Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: 4 in 5 Refugees Living in Sweden Have Vacationed in the Country They Fled From


"The topic of asylum-seekers returning to their home country to see friends and family has become a political issue across some European countries in recent years, with many critics believing such action is incompatible with their claim of seeking refuge due to being in danger in their home country."

Where, in the name of all that's holy, do these desperately poor refugees obtain the money to repeatedly travel thousands of miles between southwest Asia and northern Europe?

Being on Sweden's generous social benefits system. It may be lost on lefties that things like that 'may' work in a homogenous society, but not when over 50% of its beneficiaries are foreigners with no skills and nothing to do but reproduce.

(The Dagda)
George Soros of course!!

Sweden used to be a "better" country to raise your kids.
A few more illegal alien blacks and muslims and it will never be again.

This happens all the time with the fake refugees here in the United States. The moment they get their green cards, they hop on a flight to visit the countries they supposedly left in fear of their lives. It's a complete joke.

(Question Diversity)
"Similarly in Germany, a statement by then-Interior Minister Horst Seehofer in 2019 warned refugees they would face an investigation and could be stripped of their right to residency should they travel back to their homeland."

"Could" is a really powerful word here, and it usually translates to "almost never."

(Not MLK)
As I was reading this I was thinking about whites that won’t ask themselves a couple of basic questions that could answer a lot. Why are their countries !#? Why are most white countries spectacular? If they can answer those simple questions for themselves they’d realize it’s the people not the place.

Go to a major airport and look at the "Americans" in line at the immigration checkpoint. Easily three-fourths of them are returning from their real homes, where their extended families are and where there heart will always be. They're in America and other Western countries strictly for the better standard of living, not to become one of us.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut

RE: Just a reminder that Reddit is totally fine with harassment, bullying and threats of violence as long as they are directed towards white men.



Reddit is an international app. On a global scale, Men are not the majority in every part of the world, and globally, white people are also a "minority".

They know, they literally changed their rules to avoid this. It used something to the tune of "minority", it was pointed out to them that whites are a vast minority in the larger world, the rule was then changed.

Can't be sexist against men and you can't be racist towards white people. 😵

It's been said before, but maybe the reason so many people are backsliding, is because they feel attacked from every venue.

Sure, "touch grass" isn't actually a bad idea. Get off the internet, go camping, grow some food. Anything.

But increasingly our society is online.

So much life is being hijacked by online, and then it's no wonder a group of people who not only are told we are evil, but when we ask for help, instead of a helping hand, get told it's our punishment, lash out. I don't consider myself any kind of alt anything. But boy do I not blame some of the crazier folks.

This is exactly the Drew Afualo / Andrew Tate situation. Andrew Tate and Drew Afualo pretty much say the same thing about the opposite sex, but Andrew Tate is "dangerous" and radicalizing young men,while Drew is "powerful" and "standing up for women"

It comes across as jealousy at this point. I really do think other races of men have a jealousy issue when it comes to white men. I’m half black/half Latino and I’ve been in groups, where black men will treat their black and white biracial sons so poorly, by body shaming him and putting him down because of his features. I’ve also been mocked by fully black men, for being biracial. Some will put me down because of my height, facial features, etc.

Patick Courrielche & Luke Rudkowski #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut

RE: Woke Left Targeting Children, Crew Discusses Disney's Subliminal Messages

PC: They've been working this stuff, we saw it in 2012, before the whole transgender movement started taking off in America, we saw it being pushed at schools pretty heavily, and then of course you see these major writers writing these series, these movies, and they're part of this whole scene. It's been embedded within the culture for a while. We always wonder, how do these things happen? They happen because we've allowed the left and the woke to monopolize all of these institutions that define what it means to be American. The only way to fight back is to create our own institutions and get our own messages out there.

It's Gold Rush right now, the way that the right see this all happening at Disney and Netflix and what have you, they want other options. They just don't have the options out there. For so many years I would tell people, "Do not give money to these people's movies and their television shows, don't subscribe."

But then the the pandemic hits and now people are stuck at home, they have nothing to do, they have no other options, they need options.

LR: We have to fight back. I think memes are also extremely important, like the meme, there's a Doge dog in the 1920s saying, I lost my house, I lost my job, I lost my savings, I lost everything, and then you have the GigaChad Doge in 2020 saying I never had any of those things.

And when you're seeing messages like that, it resonates with people, because, yeah, I never had savings, I don't have a house, I don't have a real job, I have this gig economy created by Klaus Schwab in the World Economic Forum that literally is just screwing me over, so, memes I think are super, super important.

It is essentially human slavery which they're slowly conditioning us to be OK with. These inflation numbers don't represent what actually is happening out there in the real world. There is a total bloodbath, the poorest people of the world are being screwed over by all these globalists, by all these leaders that just want everything from them and it's disgusting.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger

The reason preferred pronouns present a dilemma for Christians is that they imply something the Bible indicates is false: that a person can change genders or be born into the wrong biological sex. Referring to a person who is biologically male as “she” or “her” is, in literal terms, to say something untrue. Worse, when it comes to an issue such as transgenderism, using preferred pronouns can be construed as enabling or endorsing a harmful, unbiblical situation.

From a spiritual and scriptural standpoint, then, the literal intent behind preferred pronouns is unbiblical. Men are not women, and vice versa. Other than a tiny percentage of persons who are biologically intersexed and deserving of special consideration, there are no third, fourth, fifth, etc., genders, nor any basis for a person to “choose” such a thing. For the same reason that believers ought not pretend that other faiths offer salvation (John 14:6) or that other gods are real (1 John 4:1) or that something sinful is morally right (Isaiah 5:20), many believers conclude that it’s immoral to enable the basic premise behind the use of preferred pronouns.

This is why, at the very least, all believers, in all circumstances, need to be careful not to give the impression of accepting the assumption behind preferred pronouns. While Christ was merciful and loving to both the adulterous woman (John 8:10) and the woman at the well (John 4:23–24), He gave no mixed signals about their sin (John 4:17–18; 8:11).


Preferred pronouns also create issues from a secular standpoint, without taking religious values into account. As stated above, using words like he or she implies something about the biology of the subject. Forcing people to use preferred pronouns, then, would literally be a coercion of speech. Demanding that others use such terms implies that you have a right for other people to speak or write in ways that agree with you. At least in legal terms, it’s hard to imagine society could forcibly require the use of language that overtly contradicts certain opinions or ideas.

As a parallel, demanding use of preferred pronouns would be like insisting that others refer to us as “your majesty,” with a bow or curtsey, because we feel we are royal-blooded, even though they don’t believe we are.

GraceHoward1729 & Champagne_Lasagne #transphobia

( GraceHoward1729 )
Misogynists are not welcome here.

💜🤍💚 Here are a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Men who pretend to be women are men.

Women are female; men are male.

Lesbians are female homosexuals and exclusively own all sapphic spaces.

Calling men who pretend to be women "women" makes you a misogynist.

Lesbians are female homosexuals. Lesbians are not male heterosexuals. And no matter how much whining they do, misogynists can't change that fact.

This all doesn't need to be said, because reality exists independent of people's words. Reality doesn't require mass campaigns of psychological control with official contradictory slogans to be repeated ad nauseam; reality doesn't rely upon doublethink or propaganda-induced fear for compliance. I am not forgetting any facts, because reality is impossible to forget, not sorry.

( Champagne_Lasagne )
MEN are not welcome here.

💜 Here's a couple of facts, as a friendly reminder:

Transwomen are men.

All women have vaginas, all men have penises.

Enby lesbians are misogynist "not like other girls" women and are not welcome here and in all sapphic spaces.

Calling women "females" is degrading yet necessary, because some fuckwits refuse to acknowledge the meaning of "woman".

Lesbians are women who love women. Lesbians are only Cis women who love Cis women. And no matter how much whining they do, men and homophobes can't change that fact.

Evidently this all needs to be said all the time. Moids and handmaidens are always ignoring these types of facts however, fuck them.

Various commenters #wingnut

Well, r/abortion is openly a “pro-abortion” sub. I thought it was was a “pro-choice” sub, but they’re actually going farther and Promoting abortion. She was asking for ideas from both pro-life and pro-choice people and got this response. An important difference.

Reddit it pro-abortion.

Well, technically pro-money, but Satan gives money to those who bow to him. Even Jesus was offered that.

Prochoice and proabortion mean the same thing, yeesh I wish everyone would stop acting like it's different. Imagine if someone said "omggg they're not.prilife they're anti abortion", like hellooo, duh are u dumb

They’re actually different in important ways. Pro-choice people are okay with killing innocent human beings, but they at least believe the woman should have a choice in the matter and to be informed of her other options. Pro-abortion people are actually looking to push and promote abortion, to make it more wide spread.

Proabortion support legal abortion, period . U can think all kinds of connotations about the word that you want but that is what it means, they're literally synonymous. Promoting abortion doesn't mean you don't support a woman keeping her child, legally anyway. Pro choice doesn't mean you don't have opinions of women's living situation and choices when it comes to having a child, it just means that you support abortion ....stop acting like they're separate. They are one in the same

They admit it again and again. I hate their guts so fucking much. I hate the fact that they're never going to pay. Probably.

Can we stop using the word pro-choice when the only person who has a choice is the person considering premeditated murder? Is there anyone in the world who would label a person who is committed one to several premeditated murders pro choice?

@AbsMcFabs #transphobia

An abbreviated version

I’m so glad that the bathroom signs for #xoxofest are a hit ☺️

Women! Ignore your instincts! Let men intrude on your boundaries!

And when the bad things inevitably happen, we'll use the fact that you ignored the big red flag warning against you - "Why did you smile at him instead of running away if you were 'uncomfortable', as you claim?"

I was in more danger of being raped by my ex than some trans girl minding her own business in the stall next to me.

Because your ex had more opportunity.

Yet you want to give predatory males more opportunity by opening up female-only spaces to any male who says he qualifies for entry.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
The FBI’s political targeting of President Trump is the same type of thing they did to MLK.

They always abuse their power to take down their political enemies.

Marxist Lucifer Kang was a serial adulterer and plagiarist who supported racial quotas and was bankrolled from the beginning by communist Jews who hate White people.

@ExposeTheNose @repmtg jews wrote his syrupy speeches

@ExposeTheNose In all fairness Trump is also bankrolled from the beginning by communist jews who hate White people so the comparison is somewhat accurate. @repmtg

MLK was an antiwhite scumbag.

@14W MLK was creepy just as most politicians are creepy. He was anti-white because he didn't want to just do whatever the white man wanted. Which was to segregate, be submissive, be 2nd class citizen, be considered 3/5ths of a human, etc.

@lizcheneyforprez Nope, nice try dumbass. He was antiwhite because he was jealous of whites - just like you are. YOU'RE the one who wants whites to be second class citizens, you're the one who wants white people dead. Antiwhite loser.

@repmtg MLK was a disgusting communist, why do people insist on worshipping him? Are Our cities better off now because of him? Are blacks better off than they were before him? Are Our children better off now that they are subjected to black crime with no punishment? FMLK.

@BoRawcho @repmtg because of Jews

@repmtg MLK was a nigger and a communist. Two terrible things to be.

@repmtg Can we stop fellating MLK all the time? The guy was a goofy communist race grifter with some decent speech writers behind him. The entire civil rights regime that was ushered in under his convenient martyrdom is one of the primary sources of all of our societal problems.

@repmtg MLK was a communist, rapist, plagiarist, philanderer, and overall piece of shit. Stop acting like he wasn't

@KlausVonSteiner Perhaps what she means is that MLK was also controlled opposition on the fake and gay zionist world stage, doublespeak. @repmtg

Various commenters #wingnut

Don’t believe the fake polls … vote these anti-American, sick, evil, demonic, commies out in November.

They're not communists, but totalitarian antiwhites.

Let’s start with deporting Jews to Israel.

@Catturd by "commies" I think you mean Jews.

@Catturd Here is a scenario: After the midterms, the Senate and House are under the control of a unified Democrat/Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Leninist party. Now, they have the apparatchik in place (armed IRS, Climate Bill, etc.) to go after the conservative opposition economically, including Gab, to start suppressong the remaining resistance. I'm not talking about violence, either. I am talking about using the laws that they created to go after citizens "legally". Sounds like a conspiracy theory? Well, we all know these conspiracy theories are being proven true more accurate with each day.

@RealSuperPatriot1776 @Catturd They will do what they are assigned to do. Allow the invasion to go with unlimited numbers of "migrants" of which many have walked on water to get to the boarder. The reduction of fuel and therefor food as in genocide will ramp up. There is only THE PARTY and the opposition is fake. Hell, to think of it what opposition?

@Catturd It's been awhile since I've said this, but it is more true today than ever: ELECTIONS ARE CORRUPT. AMERICA IS LOST.

Until Nov 2020 is figured out and resolved, this applies. You are stupid if you think with the next election it can't happen again

@Volatilityishigh @Catturd Stupid or on the other side as in protecting the occupiers just like all in the two fake/actors/role players otherwise known as "elected officials" who will make sure that the outcome based elections stay outcome based.

WomenDid9-11 #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #sexist #ufo

Women are having sex with shapeshifters/demons/aliens during the night

I asked average women how many men they fucked in their lives: the average is 50. I asked men: the average is 5 women. But for every sex between man and woman, you need one of each, which means the average should be the same for both sexes.

The only explanation I have for this phenomena is that women are having sex with creatures that LOOK like men, but aren't. Creatures that appear at the night, fuck women and they never hear about them again. There are a lot of creatures like that in mythology and folklore: shapeshifters, doppelgangers, reptilians, incubus, etc. They are probably fucking women and inserting their DNA in them through microchimerism/telegony or even impregnating them. They are slowly changing human DNA through sex with women. They probably control the government and media as well and that's why there's so much push for promiscuity.

99% of women will lie about this if you ask them but secretly all women are fucking strange interdimensional creatures every single night.

ala4577 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Excellent comment, sadly only Christians are willing to see the truth. And look this up on Google and the usual "Factcheckers" are debunking this, so based on their typical agenda, there is at least some truth to it. But these rumours have been around long before the BigTech corrupters of any Truths, so I to believe this is genuine and this evil pervades this planet. One cannot imagine the terror in these children and there is so much factual evidence of children be abducted and never seen again. The British "Royal" family come up in these rumours, the Clintons who are known Satanists

State of the Nation #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

If there’s one way for the New World Order globalist cabal to swiftly wreck and ruin Florida’s booming economy just before the midterm elections, it would be to paralyze the state’s largest commercial port—PORT TAMPA BAY.

Governor Ron DeSantis has frequently touted Florida’s thriving economy, right through the highly engineered Covid Plandemic. In point of fact, every Floridian, whether they admit it or not, deeply appreciates the good governor keeping the state open for business despite the unrelenting and withering attacks by the Biden administration.
So, here we are just 40 days from the highly consequential gubernatorial election in Florida—the one race that the Democrats MUST win if they are to have any hope in 2024. By stealing this election, the Democrat Party will control the state’s election machinery which is absolutely necessary to steal the 2024 POTUS election.
Now that the fake Plandemic has failed miserably to collapse Florida’s economy, the Democrats have launched Plan B.

If there’s just one way to shut down Florida’s vibrant economy, it would be to launch a terrorist attack on the largest ports in the state. Obviously the only type of Gladio-style black operation that would do the job completely would be to execute a geoterrorist attack. For there is no bigger bomb that the weather warriors can drop on Florida than a Cat 4 or 5 superstorm.
Really, how does it happen that the last “major hurricane” to smash into Tampa occurred in 1921 — over 100 years ago — except with highly purposeful design.

Everything about Hurricane Ian from its very inception is quite suspect; in fact, it has all the signatures of a manufactured storm system.

For starters, Ian’s trajectory from the beginning is an exceedingly unusual one. Weather watchers throughout Florida have been closely monitoring the many massive chemtrail operations in the months prior to the development of this Frankenstorm.

Judy Byington/JFK Jr. #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon

Code Red
BIG Announcement
This Is It
The Hour Is Upon Us
The Storm Is Coming
They Are Not Prepared
I Am Back
…President Q

UN Storm Troopers Takeover London!

Chinese Communist Party Faces a Double Coup!

Global Markets Are in Freefall!!!

China Banks Are Collapsing; Australia’s Bank Has Collapsed; British Pound Has Collapsed and the Financial Tsunami is Moving Toward the US.

Sat. 1 Oct: Global Currency Reset, beginning of new fiscal year, the world pulls credit from US Inc.

Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) – an October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).

In October the Chinese Communist Party will convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a democratic state.

Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward

9 Nov. 2022: World War 3 Announced + Fake Nuclear Attacks + Martial Law Stay at home order (9/11/22)

Nov 18th Major Satanic Event: 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died
John F Kennedy Jr, 19th Vice President

Several countries were going back to lock down for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CCP Pedophiles & Traitors. As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID- 19 diagnosis continue, the news unlocks the map of events.
We’ve entered the closing Act initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance.
Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective – rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBS.
Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN.

The Great Work #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Anyone operating in COMMERCE without a LICENSE is committing a COMMERCIAL CRIME. You and I need to learn how to become the REPRESENTATIVE or AGENT for the STRAWMAN and conduct all of his/her COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS without getting involved.

All crimes are Commercial and are then regulated by COMMERCIAL COURTS. COMMERCIAL CRIMES are Murder, Stealing, Dealing in illegal drugs, Prostitution, Practicing Law or making a Legal Determination without the Permission or Consent by Assent of any party to a Contract.

All COMMERCE is ruled by CONTRACTS. All COURTS (Tribunals) are ruled by, CONTRACTS. Absent a CONTRACT, the COURT (Tribunal) will proceed to write a CONTRACT under Cause/Case ___ . Will the defendant rise, what is your name. This is the signature for the Contract. How do you plead – this is the giving, of SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION and becomes part of the Consideration for the Contract. All the arguments are the Offer for the Contract and the JUDGMENT is the Acceptance for the CONTRACT. The court takes a Complaint, turns it into a CHARGE against the STRAWNMAN, tries him/her on the CHARGE and then a JUDGMENT is rendered which is a Civil Action, a Claim, and this must then be Accepted by the LIVING SOUL
According to Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, “persons” are subjects of rights and duties conveyed by government. A “person” is a “citizen”: one who is “entitled” and/or “bound” by government.

“Every full citizen is a person; … But not every human being is necessarily a person, for a person is capable of rights and duties, and there may well be human beings having no legal rights, as was the case with slaves in English law. A person is such, not
because rights and duties are ascribed to him. The person is the legal subject or substance of which the rights and duties are attributes.” — Bouvier’s Law Dictionary

God created no “persons” – He created MAN. The state creates “persons.”

Creationism is great #fundie #dunning-kruger

1. Evolutionists say that dinosaur 🦕 evolve from pig. This is stupid pig is a mammals

2. Evolurionisr say that whale are mammal and there troat is snall. This id bulldhit😒 according to the Bible❤ whale is a fish all animals in the water are fish and whale can eat any thing bigger them selves

3. Evolutionist say that monkey through shit💩 to evolve to be a human. Wow these evolutionist is disgusting

4. Carbon dating dont exist. Uranium is all made up pls wake up.

Tommy Truthful TV #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie #crackpot

Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending & the Harvesting of Souls
What has become clear after looking at the Wachowski’s direction is that they do have knowledge of both Gnostic occult symbolism and the true nature of reality. The movie has everything except ‘Lion Symbolism’, in terms of Alien overlords, DNA seeding of humanity, and of course the reaping of planets by an Elite.
Abrasax Dynasty (see also ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, and our Royalty, etc)
In the movie, we are shown an alien dynasty called the Abrasax, notably two brothers Balem, Titus, and a sister Kalique. Balem is the elder heir to a ruling alien dynasty that appears to be living like our earthly elite ‘magnified hundreds of thousands of times. Where Earth’s Elite own countries, these kids own planets. The royalty in Jupiter Ascending ‘rule by DNA’, the DNA of the ‘gods’ (aliens) and the main plot is about looking for the true heir to one of their planets – the Earth.
The wordplay on ‘Bal’, ‘Titus’, and ‘Kali’ are so obvious to the trained eye and of course, Bal or Ba’al especially was a God of the Levant and the ‘Jupiter figure’ worshipped by the Pre Christians and the Phoenicians as a ‘Christ figure. The word Ba'al can be translated as ‘lord’, ‘owner’, ‘master’, or ‘husband’, and referred to as a ‘group of deities’ (see above). Titus is a lucid connection to the Titans and to Saturn’s reign and of course, Kalique is the Dark Goddess of the Underworld in Hindu myth.
There are many connections to the Greek Zeus, the Roman Jupiter, and the Christian Devil. The Horned bearded Ammon and ‘Baal’ are two deities also connected to this imagery. Yahweh, Amun, and Maat (in Egypt) were also depicted with horns and were said to have fashioned the first two people (Adam and Eve) out of clay. Symbolically we have the ‘Jupiter gods’ creating the first human prototype or the ‘Abrasax industries' doing it by genetically creating the human being – Homo sapiens in the film?

Calogero Pisano #wingnut

The far-right Italian party Brothers of Italy, tipped to win Sunday's election, has suspended one of its candidates for praising Adolf Hitler on social media

In a 2014 Facebook post, Calogero Pisano, a party co-ordinator in Agrigento in Sicily, compared party leader Giorgia Meloni to "a great statesman of 70 years ago"

He added that he was referring to a "German" and not Benito Mussolini[…]
Ms Meloni has been trying to distance the Brothers of Italy from its neo-fascist roots[…]
Mr Pisano also expressed support for Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Italian news agency Ansa

Ruth Dureghello, the president of Rome's Jewish Community, criticised the comments, saying "the idea that someone who hails Hitler could sit in the next parliament is unacceptable", Ansa reported

Founded in 2012, Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia) has its political roots in the Italian Social Movement (MSI), which emerged from the wartime dictator Benito Mussolini's fascism. The party maintains the logo of post-war far-right parties: the tricolour flame, often perceived as the fire burning on Mussolini's tomb

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy

Krom, I don't know where you get your info, but why would you be amazed? What specifically is untrue?. Let me throw in some other things:

Do you know it is a federal crime to protest outside a SCOTU's home yet none of those protesters were charged.
Do you know special prosecutor Durhan found that the so called Steele source to inform on Trump and the whole Steele Dossier was made up fantasy? "Durham alleges that it was Dolan, not Russian sources, who gave Danchenko key allegations to put into the Steele dossier, including some of its most salacious claims."
When was the last time you heard about the FBI raiding a Dem home and arresting the occupants?Do you know Hillary should of been arrested under the Espionage Act and Comey didn't arrest her because he didn't think Hillary had any "Intent" to use the classified documents If you buy Comey's statement then I suggest you read the espionage act.
I could do more but you will run to your liberal news sites and think they are correct.

Various commenters #sexist #psycho

We should start raping chads' and normies girlfriends to cuck them
Or normies who think they're better than us because they have a gf. That way, every time they are with their beloved girlfriend, they'd know she was used by us, the men who they despise and see as inferior, and there's nothing they can do about it :rich:

I'd rather kill than rape

Wanting to compete with savages for some monkey pussy is a waste of time. They should be DEALT WITH and society should fall back into the hands of strong willed men. Not effeminate fuckboys and their whores.

Normies, Chads, Tyrones deserve death.

Normies for the most part are beta buxxes.
But a Chad who has had 20+ foids in his bed is a fucking hoarder. I would break his legs, then throw a brick to his face. Make sure that he can live the rest of his life IN PAIN, suffERing like I've suffered my entire existence.


I'd rather kill than rape


Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!

@realdonaldtrump How about the rights of J6 political prisoners who are rotting in jail for you, you kike-worshipping maggot?

@realdonaldtrump the lives of the j6ers have been destroyed, file a motion pertaining to the fourth amendment on their behalf.

@realdonaldtrump What about the Jan 6 gulag you fat asshole?

@realdonaldtrump Yeah. The last time American's rights were violated this bad was when your supporters were thrown in prison and you did nothing.

It must be tough for you, Donnie...did those agents wipe their feet before they entered the mansion? Oh, the horror!

@Don1975 Trump sending his supporters to the Capitol: "And I'll be there with you". Never forget, never forgive.

@realdonaldtrump Some of the comments here are deplorable . I know it and you know , how the deep state is so entrenched in OUR government that it will take many years to drain the swamp .The DEMONRAT party own the media and every 3 letter agency in OUR government . They must be controlled by satan himself . This struggle is bigger than 45 , you shined a light in the darkness and the darkness comprehend it not....

@Speed455 @realdonaldtrump tell that to people who are being treated as terrorist for walking in the capital.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Yeah, but the ONLY people to be discriminated against because of their race are WHITE people.

So, a better way to say this would be "Stop anti-White discrimination" or simply "Stop discriminating against White people".

The key to ending discrimination on the basis of race, is to STOP discriminating on the basis of race. 👍🏾

@Nature_and_Race I think what kathy is trying to say is “White people need to stop noticing behavioral patterns of blacks and accept the hatred directed at us by every other racial group”.

@Nature_and_Race Another good way to end discrimunation is for all races to live in their own countries.

@KathyBarnette4Truth soooo like how all black people have been brainwashed to think slavery was because of white people, and ultimately hate all white people? @Nature_and_Race

@Nature_and_Race When is the last time the FBI or DOJ raided or arrested a high profile individual connected to politics that was not a white conservative? Trump, Giuliani, Roger Stone, O'Keefe, Tina Peters, thousands of J6 all white, Bannon, Navarro, Flynn, etc...? Can you IMAGINE if the FBI/DOJ raided or arrested this many black or female Dem politicians??? See how mainstream society just excepts persecution of whites without question? See it?

@Nature_and_Race I will stop discriminating against groids when the knockout game and store raiding/trashing videos stop.

Taki #wingnut #racist #sexist #elitist

Privilege at birth displeases wannabe types, and the subject came up rather a lot last week, especially in the Land of the Depraved, where the Bagel Times regards monarchy as antidemocratic and the cause of most human ills, including the common cold, cancer, pimples, varicose veins, and even athlete’s foot. At my own alma mater, the University of Virginia, founded by the greatest of all Americans, Thomas Jefferson, some physically repellent creeps have demanded his name be taken off the beautiful neoclassical buildings he designed. The trouble is that Tom, as we called him in my college fraternity, was a bit antimonarchical himself, having sided with and advised certain colonists, starting with one named George Washington. No, the ugly ones have it in for old Tom because he was sleeping with Sally the slave and even had a couple of kids with her.

Shock, horror! Back in 1789 gents were not supposed to do that with slaves, but my excuse is that she was rather cute. What I’d like to know is what about the poor women who are, or eventually will have to endure, sleeping with those creeps who are anti-Tom, a much worse fate than Sally’s? Woke freaks are known to suffer from halitosis, tiny penises, and absolutely no regard for what women want. My suggestion is that American ladies all become lesbians and get it over with. But let’s get back to privilege, especially the white kind.
Unburdening the sins of their privilege in public, as some rich halfwit females are doing in the States in order to gain brownie points, is the latest outrage of the #MeToo era. They do it at length and in public and in breathless detail, but the skin-crawling and ridiculous apologies make unapologetic f— you types like myself look like superior human beings. Privilege is good and healthy, and has given the world most of the things we take for granted. So let’s all emulate our late Queen, who—unlike a couple of her descendants—never apologized for anything in her life.

Pepe Escobar #wingnut #conspiracy

Geopolitical tectonic plates are
reelin’ and rockin’, and the sound is heard all around the world, as the twin baby bears DPR and LPR plus Kherson and Zaporozhye vote on their referendums. Irretrievable fact: by the end of next week Russia most certainly will be on the way to add over 100,000 km2 and over 5 million people to the Federation.

Denis Pushilin, head of the DPR, summed it all up: “We’re going home”. The baby bears are coming to Mama.

Coupled with the partial mobilization of up to 300,000 Russian reservists – arguably just a first phase – the raise-the-stakes consequences are immense. Exit the previous soft format of the Special Military Operation (SMO): enter serious kinetic war, not hybrid, against any actor, vassal or otherwise, that dares to attack Russian territory.

There’s a very short window of Chinese-coined crisis/opportunity for the collective West, or NATOstan, to negotiate. They won’t. Even as anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows that the only way for the Empire of Chaos/Lies/Plunder to “win” – outside of the cover of The Economist – would be by launching a first-strike flurry of tactical nuclear weapons, which would meet a devastating Russian response.
NATOstan has predictably doubled down on its tactics since the non-response response to Russia’s demand for a serious discussion on indivisibility of security, in late 2021: it’s always about shelling Donbass.

This could not possibly be tolerated anymore by the Kremlin and Russian public opinion. Thus the partial mobilization – forcefully proposed by the siloviki and the Security Council for quite a while now, with Kostyukov at GRU, Naryshkin at SVR and Bortnikov at FSB on the forefront.

The symbolism is powerful: after so many years, Moscow is finally fully committed to supporting Donbass all the way to the baby bears coming to Mama for good.

Kerry Cassidy/A’shayana Deane #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

I went to Florida to interview A’shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books. Her previous work details the history behind the genetic engineering of the human race and the numerous ET races that have been interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth as well as throughout the many multi-verses. This information is highly complex and detailed. She and two other “speakers” as they call themselves are receiving this information via telepathic downloads. They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances, a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension and the stargates on this planet and others from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.

This interview is the first part of several hours I spent with Ashayana Deane and the others working with her on briinging the science of Keylonta to the planet. Keylonta is the science of “light, sound, subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter”. The many images on the video of charts and “maps” depict these concepts in a visual manner aimed at stimulating memory and re-awkening the DNA pathways in the viewer.

littleowl12 & mrsmeyers #transphobia

( littleowl12 )
Girls are the bread and butter of gender clinics

I know gender clinics started their predatory crap with boys. But let's face it, there was never going to be that much growth, even with Jeanette Jennings parading poor Jazz around. Most parents would never allow their sons' genitals to be lopped off. Even for super dysfunctional homophobic families, it was just unthinkable. Even most adult TIMs don't bother with neo-vagina nonsense.

But look how much more "open-minded" parents are about mutilating their daughters' bodies. Early hysterectomies, breast amputation. Parents are so much more accommodating that now gender clinics focus on girls as their main prey. If a boy shows up, fine, but it's definitely about girls, now.

Does anyone have stats on the demand for neo-vaginas vs. phallo/metoidioplasty? I know the latter has far fewer surgeons and is much more expensive. But I'd love to know what percentage of TIFs at least attempt to get some sort of genital surgery.

It's just heart breaking how reckless parents are with their girls as opposed to their boys.

( mrsmeyers )
Making women and girls hate themselves is very economically viable. They are disposable, especially if they aren't "pretty."

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo

I am not sure why Uncanny Deduction suddenly made some of his recent videos on “Banana Jesus” private. Maybe he got threatened by YouTube after some butt-hurt Christians complained and reported him and he didn’t want to endanger his channel, but luckily I used the very handy YoutubeDL Bot on Telegram to save a copy of his recent “Did Jesus Receive the Mark of the Beast” video from only a day or two ago.

By now most of you have come to the painful but necessary realization that the long haired Caucasian version of Christ with his Sun Halo and crown of thorns who’s blasphemously depicted in theologically unambiguous cruciform nailed up onto an unfolded Saturnalian Cube is nothing but a construct of the Demiurge and one of the many avatars of the Progenitor of the Matrix. Baby Jesus is Baby Horus/Osiris who is Oden/Woden who is St. Germaine who is St. Patrick who is Apollo who is Zeus/Jupiter/Cronus who is Kristos/Helios who is Yahweh the Dragon who is Quatzecotl/Kukulan who is The Serpent of Moses who is the Serpent of Arabia who is Baal who is Ra who is Jehovah who is El who is Tammuz who is Buddah who is Krishna who is Lucifer, the “Mourning” Star. But I digress. I’m not saying the consciousness Creator God isn’t real. Far from it. But all the above characters are earthly figures associated with Dogmatic constructs of manipulation and are controlled by Archonic soul-slurping Matrix agents who are essentially interdimensional parasites who’ve have been harvesting human souls since ancient times.

Jim #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia

[From "National Capitalism and Sanctions on Russia"]

The Global American Empire thought sanctions would ruin Russia[…]Formerly talking weeks, now talking years

The Russian economy has, according to statistics, been knocked down ten or twenty percent[…]The question is, is it, like the ruble, bouncing back, or going over a cliff?[…]
The effect of the sanctions has been to impose National Capitalism on Russia from outside

A modest dose of national capitalism worked great for the Trump economy. It spectacularly industrialized South Korea
National Capitalism defined
National Capitalism is self sufficiency in the organization of people for production, and self sufficiency in the skills and equipment needed for production, that relies on internal free markets and supports local businessmen[…]
If the skills and equipment needed for producing one thing are in your country, rather than in a foreign country, production of that thing has large beneficial externalities, making it easier for others of your people to produce other things, creating opportunity and incentive for the talented among your people[…]
So how is this working out for Russia
A builder in the middle of a one horse town found that nails and screws were unobtainable or absurdly expensive[…]
According to Global America Economists, that builder is now going to stop building[…]What he did instead of building was go to China and buy a self contained computer controlled machine that turns metal into nails and screws[…]
If millions of Russians are doing something similar[…]long term effect will be to create Russian skills and jobs[…]
When the McDonalds franchise pulled out of Russia. The former franchisees organized a new franchise[…]Which means that Russians are a whole lot less likely to be forced to watch black people, mixed race couples, transexuals, and faggots, eating burgers on television

Got Questions #fundie #enbyphobia #transphobia

God specifically created two distinct genders to serve two distinct roles in His creation (Genesis 1:27). God made Adam in a special act of creation (Genesis 2:7). Then He created a woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib to be a helper for him (Genesis 2:20–22). Adam and Eve had distinctly different physical attributes. They were clearly different because God designed them to be different, and He liked them that way (Genesis 1:31). The man and woman were designed to reproduce so that the earth would be filled with beings who bore the image of God (Genesis 1:28). Only a male and a female coming together can create a new human being, and it takes those physical gender differences to make that happen.

When God gave the Law to Israel, He put prohibitions against the blurring of gender. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” This does not refer to a woman slipping into a pair of work pants to muck the stalls or a man putting on an apron to grill steaks. This verse is referencing a trend on the increase today: the intentional masking of male or female characteristics in an attempt to defy one’s God-given gender.


Pop culture is going gender-insane, throwing common sense and reality out the window in its attempt to be “edgy” and “progressive.” Androgyny is now celebrated, and gender-reality is looked upon with disdain, but celebrating something doesn’t make it right, and despising something doesn’t make it wrong. Slavery was once celebrated; that didn’t make it right. Child labor is acceptable in many parts of the world; that doesn’t make it right. Prostitution and child trafficking are rampant in many countries; that doesn’t make them right. And, even though gender-confusion, transgenderism, and androgyny are riding a wave of popularity today, that doesn’t make them right.

Julie Whedbee #fundie #conspiracy

The implementation of the plans to alter your DNA and make it programmable by something other than Me, your Creator, are here. I control and govern the DNA I have placed within you, but if you allow man to administer anything within your bodies, that will recode your DNA, I will no longer be the controller. I will no longer recognize you as My creation. You will have become a mixture of something else, an altered form of man and technology, and therefore, not in My image any longer. Do you understand what I am saying? Truly the hour is here when you must prepare to make the choice to remain fully human, infused with My Spirit. The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive you through propaganda, fear and manipulation and cause you to allow either a mark or an implant (vaccine or digital tattoo) into your bodies that will forever separate you from Me. This is your reality right now! You must know what you will choose to do.

Rod Dreher #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these "family-friendly drag shows". It's all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles -- sorry, "Minor-Attracted Persons."

Did they even go this far in Weimar Germany?

How much more of this are we prepared to tolerate?

I note that Hungary is hated by some Western European governments because it will not put up with this crap -- because the Hungarians have understood from the beginning what is at the heart of this corruption.


Will the GOP candidates rise to the occasion? We will see. It is time to start putting Biden, Pelosi, and every Democratic official on the spot and force them to defend this barbarism. Not just the child sexual mutilations in hospitals, but all of this sexualization of children. Today it's a Spanish communist state minister pushing pederasty. How long before it starts here in America? Don't say never. A lot of the stuff that's totally mainstream now we were told would never happen here -- and that people who warned that it was coming were nothing but a bunch of Religious Right bigots trying to scare people into failing to recognize that #LoveWins.

If we as a society will not defend our children from these sickos, we don't deserve to survive. In Canada, within living memory, that pervert Magister Juggs would not have dared to wear giant prosthetic boobs to teach a high school class because fathers would not have tolerated it. At last, though, fed-up Canadians are protesting outside the high school where that fetishy teacher is employed.

Various commenters #wingnut


But men get to kill their own children all the time is only women that are not allowed to...oh wait no men cannot kill unborn children. Nevermind.

Abortion Resistance are amazing!

100%! It isn't "oppressive" to take responsibility for your actions. What is oppressive is being told that because I didn't kill my child, I am somehow not as successful as I am supposed to be. I'll take raising a family over grinding for "the man" anyday!

This must be the trophy POC I keep hearing about


Because it’s a pro-life POC, the PC crowd calls them our trophy POC or token POC, something like that


How do laws forbidding abortion oppress anyone?


By that definition anything illegal is oppression


Oppression implies cruelty. It’s not cruel to make abortion or murder illegal. It’s obviously a moral decision. I get you’re trying to play with words to be clever, but your point makes no sense.

@hatpinwoman #transphobia

Everything women were demonised for predicting has happened

Men are infiltrating women’s spaces&sports

Young children are socially transitioned

GNC children are unnecessarily medicalised

Women are harmed as a result of Self ID

“Terf” was just a word for women with foresight

Various commenters #wingnut #quack #homophobia





@Carryingmarine So true and this continues to infuriate those mentally challenged woke libturd loonies

@Patriot203 @Carryingmarine libtards? Oh you mean like the serial child molester involved in harvesting children treasonous trump, he was officially registered as a liberal dim until he discovered the rothschild's party of pedophilia rethug-lie-scams are gullible braindead morons that promote their pedophiles...

@Carryingmarine WRONG...!!! Monkeypox is shingles AKA herpes zoster listed on page 35 of Pfizer adverse effects

spoilerBreaking News
Plandemic 2.0 has
been announced
Fun Fact:
Monkey pox is
Shingles real
name is Herpes
Zoster, Herpes
Zoster is on page
35 of the Pfizer
documents as a
adverse event

@Carryingmarine The largest medical insurance agency in Germany put out a report that proves the vaccines have killed or caused more damage than the virus itself. This one agency TK (there are many others) said they had 437,593 cases of vaccine injury in 2022 alone.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

In our White nations, we are now forced to embrace black culture over our own rich traditions & way of life... So if their 'culture' were truly something to be admired & adopted, why haven't Whites been seeking prosperity, safety & a better life in black nations?

@ElfReich blacks claim they built America & built Europe but for some reason they can't build Africa.

@RememberSamDavis @ElfReich

All the nicest places in Africa were built by Whites and are now being destroyed by niggers as well.

@Archer14 @ElfReich Exactly. Forget about building a civilization blacks aren't even capable of maintaining a civilization that was handed to them. South Africa was once one of the most modern of Western countries, now they can't keep power or electricity working.

@RememberSamDavis @ElfReich

Yeah but that’s somehow whitey’s fault too. I’m so done with them. I have zero tolerance. Just seeing them around irritates me to know end.

@ElfReich A better question is why don't blacks live in Africa where they belong?

@ElfReich Why do whites have to allow non-whites to bully them around?

@NewUserWhoDis too many are afraid that if they don't they'll be called racist

The fucked up part is that it's white people pushing this garbage.
It's called placating. White liberals need their votes but are low-key terrified of them.
"Look! We're on your side! Please don't hurt us" is their true mindset when it comes to black people. It's precisely why everything they do for them doesn't actually help at all. It's all window dressing. Statues, pancake syrup, a slogan....all useless placating.

@ShutupMeg Whites become psychopaths if abused as children, this what a leftist is.

Jews and blacks are born psychopaths.

The biggest mistake whites made was letting Jews takeover banking in Europe, then media, then American government, then money printing...

@ElfReich Niggers have no culture. Nigger "culture":
Hip Hop
Fried Chicken
Sports ball

That's it.

No art, science, litterature, accomplishments, nothing.

@DrPhate @ElfReich you forgot crack .

Most Holy Family Monastery #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger

If you look into the issue just a little bit, you will discover the vaccines have caused major damage to large numbers of humans and animals, including brain damage. Many have also been linked with autism rises, etc. They also sometimes include cells lines from aborted babies. They are frequently filled with things that extremely harmful in many ways. People should not receive them. It's outrageous and horrible that people are being forced to receive vaccines---truly horrible.

Also, when you posted your false comment, you probably knew that we were against vaccines. So, you are arrogantly posting on our site essentially that we are totally wrong about the matter (when you are actually wrong).

Newt Gingrich #ableist #elitist #wingnut

Submitter’s note: Daily Kos is just the source of the story, I’m aware they are not fundies. Newt Gingrich was being interviewed by NBC News Correspondent Scott Wong when he said this. Also, he has actually spoken quite a bit about J6.

“What do you think about the January 6 Committee?” Wong asked Gingrich on Thursday.

“I don’t,” said Gingrich, who was asked multiple times during a gaggle on Capitol Hill about the committee.

“You have no thoughts about the committee itself?” asked Wong.

“I think you have a learning disability,” said Gingrich, pointing a book at Wong.

“Excuse me,” said Wong.

“The fact is, I’ve said three or four times, I don’t talk about it,” said Gingrich, pointing at his own head.

“Try the phrase: I don’t talk about it,” he added.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack

The new president of CERN
Is a member of the Knights of the Netherlands Lions
Which have close ties to the Knights of Malta who are Jesuits
Pope Francis is a Jesuit

The opening of the Gothard Tunnel by CERN
Was commemorated with a ritual
That showed enactments of spirits flying into our realm
In attendance were world leaders

There was also a mock human sacrifice

The Gothard Tunnel is a portal about 100 kilometers above CERN

CERN is off world technology
Whose purpose is to change our world
Into an alien synthetic AI realm

CERN is a quantum computer machine
Developed so that entities can easily enter our realm

Reptilians have a difficult time going through portals
And have to use human bodies

CERN utilizes collisions of high energy lead ions
At 14 terra electron volts

It has rings of cyclotron energy
Similar to the rings of Saturn
Which is made of oscillating plasma

The rings of Saturn are issued forth from its north pole
And CERN is connected to the south pole

Because of CERN the rings of Saturn are rotating faster
The purpose is to rejuvenate this stargate
And connect CERN to technology on the other side

CERN is linked to the Beast
Which is a 600 cell diamond tetrahedron 4th dimensional quantum computer

Through the sequencing and digitizing of DNA in silicon
The nucleotides which are the building blocks of DNA are reassembled
To create organisms that have never existed

An adiabatic 3D quantum printing computer digitizes biology
And a comprehensive representation of our world or sentient world simulation
Which is a continuously running model of our world is now up and running

The Beast System through quantum entanglement of the Cloud or the chem trailed ionized atmosphere
Will be linked to the Blockchain
Which will involve all facets of our life
We are on the precipice of an interdimensional portal
That not only will send us synthetic digitized DNA in physical forms called demons

But which will connect to alien intelligence on the other side
Who seek to control us in a most intimate way!

Peter Koenig #conspiracy #wingnut

Have you ever wondered how come that people, especially young people, almost in uniformity walk around in torn jeans?

This includes highly educated university students and graduates. They have become lasting fashion models over the past two decades - and the fashion prevails.

To the point that people pay more for ripped and used-looking pants than for new ones. Common sense has totally disappeared from the mainstream.

There are lots of every-day trend-setting facets, indoctrinated by media and propaganda - not only for commercial purposes, but for reasons of subtle but targeted mind-bending.

"Their" plot is brilliant.

Gradually forging people's minds into one direction, one template - is needed for eventually achieving total control.

Another little example, you may or may not know about:

Car colors...

Have you noticed, during the past two decades or so, the vast majority of cars - actually about 90% to 95% - are either black or white, or shades in between?

All with the same purpose.

We, the people, ought to think in a black and white pattern.

We know, however, the purpose is the contrary, namely leading to the ruin and collapse of western industry and civilization.

Who is to blame for it all?

Of course, Russia-Russia-Russia, or rather President Putin...

Another flagrant lie...!

All is made in the US of A and in their vassal-Continent, called Europe; by bought, compromised and unelected criminal politicians, who enjoy wielding their dictatorial power over people.

People! Wake up to reality, before it is too late.

There is not much time left.

You are also being sold a "Green Agenda" - supposedly preventing man-made climate change.

Be aware: Carbon as well as CO2 is a life support line.

Without CO2, there are no trees, no plants, no life.

Today's Green is yesterday's Brown.

We are being lied to, that man-made CO2 is destroying our planet.

We are drifting ever faster into a total-control, digital Fascist One World Order (OWO)...!

Mike Stone #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #elitist

Back in February, I ruminated on why the virus hoax was suddenly being dropped.

At that time, literally billions of people around the world had bought into the hoax and we were ready for full Australia-style concentration camps.

Fat, dumb Americans would have went right along; no one would have lifted a finger to stop it. And then, seemingly out of the blue, it all stopped.

My theory was that the virus hoax was being dropped in order to bring in a bigger and more important hoax.
That sealed it. The virus hoax was swapped out for war with Russia. We can thank Putin for saving us all. At least for now. He's the only person in the world standing up to the NWO.

The events unfolding today are almost identical to the way World War II started. Eerily similar you could call it.

As for the dwindling remnants of the virus hoax, we all know now that it was a complete and utter fraud. Anyone who told you differently, anyone who told you it was a real thing or worse, a Chinese or Russian bio-weapon, is a despicable liar and should never be trusted or listened to again on any subject for any reason. No exceptions.

Anyone who wore a mask over the last three years at any time and for any reason other than buying food is a fool, a coward, and a traitor to their country and should never be trusted or listened to again for any reason.

Anyone who urged or advised you to take the jab, whether your doctor, your employer, your best friend, or your favorite political personality, should be dropped like a hot potato and never trusted or listened to again for any reason.

Anyone you know who refuses to face the truth today, who continues to live life as if everything were back to "normal," is a blithering idiot who should never be trusted or listened to ever again.

It's amazing how these events have exposed the hoaxers as the cockroaches they are.

John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, happy to connect to my fellow Americans and the World. I was assassinated in 1963. I had a plan to disclose the truth to public about Secret Space Program and other hidden truths.

You are living in important historical times for planet Earth. It’s on the way to becoming free from worldwide control, which was imposed by Elite a long time ago. Every step of your existence has been based on lies and limitations. It was created a fake and dishonest world for humankind, where everyone lost their independence as human being.

The system is falling down, as it has cracks everywhere. Finally, humanity started to notice dirty ordeals. Each day more truth surfaces and reaches out to the ones, who are ready to accept it. There were made many plans and speculations, how humanity will transition to New Earth. Most of predictions became outdated and never came to fruitions. The expected changes already started to occur, not by the time all of you were expecting.

Please, don’t waste your energies on questioning, why the process is so slow. Remember, it took billions of years to make this planet so negative and dreadful place to live. The transformation will become more transcended and visible in upcoming months.

Just focus on you, continue to help to raise the Collective Consciousness and spread positive energies everywhere you go. Right now, Mother Earth constantly is bombarded by high vibrations coming from Cosmos. Your input is very important and essential to this planet. Each of you volunteered to be here and see through this process of liberation and moving to the next step of human evolution. Thank you Universal Channel.

Please accept my Love and Respect.
John F. Kennedy

Various commenters #transphobia

Twitter poll: Would you have sex with a trans person?

( femlez34 )
I love the response, "No, because they are misogynists". Kudos if that was one of you ladies. It's so true though, even if you could be attracted to them, their sexist views would kill the vibe. Not just with TIMs, I've met a couple non-medical NB women that I've been attracted to, but I couldn't stand the idea of dating someone who thinks they're special and unique and as a "cis woman" I must love all the abuse and discrimination. Even though my wife and I are nearly on opposite ends of the lesbian presentation spectrum, we're still united as women.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Ugh it kills me to see tifs being misogynists, I'm like what the fuck is wrong with you, girl. You can't self ID your way out of being a woman.

You can see it right out in the open - the trans activists basically only ever talk about tims. Tims are the loud ones, they get all the attention.

I don't understand how Tifs and NBs don't see the blatant misogyny

( femlez34 )
Omg, the sexism within the trans community is staggering. TIMs accuse the TIFs of having "male privilege" and just steamroll them. You see this on the trans reddit subs all the time, a TIF will politely bring up that TIFs still have the problems with reproductive issues, or being socialized as girls, and the TIMs explode.

( mathlover )
Never. I'm lesbian so would never have sex with a man. All transwomen are men so there is absolutely no way, ever, that I would have sex with one. No lesbian would - a lesbian having sex with a man is always rape. Wouldn't matter what they looked like or if they have had their junk made into a front hole.

And I wouldn't date any of the deluded women trying to escape mysogyny by pretending they are men. They are not capable of mentally healthy relationships and need to devote any emotional energy to all the psychological healing they will need when the delusion eventually betrays them.

( Turtlefuzz )
I'm bi and I would not want to be bumpin' uglies with a TIM or a TIF. Super bi, super fly 😎

( Tiramisuomi )
AGPs came at me likes flies when I was online dating because I listed myself as bi. "You'll have the best of both worlds uwu"

🤮You mean the worst of both worlds. Worst.

( friedparata )
the worst of male.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Russia: Women and Faggots Arrested at Anti-Mobilization Protest"]

The sluts and faggots who are protesting should immediately be transferred from jail to the front lines in Kharkov. That is just obvious

If people don’t want to fight, then they don’t deserve the protections a state offers. The conflict in the Ukraine is not an elective military campaign like the US missions in Iraq and Afghanistan – this is an existential fight for Russia, and people who aren’t willing to stand with the troops are an existential threat to the country


Hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Moscow and several other Russian cities on Wednesday to protest a partial mobilization[…]

This is what Russia has wrought by allowing the American media to infiltrate their country

The Ukraine has spend the time since 2014 being totally saturated in American propaganda – and Russia has allowed the same to happen in their country, really for no reason

Russia now has an obvious fifth column in the form of these women and various homosexuals. If they would have stopped Twitter and Facebook in 2014, when the Ukraine shut off all Russian influence, they would be in a much better position, and these freak people would basically not exist in Russia at all

That said, it does appear that the revolters are a very small fraction of the population. Activating the reserves for active duty and deployment to a war zone is a very major act by Russia, and if the opposition can only rally a few hundred people in response, they are a flaccid and inept body

On the whole, the Russian people are 100% behind Putin and his defensive actions against Western belligerence[…]
I was just joking above, but people are reporting that the protesters are being handed summons to report to a military enlistment office while in jail

Xamindar #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #racist #pratt

I'm always amazed of the lefts capacity for justifying their evil using straw man arguments and blaming everyone else for the atrocities they are committing.
-The way they are (medicinally) castrating children to change their gender identity/puberty. Future society will look back at this like we do lobotomy now.
-murder unborn children (Nazis would be proud of this, specially for non-aryan races)
-rioting in the streets in the name of "peaceful blm protests" with pre-delivered piles of bricks to boot!
-attempting and succeeding in propaganda and indoctrination in our school system (another thing nazis are very proud of, socialists as well)
-the various institutions of "reverse-racism" against white people and others such as affirmative action, progressivism, reparations for history no one had part in, wokeism, etc.
-control of the mainstream media and social media with aggressive silencing of any opposing opinions. Nazi germany all the way up to modern communist states love this.
-using government police (FBI) and IRS to harass political opponents and anyone else who supports them.
-politicizing and in some cases allowing to happen, mass shootings in the sole goal of disarming the people so they can more easily exact total control.
-calling your political opposition "deplorable" similar to how the Nazis called other races "Untermenschen" to ease the acceptance of mass genocide of said peoples.
-and most grave in my view, is frauding the presidential election to instill their own dictator over the United States in opposition to the people's vote, justifying it because "the current president is a nazi and he must be removed at any cost".

Those are all I can think of off the top of my head and I am sure there are more. But that should be enough to scare anyone who believes in the US constitution and values of a free society.

@Sephardi_Bee #transphobia

Would you engage in sexual relations with a trans person? If no, please explain why not in the comments. Please RT for coverage.

I would never be with someone that believed mocking another's sex with dress up parody was ok anymore than I think blackface as a hobby or personality traits is acceptable.

Like I don't care how much you "believe" you are that. It's not acceptable to play dress up and parody them. I don't care what your reasons are. It's dehumanizing behavior and I won't allow it in my life or even be associated with anyone that believed it was ok.

Matt Walsh & Marjorie Taylor Greene #transphobia

(Matt Walsh)
Tennessee will become the first state in the country to make surgical and medical “gender transitions” for children illegal. We will pave the way. This is just the beginning.

The Left is wailing and screaming and threatening to have me arrested and even killed, but they are powerless to stop us. Their threats mean nothing to me and their insults and accusations mean even less. We’re going to see this through. No matter what.

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Georgia next!
The 118th Congress must pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act to make it a felony to perform “gender affirming care” on minors.
If we don’t some states are going to do the opposite of TN and protect genital mutilation of kids before they are old enough to vote.

(Matt Walsh)
Amen. Every Republican in Congress should be speaking out on this issue loudly and consistently. It is not only critically important and morally right, but a winning issue on top of it. Americans do not support castrating children.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
“When it comes to ‘gender-affirming care,’ which is really child abuse, this is actually an assault and it’s child abuse. This practice should never happen.”

Read more about my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act:

@RealMarjorieGreene there are no transgender kids they are abused kids...

@RealMarjorieGreene how about a Bill for the Jan 6th prisoners?? This is outrage of Justice.

@RealMarjorieGreene It's way past abuse it's mutilation and it's evil

@RealMarjorieGreene Thanks for working to hold the line against the tyrannical Left.

@RealMarjorieGreene why does "gender-affirming care" NEVER include letting boys be boys and girls be girls?

@RealMarjorieGreene We should really be treating the Wine Moms that are suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy that are sending their sons to school wearing dresses. Fix the Wine Moms and gender-affirming care will go away.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
America First has to be the GOP agenda in '23 or we will lose America.

America First means:

Immigration Moratorium
Foreign Aid Moratorium
Secure Our Elections
Ban Abortion Nationwide
Put Christ back in schools
Eliminate Critical Race Theory
Dismantle the Deep State

MAGA. 🇺🇲

White Wellbeing has to come first. You refuse to do so, you refuse to even say "antiwhitism."

@DrPaulGosar great list. I'd make just one adjustment: Christ back in our lives, in our families. That takes care of practically everything else you've listed including schools.

@Mazakry @DrPaulGosar You’re right; you cannot outsource your faith.

@Mazakry @DrPaulGosar Yup. That should've been #1 on the list.

End the FED
Militarize the border
End of birthright citizenship
No more support for our “gReAtEsT aLlY”
End the FBI
End affirmative action
Mass deportations
Try bIden and his scumbag bagel junta for treason
Release the Jan sixers
Rescind all of bidens legislations
A new freedom bill of rights

@DrPaulGosar Stop the War Against White Folks

@DrPaulGosar don't forget mass deportation

Unless or until we recognize and acknowledge the deep state as the Jews, nothing will change.

@WhitePeopleGab Will you Nazis quit with the Jew hate for one fricken second?

@BJN1962 Calling out the Jews for having disproportionate control has nothing to do with hate. We only want to live in peace and determine our own future. They have occupied all positions of power and influence in western nations. Government, media, education, medicine, business, banking, finances, etc. Since they control the nation from the inside they push homosexuality, transgenderism, anti-white ideology, pornography addiction, hook-up culture, drug addiction. We aren’t calling them out for no reason. I implore you to look into our claims before you dispute them without cause.

National Socialist Movement #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "Behavioral characteristics common in Black people"]

Lack of empathy[…]
Near or total lack of empathy[…]It seems as though they simply don't care that their actions might hurt others. The stereotype of anger and hostility in Black people dates back to the 1600's[…]
Pathological lying
Black people are often characterized as having a lifelong history of lying[…]While a majority of lies are goal-oriented and told to obtain external benefit, or to avoid punishment, i.e. "dindu nuffins," when it comes to Blacks, lies often appear purposeless[…]
Disregard for right and wrong
Black people generally have no regard for boundaries[…]Black people often lie, cheat, steal, break laws and are in constant legal trouble[…]Black people often do whatever comes naturally to any wild ape and thus make decisions based solely upon self-interest[…]
Black people tend to act first, without considering the consequences. They appear to have nothing on their minds, beyond this exact moment[…]
We've all seen the daytime TV shows featuring fat Black women who drag dozens of Black men on stage, desperate to determine which one of the many "be da baby daddy." Usually it's none of them[…]
Black people often act as if they're above those around them[…]
Black people are often found to be psychologically and verbally abusive[…]
Low intelligence[…]
A person is considered intellectually disabled if they have an IQ of less than 84 points, with half the Black population falling within that range[…]
It becomes painfully obvious that Black people are a unique sub-species, one which is rife with harmful or detrimental characteristics, most of which are best suited only for survival in Africa. Blacks clearly are not suited for living in modern civilizations

real_feminist & madderthanhell #transphobia

RE: Remind the Dems that they can't weaponize Roe to get our votes until they have their own anti-woman platform

( real_feminist )
I said this (i forgot to mention pro-surrogacy, whoops):

"The Democratic Party has spent the last several years dehumanizing women and pushing a misogynistic platform. You are now pro-sex work, pro-porn, and pro-gender identity. All issues that strip women of our humanity just as much as the attacks from the Republicans. Democrats have argued for our bodies to be bought, sold, rented, and mocked. You have fought for protect the men who rape sex workers and the men who wear womenface from accountability. Biden has also abused his power to strip us of our legal sex-based rights.

I say 'you' and not 'we' because, although I have been a lifelong Democrat, I no longer consider myself a part of your party since you no longer see me a human being.

The last two days have been awful. Our abortion rights have become time-limited. Yet, Democrats still refuse to acknowledge sex-based oppression or your role in the War on Women. Say it -- "WOMEN". Adult human females. Sex-based oppression.

You have exploited this opportunity to coerce us into voting for you. Why on earth do you think that we'll vote for a party that is controlled by MALE SUPREMACISTS and portrays feminists as the root of all evil?!


( madderthanhell )
Warning that they'll ignore the issues you raise and use your email to build their fundraising list.

I submitted a comment to them last week complaining about their party's promotion of regressive, sexist, gender identity ideology. Got an automated reply promising response in a day or two. Then...nothing. No response. Until today when for the first time ever I got a request for a monetary donation, focusing on the Roe issue, and signed Kamala Harris... F*ckers. Fastest ever hit on an "unsubscribe" button.

( real_feminist )
Ugh. I hope they get slaughtered in the voting booth. We're completely fucked either way.

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