
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

RE: Why sub5s CANNOT get past lookism

26 yo and this is enough because at this point is completely over
I got compliments / iois from foids back then, do not ask me f they were honest or I misunderstood them because I am not-NT so I am not able to understand this btw no-one ever insulted me for my looks, I do not know how to rate because if you rate normie-tier that ugly manlet you clearly have an other rating system

Not even spreading their legs is a ioi. Women are liars and manipulators or else I'm Chad.

1)My classroom foid mate when I was 18 : you're definitely more good looking than him (typical bully fuckboy)

2)Once a guy I knew was criticizing me and a girl said "at least he's better looking than you" and this dude was a chad lite womanizer. I was 17.

3)School trip, 16 years old. My classmates were talking to some girls who where on school trip too. I was in the background staying silent. Before leaving one of the foids points at me "oh and you're hot".

4)My first BPD : I feel intimidation by good-looking guys like you

5)Landwhale manipulation techniques my last gf used

-You're the only guy I ever felt attracted too

-You were so sexy when you were paying the cashier. I'm jealous.

-all the guys I see are so insignificant compared to your unique looks

And yet I'm the ugliest man alive.

WOMEN'S WORDS MEAN NOTHING. They always have an agenda, play mind games and by adulation they feel they can control you. Sometimes they straight bullshit you just to see if you are fool enough to actually believe them. Most of you inkwells are so naive you almost trigger my fatherly instincts jfl

Mansplaining Award

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Let this old guy spell it out for you ladies because you are too young and gullible to figure it out yourselves.

You menstruate every month. You were designed to have children and raise them to be responsible citizens. You were designed to nurture husband and children.

In exchange, you will be cherished. Having a family ensures you will be loved and looked after until you die.

Contrary to what the media tells you, you will not be loved for your looks, personality, career or talent.

You will be loved for what you do for your family. People love people who love them.

Love isn't free. It must be earned.

Beauty fades with age but love just gets stronger.

Sex for sex's sake is a cheap facsimile of sex as an expression of love. It's no better than masturbating.

You've been brainwashed to believe your value consists in your sex appeal.

You have been brainwashed to eschew marriage and have anonymous sex because the satanists who control practically everything don't want you to have families.

They are trying to depopulate the world and destroy the institution of nuclear family. This way people will be dependent on them.

You have been duped!

Deprived of their natural function, young women are lost, twisting in the wind, road kill.

Put away the make-up.

Beauty comes from within.

From the soul.

Your true measure is the loving qualities of a wife and mother.

Ron DeSantis, some parents and activists #fundie #homophobia #racist #sexist #conspiracy washingtonpost.com

[Title: Measures across the country aim to restrict what children can read. - Context: moral panic in the US, banning books in schools, non-expert prejudice-based supervision, enabled with new controversial laws]

In one Virginia school district this fall, parents will receive an email notification every time their child checks out a book. In a Florida school system, teachers are purging their classrooms of texts that mention racism, sexism, gender identity or oppression. And a Pennsylvania school district is convening a panel of adults to sign off on every title that school librarians propose buying. The start of the 2022-2023 school year will usher in a new era of education in some parts of America -- one in which school librarians have less freedom to choose books and schoolchildren less ability to read books they find intriguing, experts say.
"This is a state-sponsored purging of ideas and identities that has no precedent in the United States of America," said John Chrastka, EveryLibrary's executive director. "We're witnessing the silencing of stories and the suppressing of information [that will make] the next generation less able to function in society."
Meanwhile, a flurry of parent-staffed websites reviewing books for inappropriate content have appeared -- including "Between the Book Covers," whose website says "professional review sites cannot be entrusted," and BookLook.info, a place for taking a closer look at the books in our children's hands." (Virginia's Bedford County district now suggests the latter as a resource for parents.) There are also Facebook groups like Utah's "LaVerna in the Library," which "collects naughty children's books."
BookLooks ratings range from 0, "For Everyone," to 5: "Aberrant Content" for "Adult only." A BookLooks review of Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison's novel "The Bluest Eye," often taught at the high school level, labeled it a "4" -- meaning it should not be read by anyone under 18.
In other places, book purges are proceeding quietly -- sometimes by unwilling hands.

Andrew Tate #sexist theguardian.com

The controversial online influencer and self-described misogynist Andrew Tate has been banned from Meta platforms Instagram and Facebook

Tate, a former kickboxer and reality TV star, was removed for violating Meta policies “on dangerous organizations and individuals”, the company confirmed by email

Tate first rose to prominence after appearing on the TV show Big Brother in 2016, when he was removed from the series after a video of him beating a woman outside the show surfaced

Since then, he has garnered backlash for his posts across social media, which domestic abuse charities have called “extreme misogyny”. He stated on Twitter in 2017 that women belong in the home and that rape victims “bear responsibility” for their attack, after which Twitter permanently banned him from the platform
Tate has grown a following for his advice videos to men, many of them veering into sexist territory. On one YouTube video, Tate described himself as “absolutely a misogynist”. He said: “I’m a realist and when you’re a realist you’re sexist. There’s no way you can be rooted in reality and not be sexist”

In a statement to the Guardian, Tate characterized many of his videos as parody, stating he was “playing a comedic character”[…]
Tate was a vocal supporter of former president Donald Trump and has appeared on a number of rightwing podcasts, including shows like Infowars, hosted by the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Dolphin Barn #crackpot #elitist #fundie #kinkshaming #magick #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

{Context: This guy is an indie game developer who was recently banned from his own games steam community because he keeps posting alti-right transphobic screeds in his game’s patch notes. This is one of many examples}

some men still wont fight. they're weak. there's no accounting for weak men. weak men lack character. strong moral fibre is hard to come by. it's earned through hard work and sacrifice and it cannot be had via onlyfans or pornhub. no, those fuckin' things are demonic posessions waiting to show you a succubus tiddy in the hopes you'll waste a load on her instead of spending that energy studying how to weld or grow a potato or learning a new language or how to program a computer. listen, kids ... get off them porntubes and do something with your life becuase no one is gonna give you a goddamned thing and this whole mess we call civilization is only getting harder. we need solutions and we need smart men who can work hard and implement those solutions. masturbating to egirls isn't gonna solve the energy crisis is it? get to work.

.. or play video games and have a relax and then get to work, fresh, tomorrow. i can't possibly know whats best for you in your individual situation.

really... don't let strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. if you want to be told how to live your life, read the new testament. the internet will only give you lies.

some incels #elitist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[ ionlycopenow ]

Took 2 months of being single for a HT normie I know to start saying incel-ish things

Now, this high tier normie has been single for 2 months and is now saying very incel-ish stuff, his whole demeanor has changed, he’s now more sulking/down, more negative, less motivated to ever do anything, more unconfident, and he out of no where has been saying very mysoggykneestic things.

Was strange to see it takes sexhavers just a single digit amount of months with no gf before they just lose all confidence and start saying incel-ish stuff, complete 180 in personality in negativity.

Makes me try to imagine how they would be if they were in the shoes of someone who has never had a gf or sex, ever.

[ ItsOver4cel ]

They literally wouldn't last a day as an incel
Not having a gf is hardly the worst of my problems at this point

[ shii410 ]

This should have become consensus after quarantine when normies and females started bitching and having meltdowns after like 2 weeks of "social distancing"

[ HedonisticRecluse ]

One of my 6'4 white freinds (chadlite) has girls stare at him everyday, I blackpilled him and he agreed with me lmao

Wdym by blackpilled him?

Told him that women only liked him because he was tall, white and 6'4, and then told him since im a manlet curry that I would have way worse chances, he agreed with me. I rant about women to him sometimes and he mostly agrees and would tell me his own experiences.

Another high tier normie autist freind I have tells me how most of the girls he fucks on tinder are the excat same copies of each other :feelshaha:.

[ Balding Subhuman ]

Yeah that happens. These are some reddit comments from a FtM. She went from 5'3 girl to 5'3 truecel best part is, before transitioning and living as a subhuman she would probably had mocked incels for being entitled


[ GayAlienSkullCel ]

literally the same with 6'4" friend. We look similar but I am incel while he is slaying even though he has a boring quiet personality and works as a package handler for $12 a hour.

Omg, 12 dollar a hour is incel-tier wage at USA, and here I am rotting making 0.50 dol a hour in bolivia

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist archived.moe

Fuck this country, this country is anti white, it discriminates against white people, the leaders of this country hate poor whites like me and favours shitskins and degenerates. This country is full of them and has no culture, if it did in the past, its all gone now. This shithole isn't worth fighting for. Hurry up Gott and Straffe the UK now. I want to leave and never come back.

Being an Englishman in 2022 is a curse unless you're rich and/or attractive, or a w*man.

I walk to town today to do some shopping, I see Muslims and blacks everywere walking down the street, takeaway shops and corner shops run by them, their languages being spoken, rubbish everywere and I have to see a mosque when I get home to. This country is horrid.

Watch your own countrymen deny the existence of British as a people. They are literally performing a cultural genocide against you while denying you exist.


I don't give a shit about this country, this country hates whites so I hate this country.

shii410 #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Based Anti-Racist British police officers told teachers & social workers to not report sex trafficking in order to avoid inflaming racial tensions

This is very based! Thank you to those Based officers as well as the BIPOC Immigrant community in Britain

The feminist take on this is unironically probably that the police and grooming gangs are part of the same faction and are oppressing women together because of their shared patriarchal interests (which is how the world should work)

A three-year independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation finds that over 1,000 children in the English town of Telford were sexually exploited beginning in the 1980s. Teachers and youth workers were discouraged from reporting child sexual abuse and police were nervous that investigating the abusers would inflame racial tensions.

Similar with other grooming gang cases, it was alleged that the authorities failed to keep details of abusers from Asian communities for fear of being seen as racist,[13] with police having known about gang activities since the early 1980s.

Jfl they use the term Asian men (which literally always means East Asian when westerners use the term in any other context) as if ricecels are going around raping thousands of foids but everyone who was arrested for being involved in this has a Pakistani name

Christopher F. Rufo #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut nitter.net

SCOOP: A left-wing NGO has laundered radical gender theory into more than 4,000 American schools, promoting an agenda of "anti-capitalism," the "abolition of the police," and encouraging children to adopt sexual identities such as "non-binary," "pansexual," and "genderqueer."

In a political manifesto, the GSA Network endorses calls for the “abolition of the police,” the “abolition of borders,” the payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and the overthrow of the “cisgender heterosexual patriarchy.”

The GSA Network trains adults to use cult-like programming techniques to recruit children into “gender and sexuality” activism. First, the children must rank themselves as members of “groups w/ systemic power (privilege)” or “groups w/ less or no systemic power (oppressed).”

Next, the oppressor children must “[do] the self and collective work to analyze how we contribute to the oppression of Trans, Queer, Non-binary / Gender Non-Conforming, Black, Indigenous, youth of color” and “commit to dismantling these systems for collective liberation.”

The adults tell the children they must “implement the use of pronouns,” “offer a land acknowledgment,” “listen to the Trans community,” “center conversations around Black liberation,” and “use your privilege (and your physical and monetary resources) to support [the oppressed].”

The GSA Network trains adult and child leaders to keep the program a secret from parents. “Know what you do and don’t have to tell parents/ guardians/families,” the organization advises in its official handbook.

These clubs often use the language of “LGBTQ inclusion,” but the central organization is driven by pure left-wing radicalism. As @SwipeWright/@buttonslives have documented, many clubs are intentionally concealing the truth from parents.

School districts that encourage adult employees to secretly discuss sexuality with children are creating a dangerous system. Clinical psychologists are already warning that some of these practices resemble “the steps predators take” to abuse kids.

Nebuchadnezzar #sexist incels.is

The different sociocultural contexts of the black pill.

I actually know that most of you have a vision of the black pill primarily coming from your rich first world context. I live in a fucking shit hole the poorest country in the entire continent (Venezuela) we are a piece of Africa in the western hemisphere.

Here hypergamy acquires different nuances typical of our context. For example, it does not matter if you are a 10/10 chad if you are poor, you screw yourself, the chads in my neighborhood are as poor as I am and they often come to my house to pick mangoes in order to survive. I've seen people looking better than me digging through the trash or asking for money on buses. Also, unlike their countries, here betabuxxing continues to work, you can be a 1/10 or a subhuman, but as long as you do not have serious deformities you can keep a young foid who gives you sex (of course if you run out of money she it leaves), also here there are no dating applications NOBODY I repeat NOBODY knows what the hell is tinder, I even think it is not valid for my country. You can also be ugly or short but if you are charismatic enough you can occasionally have sex (I have seen it with my own eyes).

So who monopolizes the foids in my country?

Easy, the damn government officials, commissioners, captains, generals, government administrative managers, ministers, mayors, governors etc ... those are the chads of my country, not some fucking malnourished guy with good facial symmetry. The damned corrupt government are the ones I hate, I don't feel hatred for the chads of my country because they are simply as misrearable as I am. The last way to get promoted here is to become a criminal (which is very easy here), "the pran" (criminal leader) of my neighborhood is fucking ugly (almost truecel level) and still he fucks the best foids in the neighborhood.

Finally you will wonder ... why don't you go up if it's so easy? I simply cannot, because first I am poor and I have nothing to offer and second I am VERY shy and VERY inhibited to a level that is very rare to see someone like me in my country. It's just over for me. I just wanted to offer you something of the context of inceldom in my country.

Bangkok or bust #sexist blackpill.club

I feel like social media and tech has fucked women's perceptions of the opposite sex, far more than porn has for men.
If anything onlyfans has finally dispelled the idea that men have "unrealistic beauty standards"; it on the contrary showed how diverse their tastes in women really are: "thicc" women with average and below average faces are in demand and are competing with skinny girls, and with it there came the adult influencers involving outright obese women, tall women, short women, older mature women, goths, geeks, Brazilian butt lift types, tiny flat chests, androgynous girls, even dwarfs... watch the faces of the e-thots -- they range from the sculpted like Olivia Wilde's, to average looking amateurs to fat ugly obese girls. Women of all shapes and sizes have their Simps now and can make either a side income or full income by selling sex. Its a far more uniform picture of when you look at what the average woman imagines under "attractive guy":
* 6ft0+ V shaped torso w/broad shoulderz
* muscles like a 100m sprinter or calisthenics expert (low body fat %)
* trendy haircut with youthful hairline
* square, stubbled jaw
* Good looking eye area
she'd like to think she has a "type", but upon closer inspection you will discover it's the same underlying Chad skeletal type in different genetic colouring outfits (white European or mixed race Tyrone, black hair, brown hair, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes), there is rarely any real diversity in it, the furthest from the 'hunk' ideal is the alternative sub 6ft pretty boy like Zac Effron, Jared Leto and Zayn Malik, but it pretty much ends there. Women may not get consumed by pornography, but they are exposed to the most conventionally attractive men picked up by sophisticated tiktok, Tinder and instagram algorithms.

Various Femcels #psycho #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

So what is the future

What are we going to do? Is there even anything we can do? Have we given up and preparing to die with minimal damage to our soul and body (avoiding males and their slaves) and not bringing our daughters into it?

As individuals it depends on what our options are... For me I may become a nun one day just so I can live the rest of my days only among women without having to worry about males invading the community since most traditional religious institutions like the Catholic Church do not and probably will never bow down to TRA junk and accept the trans women are women garbage from TRAs...

As far as what we are going to do as a whole in the future... I think we should look for a way to reproduce without the male sex being involved. If parthenogenesis becomes possible for humans we can start deciding if keeping males around at all is worth it or not... Personally I think we would be better off without the great majority of them at least... Women need to wake up and stop birthing so many moids into this world... Especially ugly moids which the vast majority of moids end up becoming... 🤢🤮

that nun thing is pretty smart, nowadays even nursing homes for old women are filled with troons...

Ideally, make enough money to build a female only country with a military and create a bioweapon to eliminate males. Bioweapons are cheaper and easier to manage than nuclear weapons, so this can be achievable its just a matter of resources, team work and execution. Also, it will be a pity if I just die and not bring some males down with me.

I'm hoping in another five years or so some of the branches of the womyn's land movement will see the error in including men and I'll buy into one of those.


Women's communes. Unfortunately, the TIMs have infiltrated many of them.

I would love for a blackpilled to become a millionaire to raise funds for what she believes in. Millionaire moids do this a lot. Perhaps it would be possible in South Korea where the pessimistic, and separatist radfem is more popular.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.wiki

Female Contempt for an Obvious Outcome of Feminism: Househusbands

A world where young women make more money than young men would seem to necessitate an increase in house-husbands. The male liberation movement, a subset of male feminist MRAs in the 60s wanted a dramatic increase in househusbands. However even in the most feminist countries, women will still expect the man to work or else a breakup.

Even in a country where feminism is institutional and mainstream, where equal-pay laws are in place, and where women have more total personal wealth than men, "the key factor in the decision to divorce is whether Hubby (note, not the wife) has a job. If he doesn’t, even if his job loss is involuntary, his odds of being ditched by his wife skyrocket"[5]

Early 20th century, anti-feminist and Marxist Belfort Bax's quote still remains true, "Among all the women’s rights advocates I am not aware of one who, in her zeal for equality between the sexes, has ever suggested abolishing the right of maintenance of the wife by the husband."[6]

And as the 21st century, right-wing provocateur named, "Eggman", put it, "Talk to any US woman and they'll tell you about men offering and buying them all sorts of things: vacations, houses, cars... When was the last time a woman offered to buy you a house or car, now that we have gender equality and all?"[7]

When women attain higher wealth and social status, these gender roles are not obviated, but instead reinforced.[8] [9] [10]

A choice quote from the works previously referenced, The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture:

Fifteen feminists leaders, when asked what traits they sought in a man, regularly used words which connote high status: "very rich" or "brilliant" or "genius". Large tips, lavish dinners, stunning suits, and so forth were regularly referred to. In short these (feminist) women wanted superpowerful men.

It seems that women therefore, naturally recoil at the idea of not using a man to financially provide for her, calling men who don't live up to masculine gender roles as, "manchildren", no matter how generous the welfare state she is in or how much money she makes.

BetterUnborn #sexist incels.is

You don’t become officially blackpill until you’ve had a Chad Friend srs

This is very true. I have a Chad friend and let me tell you the black pill is real. We used to workout together and women made it so obvious that they liked him. They would come up to him and begin chatting him up. One girl recommended a particular grip on a machine. Another time he was minding his own business and a girl approached him from across the gym to help her set up a shitty booty machine. Like how the fuck is he supposed to know how to work the butt blaster 5000? He didn’t notice but for some reason as soon as we got to the gym girls would magically appear around us. I was a retard and thought maybe it could be me? When I went alone this never happened. But I knew why they were doing this. They were very attracted to him. I also went to Uni with him. The biggest black pill moment was when I asked a girl for her number because we all were in a group project together and we needed to be in constant contact regarding our assignment. She was muslim and wore a head scarf. She said, “sorry I don’t give out my number to guys” I thought this was plausible considering her religion. I told my Chad friend about this and he said that she approached him not long ago and gave him her number and even began doing his homework. After the semester he stopped talking to her. I have so many more stories with this chad friend. I literally NEVER got any attention. I’m Pakistani and he’s Iranian.

MsElleWM #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

"You said you’d be around lily cade, confirmed rapist, over a Trans woman with no violent history.
That’s not sensible."

"Imagine you are a cat. Not a furry but a real one. You have the choice of being alone with a cat who has fought others or a dog. As a cat you would choose the other cat. Same with biological women. We choose to avoid biological males for our own safety"

Buckdharma2 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

Most women can fight off Lily Cade, most women can’t fight off a man determined to rape us.

If its a stranger in a bathroom it most certainly is about activating fight rather than freeze, and it’s a hell of a lot easier when your attacker is female. Your body knows when it has a fighting chance, hence most women freeze when attacked by a man.

dsar9013 & Kloxx2011 #sexist #psycho #transphobia blackpill.club

Incels don't seem angry anymore
I remember back in 2014-15, pretty much every incel wanted to go on shooting sprees and hated normies, wanted to go ER etc. I know now, some were joking, but there was a lot more anger back then in general, even if society as a whole was no where near as bad as it is now. Maybe because back then incels were millenial? Seems like most incels now are just cucks, and don't really talk about going ER, or hating normies... I wonder if it is because incel zoomers are just more cucked than millenials? Or if incels just got used to it, maybe they are coping with onlyfans or twitch thots, pretty sad state of the incel community though.

With the fact that foid streamers and onlyfans being wildly successful I can see that a lot of incels are turning to cucks and severe simps.


With the fact that foid streamers and onlyfans being wildly successful I can see that a lot of incels are turning to cucks and severe simps.

I think this and the incels to tranny pipeline is basically the main reasons, but just incels in general are more depressed, less angry and pro violence, it's a soyification of the incel community, it's very depressing, I had hoped one day me and my incel brothers would rise up in rebellion against society, but that doesn't look like it will ever happen now. Incels are just too cucked nowdays.

Billowel #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #sexist incels.is

Is Italy even worse than Germany? Jfl

lookswise meds look way uglier then whites especially if they come from the south.

but hypergamy wise?italy has shit tier wages,a huge ammount of competition since it's still a very populated country(the smaller the population the harder it is for dating apps to work and for chads to appear),is one of the most travelled countries in the world so white bois gonna be fucking them tanned poor easy bitches,unless the guys can immigrate they often have no jobs and can't afford escorts(yeah escorting is a sin but that isn't the point). So the women are very hard to get,the guys have zero money,they can't escortmaxx,can't africamaxx heck they can't even vidyamaxx since getting a pc is expensive for them,they can't restaurantmaxx,they get mogged 24/7 especially in big cities.All of this whilst living in one of the most beatiful countries in the world,filled with amazing beaches, and a million chads and cute stacies that often look like jbs(meds are tiny people) constantly going around and waving their happiness to anyone.

so yeah i would say it's way fucking worse then germany.at least in germany there are decent jobs,neetbuxes,some help if you are homeless.in italy there doesn't seem to be any of that,

Shitskin hands typed this.

Not even worth answering this amount of garbage point by point.

i don't live in italy,but that's the impression i have from what i have seen so far.how am i wrong?

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.wiki

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Don’t even think or debate about Saving and Protecting White Women"]

The majority of them are completely long dead and gone. They are just whistling past the graveyard, and only a fool with a Christian conscience would entertain such silly notions

You must be a Man who has enough self-respect for your Sovereignty to stomach the idea of witnessing your own savage racial women starve and suffer

They deserve it

The Grim Reaper, needs to come do his long overdue handiwork, so to speak[…]
Of these filthy whores manage to even survive through the coming storm, it’s only a question about who will capture them and hold them ransom as Slaves to either be used or sold, because that will be the only use for them and even at that, Western Women have highly toxic minds and bodies, so they are actually even low value slaves. They would be sold very cheaply

Caucasian Women who have maintained their honor, integrity and purity in every interpretations of those words, are few and far between, and only such specimens as those are worthy of securing

Women are routinely cheap with Men and give Men nearly nothing but an idea, therefore it is wise that a Man acts very cheaply with Women[…]
Gender Segregation, as I have warned about, is becoming a major trend now in the West, and will continue to accelerate

Men and Women are pretty much no longer ideal for one another because of genetic tampering with the races, intermixing and subversive Propaganda with Feminism that has ensured it

And when you tie in the genetic changes and infertility that Women now have after taking the clot shots, not only can they not have kids, but they have even longer duration menstrual cycles which means more aggravation and pissy moods from them

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

And If the Dad wants Them?

spoilerSchrödinger's Fetus
When the unborn
child's value depends
on whether the
mother wants him, he
is both a valuable
human being and a
worthless clump of
cells at the same time.

Fathers are only considered for their productivity/contributions, not as human beings.

This is more true with the neo-progressives, not less.

This fact alone should show everyone that we do not live in a patriarchal society

The opposite is true

Men have zero rights, both ways too

You have no choice whether they want to keep it or not

You’re there for money that’s it

That’s a terrible way to function and something is wrong in that situation


The opposite is true

The opposite is not true. We do not live in a matriarchal society. We simply do not live in a patriarch society as defined by insane people.

This is no different than the fact that science is the pursuit of truth, but $cience, as defined by the powers that be, is not the pursuit of truth.

Life is a struggle, but not one in which man and woman are in competition with each other.

The problems is that these leftist Marxist see all human relationships as a power struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed. And with that sort of belief, it creates an awful lot of resentment.

Absolutely, their evil godless ideologies create conflict and misery by design.

Not to mention if divorce happens. Then the mom gets everything, almost entirely without discretion. Only in rare circumstances does the father gets to keep the house or have custody of the kids. Laws are almost entirely rigged against men.

If the mother doesn’t want the baby but the dad does; then the dad is an emotionally manipulative tyrant who doesn’t support his wife.

I’ve literally seen that said so many times on r/abortiondebate recently. Harrowing.

kaltkalt #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Date rape drugsin the system, yes. Alcohol no. Everyone gulps down alcohol, girls exist in bars to get guys to "buy me a drink". But sure if she has a ton of benzodiazepines that she’s not prescribed in her system, i might consider that evidence. But I also know how people buy and trade pills, especially benzos, and like to use them when they go out drinking to get extra-wasted.

As for greivous bodily injury, like... seriously bruised, broken bones, cuts, extreme vaginal tearing, ok definitely evidence of an assault and rape, but how do we know she accused the right guy? Were they on a date? Because there’s certainly no epidemic of guys beating up their dates.

Also, and this is something I learned recently that i still find disturbing... women love rape play. They love a big strong guy coming in, slamming them down on the bed, ripping off their clothes, being extremely rough, grabbing their throat and hair, tossing them around and taking his huge cock and fucking her brains out... all while wearing a ski mask as she yells no no nooo, ohhh yess yess yesss!

I didn’t even believe this until i saw how big the "rape play" forum is on fetlife.com. I heard there were some complaints so it might not be there anymore, this was like 2 years ago. And it was ALL women talking about how hot being raped is - as long as the rapist doesn’t mess up her hair and makeup too badly.

I could never do that to a woman, i guess because I’m a pathetic beta male. But hey, I’ve seen the type of guy women are attracted to. I’m just not sympathetic to rape claims

kaltkalt #psycho #sexist reddit.com

There is never evidence of rape, just "she said" and maybe "she cried on the stand".... DNA tests don’t prove anything except two people had sex. People fuck all the time, especially after drinking. So the accused saying "we had sex, it was consensual" is reasonable to believe and casts doubt on the accusation. In other words it’s reasonable doubt. Defendant should be acquitted every time.

The only time someone can legitimately be convicted of rape is if it’s done in the middle of a public place, or if the rapist films it or confessesto it in a diary or something like that. This practically never happens... once a decade maybe. So there should be only one rape conviction every decade. If even that. It’s a crime that cannot be proven by its nature.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Monkeypox is About to Prove TruFemcels Was Right All Along

The jokes and memes already started. People who wouldn't take COVID seriously are not messing with monkeypox.

Why? The disfiguring lesions which sometimes create awful scars ruin appearance. People not even focused on the bubbles being so painful they are being treated with narcotics

Suddenly all the bullshit about looks are out the door. Lethal or not, people understand how looking bad will make you a pariah. They instinctively understand the severe ramifications and ostracization.

The Live Laugh Love queens of toxic positivity arent comforted by "men will fuck anything" because what? People are mean to those who are ugly?

Who woulda thunk.

Pay attention the next few weeks. You couldn't see COVID as easily so these people didnt give a shit who died

Lets see what the sentiment around this outbreak tells us

Blame these slutty men for spreading this disgusting disease.

Humanity is a whole joke most people are more afraid of the bubbles that can go away with treatment and only leave simple scars than the actual virus and its horrible symptoms and pain 💀

As an aside, learning that monkeypox has to be treated with narcotics makes me want to vomit. Because Native Americans had to undergo mass smallpox after Eurosettlers came to their lands...

Disturbing. I hope climate change gets rid of the non-natives on the continents.

fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

What are you talking about? While I couldn't get a date with the most disgusting fat pig in America, I had no problem dating models outside the depraved West. Why? I was in top physical shape, physically attractive, intelligent, successful, etc. Women in modern culture absolutely hate intelligent moral men, that is why they hated me. But outside of the West, I didn't have this issue.

EastsideRim #dunning-kruger #mammon #moonbat #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Practice with men you don’t like

As a beginner, it’s easiest to practice Diabla with guys you truly don’t even like. This is the G rated side of it. If you all find this helpful, I can write up the X rated strategies I find useful.

“Treat him like a plaything” is organic when you truly feel he is.

For example. do you find basically all men unbearable? You wonder why even mediocre bros with nothing more than a high school diploma seem to always have higher paying jobs and so much more money than you? (Hint: it’s patriarchy, and often white supremacy + unearned intergenerational wealth in a lot of cases, though only patriarchy might apply to brown guys. There can still be colorism however.)


Whatever your stance, look for guys who hold a misaligned one, if not the stomach turning opposite.

Find yourself a doofus who loves his Tesla and his stonks. Make sure he has money (no studio apartment dwellers thank you) & is at least okay looking, not smelly, not completely physically repulsive to you. Remember how he has 3 vehicles, a vacation home, and owns a boat with his daddy, because somewhere down the line, his great great great great grandparents stole land from and enslaved other people’s ancestors. Or his ancestors oppressed the people in the lower caste your bestie is descended from. Whatever the case is. (Oops, if it turns out he is broke after all: play him for a minute, no longer than one pricy drink/dinner, then move on quick. These are low stakes speed practice.)

You don’t want to date him. You don’t want to marry him. You want to be the fantasy. And get yours.

When you do fight these dingdongs, make it either a) minor or b) how he has hurt your feelings.

The main reason I assert sticking to the ones that you find at least “not-repellent” physically is that when I am truly repulsed by a guy I cannot fake it. I’m personally incapable. I do my best with the ones I find attractive physically, but have conflicting values so extracting from them feels like reparations/equalization, and I will never develop feelings for them. Bless those of you who can handle a rich yucko - I wish I had your stomach.

Eldooro #sexist #psycho mmo-champion.com

[on a 10 year old child giving birth in mexico]
If you think 10 year olds are too young, you really shouldn't look at human history.
There's a reason for the remark "if she bleeds, she breeds".
Back in the day, before penicillin, infant mortality rate was really high. In addition, you needed kids help to work the farm and whatever. The only way to accomplish a lot of things it to breed as fast as possible. This included what we define as kids.

The big deal for us is 10 year old's have no method to survive on their own. We deem them irresponsible and incapable of making live changing decisions. We believe at 18, you're smart enough for live changing decisions (excluding alcohol, being the President, a member of Congress, etc). From others perceptions about it, they look at us as we're going out of our way to teach children (<18 yo) that they can not be responsible until this magic number 18 hits them. In Texas, it's 17, btw, with a 3 year Romeo and Juliet clause.


I think far too often people forget we are still slaves to our biological masters. We're horny because our body says "MAKE BABY NOW!". There are 13 year old that look like 18 AND get in to bars with a fake ID. They are horny like anyone else but are held to a different standard. Right, wrong, or indifferent -- that's the way it is and it'll be a political war to change it. The war won't be able what's best for the children or adults. It'll be what looks best and will help assist in voting people in to power.

In the US, sex is a scary thing. Showing vag in a movie will get you an X rating. But showing someone losing their torso and blood everywhere may still net you a PG-13 or maybe an R. Sex is natural and something your body really likes. Killing, not so much. Personally, I find us as backwards

The_Real_PMC #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

All feminists are like that, all feminists hate men period. Feminists are allied with each other and enable each others hate.

Transcript[Panel 1]
[Panel 2]
-Pauline Harmange-
[Panel 3]

98GoinOnDead #sexist incels.is

Post wall roastie laments losing her teen "pretty privilege"

As a teen, I let my good looks define me - now, at 44, I feel invisible

tl:dr 44 year old toilet mother of three, happily married, is complaining that she is "invisible" compared to when she was a pretty teenager. This foid is literally admitting that pretty/female privilege is real. The entitlement is astounding, because she is both blaming men for 'reducing women to their appearances' but she is also complaining that she has 'lost a large part of her identity'.

This retarded foid will never know the pain of being a sub-chad male who is invisible all his life. She does not know how lucky she is to have been born a pretty white foid and at least have had decades to be fawned over for her looks and sex appeal. Also the entire fucking article is just a humblebrag about how pretty she was, with lots of pictures of her young self and stories about people calling her beautiful or whatever.

But of course men are the problem for making her feel the need for said validation, of course, she can't admit that maybe craving it is a flaw. The fact that she let her youthful beauty define her entire being is somehow the fault of men (despite her admitting that she even enjoyed female validation of her own beauty). And now she is a mother and married and that still isn't enough for her jfl. They say that incels are obsessed with our youth but at least we have a reason. We had lost youths and we pine for the simple validation that would have come from a teen/young gf. Meanwhile roasties get validated by EVERYONE when they are young and then pine after it when they are older because they are fucking GREEDY, and even being happily married and with kids is not enough for them, meanwhile oldcels are completely fucking lonely.

She wrote that she felt uneasy when non-attractive females were ignored or disrespected. What about men who are treated like lowest dirt if they are ugly and/or mentally I'll and don't act 'normally'? I'm sure they aren't even human beings in her eyes.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

Was the headship of a husband over his husband inbuilt in the Creation? Children know their fathers are the head of the family even if their wives don’t acknowledge this. How do I know? If a child has a godly father, the chances of the children growing up to be believers is extremely high. If a child has a godly mother only, the chances of the children growing up to be believers is low.

Children can see that their fathers are generally bigger, stronger, and with louder, deeper voices than their mothers. This is inbuilt from Creation. Yes, women will effectively deny all of this because they have been taught that authority by their husbands is oppression, yet they trot off to work each day to be under authority of their bosses, and they obey the speed limit since they are under the authority of the government, yet forget being under the authority of the one they chose to love all of their days.
Yes, the headship of husbands over their wives was inbuilt from Creation since the purpose for God creating Eve was to be a help meet to her husband. This is God-ordained and it is good. For those who want to argue that being a helpmeet didn’t mean that Adam was in authority, oh yes, it did. In 1 Timothy 2:13, was are told that one of the reasons that women are not to
usurp authority over men nor teach them was because Adam was created first. God made him first and had Adam name all of the animals.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick #sexist inglinga.blogspot.com

Loki is male-female and when he ate the burnt heart of Angrboda he became unbalanced towards the female side of himself. This we can see clearly in the anti-male (anti White Male more precisely) stance in our society, something that is overlooked if we take the Abrahamic Religions as being 'male-dominated' alone. 


Like Sauron in Lord of the Rings this Demonic Force will accept no opposition, and when it arises will deflect or even totally destroy it. The ultimate aim is to destroy the Races of Man altogether, which seems clear when we consider their creation of 'Artificial Intelligence' and their experiments on human beings - such as the 'vaccines' where mRNA ('Messenger RNA') is used to alter the DNA Code. 

These 'experiments' on human beings suggest that the 'Grey Aliens' of Ufology are the 'Trickster-Virus' that does certain abductions and experiments. These are, unlike the 'Nordics', grey, colourless, sexless, race-less etc.


Every Empire of Light from ancient times has arisen as if from nowhere, created a high civilisation which reaches a peak, begins to decline as it loses its energy (when it starts to become detached from the Sacred Centre), is 'infected' by a type of destructive 'virus' which then finally destroys it, as the remnants are destroyed by 'barbarians'. From there the Trickster-Virus 'leaves the falling house' and moves elsewhere to do the same thing again. In the process the 'Desert-Demon' and his minions leave the whole thing as a lifeless desert, seen in a typical example in the Gobi Desert which was once the Gobi Civilisation created after the Aryans left Atlantis. Since these Dark Forces have usurped the technology created by Tesla - the ability to change the weather-patterns - this may be part of the tactics used today, since we are seeing some particularly long spells of dry, hot weather.

El Brujo #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist incels.is

Insanity curse

Stare at a picture of your boss and say "Your time is up, and and gone your mind is out of control. You will panic in desperation as your mental will takes separation. Spirits of darkness hear my plea take (boss's name)mind leave nothing but chaos and disorder behind"
Light up a stick of dragon's blood incense.
Then say "Spirts of darkness hear me now take (bosses name) functionality and sanity leave nothing but torment and agony". Pass the picture through the smoke. Then spit on the picture, and fold it up. Seal the curse with "I will it so, by my will, so it is"

Send this curse to your employer, coworkers, classmates, and enemies.

Use this simple curse to spread suffering to our enemies.

Youngcels, recklessly use this on your class mates

Do you have anything to make my life better? I don't care about cursing anyone like this, I just want sex and a better life.

Yes, I can help you attain anything you want.

Have you tried it for yourself?

Have I used magick before? Yes

So, have you ascended and are trying to spread some sort of message about Magick?

I haven't used the lust spells, because I making a pagan god, and I have all these magick projects, the lust spell is on hold for now. I am trying to spread a message about magick. I'm giving occult knowledge to the incel community. I'm trying to empower us. Give each incel the power of a god.

Maybe you could give me stuff that would get me sex in a more indirect way.

Shit like this can get anyone pussy

Jana Pinson #sexist #fundie #wingnut dailykos.com

(I am aware Daily Kos is not a fundie organization. It’s just the source of the information.)

A pregnant 13 year old doesn’t have to be a negative thing says Texas anti-abortion crusader

Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are hubs of false advertising, anti-abortion organizations that try to trick people into thinking they’re clinics offering abortion or abortion referrals—when in reality, they offer drugstore pregnancy tests and pressure to continue the pregnancy. They’re about to get much, much more sophisticated in that mission.

One Corpus Christi CPC is planning a massive expansion to a 20,000-square-foot facility with a coffee shop, thrift store, and “a ‘man cave’ with a pool table, where men will be approached by a certified marriage counselor as they wait for the women they impregnated,” The Washington Post reports.

…”Post-Roe needs to have prenatal. We’re taking care of the whole woman.”…

…“I’ve seen a lot of 13-year-olds do phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. It doesn’t have to be a negative thing.” Child rape leading to pregnancy doesn’t have to be negative, she says.…

Zhou Chang-Xing and latincell #racist #sexist incels.is

[ Zhou Chang-Xing ]

This dating site doesn't include Slavs as "Europeans" (another Slavpill)


Slavic and Latin people are Europeans, but because their SMV is much lower they're categorised as different peoples. Your SMV decides your ethnicity, if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group.

This is also why Jungle Gooks are categorised separate from other Gooks.

[ latincell ]

if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group

This!! My father’s side of the family are all blonde Ashkenazi stuck up Jews. My father’s niece has called me an Schwartze before, fuck that gigastacy dog cock slurpin yarmulke wearing cunt

Latin refers to spics

In America it also refers to people from the Iberian Peninsula because Amerimutts are so dumb they don't think that Spanish people are white.

Will your father's niece date a 5'5, balding sand?

Strictly JBW/Ashkenazi dudes. Her dad’s name is literally “Chad”

GayAlienSkullCel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

I introduce you the BeeGeesPill

the Gibb brothers were 4.
Andy (turbomanlet 5'6 chadlite) - suicide by age 30, drug addicted depressive, cheated by wife Victoria Principal

Gay Alien Skull Saint Maurice Gibb (turbomanlet bald 5'7 incel) - died by early age because of alcoholism, depressive and aggressive with his family

Robin (5'8 prey-eyed manlet) - addicted to opium, died prematurely, deppressed

and finally

Barry Gibb - 6' chadlite: never got into drugs and is the only remaining bee gees brother

all of them were equally rich

manlets lived an unhappy life
6' is still slaying


Brutal siblingspill / brotherspill, they all have the same parents but only Barry got the good genes and was therefore desired. There is no equality, not even if you share the same parents, the slightly different genes you got change absolutely everything about your life.

Brutal Blackpill

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Making Laws that deem and punish Women as sexual predators is revolutionary."]

It is alarming how much the Justice scales are tipped against Men and in favor of Women in these times, but the era is upon us where the damage Women have done in societies will create such a demand that Men will have to use violence and the heavy hand of law to treat Women

If a Woman in any way weaponizes her body, uses it for ill-intended purposes, or to make money or tease Men, she should be punished with torture and systemically registered as a Sex Offender

Imprisonment would be a lucky chance for her, because sexual deviance in Women including infidelity calls for burning them in the public square

The first step in eliminating the problem with Women is legislation and attitudes must no longer permit the viewing of Women as a victim, or that she may be prone to being a victim or disadvantaged compared to the Man

Women are pretty damn vicious, and for this reason, Women should have less rights in society, more restrictions and more laws placed against her, as she is Not a Sovereign Vessel as a Man

Only Weak, Pathetic, Stupid Men look at Women as victims or want to help them with everything[…]
The National Socialists gave Women the right to vote, however we see that as an experimental tendency, and it violates our Prussian Tradition of suppressing the Woman and regarding her as the inferior

Europeans always should look to Prussian Standards when it comes to how to treat and regard Women

If the era which calls for enacting Laws against Women for their behavior cannot be pursued, Men should refrain from sexual relations and use violence

The problem is that not enough Men use violence, hence Laws have been put into place

Bill T #sexist thetransformedwife.com

College for women is a disaster for all of society. Because when women go to college, inevitably, men get excluded from college. Everybody claims this doesn’t happen, but it does.
So now we have millions of young men who haven’t gone to college, who don’t have jobs or careers. Who are mocked, insulted, demeaned by haughty women.
So what do these beaten-down insulted boys do? What they’ve always done in history: pick up guns and start killing people.
A very, very small number of crazy young men with guns can destroy society utterly. It’s called “Asymetric warfare” and that’s how Bosnia and other similar nations collapsed into civil war.
Now the USA is headed that way. In 20 years our nation will be in ruins and all those “empowered women” will be begging for some man to protect them. Or we’ll be a police state in which all men are wearing electronic tracking collars, controlled from birth.
Feminism destroys nations. This has been true for thousands of years of human history. Villages that embraced Feminist-like ideals quickly collapsed and starved, or were overrun by non-Feminist villages nearby. This is why early Feminists were ALWAYS driven from the village by the other women, or killed. They are dangerous to everybody’s survival.
The USA and other nations that have fallen under the evil spell of Feminism are doomed.
Future generations will look back in horror at Feminism and wonder how we could have been so stupid. For the women in the future, to call another woman a “Feminist” will be the most terrible insult, a word said with a hiss. As the population of the country collapses (it’s already happening, look at the birth rate) Feminism and Abortion will be recognized as the crimes they are, and young women will have to be paid/encouraged to have more kids to try to stave off social collapse.
All of the above is scientific fact. And Biblical fact.

Maryam_ #sexist thepinkpill.co

Honestly men are so deluded about their own shitiness it actually astounds me. It feels like theyre deliberately holding back, like theyre making a conscious decision to improve their reputation. I genuinely dont think they believe a word they utter when it comes to defending themselves but I have nearly never seen men admit basic reality. Even BPF occasionally calls women bitches and whores but men could be raped, tortured, have their whole family killed by their another man but theyd never decry the male sex. Its weird and tbh with pickmes pick-me-ing I sometimes end up having my doubts. Like am I living in a fucking stimulation or something? Am I cherry-picking shit? Statistically speaking I should see at least one guy with awareness? Where are they?

So when the glass cracks, just a little bit, its like a scream Ive been holding eventually gets released. The situation is so bad that Im still holding onto a single comment of a US soldier from fucking Iraq of all fucking people, on r/collapse in all fucking places, (basically a guy that should be 90% close to reality) telling a woman, "As a (blah blah blah) I have to admit that we as a sex are evil" (paraphrasing). Like... that is the only bout of self-awareness I can count in my hand. The other was a Pakistani guy who said that feminism should learn to incorporate violence. They are such unique cases that I still remember them wtf

Henry_Blair #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminists are under a distorted perception of reality which makes them regard actual equality, as discrimination, and hence to act in practice to replace what is in fact a balance, with what is actually discrimination in favor of women.

Imagine a game where David and Sarah are standing on a flat floor in complete darkness, in a room where apples are hanging from the ceiling on strings. David realizes Sarah is eating something and raises his arms in the dark a little to find something to eat. When this doesn't bring him to any apples, he becomes angry and shouts that Sarah has a box under her legs, that gives her "potential advantages".

He demands an actual wooden box, "to balance" Sarah's box. Remember that we know that none of them have any boxes under their feet.

The production slips him one.

Well, now David's false belief that he is being discriminated against, makes him, the one who created discrimination - against Sarah. The hungry Sarah complaints that David now has an advantage, but David replies, "this only balances".

Sarah's hunger makes her more and more desperate to eat, and she starts jumping, higher and higher, until she finds an apple, and although exhausting, the practice makes her quite good at grabbing apples in the dark.

David now shouts, "Sarah has a much bigger advantage - she has more than one box, while I have only one!" And he demands, that hammers will be brought down on what's under Sarah's legs - "to remove the advantage!"

But if there is no box in the first place under Sarah's legs, those hammers, would not be crushing boxes (privileges) but flesh and blood (basic rights). David's box is a privilege and not a right, his hammers are eliminating a right, not a privilege, and both things are not the creation of equality, but of inequality. But feminists believe there is a transparent box under every man's feet and this is why they try to crush any basic equality of men while believing they are creating equality.

anonymous #sexist #wingnut rantrampage.com

Roe v Wade was a old law it is outdated and its time it goes if women can't learn to control their need to go out and sleep with tons of men they should be force to step up and take on the responsibility they ended up when they found out they were pregnant and that goes for you men as well your just as bad.

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist #racist gab.com

Morbidly obese women are significantly less likely to conceive, so honestly you probably shouldn't worry about it... ma'am?

@SomeBitchIKnow This too...... (lol)

@SomeBitchIKnow BS that’s a black man’s dream girl….low self esteem easily manipulated, pops out a couple brats shes his forever…

@SomeBitchIKnow you are right no one fucks the fatties.

@SomeBitchIKnow L, usually I agree with you - but that right there is a prime candidate to conceive lots of fine mixed-race babies.

@Junk_Silver @SomeBitchIKnow except for her being gay... or whatever variation of gay she "identifies" as

@Jdhudson11b @SomeBitchIKnow For the right brother she'll suddenly become bi - trust me on that one!

@SomeBitchIKnow Less likely to conceive because she is so unhealthy fat, or because most men won’t want to touch her? either way, I guess you’re right. She probably doesn’t need to worry about it. 🤷‍♀️

@SomeBitchIKnow 'Gay' and 'needs abortion' are oxymoronic...
This is patent Children of Satan rebellion against Christianity. You cant get more blatant.

@SomeBitchIKnow Negros stick their dicks in anything that moves. Just roll her in flour and look for the wet spot

@SomeBitchIKnow Notice how they all seem to fit the same profile? Fat, ugly, self loathing and full of hate. Because no one wants anything to do with them. Their solution? Become worse.

@SomeBitchIKnow What right-thinking, self-respecting guy would even come close to that?!?!

@SomeBitchIKnow That shirt makes no sense. Gay people who can’t conceive are supposed to pay money to women who had sex with men to murder the baby that’s the result of their fornication?

@SomeBitchIKnow Let the left abort themselves into non existence. I’m pro-life, but not afraid to say that it would definitely be for the greater part of humanity.

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist reddit.com


If men were the ones getting pregnant, women would try to outlaw it on the basis of feminist equality.

They would, and we would have hell to pay if a unborn girl was aborted!

True: If men were the ones who got pregnant, you would find way more men who would support abortion.

Also true: If women weren’t the ones who got pregnant, they would be less emotionally charged over the issue and we would likely see far less women supporting abortion.

Also ALSO true: None of this has anything to do with whether or not it’s right or not. It only speaks to the fact that a person’s own role in the issue emotionally affects how they view it.

Also true, more women are prolife than men. This stands to reason, as abortion lets men run from their responsibilities.

“In numerous studies females score higher than males in standard tests of emotion recognition, social sensitivity and empathy.” Yet for the pro choice women no regard for the defenseless, innocent and children of God who they WILL have to answer to.

If men could get pregnant all feminists will be prolife so nope.

PP gets donations from these zealots and the virtue signaling rich people and corporations, funding from the government, fees for their abortions, AND they get to sell the stem cells harvested from the dead babies. That person is so far lost it’s gonna take divine intervention to get them back. I’d rather wallow in the mud with the prodigal son than be associated with that neanderthal.

Monsters always wanting to kill babies and call it a right

Jennifer and Shelly #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Now, with her husband’s permission, however ; it doesn’t mean that a women can’t make money…But I feel like, none the less; she needs to allow for her husband, to be the MAIN provider. Her, incom, doesn’t need to usurp his incom. In, the dangerous world we live in today; we as women definitely need to be running back to men; and depending on men. I fully accept that.

It seems to me that most of the feminists that attack this blog site here, and on Twitter fall under the category of materialist feminism. Materialist feminism want to, among other things end gender roles, such as bearing children, abolish capitalism and rid America of our patriarchal society . They seek to make society an egalitarian society and advocate for free education especially for women. But like anything else it comes with a price. Gender is not a social construct. Gender has been ordained by God. Male and female He created them Genesis 5:2. God designed men and women to contribute to society differently. One not less important than the other. (Genesis 1:27) Women should embrace their femininity and God ordained roles. Not try to change it., in my opinion.

Ultimate1 #sexist thestudentroom.co.uk

No men generally don't age as bad as women. Besides the thing men have on their side is that looks is certainly no the make or break factor in most cases. It's pretty accurate if you look around. Men also peak at a much later age than women.

Matthew Belanger #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut dailymail.co.uk

FBI accuses former US Marine of planning 'rapekrieg' series of attacks against white women as part of Neo-Nazi plot to boost America's Caucasian population

Matthew Belanger was arrested on July 10 in New York and was accused of hiring somebody to purchase an assault rifle for him

Belanger was discharged from the Marines in 2021 after he was found to be associated with the neo-Nazi group called Rapekrieg

The Rapekrieg manifesto details plans to 'engage in widespread homicide and sexual assault' to reconfigure America's racial make-up

They plotted to rape white women to try and bolster America's Caucasian population and ensure that it outnumbers minority groups

Those findings were a part of Belanger's involvment in a neo-Nazi organization known as Rapekrieg, which prosecutors said has 'overlapping beliefs and membership with other neo-Nazi groups such 'Rapewaffen' and 'Atomwaffen.'

A Rapekrieg manifesto cited in the court documents espouses about 'rape ideology' being an 'effective tool' defeating its enemies, which largely consists of Jews and minorities. The manifesto describes seeking to bring about a 'first world collapse' in which people who have 'any doubts about being able to pull the trigger on a Jewish child' will not be strong enough to remain in the organization. It talks about 'brainwashing' women and forcing them to become dependent on men as they are used for breeding white people and purifying the world.

'To be successful in this battle, the white man must learn to hate, seeing red the moment he lays eyes on a member of the race that has inflicted unspeakable horrors onto his people.'

Belanger and Rapekrieg associates from Long Island had purchased weapons and tactical gear, and discussed plans for attacked synagogues and women, including conducting surveillance on a synogogue and forming plans to attack it with molotov cocktails in 2019.

A source told prosecutors Belanger responded 'Good find' when a potential target for a rape-attack target - a high school girl who was photographed at a musical recital - was shared in a Rapekrieg chat group. A member of the group said 'Could possibly get her pretty easy rn,' and Belanger said 'I'm not on the mainland currently so no.'

Tunia vis A.S. #ufo #magick #sexist #wingnut eraoflight.com

This is Tunia speaking. I love you all so very much. I am a human, just like you. I just happen to have been born on another planet than Earth. I currently reside on spaceship New Jerusalem, close to your planet.

In this message I want to express how much I love and appreciate men.

I absolutely love and adore men. Their strength and masculinity and persistence and masculine presence and their laugh and silliness and beauty are all mesmerizing to me. I can (and sometimes do) just look at men for hours, even if they’re just “normal guys” doing “normal things.” I’m a lucky girl that staring isn’t considered rude in my culture!

From my point of view, Earth men especially are unbelievably, jaw-droppingly courageous and strong.
Earthlings are the equivalent of people who were born into abject poverty (Earth society). I’m beyond impressed that so many people are able to create an okay existence out of basically nothing. After all, most Earthlings didn’t get many of their needs met as a child, and your society is so very poor in love, and yet you manage to survive. Again, I don’t know if I would be even able to survive if I was born as an average guy on Earth.

I also can’t imagine what it would be like to be born into a society that basically considers you “suspicious until proven otherwise” just because of your gender. Men get shockingly little support, sometimes not even basic needs like material security or love from a mother. Certain systems are stacked against ordinary guys while they’re simultaneously told that they’re privileged villains. From my point of view, guys have to fight and scrap to struggle just to get their basic needs met, and often have virtually nothing handed to them.
They get little to nothing handed to them, sometimes they don’t even get their needs met as children — and yet they persevere and create something out of the nothing that was handed to them. It’s miraculous to me.

This is to you, “ordinary” men. To me, you are heroes.

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