
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Pascal Domat #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Les cinq races de l’humanité" - "The five races of mankind"]

Here are ten points about the five races of Homo sapiens
1) The world is divided in 5 human races. Racial division of Homo sapiens is a fact of elementary observation confirmed and precised by science

spoilerWorld racial map

2) These five major races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Congoid, Capoid and Australoid (from Carleton Coon)[…]
spoilerRacial cranial layouts

4) Genetics confirm the anthropologists' typology[…]
spoilerPhylogenical tree

5) Race can't be reduced to skin colour. It has only a little importance
Scientists studied levels of genetic differenciation among races. Nervous system biggest variation among human populations, more than skin colour[…]
7) Average IQ racial difference mostly caused by genotype, not much from environment[…]
spoilerRace differences in intelligence

8) Misgenation does not remove races, it adds an intermediary type between both original types and can even, on the long term, create new races, as it is being done in Latin America[…]
10) Races are not equal, because equality isn't from nature[…]Genes determinating race have a racially varying physical and mental influence. Equality of citizens before law[…]is not the equality from nature. So is the moral equality preached by some religions or philosophies


Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Fucking Canadians/New bogus Virus Scares"]

Canada really should be regarded for what it is, America’s leftover trash heap next door

I did some statistical research of the global interests about “COVID” in how it has peaked and waned since 2020, and it appears that the Canadians and Australians are more obsessed than ever and take more interest points in anything to do with “Coronavirus News” than all other Nations

Not only this, but the new bogus “monkeypox” scare that just comes out of nowhere, guess who tops the list?!

Canada and Australia, above all other countries (with the exception of Nigeria)

Nigeria is a tough country to rely on in statistics however, because of the amount of scams and opportunistic criminals that operate in that country which sometimes may have nothing to do with any personal interest, so statistics tend to not tell much to the story for that country[…]
There is nothing worthy reporting on the new “monkeypox” scare, because it appears to be only that

The only possible interest is there is some ingredient that discusses something on the Astra-Zeneca Literature for the A-Z COVID-19 Vaccine that implies something to the effect of a chimpanzee adenovirus existing in it, but I have no firm statement on it to make at this time whether this is a coincidence or if there is a connection with it

But for the most part, we can assume that nearly all new scares of anything, are either designed as placeholders to buy time, or for the coming deaths of masses of people in which they will institute new Lockdowns out of nowhere just as rapidly, and without any discussion or challenge

We are in Year 3 of this nonsense, and most Humanoids still don’t see how they have fell for the plot over and over and over with being promised bogus economic reopenings and “getting back to normal” when there will be no sense of normality

Eric Stryker #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist archive.ph

"Welcome to the Future": Supervising Director of Disney's "Muppet Babies" Reboot Inserts Transsexual Gonzo

Disney’s CGI reboot of the 1980s children’s classic Muppet Babies is being lauded by the mainstream media for featuring Gonzo as a transsexual.

The episode, titled Gonzorella, features the iconic characters preparing for a ball, where the girls will be princesses and the boys will be dressed as knights. Gonzo expresses that he would rather go as a princess, but is told by his peers that he is expected to attend as a male.

Later on in the episode, a rat with a yellow star on his shirt gets the depressed Gonzo alone and uses his magic fairy wand to indulge him in his unnatural feelings.

The idea to include homosexual propaganda in a program meant for preschoolers was made by Matt Danner, the show’s supervising director and close relative of Jewish actress Gwyneth Paltrow. The leadership at the Walt Disney Corporation, considered one of the most “woke” in the entertainment business, is hyper-political and almost entirely Jewish.

On twitter, Danner, celebrated the decision to insert a sexually perverted Gonzo in a show for babies by exclaiming, “Welcome to the future.”

mattyboyswag143 & Suthernmarine25 #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger archive.ph

What is this, a new coordinated plan to use the word “ontological” among leftists? I’ve seen it more in the past month than any previous year

It must be their MSM’s word of the week. Kind of like what Sesame Street does for its kids. The lamestream media does for its mindless followers. They earn Commie Coins for using it online as much as possible. The new online social credit score like China has.

Canadian Anon #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

I love Russians because they are the only blue-eyed and right-wing people I meet in Canada

>Better question is why there are so many Canadian shills?
Bandera's grandson moved here along with some other descendants of the Banderite thugs; he now owns a media company and professional shillin service takes care of his interests on the Internet

>"B-But I-I'm not R-Rus-".
I don't think Poles realize that no Westerner can tell Slavs apart; they hate their linguistic and ethnic bros while flirting with the West, who think of Slavs as less than human

Also NATO was probably working on creating a virus in Ukraine that would affect all Slavs

This too; for all we know Russia might have saved all Slavs from extinction; the way Zelensky's been instructed to fight till the last Ukrainian does suggest that the West doesn't care if Slavs live or die
And anything against Slavs could easily mutate to kill Hungarians and Baltics

UltramanZenith #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

But if you want to know what I think we need? More armed teachers, strengthening our police force, and less kids in public schools, period! All the hopes and prayers to the parents of the deceased won't stop the next shooting from happening, only a strong defense will. And it's high time we did away with the "gun free zones" nonsense as they've proven to be an abject failure!

Henry de Lesquen #racist #dunning-kruger lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Program for remigration", written in 2017]

1. Non-European foreigners' visas shall not be renewed
1) Government shall revise the statuses of these millions of paper Frenchmen [Snarl word used by the french Far-right for those they deem not "real Frenchmen" in account of their migrant background] and deprive them of nationality in cases of indignity, binationality or lack of assimilation[…]
3) A Stay Tax shall be enacted to pay off public debt and incite to remigration[…]
3. It shall be illegal to furnish housing, work, schooling, healthcare or any help to illegal foreigners. This crime shall be punished with 5 years of prison[…]
4. Illegal migrants shall receive healthcare only in their detention place. The State Medical Aid [Public scheme to pay for healthcare of undocumented migrants] shall be repealed
5. A State Secretariat for Remigration shall be established. Illegal migrants, these outlaws, shall be deprived of civil rights. They shall not be able to enter contracts. Their property shall be forfeit to the State
6. Detention and deportation of illegals shall be a political question judges shall not be able to rule on
7.The SSR shall open concentration camps (these camps already exist and are named detention centers) where illegals shall be held with their families until their deportation, without time limit[…]
9. The crime of unlawful stay shall be reestablished. Recidivists shall be sent to prison and deported afteir serving their sentence
10. Supremacy of French law: Constitution shall be amended (article 55) to ensure the regularity of the mesures needed for remigration. The Council of State [Supreme court for administrative jurisdiction, French equivalent to the Privy Council] shall not have any say and CJEU [Supreme court for the European Union law] rulings shall be null and void

Conclusion: remigration by itself shall be enough to reduce unemployment and fix public finances

Janet Kira Lessin #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger enkispeaks.com

Maria Orsic said the Albebarans created Sumeria 5 million years ago. But Sitchin said the Anunnaki were the ones that created Sumeria and that happened much later, after the great flood of Noah. So I decided to google the internet and see the connections between the Anunnaki, Aldberans, and Sumeria and see what I could find.

Lacerta says the Anunnaki are tall, fair-skinned (pale-looking or white), blond, and blue-eyed, the progenitors of the Caucasians. In the Transcripts of Lacerta (1999), Lacerta identifies these beings as the Illojim from the star system Aldebaran in the (Taurus constellation). The term Illojim is a Hebrew variant of Eloheem (Elohim), in which case the Anunnaki are a variant of the Eloheem (Elohim). They separated from the Elohim as understood in common creation motifs of ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and Hebrew script. It is suggested that the Anunnaki were brethren of the Eloheem (Sitchin). But the generally accepted belief is that Eloheem was Angels like Anu. Angels and the Eloheim both mated with human women to form the Anunnaki and the Nephilim (Igigi).
During World War II, German occultists channeled beings from Aldebaran to gain knowledge of secret powers, in an effort to gain an edge on the War. The Thule Society picked up Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s described a subterranean world inhabited by beings who call themselves “Vrilya“. They had formerly been surface dwellers until a global catastrophe forced them to take refuge deep in the Earth. The survival of their society was facilitated by their application of an energy force, they referred to as “Vril”. “They acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.”

A secret inner order of psychics was soon developed, known as Vril_Society”

Conservapedia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt archive.ph

Methodological naturalism is a strategy for studying the world, by which scientists choose not to consider supernatural causes - even as a remote possibility. There are two main reasons for pursuing this strategy. First, some scientists believe that there is no supernatural: they begin with the assumption that God does not exist (see atheism) and that there is no life after death (see also Atheism and life after death). Second, some scientists believe it is possible that supernatural causes (such as God and angels) may exist, but they assume that any supernatural action would be arbitrary or haphazard and therefore impossible to study systematically.

This kind of approach is the result of application of the epistemology of either of the empirical philosophies of pragmatism or logical positivism, and (because it is a methodology developed without first establishing the ontological principles of the world) is unfounded.

This is the reason that presuppositionalists do not subscribe to methodological naturalism, relying on the intelligent design Programme instead. Presuppositionalists also contend that methodological naturalism is inherently atheistic, since it would be a meaningless exercise to define the rules of empirical inquiry in an entirely arbitrary manner. Since we define the rules of empirical inquiry in such a way that the ontological systematicness of the world is reflected in the method, the methodological naturalist's claim that methodological naturalism is independent of ontological naturalism is disingenuous.

James Fullord #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

So what could this be? My theory, which I just made up, is that there's a unit on demographic displacement in American history, which is a pretty well known historical fact, and they decided it sounded like "Great Replacement Theory", which it does.

And why am I allowed to just make up this theory? (We usually have higher standards than that!)

Because they won't say what the "triggering content" is, just like they never say what an alleged slur someone said is, or won't tell you what joke someone made that was allegedly transphobic.

We're now free to assume what we like. And the reality is likely to be even stupider.

itsnotaboutewe , BogHag & La_Terfa #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #ableism ovarit.com

RE: Or maybe, just maybe, autistic people are 3x-6x more likely to be sucked into the trans cult...

( itsnotaboutewe )
Do boys who identify as NB ever do this or is it only females who feel the need to destroy their bodies to look sexless? A masculine-looking chest with small, flat nipples is a bit of a giveaway that they are male but I've never seen a male showing off his huge scar across his nippleless chest. Maybe, just maybe, they should do a bit of research on the way non-binary people are treated differently on the basis of their observed sex?

( BogHag )
I've seen a few male Nullo, but they're more interested in removing genitals. Not quite the same. There are some men though who want to remove their nipples to be extirely sexless.

I don't know how you see something like that and not immediately think childhood sexual trauma.

( La_Terfa )
It's literally only the females who are pushed into getting horrific surgeries within the transgender movement. They all poison themselves with wrong sex hormones, but the vast majority of TIMs keep their dicks, for example. On the other hand, to be a "trans man" you need to at least butcher your healthy breasts.

Steve Sailer #homophobia #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

“Stigma and blame undermine trust and capacity to respond effectively during outbreaks like this one,” UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director Matthew Kavanagh said in the agency’s Sunday statement.

“Experience shows that stigmatizing rhetoric can quickly disable evidence-based response by stoking cycles of fear, driving people away from health services, impeding efforts to identify cases, and encouraging ineffective, punitive measures,” Kavanagh added. “We appreciate the LGBTI community for having led the way on raising awareness – and we reiterate that this disease can affect anyone.”

Unlike HIV, which was spread largely by:

Blood transfusions with infected blood, a problem that was solved relatively quickly
Heroin junkies sharing needles without cleaning them
Gay men sodomizing each other on a mass scale
Monkeypox, like COVID, appears to be spread mostly by socializing.

But gays do that more than just about anybody. Thus, the big superspreader event of last summer’s COVID Delta wave was Bear Week in Provincetown.

Shutting down schools for semesters and forcing children to wear masks is Following the Science, but asking gays to turn it down a notch until we figure out why they are spreading monkeypox would be The Worst Thing Ever.

Some people’s fun, such as children’s, is just less important that other people’s fun, like gays.

T. Morris #dunning-kruger #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Southern Apologetics – “Whipped Peter,” and the Problem of Human Gullibility"]

I was in a (mostly one-sided) email conversation with a blogger-correspondent[…]Initiated by my correspondent’s posting of an interesting interview conducted with an 82-year-old black woman and former slave named Millie Barber[…]

Hello, [name redacted][…]
You wrote in your preface to Millie’s interview that,
“The most egregious part of her colorful narrative relates to her parents being separated on different plantations“[…]
Seems to be more an emotion-based reaction[…]in the vast majority of such cases, the father was separated from the family because of his[…]abusive and violent nature and tendencies[…]masters tried to solve and enforce within such families in the best way they could[…]

The following is what I wrote my correspondent in a couple of follow-up message

The mass of people in any given society tend to be very gullible and uninformed[…]If intelligent people have learned anything at all from the COVID 19 insanity, that fact ought to be it[…]“A picture is worth a thousand words” is often cited in these little write-ups of mine[…]Photos of “Whipped Peter” and the emaciated bodies of former prisoners held at Andersonville[…]
I had something of an epiphany concerning that photo in particular when I was watching one of those television documentaries about a “Super-Max”[…]It was a distinct possibility[…]“Whipped Peter” was very much like these violent felons[…]
The situation at Andersonville is another story entirely of course, but the same principle applies[…]

I could literally “go on and on and on,” quoting[…]from dozens of original sources regarding the question of antebellum slavery[…]all in support of the “default” position I personally take in defending our noble, gallant and honorable ancestors

Babylon Bee #transphobia #dunning-kruger babylonbee.com

RICHMOND, CA—"Appropriating the fashions, foods, music, and lifestyles of other cultures is evil and wrong," said a man wearing a flowery dress, jewelry, makeup, and demanding everyone call him "Denise."

"Just because you really, really like something that is different from the situation you were born into, does not make it right to just take it for your own sense of self-worth and happiness," said the man who was given the name Richard Nelvenburger at birth.

"Imagine how other cultures feel when you just take what makes them unique and make it your own. It’s unfair and wrong!" said the man who was born with a penis.

When confronted by a woman who pointed out the irony of what was being said, Denise rolled up the sleeves of her blouse and decked her.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger americanthinker.com

For King, pacifism was inseparable from anti-poverty and anti-racism. Soon enough, black feminists like Michele Wallace and Angela Davis would brave the forces of reaction and challenge the black men who were leading this movement to address the struggles of women. Eventually, gender joined race and class to form the triumvirate of the left’s social critiques. All three of these categories reflected the needs of large groups of people who had clear grievances, people who had suffered widespread institutionalized violence, confinement, and deprivation that were irrefutable in the annals of history. Had this triangle of causes remained sacrosanct, there is no way surrogacy would have led the left back to human bondage.

But then came gay men. Somehow “sexual orientation” was jimmied into the triangle of race, class, and gender. Homosexuals were deemed an oppressed people despite the flimsiest of historical grievances (even the legendary gay Holocaust involved no more than 15,000 victims, out of the twelve million people placed in Nazi concentration camps).

Gay men were teased about their sexual tastes and had to face anti-sodomy laws, which made it hard for them to find erotic release. They had the option of lying to protect themselves. Living a lie is hard, but living a lie when you enjoy all the economic, racial, and patriarchal advantages of having to worry only about your sex life is hardly on the scale of Jim Crow, women not having the right to vote, or poor people starving during times of famine or unemployment. There is an enormous difference between systematic, large-scale persecution and simply facing barriers to sexual pleasure.

By casting gay men as powerless, the left sealed their doom. A new crop of “allies” possessing financial and social capital far in excess of people of color, women, or the working class was bound to rise quickly to power and take over the whole movement, mowing down everything in their path, including the sacred goals the movement began with.

T.J Koeneni #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger comicscommandpost.com

John Ridley doesn’t believe in censorship while asking that HBOMax censor ‘Gone With the Wind” through a veiled threat of cancelling his subscription. He’s talking out of both sides of is mouth. ‘Gone With the Wind’ is a cinema classic that was a story about survival. It was also made in 1939 Mr. Ridley, and I think America has long before and since, learned its lesson on slavery. It’s deplorable, it’s bad, and is a stain on this country that was a part of our history. Ridley, in his ignorance, also failed to realize that he called for the blacklisting of a movie that featured actress Hattie McDaniel…the first black performer to win an Oscar. How about focusing on that positive note. You see, in a functioning, well structured society, like the United States is, we actually have the capability to learn a lesson. We are the one country in the world who has learned their lessons on slavery. There are many countries out there, including in AFRICA, where slavery still exists, and is prominent. How about reflecting on the positive aspects of our history rather than promoting and propagandizing it in a negative light. That only stokes the flames of hatred and division in this country, that have been drummed up by the likes of yourself and the Democratic left, who utilize a false racism, like it was big business. I’m 100% positive that at least 99.9% of people in this country think slavery was bad. Why hide the history of it? Wouldn’t you want children and adults to learn from history rather than hide and bury it? That seems like cowardice to me.

generalorder4 #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I don't WANT to care about politics. I don't LIKE politics. For a long time I barely knew what politics was and when I had to declare my loyalty I considered myself a liberal because I was told that meant I was a good person. I considered myself a good person (like everyone does) so I said 'I guess I'm a liberal' and for a time that was enough.
But as time wore on I found that more and more demands were heaped onto me and those demands became literally impossible.
It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin.
Apparently it meant 'Hate white people'...in as many words. Without irony. Hate is fine as long as it's the right kind of hate. Then it isn't even 'racism'...it's just 'wokeness'. In fact a lot of things ordinarily unjustifiable could be made perfectly fine through the same lens. We were supposed to hate Jews (those zionist oppressors and allies to the Great Satan) too which was EXTREMELY ironic give the fact that most often the epithet for those politically opposed to this perspective were called 'Nazis'...which I figured were practically defined as racially hating Jews specifically.
My brain rebelled and around the time I said 'If identity is justified just because it's ours then why can't I be proud to be a white man?' I realized I would not be welcome not because of what I believed by literally because of what I was.
White cis men who didn't believe America was the worst country on earth and believed in Christ couldn't even be allies. They had to be silenced at best, destroyed at worst. The only way to be part of the world I thought I belonged to by virtue of virtue itself was if I constantly debased myself, my family, my country, my species.
And eventually I had enough.

John C. Wright #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt scifiwright.com

"So I wonder, other that the obvious purpose to deconstruct and destroy Superhero comics, if in the most clumsy manner the Woke are attempting to express their own immature drama and pining for romance into the wrong genre."

I have no insight to offer on this theory. I have strong doubts, because I am a cynic, but I do not know.

But I do have a rule of thumb to suggest: if one took a homo story from one of these comic books, and sex-swapped one character, so that gay Iceman was dating a girl instead of a boy (not Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane, Judy Harmon, Zelda Kurtzberg, Laynia Petrovna, Annie Ghazikhanian, Opal Tanaka, or Marge Smith) but a new girl with all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable? Would the two seem to "go together"?

Likewise, if Tim Drake were dating Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) or Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) or Secret (Greta Hayes) or Ariana Dzerchenko or
Tamara Fox instead of a boy, and she had all the same interests, virtues, traits and personality quirks as a girl as he had as a boy -- would the relationship nonetheless seem viable?

The cynic in me suspects I am asking a trick question. If you read the comics in question, the cynic in me strongly suspects you may find to your surprise that the gay boys these orientation-swapped supers are dating have no personalities to speak of, no flaws, no frustrations, no dreams to achieve, because the portrayal of imperfection in a gay boy offends the gay privilege our society currently affords perverts, due to what might be called "gay fragility".

Again, the cynic in me strongly suspects one will find the so called romances are not romances at all, with no romantic tensions, none of the thrill, doubt, heartache and so on that accompanies finding a mate and the mother of one's progeny to carry on the family name.

Love and romance are not part of their mental environment. Power is. The power to change men into women and normal men into perverts is a godlike power. They cannot exercise this power in real life, but they can force others to change pronouns, and can defecate on long established and well loved fictional characters. They cannot be god, but they can pretend to be god.

Generalorder4 #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

"It wasn't enough to say 'I'm a liberal'. You also had to ignore history ('All native Americans were peaceful and learned how to scalp people from Canadians. The Holocaust wasn't so bad compared to war atrocities committed by The Allies. Islam was never warlike. The Crusades was a war for gold only. Democracy has caused the most wars in history. No white man can take credit for any innovation or invention throughout all of history...') and you had to ignore logic. See, I figured 'not being racist' meant not judging and certainly not hating someone based on the color of their skin."

Tj Marz #dunning-kruger #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Democrats FAIL To Pass Abortion Expansion, Roe Is DONE

Imagine being someone that wants the federal government to run everything in your life and still think that you don't have a favorite flavor of boot polish.
Let the states handle their own things and live in a state that most closely reflects your ideals, it's as simple as that.

Megan Fox #homophobia #biphobia #fundie #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

Ally Week, Sept 23-27: This week the gay mafia pressures your kid to become a warrior for the cause of the LGBTQWTF agenda items under the guise of being a good friend to others. Mission America writes, “It’s a peer-pressured, mob mentality seeking knee-jerk acceptance, at the same time isolating and marginalizing those who decline and labeling them as ‘haters’ and ‘bigots.’” Reminder: children who are Catholic, evangelical, or Muslim would automatically be put into a prejudicial category by default if they did not renounce their religious teaching.

Bisexual Awareness Day, September 23: Is this necessary? Is there a Catholic Awareness Day where public schools teach others to be tolerant of devout Catholics who believe in chastity? I don’t think so…nope. Just Googled it. Doesn’t exist.

putin_vor #dunning-kruger #fundie #transphobia reddit.com

It will not function, even if you somehow control the rejection. As far as I know, we're nowhere near a womb transplant, technologically. Womb alone doesn't work anyway, you need ovaries, Fallopian tubes, cervix, etc. But more importantly, how are you going to connect it to the male brain?

hbenthow #dunning-kruger #racist scifiwright.com

"Thor: Ragnarok" is chock-full of anti-Western subversive messaging. Its main message is that Western civilization needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.

After Odin dies and Hela takes over Asgard, Hela brings up Odin's history of conquering other worlds, and paints him as someone who obtained the riches of Asgard unjustly, then tried to cover it up and hide from his past (she breaks down artwork portraying Odin in a positive, peaceful light to show plastered-over artwork of him in his conqueror days). She describes Odin's viewpoint of Asgard's riches and status by saying that he was "proud to have it, ashamed of how he got it." While she is a villainess (who approves of Odin's old conqueror ways, disapproves of his later change of heart, and attempts to bring back Asgard's glory days of imperial power in order to "make Asgard great again", so to speak) it's obvious that the filmmakers agree with her viewpoint that Odin is a hypocrite for choosing to remain proud of his kingdom's status, rather than making amends by giving all of Asgard's riches and power back to the cultures he took them from and impoverishing Asgard in the process.

This is all a thinly-veiled allegory for the notion of Western countries only being as rich and powerful as they are due to having stolen from and enslaved other peoples, and their later abandonment of colonialism and slavery as being a half-measure that doesn't make up for the damage and only brings about unearned self-satisfaction. Odin is representative of modern-day patriotic Americans, Brits, etc, who no longer perpetuate slavery or colonialism, but are still proud and protective over the status of their countries rather than being so ashamed of their countries' pasts as to want to bankrupt them to make amends.

BeardedLuckDragon #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick #crackpot deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Lawful Neutral - Justice loves to rape people and put them in cubes... but you hate the Cenobites? OK, that makes no sense at all and is completely unofuckingriginal as it gets. Your nervous system transmits pleasure and pain signals down the same wires, and I felt Leviathan had that covered. Pain is there to tell you to stop and prevents you from getting paralyzed, so just let it do it's job. I hate fix it types that are also control freaks, it just breaks people more, so just take red foxes advice and let yourself heal as best as possible.

Lawful Neutral Evil - Green hill Billy markets and functional black markets. There could be some moonshine, but it's the good stuff if you have the Law on your side, the law of neutrality. Evil is there to side step dumb laws that even justice doesn't want to prosecute, such as smoking weed out West, which is much better than tobacco, or a lap full of guns out East, which is better than Tyrany at gunpoint. Storm troopers always tell you what to do and want your soul, random bandits usually want your vehicle and wallet.

Lawful Evil - Capitalism/Communism - For people that help each other and love hating each other so much, big government and mega corporations seem to work together often enough. That's odd. You're two sides of THE SAME COIN. Red VS Blue, but you're always connected some how, like a tennis match up. Red conserves a system to serve to blue, to destroy it enough with liberalism and insanity, to take it back with more control than ever. Check out "The 48 Laws of Power", a book for con artists and engineers, not my artists, scientists, stand up philosophers, poets, and warriors. Then take Chiti's advise and burn this book, he is very moral after all, but read it first just to make sure how mirror systems work. Not to your advantage, only on two concentrated points, like a worm hole or laser/saser.

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #homophobia deviantart.com

If one looks at history, we know what will happen. When the Roman Empire was in its decline, homosexuality was on the rise. When the Empire collapsed, there was a hard snap back and away from the behaviors that saw the empire's fall. It took 2000 years for homosexuality to become popular and accepted again from the fall of the Roman Empire. When the empires of Western society collapse, which looks like it will be within our lifetimes, it will be another 2000 years before it makes a comeback to what it is now.

MASTER LAKI/ Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof. #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger #magick #god-complex teslastyle101.com

From the measured results and the axiom that the universal balance is infinite and eternal for it is ONE – singular quality – as well as using consistent logical reasoning, the following main conclusions have been drawn:

1. There is a point of stillness in the center of every cell, atom and particle where the electric potential is equal to zero and which is the zero point of the universal space or the black hole with centering zero Mind point in its center. Motion spins around that still point, but there is no motion AT THAT CENTER.

2. There is an effect of electric current consisting of spinning light rings extending from the still center to convey its power to the other outside conductive matter of the cell.

3. Motion is born from stillness and centered by stillness.

4. Heat is born from cold.
7. Energy is stillness of the eternal space of the still universe at rest and it is changeless. Energy can be neither moved nor released. Energy can be expressed in electric potential (defined as a measure of unbalance of a pressure condition) and once started that expression will never stop.
9. Motion is an illusion which simulates rest.

10. Matter is an illusion.

11. The cause of illusion is division of the WHOLE into PARTS.

12. The mental activity of thinking creates the illusion of motion. Thinking is imagined action-reaction of motion mirrored from a still point to a still point.
17. Expression of energy E in time/space P properly describes the fundamental equation

E = P+ – * C^2 / sqrt(1-(v/C)^2)

where P+- is borrowed and repaid time/space, respectively, and C – is the speed at which consciousness moves perception – the speed at which consciousness reproduces its own perception of action-reaction (expansion-compression) sequence in the adjacent wave field in reverse, in our “reality” ONLY – it is frequency of repetition (reproduction) of illusion ONLY in our “reality”.

18. Everything moves within ME, since I Am Consciousness – I AM God in physical realization.

mauiportal #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

kinda hard to make predictions when you are wrong about everything. Russia is not losing the war, in fact it has not lost one major engagement against the Nazis. Russia never intended to conquer or invade the capital, there are 3 million people in the capital in Russia only had 30,000 troops outside the capital. These troops were to draw the Nazis from the South into the open and cut off their supplies, these are simple military tactics that are succeeding. In the capital the electricity was never shut down, the Internet works, the water runs, and foreign diplomats walked the street who would easily be targeted for Hypersonic missiles. Russia is not at war with the Ukrainian people but against the Nazis we installed in 2014. Russia doesn't need an offramp, it is the United States and the West that needs the offramp. We are running out of diesel, we are running out of fertilizer, we are running out of wheat, and were 30 trillion in debt whereas Russia has no debt, in fact, has a surplus in spite of the West stealing $300 billion in reserves. The only reason the CIA-controlled media lies concerning the war in Ukraine, babbling incessantly about Ukrainian victories against Russians and how heroic the Nazis are is all about money for the military-industrial complex. Can't very well justify giving Ukraine $40 billion if they're losing, which of course they are.

several wingnut metalheads #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #pratt reddit.com

(Context: wingnuts react to meme denouncing conservatives who listen to metal and punk.)

Metal isn't really about rebellion. Some artists intend to be rebellious with their music, and subgenres were born out of opposition to certain trends, but that's the extent of it. In general, metalheads only really care about music. Just because something is fringe or extreme doesn't mean it's a conscious rebellion against anything.

(deleted user)
People who think metal is about rebellion will always be posers

I’m old enough to remember when being punk was being anti establishment. Now it’s nothing but pro establishment hypocrisy

What an unnecessary and hateful post, and no I’m not a republican. OP, great job creating divide in a community while accomplishing nothing.

I’d say I’d look forward to your reply, but it seems you’re too scared to reply to most comments here

Bitching about shit on social media platforms is real rebellious!

I literally can't think of a more safe political stance to follow than modern leftism

That sub and this meme sucks, poser

(deleted user)
Punk is when you dont offend people

Yeah Nazis were big conservatives. It's not like they tried to burn the fucking planet down and rebuild it with shocking new ideas. They were all about conserving what was already there and maintaining the status quo.

Being for a socialist nanny state isn't exactly anti-establishment either.

Laissez fair!

Following the crowd and bashing a whole group of people just cause you have differing opinions? Sounds like a bootlicker to me

Your point? That was a staged event so you should probably try to do a bit of research & learn some truth.

John C. Wright #racist #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

{from 2017}

Kamala Khan is a Muslim highschool girl form Jersey city, and gained the ability to expand, stretch, and shrink her body in various ugly and ungainly ways, and make her fists into giant balloon-like stupid looking flesh blobs. She wears the dumpiest uniform imaginable, and acts like a cross between a spoiled idiot child, a sociopath, and a fascist. She took on the name Ms Marvel because the name Jihad Girl did not test as well in focus group.

She does not really fight crime, instead she fights white guys, who are the source of all the world’s evils, and she protects her friends like the Lesbian who is in love with a high school Muslim girl who wears a headscarf at all times. Because we all know how ultra-fundamentalist Middle Eastern religious women are encouraged to be sexually liberated and experimentally genderfluid by their families. The writing here is lazy, one dimensional, and stupid.

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie web.archive.org

Concurring in the 2002 case of Ex Parte H.H., a custody dispute involving a lesbian mother, Moore demonstrated that homosexuality had no protected status in the Anglo-American common-law tradition, that indeed such behavior had been proscribed for centuries as "a crime against nature," and that Alabama courts had consistently condemned homosexual acts as "illegal under the laws of this state and immoral in the eyes of most of its citizens."

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger web.archive.org

Moore's 7,000-word treatise came to mind last week when gay activists began targeting sponsors of Proposition 8, the successful ballot initiative that amended the California state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. Taking to the streets in furious indignation, activists created an "enemies list" of those who had contributed to support the measure, targeting them for boycotts and protests.

The elderly co-owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had given $100 to support the referendum, was driven to tears as she confronted "60 members of Los Angeles' LGBT community" who demanded an apology and an equal contribution to a proposed effort to repeal the referendum.

That incident reminded Diana West of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s, but it reminded me of Roy Moore, because of the angry insistence of gay activists that opponents of same-sex marriage are depriving them of their rights -- "rights" that Moore showed to be utterly alien to our nation's legal tradition.

BeardedLuckDragon #fundie #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Arithmetic and statistics beats algebra I'm afraid since nothing is equal, except opportunity, and throw in two opposed triangles to plot pixels with hexes, and we can map multi dimensional objects in space, which is how Atlantis mapped Gaia in the first place. How about an algebra lesson, or a processor lesson if you like?

So the house is an inference skill wire cube that the pixie and imp communities use to hack the deficiencies out of bio organic life, put there on purpose by industry. Or at least it seems that way, because they refuse to stop, and I doubt they need more money. After we've touched you millions of times we can just take that code and program algorithms to do your job, since life has gotten out of hand with you bio juicers and science run amok. Think about the cube system as a neutral agent of Darwin, but the top and bottom of it are haunted for sure. The other layers are OK, but you're still in the cube. So if you're of sound manner, the cube let's you out, but it doesn't like people who play god and the devil. Don't go to level -100, 0, and don't go to 100, stay at like 48 I heard, but 33 is actually better. Just lower middle class enough to struggle, but just good enough to enjoy life with other nature lovers, not nurture lovers. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best by saying our parks are the best way to edify nature whilst protecting ourselves from Darwin's algorithm, which sucks, except it was better than feminism, which was so selfish it was sorry to watch. Namely they've been miserable for 40 years, so it must be a bad script, and the one before that was oppressive... how about a new one?

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

Like climate scientists who believe science is ultimate truth and the cure for global warming, they conveniently neglect the scientific fact that science is responsible for fossil fuel production which created the climate crisis. Science with no moral underpinnings is responsible for the Tower of Babel, the Titanic disaster, the space shuttle Challenger disaster, the spectre of nuclear war hanging over humanity for all eternity, and now the coronavirus pathogens infecting the human species forever. Fauci justified his decision in 2012 to provide funding to the PLA front group at the WIV for gain-of-function research, converting deadly pathogens which only bats were susceptible over to infecting humans - despite dire warnings from within the scientific community,[19] in his words, "the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.”[20]

Scientific progress was the motivating factor behind the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s which systematically murdered some 60 million people by violence and by government-induced economic pressures and famine. The scientific progress was intended to tear China away from its 3,000-year-old traditional culture and norms. Fauci partnered with the same political party - the Chinese Communist Party - which has never held a free election nor reformed its ideology of holding the lives of individual citizens in low regard, in his gain-of-function research.

Various Commenters #transphobia #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho ovarit.com

Indian surgeon plans to transplant womb into a TRANS woman and get them pregnant in world-first op that could pave way for biological men to get pregnant

( MadSea )
Very much looking forward to the deaths this fool will cause with his mad science experiments.

Also, how is it a transplant if there was never one there to begin with? Wouldn’t it just be an implant?

( hmimperialtortie )
Someone should say he’s a TRANSPHOBE 😱 because he’ll kill the poor helpless twans wimmin who Just Wanna Have Babies doing this.

( Stealthygal )
Clearly he's doing this to kill TW on purpose

( hmimperialtortie )
It’s his cunning plan to get rid of them. Muahahahaha!

( RusticTroglodyte )
Only a total deluded fuckhead would voluntarily sign up to give birth and I say that as someone who has a kid look

Jk but Srsly how fucking privileged can these ppl get

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth.

Far as I’m concerned it’s Schadenfreude all the way if these filthy scrotes do finally suffer the consequences of their perversions and misogyny.

( RighteousIndignation )
good point its an implant and it will rot and be attacked by the body, they cant even keep their neo virginas open without dilating them daily to stop the body healing them like the wound they are, how the hell is a uterus not going to get attacked by the immune system and shrivel up into a little rotten ball that causes blood poisoning.

( crodish )
Seriously, with other organs like the heart and liver etc the body at least has DNA blueprints for those, because both sexes have the same organs. A male body is going to have zero idea what to do with a female uterus. The person is going on have to be on a ridiculous amount of anti-rejection medications and hormones and blood transfusions.

I like too that somehow we're not hearing a huge outcry from the ethics boards about this...

Scott Lively #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger scottlively.net

Masculine Homosexual Men, AKA “Gay” Bullies.

Moving toward the opposite extreme of the scale, the male categories are measured by their degree of rejection of females and femininity. These are masculine-oriented homosexual men. The existence of this type of homosexual comes as a shock to some people. When they think of homosexuals, they think of effeminate men who act like women, but, in my observation, there are at least as many masculine-leaning homosexuals as there are effeminate ones.

But these are not simply masculine men, they are anti-feminine men. Importantly, they are less against women per se than against effeminacy — especially in other men. The further one tends to the masculine extreme, the greater his rejection of and hostility towards effeminacy. (In my observation, effeminate homosexuality and transgenderism seem to be a product of childhood gender identity disorder as described above, while masculine-oriented homosexuality in men seems to be a product of childhood or adolescent sexual abuse.)

The first category therefore is the classic “gay” bully, and his victims are often effeminate homosexuals. It is very common to hear “gay” activists refer to these “gay bashers” as “latent homosexuals,“ and I believe they are correct, though I suspect that many of these men are not latent, but active (though often self-loathing) homosexuals.

Many people wonder how the Nazis could have been homosexual, when homosexuals were among the targets of their brutal social engineering policies. The secret is that many of the Nazi leaders were masculine-oriented homosexuals, while many of their political enemies in the German Communist Party were effeminate homosexuals.

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #homophobia theothermccain.com

One of the things I’ve always understood about what is now generally called “the LGBTQ movement” (once known more simply as “gay rights”) was that it really wasn’t about fighting oppression, and that the claims of victimhood involved were largely fictitious. And I knew this because I actually knew gay people, none of whom were in the least bit oppressed or victimized, despite the fact that they lived in the heart of the Bible Belt. It is not necessary for me to cite examples, although i could name names of these friends and acquaintances who didn’t parade around proclaiming themselves to be oppressed victims because (a) there was no political advantage to be had by making such claims in the Deep South three or four decades ago, and (b) they weren’t victims in any meaningful sense of the word. It was not until the 1990s, really, that the gay rights movement began to get much traction in popular culture, probably as a result, on the one hand, of the AIDS epidemic creating a crisis atmosphere and, on the other hand, the Democratic Party trying to find political leverage against the “Religious Right.” Prior to the Clinton administration, really, most people had a basic libertarian attitude toward homosexuality — even if they did not approve of such behavior, they didn’t go snooping around trying to “out” people or otherwise make a big scene about it.

The suffix “-phobia” amounts to a diagnosis of mental illness, an accusation that one is motivated by irrational fear, and to inject this into public policy debates is evidence of the worst sort of bad faith. Never mind, of course, the fictional nature of the claims of “oppression” made by gay rights activists which, as I say, is my basic disagreement with the movement in general. Because the gay people I knew were not remotely in a situation of oppression comparable to, e.g., black people living under Jim Crow, I was not interested in any lectures about how their “rights” were allegedly being violated. The accusations of “ignorance,” “hate” and “homophobia” were just icing on this gigantic cake of obnoxious activism.

ares12 #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

The same people who say bacteria is indicative of life in any part of the universe, are the ones who will say fetuses are just clumps of cells. To them, the science is either general consensus or whatever the hell they want it to be.

That's not to say that I condemn any women who underwent an abortion because they felt that they didn't have any alternatives, but this goes out to any vile, shady Far-Lefties who encourage people to take no responsibilities.

ppp #dunning-kruger #crackpot blackpill.club

Sex is a Biological Need

TL;DR: If you think that sex is not a biological need then you need to see a doctor or turn in your man card.

Any time you hear someone say that he does not need sex, it is either because he is coping or because he has never felt love. It is akin to saying that you do not need to have a healthy diet or wheels on a bike, and I can prove it without a single source because it is just that easy.

Think about what happens when a baby is born. What happens (in civilized countries where they do not drown, circumcise or eat it) first? Immediately, care is applied to the baby. The mother holds the infant closely and talks to him/her. The father, if he is around, gives the mother what she needs so that the baby can survive. As the baby grows, the parents shower it with love and attention. What is it called when this does not happen? Child abuse. If we do not need love, why does it negatively affect you as a person when it is not received in your early stages of development? This is a question that no bluepiller can answer without committing suicide or outright lying, more so after what I type next.

After a period of time you grow out of needing your parents to kiss you goodnight and buy you giant balloons when it is your birthday. Now, there is something else you need, namely sex. In the days of old before industrialization ruined everything, this was not that hard to obtain because you would be married off at an early age or at least be courting a foid so that you would not go ER on your tribe or community. If this is not achieved, the effects are almost invariably disastrous: ERs, as mentioned earlier, depression, coping, crime and other terrible things. Studymaxxing is completely unnatural and one of the primary reason why there are so many incels and frustrated men out there today. While you are memorizing useless facts so that you can program a better refrigerator for Chad, he is living the way his ancestors did and having plentiful sex with young women. A lot of time is spent sitting down, inactive, which is abnormal for a young man. Over time, as the copes run out and one grows up, he realizes that he wasted or is wasting his youth, something that is happening more and more to men in the West today. Do you suppose that so many young men would be dropping out of society if they had a girl at their side? No. [...]

Sasha Alex Lessin, PhD #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger enkispeaks.com

The men of the Anunnaki Astronaut Corps on Mars (The Igigi/Nephilim/Fallen Angels) brought the Anunnaki pantheon of rulers as “gods” of the Indus Valley ( Pakistan), India and southeast Asia.
The Aryan migrants shared their knowledge, technology, and sense of superiority with their lineages and advanced Europe’s Atlantians and Denovians– also descendants of Lyran refugees–who, like them, spoke Aryan (Indo-European) languages. The Aryans worshipped a sky god, traced descent through the male line, raised cattle, drank mead, used horse-drawn chariots as weapons of war” and fashioned weapons of bronze and iron.

Aryans, “more technologically advanced because they possessed some Anunnaki genes and influence, blended two sides of the Nibiran/Anunnaki on Earth—Nobles in the Astronaut line and Nobles in the Royal line–who interbred with Hybrid Earthlings.
Around 560 BCE an Anunnaki Royal bore Gautama (Buddha, The Awakened One) as heir to the King of Kapilavastu (Nepal).
Buddha rejected the push from Anunnaki-Hindu religious practices and did not preach “any type of god, need for a savior, prayer, religious rituals, eternal life after death, or the Indian caste system of segregating classes.” Buddha and the Buddhists accept all humans as equal.
Shinto grew from Anunnaki Princess Inanna’s tantric rituals in Iraq (Sumer) in 3840 BCE. She and her Aryan Earthlings, as well as Earthlings, joined migrants from the realms of Babylon Lord Marduk (Satan) in Pakistan after 1900 BCE to settle Pakistan (Indus Valley). Hybrid Anunnaki astronaut (Nephilim) descendants from Canaan joined the Aryans as they settled ever-further East.

TW, Exile and Dart #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[Comments under "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

From TW:
Brad, in Alabama blacks get 62% of abortions, Hispanics 5% and Other 2% And I wonder many how many of the white women are aborting black spawn.Would you deny abortion to a white woman raped by a nigger? Should women who get abortions be charged with murder? If not, why not if you believe the fetus is a human?


Legalizing the murder of White children is a very stupid strategy for controlling the Black population.

Alabama’s Whites would not be bending the knee to any number of Blacks without the moral collapse manifested in abortion, addiction and materialism

From Dart:
Not really. Those are genetic liberal children. Killing them reduces the frequency of genetic liberalism within the White population. Blacks are pretty much politically irrelevant and aren’t the political enemy of Whites. White libtards are the enemy. Without White libtards, Blacks wouldn’t even be a problem at all. We could have mutually beneficial separation and everyone would be content with it. Only White libtards motivated by deranged utopian fantasies are driven to force everyone together. So it’s good when White libtards voluntarily kill themselves off, through whatever means available. Overly permissive Western breeding practices, originating in the papist idea of love marriage, allowed genetic liberals to grow to a dangerously high percentage of the population. Reducing their numbers is the only way Whites will survive

WeeWarrior #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #ufo weewarrior.wordpress.com

So, I’ve always had this funny feeling about those fancy classical stone structures covered with fussy carvings, intricate aerials, colossal columns and enormous entryways — was all that really necessary?
This gave me the first clue that this recurring architecture wasn’t random or mere imitation — these elements all add up to something that involves POWER!
She pointed out that drawing electricity from the atmosphere could be relatively simple if your city was planned with buildings designed to properly attract, collect and dispense the accumulated current.

It is being referred to as “Antiqui-Tech.”

The concept of Antiqui-Tech is the crafting of architectural forms to attract and distribute the natural static electrical charge present in the atmosphere or Atmospheric Etheric Energy (AEE), a subtle force of nature that operates whether we believe in it or not.
So the theory goes that if properly harvested, Antiqui-Tech could harness and channel AEE into buildings and public spaces to generate light, regulate temperature and create an energy field that sterilizes harmful bacteria.
To help me determine the real Old Empire (Tartarian?) residential architecture from the modern imitations, I look for 4 main features:
*Fiddly Bits on top (metal or stone protuberances to serve as antenna)
*Flat Chimneys (never enough chimneys to heat such a large building by conventional means)
*Dormers and Towers on Roof (to accumulate and distribute AEE)
*Colossal Entryways (not sure if these indicate giants built them, but they are always there!)
However, since I am not sure the Tartarians built all of these structures, I have decided on the term Old Empire civilizations — plural because I’m pretty sure there were more than one.

Which brings us to the idea that civilizations can be purposely reset by Controllers who then enslave the devastated population and relocate them into abandoned cities.

Anarcho-Heathen #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

RE: What has convinced you that your beliefs are correct? How do you know the pantheon which you worship is real?

*An Ontological Argument for Polytheism: *

Proof A:

We can think of a being greater than which nothing can be conceived.

It is greater to exist in reality than solely in thought.

Therefore the being greater than which nothing can be conceived must exist in reality (otherwise a greater being could be conceived which contradicts 1).

Proof B:

There exists a being greater than which nothing can be conceived.

It is greater to exist in multiple forms than in one form.

Therefore the being greater than which nothing can be conceived exists in multiple forms (if it existed only in one form, a greater being could be conceived which contradicts 1).

Let the "greatest being" demonstrated to be Proof A be called Godhood (the ousia of a god). Let any particular form which that Godhood exists in be called "God".

It follows from Proof B, 2, that an infinite number of forms would be greater than a finite number.

I am not sure I entirely follow. We can concieve of a being which hypothetically exists in reality, in which case it would be the greatest being that we can concieve, without it actually existing, no?

The argument is that basically if it doesn’t exist in reality it would contradict its definition as “a being greater than which nothing can be conceived”. Because we could think of something greater that does exist.

Because it is the “greatest being” it necessarily exists.

The idea here is to show that existence is of the essence of Godhood, that if something partakes in Godhood it could not be thought of as not existing logically.

But why should we expect the universe to care about the word games we think up?

Because the kosmos is ordered and we can come to know things about it.

We can demonstrate that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, factually. That corresponds to ever triangle that exists in the real world. I am only asserting we can have similar knowledge about theology (this comparison to mathematics being a common one by Ancient Greek sages such as Pythagoras.

Chris Roberts #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

On Friday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sent off a series of tweets that proved popular:

“The extreme left is taking over” WHERE. In Texas, Republicans passed a law allowing rapists to sue their victims for getting an abortion.

We can’t even get our party to import cheaper RXs from Canada. foh

Billionaires be like “the extreme far left is taking over” when the “extreme far left” in the US is “medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,” “wages should cover rent,” & “maybe it’s bad that Wall St companies profit off mass surveillance, manufactured housing crises, and caging people”

The reason America isn’t socialist, despite a very powerful Left, is because the Left cares more about race than economics. The effects of leftism are often felt by an absence of policies. The reason crime is soaring in most cities, is because leftists have demonized law and order. The riots in 2020 lasted so long because leftist DAs refused to prosecute rioters. The reason illegal immigrants pour into the country is because the Left believes any form of border security is unethical.

What the far-left lacks in political power, it makes up for in cultural power. It is because of the far-left that many schoolchildren are taught to think America is evil, racist, and irredeemable. The far-left made Marxist and anti-white arguments common on campus. The far-left’s influence explains why major newspapers don’t report brutal black-on-white crime.

Over the last 60 years, the Left has got what it wants many times: “civil rights,” mass non-white immigration, abortion rights, affirmative action, gay marriage, legal miscegenation, and legal protections for women, the disabled, homosexuals, non-whites, etc.

The economic Left Miss Ocasio-Cortez describes doesn’t really exist. The popular leftist website, Huffington Post, has sections for five “communities:” Queer Voices, Asian Voices, Black Voices, Latino Voices, and Women. There are no Poor Voices, Union Voices, Middle-Class Voices, Working-Class Voices, or Minimum-Wage Voices. That’s a statement of priorities. The Huffington Post isn’t “far-left” on economics; it’s very far-left on race.

Eternal Destinations #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger eternal-destinations.blogspot.com

Barack Obama
"Look at Barack Obama. Many of my ministers made the mistake by praying him in to win the election. He has deceived my ministers that he’s a Christian, and many of my ministers followed him because of his material things…Now he is obeying you? Only that my ministers have done, it’s enough for me to send them to hell, but because of my love, I am still waiting for them to repent. Yet they don’t want to repent."

At 2:06:29 in the video: "Obama is not a human being. He’s a demon. Now my people are suffering over there in America. Now he has given an order that gays, homosexuals, and lesbians should be given their rights. I will destroy him and the ministers that agree with him. So let every man plead his case before me and I shall forgive they that ask forgiveness. They that ask forgiveness from their heart shall I forgive."

"T.D. Jakes is included. He should also preach holiness and righteousness to my sheep. And he should change from his worldliness."

“Morris Cerullo is included.”

"Tell T.B Joshua to repent from his worldliness and the worldliness of his members. And he should preach salvation, holiness, and righteousness to my sheep. Out of the whole congregation, there is no one qualified for heaven. I have spoken."

The Lord gave Samuel the following Scriptures for these ministers in connection with the above warning. Please read them carefully, and help get this warning to them, and other ministers like them: Is 52:1-15; 56:1-12; 61:1-12; 63:1-19; 65:1-25; Jer 7:1-29; 6:1-30; 5:1-31; 2:1-37; 11:1-23; 16:1-13; 19:1-15; Col 3:1-25; Jer 25:15-38; Ez 21:1-32; Mt 5:1-48; 10:1-42; Ex 21:36; 22:1-15. After reading these, I can see the Lord is angry, and has given a very big reading assignment with all these chapters. Yet there is a very clear message from the Lord in these passages.

"I hate carnivals with a passionate hatred."

"Tell those named 'Achan' to change their name. (Jos 7:1-26), because it is a rebellious name."

Warning about art that does not glorify God
"Tell those who draw any diagram or creature that does not glorify me, I shall cast them into the lake of fire. In fact, nobody should even draw, because some of these artists are demons, and they are (cartoonists?) used for satan. Therefore, repent and beware."

Chris Aldridge #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

Depression Relief Proves Divinity

Religious people tend to be less depressed than non-religious. This is not an opinion, but the fact of 61% to 67% of studies on the subject. It's been something long thought to be true. While there are always exceptions to every rule, the over all reality is that people who are religious and spiritual tend to have better mental health, which you would think shatters the idea that religion is a "mental illness," as some non-religious people ridiculously claim. The bigger picture is that this is hard evidence that Divinity exists. Why? For the simple fact that depression is a real condition, a chemical imbalance, and thus, it's not something that you can "believe" away. In order for the affliction to be conquered or controlled, order and balance must be restored. So what do religious people have in this case that non-religious do not? The presence of Gods and ascension inside and around them.

All that is Divine can do good for the human condition. Take the Sun for instance, which was and still is a God to certain people and groups. The Sun's light and rays have proven healing powers (Apollon being God of the sun and healing). The light can as well push depression out of the mind and even heal infants of jaundice. The Sun saves the babies from permanent brain damage and death caused by this affliction. Again, jaundice is not something you can "believe" away. The Gods are literally staring us right in the face if we would simply open our eyes and look. Higher Powers are obvious.

Yesgaysarebullies #homophobia #dunning-kruger gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

This is the nasty face of lesbian militant Hazel Platzer. She is so obsessed with what she calls “gay rights” that she has no time for honesty, freedom or even science. When someone’s views collide with her mania for LGBT supremacy, she goes on the attack on all fronts.

In 2005, a professional medical researcher in UK published the results of his research revealing that there are serious health risks in homosexual behaviour, and that the government was covering up the true extent of the risks of AIDS and the danger to the general population. Platzer responded by sending a hysterical letter to the Nursing Times denouncing the medical researcher for …yes, you’ve guessed “homophobia”.

She could not actually fault his research in any respect. She could not argue with his facts, his scientific methods or his credentials, so she just screeched non-stop that he was “homophobic” and kept repeating the accusation that “homophobia harms patients” – which is of course completely untrue. There is no such thing as homophobia, and a healthy repugnance for homosexuality does you a lot of good!

BeyondRepair&4everBroken #dunning-kruger #wingnut blackpill.club

Blackpill - The cost of the material wellbeing and safety of Western society is social-dissatisfaction at the monkey-brain level

The trajectory so called Western society started on 3500 years ago or whenever has resulted in a sort of social environment that's cognitively taxing and unsatisfying given human mental endowments which were developed under the evolutionary ancestral environment. This is an old insight spoken by Freud and probably by countless others. Even your Stacies and Chads feel this dissatisfaction. I'm not sure what the solution is because from a competitive point of view it's the case that this social arrangement produces the best material output and therefore best defense industry. If you think ethno-nationalism is the solution then why do people of Japan talk of having this feeling of waiting for the world to end (I read that somewhere)? They too are living among strangers and most of the time merely enduring rather than having absolute belonging. Basically, I really think native Americans and similar peoples really had it good despite the higher risk of getting tomahawked in the forehead.

Michelle Malkin #dunning-kruger #conspiracy vdare.com

Just this week, a new study has documented more COVID-19 vaccine-induced heart infections. New surveillance data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System confirms a "statistically significant increased risk for Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in the 3 weeks after receipt of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine." And profiteering Pfizer, which is pushing Biden to approve COVID-19 shots for children under 5, was forced to release more than 90,000 pages of jab data it tried to cover up.

Make no mistake: There are no coincidences, and conspiracies are not just theories, especially in an even-numbered election year with a crumbling, bumbling commander in chief and his minions clinging to power.

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