
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Boskov01 #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist deviantart.com

what's funny is, even their beloved old crone RBG is on record as having called Roe a bad ruling. Does this mean she'd defy the left to overturn it? Probably not. But it's ironic nonetheless. Still, the old bat did one thing right. Her ego got in the way as she refused to retire and allow Barry to appoint a replacement all so she could "greet the first woman president" in Hilary. Instead she had to cling to life for a few more years to try and live beyond President Trump's four amazing years but instead did the world a favor and kicked the bucket, allowing President Trump to replace her with a constitutional originalist.

So once again, the most meaningful act that a Leftist has done for America, is that they died. Says quite a lot about the left in that they do more good by dying.

May RBG burn in hell.

Sergei Lavrov #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt jpost.com

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attacked Ukraine and its president Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday during an interview in Italy, claiming that "the fact that he is a Jew does not negate the Nazi elements in his country. I believe that Adolf Hitler also had Jewish blood."

"Zelensky can promote peace between the states if he stops giving orders to his Nazi forces that border on crime," Lavrov said.

In an interview with an Italian television channel, the foreign minister came out against the media in Western countries, saying that "they are misleading people. The media is talking about Russia's goals in the operation in Ukraine, which do not exist at all."

Lavrov also accused Ukraine of using mercenaries and Western military officers, without presenting any evidence to support his claims, before accusing the West of "stealing" Russian money through the sanctions it imposed on his country, stressing that "we just want to ensure the security of the pro-Russian Ukrainians in the east of the country."

According to Lavrov, Russia has never interrupted the efforts to negotiate an international agreement that would prevent the use of nuclear weapons in future wars. He said that Zelensky frequently changed his position in the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, and that "he hurts the talks, deliberately sabotages them."

Lavrov also remarked that the upcoming anniversary of Russia's liberation at the end of World War II will have no bearing on Moscow's military operations in Ukraine.

"Our soldiers won't base their actions on a specific date," Lavrov said when asked whether the May 9 anniversary would mark a turning point in the conflict.

"We'll commemorate our victory in a solemn manner but the timing and speed of what is happening in Ukraine will hinge on the need to minimize risks for civilians and Russian soldiers," he added, speaking in Russian through an Italian interpreter.

RubinDawn #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Please let's keep all in Mind,
that Tucker Carlson speaks for "ALL. PEOPLE." - even for the Leftists, Liberals and other kinds of Folks who all "have something" against Elon Musk for buying Twitter.

Same as " ALL. Lives. Matter. " instead of just of One's Group,

"Everyone's. Free. Speech. Matters."

That some People "STILL" have something against this Free Speech "for All", shows very well what these specific Folks have in Mind.

And it's neither Freedom, nor Democracy. ;) :XD:

Alexander Johnson #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

My Path Toward Race Realism Began When I Started College

I was born in Albania, and my parents immigrated to the United States when I was three. My immigrant background gave me a sense of cultural and ethnic identity at a very young age, but even so, I assimilated into white American suburbia. During high school, I grew more curious about my heritage and soon came to consider myself an Albanian nationalist (in the most chauvinistic and naïve meaning of the word “nationalist”). But the political views that came with that were relegated almost entirely to the Balkans. In the context of America, I was a typical individualist conservative.

My path toward race realism began when I started college in 2018. Reading about history, genetics, archeology, and linguistics, I came to realize the astonishing interconnectedness of all European peoples. Meanwhile, my classes that dealt with politics and race were vehemently anti-American and anti-white. My professors portrayed history and the modern world as tales of white wickedness. I viewed this as an attack on my identity, both as an Albanian and as a white man. And all this academic invective made me want to stand up for myself and for my people.

The process of my awakening accelerated rapidly during the 2020 Black Lives Matter/antifa riots and the anti-white posturing that came with them. I spent much of that summer learning about the concerns of people such as Jared Taylor and the desperate situation white Americans find themselves in. By the end of 2020, I had developed most of my current views on race realism and white identity. Today, I’m happy to spread my knowledge about these topics to friends and family.

Callum Darragh #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

The United States Looks Like South Africa

That is the state of the United States, which is increasingly looking like a tin pot south African country. I mean racial discrimination directly from the central government, on the grounds of just giving away money to black people and refusing it to white people. Your universities again are being infested with just racial, ideological debates endlessly and black supremacist ideology. Is the economy going down the pan? Yeah. Mega inflation. I mean, it is mad, but it is the reality of what it looks like.

Сергей Корепин #pratt #conspiracy youtube.com

(submitter note: in agruement with a user named WielkiZielonyMelon)
@WielkiZielonyMelon A large NATO-trained army is now in the cauldron near Donetsk. In the liberated cities, there are plans to attack the Donbass with this army. There is an interview with a Swiss, who participated in organizing the training, that the goal of this army is to storm the Donbass and return it by force. There are Zelensky's words that you will return Donbass and Crimea by force. There is a ban on the Russian language, legislative, which is a direct violation of the Minsk agreements. You have not fulfilled any of these agreements. Although if they had done it, then under the same agreement, Donbass would have completely returned.

Mark Zuckergecko #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

It's probably impossible to know any accurate count on the Clintoncide hit list, because there are surely people who were acquainted with them who legitimately died in weird accidents. And there are also surely people who were legitimately Clintoncided, that nobody really knows about, probably because the connection just hadn't been made. The Esptein situation has always cracked me up, because while Hillary is the obvious front runner, she's hardly the only person who would have benefited from him being disappeared. I like to imagine her hearing about that news and thinking "hey, I actually didn't do that!"

Various Commenters #moonbat #pratt #psycho nitter.net


Amazed from my exchanges on Twitter today to find that so many Kenyans are imperialists, cheering on Russia as it tries to rebuild its empire and denouncing states trying to assert their independence. The irony is quite extraordinary, really.

Most people from the "third world" would love to see a new axis of power they've been accustomed to the US and it's allies dictating everything while using their power to kill innocent people in the name of regime change war on terror

(Francis Mbugua)

Ah, I see -- so Ukraine and its people can be sacrificed to that end? Just curious as to whether Russia's treatment of Ukraine makes you feel encouraged about how the "third world" would fare under a China-Russia axis?

Spare is the crap which country in world has committed as many atrocities as USA. Fighting terrorism with terrorism. Where did Bush get the oil fields when before the war he dint have. Is Libya safer now and the Sahel region. Spare us the hogwash. We are more enlightened

(King Judas)

Answer his question, don't insult. Killing Ukrainians won't bring back the wealth stolen from us by UK. Russia must be condemned for its action, so the US and other countries.

Ukrainians are Russians by descent ... So when a mother is disciplining an errant child should the neighbour's complain for the child screems... No leave Russian to deal with Russian problems..

It might be schadenfreude derived from see the lords of unipolar world, to whom we have been subject to, being pushed around and lacking options (a condition we are familiar with).

(Angel Eyes)

I don't recall Ukraine being a lord of the unipolar world or doing much, really, to deserve the hell being unleashed on it...

Putin gave his demands that were actually somewhat reasonable, nobody took him seriously or even organised a session to debate with him and find a middle ground with reasonable concessions

If diplomacy fails well battle reigns

DeepSea #crackpot #pratt #psycho #sexist incels.is

The René Guyon Society's motto was 'Sex before 8 or else it's too late'. This was just meant to shock people, I believe, but the sentence does make sense if one doesn't literally interpret 8-years old as the ultimate limit.

The more one waits, or has to wait, to start sexual experiences, the more difficult it gets to jump into it. Ideally, people should gain experience in all aspects of life while their brain still has a large part of its neuroplasticity.

Age of consent laws are not just problematic because they repress the sexuality of adult men, but also because they repress the sexuality of minors themselves. A 13-year old boy who wants to have sex but can't because girls are not attracted to him is out of luck in today's society. Every day, he is surrounded by provocatively dressed girls who won't ever date him. He has to watch his male peers engage in PDA and brag about doing sexual stuff with girls, while he rots in loneliness, at a time when his sex drive is at its peak.

It is better to lose your virginity as a teen than as a grown man. In fact, a study found that adolescent boys aged 12-14 who had their first-time with an adult woman were signficantly more likely to remember the experience positively than adult men who had their first time with an adult woman.


There is no good reason not to allow teenagers to buy sex. It's much easier for a 13-year old boy to begin seeing prostitutes than it is for a 22-year old virgin who might already have become damaged from years of rejection and frustration.

Modern society has greatly exacerbated the sexual repression and social isolation of males. This is, in my opinion, the worst case of abuse young males suffer in rich countries, and it causes much more psychological damage to than the so-called "child sexual abuse" that the media loves to talk about.

Unknown Holocaust Denier #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut ibb.co


(Under a picture of a man in the Starfleet uniform looking into the holodeck.)

Computer, simulate a mid-twentieth century shower room. Eastern European architecture, metal fixtures, wooden doors. Now, feed the shower taps into a pressurized container of hydrogen cyanide and release enough of the gas into the room to kill 200 women and children

[Error Message] Hydrogen cyanide is air soluble. The conditions described would not allow for sufficient concentrations of the gas to form. Please change the parameters of the enclosure to achieve the desired effect.

Fascinating. Thank you computer that's all I needed for now.

crew2 #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt incels.is

The "black community" and black women in general in the US are the canary down the mine for how society is going in the West

This isn't racism because I have plenty of black pals in real life and some of them agree with me on this. It's just an observation.

Rampant fatherlessness, gang killings, child killings, abortions through the roof, foids who look like shit almost exclusively living off the government tit while refusing to work and only Chads/thugs being accepted as baby daddies, with stand in fathers being expected to be full blown simps on 6 figure incomes if they don't meet the Chad/thug archetype is the future norm for foids in the West. And here's the thing...the black community is practically 100% there already.

BLM is trying to make this shit the norm EVERYWHERE as if it isn't already because that is how you collapse a society and make the plebs all equally as poor as each other. The more stupid white bitches relate to that movement the more they are going to relate to the sort of women who support it and live just like them...which a lot of them already are.

If you don't believe me just check out some Kevin Samuels videos. Every foid he has on there is a 5/10 at best black woman (who just happen to be the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to attractiveness) who thinks she's Beyonce and has 3 sprogs to some Tyrone or thug and is only willing to touch a non Tyrone if he is a fucking high flying CEO with a top of the range car. Fucking crazy.

The future is the lowest value women only accepting the top 1% men and thugs while the rest of us roam around holding our dicks thinking "what the fuck is going on!?"

Alan Page #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

(Context: the comments under a viral video about oral sex with trans men for gay guys is full of harassment and/or fundies such as this)

This is what seperates the L & G from the rest of the alphabet soup. L&Gs fought for domestic rights like marriage, partner inheritance rights, workplace rights etc. Qu--r anarchism fights for an unlimited age of consent free pansexualised eden and regards so called "monosexuals" as ignorant untermenschen for not wanting to do wild exotic things like buggering horses or f-sting seven year olds. Qu--r theorist Guy Hocquenghem in his "Screwball Asses" gives the game away by talking about how so called gay "nationalists" will probably end up protesting that their rights to self-identify as such will be swept away by this great revolutionary wave. He also says that by making frequent usage of the term "intersex" (irrespective of the reality of the medical condition it supposedly describes) will help to shatter the concept of a strict binary and allow for this brave new world to take over. This has been a part of the "Q" philosophy from the very start (alongside age of consent abolition of course).

Charlie Kirk #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk blames trans people for inflation: “There's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue”

So, one of the reasons why we take such a strong stance and opinion on the trans issue is it's an issue of reality. You do not get to determine your own reality. You do not get to suddenly say, I'm rich or I'm poor. No, we actually have to look at some evidence as to whether or not you're rich or poor. Now, some of those are relative terms - rich according to who? Rich according to what? I understand that. But relatively, some of the terms we use -- short, tall - you can't just make them up and say, oh wow, that person is taller than that person, that person is faster than that person, that person is stronger than that person.

And one of the reasons we've been so insistent against this idea you can change your gender, or change your sex, or change both of them, is that when you start to indulge in the belief that you could become whatever you want and reality is subjective, not objective, you're going to have ramifications that nobody anticipated or intended.

So, there's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue. You say, Charlie, come on. They couldn't be further apart. No, they're exactly the same. They're the same in this aspect - when you believe that men can become women, why wouldn't you also believe that you could print wealth? If you believe that someone can change their gender, why wouldn't you also believe that money is wealth?

Now there are very simple laws of economics. Just like there's laws of nature. There's laws of physics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of biology.

We must to – we must live according to those laws. We believe there's a lawmaker and a designer and being Christians, we believe those laws were made to be followed for our flourishing and our prosperity. The law is a teacher. The law is a guide to how to properly live. You live in defiance to the law, you lie steal or cheat, you actually won't flourish. You'll be miserable. You'll be unhappy. You'll get further from god's wish for you. Now outside of the religious component of this, we also believe there are laws of economics. There are laws of economics just like there are laws of physics.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #transphobia youtube.com

RE: The Right-Wing Backlash Has Arrived

(Dennis McFall)
Here’s the thing about this whole “this bill will be harmful for LGBTFJDIENEBDKDI students” argument: there are no LGBT-whatever 1st-, 2nd- or 3rd-graders. Period. Children at this age do not - and cannot - understand these topics. There simply are no LGBT students at this age. Any students of this age who claim to be within this category have already been groomed and are being told this is what they are.
Conclusion: the bill can’t have any effect on something that doesn’t exist.

(Golden Hate)
Which is why gender dysphoria was a mental disease as it affects kids under 10. Most common cause was on sibling of the opposite sex being treated differently or getting far more attention.

(Raphael de Moraes Fontella)
This isn't even the backlash yet.
This is just the wind pressure of the backlash mass burning in the atmosphere while crashing down in an extinction-level event.

Oh man i can hardly wait on the actual backlash. Disney has chosen a really bad hill to die on and with their groomers exposing themselves i think we are gonna see an extreme response to this

For a long time, I was okay with letting consenting adults do what they wanted as long as a) they didn't shove it in my face, and b) nobody was getting hurt. But there's probably a good reason why this behaviour was taboo in most cultures around the world up until the last 50 years. That abortion stat is just gross too. Especially when you consider how cheap and available contraception is. A cheeky w--k is also an option. Seems like everyday that passes, the more evidence mounts that the sexual revolution was just a bad idea, to put it mildly. Even at best it's just made everyone more miserable.

Shift Frequency #crackpot #pratt #conspiracy shiftfrequency.com

Recreating Balance – A few examples of obvious ‘cracks in the matrix’ that can help see through the other side:

1. Mainstream history dates the discovery of Antarctica to early 19th century, and its complete mapping to the 20th century. However there are countless maps dating several centuries before, which clearly show very accurate mapping of Antarctica, many of them even show the map of the land underneath the ice:

2. One of the biggest and most powerful countries in history (until 1775 roughly), Tartaria, is mostly unknown nowadays, because its history makes the official history of our planet, which is full of lies, impossible. This vast and powerful country is depicted on countless official maps and referenced in many texts from back then
4. Three of the most important and famous power structures in history, the White house in DC, the Versailles Castle in France, and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, are aligned in an exact straight line. That line even aligns perfectly with the design of Versailles and its water canals:

On top of that, the distance between Versailles and the White House is 3333 nautical miles (99,7% accurate), and the distance between Versailles and the Dome of the Rock is 3333 kilometers (99,6%).

Anybody can verify this in Google maps.
7. The Moon and the Sun appear the exact same size in our sky, because the moon is both 400 times smaller than the Sun, and 400 times closer to us than the Sun. This is the reason why eclipses are possible.

Also the Earth turns 400 times faster than the Moon, and the Earth circumference is roughly 40000km. There are many other repeating numbers and synchronicities in the universe.
Bonus Fact: Love and Truth are the most powerful forces in creation, and they can solve anything ! Proof for that can’t be presented though, everybody have to go make their own scientific tests and experiences.

Steven Visek #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger #wingnut quora.com

As certain governors and mayors have shown recently related to the Wuhan Virus, the local or state executive can get away with being a dictator, at least for a short time. They can seemingly ignore their legislatures and shut down the courts and prohibit protests and claim health and safety as the reason. They have even used Stasi-style tactics of using the people to inform on their neighbors.

Ultimately if the people are sheep, and most are, the governor/mayor can get away with it. How they immediately reversed these policies to permit and encourage the protests after the senseless death of George Floyd demonstrates that for some of these leaders that the health and safety reasons they gave were a canard, hollow excuses foisted on a naive public and spread by a complicit media, all in an effort to grab and exert power. They told us that peaceful protests of their restrictions, and civil disobedience in the form of businesses daring to re-open, were a grave threat, and were put down in some cases with fascist efficiency. But apparently protesting racial injustice, violating all of their safety protocols while doing so, is not only allowed but encouraged, and rioting and looting need to be “understood.” French author Francois de La Rochefoucauld was surely prescient when he wrote that “hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.”

And since this time the wannabe dictators got away with it, they will be emboldened to exert such power in the future as it suits them. The Wuhan Virus claimed over 100,000 lives and counting in this country, and you can count the Constitution of the United States of America among the dead.

Pahlavan #homophobia #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Whatever Elon Musk does with Twitter, it will hardly matter. Twitter is but a vehicle of the Cultural Marxist madness, not it's source. The source of the problem is something infinitely more dangerous and powerful than Twitter - public education/mandatory government indoctrination, coming to us straight out of the Communist Manifesto. In Greek myth, Heracles defeated the Hydra not by strength or futile cutting of it's infinitely-regenerating heads, but by having Iolaus burn it's necks. If one wants to deal a death blow to the Cultural Marxism, one needs to destroy the concept of public education. America is actually the only nation that can do this - it has a Constitution that restricts the power of the federal government. Since public education is not listed in Article 1, Section 8... It's obvious that it's inception in the United States of America was "legislation from the bench" - and if someone who actually reads the Constitution gets into power, they can simply declare it null and void and toss all of it into the trashbin where it belongs. With that, the steady stream of Cultural Marxism will vanish - without public education infused by Cultural Marxism... Imagine the mainstream media and the faggots - for example - being unable to recruit anyone and consigned to die. Imagine the entire nation finally returning to God and decency.

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

Imran Khan #conspiracy #pratt voanews.com

Embattled Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday rejected opposition calls to resign and accused the United States of trying to topple his government as he faces a parliamentary no-confidence vote Sunday.

Opposition parties in the legislative National Assembly, or lower house of parliament, jointly submitted the no-trust motion earlier this month, seeking Khan's ouster for allegedly mismanaging Pakistan's economic and foreign policies.

The 69-year-old former cricket star said Thursday night in an address to the nation that he would not resign and would stand up to foreign intervention, rejecting the misrule charges by his opponents.

"The vote will take place on Sunday. Whatever the outcome may be, I will emerge stronger. I will not let this conspiracy succeed at any cost," Khan said in his address.

In what appeared to be a slip of tongue, the Pakistani leader named the U.S. as the origin of a "memo" that Khan said confirmed a "foreign conspiracy" prompted by his visit to Russia on the day President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

"We got a message from America — oh, not America, I mean a foreign country I can't name," Khan said in the live televised address.

"They say they are angry with Pakistan. ... They say they will forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan loses a no-trust motion. But if the vote fails, Pakistan will have to face serious consequences," Khan said, citing the text of the memo.

Journalists working for mainstream news channels in Pakistan have reported that the message in question was delivered to Islamabad's outgoing ambassador to Washington on March 7, a day before the opposition moved the no-trust vote in parliament.

"They [foreigners] were aware of the no-confidence motion before it was tabled [in parliament]. It means they [the opposition] were in touch with outsiders," Khan asserted, confirming the date on which the message was delivered to the Pakistani ambassador. He added that the alleged conspiracy was meant to punish him for pursuing an independent foreign policy for Pakistan.

DavidFoxFire #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

First they came for the Trump Supporters And You did not speak out Because you were not a Trump Supporter

Then they came for the Republicans And You did not speak out Because you were not a Republican

Then they came for the Christians And you did not speak out Because you were not a Christian

How far down that list is me?

How far down that list is you?

kreegan #racist #pratt therpgsite.com

And what of Pinnacle Entertainment Group? Sure, they rewrote the Deadlands backstory, but supposedly there is a logical reason for doing so? Other than that, I haven't seen any woke pandering from them. I'd say at worst, yellow?

Pinnacle is yellow. They aren't like WotC or Evil Hat but they do pander occasionally. In addition to changing Deadlands, they also caved to the outrage brigade over the Science Fiction Companion cover and made sure the art in the new Savage Worlds core book was focused on not showing too many white guys.

Once you bend the knee, you'll spend the rest of your life on your knees, just waiting for the executioner's blade.

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #transphobia #pratt theothermccain.com

Everybody can probably agree that, even in the most homophobic regime imaginable (e.g., Iran) some percentage of people will still be gay and, while we wouldn’t advocate throwing gay people off roofs (like they do in Iran), neither do we believe that homosexuality should be publicly celebrated as a special source of “pride,” as Democrats do. That is to say, while a majority of people are not intolerant gay-hating fanatics, neither are most people ready to endorse the rainbow-flag identity-acronym agenda that Democrats are promoting. And yet Democrats, apparently having learned nothing from Terry McAuliffe’s defeat in Virginia last year, and seemingly indifferent to polls showing them headed for a historic midterm defeat in November, have decided to double-down on the most controversial position possible — promoting LGBTQ identity to the captive audience of public school children.

This is why “OK, groomer” trended on Twitter the other day.

By the way, am I the only one who sees the connection between this and Judge Ketanji Jackson thinking child pornography is no big deal? There is a certain common theme here, namely the idea that only “right-wing extremists” are concerned about protecting children from sexualization, so that turning loose pedophiles with light sentences (a mere three months, in one of the cases Jackson was questioned about) is not really something to worry about, the same way a gay teacher indoctrinating your 5-year-old is not something to worry about.

Boskov01 #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

I remember a few years ago, Ben Shapiro did an excellent breakdown on the whole party switch myth. He also explained how the Southern Strategy never really happened and that the few places it was attempted got maybe only one person elected.

My parents have even fallen for the "Party Switch Myth." My mother and late father were both Democrats up until Reagan and have been staunch Republicans ever since.

But a simple look at the recorded votes on such landmark historical issues such as civil rights, desegregation, etc. shows that the Republican Party has always been the party of Civil Rights. Democrat propaganda has been pervasive. It's a pity really. Republicans freed the slaves and gave them equal rights, yet blacks vote Democrat by a 9 to 1 margin. "Blacks don't vote Republican" is the refrain I hear all the time. And the people so steeped in the Democrat propaganda always cling to this "White Southerners" excuse, not realizing that they are referring to the Dixiecrats.

All this really kinda says to me is that if there's one thing Democrats can do effectively, it's lie. Their lies have persisted for a long time now. Even after being publically refuted and debunked, there are still people who cling to the lies.

I still remember seeing an article by the ultra-left-wing Media Matters celebrating how they managed to convince the American people that President Trump's tax cuts were bad and was a tax cut exclusively for the wealthy and would hurt the average American, when it didn't. Basically admitting they lied. They didn't care, they were celebrating the effectiveness of their propaganda.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com


Public opinion research shows that white Americans — and especially Republicans — see whites as victims of discrimination more than, say, Hispanic or Black Americans. According to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center, only 17 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning Americans said there is “a lot” of discrimination against Black people. That number rose to 26 percent when Republicans were asked whether white people faced “a lot” of discrimination.

There is a tremendous amount of evidence that supports this in current legislation. crime statistics and Public school discipline.

Who does the media and government officials think they are kidding? Both parties are afro-centric. Both trumpf and bidden are n loven losers. If you support White people or something that benefits them you are labeled "racists" or "naziis". The United States of Africa only exists to pay and prop up africans. Voting, just like this anti White country, is a JOKE.

Actually, being "last in line" for the "jabs" is a good thing. Do you really think that senile joe biden received anything more than a saline shot? How about congress exempting itself and other federal types from the "jab" while being treated with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine on the sly--treatments that work that the "powers that be" are attempting to deny to "the rest of us".
I would urge all white people NOT to take the "jab"...
At this time, I don't trust hospitals either...follow the money...

(Ian Connolly)
Obama is about as black as Jackie Chan. Marshall Mathers (Eminem) had more of a black experience than he ever did. I cannot understand, for the life of me, what so many black people see in Obama. He’s literally whiter than Trump in some ways.

Yes, whites are victims in our own country, and yes, the Republican Party has an absolute duty to address this and fight it.

Andrew Anglin #dunning-kruger #pratt dailystormer.name

It’s great that Vladimir Zelensky was able to get all of his fellow Jews out of the Ukraine. It’s also nice that he himself is operating out of a soundstage in Tel Aviv, and doesn’t have to worry about any harm coming to his person. Now he can just keep this conflict going forever without there being any consequences to his own people.

He did an interview with Fox News where he said that there are no circumstances under which he would agree to give Russia back the Donbass, which is ancient Russian territory. His government, which is run by Jews in the US State Department, have been slaughtering Russians there for 8 years, which is one of the main factors that triggered the Russian intervention. He is not willing to stop doing this – under any circumstances.

This is Absurd
Putin’s terms have remained the same since long before the conflict started:

He wants a surrender of the Donbass Republics and Crimea,


He wants a neutrality agreement

That’s all.

Zelensky has gone back and forth about whether he would accept these terms. Now he’s saying no.

Tim Pool #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

BLM Leader ARRESTED On 18 Counts of Fraud For Stealing Donations, BLM EXPOSED As A Scam And Grift

Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine under Joe Biden and not under Donald Trump? I think Putin saw that the United States has a very serious malignancy within it. We are being devoured by it, we are being torn apart.

At this point, any sane rational person, any real human being, who has the capability to understand simple concepts would see a story like this and say, "I am TIRED of being scammed!"

Shall we go through the list again my friends? It all started with Trayvon Martin. The story was that a white man attacked Trayvon over some skittles or whatever. The real story was that Hispanic man saw someone walking through the backyard of several residential buildings and was suspicious. Trayvon Martin put him on the ground and started beating him.

Then we got Michael Brown. "Hands up, don't shoot!" they said. Well, that was a lie.

And it's just lie after lie, over and over again. George Floyd fought with the police, they put him on the ground at his request.

Then we go to Ahmaud Arbery once again. The great lie. It's fascinating, because in this instance you get people like Tulsi Gabbard, she even comes out and says it was the proper ruling. She's wrong. You even get people on Fox News saying it was a proper ruling. Wrong.

All these conservatives coming out, willing, just desperate to virtue signal because of Kyle Rittenhouse. Again, another lie. Kyle did not cross state lines to hunt anybody down, Kyle was in his own neighborhood because he lived in the suburbs basically of Kenosha. His friend gave him a weapon and he fled for his life and only fired after someone else fired first.

What did the media say? A young white supremacist went and killed several black people. It was a lie once again.

How many of these stories need to happen before people finally say Black Lives Matter is a criminal institution that publishes lies, manipulations and propaganda for personal gain?

Ann Coulter #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger vdare.org

The federal sentencing guidelines recommended eight to 10 years. Judge Jackson sentenced the defendant to three months.

Yes, yes, he was only 18, and he was remorseful. Good for him!

But Judge Jackson also dramatically departed downward in sentencing a couple of ripe perverts—one who attempted to travel across state lines to molest a 9-year-old girl (when his thousands of child porn images weren’t enough); and another who’d distributed more than a hundred pornographic photos and videos of his own daughter.

On average, Judge Jackson gave child porn defendants sentences more than five years below the minimum under the guidelines.

In other words, Judge Jackson is the beau ideal Democratic Supreme Court justice.

In her favor, KBJ is at least a Generational African American (GAA), i.e., Descendant of American Slaves (DOAS)—unlike Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Joy Ann Reid and approximately 90% of the “African Americans” in Harvard’s entering class this year, according to the Harvard Crimson.

A.W. Morgan #racist #pratt #elitist vdare.com

It's time to bring the Dani tribesman of Indonesia into the 21st century. [Inside the remote Indonesian Dani tribe who cut off the tops of their fingers when a loved one dies and keep mummified bodies of ancient warriors, By Tariq Tahir For Mailonline, November 17 2017] Undoubtedly, they long for democracy, and all the modern things we have here.
Let's pack six or seven families into a big home in Chappaqua, N.Y., where Hillary Clinton lives, or the Kalorama section of Washington, D.C., where Barack Obama lives. Maybe Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell would have them move next door.

Then our finest elites can experience the diversity and cultural enrichment they advocate, and watch these Stone Age wonders run around naked, display the mummies of ancient warriors and cut off the ends of their fingers when relatives die.

After all, we've been enriched by child rape and genital mutilation. Why not this?

Solid and random dude #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Solid: @devalapar When western backed rebels chased out the Ukrainian president? If Western countries can seperate Kosovo from Serbia so can Russia with Donbas.

random dude: @devalapar "That happened after 2014" "This conflict started 8 years ago."
yes, after the us led maidan coup that took discriminatory measures against ethnic russians (almost every crimean)

Lucas Fryman #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt aminoapps.com

Now, I have not wasted any money on the....Unbearable Rodent Mutant (who never mentions that she is a mutant in her comic, and I am dead serious about that), but from I've seen in books I've flipped through and snips of dialogue form this piece of (not)literature, it is plain to see why Erica genderbendison, does not deserve a Eisner for comedy...or just plain anything.

Well, from the Video from Diversity and comics and the Twitter feeds of these miraculously employed keyboard warriors, you can see that the SJW crowd in Marvel seem to have an inner circle. The create a "SaFe SpAcE," and echo their same zombie-like ideals like every SJW in existence does. They then go out to anyone who has the least bit of criticism for their ideas and then they systematically ear rape them with BS claims and threats until they get their way. It's sort of like going up to a Muslim extremist....but you won't get shot in the face....and they also don't bastardize wide spread religions.

Because Ship Chimpanzee and Erica Genderbenderewhatthehelliswrongwiththischick-ison got rewards for "comedy," it makes Marvel and it's dunce of a Chief Editor "Axel Alonzo" think that the majority of people still want social (in)justice politics in our comics, even though the vast majority of people despise the mere existence of it in our fantasy comic worlds that we are paying four bucks to read about on a monthly basis.

Hubert Collins #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt vdare.com

Sundar Pichai (born “Pichai Sundararajan”), CEO of Google. The most notable action Mr. Pichai [Tweet him] has taken as CEO: his decision to fire James Damore for noting that men and women are different. This does not bode well for the rest of us, as Google is under immense pressure to disappear results from SPLC-designated “hate groups” like VDARE.com.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #fundie #pratt jesusisprecious.org

You're A Fool If You Believe In Cavemen

One of the biggest lies ever fabricated is the falsehood of Evolution. The only verifiable truth regarding evolution is that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that evolution is true. It's all bogus hypotheses! I am so sick of hearing idiots talk about our cavemen ancestors. Are you that stupid? Really?

I recently heard famed Hollywood actor Will Smith narrate a stupid 2018 National Geographic series called, “ONE STRANGE ROCK.” Here's another episode of this trash. The only “strange rock” is Will Smith's dense head! They guy is a fool. I say that kindly, but with all Biblical authority. Psalms 8:3, “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained.”

Massresistance #homophobia #fundie #pratt massresistance.org

The LGBT movement decided to counter the pro-family activism. On July 31, 2021, the first “Gay Pride” was held on the Cayman Islands. The large crowd of marchers included the British Governor, Martyn Roper. There was a substantial turnout.

But it was basically a sham. The observers said they’d never seen so many foreigners in the country at one time, as were marching in that parade. As one Cayman citizen told us, “It was blatantly obvious. They were not from here. They were not locals.” According to activists we spoke with, the people who work at customs even said that large numbers flew in the day before the parade and flew back out the day after. “So they came down specifically for the gay parade. It did not represent the support they have from people here,” we were told.

Although there’s still more work to do – overturning the Governor’s “domestic partnerships” edict – this was a huge win. As Kattina Anglin told us:

I think you should know that people here in the Cayman Islands are rejoicing. There’s a big sigh of relief – not just by Christians, but other people in the country who want to maintain a healthy society, a society where the man and the woman and the children is the definition of marriage, of family. We are a God-fearing nation.

Lance Welton #transphobia #racist #pratt #dunning-kruger vdare.com

As the U.S. prepares to confirm to the Supreme Court a black woman who cannot define the word “woman” [Blackburn to Jackson: Can you define ‘the word woman’?, by Myah Ward, Politico, March 22, 2022], we are reminded of the fact that Ketanji Brown Jackson has been nominated because she is a black woman, not on merit. She almost certainly got into Harvard due to being black, and not on merit; indeed, she has declared that she will recuse herself from a forthcoming case challenging Affirmative Action policies at Harvard due to her being one of the college’s overseers; also likely not on merit [U.S. Supreme Court pick Jackson to recuse from Harvard race case, by Nate Raymond, Reuters, March 23, 2022]. The Ruling Class has more than ever invested in the egalitarian myth. Now another Regime enforcer is trying to defend it: Kevin Bird of Michigan State University.

VDARE.com readers are familiar with the facts. As psychologist Richard Lynn has noted, a widely replicated finding in social science is that African-Americans have a lower average IQ than white Americans: 100 vs. 85 (See his 2015 book Race Differences in Intelligence). Not only that, but the difference is on the most genetic aspects of intelligence; it is resistant to environmental interventions; and the correlation between alleles (gene variants) indirectly associated with high IQ and race differences in IQ is about 0.9, as Italian anthropologist Davide Piffer has shown.

We would expect a Supreme Court Justice to have an average IQ of at least 130 or so, the level needed to be a highly-successful professional, which leaves a vanishingly small fraction of African-Americans to choose from. Thus about 2.1% of whites have an IQ of 130 or over (that's 4,289, 823 people) whereas because of the differing mean IQ and because the black bell curve appears more bunched than the white one, only about 0.5% of blacks do.

Kiwifarms #dunning-kruger #pratt kiwifarms.net

Flaming Insignias said:
"I know I shouldn't expect much from the death by irony article, but it fills me with anger seeing them cheering on the most vile subreddit."

Do they have an article for all the vaxmaxxers dropping dead during important live events? Surely they'll see the comedy in that, right?

I want to say that I expected nothing worse from tactless, condescending autists. But I guess I was wrong.

A bunch of sociopaths

I'm surprised tropers don't fucking die all the time from the shit they believe unironically

TVTropes pretending to think they know more than actual scientists and virologists thinking that “discrediting” means the same as disagreeing with you.

I thought this was a pseudo intellectual and pretentious subforum to talk about cartoons for little girls and boys.

Austin Ruse #homophobia #transphobia #pratt breitbart.com

The board members met on Thursday night only after being informed the night before that the discipline change would be considered. No opposing voices were allowed to be heard, parents were relegated to shouting opposition from the seats and some were ejected from the meeting.

The Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is issued to each student every year. Students are required to sign, along with their parents. Violations of the handbook are treated as discipline violations that can result in either suspension or expulsion from school.

The new regulation reads:

"No student in FCPS shall … on the basis of gender identity … be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity."

This “discrimination” language means that a student who speaks out against the “gender identity” ideology can be disciplined, and presumably suspended and even expelled, according to board member Elizabeth Schultz, who opposed the change.

Schultz says the school district — which is one of the largest in the country, with 187,000 students — “punishes students all the time for what they say on social media, even outside of the school year. Without a doubt, students will be punished for saying negative things on Facebook and Twitter about transgenderism.”

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt boards.4chan.org

(Canada Anon)

I-It's just a c-coincidence! Pure Chance!

(BLM Anon)

No, its selective evolution to find the most efficient path.

So tell me, what is the most elemental underlying force driving the selection and evolution?

Atheists always short circuit at this question and cop out with a "we just don't know yet bro!" even though the ancients figured out that it was god literally thousands of years ago.

(US Anon)
So how does it know to do that? You atheists never answer that question. And if you give an answer why does that know to do that?

You guys seem to just hate the truth to be honest.

(Colombia Anon)
>selective evolution
show me the proof of failed evolutions
show me the birds with 3 heads, snakes with 6 tails or gorilla with 7 arms
evolutiontards are the stupidest retards alive
we're all designed as we appear

>uh.. theres plenty of those. It’s called birth defects. Google it, and sweet dreams.
not random enough you monkeys
we need birds with the head of lizards, bears with a dick of snakes etc. etc if evolution is random that would happen
evolutiontards are retarded so they lack imagination, can you guys visualise apple number 1?

Vladimir Putin #homophobia #pratt #transphobia #wingnut vice.com

In an address to the Russian public, Putin said that the country of Russia and its culture are being “canceled” by Western forces, which are removing them from history and disparaging their cultural works. In short, he said, Russia is being treated the same way as Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling.
“They canceled Joanne Rowling recently, the children's author. Her books are published all over the world,” Putin said. “Just because she didn't satisfy the demands of gender rights.”
Putin compared the criticism Rowling has received for her transphobic politics to a great variety of perceived indignities to the Russian people: the apparent removal of Russian writers and composers from undefined places in the West, Nazi book burnings, and even America dropping the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
“We remember that footage when they were burning books,” Putin said. “It's impossible to imagine such a thing in our country. We're insured against these things thanks to our culture.”

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