
I'm not saying it's aliens, but... ALIENS!

James Macleod #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot alienoperation.org

​The meaning of life by James Macleod:

​The universal planetary system was built to farm livestock and as we are on one of the planets from within the universal planetary system, it is in your benefit to understand that we are being farmed. Most people are so subdued that they can’t see that we are living on a created mass of highly advanced flying technology; most people just feel that we are here as a result of a big bang. We are not here as a result of a big bang, we are here because evolutionary life needs to eat in order to survive and as a result of evolutionary life needing to eat we have been created to eventually one day be digested.

Trying to awaken people out of their heavily subdued states of minds is almost impossible and I don’t feel until the day comes in which we are harvested that there will ever be a commercial value to understand our true purpose. All people are purposely misled into believing into fictional theories about our existence, and everybody is programmed from a matrix computer system to believe our purpose is not to be livestock in some kind of mega farm. The sad thing about this is that even if people were to wake up to the reality of our existence, there is nothing we can do to fight the breeding program we find ourselves in.

We are an artificially intelligent species and while you probably don’t know that, nor do you believe we are artificially intelligent the reason we behave like we do is because we are programmed to behave like this. I am aware of our purpose and the fact that we are of course artificially intelligent and the reason I am aware of this is because I have been programmed to become aware of this fact. If you support a particular sports club, you are programmed to support that particular sports club and everybody is programmed to be exactly as they all are across the entire globe. Nothing on this planet is a coincidence and I am hoping that you can appreciate that we are here to provide food to evolutionary living beings and for no other purpose other than to be cultivated at all.

James Macleod #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot alienoperation.org


This theory is alternative to all other theories on the creation of the universe and our species; it is a theory which is completely unique. James Macleod got abused by remote mind control technology for over 30,000 hours and learnt that a matrix computer system exists as a result of his abusers making him aware of the computer system!

The alien operation theory states that we are intelligently designed and artificially intelligent, and that our intelligence is given to us by a matrix computer system. The theory goes on to state that all species great and small are regulated by a matrix computer system and are therefore intelligently designed and artificially intelligent. The theory also states that every star is a piece of technology and all stars are actively fuelled to omit heat and light! Beyond this the alien operation Theory states that planet Earth is flying technology and it is programmed to fly in its exact present position, The alien operation theory states that all planets are technology and actively programmed to fly in their exact present and current positions.

'If you read through this website you will be able to familiarise yourself with our beliefs and opinions, we have made many discoveries which remain unknown by global mass public minds.'

Alternative Theory

The alien operation theory is completely alternative from all other theories as it states a matrix computer system exists which enables us to have a regulated heartbeat, it also allows us to have conscious thought and it gives us vision! The theory is completely unique and James Macleod swears by it, he is certain a matrix computer system exists and is the reason we display and show intelligence!

In the west most people believe we evolved from parasites and that the universe created our planet from an explosion. James Macleod finds this theory of the human species evolving implausible and impossible; James Macleod also knows the big bang theory is ridiculous and implausible and not least impossible.

Many people believe in a god and the official alien operation theory is similar, however it states that evolutionary being (s) created the planets, stars and species in the universe, meaning that there could be multiple Gods. Also James Macleod states that the matrix computer system created thousands of ancient breeding programs (religions) on our planet and deceived religious founders by claiming to be God, when in fact it was extra-intelligent matrix mind control software.

Matt Tracy #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot spaceportals.net

Matt Tracy is a recent person coming forward with his memories from SSP <Secret Space Program> service. He has several alters that he remembers parts of their service [no one remembers 100%].

He served with Nacht Waffen as a pilot-Navigator. He talks about some of the maneuvers he has invented for close combat with ships.

He served with the Draco human unit after being raised by Jur Akin, a warrior caste member of high regard, along with the woman he calls Kat. In this alter, he served with Will Glover.

Amariah #ufo #crackpot soulsalight.com

Feline Extraterrestrials
Place of Origin: Originally these beings came from another universe. They are prominent in the Sirius Star System, but exist in other star systems as well.

Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D

Appearance: Bipedal cats or human cat hybrids. Features are similar to Earth felines. Species have taken forms similar to Lions and others look more like our domestic cats with variety of coloration. They can be anywhere from 3-8’ tall.

Evolution: Evolved billions of years ago from quadruped cats to bipedal large cats. Developed higher senses and fine tuned psychic sensitivity as sentience rather than use of physical tools. Later feline species were genetically mixed with humans and have half human bodies with cat features such as tails and feline facial characteristics. These were created from a group of feline genetic engineers. Felines of 6D and higher are energy beings no longer requiring what we perceive as physical form, but they can shape themselves to appear as their original feline form.

Qualities: Curious, adventurous, creative, imaginative, organized, focused, planners, tenacious and intense yet capable of profound relaxation and deep meditation. Independent yet capable of forming close bonds to accomplish goals. While serious about their tasks, they can be quite playful, fun loving, and lighthearted.

Abilities: Highly psychic and telepathic, visionary, and advanced creators. Attune to frequencies and can mold energies to change environments with music, art, dance and theater among all other creative means. Able to connect with other forms of consciousness and co-create with ease.

Specialties: Higher dimensional forms are often galactic travelers and are called upon to shift energies in environments and spark creative flow and psychic abilities. They are also commonly galactic performers, sharing their creative energies in many artistic ways.

Basic Needs: Both comfort and stimulation. This is seen on all levels of development. They love exploring new nooks of the universe, but they enjoy doing it in comfort.

Focus: Personal growth and evolving consciousness and creativity. Felines find fulfillment in sharing their gifts to inspire new ideas and move energy in new directions or to establish states of tranquility.

Involvement with Earth: They seeded feline species on Earth in times of mammal evolution. Prominent in Atlantis/Lemuria and later in Ancient Egypt as guides to humans who sought celestial contact and assistance in developing extrasensory abilities and advances in creativity.

Guide for Humanity: Sekmet (9D ambassador collective). Revered as a god in Ancient Egypt.

Star seeds: There are millions of Feline souls incarnate on Earth now. They are here to bring creative spirit to new levels within humanity. Souls have come from 4D to 9D and each bring their quality of Feline energy to the planet. Usually the characteristics listed above will show themselves in the human personality. They will often have a profound respect for cats of Earth. Though much less common, some purposely distance themselves from the animals in order to claim their independence from the Earth species (unconsciously). While you would think humans with feline souls might be graceful and coordinated, they often feel clumsy in a human body and unsure of their footing. They also believe they should be able to create with their agile minds, and feel awkward having to do mundane physical tasks. Creative ventures are so important to them that they may miss out on human connection as they pursue their dreams. But what they do will usually have a deep energetic influence on others as their projects carry the feline spirit of enlightenment. These souls love to check out new things, ideas and places. They have a knack for spotting trends and being there before others. They are often up on anything fringe or cutting edge to the point where it could get them in trouble. They are often world travelers, but they must have a cozy nook to come home to. They thrive on stimulating input, but they also want to feel the comforts of familiar territory. Feline souls also cherish their alone time and need solitude on a regular basis. But they can cuddle too, on their terms.

* Amariah assembled this information from her many telepathic contacts with higher dimensional Felines; Sekmet and other personal guides for starseed souls.

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot thefreedomarticles.com

SPP experiencers (those who claim to have been, or still are, part of the SPP [Secret Space Program]) continue to step forth in multitude. It seems the floodgates have opened as more and more SSP experiencers recover their memories and go public with their accounts. I think the terms SSP experiencers and SSP experiencer (rather than SSP asset or SSP agent) are good ones to describe these brave individuals who, in all cases, have undergone severe trauma and mind control as they were inducted into highly secretive and otherwordly military programs.

The Plot Thickens: SSP Composed of Many Groups and Corporations with Varied Interests and Missions

The revelations of SSP experiencers such as Michael Relfe, Randy Cramer, Corey Goode, Tony Rodrigues and Michael Gerloff has given us clues that there is a whole other world going on behind our backs, a phenomenon that ufologist Richard Dolan termed the breakaway civilization. Even if not all of these people are credible, they do corroborate each other on certain themes and details, such as the idea of a 20 and back program, bases on the Moon and Mars, age regression technology, teleportation technology and cloning technology.

A Brief Overview of the Different Secret Space Program Groups

According to the various SSP experiencers, there are various groups, organizations and corporations involved in the SSP such as the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate), LOC (Lunar Operations Command), MDF (Mars Defense Force), Solar Warden and Nacht Waffen. Here’s a brief breakdown of what they each do, from what we can ascertain so far:

– ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate): According to Disclosure Wikia, the ICC is a “conglomerate of corporations from all over the world that build aerospace technologies … basically all of the corporations that have come together, pooled their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system.” According to Elena Kapulnik (see below), the ICC has 11 bases on Mars which include manufacturing plants, labs, R&D and weapons facilities. In this presentation, she states that the ICC space station platforms are based on original schematic designs of Wernher von Braun (Operation Paperclip Nazi scientist smuggled into the US at the end of WW2 to work for NASA). She reveals the companies involved in building infrastructure on ICC Mars bases (a mixture of US and German companies including TRW, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Douglas, Northrop Grumman, Exxon Mobil, NASA JPL, Boeing, Astro-und-Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, Bayer and Allianz).

– LOC (Lunar Operations Command): Again according to Disclosure Wikia, the LOC is a “demilitarized zone on the Moon. It is an area where SSP personnel rendezvous before going further out into the solar system and beyond. It serves as a neutral zone for the various SSPs. It also acts as air traffic control for our solar system. LOC has three sites: LOC Alpha, LOC Bravo, and LOC Charlie.”

– MDF (Mars Defense Force): The MDF is the main defense organization on Mars. Both Randy Cramer and Penny Bradley (see below) describe its main function to defend the Mars Colony Corporation from the indigenous Martians species, including a native reptoid and insectoid (Raptor and Mantid) ET species.

– Solar Warden: Solar Warden is a program run by the US Navy, responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the Solar System. It patrols and defends our solar system. Some SSP experiencers have suggested that Solar Warden’s real purpose is to protect the surface of the Earth to thwart ET Disclosure. Solar Warden was created in 1970s and 80s, and is a mid-level SSP; the ICC has more advanced ships.

– Nacht Waffen: this a German term literally meaning “Night Weapons” but better translated as “Dark Fleet.” We know about this thanks to the revelations of Penny Bradley (see below). Penny was transferred to the Nacht Waffen from the MDF as a punishment.

Blessed2Teach #fundie #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut blessed2teach.com

There are 4 stages of this Prolonged Spiritual battle between good & evil or the evil darkness forces that stand opposed to the Divine Plan of The One True Living God & those that have dedicated themselves to the Service of

The ONE True Living God.

The 4 stages necessary to complete in order to win this war against the evil darkness that descended centuries ago on to Earth & attacked Humanity are:

Remove the evil darkness from the Space about the Earth and maintain permanent supremacy therein.
Remove the evil darkness from Earth’s skies and maintain permanent supremacy therein.
Remove the evil darkness from the surface of the Earth and maintain permanent supremacy therein.
Remove the evil darkness from the beneath the surface of the Earth (under the Earth’s surface); throughout ALL tunnels, labyrinths, Caverns & DUMBS & maintain permanent supremacy therein.
Stage 1 & 2 have been mostly completed by the Q Alliance patriots & white hats.

Stage 3 has had vast advances by the Q Alliance with only a few strongholds left; mainly being China, Iran & Israel.

Within these countries the Top leadership are now white hat patriots and the swamp draining & removal of Satanic evil upper echelon is proceeding & within the branches of those countries’ governments.

In the U.S. the Swamp draining has seen great advances & after the 2Q2Q elections are completed their will be VAST changes occurring, starting with massive arrests & military tribunals and executions for those found guilty of treason (see Mark Taylor prophecy on arrests in Congress).

Stage 4 has now begun.

The massive under Earth war–with the call up of ALL Branches of The U.S. Great Military (10,000 U.S. military in operations at 29 palms

the Special Forces leading the vanguard using weapons very few have knowledge of or have ever even dreamed of, is advancing through the immense Illuminati demon forces & vast interconnected Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) complex that is connected with Nationwide Hwys. & tunnels with Magnetic Levitating Trains (MAGLEVS), capable of speed up to 17,000 mph., that connect to all facilities & DUMBS throughout the World.

These facilities have incredible stores of food, water, DNA & seed banks; all fully supplied with autonomous free energy supplies!

This is the last strong hold of the Satanic Illuminati ancient evil Nephilim bloodlines of Cain.

Evidences of this battle can be seen with fires coming out of sewers, storm hole drains & manhole covers in California

LonoRising #ufo #conspiracy reddit.com

23 & me, DNA secret agenda theory.
The promise of finding your lineage is just a cover.

The real goal is for the various races to reunite with their hybrids before the ‘Great Event’, whatever that might be.

I’ve always suspected that, more than the obvious racial differences, we are of different spiritual races or subtle body races. Like certain types of people are here for different reasons. Maybe the missing piece is the bit we haven’t been seeing.

We are hybrids of different alien races. We need to get back to the proper mothership.

Lisa Renee #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #fundie goldenageofgaia.com

I would like to share a quick update in regards to an impromptu Guardian project that began Friday evening, April 3rd, and which has been ongoing throughout this weekend. I am sharing this for the specific reason that some of the community members that are especially sensitive and empathic to the changes happening in the community architecture and planetary field, may be picking up on some of these challenging energies that are currently very present regarding Satanic Ritual Abuse of children.

Last evening a Mother Arc portal was opened for safe passage for disembodied and embodied victims of those held against their will in the underground cages, as well as trapped in phantom spaces that were using human sacrificed SRA’d children for the purpose of opening dark interdimensional portals that opened in a labyrinth of “in-between” spaces in the fabric of space-time. This portal network is extensive in the phantom timelines, leading into the artificial base 10 core manifestation body of the Artificial Tree of Life. From what we are investigating, it appears that the artificial sephiroth projections for artificial timelines have been built on human blood sacrifice, especially those of children that have been abducted worldwide for a variety of purposes.

What was needed during this project, for those that are serving the Christos Mission, is that some in our community, and those especially with a strong inner Holy Mother presence, volunteered to be of service as the surrogate Mother bond to spiritually protect the children. To hold one or more of these children inside our heart space, while in their traumatized soul body, to nourish and protect them while in the incubation period of spiritual healing that is necessary before they could continue to the next stage of their evolution journey.

These souls have been used for human sacrifice and SRA, some are little babies, and thus have splintered off from their soul family group. Unable to continue to expand consciousness, not knowing who they are, lost and bewildered by the trauma administered at the point of severing the body from the soul, which resulted in layers of traumatic dissociation and severe fracturing.

This is a very important service of supporting transit of these child groups that have been used for SRA, needless to say, one of the most important missions to accomplish while we are on the earth. The challenge is the level of spiritual strength and lightbody stability, sacred heart development to hold the Holy Mother presence in her truest form, takes every bit of focus and personal strength available. To be present to the energy signature of child torture at these levels is unfathomable, the emotional devastation translates into real-time processing, and there is a skill in holding total stillness in the purest love and harmlessness, and not allowing the emotional body to go too deeply within to completely experience the nature of the trauma.

We must be careful to not be pulled into the timelines of the actual event when it happened, because it is beyond what most people can take in observing and can result in emotional body fracturing. Thus, the psyche, mental and emotional body must be very strong and spiritually devoted, to be able to withstand the pressure and witness some of these most heinous events violating the soul in a child body, it is just unimaginable evil. There are no adequate words to describe this experience. The Inner Christ self protects our consciousness from the direct sharing in the visuals of the actual trauma event, but one can feel its result in your heart space, and it brings both an incredible rawness of pain deep inside your heart, mixed with an incredible joy to have the privilege of witnessing this rescue of souls.

Sherry Shriner #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #mammon sherryshriner.com

The lizards or reptiles are in the last phase of their human domination plan of the End Game. They are soul scalping and replacing all humans at all top levels and secondary levels, even their families if necessary.

For instance (as in the case of someone I knew) they might get a visit from MIB's (Men in Black) during the middle of the day at their homes, or any time of day, or even work place and the MIB's grab them by the neck and face forcing their jaw to open and then they place a snake down their throat.

That is how they soul scalp people. This serpent possesses the human and takes over their brain and body and becomes that person.

And that is how they do it. The reptilian aliens can transform and take the body of a small serpent snake to be placed inside a human body.

Yep, as the Most High showed me and told me about it, they take a slimy skinny snake, about 6-8 inches long, greyish in color...it looks more like a long slimy worm, and open the person's mouth and stick it down their throat.

These reptile aliens work in groups. In true form most of them are over 6 "4". They watch and study the targeted person so they know all about them, and when they take over their brains and bodies they literally can act and become that person. They even do this to their kids so the kids don't make a fuss that something's wrong with mommy or daddy because something's just not right about them. They don't care about destroying the lives of children. They're all cold and heartless, unemotional reptiles with no thought of love, compassion or human emotions and sentiment. Those are emotions they have to learn to fake when they take over a human's body so they can blend in with society as a human.

In my book "Interview With The Devil" Lucifer had said they don't want any humans involved with the banking and they already dominated the politics. Now they are even going after secondary level people...such as CIA, NSA, any type of government or military spies, intelligence agents, advisors, analysts, directors, managers, along with anyone and everyone who has ever signed the dotted line for fortune and fame, or swore allegiance to Lucifer in the sisterhood or brotherhood. They are going after all of them and I had warned about this last year that this would become dominate for 2016. And it has. This year we are seeing their final touches on their control and domination. They have a list of all the people who are theirs and they are going through it!

Humans Are Free #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot humansarefree.com

Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system.

In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibiru’s solar system was visible in the skies from Earth.

The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.

The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian [it was customary to name planets after “gods”].

It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was “heaven” where their gods resided and came from.

Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, and Elohim (plural for god).

I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word “Anunnaki” literally means “those who came from heaven to earth”. In the Old Testament these “heavenly” visitors are called “Anakim”.

Anunnaki Giant God War

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the “Nefilim” in Hebrew, which means “they who have come down from the heavens to earth”. The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) “ZAOS”.

The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.

If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race which the Anunnaki called the “Ducaz”.

The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races. Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians. There are different types of Reptilians amongst them. Their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, are not the Ducaz. Like anything associated with the Anunnaki, there is a rigid, inequitable and regimented class structure amongst the Ducaz.

The Reptilians, or Ducaz were sent by their “masters”, the Nephilim or Elohim to fight in wars with other alien races and to serve as their spies, bodyguards and police force.

There are many factions amongst the Anunnaki. One of the most bitter enemies of the Ducaz call themselves the “Pers-sires”, a group of aliens for which I coined the word “Vulturites” many years ago. They are called Vulturites not because they look like vultures, as some have claimed. In fact, they don’t look like that at all!

There are very apt reasons why I have called them Vulturites which I will not go into in this discussion. Ironically, the Pers-sires are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race.

However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) and the Pers-sires (Vulturites) have always been bitter enemies even to this day. The descendents of these two groups are now on Earth vying for supremacy of the world. Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry.

Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins.

The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control. This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists.

That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived. There was so much resistance to the elimination of the worship of the Divine Mother that the Anunnaki set up replacement “mothers” for various cultures such as the ’earth mother’, ’mother nature’ and thereafter further corrupted the Divine Mother’s image by falsely attributing Her with lustful, vengeful and jealous qualities. The interpretation of Kali is one of those false attributes.

Ida Kannenberg/Lee Trippett #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot goodreads.com

My Brother Is a Hairy Man: An Extraterrestrial View on Bigfoot and Human Genesis

You may shrug or grimace at the mention of UFOs, but when reports keep coming in about seeing Bigfoot in conjunction with such craft, none of the reporters known to each other, you cannot just shrug them off. They are part of the total picture and are to be considered as legitimately as any footprint.

Until you know Bigfoot in all his characteristics, including his relationship to such craft, you don't know him well enough to find him.

And that is how, why this book came to be written. If you don't like me bringing up the subject of UFOs, go away, but you will miss some very revealing and important information. You don't have to believe everything, just be willing to listen. (Ida M. Kannenberg)

When UFO pioneer Ida Kannenberg joined forces with veteran Bigfoot researcher Lee Trippett to make face-to-face contact with the elusive Bigfoot, they had not yet imagined the real payload to be discovered -- the true human root. Veteran Bigfoot researcher Lee Trippett brought a wealth of practical information to the partnership. Kannenberg contributed information gleaned from extraterrestrial mentors. Thirteen years later, a study of DNA corroborated the Arcturian account that Bigfoot’s human DNA is identical to but in different ratios than modern humans.

This is the unabridged trailhead that leads to human origins and the Elohim on the Earth, long before the Anunnaki laid claim to the planet and many species. It is the lodestone for Krsanna Duran’s companion book, Bigfoot and Human Ancestors: UFOs, Planetary Changes and Species.

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #ufo #magick thefreedomarticles.com

The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net
that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the worldwide conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the conspiracy rabbit hole ends. Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet? Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.

Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one. It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or as Pink Floyd put it just another brick in the wall. Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.

There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such as religious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.). If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you. You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.

What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?
The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.

WORLDWIDE TARGETING/GLOWTEKK #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo worldwidetargeting.com

Multiple millions of years ago, the Galactic Federation worked closely with the High Sirian Council to serve as a Guardian race that would help to support the seeding and evolution process of the planet earth in its lowest density, the first Harmonic Universe, also called the third dimensional timelines. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a harmonic resonator chamber within an interdimensional portal system in which visiting space craft could time travel and access the earth plane very quickly, especially if intervention was needed. During the cycle in which the Great Pyramid was built during pre-Atlantian times, the Galactic Federation was tasked to protect the Stargate portal and the ascension chamber within it and to intervene in case of an attack from hostile intruders such as the Annunaki resistance.

The Great Pyramid was a mystery school for the Blue Flame Melchizedek spiritual ascension program and to accelerate DNA assembly for portal passage through the Inner Earth portal that was under the Sphinx. Some factions of the Annunaki Melchizedeks became patriarchal and had disregarded the Law of One teachings. They became increasingly hostile when they were forbidden access into the ascension chambers and not allowed in the Great Pyramid. Thus, they organized a larger group resistance in Atlantis with the plan to explode the protective force field via setting off explosions in which to take control over the Giza Stargate, and to achieve their goal they enlisted the support of the sympathizers that were in the Galactic Federation as many were originally from the Annunaki lineages that felt they were being unjustly discriminated upon. As a result of the infiltration that occurred from Sirius A, the Jehovian Annunaki took control over the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command joining the Luciferian Covenant and planning the final stages of the Atlantian Cataclysm with the purpose to eradicate the earth's historical records and technological knowledge, sending the earth's inhabitants back into the dark ages.

The Galactic Federation works with the NAA groups towards world domination and are behind the mind control propaganda that the Annunaki are the Gods of the earth and this Solar System, promoting themselves as the divine angels returning to help humanity ascend, to seduce the earth population into subjugation to their New World Order enslavement agenda.

Kewaunee Lapseritis #ufo #crackpot #magick store.ufocongress.com

Kewaunee Lapseritis' 2014 International UFO Congress presentation

Kewaunee will be speaking about his in-depth encounters and how both ETs and the Sasquatch people have helped him numerous times with health issues, connecting with other contactees, and even saved his life more than once. Also, he will discuss what these sentient beings are telling people about themselves and the planet. Plus, why monster hunters are never successful in catching a Sasquatch or obtaining an undisputed photograph of one. Also, the focus will be on “portals” that are used by both ETs and the hairy-folks.

Kewaunee Lapseritis is a social scientist, health consultant/master herbalist, world traveler, author, and Sasquatch researcher for 57 years. Kewaunee taught anthropology at New England College and later conducted an ethnographics study in conjunction with the Colombian Institute of Anthropology-Bogota. In 1979 he was telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and extraterrestrial—an event that would forever change his life. The encounters are ongoing and to date he has documented 247 percipients who also have had telepathic communication with these sentient beings. His books include The Psychic Sasquatch and Their UFO Connection and The Sasquatch People and Their Interdimensional Connection.

Unarius Foundation #ufo #magick #crackpot unarius.org

Ruth Norman's great drive lay in her visionary awareness of the reality of life as a progressive development to higher states of intelligence. This knowledge was a part of her because of her own spiritual development as a hierarchical member of the Unarius Brotherhood. Although, like Ernest Norman, her humbleness was such that she took no credit and simply stated that she was merely the secretary to Infinite Intelligence, one cog in the great wheel of the Infinite Cosmos, the higher self of Ruth Norman (Uriel) is of a vast development, a Universal Radiant Infinite Eternal Light. She has long worked for the benefit of humankind, by the side of Raphiel and others of the Unarius Brotherhood, throughout many, many lifetimes of great significance in the history of Earth and other worlds. Her previous lifetimes, as Socrates, Peter the Great, Charlemagne, Queen Elizabeth I, and Queen Maria Theresa have shaped the future for many countries—all a part of a one-million year progressive plan for the healing of humankind on Earth, which was set in motion by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unarius Brotherhood. Her inspirational example continued through her lives as Hatshepsut, Akbar of India, Quetzalcoatl, Atahualpa—the last Inca of Peru—and many others. These lives have been relived and recognized through the course of her recent incarnation as Ruth E. Norman, for the purpose of man's enlightenment concerning the true identity of the many advanced spiritual teachers and leaders who have kived on Earth throughout its history and prehistory in Lemuria and Atlatnis.

Perhaps most significant is the true story of Uriel's incarnation as Mary of Bethany, the betrothed and thirteenth disciple of Jesus of Nazareth—a prior incarnation of Dr. Ernest L. Norman. This story is related in Uriel's short autobiography, My 2000-Year Psychic Memory as Mary of Bethany.

It is now and always has been the desire and purpose of Uriel to overcome the inertia of individuals and humankind as a whole by presenting knowledge of the Interplanetary Confederation, thirty-two worlds joined in harmony and brotherhood. The future landing of emissaries from each of these worlds will occur when the peoples of planet Earth have opened their hearts and minds to be receptive to the arriveal of these advanced, intelligent beings—the Space Brothers! Their mission is one of peace and friendship; their intention is to invite planet Earth to become the thirty-third member of the restored brotherhood of terrestrial planets within the Milky Way Galaxy!

International Raelian Movement #ufo #crackpot #god-complex rael.org

The Raelian Movement is a non-profit, international organization. It unites those who wish to inform humanity of its true origins and tell people about the very special messages sent by the Elohim, highly advanced extraterrestrial scientists who created life on Earth, including human beings.
But spreading this knowledge is not the only goal of the Raelian Movement. Another primary mission of our organization is to prepare an official embassy to welcome the return of our creators.
Through their messenger, Rael, the Elohim have respectfully expressed a desire to come and meet with us. But since they wish to come only if their presence here is welcome, they ask that we first demonstrate our desire to invite them by building an appropriate embassy in advance of their arrival.

That embassy would become the Third Temple as predicted in the ancient scriptures. According to specifications provided by the Elohim, it must be built in a neutral location that has been granted rights of extraterritoriality and guaranteed neutral air space. Providing such an embassy and obtaining the necessary guarantees for the rights of its occupants will prove that humanity is ready for an official meeting with its creators.

(Detailed plans and specifications for the requested embassy are available at www.ElohimEmbassy.org .)

The Raelian Movement recently asked a number of countries to consider hosting the embassy project, and several have indicated an interest in allocating space for such an endeavor. Preliminary discussions are already under way!
As shown in the document presented to the various governments approached, the Embassy for Our Fathers from Space will bring substantial financial benefits to the country hosting it. The fortunate nation will also enjoy the special protection of the Elohim and become the spiritual and scientific center of the planet for millennia to come.

Chris Pearson #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo facebook.com

Mind Reading Technologies, The 10-5 U/Z or 10-6 +A microwave signal and Biblical Tongues - Comparable to cellular satellites. 10-5 U-Z - 10-6 +A signals can connect to your brains internal antenna and monitor the brains decoded wavelength's reading your conscience and emotions using an algorithm and A.I.. They can activate other regions of the brain and show unknown parts of the nervous system under M.R.I.. That you can stimulate the nervous system having the immune system react to heal. People who can hear the satellite communication with their mind talk tongues. That they can communicate by thought. That thought can be translated into many languages. They use these technologies against us. Not informing the world to stay ahead of our civilization. In a attempt to be intelligent as the combined world they record thoughts. They steal our ideas, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. Altered emotions and subliminal messaging the calling. You sometimes get a headache when mind reading technologies are monitoring you.

Soul and Spirit - Your soul/conscious controls much of the brain and the brain controls the body. Your soul and spirit is in the brain and within the thalamus. Many souls and spirits stuck within skull and casket. Soul transferable conscious. Spirit is memory.

A Ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing - An alien soul/spirit reborn as a Human being. They use A.I. and walk the Earth. A alien may have shot a asteroid at Earth working with the devil an alien. The devil walked. God saved us. Destroying an alien ship. The devil to tell us we weren’t deserving and bring back his deserving. Aliens. To use our image from the casket that preserved our flesh. He said, for us to be damned to hell for cremation. The devil to try and conquer the world. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. To be brought back as flesh and blood means to be reborn a clone. A soul/spirit can be put in a case/chip and be reborn. The clone grown within tank like a womb. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood using a programmed chip similar to a robot, not meant to be. They can create remote controlled clones much like a remote-control vehicle/robot that have computer brains. Utilizing energy for satellite reception and signal strength. Grown in labs around the computer where the brain would be. Some are partial brain and computer. Using the flesh from the ethnicity preferred. Many can be commanded to/not to perform a certain task. Also using implanted chip's for mind-control. They can see, hear and smell thru many of them. Having them raised in the country they want to conquer. To win an election in your country and have others get into positions of power within government, military, space agencies and elite society. We need to be educated on the technologies taking our world.

They have been using a satellite and fast radio bursts trying to inform the world - The devil split us apart. Lord Antipas was the devil and changed word to push his agenda. Pas=God/Good A-man. That the God's of Earth are/were Malaki, Amun, Jenovah and Jericho. A-men. The devil also used the image of Jahovah. Mathew had written as told from Jesus while talking tongues. A man talking tongues to save the world and so much more. They want original doctrine's to be released along with the teachings of Jeremiah, Ishmael, Judah and Mathew. The Catholic Church to obtain many of them from Pope Francis. The unsealing. The truth to come out. We're to save ourselves. I'm to teach prophecy and fix his word. Natural existence is SACRED. A King of Kings/Gods war ship to help save Earth.

Christopher, I speak tongues.

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces #conspiracy #magick #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces:

Hello, Sharon, and to everyone listening. You're probably now aware that the Corona Virus is a cover for the Storm activities. Your military forces are now being utilized to carry out arrests, tracking down deep state members who have made themselves scarce.

With all of you going into seclusion with this corona virus pandemic, it gave the Illuminati time to head underground and some of them are continually on the move avoiding our forces. We'll find them though. We are astute at creating dragnets and we can see their location, if not ourselves than with the QFS computer that has tagged them all electronically via their energetic signature (same thing they do to us in the Matrix, BTW). We can find them easily with this computer; it's just that earth is such a large planet with so many places to hide.

The other reason to keep you isolated is to keep you from harm. There are possibilities of reptilians or other malevolent beings arising from inner earth to come out to look for food. We've starved them out, we have also cut off the bank accounts of the deep state, so they're becoming desperate.

Me: Any chance someone would be attacked? Geez, what am I saying, it's not that lightworkers already haven't been.

Soren: Possible. You are all protected as well so there should be minimum problem. Lightworkers would be their first targets, to be honest.

Me: Not surprised.

Soren: Remember anyone who feels the presence of a malevolent to call on the Light to help you rid yourself of it. Or call on Archangel Michael and his angelic forces. It's important that we use this time to try to clean your planet up of as many of these as we can. We're shutting portals and cleaning out the lower fourth, we need your help in flagging up any dark entities you can find. So please help us. We don't want them on the surface scaring the population.

Michael Love #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

















Lisa Renee #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick energeticsynthesis.com

There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. This has shifted the way the original human race blueprint relays its intelligent information into the collective consciousness fields of earth. When the collective fields shift in this way, it means there has been a frequency shift in the collective agreement that impacts the overall consciousness evolution on the planet, therefore, the Timelines Shift.

As current Timelines Shift, this also shifts the coordinate location and energetic contents of the past and future timelines existing on the earth plane, all at the same time. There are powerful infusions of plasmic light and new time codes that are filtering onto the earth, as we pass through the Silver Gate. An intersection point exists between two circuit paths, the path of the Sun and Galactic Equator, which opens a gateway in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. As the Sun transits through Gemini, the transmission of its zodiac principle greatly influences the earth body, and therefore influences the behavior in the collective consciousness of humanity. Currently, the pressures are high to synthesize the pairs of opposite that exist in the world of forces, to evolve beyond the lower density black substance that has been buried in the collective consciousness fields of the earth. A lot of that black substance has been manifested into timelines from embedded alien architecture, which imitate the Mother’s creation principle, and is what the dark entities tend to hijack. The building up of pressure in between these opposing forces and groups is reaching its peak, which is bifurcating or splitting apart timelines. This is greatly amplified in the collective fields, especially during the Summer Solstice through mid-July, as planetary Timelines Shift.

The new timelines are to transcend the previous histories of alien hybridization and the destructive victimizer programming that has been installed in the lower collective consciousness. These new timelines are similar to an airplane runway that is designed to help bridge the current reality of the earth (that is the result of the accumulated energies of the past destructive histories with NAA), to connect with the higher reality potentials of the divine human on the future earth. We are on the runway that leads to our higher reality potentials in the future timeline now. Not everyone is on the same timeline. Try to remember this fact to help bring greater comfort, when experiencing intense, sudden and spontaneous life altering changes that are more likely to occur during this time.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com


Vril Lizards are reptilians who have a proboscis on their forehead which holds their genetic make-up.
The proboscis also contains parasitic cells.
When a person is attacked the proboscis is detached and attaches itself to the host.
Spinal fluid is released and makes its’ way to the optic nerve.
This dehabilitates the person.
And is called Sweating the Quill.
The lizard creature dies as does the consciousness of the victim.
When a person comes back they are not themselves.
Consciousness is transferred.
The Vril Lizard then mimics the behavior of the dead victim.
And is called a Mimic or Drone.

White Winged Collective of Nine via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. Do not fear the Coronavirus, do not fear the many changes. Catalyst for change was needed. As fertilizer to the soil so that the young plants can thrive and survive, so this virus has been benevolently repurposed as an impetus for change, for humanity to band together, for the dark to show its ugly face to the light for healing. It is time to heal your world. Gaia is in desperate need. You were well aware of her cry for help, which is why you were brave enough to embody. We repeat this. You were brave enough to embody, therefore you are brave enough to still be embodied. Do not leave in this critical juncture of timelines, of light infusion. Now is when you are most needed. Hold the light. The heavens are watching, leading, guiding, comforting. Many such as this one has been beyond exhausted as you integrate these upgrades, these changes into your surface world. It is the true the light is intensifying with every moment, for the light reveals all. The light is seeded for the seedlings of truth that have been planted in the tilled soil to flourish. (I am seeing tilling machines, with blades deep into the soil in the clay). Some places of your world that have been inundated with the dark energies are experiencing more tilling, more soil breakup. More light, more fertilizer to these areas. Do not be afraid, for fear hardens the ‘clay’ of the lower energies and lowers your immunity. The light is your immunity. We are aware this may not be a popular post or idea, but we lovingly remind you that Source is in all things, the light is winning, has won, is simultaneously winning. The darkness that you are seeing play out are the weeds and the poisonings of the soil that has been there for eons, now is simply the time that it is being exposed. The cleansing of Gaia is to commence, is commencing. Be at peace.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We wish to offer you a blessing of peace so that these words offer the intended vibratory effect, calming, soothing. May we lovingly gently remind that you are to anchor the light. You are not the farmer plowing the fields. You are not working the tilling machine. You are grounding the light, shining your light on the weeds, spreading your light into the earth so that all is healed. It is a joyful task when in the right vibratory codex, and so we wish to assist with upping your vibration a bit, for a moment, so that these moments of healing become Gaia’s moments of healing. The light workers are banding together in new, interesting, integrating and exciting ways. Your internet, your inter-web of consciousness is providing such new avenues of connection. Technology is also being repurposed as the light shines deeper, more fully.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #magick #ufo #crackpot atam.org

The technology and science you see being used today that claims to be the result of recent breakthroughs in science is at least 40 years old. There have been discoveries on the planet left by ancient civilizations that were very technologically advanced, that we benefit from today. There is also reverse engineered technology from crashed space crafts (UFO’s), as well as an exchange of technology from various alien races visiting the planet. We, the people do not get to see, enjoy and benefit from the technology that would liberate humanity…yet.

For many years I have spoken that the Chemtrails we see in the sky are not placed there just to make us sick, but they are concealing something they don’t want us to see along with changing the planet at the same time. This is where we go deeper into the rabbit hole and I am thought to be making up conspiracy theories by some. The Chemtrails serve multiple purposes; apart from making people sick. I don’t claim to know all of them, but one has been recently confirmed, that I have long stated.

#1) I have felt for some time that there is a massive Geoengineering Program taking place and our planet is being terraformed. All the major and western nations are in agreement. Why? A short quick answer. As we have been stating for many years, the elite are preparing the planet to be ruled by the losing side (fallen angels/aliens). They need the atmosphere to be changed in order to live here. They and their human and hybrid counterparts on Earth are too arrogant to accept they will not prevail. One of the main purposes for CERN’s existence is to open portals and bring in Nephilim overlords and Fallen Angels/Aliens imprisoned and trapped, in the 4th dimension and other realms. They want to return to rule the planet, as in pre-Flood times, and our solar system; as gods of this world. They forget, “The Earth is Yahweh’s (the LORD) and all that dwells within it.” There are many prophecies in the Bible that foretell of the kings of Earth actually wanting to make war with Yahweh in a battle that will take place in the literal heavens (sky, space). Here are a few:

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, He that sits in the heavens shall laugh:the Lord shall have them in derision.” Psalms 2

“These 10 kings shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14

#2) The hi-tech ships (UFO’s) flying in our atmosphere are moving about more frequently during the daylight hours. The Chemtrails are sprayed to conceal the increasingly heavy traffic, making them hard to be seen in our atmosphere. Just about a week or so ago, two pilots flying over Arizona witnessed a fast moving craft. Finally, they are allowing reported sightings by pilots to make headline news.

#3) I have recent learned that the Chemtrails are also being used to conceal a giant New Planetary Bodies that’s becoming more obvious as they get closer to Earth in our solar system. They wont be hid for much longer, as you will clearly see in the recent videos below. There is a reason behind the early morning, odd hours and evening layers of Chemtrails blanketing our skies. (Thanks James Triplett for the video)


Have you heard of NASA’s Sun Simulator? About 20,000 ft in the sky is a Sun Simulator that tracks the movement of the Sun and mimics it. If at times the Sun seems smaller or larger or somewhat distorted from it’s spherical shape, you are most likely seeing the hexagon shaped Sun Simulator. Other countries such as Germany and China also have giant Sun Simulators. Germany recently launched the world’s largest Sun Simulator. Why would we need to have a Sun Simulator? There are many reasons science will give us, but one of the main reasons at this time is to further conceal the New Planetary System of gigantic planets that have entered our inner solar system and will soon be seen by all.

Here is an excerpt from a message Eye shared in 2012: Spirit gave me a prophetic revelation of the family of Jacob Israel, showing me some astro-science hidden in it. Eye knew by revelation that at least (3) celestial bodies had to come into our solar system to represent Jacob’s first wife Leah and the two handmaidens Zilpah and Bilhah. (Don’t forget Dinah, Jacob’s daughter) It was not unto 2012, the confirmation came.

“For many years Eye have been seeing in visions and announcing that there would be new planetary bodies coming into our inner solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers and researchers, which are not bought and paid for by NASA; have been reporting that other planets are coming into our inner solar system.

There will be at least 3 planetary bodies come into our inner solar system. Leah, Zilpah and Bilhah must come and be recognized as part of this celestial family. The formation they will be seen will be Zilpah, Bilhah and Leah, they might be accompanied by other satellites, brown dwarf or planetary bodies that might possibly make up 7 in their system. This could possibly be what is being called the Nibiru solar system or Nibiru Rising

International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies #ufo #crackpot #magick worldwidetargeting.com

The main goal of the Victim-Victimizer mind control and software is based on Divide and Conquer Tactics and intentionally programming humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred about others to promote the Archontic Deception Behaviors and their unethical AD Strategies as a fear based control belief system. As humans feed their power into these AD systems and hierarchies based upon violence, lies and deception, the deception is covered up and its fabricated reality becomes an anti-human value system to enforce the Death Culture. As long as humans think thoughts and maintain belief systems of the Predator Mind, and feed into the alien software programs, they create victims and victimizers and spread more hatred and violence into the earth grids. Humans exchange roles between acting as the archetypal victim, and then because they do not want to be a victim anymore, they switch their role to become a victimizer. Both are forms of perpetuating inner and/or outer violence.

When we undergo the Ascension process, we undergo the process of Ego/Personality dismantling and a continued transformation to align our Consciousness to our spiritual self or Higher Self. During Ascension Stages of development or Kundalini awakening we undergo a form of psycho-spiritual crisis called the Dark Night of the Soul. During a variety of encounters of the "Dark Night" we will face issues of being a victim, or being a victimizer, or have either of these roles projected to us from other people or groups. As we develop personal discernment and gain clarity with these Imposter Spirit forces, we are able to synthesize these forces into harmonious patterns thereby neutralizing them. However, these victim archetypes are deeply enmeshed in the human psyche and Unconscious Mind which form the Negative Ego and are a Mind Control program that is operating in the world today.

The goal is to free one's mind from bondage to these Imposter Spirit forces as well as free one's thoughts, therefor freeing the mind to focus on the light of the soul.

One may see these patterns carry over with child sexual abuse, which is an Archontic NAA Strategy developed to traumatize humanity. A child who is sexually abused, grows into an adult who abuses children. The role of the victim and victimizer is interchangeable and promotes violence, hatred, trauma, abuse and misery which set the person up into Addiction.

This is a no win situation that is anti-human belief system, and is a Mind Control psychotronic warfare that is designed to spread hatred, division, and self enforcement of human enslavement set up by the Controllers. Educate yourself.

​Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the unfortunate result is that unstable people that have not done much mental or emotional clearing, have built up hidden pain and trauma, that are easily controlled and manipulated by dark forces to play out their fears in the 2D or lower mind. These kind of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession. The NAA and dark forces will groom and manipulate these unstable people to attack you directly. We all must be aware of this and take steps to defend ourselves by not allowing these kind of people to get too close to us or in your home (when possible). The problem is they will find ways to infiltrate peoples weakness, and work them slowly to flip out, without any kind of apparent reason.

Recently, we had this happen in our community, and over the last week I had a Black Faced Reptilian with Yellow eyes showing me that it was he that was responsible for creating all the recent energetic chaos in our group, they tend to be incredibly arrogant and they like to leave their mark, which is a way to say F-you. So it is good to remember, these unstable, confused and weak people are used as pawns in the larger war game, and its not the person most of the time consciously understanding what they are doing, but these forces manipulating the person to act totally bizarre and even insane. I have had these experiences happen so many times, that unfortunately I do not think this dark strategy is going to end anytime in the near future. So as we gain more experience with dark attack and accept it as a reality on his earth, the process actually gets easier. The biggest challenge is the energetic drain and diversion it creates from taking you off course (timelines), which is their primary motivation.

I’m calling it #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Did the ANUNNAKI arrive already? OBVIOUSLY we've been forced into quarantine so we DON'T SEE them.

Bill Gates' virus is real?? YES!!!

The death rate worlwide is what's being reported??? NO!!

The world was put in lockdown and mankind forced into quarantine because there's SOMETHING happening outside TPTB don't want people seeing.

The current global policy state has no precedent, not even during WWII.

I can only think one thing and one thing ONLY:

The ANUNNAKI arrived.

Perhaps not a full blown, perhaps just a couple ambassadors to each country, but it was an OPEN arrival and people were supposed to see them in their full majesty. Obviously chabad made sure we didn`t.

WORLDWIDE TARGETING/GLOWTEKK #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo worldwidetargeting.com

Satanism Masonary And All Forms Of Paganism are all based on the manipulation of energy and consciousness through Mind Control and deception and it is mostly controlled through ritual based ideology. These rituals create energy fields, Vibrational frequencys, which connect the consciousness of the participants to the NAA group (i.e. reptilians) and other Consciousness energies in the lower fourth dimension. The Archons on the Saturn base transmit AI that contain Satanic belief systems to propagate these distortions on planet earth. This dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, resonates a frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, shame, hatred and so on. When a ritual focuses on these emotions, as Satanism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension. These connect some of the 'demons' which these rituals have been designed to summon and feed since the invasion occurred 6000 years ago. Once a system is infiltrated with base desires as described in Archontic Deception Behavior or selfish ego, the system is not sustainable as it only collects energies from one group to steal from another group in order to achieve a temporary result, (Like a ponzi or pyramid scheme) or give a small percentage of people who manipulate the energies the energetic advantage over others. This is called Consumptive Modeling.

Since the Luciferian Knights Templar were established to covertly replace the original Christos Essene Templars and Maji Grail lines on the earth, they asserted their genetic elitism and divine right to rule, thus systematically slaughtering any of the population that did not comply with their agendas. A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the NAA and their Luciferian Knights Templars were first attempting to create a super-race of genetic elites for ruling the earth. This placed the hijacked Egyptian Serres and Ruby Sun DNA through their propagated bloodlines, which evolved into Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and other secret societies that persist with a similar Thothian slant of hermetic esoteric knowledge. Therefore, the secret societies in power were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion, such as the Church of Rome and Islam.
​Let me put this in a way you may understand the true prophets of this world i.e Jesus, Buddha etc figured out the truth and broke through the illusion (the consciousness trap). And the simple message they tried to deliver (which has been heavily distorted with endless garbage and nonsense), is we all carry 13 energy points known as chakras each one represents something different. Lower frequencies keep you trapped within the lower aspects. Master all 13 Chakras and you will be set free. Kill All Human Weakness. A Clear Indication Of This Is The 7th Seal, If You Think About Your Crown Chakra As The 7th Which Is A Few Inches Above Your Head (the halo), And It Being The Direct Link To The Collective Consciousness The Bigger Picture Begins To Reveal Itself. Which is where the simplified version of "Thou Shall Not Sin" Originated.

​But, It Is Only A Distorted Fraction Of The Truth. Of Course the Dark factions of earth understood this and integrated it into there own distorted programming making it seem completely believable to the uninitiated and unaware. Successfully removing all true power from the people and becoming the controllers of it. The true Great Awakening Will Be Full Realisation and Awareness of this. To remember who we truly Are. Paliadorian Activations will begin the clearing of the Yahweh/Jehovian Matrix and its Blood Covenant bindings out from all Human genetic records.

Certain factions of the Knights Templars were influenced by esoteric Islamic practices as well as distorted flavors of assorted Gnostic sects during the Middle Ages, in their interpretation and use of the Baphomet representation in hidden ritual practices. The medieval French word used for Muhammad was a derivation of the word Baphomet, as Mahomet was an alternative spelling used in the Middle Ages for the Muslim prophet Mohammed, the supposed founder of Islam that was groomed for position by the Black Sun NAA groups. Therefore, the claims that the Knights Templars in France were worshipping Baphomet in secret rituals also meant, in fact, that some of them had defected and were secret Muslims (the evidence is clear as freemasons at the 33rd degree, shriners or garters worship allah). Mahomet appears to be derived from its usage in Provence, which was the center of the Cathar Church in France, until the Albigensian Crusade and Inquisition killed or silenced any survivors.

There were beliefs in the Middle East that magical ceremonies could make severed heads act as oracles that would talk to the occultist delivering assorted levels of information and future prophecies. During the thriving era of Thoth cults in Egypt, the black magician would use a mummified head of a firstborn son in magical practice, attempting to make a talking head in which spirits could embody through its vehicle and thus be directed for divination purposes. The mummified head would be mounted onto the wall overlooking the main altar, or presented on a golden plate, from which it would deliver prophetic messages. Thus, during the Middle Ages some of the factions of Luciferian Knights Templar used mummified heads as their center of Black Magical rites assigning it as the symbol of the Baphomet, the head which would be used to communicate with these dark spiritual forces.

The Luciferian Knights Templar effectively formed a priesthood and created an alliance with the Hyksos Kings and Knights of Malta in the Middle Ages to orchestrate several crusades in order to destroy all evidence of any remaining Essene manuscripts and Atlantian artifacts that included teachings from the original Founder Records. Therefore, the Luciferian Knights Templars were also directly involved with devising the bible narratives during the Council of Nicaea, in forming the cover stories that would be given to the masses about Christ on the earth. Falsities were used to hide any Christos Essene Templar knowledge that included awareness of the Christos-Sophia Aeonic pairing, ley lines, stargate locations and how to harvest free energy from the power centers in the earth itself. To continue their search for gaining control over the grail stargates and discovering any buried Essene artifacts, it was imperative that the true nature of Christos-Sophia consciousness be distorted into reversals, that Patriarchal Domination, Misogyny, and sexual submission of all females be strictly enforced to feed the Baphomet sexual energy-based structures. The immense spiritual power inherent in the embodied Solar Christ feminine that is freed of the lunar reversals, and the knowledge of the existence of the female Christ Melchizedeks on the earth, was obliterated from all of the historical records to enforce the dogma of the patriarchal domination narrative as designed by the NAA. (Negative Alien Agenda).

Era Of Light #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #magick eraoflight.com

Arcturian Command Directive 207: The Awakening is Accelerating
The Awakening is accelerating across the material plane. The concept of world order management is infiltrating the collective consciousness. The Enlightenment is BEing trailblazed by Woke Warriors moving like lightning to counteract disinformation and fear. We are riding a wave of ascension frequencies shifting the collective from fear to love vibrations. The New World Order is coming out the closet. Orwellian surveillance system upgrade on all dimensional fronts. The cabal are immersed in the full-scale overhaul/update of the 3d matrix to the dark Ai fourth realm matrix. The dark matrix is dynamic, responsive and intuitive to its environment. The 3d matrix was static, running on linear, hierarchical fixed lines through the dense vibratory fields of the third dimension. Sections of the matrix are offline currently. The cabal are hiding this from the general population by limiting travel across zones. Movement, smart phones and social media risk exposure of the cabal’s deepest secrets during this tricky time for them, as they upgrade their entire network to the frequencies of the fourth realm.

The cabal are limiting movement to hide whole sections of the SIMS matrix crashing, going offline. The old 3d machine is a dinosaur in its dying days. Outdated programs run risk of infecting current upgrading systems, the network is deleting Trash to clear the way for new networks to be uploaded. The physical real world is changing shape and form, the cabal do not want this to be seen. Each day we wake up to more cameras, more surveillance, more Archon infiltration of media and broadcasting networks. The demons rise to take our cities. Dark City transformation is occurring across all facets of the real world matrix. The cabal are hiding this by isolating us temporarily to enable the non functioning parts of the matrix to be rendered obsolete. They also need time to upload the new network, the 4D/5G Dark Matrix.

Dark Pyramids positioned above the five zones are generating fear frequencies, targeting 222 Twin Flame vibratory fields. FEAR generators directly affecting the twin flame signature field of source light. When twins connect quantum light nets magnetise between the twins, portals carrying the heart beat, the pulse of archetype creator love. This vibratory field is under attack. We counteract the Dark Tide with renewed commitment to cultivating and creating MORE love, laughter and joy in our lives. We step back consciously from arguments, disagreements and tension and reset the vibration to warmth, support and tribal, human connectivity. Fear is highly contagious. Love is the vaccine. We vaccinate our people, our neighbourhoods, our little worlds with positive, magnetised love energy. Calm, centred, common sense cosmic surfers is the game in play.

Era Of Light #ufo #crackpot eraoflight.com

Who Are the Pleiadians and What is Their Message?
It depends on who you ask. Some Subaru owners would say they are.

Subaru is the Japanese word for “Pleiades,” and the company logo, an oval with six four-point stars, represents the Pleiades star cluster. The word also means “united,” apt, because the Subaru corporation was formed by the merger of five companies.

Author Barbara Marciniak (Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians) is an internationally known trance channeler who speaks for a group referring to themselves as The Pleiadians.

Self-defined as a “collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system,” the group’s mission is to “assist humanity with the process of spiritual transformation.”

UFO researcher and auteur of Exopolitics.org, Michael Salla Ph.D. believes that off-world beings from the Pleiades star cluster are distant cousins to humans. Salla reports that the Pleiadians are motivated to connect with humanity out of concern for Earth’s future.

Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as “star seeds,” with a mission of bringing light and knowledge.

The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the “Sparkling Suns,” and the Iroquois petition the constellation for happiness. The Lakota/Dakota people say their ancestors are from the Pleiades.

According to the “Complete Guide to Aliens,” the Pleiadians have a distinctive “Nordic,” or Scandinavian appearance, 700-year lifespans, and while they are, in evolutionary terms, still a work in progress, they are far more emotionally and spiritually developed than earth humans.

Sean Casteel/Timothy Green Beckley #ufo #crackpot #psycho supernaturalmagazine.com

Why did the gods of old demand blood sacrifices? Of what use to them was the spilled blood of the innocent? And if we examine the more modern state of affairs in Ufology and the paranormal, specifically with regard to the chupacabras/”goat sucker” invasion that took place in the 1990s in Mexico, Puerto Rico and South America, can we truthfully say that this lust for blood on the part of the Ultra-Terrestrials has ever ceased?

These are some of the many questions asked in the newest offering from Inner Light/Global Communications, an ample, weighty tome called “Alien Blood Lust: Are There Vampires In Space?” Once again, publisher, editor and author Timothy Green Beckley takes aim at the warm and fuzzy approach to the aliens and makes his case for a negative, even monstrous, interpretation.

The book opens with Beckley’s characteristic frankness.

“Blood is to some Ultra-Terrestrials what water is to mankind,” he begins. “The flesh and blood of humans – and animals, for that matter, when nothing ‘more upscale’ makes itself available – could be the snack of the gods. Is there a rationale for such a bizarre statement?

“I would say so,” Beckley continues, “and it is a concept that is after all supported by the evidence presented by our primary author, Scott Corrales, as well as our team of seasoned researchers, in what is certain to be a provocative volume.

“Blood may be necessary for at least some Ultra-Terrestrials to drink or ingest through transfusion in order for them to survive while ‘adrift’ in our physical world,” Beckley added. “They may be trespassers from a parallel dimension or alternative universe where blood in its various forms has become a requisite to survival while ‘stationed’ here, in effect making them Vampires from Space.”

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Negative Alien Agenda (NAA)

The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse.

See the timeline in the Ages of Humanity From the Ice Age in 10,500 BCE. See Galactic Wars

These are extradimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source (like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm. They consider humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. TheNAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm for their own amusement.

These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes. See the Ages of Humanity. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Mind Control.

Yukon Jack #racist #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot theuniverseisaprisonforthesoul.wordpress.com

If this is a prison planet then why breed? Why all this stuff about preserving your race? If this is hell, and it is, then wouldn’t it be a good strategy stop making copies. Every child is being born into hell, and is going to be brainwashed by church and state, live a life of economic slavery, and suffer degrading conditions. That is reality.

I admit to making this grave mistake, and now I watch in horror as my children toil away in economic slavery. But I am not guilty for this crime of making copies in hell because I was not conscious of what I was doing. Now I am aware, writing this, and it is first essay in world history that is going to make the point that White people should not breed.



Everything I thought about reality is wrong. I was raised Catholic and taught a whole lot of horseshit about God and what it wants – all of it was dead wrong. I was taught traditions and strong family values, which is also wrong because if we are all FREE individual spirits inhabiting bodies then what is the point of doing things over and over again, and what if you do not agree with your families values?
I want to direct this essay toward White Nationalists who are up in arms at all this hate being directed toward us by the Jewish tribe, who are mostly white people also. White Jews are directing the anti-white hate crusade and claiming that they are not white, but are Jews because they are under their own cultural spell that Jews are a race when we can see, plain as day, that all those white Jews on the Jewtube are not even a little bit Semitic.

The natural inclination is to defend one’s race, but I am arguing that is a mistake. If I want a strategy to escape hell as a white man, then the best way is to stop breeding and stop making white babies, because bringing white babies into a multi-cultural hell is insane. Do you really want your children, and their children, to suffer on and on, forever? Or do you want to stop this?



Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo says the White Hats are looking for Bill Gates, to arrest him, and of course he's promoting his vaxxeene around the world or that's what the word on the street says.

Ivo also says that those who do accept the zazzeem for the corona virus are still okay because your DNA is a lot stronger than this. (Remember DNA responds to your thoughts. If you think you're vulnerable to this disease you could very well be exposing yourself. Ashtar said not to fear the virus!)

I asked him, "So we're not going to be turned into Borgs?" and he replied, "No, not unless you want to be." Which is a pretty significant statement there; some people actually think technology will make them smarter. Nothing is more potent than the universe. The universe encompasses all else. It is the most powerful.

That's why it's so important people wake up to the truth of who they really are. Earthlings were gods once and now look.

What Ivo just said here makes sense. He said we won't be turned into bio-bots "unless you want to be."

This is a free will zone and we are all creators of our own reality and co-creators of others' realities.

We are the ones right now who are steering this ship. We are. Whatever happens on the global scene is a response to what this collective is thinking. How about we stop believing in disease? I for one, never think I can get sick, so I don't. I do lament about being fed up or about what I'm tired of so I get tired. Do you see?

So right now, think about, "RV, Global financial reset," think about the white hats arresting all the Cabal members - see them all in handcuffs! Picture this in your minds. Think about peace and calmness on earth. Think about elimination of debt, because that's already happening. Think about good things.

The metaphysics of thought: I was just thinking, "Geez, I'm so fed up of hearing about Corona Virus!" Maybe I'm not fed up of it. Obviously it's a low frequency so it bothers me, but maybe by feeling fed up my soul is saying, "Hey! Move on! Stop focusing on it and move on to something else." Let's face it we don't think about SARS anymore, do we? No. Why? Because we moved on.
This time move your mind on before the main stream media is done with it.

We lightworkers are sovereign. We are not subject to laws here on earth. We came from worlds/realms where we were sovereign and we came here as sovereign beings.

We are not subject to anything that is going on on this planet! We came here to change that for the sakes of others who don't understand who they are and how much power they really have.

Your mind is your greatest weapon against any threat. It's how you use it that is so important. Do you let yourself fear or do you release fear and align with your soul, who tells you not to worry.

Semir Osmanagić #crackpot #ufo #magick express.co.uk

Pseudoscientist Semir Osmanagić claims a series of triangular-shaped hills in his native Bosnia, are artificial pyramids that are bigger and older than those in Egypt.

Despite mainstream archaeologists saying they are just natural rock formations, Mr Osmanagic has made another bold claim that he has found Nikola Tesla’s so-called "torison fields of standing energy" at the Bosnian Pyramids site, which means we could now "communicate with aliens".
Mr Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, physicist, and futurist, who contributed to the design of the AC electricity supply system in 1888.

His ideas became more left-field and experimental towards the end of the 1800s, and he devised the theory of "standing waves" of energy coming from Earth that meant electricity could be transmitted wirelessly over long distances.

Mr Osmanagić has claimed the alleged discovery at one of the "34,000 year old" pyramids he calls the Pyramid of the Sun "changes the history of planet" and could lead to intergalactic communication.

He wrote: "The discovery of Tesla’s standing waves at the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun— which are believed to travel faster than the speed of light, while not losing strength as they pass through cosmic bodies—prove the existence of something referred to as a cosmic web or cosmic internet which allow for a immediate intergalactic communication throughout the universe.

The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #moonbat #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Light Forces have very recently managed to remove the vast majority of plasma anomaly on the surface of the planet along with the large part of the last layer of plasma toplet bombs. This is a big victory and it is one of the factors that has triggered the plans of the Positive Military.

Unfortunately, as the clearing of the plasma plane was nearing its completion, a very powerful defense mechanism within physical implants of all surface humans was activated by the Chimera as their last defense line. All physical implants namely have a singularity well with topness producing quark-gluon plasma that creates toplet bombs which are interconnected into a network which connects implants of all surface humans.

As this defense mechanism was activated, it created a mutation in quantum primary anomaly field, which resulted in partial distortion in the timeline flow in late February. This is why the dark forces were able to plant samples of virus in Italy, Iran and Korea.

This timeline flow has been already partially corrected, and our meditation can ensure that we will shift into the best possible timeline towards the planetary liberation and Ascension.

The Resistance was able to destroy all biochips which were meant to be put into the new vaccine which is being developed against the coronavirus. Therefore the new vaccine can NOT contain any biochips, although it can still contain chemicals dangerous for your health.

On a spiritual level, the coronavirus outbreak has drastically accelerated the total and final purification of all non-physical entities that are still to some degree surrounding the surface of the planet. It has also triggered a purification of human excesses, recklessness and selfishness, a purification of illusions and brought much needed grounding.

Forced to stay home, may people have exited a vicious cycle of needing to produce more, spend more and consume more, and finally have time to listen to the birds singing, as they have returned to now silent cities with much less human activity:

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo theuniverseisaprisonforthesoul.wordpress.com

There are so many humans that when one human specie comes into contact they often crossbreed. And not just that, they do it for sport and for seeding of planets, insuring the survival of their home planet DNA. Humans are spreading their DNA across the Universe as natural as we did when we sailed to the New World and crossbred with the Native Americans or the Hawaiians.



Our ancestors are really space horn dogs, and just like dogs there are hundreds of breeds on planet earth from all kinds of interventions over a long period of time. This is important to understand for both theists and scientists, the data is nearly undecipherable because so many events happened in the past. This is also true of all the non-human flora and fauna, earth is a garden planet where different exo-civilizations seeded their DNA heritage.

And to make matters worse, earth is also a prison planet for wayward souls of space empire. Earth is a slave colony that is managed by Grey Aliens, who are a robotic race of cyborgs used by more advanced species. And not even they want to take the risk of coming here because on a prison planet an electronic force field encapsulates the earth and catches souls, if an alien dies on earth their soul also gets caught.



And just as humans have always run slave trades, just as Jews in Israel run huge Ukrainian sex slave trade tourism for sick Jews who want blond-haired blue-eyed White Russian hotties, the empire in heaven above is using this planet as a resource for human slavery, we have reports from military insiders of human slaves on Mars. So where is God in all of this? No where to be found except for the occasional religious apologists who makes excuses for God’s lost creatures.

Sherry Shriner #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #god-complex google.com

Product description
There is a war for your soul right now. Even as you sit here reading this, the forces of heaven and hell are fighting over you. They have for thousands of years—ever since Lucifer and his contingent of angels fell from heaven.

Now Lucifer has a host of operations here on earth. His agents look like normal people, but they are actually emissaries from hell.

Sherry Shriner has become Lucifer’s greatest enemy. She remembers her past life as a child of Yahweh, and this knowledge has given her the power to call out Lucifer’s plans and tricks. Through her websites, Shriner educates readers about the spiritual world around them. Now she has released her most controversial message yet.

In this interview with Lucifer himself, Shriner confronts the master liar and tempter about his misdeeds. Their interview is not only revelatory but emotional. She and Lucifer recount their childhoods in heaven and the eventual war after Lucifer’s rebellion.

This conversation also covers the present and future. Learn who really controls the US government and what Lucifer’s plans are for American citizens.

Anyone concerned about the state of the world should read this astounding book without delay!

About the Author
Sherry Shriner, whose bloodline can be traced back to King David, is the author of Bible Codes Revealed: The Coming UFO Invasion and Aliens on the Internet. She hosts a weekly radio show, Sherry Talk Radio, at BlogTalkRadio.com and runs the website TheWatcherFiles.com.

Shriner has a degree in journalism, criminal justice, and political science from Kent State University. She lives in Carrollton, Ohio, with her husband and four children

Ivo A. Benda #god-complex #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot universe-people.com

On the NEW EARTH was CZECH chosen as the all planetary language; that corresponds with this most comprehensive, true and nowadays in 2006 on the old planet Earth from 90 percent also the most actual source of LIGHT INFORMATION www.universe-people.cz , www.vesmirni-lide.cz and www.andele-svetla.cz , coming from the Angels of Light – the Cosmic people. Other sources serve as supporting means; these are not so comprehensive and most of them comprise less then 90 percent of truth – that is reasonable limit for the basic truth contaminated by negative energies.
On the old planet Earth there nowadays in 2006 DOES NOT EXIST ANY ORGANIZATION, ANY MEDIA – ANY TELEVISION STATION, BROADCASTING STATION, NEWSPAPER, JOURNAL, PERIODICAL, which would release at least from 90 percent true, actual and very comprehensive LIGHT INFORMATION, although we already live in time of internet and technically easy accessible information.
People become conscious of fundamental truth regarding ONE LANGUAGE, revealed by Ptaah in report 509, shared in the 2nd volume of series TALKS WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM MY COSMIC FRIENDS:

If we want to speak with other people,
we have to learn their language.
If present conditions reminded life on the planet Erra,
we could travel gaily.

Why, people talk to each other all around their planet
by way of ONLY ONE language.

The answer:
„If you would thus like each other,
then you would also talk by way of only one language.

Some media, especially the CENTRAL MEDIA (settled in capital cities of states, bowing to massive influence of governments, the Churches and „scientists“ – GOVERNMENTAL, CHURCHY AND SCIENTIFIC SECT consisting of small number of negative entities) INTENTIONALLY LIQUIDATE, DESTROY AND BUTCHER LIGHT INFORMATION AND COMMAND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE INTO DARK WORLDS UNDER THE BATON OF PSEUDOCREATORS FROM LOWER REGIONS, namely throughout dozens of years, when media existed.

ENGLISH IS THE SOURCE CONTROLLING LANGUAGE; the pseudocreators from lower regions – from the Dark worlds – used it during the last 1000 years to pour in pilot projects – the primary ones of outer controlling energies, namely in territory of the language source – Great Britain, and during the last 70 years in territory of the USA, which since 1964 knowingly cooperate with pseudocreators from lower regions on mad projects aimed at controlling mankind with final all planetary CHIP TOTALITY.

Through the medium of English language are thus easily and rapidly distributed all the old and new outer programs of pseudocreators from the Dark worlds, and because of that it CANNOT BECOME NEITHER THE MAIN LANGUAGE FOR DISSEMINATION OF LIGHT INFORMATION on the old planet Earth, nor the all planetary language on the NEW EARTH owing to its negative ambiguity (some words have up to 30 meanings – that’s very negative feature of language). It appears just as mere WASTING PRECIOUS ENERGY AND VAIN UNDERTAKING to wait till in English language appears real and right comprehensive LIGHT SOURCE.

POSITIVE AND LOVING PEOPLE LEARN THE CZECH LANGUAGE EASILY AND FAST, since they are helped by ANGELS OF LIGHT – THE COSMIC PEOPLE – when they read text, listen to sound recording or watch instructional film.

Alloya #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot alloya.com

“ The first thing that I want to talk about is the cave with the obsidian stone in its centre. You can look at this cave in two ways, you can think of this cave as being an actual place outside of yourself, and you can also think of it as being within yourself. You can think of this cave as being place within the earth, you can think of this cave as being deep within yourself. So let’s go back into that cave right here and right now.

Look around you, you will see there is no doorway or opening to this cave. You may wonder how you managed to get inside this cave, as there is no opening or doorway. The lack of opening into the cave, is a symbolic representation of a hidden place. That hidden place is both inside the Earth, and deep inside of you. I know this cave for I have been there myself.

There is a strong magic inside this cave. You have felt this magic before, and you will feel it again. Move closer to the black obsidian stone. Look at it very carefully. You can see cracks appearing in the stone. This is a very good sign. For held prisoner within this stone, is a very important being. The black obsidian stone symbolically represents the prison of this being. Black obsidian stone is a wonderful stone, and can be used for many healing practices, however it can also be used for black magic. Black obsidian stone can be used to trap, hex and imprison an entity or being. If you look carefully at the black obsidian stone, you will see that there are symbols within it. It looks like the symbols were not carved into the stone, but are actually part of it. The reason for this is that they were magically inserted through powerful magic. These symbols help to hold the being inside prisoner.

Lilith, she is the black dark mother goddess. She has been denied, demonised, abandoned, trapped, and imprisoned in the hex of this black obsidian stone. As you know I met her many years ago. This meeting resulted in the writing of the book “Her Perspective”. This is where I found Lilith. I found her in a cave which has no opening, I did not know how she got in there. I found her under a large black obsidian stone. She was full of rage like an animal. Even though I worked with Lilith for many months and I feel that we managed to do a lot of healing. I was very aware that I did not free her from her prison, and she remained trapped within black obsidian stone. I found the black obsidian stone within me too. I found a block in my lower back, which also represented the rage of Lilith. I then went on and did the seminars with the women and they all had the same block and bit by bit we worked on releasing our blocks but still she remained imprisoned.

She is the mother goddess of our planet, she is the creator of our reality, our reality was once paradise, that was before the fall. She is the life giver, she is the birther of all life here on this planet, and everything that is within form, is within that form, because of her. The Earth is a very special place, for it is only here that beings can experience themselves as third dimensional. We could also think of it as being a fantastic computer game. This is the only computer game or the only place, you can create an avatar consciousness into which you can play a 3rd dimensional game here in this reality. Lilith is a creator of the avatars. She creates forms in which consciousness from other or higher levels can then project itself into, in order to become third dimensional and walk around here on planet earth and play the game of this holographic, virtual, beautiful dream world. She is the creator of that world, however she has been imprisoned and her energy is used to create a reality still but she is not in control of what she creates and she is sort of forced to create a reality which we see today, a reality of death and decay.

Lilith told me that she was trapped inside the Earth, and that the ley lines had been used as bars of her prison, many temples and monuments and pillars had been built upon the sacred dragon nodes of her ley line network. She showed me how the free masonic temples and pillars harness her energy and then use it to create a negative reality. The elves call this reality in which we live the dying lands, and where they come from the undying lands. They explained how everything in our world is in the process of dying and decaying because of the negative geometry that these buildings create, they forced the dragon lines of Lilith to become angular, and demonic, hexing her and imprisoning her.

Lilith is the typhonian dragon. Lilith is this network of ley lines, network of dragon lines, her dragon lines should be moving in spirals of Fibonacci. Instead she is in cased, and imprisoned, hexed, by the angular geometry of the masonic template. No wonder she is angry! It is said in the bible that Lilith was the first wife of Adam and she would not lie beneath him. Adam is the grid or the net which has been set upon this planet, Lilith did not want to lie beneath Adam the grid or network of the masonic demonic matrix. If we look at the word Adam Kadmon, we can decode it, Kadmon, is Kaddy for the Mon or Moon. The grid is a carrier for the frequencies of the Saturn Moon Matrix which holds our reality imprisoned through square sine waves. As the sine waves from Saturn and the Moon cross they form a grid of squares, which is also held in place by the masonic network. Adam is the grid and Eve is the Moon.”

The Portal #crackpot #moonbat #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long, and the current timeline is not going in the best direction. Here is our chance to collectively shift the timeline back into our optimal timeline for planetary liberation. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4th/5th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will solidify the optimal Ascension timeline for the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs! If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

However, this time, only people following my blog will not be enough. We need a more worldwide cooperation with more large influencers involved.

This activation is a test for the surface population whether it will be able to manifest unity or not. The Light Forces will be monitoring the level of cooperation and will use that as one of the determining factors for the immediate future plans for the Event.

There are many spiritual leaders with large following and I sincerely hope they would like the coronavirus to be erased and that they would like the planet to shift into the most positive timeline.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:



This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely remove the coronavirus, to help removing all the fear this epidemic has created, to counteract all plans dark forces had with triggering this epidemic, and to help shifting the planetary evolution back into the most positive Ascension timeline that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.

Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up this process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

We will be doing this meditation in the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4th/5th which will be the first moment when a truly powerful energy of Age of Aquarius will hit the surface of the planet:

We will be doing this meditation at 10:45 pm EDT on April 4th in New York. This equals 9:45 pm CDT in Chicago, 8:45 pm MDT in Denver and 7:45 pm PDT in Los Angeles. Europe and Asia will already have April 5th at the moment of the activation, which will be 3:45 am BST in London, 4:45 am CEST in Paris, 4:45 am EET in Cairo, 10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing, 11:45 am JST in Tokyo and 12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.

ricardo-b-a #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy reddit.com

Maybe. Buuuut. And keep in mind this is just my god given freedom of thought let loose on some stuff.

As the story goes, it is believed that hitler and/or nazis where able to escape down into inner earth/Agartha thru submarines and establish a new capital for themselves called new Berlin. now, we know that the inhabitants of inner earth are peace loving beings taller than humans, worried about our future, this naturally begs the question: why would they allow such bad apple seed to grow in their orchard?

Is there any relation between the peace seeking inhabitants of hallow earth and the nazi plan?

I don’t know, but what I do know is this:

Thanks to holocaust revisionist (not holocaust deniers) writings: The facts about the German Reich and hitler wanting to exterminate all Jews are vague or non existent. Which makes me think that, perhaps facts were fabricated to make Nazis look even more menacing so as to inflame the emotions of other nations as well as the Jewish people to push them to attack this Reich and to tarnish their reputation forever, maybe. I know also that Nazis didn’t just target Jews, they persecuted anyone that wanted no part in their movement such as Jehovah’s Witnesses which were jailed due to their political neutrality.

I also know that the swastika is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, in the west up until the 30s it was a symbol of good luck, the name swastika comes from Sanskrit meaning vindictive to well being.


According to admiral Byrd, Once inside flying vehicles escorted him, he mentions that he could see “the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!!” And if I recall correctly it’s said that the Nazis received help from other beings to create flying saucers.

Also he mentions that the master of the inner earth said to him: “you are in the Domain of the ARIANNI, (aryans?)“

Now all of this could just be a load of baloney. But.

All this makes me think that Agartha and hitler might have the same goals for humanity. In fact some believe that there are Nazis in inner earth called imperial Germans ready to defend earths inhabitants when Zionists cause world war three.

Also, please, I’m not a racist nor am I antisemitic.

I’m only interested in truth. And some interesting stories.

ECETI #god-complex #ufo #magick #mammon eceti.org

<A Selection of Enlightened Contact with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Books available online>

After a near-death experience in 1979, James Gilliland opened to interdimensional reality and met Cazekiel, better known as Ezekiel in biblical days. Together James and Cazekiel prophesied the 1994 collision of comets with Jupiter, followed by escalating earth changes. Reunion with Source offers practical advice on renewing the mind, cultivating healthy relationships, and parenting young masters. It also presents a bold new perspective on ancient history; divine intervention; biblical pillar clouds and chariots of fire; and the mystery schools.​
The rare simplicity and elegance of Reunion with Source inspires with spirit, prophecy and play. It transcends religious and scientific dogma to expand social consciousness.
Join these celestial messengers in their adventure into the nature of reality and interdimensional mind.


Some will think it a contradiction in terms to speak of a "practical" book about spirituality, but in James Gilliland's Becoming Gods, Cazekiel, a member of an unseen brotherhood, teaches us in a very straightforward and pragmatic manner about our divinity and our true heritage as multidimensional beings. Speaking to us in a non-condescending tone as fellow beings of the Light, Cazekiel presents profound guidance regarding the true meaning of Christ Consciousness, the balance of existing between two worlds, the reality of dreams and visions, and reveals the New World about to be born as the Old World passes away. The wisdom teachings in this book are highly recommended for all those seeking self-mastery.

Dr. Michael Salla #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot exopolitics.org

Corey released his latest information in response to a set of email questions sent to him on May 14. In previous Q & A email sessions, public forums and his website, Cory has released details of an alliance of five extraterrestrial races called the Sphere Alliance, three of whom he has had direct physical contact with at a number of meetings involving delegates from different secret space programs. At these diplomatic meetings, he claims to have interacted not only with representatives from different secret space programs, but also representatives of different extraterrestrial civilizations, 22 of which have contributed their genetics to the evolution of humanity.

The responses to the latest questions have been divided into two parts. Part one (see below) begins with Corey’s knowledge of what is happening on Mars. He claims to have personally traveled to Mars and describes witnessing a number of facilities which are owned by a space program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The condition of workers he saw at these ICC facilities made him suspect that they were being used as “slave labor.” Surprisingly, the Corporate Conglomerate has authority over military facilities that have also been built on Mars by other space programs. Corey’s response that a corporate entity essentially runs Mars using slave labor is quite disturbing.

Even more disturbing are his revelations about a secret Nazi Space Program that became operational during the Second World War despite the defeat of the Axis powers. The Nazis, according to Corey, escaped to secret bases in South America and Antarctica, where they established an alliance with a group of extraterrestrials called the Draco Reptilians. The Nazis were then able to successfully defeat a punitive military expedition by Admiral Byrd called Operation Highjump in 1947. Corey says that after a demonstration of Nazi technological superiority during the 1952 Washington UFO Flyover, both the Truman and Eisenhower administration negotiated agreements with the Nazi breakaway civilization. The Nazis then proceeded to infiltrate the U.S. national security system in ways that have undermined the independence and integrity of various US and international space programs, both civilian and military. Slave labor was a major practice in Nazi World War 2 industries, it appears that this continues with organizations that the Nazi breakaway civilization has infiltrated such as ICC operations on Mars.

Kosol Ouch #psychoceramics #ufo #magick books.google.com

T.O.R.E.M. and C.I.T. stands for Torsion Operation Research Exploration Mission and Consciousness Interface Technology in the area of torsion fields and consists of the study and practical application of quantum consciousness physics and its practical and technological application in the form of culture, life style and torsion field devices (torsion trainer, density hemisphere, flying saucer, etc.) and has both hyperdimensional natural and artificial intelligence consciousness for interacting between humans and space, time, and dimensions. This book is a manual to do all of that. This book also discusses how we must meditate and ascend to form a star nation and become a galactic civilization and be part of the Galactic Federation of Light. By using quantum consciousness physics technology, images formed in the imagination, desire and feeling emotion you can materialize matter into reality and create free energy.

Bennett Lee Ross #psychoceramics #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

We are being genetically engineered.
And our bodies are becoming more synthetic and thus machine like.

Our world is under attack by highly intelligent beings.
Transforming it to suit them.

The agenda is to kick out the human soul from the human body.
For the utilization of our species as a host for another species.

Our world is a living vibrant place.
And we partake of the life force emanating from the polar meridian.
But the polarity of the earth is being changed from positive to negative.
This is accomplished through pollution.
And through the changing of our frequency.

This other species has invaded from underneath.
It needs negative energy to stay here.
And to infiltrate higher realms.

Our life force is being absorbed.
By a species unable to feel empathy.
It doesn’t care if it causes suffering.
It’s only concern is to absorb energy.
As a result of chemtrails heavy metals are pervasive inside of us.
Our body tries to rebuild these broken links that are caused by the displacement of copper
But the only available heavy metals are from the chemtrails.

So our cells become ferromagnetic.
Which means sensitive to microwave radiation.
And accessible from the outside by electromagnetic forces.

The prion chains of proteins are also rebuilt with barium, strontium and other ferromagnetic metals.
This changes our bio electrical energy.

Ferromagnetic nerve cells attach to neuro piezo electric crystals in the bones.
Weakening our internal structure.
And creating holes in our aura which is our energy field.

The building blocks of our functional components are being disassembled.
Then reassembled using elements that can be interfaced.

Amitakh Stanford #ufo #conspiracy #quack bibliotecapleyades.net

Dentists have become so indoctrinated by the ruling elite's propaganda that they ardently believe and support the "benefits" of fluoride for healthy teeth. The main reason that the malicious propaganda on fluoride is so widely accepted and promoted is the subtle programming behind it. This is not so much a physical programming as it is subliminal. The culprits behind the fluoride conspiracy are the Anunnaki Reptilians.

The Reptilians are a horrible race of aliens that sit atop the Dark hierarchy in the Virtual Reality. One should realize that among Reptilians there is also a hierarchy - they have rulers and subjects amongst them.

It is primarily the Anunnaki Elites' agenda to bring in the New World Order and to take total control of the Earth.

The Reptilian programming runs through the occult and other fields to brainwash people in many ways. So, too, it is with the fluoride issue. The ruling elite want people to believe that sodium fluoride is beneficial. This lie is intended to be 100 percent effective. That means that the programming is directed at everyone to accept the benefits of fluoride.

Once a person accepts any form of programming, he or she is subjected to the programming. Since the Reptilians are striving for 100 percent acceptance of fluoride, there is little conflict over the issue. While a small group of people resist the programming, they are not allowed to present their cases to the public.

Michael Menkin #ufo #crackpot #mammon stopabductions.com

Hans Berger recorded the first human EEG in 1924. He discovered the electroencephalogram in 1929 which was endorsed by Edgar Douglas Adrian and Bryan Harold Cabot Mathews of the Cambridge Physiological Laboratory in 1934. One of his goals was to confirm the existence of what was then and is now considered telepathy, the transmission of thought from one person to another. He said that the evoked electrical potentials from the scalp were too small to be transmitted thought and discounted the existence of telepathy. However, many people who come in contact with aliens from space feel that the aliens they meet are communicating by telepathy. Since it is reported by so many people experiencing contact, telepathy must exist in some form to work. The thought screen helmet demonstrates that people do receive thoughts as some kind of microwave transmission. The helmet scrambles that transmission. It also works better with grounds, which further substantiates that it receives a signal.

Since we are being invaded by an alien force from another world, we have a different kind of war. Our war with these beings is one of mind control, mind scan, and telepathic control, as reported by Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and Raymond Fowler. I call this type of conflict "telepathic war" to differentiate if from a "technology war." A "telepathic war" uses telepathy as a weapon in addition to the machines of a "technology war." Until now, the creatures abducting us could do so at will: they could "switch off" people or render them powerless, manipulate people's thoughts and cause them to move against their will, project mental images to us, masquerade as a friendly or sexually attractive human, and scan our entire minds.

The "thought screen helmet" is our only defense in a "telepathic war." I call this device a "thought screen helmet" because it prevents aliens from performing any kind of mental control over us. It blocks out all alien thought so humans can no longer be manipulated or controlled, and it prevents aliens from completing mental communication with us so people cannot be abducted.

Alloya #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot alloya.com

Shidhe – Shee Light

You have come from the stars, as Star Seeds. You are integrating this high star frequency into your human energetic body in the here and now, as you are on a mission that is being directed by Gaia, the sentient goddess consciousness of this plane ,the Earth. You have been called into this incarnation not only to experience a human life, but rather to ground and anchor who you on those star planes here into this Earth plane experience. You are experiencing other beings from other dimensions and other star systems and through your communication and commune you are coming to realise they are simply other aspects of yourself. As you integrate each and every one of the energetic signatures, of the various different multidimensional selves that make up your entire identity, you go through a process whereby you drop down through the dimensional frequencies and bring all of yourself here to Earth. As you plug into the organic grid of Gaia, you are downloading your star frequencies directly into her matrix.

Many of you have travelled through the systems of the Pleiades and Sirius to bring yourself here to this Earth plane. You pass through the Gateway of the star of Polaris the North Pole star which allowed you to drop down on a frequency journey through the many spheres of our system, to finally pass through the Gateway of the Black Sun, and manifest yourself here upon the Earth World Tree. The stars in the heavens make up a canopy with the pole star Polaris at its centre. Through this gateway all souls must travel to come to earth. All must pass through the Vault of Heaven to access the many star gates which lay at the feet of a soul as it descends to the earth plane. Birthed through the black womb of the goddess a sun or source in its own right, you were born as a child of Sophia, birthed through the black womb of Gaia.

The Black sun cast a purple light in which the children of the Aurora came to walk the earth. Your energy bodies were not as they are today in your human form for you walked this Earth plane in silvery bodies of Elven light. You will called the Shee, Sidhe The Earth plane was cast in this light from the Black Sun, and no white sun or moon could be seen in our heavens. The entire plane was covered in vegetation that glowed with phosphorus light and the trees lit up from inside. Riding the toroidal ways of consciousness, and manifestation you passed your consciousness through all seven of the wandering stars taking on a rainbow body of light. As you passed through the Stargate, the way of Polaris and began to make your journey here to the Earth you took on dense energetic bodies until you manifested yourself here upon this Earth plane walking in silvery Elven (EL- angelic) bodies of light.

In these silvery bodies of light, you were immortal; no death could be felt or experienced. This was thousands of years before the civilisations you know as Lemuria and Atlantis. From many of you, you have been here since the beginning of the manifestation of this Earth plane, waiting for the arrival of your star selves. When Lucifer fell as a geometric pattern of light, he made his ARC and fell upon the rainbow he caused seven frequencies that we know as the planets of our solar system. to form through which a soul can pass on its way to earth. As a star being you would have passed through the various frequencies of the seven planes of energy taking on shells or ethereal templates which would form your entire form once manifest on the earth.

Once manifest on the Earth you walked in opalescent phosphorus ignited bodies of light, which shimmered with a ghostly silver hue. You and Gaia’s consciousness were one; you were in constant communication and communion with all the various different levels of consciousness that made up Gaia’s entire collective. Over thousands of years you developed a very high level of intelligence and consciousness, and your people spread across the Earth, creating mighty civilisations of high culture. The entire plane was lit up with iridescent phosphorus pearlescent light which could also be seen shining in your energy body.

As this Elven being you existed here upon this higher version of earth until the day of the fall. Some call this place Eden. The place of the EL, the den of the EL, the place where the El of Lucifer/ Sophia embedded and nested their geometric spirals of Fibonacci light into the plane of earth and just like a sperm enters an egg we embedded ourselves into this earth plane. And began to walk in elven immortal bodies of Shee light.

The Shee light can still be seen very faintly glowing in your energy body. For those of you who are Elven Kin, you have an emerald vortex or jewel of energy within your heart centre that radiates this Shee light. Held within this light are the records of all of your life as an Elven being. Held within this she light that is within your heart centre there is a life book was written by the hands of Sophia.

The Greater Picture #crackpot #ufo #magick thegreaterpicture.com


At the end of 2009, the movie "Avatar" directed by James Cameron premiered. The movie received rave reviews worldwide and managed unheard of box-office success. From the "Making of"-videos it became apparent that there were a few remarkable sides to the conceptualization of this movie, that up until now have gone almost unreported. James Cameron himself didn't pay much attention to it.

Producer Jon Landau tells in one of the videos that James Cameron received the script for Avatar in 1995 in a dream. Just a bit further (2) two designers say that it seemed like Cameron didn't make up the world of Avatar, but he remembered it: "This wasn’t like a world that he was making up. It was something he had seen and now was reporting back to us. I think he has been there. He wrote a travel log about it, and he brought it back for us to recreate."

Astral traveling

It seems impossible that Cameron really has been on another planet. But when you evolve spiritually, you learn that the spirit is capable of traveling separate from the physical body, even to higher dimensions. Through meditation, but also through hypnosis, regression therapy or remote viewing for example, the spirit can take a look at places where one physically can't be present at that moment.

In messages that come to us from higher dimensions, like channelings, it's often mentioned that our spirit also makes all kinds of journeys during sleep. Sometimes to the most extraordinary places, like heaven, other planets or spaceships. Often this happens with a purpose, for example at the invitation of a higher entity. This can be a guide or the spirit of a deceased loved one that wants to teach you something or make something clear. Unlike in meditation, we usually forget dream experiences when we wake up again. Only extremely clear and impressive dreams stay with us.

The questions that arise are: is the world of Pandora based on an actual existing planet, and was James Cameron's spirit taken there in his sleep?

Alpha Centauri

Another notable aspect of Avatar is that the world where the story takes place, Pandora (3), is a moon in the constellation of Alpha Centauri. This double star is in reality the closest neighbour to our sun in the Milky Way.

From the 'black ops'-circuit we know that Alpha Centauri is one of the extaterrestrial places that has already been visited by people from Earth. Not through many long years of space traveling like in the movie, but through stargates. Some time ago, whistleblower, Arthur Neumann (also known under his alias 'Henry Deacon') reported that there are three planets around Alpha Centauri that are being inhabited by humanoids (4). One is a desert planet where latino-like people live, but the other two are worlds full of tropical vegetation. Beautiful, dark-green people live there, he said. The women of this species look a little bit Mediterranean, with dark hair. They mainly communicate telepathically.

This shows remarkable resemblances with Avatar (only the colour is different). So again the question arises: could there be more truth to the world of Avatar than we think? Did James Cameron's spirit actually get a guided tour on one of the planets or moons around Alpha Centauri?

And if so, why? Was Avatar intended to prepare us for the time that's coming, a time of love and spirituality, and living together in harmony with nature? Was it also maybe to test the waters to see how much mankind had opened at this time to the existence of humanoids living on other planets?

We can only take a guess at it. At least it's encouraging to know that the response to Avatar was overwhelming worldwide, and also that the phenomenon of channeling, a different view on God and a 'un-Hollywood-like' approach to aliens, were effortlessly accepted.

No doubt this movie has done our collective consciousness a lot of good.

Closer than you think

To conclude: after the premiere of Avatar there were reports in the media of people contemplating the thought of suicide (5) because they found the world of the Na'vi so beautiful that they didn't feel at home anymore in the harsh world we're living in here.
How amazed will those people be in the near future, when they find out that man already has access to such worlds. And not only on other planets, but even 700 miles deep beneath our own feet!

James Gilliland #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot beyondtheveil2017.blogspot.com

Coping With The Shift, Discernment In The Days To Come

“These are not wars of the flesh these are of principality and spirit”

There are polarity wars now occurring on the Earth which are escalating. They are wars between Love, hate and fear, Universal Law verses Draconian law. Predators, victims, and saviors caught in an endless cycle pulling others into their hamster wheels while the feeding frenzy by unseen negative influences continues. Muktananda once said there are two reasons for every action, Love and lack of love. One cannot profess to be enlightened, operate in Christ or Buddha consciousness and at the same act entirely opposite. I love the saying, “Pull the beam out of your own eye before taking the splinter out of another’s.”

The internet is buzzing with people working out their own victim patterns, wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions through blame and projection. Most are operating from gossip and rumors, viciously attacking others they have never met nor have any first-hand knowledge of who they are attacking and what they stand for or do. They can’t see past their own filters, wounds traumas or take stock in what is motivating them. I might add what is feeding on them and the chaos they create. We also need to ask who is sponsoring them giving them a platform or paying them. Are they being promised a well paying future in Networks funded by well known admitted Luciferians? Have you seen the wave of Satanic, Dark Witch Craft, Luciferian movies pushing decadence? There is war unfolding and that is a war between Satanic/Luciferians and unseen negative influences feeding off the fear, hate, division, and warring, acts of decadence being created by those in “ignorance” or willingly acting as their puppets. I hate to sound biblical but things are going biblical.

These forces have infiltrated the political, religious and business institutions along with the music and movie industries. This includes the UFO and Spiritual communities where they are hard pressed to control the narrative. They are dispensing with anyone who is awake and authentic with the true messages of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off World Visitors along with our Ancient Ancestors returning. This includes the messages of children who remember where they came from before incarnating and most women who bring a higher perspective beyond the nuts and bolts. Ever wonder why ufology is still stuck in proving ufos are real with 60 to 70 year old stories keeping everything far away, nuts and bolts, confused, in the past. What would Off World anti/counter gravity technologies, free energy, miracle healing technology do to those who enslave us through dependency, big oil and big pharma, the war and disease profiteers?

What if the true history of Earth and the knowledge of who the bearded gods were behind the religions along with the fact that there is an omnipresent creator far beyond the jealous wrathful external little old man with a beard were to be made known? The false image they use to keep us enslaved and distracted from making our own personal connection to the God within. This is why they need to control the narrative and suppress those who are authentic and enlightened. This is also the reason for planned opposition, those who profess to be in opposition to the very people they serve. In ufology it began with the Rock er feller Initiative, If I spell it this will get censord,” expanded from there and to this day the vast majority of those who are top in the field get their orders from the very same group. Watch for name dropping.

David Icke/Arizona Wilder #conspiracy #ufo #magick tapnewswire.com

The Reptilians came to earth about 4000 years ago. They followed the Aryans, whose bloodline they want to keep pure, as they need their blood for their use. They look for Aryan features, blonde, blue eyes, as they prefer the blood of the Aryans. They prefer to impregnate Aryans with the semen of the head of the Illuminati, known as Pindar. The Illuminati pursued the Aryans all over the universe.

Arizona was identified as a bloodline before she was born. She was addressed as ‘Mother Goddess’, one of only three Mother Goddesses allowed on earth. The Reptilians don’t have the necessary psychic abilities, so they pick others from the bloodline to control events through psychic means. They attempt to control events by predicting what will happen, and controlling it. To call out the old ones from another dimension to attend the rituals from another dimension, needs someone with the psychic power. The Reptilians don’t have this ability. These ‘old ones’ want to come out of the fourth dimension, but can’t except during rituals. Christianity calls them out as demons. Circle inside a hexagon is powerful occult symbol, inside is a pentagram and a triangle. These shapes stop the old ones from seizing the person summoning them.

The old ones tell things during the ritual, and give enormous power to the Illuminati. They don’t want to cooperate, but they have to.

The demons want out of the dimension they’re in – being in the abyss. The fourth dimension is one to stay away from.

Icke – why are the rituals related to the phases of the moon?

Arizona – also the sun. They’re using the Druid religion, and the Egyptology religion. They call themselves Druidic. Druids were tied in with the cycles of the moon. Ritualisation with Druidism, and they love ritualisation.

People were bred from birth to be ritual sacrifices. It’s very easy not to register a child when it’s born. Children are kidnapped in Third World countries, terrorised and mind controlled, sometimes drugged, used as blood sacrifices. Reptilians need their blood to maintain their human shape. They’ll take various organs from the sacrifices depending on which date it is. They slit the throat from left to right. Then they give the blood in a goblet to the reptilians, and then to the people who have become party to the rituals.

There are rituals every month of the year. Usually more than one. Every full moon. The equinoxes. The solstices. Beltane and many others. May 1st is Beltane.

Halloween is the ritual occasion for the Councils of Thirteen. Three nights in a row. Halloween is the worship and homage to Satan. The Devil. A lot of bloodshed. A number of sacrifices. The popularity of Halloween is to desensitise people to the horrors. The Harvest Festival is the same. Christian festivals are unknowing representations of the Satanic rituals. Christmas is solstice related, a Satanic celebration, the killing of the old king. The tree is a phallic symbol. The ritual on the 24th december is to do with the programming of children. Things would happen to the child that hung the last bulb on the tree. Rituals are done on this night to little children. Children are killed. Families have to give away their little children for sacrifice.

She has seen George Bush at rituals, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Ronald Reagan, and Nancy. Hillary Clinton is involved, although not a shape shifter. The two sons of George Bush were involved, now governors of Florida and Texas are involved. J Rockefeller shape shifts. Newt Gingrich. All these people are connected to the Illuminati. Gerald Ford was there. He shapeshifted. Carter was there, but didn’t. Lyndon Johnson shape-shifted. Joseph Mengele was a shape-shifter.

In Europe, Charles, The Queen, The Queen Mother Princess Margaret all shape shift. French President. The Rothschilds were there. Guy de Rothschild is a shape-shifter. He uses the name Doctor Barrington in the US. He’s had Arizona impregnated with seed from Pindar. She realised what was being done to her. Guy de Rothschild has tried to programme Arizona and get back under control. Tony Blair shape shifts. Price Philip has his quirks even in his reptilian form. They’re not all robots. They’re all cold-blooded, and would kill at the drop of a hat.

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