
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #pratt theothermccain.com

(In addition to being a straw man — because no flat-earthers are actually arguing with Justin/Riley — he/“she” is also setting up a standard trick we can call the Progress Fallacy: “Here is this provably wrong idea that people held in the past, and therefore, all ideas from the past can be disregarded as invalid.” Except, of course, that the scientific method itself is based on very old ideas, dating to ancient Greece. Now, back to Justin/Riley and “modern discourse.”)

(Except, of course, that the actual argument is about anthropogenic global warming [AGW], and it has been shown that the proponents of this claim have falsified “evidence” and disregarded alternative explanations for the observable changes in global temperatures. AGW proponents have engaged in fear-mongering and enlisted government authority to gain funding for themselves and to deny funding for their scientific critics. But please, Justin/Riley, continue to educate us.)

John C. Wright #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt #crackpot scifiwright.com

"You were trying to argue that any perverted act with the same physical discharges as the act of sexual reproduction, such as the Sin of Onan, was one and the same as the act of sexual reproduction. I believe the phrase you used equated discharge of semen into the womb to masturbation, which is the discharge the semen into any other orifice, or perhaps onto the ground." Well it doesn't always have to lead into reproduction! You are falling into the naturalistic fallacy. Why should sex be soley defined as a reproductive act. While it can work as such, you are ignoring other applications. To you, sex is used for reproduction, so its purpose ought to be solely to lead into it.

And you did not retract your statement, where you defined masturbation, which is the act of discharging semen not in the act of sexual reproduction to include discharging semen in the act of sexual reproduction. This is like saying black is white or night is day. It is inexcusable. Before leaping up to make additional false accusations and saying additional arrant logical fallacies, please acknowledge your defeat on this point before moving on to the next.

The next point will be just as disappointing to you, however: the act of sexual reproduction is the act of sexual reproduction, otherwise known as coitus, whether or not the act culminates in reproducing the young. So, after saying black is white, you say white is not white.

The reason why sex should and must be defined as the reproductive act is that anything else is illogical, insane, and, frankly, unhealthy. Humans have allowed new venereal diseases to spread in the modern generation which were unknown in the ancient world, since the pursuit of perverse sexual pleasure, involving the abuse of sexual organs by thrusting them into orifices where nature never intended them to do, is unhealthy, and spreads disease.

To me, sex is sex and perversion is perversion. That is because a thing is what it is. I am not ignoring what you call other applications: to the contrary what I am doing is correctly identifying them as sexual perversions, that is, namely, an unnatural abuse or misuse of the sexual organs by those to whom the natural pleasures of the natural uses thereof are insufficiently stimulating.

To me, the sex act is the sexual reproductive act. Masturbation is not the sex act, it is self gratification by an abuse of those organs.

You see the problem you are having is that facts and logic are on my side. All you have is a dark, turgid, hysterical emotion based on a frantic denial of reality and a love of wrongdoing. I am not from the generation where everyone is given a participation trophy. You speak in ignorance. Your thoughts are not in order. You misuse common philosophical terms. Your behavior is a simple and neurotic trick of merely accusing me of your own shortcomings, and when that accusation is proved false, merely making the next, and the next, without once actually thinking about what you are saying.

Because you are saying nonsense. You are saying masturbation is sex, and sex is not sex.

Brian Kilmeade #crackpot #wingnut #pratt mediaite.com

Brian Kilmeade Drops Epic Rant on Masks in Schools: ‘Kids Are Going to Grow Up and Sue Everybody’


Don’t you think a kid wants to be heard or hear from a teacher? How many times do you have to say excuse me, ‘what did you say, I can’t hear you,’ so they don’t bother talking. How many conversations have not happened because they have been wearing the mask over their face?
[Masks] really do not prevent anything but stopping this virus. It stops the flu, does not stop the virus, paper masks don’t and N95 do. You want to put them in the N95 mask it protects the kid. Yourself in the mask protects the person across from you in theory and perhaps you.
When you look at the stats and realize everything we have done, the lockdown, shutdowns, the mandates, it has affected death rate .02% […]


And it also found out natural immunity matters. Everyone had Omicron it seems. Now guess what, America basically has natural immunity, much higher than the 72% than is in the New York Times every single day. What I’m trying to say is not only is this theater, these kids are going to grow up and sue everybody.

They should sue all their parents, all their teachers and just for the record, I’m taping this. If you are a next-generationer, we have been calling for the end to this and this is, by the way, the fact that the Biden administration is not acting in all these blue states are is one of the most significant stories through this pandemic and today while sitting here over the last 45 minutes, Maryland is saying le’s go, let’s call, let’s end masking. Nevada a couple hours ago.


I texted my daughters, both in college, and said ‘do you have to wear a mask,’ but it wasn’t clear. Yeah, they have to wear a mask. In New York, an N95 in class, including class gym among youngsters, all young teens, young 20s, you cannot get on campus without double vaxxed and a booster. Think about the abuse.

hmimperialtortie , SulphuricMirror & haruspex #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "MTF Passing Tips"

( hmimperialtortie )
You’re not fooling anyone, you perverted freak.

( SulphuricMirror )
Ew, he's wearing little girls underwear, and you know "valid" is code for "aroused". Pedo scum. Also, tighter clothes makes these men look like fridges stuffed into body con dresses, if anything looser clothes would be better, I would think. But that doesn't feed into the fetish. The fact that they wear tight women's clothes signals to people they come into contact with that: "this is a mentally unstable man who might freak out if I don't cater to his delusion, I better just grin through it and hope he leaves soon" and they think that means they pass. Idiots.

( haruspex )
I kind of looked through that TIM's reddit profile and he also boasts about being "small enough to wear girl's clothes." Definite pedo.

( SulphuricMirror )
I saw his pic, he's a slight/slender asian young man/teen boy, so yeah that makes sense, but he could also fit into age-appropriate clothes for his own sex. Yeah, it's clear he goes after the largest girls' sizes (like probably aimed at large girl children) just to feed his fetishes. So gross.

Ann Coulter #pratt #dunning-kruger vdare.com

Points Liberals Hate:

"Beautiful clean coal";
The end of Obamacare's individual mandate;
Keeping Guantanamo open; and
Firing useless government employees working for the Veterans Administration.
Points Conservatives Hate:
Pointless wars; and
Any policy Trump mentioned when the camera flashed to Ivanka.
Altogether, these partisan remarks consumed about seven minutes of an 80-minute speech.
The bulk of Trump's address celebrated:

A booming economy;
Companies bringing jobs home;
Low black unemployment;
The flag;
The national motto;
Rebuilding roads and bridges;
Law enforcement;
The life of a child born to an opioid addict;
The military;
Veterans; and
Getting the best immigrants we can.

Various Commenters #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

Complete the sentence

Transgenderism is.. .?

(I'll start)

*its for a thing I'm doing.

A misogynistic money making ruse

Creating a sacred caste



Biology denial
Sports cheating
State sanctioned rape and abuse
Child safeguarding breaking

Grooming vulnerable children.
Bullying women and men who speak against it.

Ant- human
Anti - science
Anti - enlightenment
Ideology Deranging
Actively Deconstructionist
Drenched in Religiosity
Anti - Civilisation

A male supremacy movement
Hugely Well-funded corporate woke-washing scam
Euphemism for AGP/paraphilia

Dangerous to women & children
Total crap


Transgenderism is the fall of society...
It's triggering my insanity.
Can't understand why they believe, that
A woman is what a man can be.
It saddens me, that they look at me
And see right through me
As if I didnt exist
I must risk, my safety to placate they
No way, never mate

Absurd, Orwellian, contradictory, nonsensical, anti science, funded by big pharma, bourgeois, oppressive, anti intellectual, anti common sense & elite.


Steve Sailer #pratt #racist vdare.com

UC Berkeley has boosted its enrollment from 32k in 2005 to 45k in the last year, but only provides dorms for a small fraction of that number, raising rents and, we are told, homelessness in Berkeley. A Berkeley NIMBY group points out that UC Berkeley has never done an Environmental Impact Report on its big increase in student body, and a judge agrees, telling them to roll back enrollment to 42k.

This reminds me that in a world with an intelligent GOP, the Biden Administration would find its lax immigration enforcement and plans for more immigration completely hamstrung by requirements for massive Environmental Impact Reports

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/538CRH$BKQHS, Transscript starting around 3:56 and ending around 5:58 of a 36-minute video)

Taln said "risk assessment exists so no a rapist who is a threat to the general population of a woman's prison is not going to get there". How dare you disregard the fact that women prisoners have and continue to be frightened traumatized and violated by such men? Don't talk about risk assessment it's bollocks. You can never guarantee a man placed in the female estate isn't going to molest or negatively impact on the mental health of women prisoners. You can never guarantee anybody safety in prisons. But you can certainly decrease the likelihood and extent of harm to women by not housing male criminals with them.

Taln said "trans women are at vastly increased risk in men's prison, 'transgender people in prison are exposed to horrific rates of abuse by both staff and their fellow inmates' (note by submitter: quoting https://transequality.org/issues/police-jails-prisons )" and I don't doubt that trans-identifying men are at risk in male prisons. They still do not belong in the female estate, because they are Men. Women are human and not mere shields to be used by some men against others. Is it really too difficult for you to come up with a solution, that keeps trans identifying men safe and which doesn't distress and endanger women and to campaign for that solution. Or is this, as I suspect, really about validation at all costs to real women

then he said "isn't it interesting that gender-critical feminists only care about rape in women's prison when they can use that to fear-monger about trans people" what on earth makes you say that? this is the same old victim playing "you don't care about women you just hate trans people". You really are a piece of work Taln.


Steve Sailer #pratt #racist takimag.com

As I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year, the media-declared “racial reckoning” following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, has been getting a lot of blacks murdered by other blacks. But I am not being ironic in saying that I am now stunned to find out that motor vehicle fatalities among blacks similarly soared 36 percent in June–December 2020 versus the same period in 2019, compared with a 9 percent increase among the rest of the population.

Whenever I uncover data that suggests that the reigning mental models of the great and the good have blood on their hands, I’m accusingly asked: Why do I care? What kind of disreputable weirdo am I to speak out just because more of my fellow Americans are dying violently?

Okay, okay, I’ll confess: Not only am I a notorious anti-murderist, I’m an anti-crashite as well

ares12 #pratt deviantart.com

And the whole season in general. Funny thing is, my Mom once said I should speak out more against these kinds of injustices in our society because of the impact they had upon this generation, to which I couldn't agree more. No matter if this gets me banned from deviantART or not, whenever there is injustice I'll always be vocal on these serious issues.

She was actually talking about banning Columbus Day but fuck that noise.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 1:19 and ending around 3:56 of a 36-minute video)

Taln responds that no one decides to be a trans woman as gender identity is innate. So Taln believes that even rapists and violent male criminals should be accepted as women because of their claimed gender identity, which of course there is no way of verifying. There isn't the remotest possibility that they could just be pretending in order to get transferred to a women's prison. On the prison page of my website I quote Dr. James Barrett who was chair of the british association of gender identities specialists who said it has been rather naively suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. Note that I said male criminals decided they are women. I didn't say trans women. Once upon a time I, along with large swathes of the population, were content to use the term trans women, understanding it to mean that it referred to men who wish they were women, who tried to present as women, without actually claiming to be women. Plenty of men who call themselves trans women still fit that profile, but thanks to widespread capture by gender ideology with its oft repeated and totally empty mantra that trans women are women the - purpose of which is to erase adult human females aka women as a sex class with needs that are distinct from those of men - we now have people conflating the two terms trans women and women. Those captured include political leaders and representatives of every part of the establishment. They pretend it's true because they think that is the side on which their bread is buttered. In the scale of things women simply don't matter. Men do. The upshot is that many of us who were once prepared to use the term trans women and walk that extra mile will no longer do so. Many of us who were prepared to be kind and accommodating will no longer be so, and there is no such thing as a trans woman and it's not your so-called gender identity that determines what we are. It's biology. I intend to deal with this in greater depth in a forthcoming video, so I'll confine myself to stating the obvious which is that no man can actually be a woman or vice versa.


Bud_Spencer #pratt #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

RE: Florida Giving CRT the Hard Goodbye

I find this almost manic effort to convince us that Asians aren't kicking everyone's ass in America just so rich. The ne plus ultra of the Equity Brigade is income and wealth: The gap between black and whites is proof-positive of systemic racism that is keeping blacks down. Yet, somehow, the same phenomenon between Asians and whites, we are told, does NOT indicate that there is no systemic racism present....no, it's still there, oppressing Asians.

None of this makes sense unless the objective really isn't the objective.

The article completely DESTROYS Emobo's bullshit narrative

As I showed in a previous link, only four Asian sub-groups fare (slightly) worse then whites in median income, which is the central claim of you equity dopes as to why blacks are oppressed systematically.

I know one thing that keeps blacks from attaing success. White liberals who incessantly tell them their only hope is to rely on the generosity of white liberals, that there is no way they're going to ever succeed on their own.

I very much doubt there are any blacks who would have been more successful if they ignored it.

I'm certain there are thousans if not millions who would b better off ignoring the Left's gospel of despair. In a very real way, the most vicious white supremacists are guys just like you, Pecky.

I'd ask for an example of white liberals telling Blacks anything like what Bud claimed

Is this a joke? It's the entire premise behind the drive for "equity."

White guilt is a form of self-hate, Dud. Do keep up.

You know that white leftists are the only group that exhibits that, right?



RobertTorres #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill to stop Anti-White Racism

then its NOT DOING ANYTHING about the SOURCE of the problem.

If desantis and the GOP take all year to allegedly do a something,
about the jews latest race-baiting crimes, ONE AT A TIME,
the jew just cooked up THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR MORE,
then desantis "fixed".

He's fighting some brave fight 1 year at a time against wearing masks in schools,
while 364 days of flying in airplanes of crime and injecting jewish sludge into children,
and continuing to hold trump supporters in prisons passes through.

And then he wants to ride that one empty gesture as leader of the Republicans.
Just because Republicans are even worse.
He supposed to deserve credit for better then nothing.
Alright you get one blank vote per empty gesture.
One last year and one this year. Two blank votes for desantis.

If ANYBODY DID want to actually do something about the jews race-bait crimes,
without even having to stick the word jew in it.
They would offer legislation for ACCOUNTABILITY IN MEDIA!

That how they jew is getting away with ANYTHING else.
Is through blatant NO-ACCOUNTABILITY for that jew media.

But keep an eye out for one person who possibly ever does.
We'll be looking at something special by then.

Catherine Baldini #pratt #racist amren.com

Discovering That My Father Was White Led Me to Race Realism

My mother’s immoral actions led me to research genetics to learn how some mixed people could look the way I look despite 49 percent European ancestry. I came across websites that anybody in France would call “racist.” It quickly all made sense to me: the intelligence gap between blacks and whites was considerable. The fact that the former invented nothing and are louder, more violent and aggressive, scarier, fatter, and much less attractive (that’s truer of unmixed Africans; even as a child, I noticed it) than whites confirmed my own observation.

You can see it daily: left-leaning blacks tend to hate whites, especially white men, because of the superiority of white achievements in nearly every field. Almost all black-run countries are unpleasant places to live, and the foreign aid sent to them is a total waste of money.

When blacks rioted all over the world after George Floyd’s death, I found the violence disproportionate. Now I find it despicable. He was a violent criminal; yet he was treated like a martyr. Most black westerners are social leeches at best and predatory criminals at worst. If they get themselves killed by the police, they become glorious victims. Even when they succeed in life, they still manage to blame white supremacy, for some reason.

I am a mixed woman who looks black. I don’t plan to marry anytime soon because I feel that I’d be a white man’s burden, and I’m not attracted to black men. The world doesn’t need more mixed people who’ll be confused and resentful towards a part of themselves, so maybe I’ll adopt a white child — cuter, calmer, and smarter than a black child. I’ll teach him about how great his race and civilization are; but for now, I’ll be a pro-white advocate in my own ways. I don’t know what my white father is up to or even if he’s still alive, but I want to preserve his heritage. I don’t want the land he came from to become the land my mother came from.

40 Year Old Boomer #pratt kiwifarms.net

My current gaming group is wonderful. Been playing with them now for close to five years and most of the core used to work at the same shitty job before we all moved on to superior employment. Age range of group has most in their late 20's/early 30's with me at the upper end and another guy in his early 20's at the lower. Every now then someone would bring in a random retard from work that just ended up filtering themselves.

Example One: This girl was a walking red flag complete with danger hair, problem glasses, questionable hygiene, and wouldn't stop talking about how her mom molested her (in detail). We were in the midst of an evil campaign and she made a drow. After fighting a beholder in a dungeon, we were ambushed by orcs while recovering and it was a pretty rough fight. Eventually out of the 15 or so that attacked, 5 were left and opted to surrender. When I stated my intent to execute them (playing a hobgoblin fighter) she started spazzing out and crying (I mean literal tears flowing) about how that was wrong. Laughed her out of the group.

Example 2: Black weeb chick from work gets invited. Actually seemed pretty cool at first, she was just chilling in the living room with everyone else while I was cooking burgers for everyone and then I heard a door slam just as I was finishing up. Went out to the living room and asked where she went. Turns out another new player (6'8" flaming gay mexican that I called Sassquatch because of how quippy he was) said nigga and she had a melt down and left. I gave him her burger and we all had a laugh again.

Flexo #dunning-kruger #pratt kiwifarms.net

It's because the system always needs new victims to feed the activist machine. Jews, Blacks, Gays, and Women are all accepted by society now. They're fast-tracking the trans freaks to get them "normalized" so it's time to see who's next after that. It's about down to furries, beastiality and pedophilia so they're going with the most palatable one.

David Guyll #pratt #dunning-kruger daegames.blogspot.com

I wrote this article to highlight and mock social justice "warriors" (which isn't the first time). If you don't know what a social justice warrior--also known as a social justice weasel or whiner, armchair activist or slacktavist, professional victim, manufactured outrage brigadier, con artist, etc--is, whether you've never heard of it before, heard it only in passing, or are someone who mistakenly thinks that it's a good thing, this article does an excellent job of summing up what they are (and are not) about.

Unfortunately you can't reason with them: they delete your comments, block you, or have a bunch of other equally pathetic, miserable wretches try and shout you down with hypocritical nonsense. Fortunately aside from cowering in their echo-chambers and hugboxes, safe from criticism, there are numerous people that do an excellent job of pointing out the bullshit that to them qualifies as logic

If I had to thank SJWs for anything (thankfully I don't), it would be that this rise of lazy, unimaginative, unskilled, untalented, sycophantic hacks has introduced me to plenty of the opposite, which yes, includes even women and minorities.

The problem is you aren't going to find them on sites and twitter feeds dedicated to/written by third-wave feminists, professional victims, and/or self-hating white knights, where lazy, the talentless men and women without drive or purpose whine and misrepresent non-issues that basically translate as them not being given unfair treatment, and/or having to overcome alleged "barriers" that equally affect men.

woodsglobal #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #pratt reddit.com

I’m impressed Louis XIV even lived that long in the 18th century

You would be surprised people could live to +200 years 20.000 thousand years ago, water was untouched, not one gram of pollution, all vegetables and fruits no GMO , just imagine drinking water from that time would heal your whole body now a days

If you don't consider infant mortality its was probably close to the nowadays global life expectancy which is in the 70s.

The maximum age for people is close to the 120s based on calculations of chromossomes telomerers.

There's simple a max amount of times a cell can divide due to how DNA replication works and it is also influenced by our size and metabolism rhythm.

Man are living to 70-80 natural, eating fast food , lots of sugar, doing drugs , polluted air, not doing any exercise,and a whole big list that I’m not going to name , now imagine how 70-80 year olds were physically back then … I still believe in my theory, if there was a advanced civilization, they would last more than 200 as humans as everything on nature was virgin , everything!

Daegames #pratt daegames.blogspot.com

Unlike this asinine agglomerate of bland, uninspired trash churned out by lazy amateurs, solely hired because they're cheap and/or WokeC could use their various identities, invented and otherwise, as a shield from criticism. Or even as a marketing gimmick, convincing self-hating, mentally ill weirdos into buying their crap under the pretense that in doing so they'll somehow end racism, sexism, and all the other watered-down buzzwords, without having to get off their asses and do anything.

Even though they're the racists, sexists, and everything else they pretend to hate.

But what did you expect from WokeC? They don't give a fuck. They know their core audience will buy anything, everything with the D&D logo on it, whether or not they'll use it, or even play the game as opposed to talking about their insipid character cliches on social media, posting their own trash art, and/or merely watching narcissistic grifters pretend to play. Anything, just to delude themselves into thinking they are part of something.

It seems like every week there's yet another reason to be glad that I stopped giving WokeC a dime nearly a decade ago, walked away from "modernized" D&D, and just did my own thing. Which, as I like to point out, has attractive women in the art


Unknown 4channer #fundie #pratt #senpai_noticed_us knowyourmeme.com


spoiler(On April 7th, 2021, this was posted on /his/, the "History & Humanities" board of 4chan, by an unknown user. It is a Tiktaalik variant of the they will assimilate you meme, going as follows.)

First panel: "Taalik, I must ascend from the waters," the first tiktaalik says.

Second panel: "You'll regret this, evolution will assimilate u," the second tiktaalik replies.

"Relax, I'll be fine," the first one insists.

Third & Fourth panel: "EYYYYY I'M BACK," a bespectacled, long-nosed neckbeard with a missing tooth exclaims, 375 million years later.

Fifth panel: "If God real, why bad thing happen. Stupid sexist fairytales lol. We wuz amoebas," the man says, now with his entire body shown, and we can see that he is very heavily built/muscular (the character was probably meant to be morbidly obese), and has "FSTDT" written across his abdomen.

"Dios mio," the second, and now only, ancient fish exclaims at the sight.

Fish Fudge #pratt kiwifarms.net

Neil Gaiman is, and always has been, a spineless simp. He's written a handful of decent books, but as soon as you start reading about his relationship with Amanda Palmer it's impossible to have any respect for him.

Hell, he never proposed to Amanda Palmer - she just showed up one day and sprung a "surprise-marriage" on him, which he just went along with because I guess women intimidate him or something.

actualdyke , hmimperialtortie & nopenottoday #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

"No cis man would ever transition for nefarious reasons!!"

I've heard this argument countless times and it always makes me want to tear my hair out. Firstly, they don't even have to transition anymore - self-ID makes it so that all they have to do is say they are a woman and they can get into any intimate female space they want. But even if that weren't the case - do you really believe that a man wouldnt undergo transition just to have access to vulnerable women? Men go through years of med school to become gynecologists/doctors and abuse women. Men go through the entire process of becoming teachers and professors to be in positions of power over women and girls. They become fucking PRIESTS just to abuse children for christ's sakes. If a man wants to abuse women and girls, there is pretty much no means he will not go to in order to justify that end, certainly not a couple E shots and a wig and name change.

TL;DR libfems need to stop being wilfully ignorant and pretending that there is ANYTHING that men would not do in order to pursue their nefarious motives.

(hmimperialtortie )
There are no not-nefarious reasons for men to “transition”. They may claim to be poor sad HSTS on occasion but the whole concept of a man being able to become a woman - or even worse, “was always a woman” - is nefarious.

(nopenottoday )
They all know this argument is just a deflection from the real concern and it's that there's no difference between a guy pretending to be a woman and... a guy pretending to be a woman. They are ALL pretending to be women to access women's spaces. Second most important point, none of this is our fucking problem and we don't have to sit around and suffer assaults and boundary violations while we figure out which ones are "true trans." They are ALL sexual predators because they are men trying to force themselves in women's spaces. That's the uncomfortable truth.

Bonchie #pratt #dunning-kruger #racist redstate.com

Leftist Narratives Crumble After Union Station Swastika Culprit Is Identified

You’ll probably notice the dates on those tweets are from last Friday, but there has actually been an update to this story. In fact, according to the Washington Examiner, a person has been arrested and identified for perpetrating the act.

Have you seen that reported by any mainstream news outlet? I bet you haven’t, and there’s a very specific reason for that: This crime doesn’t fit the preferred narrative.

Larry Elder quoting Zac Kriegman #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

I have frequently said that Black Lives Matter has done a great deal of damage to the very black lives they claim to matter. This is a prime example. A data scientist has posted a long critique of Black Lives Matter, where he documented how many people are dead as a result of the Ferguson effect, or more recently the George Floyd effect.

In 2014, after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson the BLM movement's anti-police rhetoric and propaganda found a receptive audience. The police were demonized, their morale and willingness to engage in proactive policing plummeted and murder rates, especially murder rates in
low-income black neighborhoods, spiked.

In just the five cities this data scientist examined, five cities, it caused a staggering 900 excess murders and 34 000 excess felonies that would not have otherwise occurred. The growing consensus that decline in proactive policing is resulting in drastic increase in murders is so substantial that even left-wing outlets like CNN are beginning to recognize it.

Over the last five years there have been typically between 30 to 100% more unarmed whites killed by police than unarmed blacks. Blacks make up 53% of known homicide offenders and commit about 60% of the robberies. Whites commit about 48% of the non-fatal violent crimes and blacks about 35%, but you look at just serious non-fatal ones, whites commit about 41% and blacks 43%, but as mentioned, over the past five years police have killed 39% more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks even though whites account for a similar absolute number of violent offenders, therefore the raw data suggests there is a slight anti-white bias in police applications of lethal force.

The claim at the heart of the movement, that the police more readily shoot black people, is false, and likely responsible for thousands of black people being murdered in the most disadvantaged communities of the country.

Various commenters on religion and atheism #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #wingnut #pratt dailywire.com

The religious recognize that 1) evil is real, 2) it doesn't sleep, 3) it hates humanity and wants humanity degraded, controlled and dead.

One thing is certain one day everyone is going to learn that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. No escape from that eventual reality.

In this life for a Christian it’s the worst it’ll ever be, for the non Christian it’s the best it’ll ever be. Let that sink in.

the atheists worship their intellect. watch how angry they get when their intellect gets belittled. like how they went bonkers when Trump got elected. it's personal

Believing there is no God requires more faith than believing there is.

There is no such thing as an "absence of belief" because without belief in "something else," as you put it, you would simply cease to exist. Humans are by dint of what we might call sentience (an awareness of our own existence and the interactions that we, as individuals, have with the outer world, by whatever physical or metaphysical definitions you "believe" in) creatures that depend on belief.

You might not believe in things that you cannot rationalize, observe, or measure, preferring to reject religious approaches to understanding things that science does not currently or cannot explain, but to rely purely upon the rational, observable, and measurable is no less a belief in something than a religious person believes in a spiritual component to existence.

Too many atheists take the simplistic inference that a rejection of the supernatural, divine, or religion absolves them of notions such as belief or faith, but the human experience is dependent upon both belief and faith, as without them we cannot have any meaningful interactions with the outside world or relationships with other beings within that world.

Ann Coulter #transphobia #homophobia #pratt vdare.com

As I was taking pictures with the Proud Boys at the restaurant, a freakish transgender in combat boots, fishnet stockings and a man-bun snuck into our private room via a back staircase. It seems that a rainbow-haired waitress had spotted me during the 30 seconds I was passing through the public part of the restaurant, and had called in my location to her antifa pals.

Poor Fishnet Boy surely had expected to burst in on 99-pound me having a nice dinner with a group of sweet College Republicans. Instead, he (she?) walked into what must have looked like a Hell’s Angels convention.

Not so brave, now, eh, Fishnet Boy? He/She bowed his head, pretended to use the cash register, and quickly made his exit.

US Anon #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


"This ends now"

I don't live there but I know enough of how Canada is not going to get out of this fine... I mean maybe relatively better than America but you're all heading to absolute fucking disastee over the next 10 years like you can't imagine and that's even without getting glassed. You Anglos fucked with the wrong Gypsy Jew.

You keep acting like we haven't all relegated our futures to rivers of blood, and a war that will rage on long after we're gone, nigger.

I don't think you fucking commie shit heads have thought this shit through.
You have most definitely underestimated, and discounted everything about your enemy.
Never put your opposition on Death Ground without an egress, lest they fight with a fury of Men facing certain death anyway.
You fucked up, and I think you're beginning to realize this.

Stay deep in your bubble of censorship sucking your own farts, and flinging out all of these limp wristed warnings and "threats".
They mean nothing.
All I hear is frightened static.

Shut the fuck up, and come get some already, you spineless fucking cowards.
You won't do shit.

You're going to burn.

Transcended Trucel #pratt #racist incels.is

Curries are a slave race

Us curries are slaves for Jewish tech Giants(Google, Microsoft, Pepsi,IBM etc.). Curries are top tier slaves and servants for Jews, whites and gulf arabs. Us curries have always been slaves to foreigners, all the way from the time of Alexander the great, curries were slaves to the white man. During Mughal empire and the sultanates before then, curries were slaves to Arabs and ofc during the colonial era slaves to Anglos/Portugal/France etc.

To this day millions of curries follow an Arab supremacist religion and abandoned their own cultural heritage and ancestry. Millions of them cope thinking they are Afghani/Iranian/Aryan whatever rather than accept their curry ancestors. They simp for rich gulf Arabs and work in horrible conditions as borderline slave labor.

The gulf Arabs, Jews and whites view curries as useful tools and slaves. Curries are often not even viewed as human as the picture above shows. This curry knows his race is a pathetic slave race, purely made to suffer and serve others. Indian history is filled with stories of foreigners raping,pillaging and forcefully converting the locals. Not once did curries invade others, they have always been on the defensive end. Pathetic race of Subhuman slaves.

@wereqryan it is so over for us. why did we have to be born into this pathetic slave race?


cope curries will always be slaves. it's over my race. I have seen it first hand. Nothing can save them.

slavs are slave race, since slave comes for slav

Slavs did get pushed around by foreign powers but never to the degree of curries. Curries are a slave race to this day while Slavs are not

DAEGames #pratt daegames.blogspot.com

Oh, wow, you also describe her as edgy. I shouldn't be surprised. Just figured, hey, NPC's gotta NPC. It got your narcissistic knickers in a twist? Oh boo-hoo, you went on the internet to talk about your stupid elf-game cliche, and everyone didn't blindly, profusely praise your pretentious proclamations.

Again, I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume they just wanted to know why not, and you overreacted like all NPCs do when confronted with even minor disagreement. The only question here is whether you did it on purpose to drum up fake drama to exploit. I've seen your type beg for money all the time, so maybe it was a bad month for you, and you needed something to get your soy-swilling simps to pony up some extra cash to make ends meet.

No one is “concerned” about your stupid elf-game character that you intentionally made worse because you lack talent and personality. I also don't believe that anyone was ever furious with you over not choosing eldritch blast. I think you are lying, so the simps would ask if you were okay, emotionally validate you, and throw more money at you.

No, you don't. You people, your type. SJWs. NPCs. Millennials. Woke-folk. You are all such dishonest hypocrites. You always parrot these empty platitudes, but it's a lie. But then SJWs always lie. Not only do you think there are wrong ways to play, you think there are very, very specific things you must do, and if you don't? Well, you must hate your players. You're a terrible person, a racist, fascist, whatever.

You're incapable of thinking for yourself, so must strictly adhere to approved thoughts, statements, and other behaviors. Or at least purport to do so in public, whilst compelling others to do so constantly. But what else would you expect from an NPC, consistency? Fairness?

Ted Gazynski & Bixnood #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Ted Gazynski)
I don’t think this is true. I think tranny rights is being promoted in much the same way “girl power” used to be: a corporate, media friendly cultural movement that appeals to mainstream liberal sensibilities about individual freedom.

Any genuinely radical feminist perspective would reject it on various grounds. Gender constructivism reasonably asserts that gender is externally imposed based on biological categorization and therefore isn’t some sort of innate identity and cannot be claimed by a male socialized as a man. Furthermore, trans identity generally manifests as a grotesque and misogynistic performance of womanhood driven by deviant male sexual tastes. There’s no reason a consistent radical feminist WOULD support troonery, it’s counterproductive to their goals in a lot of ways(making it valorous for men to occupy spaces women have carved out for themselves is a good example).

I’m not a radfem or a leftist, but accusing them of creating trannies is stupid as fuck.

alot of you are writing with the benefit of hindsight, radical feminists have always wanted to drastically shift the status quo.
for many trans and homosexual rights were part of the progressive agenda which went hand in hand with women's liberation.
many feminists also argued that the main difference in the treatment of men and women was childhood socialisation something which is now a big part of the tranny zeitgeist.
I understand now why feminist would want to distance them selves from the trans movement now that it has had negative effects on women. but I don't see why it's so hard to just admit the part they played in it.

Sozo Church Of God #fundie #pratt facebook.com

If Atheists truly believe there is no God why do they spend so much time trying to convince others. One time I asked an atheist to sit on his bed and say “If you are real God show me”. Imagine he couldn’t! I asked him why. He said “What if I find out after all this time that there is a God?”. That confirmed to me, there is no such thing as an atheist. Just an angry or bitter human being who finds it more comforting to make themselves believe there is no God. Because God forbid if there is a God, then I have to deal with He doesn’t love me, He doesn’t accept me, He allowed this horrible thing to happen, or I have to repent of my sin otherwise I’ll go to hell.

Bloom010 #moonbat #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men's True Nature

I feel during this time I realized men in general are depraved and just horrible on their own. I feel even with being raised that way they just are the way they are. I just feel so spit before and even now I thought a I would want to get into a relationship and get married and being so lonely and just wanting a companion. But I just feel I have a hatred for men as a whole now and it grows everyday. I am aware my experience with men are not one of the worse. But to be used and taken advantage of for years especially online I think impacted mentally. Now it would not make sense to get into a relationship because no matter who I am with I expect that they will mess up one way or another. I try to tell myself that the happiness of couples can be an illusion especially since its valentines day soon. But really my mind is still so spilt I feel I still crave for a relationship but I can't not be angry of how I've been treated and shown my whole time trying to talk to men that I am only worth it in the moment if I showed my body. I feel I will forever be bitter and die angry and alone. I have heard women say that they are happy when they stopped trying to date men and just went single. I want to be like that so bad but I feel I can never be that for I feel my own sexuality makes me feel miserable that I am attracted to the very gender that is the oppressor of women as a whole.

Various editors #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #pratt conservapedia.com

There is a theory in popular culture that Michelle Obama is a transgender man named Michael Obama.[9][10][11][12] There is fairly substantial evidence for this. Some photos of Michelle Obama show her with muscular arms, an Adam's apple and a bulge around her groin.[13][14] Her children were also conceived by IVF, and there are no photos that seem to show Michelle pregnant.[15] Barack Obama has frequently referred to his wife as "Michael" in the past.[16] His brother, and even Michelle herself, have claimed that she is male.[17][18] Barack also used to have a transgender nanny, who he is believed to have developed an attraction towards, and he once considered pursuing a homosexual relationship in college.[19][20] Many celebrities, including Joan Rivers and Alex Jones, have claimed to believe this theory, and Jones shared his own evidence.[21][22] #BigMike once even trended on Twitter, before it was censored by the liberal administrators.[23] This theory has been strongly criticised by the liberal mainstream media, and ignored by Wikipedia, which could mean that liberals are trying to cover it up.

According to PBS Frontline, facial recognition identifies Michelle Obama as a man.[24]

The Obamas.[7] The photograph, which many alleged fact checkers and Obama apologists claimed was a fake, was used by ABC News to sell the Obama's as a heterosexual couple.[8]

Scolopendra Dramatica #pratt kiwifarms.net

Get ready for some serious power levelling here; I was friends with a kid whose dad knew Terry Pratchett and, having loved his books, I used to ask for stories on him.

From what I've heard Terry would not have gone woke; the man had a very real world understanding of differences between men and women. Fuck it, you can see it in his work, there aren't many male writers that can flesh out a believable female character, but this one bloody well could.

Fucking wokies don't know shit. And Neil is just hanging on to any thread of relevance he can, pathetic old crow. Thank god the poor man died and missed this peak clownery.

Paul Kersey #pratt vdare.com

The movie is not even close to being in the same conversation in terms of a box office sensation as "A:IW" and "Black Panther," yet Feige has decided the post-white male world of the MCU (spoiler alert: Captain America and Iron Man are anticipated to be killed off in the upcoming "Avengers: Endgame") must based around Captain Marvel.

The MCU is going the same SJW/woke way as the Star Wars franchise, and, judging by how "Captain Marvel" did over its second weekend at the box office, the American public isn't too keen on seeing the franchise rest on her shoulders.

J973 #sexist #pratt reddit.com

If they agreed to be fucking a guy and then only say stop because they have climaxed..... they aren't being raped, they are being a cunt that NEEDS TO BE RAPED.

I always wish that girls that cry rape over situations that they agreed to-- should be anally gang raped by strangers in an alley, so that they learn what rape really is.

And for the record.... didn't the girl just want him to hurry up and finish? That's not telling him to stop.

.You are a terrible, terrible person

Nope. I just think that women who are in bed with a guy, doing it... change their mind and cry rape really aren't being raped. It is a scary world for men out there when women are allowed to call a change of heart, guilt, or remorse, RAPE. I think it devalues the meaning of the word for women who are truly forcibly raped. I can't help it what hivemind thinks.... hivemind isn't always right about a lot of things.

Candace Owens #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut aceshowbiz.com

AceShowbiz - Candace Owens used Bob Saget's death to push her anti-vaccination stance. The political commentator has suggested that the comedian passed away because he received COVID-19 vaccine. While the official cause of death has not been revealed yet, she believes that the "Full House" star's passing might be linked to the jab. During the Tuesday night, January 11 episode of her self-titled online talk show, Candace rhetorically asked whether she was a "conspiracy theorist" or "Nostradamus" when it came to denouncing vaccines as dangerous and ineffective. "The answer is neither," she declared. "I'm just not on Big Pharma's payroll and I refuse to peddle in their lies. And so to that end, today, I'm going to point out another truth and it will likely be deemed a conspiracy theory until it's not," she explained. "There are too many healthy individuals, like Bob Saget, who we know have received their vaccinations, who are dropping dead, suddenly and unexpectedly with no further explanation."

Winter Rose, Reverend Coffin's Other son & sdsmt1169 #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

( Winter Rose )
My personal take on it is that "cis" is religious language for the faithful of the Woke church. Rather like a Christians referring to people as "sinners." (I don't mean the words themselves have anything in common, just that they mean something to religious people and mean nothing to those who are not believers. If you are not Christian, "sin" is meaningless.) It's a descriptor that only works if you believe the theology. If you don't believe the theology, the word means nothing to you.

Since I don't subcribe to the religion that says gender and sex are unrelated and what you feel inside is who you really are, "cis" is just three letters. The problems arise when this new "church" and state don't stay seperate because, as with any truly zealous believers, they are convinced beyond reason that this religion is the "truth" and therefore the faithful must convert the unenlightened because then we would have our utopia. Fortunately, Christians worked out a few centuries ago it doesn't work that way. Hopefully, this new faith will realise that's all it is. It's not science. It's not truth. It's faith. Believe it if you wish, but do not expect others to participate in your rites and rituals and terminology.

I will not, therefore, use the word "cis" any more than I would expect an atheist to speak of himself as a "sinner."

(Reverend Coffin's Other son)
I like to call them the Church of Genderology and the famous TRAs are their high priests.

I used the same analogy to a friend asking me about the meaning of cis. I said it’s like infidel, or kafir. Not of the faith. I don’t believe in the faith so I don’t accept that label for myself. I am not an infidel, nor am I cis.

Hugo Brand #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

This is on par with "religious people don't choose to be religious". I'd actually agree, to an extent--once you're indoctrinated into a belief system it's awfully hard to break out of it, let alone feel as though you ever had any choice or say in the matter. Kids grow up believing in the same religions as their parents and generally the same as the culture and society they grow up in. Indoctrination is often incredibly insidious and happens long before anyone really makes an 'active' choice in the matter.


T-genderism is just another religion many vulnerable people have been groomed into. I would certainly argue that their susceptibility to those beliefs likely was never a choice, but a lack of critical thinking certainly enabled a continued descent into those beliefs. At which point is the individual at fault for not snapping out of it or for not developing critical thinking skills?

Also, much like you often see religious people probing and asking questions and trying to find a way out on their own terms, you see much the same in the T-gender demographic. Some find a way out, some never do, and for some the 'benefits' of adherence (affirmation, feeling 'special', having a sense of 'community', access to off-limits spaces, sexual gratification, etc.) outweigh any desire to break free.

It's what happens when people never learn to develop coping strategies in real life for real life and instead see a warped version of real life through a dogmatic lens.

Either way, it's not a natural, harmless, benign, or healthy state of being--it's an ideology that is fundamentally destructive of the self and toxic to others, and for those who truly want it there is a way out--thus it is a choice in so far as it is something that has been foisted onto them that they have been groomed into believing. Thus, it deserves no more respect than any other religion, and I will never participate in it.

IrishTheFrenchie #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia ovarit.com

I don't trust anything about reality TV.

I'm actually in a very, very tiny minority. Part of me believes "Jazz" is and always has been a FEMALE, and that the whole "trans" thing was devised in conjunction with Big Pharma/AGP billionaires to push the "Kids are trans too" and "We're born this way" narrative.

We literally have no proof, and never will, that Jazz was ever a male.

Anonymous Cowards #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt godlikeproductions.com

(Anonymous Coward #81793671)
How is Forcing Employees to Get Vaxxed Any Different Than Forcing Them to Get Raped By the Boss??

Forced penetration or lose your job.

Seems pretty simple.

(Anonymous Coward #81785226)
You will survive rape, the other not so much.

(Anonymous Coward #78475270)
It's not any different, that's the point.

When you set the precedent of the removal of body sovereignty for "The Greater good" you can formulate all your arguments based on "The Greater Good" permitting the ultimate violation against a human being.

It opens the pandora's box of what happens when your body no longer belongs to you and it subject to the will of the State.

It's how "The Handmaid's Tale" can happen.

AcidKritana #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

In other words, should we even care that fewer men than women attend college?

Um, yes?

Problem is, now that I identify as male, suddenly I don't have as much opportunity to get INTO college in the first place. Either I would have to identify as female (faking it, of course) or try to get something like the Secular Student Alliance scholarships. I guess there's also ones for race, I'm biracial. but maybe because I'm less than but almost half white they would discount me? I dunno. Either way, I now have a harder time getting into college in the first place.

Jon Birger clearly doesn't know how logic works. You know, that discrimination is DENYING SOMEONE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BASED ON A CHARACTERISTIC OF THEIR BEING, SUCH AS GENDER.

“Students don’t notice the difference,” Sandler said. “In a large college, you’re never going to know [that there are more women than men].”

Um, I would.

Another dating-market quirk that confused me even more than the general oversupply of 30-something and 40-something women is who these women tend to be. In my experience, a disproportionate number of the women who claim to have the most difficulty dating after 30 are those who have the most going for them. They are smart, fun, kind, and attractive. A lot of them are probably more physically fit at 40 than they were at 24.

Oh of the perks of being gay - you don't have to deal with BS like this. I wish this was extended to straight men. Honestly, it's really tiring to see people whining that those "poor" women have to date down, because they made a personal choice to put themselves further in life...

I swear, these people have to reach so far to even get these things anymore.

GalvaEmperor #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

This kill switch "law" needs to be repealed, hackers can KILL people with these and that's not going into the privacy violations with this. This is insane, it's like they want to pass a CASE act for cars. America was founded on independence, but good luck getting the people in charge to see that. Fight to stop this law before lives are taken

Sjw-Resistance #pratt deviantart.com

You can tell that those journalists in the LA Times haven't been made aware (or more likely be intentionally ignorant of) that the patients filling up hospitals right now were all vaccinated. I mean we have heard about how hospitals have refused to allow nonvaccinated people into them and yet those same hospitals have said that they filled with people that are sick with covid.

Kinda get's the old noggin' joggin' doesn't it.

Rep. Jim Banks #pratt #wingnut trendsmap.com

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people aged 18-64

Rep. Jim Banks: This is a catastrophe and we need to figure out why it’s happening.

(Later, after people pointed out that source he linked to says the deaths are because of COVID)

Lazy left wing trolls will read headline & ignore the story which says most of these deaths aren’t classified as COVID. Fentanyl, suicide, homicides rates all up substantially. This is a wake up call & leaders need to figure it out. Decline of life spans is decline of America.

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