Energy Enhancement Director SATCHIDANAND #crackpot #fundie #magick #quack




Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem and the Earth Connection



Originally this Myth came from Ancient Chinese Five Elemental Circulations of the Qi, the Kundalini Kriyas and then from Ancient Rome, Alchemical VITRIOL.

An Ancient Meditation designed to remove Trauma from Memories!!

Visita Interiore Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultem Lapidem










Tommy Truthful TV #crackpot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #fundie #magick

Project Blue Beam – The Government DARPA is creating a FAKE Heaven above us, a firmament of “holography” for the FAKE signs and wonders the Antichrist will perform during the Tribulation. Pharmakeia= Drugs= Witchcraft= Eternal Damnation. is destroying man's red blood cells and making a delivery system for psychedelic drugs and frequency control from a 5G/6G wireless network! It is also about creating a One World Religion of the Antichrist Kingdom
Satan is losing the battle in the flood of lies from the WEF, the SCAM-DEMIC, the JAB-o-CIDE agenda, and the CBDC … These things are being revealed as NWO Tyranny and people are starting to REJECT these LIES … Therefore, Satan has to now make physical war with the people … and CONTROL the people.
This is the Antichrist system. It is an Internet of Things and the Things serve the Beast system and their AI master.

The Government is trying to convince us we were planted here by aliens or evolved from goo to you by way of the zoo! God created man and the aliens are really Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and DEMONS who HATE humanity. The UFO creatures are not aliens from another planet but DEMONS who appear as Greys, the Nordics, and the Reptilians. We are programmed with a LIE by movies and Science Fiction, to DECEIVE the world for End Times to receive these DEMONS and the Antichrist leader. It's a NON-Human agenda to DESTROY humanity that worships and can be redeemed from SIN by God and make them mindless TRANS-Humans that will receive the Mark of the Beast and be unable to be saved.
Expect a Nuclear EVENT of TERROR in Ukraine to create FEAR so people will accept the WEF Globalist agenda.

The JAB puts Graphene Oxide that self-assembles and changes you into a hybrid and synthetic being that reacts to Frequency! Jesus didn't come to save hybrids or synthetic beings but to HUMANS!

TenGazillionIQ, replying to BehdinEran #elitist #fundie #wingnut

Is having porn st*rs saved on your phone the 6th pillar of Islam?

Reza Ebrahimi, explains how Persian nationalism is just seething over the fact that they were conquered by Arabs

Many Persian nationalists believe they had spaceships before the Arabs conquered them


No one cares about the Arab conquests at all.

You see a Persian by the name of Abu Tahir Jannabi invaded Mecca, taunted Allah in his holy land, beat pilgrims and taunted them with Quran verses, dumped their bodies in the Zam Zam well, then stole the Kaba and used it as a 🚽.

That's all they care about

You have these power fantasies about how you're gonna "get back" at the Muslims

But Islam has won, cause Muslims have higher birth rates & atheism does not. Look at Turkey, in 100 years kemalism has been undone, same for Iran

It gets even better not only did Abu Tahir completely humiliate Muslim pilgrims. He even found a “Mahdi” in Iran called Al-Esfahani. Turns out he was a Zoroastrian nationalist that burnt Qurans and revitalized praying by holy fires.

Where is Zoroastrianism now? I mean he revitalized it right?

This is the coping and seething that Reza Zia-Ebrahimi talks about, it's a form of escapism

The simple fact is that Islam is evolutionarily the best at surviving, Eric Kaufmann explains here:


This tweet is unavailable

>coping this hard

You have these internet power fantasies, yet where is the evidence of that happening in the real world?

I can say Islam will be one of the most dominant forces in the future, and cite evidence for the world moving in that direction




Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: Vitriol Over Queen Elizabeth II Shows Many Left-Wingers Just Hate White People

(Mike Lanham)

Conservatives arrive at the obvious.

Growing up, I quickly learned that almost all blacks despise whites. The white Left became openly anti-white about twenty years ago. Self-hatred. The blacks hate whites due to envy. The whites who hate themselves can get away with hating themselves due to affluence. It doesn’t cost them anything.

It's not enough that they can live decently in our lands we built, because clearly they don't intend to go back to their own.
Imagine an unwanted stranger moves into your house, then somewhere down the line the stranger wants to take down your family photos in your house because it doesn't suit their personal desires and needs.
Honestly, when is enough enough?

It's more than just "intellectual" hate of Whites. They want to exterminate all Whites and all vestiges of Whiteness. One of their methods is to convince Whites to marry non-Whites and produce non-White children. This destroys White family lines. Pollutes the White gene pool. Lessens the number of White births.

I've noticed that a lot more normie conservative media outlets are coming to this conclusion OPENLY. If you read websites like Breitbart, Daily Caller, etc... you'll notice that there's a complete disconnect between the writers and the comments section. The latter completely gets what's going on where the former tap dances around the issue or spouts some DR3 nonsense. It only makes these sites look more and more foolish by not acknowledging the truth while insulting the intelligence of their audience.

With the exception of a few East Asian countries, I can’t think of a minority White country that is anywhere near high functioning. They are riddled with crime and poverty. We see clearly what they have done to the United States. The hate, from envy, will only get worse.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

The heat and fervor of spiritual battle continued throughout the mid-August magnetic peak cycle and was carried into the 9-11 Armageddon timeline date stamp without pause. This generated some of the most intense interdimensional confrontations in the grid timeline wars ever witnessed, as the anti-human NAA invaders continue on in their electromagnetic battle to the death for maintaining their control over the Earth.

As the Cosmic Elohei parents further descend into the planetary grid network through the Albion lightbody control center located in the United Kingdom, the major spiritual battle for controlling this specific 11D network through the extraction and eviction of assorted black hole generated AI hybrid chimeric creatures is currently underway. Extensive Pindarian anti-Christ architecture embedded in many of the geomantic features of the Albion architecture and programmed with the most aggressive AI silent sound weaponry for black magic sorcery is being witnessed and extracted by Guardians. Shadow creatures hidden in the black shrouds and clouded puffs of collective consciousness miasma for the purpose of enforcing the global mind control transmissions droning on to obey and serve the lunar consciousness of the Black Queen, are dissolving like dark rainclouds being chased away by the brightest rays of sunlight. This particular mind control weapon was designed as dark cloaking protection for the anti-Christ hierarchies carrying out satanic rituals in the Cathedral grid network in the United Kingdom, for running the massive sprawling global empire of the galactic human trafficking networks that were hidden in the folds of the flowing royal robes of the Black Dragon Queen monarchy.

Shannon Boschy and Chanel Pfahl #transphobia #wingnut

With 41 candidates listed as running across 12 wards, the passing of the August 19 registration deadline has locked in the candidate list for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Among them are two candidates making their opposition to “gender ideology” not just the keystone of their campaign, but the entire arch

Shannon Boschy and Chanel Pfahl have entered their names for Ottawa’s Zone 6 and Zone 8 respectively. Both have a history of anti-transgender activism that long predates the recent attempts to secure a position with the OCDSB

Boschy is a financial planner and partner at the Ottawa-area firm where he works. Sometimes shooting videos from the office, he has penned multiple blog posts complete with accompanying videos since at least December of 2020, focusing primarily on the “dangerous social contagion”[…]he has identified as the “gender ideology”

Under the name Shannon B Douglas, he has penned multiple articles attempting to separate trans people from the larger 2SLGBTQ+ community[…]
“I’m a candidate for school board trustee - running against Canada’s only trans-identified school trustee Lyra Evans,” Boschy wrote in July on Twitter. “After 20 years of declining results in education in Ontario, it’s time to stir the pot”[…]
Twitch streamer and trans woman Clara Sorrenti was doxed and swatted at her London, Ontario home[…]
Boschy’s response to the news was to post publicly “so sad you're reaping what you've sewn and crying victim, boo-hoo”[…]
Pfahl refers to herself as a “real LGBT advocate”[…]posted that school-sponsored participation during the capital city’s pride parade was really about “tearing down the fabric of society for an imagined utopia where all groups have equal outcomes (communism rebranded)”

The former science teacher repeatedly posts and retweets anti-trans statements, fear-mongering about “Critical Race Theory,” and far-right media figures on her Twitter account

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America

(Mike Lanham)

In a 2021 lecture at Yale University titled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind,” psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani described her “fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a favor.”

This is a sampling of the new racism that is gaining purchase in American society even as its advocates relentlessly punish speech they deem harmful and threatening to people of color.

Deep down, they know they are inferior. Deep down, they know that white men are superior. Almost every invention used by the people of the world of all races, ethnicities and religions were created by white men. And the weak people of the world resent that.

They (Non-White) do see White people as superior, which is why they exclusively steal and bastardize European tales, cultures and history. They hate what they can't be and create. Anti-White non-Whites wish they were in European tales. This is also why Black/Brown men are obsessed with White women, particularly red heads and blondes.

'White Liberals, in their hunger for humiliation, will take as revealed truth anything an angry black man says.'

-S.I. Hayakawa

It is worth noting that prejudice against certain whites in America has been mainstream before. In an 1881 letter to a friend describing America, the English historian and politician Edward Augustus Freeman wrote, "This would be a grand land if only every Irishman would kill a [black], and be hanged for it."

I heard some people say that the anti-White rhetoric used in the USA today is comparable to the anti-Jewish rhetoric being used in Germany before WWII. The left hasn't quite reached the point of rounding up White people and murdering them, but it does make you wonder.

(Francis Galton)
The increase in antiwhitism and the proliferation of unrestrained antiwhite rhetoric is a good thing, because it drives more normies into our camp and hollows out the center.

UK Anon #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

The Psychology of the White Leftist

What goes on inside their minds? It's actually creepy, they're a biological anomaly who throws their own group under the bus.
White guilt is so pervasive that even here in the Balkans I've met people who think we should feel guilty for colonialism and slavery and invite the entire Third World here. Just why?

It's not really an anomaly, it's just a socially-directed form of handicap signalling. When sexual selection becomes more relevant than selection due to external pressures, many species evolve towards deliberately self-sabotaging behaviours in order to signal sexual fitness. For example male camels will deliberately waste water in the presence of females, even though water is scarce in their environment and most of their other adaptations are centred around conserving it. It's similar to how spoiled rich kids will burn money in order to signal their status. Only a high quality specimen could afford to make such wasteful displays, so they do it to mog other males in sexual competition. The lower quality males can try to fake-it-till-they-make-it, but because they are lower quality they are putting themselves at a greater risk by doing so, and this makes them more likely to darwin themselves. Some people suspect peacock tails etc and similarly impractical but flashy male bits are also an example of this.

In the case of the white leftist, sabotaging their own society is just a form of conspicuous consumption, it's a way of saying
>I'm so confident in my fitness that I'm not afraid to sabotage my own society
>Those other men who want to keep society functional only want this because they ***need*** society to compensate for their lack of fitness

You can even see this mentality being expressed by leftists explicitly, for example the

>Real men (like me) don't need guns
>Only weak men need guns to compensate for a small penis
argument. Preventing society from falling into this behavioural sink is a huge part of why all successful societies historically evolved taboos on casual sex. God etc is just how that was communicated to the grugs, which is why you have the midwit phenomena.

Researcher1536 , crodish & emissch #transphobia

( Researcher1536 )
Long post coming in--

I opened up to a friend this week. She said she has a hard time treating TIMs as women when she comes face to face with them. We had a TIM cashier in a cheap AF wig and a TIM server at a restaurant. I said, you don't have to treat them as women, because they're not. Biological sex cannot be changed. Wear a dress, who cares. But you can't change your sex. I explained as much as I could in a crowded space with families around-- sports, bathrooms, children (briefly), women's support groups being invaded, why language matters. I told her there were dozens of other topics and I could talk for hours. At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact. People KNOW this shit is ridiculous. She admitted she can't process it when she comes face to face with TIMs. Even the brains of TRA-lites override their feelings in that split second. This same friend said a year ago she thought her 6 year old son, who is on the spectrum, was trans because he liked to wear dresses of his older sister. Fast forward to today, the boy hasn't worn a dress in months. This insidious cult is harming so many kids who want to be kids and play with clothes and have fun with different roles. If my friend had medicalized the boy, he'd be another Jazz right now.

( crodish )

At the end of it, she goes, "and you're entitled to your opinion." I replied, biological sex is NOT an opinion; it's fact.

throws table She JUST told you how she couldn't see TIMs as women and you were telling her she doesn't have to! Why is she so desperate to brainwash herself?? So glad she didn't trans her son urgh

( emissch )
I really do feel like TRAs who get semi-peaked thoughts as they get close to the edge are in a really fragile mental state in that moment. So I think if you start dishing out hard truths it can be too much for them so they start to step back off the ledge and go to their safe place. I was never a TRA so haven't experienced personally, but based on prior accounts I've read on here and elsewhere it just seems like there is an intense emotional cycle going on.

Various commenters #wingnut

Historic Dates for Humanity

While both of those examples are not as explicit of steps in human progress as the are widely accepted to be, Roe v Wade is not particularly significant at all. It simply means states have a choice now. Following the slavery analogy, the overturning of Roe v Wade is more equivalent to the expiration of the unconstitutional protection for the Transatlantic Slave Trade in 1808. A major step, yes, but how many people even know the specifics of that decision today?

And even when we eventually ban abortion in America, we still have the rest of the world to worry about, including our close allies in western Europe, who are showing no signs of even considering banning abortion. I hate to say it, but overturning Roe was by far the easiest step in this journey.

The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the confederate states.

Not sure what defines the end of the holocaust, but when it was ended, Jews were no longer placed in camps and killed, experimented on, or worked to death.

Overturning Roe v Wade made it so states weren’t obligated to allow abortion.

It was a huge step, but I would argue still significantly less significant than the others.


It was a huge step, but I would argue still significantly less significant than the others.

Abortion in America has killed way more people than the Nazis ever did.

And when abortion is ended, you can argue it will be more significant than the holocaust ending.

But as it stands, someone is at most a 4-hour flight away from being able to kill their child.

Abortion on demand will essentially be ending in half of US states. And if some make good on their promise to prosecute those who seek abortions in other states, it'll dramatically cut down on the gross numbers.

@cejacksonlaw #transphobia

ED claims that all of the single-sex spaces & activities historically allowed under Title IX were only valid b/c no one was “harmed” by them — but now that “transgender” students feel harmed, sex categories must go. Biden’s Title IX proposal helpfully explains why upholding

sex-based categories can’t continue: “When a person is denied access to education…activities consistent w/ their gender identity, it causes them more than de minimis harm on the basis of sex. Therefore…such treatment generally violates Title IX”. ED is insisting that only the

harms suffered by “transgender” students from sex categories count (“a range of serious dignitary, academic, social, psychological & physical harms”); harms suffered by “cisgender” students from losing single-sex spaces are just “unsubstantiated concerns about privacy & safety”.

In other words, nothing is more important than validating everyone’s “gender identity.” Any downsides or negative consequences to eliminating female-only spaces & activities are just bigoted, cruel overreactions to the harm prevention that really counts: affirming identities.

Of course, ED dodges an obvious question: how, exactly, is a school supposed to “treat everyone according to their gender identity” when gender identity is not defined to, for instance, be limited to cross-sex identification? How shall we avoid “harm” to enbies or gender fluid?

Maybe we’ll see a flood of Title IX complaints & even lawsuits charging schools w/ “gender identity discrimination” for not keeping up w/ neopronouns, & for “only” offering “girl/boy” options for locker rooms etc. That’s not very validating for non-binary or genderqueer students.

It’s also pretty dismissive of reality for ED to frame single-sex spaces/activities always allowed (until now) under Title IX as existing just b/c “no one was harmed,” as though there are no actual *benefits* (esp & mainly for girls & women) to having male-free spaces/activities.

It’s also insulting for ED to frame objections to losing single-sex spaces as concerns of “cisgender” students; how do ED officials know if all students who see value in keeping female-only spaces “identify as cisgender”? ED is forcing everyone into a made-up “trans/cis” binary.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

This is YET ANOTHER hate-hoax, meant to cultivate further hatred toward White people.

Hate-hoaxes like this are literal hate-crimes against White people.

spoilerBigots spray paint 'Hitler' on
NYC synagogue


@Nature_and_Race notice only the H, L and R are capitalized. Such a jew thing to do.

@Nature_and_Race It’s always debunked later showing that Jews actually did it, and yet the media is always quick to blame Whitey. I never hear them apologize when proven wrong though.

@Nature_and_Race Simply outrageous! The besmirching of the name of a great man by affixing it to an odious den of iniquity!

@Nature_and_Race Wasn't there recently some kike bitch spray painting swastikas in some kike neighborhood in New York?

Either way, I wouldn't complain if it was authentic.

@Nature_and_Race Defs a jew. An admirer wouldn't have used alternating caps.

Various commenters #homophobia


spoiler<Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests>

@SomeBitchIKnow Now extrapolate to the children who have contracted it.

@M0TL @SomeBitchIKnow And the dogs.


It's faggot pox!

@SomeBitchIKnow the only reason they push the skin to skin contact thing was because kids were getting sick after being sexually assaulted by homos. They don't want people knowing this. It's sick.

@SomeBitchIKnow They should call it what it really is…… the fag buttfuck pox. ( please forgive my crude language, but it’s a crude perverted act).

@SomeBitchIKnow I was around in 1983 When Fauci said HIV could be spread casually in the home or by heterosexual sexual contact.

The reality was that it was being spread by outrageously promiscuous gay sex. Even the Author of "And the Band Played On', a promiscuous gay man, admitted as much.

But Fauci cleared billions of funding over the years, so scientists, many who were on the left and sympathetic to gays, were all-in on the scheme.

Nothing ever changes. Just the scale.

@CleftCrusty @SomeBitchIKnow Exactly! Those of us that were around when AIDS became the first fake 'pandemic' ever, remember the lengths they went to in order to cover the simple FACT that it was gay men spreading it. Once it began coming up in the hetero population, notice how it became a non-issue? Soon, it was mostly 'just junkies and sluts' getting it, but we recall who started it. We also remember that Fauci was front and center then as well. The evil little troll needs to go.

@SomeBitchIKnow You mean it's an STD like people have been saying for months?

radbelinda #transphobia #fundie #pratt #conspiracy

two rules to live by:

1. if you create a sacred caste of men who cannot be questioned or accused, abusers will do whatever they can to join this caste

2. if you create a group of women it's acceptable to shit on, even when there are valid critiques to be made of said women, men will take that criticism and apply it as viciously as they can to as many women as they can get away with

#'why would a man go to all the effort of dressing as a woman to abuse women when they can abuse women anyway?'#idk why did paedophilic men go to the effort of ordination to access children rather than just fathering children themselves#why do men go through years of med school to assault female patients rather than just going to clubs and finding easy targets

Spidey #wingnut #racist

Bussing migrants is the first brilliant political stunt pulled by the Republicans in a long long time.

Listening to the retorts and whining by Democrats is just golden.

"We don't have the infrastructure"...Yea, neither do the southern states.

woodchip #wingnut #racist

So it is okay for the border states to field 10's of thousands of illegals a day but it is a crime to share the pain with a rich sanctuary city like Martha Vineyards ? Didn't know it was also okay to be racist and quickly get the poor sods off the island. And now dim rims like gov Newsom want the DOJ to charge DeSantis for human kidnapping, forgetting of course this was what the Biden Admin was doing only in the dead of night as he bused thousands of illegals to various cities. How the various mayors of dem cities cry foul when illegals are sent to their already crime invested cities.

Troy D. McLachlan #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

This website (based on Parts 1 & 2 from the book The Saturn Death Cult – now fully revised and expanded) discusses the disturbing occult origins of the planet Saturn and its influence on our march towards the terrifying elitist agenda of ‘justifiable’ man-made global cleansing.

Learn why the planet Saturn is portrayed in mythology as our original sun where it was fixed in the heavens at Earth’s celestial north and from where it watched over the ancients like the All-seeing Eye of god.

Find out why today’s frightening sex-murder cults and secret societies are a twisted, yet deadly legacy of a time when people yearned for the rebirth of the planet Saturn as our original sun and source of life and light.

Discover the ‘Electric Universe‘, the ground-breaking easy to understand science of plasma cosmology with an uncanny ability to provide natural explanations for what the ancients really saw happening in the skies above them; i.e. the same ancient records that today’s mainstream academics brush off as fantastical myths and certain Luciferian-type sects such as the so-called Illuminati claim as spiritual ‘Illuminated Truth’.
Also, if you have ever wondered why the infamous call for a New World Order is linked by conspiracy advocates to elitist financial cronyism, missing children and paedophilic networks, death cults, serial killers and police state terrorism, then hopefully this website may connect a few dots.

Wat I have dubbed as ‘The Saturn Death Cult’ (and what others may refer to as the Saturn Matrix) can be loosely defined as the accumulated financial and ritualistic operations and beliefs of certain occult sects and organisations involved today in the promotion of war for profit (Guns), monopoly of energy resources (Oil), illicit drug trafficking (Drugs) and the sexual exploitation of women and children (Sex) – the infamous GODS industry.

Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Brief History of the Global Currency Reset: Where we came from, Why we’re here and Where we’re going:

In the late 1700s a group in Eastern Europe (Illuminati Families, Rothschilds), known as the Cabal, began taking control of the Global Monetary System using fiat or paper currency that was not asset backed. To counter this movement some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon Families, pooled their gold assets into secretive off ledger private banking trusts now known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
In the US the privately-owned (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) Federal Reserve System in reality started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican Trust Account attached to the generational wealth of several nations. This World Financial System was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families of Asia.

The Cabal operated monetary system in the US went back to founding of the United States of America Corporation in 1871, re-organized in 1907, Jeckyl Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913.
In 2015 the new US Republic located the new US Treasury on an Indian Reservation in Nevada near Reno.

White Hat Military Operations silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire. Vatican Inc. Down: In 2016 Dr. Charlie Ward’s team removed 650 plane loads of gold from the 150 mile long tunnel beneath the Vatican that ran to Switzerland.

In April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic, US Treasury and US currency notes.

In that same April 2016 the Dragon Families excused all US debt when their gold from the Vatican-Switzerland Tunnel was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno.

City of London Inc. Down through Operation London Bridge: On Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022 the announcement of death of Queen Elizabeth II freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.

QuantumInnovator #homophobia #crackpot

LGBTQ people do not deserve to be murdered in cold blood or bullied. Also, LGBTQ people were not born that way, despite what Lady Gaga and other people claim. Finally, LGBTQ people can change, as these two people have.

They are Angel Colon and Luis Javier Ruiz, two survivors of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. They left the LGBTQ lifestyle, and so have many others.

If you agree with me, please add this to your favorites. Also, I expect this deviation to trigger backlash, so I would really appreciate it if you would back me up in the comments.

Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #mammon

Indigenous peoples from all over the world have talked about a return of the gods at a time of great turmoil and corruption. The Aztecs, the Incans, the Hopi, and Assyrians, are some of the sources of indigenous beliefs in creator gods who protected native peoples and helped establish the first laws, agricultural practices, and civilizations. These indigenous legends describe gods with supernatural or magical powers, which today we would recognize as advanced technologies. Many of these creator gods were, in fact, refugees from Atlantis, Inner Earth residents, or extraterrestrials (Elohim/Seeders) that were helping rebuild human civilization after the great flood around 9600 BC..
A key group in understanding the return of the gods and a second coming is the Anunnaki. Sumerian and Assyrian texts such as the Eridu Genesis and Atra Hasis both describe the rivalry and roles of Enki and Enlil in the creation of humanity. Enki was a geneticist and is clearly identified as humanity’s protector, while Enlil is described as a despot who wanted to either enslave or destroy humanity, which had become far too clever for his liking. After the departure of the Anunnaki, the minions of Enlil stayed to play a disruptive role behind the scenes with unscrupulous extraterrestrial visitors such as the Draco Reptilians and the Orion Grays, who are largely responsible for genocidal religious crusades throughout the ages.
In my upcoming webinar on Saturday, September 24, I will go into detail about this complex history, outline the agenda of government and military authorities regarding the return of the Seeders, and explain how all this relates to the idea of a Second Coming occurring very soon.
Webinar takes place on Zoom

Date: September 24, 2022

Time: 10 am US Pacific / 1 pm US East Coast

Length: 2 ½ hours (includes 30-minute Q&A)

Cost: $35 (All attendees will also receive access to the webinar recording)

QuantumInnovator #god-complex #crackpot

The road to Heaven is narrow, and walking across that narrow road while drunk on alcohol or under the influence of other drugs may result in you falling off that narrow road into Hell.

If you used to drink alcohol, smoke or chew tobacco, or use illegal drugs or abuse prescription drugs, Jesus Christ will forgive you for doing so and help you quit, as long as you ask for his forgiveness while still on Earth.

Last but not least, I firmly believe that when Jesus turned water into wine, that wine did not have a single molecule of alcohol in it. Any wine in Heaven will be the same way, so you could drink an entire ocean of it and not get drunk or tipsy as a result. Don't try to make the wine Jesus made yourself. You will fail.

State of the Nation #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

Therefore, the time of her <Queen Elizabeth II> passing, just before the ominous 9/11 date and before the dreaded Autumn of 2022, ineluctably marks the end of an era, as well as the turbulent transitioning into the long anticipated New Age.

However she did it, Elizabeth managed to have one foot in the old patriarchal age with her other foot planted firmly in the age of human liberation. It could even be said that she was the original feminist, but surely not anything like the fake feminazis who strut their stuff like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and Liz Truss.
Just as the same Illuminati crime syndicates under the direction of the Khazarian mafia did with the one-two punch of World War I and 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, their plan for the third time is to so shatter the world community of nations that every country will soon beg for a One World Government.

A hot phase of World War III is an integral part of that nefarious NWO agenda to compel people everywhere to give into a global governance body that will supposedly save them from future devastating world wars.

These Neocon Zionist warmongers do not even need a protracted worldwide conflict; all they believe they need is a quick exchange of nuclear weapons (say in the Ukraine theater of war) to sufficiently scare all of humanity into a pen of compliance with their NWO agenda…ultimately leading to the establishment of a One World Government.
Because Queen Elizabeth may have posed the single biggest obstacle to the NWO cabal’s triggering of WW3 in Ukraine by orchestrating the use of tactical nuclear weapons on both sides of the conflict, the following question must be asked.

Was the Queen surreptitiously assassinated?

Think about it: Two days after meeting with the new warmongering and virulently Russophobic PM, Elizabeth is rather mysteriously put under ‘medical supervision’; and then the Queen is suddenly gone within hours.

Jim Stone #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The high rents and home prices are an act of war.
Who's causing that? Well, I'll explain what is going on with that - the high prices that make it MANDATORY to pay people exhorbitantly are an act of war that is being waged via zoning ordnances (the freemasons) high rents and property prices (the Jews so they can milk financing and more,) and mega fuel and utility prices (the WEF). The sole reason for this is to force Americans to be paid exhorbitant amounts of money, which is subsequently stolen via taxes (to feed the war machine) and also stolen via the same high rents, fuel prices and utility prices for ONE REASON: To soak the last of the wealth out of the United States so the Jews and "elites" can spend it elsewhere where the people can live on 10 percent of an American wage to the same standard of living simply because they are not being robbed.
More on the immigrants DeSantis sent to Martha's vineyard
Hillary called it human trafficking,
Martha's vineyard welcomed "all migrants" officially, on the surface (for a good look) and when they arrived, they were immediately kicked out.
And THEN: The leftists who supposedly welcom migrants held a fundraiser to "help the migrants" and then stole the money.

In addition to this, prior to this incident, Martha's Vineyard had a fund of $14 million to "help migrants" and someone stole it all. So despite advertising decent accomodations for them, when they arrived there was NOTHING and they are now mad at DeSantis for sending them there.
Leftists are not charitable at all. Their fundraisers are cash cows and if they ever do anything in the name of charity, it is for the purpose of politics and their own personal gain and they'll only put on a charity face if the actual charity is done by anyone but them.

Meanwhile, censors on social media are having to wipe out endless posts to the effect of: Screw Martha's Vineyard, SEND MORE.

Jim and Neurotoxin #sexist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #crackpot

[From "Female sexual preferences"]

Neurotoxin recently posted on the dysgenic nature of female sexual preference, and its evolutionary origins:
Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained[…]
We begin with the truism that evolution selects for reproductive success and not any other trait. There is no restraint on evolution selecting for horribly anti-social sexual tendencies[…]
Since men are the sex that fights[…]there is more selection pressure for cooperation operating on men[…]
Women are fiercely sexually attracted to men who can dominate other men and are psychologically inclined to do so. They’re particularly drawn to men who kill and get away with it, because that is the ultimate example of power[…]
Myself on solutions to this problem:[…]
In order to successfully reproduce, State, State Church, society, kin, and family, have to impose peace, cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, between men and women[…]
Men want to bang every fertile age woman. Woman want to be banged by Mister one in thirty[…]
Almost all who are convicted of rape are innocent, because women seldom if ever bring complaints against actual rapists[…]
When childless women hit the wall, when Jeremy Meeks no longer calls, they turn crazy and evil[…]
Reproduction fails, obviously, when you get defect/defect equilibrium between women and men[…]
I find the level of enforcement that was required disturbing and distasteful, and therefore favor early betrothal, eight to ten or so, and early marriage, twelve to sixteen or so, even though successful societies have tended to have very late marriage[…]
The middle eastern tradition on this is Sharia. Its western equivalent is coverture[…]
No one cares what happens to a fallen woman. A woman’s status must depend on a man’s property right in her. Her status is that property right

Various commenters #transphobia

TIMs are "willful women"

( BlackCirce )
Wrong. A “willful woman” is a woman, an adult human female, who demands to be treated as all three, to be recognized as an adult and a human while female, who demands to be recognized as a full political subject, a full citizen who inherits the privileges and duties of a citizen, the possessor and creator of her works in art and science and philosophy whatever their intent or quality, a full authority over her children and household. That is what a willful woman is. A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

( no- )
I googled Sara Ahmed fully expecting her to be a TIM because wtf, but no, this is a handmaiden 🤦‍♀️

( GraceHoward1729 )

A man who ejaculates wildly at the touch of silken drawers is simply a pervert.

lmfao. reminded me of this: “The first time I put on the black silk panties I got a hardon right away.” - Julian Beck

"Transvestism is costuming which violates gender imperatives. Transvestism is generally a sexually charged act: the visible, public violation of sex role is erotic, exciting, dangerous. It is a kind of erotic civil disobedience, and that is precisely its value. Costuming is part of the strategy and process of role destruction. We see, for instance, that as women reject the female role, they adopt “male” clothing. As sex roles dissolve, the particular erotic content of transvestism dissolves." - Dworkin

Reason number #789270842 these full-time fetishistic parodies have a vested interest maintaining women's oppression and subjugation, in upholding patriarchy and sex roles and hindering women's liberation. The eroticism goes away if our inferiority established by the oppressive 'gender' hierarchy is abolished. And ofc what's important is not women's liberation but ensuring paraphilic men have permanent hard ons. christ

( Seven )
Ugh, these fetishistic caricatures are so demanding of something i wished SO HARD i never were..

( mathlover )
That describes men. Men who play make-believe "women".

Arturo Pérez-Reverte #wingnut #elitist

[Note: translated from the original page in portuguese to english]
Its a culture of ease. We fear traumatizing the kids with the Iliad, or with History… The main objective now is to eliminate school failure by dumbing everything down. The education systems of the western world, today, are made to normalize and despise the most intelligent. They don’t valorize the elites, the idea itself of the elite is very poorly seen and given a lot of bad press. See the mediocrity of spanish, international and portuguese politics. Where is Churchill, Adenauer, Kennedy? School doesn’t care about a singular, brilliant individual anymore. They become an outcast, and its made to be believed that everyone is equal. But we aren’t all equal!

Tainted Slav and deathevokation #transphobia #wingnut

[Tainted Slav]
Forum's still active. They have been going through worse than some trannie pedophile's army of simps.
Besides, they have some comfy telegram chat. Glorious place, but sometimes is uncomprehensible and highlty retarded, aye.

I dunno... I guess it's only ok when it's Twitter creeps harassing you, doxing you, going after your family members, boasting about destroying your primary source of income when they get your Patreon taken down and get you banned from twitch for not even expressing a hot take.. Kiwifarms isn't even half as evil as some of these little shits that get away with murder in broad daylight because they think they're on the right side of history on a multi billion dollar social media platform that spent millions on "combating extremists" but willfully ignores these insane people. When people on the other side do 1/10th of what you're guilty of then it's harassment.

[Tainted Slav]
Oh and also don't forget that there's an archive that stores whole archive of keffals doings that were documented by farmers, which is the main reason why keffals have ever organized this whole "crusade".
Also, there was no swatting, police of London have politely come, asked to follow with them and confiscated his hard drives, probably because they might have somy thoughts that this character might've had something not legal on his drives aside of dyi hrt bath brewed shit that he have sent to\instructed how to make the groomed minors (mainly boys).

ketmar #transphobia #wingnut

most "twitter trans" are disgusting. and not because they're trans, it has nothing to do with that. but that "trannie-shittalk" is directed to them, because that's what get most butthurt from 'em.

also, threads usually devolve into this when there's nothing more fun to talk about. it's a way to ping the cow, to make it start producing some fun again.

p.s.: fun thing: there are quite… a lot trans-members on The Farms actually. and please don't ask me how i know that. ;-)

@saeterjenta #transphobia

💜a TERF can belong to any or no political party
🤍a TERF can be atheist or religious
💚a TERF might or might not be a radical feminist
💜 a TERF fights for the safety and
protection of children and women
🤍a TERF opposes the prefix cis
💚a TERF tells the truth


Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut

(Laura Loomer)
President Donald J Trump has single handedly DESTROYED the Bush, Clinton, and now the Cheney political dynasties in American politics.

That’s why the globalists are working so hard to take him down.

President Donald J Trump is one of the most impactful and consequential human beings in our entire world history.



spoilerThe Great Reset, and ESG, are
in progess
it's about money and control
trump cancels climate
accords, and
makes the U.S. a net exporter
of energy
They're putting Trump through
all this, because if he gets
back into the Presidency, they
have lost 100 Yrs.. of their

@lauraloomer Yes! Let's get this party started for you, Trump, and everyone in the #AmericaFirst movement! 🇺🇸☝️

@lauraloomer He could not impart any meaningful impact to secure the release of incarcerated Jan6 prisoners.

@lauraloomer yes he is and so are you both of you have been banned, attacked by the corrupt media, and even attacked by your own party. You have a great future in the America First GOP party God bless the both of you❤️🇺🇸

@lauraloomer He's got to ditch the vax. I can't support him unless he does. It's killing us.

@lauraloomer Nope. Trump makes a comeback at the end of this year. We are NOT going to let a fraud election continue to destroy America. By 2024, nothing will be left.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
For the seventeenth straight month, more than 150,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border including 200,000 illegal aliens in July 2022. The Biden Regime has facilitated an invasion of our sovereign borders of more than 4.2 million illegal aliens since January 2021.

America needs an immigration moratorium.

@DrPaulGosar stop ALL immigration for 10 years. NO AMNESTY!
— Return ALL illegal border crossers to countries of origin with a lifetime ban against entering U.S. again for ANY reason.

@DrPaulGosar repeal Hart - Celler

@DrPaulGosar We need to deport millions of criminal invaders.

@DrPaulGosar America needs an immigration moratorium AND a mass deportation of ALL illegals.

@DrPaulGosar #DeportThemAll and their anchor babies.

You spelled moratorium wrong. It's D. E. P. O. R. T. A. T. I. O. N. America knows what we need - politicians DgaD.

@DrPaulGosar Round up every one of the Illegals plus DACA and Deport them all .

whiplash347 #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

SEP 19 - STATE FUNERAL - Air Space - No Fly ZoneUK No-Fly Zone Declared for Sept 19 over Central London
[19] Future Marker?
All attending Funeral
Mr Pool's latest video shows the Sub.
We Have The Sub
Think Nuclear Stand-off
Q2215 Panic in UK/DC
Queen Funeral & Bidan Impeachment same day.
Storm tweet?
11.3 King Charles
11.6 Prince Andrew

China/Taiwan Next
The Event 3GD
Tsunami alerts in Japan & Taiwan.
Evergrande - Black Swan

<seperate message>

DJT is the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces of the USA.

US Corporation has been bankrupted.
All the States need to sign on to the Republic.
Remember Chapter 11 from Mr Pool & General Flynn confirming this.

Jurisdiction United States of America Created September 17, 1787
Presented September 28, 1787
Possibly the date all the States sign on to the Republic.
VK chart ends SEP 29 which is another 9/11.
Calendar Flip from Gregorian to Julian
Deep September

<seperate message>

13848? <note; Trump executive order on foreign interference in elections> You know the bloke with the prosthetic mask on has extended Trump Executive Orders.

Remember everyone vs England & Israel.
Act of England 1871
Balfour Declaration 1917
Australia 1901
All Reversed/Null & Void
A heap of countries joining SCO/BRICS Alliance this week including Turkey.
Flipping on NATO.
Remember we said less mail too

John Rolls #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

I love how the Democrats are calling people who came here to the US – who willingly and knowingly crossed our border illegally – “political pawns.”

News just in, walls being rapidly constructed around ‘Sanctuary Cities’ as we speak!

That opening, LT, is very pertinent to us here in the UK where thousands of illegal immigrants are being ferried in everyday to our country by The Royal Navy. You couldn’t make it up.There’s nobody to complain to since all the Members of Parliament seem to be on permanent holiday and there is nobody in charge of the United Kingdom any longer!

I don’t feel like a terrorist. I fell more like a God fearing, America loving patriot. And I for one am totally sick of these demoncraps destroying the very foundation of this great Republic! The governors who are shipping illegals to the sanctuary cities are my heros! I am sure that they ain’t seen nothing yet!🤣

Galactic Anthropology #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot

During the study of the galactic peoples and species in our galaxy it is obvious that certain people have had a minor influence on our world, and others have had a huge impact. The role of the Negamuk <9-D Aliens> has been relatively small as far as direct interactions are concerned, but the negative roles of the Anunnaki, the Ciakahrr, and the Nebu <Alien Alliane> to have been crucial in our world. On the benevolent part of the spectrum we have the members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. We have spoken about the Selosi from Alpha Centauri (7), the Meton from Proxima Centauri (8) and the Ummit from Wolf 424 (9) for example in earlier articles. The role of the various groups from Sirius seems to be quite complex.
When the Andromedans returned and asked the Pleiadeans what they had done, they basically said that they were faced with their own ‘tremendous amount of karma with our solar system‘ which led them to be not as motivated as they could have been. They didn’t really know what to do. It was because of this that the Andromedans (Zenae) decided to take on a more leading role, for they thought that it was worth it for the common good. Alex says the Andromedans were probably a good choice since they were neutral in regard to our solar system.
I addressed this question of ‘karma’ and to which degree this ‘rule of karma’ would also hold for species as a whole (or individually), before in connection with the Ciakahrr and the Nebu and their atrocities (17). But what about the good guys and their karma? Should we know all about that? Isn’t it perhaps more important to thank them for the removal of all the malevolent groups from our solar system? And thank them for this alleged plasma border around our solar system to protect us from the higher density?
I presume that the deeds the Pleiadeans (whatever group it was) were incomparable with the horrors that were inflicted upon us by certain Anunnaki groups.

Angelic Overlighters of all Realms via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick

There are many Galactic Federations, for there are many galactics. We are here with a simple message for humanity. Be at peace in this moment of where you are. As the equinox approaches, we wish for you to feel that inner balancing. (I am seeing an egg stand on its own, balanced perfectly.) There must be an internal calibration of peace for the body, the human template, to fully absorb these energies and unlock the DNA activations within. <...> Humanity has many dams around their hearts, around their wounded areas. The dams must be broken to allow the light to flow through it, to allow for the energy and the full circuitry of healing to recalibrate the human body into the higher dimensional frequencies.

This has been an extraordinarily dense realm to exist in. The human body has been very, very dense, denser than originally designed because of the hostility of the environment of the weight of fear and loss. We wish to gently remind that fear is your own creation. Humans are profoundly creative, which is why so many clamor to be one, for they want the experience of unlimited flow of creativity, of manifestation. This is coming.
This is to be a very powerfully igniting weekend for the human collective, for those with eyes and hearts that are open.
For those who accept this activation deeply over the next few months you will see the illusion completely fall if you have not already. There will be signs in the sky. There will be sounds in the air. (I am hearing trumpets). There will be an unleashing of lovelight to quench the fear continually being created by the unawakened. Many are awakening at this time. Many will see and will not understand. Know that all will be well for all have chosen. Some may need assistance with their choosing, so they may assimilate that which they wish to assimilate but do not yet have the circuitry or capacity energetically to do so. Do you see?

Court in eastern Guangsou, children’s parents #fundie #wingnut

The makers of a Chinese cartoon series have been held partly responsible for injuries incurred by two children who were imitating a scene from the show.

The brothers were badly burned in April when another boy tied them to a tree and set them on fire, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

The 10-year-old said he was copying a scene from Xi Yangyang and Hui Tailang (Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf).

A court said the show's producers and the boy's guardians were both to blame.

It ordered the guardians to pay 60% of the injured brothers' medical bills and Creative Power Entertaining, a Chinese animation company based in Guangzhou, to pay 15%.

The court in the eastern Jiangsu province said there was "a cause-and-effect relationship between the case and the violent scenarios in the cartoon" and that the show should carry warnings in future, the Hollywood Reporter said.

The show, popular with both children and adults, features a wolf whose relentless pursuit of a group of goats sees both parties suffer degrees of physical punishment.

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Caucasians are Poised to become #2 on the list of most brainwashed and subverted Race, only second to Negroes"]

Caucasians of all varieties are being poised to fall in the history books as the most easily able to be influenced and brainwashed race, second to that of the Negro

The worse position of this fate, is the fact that Caucasians have become the World Conquerors and have maintained this status of being true World Civilizers through different eras, for many thousands of years

The large majority of them demonstrate just how eager they are to give up their role[…]
Perhaps no other race but Caucasians have demonstrated the highest level of willingness to discard all Primal Instincts[…]deceiving their tribe and to show a ridiculous level of empathy for other races[…]
This trend is pretty much irreversible[…]
Even Brazilian Women and Russian Women have far surpassed value of over 90% of Western Women, and that is not only extremely dangerous[…]they will inevitably lower the standards of quality and never be able to forge First World Standards[…]
While Asians generally have the highest IQ’s in the world, they are much quicker to mentally calculate and process information compared to any race on earth except the Jews, the Asians, like the Jews have nearly no empathy whatsoever[…]
For so many decades now, and under the direction of the Vatican’s influences and standards of Marriage, the large amount of people who have been procreating come from Psychopathic, Greedy, Money-Oriented family[…]
Men were prized on their ability to grow fine hair[…]
All of this changed once phrenology became written off as “Psuedo-Science”[…]
There is almost no genuine interest for Good Eugenics in the world anymore[…]
Most Women in US, UK and Canada are either openly or discreetly lesbian or asexual[…]so they can sleep with Men on one hand to have access to his wallet

Various commenters #sexist

"If men without gender identities vanished from society, patriarchy would continue to be upheld by women"

( visits_radio )
"Cis" men didn't disappear from that book; they became rape-obessed monsters.

( Committing_Tervery )


rape-obsessed monsters

Meme from The Office: “They’re the same picture.”

( rowlings_army )
And they're not already?

( BlackCirce )
This is a fantasy men have had and described multiple times but it’s inconsistent with historical men’s evaluation of women. Men constantly assert that women are mentally weak, nonviolent, risk averse, not aggressive, not sexually motivated etc. Without those traits it’s difficult to see how in the absence of men, women would continue men’s organization of society dependent on those traits. Stories like YTLM and Manhunt when women suddenly become “exactly like men” in the absence of men are just cope. If most males died off, women would continue being mainly communitarian, risk averse, less aggressive etc and life would be better for everyone. Men cannot cope with the fact that their existence is why life sucks so much both for themselves and for women 💁🏾‍♀️

Also the idea that if women had power we would treat men the way they treat us acts to sanitize their brutality as self defense. “If we don’t keep them broken as slaves, they will grow strong and enslave us.”

( butchplease )
Naomi Alderman's "The Power" springs to mind.

( BlackCirce )
People act like women don’t have access to deadly weapons. We do and we do use them against men, children and other women. Just far far less than men do. Like most mammals female humans are most dangerous when our offspring are threatened. If women wanted more men dead we absolutely could accomplish that without any supernatural interventions. People need to accept that, among the many many wonderful things about women, we are also more peaceful. Its a fact 🤷🏾‍♀️

Virginia Republicans #transphobia

Virginia issues new guidelines that roll back transgender student rights

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s administration on Friday night released policies that roll back LGBTQ students’ rights in Virginia schools.

The “2022 Model Policies” will require that students use facilities and programs that “match the sex they were assigned at birth,” and require parental permission to change their names and genders at school.

The Virginia Department of Education reviewed the previous “model policies” adopted during former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration, and alleged that the policies promoted a “specific viewpoint aimed at achieving cultural and social transformation in schools” and disregarded parents’ rights, as well as “legal and constitutional principles.”

“With the publication of these 2022 Model Policies on the Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools (the ‘2022 Model Policies’), the Department hereby withdraws the 2021 Model Policies, which shall have no further force and effect,” the Department of Education document said.

One of the hot-button issues involved restrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities that transgender students are allowed to use. The previous 2021 model policies said that transgender students should be allowed to use facilities that matched their gender identities and required that school districts and teachers accept and use students’ gender pronouns and identities.

In the 2022 Model Policies, the word “sex” is defined as biological sex, and the phrase “transgender students” means “a public school student whose parent has requested in writing, due to their child’s persistent and sincere belief that his or her gender differs with his or her sex, that their child be so identified while at school.”

That means that schools are supposed to defer to parents on what names, nicknames and pronouns teachers and staff should use when referring to the student; whether the student can get counseling; or whether the student expresses a different gender at school.


Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Liz Cheney has a mental illness called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Just like the rest of the globalists who are obsessed with power and money and don’t give a damn about America or the good hard working American people.

Our party is no longer her party, she’s the Uniparty.

@repmtg Those people really are garbage. Their power is threatened by the outsider and they're terrified of their crimes being exposed. TDS in politicians is compounded by their CYA hysteria.

@VPNavy @repmtg outsider 🤣🤣🤣 moron

@bmac80 @repmtg You think Trump is a beltway politician? A legacy politician? Do you think he's in any way a career politician? You're a fucking retard. Because you either think THAT or you don't even understand the term. In either case, you should drink bleach. You're that stupid.

@VPNavy @repmtg yeah I'm stupid because I don't blindly worship some orange fuck who wipes his ass with the constitution and is best buddies with big pharma and Israel. You're a perfect example of how utterly retarded Trumpies are. And telling someone to effectively kill themselves just because they aren't a dumb cunt like you only proves how you pussies are no different than liberals. Retarded, emotional, fragile and cowardly. Go tell your two daddies to finish their abortion. Pathetic little Twitter reject.

She is an antiwhite. Antiwhite uniparty.

@repmtg From now on, any candidate who is not 100% White positive will not receive a vote. Never again Uniparty!

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia

Tens of thousands on the streets of Serbia to defend traditional family values, of course the mainstream media aren't interested in reporting that.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial While the people of Serbia are out defending family values - there are people here in America out protesting because they can't abort their babies and to Hell with family values. Speaks for itself.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Thank you Serbia 🇷🇸 for leading the world in opposing a gross perversion ruining children’s lives and the unit of every society! The Nuclear Family! Go Serbia 🙏God Bless!

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Meanwhile in the UK, the English are doing everything they can to celebrate homosexuality, while being massively below fertility replacement levels.

@Framke_ @TommyRobinsonOfficial While they ignore the health hazards of homosexuality.

@Framke_ @TommyRobinsonOfficial Levels that could be reversed over night if we stopped offering over 190'000 of our children to the fires of Molech every year in England and wales alone within our abortion clinics, and then respect and promote procreative marriage rather than their sterile same-sex unions.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial Of course the (((mainstream media))) will not report it. The goal of (((Marxism))) is the destruction of ALL nation states.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial sad when foreign nations march for traditional values that made America great while we have rainbow parades and teach white hatred.

Dennis Prager #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut

This country's a different country. It's becoming like other countries.

The left doesn't believe America is special, that American values are special or exceptional, whichever term you like. You wonder what is special. If the United States is not exceptional, then is there any country that it has been and they would probably have no answer to that.

What is special is they – or them, if you prefer. They're special, because they were raised by parents and schools that told them how special they are.

Where is my favorite sign? No. No, that's not it. Damn, I threw it away. That school sign that I saw – school room sign that I saw in The New York Times. "The world is better because you are in it." I don't know what grade it was, I assume something like fifth grade. What a stupid message. Plus, it's not true.

What has any fifth grader done to have made the world better because he or she is in it? Boy, again, as I've pointed out, it's the opposite of how many of us were raised.

SovereignLightWarrior #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie

Regurgitation of Public FOOL learning and State Religion makes me puke. Those, who enjoy and practice regurgitation sure lôôk mighty FOOLISH. But then, too, the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that a man has the RIGHT to make a FOOL of self. Aren’t you tired of being SHEOPLE, spewing CROWN and PAPAL babel?

If you are not willing to give up your public fool education or state religion beliefs, idolatrous misconceptions, which entrap you into the system, do not bother reading this; there is no help for you. The Holy Scriptures plainly state that you must ABOUT FACE. If you will do this, the Holy Scriptures, also, state that if you confront these devils, they will flee from you. It is quit a sight to see a Black Robed Devil fleeing from his own courtroom wearing that long black dress. Have you ever tried run wearing a dress down to your ankles? Be careful not to laugh until you are safely outside the Temples of Baal.
Comprehending the beast with which you are dealing:

The Court is the synagogue.

The Temple of Baal, enforcing Babylonian Talmudic Law.

The gate (or bar) is the veil — {one enters to give sacrifice}

The bench is the alter.

The Black Robed Devil (the judge, administrative magistrate) is the high priest. –{vicarius dei}

The Attorney [from Latin, attorn = to twist or turn] is the mediator. –{vicarius filii dei}
Welcome to the Fascist States of the United States, a British Crown Slave State or Plantation

The Black Robed Devil (false accuser) is GOD (false deity, demon) [vicarius dei = substitute for deity; The Defense Attornor is the vicarius filii dei = substitute for the son of deity] All other officers are lesser deities. Therefore, stop using the term God. PERIOD. What part of the word stop <STOP> do you not comprehend. God = Gaud (old English) = Gâd (Hebrew, SH #1408 and 1409) = the deity of good luck, good fortune, or troops; a deity of Babylon (The Masonic Luciferian Idol, which stand in New York Harbor).

Tartaria Biblical Research #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #dunning-kruger

7000 Year Biblical Timeline

After gathering new information, we believe The Little Season is set to last 430 years. Currently, we are in year 422 out of the entire 430 years of the little season.

From our calculations and information we've gathered through extensive research on Tartaria, the reset, and old world remnants, we believe satan was let loose in, if not, around the year 1600.
Another very important thing to note is the events that are placed around the 1600s. Think of: the release of the KJV, Globe earth agenda, the masonic metric system and the removal of demonology.
7000 Year Biblical Timeline [BROKEN DOWN]

• 5500 (0 AD) Jesus’ birth

• 5570 (70 AD) Day of The Lord

• 1000 years (for The Millenial Reign)


6570 (1070 AD),

Which is the year of the End of the Millenial Reign

Currently, we’re 422 years into the 430 years of the little season

6570 (1070 AD) + 422 years

= 6992 (1492 AD)

7000 (1500 period)- 6992 (1492 AD) = 8

That means there’s 8 years left until the 7000 year timeline is completed.

With the timeline deception in mind, we can calculate this back to our false timeline to see when the 7000 years will be completed;

1 Biblical Timeline 0-7000

This timeline is about the 7000 year biblical prophecy for God’s plan of salvation.

2 “Real” Timeline 1500-period

This timeline isn’t much of an actual timeline. 1500 actually stands for the time in between the Birth of Jesus, which we know is 5500 in the Biblical Timeline, and the completion of the entire 7000 years of the Biblical Timeline. The amount of years in between those dates is then, quite clearly, 1500 years.

3 “False” Timeline 0-2030 AD

This false timeline, also referred to by us as the Globohomo Timeline, is the standard timeline everyone believes we’re in, and you did too before you knew all of this.

The 2030 NWO Agenda - which will lead to the Final Judgement.

Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now, because, for the remainder of this read, it is not my intention to convince you that it happened. That is research better designed for other places. From here on out, I will assume you have investigated the matter, and are now loaded with questions, as I was at one time. If you haven’t the faintest clue what I am talking about, then we’re already off to a bad start, as nothing else will likely sound reasonable apart from the mud flood reset.

Furthermore, the aim of my writings is not to convince you that the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah happened upon the earth. I mean, I believe it went down, or else I wouldn’t be writing this book. A literal and physical thousand-year reign with Yahusha HaMashiach holding the scepter. That is where the mud flood comes into the title. It serves as a divider of sorts, telling us that the mud flood happened between our own time and the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah, which, as any deduction goes, pits us in the little season.

Perhaps you have come to the same conclusions as I have. If so, then awesome. Woot-woot. But whether someone agrees or disagrees with my position is not cause for losing any sleep at night. Some people are simply imprisoned within their denominations or doctrines, and they have arrived with an agenda—to feel comfortable again. It is what it is. That is why I started out saying I am under no obligation to forcibly remove someone from their paradigm. All I can do is greet people on their way out.

So, rather than convincing anyone of anything, I am merely interested in showing some of my findings in Scripture. As previously mentioned, I too was loaded with questions at one time. That is, when confronted with the mud flood reset and the lost civilization which thrived before it. I still am. There is much that I will never know, and I’ve accepted it. But that is not to say inquiries have not been answered.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

As I have pointed out from the beginning of the conflict, the Kremlin’s presumption that Russia’s military intervention could be limited to driving the Ukrainian forces out of the Donbass region was a strategic blunder, especially the go-slow feature as it gave the West plenty of time to widen the war. A much wider war has now occurred if correct that one-third of the forces used in Ukraine’s “counteroffensive” in the Kharkov region were supplied by NATO member states.

According to Southfront’s report, thinly spread Russian forces, aware that an attack was coming, withdrew to a consolidated position and suffered few losses. The Ukrainian/NATO force suffered heavy losses. With Russian reinforcements now approaching the scene, the Ukrainian/NATO force will likely be destroyed as was the fate of the Ukrainian “counteroffensive” in the south.
I was criticized as “blood-thirsty” by commentators incapable of strategic thought when I said that a limited operation would result in a wider war and more casualties to both sides than a swift conquest of Ukraine before the US and NATO had a chance to get involved. Everyone who watched Washington’s limited involvement in Vietnam grow into a full-fledged long war should have known better than to repeat the folly. Apparently, the lesson escaped the Kremlin.
I increasingly wonder if what Putin and Lavrov really want is not Russian sovereignty and a multi-polar world but to be part of the West, and that this delusional desire makes them incapable of conducting war. It remains to be seen if Putin and Lavrov will give up Russian sovereignty in order to be part of the West. Russia, like all of Europe and the UK, must accept Washington’s hegemony.
The real world is based on power, and Russia’s delusional restraint on the use of its power has left Russia at extreme disadvantage. With Russia perceived in the West as weak and indecisive, Washington will push until Putin has no alternative but Russia’s surrender or nuclear war.

Khem Veasna #fundie

When a politician started sharing his doomsday prophecy on Facebook last week, his supporters left their lives behind and traveled from around the country to northwestern Cambodia’s Siem Reap province. According to authorities, some even traveled from as far as South Korea to seek refuge from the apocalypse, prompting the Cambodian embassy in Seoul to issue a public statement warning migrant workers against abandoning their jobs to fly home

Photos posted on Khem Veasna’s Facebook page, which has over 370,000 followers, show a large crowd assembling at his farm[…]Authorities estimated the number at around 15,000 to 20,000[…]Among those arriving at his farm are families with children and elderly relatives

Those waiting out the apocalypse at Veasna’s farmhouse have passed the time listening to the preachings of the president of the small but well-established opposition group, the League for Democracy Party (LDP)[…]
In recent years, Veasna has been veering away from politics and cultivating a cult-like persona among his thousands of followers, referring to himself as a brahma—a religious title broadly meaning heavenly king

The growing cult around Veasna escalated on Aug. 23, when he made a series of apocalyptic predictions on his Facebook page. He has claimed that a “black hole” in his spine has been sending him a message about an impending flood that would wipe out the earth[…]
Veasna’s supporters have remained stubbornly fixated on his doomsday calls, ignoring days of orders from local authorities to go home[…]He was supposed to disband the crowd by the end of Tuesday

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