Indian in the Machine #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

Dear world,

When you hear the word, “baal”… “ball”… “bel” or related terms… there could be satanic clues.

Sure enough… “Bal-moral” castle… a fortress of satanic morals… I kinda figured there would be satanic significance to that castle and sure enough…

Video: David Icke says, “Satanic activity and human sacrifice took place at Sandringham and Balmoral, residences of the British Royals.”

A ring that connects all the Knights of Malta, secret orders and global secret societies, bloodlines and incriminates millions of Satan Worshipers around the globe. The Queen has been caught red handed in blood sacrifices at least twice a year at Balmoral Castle and connected directly to ordering the death of Princess Diana.

What Princess Diana Knew – the Official Resistance
Arizona said that she officiated at Satanic rituals at Glamis Castle in Tayside, Scotland, the childhood home of the Queen Mother, who still owns the property, and also at Balmoral, the Queen’s Scottish residence.

What The Royal Family Actually Does At Balmoral Castle – According to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Balmoral Castle shows an interesting, less formal side of the royal family. He once described his visits to the residence as “a vivid combination of the intriguing, the surreal and the utterly freaky,” as reported by The Guardian.

Roosh V #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

[From "Are Viruses Actually Contagious?"]

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed to me that science is not what I believed it to be when I received a bachelor’s degree in microbiology in 2001. Instead of striving for the pure, unadulterated truth of the natural world, it has blatantly become an authoritarian vehicle to enslave and spiritually destroy human beings at the hands of oligarchs[…]
A man who helped nudge me into my current belief is Dr. Tow Cowan, a medical doctor and researcher who has revealed the history of virology and other truths that were not taught to me in university. Breaking The Spell is a short 43-page book he wrote that reveals the sham of modern virology[…]
Last year, I came down with a flu-like illness while traveling. I returned home and then three days later, my mother came down with a similar but milder illness. It seemed quite intuitive that something was transmitted from me to my mother, but in spite of the timing, I cannot say with proof that a virus was transmitted[…]
Do you believe in a yawn virus? Probably not, but I’m sure it has happened to you that someone you were with yawned, and then almost immediately after, you also yawned. We don’t attribute such yawn contagion to a particle. Do you believe in a haircut virus? When I see a man with a nice haircut, I look in the mirror and evaluate if I need a haircut as well, and sometimes I get one soon after[…]
During the Spanish influenza, Milton Rosenau was tasked with researching exactly how it was infecting humans. After a series of experiments, he was unable to infect anyone with the alleged virus (then called Pfeiffer’s bacillus)[…]
If I give you a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, you will assume it only has extra virgin olive oil without adulterants. With virus isolation, however, you’re getting a potpourri of genetic and medicinal junk in addition to the alleged virus

Anja Eriud #sexist #wingnut

Women Complaining About Lack Of Available Slavemasters

One of the favourite myths of feminism is that the mechanism by which men oppressed women was marriage.

Let us begin with a gem of historical research that can be found at Gynocentrism and its Cultural Origins. One Mrs. Charlotte Smith in 1896 was so riled up and so aghast at the numbers of men who were refusing to get married that she started a campaign to force men to marry, and called upon public servants and officials to “do something” about this calumny against women.

“There are 47,000 girls between the ages of 20 and 29 years in this state who cannot find husbands… [and] the bachelor politicians, they do not dare discuss the social evil question. No man can be a good, honorable and upright citizen who has not entered into the holy bonds of wedlock”

Now wait just a minute – that can’t be right – men are roaming the land in hordes, gathering together in secret patriarchy meetings, laying plans on how best to trap and enslave these fair maidens into marriage! Feminists have said so.

In her paper entitled Sisterhood and Slavery: Transatlantic Antislavery and Women’s Rights, Karen Offen takes a jaunt through history to justify the use of the word or analogy “slavery” as comparable to the status of women

In case you haven’t noticed, Ms. Offen’s paper covers the period from the 1650s to 1848, a period during which women campaigned to have bachelors punished for refusing marriage. It is also a time in which we read of women having the legal liberty to choose for a husband any man who took her fancy, and if that man refused to marry her he was heavily fined according to the value of his possessions.

Let’s fast-forward a bit in history and the period just after the first World War. What was one of the major issues?

Condemned to be virgins: The two million women robbed by the war

Now take a closer look at the extracts from the letters cited in the article

Even when women were prepared to “settle” in a desperate attempt to “get married” there were conditions. The ladies preferred their men –injured or not, disabled or not, to be of a certain status. To be “Officers.” Hypergamy anyone? Gynocentrism?

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #wingnut

The Triumph of Media Power

Race realists and white advocates believe the truth is on our side. However, “truth” is elusive in a democratic, media-dominated society. (Apparently, so are the concepts of male and female.) Racial differences in IQ are some of the most consistent findings in all of social science, but our rulers conceal them.

The most “woke” people in our society are white liberals. New findings indicate that they believe things that are obviously false. However, they don’t fear censorship. They know their sources of (dis)information will remain.

Zach Goldberg, perhaps the leading scholar of absurd American beliefs, reported years ago that white liberals prefer non-whites to whites. This attitude is unique among all people in the world, and perhaps in all history. It means white liberals may support policies because they makes things worse for whites. “Perhaps this is why white support for increasing immigration coincides with more negative feelings towards whites,” wrote Mr. Goldberg in 2019 in Tablet.

Mr. Goldberg recently reported that by 2020, white liberals had begun to believe that whites are more violent, lazier, and less intelligent than blacks.

One could argue that “intelligence,” “violence,” and “laziness,” can’t really be measured. However, if we accept the relationship between IQ and intelligence, crime rates and violence, and income and laziness, white liberals believe things that are provably wrong. It would be fascinating to see how white liberals justify their anti-white beliefs.

CNN, The Guardian, Slate, and countless other powerful outlets celebrated the takedown of the site “Kiwi Farms.” It was a controversial forum that hosted what could be considered “hate speech” against “transgenders.” Cloudflare prevents DDoS attacks. They are felonies. The pressure on Cloudflare for protecting Kiwi Farms was like persuading the police to look the other way while you ransack the house of someone you don’t like.

I don’t know much about Kiwi Farms, but critics accused it of obscenity, hateful speech, threats, and doxing. All that is fine, of course, if the victims are “racists.” Those with power respect no principles of free speech, legal norms, or what defines “hate.”

Various Commenters #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #wingnut


Gay sex is illegal in Kenya and President-elect @WilliamsRuto previously said “we have no room for gays.” Ruto tells me “we respect everybody,” but adds “this is not a big issue for the people of Kenya” and President Kenyatta was “spot on” to say homosexuality “is not agreeable.”

The average Western journalist has no idea how conservative the average African is. And it leads to foolishness like this.

Man wants to talk about jobs, infrastructure and poverty... and she wants to talk about butt sex.

Every time they interview African leaders, they ask them these questions. In order to try to demonise them to Western audiences.

It's an attempt at ideological colonisation and subversion.

They don't ask Middle Eastern leaders such questions.

(Wilfred Reilly)
Actually "respecting other advanced cultures" - Chinese, Arab, Nigerian, Brahmin- would be a death-knell for Western leftism.

The in-practice "multi-cultural" response to this problem is to focus curricula, etc totally on modern Western issues but use multi-colored presenters.

(Obianuju Ekeocha)
LEAVE US ALONE!!!! You keep setting traps for African leaders to try to villainize them.

The look on his face speaks volumes here. Trying real hard to not roll his eyes. We need to be making this face more in the US.


Africa has real problems not imagined ones.

and the west is creating real social problems for itself daily

(Very Swell Nice Guy)

Everyone outside of the west does not want western social values, they want economic prosperity but not broken family units

Hell, half the West doesn't want Western social values, they want economic prosperity and intact families too!

(Daddy yo)

What is it with America and imposition of thier culture on people
Cant you just accept everyone has a way of life and its not all like yours

It's not even the culture in America. The LGBTQ community just have a very strong lobby...

South African Anon #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut

Maybe the kids are alright...


This is what blackpilled /pol/tards fail to understand.
The MAJORITY of people are completely NORMAL and DO see through all these deranged LGBTQFPZXXX+++++ bullshit, and do NOT accept it.
Don't fall for an illusion of this new "tolerant and accepting society" that prises niggers and trannies, it doesn't exist outside of a curated internet echo chembers like reddit's front page and veryfied twitter accounts. Those are legit propaganda machines that's sole goal is to either brainwash or demoralize.
Close your browser and step outside, talk to regular people. Most of them are normal, sane people with traditional views and values.

Jan "Koubič" Kouba #crackpot #elitist #magick

Mythos especially has this technological aspect to it. From what I've gathered from the colleagues in the other orders, a lot of them are quite strongly drawn to cybermagic. Mythos has this, because it's completely without any templates, without any taboos, any drawn boundaries, because it's completely new, and everyone who works with it does it differently. And not just the different orders, but different individuals as well.

Yes, by being new, Mythos has no dogmas, nothing anchoring it. That's why I find it interesting, also the fact how marginal it still is. Because, how many people are actually fucking doing it here?

Well, over the 15 years I've been trying to proselytize about it, it's gotten a lot better. When I started, people would've crucified me. Now, I get invited to perform rituals.

Mythos needs to be de-demonized. It's not any darker than any other path.

It's completely neutral, and from the feedback I'm getting, a lot of people are heaping praise on it because it gives you very quick, real results if you do it correctly. Which usually doesn't happen with neopaganism or ceremonial magic, and that's not me saying this, those are the words of people leaving those paths for the Mythos.

I think that comes mainly from Mythos working a lot with those cosmic powers. It's not Geocentric, it's not Heliocentric. The same way it's not tied to any dogma, it's not tied to any particular part of cosmos.

It's explicitly beyond those boundaries.

Yes. It's a Trans-Yuggothian system. It's completely beyond Pluto. Which is good. You don't have to deal with those Geocentric entities, like, say, the Gods of Earth, who are tied to our sphere, our planetary sphere, this concept. They are completely beyond that, and so, you are working with powers, energies and entities that are completely, "beyond the threshold."

Which is great, because, when you think about it, you start to wonder, what mess it's going to cause when people get to Mars, colonize it, and start doing magic there? How are they going to do planetary correspondences there?

no- #transphobia


Trans rights wants:

* External validation at all costs.
* The institutional and systemic erasure of the bodily reality of women and girls.
* No freedom of assembly for women.
* No safe intimate spaces for women.
* Free cosmetic surgery.
* Priest class status. No accountability for their sexual crimes and access to vulnerable victims.
* To freely practice exhibitionism and voyeurism.
* Indoctrinating children.
* Sterilizing children, LGB youth, and neurodivergent people.
* No free speech, especially for women.
* Suppressing female class consciousness.
* Deplatforming and harassing feminists.
* Replacing feminism with rape culture and postmodern identity politics.
* Inhumane medical experimentation (uterus transplants on men).
* Letting men with breastfeeding fetishes feed their questionable nipple discharge to infants.
* To force society at large to participate in men’s cross dressing and feminization fetishes.
* To allow women to be raped and impregnated by male inmates in prison.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

1) No they didn't. The holocaust is a complete lie.

2) The Jews found themselves behind barbed wire because they were the leading people behind countless criminal enterprises - everything from Marxist/Bolshevik revolutions to homosexual and transgender facilities, as well as criminal media propaganda, corporate banking which gave Jews access to an unlimited amount of money which was used for buying off politicians and law enforcement.

The Jews have never been an innocent people. They've been violently driven out of over a hundred countries for very, VERY good reason.

@Nature_and_Race -- The "holocaust" is the main psychological barrier standing in the way of a National Socialist revival.

Exposing the truth behind this myth, could act as a groundwork foundation for a rebirth of National Socialism.

@Nature_and_Race The CEO’s of Youtube, J&J, Facebook and Pfizer are Jews. The director of the CDC is a Jew.

HELL, even the husband of Kamala Harris is a Jew, so is the husband of the Clintons daughter Chelsea

And what unites the Rockefellers/Rothschild/Soros families, they’re all Jews!

Whenever I present this simple information to any Holocaustbrain, it just causes them to short circuit.

@Nature_and_Race oh no muh 6 gorillion!
There need be no other crime, once you understand what the Jew is. Nobody was mass murdering Jews. They should have though

@Nature_and_Race Hitler did nothing wrong…if anything he was too nice. The Jews won’t be so lucky next time…


@Nature_and_Race to be completely fair, being jewish *is* enough of a crime to warrant genocide. According to the creator of the universe anyway.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

To any White man who is beginning to see the truth.

Welcome home, brother.

@RoswellsRevenge Seems there is an awakening happening all over the World. So much so that when the blowback from these transgressions are delivered upon our enemies; their cries of atrocity, victimhood and unfair treatment will fall on deaf ears. Anything we do to them will be wholly justified!

Oh, those brave "arians" who were killing Americans and English soldiers. No, thank you

@Greg3er1 so what, lots of blond haired soyboys in the enemy ranks now, i have no qualms about killing them. 50 % of the white population needs to be terminated asap. A white democrat is 10 times more deadly than a nigger. A jew is 100.

@RoswellsRevenge Guten nacht to you mein freunds. Remember that it is not too late to rise up and be counted, to show the world that you're a man.

@RoswellsRevenge hans why did your bring the shitty k98 we need better weapons for the marxist hans get ze STG44 !

@varindeus #transphobia

sexuality is not about genitals, it’s about personality and appearance.

AHAHAHAHAH! 😂😂No. If I like a woman I like her because she’s a woman. If she had a dick or a frankengina and had the best personality in the world it would still be a man pretending to be a woman and I would still be like NOPE. You’re a man. It’s pretty straightforward.

Various commenters #wingnut

Curb your pro choice

It’s so disheartening to hear when prochoicers think that choosing abortion is taking responsibility, and that actually choosing to not kill the unborn child is seen as irresponsible unless they are being born into some sort of ideal economic situation. Ridiculous.

The problem I have is that people abuse sex and then cover it up by killing an innocent being.

Sex is being used like a game, a contest to see who can get freaky with the most people and to see who has the best “moves”

Sex is not a game, its a gift that is meant for 2 individuals that love each other and want to raise a child together, pro-choicers throw that concept out and allow teenagers to do it all the time so they can just brush the consequences under the rug later.

in their minds taking responsibility = murder

I like this meme, but no form of contraception is 100% effective. Perhaps it was his poor choice?

If you get in a car knowing full well that even if you drive safely, and wear a seatbelt you still have a chance of getting into an accident, will you stop driving forever? There’s a risk in anything you do in life, doesn’t mean you should refuse to take responsibility for the consequences that happen. Especially deciding to end the life of another human being just to avoid responsibility.

Is it his choice? Yes sure. But it is also her choice, as she says “yes” when he asks or engages to have sex with her. (Rape accounts for 1% of pregnancies, so 99% are consensual)

Abstinence is 100% effective.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Only Germans have the right to be Arrogant, unlike Barbarians"]


spoilerJoachim Peiper:"Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility"

It is true that we are Arrogant, but we wear our Arrogance as a badge of honor, because we are entitled to it

When a German is Arrogant, he is arrogant not for the sake of wanting to seek self-glorification and to be freed of responsibility, but instead because he wants to maintain simplicity, efficiency and to eliminate nonsense at every step of the way[…]
Only Germans are capable of not allowing things like fame, wealth or other matters in getting to his head and changing him as a person

This should never be assumed about Barbarian Races[…]
This is where the English are a completely opposite breed of Germanics than us, because they love irony, sarcasm and defense mechanisms[…]
The German race is not understood because it can possess the most tactless, brutal and unmannerly forms of Arrogance with what would otherwise seem an Unearthly sense of Humility[…]
If our race does not practice endless discipline to ensure that our Arrogance is in line with reality[…]it becomes our greatest curse[…]
The greatest example of this is how the German People today have largely embraced the COVID[…]
A True German is still primed in the mentality of the 19th century and earlier, and it is ONLY this mentality which can ever carry us through[…]
Comparison to a so-called “Police State” under the Third Reich is a bad comparison, because it was only a Police State for the criminal classes, fifth column and Communists or Degenerates[…]
Germany meant business, and its words were true. Germany had security threats within and without, and the Third Reich had not only the necessity but the duty to defend its people against Bolshevism

PPEcel #dunning-kruger #sexist

r/IncelTear femoid writes about her own incel brother's depression: "His disability is a barrier for many women"

Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:

There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).

The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.

Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.

Various Incels #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia

Most disturbing thing I saw on IT

Hey incels! 26(MtF), autistic, celebrating 4 wonderful years with my 5'0" tall hubby! 😍 The man of my dreams. Keep seething tho! 😂🙄


This is kinda sad actually

Just find a man with a wig theory

Kill it with fire.

Which one of them do you think has more autism? I got no fucking clue

Wait that non-troon dude is 5ft tall


I've never seen tranbomination with more than 50 updoots, even IT is lookist


Pukefuel of Thursday

(Misogynist Curry 卐)

"even IT is lookist"

yep, during recent flood of selfies most attractive people got most upvotes xd

Maybe it's because of their nice personalities not looks:lul:

If anything this is further proof for the blackpill. That dude would've been able to have a cute wife if he was 5'10" but he had to settle with a nasty looking troon. He's an alright looking guy. Absolutely over for short men today.


just begging for an incel to call me ugly


Why would incel call her ugly where she is clearly not?
I mean maybe nose is too small ok, but she is definitly attractive.

Long story short 726 upvotes for attractive female and 38 upvotes for pictures of tranny faggots that everyone puke at - blackpill definitely is not real.

mathlover #transphobia

Addicts "feel" better temporarily when given their drug of choice. But all you have done is made the addiction worse. The only effective treatment is to help the addict through the difficult period of learning to live life without the drug.

Temporarily giving puberty blockers only fuels a child's false hope that they could ever change sex. It makes the child's psychological issues worse. The only effective treatment is to help the child through the difficult period of learning to accept, and live life, as the sex they are.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia


spoilerJunk food and fast-food kills 11
million people every year
Smoking kills 7 million
people every year
Alcohol kills 3 million
people every year
Narcotics kill 11 million people
every year
73 million abortions
every year
Monkey Pox - 5 deaths = WORLD

@Teich fact... Monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease among homosexuals. If anyone says they got it any other way they are lying...


spoilerEver wonder how one little dog controls
so many much larger, and stronger sheep?

@Teich Monkeypox is an emergency because of Jew Faggot assrape. The anti-Semitic virus.

@Teich And the same people will be lifting their sleeves for jabs...

@her4bert @Teich
Let 'em have it. Natural selection will take those idiots out.


@Teich To be fair, a large percentage of the communist pedophiles running our government are gay, unhealthy, and "at risk."

They have no connection to the real world.

Do you hate government yet?

@William_Jaeger @Teich that's good their all gay and unhealthy, maybe they'll catch 🦍pox and die.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The U.S. gives out more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world. In 2013-2018 alone, we spent upwards of $282 billion on Foreign Aid.

This year, we've spent upwards of $54bn on foreign aid to Ukraine alone.

The cost is simply too much for the American taxpayer.

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Inflation is at a 40 year high, prices of food, gas, & practically everything else are skyrocketing, but we're still going to send hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to OTHER countries?
Give me a break.

We need to stop this recklessness.

We need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.

@DrPaulGosar "Foreign Aid is taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries."

@Paul47 @DrPaulGosar foreign "aid" is taking money from White people and giving it to jews

That includes to Israel too right?🤔

@DrPaulGosar Most of the countries WE THE PEOPLE (through the auspices and machinations of the U.S. House of Representatives) give "foreign aid" to hate the U.S.A. I've always wondered why those countries can't hate us for free?

@DrPaulGosar it’s money laundering in the name of foreign aid. The central bankers / Bolsheviks control every bit of it while we stupid Americans argue over who gets the left overs.

@DrPaulGosar Trump haters love their Msrxist Communist in the White House who takes bribes from the gangsters in the Ukraine and Communist China and wants to shred the Constitution just like his buddies Hillery and Obama and flood the country with murderers and rapists. .

@BretteDutton #transphobia

I didn’t affirm my daughter, I removed her from the contagion. Within months she pulled what I called a “sees and desist” — she saw the truth and left the cult. Over a year later, she’s thriving more than she ever was when involved in gender craze. #YoungGCWomenUnite

Crazy how many people are mad I didn’t let my daughter go down a path toward mutilation. Maybe if studies showed transition actually improved mental health, I’d consider it, but a lot of you are proving that living your trans life didn’t make you any less of a miserable person.


Weird, many of you are claiming I abused my child by questioning her trans identity, yet you’re also referring to her as “she” “her” and “daughter”. It’s almost like you don’t care about my child as much as I do, or her identity, you’re just miserable, pathetic people. Stay mad.


We have an incredible homeschool coalition where I live. Anna is back in public school because I do trust her now, she’s the high school’s renowned TERF apparently. But my younger two, 2 and 4, I doubt we do public school at all.

Removing my child from social media meant she had to interact with friends in real life. It literally gave her more human connection. And she and I are closer than ever before.

Remove her from social media. Stick to it. That was the biggest thing for us, being removed from the social contagion gave her time to reflect on who she is without being influenced.
ALWAYS snoop. Removing our children from social media is a good start, to keep them from the predators and grøømers who would go behind our backs and tell our children lies. I’m so sorry about your experience 😔 I hope your daughter comes back to you safely.
I removed her from all social media. I purchased monitoring apps to block certain websites from her phone, and would receive dmail@alerts if certain words were flagged in her searches or texts. I also would not let her spend time with any friends whose parents o didn’t trust.
She turns 16 in less than two weeks. She survived not being affirmed. I’m so happy this gives others hope. We can’t let our children@hold us hostage with threats. Their infantile threats only prove we need to parent them more than ever. They’ll be ok.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut

The removal of the top ranks of the Knights of Malta by the Vatican means the entire leadership of NATO has been fired, P3 Freemason sources say. There is also a purge going on inside Vatican city as “Zionist cabal” members are being removed, the sources say. This is causing a leadership vacuum in the G7 group of countries as their entire economic/social system collapses.

We are also getting multiple reports from intelligence agency sources around the world of a new 911 or Fukushima-type event being planned for this month. High-level sources are mentioning dates like September 8th, 11th and 23rd. This is all part of a Khazarian Mafia attempt to extort money from the rest of the world as the September 30th payments deadline for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation and its KM owners approaches.

In this context, there is a very real probability the EU and most governments in the EU will collapse, possibly before the end of the month. That is because the Russians have cut off gas flows to Europe while the rest of the world has also stopped sending oil to the region.
With this background, mass demonstrations are continuing across Europe, most notably in the Czech Republic and France. The situation has reached the point that Germany has created a new military unit to patrol the streets and enforce martial law starting on October 1st (the day after the Sept. 30 payments deadline) in anticipation of mass rioting and civil unrest.
As this is happening a series of assassinations and intrigue are being seen at the very tiptop of world power. For example, last week Christine Chadwick – the private secretary to the head of MI6- was killed in what was “probably remote covert scalar type assassination covered with probable suicide” MI6 sources say.

The assassination was carried out because Chadwick was getting close to the people who assassinated former M1 Adnan Sakli and took over control of the Federal Reserve Board money printing apparatus, the sources say.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #sexist

The philosopher George Santayana (1863—1952) once observed that we Americans don’t solve problems; we leave them behind.
Thus, problems that won’t go away are now causing anxiety in countless Americans. We are tired of so many catastrophes that have fallen upon our heads simultaneously—COVID, inflation, crime, civil strife, war, and increasingly angry and strident political divides. Everything seems to be falling apart. We want an easy way out so we can get on with our lives.
The first major change is the scope of our problems that tend to intensify and multiply as time passes.

As society decayed, however, each successive wave of declining morality complicated and amplified the problems. For example, the sexual revolution of the sixties gave rise to the abortion mentality of the seventies and onward. Divorce and contraception soon made broken families the norm for all society. Today’s LGBTQ+ revolution now imposes itself upon all society despite attempts to escape its reach.
The second reason we can no longer flee from our problems is that the social structures that once kept difficulties somewhat under control have broken down. Our everything-goes culture overwhelmed our best line of defense against misfortune.
A third factor enters into the equation that explains our plight. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of suffering in our lives. We have the erroneous idea that a world without suffering is possible
This walk-away-from-suffering mindset is everywhere. If a marriage does not work out, no-fault divorce makes another possible. If an unborn child cause inconvenience, a chemical or surgical abortion is provided as a solution. When social structures break down, people demand government programs to aid them. In our Facebook world, everyone must at least pretend that they are enjoying life (as if they had walked away), even if they are internally devastated.

Dr. Michael Salla/Andrew Basiago #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut

Andrew Basiago, J.D., claims that from 1980 to 1984 he participated in a Mars teleportation project along with former President Barack Obama who was known at the time as Barry Soetaro. Basiago says that he was recruited into the Jump Room to Mars program by his father, Raymond Basiago who took him to Camp Siskiyous in Weed, California, where he met Obama and others including Regina Dugan (the future head of DARPA); Mary Jean Eisenhower (granddaughter of President Eisenhower); Admiral Stansfield Turner; and Buzz Aldrin.

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Basiago explains the training at Camp Siskiyous, the role of Major Ed Dames, Obama’s Muslim religious practice, and activities on Mars. He discusses others who have publicly come forward to confirm their participation in the Mar Jump Room program: William Brett Stillings, William White Crow, Bernard Mendez, and Ken Johnson.

There is discussion over the ultimate goals of the Jump Room program and anomalies with what Basiago and others experienced. The number of supporting witnesses, CIA involvement, and anomalies raise three possibilities. First, Basiago, et al., were really on Mars to establish a foothold presence for a secret space program under development. Second, Mars jump room program was an elaborate CIA run simulation designed to trick participants into believing they were really on Mars. Third, the Mars jump room was an elaborate cover program to hide the real secret space program taking place on Mars.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy

In my recent writings I have emphasized that the anti-white, anti-American woke Democrats intend to establish a one party state, are well on the way to achieving it, having successfully stolen an election and demonized a US president and his supporters as “Insurrectionists,” and they are not going to tolerate losing control of Congress in November. They have used the Justice (sic) Department, without opposition from anti-Trump RINO Republicans, such as the disastrous Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr, who are interested only in maintaining the status quo, to block states’ efforts to require proof of citizenship to vote and to monitor voting to prevent the stuffing of ballot boxes as occurred in 2020.
The alternative to another Democrat theft of an election is to create the narrative of a threat to “the very foundations of our Republic,” from “Trump Republicans who do not respect the Constitution and the rule of law, who fan the flames of political violence” sets the stage for declaring a national emergency and federal takeover of the election.

Although the bought-and-paid-for whore media who comprise the American Lie Machine have studiously avoided asking about the intent of such extremist accusations against a large percentage, perhaps even a majority, of the American population, the intent of Biden’s declaration of war is clear. The narrative in process or under consideration is: MAGA Republicans, being disloyal–as evidenced by Trump’s “theft of national security secrets”–and committed to violence and election theft are again plotting an attack on American democracy to steal the election in November. Current polls show that there is no need for Republicans to steal an election that they are expected to run away with. For that very reason the FBI will announce it has uncovered a plot, will conduct SWAT raids, highly publicized, on some MAGA Republicans who will be arrested for sedition.

Owen Waters #crackpot #ufo #magick

The ether and etheric energy sound like the same thing. Many people today think they are the same. Yet, they are as distinct and dissimilar as chalk and cheese or, to use a more appropriate comparison, magnetic energy and electric energy.

The confusion arises because the ether – the fabric of the universe – seethes with etheric energy, but that energy is not the medium through which it travels. The medium is the ether or, to use its more traditional spelling, the aether.
The aether was the name given to a subtle energy field that fills all space and therefore provides a carrier medium for light energy to travel through the great void of space between the Sun and the Earth.

Then, over a century ago, an experiment which attempted to prove the existence of the aether failed. Rather than admit to faulty assumptions, the scientists of the day declared that the aether must not exist.

This conclusion ran counter to common sense. After all, if ocean waves travel through water and sound waves travel through air, then light waves must travel through something.

Meanwhile, the aether was replaced by a new name for the fabric of space: Spacetime. It was a concept that scientists agreed upon as a brilliant substitute, even if it made no sense to anyone else.
Etheric energy is the life energy that passes from a spiritual healer to another person. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns. Without it, all life as we know it would quickly wind down to a halt.

The inevitable mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy lies the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations. Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today’s third-world suffering.

Metropolitan Dodonis Chrysostomos #sexist #fundie

The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece speaks of “unacceptable” statements, which “tarnish and grossly unfair the essential initiatives and the quiet work of the Church of Greece”[…]
Metropolitan Dodonis Chrysostomos expressed the outrageous opinion that to become pregnant a woman must “have participation” and that there is no rape

“If she’s in a hurry… A woman doesn’t sit and rush without wanting to. Let’s not go crazy now. Well, let’s not go crazy”, “she doesn’t get pregnant with this matter, she has to be involved (…), both of them have to act in order to be arrested”, said the Metropolitan

As was logical, the political world and members of the government condemned, without a second thought, the specific statements, while Twitter also “caught fire” with users blasting Metropolitan Chrysostomos[…]
On the occasion of the sermon that will be given on Sunday in all churches against abortion, the Metropolitan said that the Holy Synod “listens to society”, that abortion is a crime and that “it is not possible to allow the “destruction” of a of an infant, of a child who, when conceived, has already begun to be life”

For cases where a fetus has serious health problems, he emphasized that permission should be requested from the Church to perform an abortion and that it should indeed be scientifically proven and not “with a financial guarantee of the doctor’s decision”

“If the child’s brain is going to turn out to be problematic, then he should ask for the help of the church and agree to have an abortion but with (…) a scientific and not a financial guarantee of the doctor’s decision,” he said characteristically

The metropolitan also noted that the Church is against contraception, leaving, however, a “window” for the cases in which if she conceives a woman is at risk of death and not “if we make love just for love’s sake”

Sungaze_At_Dawn #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

Did they think it was better to have Biden murder countless people with the shots or have exposed the fraud and not allowed it in 2020 and risked a civil war and actually manned up and suppressed the riots when they got out of control.

Trudeau suppressed peaceful protests, but the judges couldn't have done their jobs and overturned those states and they couldn't have suppressed violent riots?


The point is this, [Trump] may be the hidden president, but something really bad occurred instead of doing the right thing in the open as it should have been.

Every-Man-His-Own-Football #transphobia

RE: Video game fans peaked by TRAs messing with their favourite video game

When TIMs complain about transphobia, in the vast majority of cases, it is narc rage caused by an interference with their erotic obsession. That's also why they are so excessively focused on "TERFs" (and so ready to use threats of rape) rather than on the men who are actually violent towards TIMs. When Serano invented "transmisogyny" the first example he gave was jokes about men in dresses. What made the transvestites in GTA 5 so much more offensive to TIMs than misogyny is that they are clearly portrayed as male. Supposedly in trans logic any of the female characters in the game could be trans.

@varindeus #transphobia

The basis of the “what is a woman ” argument is the mistaken premise that a woman is an “idea” or a “feeling”. So anyone can have that feeling and thus be a woman. Nope. A woman is an adult human female, the member of the human species responsible for production of Ova.

Whether they currently produce them or not is neither here nor there. A legless horse is still a horse. Dissociating words from their meanings is a trick used to confuse and deceive, with far reaching ramifications. What is a child? A child is a young human person.

Except some will say no, it’s an identity, a feeling, an idea, a concept. A grown man can then say he identifies as a child, and he wants to play with children and have a childhood. Does that sound ludicrous? It should. But that is where this bullshit semantic game is heading.

Various commenters #wingnut

This is the worst argument I’ve seen so far. Also it’s scary that people actually think like this.

Except that's not what happening because that's not at all how anything works. Presenting the same old arguments as a story doesn't make it better.

A woman paying to have a doctor kill their child is not equivalent to a man being forced to remove a body part to save a stranger's life. And if this is supposed to be commentary on legally restricting abortion in maternal death cases, I'm unaware of any state that restricts abortion in such a case to begin with.

The kidney is designed to make MY body function, the uterus is designed to make SOMEONE ELSES body.

Clear difference.

The uterus will never make a baby if you never plant the seed. If you don’t want a baby in your body, THEN DONT PUT IT IN THERE.


Abortion supporters generally view pregnancy as something that happens to them passively with the mother having no responsibility in it whatsoever. It doesn't occur to them that having sex is a choice and that sex brings certain risks with it. Comparing a forced extraction of a kidney to a mother carrying the child she herself created is utter insanity.

This argument is so stupid. Pregnancy is the natural result of an act that is, the vast majority of the time, voluntary. People who have sex are aware of the risks. It’s not at all comparable to some dystopian organ harvesting society.

The violinist argument. Again. And again. And again.

How's this:

A woman's uterus is the place where the baby goes naturally. That's what being a mother means. That's what being a baby means. That's what should happen if all goes well.

Cutting up people's healthy bodies and removing their organs is not something normal, natural, or what should happen if all goes well.

So why pretend they are parallel?

Additionally, we use our bodies to take care of one another. That includes our toddlers and our senior citizens. In fact, you can't avoid it. That's how doing things gets done. There is no universe where there aren't expectations made about your body. You're expected to feed your kids. You're expected to clothe them. Protect them. These are bodily acts--because, duh, how aren't they?

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"THE BIDEN

@DrPaulGosar America would be a safer place without the FBI and CIA

@Footdoc @DrPaulGosar the last person to talk about dismantling the CIA got his brains splattered in Dallas


@DrPaulGosar #ImpeachAndIndict The Illegal Biden Fascist Regime Now to #SaveAmerica #DecertifyStolen2020Election "Manchurian Candidate China Joe Biden Must be #IMpeached & Indicted for crimes against American Citizens who support A FREE DEMOCRACY!! "We realize the power of our voices only when we are silenced." Malala Yousafzai #IndictTreasonusMikePenceForCertifyingFraudulent2020Election The little weasel only had ONE job as Vice President and that was to support his President Donald Trump & he couldn't even do that . "Those who would trade Essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin #VoteOutAllTreasonoiusBastardRinosNowToSaveAmerica

@rpwarner @DrPaulGosar I agree just wait all these sheep liberals who wanted the Biden democrat regime will see when 87'000 IRS agents ts start victimizing everyone. That is what communism looks like.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Inflation is at a 40 year high, prices of food, gas, & practically everything else are skyrocketing, but we're still going to send hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to OTHER countries?
Give me a break.

We need to stop this recklessness.

We need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.


Bet you won't call to "DEFUND ISRAEL" nearly as quickly or loudly as you call to defund the FBI, IRS, etc...

@DrPaulGosar You know this will never happen under the present political formula

Sounds great. Who’s going to vote to make it happen? Our congress is full of corrupt democrats and rinos getting rich off the backs of struggling tax paying Americans via kickbacks from these foreign aid policies. How about our representatives who still have some remaining integrity expose the corruption so that the American voters can remove these criminals one by one. And aren’t many of you lawyers? Where are the lawsuits???

@RAFisherFrog @DrPaulGosar

Meet the New (((Khazarian))) bosses, same as the Old (((Khazarian))) bosses.

Let's start by not sending money to jewland.

Iamnothere000 #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut

Based Sandman sends trans-creature to hell. Cucks are willfully blind to Muslim transphobia.

In the German city of Münster, during the degenerate AIDSfest known as CSD, a valiant Muslim brothers stood against the ever-dilating tide of genderless abominations by smiting one of those creatures with such force, that he/she/it fell to the ground and died short time after.

Police-cucks and media searched several days for the perpetrator, giving out a politically correct description: Male, so and so tall, wearing a hat.

Everybody was expecting the killer to be some bio-German Nazi, whatever. However, as it turns out, its as a Muslim migrant, doing what Muslim migrants do best: Integrating the native German population into the new Islamic kalifate of Germanistan.

Now everyone of those outraged faggots pretends nothing happened, lol.

Its exactly like with antisemitism, were 80-90% of actual violence against JUDEN is done by Muslims, but no one will talk about that, lol.

Lol, this culture is not sustainable and will soon be replaced by something superior.

The Thing is he wasnt russian jfl. Germany and their propaganda
All the Twitter leftis politcian posted about it. Look russian men bad
If they knew from beginning he was sandnigger they wouldnt push it

What the fuck is CDS?

ups... I meant CSD

Surv1ver, vanishingly-orca & NeoVidia #psycho #sexist #wingnut


Shameful! Wikipedia article about violence against men has been altered to state that men are the most perpetrators of violence but not include the fact that they are also the majority of violence victims. One of the feminists making these changes later jokes about domestic abuse against men.


I must admit those brogressive male feminists often have the most pure form of misandry. Like we’re talking top shelf 👌🏿

I don’t support violence and especially not domestic violence, but honestly it would be ironic if his wife decided to beat the sexism out of him one day.

Like learn that girl some martial art, and have her tramp his throat with a high kick or a right hook before going to town on his stupid face.

Feminists hate men. Their root system is hate.

They deny and lie, but it’s just a religious hate cult. When they claim they aren’t lying shits, they like to reference nonsense from a century ago.

Ignore their lies. It is literally just hate.

Yes all of them. When your brain tries to deny it, you know it’s true, and you bought into the lies. If it’s not hate, do you plan to “no true Scotsman” all of them? Because it’s hate. Through and through.

The great millennial tragedy will be the sexism against men. And the amount of lives lost will hurt humanity for millennia.

BringThyWhip #dunning-kruger #sexist

Chad’s sex life is almost unimaginable


Everyone knows women are only for Chad/chadlite, but rarely discussed is the actual quality of sex for HIM

he gets to experience

1. genuine LUST. Every tinder hookup is DESPERATE JB. It’s not some normal date, it’s JB arriving shaved and probably wet on arrival if not hours before, she flirts like crazy, flat out talks dirty to him, caresses him unsolicited until she finally jumps him and has primal animalistic sex. And when Chad gets off inside her, it may be the biggest thrill of exhilaration in her entire life until then

2. The MOG. Chad isn’t stupid. When he fucks your oneitis, he KNOWS he’s the best she’s ever had. He gets to think of you and all the losers who came before while he’s watching her have involuntary convulsing squirting orgasms all over his 8” cock. And she’ll confess everything to him since jbs are blabbermouth retards. She won’t save face for you because you brought her coffee, she’ll laugh about you like a bitch hyena and so will Chad

3. the feeling of being pursued. After the sex (which WILL be the best of her life), she’ll constantly be blowing up his phone, sending nudes, dirty texts begging for him again. Imagine waking up to a phone full texts from 3-4 Stacies saying “I miss your huge cock”. the T levels must just be through the roof if they werent already

4. The “snowball effect”. Although I’m more or less a Chad determinist, in practical terms a Chad is in fact “made”, insofar as he must become who he is meant to be through the course of time (or at least what he experiences as time - Chad being an eternal metaphysical entity IRL). In other words, throughout the course of his life, he experiences a snowball of confidence, while incels and normies LDAR from womb to tomb

Brutal TBH. I’m not even sure it make sense for incels or even normies to desire so-called “ascension” to be in competition with the descendants of Archangels, literal divine beings for whom the world is an Arcadia, the paradise of Gods

Berit Kjos #fundie

Only one Scripture shows why God created man with the capacity to imagine that which cannot be seen:
“I know also, my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things; and now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here to offer willingly to You. O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee." 1 Chronicles 29:17-18
The next two verses remind us that what we see and imagine can distract us from truth and entice us to delight in sin and deception:
Jesus said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matt 5:28
"...each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death." James 1:14-15

Judy Byington #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot

If you add 2,274 days to Q’s first post on October 28, 2017 this brings you to January 19, 2024, just hours before the next President (PRESIDENT Q) is sworn in. Coincidence?


During the time of the largest open INTEL drops in the world through Q the Deep State CABAL released the bioterrorism bio-weapons.

Vaccine bio-weapons began mass civilization extermination event with world lockdowns.

Systematic destruction of food growth and distribution.

Supply chain disruption.

The DEEP STATE CABAL using weather weapons caused CHAOS in floods and droughts through the world and through this systematic CABAL destruction they try to bring in climate change AGENDA CONNECTED to FULL control of humans and society.

So much things has happened since Q began Declas and drops on World events. Patriots, ANONS, FREEDOM FIGHTERS finally see how deep the War goes… And the STORM WE ARE IN!

Everything happening now by the Deep State will connect to World Military Tribunals, Crimes Against Humanity.

This military Alliance Operation had to let things happen and document all the crimes in each country. It was the only way to expose the Darkness: the Cabal, the Deep State.

Today Mon. 5 Sept. Trump publicly confirmed Q and reposted a very telling post connected to Military take over: Laws of War Chapter 11.


Ministry of Magic #magick #mammon


Illuminati Nephilim Gold Activator

The Gold Standard Series of Spell-Castings.

Throughout the generations the Power Elite have used secret mind/spirit technologies to dominate humanity.

Secrets taught to our ancestors by the mighty Nephilim.

These secrets were meant for all but were hidden in the Royal libraries of Kings and Queens.

The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth for disobeying God by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the "forbidden" arts.

This is where the power of the Illuminati comes from.

Through this ancient and previously suppressed Nephilim Spell of forbidden power you will be intiated knowledge or gnosis of the Fire Snake.

The Fire Snake is also known as the Kundalini.

Kundalini is the basis of all power, sexuality , glamour, influence, charisma, spiritual power , material manifestation.

Without the foundation of Kundalini... NOTHING HAPPENS.

This is why in all secret societies the initiation of the Fire Snake Kundalini is one of their most sacred ceremonies.

This incredible 2 day Spell casting has taken years to craft and decipher.

How is it that the Elite can go away for a "weekend retreat" and come back seemingly changed and transformed?

The Secret Powers of the Nephilim. One of the Illuminati's most cherished Secrets.

This Kundalini Activator uses Sonic Magic Technology to manipulate the Astral realm like nothing else can.

It is a POWERHOUSE all by itself, and will fire your Kundalini like the heat from a thermonuclear explosion.

Absolutely Forbidden Power to serve you as you see fit.

The talismanic vessel which accompanies the spell has been sonically bathed in the matrix tonal frequencies.

The minute you put it on you will feel a charge of raw power flooding through your body, unlike anything you have ever felt before.

Moriah Morningstar #conspiracy #wingnut

Morningstar’s book The Greatest Deception in human history is a spiritual journey that will take you from bewilderment to astonishment. The journey is ominous and disturbing, intriguing and fascinating, as the veil of deception is ripped asunder. Its flood of insight will awaken you; you will see the real world and be astounded. The Greatest Deception requires serious contemplation and lots of rereading, to process the shocking information it contains. Stay with it and you will encounter a eureka moment, as your upside-down reality is flipped right-side up.

From the Back cover: The New World Order is New Jerusalem. You do not want to live in this world. Jews await their Messiah, who will rule Israel and the world. Muslims anticipate the Guided One, who will establish a worldwide Islamic Empire. Christians look for their Savior, who will take them to heaven or raise them from their grave. This Anointed One (anointed with our life-force) has deceived all of his followers. Jesus is not the Savior, the demon-god of Israel is. The Messiah is not going to rule Israel. The Guided One will not destroy evil. Jehovah’s plan is to destroy the world and enslave his chosen.

The world is a façade, made by the Global Elite. Covid-19 pumped trillions of dollars into their corporations and international banks. Their plan is to put the earth under total dictatorship for their demon-god Jehovah, by collapsing the systems they own and control: stock market, Federal Reserve, international banks, mega-corporations, and everything connected to them, like products in the stores and groceries on the shelves.

We are on the road of destruction. When most of humanity follows a destructive path, the planet is left to self-destruct. If enough people follow a creative path, they can save their planet. Angels will help us, but it is not easy. There is tremendous destruction before a planet turns because the destructive systems must come down. We can’t stop the train wreck; we can prepare for it.

Berit Kjos #fundie

But fiction isn't just any entertainment; its power and danger lie in the fact that it can draw a reader into a worldview. It embraces the soul and the imagination. It brings to life conjecture and imagination. It teaches. And appearing as Christian, it can fool many.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Media) #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

In 11,200 BCE, Federation Rep Galzu gave Anunnaki Chief Scientist Enki (Lucifer). Galzu said, Give this file [an ME] to your Earthling son Ziusudra [Noah]. The file diagrammed a submersible in which people could survive the coming Deluge. Enki sent his son Ninagal to Ziusudra to guide the sub.

Nibiru neared Earth so close in 11,000 BCE that the ice slid off Antarctica. The ice, tsunamis it generated, quakes from shifting magma and continents launched the worldwide 120-day Deluge here. The flood buried “under miles thick mud, all the Anunnaki built in 432,000 years.

The Anunnaki Royals–Commander Enlil (Yahweh), his son and enforcer Ninurta, and Chief Medical Officer Ninmah (Liliith) waited out the Deluge in orbiting craft. Enlil’s son Nannar (Allah) sat out Earth’s flood on Luna.
Nibiru’s perigee also “ripped away the shield of gold dust around Nibiru, gold the astronauts had struggled for millennia to rocket to the mother planet. Nibiru’s atmosphere again dwindled. Nibiru again needed Earth’s gold. While survivors on Earth rebuilt their lives, word came from Nibiru, ‘The shield of gold dust was torn.’”

Nibiru ordered the Expedition to send lots more gold at once. As Nibiru had neared Earth, Earth’s gravity had torn away most of Nibiru’s shield of powdered gold. The powder lost from Nibiru was the product of millennia of mining–first by volunteers from Nibiru, then by Hybrid Anunnaki/Erectus slaves–for gold and copper in Africa, Mexico and South America. The proximity of Nibiru and Earth also drastically affected Earth; it slid Antarctica’s Icecap and glaciers into the sea and caused the Deluge that drowned most Earthlings. The Anunnaki Astronauts–known as Igigi or Nephilim–who chose to remain on Earth, the Hopi and Zuni in North America and other Earthlings whose mountains the flood waves didn’t top or who sheltered in deep caves also survived.

Rev. Michael P. Orsi #fundie #wingnut

In a recent Gospel reading, Jesus uses the occasion of dinner to make an important point about expectations and generosity. He observes that inviting wealthy guests to a banquet doesn’t really demonstrate true hospitality, because those guests are likely to return the favor, thus paying you back.

Better to invite people whose poverty or physical infirmities make it impossible for them to reciprocate. This shows you expect nothing in return. You get to be generous (a moral good), with no expectation of payback.

Jesus’ point highlights a principle that applies to many aspects of life: If you’re the one throwing the party, assume you’re the one paying the bill.
That lesson is especially relevant just now, as we debate Joe Biden’s proposal to “forgive” student loans.

It’s easy to reject Biden’s scheme as a transparent ploy to “buy” votes for Democrats from among the college educated.

I would also suggest that it’s a dandy way to pay back all those Antifa and BLM shock troops who spent their college years training to become street activists. After all, you want to make sure they remain loyal and ready to be mobilized in time for the next election.
First, and most obvious, it heightens the sense of entitlement that’s already rampant in our society. Welfare and social-assistance programs, originally intended to provide a “safety net” for the poor, have grown into the primary source of income for a large and growing portion of our population.
Second (and a consequence of the first), Biden’s scheme robs people of the satisfaction that comes with paying off a debt. “Burning the mortgage” was once a valued symbol of accomplishment, a milestone in the life of a family, something of which to be proud.
That’s called integrity. Biden’s scheme undermines it, along with undermining the integrity of our political system.

That’s detrimental to your individual soul, and to the soul of the nation.

Dave Blount #wingnut #elitist

[From "Thank God USA Is Not a Democracy"]

When Democrats say, “our democracy,” they mean Democrat rule. The word “democracy” by itself refers to mob rule. Fortunately, the USA is not a democracy; otherwise, the country would not have been stable enough to preserve the Constitution from one century to the next

As the saying goes,

Democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. A republic is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote

The Founding Fathers adamantly opposed democracy as a system of government. To quote John Adams,

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”

This makes it all the more obscene that Biden staged last night’s attack on American patriots at Independence Hall, where both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were debated and adopted

Democrats oppose our constitutional republic in favor of mob rule, confident that they can manipulate the herd through their control of the media, Big Tech, and the entertainment industry. That’s why they oppose the Electoral College and the filibuster, both of which serve to defend against tyranny of the majority

Basking in satanic red lighting with military figures posing ominously behind him, Biden used the word “democracy” 31 times during his diatribe, as if it were some magic word that wards off liberty and grants absolute power to whoever comes out on top in an election

Patriots have their own magic. They use the Constitution to ward off evil

Various Commenters #wingnut

RE: W0KE BACKLASH! DC Comics BLASTED for reducing Latino culture down to TACOS!

(Ebony Wild Card)
For people who love calling fans racist for criticizing their work, they sure do love using stereotypes.

(Bal Dev)
As someone born and living in latam, I've never been discriminated and reduced to stereotypes by anyone as much as I was by specificly American leftists.

(El Perro Del Autumo)
Exactly. And I never got called out being Hispanic myself. Other than leftists themselves.

(Yawar Apuyurak)
Even the "far right" represents better latam. Those guys don't shy away from our defects.

(Jungle Lane)
Live on a farm in Puerto Rico. The amount of insulting shit I've heard from hippy people coming through is massive. I'm not a native but it seriously bothers me hearing this crap. Might ask the actual people what they would like before assuming if you aren't part of their culture.

They need to first sort people into the correct category before they can reliably manipulate them.

(Aris video drop)
I work for a left wing org. I'm white passing I get eye rolls for asserting my heritage and cringe as everyone uses Latinx as a sub for Hispanic. Because I pass as white I don't count as Hispanic lol 🤣

To the woke, you are tacos, landscaping, and maid service, consistent with their ‘lived experience.’

This of course qualifies them to think deep thoughts about ‘you folk’ and to know what’s best for all of you.

(Velveteen V)
As a hispanic I give them props for not calling us that damn racial slur that ends with an X, not offende, more like ::facepalm::

Matt Walsh #conspiracy #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut

Let me introduce you to Dr. Scott Mosser, who cuts the breasts off of adolescent girls. Many surgeons across the country will and do inflict “top surgery” on minors. Mosser assures us that he follows very “strict” guidelines before performing double mastectomies on children.



Mosser also offers “non-binary” services for patients who want to be neither male nor female.


Mosser assures his patients that regret after surgery is “exceptionally rare.” He cannot possibly know this because we‘ve never done these sorts of things to this many children before. How many 40 year olds are walking around today who had cosmetic mastectomies at 16? Almost none


When the media tries to “debunk” the claim that doctors are mutilating kids, they simply ignore top surgery altogether. They ignore it because it is undeniable that this is happening to children. It’s also totally indefensible. They know that too.

Everything I’ve posted here is factually accurate and publicly available on Mosser’s website. I didn’t use any information that he did not publish himself. That won’t stop the left from calling this “misinformation,” of course, but I want to state it for the record anyway.

Of course the game is completely rigged. The Left claims that these sorts of things aren't being done to children but if you cite a specific example to disprove that claim, they'll accuse you of terrorism and incitement.

Jared Taylor #pratt #racist #wingnut

Breaking the Sound Barrier on Campus

On Friday, I gave a speech at Arizona State University — despite furious opposition. “Anarchists” and “anti-fascists” tried to pressure the university to cancel the talk.

My talk, “If We Do Nothing: A Defense of White Identity Politics,” was an introduction to why white racial awareness is necessary. I started with the basics of race — that it is the biological equivalent of subspecies in animals — and described the most important racial differences, with an emphasis on intelligence. I pointed out that refusing to recognize racial reality means unfairly blaming whites for the failures of blacks and Hispanics, and for this reason alone, it is essential to talk about them. I gave examples of how diversity is a terrible weakness, not a strength, and argued that the attempt to build a multiracial America has failed.

“What is the solution?” I asked, and replied that it lies in the scores of racial identity groups on the Arizona State University Campus — of which I had counted no fewer than 70.

There is not, of course, a single “white” or “European” group on campus. This is typical of the fatal double standard according to which only whites are barred from taking the most obvious efforts to defend their interests and ensure their continued existence as a people.

On a campus that prides itself on “diversity” — whites may already be a minority — non-whites band together in a clear effort to build racial solidarity and promote identity politics. If diversity is a strength, why do non-whites want homogeneity? Because disengagement is the way to escape the irreconcilable differences that are poisoning America. Most people prefer to be among people like themselves, and campus groups point the way for society at large: Some people may want to live multi-culti lives, but the rest of us must have the right to go our own way.

I ended by saying that I wanted the best for people of all races. Let blacks build Wakanda and Hispanics build Aztlan, but with their own efforts and with no whining about “white privilege.” And we, too, must have our own nation in which we can live according to the ways of our people.

Joshua Connor Moon #wingnut #conspiracy

“This meme about Russia being a free country is a joke”, Moon writes on Telegram, seemingly only realising this now, before moving onto laying the blame for Kiwi Farm’s demise at everyone except its own toxic, criminal and reprehensible community:

“This is an organized attack. There is a coalition of criminals trying to frame the forum for their behavior. These criminals provide opportunities for professional victims to amplify their message. Journalists canonize the crimes as the behavior of the forum itself, which becomes the effective truth for the general public.

This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship. It is a massive amalgamation of various interests. I am one person. The financial limitations aren’t even the real problem - the problem is, I am powerless alone. There is no amount of money I can throw to convince people to be brave and be free. This is just the reality of our country.

And what this machine will not accept is compromise. If I censored specific kinds of behavior, it would not matter. They don’t want a specific thing censored. They want the average person to be able to speak in channels where only specific thoughts are acceptable.

More importantly, they want to make it so that no small organization can host a service which threatens the cathedral. It used to be that one guy with a good idea could open a platform and be a Tom Anderson, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Fulp, Christopher Poole, or Richard Kyanka. Take note these names are all from 10+ years ago. There are no new groundbreakers online anymore because breaking ground in the new Internet’s corporate parking lot is not allowed.

I do not see a situation where the Kiwi Farms is simply allowed to operate. It will either become a fractured shell of itself, like 8chan, or jump between hosts and domain names like Daily Stormer.”

[deleted] #sexist #pratt

I think women need to start being better partners to their husbands...particularly with regard to financial matters. Women have the right to earn a living and have the same financial obligation that a man does. To take care of themselves and their children. Women who sit around on their asses all day while their husbands go to work and then complain about how their job is the hardest in the world just make me roll my eyes. I have worked full time...raised two kids...and have a beautiful immaculate home. And although its not always easy, cleaning a house and raising kids (once they're in school) is NOT even remotely close to what it takes to earn a living. I'm also sick of the blatant disrespect of men on commercials, shows, etc. Like they're incapable of doing household tasks or rearing children without some bitch nagging at them all the time. I would NEVER speak to my husband that way. He deserves my respect...he works hard, he's brilliant and although I may do some things better than he does...he does things I'd never be able to do. We each have our skills and together we're greater than the sum of our parts. Being a feminist isn't a license to disrespect or take advantage of men...especially not good, hardworking, kind men.

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