
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut twitter.com


SEATTLE: ANTIFA harasses Post Millennial Reporter @KatieDaviscourt last night. “Rot in fucking hell you WHITE fucking bitch! You’re a fucking Colonizer bitch, go fuck yourself!”

Antifa dehumanize their political opponents to the point that they actually feel joy maiming, injuring or killing others.


A little confused as to why a white American would call another white American a coloniser....might be definitive proof of their own self loathing

Google White self-hatred Oslo syndrome.


Anyone identifying as Antifa needs to be branded as a terrorist. They reek havoc and terrorise countless innocent people. This is unacceptable that they can still brazenly identify as Antifa and walk away.


Interestingly high chances that a white woman is yelling this

99% positive it actually was


Funny how this kind of racism gets a pass. Wtf

They redefined 'racism' so they cannot be accused of it. It does no wash away the wrong, but it allows them to conceal it.

as they say, "you can't be racist toward white people"

The next step they will take for whites is internment camps. Note to Antifa: I'd like my camp to be in warm weather.


Sounds like something a public school teacher in CA might yell at one of their student’s parents.

Various Trump Supporters #conspiracy #racist #psycho #wingnut patriots.win

[RE: THEY HATE US; THEY REALLY HATE US: Chuck Schumer hopes Texas “learned a lesson:” https://nypost.com/2021/02/21/chuck-schumer-rips-texas-for-ignoring-climate-change/]

there's no more reasoning with the evil. it must be destroyed.

Wow, a Jew from NY doesn’t like conservative Texans.

I’m shocked.

Oy vey shut it down

[The idea that Jews have nothing but contempt and disdain for white Christian conservatives is a classic anti-Semitic trope!]

They vote 80% democrat and basically created bolshevik communism...but by all means continue to pretend they love us and America.

*obligatory downvotes within seconds of posting a statistic AND historical fact. Good job cuckservatives, is this how we are going to win?? Lol

They are Bolsheviks.

Various Editors #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy en.rightpedia.info

Feminism is a Cultural Marxist trick to pretend to help women but really to hurt them. It makes women opposed to their natural feminine nature and makes them miserable in the long run. Feminism also is about genocide. The ethnic groups infected with it experience population decline and since it is pushed mainly on white people, feminism is about white genocide.
Aside from student loans, alimony and child support are the only things in Western Society where not paying them lands the victim in debtor's prison. Given the society in Western countries due to feminism, at some point a woman will get bored of the marriage and cheat. She will find the dumbest man, a man who will say, "b****, get in my car, I’m gonna take you for a ride on my motorcycle – it’s got cocaine in the glove compartment and I’m a VIP at the greatest disco ever where b***es are taking their shirts off and getting sprayed with shaving foam 24/7.”
The birth control pill, a popular part of feminism, ends up in the water supply and now the male fish are producing eggs. Spain has studied the problem for many years and found both masculinization and feminization of organisms,[17] but of course a common doctrine in feminism is that gender is just a social construct.
"Teach men not to rape" is a popular feminist saying in the early 21st century. This feminist mentality is like going into a poor neighborhood, flashing cash and valuables and saying, "Teach blacks not to steal" or carelessly entering those jaywalk crosswalks (crosswalks in the middle of the street without a stop sign or stop light to stop traffic at them) and then saying, "Teach East Asians not to hit pedestrians."

Pavel #racist amren.com

RE: Putin Slams ‘Caveman Nationalism’ as Detrimental to Russia

“Caveman nationalism, with the slogan ‘Russia is only for Russians,’ only harms Russians, only harms Russia,” he said. “We must make sure that the culture of every nation, its history, and roots of every nation is respected and honored in our country.”

Disappointing remark from a president I thought was a realist regarding nationalism.

You thought wrong. Welcome to reality. Putin was the guy who crushed the Russian ethnic nationalist movements in Russia in early 2000-s and proceeded to encourage mass colored Asiatic Muslim immigration to Russia from the former Soviet "stans". He also bribed Muslim Chechens and others in the Caucasus region into compliance and allowed them to come settle in large Russian cities. Putin is a sworn enemy of our race.

Chechens are White.

Chechens are not white same way Persians, Arabs, and many light skin Mexicans are not white - they are just not, even if in the US stats they supposedly are. Chechens are of Turkish Asiatic ancestry. They mixed with whites after centuries of battling the Russian empire and history of kidnapping and raping Slavic women, so I would argue that despite some of them look almost white, they are not. Obama has more white in him than an average Chechen.

Just how many muslims and African refugees is Putin importing to Russia? NONE.

Hundreds of thousands are settled in Russia. All those Asiatic Muslims from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and a whole lot of Chechens, Dags and others collectively called "Kavkaztsy" (Caucasians) - non-white low impulse control criminality spreading Muslim tribes like Chechens and Dagestanis (Dags).

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Blacks Say No to the Vaccine

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
“We need to make history by saving more of our people.” If only a white person were allowed to say that.

They're safe! Just ask Hank Aaron!

All you will find is stories of how he didn't die of the Covid vaccine. It's lost on my brainwashed liberal relatives that Big Tech and Big Pharma would possibly lie to them.

(Jeff Coffey)

President Joe Biden had a different explanation: “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and African-American community, don’t know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in-line for that COVID vaccination.” The President took heat for this, but he’s lucky he’s a Democrat.

Biden must be really confused. Leftists preach day and night about how blacks are not capable of obtaining $15 ID cards or finding a local voting place. He tries to say the same thing in regards to the vaccine and he gets lambasted. Just can't win.

(National Conservative)
Remember when the media claimed that blacks were dying at 2-3 times the rate as whites and this was another act of genocide caused by "systemic racism." Well, the rate have even out and now the media has dropped the whole story. Pop goes the narrative. Ohio, Texas, Florida, and Arkansas are all states with big black populations that have higher white death rates than blacks death rates.

Blacks are responsible for their own problems.

Though Americans tend to be very fat, blacks on average are much fatter than the average white person. So you have greater co-morbidities. In the first few months, it was obvious that urban areas were the hardest hit and these tend to be where blacks disproportionately live. It was easy to see that rates would even out over time, but instead the media ran hysterical nonsense headlines about how "systemic racism was killing black people."

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Blackpill Once women take the vaccine it’s over.

We all (I hope) know that the vaccine is unsafe at best and straight up malicious at worst, and like most social changes done by the NWO ) it will be the women (and minorities) who will be the foot soldiers of said NWO doctrine.

These 2 groups will follow WHATEVER the new agenda is. If it is dictated to stay in your house while a fake virus is coined up they will stay in their house and shame you for not. If it is dictated to kneel for some fucking monkey that died of an OD and resisted arrest you will kneel or these 2 groups will shame you. The vaccine will soon be the new agenda and because the puppeteers have made it so trendy.

Because of the amount of sway women have in society (being the gatekeepers of intercourse) if they take the vaccines all the soys will follow suit, especially if they start barring those without the vaccine from normie activities like clubs and etc.

55% of Single Americans Say They Won’t Go Out with People Not Willing to Take Coronavirus Vaccine

Like on EVERY SINGLE MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUE, Kikes, papist elites, blacks/minorities, and women are combining to form a huge bloc with the first 2 as heads and the latter 2 as slave foot soldiers not unlike the orcs from LOTR, and of course the Anglo Teutons are LOSING in the face of the great reset (despite our future world being better for everyone than whatever future the semites want)

Lifefuel: this fucking monkey vaccine rap got a whole lot of dislikes which is based

Community Immunity 1: Let's All Get the Vaccine feat. Darryl DMC McDaniels

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #wingnut incels.is

I like how you said "and minorities" but didnt mention whites as if whites arent the biggest slaves and puppets of the NWO and havent been for centuries.

Look at who votes who pal. Less than 50% of white men vote progressive, while 85% of black people do, 70% of white women, etc.


Jews want to get rid of whites because whites are currently the only competitor to Jewish domination and the last defence. You surely see the mass migrations Jews are pulling into the US and Europe right? Why do you think that? Surely you’re logical enough to see that and understand why. if whites were NWO slaves the NWO wouldn’t try currently eliminating white people. That’s why your astroturfed secret progressive talking point doesn’t fucking work; “whites are NWO slaves” but the NWO very very obviously hates white people??


I get youre going through a pol phase but ebentually you'll realize how stupid that shit is. You're a nobody incel, not even a part of that society anyway.

It’s not a social shit, it’s a “in 6 months if everyone gets the vaccine I will be forced to and will be such a minority nobody will care” Just because you want to be apolitical doesn’t mean everything being ruined won’t affect you. “you wanna know what’s based and blackpilled bro? Staying out of politics.” *6 months later* “oh wow there’s a current new order going around that requires us to house a 6’4 Congolese nigger that has an Iq of 85...man I wish I helped those guys protesting it 6 months ago!!”.

Clara Lander #racist amren.com

We were the only white people there. Although we didn’t feel threatened, we felt that something was terribly wrong. It made me sad to think that England would one day no longer be England, and Scotland no longer Scotland, and I couldn’t fathom why any country would voluntarily do this to itself. I have come to view multiculturalism not as part of the progression of humanity, but as an ethnic cleansing of the original population. A people without a racial consciousness and a love for their own will simply be overwhelmed and absorbed by the multi-culture.

One day my youngest son came home from primary school and confidently told me that the only difference between people was the amount of melanin in their skin. It was obvious that we were being prepared for a demographic shift. One afternoon I attended a family gathering on my husband’s side. His nephew was engaged and we were all going to meet the bride’s parents. I asked her English father what had brought him to New Zealand. In his Cockney accent, he went into a tirade about how immigrants in the UK were lavished with all manner of benefits and prioritized over the indigenous whites, who were stuck footing the bill. He eventually got so disgusted with the situation that he moved to New Zealand. International white flight.

In the wake of Brenton Tarrant’s rampage, all New Zealanders were urged to take responsibility for their own racism. I don’t believe the outpouring of grief shown from New Zealanders has been paralleled by Muslims in the aftermath of an Islamic attack in Europe. The love that other races have for their own, shown through their open advocacy for their respective “communities,” becomes more obvious the more multicultural our countries become. Today I embrace the natural love I have for my people and no longer struggle with the mental gymnastics that only white people must contort themselves with to conclude that if we prefer to live amongst our own people and put their interests first, we are “racist.”

Isabel Medina Peralta and Ignacio Menéndez #wingnut #racist #crackpot eurojewcong.org

About 300 neo-Nazis marched through Madrid to pay tribute to the Blue Division, the Spanish volunteers who fought alongside the Nazis in World War II.
Neo-Nazi groups from all over Spain meet in Madrid each year to carry out this act, which coincides with the anniversary of the 1943 Battle of Krasny Bor.
Participants made the Nazi salute and sang fascist songs.

A woman, identified as neo-Nazi Isabel Medina Peralta, addressed the event dressed in a blue shirt and was recorded saying: “It is our supreme obligation to fight for Spain, to fight for Europe, now weak and liquidated by the enemy. The enemy will always be the same, although with different masks: the Jew. […] The Jew is the culprit and the Blue Division fought it.”
Also addressing the attendees was Ignacio Menéndez, a lawyer for the far-right extremist Carlos García Juliá, the co-author of the 1977 Atocha massacre, who has been recently released from prison.

Menéndez asked attendees not to comply with measures against COVID-19: “You need to violate the curfew, that you meet with your family and friends, that you be more than six like we are here today; and that you embrace each other, and that you sing and that you live joyfully. Because fascism is joy.”

Rick #racist disqus.com

Every black mayor in America is a dictator and a terrorist .
They've destroyed hundreds of the greatest cities in the history of the world .
They shouldn't be allowed to run for any political office in this country again.
They're all complete idiots and corrupt as hell.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

Mankind has the intelligence to create a wonderful world. We are being sabotaged. Satan's disciples are responsible for the murder of scores of Presidents and other leaders, for depression, genocide and war including the bogus "Cold War" and it's successor the "War on Terror." All wars are against humanity organized by this satanic cult.

Their headquarters is Chatham House in London and their branch office is at Pratt House in NYC. The web of control extends through the Rockefeller Rothschild banking and oil cartels, corporations, foundations, think tanks, intelligence networks and governments. The logos of scores of huge corporations, including mass media, contain Masonic references.
We call ourselves "progressive", but that is another example of doublespeak. The "progress" is being made by the Illuminati.

While man was made in God's image, human life was Sacred. When we agreed God was dead, we became expendable. That's why the author of "Silent Wars" can refer to us as "beasts of burden" and use the "Darwinian struggle" to justify enslavement and genocide.

Satan is not content to destroy us physically. He has a wager with God. Are we made in God's image or not? In order to win, he needs to prove we are nothing but dumb animals.

Lack of resistance signifies our acquiescence. We have been "progressively" demoralized and lulled. We must shake off our stupor and show that we are not jelly fish but men who will fight for our Divine birthright.

This is a battle humanity can never evade. The longer it is postponed the harder it will be to win.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #racist finalwakeupcall.info

The Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers do the bidding of the murderous criminal Jesuit Order due to Jesuit infiltration in their organisations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy people’s constitutional liberty in the world, as nowadays is shown with the face mask protocol, to bring the pope to world domination.

There were 400 very rich and powerful men who made it abundantly clear that they were not in favour of the Federal Reserve System. J.P. Morgan was ordered by the Jesuits to build the Titanic. This ‘unsinkable’ ship would serve as the death squad for those who opposed the Jesuit central bank plan more specific the Federal Reserve system. These rich and powerful men would have been able to block the establishment of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently their power and fortunes. So at all cost these men should be taken out of the equation.

They had to be destroyed by a means of an ingenuous natural disaster, no one would suspect that they were murdered, and no one would suspect the Jesuits were involved. The Titanic was the vehicle of their destruction choice. In order to further shield the papacy and the Jesuits from suspicion, many Irish, French, and Italian Roman Catholics immigrating to the New World were aboard. They were people who were expendable. Protestants from Belfast who wanted to immigrate to the United States were also invited on board the Titanic. Those, with the 400 rich men opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, should perish in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and were eliminated by the Jesuits when the Titanic sank.

Unknown 4chan Poster #pratt #racist #transphobia i2.yuki.la

3. If you don't kill yourself, you are going to get old. The older you get, the more you're going to look like an old man in a dress. Have you thought about what life is going to be like as a 60-year-old tranny? You won't be caking on the make-up and heading to nightclubs to fool young men. People will just see you as a weird freak Women at that age are no longer sex objects; they find fulfillment in their families and social groups. You will be ostracized from all social groups. And you'll have no family, of course.

4. Your failure to pass means everyone will look at you with disgust The most social affirmation you will ever get is from cat ladies who use you to status-signal to other cat ladies, but they don't actually like you or see you as a woman. The only men who will ever date you are either fags or total losers. The world around you will react with discomfort and horror whenever you go out to just buy some fucking toothpaste or whatever Humans need to be socially connected; and your failure to achieve that will convinces you that life isn't worth living.

We hate trannies and are disgusted by you here at MPC, but we don't want you to kill yourselves. That means we actually care more about you than the Jewish doctor who charges you 10,000 dollars to cut off your penis and tell you you're a pretty lady. If you're reading this and still have your dick, ITS NOT TOO LATE Sure, your base fetish for playing dress-up can't be "cured”, but the need for any addiction (because that's what this is; you aren't "a woman on the inside") will indeed diminish the longer you deny it fulfillment

You've found hatred; bigotry, and most importantly, help. So go out, buy some jeans that fit you correctly, throw away your make-up, stop hanging out with nerds, and stop being a tranny-

John_Engelman #racist amren.com

RE: Foreign Aid Is Having a Reckoning

"Intellectuals" now say the "white savior" complex does more harm than good.

Foreign aid has only been effective with first world countries. It enabled Western Europe and Japan to recover from World War II. It enabled South Korea to recover from the Korean War. It has helped Israel become an oasis of civilization in a vast desert of primitive and horrifying barbarism. In third world countries foreign aid goes into the bank accounts of kleptocrats.

President Biden has issued an executive order mandating that every government agency review policies to identify barriers to racial inequity...

President Biden needs to identify and acknowledge genetic barriers to racial equality. I suggest he read Professor J. Philippe Rushton's Race, Evolution, and Behavior.

Various Editors #racist #sexist #conspiracy en.rightpedia.ingp

(Archive: https://archive.is/rGfvZ)
Sexism is an epithet coined by Margaret H. Feldman ✡ a radical feminist Jew and abortion promoter from the United States in 1970.[1][2] The central purpose of the meme is to attack people who uphold the natural order and mutually complementary roles of the sexes in society. The epithet is part of a Jewish group evolutionary strategy, working within the destabilisation template, to cause resentment, division and weaken the relationships in gentile society. For example by insisting that it is "sexist" for a female to have children and raise them at home, the demography of a nation can be steadily depleted, to be replaced by alien groups.
Everything is sexist
According to feminists, air conditioners are sexist. Window air conditioning units weigh a bit and so women need a man's help to lift them. And turning on an air conditionery woman's consent is "rape".[3]
See also
Conspiracy theory — an epithet invented by liberal Jew, Karl Popper ✡ .
Anti-Semitic — an epithet invented by liberal Jew, Moritz Steinschneider ✡ .
Racists — an epithet invented by communist Jew, Leon Trotsky ✡ .
Nazi — an epithet invented by communist Jew, Konrad Heiden ✡ .

Various Editors #racist #conspiracy en.rightpedia.info

(Archive: https://archive.is/VYgGA)

Antisemitism (also spelled "Anti-Semitism") is a term and contemporary epithet which has been used in a variety of contexts by different people and organisations, though it was originally invented in 1860 by a liberal Jew named Moritz Steinschneider,[1] the son of a Talmudist born in Moravia. Words like Nazi, antisemite and conspiracy theory were all created and/or used by international Jewry as a means of thought control. When Jews speak of Antisemitism, they usually include the expression "Oy vey!" in there at least once, preferably multiple times.

Thomas Muller #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

The neuro-linguistic programming of a defacto Satanist is to label as “white supremacist” and “racist” those who do not to submit to being raped, kicked to death, car jacked and robbed.

Unfortunately, Crowleyite clown-world inversion is in play, as it’s now deemed “racist” to treat disturbed Dindus as a threat, to avoid them or even call them out for their criminal behaviors.

Those who submit do so out of very misguided white guilt. The problem is cognitive dissonance. The average white zombie tells himself that the crime wave is due to whites and not enough TLC for Dindus. He adamantly refuses to admit the truth: The white race as a collective whole has decided to commit white geno-suicide. That is the long and the short of it — the simple truth. Whitey has chosen to become suicidally insane, psychotic, helped along by various forms of New Age and Cultural Marxist “love everybody” and “never hate” toxic cultism.

Meanwhile, Pretendsident Xiden says the only way to stop “teens” from committing violent crimes is to disarm law-abiding white citizens. Just wait until the Xiden Department of Housing and Urban Development starts block busting the burbs as the Donk cities rapidly become no-go zones.

Additionally, the police are recast and defunded and the money spent on social workers who can “reason” with these murderers, rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers, etc. Tyrone and Shaniqua the social workers will be enforcing — depending on your skin color — the law. This is in reality another form of Red Vanguard Terror.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Judge Drops Charges Against White Karen After She Completes Woke Leftist Reeducation Center Session

(Magets Alive)
"Once she had a breakthrough"
Translation: "Once she showed a sufficient quantity of self-hatred for her skin color"

(Martin Huber)

I really wanna get these free helicopter rides going

going to have to disagree with this one... I think the blood eagle is more fitting.

They hate you and want to destroy your people and thusly your culture and will not stop until we stop them.


she lied to police about being assaulted. Do understand how serious that is?

She told the dispatcher he threatened her, as he most certainly did. If I approach a woman alone in the park and tell her “I’m about to do something you’re not gonna like”, while trying to coax her dog to come to me, I have absolutely threatened her.

That isn't a threat to harm her or rob her, but just to troll her.

If my wife or daughter is alone in a park, and some strange man says that to her while trying to coax her dog away from her, it is absolutely to be taken as a threat. The crazy part about this whole thing is how she is the one who has been deemed a “Karen”, instead of the grown ass man who doesn’t even own a dog but carries treats in his pocket for the off chance he sees someone with their dog off the leash. She’s not stable, but that’s straight psycho behavior. What woman wouldn’t feel threatened by some weirdo who would do that?

There's no mocking going on here. This is one of the many reasons why there's such a vast gulf between the Right and the Left; you support anti-caucasian activities and viewpoints, then turn around and refuse to accept that those exist, or refuse to accept that it's just as bad. Hate it all you want, you cannot single out a single race for abuse while letting everyone else have pride and support, and still expect that single race to support your ideals.

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger desuarchive.org

The inability many people today who view themselves as being "scientific" as well as math fans (left-brain prisoners) have in comprehending that .999 isn't the same as 1, is completely connected to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilites. Over the course of the last 10 or so centuries of indoctrination into an alien world-view, they've "learned" to be unable to comprehend it.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically Christinsanity for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. Christinsanity introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending with a point B, whereas in the Native European world-view everything is infinite, a circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that .999 repeating forever will never reach 1 -- they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to thier Judaically-induced mental disease.

Various Editors #racist #wingnut archive.is

Metapedia was founded in 2006 back when people naively thought Scientology was this dangerous religion and Scientologists ran Hollywood, not Jews. People know better today. 2006 through 2009 was back when everyone believed Barack Hussein Obama was Black Jesus who was going to heal the world of all racial hatred, whereas later Obama became a race hustler inciting race riots. It was before the viral video of Barbara Spectre ✡ saying Jews are behind white genocide. It was before Stefan Molyneux became popular as someone red-pilling people. It was before Angela Merkel brought in the entire criminal population of the Middle East into Germany for some ficki ficki including gang-raping 3-year-old boys and girls. It was before the Trump train, the alt right, and public shaming of supervillain George Soros ✡ .
An accurate name for Metapedia could've been:
White Nationalist wiki
1488 wiki
Jew-wise wiki
White Pride wiki
Skinhead wiki
KKK wiki
White Power wiki
Aryan Race wiki
Master Race wiki
Sieg Heil wiki
National Socialist wiki
Zyklon wiki
Gas The Kikes Race War Now wiki
Hitler Did Nothing Wrong wiki
The Walking Holocaust wiki
Six Million More wiki
Chimp Choking Champion wiki
I Ain't Afraid of no ZOG wiki
Three Reichs and You're Out wiki
Awakening the Aryan people wiki
Securing a future for white children wiki
If it's not white then it's not right wiki
14/88 BLAZE IT wiki
Radical racist wiki
Having Mossad on the run wiki
Causing hysteria in every black area wiki
Sending every black to Iraq wiki
Y'all Gonna Panic When You See This Germanic wiki
Everything is going to be all white wiki
Wrecking Ball the Wailing Wall wiki
The Anglo-Saxon Purity Klaxon wiki
Ran over a kike with my bike wiki
Happy Concentration Camper wiki
A holocaust a day keeps Mossad away wiki
... and so on.

Various Editors #racist #conspiracy archive.is

In fall 2014, Metapedia became a Zionist shill run by Kimmo Alm (aka. Vir and Upplysning) who removed all mention of The Jewish Question from articles and simply made it about Marxism, hiding the Jewish source. Examples of changes Kimmo made have included using the pathological altruism claim to say white people made themselves cucks on their own, ignoring the Jewish intellectual movements that turned them into ethno-masochists. Kimmo also removed any revisionist narratives questioning historical propaganda of WWII and Metapedia now says The Holocaust™ actually happened where six million Jews were turned lampshades and soap. Metapedia also renamed the Red Holocaust article to a softer name and replace it with an article 90% smaller that specifically argues against Jews being the perpetrators of it.
The site also removed the Star of David (✡) by names of Jews, as Metapedia has since been about hiding The Jew behind the destruction of Europeans and their culture. Granted some people write Jewish names (((like this))) instead of a star, but Metapedia didn't do that either.
Anders has been in and out of prison a lot and it's possible some Jewish agency threatened Anders and he struck a deal. Kimmo Johan Alm is bascially a Jared Fogle✡, see this article on him and was probably threatened by the police as well. Bear in mind, in Western and Northern Europe, if you complain about mass immigration on social media, the police raid your house and it's possible they raided Kimmo's house and found his CP stash.
Metapedia of course doesn't like Donald Trump. On the Merkel article, Metapedia also removed "jewish lackey" as a category calling it "ridiculous" even though it's obvious she has been destroying Germany for international jewry.

Joeric & Robert Kelly #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Canada Military Trumpets Diversity… With Picture of Eight White Men


Canada’s defence minister, Harjit Sajjan... The only thing sillier would be U.S. Five-Star General Hideki Tojo in World War II.

The most silly thing I heard was a Bangladeshi Muslim who is some MP in Scotland complaining that 96% of the politicians are Scots. I mean if he goes to his country Bangladesh, 100% of the politicians are Bangladeshis.

(Robert Kelly)

Can you imagine a country such as that or the Japanese having a minority prime minister? It's not going to happen.

So Japan isn't going to have an Iranian Prime Minister anytime soon??? Rats.


I believe that MP is the Justice Minister no less (yes, a muslim as Justice Minister) and I know he was shouted down for his racism and his stupidity. Of course no muslim or non-white should ever hold any government post in any white country.

They shouldn't be in any white country - period!

We’ve been conditioned to let it go when blacks start complaining but when one of these south Asian monstrosities starts making demands then that’s a call to an uprising in my humble opinion.

We should not tolerate either.

(Robert Kelly)

'...Institutions around the world are keenly aware that it is important not only to increase diversity and inclusion...' Any news from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Sri Lanka or Chad as to that diversity and inclusion?

Saudi Arabia definitely needs more Jews in their government. In fact, I propose that an atheist, homosexual Jew made Mayor of the Islamic Holy City of Mecca. Who's with me??

atheist, homosexual, transgender FEMALE Jew. I am with you. Let me remove my star, my kippa and tallith... Ah, and sign me up for that transginger (Eric Cartman's claim) thing operation.

Atheist, homosexual transgender female Jew>>>>>>atheist, homosexual Jewish male on the SJW totem pole of oppressed minorities.

Lipton Matthews #racist amren.com

Scrap Black History Month

People celebrate February as Black History Month, but what is its real purpose — other than therapy for elite blacks? Obviously, there are brilliant black intellectuals, but in general, blacks aren’t interested in scholarship. We should stop deluding ourselves; blacks don’t care deeply about learning.

Blacks rarely value knowledge for its own sake. In my experience, many blacks are happy to study something to get a degree and a job, but learning something for its own sake is another story. It is not uncommon for me to have to justify my reading habits to other blacks. The only time I can freely discuss intellectual issues with a black person is if he is exceptionally curious. Many blacks think you can go crazy if you study too much. On several occasions, I have seen blacks caution one another against passionate study because it will induce madness.

Of course, white people tease nerds, too, but they don’t act as if brilliance is antithetical to whiteness. Meanwhile, some blacks still think scientists are arrogant layabouts for investigating the mysteries of life. To them, intelligence is worthy of scorn. Even educated blacks have told me that scientists are weird people.

Unlike whites who celebrate men such as Adam Smith and Milton Friedman every day, the heroes of the black community will always be entertainers, not forgotten intellectuals such as Abram Harris and Alexander Crummell or entrepreneurs such as Elijah McCoy and Milly Pierce. All Black History Month does is stroke the egos of some blacks. We should scrap it to spare blacks the burden of pretending to care about learning.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut missionamerica.com

Middle school is described by many parents as a gauntlet of twisted, dangerous indoctrination emanating from activist teachers, administrators and school counselors drawn to the 6th to 8th grade age cohort. Why? Because the pubescent child is the ideal subject for ideological manipulation.
The hallways were papered with “LGBT” rainbows and messages pushing “love is love.” School announcements regularly featured perky voices plugging “gay-straight alliance” activities. Diversity, equity, social justice themes popped up everywhere, the mom told me. “My daughter was inundated with constant propaganda.”

Thankfully, her child remained solidly grounded in the truth, so the attempts to win her acceptance had the opposite effect, cementing her position as a determined Christian conservative.

But that isn’t the outcome in many families. Parents regularly report the poisonous fruit of bizarre middle school messages, including screaming matches over dinner with badly informed “tweens.” Parents watch their once-affectionate offspring turn into hard, hostile junior progressives with defiant attitudes, questionable friends, secret activities, falling grades and worse.

Many families suffer in silence, too intimidated to bring their concerns forward. In the wake of COVID shutdowns and remote learning, some have quietly chosen permanent home-schooling. But many are stuck in government schools, silently seething as children are intentionally sold sexual confusion, hatred of America, Marxism, and racial division.

Ethan #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From “Is Ethnocentrism a Sin?”]

A common trend I’ve seen from cuckservatives is pointing to verses in the Bible, like Galatians 3:28, to say ethnocentrism is bad. Some will even stretch “no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3) to mean nationalism is bad. The latter is obviously absurd, given what God commanded the Israelites to do to surrounding tribes[…]
Others have written on why this is an absurd argument[…]
Galatians 3:28 does not only say there is no Jew nor Gentile, but also says that there is no “male nor female.”[…]I’m sure that National Review article promoting unisex bathrooms based on Galatians is coming.
Ethnocentrism is simply in-group preference. Your ethnic group or your nation is simply an extension of your family. There are numerous quotes that clarify that in-group preference is not only okay, but is Biblically mandated.
Even taking the more liberal view on interracial marriage necessitates it is only done with fellow Christians and not the stranger who is still led by foreign gods.[…]When we look at the “Christianity” as it is often practiced in Africa, it is a strange and foreign faith. We need only look at the story of magic penis thieves or ministers who claim God blessed their vaginas to heal others through fornication to see that – no, those are not Christians and you should maintain healthy division and separate nations from them.

Burdock Smarry #racist amren.com

It’s ironic and funny how White Americans are becoming more like the American Indians year after year. The only difference is that unlike White Americans; American Indians actually fought back as hard as they can to keep their cultures and way of life thriving. Well I guess history has to repeat itself.

Theres been the "trail of tears" going on in all the major cities for years. White man becomes victim of thefts, assaults, sequestered by police when he defends himself from would be attackers etc. The result is his exit from his accomplishments and moves on to an undeveloped rural area to try starting over again. White wokism is his only way to survive in a city that has contempt for the white Christians.

The only peaceful places for Anglo Saxon white Christians will be remote rural areas of Appalachia or central midwest plains of Kansas and Nebraska. The only caveat is, this time avoid developing the areas into centers of commerce. That will only lead to evolving communities and eventually cities where different ethnic backgrounds will follow for the freebies, government benefits and then trash the white man again who made it all possible.

robbinsville #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: The races other than the Jews are mostly good, some moreso than others.

Based upon your warped, demented, twisted, incoherent logic, you ARE NOT, and you CANNOT BE, a White Nationalist.

My suggestion to you--and it's a very good one--is to immediately remove yourself from Stormfront and dissociate yourself forever more from the White Nationalist Movement.

You clearly have a fraudulent, fallacious, misguided understanding of the concept and meaning of "White Nationalism." Your wholly incorrect beliefs that "other, lesser races" are to somehow align themselves with the vastly superior White / Caucasian race is dangerous, foolhardy, and completely impossible.

ALL OTHER races, species, ethnicities, etc. are the mortal, sworn enemies of our brilliant, far superior White / Caucasian race. All other races, species, ethnicities, etc. HATE the White race with an unbridled hatred that borders on insanity--and that actually IS pathological insanity.

With the erroneous, flawed, unfeasible position you postulate you've thus proven yourself unworthy of the title of nobility of a "White Nationalist."

I strongly suggest you immediately remove yourself from the White Nationalist Movement, as you walk out the exit door with your head hanging down in utter shame. You've betrayed your White race, you are an abhorrent disgrace to all who "fight the good fight" for our amazing White race, and you cannot ever be worthy of the greatness bestowed upon our White race.

I'd say you should be ashamed, but you've proven by your acceptance of our mortal enemies that you are a person who has no shame. Be gone forever, enemy of the White man.

Various Posters #racist #fundie chimpmania.com

(from a thread regarding AOC saying “my identity is the descendant of many different identities. I am the descendant of African slaves. I am the descendant of Indigenous people. I am the descendant of Spanish colonizers… I am a descendant of all sorts of folks. That doesn’t mean I’m Black, that doesn’t mean I’m Native, but I can tell the story of my ancestors.”)

(The Confederate): If it walks like a spook, talks like a spook, and acts like a spook it must be a spook !

(Rip Tide): Once you become, if only part, a descendent of a nigger the rest of your descendents are no longer relevant.

(Paddyroller): Think of a quart of your favorite ice cream. Think of a quart of your favorite ice cream with one drop of shit mixed in.

(Massa Skim): I recall when this spigger tried ooking niggerbabble at one of Reverend Sharpcoon’s events. If there’s one thing I hate more than niggers, it’s Wiggers and race-traitor humans such as herself who try to act like wild apes.

(Tired of Them): She/it never had to say a thing. It looks like a nigger to my eyes.

(igor): One drop is more than enough sweetheart. That’s all we need to know... and try as you might, I can confidently assure you that once you identify yo’self as a nigger no Human will take you seriously. Ever.

(Beige Mix): I hope she takes an Ancestry or 23&me DNA test and learns she's not a nigger, after the initial surprise she might alter and improve her political goals.

(Chimp Trainer): Pretty unlikely. The native Taino were almost entirely wiped out in Puerto Rico. The island was settled by Spaniards and their nigger slaves. This thing is not a Spaniard.

(nigger down under): We're are not surprised AOC. We know you're an AOC. Ape On Crack! Fuck all you niggers and nigger lovers!

JanJegerTiger #racist #sexist #ableist #psycho incels.is

For the Great Reset to work, COVID-19 is needed.

Why we should embrace COVID-19?
There are a few reasons. This is why I do not wear my mask and would happily superspread this non-virulent virus everywhere because everyone out there in this soyciety is a fucking pussy.

1. Last year there were so many people, mostly millenials were complaining how the Boomers were the major cause of all of society's problems and that they should die already. [...] COVID-19 is killing off the old, killing off the boomers. People [...] should be embracing it by stop being a cuck, stop wearing a mask, and to spread the virus around to finally kill off the boomer population. It's time for them to go as we as a society needs to stop funding them and allocate that money to support the young.

2. It is killing off all of the one's who are truly not healthy in the slightest. These are mostly the foids & chads who are obese & overweight, drug users, already have a STD or a chronic disease brought on by their poor unhealthy lifestyle, and those who are jewish & non-white.

3. [...] The virologist, Gordon Amherst [...] is right about humanity. How humanity have become complicit in letting the old & weak survive as well waste resources for them to live while not helping those who need those resources.

4. I started researching into the Great Reset and applied Gordon Amherst's ideas among others philosophers and concluded for the Great Reset to work properly is to allow nature to retake it's course by killing off the old and weak. COVID-19 is doing that for us already and the lockdowns are doing that for those who complain all the time about not seeing their friends, not partying, and fearing becoming introverted. Suicide, fear, and COVID-19 have become our allies COVID-19 is killing off the old & the weak, the media driven fear is making politicians make shitty decisions that sadly isn't really helping anyone, including us but is driving the outgoing & extroverts insane. Whereas isolation is common among us because how this horrid soyciety treats us.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source. The destruction of that city is needed to “put an end to messianic delusions” held by religious fanatics including U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.

Any move against Jerusalem would be part of a massive worldwide counter-attack against the Khazarians following their recent offensive actions against Russia, the UK, the United States, Japan, and other countries, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.

As a part of this offensive, the U.S. and Japanese military are ready to respond because the recent attack on their forces near Mt. Fuji (fire at base of mountain on left side) has been traced to that city. This is in part because Kiyosu Takayama, a self-declared Knight’s Templar, has been traced as the source of disinformation about the February 3rdattack. He claims that in the attack the “U.S. Navy destroyed the world’s largest adrenochrome factory.”
Whatever this item may or may not be; what people need to understand is that these messianic fanatics want to build a temple of death where living beings will be murdered as offerings to Molech, Ba’al, Set aka Satan.

The White Dragon Society and its allies will support the creation of a third temple when this war ends but it will be a temple of life, not death. Here offerings will consist of pledges to promote life, i.e. like environmental protection of vulnerable species that will support Earth’s biodiversity not destroy it.

In any case, the civil war raging in the west involving these fanatics has now pitted MI5 again MI6, and the CIA against the FBI among others.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

<note: written in mid-Jan 2021>
Debt is now too far over-proportionated that this kills worldwide the current financial fiat system. Eventually this system will be replaced by the QFS once President Trump is in his second term.

The question now is; Would the collapse of the US dollar come before this happens, as the DS tries to enforce this to blame the Trump-administration to move Biden in, or will Trump-Team still have the time to replace it on their own terms? History tells us, it will become a narrow escape. Already, since 2008 on its current trajectory, the system seems destined to go-down pretty soon, the same way every other fiat currency in history has gone towards destruction and collapse.
From what is known of the modes of operation by the Deep State, this starts with their standard use of Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS) to create situations of crises, and disasters that allow them to increase control, instead to losing it. Such a scenario would completely destroy the infrastructure through which they move and operate, from high level finance to media manipulation, to academia, right down to the local public school system. They have been heavily invested in this plan for a very long time. Whereas the COVID pandemic their substitute is for the planned WW3, that should have taken place under a Hilary Clinton administration.

Regardless of what people may think about the origins of the 2030 Agenda, it is wise to take your time to read the Protocols of Zion. Don’t just read them, but study them. They explain in precise detail what is going to happen in the world today and why.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Who Are the Enemies of Western Civilization?

Now he says the entire field if the Classics is hopelessly tangled up with white supremacy. He says the field is “equal parts vampire and cannibal,” and that studying Greece and Rome means justifying slavery, racism, colonialism, and Nazism. A Dominican has the nerve to tell us to stop studying Greece and Rome because that makes us racist.

In “It’s Time to Let Classical Music Die,” Nebal Maysaud wrote, “Western classical music participates in the act of destroying culture and replaces it with its own white supremacist narrative. Its main purpose is to be a cultural anchor for the myth of white supremacy.” Mr. Maysaud says he’s still accepting commissions to compose. In his words, “As long as people of color are making art, culture stays alive.”

And why do these people do this? Maybe they once loved Beethoven or Homer or Beowulf but got caught up in anti-white hysteria. Maybe they just can’t stand it that their people could never have created anything like the Ring Cycle. I don’t know. But that’s their problem.

The real horror is that white people fall for this stuff.

Can you imagine a white man getting a job teaching at the University of Delhi and then saying that the Vedas are racist and sexist so Hinduism needs to die? Or studying Confucianism and then yelling because the field has too many Chinese in it? Or studying Japanese sword fighting and insisting on getting rid of all that racist Japanese terminology?

This is a uniquely white form of insanity. If you think our Classical roots are inherently white supremacist and our highest art forms are racist, it means our very existence is immoral. How did we ever let such fools take charge? They deserve to be laughed out of every position of power and into the nuthouse where they belong.

WorldWarITrenchBoi #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: Anyone else tired of all the race focus on the recent economic schemes and in diversity?

My military mom was talking about how they only focused on diversity in race, not gender, and how that was a sharp turn from the metoo movement just a few years ago. When Biden gives away money to minorities on unemployment only, or to their small businesses, he forgets entirely about a large portion of the working class in Appalachia who have been entirely overlooked and demonized, along with a good portion of small businesses. How is not assisting them not considered racism by itself? It should be, but the media wouldn’t frame it as that. It seems as if even they don’t realize that this hurts the left and their coalition in the long run, meaningless victories and time wasting only alienates the majority who could learn to appreciate leftist economics if they weren’t immediately shoved in with wokeness, along with environmentalism which is a big issue too.

Of course I am, having come from the black PMC milieu myself (but as Matt Christman points out, one of the ones to fall through the cracks now that the “dream” of social climbing has been snuffed out) I utterly despise this group of race hustling minorities who try manipulating all this diversity shit and warping all discussions of economics and government policy into a cynical scheme to gain more wealth and power for themselves. And the most disgusting part about them is that they use working class minorities as pawns in their little game to cement themselves as either capitalists in their own right, retainers to the capitalists, or academics. And if you hear how they will often talk about working class minorities they feel disgusted by them, almost as disgusted by them as actual white supremacists are. It’s an entirely self-interested, cynical, and psychopathic mode of politics.

Nordic Resistance Movement #dunning-kruger #racist gblawai7y57lkkitxv5lg2stg4-adwhj77lcyoafdy-www-nordfront-se.translate.goog

According to the "experts" of the world of science, Mather and Smoot's award [the Nobel Prize in Physics] is considered both expected and well-deserved. But do the discoveries of these two Americans contain anything significant to white humanity?

One of the factors that Zion uses to clear away all Aryan traditions from scientific research is the dogma of the so-called "Big Bang theory". In short, this dogma is that there is an inexplicable irrational "beginning" to the universe, an origin from which the cosmos was "created". The scientific institutions, and in particular the Nobel Committee, talk about the "childhood of the universe" and date the "birth" of the universe extensively to 13.7 billion years ago. It is on the basis of this assumption, which is anything but a proven axiom, that the two Americans have conducted their research.

The above fact may seem trivial to the survival of the white Aryan race. But if you look closely at the subjective Semitic positions that lie behind the "Big Bang theory", the matter comes in a completely different light.

The idea that the universe has a "beginning", an exact state from which everything was "created" inevitably means, if we are to pursue the idea logically, a "creator" or a "higher meaning". This in itself opens up for a Semitic anthropocentric view of nature, as well as a linear view of history.

A "cyclical" approach means that the starting point is our planet with its abundance of living organisms, and that it moves in a circle in its constant evolution, and not linearly with a clear "beginning" and an "end"...A consistent cyclical attitude cannot be based on a "Big-Bang" theory, as its course has no definite beginning or end.

National Socialism is the only political ideology which in modern times derives from the Aryan biocentric-cyclical worldview.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

The claim that Western society is de facto Communist seems far-fetched. Yet, if we consider that a major goal of Communism is the destruction of marriage and family, the claim makes sense.

Communist social engineers are responsible for creating a toxic environment for marriage: Promotion of gender confusion and homosexuality; the war on gender itself (feminist usurpation of masculine role); the mainstreaming of promiscuity ("sexual liberation" pornography); and the promotion of transgender rights, as if 99.9% have no rights.
Communism is Cabalism which is a Jewish satanic cult which includes Freemasonry. It denies the existence of God and the soul. It destroys love because God is Love.

The wellspring of love is woman who generates love by sacrificing for husband and children and is cherished in return. The Cabalists have poisoned this well by teaching women to be selfish and to seek power and sex instead of love.

Woman's attraction for men is based on her beauty, innocence and modesty.
The modern woman is now a "proud slut" that few men want.
Under the Christian dispensation, society was at least nominally dedicated to taming the beast and aspiring to spiritual ideals like Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, and Justice. Now under the Communist (Satanist) dispensation, culture is devoted to releasing the beast and negating these ideals. Our toxic cult-ure is defined by the Illuminati. Our attitude to homosexuality has gone from a visceral disgust to schools prompting children to experiment with it. Our cities are "cold and forlorn" to use the approving words of the Protocols of Zion.

WHITE POWER #racist rationalwiki.org

I am white and proud of my race. Hence my name "WHITE POWER".

I dont know why, but rationalwiki seems to have a thing against white nationalists.

Today, according to the latest U.S. Census - only 23% of the American population under the age of 18 is WHITE. Already, four U.S. states are MAJORITY NON-WHITE, and 10% of all counties in America are MAJORITY NON-WHITE. World-wide, White women of child-bearing age comprise only 3% of the earth's population. Do these FACTS disturb you? They should. Visit http://www.americannaziparty.com and http://www.stormfront.org.

This user's Political Compass coordinates are (6.88,6.72

Unnamed Cornish teenager #racist #homophobia #wingnut #psycho cornwalllive.com

The defendant, from south-east Cornwall, was aged just 13 when he got his hands on instructions for explosives and went on to lead a neo-Nazi cell from his grandmother’s house.
The defendant, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was handed a 24-month youth rehabilitation order by Judge Mark Dennis, QC, at the Old Bailey on Monday (February 8).
Cornwall Live reported last week how the court heard that between October 2018 and July 2019 the youth collected a significant amount of far-right material and manuals and was active on online platforms, expressing racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views.

He talked about "gassing" Jewish people, hanging gay people and wanting to "shoot up their parades", the court heard.

In the summer of 2019 he became the British cell leader of the FKD - Feuerkrieg Division - a neo-Nazi group that idolises the likes of Anders Breivik, the Norwegian who murdered 77 young people in a shooting spree, the court heard.
One of his five recruits was teenager Paul Dunleavy, who was convicted of terrorism offences relating to his activities as a member of FKD in 2019 and with whom he discussed the acquisition of firearms, the court was told.

The defendant also allegedly commissioned a "Nuke London" poster which bore an image of an atom bomb cloud explosion over the Houses of Parliament with the slogan "Sterilise the cesspit that you call London".
In a police interview, the defendant, now aged 16, denied having had any racist, homophobic or anti-Semitic views, and said his comments and posts were just "to look cool".

He claimed that he had been considering leaving FKD for about a month.

Profit #conspiracy #racist forbiddenarchaeology2016.weebly.com

RH factor is what is in the Bible referred to as the serpent seed. The Nephilim. It means you are basically without the blood of angels. It is why RH factor people tend to be more predisposed to dark tendancies. The gentiles (Europeans) are a result of forbidden mating and it was forbidden because the eye color of the white race gives away whether you have more or less serpent seed/angels seed in your blood. The bloodlines over the years have been so intermingled we all have bits and pieces of other races but I see hundreds of blue eyed people who are just good to the heart and hundreds of green eyed people who are just evil to the core.
Blonde hair blue eyes=Angels seed/blood of God Christ
Red hair green eyes=Serpent seed/blood of the devil

Sharon Thomason #racist independent.co.uk

A Conservative council candidate who sent a message to a Jewish Labour MP about the “Aryan race” will no longer be standing for the party.

Sharon Thomason, who was to contest a seat on Warrington Borough Council, tweeted “Keep the Aryan race going…” at Charlotte Nichols on 29 February last year.

In another post from the summer Ms Thomason had suggested building a statue of Enoch Powell, who gave the infamous “rivers of blood” speech in 1968.

Local council leader Russ Bowden criticised the comments as “disgusting and inexcusable conduct”, while Ms Nichols herself said they gave “a feel for the calibre of candidates [the Conservatives are] selecting locally”.

The Conservative Party said it had taken action “swiftly and immediately” to remove the candidate.
Ms Thomason had made the comments in response to a tweet by Ms Nichols noting that Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds were expecting a baby.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #psycho #conspiracy supernaturalspirit.com

Enochian Queen King Vampire Service $10000

You may have your Magic Kit and the Psi-lord has demolished the Kabbalah using the other God Amalek as well as enabling eliminating Chakras using the power of Kalki; the Vedic ultimate black magician badass who clean house of all evil. Unfortunately there is a third pillar of obstruction to lock you out of the magic world of C and H space called Enochian Magic. Fortunately Tim Tony Stark Rifat is the present day 007 and commands all the Enochian hierarchy as he is the source.
In this service you become an Enochian Vampire Queen or King with the 49th key and your 40 crystal magic kit set has 8 Enochian universe b dark quartz crystals added to it which you put around your triangle of art to make 11 of Daath death and the 8 crystals draw all male priciple out of the target to turn it back to formless void which you can remanifest any way you wish.

Only the total 007 Tim Tony Stark Rifat controls this as he is the source the entire Enochian multiverse had to bow down to or get tortured infinitely and beyond; So Kabbalah was hellised Chakra occultism hellised and the Christian Enochian magic which had no Jewish content apart from the Jew God who was consumed by the Psi-Lord was joined to the the Psi-Lord as it is better to be a servant of the source than an eternal torture toy of the source. If you have ever used Enochian magic thank you very much for being the Psi-Lord´s eternal torture toy and your screams of total torment beats viagra to give him a hard on for his ever demanding American uber witch biatches (beautiful witches).

Lipton Matthews #racist #wingnut amren.com

You’re black and you write for American Renaissance. What would you say to blacks and liberals who would call you an “Uncle Tom”?

I would tell critics of my ideas to stop infantilizing black people. White people can express a variety of opinions, but blacks who do not conform to mainstream views are seen as “sellouts.” I think this is one of the reasons for the lack of dynamism among black academics. Instead of producing innovative material many of them opt to comply with the prevailing consensus and as a result we end up with scores of black writers who can talk only about race.

What made you start thinking about race beyond the typical clichés?

My interest in the rise and fall of nations led me to study personality differences based on race and nationality. Some countries are rich and others are poor, so obviously all cultures cannot be equal. The strongest argument in favor of Western supremacy is that people want to migrate to Western countries. The Western world is so bad, yet most people want to live in the West.

When you read American Renaissance or Jared Taylor, with what do you most disagree?

White separatism is impractical. Whites are not ethnocentric enough to create a white ethnostate. I think American Renaissance and Jared Taylor should focus on getting other racial groups to desist from complaining and just assimilate into Western countries.

What are the chances of race realism being accepted by the mainstream in the next five years? Ten years?

Race realism does not need to be accepted by the mainstream. Race realists only require a large audience to topple the mainstream.

Do you have any final thoughts?

American Renaissance must continue to resist the tyranny of Big Tech or better yet secure funding to start a social media platform.

ky_native #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist amren.com

Not many people have seen God, but those who have claimed to have seen him didn't mention that he was of a different color than themselves. Some blacks argue that the Ancient of Days (Adam) was black because the Bible mentioned that his hair was white like wool. I interpret that as he was very old (ancient), and his hair would thus be white. The wool part was not to mean his hair "was" wool as found on the negro head, but the color itself was white as the wool found on sheep.

You know this for definite? How?

I read the Bible and in no point was God, or Adam, mentioned as being an Ethiopian. Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and Stephan as he was being martyred saw God. None mentioned that God was black, and Jesus said God was made in his image. Mary was of Jewish decent (not black).

Moses was Hebrew; ergo white. Had God had an afro and been black, it would have been mentioned. Exodus says that Moses spoke with Lord face to face; had the Lord had a different look than Moses, he would has said so. Moses was described as a fair baby. Do I have to look that up for you as well?

There are NO black Hebrews, so none can exist. There are no black Jews and will never be one. Is there a unicorn? No.

All humans have African blood. The origin of all humans is in Africa.

Perhaps, but not enough to make a white man black! The origin of man is not final science in "my" opinion. Scientists keep moving the bar about how and where we came from. What is science this year, may be debunked next year. Science evolves with understanding.

The Vaulted Earth #fundie #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #racist vaultedearth.wordpress.com

YAHUAH, YAHUSHA, Moshe, all the Prophets, all the Hebrews, and all the translators taught and preached that the earth is a stationary, plane, set on 4 corners with pillars, enclosed by a glass firmament, within which the sun, moon, and stars were all placed inside of, on day four of creation, just as the Scriptures maintain from Genesis to Revelation.

So do the Scriptures teach Gnosticism, Kabbalahism, and Luciferianism . . Because that is exactly what the Big-Bang, Heliocentric, spinning Globe earth cosmology is. Apotheosis and Enochian Mysticism.

For thousands of years, concepts such as the idea of traveling through portals, dimensional doors, gateways through the stars, etc., were confined to the realm of divination and sorcery… Yet today such concepts are considered a logical extension and achievable goal of modern physics, and Copernican cosmology… Constantly reinforced by NASA and Hollywood…

Why would YAHUAH create such an infinite and chaotic universe that could only be eventually discovered by the technological advances of humanistic agendas and Occult organizations…???

The entire Luciferian dream of ascension, of apotheosis, of man becoming god, is embedded within the very fabric of Copernican cosmology…

Their synthesis has worked perfectly. The One World Religion is everyone unknowingly worshiping the Feathered Serpent, while under the delusion of that through this, they are destroying the New World Order who (they do not know) worships the same.

This is their Hegelian Dialectic perfected.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: Woman Brutally Attacked by Another Woman in North Philadelphia Shares Horrifying Experience

Black assailant beats white woman for dating a black man.


I NEVER heard of a black woman speak positive about interracial dating, marriages or otherwise.

Even Hollywood rarely shows black women dating blonde heroes. But every mandatory black movie hero must have his trophy blonde

This is the feel good story of the week! It also leaves the left in a difficult position; attack a BIPOC for racist behavior or ignore a lefty female being physically attacked for doing what the media told her to do!

No. The great feel-good story of the week is one I saw a couple of hours ago about police in Texas getting a frantic 911 call from some illegal aliens who said they were being smuggled in a closed tanker and were running out of oxygen. The dispatcher tried to get their location and what the tanker looked like, but couldn't. Finally, the extremely distressed caller let go of the phone and spoke no more. They were never found - not yet, not rescued. There were supposedly up to 80 of them inside that tanker. Now that really made my day!

Hey, why don't we amreners pitch in together, buy a sealed tanker, and go into the illegal-alien smuggling business?!

(Robert Kelly)

I applaud the negress who did this.

I wonder how the white woman looked? I don't think the black woman would have been triggered if the white woman had been fat and obviously unattractive.

(Fed Up)

In “fairness” to black women they would hate white women no matter who they date. The weight, hair, temper, femininity, intelligence, etc. issues makes any friendship impossible.

White women are almost always smarter, better looking and a much better catch for a black male than a female of their own species.

Philosopher of Freedom #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

If diversity is such a strength then why is it that the US and all other White countries reached their pinnacle of success when they were 90% White or more?

It's an inverted double scale; civilization declines as Diversity increases. That is what happened to Rome and in fact every empire that has ever existed, including the Soviet Union. The U.S. became an empire by principle once it made blacks citizens and then followed with other racial and ethnic groups. The Marxists knew this would happen, so they supported the pressures that brought about the Civil War. In fact, the NAACP was created by Marxists who were all white with one exception, the mulatto WEB DuBois who hated whites even more than himself. (He married a white woman. I believe marrying outside of one's race is rejection of your own racial/ethnic identity).

Andrew Anglin #racist #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “My Apologies to Tom Brady”]

Tom Brady won his 7th Super Bowl on Sunday night, to the stomps and claps of excited fans.

I want to personally apologize to Tom, as I publicly stated years ago that his career was over and he should quit.
Unlike the scumbag Conor McGregor, who gets paid to get beat up by brown people, Brady gets paid to destroy brown people. Patrick Mahomes is the most humiliated brown person since brown people were forced to use different drinking fountains.
Understand: a white Christian family man, and a public Trump supporter to boot, just beat the odds and humiliated a mulatto in the biggest annual event in the country.

This is the last of this sort of thing.

So you’d better enjoy it.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger benjaminfulford.net

P3 sources say Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is now the de facto Director calling the shots as interim caretaker, so-called President Joe Biden is holding his oval office appearances at the Castle Rock, Amazon Studios in Culver City, California.
The so-called regime now “controlling” the United States has already proposed to other countries the idea of holding online meetings. In other words, it is just a matter of time before the leaders of other governments realize there is no physical Biden competent enough mentally for them to meet.

The P3 now wants Bezos to oversee a transition to a new system based on meritocracy and real-time democracy. They say he was assigned following a failed attempt by the Rockefeller family and the Khazarian Mafia to hand the U.S. over to Communist China in exchange for vast amounts of money.

When the Rockefellers were removed from control by the Illuminati, the Chinese Communist Party – also controlled by the Khazarian Mafia – retaliated by trying to invade Taiwan.

Now, following the CCP defeat in the air war over Taiwan, the CCP seized de facto control of Pakistan and Myanmar. They now have India surrounded and are threatening to invade it.

Warning Illuminati #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #racist warningilluminati.wordpress.com

The Black Pope is the ‘President of the World’

He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rule over Maritime Laws (business) . He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). The Vatican owns 60% of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Third Solomon’s Temple where they want their throne He is a part of the Arcana Arcanorum controlled by the Papal Bloodlines within the I-Mori. These bloodlines are the omega point of control. These are the Farnese, ORSINI, Aldobrandini, Somaglia & Breakspear. Their war room command center is within the Borgo Santo Spirito which is missile protected! Viktor Emmanuelle IV wanted to nuke this region of Rome. Henry Breakspear and Pepe Orsini are in high control! Jesuit Assistancy Soldier, James Grummer controls the United States Corporation.

1. The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
2. The Illuminati, Zionists, globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
3. The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta.
4. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits.
5. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders like Obama, Rudd, Blair, Jintao, Sarkozy, Peres are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders.

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