
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Media) #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger enkispeaks.com

In 11,200 BCE, Federation Rep Galzu gave Anunnaki Chief Scientist Enki (Lucifer). Galzu said, Give this file [an ME] to your Earthling son Ziusudra [Noah]. The file diagrammed a submersible in which people could survive the coming Deluge. Enki sent his son Ninagal to Ziusudra to guide the sub.

Nibiru neared Earth so close in 11,000 BCE that the ice slid off Antarctica. The ice, tsunamis it generated, quakes from shifting magma and continents launched the worldwide 120-day Deluge here. The flood buried “under miles thick mud, all the Anunnaki built in 432,000 years.

The Anunnaki Royals–Commander Enlil (Yahweh), his son and enforcer Ninurta, and Chief Medical Officer Ninmah (Liliith) waited out the Deluge in orbiting craft. Enlil’s son Nannar (Allah) sat out Earth’s flood on Luna.
Nibiru’s perigee also “ripped away the shield of gold dust around Nibiru, gold the astronauts had struggled for millennia to rocket to the mother planet. Nibiru’s atmosphere again dwindled. Nibiru again needed Earth’s gold. While survivors on Earth rebuilt their lives, word came from Nibiru, ‘The shield of gold dust was torn.’”

Nibiru ordered the Expedition to send lots more gold at once. As Nibiru had neared Earth, Earth’s gravity had torn away most of Nibiru’s shield of powdered gold. The powder lost from Nibiru was the product of millennia of mining–first by volunteers from Nibiru, then by Hybrid Anunnaki/Erectus slaves–for gold and copper in Africa, Mexico and South America. The proximity of Nibiru and Earth also drastically affected Earth; it slid Antarctica’s Icecap and glaciers into the sea and caused the Deluge that drowned most Earthlings. The Anunnaki Astronauts–known as Igigi or Nephilim–who chose to remain on Earth, the Hopi and Zuni in North America and other Earthlings whose mountains the flood waves didn’t top or who sheltered in deep caves also survived.

@starmum22 #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt twitter.com

A🧵on the great unanswered questions of our time. You all know them, you’ve all asked them and all you get in reply are circular definitions, insults or tumbleweed.

1. What rights do trans people currently not have?
2. Why is it ok to identify into a sex but not a race/ethnicity/disability?
3. Why is standing up for women’s rights transphobic?
4. Why do you care about preferred pronouns when they’re used if you are elsewhere?
5. If trans women are women what they transitioning from?
6. If trans women are women why do they need to transition?
7. Where are all the middle aged women transitioning?
8. If trans men are men, why are they not dominating men’s sports?
9. If being trans is not a medical condition, why do you need medical interventions?
10.How can you be both trans and non-binary?
11.Why does it take surgery and drugs to be your true authentic self?
12.Where are the statistics showing trans people are attacked at a greater rate than other groups of people?
13.Why are trans women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces justified but women’s fears of male violence in single sex spaces means they are hateful bigots?
14.Why is it not ok to misgender a trans person but fine to call someone ‘cis’ when they’ve asked you not to?
15.If gender is a social construct and anyone can dress/behave however they want, why the need for transition?
16.If sex isn’t real, why transition?
17.Why do feelings trump material reality?
18.Do you believe that adult male born people with a penis should be able to undress in female communal changing rooms with women and girls?
Feel free to add your own.

heyegghead #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist reddit.com

America aided the mujahideen. It was made up of many different ideologies and ideas fighting against the USSR.

They were mostly made up of Liberals and when the USSR fled. They broke off and the extremist took the weapons.

I think letting Afghanistan to the USSR was better. Even if it cost you 25% of your population. Because a civilization could have been made

John Kaminski #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger veteranstoday.com

If you think the world has gone crazy — and there’s plenty of evidence it has always been crazy — it could be because of the dominance of words from outside your brain interfering with your own perceptions that form naturally inside your everyday thought processes. Call them inklings or intuition. They trigger barely audible alarms every time something doesn’t sound quite right to you. Minus the programming, this is your own innate intelligence speaking.
Serpent or dragon, as an image for a group of word-controlled-people-acting-as-a-single-organism, was widely used even before any word histories now available, but not always did the image carry an unfavorable connotation. Only the northern Europeans seem to have had a conscious commitment never to create such a semi-organism among themselves — and to destroy any that tried to encroach on them.
The Jews as a group never advocated a relationship of an individual to a god who cared anything about individuals. The only relationship they advocated was that of “a people” to a group god that dealt with cohesive “peoples” or serpents.

Such an inauthentic attitude using their G-d as an excuse for their constant crimes against humanity turned one xenophobic subgroup of the human race into a murderous parasite feeding upon the remainder of the species.

Most present-day Jews claim to be “parts” of two separate “wholes.” Jews who are “United States citizens” have a divided allegiance between the ancient Jewish serpent and the United States.

Jews have practiced this same sort of dual identity — simultaneously claiming to be “parts” of two separate “wholes” — for thousands of years and continue to follow the practice even though it often results in their persecution. Obviously, they continue to play this double game because their three thousand years of Jewish tradition show them that the Jewish serpent has repeatedly eaten up other serpents.

Hungarian State Audit Office (NAO) #sexist #dunning-kruger euronews.com

Hungary's State Audit Office (NAO) has expressed concern that the country's education system risks being “too feminine”

In a new study, the authority warned that Hungary's education could pose demographic challenges and impact the development of boys

“The phenomenon called ‘pink education’ has numerous economic and social consequences,” it wrote

"If education favours feminine traits [such as] emotional and social maturity [and] therefore causes an over-representation of women at university, [gender] equality will be significantly weakened"

The state body -- which is close to nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán -- also warned that men who are more inclined to take risks and be entrepreneurial will not be able to fully develop their potential

The NAO report stated that this can lead to "mental and behavioural problems" when their creativity and innovation are "necessary for the optimal development of the economy"

The audit office also says that “pink education” could cause “demographical problems” as educated women would be unable to find similarly educated spouses, “which could lead to a decline in fertility”

The study -- issued last month -- was first published by the Nepszava newspaper on Thursday

Like in many European countries, Hungary's teaching profession is dominated by women (82%)

Shmuel "Sam" Coinsniffer #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why are troons always the masculine ones - I think I might have solved this mystery

Every tranny lolcow ever has an anvil jaw, 5'oclock shadow and look like a caveman with a wig. Not only do they never pass, but they are always the most masculine ones that decide to troon out. But why?

I was listening to MATI, and Jewrsh was talking about the autist-to-troon pipeline. Most trannies are autistic, this isn't news either. So autism, masculinity and trannies, how do they all connect.

I present to you: The extreme male brain theory:

The extreme male brain, explained

TL;DR Autists are exposed to abnormal amount of testosterone in utero and this affects the brain.

Well, actually it affects the appearance as well:

They created two sets of composite images made up of the facial appearance of individuals scoring high and low for symptoms of ASD. When these images were rated they found males with more symptoms of ASD to be rated as more masculine in appearance.

This finding not only lends support to Baron-Cohen’s theory but also connects physical traits and behaviour through hormonal effects.

Masculine Features Support ‘Extreme Male Brain’ Theory Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Puzzle solved or am I being autistic.

for every tranny that passes


theres a dozen more that are built like linebackers with jawlines that could cut glass


Sick of seeing Chad trannies with a nicer jawline than me.

Many such cases! am lowkey jealous

When TiMs are confronted or misgendered, they get angry and resort to violence, while TiFs hide and start crying. They can cut off their tits and dick but they can't dig out the socialization (or autism).

Now find a link between autism and transitioning

Autist becomes incel becomes tranny. It's such a common thing Incel wiki has an article on it.


Syrian Poster #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The Soviet Union fell in 1991. Why did Poland become an emerging economy while raising the quality of life of their countrymen while Ukraine remained an impoverished shithole?

Primarily because of Germany's guilt towards Poland that made it pay for all of its expenses throughout the last 30 years under the umbrella of the EU. Russia actually tried to do something similar with Ukraine since the 1990s but nothing was enough for the ungrateful hohol politicians. They robbed Russia left and right until there was nothing more left to steal and when Putin started to show them the other face they started to invite America into the conflict which eventually turned into a war.

You are so clueless about eastern european politics I'm not even going to bother pointing out every mistakes you typed. Go fuck a goat or something and stop acting like you are smarter than you really are.

You're driven by nothing but butthurt emotions so whatever you say is worthless anyways.

That's still better than being driven by mental retardation.

"Mental retardation" for a P*le is basically having literally any option other than calling for genociding Russians.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon naturalnews.com

Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant, and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost (via hot fusion, cold fusion, LENR, etc.). Automatic abundance is intelligently designed into the very laws of physics.

Energy, in turn, can be used to create fuels and fertilizer, two inputs necessary for affordable food. In addition, the universe provides the sun which brings us heat, energy and photosynthesis, all for free.

When geoengineering isn’t creating artificial droughts, rain falls out of the sky for free, and the rivers, streams and oceans are teeming with life and abundance (except for when we pollute them with pesticides and plastics, of course).

Thanks to these gifts from God, all the resources humanity needs to achieve abundance and end suffering already exist around us and are nearly free for humanity to harness. When these resources are properly harnessed, every human being can be healthy, wealthy, abundant, and nourished. No one needs to suffer from scarcity.

Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned.
As explained in today’s Situation Update podcast, breakthrough for human abundance will require the defeat and dismantling of the “scare-city” architects that are working to exterminate humankind. This means defeating them politically, taking back honest money for the people, dismantling all the institutions of tyranny and declaring freedom from tyranny on a global scale.

Importantly, honest money must be the basis for this system of human freedom, for without honest money, humanity can never be free.

Four Anons #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon 1)
Honest question. Do black people even enjoy seeing overrepresented on TV?


If I was a pajeet, I would not want to see pajeet women in movies. I’d want to see movies with European women because they generally are more attractive. Isn’t it kinda the same with with blacks? Black women are usually fat, bigger boned, and need to wear weaves to not look like gorillas. Why would you want to see them in media vs more attractive women? They say the movies you enjoy the most are the ones where you can imagine yourself as the main character. What are the political implications of Hollywood faking their acceptance of minorities?

(US Anon 2)
No, they eat it up and demand more. It’s crazy to me, as I would be revolted by the condescension, same as with all the other shit lefty white saviors push to flatter the negroes. They treat them like retarded children who need to feel special all the time and they eat it up and want more.

(US Anon 3)
The nigger ego is so alien to the White ego, you cannot comprehend it. The nigger ego would have it such that the ONLY people seen on television, in movies, in books, and in comics would be niggers. Because nigger egos are very fragile, and thus they see anyone who ISN'T a nigger on tv as reflecting their own niggerdness back on them, highlighting it painfully.
In short, niggers want to only see niggers because to see otherwise is to be reminded that they are and shall ever be: niggers.

(Indian Anon)
Indians aren't a fair example.
We have our own entertainment where we're overrepresented.
negroes have no media of their own own.

They do in Africa
American negroes just don't though

brilliant, just send them back to africa then.

Various MRAs #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist reddit.com


Ohio Supreme Court Narrows Standard for Rape in Case Involving 2-Year-Old

An Ohio woman's conviction of raping her son has been overturned following the state Supreme Court's decision to narrow the definition of rape.

It is all out war and open season on men now.

I am beyond disgusted at every part of this.

I’m just wondering when men collectively reach our breaking point and actually fight back, using force if necessary.

The overdue check of feminism is going to be quite brutal I’d wager

I don't think we ever will. Bill Burr describes it perfectly with.. There are no feminists on a sinking ship. They all twist their hair into pigtails and run around going I'm a girl, I'm a girl. Save me. Save me..

More and more men will mgtow and there will be less and less boys becoming electricians, plumbers etc. 1st world Societies will just crumble.

Some theorize that's the reason for how the Middle East treats women, a long while ago the expectations of men became overwhelming while the expectations of women were nonexistent, so men decided to apply malicious compliance. Of course you can't prove it, you can't prove any theory about that situation, the factual reasons are lost to history, but it makes you think. Men and women have always lived together, we evolved together, the feminist idea of men being simply hard wired to hate and oppress women makes no sense however you look at it. A sociopolitical power play that turns men and women against each other and sometimes backfires on the people who pushed the crazy if they push it too hard, then everybody getting caught in the fallout makes more sense.

I'd love it if men did use brute force and tactics to fight back against this shit military style like a militia of trained armed men fighting this corruption. Men need to do that. Imagine a collective group of 200k men fighting this all armed and trained in a collective organized militia. Not even law enforcement could handle it nor the national guard. It would be better of this theoretical militia had 1 million armed members.

Harmonica #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part III: Faith"]

For the third and final part of this series, we will look at the religious component of this process. In a secular age, religion tends to be ignored. However, much like genetics, just because something is considered taboo does not mean it is incorrect[…]
Religion plays another key role in how nations are formed – people with radically different religions, even if closely related both genetically and living in a similar climate, cannot form a coherent nation. Notice I wrote “radically” different religions[…]
Perhaps one of the most critical examples regarding religion and nation-building can be observed in the former Yugoslavia. The nations of Yugoslavia were genetically similar (South Slavs) and share a similar Balkan climate, but they could not form a single nation because of the differences between the Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims[…]
This should not be taken as a call to deport all non-Catholics and non-Protestants out of Dixie, I know many good Southerners who are Orthodox, including several who are Southern Nationalists[…]Western Christians and Orthodox are still united by Christ. With Dixie’s tiny number of Orthodox Christians, and most of them converts, there is no reason to expel them. Things get significantly more complicated when we start talking about non-Christian religions, though I think the majority of Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc. will voluntarily leave a Free Dixie[…]
Blood (genetics), soil (geography/climate), and faith (religion) all work together to form a nation. When one of these building blocks is missing, this process is not possible[…]By utilizing blood, soil, and faith, Dixie has become a coherent nation in contrast to the mess that is the United States, a polity that ignores all of these three components

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Alexander Lukashenko #wingnut #dunning-kruger euroweeklynews.com

[Belarus is allowing Russia transit its territory to attack Urkaine]

The official message to Ukraine was posted on the President of Belarus’ official website, stating:

“Congratulations to the people of Ukraine on Independence Day.”

“President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has congratulated the people of Ukraine on Independence Day.”

“I am convinced that today’s contradictions will not be able to destroy the centuries-old foundation of sincere good-neighborly relations between the peoples of the two countries,” the message reads.

“Belarus will continue to stand up for the preservation of accord, development of friendly and mutually respectful contacts at all levels.”

“The Belarusian head of state wished Ukrainians peaceful skies, tolerance, courage, strength and success in restoring decent life.”

Tainted Slav #transphobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

Ah, and yes, classic hate speech, let's attack people who are different

[Tainted Slav]
you know I wouldn't have been that negative and openly not comfortable about them if more than a half of troons acted NORMAL, and not like whining attention seeking bitches that, in fact, have changed their gender to have that exact attention and complain even more?
But nah that'd be some srazy shit to think, I know, sounds insane, truly, and we never achieve normalcy because trans don't want normalcy, obviously.

Harmonica #wingnut #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part II: Soil"]

Continuing our three-part series on the fundamental building blocks of nations, this entry will examine the impact of the soil, i.e., how geography and climate play a role in developing national cultures. In addition to genetics, a nation must be united by the soil[…]
If one looks at a map of the Roman Empire, one thing that stands out is how “Mediterranean” it is, the Romans focused on conquering the Mediterranean and the land around it[…]
The one exception to this rule is the Roman conquest of Britain, but this is the exception that proves the rule[…]When Rome fell into a major crisis and was forced to withdraw from Britain, Germanic barbarians wasted very little time conquering, as the native people there saw little value in remaining Romans[…]
The geographical reality that coherent nations must abide by can be viewed in how Dixie and Yankeedom, although both English, came to be distinct nations[…]While the poor soil of New England meant shipping, and later manufacturing, would be a major component of its economy, the far better soil of Dixie meant that agriculture would play a larger part in our economy, and society as a whole[…]
The Knights of the Golden Circle understood this well, hence why they had no desire to expand Dixie northwards, but rather southwards. Southern culture is a product of its climate, and that culture cannot thrive in a place like Iowa or Idaho. It can, however, thrive in the Caribbean, as the climate is similar to that of Dixie (especially, in the Deep South). Furthermore, the local Spanish ruling elite were similar to the South’s. This means that the Golden Circle could have potentially worked[…]
None of this is to endorse the “magic soil” theory of normiecons, there is a reason Dixians and blacks remain two distinct nations, despite having lived together for centuries

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #sexist archived.moe

Fuck this country, this country is anti white, it discriminates against white people, the leaders of this country hate poor whites like me and favours shitskins and degenerates. This country is full of them and has no culture, if it did in the past, its all gone now. This shithole isn't worth fighting for. Hurry up Gott and Straffe the UK now. I want to leave and never come back.

Being an Englishman in 2022 is a curse unless you're rich and/or attractive, or a w*man.

I walk to town today to do some shopping, I see Muslims and blacks everywere walking down the street, takeaway shops and corner shops run by them, their languages being spoken, rubbish everywere and I have to see a mosque when I get home to. This country is horrid.

Watch your own countrymen deny the existence of British as a people. They are literally performing a cultural genocide against you while denying you exist.


I don't give a shit about this country, this country hates whites so I hate this country.

Jim #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot blog.reaction.la

[From "Origins of the white race:"]

The white race is the youngest and newest of the races, originating about ten thousand years ago

Blacks are in fact a very diverse set of races, some of them considerably superior to other black races[…]
A very small black tribe or large family with the outward urge characteristic of modern whites left subsaharan Africa, and headed out into Europe[…]Small and diminishing populations of older races remained here and there throughout the world

They were, however, still black. Probably a better quality of black[…]Pretty much everyone still around was black or brown

About twelve thousand years, the climate started getting nicer, and northern Africa[…]became wet. Agriculture started in Northern Africa[…]To establish security of property over larger groups, more capable of defending that land, priesthoods developed[…]In Europe, brown skinned largely blue eyed people, with a various hair colors hunted and gathered

The middle eastern agriculturists rolled into Europe[…]
In Eastern Europe, the farmers ran into nomadic herders that were too technologically advanced to exterminate and replace. So, to make peace, they traded hostages and women, an event recorded in the Norse legends[…]
The mingled race evolved into whites, among them the Aryan race. The Aryan race, organized patriarchally and aristocratically, equipped with copper weapons and horse drawn chariots, expanded westwards into Europe, killing the men and marrying the women, replacing and mingling with middle eastern grain farmers, and South East into India, where they failed to do such a thorough job of upgrading the locals[…]
In Europe and the Middle East, and to a lesser extent India, Bronze Age civilization went decadent, failing to reproduce[…]Property rights in land and cattle was only practical under patriarchal organization, but with Kings, emancipation becomes all too possible

Harmonica #racist #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "Blood, Soil, and Faith – The Fundamental Building Blocks of a Nation, Part I: Blood"]

One subject in history that particularly fascinates me is how nations are formed[…]such was the case of the Angles and Saxons uniting to become English. Or, when a former single nation breaks up[…]like when English settlers in New England and the South eventually broke into two distinct nations, Yankeedom and Dixie[…]
True nations must have a genetic component – the people in them must be closely enough related to consider each other as belonging to a single nation. As taboo as it might be to admit today, quite a bit of human behavior is controlled by genetics[…]There are genes associated with risk-taking and these genes range from being nearly non-existent to completely non-existent in certain East Asian countries[…]large element of those genetic cultures is one of compliance and obedience to authority. By contrast, Africans have a very high rate of the risk-taking gene[…]
Nations are grouped by genetics and[…]marriage between people of two different nations was very rare outside of the nobility[…]
East Asian culture, genetically predisposed to avoid risk, has produced a culture where risk-taking is frowned upon. This is not to say that genetics are the sole reason[…]as soon as a cultural force like Confucianism took over, there was going to be a lot of selection for low risk-taking behavior[…]This can be observed in the behavior of East Asians in the West, where there is a far greater emphasis placed on generating wealth safely- i.e., being a doctor[…]Asians typically commit very little crime[…]
There is also a more fundamental reason why nations must have a genetic component – we tend to gravitate and more easily relate to people who look more similar to us[…]
As genetics advances as a science, a certain paradox has developed largely thanks to socially imposed taboos

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger eraoflight.com

We are currently navigating the chaos and void of the Cosmic Womb, that we enter as we fully die upon our old, false self and re-birth as our One True Self! Where we are able to access seemingly infinite possibilities within one moment in no-time. So when tuning into something, we can see a whole Timeline/ Reality playing out and can then decide on whether to ‘access’ it or not.

I’m currently feeling all kinds of things at once and have been unable to focus on writing and sharing my daily summary of yesterday’s Activation yet. I’ll shall so do later today or tomorrow, maybe even in a video Update or YouTube live. The focus was very much on our Multidimensional DNA, Diamond Rainbow Plasma and Merkaba Lightbody, as well as Planetary Diamond Grid Activations, and our Crystallisation process, whilst clearing any remaining density, reversals, lower codings, ALL that is inorganic and artificial. Fully setting our-selfs free of any remaining density, blocks, attachments, anything still connecting us energetically to the old artificial Matrix hologram. Again, each picks up what they’re ready for. We have very powerful downloads, clarity and re-membering returning, as well as Holy Heart Openings continuing. Also, I can feel and see some of us with our etheric Wings and Diamond Plasma Lightbody’s fully healed and ready to fly, literally!

Let me know if you guys have any questions in general or news any tips on how best to navigate these Quantum Reality shifting Ascension Waves, that you would like me to address.


With the film strip that is held in our Multidimensional DNA, IGNITING ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES from deep within us NOW!

Feel, anchor, align, merge and ignite this Frequency of ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES from deep within you NOW, and as often throughout your day as you can re-member. As ALL NEW IS COMING ONLINE from inside of us, or rather being fully re-membered!

Boskov01 #dunning-kruger #pratt archive.ph

I posted this on my Minds page just a moment ago...

While I'm open to the possibility of being wrong, I believe the reason Liz and her father are so obsessed with trying to stop President Trump is probably very simple...

President Trump was and is a peacemaker, as evidenced by his refusal to start new wars, the Abraham Accords, the fact that Russia hadn't gone after Ukraine and China after Taiwan during his First Term are proof of this. He was a keeper of the peace, not a warrior.

The Cheneys on the other hand, their family fortunes come from war. They are war profiteers, for them, they NEED war so that they can rake in profits on death and destruction. And President Trump threatens all of that.

So Liz and her dad are personally threatened by President Trump and his America First, no foreign wars, no new-wars, peacemaking agenda as if the US is not involved in war, the Cheneys' money spigot gets closed off and so their cushy lifestyle gets threatened. Liz and Dicky can call President Trump every name in the book, but they'll never admit that the real reason they oppose him is because they hate peacemakers like President Trump. That would be admitting that they're war profiteers and that letting them take power would mean war-war-war!

But God willing, the Cheney dynasty died last night with the ouster of Liz in Wyoming...and good riddance.

Utah Parents #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #transphobia deseret.com

After a girl beat their daughters in sports, Utah parents triggered investigation into whether she was transgender

After one competitor “outclassed” the rest of the field in a girls’ state-level competition last year, the parents of the competitors who placed second and third lodged a complaint with the Utah High School Activities Association calling into question the winner’s gender.

David Spatafore, the UHSAA’s legislative representative, addressing the Utah Legislature’s Education Interim Committee on Wednesday, said the association — without informing the student or family members about the inquiry — asked the student’s school to investigate.

The school examined the student’s enrollment records.

“The school went back to kindergarten and she’d always been a female,” he said.

He told committee members about the events in response to their questions of whether the UHSAA, which sanctions and oversees high school activities, receives such complaints and how they are handled.

Spatafore said the association has received other complaints, some that said “that female athlete doesn’t look feminine enough.”

Jim #elitist #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut blog.reaction.la

[From "Decline in GDP per capita"]

Your grandfathers could enjoy a house, a garden, children, and stay at home wife looking after the kids. Their grandchildren are dual income no kids, but live in a little box with Ikea furniture Not only did we land on the moon in the 1970s, we had nicer cars, nicer toilets, and better clothes washing machines, though today we have nicer phones and computers[…]
Compare the old malls with the new shopping centers. These are places built for poor people. I recently revisited San Francisco, having been away for a decade or so. That the streets are full of human shit and crime is governmental failure caused by browns in government, but that the buildings need some maintenance and a coat of paint indicates everyone is getting poorer[…]
Don’t you know that it’s 2015? That means gay marriage! Women in combat! Even the first rumblings of the normalization of pedophilia! Say what you will about the Classical Marxists of the past – Lenin, Stalin, Mao – but they built massive hydroelectric dams, intercontinental missiles, skyscrapers, and atom bombs. Yet in The Current Year, they and their grand projects have been replaced by the Cultural Marxism of Gramsci, Marcuse, and Alinsky[…]Global warming means we can’t build big impressive things anymore, so now we simply declare the cutting edge to be increasingly degenerate sexual and cultural practices[…]
A holiness spiral peaks suddenly, and then it is over. Sometimes no one survives, but usually it is abruptly terminated by a Hitler or a Stalin before it gets to that point

A dark age sets in slowly, at about one percent a year for centuries, From time to time there are dramatic crises, and even turnarounds, but these make little difference to the long term trend. We have a holiness spiral and a dark age setting in

Tom(Montalk) #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger montalk.net

Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers.
Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields
The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead:
The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. The top mistake fringe researchers make is limiting their interpretation of the Ark’s function to the perspective of conventional physics and engineering. Thus they propose it was merely a spark gap radio, electrical capacitor, seismic energy transducer, algae food grower, or some other mundane device. While each of these may explain a few alleged Ark traits, they cannot account for them all.

High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything. Just as in Alchemy, conventional scientific principles may enter into the equation but are not the only ones involved. While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it.

For instance, it’s worth noting that, topologically speaking, the Ark is a spherical capacitor, where one electrode is nested inside the other. According to my fringe physics research, what makes spherical capacitors special is that they can receive, transmit, absorb, and emit gravity waves. It has to do with changes in charge density coupling to changes in the gravitational potential. If the Ark was a spark gap radio, it would have had to intercept gravity waves and convert them to electrical arcing between the two winged figures.
In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the operator/priest’s instructions. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls.

Chris Aldridge #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

Why Don't The Gods Talk To Us Like People Do?

The Gods spoke to ancient man much in the same way they speak to us today, through signs, omens, dreams, emotions, seers and oracles. If you know anything about the Oracle of Delphi, Apollon spoke through the voice of His Pythia to give advice to mankind, but even then it was very short and often encrypted (He likes to give us things to figure out for ourselves. He doesn't attempt to make our choices or live our lives for us). We may wonder why all this is the case. Certainly the Gods can do whatever they want, yet they do not stand before us and talk to us like our friends and family do on a daily basis.

I would first entertain the idea that the Gods are indeed, or at least can be, directly around us, but we cannot generally see them because our eyes are not adjusted to the plane upon which they live. We know there is a reasonable possibility that other universes exist parallel to our own, yet we cannot see them in our bodily form (although some Gods, such as Helios the Sun and Selene the Moon, are exceptions, but they still don't come down and talk to us).

Additionally, some may even believe that it's not possible for our mortal bodies to stand in the full presence of a God, citing the version of the story of Zeus and Semele when Zeus reluctantly killed Semele because She was unable to withstand His radiance. I don't believe this, because it would be to say that the Gods can't contain themselves.

Finally, I'd say it's possible that the Gods don't usually come to us on our level because, unlike our friends and family, we are not their equals, nor do the Gods exist for our purposes. They answer our prayers, protect us, give us blessings and advice, and keep order in the universe, but they're not our coworkers or office party. Their positions are extremely sacred, royal, and hold responsibilities that we could not even begin to fathom. I delight in the simple fact that the Gods like, love and are intrigued enough by humans to give us as much of their blessings as possible.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.wiki

Female Contempt for an Obvious Outcome of Feminism: Househusbands

A world where young women make more money than young men would seem to necessitate an increase in house-husbands. The male liberation movement, a subset of male feminist MRAs in the 60s wanted a dramatic increase in househusbands. However even in the most feminist countries, women will still expect the man to work or else a breakup.

Even in a country where feminism is institutional and mainstream, where equal-pay laws are in place, and where women have more total personal wealth than men, "the key factor in the decision to divorce is whether Hubby (note, not the wife) has a job. If he doesn’t, even if his job loss is involuntary, his odds of being ditched by his wife skyrocket"[5]

Early 20th century, anti-feminist and Marxist Belfort Bax's quote still remains true, "Among all the women’s rights advocates I am not aware of one who, in her zeal for equality between the sexes, has ever suggested abolishing the right of maintenance of the wife by the husband."[6]

And as the 21st century, right-wing provocateur named, "Eggman", put it, "Talk to any US woman and they'll tell you about men offering and buying them all sorts of things: vacations, houses, cars... When was the last time a woman offered to buy you a house or car, now that we have gender equality and all?"[7]

When women attain higher wealth and social status, these gender roles are not obviated, but instead reinforced.[8] [9] [10]

A choice quote from the works previously referenced, The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture:

Fifteen feminists leaders, when asked what traits they sought in a man, regularly used words which connote high status: "very rich" or "brilliant" or "genius". Large tips, lavish dinners, stunning suits, and so forth were regularly referred to. In short these (feminist) women wanted superpowerful men.

It seems that women therefore, naturally recoil at the idea of not using a man to financially provide for her, calling men who don't live up to masculine gender roles as, "manchildren", no matter how generous the welfare state she is in or how much money she makes.

Steve Sailer #dunning-kruger #racist #pratt archive.ph

Fortunately, our new more sensitive society has done a heckuva job decolonizing the Arecibo radio telescope (above) in Puerto Rico.

What work? This is the easiest work ever You sit around and make up reasons why words hurt your feelings. E.g., let’s do Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence:

The word ‘search’ is highly problematic, with a racist past. It featured in the title of African explorer Henry M. Stanley’s famous memoir “The Search for Dr. Livingstone.” The concept of “searching” is highly redolent of white male exploration and discovery.

“Extraterrestrial” is Earth-centric. Why should Earth be privileged as being “terrestrial” when all else in the universe is “extraterrestrial?”

“Intelligence” is highly discriminatory. Intelligent people know that stupidity is just as good as intelligence because they are intelligent, which makes them better than the stupid. Or something.

Stonetoss #ableist #dunning-kruger #wingnut stonetoss.com

(Submitter’s note: while Stonetoss is normally a reprehensible person with toxic garbage views, this comic hits on a particular bugaboo of mine that seems to happen on all sides, not just with right wing assholes like Stonetoss: shaming people with mental illness into going off their meds.)

Best Disinfectant


spoiler1st panel:

Duck-person with blue and white hair in a purple shit, holding a pill bottle: “I’m a big advocate for mental health”

2nd panel: Duck-person with green shirt, walking stick, and camping/hiking gear: “Hell yeah. Isn’t nature and sunshine great?”

3rd panel: Duck-person with purple shirt looks visibly uncomfortable, as if this idea either never occurred to them or they are somehow adverse to it.

@ninapaley #transphobia #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Stories from young male detransitioners make me want to add this 3rd to Blanchard's "two types": autoandrophobia, hatred of one's self as a man. One might be autogynephilic or homosexual in addition, but autoandrophobia could be a sole motivator.

Especially in young people, body-hatred and self-hatred is a not-uncommon phase. ROGD in girls is largely autogynephobia, hating one's self as a woman; I'd classify my young self as such, though it was decades ago when transing teens was not a thing.

Billowel #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #sexist incels.is

Is Italy even worse than Germany? Jfl

lookswise meds look way uglier then whites especially if they come from the south.

but hypergamy wise?italy has shit tier wages,a huge ammount of competition since it's still a very populated country(the smaller the population the harder it is for dating apps to work and for chads to appear),is one of the most travelled countries in the world so white bois gonna be fucking them tanned poor easy bitches,unless the guys can immigrate they often have no jobs and can't afford escorts(yeah escorting is a sin but that isn't the point). So the women are very hard to get,the guys have zero money,they can't escortmaxx,can't africamaxx heck they can't even vidyamaxx since getting a pc is expensive for them,they can't restaurantmaxx,they get mogged 24/7 especially in big cities.All of this whilst living in one of the most beatiful countries in the world,filled with amazing beaches, and a million chads and cute stacies that often look like jbs(meds are tiny people) constantly going around and waving their happiness to anyone.

so yeah i would say it's way fucking worse then germany.at least in germany there are decent jobs,neetbuxes,some help if you are homeless.in italy there doesn't seem to be any of that,

Shitskin hands typed this.

Not even worth answering this amount of garbage point by point.

i don't live in italy,but that's the impression i have from what i have seen so far.how am i wrong?

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.wiki

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger youtube.com

RE: Judge Who Signed FBI Raid On Trump Linked To EPSTEIN In SHOCKING Development, Civil War Trending

(Shadow Fox)
The amount of coincidences in America is astounding

(David Ford)
Coincidence is not a kosher word.

This is all the proof you need that Alex was right all along. There's no reasoning with evil.

This is the government our founding fathers warned us about

Tim Pool realizing that conspiracy theories are more fact than fiction is what I needed today. Never forget... In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

Not believing in an international cabal is akin to not believing in a round earth.
You've got to try extra hard to ignore the facts when the truth is slapping you in the face.

(Enrique D)
The people have become so gaslighted that even Tim will call objective reality a conspiracy theory. Tim says they don't have as much power as people think yet he has to even watch his words when it comes to telling the truth lol

(Keenan Larsen)
"I don't believe there is ONE cabal controlling everything."

Neither do I, Tim. But that seems to be the end goal.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Monkeypox is About to Prove TruFemcels Was Right All Along

The jokes and memes already started. People who wouldn't take COVID seriously are not messing with monkeypox.

Why? The disfiguring lesions which sometimes create awful scars ruin appearance. People not even focused on the bubbles being so painful they are being treated with narcotics

Suddenly all the bullshit about looks are out the door. Lethal or not, people understand how looking bad will make you a pariah. They instinctively understand the severe ramifications and ostracization.

The Live Laugh Love queens of toxic positivity arent comforted by "men will fuck anything" because what? People are mean to those who are ugly?

Who woulda thunk.

Pay attention the next few weeks. You couldn't see COVID as easily so these people didnt give a shit who died

Lets see what the sentiment around this outbreak tells us

Blame these slutty men for spreading this disgusting disease.

Humanity is a whole joke most people are more afraid of the bubbles that can go away with treatment and only leave simple scars than the actual virus and its horrible symptoms and pain 💀

As an aside, learning that monkeypox has to be treated with narcotics makes me want to vomit. Because Native Americans had to undergo mass smallpox after Eurosettlers came to their lands...

Disturbing. I hope climate change gets rid of the non-natives on the continents.

ELLIOTSECONDCOMING #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick incels.is

What if Death is not a Random phenomenon?


I have studied more than 100 criminal cases and deaths of all kinds: Accidents, Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters, among others. In every case, we've had very strange things that demonstrate that death may not really be a purely natural phenomenon.

Let's take, for example, Ye Meng Yuan, one of the fatal victims of Flight 214 that departed South Korea towards San Francisco and crashed into the airstrip, losing the roof and catching fire shortly after. Meng Yuan managed to escape from the rubble only to end up being run over twice by one of the fire trucks that went to put out the fire.

It's important to point out one thing here: The statistical chance of a plane having suffered that kind of damage and not having suffered a more serious accident along with the Yuan death incident is the lowest possible. therefore, to say that it is coincidence is to go against logic itself.

Let's also go to another strange case of death was Jessica Redfield's shooting in 2008 in Aurora, Colorado during the presentation of the film: Batman: the dark knight. she died during such an incident. however, she had survived a month before a shooting in a mall in Toronto, Canada, and she felt presciently that something bad was about to happen to her, even after she survived the incident, which would be confirmed soon after.

Another strange case was Flight 216 in 1977, where it was carrying a basketball team from the University of Evansville, Indiana and crashed, killing all who were transported except one who was not on the plane due to an ankle problem, David Furr de 18 years old, who would later die 2 weeks later in a car accident along with his younger brother: Byron near Newton, Illinois.

What does that mean? There is a pattern to death! and such a pattern is based on the fact that no matter how a highly deadly mass phenomenon occurs, only people already predetermined to death will die from it.

EastsideRim #dunning-kruger #mammon #moonbat #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Practice with men you don’t like

As a beginner, it’s easiest to practice Diabla with guys you truly don’t even like. This is the G rated side of it. If you all find this helpful, I can write up the X rated strategies I find useful.

“Treat him like a plaything” is organic when you truly feel he is.

For example. do you find basically all men unbearable? You wonder why even mediocre bros with nothing more than a high school diploma seem to always have higher paying jobs and so much more money than you? (Hint: it’s patriarchy, and often white supremacy + unearned intergenerational wealth in a lot of cases, though only patriarchy might apply to brown guys. There can still be colorism however.)


Whatever your stance, look for guys who hold a misaligned one, if not the stomach turning opposite.

Find yourself a doofus who loves his Tesla and his stonks. Make sure he has money (no studio apartment dwellers thank you) & is at least okay looking, not smelly, not completely physically repulsive to you. Remember how he has 3 vehicles, a vacation home, and owns a boat with his daddy, because somewhere down the line, his great great great great grandparents stole land from and enslaved other people’s ancestors. Or his ancestors oppressed the people in the lower caste your bestie is descended from. Whatever the case is. (Oops, if it turns out he is broke after all: play him for a minute, no longer than one pricy drink/dinner, then move on quick. These are low stakes speed practice.)

You don’t want to date him. You don’t want to marry him. You want to be the fantasy. And get yours.

When you do fight these dingdongs, make it either a) minor or b) how he has hurt your feelings.

The main reason I assert sticking to the ones that you find at least “not-repellent” physically is that when I am truly repulsed by a guy I cannot fake it. I’m personally incapable. I do my best with the ones I find attractive physically, but have conflicting values so extracting from them feels like reparations/equalization, and I will never develop feelings for them. Bless those of you who can handle a rich yucko - I wish I had your stomach.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #transphobia #psycho doomer.boards.net

Unlike the "stunning and brave" caste of XYZ challenged degenerates I don't have to lie to myself that IF I do A, B and C my life will miracously get better because I will be a new man, somehow. No, it will not get better, and this "new" will be jast a sick, wicked masquerade gone too far. Yeah sure call me transphobic because of this but I spell what's essentially and realistically true. Ignore or deny, it will not change the actual state of things. That's first.Second, whatever you like it or not but:1. There always will be people that are homophobic, mainly because homoseuality is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass (like in my case although I know some gays IRL, even worked with a bunch and can confirm they were whining spoiled brats)2. There always will be people that are transphobic because no healthy people would suggest to themselves "boy oh boy, I don't think it was fair that I was born X instead of Y!". That's just a demonstration of illness to them, again because of transgenderism is against their life staples and the ways of their social mentality compass. I wouldn't have been so harsh on these petty meatsacks if I was not aware of what kind of crimes the trans people do perform mostly (spoiler: rape, and not only of full legal age human beings) and what utterly atrocious agenda they push. Do you really want me to believe that 5 year old Bobby would understand the context of gender dysphoria and feel himself to be actually trans? No, he can't, he's just a goddamn KID, he don't know shit neither should to, according to his age. BUT THEY (trans) WANT HIM TO, DUH. Also google "egg hatching" term in trans "language" for get better understanding why am I so highly negative of this kind of human beings.3. Politics, like it or not were always a part of communities, nor necessarily IRL ones though. The desire to get rid of this shit from your hugbox is understandable and goood and shit, but, like I said, people are retarded and they WILL bring politics in either way. It's just how it always works.4. Can't say much on wordsalads, we all have moments of skitzo, that's not something that can't happen to anyone of us. 40oz with this thread or Kontra's mumbling regarding DBP48' negrating are the most obvious examples.

Tainted Slav #wingnut #psycho #god-complex #dunning-kruger doomer.boards.net

[Context: dude is trying to “defend” himself after someone called out his bullshit and bigotry]

Okay, first of, I'm not a vile person you cunt. Just because I let myself tell what I really feel\think doesn't make me vile. Saying that having principle of being yourself is somehow "vile" is just sound like Doomworld soyjacks\jannies. I despise such people for good reasons, just as much as some of them despise me, both for my honest opinion on modern day affairs with the pointing out that we deserve Hell be called upon all of us for how sick the mankind have essentially become AND for absolutely untrue and rather slander-tier shit. I got used to it and often ignore such things happening because I know a simple truth: the only person I can change is myself, and nobody else, and I sure as fuck not gonna pander to delusions of some group of intellectually questionable cunts whining about "insert the current thing" and that I, for whatever reason, MUST OBEY AND FOLLOW. No, thank you, I'd rather not.

Correct me if I'm wrong here (probably not), but... are you suggest that speaking our minds in the open is somewhat a crime and should be forbidden, punished for happening to be? Because by the look of it you imply exactly this and that's DW's kulkidz\GZD handlers rhetoric, which is basically the voice of left leaning governments ie democrats in USA, trudeau's cuck party, etc.

The_Real_PMC #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

All feminists are like that, all feminists hate men period. Feminists are allied with each other and enable each others hate.

Transcript[Panel 1]
[Panel 2]
-Pauline Harmange-
[Panel 3]

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Immigrant Cultural Contributions are often worthless"]

Some Barbarian Races may cook great food, or have certain traits about them which may seem admirable from time to time, but they can be potentially destructive to the landscape of your country[…]
Very few races are capable of improving and innovating upon another culture[…]
We have a lot of problematic immigrants in America who are not just among Blacks and Hispanics, but there are many problematic people like Albanians, Syrians, even some Romanians and others as well[…]
Many of these Races lower the standards and quality of European Civilization, if even they may also have European or Aryan ancestry or origins of some sort, because they have higher tolerance for corruption[…]
Arabs and Persians for example, many are disgusting two-faced liars, they lack honor and very few Islamic Clerics today will speak the truth of how degenerate their people have become[…]
Many Races love to be people pleasers, ESPECIALLY if they gained an immigration foothold on suspicious terms[…]
The differences and nuances among various races are too great to be ignored

Civilizations which bring in all kinds of immigrants from all parts of the world, even if they do not miscegenation, it still causes dissonance[…]
Societies which bring in immigrants from many parts of the world become less trustworthy and more anti-social[…]
America did bring in better elements from Europe, from countries like even Greece, Italy or Poland[…]these effects were very short-lived[…]
Some Empires throughout history have attempted atomized multi-ethnic enclaves, such as the Ottoman Empire did[…]
Albanians have some of the lowest levels of empathy, shoddy and shallow[…]
The best policy for Caucasians to mitigate claims and cries of Racism from Non-Whites is to unashamedly and brazenly show one’s Racist Attitudes

GayAlienSkullCel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

I introduce you the BeeGeesPill

the Gibb brothers were 4.
Andy (turbomanlet 5'6 chadlite) - suicide by age 30, drug addicted depressive, cheated by wife Victoria Principal

Gay Alien Skull Saint Maurice Gibb (turbomanlet bald 5'7 incel) - died by early age because of alcoholism, depressive and aggressive with his family

Robin (5'8 prey-eyed manlet) - addicted to opium, died prematurely, deppressed

and finally

Barry Gibb - 6' chadlite: never got into drugs and is the only remaining bee gees brother

all of them were equally rich

manlets lived an unhappy life
6' is still slaying


Brutal siblingspill / brotherspill, they all have the same parents but only Barry got the good genes and was therefore desired. There is no equality, not even if you share the same parents, the slightly different genes you got change absolutely everything about your life.

Brutal Blackpill

Leg end #psycho #dunning-kruger forums.escapistmagazine.com

Everyone deserves a second chance. And, if it is a case of "Statutory Rape", then I have no ill, because that charge is bullshit.

Though, if I find out he had sex with say... a 7 year old girl, well... it had better been consensual, not full on rape.

If rape, I'm not going to like him much at first. But, if the alleged victim forgives him, no hard feelings in my book.

Many shall disagree with me. inb4 "what do you mean consensual?"

Seriously, have you ever met an actual 7 year old? There's no way they have anything like the maturity level to consent, and claiming so is a common justification child abusers use for their crimes (not saying that you would).

I have a 7 year old sister and I can tell you now that if anyone had sex with her, supposedly "consensual" or not, I'm not exaggerating when I say they'd be lucky to still be alive by the time I'd finished with them.

OT: Knowing that someone had done that, I just couldn't employ them. I'm all for second chances but I couldn't stand to work in the presence of a child abuser...

Actually, many seven year olds actually do have such maturity. Hell, I know a 5 year old with more maturity than one of my 35 year old friends. Yes, he indeed needs to stop making dick

Jim #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "Covid public service announcement"]

Biden has just come down with Covid again, or never shook it in the first place

The quadruple jabbed have damaged immune systems, so keep getting it, and take longer and longer to recover from each case. In any person with a normal immune system, live virus is cleared from the blood and body fluids in a few days[…]
The golden purebloods, people who caught covid and have never been jabbed, are largely immune once they recover, and unless they were also coming down with half a dozen deadly comorbidities[…]purebloods recover about as fast as from any cold or flu

Covid was genetically engineered to attack the lungs, the immune system, the ovaries, and the testes, so each case damages the immune system of the jabbed further, and the longer it slowly lingers, the more it damages the immune system[…]
Ivermectin, widely available as horse paste, is highly effective if taken early. This drug has long been used on a wide scale in a humans and animals to treat an extraordinarily wide range of ailments caused by entirely unrelated living organisms and is very safe and cheap, which is why official “science” does not like it. It knocks out for a month or two some basic cellular processes that are non critical for most mammals, and as insignificant as the appendix in humans, but absolutely essential for a huge range of entirely unrelated life forms[…]
Also, we have a state religion of Worship of the Awesome Might of the Covid Demon, thus worrying too much about Covid is demon worship, even if you are using protective measures that his holy priesthood has denounced as sacrilegious (because they actually are effective)[…]
The correct Christian attitude towards demons is that demons do not exist, and that demons do exist, but are ridiculous, contemptible, and impotent against the power of Christ. It’s just the flu, bro

Henry_Blair #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminists are under a distorted perception of reality which makes them regard actual equality, as discrimination, and hence to act in practice to replace what is in fact a balance, with what is actually discrimination in favor of women.

Imagine a game where David and Sarah are standing on a flat floor in complete darkness, in a room where apples are hanging from the ceiling on strings. David realizes Sarah is eating something and raises his arms in the dark a little to find something to eat. When this doesn't bring him to any apples, he becomes angry and shouts that Sarah has a box under her legs, that gives her "potential advantages".

He demands an actual wooden box, "to balance" Sarah's box. Remember that we know that none of them have any boxes under their feet.

The production slips him one.

Well, now David's false belief that he is being discriminated against, makes him, the one who created discrimination - against Sarah. The hungry Sarah complaints that David now has an advantage, but David replies, "this only balances".

Sarah's hunger makes her more and more desperate to eat, and she starts jumping, higher and higher, until she finds an apple, and although exhausting, the practice makes her quite good at grabbing apples in the dark.

David now shouts, "Sarah has a much bigger advantage - she has more than one box, while I have only one!" And he demands, that hammers will be brought down on what's under Sarah's legs - "to remove the advantage!"

But if there is no box in the first place under Sarah's legs, those hammers, would not be crushing boxes (privileges) but flesh and blood (basic rights). David's box is a privilege and not a right, his hammers are eliminating a right, not a privilege, and both things are not the creation of equality, but of inequality. But feminists believe there is a transparent box under every man's feet and this is why they try to crush any basic equality of men while believing they are creating equality.

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Cry of Racism is actually a denial of participation in Racial Civil War"]

Just as any animal would never think of other animals to be “racist”, even among its own species, an animal instinctively understands that any potential outsider is a threat to its territorial grounds and its desire to breed[…]
People who cry about Racism are actually weakened shadows of their own Racial People from yesterday, because instinctively, Men of their own tribe[…]do not blame other races for being “racist”[…]
It is a complete joke that people of the era we live in think that they will somehow eradicate “racism”[…]real problem is that they do not recognize what a Race is, and the fact that Race is a Sub-species

Even Birds recognize their is a pecking order among themselves[…]
The fact that there is discussion or debate, or such open dialogue in our times that Barbarians can so openly and freely debate and discuss these topics, is a sign of chronic decline and peril[…]
Inferiors always know they are Inferior, and the only people who want to deny that some races are naturally inferior, are people who reject nature

It doesn’t matter what an Inferior speaks of, or professes that he believes, because when things come down to the most basic levels and needs of survival, the Inferior will always demonstrate their character of savagery[…]
Make no mistake, many European People are Barbarians too, it’s not just Non-Caucasians

If you are not of Pure Greek [Hellenic], Pure Roman or Pure Germanic Descent, you are a Barbarian, and you will always be a Barbarian[…]
Today, you should be answering to a German Conqueror, and it is for this same reason that even under artificial edifices and institutions in the EU for example, Germany is still looked at as the Center[…]
True Germans are not afraid to be Racist, or to correct and influence something over a Barbarian at any time, for any reason

ecotecLife #ableist #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

At the root of transgenderism is cluster B personality disorders. One of the symptoms of cluster B's... these people attach themselves to random fads or political causes they see in the media to an extreme extent, because they don't have a normal "identity" - IE, long-term hobbies, goals, and interests.

The tranny fad is just the latest thing to be literal crack for BPD's, like the scene/emo trend and third wave feminism before it.

These people also can't regulate their emotions or participate in nuanced discussions because that's literally how BPD works. This is why they can't hold jobs, can't into relationships, or do anything beyond sex work.

BPD tranny sees someone misgendering ChrisChan on Twitter, immediately they take it as a personal attack because it's all they have (like telling an autistic kid you think trains are boring), and their emotions shoot to 100.

Read this over and over again as much as you need to.

True Democracy Party #crackpot #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick truedemocracyparty.net

THE HAPPI PLAN OVERVIEW: The Help All Peoples & Planet Initiative (QUICK VIEW) 5 Parts: The Goldback Plan, New Cheap Energy, Rebuilding Manufacturing W/ Citizens First Employment, Direct Democracy at All Governance Levels and the New State Defense Initiatives (SDI).

The Cost is The Promise to Help All People, Peoples, States and Countries Achieve a Minimum Good, American Middle Class Standard of Living and to Respect the Environment in doing so.

The Cost is to Recognize the Full Bodily Autonomy of All Human Beings; Adults, Children and Babies.


THE GOLDBACK INITIATIVE involves showing States & Countries how to cheaply create 50 Pounds of High Grade Gold & Platinum (25 Pounds Each) from 100 Pounds of Copper.

Scaled-Up, States and Countries can turn this Gold & Platinum into Currency/Money to Fund Govt. & Create Adult Economic Stimulus Plan(s) that will help any State or Country…not only Economically Recover, but grow to New Economic Heights of Prosperity.

BASICALLY, All Adult Citizens of a State or Country will get a Pre-Determined Amount of Real Goldback Money.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Attacks Against States

A growing number of States are coming under Attack from Suspected Satellite Based (DEW) Directed Energy Weapons, including Laser and Micro-Wave Weapons.

These Space-based DEW Directed Energy Weapons can and do cause Wildfires, Directly Destroy Homes and Cars and cause Earthquakes and Violent Storms.
The answer is simple; Let each Free State Defend itself with a Laser Defense Grid System capable of Detecting, Engaging and Destroying any Attacking Satellite(s), ICBM’s Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.

Four Sites Per Free State, Hardened against Laser & Micro-Wave Attacks, should work.

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