
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

The Sabbateans were a 17th Century Jewish heresy, a Satanic cult that gave birth to the Illuminati. Numbering over a million, they included powerful bankers like the Rothschilds. When their leader Sabbatai Zvi pretended to convert to Islam (under duress from the Sultan), the Sabbateans imitated him by infiltrating other nationalities and religions. This is the origin of Jewish assimilation (the "Haskalah"), all the more effective because most Jews were sincere.

The hard-core Sabbateans were Cabalists determined to be God/Messiah and make the world worship them. They advanced this program by recruiting non-Jewish elites willing to betray their country using Freemasonry as a tent. (Freemasonry is based on Jewish Cabalism.) Communism and Zionism are both Masonic movements and Illuminati instruments. They brought Hitler to power and engineered the Holocaust to reclaim assimilated Jews for Zionism.
As explained in the "Protocols of Zion," this role is to be permanently "dumbed down," or like children, trusting "leaders" in all respects.

Thus, arrested development is promoted by undermining heterosexual marriage and family using sexual promiscuity, feminism, and homosexuality. Diversity, multiculturalism, migration are all used to undermine nations and races of European descent. "Culture" is drenched in sex, violence, trivia, atheism, nihilism, and Satanism, which originate in Cabalism (Satanism.)
We live in a colonized, totalitarian society masquerading as a free society. That should be obvious by the way they murder Americans with impunity. They assassinated JFK, killed sailors on the USS Liberty, and later thousands of Americans on 9-11.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amerika.org

We know modernity is ending because if we look at all human systems as attempts to survive as groups, it has failed to produce prosperity. Despite high wealth, people in first world countries do not reproduce at replacement rates. This means a lack of fundamental faith and joy in existence.

Happy countries have big families, lots of free time, and independence from the tedium of red tape and having to worry about fixing other people who are dysfunctional. The West had a brief run of this while taxes were still low, but then the socialism cycle began.
Trump will come back to an America broken and disspirited by the fact of massive election cheating and organized crime running the country for decades. It will also be thirty trillion dollars in debt, with ten times that amount in infrastructure spending set aside to fund diversity, affirmative action, anti-poverty, and entitlements programs.

Trump will finally have the mandate to do two things: first, invalidate large segments of American law, and possibly with his cohorts in the Senate campaign for amendments to the Constitution to permanently transform our government in this way, and second, to finally repeal the entitlements — free education, EMTALA/healthcare, social security, welfare, housing, and other free stuff from grubmint — that have choked our economy for a century while buying up Leftist votes.

Lots of Leftists are going to find themselves out of jobs and, if they worked with the DNC, under a cloud of suspicion and possible legal investigation. This is what happens when you work with a Mafia and the whole scheme finally gets sprung.

osman27 & VincentVanCock #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] JFL, just checking what type of thing trends on YouTube here in the Arabian peninsula.

I see this blonde haired blue eyed Levantine chick with over 4 millions subs. Simp-dom is a global epidemic.

اخواتي فاجئوني بحفلة ال 4 مليون 😍


She's a quirky Gamer-Girl. Respect her

مقالب مضحكة بالمدرسة الشريرة جنناها !!!! صارت تترجاني ! 😂scary teacher 3D

Simpdom has never been higher in the history of mankind

That’s what the war in Afghanistan is partly about, the right for JB foids to stream tick tock videos from her Kabul bedroom.


Simpdom has never been higher in the history of mankind

Countless wars of the ancient times were caused because of pussy, simps gonna simp and have been simping since ever.

That’s what the war in Afghanistan is partly about, the right for JB foids to stream tick tock videos from her Kabul bedroom.

The only right they deserve is the right to suck my cock and let me behead them.

CTON #racist amren.com

But for whites who don't--never have--lived in any places that are 99% white and orderly, they dont see the dangers of living in multicultral and multiracial societies. It was the North that condemned the South historically, despite the North being much whiter and even not allowing blacks in certain professions/neighborhoods. It was the West and the USA that condemned the white minority in South Africa 30 years ago and foced them to give up power to now being quiet as whites in South Africa are being slaughtered. You had Zoot Suit Riots in 1943, but they never talk about the fact these mestizo gangs were attacking sailors and military people and were committing crimes in Los Angeles. The historians today say the media then was 'enflaming racial tension' against the Mexicans in LA back then.

PoinTTalkers #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy pointtalkers.com

Catholic. Cloned. Chinese. President = C.C.C.P ( and it doesn’t really matter what order ya’ put the 3 c’s in )









Kyle Chapman #racist jta.org

One of the leaders of the Proud Boys, the far-right group that President Donald Trump told to “stand back and stand by” during a presidential debate, is trying to rebrand the organization as explicitly white supremacist and anti-Semitic.

Kyle Chapman, the founder of a “tactical defense arm” of the Proud Boys known for engaging in street violence, claimed in a message on the encrypted chat app Telegram that he has staged a “coup” against the current leader of the Proud Boys — a Black man named Enrique Tarrio.

“We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization,” Chapman wrote after using other bigoted language. “We recognize that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race.”

Chapman also wrote that he has renamed the group the Proud Goys, referring to the Jewish term for non-Jews that neo-Nazis have tried to appropriate and use to symbolize their anti-Semitism.

The move comes as the Proud Boys are preparing to protest with other right-wing groups in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that the presidential election was stolen from him through widespread voter fraud.

It is unclear how Chapman’s call has been received by others in the group. Other Proud Boys channels on Telegram have not reflected the changes he wants to institute, and a message from the administrator of one said, “No, we are not the Proud Goys. No, Kyle didn’t stage a coup,” and then referred to him with an ableist slur.

FlyFace #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: the supposedly hottest woman in the world looks like a regular tier becky without makeup

Scarlett Johanson. Admittedly she is in her mid-30s now, and so looking a little older. Probably was a legit Stacy in her early-mid twenties. She is cute no doubt. 6/10-7/10 without makeup. But not even stacy tier. No eyelashes at all, even I have longer eyelashes. Fat face, bug gum expoure, big forehead, greasy hair. Male chads look the way they do without makeups. There are no stacy. Fakeup should be banned. image

she's old as fuck though. The actual most beautiful woman in the world is probably a teenager

Lolis look good without make up. Think about it. What is the point of make up if not to mimic the traits found among preteen and teen girls?

Jewish ZOG brainwashing to try and make beta males with melted brains believe that old women are in anyway, shape or form attractive. Youth is beauty. Leonardo Di Caprio knows this.

"OY VEY BOYIM I MIGHT BE 80 YEARS OLD BUT I AM STILL ATTRACTIVE!! THE TALMUD VISION SAID SO!!" I swear as time goes on you need to watch how the Foid lies get even more unbelievable as time progresses. The thing about it is that Incels won't even be able to cope because silly putty brained Chads will be banging all the grandmas in the retirement home as well as every other prime whore in the world. Infinitely over.

Gareth321 #racist #wingnut reddit.com

It’s true that these are correlated, but so are electric cars and snowboards with low fertility. Female education and universal healthcare are proxies for stable societies. Stable societies only occur through concerted effort by citizens to improve their country in line with conducive values. Africa will never be a stable continent. Bribery is the de facto standard. It’s not even considered immoral. It’s expected. In fact, you’re committing a social faux pas if you don’t give a “gift.” Corruption and nepotism are the standard. Again, it’s built into the value sets of most African nations and citizens. It’s a good thing. This is why nation building doesn’t work in Africa.

On a practical level, it would require social and cultural engineering on an impossible scale. Throwing money and food and medical services and supplies at the problem isn’t working. It’s making it worse. Nigeria is growing by five million every single year. A country which doesn’t even have basic water and sewage infrastructure to most of its citizens. Even if the premise were correct that education would fix this, there’s just no realistic way to educate another five million kids per year in Nigeria alone - in addition to the existing tens of millions. Throw in the current woke environment - “how dare Western standards of education are forced on poor African children” - and this is an impossible problem to fix.

I’ve lost hope. At this stage I’m accepting reality. It’s time to get out of Africa and let them run their countries as they like. We need to secure our borders because there are enormous issues looming in Africa, and it’s a only a matter of years until the next famine, then the next, then the next.

1stmuse #ufo #crackpot #racist #magick 1stmuse.com

Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society. She was born on 31. October 1895 in Zagreb. Her father was a Croatian and her mother was a German from Vienna.
Vril Society
The Vril Society was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Cen Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” (“like god or God-like”).
The solar system of Aldebaran is 68 light-years from Earth, and two inhabited planets which constitute the Realm of Sumeran orbit around their sun. The inhabitants of this solar system are subdivided into masters, White God-like people (Aryans) and other different human races. These latter developed because of climatic changes on the individual planets, and were the result of a degeneration of the God-like people. These mutants came to have a spiritual development inferior to the God-like people. The more the races mixed together, the more their spiritual development was degraded. Consequently, when the sun (Aldebaran) began to expand, they were no longer able to make interplanetary voyages like their ancestors; it had become impossible for them to leave their planets. Thus the inferior races, totally dependent on the masters, came to be evacuated in spaceships and taken to other habitable planets. In spite of the differences, there was respect between these two races, they did not encroach upon each other’s living space (in contrast to Earth).

throwaway-_-goaway #psycho #racist reddit.com

About a week ago I reported an acquaintance to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

I was out with the crew at a game-night/hangout, and we typically meet a few cool new people at these kinds of events. "The crew" = the friend group I grab drinks with pretty much every week (it's roughly half and half men and women, pretty diverse in most other ways, and usually the same 10-12 people) really hit it off with this ginger dude, his sister, and their friend L (I will not reveal her full name), so we invited them out for drinks the following Saturday. Come Saturday, we're all having a great time. As the night went on, and we had been drinking, L shared a little bit about herself. She talked about how lucky she was to find a (comfortable) job that was willing to pay her under the table and not require verification (she was a secretary at an independent practice). She had been struggling because she was not capable of manual labor, and most desk jobs these days are very strict about verification. She said that it had been very hard for her in the months leading up to landing the job (which everyone congratulated her on), and that at one point she was almost homeless and had no idea that resources even existed for someone in her situation. In all other ways she is hard-working, kind, and amicable -- honestly just a very decent human being.

But that's the thing -- life just isn't fair. Hurricanes and fires destroy peoples' homes and lives all the time. thought about this a lot, and I did not make the decision lightly. I did some searching through groupchats that we're both in (no stalking or other gross behavior was necessary), and found all the info I needed in order to file a comprehensive report with ICE.

Various Incels #racist incels.is

RE: Southern America is not only racist, it is xenophobic and hates slavs


I saw too much in fucking southern America. Everyone asks me where I'm from, what my accent is, and it kinda sucks because I know that Southerners hate slavs with such a passion that I never saw anywhere else. Why, Americans? What did we do to you to hate us so much? You basically hate every European with an accent, it sucks to live in hate.

You get treated that way because you're not a slav chad. Sub 8 slavs are hated everywhere. Their own women hate them, their are plenty of threads and videos on here to prove it. Slavs and Asians men have it the hardest anywhere in the world.

I doubt anybody except the blacks hate you for being Slav. Blacks hate everyone who isn’t black. Also, It’s super common to ask someone where they’re from. It means nothing.

Black people aren't racist to everyone tbh.

They’re racist to anyone they accuse of racism, usually groups they’re jelly of and so they perceive every injustice as system racism. “If it rains on a black guys birthday, it’s racism” - Jared Taylor

I doubt they’d hate Bjørn from Oslo or Heinrich from Vienna. It’s a Slav thing. Brutal slavcel moment.

you can always fuck off back to your slav shithole, no one is forcing you to stay

We Need More Whites #racist #wingnut amren.com

They still dream of the based Asian, Latino and even black. It's not happening!!

Pretty much. But it is indeed happening a little...enough to be noticed and used for propaganda purposes on the Right, not enough to matter in any truly useful way. It's even happening with Jews. Some are recognizing that after all majority White countries are eliminated, along with Whites' ability to have our political will expressed in our own national governments at the highest levels, all the non-Whites and race traitors taking over (and certainly the Chinese on the world stage) will not give a care about Jewish whining and kvetching. Blacks and Browns already see Jews as "White," recognize their exalted economic and social status, and are starting to target them. They deserve everything they are going to get.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #crackpot adrenogate.net

Blue blood…non oxygenated… Red blood =oxygenated

Nephilim=Anunnaki-human hybrid

Anunnaki = pleiadian-draco/reptilian hybrid

Those that drink blood… are unable to handle living in oxygen rich environments without supplementing with red oxygenated blood… because they are more Draco/reptilian than human

This is a war between blue bloods and red bloods…

Blue bloods are most loyal to their Anunnaki heritage (Draco reptilian roots).

This war cannot be won by simply taking out a few pedos..pedos/human traffickers are luciferians=blood drinkers who consider themselves a replacement for the ultimate Creator.

Luciferians are Draco Reptilian Human Hybrids

Note Reptilians are a derivative of the Draco (dragons) hybridized with another race….possibly also a humanoid type
There do seem to be some outer limitations on Earth however yes it is Races against Races is a kind of built in buffer zone I believe you can view dimensions (and densities) as the limitations. In other words Frequency quite possibly rules That is, without the necessary love frequency you cannot go beyond your dimension. Once your chakras are sufficiently joined your frequency rises and you can go through more gates into other dimensions etc. This would seem to be a sort of structure that imposes law of a sorts. There are of course beings on all dimensions and densities…Those that have made it through to those respective levels… Ultimately we all exist in source where our avatar resides beyond density and dimension… we are individual monads …I always depict this as our incarnations are like fingers of a hand..ultimately the hand connects to the arm and then to the body … as above so below.

Samuel Hathaway #racist amren.com

RE: Dekalb County Schools Launches ‘Black Lives Matter’ Week

“Our ancestors fought for justice, freedom, equality, and change, which benefits minorities and people of color. "

DeKalb County, GA is 54% black, 33% White, and 10% Hispanic. As a 64%-67% nonwhite county, they are not fighting on behalf of "minorities." they are fighting on behalf of the black majority with an eye to make sure that all other racial groups fall into line with their dictatorial mandates.

Blacks fight for "justice, freedom, equality and change" not in the name of "fairness" but always with an eye to treating their gains as conquered territory taken from the White man, and then guard it tenaciously with threats of violence and government action to keep newly won territory under their control.

DeKalb Co. whites are also partly responsible for allowing a Democratic takeover of Georgia. Republican margins in nearly every GA county track the percentage of the White population. Republicans should be consistently winning 30% of the vote in DeKalb but consistently win only 15% - 16%. If DeKalb white voters voted like other Whites around the state, that would mean 120,000 more votes for GOP candidates.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Your Favorite President Lost White Guys"]

2020 is on us.

Let this fact sink in.

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he couldn’t motivate enough White men to vote for him. He improved with literally every other group in the country EXCEPT for White men.

After six months of nationwide chaos, White men drifted away from Donald Trump. Donald Trump had a problem with the White vote. It takes a special kind of genius to lose his margin with White men while the Left was beating the drum of anti-White hatred at a fever pitch. Evidently, White men decided that four more years of having Donald Trump as president wasn’t worth what it had cost them. Couldn’t he have said something about what was going on instead of rolling out the Platinum Plan?

The media’s narrative about “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” couldn’t have been more false. It was the populists and the “white supremacists,” not conservatives or Republicans, who soured on Donald Trump and deserted him in the 2020 election. A whopping 7% of voters said that “racism” was the most important issue facing the country. Also, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims moved toward Trump, not away from him. Apparently, they didn’t buy into the “white supremacy” narrative.

Donald Trump and his campaign team were cucked on race. They were too afraid to crackdown on Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They were gaslit by the “white supremacy” narrative. As a result, they pandered to minorities, demoralized their base and the White vote slipped and they lost.

Could it have easily turned out otherwise? Yes, Donald Trump’s campaign took the White vote for granted. It is what got him elected in the first place in 2016. In the final analysis, it was what undid him in 2020. They ran a different kind of campaign in 2020 than 2016 in which Joe Biden was able to improve on Hillary Clinton in 41 out of 50 states and all but two swing states because of White guys.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[JFL] The big brains over at r/IncelTear try to calculate what a slave girl would cost in today's dollars

Apparently none of these Einsteins understand supply & demand curves. If a prime foids would fetch $130,000, you better believe they would be bred in large quantities until a price / value equilibrium is reached where it's affordable and fair for all men to afford as many slave girls as he wanted.

Even if they were right and that we could not afford slaves, slavery would destroy their feminist power anyways. I would take that.

Not the wisest move since black folks associate slavery with their past in america and we currently have ethnic cleasing with whiteys being the ethnicity on the chopping block.


Tbh even if it cost an exorbitant amount, I would be fine with that, at least it would give me something to work towards instead of having the rest of my life consisting of rotting in loneliness. STEMmaxxing would actually mean something instead of just being a better paid wageslave

same. imagine buying a pristine loli for $300k :feelsohh:


Just a bunch of white people tryna calculate the price of slaves today. Nothing to see

As natural for them as fucking dogs.

shouldntneedanalt #racist reddit.com

RE: Anti-Asian hate crime incidents rose by 878% compared to last year, Vancouver police report says

Black people are the most racist to us

This is a well known fact among Asians that doesn’t get much attention.

Everyone who's seen or experienced it knows this, but you'll still be downvoted into oblivion by self-righteous white people lol.

The guy you responding to calls black people apes. He's just racist.

Name calling doesn't change the facts.

starterVincentVanCock #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] It's ridiculous how ugly brazilians are, myself included, no wonder there are so many incels( in denial or aware) in this shithole + HUGE VENTING WALL

I was inside my house for a good 6 months, only getting out to cut my hair, today i decided to go for a run to see If my body still works after months of sedentarism and boy.. WHERE DID SO MANY SUBHUMANS CAME FROM?

There wasn't a single ethnic that wasn't subhuman, no wonder JBW is so strong here, the only half decent guys i saw were the whites ones.

I was FOGGED hard, an amazon white foid wearing heels almost towered me, bitch rlly made me fuming from inside, i wanted to break her legs on the spot, but the only thing i could do was coming back to my house after being brutally humiliated.

The foids are also ugly as hell, fat AF, short AF, small ass, no tits, fucking hell, pls Kim jong un, Trump, hitler or any world leader, NUKE this place, miscigenation was a HUGE mistake.

I forgot how ugly i was too, went to the bathroom and threw some water on my face, when my head went up and i saw my face i almost cried, no wonder i'm postmaxxing in this forum, i'm ugly AF too, definitely here to stay.

Plus my hairline is DESTROYED, i look like a mulatto avatar, the legend of silva( most common last name here in this country).

That was my statement, remember boys stay inside because the only thing waiting us out there are humiliations and mogging.

Deputy Inspector James Kobel #racist jta.org

The New York City Council oversight division identified “Clouseau,” who posts frequently on “The Rant,” a message board where law enforcement officials vent anonymously, as Deputy Inspector James Kobel, who is the commander of the Equal Employment Opportunity Division.
Kobel denied the charge to the New York Times but has been relieved of his job pending the completion of an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation, the New York Times reported on Thursday. The IAB query has uncovered more evidence linking Kobel to the Clouseau identity, the Times said.

Clouseau referred to former President Barack Obama as a “Muslim savage” and described a Black woman who in a video was complaining about President Donald Trump as a “savage” who “reproduces little carbon copies of ‘herself/hisself’… someone please throw a gallon of bleach in the human gene pool.”

Responding to a posting of an article about Orthodox Jews wearying of being photographed by tourists, Clouseau said: “I think that eventually all of the inbreeding may lead to the demise of these clowns. The severity of birth defects will only increase. Unfortunately, the local taxpayer is going to be on the hook for the bill when the children need special programs in the local school districts and the parents continue to leach [sic] off the system.”

Christopher Bjerknes #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #magick lulu.com

Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see. The Sons of Light have tricked the Sons of Darkness into worshiping Satan, whom they believe is an androgyne composed of the demons Lilith and Samael. The gods of the Sons of Light are also androgynous. Their names are Ein Sof, Shekinah and Yahweh. In it, every human being will be a perfect hermaphrodite with two faces. They will also be immortal and have no need to endure the pain of the cycle of birth, life and death, so there will be no more children and no more death. All the silver, gold and treasure will be theirs and technology will provide their robotic slaves. Since the Sons of Light are all righteous, and since the Sons of Darkness will have passed away together with their dark gods, divine light, peace and harmony will rule the Earth for one thousand years after which all will be complete.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

My annual Veteran's Day article -- War is a tragic hoax. The covid hoax is but another example of the long-term Cabalist war on humanity.

Wars are the closest thing to hell on earth. What do you expect? They are devised by Satanists. Why do we accept them as natural and inevitable? Why do we perpetuate the myth that soldiers were "defending our freedom" when in fact wars are designed to sacrifice them to Satan and deprive us of our freedom?

In the Red Symphony, Illuminati Jewish insider Christian Rakovsky stated "Wars are revolutionary"

"Revolution" really means, "overturning" Western civilization. Replacing God with Lucifer. "Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky, says.

Peace is "counter-revolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for revolution. Revolution really means, overturning Western civilization. Thus, war is a self-destructive enterprise contrived by folks who want to degrade and enslave us.
All wars are organized by the Illuminati bankers to collect or incur debt, kill goyim, plunder or profit, and to advance their program for Masonic Jewish "world government" tyranny. They appeal to our patriotism to sucker us in. We are told we are fighting to "preserve freedom" when the opposite is actually the case.

So how should we regard the war dead?

I regard their lives as cut short tragically in a bogus cause. They are human sacrifices, dupes and mercenaries. We have all been duped for a very long time. That gives Memorial Day a taint of pathos and cynicism.

VincentVanCock #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Having a sister is something i don't wish to anyone

She just offended me, i offended her and then my whore landwhale mother started to talk bullshit DEMANDING that i accepted her offenses, i refused and called my whore sister a dirty ass hoe. She started to talk about how she's proud of being a hoe and i said how much she's coping, now shit is over but it's incredible how the media, state and society allow women to be disrespectful towards men. They are so bold cause they know the state and the whiteknights are there to protect them, If It wasn't for that she would learn how much of a cumsack peasant she is, i would sell her to a brothel and fuck some thick european hoes with the money. My whore sister deserves to get beaten and killed( in cidade alerta simulator), If she died today i would have a laugh and play some games.

Based Brothercel make her life hell bro

Wish i could, i'm just a skinnyfat mulatto brazilian, i'm not willing to destroy my life because of her, hopefully she will move out with some idiot willing to betabuxx her rotten pussy and i will finally have peace.

Rape her. Ascend with her, whether she likes it or not

She's disgusting to me. Brazilian prisons are HELL, plus as i ALREADY said, she fucking disgusts me, her skintone reminde me of currywhores. I'm good with escortcelling.

Robert Kelly #racist amren.com

RE: Netherlands Uncovers Network Helping Ugandan Asylum Seekers Fake Being Gay

The Netherlands should say "sorry, can't help you. However, if you want to go to Mexico or Israel, we'll gladly give you a letter of recommendation". Also, it speaks volumes that Ugandans would have to flee their country for being gay. Of course, they have to flee to a western country in order to live openly as a gay man without being in danger of having their heads chopped off But once they get to the Netherlands, sooner or later, they will start talking about how the Netherlands be rayciss and how YT is evil and how they built the Netherlands etc.

Its that they are PRETENDING to be Gay, and paying money for lessons to who in essence are European Coyotes; to gain sympathy, and thus Asylum/Refugee status. (monthly check and apartment) Then once in like a blood-sucking tick, they'll be looking at all da' YT womenz to rape.

I know it says pretending to be gay, I'm just pointing out the fact that gays in Uganda need asylum at all in another country.

Faked being gay? You mean you finally realized it when they raped local women and girls?

These supposedly gay Ugandan men will get into the Netherlands and promptly get to work raping the local Dutch girls while badly beating any actually gay Dutch man.

English Motherfucker

Do you speak it?

Speedloader #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Sheboons, noodle bitches and criminal’s fuckpillows (latinas) smv mog cumskin foids in russia to hell and back

I fucking hate that I can’t get noodle or sheboon because MUH EXOTIC PUSSY in russia

how does a sheboon mog a russian foid? image

No idea but in slavlands sheniggers are worshipped more. Nigga foid smv in russia = cumskin foid smv x 10. And slim nigga smv mogs them all combined (slavlands only).

Wrong. You can just Russian far eastmaxx for that Tatar/Tuvan/Yakut pussy.

Cope. They are muslims and I’ll get beheaded if i tatarmaxx. And tuvans are the most low inhib dark triad rices on earth

Then go to Kalmykia and bang their foids. Kalmykia is mainly buddhist, so now you don't have an excuse.

Just go into third world lands theory

Isn't most of Russia outside St Petersburg and Moscow third world? There is plenty of Turkic/Mongolic foids in Russia, ripe for your taking, buddy boyo.

Moscow /peterburg are third world and places outside them are fourh world :lul:

Wanna trade places? My goal is to be with a slavic women.

Ehtnic cels want white foids Whitecels want ehtnic foids Couldn't you all stick to your own ?

I own nothing

Brabantian #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

We are possibly witnessing the greatest game ever in US political history.

A bizarre event last Saturday led by Trump's top lawyer Rudy Giuliani is being ridiculed as a feckless failure ... but links and connections point to something different:

A hidden team Trump warning to the Democrats and the Bidens, that unless they acknowledge election fraud cheating Trump of his win, the worst of disasters will hit them, 'the whole corrupt temple pulled down on your heads'.
Investigative youth of 4chan /pol/, however, have revealed connections with this location, explaining the bizarre choice of site as being perhaps an ultimate, final signal and warning to the Biden family and to the USA Democratic party, just before Trump takes the drastic measures to defeat the perhaps biggest ever vote-count fraud in USA history. Consider:

Four Seasons Landscaping is less than 3 kilometers away from the notorious Holmesburg prison, now closed, where a Jewish dermatologist, Dr Albert Kligman (1916-2010), conducted horrific medical experiments on the bodies of live prisoners for many years, America's own 'Josef Mengele'.
Q of QAnon fame often quotes from 'Law Abiding Citizen', the scene where the 'Clyde Shelton' character says, "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be Biblical."

Regarding 'Four Seasons', President Trump's first year in office, was marred by the 'Stephen Paddock massacre in Las Vegas' of October 2017, 'killing 58 and wounding 850', in what many see as an Illuminati event. Paddock was 'shooting out of a 32nd floor window', just below the Mandalay Bay 'Four Seasons Hotel' on floors 35 to 39.

Emmy Tekisui #racist #sexist amren.com

What Money Says When Money Talks

I am a bill collector for one of the ten largest banks in North America. It is human nature to spot patterns, and ere are a few I have noticed. Women, especially women under the age of 30, generally have a higher delinquency rate and much higher debt balances than their male counterparts. In general, North American women, regardless of ethnicity, are more likely than men to:

Owe money to more than one institution and have higher delinquency rates. Be out shopping, discover they can’t use a credit card because they are maxed out, and phone in to ask for an increase in their credit line. Get upset while discussing their sizable debt and their options for repayment. Want to chat about other things for a really, really long time. Why they would want to prop their feet up, get comfortable, and talk interminably with a bill collector is beyond me. Have a male attached to the debt as an authorized user and dismiss the balance as “his responsibility.” I don’t think I will ever hear these words: “I am in charge of making the money and my husband is in charge of spending it.”

What about different ethnic groups? As an African, I take no joy in writing this, but most Africans, besides having high balances, aren’t even interested in discussing solutions. They aren’t rude; they just seem less concerned about solving their problems even if they are facing bankruptcy. Because they aren’t interested in solutions, meetings and conversations with Africans are over quickly. Certain Asians groups, particularly the Japanese and the Chinese, are seldom delinquent and detest being so. They stick together, and it is not unusual to see almost a dozen names on just one mortgage. It seems clear to me that their tribal loyalty plays some role in their financial stability. Indian, Pakistani, and Moroccan men have a curious tendency to try to make things personal, and to manipulate the situation to cast themselves as innocent victims.

Ethan Huff #wingnut #racist #conspiracy naturalnews.com

n the event that President Trump refuses to go along with blatant voter fraud that favors a Joe Biden “victory,” Black Lives Matter (BLM) and an ally group known as “Count Every Vote” (CEV) is planning to assume control over government buildings all across the United States.

Mobilization has already begun to manufacture “protests” in major cities like Philadelphia and Seattle, during which activists will storm government buildings and plant proverbial BLM and CEV flags in them to send the message that Trump needs to go.

Should Trump refuse to concede to Biden, even in the fact of clear election fraud, BLM and CEV are scheduled to raise hell in Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Seattle, Houston, Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, and anywhere else they can infiltrate.

Shut Down D.C., as we also reported, is similarly plotting to take control of federal buildings with the help of federal insiders who work for the government.
Yet another group known as the Sunrise Movement had concocted plans to overthrow the government even before the election, a leaked Zoom call revealing a “target map” of key locations that agitators are hoping to take control over if their demands are not met.

“They plan to shut down D.C. and other major cities taking over federal buildings, a siege on the White House, intercepting representatives and senators to shut down,” one person tweeted along with a video of the Zoom call.

AutisticMonstrosity #racist #sexist incels.is


State broadcaster YLE had a DATING PROGRAM WITH AN INTENTION TO MOVE TO FINLAND AND MARRY. It was exclusively for Finnish beautiful women and exclusively for men from the United States of America. It is widely known here that almost all the Finnish-anglophonecountry couples already are Finnish woman, anglophone man couples. For example, no foreign citizenship nationality in Finland is more heavily male-majority than British men, while in the UK lives many times more Finnish women than Finnish men. The same phenomenon is with the Irish, Australians and of course with the men from the USA.

THIS TV PROGRAM CAN BE DIRECTLY COMPARED TO (HYPOTHETICAL OF COURSE) PROGRAM TO IMPORT THAI WIFES AND FIND THEM FINNISH HUSBANDS. IT IS 100% CLEAR TO EVERYONE THAT THIS KIND OF PROGRAM WHERE THAI WOMEN WOULD BE PAIRED WITH FINNISH MEN WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BE AIRED ON TV, NEVER. Thai-Finnish couples are almost always Finnish man, Thai woman couples. If YLE made a similar program with Thailand, it would 100% without a doubt be exclusively for Thai men and Finnish women, because of the law demanding that YLE promote "diversity". But they disregarded this principle of theirs when they could increase the suffering of Finnish men further and import loads of additional American Chads here.

They are also basically dating reality-TV programs. They use Tinder, go to dates with local men etc. This is shown in the program and PROMOTED AND ADVERTISED. Latest season ended recently and it had 4 women and 1 man. All the other seasons had only women that taxpayer-incels paid to go fuck Canadian, Australian, New Zealander etc. chads.

BurakuminBibba #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [It's Over] Have you ever been assaulted in public?

plenty of times, i live in a shithole multicultural city called toronto the amount of times pretend wanna be hoodlums' jumps me ive defended myself pretty well a few times and even talked myself out of situation where others have weapons, but this city is filled with scumbags. i guess im not lucky growing up in the hood, but i run into all sorts of assholes no matter the gender or ethnicity all people are shitty when allowed opportunity. i think back the times foids have attack me was always cause im ugly, fuck the west

What race attacks you? What race are you?

all races have attacked me, tho darker colour people ive witness commit most violence in public, you have to consider i live in most multicultural city in the world, so you have shitty people from every country here, on top of that all that progressive woke activism is virtue signaling most all races here hate each other, for me i couldn't care all my friends growing up were white and Asian. im half Arab and black.

Emmy Tekisui #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

As an African, I may have the objective distance needed to diagnose the sickness plaguing the West: pathological egalitarianism. This social malaise is more prevalent in women, whose tender, nurturing concern for diverse peoples often leads to their own gruesome deaths, as Paul Joseph Watson points out in a video that is surprisingly still on YouTube. Female ways of thinking now dominate the West.

There is nothing wrong with campaigning for minority rights/privileges. But when this threatens the majority it becomes self-destruction. Are not white dispossession and the demand for nursery pens — so-called safe spaces — Lady-Liberty-sized signs that something has gone wrong with you as a people? When you look nervously over your shoulder at night in a “bad neighborhood,” are you afraid of Icelandic lady cellists? What makes a neighborhood or school “bad”?

Islam is certainly not a race, but was conceived (received?), spearheaded, and defended by members of specific tribes. By the same token, Magna Carta and its legal/political progeny were conceived, championed, and promulgated by a certain tribe: Britons. The same can be said for the Talmud and the Bhagavad Gita. You could compel every Japanese man and woman to read the Koran from preschool to death, and they would still be polite, law-abiding folk, who make long-lasting cars, hentai, and badly-written but engaging video games. Why don’t the cities of Japan — or Iceland — burn with the cleansing fires of egalitarianism? Why aren’t there Icelandic or Japanese cop killings?

Toto0701 #racist #sexist incels.is

Im organizing a Ricel protest in Busan, South Korea

I'm organizing a ricel protest in busan city square. I will be fighting for all ricels. I will be protesting against WMAF epidemic will fight for your right fellow ricels. Our survival is at stake bros.

I will fight you ricel I will protest in the streets

I also want to protest against Kpopmaxxed dudes.
I will protect my ricel brothers.
I will protest in every chinese and korean city I will fight for the ricels,

I'm prepared to die for my fellow incels. TENNO HAIKA BANZAI

All the gook normies how can you COPE.
If I tell you my Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpills you with ROPE or Bridge.

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Who am I kidding? The media took their report about Trump being peed on seriously so why not shoot yourself in the foot some more!? I think there’s some foot left, just throwing millions of dollars at it! A fucking gamergate movie? Seriously? Anita and Zoey are so desperate for attention since most people are paying attention to COVID, the election, BLM and ANTIFA rioting so they want a slice of the victim pie and they’ll falsely accuse ANYONE of sexual assault to do it like the strong women they are! Get ready fandango and any other movie streaming sites, you’re gonna be busy changing the rating system again and deleting negative reviews-I mean...”review bombers”.

Günter Schulte #racist #wingnut amren.com

Why I Would Vote for Donald Trump if I Were American

I write from central Europe, and like racially conscious whites everywhere, I closely follow your elections. Despite its declining economic and political power, the United States is still a mighty source of popular culture and ideology, almost all of it poisonous.

While President Trump has slowed immigration, he has not stopped or reversed it. You are still hurtling toward minority status in your own country. He has forced your opponents to show their true selves. He has unmasked the deep state and driven the media to an unprecedented level of fury and open contempt for whites. This has opened the eyes of whites, not just in your countries but in Europe. At the same time, to the astonishment of European Identitarians, ever since the death of George Floyd, the cultural revolution against your people has reached a new level of hysteria. From overseas, some of us wonder why American patriots “back the blue,” even when the police ignore rioters and looters, and the FBI considers “domestic violent extremists” as dangerous as foreign or Islamic terrorism.

Even worse for us overseas, your elites support an international, structurally liberal system that hurts whites everywhere. Your biased but cleverly plotted movies and television programs are now seen in every part of the world and help explain why there are Black Lives Matter protests from the United Kingdom to South Korea. Your State Department funded opposition to the Hungarian government. When even a Republican government opposes healthy European nationalism, can you not imagine what we fear from Democrats?

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #racist #ufo #crackpot endofamerika.wordpress.com

These evil demon pig preachers are literally creating hell on earth by getting the masses aligned with political evil – Zionist Israel and it’s control of the United States. I say we hold them accountable, such fortunes will someday reverse and we should prosecute them as enemy agents of a foreign state, plus we should ban the Bible and make it a felony to have one in possession. The Holy Bible has put humanity into a permanent faith based death spiral.

Christianity is based on some basic concepts, the two biggies are sin and judgment, these are the twin pillars of Christianity. You don’t need redemption unless sin is real, but sin is not real, it is a fabricated idea to guilt trip humans for their condition. First it was the priest that used guilt to establish authority, now the state has taken over this role.



There is no sin, no devil, no Satan, no afterlife punishment, these are superstitious concepts used to control people. The evil manifesting in this realm is not from the devil but from men who follow and ancient cult of godly authority. Humans empower evil by empowering the state and it’s monopolistic use of force.

All those Christians who are seeking redemption are under a powerful delusion – they are actually inside a demonic death cult propping up the evil Jewish Yahweh power cult. Christ is a mass delusion of billions of souls trapped like rats on a hell planet.

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Purdue Pharma, Producers of OxyContin, To Shut Down After Anti-Semitic Persecution"]

It is a long-running anti-Semitic canard that the Jews feed drugs to the goyim in order to weaken them and make them easier to control.

I am shocked to see that the federal government is now embracing this sickening and virulent trope.

Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, has agreed to plead guilty to three federal criminal charges for its role in creating the nation’s opioid crisis and will pay more than $8 billion and close down the company.[…]

For centuries, the goyim have falsely accused the Jews of thwarting efforts to ensure compliance.

It’s a virulent trope.
They fled persecution in Eastern Europe… only to find persecution in America.

Was DEA agent Tim McDermott someone who marched at Charlottesville?

This country is totally controlled by white supremacists.

The fact is, the Sacklers were a kind family who were fleeing Communism or Nazism or the Czar or some king or some other anti-Semite who hated them for literally no reason, and were just trying to make a life for themselves.
Many people believe that these Jews were offering a kind service, because they were helping goyim deal with their problems, such as feminism and divorce, wars in the Middle East, pornography, racial integration, the promotion of homosexuality to children, trannies, child trannies, mass immigration, the JJ Abrams Star Wars films, and many other problems that the goyim were facing.
Strong and addictive opioid drugs were a valid service that these Jews were offering, and in fact, it was very kind.

The Sackler family was not all that different from the Sassoon family, which also helped goyim by giving them addictive opioid drugs.

VindalooCell #psycho #racist incels.is

RE: [Discussion] Thoughts on the recent Philadelphia riots?

This is gonna sound edgy, but the west’s policy on not killing people and pursuing a pacifist route is really backfiring.

Not edgy at all, it is absolutely real. When you hear of NGOs complaining about how this or that third world country is "violating human rights", the truth is a lot of the people in those countries cannot be reasoned with and their chimpouts can only be met with lethal force. The thinking process of these people is quite literally "if the authorities are not shooting at us, it must mean they don't mind us looting and rioting".

It’s interesting how Iraq and Syria were functioning fine under dictatorships , then all of a sudden when they are deposed all hell breaks lose and we end up with refugee crises and bloody civil wars

There is a good documentary called "Africa: Blood and Guts" which shows the decolonisation process in Africa, contrary to a lot of SJW revisionists, the Europeans thought their military supremacy completely ended tribal warfare in these regions, but of course the animosity remained to when the Europeans left they just went back to killing eachother, this documentary has good footage of it.

I don’t have the attention span sadly but sounds interesting. Europe has just imported tribal conflicts and feuds which is amusing to me

Yeah it's pretty retarded, even if they do manage to conduct their anti-racism campaign successful against whites, how will they do the same for POC-on-POC blood feuds? Interestingly in the UK, most hate crimes are between minorities, South Asian and blacks often fight it out on the streets, then you have all these weird ethnic interest groups in politics. The future will be interesting to say the least.

Jared Taylor & Frank Salter #crackpot #racist amren.com

When parents from distant ethnies have children together it can lead to surprising results. Rules of genetics hold that children always carry half the genes of each parent. However, when parents are from the same ethny, they have many distinctive genes in common, so their children actually carry more than half of each parent’s distinctive genes. In this sense, parents who descend from the same lineage and who share many of the same genes are more closely related to their children — in terms of the number of genes they share — than are parents who have children with someone of a distant stock.

Surprising as this may seem, if an Australian and a Mbuti were to have a child together, each parent would be more closely related genetically to everyone in his original ethny than he would be to the child. Complete strangers would be closer kin than the child, and from a strictly genetic standpoint would have a greater claim on family loyalty. Most ethnies are not as distant as aborigines and Mbuti. However, the same principles apply. Outmarriage with a member of a distant ethny produces children who are relative genetic strangers to their parents.

If 10,000 Danes were to take the place of 10,000 Englishmen it would represent a loss of genetic interests to the English who remained. Dr. Salter calculates how great the loss would be: So many English genes would disappear that it would be the equivalent of removing from the population 167 children or siblings of the native population that remained. The loss is far greater if the English are replaced by more distant ethnies. If, instead of Danes, 10,000 Bantus replaced 10,000 Englishmen, it would be the genetic equivalent of the loss of 10,854 children or siblings. As Dr. Salter explains, “Some ethnies are so different genetically that they amount to negative stores of those distinctive genes.”

Message from the Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council via James Gilliland #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #racist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Critical thinking, personal research, and taking it to the heart are the tools of the enlightened. Follow the money, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, other major multimedia groups are funded by Soros an admitted Nazi who has in his own words said the taking down of America will be his greatest achievement. The CCP, China’s Communist party is also heavily invested in the DNC and many political leaders. The latest bombshell is the hundreds of millions invested with the Biden family. They are compromised. Did you know when you contribute to BLM the majority goes to Biden’s campaign? Do you understand now why the riots, death and destruction of the inner cities continues and not one of them will denounce the violence while others say Antifa and the violence is a myth?
It is time to awaken, stop passing the ancestoral potato. Judge a person by character and deed for that is how they are known in the heavens. If you have not seen past the lies, deceptions, manipulations and character assassinations accusing others of what they themselves have done or are doing a “Marxist tenant” I leave you with some questions. Why is one group stopping drugs and human trafficing, violence, looting, corruption on the highest levels while another turns a blind eye, supports or participates in all the above?

Why do corrupt politicians, the global elite, the deep state, the corporate owned extremely bias and deceptive main stream media and social media hate Trump? Why do the Satanic/Luciferians and pedophiles hate Trump who has broken up massive human trafficing and pedophile rings that operated with ambiguity during the last administration?

Who do you think the Galactics and the Heavens are behind?

Varios Femcels #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Idk if this was ever posted but i found it while cleaning my phone. imagine having this effect on people



Man, ethnic dudes can be cringy af about white women sometimes... so gross

Yeah, living in a Scandinavian country I was laughing to myself thinking a guy from here's description would be something like "thin dirty blonde hair, ghostly pale skin and scrawny like she never left her parents basement". Incredible how soon as a certain look is the rarity in a place it immediately becomes fetishized

Guy is in the Philippines and he still has to zero in on a white Stacey...


What a freakin weirdo. When a handsome man makes eye contact with me, I write these type of exaggerated untrue tall tales about my encounter with him too tho ngl loool.

Imagine handsome men making eye contact with you. They just wrinkle their noses and act as if I don't exist when they see me


why are ethnic man so cringy?

He's probably a rich Filipino kid and lives in the Philippines which is likely why he a) zeroed in on white Stacy, b) fetishized the way she looks, and c) doesn't care that much about the history of the area. Seeing even the most mediocre-looking of white people in the Philippines is actually quite shocking because they're so out of the norm. It's why Filipino channels have only mixed-race Filipinos or pure Filipinos with unusual looks. "Not looking Filipino" is hardcore fetishized there.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Watch this video and read comments

Hundreds of migrants break through border at Spanish exclave Ceuta

There's a longer version of that footage, but cannot find it now. It has no comments or small amount, I don't remember. They are celebrating rapturously when they finally make it over the border and can apply for political asylum and fable stories to police:

Ceuta/Spain: 300 refugees storm and scale Ceuta border fence

They only apply for asylum when in some countries. If women would not have the right to vote, these intruders would be simply shot at the border without much of a fuss.

Absolutely disgusting, I simply cannot wrap my head around what Low IQ brainwashed imbecile thought this was a good idea and supported this degeneracy

The higher the sex ratio of reproductive age, the higher the females' sexual value. It is not low IQ for women to demand open borders. They literally gain money and other valuables from it and can afford better men, because the bigger the surplus of males, the higher the threshold getting pussy is.

More wahmen that will pay the toll. That's a good thing.

Burn the coal pay the toll!

holy fuck all of those niggers mog me into oblivion they all have strong jaws and masculine faces wtf

johnnyb #racist incels.is

every race has cities of millions with 90%+ homogeneous race except for WHITES

every ethnicity, niggers, spicks, gooks, curries, etc, have cities in the world with 1mil+ pop that are 90% homogenous thier own race, EXCEPT for whites. whites are the only ethnicity that do not have their own cities. the highest concentration of whites in a 1mil+ pop city is no more than 60%, yet every single other race has their 90%+ homogeneous cities.

most cities, whites are the minorities. yet you have 95% gook cities of millions, 95% nigger cities of millions, etc.

you know what would happen if a few million whites had a 95% white city, and didn't allow the subsequent millions of niggers, gooks, spick, curry invaders that always feel the need to infiltrate white areas? the entire world would set to destroy them, for having what every other race has.

fuck this kike infested ((society))

Also, move it to Offtopic. Stop polluting the Inceldom Discussion with White Supremacy or White Genocide propaganda.

:soy: :feelskek: :feelsokman: "hes pointing out all white areas are being taken over by every ethnic with a pulse, hes a white supremeacy Nazi!!!" jfl @ this cuck

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho benjaminfulford.net

Here is what has been happening under the surface. Self-described Satanist and human fetus eater Leo Zagami sent us the following message:

“China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested.”

When we ran this by some Asian secret society sources they said, “We thought Leo Zagami was your friend.” Leo Zagami has tried various ways to criminally entrap me, destroy my mind with PCP, and murder me with a lung destroying poison so – emphatically – he is not my friend.

It turns out the Chinese nearly fell for a very clever Satanist trap. They were told that if Joe Biden was elected, then they would be given their dream of a United States of China. In other words, the Rockefeller faction using Biden repeated the promise made by Hillary Rockefeller Clinton. That is they would hand over Japan, Taiwan, ASEAN, and the Korean Peninsula to China if they were in power.

U.S. President Donald Trump is part of this trap, wittingly or otherwise. That was seen when his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner were witnessed last week praying at Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shceerson’s grave for her father’s reelection.
Sheerson is also known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe and is one of the key architects of the Satanic plan to murder 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors. Since Trump has not publicly denounced his daughter or Kushner, we are forced to conclude he is aware of the plot. He also insists on calling SARS-Cov-2 the “China virus,” which is tantamount to a declaration of economic war.

SAVE WHITE SETTLER U.S.A. #conspiracy #racist amren.com

RE: California’s Racial Scare Campaign

Hispanics already get all the jobs unfortunately. This is part of la raza reconquista

Blacks' idols - all those who have fallen in the fight against law and order. Terrorists call those idols "myrtors". Yesterday 3 more people were killed in Paris by Islamic peace loving terrorists. There is something in common between muslims and blacks. The more of both the worse the safety of everybody.

While I completely agree with you, this affirmative action in California has very little to do with blacks. This has everything to do with the Hispanic invasion that is very little talked about. Hispanics are seeking power and are trying to take over. This BLM movement is just a cover-up. the real movement is the fact that the Hispanics and Asians are trying to take over our country. Hispanics and Asians are the real threat

SAVE WHITE SETTLER U.S.A. #conspiracy #racist amren.com

RE: Trump Aide Stephen Miller Preparing Second-Term Immigration Blitz

I have said this on the site many times before. I live in southern California. I have seen the disaster that this anchor baby citizenship has created. In my state of California, Hispanics have completely taken over. Hispanic anchor babies are now able to petition the courts to make their parents citizens when they are 21. These parents then are stealing our social security. There are so many things that the government doesn't talk about. Since Trump has gotten elected, almost 4 million anchor babies have been born. The Hispanic invasion is very real. People better wake up

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Nigerian Government Folds, Disbands Brutal Police Squad After Western-Backed Protests"]

How the hell are you supposed to keep order in a country filled with blacks without extrajudicial killings?

The Guardian

Nigeria’s government has dissolved an infamous police unit plagued with allegations of extrajudicial killings and abuse after days of protests against police brutality.

A wave of outrage had been fuelled over the last week by the emergence online of graphic footage and shared experiences of abuses by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, commonly called Sars.[…]

Of course, without Amnesty International, no Nigerian would have thought to protest this.

It’s a total hoax – direct Western meddling.

It’s almost like the people pulling the strings behind the scenes are creating total global chaos on purpose.

Maybe, they think they’re going to bring in some kind of figure to solve the problem and then unite the world under a global government?

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #homophobia #elitist amerika.org

Christianity did not rebuild Europe from The Dark Ages by handing out Skittles and grape juice during The Sacrament. Marraige counseling didn’t involve showing both partners how to put the condom on the banana.

Christianity succeeded as a hard-nosed religion for a terrible set of times. The witches got burned for a reason. Half of the reason why most European Historians failure in understanding of The Baroque Era is their failure to acknowledge that The Spanish Inquisition has some good, valid points. The Thirty Years War did to Rennaissance Europe what two world wars did to Modern Europe. They still need a rebuild – probably from both catastrophies.

You don’t casually rebuild a land overrun by “multi-culturalism” consisting of barbarian hordes that sack your cities, rape all your women, and turn your children into chattel. Cohesive societies ban butt-pirates, apostates, and freaks who don’t keep it on the down-low and cease and desist from cultural sabotage and choreographed personal drama. A failure to oust perverts gets you a leadership that tells you to vote for the father of a kid who screws his underage relatives and is stupid enough to actually keep a set of pictures. “Should I not have done this?” Hunter Biden ponders over another pipe full.

William Patton #racist #wingnut quora.com

Why are some people so against Liberals?
The progressive liberal belief in absolute equality is daily affronted by the reality of intractable racial differences. It has been over 150 years since the demise of slavery and 60 years since the demise of segregation. Neither abolition or integration has brought about the liberal utopia.

How do liberals explain this chasm between reality and their ideals and expectations? They do what all liberals do. They explain it through a combination of hysteria, denial and conspiracy theories. Even if there are no actual racists oppressing black people, they are being oppressed by the mysterious forces of “systemic racism” and “institutional racism.” White people benefit from the invisible knapsack of “white privilege.” As the evil oppressors of blacks, the only way to bring about true equality and to establish a just society is to treat white people differently than black people. White people have to be punished for their unwitting sins and the sins of their ancestors. This is “social justice” or “racial justice.”

In such a way, the twisted logic of progressive liberalism leads back to racial hierarchy, inequality and the ‘racism’ they claim to hate. Oddly enough, it leads to both intolerance and bigotry, and the loss of liberty and equality.

From a non-liberal perspective, it is utterly alien:

[photos of African-American women protesting, a mural of George Floyd as an angel]

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #psycho amren.com

RE: Forced Contraception for Vulnerable Women Would Prevent Child Abuse, Say Experts

(Rich at Large)

Women who have problems with addiction, mental health or learning difficulties should be given compulsory contraception, a group of child protection experts has said. The advisory group, whose members include a former family judge and ex-VVD party senator Heleen Dupuis, said the measure was intended to prevent child abuse by mothers who were unable to cope with raising them.

Sterilization of ghetto women is the only real solution. Since we don't do that stuff, the next best is providing financial incentives to them to not have, instead of to have, babies. They can choose to have babies, but with the understanding that no one else is going to pay to raise them.

(Robert Kelly)
Since it will "disproportionately affect" certain groups of women over others, it will be branded as racist and never get any traction

(America first)
How many white woman will this effect, surly somebody is going to cry racism and say it’s eugenics.

The majority of child abuse is by their own mothers. The largest group of peadophiles is also women. So much so the law even recognises it, and even says they are immune for crimes of a pedophillic nature, as it is so common amongst them. Women abuse women at a much higher rate than men. And women abuse children at a much higher rate than men. Women also make up the majority of terrorists too throughout history if you care to check. There was a reason they where never allowed to be a mans equal. Many reasons in fact.

Lantern & Question Diversity #racist amren.com

RE: Net Migration Targets Abandoned as £38,500 Salary Threshold to Settle in UK Ditched

Do they want to get voted out of power by immigrants and refugees?

Boris is part Muslim and a Jew. So he has his Hindu minions like Priti Patel and Rishi Sunik helping to destroy the UK.

In the year 1066 England was conquered by the Normans. Although the language changed (Old English sounds a lot like Dutch, but the English we speak today is a creole language that formed from Old English, Latin, and French), the racial composition stayed the same.

In the year 2066 the native British people are expected to become a minority in their own country. The language will probably stay the same, but the racial composition will dramatically shift. It will be a much graver conquest.

(Question Diversity)
OT, somewhat.

American meme: 13/52

New German meme: 0.9/12.2

We found out today that 0.9% of the total current country population, Syrlans, are responsible for 12.2% of all violent crime in the decade of the 2010s. Remarkable, because it wasn't until mid-decade, with Wir Schaffen Das, that it was the case that there were even statistically significant-ish percentages of Syrians in Germany, so they were able to catch up and make up ground and make up for lost time very well.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Sandwhore after 2 minutes of landing in Sweden


The guy looks ugly as shit. Daily reminder if you’re a Muslim and have a daughter and moving to the west you’re basically going to see a kaffir whore in the 15 years.

Any half-decent desi foids, Muslim and non-Muslim alike end up becoming absolute sluts when they go to uni as they usually stay in halls and so their parents are not controlling all aspects of their lives.

I'm from Swedistan and I literally never see white guys dating sandwhores Most are worried they'll get beheaded or something

Nice cherrypicking. It's the other way around (White whores miscegenating) 90% of the time.

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