
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Chris Roberts #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

The Worst Movie Ever Made?

A new horror film, Master, is making waves in the liberal arts scene.

I enjoyed the film’s mocking of white liberals. However, it’s not clear what the leftist black writer/director Mariama Diallo wants woke whites to do. Surely she wants whites to “celebrate diversity,” “elevate black voices,” and the like. But the whites in her film who believe in these things are mocked for being awkward and insensitive. Much like the white feminists derided by black political commentators, no amount of ethno-masochism or groveling is ever good enough. Perhaps the movie’s only virtue is that it reinforces that lesson — one that liberal whites may eventually learn.

Master is a failure as social commentary. Black students at elite universities are not terrorized. The supposed “hate crimes” they suffer from turn out to be hoaxes. The Ivy League coddles blacks students, allowing them to get away with stunts, such as marching through a school library screaming, “F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!” Blacks who think New England too white can go to an HBCU — there are over 100 of them. Suffering “micro-aggressions” is part of the human condition, not evidence of “institutional racism.” Finally, black women are one of the least suicide-prone groups in the country. In 2020, 70 percent of suicides in America were white men. Here are America’s suicide rates for women by race:


How about a cinematic examination of what leads an old white guy to kill himself?

Master is another reminder that our cultural elites are disconnected from reality. I hope its absurd exaggerations will get a white audience member or two to question the “huddled clichĂ©s” we are expected to believe.

[deleted] & Banana414 #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Western Europe is xenophobic towards Slavs and other eastern europeans


Lol I win the bloody jackpot I’m half Eastern European (mum is Russian polish and my dad is .... indigenous African tuareg) I can write several novels about the racism Slavs face and what I’ve witnessed myself... and how they treat black here Oh the beauty of being the exotic foreigner despised by all

You haven't seen the trend? In western society it's ok totreat people like complete shit, AS LONG AS and only if they're white. Otherwise you're racist. If you're white and someone wants to attack you and get away with it all they have to do is take a video of you getting attacked and say "racist gets what he deserves" the internet will always support it with no backstory and with no proof

Yes and no.

In Australia we say, "We aren't racist, we hate everyone equally"

But what I find most interesting is that we've come to a point where the media and entertainment in general has no apprehension about stereotyping or racially profiling Slavs or Eastern Europeans in general. Even on progressive media or any film you always see some kind of Russian mobster, Serbian hitman, Romanian prostitute etc, and there is no backlash to these kind of images. We are rarely shown in a positive light, while portraying a crack addicted African-American, or Columbian drug dealer, or Arab rapist is considered xenophobic, racist or stereotypical. '

My theory has been for a while, that Eastern Europeans are considered "white" in English-speaking Western countries by the greater population.

In which case we are grouped in with the past crimes of the "white" (British, German, French, American) colonisers, occupiers and oppressionists of the 20/21st centuries, when in reality we are far from that idea of "white".

This puts us in a very interesting and quite fucked up postion.

Where we are both the oppressionist of minorites and also their drug dealers.

Pete Evans #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #quack mamamia.com.au

You might hear vaccination being discussed alongside Shane Warne's death. Allow us to share some facts.

While most of Australia is focusing on the tragedy of Shane Warne's death, there's some muttering on the sidelines that's pulling focus.

The 52-year-old died from a suspected heart attack on Friday while on a holiday in Thailand.

An autopsy on Monday night confirmed the cricketer died of "natural causes," with his body now on its way home ahead of both a private and state funeral.

But it hasn't stopped the muttering.

Muttering that's turned into accusatory assumptions that are likely to get louder as they spread in the unchecked corners of the internet. Those assumptions, you might not be surprised to hear, are being fuelled along by a familiar name: Pete Evans.

The same Evans who in 2021 was banned from Instagram for repeatedly sharing misinformation about the coronavirus.

The same Evans - who, quick reminder, is a chef by trade - was fined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for trying to sell 'miracle' cures for COVID.

“Shane Warne was an amazing cricket player for sure
 (it’s) sad,” Evans said, during a public Zoom call doing the rounds on social media. “Who knows what the reasons behind this are and I can’t comment on it.

"However, so many doctors I’ve interviewed have been screaming for the last year-and-a-half, saying the vaccines are going to cause death like we’ve never seen across the planet.

"And they’re all predicting we’re not going to see the outcomes of this — or the real side effects — for the next three to five years. We’re witnessing it happening with athletes on field and there’s a reason behind that."

Seven Devil Wolf #transphobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

But on the other hand, PbtA has become the shitty, SJW OGL of gaming. Every single game you find is generally the same premise, with the descriptions changed 'When you want to go aggro' becomes 'When you want to do a cringeworthy assault that leaves your enemies in the dust...') but is also picked up by the mainstream Twitter circle jerks for self-promotion. I've seen OSR making little footnotes, but even then, the few I see which really get pushed are immensely ruleslite (Mork Borg) which are picked up by mainstream media because 'Swedish roleplaying game'.

Even the games which are pretty good (Blades in the Dark, Apocalypse World I'm not a fan of, but it's kinda' cute design-wise) are not the issue themselves, but these major OGLs are now the gatekeepers to gaming. Blades in the Dark never touched the 'muh gender' stuff directly, or ever mentioned it, but you won't find a single Forged in the Dark game (Scum and Villainy, which I'm pretty sure is written by a troon), Girl by Moonlight (multiple games about being magical girls. Based around 'who you are, what you believe and the power of relationships and community against an oppress society) which doesn't contain this stuff to the hilt.

Twitter is how these things are going to advertise. These are then picked up by CritRoles, which have to toe the line to not get removed, which then become the advertisement, while other indie games will get left in the dirt. Writing a Kickstarter game about troons in PbtA fighting penguins will not only be signal boosted within the community (as they all fund each other), but if you're lucky, picked up by Twitter and pushed further and with the low effort artwork needed? All you need is some basic writing, some rules made by copy-pasting OGL and you're sorted.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt deviantart.com

Colonel, women don't need to make sense, they need to feel safe. Men better make sense, and it doesn't matter if we feel safe, or we'll get our asses kicked out in the parking lot. I don't think women have to be unaccountable, but alpha chads like to get laid, and one poorly timed argument betwixt an delta/omega/gamma thinker and an delta/omega/gamma feeler can ruin the night as the alpha's lady friend eats their ears off over some blunt comment. In essence, as long as men need pussy more than honesty, and as long as women get to think in cycles with their emotions, it's mens' fault.

Franco #conspiracy #pratt #racist #transphobia #wingnut stormfront.org

The Evil of Postmodernism, or, Why Do Trannies Exist?

Marxism was dying by the late 1950s. It was nearly dead. Old. Tired.

Then, Postmodernist philosophy (hereafter Pp, and also known as PostMarxism) was born!

Today, Pp even denies that reality exists. It says that trannies (transgender people) can be real. In fact, under the rules of Postmodernist philosophy, anything can be real, because “every human has a different reality and a different version of the truth.” If you think the Easter Bunny is real, then hey, that’s perfectly fine, because again, everyone has their own version of reality and truth. Is this bullsh*t? Yes, it’s pure bullsh*t. It’s radical leftism. But nonetheless, lots of people believe it, especially university professors.

Trannies wouldn’t “exist” today if not for Pp.

Today, Pp has wrecked large portions of the Western world. It’s insanity. It’s “fools spouting nonsense.” Postmodernist philosophy is a war on White logic, White science, White reason, White morality and White tradition, but it’s usually not called that.

The core of Postmodernist philosophy — called Social Constructionism — is Jewish. It has been said that Postmodernist philosophy can’t even be defined. But I can define it: Postmodernist philosophy is a type of critical theory; it seeks to tear down Western culture; it says, among other things, that “everything in White Western society is a White male ‘social construct’ designed to marginalize and enslave non-Whites and women, and is designed to keep the White males in power forever.” Or, “The root of all evil is the White male” — by the way, this has been the core of all leftist thinking since 1960 or even earlier.

Russell Brand #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

Rising authoritarianism has led to war. Luckily, that friend of democracy Justin Trudeau is here to help save.

Justin Trudeau, your friend and mine who says that the rise of authoritarianism has led to a "slippage" in democratic values, he says this without any hint of irony after the authoritarianism in Canada used against truckers protesters, bank accounts, fundraising sites, it's unbelievable.

Justin Trudeau lost his authority to comment on issues like this when he treated the truckers in the manner that he did. When they introduced emergency powers and then did not revoke them, that gave him the ability to freeze people's bank accounts, that is an assault on democracy. There's no question that Russia's actions in Ukraine are deplorable, but what right do you have to offer that critique when you are no real friend of democracy when it don't suit you?

We see a bit of a slippage, a bit of a slippage in our democracies.

You want to watch your own slippages mate. Countries turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders? Yeah I feel like I saw a bit of authoritarianism in Canada, when truckers had pepper spray used against them, when bank accounts were frozen, when GoFundMe sites were shut down.

misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media

What about at the beginning of the truck protest, when he outright said they're racists, they're misogynists, is that not misinformation? Turning people against the values and the principles of democracies, that are so strong, oh, unless it's inconvenient, then they're meaningless.

StephaneFrechette #pratt #moonbat youtube.com

Yeah, let's not mention the US state dept organizing a coup in Ukraine and trying to destabilize Russia, let's not mention the Russian population of Ukraine, who were never asked about joining Ukraine but given to an artificial country and treated like shit, being shelled and attacked since 2014. Let's not mention Ukraine being a corrupt authoritarian shithole, playground of the corrupt western and European elite. Let's not mention the biological weapons lab specifically researching Russian DNA. Sure, it's all about gas, Kyle, sure.

David Guyll #pratt #transphobia daegames.blogspot.com

And I'm sure any such comments would be deleted—narcissist, frail ego, you know how it is—though I did see a huge wall of text comment in which the guy had to shoehorn in a mention about how he's a tranny. No reason. Just had to, so you'd know, and ideally you'd think he's stunning and brave. NPCs gotta stick and script together.

Chris L Lesley #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt quora.com

Question: Have creationists read Darwin's "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"? Did you finish the book and comprehend the work?

Chris: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f935a98f8eb12738589b4ea856d566e9-pjlq

Yes, and other works, but it is likely that the “Origin of Species” was not written by him”.
Should we expect a new book from the Brookwood miners? Its been 20 years ago that 13 miners lost their lives due to an explosion.

What about the former Beatle George Harrison? Is he coming out with new music this year?

The book of Mark was within 35 years of Jesus death and it gets dismissed.

The Buddha was written of 600 years after his death and it doesnt.

I think if Charles had written the Origin of Species he’d of done it in a hurry, it wasnt his first book, he never hesitated on them.

Many of the people he was in correspondence with were in a rush to get Britain to follow India’s religious belief as British Science. So there was an urgency to publish.

20 years is more than long enough for someone to write the Origin of Species, and attribute it to someone who wasnt physically or mentally capable of writing the book in that condition.

Charles Darwin didnt write the Origin of Species.

WOLFBLADE111 #pratt deviantart.com

Oops wait wrong title. I meant Cringe Row, The Wokeboot. My God what the fuck is this shit, I can name at least 7 modern day cringey stereotypes in this trailer alone, I don't care if the Gameplay Mechanics are God Tier (They won't be, trust me) this just another American Video Game that has fallen to The SJW Fucktards that have somehow gained enough control over various companies and have decided to take a good old Soy Ridden Shit and Piss on the various Games, Comics, Movies and So on that USED to be Good. No. GREAT!

Don't believe me? Fine, I don't care if you do believe me. It's The Truth Though.

I've never played a Saints Row Game in my life, but thanks to this trailer, I sure as hell ain't ever playing The Reboot.

Update: The only way I actually play this is if the OG Cast comes in and just fucking shoots these Newbies in the heads for being posers. That'd be a hell of a twist...I seriously WANT to see that happen in a new game trailer one of these days, it looks like it's gonna be a woke fest and then suddenly BOOM!!! The Woke Characters are killed off instantly by actually badass characters

koNko #moonbat #pratt #racist dailykos.com

[Yes, and Xi is actively engaged in, among other things, genocide. So, murderous autocrats gonna murderously autocrat.]

Then you should post credible evidence of this. You might not realize these accusations have been denied and are based on a limited number of sources that have been largely discredited.

In fact, the recent International Tribunal held in the UK to independently review the charges did not make such findings, and rather, found that other countries making such accusations and enacting sanctions (including the USA) did not do so on the bias of evidence proscribed by International law.

This means the ICC, the UK Tribunal and the US Justice Department agree, the charges of genocide are not verifiable. It is worth noting the US Justice Department previously ruled that intelligence and evidence available did not constitute genocide.

You say Xi is guilty of muderous atrocities?

Really, that is a ridiculous charge you cannot back-up.

Since Daily Kos is a fact based site, I suggest you post a story on this topic and research the subject with due diligence, otherwise you are just making extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence, and given courts and independent tribunals have not found this, you might find yourself had pressed to do so.

That failing, perhaps you can post a story on the Yellow Cake smuggled by Iraq that justified the Iraq War,where the US government went to war on false pretenses without actual evidence, that killed upwards of 500,000 Iraqis

Then perhaps you can present to us justification for actual genocides such as the carpet bombing of civilians in North Korea and even worse the bombing of Laos that killed 20% of the population and made it the most intensively bombed country in history — a well-planned campaign to eradicate people.

Pomidor Quixote #pratt #racist dailystormer.name

We’ve already given them the greatest of gifts.
We’ve given them our knowledge. We’ve given them technology. We’ve given them medicine. We’ve given them science. We’ve given them education.

Everything we do, they could study and learn. They could do what we do. But they can’t, because they’re biologically incapable of doing it, and no amount of “humanitarian” aid will change that.

What else do they expect from us?

Imagine if an advanced civilization visited our planet and gave us all of its knowledge for free.

Would you resent them as blacks and browns resent us?

Because we are that advanced civilization that found browns and blacks and shared all of its knowledge with them, and they’re still trying to steal our stuff, steal our land, steal our countries, steal our women, and kill us.

Maybe we should change tactics, you know? Maybe it’s time to stop giving so much and to start taking.

We can start by taking back what we’ve given.

Ian Kummer #dunning-kruger #moonbat #pratt readingjunkie.com

Is Ukraine the New Poland?

Once upon a time, stop me if you’ve heard this story before, Anglo diplomats surveyed the ruins of a fallen empire, and hatched a nefarious plan. They insisted on the creation of a militaristic right-wing pseudostate, with borders drawn up in a way that would be deliberately provocative to her neighbors. Then the Western powers all swore that this weird artificial state had inviolable sovereignty and signed unenforceable mutual defense pacts with her. Just creating this imaginary country was a weird and stupid idea, and that decision was made even more weird and stupid by the following mutual defense agreements. Even a small border dispute would immediately and inevitably erupt into a world war, and of course that’s exactly what happened.

If you think I’m talking about 1991 Ukraine, you are correct, but also not correct. I’m talking about 1919 Poland.

Like in 1939, the West’s realpolitik games have serious chance of blowback, though probably not to the same extreme. Ukraine is not Nazi Germany except in their own minds. But Ukraine is a volatile failed state filled with nazis and military-grade weapons. This war has not caused a serious humanitarian crisis in Russia, but it is shaping up to be a serious problem for the West. Ukraine was a trap set by the West, Russia triggered that trap, and there’s an increasingly high chance that it’s backfiring right into our dictators’ faces.

Russia has already made her demands; the dissolution of NATO weapons and infrastructure in Eastern Europe. That’s what they clearly stated many times so we have to assume that’s the overall goal of Operation Z. The Western powers have, so far at least, not dared to directly challenge Russia in a military sense, and the economic warfare is showing growing signs of failure and backfire. If nothing goes seriously wrong, this might be remembered as Russia’s most brilliant maneuver since, well, WWII.

Federale #racist #pratt vdare.us

The program enabling immigration fraud is the scandal prone EB-5 visa program. Originally, the EB-5 was designed to attract people who could create long-term jobs in the country. However, today it provides a visa to anyone who deposits a half million dollars in an already existing business, even if the money comes from unseemly sources.

Such a program practically invites corruption. Corrupt Chinese officials have been some of those most eager to take advantage of it. And not surprisingly, where there is corruption, we can find the Clinton family—Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham has been deeply involved in an effort to attract Chinese “investors” and their EB-5 money for a building project in Philadelphia [Touting connections, Hillary Clinton’s brother takes on Philly project, by Josh Gerstein, Politico, April 2, 2015]

This and other moneymaking schemes depend upon DHS actually approving the EB-5 visa applications. That’s where Mayorkas comes in. When applications for “investors” tied to powerful figures like Tony Rodham, Ed Rendell, Harry Reid, or Terry McAuliffe were rejected, Mayorkas intervened to make sure they were approved. And following such service, Mayorkas was rewarded with a promotion to the number two position at DHS.

DHS inspector general Roth said Mayorkas didn’t commit any crimes, but did admit Mayorkas violated the usual procedures and created the perception there was a “political component” to the program. Nonetheless, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson not only refused to fire Mayorkas from his recently acquired position, but did not impose any punishment, instead vaguely blaming the nature of the EB-5 program itself [DHS secretary says Mayorkas will keep his job amid immigration flap, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Time, March 26, 2015]

Boskov01 #crackpot #pratt deviantart.com

2nd, I don't give a shit about the anime dubbing community ever since they shafted Vic Mignogna. I've been actively cheering the total collapse of companies like Funimation, Crunchyroll, and RoosterTeeth because of the poisonous and unironically toxic work environments within those companies and how they'll throw anyone who works for and with their companies under the bus if it might earn them woke points. But as the law of business says, Get Woke, Go Broke so I have no sympathies for these companies when they experience this kind of shit.

Let 'em burn.

Greek Anon #elitist #homophobia #pratt #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


>economy going down the drain
>blackpill evolution leaves men virgins
>women are sociopathic whores, men are weak narcissists
>war and instability everywhere
>jews, trannies, faggots everywhere
>you can only get a job if you graduate top of your class in STEM - suck the "education" system's dick, gulp down propaganda 24/7 and thank them for it, blow thousands, deal with insufferable normie subhumans daily
>curricula becoming more and more demanding
>maybe if you have connections, but even this is being sidelined
>normies are becoming more volatile and backstabbing than ever
>you VILL go to war, you VILL die a virgin, you VILL die poor, and you VILL die alone
>if you return, it's the same shit all over again

I sincerely hope the nukes fly and irradiate this shithole forever. If we're lucky, the rulers of this world will also get caught in the crossfire too.

>inb4 obligatory retards that will call me a demoralizing shill

It's over. Bros, it's been an honor serving with you - but everything of value has been destroyed and pissed on.

davidfoxfire #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

I put everyone in my Discord, now Guilded, servers on notice: I welcome everyone in my server...except the ones who want to gatekeep. If anyone in there claims that what's in there is problematic, you're banned hard, and I'll see to get you cancelled from other servers as well. The only one who gatekeeps in my platform is me.

Ghostse #homophobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

"Yaoi Huntress Earth said:

I was talking about Thirsty Sword Lesbians on a FB page and someone shared this list of SJW-infected companies.


I haven't kept up with NG themselves, but Necrotic Gnome is a Euro so a degree of cuckism is expected.

However, NG's US distributor is Exalted Funeral who publish & advertise to their email list shit like this:


its not even an woke RPG, its just a bunch of sobbing about being a faggot (and I think tranny) and Antifa. Not even sobbing about how hard it is to be a faggot in games getting gatekept by these evil white males, just general sobbing about how you can't be a completely disgusting faggot or society rejects you, and how cruel it is you are expected to get a job that isn't just "being a faggot".

Also, damn, didn't realize Evil Hat was behind Fate and Blades in the Dark. Fate is no loss, but sort of sad to hear about BitD as I've heard some goods about that.

Herschel Walker #pratt #fundie thedailybeast.com

Herschel Walker, a Republican candidate in Georgia for the U.S. Senate, is at it again, this time with an extremely dubious argument against evolution. “At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not?” he said during an appearance at a church on Sunday. “If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.” The statement, which does not prove the theory of evolution false, nonetheless landed well among the congregation. “Now you’re getting too smart for us, Herschel,” the church’s pastor said. Walker doubled down on his damnation of science, falsely arguing that science alone cannot be responsible for the creation of a baby. “They’re still trying to do that, but they can’t, because there has to be a God,” he said. Walker is the GOP frontrunner to compete against Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in November.

kamuroshiryu #transphobia #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Ever since J.K. Rowling gave International Women's Day a very low viewpoint that earned her the high rise of scorn from Labour MPs like Annaliese Dobbs, the BAFTAs is now next for becoming pants-browning woke especially for the fact that Emma Watson has left me rather puzzled with her current shifts in her own brand of feminism, but if she thinks she can speak highly against J.K., then she really needs to sort out her priorities. But what is great about this elite circus is that Ricky Gervais took the right time to even demolish the fake actors' guild at this year's BAFTAs award after they waffled a lot about the Ukraine War, gender politics, Emma Watson's aforementioned disapproval of J.K. Rowling's objective opinion on politicised pandering towards women and Rebel Wilson butchering a James Bond story.

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

Vaush is on my auto-block list on YT. Whenever I find someone, usually leftist trolls, who show their subscriptions on their channels, and they're subbed to Marxist Mental Midgets like Vaush, Sam Sedar, The Young Turks, Three Arrows, Trey Crowder, Ring of Fire, and others, I immediately block them without hesitation as well as downvote them, and ignore them. I'll report them when they make threats but I do not engage with them, ever!

I'm done with listening to Marxist view points. My mind is shut to them. They're the side that advocates for pedophilia, perverts, child grooming, baby murder, starvation, genocide and so much more. So why should I bother listening to people who think Marxist Mouthpieces like Vaush or Sedar are bastions of intellect and wisdom?

Reckall #pratt #dunning-kruger therpgsite.com

"In recent years, many writers, including writers of color"

...You need to specify this because writers of color are special, I guess. Nice crypto-racism right there. Why no mention of, let's say, Japanese writers? Or, more importantly, Israeli writers like Hunter C. Eden? It seemed a big thing only a few paragraphs ago. Maybe you don't mention them because it turns out that Jews can appreciate Lovecraft just fine? (much more than you, it seems, and much more able than you in understanding how his "anti-Semitism" was actually not so clear-cut: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/my-favorite-anti-semite-h-p-lovecraft). Or maybe because in Israel they consider anti-Semitic the very works by authors of color you are pimping? https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-does-hbos-anti-racist-lovecraft-country-stumble-into-anti-semitic-tropes/

(Incidentally, I found those links while doing the internet research you asked for. Strange how things turn out sometimes

All of this for a game that is:

"More Aliens and Terminator, less Shadow over Innsmouth, it’s a game where instead of becoming a howling fool when faced with the terrifying truth of nightmare creatures from beyond space and time, you pick up a twelve-gauge and do what needs doing. Your job is to save the future, not to sit in a corner screaming and clawing your eyeballs out."

I.e. whose designers either don't understand or don't want to contemplate that Lovecraft's main poetic was Cosmic Horror - not racism. People who, instead of creating their own mythology which expresses their own views, never in the life will ditch Lovecraft. Because Lovecraft sells a lot, especially today. And, sure, Lovecraft must burn in Hell, but one must be crazy to ditch the Lovecraft train when you can jump on it, lazily repaint it with "progressive" ideas and rush to a publisher with your uncreative RPG.

What a pathetic, ignorant mess. And in two pages! That's the real mind bending" reality behind "Fate of Cthulhu": a game that wants to be "woke" and ends up being lazy, derivative, anaemic, hypocrite. And racist.

John Derbyshire #fundie #pratt #racist vdare.com

Arbery thereupon attacked Travis, the foremost McMichael—a seriously dumb thing to do, as McMichael was pointing a shotgun at him. The result, as mathematicians say, followed.

So this was Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown all over again. A few words of life advice from white America to black America: We understand how much you hate us, but for the sake of your own actuarial prospects, please try to restrain yourself from attacking us WHEN WE ARE POINTING A LOADED GUN AT YOU. You're welcome.

So the question hanging over the Arbery trial is: Can it be kept within the narrative, the narrative of mean, ignorant, gap-toothed rednecks hunting blacks for sport? If it can, then it's just a show trial, run by the Goodwhite establishment to terrorize and humiliate Badwhites.

ares12 #pratt deviantart.com

America: "Please, Mr. President! Gas prices are going up and so is inflation! At least let us construct the Keystone pipeline so we can be self-sufficient and increase commerce to keep our economy from collapsing."

Brandon: "C'mon man, don't be ridiculous. All you need is two weeks to flatten the curve."

Larry Correia #pratt monsterhunternation.com

Well, dummy, since of your chosen examples all three of them happened in public with witnesses
Seriously, you stupid motherfucker, when I get yelled at by SJWs usually the first thing I do is post the link on facebook for the fans to have fun with. 😀 You’re trying to gas light the wrong audience.

Jared Taylor #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com

If some Mexican-Americans have their way, they will not have to go back to be buried; Mexico will come to them. What is called the Reconquista movement aims to break the Southwest off from the United States and reattach it to Mexico or even establish it as an independent, all-Hispanic nation.

The spirit of conquest need not be limited to the Southwest. Mass immigration, and the unwillingness of native-born Americans to insist on assimilation by newcomers leaves the impression the whole country is up for grabs.

Many Mexican intellectuals eagerly anticipate Reconquista. According to one newspaper report:

The Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska affirmed today that Mexico is presently recovering the territories lost in the past to the United States, thanks to emigration: ‘The people of the poor, the lice-ridden and the cucarachas [cockroaches] are advancing in the United States, a country that wants to speak Spanish because 33.4 million Hispanics impose their culture.’ Ms. Poniatowska added that ‘this phenomenon . . . fills me with jubilation, because the Hispanics can have a growing force between Patagonia and Alaska.’

It is official Mexican government policy to urge Mexicans living in the United States to remain loyal to Mexico. In 2002, the administration of Vicente Fox established the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior to promote “a more comprehensive approach” to promoting Mexican loyalty.

One Instituto official, Juan Hernández, typifies its approach. Born in the United States, and therefore a US citizen, he makes no secret of where his real loyalties lie. On ABC’s Nightline on June 7, 2001, he was candid about his goals: “I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think ‘Mexico first.’” He has also explained that Mexican immigrants are unlike Europeans because they “are going to keep one foot in Mexico” and that they “are not going to assimilate in the sense of dissolving into not being Mexican.”

Synova #pratt monsterhunternation.com

Your ignorance of harassment doesn’t imply a lack of harassment. Many of us where here, have been for years, and saw it with our own eyes. There are years of blog posts here and elsewhere and you can have responsibility to figure that out yourself. Ignorance is curable.

But more importantly, what do you imagine a “free market” is? If the Mob (capital M) leaves a “nice fruit stand you’ve got here, pity if anything should happen to it” brick through your window
is that a free market? Of course not.

And yet anti-Free Market zealots, similar to anti-Christian zealots who do the same, will show up and start to try to “educate” people about the Free Market, something they actually hate, and insist that mob action, street armies, and mobs with pitchforks demanding compliance are, somehow in crazy land, a FREE market.



Saifedean Ammous #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

There is no climate crisis. There is a crisis of lack of affordable essential hydrocarbon fuels caused by the morons who believe in a climate crisis. Kindly stop being one of those morons as billions of lives depend on these fuels & you can't control the climate.

Earth's climate has always changed & its changes before industrialization vastly exceed what we've seen since. [...] We can only protect ourselves from it thanks to the very fuels that the insane carbonhysterics want to ban.

Climate-related deaths have continued to decline precipitously over the past century, precisely because of the essential infrastructure afforded to us by hydrocarbons which have increased CO2 emissions. When exactly will this supposed crisis hit, you delusional hysterics?

The insane carbonhysterics operate like all manipulative cults. They offer absolutely no testable predictions [...] Every single change in climate confirms their apocalyptic hysteria [...]

The carbonhysterics' wildest dreams came true with the insane government shutdowns caused by the coronahysterics. Not only did these have no discernible impact on climate, they also had no discernible impact on CO2 atmospheric concentration. [...]

There is exactly zero evidence that eliminating all hydrocarbons will have any discernible impact on the Earth's climate. There is enormous undeniable evidence it will be massively destructive for the lives of billions around the world? Just try it and see [...]

Try to survive a month without any hydrocarbons or products made from hydrocarbons. This means no computers, phones, internet, washing machines, heating, cars, airplanes, modern medical devices, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, roads, plastics & everything you take for granted...

After you've successfully survived that month & enjoyed it, I would consider listening to your apocalyptic hysteria about the concentration of atmospheric CO2 rising from 0.028% to 0.042%. Until then, you're just another hysterical TV viewer & believer in fiat science.

Edward Menez #crackpot #racist #pratt #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Have you ever seen water cling to a concave surface?

Have you ever looked at the stars with a zoom camera like the Nikon P-900?

There are a lot of questions regarding our lives here on Earth, but none is more fundamental than asking exactly where we live.

Is it a planet? Or do we live under a firmament, as mentioned in the Bible?

Often the first question is: Why would we be lied to about this?

It's the same reason we've been lied to about taking vaccines for an invented "covid" virus.

The satanic Jews have decided it's better you believe anything they tell you, rather than see the truth for yourself. It is better, according to them, that you believe that a Big Bang fortuitously created everything that exists out of nothing, and that you are a freak of nature, derived from fish walking on land and turning into monkeys, and then "evolving" into human beings. You are nothing but a speck of dust in the gigantic universe, evolved by chance, and with no purpose in the world but to accumulate money and self-grandeur.

But doesn't that eliminate God from our lives? That is clearly the satanic Jews' purpose.
In the end, it is up to the reader or investigator to attempt to erase the brainwashing of the satanic Jews and reconfigure his or her worldview to the world's established science prior to 500 years ago, when every culture in the world believed in a flat earth with a firmament. It's Copernicus and Galileo and Newton, all Freemasons that we have been taught to idolize, who have been written into science lore as the Satanic Jews' revenge upon us all.

Satan's greatest deception was to make us believe that he doesn't exist. Yet God's greatest truth is that He created everything. Satan can only deceive--he can not create. We only have to look up at the sky (preferably with a Nikon P-900) to see that God created everything that exists. The sun revolves around the Earth; the Earth does not move; and the sun, moon, and stars are all lights attached to the Firmament.

Axc8OvGy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist boards.4chan.org

CRT is nonsense meant to dehumanize white people. Black Africa debunks every leftard fairy tale as to why blacks are shit in human societies.

>its because they are poor

And Black Africa was always fucking poor

>its because they got no education

School stabbing, gangrapes, and teachers being gangraped, and students who do learn well being attacked are regular occurences in african schools meaning lack of education cant explain their violence

>They were held back by the white man

Income inequality in any African nation is worse than medieval european kingdoms and the black commoner suffers the most under black rule than white rule

>Well uh uh they have no opportunities

You might be right as nepotism is off the charts in Africa but that still doesnt explain their hellish crime rates

>They just need more money

The money goes to the black government it never reachs the commoners so its a waste of time

>Just stop being racist already and agree with me

No use logic and reason or fucking kill yourself

Conservapedia #pratt conservapedia.com

Designated Survivor

When a terrorist attack destroys the Capitol building, killing several high-ranking members of government, including the President, a low-ranking member is the designated survivor and becomes the President of the United States. A pro-Trump series through and through, but the show itself graduates from more liberal to more movement conservative. Tackles issues such as Confederate monuments, Islamic terrorism, interventionism, diplomacy, and even the bully tactics of both Democrats and Republicans. The show portrays several situations which President Trump has been in, and shows the protagonist doing exactly what President Trump has done in each one. When confronted with both Democrats and Republicans, the President decides to kowtow to neither one; in negotiations with North Korea, he uses both the carrot and the stick. The protagonist's opponents even attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment to impeach him! In addition, after the President's character is shot, he is depicted waving to the audience on the balcony of his hospital bedroom in a similar manner to Ronald Reagan after his attempted assassination

US Anon #pratt #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

1 in 3 men report zero sexual activity in the past year


What’s going on?




MassResistance #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #pratt #elitist archive.ph

In March 2000, the Massachusetts Dept. of Education teamed up with GLSEN, a national homosexual organization, to put on a horrific “conference” for children as young as 12 – along with adult homosexual activists. In two of the workshops, adults instructed children how to perform various (rather sickening) types of homosexual sex acts. We had someone there who tape-recorded it. When LGBT groups found out, they threatened legal action if we released the tapes. We did so anyway! The recordings were a big story in all the Boston media, and eventually made national and international news – newspapers, TV, and radio. It was dubbed “Fistgate.” Two LGBT groups sued to “punish” us. Both lawsuits were unsuccessful, but it was a difficult time for us.

Megan Fox #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt pjmedia.com

Walsh had no problem defining what a woman is when asked. “An adult human female,” he said. “When you’re a female it goes right down to your bones, your DNA. So that’s why if someone dies, we can dig up their bones 100 years from now and we have no idea what they believed in their head but we can tell what sex they were because it’s ingrained in every fiber of their being.”

Then Walsh dropped the bomb from which these panelists will never recover. “What you want to do is appropriate womanhood and turn it into basically a costume that can be worn.” That was straight fire. As a woman, I’m offended when a man puts on a dress and pretends to know what my struggles have been as a biological woman. The hell you do. A woman is biology. It is experience. It is not a costume. And any man attempting to put on that experience without having lived it is appropriating my sex. We are told that cultural appropriation is wrong and racist. Appropriating the appearance of a woman and then gaslighting other women to accept you as one of them is sexist. Get out of here with that. Stop trying to take over women-only spaces. We need protection and safety from men. We need places to go where no men are allowed. Our girls need their sporting events to be segregated for their safety and fairness. Enough of this madness already!

Grammar also matters. The English language is hard enough; mixing up plural pronouns with singular people who want to be called “they” and “them” is a bridge we will not concede. I’ve taken some heat over my And Just Like That (Sex and the City reboot) reviews because I will not call their non-binary character Che Diaz “they.” But this is the hill I’m willing to die on. I did not study my ass off in school to learn the proper usage of pronouns to have twenty-year-old attention whores destroy the AP style manual and make it ten times harder for ESL students to learn to assimilate. Absolutely not. Call yourself whatever you want, but we will not be forced to call you by your preferred pronoun because this is a free country and you cannot compel my speech.

essokam #pratt #racist reddit.com

RE: Racism against Eastern Europeans

One thing that warries me about xenophbobia about central / east europeans and balkaners is just how deeply ingrained seems to be and by the looks of it, starts really early. I work in UK and you get to hear plenty of stories. I doubt this would be ever taken seriously as focus in relation to such issues is on racism against Black people, Islamophobia or Antisemitism, whilst anti-Polish/Romanian/Eastern European sentiment will continue to be ignored.

No wonder so called "EU toilet" immigrants are mostly the lowest class of respective countries and mostly the social margin, many of them are criminals thieves. Most of them from Romania and the Baltics, they aren't representing a lot of value so people don't see them as desirable. To be respected you need to prove you're valuable and they need you there and not just steal and then cry out racism and wondering why are you the 2nd category citizen. That's how black people act.

And I'm not British.

My most intellectual, academically focused, polite, reserved, and kind black friends have still been victims of racism.

Racism on blacks is so high because they commit a lot of crime. Similar to Eastern Europeans. Bad people from these communities are a reason of bad treatment. Same as how people dislike gypsies.

they are just arrested more due to racist stereotypes and bias.

They are arrested because they commit nearly all crimes in the US (along with Latinos) bias are in this case justified because when you encounter a criminal bin the US he's likely black or Latino

have committed a plethora of crimes and have always used my whiteness to get out of it. Ive known black kids jailed and charged for “looking like a suspect.”

Because whites aren't jailed mistakenly for looking like a suspect at all

Conservapedia #crackpot #fundie #pratt conservapedia.com

A hacker discovers his world is a replica of the world as it was before a cataclysmic future event in which intelligent machines took over humanity, so he joins a resistance to end the machines' reign. Despite this salvation narrative, the whole trilogy glorifies anarchism and nihilism (even including a brief nod to Jean Baudrillard's "On Nihilism" chapter from Simulacra and Simulation), hinting several times towards a pro-Communist, anti-American (with one scene in the first film, when Thomas Anderson meets Agent Smith, having Anderson's dossier listing Anderson as hailing from "FU, USA" which not-so-subtly is meant to say "[Censored] You, USA"), anti-Christian view. The second film's Architect scene tries to give a "devastating critique/twist" to salvation myths, with the Architect as a malevolent allegorical substitute for the Christian God. In this same scene, a panel of screens implicitly compares George W. Bush to Hitler during a discussion of evil in the world, and it features wars and conflicts specifically involving America. In fact, far-Left race-baiting scholar Cornel West was hired to play a role in the film specifically because the Wachowski Brothers (as they were known at the time) were influenced by his pro-socialist/Communist and anti-American rhetoric. The first film's throwaway dialogue between the main villain Agent Smith and the treasonous freedom fighter Cipher is a shallow attempt at insulting Ronald Reagan because Smith implies that Cipher will become the next Ronald Reagan should he succeed in betraying his allies to the agents. The trilogy's overall depiction of religion is closer to Gnosticism, even with Neo, the main protagonist, presented as a savior-figure. The Wachowskis openly admitted in an interview that they deliberately modeled the entire story after Friedrich Nietzche's writings.[20][21] The trilogy has been cited as the cause for various murders, ultimately leading to a variant of the insanity defense known as the Matrix Defense[22], and it shares similar themes to the Worst Liberal Video Game Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty because Hideo Kojima confessed that he intended to use the same themes for the game.[23]

LightDragonman1 #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why is it that they practically worship Transgender as if it were a deity, post ridiculous theories to show how beloved works can be seen as pro-trans, take things like The Matrix retconning to be trans by The Wachowskis to be the one and only true interpretation of the work, only support politicians that are left-wing (as they are the ones who most support it), think anything that could remotely portray it in a negative light as blasphemous, say some works that do try to be diverse are undermined by reality if they don't have a trans character and perfectly (in their minds) portray trans people, and also claim a work is uncomfortable if the creator isn't for trans rights, even calling certain creators fallen ones due to them not being completely on board?

I mean, the amount of gushing they have over Trans people and Trans rights, along with how furious they get if one doesn't feel completely okay with it or someone deciding to become trans, is really staggering.

Valley of the Rogue & edrica webb #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(Valley of the Rogue)
Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had. Instead, this is all about men's unrestricted sxl rights to get it no matter with whom, or where, or why, or whether there is any consent to be had. There is no way such dviant behavior should be accepted or allowed.

(edrica webb)
"Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had."
This is basic, and may very well become the line of reasoning for legal protection of not only womens' rights, but childrens', as well. As "trans" is short for transitioning-- and transitioning is understood to be, transitioning from one sex to the other-- "transitioning" isn't possible. So how would legal rights be applied to something that isn't possible?

cedric worthington broadaxe #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

(From “I reply to a page claiming they can "Prove Evolution Is False - Even Without the Bible")

This video does not do what it claims to.
Like many similar efforts, it merely rehashes numerous examples of micro-evolution and discredited 'missing links'; spends a lot of time eulogising over the Establishment 'consensus' about Evolution, and ridiculing the sanity of those who question it.
It utterly fails to answer the two serious questions which (as 21st Century Genetic knowledge increases) now threaten to relegate Darwin's Victorian Era theories of Abiogenesis and Evolution to histories dustbin.

These questions are:-
Excluding the highly skilled process of Genetic Engineering within the confines of a state of the art Genetics Laboratory, there's no known observable process by which new genetic information can be naturally added to any organism's genetic code; so how did blind luck/random chance at the bottom of Darwin's "warm muddy pond" supposedly achieve such miraculous results in the distant past ?
Without adding new genetic information at every step of the process, how can any living thing have evolved from amoeba to man; let alone have originally spontaneously generated itself into Life from a mush of non-living/inert chemicals ?

Would be seriously interested in hearing an intelligent answer to either/both the questions above, as I've grave doubts about the traditional magical/mystery style religious alternative; which only really leaves 'Intelligent Design?
IE: some sort of Captain Kirk type Extra-terrestrial Geneticist, who did the job as part of a Planetary Terra-formation Project??

Designed by aliens? (Crick, Watson, atheism, panspermia...
Francis Crick and James Watson have used the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the DNA double ... He does this with a theory called panspermia.

Panspermia - Wikipedia
Panspermia (from Greek π៶Μ ...The Nobel prize winner Francis Crick, ...and the distance to the target, guided by high-resolution astrometry of 1×10 −5...
History · Proposed mechanisms · Extra-terrestrial life · Extremophiles

Hyacinth & Veneficca #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( Hyacinth )
I am worried about the men "transitioning" which means no SRS, "trans-genders" not trans-sexuals who will start thinking being a "legal woman" will mean easier access in adopting and fostering as a single man excuse me as "a single woman"

I believe in some places/states adoption & fostering is open to single men? I'm not sure how prevalent it is, but wait, first the transgender pedophiles will start thinking and saying access to kids and infants should be easier then it will become easier, as the holy trans label will allow them to escape the proper scrutiny attended to men and they will claim discrimination and transphobia at every turn.

There are ways around financial roadblocks with multiple pedophilies financing the ploy for trafficked young victims. Nothing stoping "a mother" from leaving the country with her child.

Really dark days a head of us.

( Veneficca )
Yep, I've had the same fears. Can you imagine someone like Yaniv offering to foster young girls? TIMs holding playdates with other TIMs? Pedo paradise.

It's always the most disadvantaged and vulnerable hurt by this. Women in shelters and prisons. Foster kids. It's a never ending horror film.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/DX$XLXRTZGML6, Transscript starting around 17:50 and ending around 19:44 of a 36-minute video)
Crimes like this are mercifully rare, precisely because most public toilets are single sex and most predatory males, whether they claim to be women or not, aren't as stupid as him in thinking they can get away with it. I have no idea what the rest of Taln's sentence is supposed to mean. I don't think it is seriously proposed that every man who claims to be a woman is doing so with an abusive motive. I mean nobody's actually said that, have they? What on earth are you talking about? "On the other side, trans men are infantilized by transphobic narratives, painted as brainwashed 'lost lesbian sisters' and thereby treated as unable to have their own volition" no they're not. That's just the narrative the cult have decided stands the most chance against the truth. Which is that there is a phenomenon called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, spread by social contagion and affecting girls in huge numbers who - prior to adolescence - had never expressed any unhappiness with their sex. "The patriarchal basis in transphobia towards trans men is a further apparent in their increased likelihood of corrective rape in order to 'put them back in their proper place as women'" I do know that claiming to be a man does not prevent a woman being raped, any more than claiming to be a woman will stop a man from raping women, even ones who identify as men (note by submitter: displaying headline "Transwoman activist Cherno Biko confesses to Raping a Transman"). Funny old world eh? I don't know whether the reason trans-identifying women get raped is specifically intended to be corrective and I'm not sure how Taln would know, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me knowing how horrible some men are, which is after all where we don't want them in our spaces.

PWsecretlysubpoenaed #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut patriots.win

The war in Ukraine is faKe

Check the q posts. It's all orchestrated with crisis actors to make you think there's a war but really Based Putin is using it as a front as he clears out the secret tunnels of the kidnapped children that Joe Biden was using to milk adrenochrome from. Russia is taking down the globalists and nobody is really dying except for the oligarchs who are being flown to Guantanamo as we speak to await trial. Don't believe any images of missile strikes, people fleeing cities, or tanks rolling into Ukrainian territory bc it's all cgi made by the black hats to make you think there's a big war going on when there really isn't

Massresistance #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt massresistance.org

Here is a sample of their absurd talking points:

“We are living in an unprecedented global health crisis, with confirmed cases of COVID-19 increasing on a daily basis 
 we need to be bringing people together, not dividing them.” [In other words, not protect children from lunatic ideologies and damaging medical procedures?]
“Idaho will be the first state to have such a retrogressive, invasive and patently anti-transgender law on the books. Extreme lawmakers are targeting transgender youth and seeking to discriminate against them through any legislative vehicle possible.” [Nonsensical inflammatory rhetoric.]
“If HB 500 becomes law, it will send a strong message to trans youth that they are less than their peers and not deserving of community and acceptance.” [They deserve to be told the truth about what they’re doing to themselves.]
“This law will keep transgender girls from being able to participate in sports.” [So-called “transgender girls” are actually boys. They can participate in sports with other boys.]
“The new law unfairly targets people looking to obtain accurate documentation.” [This is a complete inversion of the truth. It maintainsaccurate documentation on one’s biological sex.]
“Both bills went through lengthy committee hearings during which committee members heard overwhelming public opposition to the legislation.” [That’s because the LGBT movement organized and brought in hundreds of activists, many from out of state.]
“An Idaho Attorney General’s Office’s analysis of bill H509 found it possibly unconstitutional and open to legal challenge. It was passed in defiance of a federal court order. Thus, it will cost the taxpayers lots of money to defend.” [The Judge’s reason for the ruling was that the state statutes were unclear regarding birth certificate content. This new law tightens that up, as well as other pertinent legal concerns.]

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