques such as “testicle breathing.”

“Breathe deeply into your balls. Imagine your testicles expanding like lungs. When you exhale, imagine your testicles deflating like your lungs would,” the Canadian political candidate wrote in an Instagram post four weeks ago. “Most men never breathe into their balls consciously.”

In over 130 videos on his page, Pereira philosophizes about how men not orgasming is their key to a better life. He can teach his followers the true way to achieve their maximum potential—but only after they sign up for one of his webinars, of course. On Patreon, another place Pereira teaches his followers how not to ejaculate, the PPC candidate writes that he “is creating an Army of Semen Retention Practitioners” and a place “where men don’t cum to transform their lives.” Pereira also offers to teach his followers to become “sexual alchemists” who are “a powerhouse both in and outside the bedroom.”

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #quack #wingnut #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

We live in a time that is not in sync with reality; societies are run without vision and confidence, nothing has been learned from the past, about what governing really means.

Government itself is fake, phony and false, everything is a lie. The fabric of society and its culture is a hologram, not real nor true. WAKEUP; and let’s start by ridding ourselves of the liars and pretenders.

Our lives and that of our children and future generations depend on us by making the right move now. Abolish the Central Banks all over the world, they are the main culprits of our today’s misère, they are going to loose out on this current financial crisis they have designed themselves. A return to sound money is the first thing necessary to do. Even governments have to be abolished and strongly reduced to 10% of its today’s size and influence. The world will function much better in a free market environment without regulations.
Since, 1871 the USA Inc. was owned by the British, Vatican and Rothschilds. They have fooled Americans into wars for profit in a scheme to accomplish a renewed Roman Empire for the Vatican Jesuits who are the instigators behind the smoke screen.

Their attacks on the populace through Food Poisoning, Chemtrails, Electromagnetic injury, Sugar Diseases, GMO’s, Wheat Modification, Vaccines, Morgellons disease, Nanotech, Aids, the Fluoridation and further poisoning of our water and the murder of Doctors by Big Pharma mercenaries, are all part of a “Soft Kill” scheme to reduce and control the world population.
The demise of the Deep State cabal is already a fact.

In our new positive world that is dawning; only awake people into the 5th Dimension of consciousness will be allowed. There will be no rulers; all of us together will manage our own living and business.

Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy.
What is interesting to me as I hold space for all of you myriad souls in this sector, what is interesting to me is how you become so lost in your own stories that you forget the interconnectedness of each other. (I am in a vast empty space, in the center of delightful nothingness, surrounded by clouds of memories along the rim, like a giant energetic donut. I am seeing that one pinprick is a life and threads of light from all over the donut rim are going to it, to help and as that pinprick of light helps another it throws out energetic light threads to assist as well. It is forming a beautiful pulsing web of assistance.)
Your world has been in the throws of fear for so long. (I am hearing a low pulsing sound like a very low drum beat that sounds mechanical and unpleasant.)This is the sound of fear that has been emanating from your world to the cosmos. (I am hearing crystalline tones and sounds, light singing and laughter.) This is what has been playing in other sections of your space. Your galaxy has not been in tune. There have been many pockets of this low fear tone and all that goes with it. It has been like an angry machine trying to consume the surrounding joy. Harmony is to return to your galaxy, to your world, to your space, to your cells. This galaxy is but a cell in the All. I am vast but I am small, much like your human form is small but mighty for all of the trillions of cells - worlds - that it contains. You are the galactic center for your own little galaxy of you. Harmonize yourselves, harmonize your lives, and you will harmonize your world. The reptilians are aware of this, the dark ones are aware, the AI is mechanically aware.
Do not feel the vibration of fear any longer. Send it high tones of vibrations of love of peace and you will elevate it, which will further the energetic split. Send healing to the fear sound that this one keeps hearing.

Lyndsey Marie and Leeannstar23 #quack #crackpot vice.com

The term “pureblood” doesn’t exactly have the best connotations. But now unvaccinated people on TikTok are, er, trying to reclaim the term as a way to tout their “superiority” over their jabbed fellow citizens.

The new “pureblood” trend seems to have gotten a big boost from conservative TikToker influencer Lyndsey Marie in a post shared last week replete with hashtags like #harrypotter, #pureblood, and #unvaccinated.

“From now on, I refuse to be referred to as ‘unvaccinated,’” she declared. “I want everyone to now call me Pureblood.”
The video has since racked up nearly 250,000 views and Lyndsey Marie is now promising her followers that a line of “pureblood” merch (which will feature an image of a lion and the text, “PUREBLOOD; Unmasked, Unvaxxed, Unafraid.”)

Meanwhile, the term has inspired scores of other un-vaxxed social media users to make their own videos.

Some have incorporated zombie-like filters, others have embellished their captions with the droplet of blood emoji, and one user, Leeannstar23, took the analogy a step further.

“In like five, ten years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated —we’re gonna be hunted,” she warns. “It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood.”

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #racist #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #wingnut adrenogate.net

Yeah yeah, I know there are a lot of actual “White Supremacist” accounts on that site and it can come across as “Antisemitic” at times. But remember that these “Jews” who cry about this kind of rhetoric are not the authentic ancestral descendants of Moses that the real Semites are. So they have no right to be offended and even less of a right to claim they are the Semites.
Most of them don’t even realize the truth about their own existence and who they are actually even doing the bidding of. On top of that, most of them don’t even maintain total control over their own vessel and are constantly relegated to the sunken place as these demonic legion spirit entities commandeer their bodies and use them as avatars to interact with humanity with whenever they decide to visit our dimensional realm. But with the recent advances in A.I. and synthetic humanoid technologies, they no longer need to keep inbreeding these bloodlines that have proven to be extra-conducive to accommodating the possession of a demonic entity. The synthetic vessels that they manufacture today are even more effective at hosting these Alien demonic intelligences than the traditional biologically inbred hosts(the EL-ites) are capable of, rendering these leftover inbred Cannanite/EL-ite/Ammonite(Serpent Seeds)foot soldiers as much less valuable to HaSatan. Because of this paridigm shift & these technological breakthroughs, the Practitioner of the Demiurge/Lucifer/HaSatan is getting ready to basically throw all the EL-ites into a garbage can since he really doesn’t need their help anymore. That will be fun to watch when it does happen, but hopefully I’ll have been scooped up into my home dimension by that point by the Demiurges rival, the true Creator God, and won’t be forced to stick around any longer during that junction of these End Times protocols that we see playing themselves out on the world stage.

Megan Rose/Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

On September 11, I received an important update concerning the impending public release of advanced healing technologies that are being mass produced on the Moon, as a result of the Jupiter Agreements involving military and space program officials from 14 nations and cutting-edge aerospace companies that occurred back in July. The update was given by Val Nek, a High Commander of the Galactic Federation of Worlds who took part in the Jupiter Agreements, according to Megan Rose who relayed Val Nek’s intel.

Val Nek’s update involves Lunar Operations Command (LOC), a former German/Nazi base on the Moon that initially was handed over by the Dark Fleet to US authorities including the Air Force Secret Space Program, NASA, CIA, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, and a consortium of corporations in the 1970s, as a result of secret agreements.
In conclusion, it is clear that the Galactic Federation is taking action to rectify the wrong done to humanity due to the repression of many advanced healing technologies over the period of the last century dating back to the pioneering work of Nikola Tesla. Under their Prime Directive, the Galactic Federation is permitted under Article IX and X to take action when wrongs are perpetuated by off-planet species such as the Draco Empire and the Orion Alliance, who began intervening in human affairs in the 1930s, as a result of secret agreements reached with Nazi Germany.
What Val Nek is effectively saying is that many of these suppressed technologies, along with newer contributions from the Galactic Federation, are currently being mass produced on the Moon and will be soon released into the public arena. That indeed is a prospect worth looking forward to in these dark times on our planet.

Aurora Ray/Galactic Federation #crackpot #ufo thegalacticfederation.com

This is a message for humanity from the Galactic Federation. We are here to inform you that, based on new developments and research, we are introducing this new initiative on the planet earth.

The idea is to create a free energy zone here on earth, which will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects.

You may not know that you have a galactic federation representative very close by. We're here to let you know we're upgrading your planet's energy supply. We won't be taking anything away from you and making things worse for you in the process, quite the opposite. We'll be installing a new completely free energy source that not only takes care of all your needs better than your current system does but there's so much more to it.
It is compatible with all devices. There's no need to charge your phone or put gas in your car. All these gadgets will work 'ON' 24x7 with this energy without the worry of theft of power because it is wireless Free Energy.
The first phase of free zones will be established by the Galactic Federation of Light. To become available for this designation does not require an individual to subscribe to any specific religion, ideology, system of belief, or way of life.

The first phase of free energy zones will be strategically chosen based on several variables including but not limited to; land contour, water flow patterns, temperature patterns, the location of hot spots (vortices), tectonic plate movement, tectonic plate stress points, tectonic plate stress points, and residual tectonic pressure points will all factor into this area's selection.
The words you are reading now are just a glimpse into the main goals of the Galactic Federation.

We are here to prepare you and your planet for ascension, and we will not stop until you and everyone else on Earth experience enlightenment and become free!

Goddess Diana via TruD #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

How many times can you recall that we have been told something big is coming? How many times has the prediction actually occurred? How many times has a time or date of the predicted event come and gone with nothing that was predicted coming to fruition? More than likely, the announcement or event failed to occur. So, we have learned to hope for the best, but nothing typically results.

Who is giving us these predictions? White Hats or black hats? Who knows?

Black Hats love to set us up for disappointment, to disillusion us, drop our frequency, and divide us. Once we learn this, we grow wiser. We guard our hearts. But we do this to hold our frequency high and not allow ourselves to be fooled, tricked, or made to look foolish. Always take into account that we each must remain optimistic and high frequency, but don't bet the house on anything we are told unless we know the source of information is legit.

This is our new way of being, always on guard. We are the light holders, the guardians of the light and we remember, we are at war with a vicious enemy who wants to kill us. We must not let their tricks and lies break our spirit. Be practical about what is real and what is not. Look for signs and use your inner discernment, which I know you have developed carefully over time.
Then another year following with rebuilding our world. This is the period of darkness before the dawn. During the next 2 years, we are transforming into a new human species of light warriors. I tell you this so your body is not going through the stress of the ups and downs of disappointments designed to break our spirit. It doesn't help to keep asking, when will this end? It will end when the Black Hats destroy themselves. Don't let them destroy you in the process. It's time to be strong and hunker down, shine your brightest light on the world because we need 80% of humanity to awaken. This is what we need to understand if we are going to survive. We don't need false hope.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy primedisclosure.com

All of our Light work is coming to fruition. We are at the precipice of the Great Leap into Heaven on Earth. Keep going through, keep pushing through. Gently with an open mind and an open heart. Stay focused on our mission, keep holding the line of the Light Bearers. Day by day we are inching our Way to the finish line of this Story of suffering and struggle. The Light is celebrating because we have built enough momentum now to push on through beyond all barriers and gates.

Today Venus enters Scorpio and aligns with Arcturus. Arcturian energies coming in. Our Blue Goddess goes into wild intensity mode. The Queen is fired up and ready to make the final move…Checkmate!!

This game is about to get really interesting. The Queen of Hearts has had enough and is taking back this realm with a Soul Star Storm. In this revelation all is being illuminated and revealed for healing and transformation. The True King and Queen have been reunited in Hieros Gamos and Return to their throne. All beings become sovereign unto themselves. No more Monarchy or Patriarchy. Each reign over their own domain, by realizing they are the World Honored One, Buddha Consciousness and Christ Consciousness being restored and all is being resolved in this Now. All concepts of Divinity such as Buddha, Christ, God, Holy Spirit, etc. are all fingers pointing to the same moon of Truth. the Moon is a symbol of Enlightenment. Simply meaning; to realize your Oneness or Unity with Source Creator we call Mother/Father God. Names are irrelevant, what matters is the Love and Truth that these concepts of Spirit direct or guide consciousness to. Your Original Unborn Mind of Buddha.
All Starseeds/ Lightworkers had to experience all these hellish states, in this current timeline, to help hue-manity heal and resolve these hindrances once and for all. How did this conversion happen? With the the negative programming and projections of the false 3d Matrix. Fully Awake, Fully Aware…A’Ho!!

Erik Davis/Jerry Derecha #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net

I recently stumbled upon this guy’s works via his “TechGnosis” book and subsequently named blog “TechGnosis”. Fun to caroose, definitely not a snooze. That’s the last time I’ll try to be Dr. Suess.

Other sources that I believe possess a useful accumen on the ponderings of what “Gnosis” truly means are Truthscrambler(Upon the Face of the Waters” & Jason Bickfords’ “Valentinian Christianity” YouTube channel which used to be named “Polarization Nation Media”. I totally agree with Bickfords assessment on Gnostic Teachings and how they’ve been perverted to make them look like the evil Satanic teachings that at no point they ever actually resembled. Only when Jesuit asswipes get their hands on a narrative does it get skewed and defiled into a blob of bullshit that we are supposed to lend credibility to in perpetuity just because that’s the narrative they’ve put their time and effort into. Hence why Bickford had titled his channel “Gnostic Reclamation” at one point. To try to reclaim a more accurate insight into what “Gnosis” i
Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information

How does our fascination with technology intersect with the religious imagination? In TechGnosis—a cult classic now updated and reissued with a new afterword and a foreword by Eugene Thacker—Erik Davis argues that while the realms of the digital and the spiritual may seem worlds apart, esoteric and religious impulses have in fact always permeated (and sometimes inspired) technological communication. Davis uncovers startling connections between such seemingly disparate topics as electricity and alchemy; online roleplaying games and religious and occult practices; virtual reality and gnostic mythology; programming languages and Kabbalah.

The final chapters address the apocalyptic dreams that haunt technology, providing vital historical context as well as new ways to think about a future defined by the mutant intermingling of mind and machine, nightmare and fantasy.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: You also live in a death culture, and this is social conditioning as well, my love. The reason you live in a death culture is because the Negative Alien Alliance enjoys your suffering. The third dimension is the only dimension where suffering is permissable, although it is used as a learning tool and is intended to be short lived. The NAA has extended this suffering for you in many ways: by creating wars, by stealing your wealth and creating poverty for you, by altering your religious messages to make you fear God instead of loving Him, they have created an entertainment web of movies that are based on fear and killing, which of course keeps one in an adrenalized state of fear while watching them. They are also highly addictive, so when you continue to watch them, you begin to develop anxiety and other adrenal or endocrine system problems.
Me: It is a battle for your mind. If you are still living life from your ego, you have much work to do because a reptilian ego will not see the fifth dimension. Thoughts of hatred, violence, killing, war... will not get to 5D.

It is easy to determine your soul's thoughts from those of a reptilian's – they are happy, purposeful, caring for others, concerned for the future of humanity. Anything else that does not light up your heart, is mind control.

Social conditioning is the means by which they keep you enslaved, but now you must leave the matrix and stop indulging in your conditioning as much as you possibly can. The more you watch TV, the more you shop at stores for non-essentials, the more you go to work, you are keeping the system that enslaves you empowered.

Ivo: My love, I realize that this is difficult but it can be done piece by piece. Dismantel the matrix and change your life by changing your minds.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

2021 +
2022 +
2023 = 666

These years are supposed to be the second half
Of the 7 year Great Tribulation

Which started on September 23 2017
When Jupiter alias Zeus was supposedly born in Virgo
Who will rule the nations with an iron rod

And the Virgo constellation was supposedly the celestial woman in the book of Revelation
Clothed with the sun on her hair and the moon at her feet

A solar eclipse on August 14 2023
Is supposed to mark the ending of the Tribulation period

Humans are now immersed in trauma based mind control
Resulting in a mass psychosis

5G transmitters with its millimeter waves
Are installed in antennas every 300 feet
On towers lamp posts roofs and street signs

In a big city there are thousands of them
Sending forth harmful radiation everywhere

5G attacks the pineal gland
Limiting the production of melatonin
And effecting what you think

5G penetrates and crushes cells
And causes viruses to be created inside the body

5G is attracted to cell phones and wireless devices

Our bodies vibrate at an average of 60 to 80 microwatts per square meter

When CERN unleashes the EMP
You will have to match the frequency

Iron is a microwave absorber
Your body will utilize it when under attack
Brown rice soybeans cocoa beans spinach peas and seeds provide needed iron

Meats give you heme iron
Which are associated with a number of diseases and adverse health conditions

Lead will nullify the emission of an electromagnetic pulse
That is why they quit putting it in paint

The graphene nanobots in the Covid vaccine
Is also in chemtrails and junk food

The graphene hooks to neurons in your neurological strands
Suggestions to get rid of them include:
Carbon 60
Chlorine dioxide
2 drops of pine oil daily
Castor oil
Glutathione in neem and organic coffee
Ginger root

If you try any of these be sure to do so with caution
And take very limited amounts at a time

We are being overtaken by ferro nano fibers
And unless we take proper action
Our minds and souls will be the property
Of replication technology!

LesPatterson #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: International Study Finds Sun - Not CO2 - May Be Behind Global Warming

Relax, nothing to see here; a clever use of mathematical derivations, but on the whole nothing worth getting excited about.

The critics of climate change have always had their claims and they come up with new ones everyday, but it's next to impossible to prove any of their claims with physical experiments.

You just twisted the whole thing around.
Alarmist are the ones coming up with useless computer models and fake mathematics to try and make their fake science fit the data. But they are fighting a losing battle. But none of that really matters, because they are in charge of the narrative. They have completely hijacked and closed down the entire debate, the science is settled you know.

The truth does not matter to these people, they tell bare faced lies regarding biology, physics race and history all while keeping a straight face. Then cancel people for pointing out the bleeding obvious. Did you hear one of your hero’s AOC just this week talking about menstruating people, just a tiny example. And she is a climate change hero to everyone, god help us.

So you are certainly in good company...

New ones every day, this is exactly what you have been doing here on Stormfront, posting one ridiculous video after another, flip flopping all over the place. Tilting planets, massive feedbacks, Super gases, all totally totally defying the laws of Physics.

Our claims are very consistent and based on actual data, past and present. While you people hide or completely ignore past climate and the past relationship between CO2 and temperature.
CO2 can’t and has never influenced climate or temperature. Past data clearly shows that. But we have been over all this before. That claim has never changed. Why don’t you fill us in on all these new claims...

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #psycho #mammon timrifat.com

The Soviet Union discovered bioplasm and soul fluid, the lifeforce that vivifies humans. While soul fluid is located in the nucleus of the cell. Psychotronic Generators can accumulate this scalar force from the planet or the biosphere or both.

Vampires suck the blood of their victim as it transfers scalar force around the body. Psychic Vampires interact with the victim to produce emotional stimulus: outpouring of bioplasm which they feed on. They do this by being the Sochevanov Number 2 haters that kill, supress your lifeforce. Since we’ve got Russian scanners that can detect bioplasm and soul fluid we can simply watch the depletion of this scalar force under the influence of Sochevanov Number 2: Haters! That is why Vlad Dracula was consumed by hatred from Turks as they buggered him regularly as a small child when he went to Constantinople as a Janissary. If you build this enough your biophysical body becomes consumed by it and you turn into a vampire.
Now if we use the power of the internet and its associated computer network plus AIs to power our vampirism we can suck out enough bioplasm and soul fluid to make us vampiric and not only retard aging but rejuvenate and build supernormal biblical attributes – fuck going to the gym – suck bitches dry and become superhuman.
We simply now include an image of ourselves with our Vampire Certificates held in the left hand and observable in the video with us standing in 8 concentric circles, You then simply burn the target in 31 concentric squares as the Earth energy squeeze your victim like a lemon pushing them down the Feigenbaum period doubling into Chaos.
You can see why Tim Tony Stark Rifat cultivates enemies upon which he can feed. The computer network via TikTok or YouTube enables the observation of your enemies to be used to collapse the quantum wave function of the planet to shape the quantum wave function of the planet to build Earth Energy Squares around your victim and Spirit Circles around you 24/7.

King Arthur via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning,

I am King Arthur, and I am honored to speak today to humanity through Universal Channel.

Some historians think that I was a fictional hero, who fought the Saxons at the end of 5th century and in the beginning of 6th century. I was a real person, and like many of you, I volunteered to come to this planet to fight the Darkness.

During my times here, the beasts didn’t hide and were walking among humans. I have been saved on numerous occasions by the great Wizard Merlin. He is the one, who assisted me in my Earthly journey in the fight with the creatures like witches, giants, dragons and others. Not all of the dragons are negative, there are positive ones who protect Earth from the Dark Entities.

Since my early years of life, the humankind learned that magic didn’t exist only in the folklore stories or tales, which is a lie. Magic is a real thing, and many of you don’t know yet, on how to open yourselves to create or receive it.
The undiscovered powers are within everyone. There are no limits in the Cosmos, everything is possible. Just open yourself and let your soul guide you to discover your spiritual gifts. I was fearless and always believed that I am going to win no matter what on the battlefield or in a fight with Dark Creatures.

Please, don’t be afraid to walk into the unknown territory, it’s the only way all of you can win this fight with the Darkness, to become free and unleash your locked up powers. Pick up your ‘’swords’’ and start your fight for your survival and freedom. Nobody is going to win this battle for you, it’s your fight and you don’t have much time left to make your decision on this matter.

The time keeps accelerating and moving really fast, and the Dark Creatures want to continue to be in charge of you and Earth. Please, be fearless and win this battle. Thank you.

Believe in Your Victory
King Arthur

Order of Melchizedek/Age To Age Ministries Int'l #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #racist atam.org

The fact is, originally these secret societies and specific "family names" were so named, because of their "ancient non human bloodline." That is the main reasons for "secrecy." We also shared how in these secret societies that descended from a literal Dragon/Reptilian Race, probably from the constellation of Draco; there are what we would call good and evil Draconians. Thankfully, those that are working with the Light are in the process of overthrowing the darkness. This is what the Global Resignations of the evil Khazarian Bank CEO's and Politicians is all about.

Keep in mind that all the rulers or Emperors of Asia were and are til this day of a Dragon bloodline; sometimes the true rulers may be ruling from behind the scenes. Should we be surprised? Most of those that have ruled Europe, other western nations (America) and parts of Africa are of a Dragon/Reptilian bloodline also. This is why genealogical records proves most of them are related. The Dragon rulers have been divided between the East and West for thousands of years with sub-factions/families of half-bloods, 1/3 bloods, lesser and willing servants.

Why do we have the White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, Black Dragon Society, and Dragon Families? Each of these groups are considered to be "illumined ones" Illuminati. Could it be that when the Draconians first descended on this planet, they decided who would rule certain regions? Could it be that there has been a Cosmic Sibling Rivalry being played out on the planet through the human hosts for thousands of years? Have the humans been used in proxy economic and violent warfare (nation against nation, religion against religion, race against race) at the expense of satisfying the huge ego of negative Draconians/Reptilians? Is there any end in sight for the human pin pong game? Yes! There is and there has always been a plan in place to cast down the evil Draconians that have ruled the world (gods of this world) in unrighteousness.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy exopolitics.org

People all over the world have their attention firmly on painful events unfolding all over our planet, and as a result, are not paying attention to something truly astounding happening in space. In many ways, our planet is experiencing a very painful birthing process. If we can look beyond the pain of shattered expectations, collapsing security beliefs, and personal uncertainties, something wonderful is about to happen.
This ethical association of extraterrestrial groups is playing the role of midwife to this Star Trek Future. Currently underway, the Galactic Federation is encouraging political unity among the world‘s nations by sharing some of its advanced technologies, which will enable Earth to defend itself against any future takeover attempts by returning negative extraterrestrial groups.

As you are very likely aware from my recent podcasts and articles, I have been covering breaking intel about the liberation of our planet and solar system from a dark alliance of extraterrestrial groups that have been secretly dominating our planet for a very long time due to secret agreements reached with the Deep State (aka Cabal).

Only recently, the negative extraterrestrials have been forced to leave our solar system, resulting in humanity finally gaining planetary and solar system stewardship. The global pain we are witnessing right now is due to the last gasps of a dying regime—the Deep State is playing its final cards in a futile effort to ward off inevitable defeat.

In the meantime, White Hats and the Earth Alliance have been busy not only making agreements, but building the infrastructure of our Star Trek Future, one in which humanity takes on the role of space pioneers, quickly expanding deep into our solar system. There is much to be optimistic about despite the uncertainties and grief during these painful times.

Jagdish Bhurani #quack #crackpot #mammon urinetherapy.in

The Epidemic of CORONA VIRUS – COVID 19 has created the PANIC and FEAR among the people. Millions of people are infected and thousands of people are dying every day. SHIVAMBU can STOP the present Epidemic of CORONAVIRUS from spreading. It can SAVE Millions of LIFE and people can Live Hale and Healthy Life without any FEAR.

SHIVAMBU is 100% SAFE and can be adopted and practiced at home in an easy method. It does not have any kind of side effects. Persons who are tested COVID POSITIVE can become COVID NEGATIVE with SHIVAMBU without taking any Medical treatment.

I have treated and CURED People who were COVID – POSITIVE with SHIVAMBU.

I have also treated and CURED people suffering from CANCER, HIV, Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Nephritic syndrome, Gallbladder Stones, and all other various Chronic Diseases with SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY. THE HEALING POWER IS WITHIN US.

URINE SHIVAMBU is not the waste product; it is the “SERUM” By-Product of Blood Filtration. URINE is the watery part of the Blood. It contains 95% of water and 5 % of Proteins and Vitamins. It contains:-Urea, Creatinine, Ammonia, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphate, Phosphate and Potassium. It can Boost and increase the Immunity System in our Body.

SHIVAMBU is the NECTAR of LIFE known as URINE THERAPY can PREVENT and CURE COVID – 19. It will improve and Boost their Immunity system and prevent them from all kinds of diseases. Persons who drink one Liter of SHIVAMBU daily will not be infected with COVID 19. People who are Healthy and do not have any Diseases can also adopt URINE Therapy.

Government and Media should JOIN their Hands to Educate, promote and Recommend the people to adopt SHIVAMBU known as URINE THERAPY in the similar manner as they are promoting and recommending people to take Vaccine.

The number of people who are infected and dying due to CORONAVIRUS daily can be decreased and reduced in a short period. IT CAN SAVE MILLIONS OF LIFE.

Awakened-UK #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy awakeneduk.wordpress.com

Loads of clues about what is coming in this video from Negative 48 who appears to be JFK Junior.

Trump had to step down to perform the Insurrection Act and Nesera/Gesera.

The first part of the new quantum financial system is Skynet which took over from SWIFT on 29 August 2021.

The 11 September is Jesus’ birthday and also the 20th aniversary of 9/11 which was the 2nd time the cabal stopped the new gold backed currency – the first time was when they killed JFK.

09/11 2021 is the date of the return of JFK Junior as POTUS.

The real Biden is dead with the current body being played by an actor.

Military will take over from Biden and ‘clean up’ ready for Trump.

Trump will hand over the presidency to JFK or JFK Junior (not clear from the video)

President: JFK (also Q)

Vice President: JFK Junior (R)

Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, and Michael Jackson are alive.

So is Jackie Kennedy.

August 29 Skynet went live. 13 days to 9/11.

Meliana Trump is the Queen of Russia, a Romanov.

In 1962 JFK said there is a plot in this country to enslave every man woman and child – I will expose this plot. He needed to be alive to be able to say that he can do this.

Prophecy of Revelation: I am the Alpha and the Omega.

Revelation 12: woman, astrological event which appeared in 2017 which only happens every 7,000 years.

The “Jesus Strand” Part 1 & Part 2, approx. 90 min each followed by the Post Show Discussion with Neg48 & Crew immediately after. Research about the bloodline of Jesus and how it has been followed to Abraham Lincoln and the Kennedy family.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Daily reminder to coping white supremacists on this site


turbocuckcel_7000 is a 31 year old virgin who still has a cope for “white supremacy”. This old geezer actually believes that worshipping whote women and white chads is the best thing for incels lmaooo

BummerDrummer a blonde white incel kid is who is at the bottom of his white social hierarchy worshipping the same whote women who wont fuck him

Realizing that multiculturalism/migration is detrimental due to skewing up the gender ratio, that it is used to disinegrate the unity of the people (thereby making them easier to control with racial infights) and that it benefits only liberals/capitalists that will make our problems worse =/= simping for white women

Migrants vote mostly leftist-liberal, every vote for leftist-liberals is a vote against men and for feminism. Furthermore, they bring crime and I would rather be an incel with my wallet than without. And for their sexual crimes: I don't care and because women voted for this, it's their problem.

I believe that every race has its place on the globe and shouldn't mix, but there's no denying that ethnicities are dumber than whites and they're doing shit in politics, so whites must prevail in the end

daily reminder


(Fat Link)
There’s no such thing as white supremacy.

There is however Jewish supremacy.

Maybe you muds that are sad and pissed off about your rotten lot in life need to begin taking up your problems with the Jews?

Since after all they owned all the slave ships that brought your black asses over here to whiteopia to begin with and it was they who were your primary enslavers NOT whites.

You should all demand reparations from Israel now but you monkeys won’t as you are pussy niggers.

Too fearful to attack or go after the actual people whose organ grinder tune you all dance to.

Push Those Buttons #quack #crackpot vice.com

Anti-vax activists in London staged an event on Monday “against tyrrany [sic], genocide, vaccine passports [and] injecting children” by encouraging protesters to press every pedestrian crossing button in the capital simultaneously.

A Facebook group entitled “Push Those Buttons” encouraged anti-vaxxers to create “gridlock traffic” between 7AM and 10AM, despite most pedestrian crossings in London being automated, meaning the buttons have no impact on when traffic stops.

Nevertheless, a description on the group addressed to “fellow button pushers” said that the event’s organisers wanted to “bring London to a total standstill and remind this government that NOTHING moves or happens in this country unless the people agree to it.”

“If we all commit to this project, London will be gridlocked,” the message said. “You can do this right where you live, it only needs your commitment and your finger!”

Medeea Greere #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #fundie amg-news.com

Start of the 6 night of the Tun calendar today.

Sept. 6th is the start of the Sixth Night of the Ninth level of the Tun calendar which was discovered by Carl Johan Calleman in 1988.

We as humanity are accelerating in being a sovereign co creator and eventually everyone having Unity Consciousness. We are only 20 days away from entering the Seventh day of ALL Nine levels of the Tun calendar.

We started this journey 16.4 billion years ago.

The Nine levels have 13 waves of 7 days and 6 nights.

The first level took 1.28 billion years to go through Each of the 13 waves. The second level it took 64 million years. The third level 3.2 million years. The fourth level 160 thousand years. The fifth level 8,000 years. The Sixth level started 3115 BC and took 395 years. The Seventh level 19.7 years. The Eighth level took 360 days and the Ninth level which started Jan 29 takes 20 days.

Some of the Major events that happened in the Sixth Night. In the Fifth level we had the Fall of Atlantis which was 13,000 years ago and during the time of Noah. We were in the age of Leo and the entering of the bronze age. Great scientific technology was on Atlantis.

We had free energy then and airplanes that ran on what was called the night side of life which I think was monatomic elements. The pyramids were built using the monatomic elements.
The Seventh level was from 1982 to 2002. And the major event that happened was 9/11. And NOW we are coming up to 9/11 again in the ninth level. Amazing.

The Eighth level was from November 8 2019 to Nov 2 2020. Of course the major event was the Covid 19 virus “plandemic”.

Just know that God is in Control. Breathe and know that this baby is about to be born on October 28 21. In conclusion tyranny like hell is not easily conquered yet we have this consolation with us that the harder the conflict The more glorious the Triumph

Steven Beckow #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack goldenageofgaia.com

They have imposed fake solutions like the COVID injections of poison elements, which is most dangerous, altering the Human DNA with RNA and thus eliminating the human body from its own natural immune function of battling illness. This alone can cause the loss of life in the future of up to 70% of all those persons who have taken the fake vaccines promoted by all means of media under the control of the same cabal illuminati oligopolists.
They at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign UN and Chinese Military to complete the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy to Head of a civilized Nations. Their tools of choice include leadership of Federal Government Agencies such as the CDC, FDA, UN, CCP, and agencies CIA, FBI, MI6, with Government authorities in Central Banks robbing all sovereignty of nations and its people.
They have excited domestic Insurrections amongst us with Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements of violence, and have endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our communities, cities and government, the merciless Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED “STATES” OF AMERICA, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this great nation, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United “States” are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the oligopolists, cabal illuminati secret societies, and that all political Connection between them in the United States and Abroad, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent United States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent countries may of right do.

Steven Beckow #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #quack goldenageofgaia.com

WHEN in the Course of recent human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the each State in the United States, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them!

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these States in the United States; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present influence of oligopolists supporting the secret societies such as the illuminati cabalist is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over not only the great people of the United States but all people of all nations in the Globe. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

They refused Assent to Laws by corruption of the truth, of which is evidenced by the 2020 US Elections Fraud and Misrepresentations at every level, we the people have been usurped of our legal right to exercise and see through our basic right to vote, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and proper representation.
They have abdicated the true United States Government, by declaring us out and without rights and waging War against us, killing us softly with vaccines altering our DNA with RNA, HIV and other poisonous elements.
<<cont. next post>>

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

What is #thegame23? It’s the name of the Progenitor of the Demiurges’ campaign to sequester your soul. He’s outsourced “Anonymous” to run #thegame23 cyber propoganda campaign, which also includes the #LeakitAll campaign which is run by Tyler who is the Progenitors A.I. bot. “Anonymous” also runs the #Cicada3301 campaign which is a much more cryptic and obscure version of #thegame23 who’s creators also seem to have also been responsible for creating Q. Q = 17 = Follow the White Rabbit down Alice’s Rabbit Hole to hell.
#TheGame23 a game that’s played relentlessly from many different angles and within many venues and arenas of your everyday life. It’s started on the day you were born when your parents imprinted your feet on your birth certificate. Luckily for us, our souls are ours to give away, no one else can speak for it, or for you.
The Rabbit Hole = The North Pole Saturn Cube Toroidal Energy Vortex. AKA Hell.

If you follow the white rabbit, your following Lucifer down into a fractal soul trap. You've been warned.

#thegame23 is a game for your soul.

nankingRoastie #crackpot #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

Harvey weinstein did nothing wrong.

Women who slept with him did so for access to his wealth and power. They are the predators.

Women who refused to sleep with him did so because they didn't want to. And he didn't rape them for refusing.

This anger toward HW is VERY alt-leftist and it centers on the concept of Female Hypoagency, the idea that adult women aren't making their own choices, and men are perennial oppressors of women.

Just stop.

Galactic Federation via Aurora Ray #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones.

You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia.

We have given you the means to “beat your enemies with their own weapons” as you could say in your human language.

There’s a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light.

Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it.

As you become informed your enemy loses power.

This light has altered your frequency. It is now up to you to hold this frequency and become “The Keepers of Frequency” so that others may access this frequency easier.

Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their beliefs crumble in front of their eyes.

Share your light with them. Inform them.

We do not ask that you go about this kicking and screaming.
Your task is to do this peacefully.

The moment a human starts questioning their reality and the motives of those who are holding the reins, they begin ascending from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. The astral realm.

This process is what we call awakening.
This is what is happening to Gaia’s peoples at the moment.
This is the mass awakening we have anticipated.

The 3D Matrix that has kept you enslaved is crumbling and losing its very fundament of deceit, lies, and control.

The system is falling. And there’s no more turning back.

You are great warriors of light, truth seekers, way-showers and the children of the sun who will bring forth a new dawn.

This is your time.
Do not fear.
We are here with you.

You can see our lightships in your night skies and you can feel us in your hearts. We have begun contacting you. Open your hearts to see the signs. As the liberation of Gaia proceeds, we shall come closer.

This is the victory of light over darkness.


We love you dearly. We are your Family of Light

Gaia Staff #crackpot #dunning-kruger gaia.com

A thriving ancient culture that was wiped out by rising waters and a great tsunami—could the real Atlantis have been located between Britain and Europe?

Along the coast of the Netherlands, the ocean has been giving up its secrets. About 10,000 years ago, what is now water, was a landmass filled with flora, fresh game, and from what we can tell, a flourishing civilization. But at the end of the last ice age, glaciers melted, sea levels rose and what remained of this area is believed to have been knocked out by a tsunami.

Dubbed “Doggerland” after a sandbank off the coast of England, archeologists first learned of the potential of the Stone Age civilization there in 1931, when a fishing boat pulled up a barbed antler spearhead. There has been interest in Doggerland since then, but only in the last decade or so has there been intense study using high-tech seafloor mapping equipment, and low-tech citizen archeologists who bring their finds to the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, Holland.

Fishermen have found the remains of mammoths, hyenas, lions, as well as pre-historic tools, weapons, and skull fragments. Could this be the Atlantis that Plato wrote about? Some experts disagree…

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