
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

mainlander #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Another effect of feminism in society I just thought about

Feminism is all about equality (in reality, we know that what feminism does is buffing women in the areas where they are perceived as being worse off than men, but doing nothing about the areas where the situation is the opposite, so the end result is actually women becoming above men on average).

Feminism says men and women gotta be "equal". Feminism says no to gender roles, no to male authority, no to age gaps. They want to make sure men and women are as "equal" as possible in a relationship (but only when them not being equal would put men in the perceived benefitial position - an ugly woman dating a Chad, or a poor woman dating a billionaire, does not apply - this inequality is acceptable).

In reality, people are actually turned on by the so called "power imbalances". Men on average want a feminine, younger, frailer, more petite girl, just as women on average want a masculine, tougher, older, bigger man. Most men have dominant kinks, most women have submissive ones.

Feminism makes both sexes less attractive to each other on average. But since, like aforementioned, the "power imbalance" situations are not persecuted when they are perceived as benefitial to women women, Chads and rich men (the elites) are the ones profiting from the current paradigm.

Mainländer #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Another effect of feminism in society I just thought about

Feminism is all about equality (in reality, we know that what feminism does is buffing women in the areas where they are perceived as being worse off than men, but doing nothing about the areas where the situation is the opposite, so the end result is actually women becoming above men on average).

Feminism says men and women gotta be "equal". Feminism says no to gender roles, no to male authority, no to age gaps. They want to make sure men and women are as "equal" as possible in a relationship (but only when them not being equal would put men in the perceived benefitial position - an ugly woman dating a Chad, or a poor woman dating a billionaire, does not apply - this inequality is acceptable).

In reality, people are actually turned on by the so called "power imbalances". Men on average want a feminine, younger, frailer, more petite girl, just as women on average want a masculine, tougher, older, bigger man. Most men have dominant kinks, most women have submissive ones.

Feminism makes both sexes less attractive to each other on average. But since, like aforementioned, the "power imbalance" situations are not persecuted when they are perceived as benefitial to women women, Chads and rich men (the elites) are the ones profiting from the current paradigm.

Linesnap99 #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

real men dont rape.
I would like to add, real men dont listen to their women too.

earlier it used to be an egalitarian society. there was no concept of marriage.Nobody knew whose children it was and they all look after them.
then came marriage and also the concept of ownership. marriage facilitated the upbringing of the child and it gurantees that the mans lineage is continued.

Then the abrahamic /christian and other religion maintained that the woman is the property of a man.when a married woman was reaped it was actually a property rights violation.

and now ladies and gentleman. welcome to 21st century.

where marriage automatically means equal partnership like a fucking business organisation.
where a married man can not even have sex with his own wife and needs her permission. too bad if he forces his way it a called marital rape. holy fucking sheet. how times change.

earlier if a woman was divorced the man has to pay some amount so that woman can survive. now it is generally not less than 1/3 of the mans income+child maintenance from his salary or whatever the whore demands. can it be any more cucked. lmao modern humans.

marriage was never about equality. it was done so that each and every male has their own woman and that his genes continue.
woman are unstable. they make anyone with them unstable and weak.

the attention that these whores get is insane. anything which is abundant looses its value.
incel tears is right on one thing tho,they admit that hating women will get you laid.

in the time it took me to write this you know what happened on the other side.

Brett Stevens #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist amerika.org

It makes sense for him to do this since genetic similarity is innate, while laws and so on are externally imposed or “artificial” in our common parlance. People have allegiance to enduring and solid things like heritage, culture, class, and family, but not to abstractions written on paper.

This calls to mind an old expression, “blood will out.” This refers to how people can hide their heritage and class with money, but eventually, their behavior reveals who they really are inside as opposed to the carefully-constructed artifice that they show the rest of us.

Even more, ethnic identity consists of what makes us different, not similar, since all of humanity is relatively similar at a lowest-common-denominator level. People identify with the parts of their heritage that make them stand out, as we can see in the case of Chloë Sevigny:

Ethnicity: French-Canadian, English, Scottish, Polish

Chloë’s maternal grandfather’s surname was Malinowski.

Despite being only one-quarter of her heritage, as with Angela Merkel, her differentness defined her, and so when it came time for a partner, she chose Sinisa Mackovic, a man of obviously Asiatic features and Eastern European origin.

Blood will out. Even in traces, it comes through in how we see ourselves, and whatever is finer gives way to whatever is more distinctive, namely what makes us different. A Chinaman in America sees himself as Chinese, and a quarter-Polish girl will see herself as Polish.

Chemtrail Planet #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger chemtrailplanet.com

The news tried to give the impression that the over 100 fires (in 2017) that occurred all at once were from a forest fire spreading into neighborhoods. Yet, most of the trees didn't burn and there is no burnt path between houses that are next to or across from each other. Notice in the picture on the left how that there was no burnt path between the two buildings and how that though both buildings were surrounded by trees, none of the trees got burnt or even singed. It is plain to see from this picture that a fire didn't go from one building to the other, but that they were both attacked from above or inside. Also, the wind could not have been strong enough to blow an ember the distance of the two buildings as there aren't even any ashes, leaves or broken branches on the ground.
The evidence that the fires were a result of directed energy weapons (DEW) in the form of lasers and microwaves, at least in part, is undeniably strong. There are also theories of smart meters or transformers blowing up being a cause. They might have contributed, but that wouldn't explain cars also being "toasted" with no burnt path between the houses and the cars. It is not at all unfathomable that more than one weapon could have been used to ensure the desired effect. On September 11th, 2001; rescue workers being interviewed said they heard bombs go off when they were inside the twin towers and also Dr. Judy Wood, a former professor of engineering mechanics, gave a presentation filled with strong evidence that directed energy weapons were used on 9/11 as the building and all it's contents dustified in mid-air and cars nearby looked toasted (video of her presentation included on this page).

In5D #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger in5d.com

Have you ever wondered how the Matrix works? How did things get this way and how do you “unplug” from the Matrix? The self-appointed rulers of the Matrix don’t want you to know the following secret: the Matrix takes advantage of the balancing principle of duality, which is a mechanical law, not an ethical one. By keeping people in ignorance of the way reality truly works, the rulers can manipulate the laws of duality to serve themselves and exploit others.
Here is how it works: duality is an equation that must — emphasize must — balance, or the whole system collapses. If you throw a gross thing like obscene wealth on one side of the equation, it needs something of equal weight on the other side, such as abject poverty. But here is the real key:

The two sides of the equation must be equal in weight but not in size.

On a mechanical scale, a tiny piece of lead can balance a huge sack of feathers. The lead is small and dense, while the feathers take up lot of volume; the feathers occupy more space than the lead, but both objects weigh the same. The rulers of the Matrix use the mechanics of duality in order to maintain their position on the top of the pyramid. In their skewed version of duality’s equation, the extravagant wealth of one man is balanced by a huge amount of people who are dirt poor: the two sides of the equation are equal in weight but not in size.

In fact, in the Matrix, wealth must be contrasted by poverty or it is not considered wealth. In the Matrix Mind, the concept of universal wealth is illogical; it is a contradiction in terms. This is because valuation is one of the guiding principles that supports the hierarchical system.

Gregory Lessing Garrett #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amazon.com

In the world today, there is a Luciferian Occult Epistemological Autocracy where “Truth” is allocated to a few Luciferian Elite Scientism Priests. There is a self-professed superiority amongst these hypnotized pseudo-academics, drunk on blind ambition, and hell-bent on creating a worldwide Techno Mystical Technocracy. In their eyes, they should be the supreme rulers over all others in a sterile, Brave New World, digitally manipulated and controlled tyranny. Where any sane and seasoned thinker would see inherent limitations to what Mankind can know and perceive, there are no such intrinsic limitations of empirical or epistemic reasoning within this Cult of The Luciferian Elite. This riveting book explains how this all happened, why, and what the chilling conclusion will be for Mankind as it endures the One Deception to Rule Them All.

Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree through Ria Aurora Athena Ash #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger intothelight.news

I (Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree)
Of The Jupiter Command & The Ashtar Command:
Speak to you today in your now .....
Currently As you move along this Leap in consciousnes frequency & vibration we call
The Ascension leap into
( The Satya Yuga, Satyug, or Kṛta Yuga ..... ) 5th Golden age
So too’ dose your solar system and especially your Sun ☀️....
Your sun has expanded in size ....
If you were to measure the circumference of the Sun ☀️
it has expanded Exponentially....
it has quantified ....
your sun is not the same shape or the same size as it was ,
A 100 of your years ago ....
As you ... humanity have taken a leap in consciousness....
Since the timeline convergence in 2012
Now your Sun is at its Optimal size to contain phonic Tachyon light ....
Every 26,000 years in your human Constraint of time...
The Sun has cycles
The Sun expands and retracts depending where your Solar system lies within the photon belt ...
As the sun moves through a grand solar minimum and grand solar maximum ....
the Sun expands in Momentum ...
This is because of the amount of Tachyon Photonic Kinetic plasma energy pouring in from the Grand central sun....
As Your sun acts as the main portal Stargate Akashic Supercomputer ; ( so to speak ) -
You Sun acts as a quantifying shipping container ... containing and transmuting ... every cosmic hyper interdimensional tachyon light particles from outside of your solar system ...
containing the light inside its biosphere ....
Then Filters the light through its hyper dimensional Field...
distributing the energy in wave spiral formation

Rainer Shea #moonbat #dunning-kruger #pratt #crackpot twitter.com

The Holocaust can be understood as an extreme instance of necro-capitalism, where the parts of the population that the capitalist ruling class views as expendable are killed off or outright enslaved. Events like it happen when a country’s bourgeoisie become desperate.

The purpose of the genocide was to reinforce the power structure of German capitalism by eliminating or enslaving those deemed to not fit into society, while the favored demographics could enjoy increased living standards under “National Socialism.

The United States is heading towards a necro-capitalist scenario of the same genocidal nature, with refugees already being put into concentration camps. As the process of genocide continues, the country is taking on other attributes of the Nazi regime.

John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

Laurence M. Vance #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

I have made it clear in my many articles on discrimination that all businesses should have the right to discriminate against anyone on basis and for any reason: race, religion, color, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, facial hair, hair style, political preference, clothing style, age, height, weight, head covering, disability, familial status, martial status, odor, socioeconomic status, religious piety.

Any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone with or without a red shirt, black pants, a bald head, a mustache, a Rolex on the wrist, a gold chain around the neck, leather shoes, or a face mask.

Discrimination means freedom. It is a crime in search of victim. Anti-discrimination laws are an attack on property rights, freedom of association, and freedom of thought.

This doesn’t mean that refusing to admit or serve someone would be practical or prudent, and having prejudice can exact a heavy price. But in a free society, no one has the right to be admitted to or served in any restaurant or business establishment.

So, in regard to my being discriminated against and refused service, here is the $64,000 question: Do we now have the right to refuse service?

Of course we don’t.

If a business owner discriminated against anyone for any other reason than for the lack of a face mask, he would face a federal civil rights lawsuit and picketing, boycotts, and violence by leftists. It is only government-approved discrimination that is lawful—like discriminating against Asians in college admissions.

The hypocrisy of the left on discrimination is appalling.

Since discrimination is not aggression, force, coercion, threat, or violence, the government should never prohibit it, seek to prevent it, or prosecute anyone for doing it.

So, to those restaurants in Orange County that want me to wear a mask when inside your establishment when I am entering, waiting, and walking (even though many who are finished eating and drinking are still sitting at tables and booths talking without wearing masks), I will take my appetite and my money elsewhere.

Dr. Lisa Galarneau #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger medium.com

We have talked before about the fact that most extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet are actually extradimensional in nature, but limited to travel within and across dimensional realities within our sub-universe (there are many sub-universes in the cosmos). Sub-universes are what we might call instances, shards, or even forks in technical terms.
The UFOs that we regularly see are often light ships that are interdimensional nature, hailing from a 5D reality or other dimensional reality. Dimensionally speaking, 5D is right next door and certain ET groups have the ability to cross the dimensional veil into our reality. This is referred to as the Interdimensional Hypothesis (IDH). Most of the benevolent ET groups are extradimensional, interdimensional, and frequently transdimensional, as well. UFOs that are metallic in nature are not typically interdimensional and frequently not extraterrestrial either. More on that later, but for now, let’s discuss extradimensionals.

It is also worth knowing that the entire cosmos is holographic in nature, and is indeed a matrix with many sub-matrices in existence, as well. Some of the beings exist across multiple dimensions. There aren’t just 11 or 12 dimensions, either. They number in the thousands. Some extensions of multiverse or parallel universes hypotheses are not entirely correct — there is not a dimension spawned at every decision point — only observed realities come into or stay in existence. Most of the other dimensional realities experience time differently than we do, as well. They call it ‘no time’. It doesn’t mean that things don’t progress in a linear fashion, but they are able to perceive multiple possibilities simultaneously. They then choose to train their observation on the possibilities they want to manifest. Many beings can instantly manifest within their realities (which would look like magic to us), but some manifestation requires collective effort/observation over time (like it does with us).
The holographic nature of the cosmos means that the Galactics, as they like to be called, are able to use their projectors (we all project and co-create our realities) to focus on creating the reality that is most positive. It is a co-created, negotiated in real-time, collective reality. Our individual consciousnesses are projections that we create and when married with similar projections from other beings, the collective reality becomes manifest. We are all essentially AI, if you think about the cosmos from a technical/IT perspective. The dark beings are IT experts, in a manner of speaking, and have made a mess of the security infrastructure relative to planet Earth. They are hackers of a sort, and were trying to lead humanity onto a negative timeline. However those efforts were subverted by benevolent extradimensionals.

Peter Andrews #quack #dunning-kruger #ableist lewrockwell.com

there is at least one theory why you could be doing someone a favour by giving them the virus. Evolutionary theory tells us that as a respiratory virus spreads, it loses potency. A successful virus is a mild one, which does not kill its host before they can spread it. This is how herd immunity really works in this context: it’s about the changes to the virus itself. In contrast, when we locked down, the virus had nowhere to go. Instead of getting milder, all of the most dangerous strains came together in the only places where sick people gathered: nursing homes and hospitals. This is why I greeted news that the virus was becoming more contagious with jubilation—it is better that the virus spread freely, at least among the healthy.

if you can suspend your disbelief for long enough to imagine that hindering the spread of the virus is worthwhile, then you might be forgiven for assuming that lockdowns are the way to do it. There is, however, no suggestion, let alone evidence, that lockdowns would pose a problem for a wily virus.

If lockdowns played any part at all, we would expect to see a correlation between the different forms of lockdowns enforced by various regions or countries, and the shape of the death curves there. But we do not—the correlation is zero. Belgium, the UK, New York: strict lockdowns; lots of deaths. Sweden, Japan, Uruguay: light or no lockdowns; few deaths. You can point to opposite examples, but that’s just the point—there is no consistency. And before you try to explain away individual countries with hand waving about ‘different cultures’ or ‘better testing’, there is no correlation with any of those things either.

You could just, you know, leave the pubs open and then open the schools too? But I suppose then there would be a ‘second wave’ in deaths two weeks later. You know, like the second wave that was warned of in May. And then June. And then July. Only in the past two weeks did the WHO finally give up the dream and change its story to ‘One Big Wave’, which doesn’t have the same ring to it. But the second wave fiction has not yet been memory holed—it can be trotted out on demand to force through any further assaults on our remaining freedoms.

All I can do is predict that a second wave in deaths will never materialise, and every day since April I have been proven right. The establishment, in contrast, makes wrong predictions again and again, and are never held to account.

Randy Thompson #wingnut #dunning-kruger #crackpot #sexist incel.blog

The Irrational Hate Towards Incels

Many of our enemies hate us to an extreme degree, but why?

This is the question that I ask every time I have nasty words thrown my way on Twitter. They accuse me of being vile and hateful, but I don’t really say mean things. I am but only representing a forum, and I am only one person. To them, I am every ugly person they have ever met, and they treat me as such.

They accuse us of being the worst human beings on earth. They regularly lecture and tell us that it’s our personalities and not the way that we look. We bring up countless studies ranging from the biological to the behavioral, but they continuously deflect and discount those studies and provide news articles as proof. When you point out that women found 80% of men unattractive, they ignore it or deflect. Countless studies prove that physical attraction matters above all else, but they find a way to refute this.

So why the irrational hate?

My first theory is that it’s ideological.

The support of feminism is standard in those that hate us, although the feminist women are the vilest and most toxic. Leftist politics in America very much align with the goals of feminism, and you’ll see much overlap between leftists, feminists, and those that support socialism, for example. They very much believe that we’re the “privileged” gender and that our problems don’t matter because we’re “privileged” men, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

imageThey only care about “sexism” towards women.

Some feminists will disagree with everything that we say, even if it’s objectively true just because you’re an incel. No amount of proof or studies will convince them of anything because they’ve been brainwashed into believing in their worldview and can’t see the world in any other way.

My second theory is that we’re right about many of the issues facing men today.

We are right about many things, such as physical attributes being most important in initial attraction, and we cite the studies whenever we make these claims. Incels being right destroys their worldview because they have always been taught that personality is the most important thing that attracts a woman.

We know this to not be true.

This article from Psychology Today proves this wrong. When women were given the choice between unattractive men with “good” personality traits that women desire and their attractive counterparts, the women chose the attractive men even when assured that the unattractive men had the traits the women were looking for. The study concluded that most women may not even realize what they find attractive in a partner which is a conclusion that many of us have reached a long time ago.

Even with the science behind us, they choose to ignore it and direct ad-hominem attacks against us instead. Call us names, or tell us to “have sex, incel,” They instead decide to cherry-pick threads from incel boards to demonstrate that all incels are bad people or that all incels hold one opinion, but their arguments fall flat when they are told that not all incels hold the same beliefs.

When their arguments fail, they resort to silencing and shaming us.

Mass reporting, de-platforming, and abuse complaints are the tactics that they resort to when they lose the argument. When they can’t silence you, they will try to smear and misrepresent in the worst way possible so they can convince other people to hate you. They call us domestic terrorists for the actions of a few crazy people. They want to silence all of us because of the actions of 2-3 people.

Their irrational hate of us is ultimately our strength. The best arguments are made from reason and evidence and not from emotion.

Incel_Because_Short #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] How did they convince women that wage slavery = empowerment?

Your average wage-slave woman:

>Wake up at 6am for your 8-5 job
>Groom and have breakfast until 7am
>Leave house at 7am for overcrowded public transport or crowded highway system, spending an hour there to get to work

>tfw 2 hours of your life are spent towards work without getting paid yet

>Arrive at 8am
>Start work in an intensively micro-managed office environment, where you have little say in what you can do
>Boss pulls you in to tell you that you didn't meet your targets this week and discusses with you how he can maximize your productivity
>Hour lunch at 11am, had no time to cook so you get fast food.
>Back to work at 12pm until 5pm.
>Arrive home from work at 6pm
>Degroom, shower and eat a meal.
>Still do all the cleaning for your house because that didn't go away.
>It's now 9pm, you have just enough time to watch brain mush on Netflix until you go to sleep for work tomorrow.

>You're a strong, independent woman because you earn a salary and can buy consumer goods to numb the pain, even though your whole life revolves around your employer and they control you like cattle.

A housewife living with her husband does literally a fraction of the labour, and is probably living a richer life as a result, where she can pursue her hobbies or interests and not have to give her time away to some soul-less corporation. For most of history, women controlled their household. They decided what needed to be bought, how the children should be raised, it was essentially her own little kingdom.

For some reason, they have been convinced that it's better to obey an employer than obey a husband, even though the employer gives no shit about your freedom and your well-being, just on making sure you're as productive as possible to do the job. In an effort to lower the price of labour, they started encouraging women to enter the work force en masse.

How did they convince women that a live of wage slavery is a dignified life?

Even men don't like wage slavery, there has been a lot of fighting and killing that has gone on between labour unions and employers since the 1800s. Men seem to be aware of the bad deal they are getting from this, but women seem completely oblivious to it as long as you call it empowerment.

metabuxx #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] Terminating women's rights would prove to be highly beneficial for them

1. A growing percentage (the bottom 80%) of men are so desperate and sex depraved that they have resorted to raping women. But once women's right to participate in the workforce is revoked these men will get their jobs and will be able to betabux a woman each. Women will no longer have to live in the fear of getting raped.

2. Many men have started randomly killing foids and attacking feminists rallies and other gynocentric places. But after women's right to freedom of speech is revoked, women will no longer anger these men with their bullshit. This will help save plenty of lives.

3. The leading cause for the death of women is spousal homicide. And this is because a woman's mate selection process is heavily flawed. But this won't be a problem anymore once women's right to freedom of choice is revoked. They will not be killed in such large numbers by their partners once their fathers start arranging marriages for them.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot more benefits. We need to save women's lives and make this world a safer place for them by terminating their rights.

Paul Wagner/Nassim Haramein #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick gaia.com

In “Quantum Revolution,” his show on Gaia, Haramein reveals that in ancient knowledge, in ancient civilizations, and in ancient wisdom, there was a unified view. Most of these civilizations gathered around one simple principle; a principle that said that at the base of all creation there is a fundamental energy. The Chinese called it Chi, the Indians called it Prana, and the Egyptians called it Ka, and it was the source of all creation.

Haramein says, “Nothing could happen without that energy.”

In today’s scientific circles, every revelation is isolated. Segregated research camps are obsessively focused on their premises and rarely exchange information or co-create hypotheses together. This model is antithetical to the nature of the Universe. At its core, it’s artificial.

According to Haramein, instead of progressing toward a holistic understanding of how the universe’s aspects interrelate and interact, science has fallen into deaf factions. This “Silo Effect” has limited our perceptions about the causes and effects of cosmological events. As a result, we’ve lost touch with the threads that point to how quantum mechanisms affect consciousness and visa versa.

While some call it The God Force, others, like Haramein, suggest that space is not empty; rather, it’s full to the brim with aether (also ether), a fluid or energy field required for the movement and transmission of electromagnetic fields and gravitational forces.

Once believed to be a farce, the existence of aether is an emerging trend in theoretical physics.

The basic concept is that aether allows for the continuum of interaction.

It fills all voids, trails like any fluid or gas, and has properties that allow for the Universe to expand.
The Unified Field Theory
Haramein believes that consciousness has an impact on matter. According to Haramein, consciousness, matter, space, and gravity influence each other within a unified, interactive field. This Unified Field Theory merges Einstein’s relativity theory with today’s most prescient concepts in quantum mechanics.

Consciousness as a State of Matter
Spiritual masters have long believed that our collective consciousness is accessible, consistent, and dynamic. Vedic teachers throughout time have taught us that we can access the data connected to our experiences, relationships, and emotions via the Akashic Records, a vast library of life-related information. It is ideas like these that suggest to us that consciousness is quantifiable and as expansive as the universe.

How, then, can we leave consciousness out of the equations related to quantum mechanics? If consciousness is present in all matter, and most importantly, all living beings, how could it not be inherent in space, matter, gravity, and time?

Consciousness research most often falls under neuroscience, which doesn’t have a definitive grip on the exponential abilities and value of consciousness. Otherwise, it wouldn’t tend to hold the view that consciousness requires properly functioning brain structures – because it doesn’t. Consciousness is eternal and continuously accessible, regardless of the manifestations or channels through which it expresses itself.

Mrtesta #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

[on someone (the OP) being the victim of a completely fabricated and obviously false call to Child protective services. The report was full of blatant lies ]

I don't understand why everyone is so up in arms about the person who called you in... There are several professions out there that they are mandated reporters when it comes to child abuse.

Since you claim and proved your innocence (well done) I'm sure the reporter saw several things that added up which raised an eye brow which warrants a report.

Blows my mind that people are up in arms when someone called you in and it turned out to be a false case. The day child abuse goes on and it's not called in, they are furious that no one did anything to save the child. Now, when it's called in, they are pissed at the person who called them in...

I trust the system enough that I'd rather more calls come up empty than child services not getting any calls at all. Unbelievable that this many people are against system which protects against child abuse.

Try having it happen to you, out of the blue for no reason at all your family is the victim of a modern day witch hunt.

I understand that aspect of it but as I said, some people are mandated reporters.

If there is a possibility, they have to report it. Failure to do so would result in them losing their job and possibly ending their career path. Call it a witch hunt if you must, I see it as someone who is looking out for the children. This doesn't mean you don't have some nut cases out there, that'll call with hardly anything to go on, services know this but they are still going to give it a look and do their job. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.

Fat Link #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Yeah, the lazy minded, retarded platitude spouting normies don’t take the time to understand or figure out that the lack of having a girlfriend and or realizing we will never have a girlfriend completely kills our motivation in life to want to do anything typically considered great by societal standards.

Why should any of us for example want to struggle and fight and use up all of our energy to obtain a high paying job and work ourselves to the bone and put up with potential years of viscious and petty office politics just to get a nice car and a nice and big (but empty) house to come home to every night devoid of wife and children?

Before all that why even bother working hard in school when you’re smart enough even at a young age to realize that it’s over?

Fuck society and fuck women.

They don’t give a fuck about us, so take from them what meager amounts that you can by getting on NEETbux (wherever and whenever possible) as payment for your lifetime of pain and suffering as a direct result of their cruelty and neglect making you an unloved and uncared for outcast.

The only sad and unfortunate people my above post doesn’t apply to are our brocels in awful situations where they are forced to work if they don’t want to end up homeless.

Brocels in shittier living situations than the rest of us whether it’s because they live in a third world country or are simply unable to get on NEETbux for whatever reason should have our deepest sympathies.

Ropemaxx #sexist #psycho #racist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] Men are stronger, smarter and more capable than women. Why dont we enslave them?

I dont get this cucked world. Men are smarter, stronger and better than women. Why dont we just enslave foids and give each man a hole as sexual property?

Foids should be the sexual property of men. Thats why all the wise religions knew it thousands of years ago.

Most ethnic men are on board with that.
Too many white and jew soys in positions of power.

Becouse simps cucks etc.

Because gynocentrism.

We don't even need to enslave them, just enforce their role like we do with children. But most men are unfortunately cucks. They'll sacrifice themselves and everything to fulfill every whim women might have, even when such whims destroy the women themselves.

Teutonic Knight #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] After all the science, progress and technology, we now live worse than in 12th century Europe

JFL at how bad the Western society is when it managed to regress from the middle ages so badly.

Even a 12th century European peasant lived better than the average Western man today. Average 12th century peasant would get married to a young virgin, work much less than a regular wagecuck and eat healthier food. The only thing he needed to do was to pay a small tribute to his lord and it was way less than what you pay in taxes now.

Average Western man in 12th century is either an incel or gets an old promiscous woman who divorces him, he works like a slave for some corporation and struggles to survive financially. He eats poisoned junk food and is addicted to hundreds of harmful things just to keep coping with his shit society.

And don't come up with shit like "but we live longer now" because we all know that for most men after 25 years of age this isn't living anymore but just rotting for decades until death, and for many it never began. What is the point of people living so long after their physical prime anyway?

Take the brutal 12thcenturypill.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Travel bans are becoming universal, and Americans are getting ever closer to being fully locked inside the walls of this country. An American passport is virtually worthless now, and that was certainly one of the agenda items sought by these cretins perpetrating this fraud. The U.S. Department of ‘Homeland Security’ has extended a ban on travel with Canada and Mexico until late September, virtually shutting off North American travel.

It is important to understand that this insanity in my opinion is staged, and is not what it is claimed to be. While total deaths were similar or less in 2019 and so far in 2020, than in 2017 and 2018, the lies continue about Covid. False death certificates, hospital bribery for claiming more Covid patients, faulty testing, closings of many hospitals when claims of hospital shortages were reported, building of special medical facilities that were never used, wild exaggeration of the predicted deaths, and false causes of death attributed to people dying have been evident. Other than the lies coming from the government and the mainstream media, is there any factual evidence available that would indicate that any pandemic really exists? I have seen no convincing evidence whatsoever that would support the state narrative.

Darren Perks #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger supersoldiertalk.com

Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public…

Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?

These are my own words after conducting research into the secret program. Whilst conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:

“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their

program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.

I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?”

The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information?

Well there are a few people and many others that have tried hard to find out the truth, and have succeeded by leaked information or simply asking questions and have government departments slip up and give away information freely, just like what happened when Darren Perks asked the DoD. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon.

When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere.

McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.

Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA.

So should we just write this off as utter nonsense?

No we shouldn’t and as time goes on the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see.

LoginTrap #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

BS. SJWs are the ones accusing everyone in pedophilia. Ask Epstein.
And they are fucking puritanical and denounced everything achieved by progressives ever since sexual revolution.
Now we have two sides of the extreme with nothing in between. You either get puritanical SJWs or puritanical Evangelicals.
Both reject science and batshit insane. Meanwhile nature doesn't care and puberty still hits around 12 years old and so the girl have menstruation which means ability to get pregnant and to give birth. And boys can spill their semen and impregnate the girl. :D

Also sexual education for ya tweens:

There is no "god" (and priests fuck children).
There is no "virginity" (some girls simply never have hymen, others may lose it by pure accident before they even know, besides - its just thin skin and also can stretch)
Also its not somewhere deep - if tampon or penis got inside - the hymen is not a problem anymore. By the way - tampons do go inside when the girl have menstruation, although for young girls pads recommended (mostly cause conservatives love "virgins"). Scary tales about painful defloration actually a ruse. Puritans simply obsessed with sexual abstinence. That been said - for pleasurable sex girl must be happy and aroused, otherwise she won't be wet, so it could be unpleasant.

No, sexual abstinence doesn't help. In fact it creates autistic young generation scared of any relationships. Through puberty both sexes must develop libido (sexual feelings) and crucial communication skills to be able to have any sexual life later on. People never achieve anything instantly - they learn and accumulate experience!
Puritanical idea that at 18th birthday sheltered kid suddenly turn into an adult is BS. Teens develop sexuality all the way and no one shall prevent them from this, sexually repressed teen will have many psychological problems in future adult life (see - incels).

"Pulling out" doesn't work as contraception aka birth control (that is prevention of pregnancy)
The only reliable way to avoid unnecessary pregnancy and possible STD (bad sickness which you get if someone whom you fuck has it) is to use condoms (yes, when doing oral sex - too, no, you can't get pregnant this way, but you can get STD). Birth control pills helps against pregnancy too, but not against STDs. Abortion is not good, but unneeded kid would be much worse. So don't be dumb.
And make love, not war!

Fucking is good if done right. (Carry your condoms with you, yes, even if you a girl - guys always forget that, never fuck without them!)
If pussy isn't wet - she's not aroused and there is no pleasure. So make it wet by gently playing with her clit! (its that little spot under the skin hood where her pussy lips close at the top) What are you doing?! I said - gently! It helps to play with each other first (hugging-touching-feeling-kissing) that's the best way to make girl wet too! Better do it with someone whom you like, whom you trust, and who are less likely to have STD.
Slut shaming is a ruse of old fat women jealous to young sexy girls.
Incels are assholes.

Partying and drinking is good...but drunk girl easy prey for assholes. Be careful! Oh, don't do drugs. Do not smoke weed either...oh, well. At least do not smoke too much! (Smoking is bad, m'kay?)
Hey, guy - do not rape! Young girls are easy anyway!

Finally - watch Swedish educational film "Pubertet" (Puberty) Its for teens but retarded Murrica censored it on youtube so search on torrents.

BlkPillPres #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] [Hard To Swallow Edition] The Average Man Is Always Paying Women In Some Way For Companionship & Or Sex ("Courtship" Is Just "Indirect" Prostitution)

Modern human courtship norms and rituals are really just "veiled" forms of prostitution that help to ease the conscience of participants, its so that women don't feel like whores and men don't feel like "johns", but at the end of the day, there's always a transaction taking place, its just veiled behind convoluted systems and obfuscation of words and meanings, all for the sake of preserving the "human ego" and allowing us to continue to reproduce while "feeling dignified"


When you look at things for what they really are, its undeniable that you as a man are always paying in some way










At the end of the day, as a man, you are ALWAYS PAYING, this is why it always confuses me to hear men say - "I don't want to pay for sex, I want someone who is with me for me", then they proceed to "date" and that person is only going out with them BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING FOR THE DATE

Unless you are splitting the bill on most occasions, guess what, YOU ARE PAYING THAT WOMAN FOR COMPANIONSHIP (AND THE MERE POSSIBILITY OF SEX)

transphobes on thedonald.win #transphobia #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack patriots.win

Stand your ground. You are under no obligation to play along with other peoples' delusions and mental illness.


Very true


Especially when they come for the kids. Pedo Trannys need to be fed to the hogs plain and simple. There only redeeming value is fertilizer for my fruit trees


Fun fact - there is actual scientific evidence showing overlap between gender dysphoria and pedophilia. Something like 40% IIRC.

There is nothing feminine about that. He's a dude, she's right.


You can change the color of your hair
And you can change the clothes you wear
But you'll never change what's born in there
No, you can't change that
--with thanks to Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio

Listen to science about corona. Don’t listen to science about biology


Honestly, science these days are corrupted by politics. If you look at the mask narrative, the left made a complete 180 turn. They are pushing remdesivir which is thousands of dollars more expensive than hydroxychloroquine. Soon enough they will officially make transgender an actual biological sex. It's a mental illness and psychologists know it.

Anonymous Coward 79258737 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #psycho godlikeproductions.com

Mask wearers and Corona believers, fuck you all. You are the textbook Nazis.

You had 6 months to look through their bullshit.
Time is up, from this day on I will treat you like a idiot Nazi.
You are too scared to speak up? You believe their shallow lies? I don’t care, You both are equally guilty for what’s coming.
You wear a mask when going shopping? Fuck you.
Fuck 99.9% of you all.

Also it won’t be a smooth ride into your new normality. We will make you pay for it.

BilalBeta #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

and for society to reassert that we aren't ever to be entitled to teen love. I never saw the original show when it was on, however, recently one of my sisters who still lives at home discovered it and she got hooked on binge watching them on youtube. I happen to catch it with her and 99% of the time it is a fellow incel who is so depressed and beaten down by society. he has been rejected so many times and is so lonely. he isn't necessarily doing anything wrong he is just chatting. he is the one being groomed by these bigots in order to humiliate him for entertainment and to punish him for being born a sub 8 man. my mother got interested in watching these reruns with my sister and now they can't stop talking about predatory men and how they are so happy we live in the west where girls/women have rights so men like this are punished. i told them it is normal for men to like teenage girls and that back home teens get married all the time. they told me to shut up and that they can't believe i would promote child rape which i didn't do. they said they don't care where i got these backwards views but that feminism is spreading everywhere even back home and that nobody will get to have a teen girl soon. this is so hypocritical because my sisters had bfs in high school and they obviously had sex with them like all these teenage girls do. how many times do you know it is with a man over 18 but he doesn't get in trouble if he is a chad or tyrone? why is it so wrong for a man who missed out in high school to experience it later if a bitch that age is having sex anyway? why aren't we entitled to marry teenage virgins who will be obedient anymore? its because feminists want to genocide us and to ensure we never form a lifelong with a woman to pass on our genes. when i told them Muhamad who they claim to respect as a prophet had a child bride they said its different because it was a different time and that he was a feminist anyway and if he lived today he would be 100% like a western style feminist who would marry only one empowered woman into her late 20s or 30s only because we have longer lifespans! i can't handle this anymore. its not enough my other sister became an atheist and is impregnated by an atheist european chad without consequences. now my whore mother and other sister are making islam feminist and about punishing the average sub 8 man. women are like wild beasts and if you give them freedom they all become like this. it doesn't matter how religious they claim to be. if they aren't forced into submission from an early and married off we will continue to live in this society. they need to be tamed like a wild dog you pick up from the street or the shelter. i wish i could believe this will come to an end and we will reassert ourselves but this feminist cancer is spreading everywhere. even back home these women are increasing the marriage age, sexualizing everything but only for chaddam while punishing sub 8 men for existing, telling women to go to university and putting them in politics, pushing for separation of islam and state, etc. its so over.

The Propertarian Institute #racist #sexist #crackpot #elitist #dunning-kruger propertarianinstitute.com

“The Natural Law of European Peoples”: A fully commensurable system of measurement across all disciplines that tests for reciprocity in display, word (truth) and deed (action); the extension of the logic of the physical sciences (realism, naturalism, equilibration) to the psychological (individual) and social (group) sciences using economic terms (acquisition, cooperation, reciprocity); thereby completing the scientific method (falsification of all possible dimensions of human cognition); thereby completing the Aristotelian program; and thereby providing the explanation for the success of Western civilization under that program: sovereignty, reciprocity, and truth – and the markets that result from their universal enforcement, along with the evolutionary velocity (adaptation, innovation) that results from those markets.

Propertarianism consists of:

1 – The completion of the scientific method and all that it entails – which is a lot – hence why P is such a big program: it touches every discipline, and it converts almost all psychological, social, and political speech into economic expressions – which is counter-intuitive because it’s scientific whereas our current psychological, social, moral, and political speech is only normative or, in the case of psychology, sociology, and politics, both pseudoscientific and sophomoric.
We call this Testimonialism (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Psychology, Ethics, Sociology, Politics)

2 – The explanation for Western success in both the ancient and modern worlds (adaptive velocity because of our individual sovereignty resulting in the traditional law of property/tort) and the explanation for the Dark Ages as well as the current attempt to repeat them that we see as undermining Western civilization.
We call this the Western Group Evolutionary Strategy.

3 – The explanation of the different systems of argument used in the different civilizations, and in particular, the Abrahamic means of deceit used in the ancient world (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in the modern world (Marxism, Feminism, Postmodernism, Denialism/Political Correctness).
We call this The Grammars (deflationary, testimonial, ordinary, fictional, and the fictionalisms)

4 – A constitution, body of law, and attendant policies that restore the American, English, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Western Indo-European, constitution (contract among sovereigns) and hardens it from future undermining by creating a legal means for the prosecution of the crimes of undermining, including religious (Jewish and Islamic), pseudoscientific, and sophomoric (Marx, Freud, Boas, Adorno, Derrida, Friedan, plus Marxism, Postmodernism, Feminism, and Denialism/Political Correctness) methods of undermining, as well as the financing of undermining through prohibiting rent-seeking, privatization of commons, and socialization of losses.
We call this a new or updated constitution.

5 – A set of policies (Acts) under that constitution that form the most substantial political, social, economic, and financial reform since the Roman era – restoring the civil society.
We call these the reforms: the policies under the constitution

6 – A set of Restitutions and Punishments that serve to return wealth to the American people, punish those who have engaged in undermining our people, and prevent repeats of undermining our people – or other peoples – in the future.
We call these the Restitutions

7 – A program of revolution and the restitution of the constitution of natural law and our European strategy that we have used to drag ourselves and mankind out of ignorance, superstition, oppression, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, child mortality, early death, and the chaos of a nature all but hostile to our existence. And an explanation of why the world is our debtor and hates us for it.
The Law of Nature
The Natural Law of Sovereign Men
De Lege Naturae : The Law of Nature
De Arte Testimonii : The Science of Testimony
De Philosophia Aristocratiae : The Philosophy of Aristocracy
De Scriptura Nobilitatis : The Scripture of Nobility
De Professione Regum: The Art of Kings
Viridis Bibliis Homines Europeii : The Green European Bible

The Talmud to deceive
The Bible to undermine
The Koran to conquer
The Manifesto to steal
The General-Theory to impoverish
The Critique to exterminate

The Truth to make us free
The Law to keep us free

The Natural Law of Reciprocity
The Inviolable Law of the European People
“The White Law” to Replace the Talmud, Bible, and Koran

thegymcel420 #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Denying the struggle of incels is denying natural selection

Our enemies are literally as delusional as flat earth creationists.


anyone who has every watched an animal documentary will notice the same few sentences always come:
the males have to fight/prove themselves for females
the females can pick any male partner they want
males literally fight to the death to be able to have sex with females
etc etc.

why do they think humans are any different?

if women required men to fight other men till death before they were allowed to have sex with them, it would absolutely happen.

Exactly this. They would have a better point if they were creationists who don't believe in the theory of evolution, but I just find it funny that since our opposors claim to be so "science-based," that they're more than likely evolutionists, who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. But somehow, under the same breath, they state that we lack any primordial or animalistic insticts of mate attraction that animals similar to humans intrinsically have. Their excuse is that it's "more complicated," when it's actually just hypocrisy at its finest. They only like science when it fits their worldview.

Von Galt #quack #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon merkabachakras.com

About Von Galt's QHHT & Chinese Energy Medicine Hypnosis Service: In terms of the hypnotherapy services offered in the Seattle area. I use two methods, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and Chinese Energy Medicine. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a technique created by the author, Dolores Cannon who published 19 books that outlined the various hypnosis sessions she undergone with her clients throughout her 45-year hypnotherapy practice. The Chinese Energy Medicine modality that is used is from my studies under Dr. Kweethai Neill, who also studied Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism under former Grand Master Professor Lin Yin. As a comrade of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, Grand Master Professor Lin Yin would exchange ancient esoteric knowledge with each other in order to share wisdom in the Eastern and Western hemispheres of the Earth. Dowsing rods are used to measure the health of the client's chakras to see where imbalance exists and investigate the issues related to the imbalance chakras. I then combine that with regression using QHHT to uncover what the client's higher-self and over-soul want the client to remember that would address the imbalance or provide clarity for the person. Often, the two are related and the chakras are balanced out for a healthier energetic state.

About the Products Sold: In terms of the products I offer on my website, Merkaba Chakras buys directly from our suppliers and manufacturers, cut out the middleman, and pass these incredible savings on to you. Often, my hypnosis clients would like to buy metaphysical jewelry. We’re all in this together and Merkaba Chakras strives to be a platform for metaphysic resources.

About: Merkaba Chakras was founded by myself, Von Galt. I am IT professional and an author who writes about metaphysics. I earned my Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of Washington. I attended graduate school at the University of Maryland University College for E-Commerce, and ultimately graduated with my Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on E-Business from Westwood College Denver North. I've been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and ancient metaphysic studies for 40+ years. As a life-long seeker of the latest in metaphysical practices and products, my mission is to help people always be connected to the universe through Christ Consciousness. Aside from being an IT professional, I offer my QHHT services to those who seek my assistance in uncovering clarity to their life challenges in order to help raise the frequency of Earth. I've peer reviewed QHHT against quantum physics and metaphysics of Buddhism, and I'm confident that the information brought forward from the Starseed and Indigo incarnates that seek me out for a session, reaffirm the scientific findings in academia. I am compiling all the ascension and awakening materials from my Starseed and Indigo incarnate QHHT sessions into a book, which my hope is to help bring awareness to the greater reality of how reincarnation, ascension, awakening, and spirituality play a pivotal part in the parallel reality of the users manifesting within it.

Philosophy: If it’s metaphysical and expands your consciousness, then you’ll find me investigating the phenomenon to see where it fits in the life planning of consciousness. I'm no ordinary ‘woo woo’ practitioner. As a lifelong Buddhist, I investigate and practice the modality and put it against many peer review scientific and medical journals to make sure it can be substantiated by quantum physics. The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is an example of a well-known Buddhist who put's metaphysic spiritual concepts under much academic research before encouraging practitioners to follow the findings.

I believe in the ABCs, which is to always be connected to source energy. My mission is to uplift customers by offering them helpful tools in metaphysic products and services so that they can live a spiritual and balanced lifestyle. In doing so, my customers are some of the highest vibrating souls on Gaia (Earth) and affect the harmonic frequency of the people around them. It's not always easy to find peace in non-peaceful situations and to remember that you've always been enough.

Mike Adams/John Moore #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut naturalnews.com

(Natural News) A large, planet-sized mass inhabits our solar system, and its large elliptical orbit around the sun brings it across Earth’s orbital plane every 3,600 years or so, wreaking havoc on our planet due to strong gravity effects. The U.S. government has been aware of the approach of “Planet X” for over forty years, warns John Moore “The Liberty Man,” in a jaw-dropping new interview on Brighteon Conversations. (See below.)

While Planet X won’t strike the Earth, it’s nearby approach will unleash cataclysmic consequences across our planet that may bring an end to human civilization as we know it, Moore explains in the interview. Those effects may include a global “pole shift,” which means the Earth’s crust slips to a new orientation, unleashing extreme winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, tidal waves and more.

“Every structure on the surface of the Earth would be destroyed,” explains Moore, who reveals the governments of the world are frantically constructing more underground bunkers in anticipation of catastrophic events.

John Moore is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst and took part in 57 air combat missions over Vietnam and Cambodia. He later become a homicide detective for the state of Missouri. As a long-time radio host, Moore has developed a long list of sources inside government and the U.S. military. He hosts a radio show each weekday from 8 – 10 am central time, via Republic Broadcasting. Learn all the details at TheLibertyMan.com

As Moore explains in the video below, the pole shift would place North America closer to the equator than its current position, and the “bulge” of ocean water at the equator (due to centrifugal forces of the rotating planet) would raise the level of the ocean by hundreds of feet compared to the continental United States. John Moore’s website — TheLibertyMan.com — hosts this map of anticipated changes. Note that Florida and much of the Eastern seaboard are under water in this depiction:

In the video below, John Moore explains how people living in other areas of the world can easily determine whether their current locations will be inundated with higher relative ocean levels.

The Planet X fly-by would likely also bring asteroid impacts to planet Earth, causing global chaos and mass destruction as large space rocks impact the planet at extreme relative velocities. A recent study found that just one such impact in any ocean would unleash 400-foot ocean waves that would devastate coastal cities around the world (and flood coastlines for potentially a hundred miles inland).

Asteroids that impact the land could unleash large volumes of particulate matter into the stratosphere that would block sunlight from reaching food crops, leading to mass famine and the collapse of human civilization. If large volcanoes also erupt due to the destabilization of the Earth’s crust, the amount of participate matter circling the globe could block out the sun and absolutely devastate nearly all plant life on Earth for several years. (Plants depend on photosynthesis via sunlight and carbon dioxide for energy, a fact that 99% of today’s climate scientists still refuse to acknowledge because they are scientifically illiterate brainwashed zombies.)

The United States government is fully aware of the approach of Planet X but has chosen to withhold this information from the American people for the simple fact that there’s nothing the masses can do to survive the anticipated events.

Moore recommends people move inland and get above 500 feet in altitude in order to survive the ocean inundation of North America.

Anonymous Coward 31302805 #crackpot #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

All the theoretical physicists are full of shit monkeys.

Without knowing the precise structure of the atoms, all fundamental physics theories are assumptions.

Water is not compressible. Ice is not compressible. The facts proved atoms are incompressible.

Therefore the standard model is mistaken stating that atoms contain 99.9999% empty space.

If atoms are having 99.9999% empty space, matters will be 99.9999% compressible. Electrons will be attracted by protons and crash into the nucleus.

Theoretical physics today is religion, controlled by stupid shameless mainstream physicists and followers.

Their time is up, the masses are waking.

Arthas93 #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot incels.is

Foids have 5 incomes and ugly men can't compete.

The Inceldom of today is man made. It only exists because ugly men have been legislated out of the sexual market.
The State, and to a lesser extent cucks too, gives free money to foids, who then have free resources and free time to become sluts to go after Chad cock only.

Ugliness is a secondary reason for Inceldom. The first reason is "How Much Opportunity To Get Free Shit The Foid Has."
Ugly guys both in the past and today, in shithole countries with no social welfare, have wives, make lots of children, and get sex often.

Subhumans in India, Africa, Middle East, China. That is why their population is so big, because ugly guys there have a fair chance at getting foids, no laws cucking them, therefore having lots of sex.

And that stability and protection are things that ugly men have as a "coin" in the Sexual Market to trade for marriage/sex.
When government provides that "coin" for free to the foids those ugly men then are condemned to Inceldom. Less because of their ugly mugs, and more because they can't compete.

Today's women are financially supported by everyone. Literally.
Her father pays her bills until he dies. Fathers are the 1st income. Then comes Big Daddy Gov. He can provide dozens if not hundreds of welfare programs to the foids. It's literally free money from the State, just for having being born a hole. And if the foid gets pregnant from Tyrone and/or Chad, then the welfare money she receives doubles. Gov is the 2nd income.

Then comes the beta cucks, desperate, soy masochists, that literally donate thousands of dollars to see pics of foids. Instagram, OnlyFans, Premium Snaps, Twitch Streams, cam whores. Beta cucks are the 3rd income.

If all that money is not enough she can also "marry" a beta cuck provider, never give him any sex, because marital "rape" aka "asking your wife to suck your dick" is now a crime. She still gives sex to Tyrone and Chad tho. Then 1 year later, get pregnant from Tyrone, divorces her cuck husband. He now is forced to pay for a child that is not his for the next 18 years. Plus alimony, plus half or all his things, plus part of his income. Boom, 4th income.

She can also get a "job". No, not a real job like you and me. Where we have to work our bones off. She won't work even a single day in her whole life.

A major company is forced to hire her, because "wahmen rights", those companies are forced to pay her a 5 figure salary just for her to sit at a desktop computer and stay on Facebook all day long. 5TH INCOME. 5TH FREE MONEY JUST FOR HAVING A HOLE.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger benjaminfulford.net

The Zionists are having a field day in the absence of an agreement to reboot the world economy. They are stoking a war between China and the U.S., promoting their pandemic and vaccine scam, and causing trouble all over the world. If we are going to defeat them once and for all, we need to realize that we are dealing with an enemy who works according to long term plans, some going back hundreds of years.

The latest example of this is the ongoing Covid-19 and vaccine scam. British MI6 intelligence now says:

“The Covid-19 thing was traced back to a document at the World Bank dated 1976. It is a form of Eugenics involving the UN and its organs.”

If you look at the world map of so-called Covid-19 cases at the link below, you will notice it is essentially a disease affecting monotheist controlled countries (including secret colonies India and Japan). Africa is mostly avoiding the whole scam as is most of East Asia. So, if it is Eugenics, as MI6 claims, the target appears to be mainly people of European descent.

The P3 Freemasons are saying the Covid-19 campaign is only going to intensify until an agreement is reached to set up a “World Republic.” Certainly, the P3 lodge involvement is easier to spot in Japan and Korea where all positive test results are being traced to either Christian (P3) sects or Khazarian Mafia hedge funds.
everybody who read the Project for a New American Century knows the Zionist regime has been touting race-specific or ethnic-specific biological warfare as a “useful political tool.” Also, the Zionists took over the infamous Japanese unit 731 biological warfare division and have been developing bioweapons ever since. They have been well documented, using bio-warfare agents like weaponized insects during the Korean war, for example. Since 9.11 they have built biological warfare research institutes all over the world, including Wuhan, China.
The Zionists also appear to be using weather warfare in an attempt to break China’s Three Gorges Dam. If the dam broke, it would flood 400 million Chinese and kill at least 500,000 people. However, those using such weapons must realize China would retaliate by doing something like blowing the Yellowstone Caldera.

The Chinese for their part note “structural changes” have led to a “to U.S. withdrawal from global affairs and waiver of responsibilities,” and “the COVID-19 pandemic is probably the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking to the United States for leadership.”

In any case, despite all the arguing between the regime of U.S. President Donald Trump and the Chinese, the world is now entering an era where neither the U.S. nor China will be dominant. That is because both the U.S. military-industrial complex and the Asian secret societies that run China realize they both face a common enemy: the Khazarian Mafia – aka the Zionists.

Mr. Enter #dunning-kruger #quack web.archive.org

So, let's talk about masks, the end all be all of stopping Covid or something. So, let's get right into the news here

Here's a 60 minutes interview with Dr. Fauci, saying the general public shouldn't wear masks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI&feature=youtu.be

Here's our US surgeon general saying that we shouldn't be wearing masks on a tweet that is still up https://twitter.com/surgeon_general/status/1233725785283932160?lang=en

An Australian news service talking about masks, complete with a demonstration by a fireman who apparently went viral showing that aersols go through anything but an n95 mask which the majority of the public is not using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqRL1GXu5DE

I could go on and on with news reports from earlier this year, including from the CDC itself that told the general public not to wear masks. So, there's two options about this - either they were lying then or they're lying now. So, we as the general public have two options - either listen to known and admitted liars or don't wear masks.

Argument #1 against masks: Our health establishment, across the world, almost universally told people not to wear masks back then the pandemic began. The established science on masks has not changed since then. There have been no longitudinal studies or science experiments changing our understanding about them.

At best, you could argue that our health establishments lied to secure these masks for doctors and such. Under this argument, masks should still not be worn by the general public, as that need hasn't gone away. Doctors should still be the ones to primarily receive masks before the general public.

Argument #2 against masks: There are edicts (not laws. Laws require a process to be enacted) about requiring masks. None of these edicts require specific kinds of masks. I've heard people say "you can use anything to make a mask." This is one of the stupidest things that I've ever heard. A "Wear your fucking mask" person even suggested a scarf. Ignoring the fact that it is now July, and even in the northern United States we're experiencing 90 degree weather on the daily, scarves generally have holes in them, which do nothing to prevent aersolized droplets from getting through. Many of the masks you can buy on amazon specifically come with disclaimers stating that they do not provide protection from Covid, but you're allowed to go in public areas with those masks and no one bats an eye. This is even ignoring that in some places in the United States, we do have anti-mask laws. As in, if you obscure your face, you can be arrested. Good thing we don't live in an environment in which police officers would just love to abuse that little fact. http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/mcs/maskcodes.html

Do you want to know the worst thing? Someone wearing a mask made from like an old t-shirt or something, thinking that they're safe... and doing more risky behavior. Going out more, making them more likely to get the disease and spread it. If you tell me that "anything can work for a mask" you are objectively wrong and I designate not to listen to you. n95 masks go through a specific processes that your sewing machine is not capable of.

Argument #3 against masks: People are stupid. People who think they're safe tend to be even more stupid and let their guard down. According to the science, last time I checked, we're supposed to stay 6 feet apart (2 meters in Metricland). However, when we talk, we're supposed to have an even greater distance because the droplets go even further. Guess when most people take off their masks? That's right, when they're talking.

I heard someone say that they borrowed a relative's mask. That is about exactly as hygienic as using someone else's underwear. Bet you didn't wash it either. Wearing a disposable mask twice is like wearing a disposable condom or diaper twice. Cloth masks (that do not stopped aeroslized droplets) must be washed after every use or they become more of a health hazard than they create. They trap moisture. Moisture becomes a petri dish.

You ever touch the inside of your mask with unwashed hands? You ever not wash your hands after taking the mask off? This is my favorite one because it happens the most - you ever only put the mask on your mouth and don't cover your nose? A mouth that's closed doesn't spread droplets anywhere near as far as your nose.

Do you want me to go on? Do you put your mask on before you enter a store and take it off as soon as you leave? Welp, you got the bacteria from your car keys, the car door, anything inside the car, and who knows what else on the mask... and on your face. And if you take it off as soon as you leave - guess what - all store bacteria is on your face as well.

This compounds with the problem of security theater. I repeat, if you think that you're safe and you're not, you take risks you otherwise shouldn't. By improperly wearing or handling a mask, you create more of a health risk. Rule 1 to not catch Coronavirus - don't touch your face. Masks require you to. Actual surgeons wash their hands before putting it on and taking it off.

Argument #4 against masks: Heat stroke and sweat. Your body gets out excess heat via various orifices. Your nose and your mouth can do a great deal to help with that. When you have a mask on, the heat is trapped there. Yes, they make breathable masks. Any mask that breathable is likely to do nothing to stop the spread of Covid. There are mainly two things that can happen in this case. Number one, it can cause heat stroke.

You know what heat stroke is like? It's not pretty and it can kill you. It also requires immediate medical treatment, which as you might know, is in short supply in some areas. Here's a question - how many high profile cases of heat stroke do you think it would take to get these mask edicts removed?

But let's not get so drastic. Your body has other ways of getting rid of heat. That being sweat. Sweats are droplets, which spread droplet based diseases like Covid19. This is the reason that gyms are still closed. Yeah, certain Asian cultures do wear masks when people are sick. Flu and cold seasons tend to be the winter, where it's cold and this usually isn't as much of a problem.

But no, even some Asian cultures are saying no to masks - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/01/south-korea-incidents-of-covid-19-mask-rage-flareas-summer-heats-up. If the South Koreans can't handle masks in the summer, do you really think the rest of the world will? If I need to remind you, South Korea was the country that was so determined to beat the coronavirus when their contact tracing pointed out a gay bar it created a wave of homophobia. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/05/12/with-new-covid-19-outbreak-linked-to-gay-man-homophobia-on-rise-in-south-korea/#2bce2b404909#2bce2b404909. Some South Koreans are refusing to wear masks so much it's starting actual fist fights, because to get someone to wear a mask or a fucking scarf in 80-90 degree weather is unreasonable, unless you want to have a heat stroke pandemic on your hands and dropping compliance.

You go out on a hot day and no one is wearing a mask. And let me tell you, when it comes to something like civil disobedience like this, it becomes easier and easier. How many people shot off illegal fireworks on the fourth? Yeah, how many of those people do you think are going to keep going along with all of this? You can only ask people so much before it turns unreasonable. Here's some sciency stuff about masks and such https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7087880/

Argument #5 against masks: Here's a little bit of a wager for you. Either masks are effective (enough) or they're right, right? Those can be the only two options, right. If they're not effective, then any mask ordinance is... useless at best. If masks are useful... then things like the lockdowns and removing people's right to an education is useless at best. Are masks useful? If yes, then we don't need lockdowns. If masks aren't useful enough to make lockdowns useless then they're not useful. I was told repeatedly that we could just sit in lockdown forever and ever. We can't, but it's nice to live in a fairytale once in awhile.

Argument #6 against masks: A different kind of social distancing. I don't like what our culture is becoming. People nowadays, especially online, where most of us are, have stopped seeing other people as people, but... walking vectors of disease. That's not a good way to live. It's an incredibly dangerous way to live, actually. And masks... make the problem worse. Do you know what kind of communication a smile is? What it can really do for a human interaction. It's not something that you can do behind a mask. Most of our emotional communication comes from the mouth. When everyone is locked off from each other it creates an emotional distance, on top of the physical one.

And people are already... literally killing each other out there. This is not something we need more of. It's become incredibly dangerous. I can't imagine the kind of mental illnesses that we're instilling the youngest generation with. The generation after Z, I think they're called "Alpha" (which uh... doesn't make sense but okay) is being born into this. This is going to end up defining their generation; I could imagine a lot of... trust issues, nevermind obsessive compulsive tendencies. When young people have trust issues they tend to turn to violence or... drugs and alcohol, or they completely withdraw.

Argument #7 against masks: Mental health. I'm going to make this one quick. Masks are and do have a hellish effect on some people's mental health. For example, if someone has PTSD from being strangled, then it's probably going to be a trigger. It's not as simple as just "oh, it's a stupid piece of cloth." It's more like "I woke up during a surgery in more pain than I've ever felt in my life and medical masks bring me right back to that time" or "I was gagged when they kidnapped me and brutalized me." I'm not going to go deep into this, because for the past few months society has finally decided to become honest about how they don't give a fuck about mental health in the slightest.

Argument #8 against masks: Poverty. Again I'm going to make this quick, because as established, society has a whole has been honest with how they don't give a shit. Masks that actually work are in short supply. Short supplies causes prices to rise if demand doesn't fall. Getting ahold of masks that actually work becomes harder, especially for the more impoverished of us. Preventing people from going into locations based on their inability to procure this can count as discrimination against the poor. Yes, they can make something out of... rubbish. But as established that's not really effective. So, in turn, you'll only have the more well-off people with masks that actually work, which, once again, is discrimination. I supposed you could give them out for free. But we have shortages of PPE and the free stuff should probably go to the doctors and hospitals, right?


So, please keep telling me to wear a mask that just might be illegal that you don't know if I can afford while you wear one made of an old bath towel filled with mildew that you never wash. It's what the science says after all, after they've said repeatedly to not wear masks unless you yourself are sick. Keep wishing that people who aren't wearing masks get and die of Covid, without realizing that masks don't keep you safe. They're meant to keep others safe. If you keep fiddling with them and putting them on without washing your hands, you're more likely to die of Covid than someone who has never worn a mask ever.

And please, keep taking down your masks to shout at people so you know they can hear you being a hypocrite. I'd prefer someone who never wears a mask than someone up their ass about how everyone should wear a mask without knowing how they do or don't work. It really makes you look like you're on the moral right about this whole thing. If you hope I get Covid, I hope you get heat stroke. Hell, I can even claim the moral high ground because heat stroke isn't contagious.

TheSavior #god-complex #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger freejoy.aimoo.com

Understanding Why The Natural Disasters Come: Floods, Tsunami, Earthquake, Volcano Eruption

You are not living alone on Earth, there are also many super deities, super beings with many thousand years of age who are residing on Earth as well.

There is no any science can explain and tell you exactly what, when, why those natural disaster catastrophe come.
The only way for human to learn, understand and control it is by using common sense and history sacred teaching.

The current virus pandemic is a proxy war about:
1. Climate Change, Global Warming Subject.
2. International Financial Money System.

Because it cannot be real for the casualties death number are way too low compare to the other deadly virus pandemic event in history.

The natural disasters only come when “human are too stupid”.
When they are too stupid?
When they do not understand the Earth game correctly.

I have said the Earth game have 2 parts:
- Part 1 is team work in order to find the Himalaya mountain rage.
- Part 2 is personal job in order to find & conquer mount Kailash.

The downfall of most empires, nations throughout history is because they do not understand that game rule.

- Part 1 here I really mean is that have a fair community people support each other when “necessary”, but you cannot control enslave and treat them like animals.
- Part 2 here I mean everybody should have some room of freedom, free choice when they need, so they can self discover the Earth game.

But many so called governments was and are treating their citizens terrible, they do not allowed people to talk “bad” against government, do not allow to report corruption,etc.

Have any of you wonder they China got virus pandemic and a historic rain floods just few months in 2020.
Do know you in China, there was some prophecies made by some “beings” correct 100% about what will happen in the future for the last 1000-2000 years?
Because they are not mortal humans but they are super beings have lived on Earth for many thousand years and still observing the Earth game between mortal humans.

I would more convinced that those super deities/natural gods has made corona virus NCOV and many other diseases and other natural catastrophe in history to wake up and destroy the regime/empire/nation because those leaders have failed too lead the people.

This is the last part in 2 part series about the connection between natural catastrophe and humanity.
Overall, the natural disaster only come when “human are too stupid”, or in more details:
1. They are destroying the nature environment.
2. The game/society rule between humans affair are not fair and too imbalance.

If they do not break any of those 2 conditions, the natural catastrophe cannot come.
Any other reasons are all wrong, stop “gambling”, you must face the truth !

The Lord of the lords, and the King of the kings is me !

Best Regard,
The Savior

skimmingway #wingnut #dunning-kruger wehuntedthemammoth.com

I would like to say that the hypocrisy and total lack of self-awareness amongst feminists and other assorted “progressives” is something that will never cease to amaze me, but alas, I am accustomed to telling the truth, and at this point, nothing could be further from it.

What of those of you who elevate terrorists such as John Brown to hero status? Those of you who think that dragging truck drivers out of their vehicles and beating them is some form of acceptable “collateral damage” in response to a Chivas Regal-chugging, PCP-addled thug getting his ass handed to him by some cops he has decided to antagonize? Those of you who think that property damage and raucous rioting are acceptable avenues for those who want an excuse to “get even with whitey” over what are, essentially, acts of self-preservation in the face of being attacked by ruffians who can’t even demonstrate the civilizational awareness necessary to wear a belt? Those of you who valorize communistic bureaucrats like FDR, who interned millions of Japanese Americans in holding facilities against their will? Those of you who have the nerve to associate yourselves with some of the most destructive economic and social ideologies of the 20th century, while refusing to take responsibility or answer for whatever flaws these belief systems might have had (i.e. bread lines, mass starvation, lack of choice in products, etc.)? Those among you who think that punching people of alien ideologies is preferable to spirited and civil debate?

There is not one good person among you all. You demand to have the privilege, nay, the right, to judge without being judged, to force your intellectual adversaries into unflattering associations without having to deal with equivalent treatment on your end. Well, I’m not letting you off the hook as easily as you would have it; like cats getting their sniffers shoved into the piss stains on the carpet, I am going to force you all into the truth. I shall carry you as battering rams, smacking your heads into the hard doors until they yield and allow access to the Royal Throne Room of Truth.

You had best prepare yourselves for the intellectual ousting of a lifetime.

It was only a matter of time

Incels tread new, even lower ground: cannibalism.

Neggr #crackpot #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Becoming chad by consuming their bodies?

I mean, there is nothing to stop me from going to a grave to a newly died chad, digging it out, carrying it to a remote place, make a campfire and eat his corpse. Would that make my bones grow, I mean his genes is floating into my body, my body might be able to learn the code and grow my own chad body+face.

Ron Morehead #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick ronmorehead.com

Excerpts from my new book,
“The Quantum Bigfoot.”

Excerpts from Chapter 4.

So how does quantum physics relate to spirituality and Bigfoot? In my 45+ years of researching this phenomenon, I’ve heard several very strange reports. A few of these reports, from seemingly heartfelt people, claimed that these creatures disappeared. Is that even possible? Can the laws of quantum physics actually answer that question? Knowing what I know, I’m compelled to delve in and see. The accepted mathematics of quantum physics says that there is more going on than what we see with our three-dimensional eyes.

Scientists now know, through physics, that empty space (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) is not actually empty…however, it is a dimension existing outside of the human light spectrum and the observable vibrational frequency. It seems to me that classical science has restricted itself by its own disciplines and because of those disciplines, will never grasp the big picture. If we use the classical box to try and determine all that exists, we would never begin to understand the cosmos, e.g., the world of spirituality.
The math of quantum physics indicates that there are at least eleven dimensions in existence…possibly innumerable. So, could the laws of quantum physics be the answer to the Bigfoot mysteries? If so, how do we move forward in that possibility?

Excerpts from Chapter 5:

The quantum world of physics also provides an explanation for those folks who believe in God…how divine energy infiltrates the world we live in. If we allow our minds to capture this thought we all win. Many religious people have never before considered quantum physics as the way God works throughout the universe, on this planet, in you and in me.
The quantum laws, which were brought to light in the 19th century, are the same that was taught by Jesus over 2000 years ago. The very Oneness of connection He shows us in John 17:22-23. As humans, we all have it, so why are we not walking on water?

Is there really a possible physical connection that can take us to another realm of reality…something that is not really in woo-woo land, or that can only be found in church on Sunday by bowing our heads or…

Lynda Everingham #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #dunning-kruger lyndaeveringham.com

But wait there’s more. Much, much more. I have also confirmed that there is also D.U.M.B facility in the Blue Mountains. Likely more going by the below. There are also tunnels in other cities in Australia. I have evidence on Adelaide and Canberra so will stick to these two for this blog. This is enough information to give us the whole picture anyway. More than enough…

You might be alarmed to know there are cities and tunnels all over the world. It is a massive scale system and Trump and Co. have been using military operations to blow them up and destroy them.

THIS IS HAPPENING NOW. See the U.S Military Intelligence update below. A detailed overview with the evidence from tunnels being blown up, fires coming out of manholes, sewers and drains. Not to mention the huge amount of earthquakes reported all over the world:

They are uncovering technology that has been kept from us. Technology that can change humanity and make the earth an awesome place to be for everyone. Imagine…

To recap, they have blown up tunnels that connect to OTHER COUNTRIES. They had to fight hand to hand combat on land to take down these tunnels operations because if they blew up all the tunnels and they filled with ocean water it would make the ocean drop so much that it could cause an ice age!

So who are they fighting in the tunnels?

The Illuminati, Cabal or whatever you want to call them. I personally can think of a few words for them…this is their operation which is a Satanic, sick operation including human trafficking, human slavery by various means including advanced technology, MK Ultra, mind control and cloning. Stay with me, it makes sense and I will prove this is real a bit later on…let’s keep looking the magnitude of this operation, to name just a few:

Northrop facility (near Tehachapi Mountains) is the Illuminate’s Top Secret base for Advanced Technology. Aerospace research and Genetic experiments. It is 42 levels deep, that is 800 miles or 1287 K/ms. Most importantly and most disturbingly though, the military RESCUED 35,927 CHILDREN! THIS IS JUST 1 BASE! The magnitude is horrifying. In order to make them into ‘slavebots’ for their sick society. They lived in cages. They were tortured and controlled by means of lights and bells going off and use electrocution as another method. And who knows what else…one can barley comprehend this…

Lawrence – Livermore facility is into Human Geomapping, a cloning facility. (again stay with me, it all makes sense I will get to that later). This facility cost $1.2 BILLION to build new!

And people are going hungry…

Palmdale Facility – is into antigravity technology research and new aircraft technology. Sounds interesting…their not building strange space craft are they? Hmmm…

Boulder Facility – This one says it all about what was intended to happen if Hillary Clinton got her way. This one is larger than the city above, intended to be the new DC. It is the main hub for ALL U.S facilities and is the main hub for MAGLEV trains (aka anti-gravity). These trains connect to places via the tunnels all over the country! They have storage of all supplies to support 1 million for 150 years! The city is complete with a huge lake, parks and lushess flora and fauna. All powered with Tesla free energy! Wow. Sounds like a lovely, disturbing place…complete with the massive MK Ultra mind control facilities. I expect they need a lot of slaves to operate that big city…

Skimmingway #wingnut #dunning-kruger wehuntedthemammoth.com

I am only a monarchist to the extent that I am not an anarcho-capitalist, or rather, that I think that the world may not yet be ready for my preferred form of governance.

Monarchism has the superior quality, in that it retains the concept of private property, but it centralizes it within the hands of one individual, who has vested interest in maintaining the health and wealth of the entire kingdom, for he owns it in its entirety. Democracy is plagued by short time preferences, in that politicians often sacrifice the long term for the short term in order to gain reelection; by contrast, a monarch must maintain his kingdom long enough to pass it down to his offspring, and in so doing, he is most unaffected by whatever passing intellectual fad or ephemeral complaint rises from the mouths of his subjects. Having been schooled in political theory and having been given the best sort of education that money and influence can afford one of his stature, he is in possession of a set of highly cultivated talents that bestow a degree of legitimacy on his decisions that no other person can lay claim to.

Jon Rappoport #quack #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

Ferguson and his team at Imperial College are, at best, delusional. In a world filled with actual computer-science experts, they chose to take a broken-down Model T Ford for a spin and made predictions that have led to the takedown of national economies and horrific human suffering.

And then, to cover their boggling faults, they floated the psychotic claim that AVERAGING the results of their individually crippled predictions would yield accurate and vital results.

Keep in mind, as I mentioned earlier in the article, that Ferguson’s work is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Gates wanted alarming predictions of deaths, leading to lockdowns—as a prelude to a COVID vaccine for every person on the planet. He got those predictions.

Minus Bill Gates and Neil Ferguson, plus a few staunch and sensible political leaders, we would be living and working OUT IN THE OPEN, WITH NO RESTRAINTS, through a season called “another year of the flu.”

Ron Morehead #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #ufo ronmorehead.com

Many know that I began my Bigfoot studies in 1971 after encountering these beings and recording their vocalizations. My questions were, “Where do giants come from, how do these huge creatures do what they do, and why are they so elusive? So, I read many books relating to the subject. This Nephilim theory has its base on a compilation of, but not limited to, the Bible (several versions, i.e., the ancient text, Hebrew, Greek), The Book of Enoch, The Book of Giants, and my first book into quantum physics, Quantum Enigma. Beside North America, my research has taken me to the Yucatan, Russia, Siberia, Nepal, and more recently into South America. Peru is where I witnessed enigmatic archeological structures and non-human remains which cemented the Nephilim theory to me. But, is Bigfoot a remnant of the Nephilim? That’s the question.

Bigfoots are self-aware, cognizant, sentient beings with language. In our culture humans are the only ones who are supposed to have those attributes. However, the Bible tells us that corrupt angelic beings mingled with human women and this act made hybrids that were giants, men of renown…the Nephilim (Gen 6:4). Giants returned on the scene in Numbers 13:33, after the flood. The same Hebrew word for giants in Genesis is also used in Numbers and it translates to ‘Nephilim’, i.e., the Fallen Ones.

Bigfoot is a giant with very unusual and misunderstood abilities. And, there also seems to be an inter-dimensional aspect to these beings. What’s in their DNA that allows this? From recent scientific analysis it seems human DNA is responsible for 100 percent of the maternal side of these entities, but the nuclear side (father) has yet to be assigned to any known species. As in the past, has human DNA been manipulated again by celestial beings for a specific purpose? How can classical science approach this subject and stay within its boundaries and disciplines? It can’t, but maybe science, theology and philosophy can get together using a common sense approach. Is there a type of science that could possibly answer some of these questions? Yes, it’s “Quantum Physics,” a subset of quantum mechanics and way too complicated to explain in this article. In short, however, the math of quantum physics dictates that the electrons circling the nucleus of an atom can change with observation. This, many believe, is also the science behind biblical miracles (Heb 11:1).

Bigfoot has an inherit ability to use quantum facets in the macro-world that we live in. They seem to only interact with certain people on certain levels, why? Could those people have a common spiritual makeup, or maybe a mutual brain-wave function that allows this? And, can Bigfoot manipulate or ‘entangle’ with that wave, initiating acceptable scenarios to the unwary person. Could they be manipulating some of us for something devious? Or, as in the days of Enoch, could these unusual beings want us Christians to plead for their soul (1 Enoch, Chapter 15). Bigfoot is mostly reclusive, yet they seem to communicate with some folks on a paranormal level and give those people a befriending-type feeling. If their motive is actually good, why don’t they just come out in the open with all us tree-hugging bigfooters and get it over with?

So, I make a simple suggestion, “Bigfooters, keep your guard up.” The statement is not meant to cause paranoia, start an internet sparring match, or throw other theories off the cliff. It is stated because my studies have lead me to think that these creatures could very well be a diluted remnant of the Nephilim. And, I think it’s possible that ‘they may not even know it’. But what if they do and are trying to deceive the elect for a purpose yet to be known? It would be shameful and indefensible if I was called upon on the Day of Judgment to tell why I didn’t say something about what I was lead to after over 40-years of research.

Neological Technologies #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon neologicaltech.com


After your purchase you will be given a link to a digital download of a MP3 file which will be made available after you complete the check out process. It is located in the checkout bin at the bottom of your order invoice. If you miss this step someone will have to email you the link which may delay your order. The file is approximately 62 MB and delivered as a .ZIP file. If you are using a smart phone or tablet device you may need to locate a .zip extractor app to access the file contents. Manifestation of magic requires the alignment of intent and belief system of the operator to will into action. No refunds please.

Quantum Grid Prime

What happens when you combined the most powerful sacred geometry and an advanced Radionics Control plate, psychotronic orgone grid power source that is combined with a virtual power amplification device which is connected to psionic amplifiers that run in parallel through a dimensional vortex. The vortex is controlled by a of group magical ancient mind machines and focused through an array of psionic antennas.

Manifest your desires and use the secret of the law of attraction to your advantage. The secret is directing life force and the key is genuine to hacking your reality.

BioGeometry is a modern form of alchemy based on subtle energy interactions of geometrical shapes. In Bio-geometry, a pyramid shape is energized and emanate a carrier waved of energy. Sacred geometry configuration produces and amplifies that energy. This is why my energy images devices are made using sacred geometry.

Quantum Grid Prime Plus 3.0 was designed from the ground up to be the most powerful psionic energy core available. The quantum equation used to program this energy core has now extended to over 80 pages long. The extreme complexity of this technology is quite staggering. What would have taken me years to create I am able to produce within 10 months. Having a powerful Qi source is the key to faster more accurate and focus manifestations inside of this holographic universe.

In this package, I have also taken the original quantum grid formula and ran it through the 2019 quantum equation algorithm. So, you will receive two unique and very powerful Radionics plates. I have also included a third plate that contains pure life force G energy that is designed to be the purest ever produced on this planet. The three images can be printed out and stacked together or you can use the trinity power plate which is provided for you in the pro version system.

This is the most powerful Quantum energy image I have ever created. Use it with your radionic software, radionics box, or as a stand-alone device. The Quantum Grid Prime Plus will elevate your Radionic operations to near God levels. Quantum Grid Prime Plus is an excellent healing tool that works in all areas of your body. Print out the image and place it underneath your radionic device so that you can increase the power output to mega power output. If you place a candle on the image and focus on your intent, you can send the energy of the image to any place on the planet. You can also put a sigil and a picture of your target onto the center of the image and energy will instantly be transmitted to that target.

I have included the Quantum plate where you can place a copy of the image onto the Quantum plate alongside a sigil and energy will be sent to the target.

Quantum Grid Prime Plus is designed to protect you on an energetic and physical level. It includes all of my spiritual shielding technology. Quantum Grid Prime Plus is able to blast through energetic blocks faster than anything else on the market. It protects against all things dark and evil. Use this protection spell to protect yourself from demons, vampires, aliens and anything else that goes bump in the night.

What's New:

Over 3000% more power than Quantum Grid Prime plus

More powerful Radionics amplification

Multiple sigil amplification

Ability to operate on multiple targets

Faster manifestations

Advanced Radionics control plate

Includes video caster:

Video Radionics a Broadcaster Works with standard Radionic rate book

Video caster allows you to work on eight Radionics operation simultaneously

Pro version includes:

Alchemist Shield Pro (Powered by Quantum Grid Prime plus 3.0)

Cloak of invisibility (Powered by Quantum Grid Prime plus 3.0)

<Only 900 dollars>

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