
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Various Editors #racist #sexist #conspiracy en.rightpedia.ingp

(Archive: https://archive.is/rGfvZ)
Sexism is an epithet coined by Margaret H. Feldman ✡ a radical feminist Jew and abortion promoter from the United States in 1970.[1][2] The central purpose of the meme is to attack people who uphold the natural order and mutually complementary roles of the sexes in society. The epithet is part of a Jewish group evolutionary strategy, working within the destabilisation template, to cause resentment, division and weaken the relationships in gentile society. For example by insisting that it is "sexist" for a female to have children and raise them at home, the demography of a nation can be steadily depleted, to be replaced by alien groups.
Everything is sexist
According to feminists, air conditioners are sexist. Window air conditioning units weigh a bit and so women need a man's help to lift them. And turning on an air conditionery woman's consent is "rape".[3]
See also
Conspiracy theory — an epithet invented by liberal Jew, Karl Popper ✡ .
Anti-Semitic — an epithet invented by liberal Jew, Moritz Steinschneider ✡ .
Racists — an epithet invented by communist Jew, Leon Trotsky ✡ .
Nazi — an epithet invented by communist Jew, Konrad Heiden ✡ .

Various Editors #racist #conspiracy en.rightpedia.info

(Archive: https://archive.is/VYgGA)

Antisemitism (also spelled "Anti-Semitism") is a term and contemporary epithet which has been used in a variety of contexts by different people and organisations, though it was originally invented in 1860 by a liberal Jew named Moritz Steinschneider,[1] the son of a Talmudist born in Moravia. Words like Nazi, antisemite and conspiracy theory were all created and/or used by international Jewry as a means of thought control. When Jews speak of Antisemitism, they usually include the expression "Oy vey!" in there at least once, preferably multiple times.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #ufo bennettleeross.com

The crater which we live in
On our flat earth
Is surrounded by a ridge or ruffle

It was all created by a plasma discharge
Which should not be surprising
Since we are surrounded by plasma

Our last President was a Clone
The First Lady a Reptilian
The Vice President a Synthetic

We are being farmed by another species

Caves turn into tunnels
There is a vast network of underground cities
Connected by tunnels

Metallic nano particles
Are being put in breakfast cereals
As well as most junk food

Sound frequencies have been used
To liquify the ground

And high frequency radiation
Has been used to destroy past civilizations

Star Trek laser weaponry
Has existed for centuries

And is responsible for
Petrified forests
Sand dunes
And shattered rocks

Star Forts
Are ancient enclosed portals

Time travel is a reality

Religion is a control mechanism

People are not comfortable
Thinking outside of their box

That is why they trust the government
And the phony doctors
And will accede to taking the vaccine!

James Gilliland/ECETI #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels. The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension. Love is the ultimate power, it is the wellspring of all sound, vibration and light, all that is, the cosmic glue that holds all things together. There is a unified field in which we all reside, the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d. Masters, Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution.
The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old, some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution. Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface. These races, most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation. The fallen gods, and other self-serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from. This is written about in the Nag Hamadi, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and on the walls of ancient temples. The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years. An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here, have been here a very long time who will be held accountable

Thomas Muller #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

The neuro-linguistic programming of a defacto Satanist is to label as “white supremacist” and “racist” those who do not to submit to being raped, kicked to death, car jacked and robbed.

Unfortunately, Crowleyite clown-world inversion is in play, as it’s now deemed “racist” to treat disturbed Dindus as a threat, to avoid them or even call them out for their criminal behaviors.

Those who submit do so out of very misguided white guilt. The problem is cognitive dissonance. The average white zombie tells himself that the crime wave is due to whites and not enough TLC for Dindus. He adamantly refuses to admit the truth: The white race as a collective whole has decided to commit white geno-suicide. That is the long and the short of it — the simple truth. Whitey has chosen to become suicidally insane, psychotic, helped along by various forms of New Age and Cultural Marxist “love everybody” and “never hate” toxic cultism.

Meanwhile, Pretendsident Xiden says the only way to stop “teens” from committing violent crimes is to disarm law-abiding white citizens. Just wait until the Xiden Department of Housing and Urban Development starts block busting the burbs as the Donk cities rapidly become no-go zones.

Additionally, the police are recast and defunded and the money spent on social workers who can “reason” with these murderers, rapists, gang bangers, drug dealers, etc. Tyrone and Shaniqua the social workers will be enforcing — depending on your skin color — the law. This is in reality another form of Red Vanguard Terror.

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack henrymakow.com

Do you ever feel that your struggle is less against the power-mad pedophile elites than it is against your own people?

You know who I'm talking about. Those brain-addled, mask-wearing friends and family members of yours who refuse to see or acknowledge the truth.

That porn-watching neighbor you exchange greetings with who responds with sarcasm when you comment on or bring up the subject of politics.

That co-worker you sometimes attempt to educate while simultaneously remaining cautious lest they report you to Human Resources. Are they your real enemies in life?

Yet when you bring up these subjects with the people you know, they stare back at you with blank faces. Their eyes glaze over and you can almost hear their thoughts: "He's a nutcase!"

That family member then whispers behind your back and tells your parents, siblings and cousins you've lost your mind. That friend stops returning your calls and emails. Are they your real enemies in life?
If others only knew as much as you, the entire virus hoax would not be happening, the stolen election would not be allowed, and life would be so much simpler and easier.
I keep waiting for someone to stop me on the street and ask me why I'm not wearing a mask.

It's been eleven months now and I'm still waiting. I estimate I've passed over 16,000 mask-wearing people in that span of time (50 people a day over 330 days), not to mention countless cars driving by.

Not one person has expressed an ounce of curiosity. Not one person has seen me and said to themselves, "He's not wearing a mask. Why am I wearing one?" Or maybe they have, but then either fear, stupidity or both has prevented them from exploring the situation further.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Silly meme - but might explain why the movement has gained so much traction?



AOC is right there fueling the fire. This shit is going to shred her credibility. She's not going to be a major political force in her 40s and 50s.

If this is the hill the left wants to die on, the left will die. I always considered myself a leftist but this year I'll likely vote conservative for the first time in my entire life, because in my country they're the only ones against the self ID law.

I will be voting conservative in my country for the first time. They’ve done a little trans pandering but it was pretty meaningless and nothing compared to the liberals.

I'm quite lucky that in my country, Germany, the conservatives are not that anti woman in general, it is Merkels party after all.

I’m doing the same. I will not stand for gender indoctrination being forced by the state onto kids, or for sex offender’s rights being enshrined into law, or for women being legally stripped of our boundaries. Fuck any political party who stands for this utter garbage.

Some of the most vehement trans & non-binary TRAs I know are rich kids desperate for a narrative in which they get to be the poor oppressed victim.

I’ll never forget that Harvard freak out from a few years back over Halloween costumes. Literally the most privileged youth on planet earth acting like snivelling toddlers. Its not surprising that the same trust fund brats who cried over Halloween costumes are 100% on board with trans shit


A lot of high profile TIMs are also wealthy, so I'm honestly not thinking this is too far out of bounds for truth.

Jennifer Pritzker, Caitlin Jenner, Martine Rothblatt, the Wachowski 'Sisters'… yep. Plus they've got the backing of lots of drug companies and executives, and some other billionaire philanthropists too

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #pratt #dunning-kruger desuarchive.org

The inability many people today who view themselves as being "scientific" as well as math fans (left-brain prisoners) have in comprehending that .999 isn't the same as 1, is completely connected to their inability to grasp eternity and infinity. Their minds have basically been programmed to believe eternity and infinity are impossibilites. Over the course of the last 10 or so centuries of indoctrination into an alien world-view, they've "learned" to be unable to comprehend it.

This difficulty they have with eternity/infinity shows up in many different fields, from math to astrophysics.

This mental handicap is inherited directly from the (((Abrahamic))) religions, more specifically Christinsanity for us Westernerns. In it's origin, the inability to understand infinity and eternity is 100% Judaic in thought/philosophy. In contrast, the non-Jewish man; the Pagan man, at least the /European/ Pagan man, never had any problem with infinity and eternity. Christinsanity introduced into the minds of people the idea of life and the world/universe being linear, starting from point A and ending with a point B, whereas in the Native European world-view everything is infinite, a circle.

That's why many people today can't understand that .999 repeating forever will never reach 1 -- they refuse to accept the idea of an infinite/eternal repetition. Saying "it's 1" is their method of escaping from the uncomfortable (and to them insurmountable) challenge which the concept of infinity/eternity is to thier Judaically-induced mental disease.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From “Jorge Puts His Faith in "Fraternity," Not Christ the King”]

There is no reason to repeat in this very brief commentary what I wrote two years ago in Jorge Signs Off on the One World Ecumenical Religion[…]
Suffice it to say that the bizarre spectacle of several leaders of false religions[…]speaking to each other via large video screens that resembled the crystal cubes in which Marlon Brandon’s character in Superman (1978) imprisoned three villains who escaped in Superman 2 (1981) was a complete exercise in Judeo-Masonic naturalism that was devoid of anything to do with the Sacred Deposit of Faith:
The man who disparages revealed truth for an affective sentimentality praises "fraternity" as though all one needs to do to save one's soul is never to criticize anyone else or to do anything that jeopardizes a thoroughly Judeo-Masonic sense of "brotherhood" that makes a mockery of Divine Revelation.
So devoid of anything approximating the sensus Catholicus that he does not believe that he[…]has anything kind of obligation to seek the conversion of non-Catholics to the true Faith. Indeed, he considers efforts to convert non-Catholics in the past to be a subject for endless apologies.
The International Day of Human Fraternity[…]was nothing other than a preparation for Judeo-Masonry’s goal of a One World Ecumenical Religion.
The "Second" Vatican Council did not just "happen" spontaneously. It emerged as a result of a concerted effort on the part of a veritable legion of Modernists who networked together as they lectured and published books that provided the pseudo-intellectual framework for their version of French Revolution. Anyone who ignores the fact that these Modernists received protection and encouragement from cardinals and bishops[…]is tragically mistaken.

Various Editors #racist #conspiracy archive.is

In fall 2014, Metapedia became a Zionist shill run by Kimmo Alm (aka. Vir and Upplysning) who removed all mention of The Jewish Question from articles and simply made it about Marxism, hiding the Jewish source. Examples of changes Kimmo made have included using the pathological altruism claim to say white people made themselves cucks on their own, ignoring the Jewish intellectual movements that turned them into ethno-masochists. Kimmo also removed any revisionist narratives questioning historical propaganda of WWII and Metapedia now says The Holocaust™ actually happened where six million Jews were turned lampshades and soap. Metapedia also renamed the Red Holocaust article to a softer name and replace it with an article 90% smaller that specifically argues against Jews being the perpetrators of it.
The site also removed the Star of David (✡) by names of Jews, as Metapedia has since been about hiding The Jew behind the destruction of Europeans and their culture. Granted some people write Jewish names (((like this))) instead of a star, but Metapedia didn't do that either.
Anders has been in and out of prison a lot and it's possible some Jewish agency threatened Anders and he struck a deal. Kimmo Johan Alm is bascially a Jared Fogle✡, see this article on him and was probably threatened by the police as well. Bear in mind, in Western and Northern Europe, if you complain about mass immigration on social media, the police raid your house and it's possible they raided Kimmo's house and found his CP stash.
Metapedia of course doesn't like Donald Trump. On the Merkel article, Metapedia also removed "jewish lackey" as a category calling it "ridiculous" even though it's obvious she has been destroying Germany for international jewry.

Cobra/The Portal #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.

Light Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.

Now that this Schwab matrix has decomposed, the whole dark plan of the Cabal is slowly falling apart.

Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great Reset plans.
Now that the quantum superposition dark technologies are almost gone, the Tunnels of Set are almost gone also and implants are not quantumly entangled anymore. This makes spiritual growth easier and implant clearing easier, as when you now start clearing your implants you are not clearing all other implants in the planetary grid anymore.

So if you feel so guided you can join the group that is conducting regular implant clearing sessions:

Light Forces have communicated that it is time now to start taking the planetary energy grid out of the hands of the dark back into our hands again. Therefore they are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Flower of Life meditation for the planet as often as possible:

We are doing this meditation daily every four hours, and will keep doing it until the Event.

Victory of the Light

Judy Byington #conspiracy #wingnut #magick #crackpot inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

The global and political elites named, along with Intel in the reports was so explosive that False Flag events have been planned. People were urged to stay off the streets and away from cities that housed State Capitols.
Earlier this month the CCP caused the fire in Japan at Mt Fuji to disrupt the US military and Japanese military exercises.

After the Super Bowl D*eep State operatives tried to poison the water in a Florida city by cyber-hacking into the city water supply control system and releasing toxic chemicals. Fortunately this was stopped in time.

Right now D*eep State weather warfare was responsible for the Polar Vortex over TX and spreading polar conditions up the Ohio Valley regions.

The D*eep State has destroyed many oil/natural gas tanker trucks crossing the Afghan/Iranian border. They caused a German power plant fire in Nuremberg Germany.

The good news was that Alliance military forces were stopping D*eep State psychopath attempts like this.
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized chi*ldren who in honor of Sat*an, were being ra*ped and mur*dered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tor*tured and ki*lled by Sat*anic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

In the video, Blue wants to sing a song about all 26 letters of the alphabet, and viewers at home are paying attention to the entry for letter "P." "P is full of Pride," as the song goes. The letter is accompanied not just by a rainbow letter "P," representing the colors of the LGBTQ pride flag, but it's surrounded by multiple other flags representing specific communities. Those include flags for the trans community, asexual community, pansexual community, intersex community, gender-fluid community, and more. A rep for Nickelodeon confirmed to EW that "ABC Song w/ Blue!" is exclusive to the show's official YouTube channel.

Blue of Blue’s Clues & You said “LGBTQ rights!” In her own way. The animated kids show, a successor to the popular Blue’s Clues on Nick Jr., is gaining a lot of attention this week for a new alphabet song it released online on Thursday.
We warned and warned, shouted it actually, starting back around 2012 that the LGBTQ+ Movement was coming for your kids, and guess what? Now they got them, and they’re pouring LGBTQ+ recruitment talking points into their wide-open minds. Why do you think old Adolf created the Hitler Youth? Because he knew that in order to take over the nation, you must first take over the children, and when that generation becomes adults, you win it all because you control their minds.

If the Christian Church wasn’t lukewarm Laodicea, there would be a massive outcry, but it’s not so there isn’t. It’s really just as simple as all that. I don’t blame the LGBTQ+ and the radical Left for all this, evil is as evil does. No, I blame lukewarm and indifferent professing Christians for allowing it, and so will the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Magnetic Crank Award

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut energyenhancement.org

NEW BOOK - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.

The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.

Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the Illuminaughty, Sabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 6 by Satchidanand.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

This has been a hot topic of late that’s been on the front of the minds of many of the content creators that I follow regularly. I am in agreement with them in their assessment that the veil is lifting at a faster pace than ever before. The Saturn Matrix false reality that is controlled by Lucifer/Apolloyon and the rest of the Fallen Ones that together comprise the manifestation/entity known as the Legion Spirit is breaking down as they getting ready to push the reset button(the Great Reset) on their Saturn Cube Matrix machine. When that happens you want to make sure that you have yourself aligned with the right side(the Most High) for when Satan finally kicks us all out of his hotel(our Crater Earth) and we finally see for ourselves what this parasitcal control mechanism that has powered this false reality using the Saturn Matrix cube actually looks like for the first time. A brief glimpse before they turn on whatever new horrorific configuration of Quantum Matrix generating hardware and A.I. powered/guided software that they’ve been getting ready to unleash.

This means that those of us who happen to be here when this goes down are either going to zooming back to the creator God(the Most High) and go back to taking on the form of the light being your were originally made as and reside with the creator in his heavenly abode, or get kicked off the surface of the planet and thrown into the depths of the earth, imprisoned in your cell in hell after Lucifer stamps your ticket of admission in the form of the mark of the best.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source. The destruction of that city is needed to “put an end to messianic delusions” held by religious fanatics including U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.

Any move against Jerusalem would be part of a massive worldwide counter-attack against the Khazarians following their recent offensive actions against Russia, the UK, the United States, Japan, and other countries, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.

As a part of this offensive, the U.S. and Japanese military are ready to respond because the recent attack on their forces near Mt. Fuji (fire at base of mountain on left side) has been traced to that city. This is in part because Kiyosu Takayama, a self-declared Knight’s Templar, has been traced as the source of disinformation about the February 3rdattack. He claims that in the attack the “U.S. Navy destroyed the world’s largest adrenochrome factory.”
Whatever this item may or may not be; what people need to understand is that these messianic fanatics want to build a temple of death where living beings will be murdered as offerings to Molech, Ba’al, Set aka Satan.

The White Dragon Society and its allies will support the creation of a third temple when this war ends but it will be a temple of life, not death. Here offerings will consist of pledges to promote life, i.e. like environmental protection of vulnerable species that will support Earth’s biodiversity not destroy it.

In any case, the civil war raging in the west involving these fanatics has now pitted MI5 again MI6, and the CIA against the FBI among others.

Alien Facts #ufo #conspiracy alien-facts.com

Mantis aliens are perhaps the most mysterious and unsettling of all extra-terrestrial creatures. These beings appear within many abduction scenarios, with abductees reporting the ominous presence of these entities looming over their beds as they wake in the dead of night. While the Mantis is not as widely reported as the Grey or Nordic alien, it still holds an important role within many extra-terrestrial contact scenarios.
Although the Mantis tend to communicate with abductees using telepathic messages, they have been witnessed engaging one another using an auditory language. Several contactees have described the Mantis language as a series of clicking sounds exchanged between the creatures.

Some experiencers state that the Mantids are also shape shifters and use advanced technologies to create a field around their bodies to make them appear human.

The Mantis tend to be overseers, and often appear to be in leadership positions of power during an abduction. Generally, a Mantis will be accompanied by several small Grey aliens who seem to do its bidding. These small Greys are assumed to be drone beings, controlled by a hive mind and utilized by a variety of alien races.
The mantis supposedly come from the sombrero galaxy 28 million light years away from Earth. The ships they use to travel through space are not even spaceships at all, but spherical orbs that emanate light and more teleport than actually travel through the cosmos. These orb spacecrafts are always bursting with great light and seem to be able to change size as well. Mantis are highly sensitive to sound and light and look very intimidating with their huge bug like black saucer eyes

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

<note: written in mid-Jan 2021>
Debt is now too far over-proportionated that this kills worldwide the current financial fiat system. Eventually this system will be replaced by the QFS once President Trump is in his second term.

The question now is; Would the collapse of the US dollar come before this happens, as the DS tries to enforce this to blame the Trump-administration to move Biden in, or will Trump-Team still have the time to replace it on their own terms? History tells us, it will become a narrow escape. Already, since 2008 on its current trajectory, the system seems destined to go-down pretty soon, the same way every other fiat currency in history has gone towards destruction and collapse.
From what is known of the modes of operation by the Deep State, this starts with their standard use of Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS) to create situations of crises, and disasters that allow them to increase control, instead to losing it. Such a scenario would completely destroy the infrastructure through which they move and operate, from high level finance to media manipulation, to academia, right down to the local public school system. They have been heavily invested in this plan for a very long time. Whereas the COVID pandemic their substitute is for the planned WW3, that should have taken place under a Hilary Clinton administration.

Regardless of what people may think about the origins of the 2030 Agenda, it is wise to take your time to read the Protocols of Zion. Don’t just read them, but study them. They explain in precise detail what is going to happen in the world today and why.

Uglyme #conspiracy #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Sudden infant death syndrome is bullshit, foids kill their babies

Foids are repulsive and heartless creatures who kill their babies just so they can keep fucking Chad. And our society is so cucked that they came up with that stupid theory that babies die all of a sudden in their sleep so that foids don't go to jail for that. Imagine this scene: the poor and innocent baby lying peacefully in a crib. The whore slowly approaching with a pillow in her hands while whispering "sorry, baby but Chad says he doesn't like kids"... And then it happens. The police are called. The questions. The whore is crying " I just don't know how it happens, my baby was just sleeping and now... I'm so devastated right now..." And that's all. Sudden infant death syndrome

She will never even got arrested because how dare you call a woman liar and criminal, you fucking misogynist asshole!

And they said we shouldn't hate them? It's a miracle that you had made it past your baby years boyos.

Boardwalkcel #conspiracy incels.is

[Discussion] Study shows 55% of singles consider it a deal-breaker if you dont get the vaccine


I'll start off by saying 55% is total bullshit and blatant propaganda..

We know how desperate Mid-Tier men are for female attention, I highly doubt any of them would genuinely consider a foid not getting the vaccine a deal breaker and I think we all know perfectly well that a Foid will overlook if Chad isn't vaccinated.

It's a stupid study, it isn't accurate and it was simply put out just to try and brainwash more normies into getting the vaccine.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

The claim that Western society is de facto Communist seems far-fetched. Yet, if we consider that a major goal of Communism is the destruction of marriage and family, the claim makes sense.

Communist social engineers are responsible for creating a toxic environment for marriage: Promotion of gender confusion and homosexuality; the war on gender itself (feminist usurpation of masculine role); the mainstreaming of promiscuity ("sexual liberation" pornography); and the promotion of transgender rights, as if 99.9% have no rights.
Communism is Cabalism which is a Jewish satanic cult which includes Freemasonry. It denies the existence of God and the soul. It destroys love because God is Love.

The wellspring of love is woman who generates love by sacrificing for husband and children and is cherished in return. The Cabalists have poisoned this well by teaching women to be selfish and to seek power and sex instead of love.

Woman's attraction for men is based on her beauty, innocence and modesty.
The modern woman is now a "proud slut" that few men want.
Under the Christian dispensation, society was at least nominally dedicated to taming the beast and aspiring to spiritual ideals like Truth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, and Justice. Now under the Communist (Satanist) dispensation, culture is devoted to releasing the beast and negating these ideals. Our toxic cult-ure is defined by the Illuminati. Our attitude to homosexuality has gone from a visceral disgust to schools prompting children to experiment with it. Our cities are "cold and forlorn" to use the approving words of the Protocols of Zion.

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #ufo #conspiracy #quack #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com


I am Ashtar commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, connecting to all of you today with updates on our progress behind the veil.
As a Galactic Commander I carry a lot of heavy duty responsibilities, and I am happy that my fleet is helping your planet to regain her freedom. Our ships have daily encounters with the Dark Forces that continue to resist and fight with Light Forces. It has been a long journey for us and for you to your liberation in this Ascension Process. We are almost done of completing our mission on Earth. We are constantly destroying the Dark Ones ships and successfully reducing their numbers. Most of the battles are occurring above Washington DC and in Texas.

Queen An-Ra of the Grand Council and Saint Germain continue to keep removing any Negative Entities that penetrate the system and try to stop the Nesara Gesara funds distribution to humanity.

A lot of turmoil and chaos is taking place in your world. Your governments continue to impose restrictions in your daily life by claiming and scaring you to death with the Coronavirus, which you know by now that in reality, it doesn’t have any threat to your health. Their fear tactics so far are only working on the ones who are not awake. These masks you are wearing are not stopping this false virus, instead it’s only creating breathing issues for everyone. Also, the COVID-19 vaccines have nanotechnology in them, anyone who will get vaccinated will be mind controlled by the Negative Ones.

Conservapedia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut conservapedia.com

Deep State Coup 1.0

The Deep state coup attempt (sometimes called the soft coup or the "insurance policy") was an effort by high-level Obama administration intelligence community officials and holdovers to sabotage the agenda of President Donald Trump, remove him from power, and hide the illegal actions of the Obama administration.
Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:[11]

1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.

2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan's intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.

3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.

4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.

5. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee provided funding, support, and media collusion.

6. Obama administration officials were complicit, and engaged in unmasking and intelligence gathering and dissemination.

7. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and false narratives were promoted.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #magick finalwakeupcall.info

The real top of the pyramid is the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon seated in Switzerland which appears to be the head of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society. These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions that forms the ruling Oligarchy around the world. These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt. They now are identified as the Global Elite or cabal, who see us as their slaves and property, to do with as they please.
The most important thing people have to realise is, that this 3-dimensional reality is not real. Meaning this is nothing but a consciousness trap. Who we really are is hidden from us. Our spiritual nature is our only true form. Hence why all these dark forces spend so much time and money on attempting to make people forget. They use subtle techniques to keep us all trapped. That is where the true magic lies. If you cannot see through it, then you have been defeated. For that is the illusion of life.

The lie is ‘Hypnotic-betrayal’, just manipulative lying influence. The conjured illusion of the Egyptian god Thoth has nothing to do with reality or truth. The illusion is that we, as humanity, have been tricked and robbed off of our eternal paradise state. And that is what they do not want us to realise. But, as soon as people become aware of this fact, their great awakening has begun.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Yes, there were women involved in the Capitol Attack, but this is not one of them.


Why isn't this being talked about? People need to realize that this is a non-partisan issue. Where will this "woman" be placed in prison? Where is this mythical right-wing trans-hate? He seemed pretty well accepted in the right wing circles.

TRAs never claim the perpetrators of crimes, only the victims. It fits in better with their narrative. They'll keep ignoring this dude or say he's "not really trans" if it does become a news story.

I’m having a hard time finding references to Jeremy Watkins on Google tho. Where is the documentation that this is a TIM??

I posted some of the only available evidence so far over on /o/ThisNeverHappens: https://ovarit.com/o/ThisNeverHappens/17893/us-capitol-riot-prosecutors-say-champaign-county-trans-identified-males-training

There isn't much, just a couple of mentions of his previous name being attributed to him by the US Army.

"Watkins, who served the country under a different name"

I see they threw the deadname down the memory hole. Fuck you CNN. This is a man. The different name he served as is his BIRTH name.

They're hiding the truth for fear of "outing him", but what they're effectively doing is preventing people from making up their own mind about him.

...I have been noticing that these dudes r everywhere. Imagine what it will be like in 5, even 10 years from now 🙄🙄


CNN is full woke.

They were early adopters of the "referring to women with dehumanizing language" trend


The Oath Keepers is an extremely patriarchal group, I do not believe for one second that an actual woman would be even allowed in their organization, let alone be a leader.

They seem fine with transwomen though

squareddimensions #conspiracy reddit.com

The biggest lie is that we are in an endless universe.

As soon as they found out we couldn't leave whatever the hell we're on they spent literally trillions on the lie that is space. Star wars and star trek to brainwash you into a false idea of space. Fake space races. Fake moon landings. Fake iss. Nasa literally means to decieve.

We are created. By who or what no fucking clue. But this world is a perfect creation. We are the center of it. The sun and moon are close and small. Not millions of miles away and it's ridiculous anyone really believes that when you can observe how small and close they are.

Any time lapse video of a camera pointed up at the sky shows everything revolves perfectly around us. The occult math isn't science. All their lies are obvious and I don't know why so many people are too stupid to see thru all this bullshit.

Profit #conspiracy #racist forbiddenarchaeology2016.weebly.com

RH factor is what is in the Bible referred to as the serpent seed. The Nephilim. It means you are basically without the blood of angels. It is why RH factor people tend to be more predisposed to dark tendancies. The gentiles (Europeans) are a result of forbidden mating and it was forbidden because the eye color of the white race gives away whether you have more or less serpent seed/angels seed in your blood. The bloodlines over the years have been so intermingled we all have bits and pieces of other races but I see hundreds of blue eyed people who are just good to the heart and hundreds of green eyed people who are just evil to the core.
Blonde hair blue eyes=Angels seed/blood of God Christ
Red hair green eyes=Serpent seed/blood of the devil

Angellica Goodson – Lord #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #ufo forbiddenarchaeology2016.weebly.com

Copper Based Aquatic Blood is alien human hybrid blood, which has nothing to do with the Rh - Blood Factor. The Copper Based Aquatic Blood is related to the FISH GODS because these gods who bred with human beings to create the copper based hybrid anomalies were aliens that came up out of the sea. They were considered to be Demi gods because of the technology they possessed and because these aliens created the hybrid bloodlines of the people who worshipped them.

Indian hybrids usually carried Rh + Positive blood and also carry the Copper Based Aquatic Factor. Indians did not carry the Rh - Negative factor.

As people have been inbreeding with one another however these anomalies and traits are being passed around so you may have someone who has Indian ancestry down the line that also has the Rh - Negative factor today because they also carry Celtic ancestry. The indigenous race on the British Isles were Scandinavians.

Generally speaking few people carry the pure Rh -Negative factor today. We estimate them to be approximately 15% of the population. They came from a cell of Scandinavians that migrated down into southwestern Europe before and during the last Ice Age.

Those with the pure Rh - Factor carry what is referred to as "Power in the Blood." They are the ones who have healing abilities etc.

85% of the general public carry Rhesus Monkey DNA known as Rh + factor.

Those with Copper Based Aquatic Blood are those who are being abducted by aliens generally speaking because they carry alien genetics, which they inherited from their ancestors who were most often victims of the DARK SIDE and alien abductions. Aliens continue to tweak their fetus’s in uteral today.

The main reason aliens are interested in those with pure Rh- Negative blood is for their DNA. They are the descendents of our Scandinavian Mitochondria Mother who we all share DNA with no matter what color you skin is today.

Aryans were a contaminated race or down graded race genetically because of the hybrid copper based anomalies’ and Rhesus Monkey factor.

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #quack #wingnut humansarefree.com

Mandatory masks continue to be the standard operating procedure for many counties, regions, districts, states and nations worldwide, as the COVID cult agenda progresses.

In many places, while COVID vaccines are not yet mandatory, authorities are rushing to prepare to make them so, by setting up schemes like immunity passports, vaccine certificates and mandatory tracking databases which log who has taken the shot and who has not.

Meanwhile, inherent sovereign human rights are being limited to those who acquiesce to tkae the shot. The insanity and absurdity of the COVID cult is all the more apparent when you realize that its mandatory or quasi-mandatory rules stand in contradiction to a very important set of principles decided upon in 1947.
I refer to the Nuremburg Code, the set of 10 points that arose from the infamous Nuremburg Trials conducted in the aftermath of World War II.
Society is regressing right now. We are giving up hard-fought rights and freedoms out of fear.

Collectively, we are forgetting that we have already long ago established fundamental human rights such as bodily autonomy, medical sovereignty and informed, voluntary consent.

The Nuremburg Code is a stark reminder that we have been through all this before, and got through it to crystallize the lessons learned. We must remember Who We Are and stop this insane COVID medical experimentation – before it’s too late.

Russ Winter #transphobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

If you actually believe that Bruce Jenner — one of the greatest, most high-testosterone athletes of his era — suddenly decided in 2015 at the age of 66 to become a transgender woman named “Caitlyn,” then you’ve been taken in by one of the strongest doses of absurdum magicae nigrae the Crime Syndicate has ever concocted.

In a “20/20” interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Jenner revealed his transformation into a trans woman. Caitlyn said that he had dealt with gender dysphoria since his youth. “For all intents and purposes,” he said, “I’m a woman.”

Apparently this is what a “gender dysphoria” looks like. Actually, it’s what any red-blooded man would aspire to. I am a few years younger than Jenner and was an athlete. I remember him well, and with envy. Since he is an icon, one idea behind this sick scam is to rain on the parades of masculine, aspiring males who are gullible.
Naturally and in quite the coinkydink, Jenner’s transgender announcement came at an unprecedented time for trans visibility, including legislative initiatives. Using his Twitter handle @Caitlyn_Jenner, he tweeted, “I’m so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can’t wait for you to get to know her/me.”

Time magazine declared this tweet the 10th most astroturfed I mean re-tweeted tweet of 2015. Yes, it was all so orchestrated, with all the lugenpresse giving adoring coverage. The brainwashing spewed forth into a psyop that’s one for the ages.

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Right, now we'll connect with Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces...
Soren: I'll tell you what I can. Of course. We're still out in the area of China, down in the bases. We're taking out all of the DUMBs here with many of earth's military forces aiding us. We have discovered more gold here, and so many gems, it's staggering to contemplate.

Me: Wow.

Soren: We have also, of course, found the usual scene in the DUMBs with horrendous suffering and so many people who have been fused together with animal parts, DNA experiments, and there are just body parts strewn along the walkways. Unbelievable! When you say that hell is below you, I would tend to agree: this is Hell.
Soren: We have seen so much and some of your people can't continue. They're so traumatized just by observing what's gone on in these bases. We found one base in the mountains under Tijang, China that has to be the worst by far. There were bodies heaped in stacks, most of these children, and so many babies.

Me: Okay, Soren, can you please not describe this any further because I'm getting upset and I'm sure there are others who can't handle it.

Soren: Fine, Sharon. But you'll see this in your news. It's worse than your holocaust of World War 2, much worse.

Me: Thank you for trying to prepare us. It's not our fault, but we were naive in thinking that world war 2 could never happen again, yet it's been going on underneath our feet. The collective shock on this planet will probably be felt around the universe, and frankly the guilt some may be feeling every time they look at a milk carton and see a report of a missing child will be enormous. These are just concentration camps.

Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein #quack #conspiracy westonaprice.org

Originally published in German, Virus Mania first appeared in English in 2007. The authors, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor Claus Köhnlein, review the circumstances under which a number of “viruses”—the avian flu, cervical cancer (HPV), SARS, “mad cow” disease (BSE), hepatitis C, AIDS and polio—groundlessly instilled panic in the public. (You might think that the latest “coronavirus” should make the list. If so, you are right. A new edition of the book, just released, includes the coronavirus among the baseless crises used to manipulate the public and make money in the process.) Take the AIDS scare as an example. The authors point to its beginnings, describing how in the early 1980s, a scientist from the University of California named Michael Gottlieb identified five severely ill young homosexual men who had a pulmonary condition rarely seen in their age bracket. There were a number of factors that in all likelihood compromised the men’s immune system and made them vulnerable to pneumonia, including the nitrite inhalants (known as “poppers”) and other recreational drugs that were extremely popular in the early 1980s gay scene. But Gottlieb and other researchers overlooked these other factors, instead hurrying to search for a “virus” that could be causing the men’s condition. Apparently, many in the medical community were thrilled about the possibility of a new disease on the horizon. The eventual head of the CDC’s HIV/AIDS division, James Curran, reportedly exclaimed “Hot stuff, hot stuff!” at the time. Then the conjectures and fear-mongering began in earnest. Scientists were on the lookout for clusters of people exhibiting the same symptoms, eager to pin the blame on a new contagious disease. Discussion of nutrition patterns or other lifestyle choices was off the table (then as now). Instead, pinning the health crisis on a culprit that appeared to be out of our control was helpful in achieving the desired result: public fear and compliance, and profits through a medical protocol backed by experts. Sound familiar?

NSACIARAPEVICTIM #conspiracy #ufo reddit.com

No dude, Masons.

They swear a blood oath to protect other masons no matter the laws of the country they are in. It's not hard to understand. They are internationalists that basically run our country through influence. There are 384,000 sheriffs in a fraternal order of sheriffs, which is a masonic offshoot, FBI recruits from police clearly. Do the math.

I donno why people think this shit is conspiracy after Kennedy anymore, they really did a number on society.

I can talk on the matter some, my grandfather was a 33rd scottish rite working with the former head of CIA in the 70s at ITT corp

Every major figure around the alien coverup from 1947 and on was a mason. It's a fucking alien cult.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #psycho #conspiracy supernaturalspirit.com

Enochian Queen King Vampire Service $10000

You may have your Magic Kit and the Psi-lord has demolished the Kabbalah using the other God Amalek as well as enabling eliminating Chakras using the power of Kalki; the Vedic ultimate black magician badass who clean house of all evil. Unfortunately there is a third pillar of obstruction to lock you out of the magic world of C and H space called Enochian Magic. Fortunately Tim Tony Stark Rifat is the present day 007 and commands all the Enochian hierarchy as he is the source.
In this service you become an Enochian Vampire Queen or King with the 49th key and your 40 crystal magic kit set has 8 Enochian universe b dark quartz crystals added to it which you put around your triangle of art to make 11 of Daath death and the 8 crystals draw all male priciple out of the target to turn it back to formless void which you can remanifest any way you wish.

Only the total 007 Tim Tony Stark Rifat controls this as he is the source the entire Enochian multiverse had to bow down to or get tortured infinitely and beyond; So Kabbalah was hellised Chakra occultism hellised and the Christian Enochian magic which had no Jewish content apart from the Jew God who was consumed by the Psi-Lord was joined to the the Psi-Lord as it is better to be a servant of the source than an eternal torture toy of the source. If you have ever used Enochian magic thank you very much for being the Psi-Lord´s eternal torture toy and your screams of total torment beats viagra to give him a hard on for his ever demanding American uber witch biatches (beautiful witches).

Ben Bartee #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho henrymakow.com

How did this happen? Joe Biden finished an abysmal 5th in the New Hampshire and 4th in the Iowa caucuses of 2020, the two crucial earliest states to vote on presidential primary candidates. In late 2019 and early 2020, Biden's campaign was flirting with failure. Most analysts, even friendly ones, agreed it was on the verge of collapse.

So how did a sad two-time presidential election loser like 78-year-old Joe Biden, a rapidly aging white male in an era of über-wokeness, bane of #MeToo, manage to come back from such a huge hole early on?

Biden, in short, is a company man - just the kind of trusted ally that the DNC's donors could turn to in the face of a threatening Bernie Sanders ascendancy and an even more terrifying specter of a possible Trump re-election. Back in January of 2020, both seemed like probable scenarios.

So -- starting at the highest levels with former president Barack Obama orchestrating an emergency power consolidation among the establishment primary candidates -- they turned the gears of the political machinery as only a ruling class with full access to the levers of power can:
The revelations of Molly Ball via Time serve as prima facie evidence that the current government pressing its weight down on the middle and working class is illegitimate. Politicians at the highest levels are the handpicked puppets of the men behind the curtain.

Beyond illegitimate, Joseph Biden and the people who worked so diligently to thwart the democratic process in the 2020 election are criminal. They stole your birthright as an American citizen. This is not consensual governance; this is the Bad Touch.

No means no.

You live in occupied territory.

They beg for summary judgment and the guillotine.

Steven Bercow #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #quack goldenageofgaia.com

Accountability refers to the phase of Ascension in which those who are attempting to control and dominate the planet surrender that control.

We’re right in the midst of that phase at the present time.

I’ve posted Matthew Ward’s discussion of the Illuminati in another recent article. (1) Let me let Matthew say here that “the Illuminati ‘operation,’ you could say, has been responsible for all major wars, divisiveness, impoverishment and rampant deception and corruption for the past 265 years or so.” (2)
How can I say what’s happening without traumatizing you? The Illuminati is into human trafficking, child sex trafficking, adrenochrome production, (3) snuff flicks, the international drug trade, the subversion of politics, the military, medicine, education, etc.

The pandemic represents their plan to cow, contain, and control the Earth’s population. The vaccine was their instrument to poison the population and infect it with microchips. None of it will work.

The attempt to steal the American election traces back to them and national governments who align with them.

After the assassination of President Kennedy, a coalition of military and civilians at one time called the White Hats and Faction 3, (4) now called the Alliance, began studying the Illuminati playbook and planning for their downfall.

What you won’t find discussed in very many places is that a coalition of advanced civilizations in higher dimensions, which includes the Federation of Light and the Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies, have been helping the Alliance. Or perhaps I should say, more aptly, helping the Divine Plan, the Mother’s Plan.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #wingnut conservapedia.com

Deep State coup 2.0 refers to the sham "impeachment" of Donald Trump by Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff. and Jerrold Nadler to obscure revelations in the Spygate and FISA Abuse scandals. The Democrat Party, Clinton campaign, and Obama administration illegally colluded with foreign actors to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and the FISA Court ruled the basis of the Mueller investigation was invalid.

After the failure of the Mueller investigation to depose President Donald Trump, in September 2019 Democrats manufactured evidence to begin an "impeachment inquiry". Under new House Rules adopted by Democrats in December 2018, due process rights were ignored and Republicans excluded from questioning witnesses while Articles of Impeachment were being drafted. The timing of the impeachment inquiry was to blunt information coming out regarding the fraudulent counterintelligence investigation opened up on the 2016 Trump campaign, and the Russia collusion hoax perpetrated by the Obama intelligence community in collusion with the Democratic National Committee, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign, foreign governments and intelligence agencies to meddle in American media, public opinion, sway elections and attack American democracy

The Democrats so-called "impeachment inquiry" denied fundamental constitutional due process rights.

While the impeachment trial neared a vote, Democrats and fake news media were more obsessed with removing President Trump from office than with preparing for the CCP global pandemic which was known to be transmissible between humans. When President Trump took action to form the coronavirus Task Force and shut down travel from the epicenter of the deadly viral outbreak, Leftists called President Trump "xenophobic".

Conservapedia #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut conservapedia.com

The U.S. Color Revolution, also known as the Biden Putsch, Transition Integrity Project, Deep State coup 3.0, Blue state Civil War or the Dem panic Pandemic is an effort by the Democratic National Committee to steal the 2020 Presidential election through mail-in voter fraud. Democrats openly threatened voters with violence if President Trump is re-elected.[14] The plan is essentially to create confusion in the immediate aftermath of the election resembling the 2000 "Florida Recount on steroids."[15] Twitter and Facebook announced that they will censor and block President Trump and supporters' claim of victory,[16] and will highlight the fake news reporting of CNN and other disreputable sources on the delayed election results.

Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – key swing states – all prohibit election officials from beginning to process mail-in votes until election day.[17] The seditious Democrat conspiracy is to delay election results as long as possible. Ballot harvesting has become the tool of choice by Democrats to steal elections.[18] Mail-in ballots have been used for voter fraud.[19] Twitter and Facebook announced that they will censor and block President Trump and supporters' claim of victory, and will highlight the fake news reporting of CNN and other disreputable sources on the delayed election results; in fact, Twitter and Facebook, acting in collusion with each other, in blatant violation of the First Amendment and at the risk of both companies being put out of business for their anti-trust and censorious actions under both the Sherman Antitrust Act and Executive Order 13848, have already illegally censored and silenced President Trump on their platforms by banning him permanently from both of them[…]

Patriots were advised to pay attention to the Emergency Alert System.[23] The dissident group of former Democrats, the Walkaway movement, were immediately targeted for retaliation and silenced as the junta moved toward a one party system.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #magick #ufo bennettleeross.com

Many people can have a kindly demeanor
But also the ability to disregard life on a whim

Many of the highest politicians are clones
Who are easily controlled
And viewed as disposable slaves

The Beast System
Which is the set of quantum computers
That will network the human mind into the collective

Is also an interdimensional connection device

With the destruction of the Tartarian Empire
The new power centered outside of our realm got control

The micro needle array patch
Will be the means to inoculate billions
And gain complete control

The needles will dissolve
Leaving only the tips in the surface skin
And the cargo shipped
To all cells in the body

Wearing a mask
Is destroying the humanity in us
And causes humans to operate on fear

As the digital thermometer is applied to the forehead
So will the Mark of the Beast

Time travel has been utilized
To assimilate a species
Before it becomes a threat

And also as a means of warning
To prevent a calamity or serious misfortune

Domus Dei et Porta Coeli

Means the House of God
Within the Gates of Heaven

Our former glorious existence
With the planetary gods
Hovering close above us
Was deliberately snuffed out

And now we are at
The Crossroads of Destiny!

The Vaulted Earth #fundie #conspiracy #magick #wingnut #racist vaultedearth.wordpress.com

YAHUAH, YAHUSHA, Moshe, all the Prophets, all the Hebrews, and all the translators taught and preached that the earth is a stationary, plane, set on 4 corners with pillars, enclosed by a glass firmament, within which the sun, moon, and stars were all placed inside of, on day four of creation, just as the Scriptures maintain from Genesis to Revelation.

So do the Scriptures teach Gnosticism, Kabbalahism, and Luciferianism . . Because that is exactly what the Big-Bang, Heliocentric, spinning Globe earth cosmology is. Apotheosis and Enochian Mysticism.

For thousands of years, concepts such as the idea of traveling through portals, dimensional doors, gateways through the stars, etc., were confined to the realm of divination and sorcery… Yet today such concepts are considered a logical extension and achievable goal of modern physics, and Copernican cosmology… Constantly reinforced by NASA and Hollywood…

Why would YAHUAH create such an infinite and chaotic universe that could only be eventually discovered by the technological advances of humanistic agendas and Occult organizations…???

The entire Luciferian dream of ascension, of apotheosis, of man becoming god, is embedded within the very fabric of Copernican cosmology…

Their synthesis has worked perfectly. The One World Religion is everyone unknowingly worshiping the Feathered Serpent, while under the delusion of that through this, they are destroying the New World Order who (they do not know) worships the same.

This is their Hegelian Dialectic perfected.

Philosopher of Freedom #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

If diversity is such a strength then why is it that the US and all other White countries reached their pinnacle of success when they were 90% White or more?

It's an inverted double scale; civilization declines as Diversity increases. That is what happened to Rome and in fact every empire that has ever existed, including the Soviet Union. The U.S. became an empire by principle once it made blacks citizens and then followed with other racial and ethnic groups. The Marxists knew this would happen, so they supported the pressures that brought about the Civil War. In fact, the NAACP was created by Marxists who were all white with one exception, the mulatto WEB DuBois who hated whites even more than himself. (He married a white woman. I believe marrying outside of one's race is rejection of your own racial/ethnic identity).

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