
Right-wing nutjobs

Buttery Males Award

Christian Ricker #wingnut #racist facebook.com

By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and
question ANYONE THEY WANT! That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and *everything* will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.
So let's move on to impeachment.

Paul M. Dohse #wingnut paulspassingthoughts.com

Let’s talk about root causes. All political victories start with your base being united and activated. The Democrat party is girded by leftist ideology; without leftist support, the party will collapse. Now, what is the crux of leftism? It’s self-esteem built on being better than others. It’s self-esteem and self-worth based on how many people worship you because you have what they don’t. People in general don’t realize there is a minority of people in the world seeking to be gods in their own right. As much as I like movies, movie stars have a god complex. Obviously. As much as I like many musicians, most have a god complex. As much as I like sports, many have a god complex. Journalists think they are the gatekeepers of truth and justice; that is, according to their own version.

And politicians primarily protect their right to godhood. There is a reason most musicians are politically left. There is a reason most athletes are politically left. There is a reason why most movie stars are politically left. There is a reason why movie stars are called before congress as expert witnesses on a variety of social issues which on its face makes no sense at all. They can act, or sing, and that makes them an expert on climate change?

And regardless of what seems to be the case, you never criticize God because any criticism of God must be based on a misunderstanding because our universal presupposition is that God is love and perfection. I agree with that; but such is hardly true of the press. We must ask ourselves why Trump’s “fake news” mantra is deemed sacrilegious by journalist icons like Chris Wallace despite overt and incessant misrepresentations of truth by the press. Obviously, the press deems itself above being questioned; to do so is a violation of the First Amendment via debate and contrary ideas which has never had anything to do with free speech. The opposite is true.

The essense of sin is a desire to control others. Sin is the basis for caste systems that dominate the world. Another angle on this is self-worth based on comparing yourself to others rather than being the best YOU that you can be.

Please note: leftist ideolgy is predicated on others being less. Self-worth is predicated on where you are located on the caste social ladder. Individualism makes all of that irrelevant. Individualism seeks its purpose in self-assessment that is true, earned, honorable, and pleasing to God; leftist ideology is predicated on being worshiped. It is predicated on being a legend in your own mind. The shortcut to all of that is being a victim; self-pity is not only self-worship, but a way to get worship from others on the cheap.

Trump, as an individualist, has committed the unpardonable sin. He is actually working to enable the little people to be the best they can be. In contrast, according to leftist ideology, the little people are preordained to worship the elite. And the best way to injure an individualist is to destroy his or hers legacy. “You didn’t build that.” Individualists want to be remembered by their truthful accomplishments and the example they set for others after them. They are purpose-driven.

The Democrats must satisfy their base, and we now know why their base was rabid over Trump being impeached. Rather than stating numerous examples such as what the actor Rob Reiner tweeted, I will give the thumbnail:

“Donald Trump will forever be known as the only third President in American history to be impeached.”

Bingo. That’s it; the goal was to inflict the ultimate injury. A political cartoon also shows Trump at the cleaners with mud on his suit labeled, “impeachment” and the clerk telling him, “that isn’t going to come out.” Again, bingo. My reply to the cartoon which appeared on Twitter follows:

“And that was the whole point of why they did it knowing that the stigma of impeachment is WHAT [impeachment, period, the big “P”] and not WHY especially in a low information society. They were going to find a reason to impeach him and when you have the majority it can be for eating a ham sandwich. Sad. Petty. Evil.”

The tweet was pulled down shortly thereafter and I am unable to find the cartoon.

This isn’t about Trump at all: he’s just the lightening rod for the whole issue; the collective rise of individuals leads to elitism and their lust for godhood being diminished. Individualism is the primary nemesis of caste.

And caste must confiscate every pursuit of individual liberty and happiness and demand that it be burned on its alter as a living sacrifice. And at some point, we the people must question our funding of these religions for our own entertainment.

While we celebrate their gifts, what they really want is the surrender of our right to exist other than what our existence contributes to their worship…which is our reasonable service in their eyes.

KingOfRome #wingnut #psycho incels.is

Reminder: World War Two was won by the villains

Human conflicts are by and large conflicts between shades of gray rather than black and white, with WW2 being no exception, but it's clear the shade of gray that won was the darker one. The Third Reich did create suffering -- committed acts that might be construed by some as atrocities -- but it was only to lay the groundwork for a better and brighter future. The Final Solution was meant to be omitted from the history books, at most a tragic footnote in a story where the battle for a sane world came down to the triarii, and with a few last-ditch efforts, humanity's last line of defense from its own subversive elements built its war machine atop the ruins of their battered forebears and reigned supreme over the materialists who sought to crush the human spirit under cogs and wheels. None of us would have been born to suffer since the defective genes that define our dreary lives would have been wiped out decades ago. Our culture would not have been allowed to degenerate to the point where someone's looks and popularity decided their worth as a person. We wouldn't be living in a world of broken families, broken homes, and broken promises.

Henry Delacroix #racist #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From "So You Want To Build A Mannerbund"]

It is one of the most used terms in our sphere. It is something that frightens the left. It is a means to build a tribe, develop a society and seed a civilization. It is a way for men to raid, control or dominate a territory. It is something many segments of the dissident right discusses building offline. It is the mannerbund.

Whether explicitly using the term or not, all pieces of the right that are on the edge of the Overton Window our outside of it discuss attempts at networking that involve building what amounts to a trusted mannerbund. It would be useful to research what it takes to make a mannerbund work. It cannot just be beers and a posting career. For no more than ten dollars, one can read up on, arguably, the greatest mannerbund created of all time: the [I]Afrikaner Broederbond[/I].

The Broederbond was a secret society exclusively made up of Calvinist Afrikaner males. Its origins were very modest. It was eighteen young men coming together to discuss the state of the Afrikaner people. In 1921, they decided to make it an official secret society with roughly forty men. This was a society of men who within a generation would capture a national government and proceed to run it for the next forty years.

This was a group that transitioned from a more culturally focused society to a secret society that was bent on capturing power and using it for the benefit of its people. Who were its people? In short, the Afrikaners were the bad euros of South Africa who worked the land, were sharpshooting frontiers types, and pioneers who were battered and eventually defeated by the British Empire in a series of events. Major cultural and social events were the Great Trek or Voortrek, when Boers first were expelled from the Cape Colony by Anglos, and the two, brutal Boer Wars, when Boers were finally crushed by the Anglos all thanks to diamond and gold discoveries. For a recent historical survey of South Africa’s formation, Diamonds, Gold and War is a fair book on this process. These were tough people tied to the land ruled over by an occupation government of Anglos who imposed their culture and ways on them while lording political power over the economically and politically dispossessed Afrikaners.


The year 1948 is the key for the Broederbond. In that year, the 1948 election allowed them to assume control of the national government and not look back until they stabbed their people in the stomach decades later. Each Prime Minister or President from 1948 until the end of apartheid had been a broeder. Once they won electoral victory, they took the nearly 3,000 Broederbond members and dispersed them throughout key government agencies. These men also knew other politically reliable or sympathetic men to place in charge of key nodes. These nodes were often nodes in control of hiring and firing employees. They removed obstacles and unreliable individuals. Personnel is policy. They had the personnel to enact policy.


They made mistakes, too. They did not have ideological firmness. They softened up. They allowed the thirst for cheap labor to suck in bigger immigration populations that created more problems. They tied their rationale for rule to a church, nominally their church, but ultimately, outside of their total control. This would hurt them later on as apartheid became a hotter topic. It is curious to read how the global ostracism in sporting events bothered them. One could argue they should have allowed mixed teams for PR purposes to the globe or that they never should have cared for lame international global events for something as dumb as sport. They also fell for the dumb right wing idea that you leave the opponent’s institutions intact because principles or something abstract. They did not shut down Anglo universities. They did not shut down the Anglo press. In short, compared to the communists, they did not have the will to neuter their internal enemies or encourage them to emigrate.

Some observers note how the Afrikaners gave in just before they could secure sovereignty as the commodities source for China as the industrial giant grew. China did fund communist insurgents, but the situation was changing in the ’90s for China. South Africa sending resources to neuter the effects of BDS by the West would have worked. The end of apartheid was right before China took off, but even then, BDS did not cause the Afrikaners to give in. They did it to themselves.

The Broederbond was at the vanguard of ending apartheid. Their leaders had been softening for years, supporting policy changes and debating others that a decade earlier would have never been considered. In 1978, their leader Gerrit Viljoen had decided with the inner council that transitioning to a future with a black president was going to happen, and they would lead it. This was an elite betrayal of the population it had proclaimed for decades to be representing. The year 1978 is interesting as this was the year when the big leak of Broederbond internal documents that was the source for the major news expose and book on the Broederbond was released. Thousands of members were doxed, so to speak, and one wonders if this was a coordinated operation by the inner council to put a shinier face on their secret organization as things heated up in the republic. One believes they ultimately wanted to be accepted by the West more than lead and build an awesome civilization of their own. Rather than a hermit kingdom, they chose to be enriched by the global elite as they knifed the small Afrikaners in the back.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[Commenting on the new Star Wars]

This Is What Cultural Conquest Looks Like
I wrote the following at Empire Must Fall just over two years ago:

"Anciently, when a conqueror completes a conquest one of the things done to cement control and establish dominance is to change the mythology of the conquered nation. Their heroes get degraded, their deeds defiled, and the conqueror's heroes supercede them in all ways- often with ease. To the generation surviving the conquest, this is insult added to injury, but left unchecked the generations that follow will accept this degenerate mythology as normal- and if the conqueror is wise, they leave an out for the subjects to go all the way and buy into their control. It's the mythological equivalent of killing a man, taking his wife for oneself, and slaughtering his children by her before seeding your own to both remove loose ends and make her accept the conquest as inescapable."

It has come to pass.

And it's come in a manner that's too familiar to the historically literate: a weak and decadent regime allows traitors to take over, whose own actions either actively ally with the barbarians at the gates to let them in or doubles-down on the decadence that results in the incompetence that lets them through. The Pop Cult, betrayed by the Death Cult, is angry and fights back the only way they know how: rejecting the Death Cult leaders while doubling-down on the core object of Pop Cult worship.

(As for the whole Pop Cult angle? Sunday, at that blog aforementioned.)

I'd call it a farce, but no one's laughing- not even Corporate.

Dr. James Dobson #wingnut #fundie charismanews.com

I have read a new editorial published by Christianity Today that promotes impeachment of President Donald Trump. The editors didn't tell us who should take his place in the aftermath. Maybe the magazine would prefer a president who is passionately pro-abortion, anti-family, hostile to the military, dispassionate toward Israel, supports a socialist form of government, promotes confiscatory taxation, opposes school choice, favors men in women's sports and boys in girl's locker rooms, promotes the entire LGBTQ agenda, opposes parental rights, and distrusts evangelicals and anyone who is not politically correct. By the way, after Christianity Today has helped vacate the Oval Office, I hope they will tell us if their candidate to replace Mr. Trump will fight for religious liberty and the Bill of Rights? Give your readers a little more clarity on why President Trump should be turned out of office after being duly elected by 63 million voters? Is it really because he made a phone call that displeased you? There must be more to your argument than that. While Christianity Today is making its case for impeachment, I hope the editors will now tell us who they support for president among the Democrat field. That should tell us the rest of the story.

Snake010 #wingnut reddit.com

If you don't want to be a functioning member of society you shouldn't be a part of society

So I posted this on unpopular opinions not too long ago but I got a lot of backlash from libtards so I thought I might as well post it here. basically what I'm talking about is the people that take handouts on the side of the street and have no respect for the working class. all they seek to do is take and they leech off of government programs and the tax payer. if we would just stop giving them handouts they would probably have more of an incentive to get a job but besides that if they don't want to work and they don't want to be a productive member of society we should cast them out of society. they shouldn't be a burden on the working class.

Brett Stevens #wingnut amerika.org

Freedom and accepting everyone looks good on paper until you consider time and how that order will play out. Seventy-five years later, our crumbling infrastructure, divided society, and day-to-day life of Soviet drudgery in order to pay taxes to keep the clown show going show how much our dogma has failed us.

Kajm, Maxm2317, GalvaEmperor, Graeystone, Dagur-Berserker, LipsterLeo, TranquilityBass, and The-Darkwolf #wingnut deviantart.com

(submitter note: its’ Kajm again and his little group of fellow far-right trump loving circle jerkers)

[Kajm’s Journal]
'Impeachment' was a foregone conclusion. They've wanted it since the day he was elected- BECAUSE he was elected, and nothing else.

And now I understand they are stalling on sending it to the Senate and I will tell you why: The Senate will KILL it. There is ZERO chance of it going any further. And that means, the Democrats would be forced to focus upon actually DOING the work they are supposed to be doing, for the American people. Which means MORE WINNING for Trump.

They can't have this. They NEED to keep Trump's 'guilt' in the public eye, right up to the next election. They need people to BELIEVE that there is nothing Legitimate about Trump's presidency.

And that all GOES AWAY if they can't keep 'investigating' and calling witnesses who never saw anything but 'believe' the President acted (pick a crime! ANNNNNNNY crime!).

They are never going to stop. And presenting this to the Senate, is going to punch a massive hole in their narrative, when it FAILS on contact.

(Submitter notes: the comments, let the circle jerk begin!)
Maxm2317: Their narrative will wither up and die faster than any other piece of Democrat legislation that has gone into, as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer so often calls it, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Legislative Graveyard.”

Kajm: And Thank God he's buried them.

GalvaEmperor: I hope so. We have very few wins to our name; losing Trump means the left will never stop ruining our lives,
We are dark times my friend

(argument between two users, leading to this)

Dagur-Berserker: False victim narrative? That's what you leftists play all the time about non-white people when you constantly excuse the crime they commit. There isn't even any evidence against Trump. You obviously don't know anything about American politics. All the democrats ever do is attack America.

Greatkingrat88: I'm not even a leftist, dude. I just hate Trump.

Dagur-Berserker: But you've yet to prove that he's done anything wrong.

Graeystone: If anyone thinks this will just stop with just Trump if he somehow magically gets fully impeached had better guess again. VP Pence's head is also on the democrat's chopping block. Line of succession if POTUS can no longer fulfill duties as president-
1) Vice President
2) Speaker of the House of Representative.
Don't like throwing around the C and T words but this does make me wonder what the democrats are actually up to.

LipsterLeo: The Democrats are actually into overthrowing the "racist, unfair" constitution, and throwing America into chaos. They believe, as Marx taught, that out of the ashes, they can build their utopia. Got news for 'em. Me, and 100 million other Americans, are armed and will not be disarmed.

Graeystone: The democrat party was the party that kept slavery going right from the start. When they started to think slavery was going to be gotten rid of, they basically triggered a Civil War. They founded the KKK. They wrote and passed the Jim Crow laws along with all the other 'legalized segregation/discrimination laws'.
As far as an Utopia goes, that is outright impossible. While its possible to imagine a perfect system it is impossible to bring one about because of humanity's imperfect nature. Imperfect people cannot create a perfect system.
Its like the democrats can never accept a good idea and if they do it will only truly benefit them and nobody else.

TranquilityBass: The House is meant to be the place of passion and rhetoric, thus the two year terms. The Senate is meant to be where the grownups live and can take long-term perspectives, thus the six year terms.
Of course, as that one doofus from Texas said, "We can impeach him more than once!" This may be necessary for the Democrats' survival, since wasting time in the House stops good work from being done for the American people. For instance, we currently have the lowest black unemployment ever recorded--but the party of the KKK, of Jim Crow, and of Lester Maddox wants to remove the president who made it so.

The-Darkwolf: Meanwhile Hillary walked away from Criminal negligence violating National Security ("I'm just a girl so I don't get all this technical stuff, but I am WOMAN so you owe me the Presidency!") Obama handed over tens of thousands of military-grade weapons to Narcos, ISIS and other terrorists ("It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I still stand for gun control!") and the collective hive-mind of 70-plus presidential candidates from the party all agree on ending the democratic process of the electoral college so that only Sanctuary Cities will matter during national elections....
The quote I love most was Clinton's campaign manager during the 2016 election finally admitting that America was socially, culturally and politically more divided than at any time since the Civil War... "But it's all the Republican's fault!".... maybe Nancy Pelosi could just order the FBI to open fire on Fort Sumpter and just get on with the inevitable... :shrug:
You gotta understand, I am not a huge Trump fan but at least he's managed to pull up the economy, unemployment is at an major low, based on full-time jobs, not part-time mcjobs and the biggest winners are young African-Americans, and he's pulling the US out of a foreign boondoggle without a hope of resolution. And apparently his great criminal act was to tell a foreign power that he was okay with their already on-going investigation into espionage involving the Democratic presidential frontrunner.....

Paul M. Dohse #wingnut paulspassingthoughts.com

As a lifelong Republican and a Berry Goldwater conservative when I was nine years old, I have always been politically frustrated. I grew up watching the Vietnam fiasco unfold on the evening news and knew it was a humanitarian travesty that utterly rejected life value. No American politician has sought forgiveness for throwing away 50,000 American lives for a war with no clear objective except lame attempts to reason with Communists. Even at my young age, I knew Communism couldn’t be reasoned with.

I watched Jimmy Carter get elected. I couldn’t believe it. I remember a week before an election a good friend sensing my angst put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Paul, Paul, Paul, relax, the American people may be a little stupid, but they aren’t stupid enough to elect Bill Clinton.” I didn’t believe him one bit; I knew better. Then came Barak Obama; twice. I am still amazed at how the framers of the American Constitution had it all figured out; despite Obama’s overt attempt to destroy our Republic, we were spared due to the system the framers put in place.

Now we have Donald Trump, and an election coming in about ten months, but this time, my gut tells me this will be different. Would the American people, regardless of the economic statistics etc., elect an Elizabeth Warren over Donald Trump? In the past, before Trump, I wouldn’t hesitate to say, “Absolutely, yes.” Not this time, again, my gut tells me this will be different, but why?

Looking back, if you think about it, at least in my lifetime, no Democrat has beat a Republican in a landslide. Whenever a Democrat wins, it is either by a slim or moderate victory. This, along with what Trump has exposed, has me pondering.

Trump, regardless of whether or not you would like to have a beer with him, knew something a lot of Americans knew deep down but didn’t want to admit: nether party has been representing the American people for a long time. As an international business person, he knew politicians, for the most part, are elitists who believe they are entitled to unlimited wealth coming from the labor of the little people. When he saw crony capitalism on the precipice of destroying America he intervened.

Different healthcare systems for politicians and the little people; a two-tier justice system; and guns for protecting politicians, but not for the little people. The list goes on and on. And both parties are guilty and have been guilty for a long time; the Republicans are only a little less guilty where complicit.

Two things, primarily, have made the Trump phenomenon possible: the information age and Trump’s genius. The information age has made it possible for Trump to take his message directly to the American people. Elitism’s control of information has been totally decimated. Trump is also smart enough to play politics by a totally different set of rules.

In considering all of this, I am not so sure Americans are totally stupid, but rather stayed home at election time because they sensed no real difference between Republicans and Democrats. In other words, they lost hope in the American political system. Trump, though genius, has a funny way of stating things: he said the political system is rigged; that means Republicans and Democrats have had the same basic status qua agenda for a long time, but the people understood what he was saying. At his inaugural speech, with the brunt of all American political representation sitting behind him, Trump accused all of forgetting the American people in exchange for their own interests and promised to be different. And he kept those promises.

American politicians don’t keep promises. That’s why, until now, election turnout was people wanting free stuff being led by idealists who have never worked for anything in their lives on one side, and eternal optimists on the other, and inactive political pessimism in-between.

Trump is the political savior that no one thought would ever come. The politically disenfranchised initially popped corn and watched the Republican debates purely for entertainment. At least we could watch the politicians get a few pies in their faces for all the misery they have caused us. At least we had someone we could vote for to flip the other politicians the bird. Trump was catharsis—little more. No one really thought a political messiah would come.

Then, as we all know, strange things started happening and hope temtped us. Taking back the Republican party rather then running as a third party candidate was part of Trump’s strategy. Everything was against him, yet, he has prevailed. Indeed, he is a strange character, but it is a ridiculous notion to think any normal person could pull this off.

So, are Americans basically stupid, or basically smart enough to know when voting is a waste of time? In the process of catharsis, was political hope accidently discovered? Are we dumbfounded to discover the process actually still works if we have someone crazy enough to make it work?

This time around, my gut tells me it’s the latter. Trump has exposed the whole rotten bastardizing of the intended system. I believe a vast number of people who previously lost hope and interest in the system are energized. Hope in the American political system has returned.

They were never stupid, but rather smart enough to know that voting was a waste of time. I think that is what Trump has taught me; at least I hope so.

Anthony Pacheco #wingnut #sexist brianniemeier.com

I have two Generation Z kids, and they are red-pilled as fuck, and I can only take half-credit for that (we homeschooled them). They have instant communication with their peers and their peer groups (using non-centralized and distributed communications technology), and for the most part, are not on social media.

Zoomer groups police their own relentlessly. They openly mock cuck behavior and use "Beta Cuck" as a grave insult almost on par with "Boomer" (I've heard "OK, Boomer" well before it went central meme).

I've heard zoomers tell other zoomers, "unless you go STEM college is a fucking scam, bro," and my favorite "Captain Save-A-Ho always dies at the end of the movie."

Zoomers have a moderate mistrust of Millennial and Millennial women in particular, but in general, think of that age group as taking one for the team and mostly a lost generation screwed by their forebears. Where Millennial men sink when the opposite sex acts almost contrary to what they expect, Zoomer young men and boys have a dramatically lowered tolerance for inter-gender shenanigans.

All is not well in Zoomer Land, however. They need a solid moral community to guide them and watch their backs. Subversive movements like MGTOW nibble away at their fortitude. Previous generations need to unlearn much to provide accurate guidance. Many are doing well only because they swam rather than sank.

Trying to Think #wingnut brianniemeier.com

[On banning pornography]

This is an important battlefield. Forcing Death Cultists to defend pornography exposes the bankruptcy of liberalism and "muh free speech."

The memetic potential is off-the-charts too: e.g. “With liberty and hardcore porn for all” superimposed over a painting of the Framers.

Kevin Swanson #fundie #ableist #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Kevin Swanson Suggests That Greta Thunberg Is Demonically Possessed and ‘Needs Jesus’

Radical right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson declared on his radio program yesterday that Time magazine’s decision to name climate change activist Greta Thunberg as 2019’s Person of the Year is a sign of “the unraveling of the Western world.”

Swanson, who normally uses his radio program to declare that the proper biblical punishment for homosexuality is death, seized on the fact that Thunberg has Asperger’s syndrome, and suggested that she is demonically possessed and in need of Jesus.

“She’s psychologically disturbed,” Swanson said, likening her to the young boy in Mark 9 who was healed by Jesus after being possessed by a demonic spirit.

“I have to say there is something very disturbing about the appearance of and the presentation of this Greta Thunberg,” Swanson commented. “The other demonic spirits are using her to lead the world wherever it’s going.”

“Friends, if this isn’t a quintessential demonstration of the death of the West, or what an entire empire, what multiple empires, look like at the verge of collapsing, this is it,” he added. “It’s ridiculous. On the one hand, we want to be compassionate with Greta. I truly believe that Greta needs Jesus and short of her coming to Christ, I don’t know what is going to happen to this young lady. It is sad to see her in the condition that she is in.”

Abhishek Banerjee #wingnut opindia.com

A group of people starts destroying public property, attacking symbols of the state such as trains, railway lines and buses. Physically attacking security forces. Meanwhile, ‘liberals’ stand back, intellectualizing the violence. They say that the criminals have a cause which is sacred. So sacred that we should overlook their violent revolt against the state. They hunt for “heroes” among the malcontents, lionize them in cartoons, poems, songs and movies.

Sound familiar?

This is exactly what happens whenever there is a Naxal attack in the forests of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh or Odisha. ‘Liberals’ say don’t look at the trail of destruction left behind. Instead admire the violent ones, sing songs with them, write poems about their valor. If you condemn the violence, that somehow makes you a terrible person who supports oppression of tribal people. Plus an imperialist and invader.

Now think about the ‘liberal’ reaction to what happened on the streets of Delhi or in Bengal the other day. Stones were pelted at police. Buses and trains were set on fire.

But the liberals saw nothing wrong with those who were trying to overrule Parliament with raw physical violence. Those poor dears! Bless them and their cause! If you condemn them, you are a terrible person who supports oppression of student voices. Plus a fascist and a Nazi.

The themes are strikingly similar. In both cases, ‘liberals’ intellectualize destruction of public property and attacks on security forces. This dangerous trend has now moved from Dantewada to Delhi.

I have always maintained that violence in forests of Jharkhand or Chhattisgarh is no different from violence anywhere else in the country. Sadly, ‘liberals’ were able to keep us on the defensive by guilt tripping us, by accusing us of being ‘outsiders’ with no understanding of the issues of people in the forest heartland.

Apparently, the only ‘insiders’ in those areas are the missionaries from all over the world and the ‘liberals’ from Delhi who swoop in to profile the poverty. They then sell those pictures in the US, Germany and Australia. For a hefty commission, they promise their foreign patrons that they will save the bodies (and the souls!) of the poor masses in India. That’s what makes them insiders and the rest of us outsiders.

But what now? Are we ‘outsiders’ in India’s metropolitan cities also? Will we fall for the guilt tripping and emotional blackmail here as well?

This is a test for all of us Indians. ‘Liberals’ are trying to hide their violent intentions under the garb of students. But, we’ve all been students. And no, burning buses is not on the syllabus. We can’t let ‘liberals’ get away with intellectualizing this.

We have to make sure of two things. One, put pressure on the state to come down *hard* upon criminal elements who may or may not claim to be students. Two, push ‘liberals’ to retreat from giving intellectual cover fire to violence. It doesn’t matter if they are Bollywood celebrities, public intellectuals or poets with sidey awards that nobody has heard of.

We have to demand that first of all, ‘liberals’ should come out in the public square and unequivocally condemn the violence. No ifs. No buts. Everything else is secondary.

Till yesterday, ‘liberals’ used to justify attacks on CRPF in Dantewada.

Today, ‘liberals’ are justifying attacks on police in Delhi.

Tomorrow, ‘liberals’ will justify genocide against us.

Oh wait, they already did. With Kashmiri Hindus. After the genocide, they will tell the survivors to grovel before their tormentors. They will say that ‘peace’ for the survivors depends on the goodwill of their oppressors. So it is the job of the survivors to prostrate before the Leftist-Islamist complex and beg for a right to breathe.

This will be our future unless we take a stand today. No more giving in to intellectual blackmail. No way.

Daily Editorials #wingnut creators.com

There was a huge development in the world of politics this week. And it wasn't impeachment. Boris Johnson, a clone of President Donald Trump, and his Conservative Party, the Republicans of Britain, won in a landslide of epic proportions.

This is our canary in the coal mine. It's a surefire preview of what's to come in America next November.

I've been busy predicting a Johnson landslide in the United Kingdom on my national radio and TV shows for weeks. How did I know? Because U.K. liberals are clones of the loony, radical, America-hating socialists dominating the Democratic Party in the United States.

Britain often represents a look ahead to America's future. Back in 1979, Margaret Thatcher was elected British prime minister. Next came Ronald Reagan in the United States. Back in 2016, Brexit passed against all odds. Then came Trump's huge upset. Now conservatives have won a stunning landslide in the United Kingdom. Next up is Trump's reelection.

Trump campaigned on a simple message to middle-class Americans: "Make America Great Again." Johnson campaigned on a simple message aimed at the U.K. middle class: "Get Brexit Done." And, of course, Johnson is known for his wild, Trump-like personality and his penchant for saying offensive things. Obviously, it works — even an ocean away.

But the real lesson is that middle-class people don't want socialism or big government. Look at what Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party were trying to sell to the British people. See if it sounds familiar: the largest government expansion in history, with spending increases of more than 80 billion pounds annually; the demonization of the rich; the nationalization of water, the railroad, buses, mail and broadband companies — because, of course, government can do it better than the private sector; dramatically higher corporate taxes; and dramatically higher oil and gas taxes.

Other parts of the platform included much higher spending on the country's failing government-run health care system; a new tax on the superrich; higher inheritance taxes; a new tax on second homes; a new financial transactions tax on stock trading; open borders; promises of free stuff for everyone — free broadband internet, free shelter for the homeless; forcing landlords to sell homes to tenants at a "fair" price determined by government; massive spending on a U.K. version of the Green New Deal to combat climate change; and an end to Brexit — even though this is what the people voted for.

Sound familiar?

One more thing radical leftist Labour members had in common with today's Democrats: The Hollywood actors and elitist intellectuals of the United Kingdom all supported Labour and called conservative voters dumb and racist.

Not surprisingly, the British people destroyed Labour and handed Johnson a smashing victory. Working-class Brits abandoned Labour in droves. Conservatives won a key seat that Labour had held for almost 70 years. It was the biggest landslide since Thatcher in 1983. Conservatives dominate Parliament.

Europe's newspapers called it "an earthquake." Britain's currency, the pound, hit the highest level since May 2018 because investors celebrated the Trump-like future of the U.K. economy.

Just like in America, U.K. liberals and young people on social media are in shock — disgusted, angry and frothing at the mouth.

Trust me, it's all about to happen in the United States. The American people despise what Democrats are offering. A Trump landslide is coming.

Rod Dreher #wingnut theamericanconservative.com

Hundreds of “anti-hate” protesters took to the UC Berkeley campus tonight to protest Ann Coulter’s speech, and to try to prevent people from going in to hear her. Look at this:

Andy Ngo

Left-wing protesters at @UCBerkeley form a human wall with linked arms to block others from entering the @AnnCoulter speech earlier tonight.

Embedded video
12:36 AM - Nov 21, 2019
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4,302 people are talking about this
Yes, it’s Berkeley, but you know as well as I do that if right-wingers were forming a human wall preventing people from going to hear a prominent left-wing speaker, it would be on all the national news outlets, and we would be talking about the Coming Crisis Of Fascism. But as it is, this is just another day in progressive America.

Seriously, what if a mob of white people at a major American university banded together to prevent people of color and their allies from going into a hall to hear Ta-Nehisi Coates speak? How do you think our media would frame it? They would report the hell out of it, and they should report the hell out of it, because a mob preventing anybody from going to hear someone speak is un-American, and a serious violation of our traditions. This should not happen in America, and especially not at a university.

But like I said: just another day in progressive America.

Here police have to escort students in who just want to hear a campus speaker. Otherwise, they might be beaten up by the mob of peace-loving progressives:

Anjali Shrivastava
Attendees are escorted by police into Wheeler Hall. T-minus 20 minutes until the event officially starts! #CoulterProtest

Embedded video
10:42 PM - Nov 20, 2019
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See Anjali Shrivastava's other Tweets
Look — but better not play this at work. The enraged mob chants, “F–k Ann Coulter!”

Ann Coulter entering Wheeler Hall with escorts

Also: two helicopters above Berkeley pic.twitter.com/aYcBJjP7TP

— Марк (@not_mapk) November 21, 2019

What is it going to take to fight this? It’s so exasperating how little people in this country care about the fact that left-wing mobs are taking our liberties from us, and our political leaders — including Donald Trump — are doing nothing about it. Barely even talking about it. I honestly don’t get it. We should not be living in a country where people who want to go hear a speaker have to be protected by police simply to get into the hall. You know what this looks like?

That’s a History Channel screenshot of an image of the Little Rock 9, black high schoolers who, in order to exercise their constitutional right to go to class, had to be accompanied by, and protected from the racist mob by, US soldiers. It was a disgrace to this country — a different sort of disgrace, because it had to do with race hatred, but nevertheless a similar disgrace to what happens at Berkeley, in that a fanatical mob attempts to stop free people from going to hear a speaker of whom they disapprove.

We know that the US media do not care about things like this. Look at how quickly they sided with the mob against the Covington Catholic boys, simply because the boys were wearing MAGA hats, and (therefore) fit the left-wing narrative. But what about the rest of us? Why don’t the rest of us care? I’m not interested in hearing Ann Coulter speak, but I am very, very much interested in fighting the mob culture that seeks to shut down speakers like Ann Coulter, in part by howling curses at, and attempting to humiliate, Americans who are interested in what she has to say.

If you think this is going to stay in Berkeley, you’re mistaken. This mob action might not spread to places outside of the coasts, but here’s what’s going to happen: those young people who join the mobs, they are going to graduate and move into the institutions of American life. They are going to carry their militant illiberalism, including their contempt for free speech and open discourse, into those institutions, and are going to do their damnedest to institutionalize them. One thing I have learned from the past few months spent studying Soviet-bloc communism: watch the intellectual class. It is a very big mistake to think that what they say and do only matters in the shadow of the ivory tower. They are the ones who produce the ideas that are eventually spread through society. If you don’t care about this stuff when it happens now, on campuses, you had better prepare yourself to be made to care later, when graduates of these campuses are setting corporate policy, or serving as gatekeepers to the institutions you want your “deplorable” kids to get into. This is not a joke.

UPDATE:More “Watch The Intellectuals” news, this time from Syracuse University, which has been going through a spasm of alleged racist threats. Read on:

Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud told the university’s student senate on Wednesday that the latest episode of racist activity on campus was likely fake, following protests and criticism from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety,” Syverud said Wednesday.


At a campus forum later Wednesday, student protesters called for Syverud’s resignation and walked out when he wouldn’t promise to sign onto all their demands as written, according to news accounts. They marched to his house, chanting, “Sign or resign!”

On Thursday, Syverud announced he had signed on to “nearly all” of the demands, including mandatory diversity training for faculty and staff and $1 million to change the curriculum in order to better address diversity.

So, a likely hoaxer and his allies bullied the administration of this university into paying a million dollars to teach propaganda, and to compel teachers and staff to undergo political re-education. From what was likely a hoax.

Again and again: why aren’t Republicans talking about things like this every damn day?

UPDATE.2: A reader points to this passage from a local Berkeley paper’s story on the protest:

However, [UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo] Bennett said she was “sympathetic” to students concerned about the heavy presence of police in riot gear around Wheeler.

“I totally understand that,” she said. “We did messaging to impacted groups that felt the presence of police caused them anxiety.” [UC Berkeley spokesman Dan] Mogulof echoed Bennett. The concerns were “understandable on a lot of different levels,” he said. “We have work to do to continue to find ways we can accommodate profound differences of opinion. We believe we have met our obligations to both free speech and the rule of law, and to provide for the safety and well-being of students and campus guests,” he said. “Having said that, I understand that students are deeply disturbed and unsettled by someone whose views they deeply disagree with.” He said counseling and other services are always available to students.

Unbelievable. The authorities here — the police chief and the university spokesman — sympathize with the mobbed-up students whose fanaticism and violence required police presence so that a conservative speaker could address those who wanted to hear her. No wonder the First Amendment is losing. The authorities pity the tyrannical mob.

Sorcha Faal #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy web.archive.org

Trump Clone War Socialist British Massacre Victory Joined By Doomsday Plane Flight When Empire Strikes Back

A disquieting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting President Putin wishing Prime Minister Boris Johnson “good health and success” after this British populist leader led his conservative forces yesterday to their historic “bloodbath massacre defeat” of socialist-globalist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his demented leftist followers—a battlefield victory so profound it sent a “catastrophic warning” clear across the Atlantic Ocean to leftist Democrats in America on the grim fate that awaits them in the 2020 election, states it was more than fitting that top socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden was in California yesterday viewing this bloodbath massacre defeat, where he declared Prime Minister Johnson is President Donald Trump’s “clone”, at the same exact time obsessed Star Wars fans in California with sleeping bags and a portable movie projector have started camping outside Hollywood's Chinese Theatre, more than a week before the next installment of this movie blockbuster begins playing—the comparisons of which between this futuristic science fiction movie franchise depicting freedom loving peoples rebelling against an evil space empire and present day reality are becoming harder to ignore—most particularly because this socialist-globalist election battlefield massacre masterminded by Trump-clone Boris Johnson occurred on the 11th anniversary date of 13 December 2008 when top climate change religious figure Al Gore warned the North Pole would be completely melted and free of ice by 2013—an important fact to note as within hours of Prime Minister Johnson achieving his historic victory yesterday, the “evil empire” European Union threatened to slam the United States with crippling climate change tariffs—a threat quickly responded to by President Trump ordering his nation’s feared Doomsday plane to begin nuclear war exercise flights—a Doomsday plane sure to be placed under the command of the new Space Force military command the US Congress just gave money and authority to Trump to create this week—which comes during the same week veteran NASA astronaut Michael Collins posted a shocking Tweet hinting at alien life and its being reported the US Navy is covering up new technology—advanced space technology further alluded to this past week by retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast stating that “fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour”—which one knows would be developed at the highly secretive Area 51 base where its been revealed all of its visitors now have to wear “Foogles” to severely limit their vision when moving about. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Unknown redditor #conspiracy #wingnut reddit.com

It was not a civil war, America. It was a COUP DE TAT!!! The war was two, organized government's waging war against each other. That is a COUP DE TAT, not a war! Victors always get to REWRITE HISTORY. It's called PROPAGANDA.
Many Americans know very well....NElTHER SIDE entered the war over slavery. Lincoln and his radicalized revolutionaries had already monopolized and controlled the North's economy They wanted to bring the ENTIRE COUNTRY under their economic / political "American System", ie: the govt "managed economy"
The South resisted....they had had enough of the North's economic exploitation. By, 1860.....75% of revenue sucked away from the South....was used to SUBSIDIZE the Northern economy....business, roads, canals, public works, railroads, etc,
This is what the War of Northern Aggression was REALLY about...... to destroy the original republic and bring the ENTIRE national economy and political system under centralized control.
And, this was the seed that was sowed in 1865....that has now produced the despotic and aggressive Welfare / Warfare state we live under today. Close and honest analysis of this period leaves no confusion. Remember.....maggot Karl Marx released the Communist Manifesto in 1848....and also attempted several revolutions in Europe, which were crushed. MANY of these veterans CAME TO AMERICA and joined the U.S. Army 25% of the U.S. Army in 1860.....were veteran's of these communist revolutions. The mid 19th was the rise of communism and statism. AMERICA WAS INFECTED WITH THIS VERMIN.

Kajm, maxm2317, Robotnik14, Graeystone, #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter: yeah, this one is… out there, not just the guy who submitted it (Kajm) but the commenters too, but it does show you just how scared they are of a 16-year-old just for talking about maybe we actually try and do something about climate change)

(Image found on the internet)

Madrid (AFP) – A UN climate summit in Madrid risked collapsing Saturday after marathon negotiations between countries left them more divided than ever over on how to fight global warming and pay for its ravages.


And, in comments below the article, I understand that Greta has NOT YET even arrived at the Conference, as her ship is still out to all at sea.
Which means all those world leaders will likely be long gone, before she can 'line them up against the wall' *cough*firing squads*cough*Hitler*cough*...

maxm2317: She’s a goddamn hypocrite!

(someone mentioned George Orwell)
RedAmerican1945: Yeah, considering how badly you two are interpreting 1984, an anti authoritarian piece from a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist.

Kajm: Not to begin another entire argument- I really want to get to my primary writing- but Rush Limbaugh says 'words mean things.' Which plays quite nicely against what Orwell says... and it is the Dems who are currently twisting words this way and that.
As I say, NOT wishing to start this all over again. Christmas is coming fast, I have things to take care of (as do you), and writing time this time of year, is Precious. Like a Ring. (get the joke?) ;)

Robotnik14: Considering how you and other morons love to advocate extreme political violence...I'm pretty sure Orwell would have despised you massively buddy...
But okay, tumor...

(and finally Graeystone)
Graeystone *anti-net neutrality*: Net Neutrality needs to go the way of the Dodo because it just isn't working in certain ways as in Big Tech Monopolies(GOOGLE, Twitter, Facebook).
Oh, and by the way-
(his journal on ‘how to’ guilds)
Too many people on dA and even in Real Life seem to believe these stories are 'How-To Guides' on what our very real world should be like. For anyone who believes that, I have a simple question for you - "Are you that frickin' stupid!?"
The people who created these story meant for them to be 'cautionary tales' or better yet; 'things that should never be attempted in real life.' Yet all the time there are people who think bringing about some of the nastier aspects of
If anything Orwell might have been a Marxist 'Reformer' in trying to point out the worst aspects of Marxism while trying to fix the problems.

Graeystone: Dana Perino on FOX News called it - Greta got named as Time's Person of the Year. Frankly this rich entitled ANTIFA poster child(her parents are big ANTIFA types) is going to go the way of the Dodo and Anita Sarkinseen in terms of being relevant.
Ya know, there's no difference between this photoshopped photo and the actual photo. . .she's creepy as heck in both.

Brenton Tarrant #racist #psycho #wingnut gizmodo.com

The white supremacist accused of killing 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, currently has no access to internet, TV, newspapers, and radio. Yet he’s still able to get his hateful ideology out into the world, all thanks to extremists on 4Chan and lax rules about letter writing in New Zealand prisons.

Brenton Tarrant, the 28-year-old Australian national who allegedly broadcast his mass murder on Facebook Live earlier this year, wrote a six-page letter that was published to 4Chan’s /pol/ message board yesterday. The letter, dated July 4, 2019, was addressed to someone in Russia named Alan, and referred to a “great conflict on the horizon” as well as “a great amount of bloodshed” that he predicted for the future. Tarrant has pleaded not guilty to 51 counts of murder, 40 counts of attempted murder, and one count of terrorism.


In the letter, which appears to be a response to a letter first sent by “Alan,” Tarrant praises Russia, saying he last visited the country in 2015 and encourages Alan to find his Facebook photos from St. Petersburg and Moscow. Tarrant notes that Facebook has taken down his account but claims there are still archived versions floating around the internet.

Tarrant also goes into his political views, citing Plato’s The Republic, Richard Dawkins’s “idea of cultural evolution by memetics,” and Carl G. Jung’s “views on inherited racial conscious [sic].” He also cites Oswald Mosley, a British fascist who founded the Blackshirts in England during the 1930s and supported Adolf Hitler. Mosley is an incredibly popular figure on the far right, especially in the U.S. and Australia.

“I cannot go into any great detail about regrets or feeling as the guards will confiscate my letter if I do (to use as evidence),” Tarrant writes. “But I can tell you I have no concern about myself and I only worry for Europe’s future.”

“Europe’s future,” is likely a reference to immigration by anyone who isn’t white. Tarrant’s manifesto, which is now banned from distribution in New Zealand, explicitly referred to immigration, made numerous references to internet culture, and called President Donald Trump a, “symbol of renewed white identity.”


Tarrant’s letter ends by referring to a “duty to your people,” which presumably is a reference to white people.

knowledgeisking Savannah user104457 Narvin #wingnut seattletimes.com

<comments of peace and understanding left for a downtown Seattle crime crisis event thing.>

knowledgeisking -
We need an update on an ACCURATE homeless count in Seattle and King County.
We need an update on the current number of beds available in Seattle and County.
We need an update on the outreach efforts of the Navigation team. How many homeless people have been contacted to date during 2019. How many homeless people have agreed to available shelter; how many have refused.
Out of those who have refused available shelter, how many are drug addicted and are living in public spaces.
The 9th Circuit Court specifically stated that homeless people should be offered available shelter. If they refuse, then laws enforcing eviction are in place.

Savannah Is Back -
Don't let the left take away your 2nd Amendment rights Seattle.

user 1044547 -
All the crime, drug dealing and violence in downtown Seattle, along with the outskirts, the responsibility lays 100% on Jenny Durkin, Seattle City Council (sawant-ring leader), AG Ferguson, Constitine, and Sleepy Jay. They have single handedly invited and supported all homeless people, while NOT letting SPD do their job. Sleepy Jay made Seattle a sanctuary City. That brings drug dealer, more illegal guns, sex-trafficking, murder, rape and SO MUCH MORE. Nobody likes to go to Seattle for fear of violence. The Liberals have DESTROYED Seattle. It is an UGLY City. You all should be so proud.

Narvin R Johnson -
Rocky & Guido could clean up that street for 2K.
Just need to turn off the cameras for little while.

ProphofBonald #wingnut #psycho #ableist reddit.com

I'm sorry. I'm not in favor of the "988" shortcut for Mental Health issues. The Suicide prevention lifeline is nothing short of an on-demand safe space, and we need to work on educating men and women to handle their problems on their own.

I don't get it. We constantly complain about snowflakes and safe spaces and immature crying Democrats getting their fee-fees hurt. And then President Trump does something that directly benefits them.

I know this is going to be very "OK boomer" of me (well, I'm 54, so if the shoe fits) but this isn't how people of my generation were raised. We were taught to man up, and if we have a problem, we solve it. Not run to a therapist and bitch about all of our issues and get prescribed pills. That's not living, and it isn't America.

Compassion only should go so far. Put a man on the right path and have them fix their problems on their own. Creating an outlet to vent and bitch about one's problems, which are usually one's own fault, is just breeding the weakness that has infected an entire generation.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

If there is one thing you can fault the God-Emperor for, it is being insufficient in looking out for his allies, and online is where he's failed hardest. While I fully expect the God-Emperor to win a second term, it's going to take more work to get the message out online this time due to Big Tech aggressively rigging the game against him this time around. First by changing the algorithims to make discovery all but impossible, privledging Fake News over the alternatives outside the Death Cult's control. Second by going after each ally online in turn and deplatforming them, up to and including financial cutoffs. (Just ask Red Ice.)

It is unwise to expect the God-Emperor to handle this in the time available. The wise thing to do is what the Supreme Dark Lord, Red Ice, and others have done: build your own platfoms, and diversify your presence in existing ones. The latter is very easy to do; set up accounts on competing platforms of that social media type, and ensure that people can follow you there if your FaceTwitTube accounts get nuked. The former is where you're going to need to spend either time or money because you've got to set that up and keep it up; this is where you can do the paywalled value-add thing that Red Ice does for its members-only site and Unauthorized does for its subscribers.

I suspect that, for most of us, we're restricted to the latter strategy for now. Fortunately there is no shortage of alternatives; the catch is getting links before the eyeballs of the audience who are on the main platforms, which is why many of us have opted for doing newsletters via email. (Yes, I have been very bad at this. I will fix this presently.)

As for what to do about the God-Emperor? Besides re-electing him next year, it's to push him--HARD--to smash Big Tech with the power of the state. Will he? Yes, but I think the big reason for a lot of delays in promises like this is due to the need to turn the Federal judiciary, which he has done at all levels- especially on the notoriously shitlib ends like the 9th Circuit and the DC area District courts. (Why should be obvious, but Anonymous Conservative gets into more details.) In short, he wants what he does via Executive power to not get messed with by the courts, and that takes time.

Which returns me to us relying on ourselves until that task is complete. In the meantime, I would recommend getting lawyers to review the Terms of Service; if Vox Day can beat Indiegogo by using their own TOS against them, you can too. Welcome to the Rice Fields.

Donald Trump (The Trump Relection Campaign) #wingnut #dunning-kreuger #god-complex themarysue.com



Remember at the end of Avengers: Endgame when Thanos said, “I am inevitable” and snapped his fingers before realizing that he didn’t have the Infinity Stones, but rather, Tony Stark did? Well, someone on Trump’s campaign decided that it would be a great idea to … put Trump’s face over Thanos in the scene in which he is losing.

To be quite honest, I’m 90% sure that whoever made this video has absolutely no idea what they’re doing and was just trying to be relevant, and that makes this infinitely funnier to me. Basically, whoever made this video for Team Trump decided that none of the footage of the brief moment of victory for Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War was worth it and, instead, decided that Avengers: Endgame—a movie where Thanos loses not once, but twice—was a better use of their time. Not only that, but they specifically picked this scene where, in the next shot, Thanos realizes that it is, in fact, Tony Stark who is wielding the power of the Infinity Stones, and he snaps away Thanos and his entire army.

Tony Stark did not die for Republicans to think that Thanos won.

The video in question was posted by the Trump War Room, and they very clearly took Thanos’s threat of his inevitability in the completely wrong way and made this awful video.

Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022)
House Democrats can push their sham impeachment all they want.
President Trump's re-election is 𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲.
[Video of Endgame scene with Thanos with Trump’s head superimposed.
He snaps his fingers and The Democrats (standing at the podium, announcing
Impeachment) turn to dust.

Now, hear me out: Who willingly wants to be Thanos? Sure, not considering the rest of the scene’s context is one thing, but why make yourself the villain? A villain who believes that if he just wipes out half the population of the universe, we can save on resources and stop—you know, that probably would be Trump’s climate change solution, if he believed in it. I get it now.

Besides that, it’s just baffling to me that anyone thought it was a good idea to make Trump Thanos. Like … can anyone on Trump’s team read?

Twitter, understandably, tore this to shreds. Truly, the next shot is Tony Stark. At first, many just began to explain the scene to them:


And then … came the jokes. The sweet, beautiful, nerdy jokes.


The best part? This makes Nancy Pelosi, technically, Iron Man. She gets to swoop in at the end and snap her fingers and win all because Trump thinks he’s untouchable and always going to win, and … you know, it’s not that they’re wrong with this comparison, but they probably shouldn’t be so proud of it?

Anyway, I don’t like that I have to watch Donald Trump’s face on a Marvel property, but I do like that this then makes the American people and the Democratic party the Tony Stark of this situation. Your first term might have been “inevitable,” but as Tony Stark says, I am Iron Man. Well … that doesn’t work, but you get the point. We’re going to win, Mr. Stark.


André Schmitt, the Kommando Pipeline and unnamed German preppers #wingnut #psycho theguardian.com

A network of elite German combatants with links to far-right “prepper” circles secretly trained civilians in “commando-like structures”, raising fears the group planned to build up a paramilitary fighting unit.

Drone footage filmed in June 2018 at a former barracks of the German armed forces in the southern town of Mosbach shows a group of around half a dozen men in military-style gear moving in formation across sandy terrain, holding what appear to be assault rifles in a firing position.

Experts interviewed by the German public broadcaster ARD’s Monitor programme after viewing the footage classified the exercises as “combat training” – illegal in Germany unless carried out by active members of the military, police or private security companies and supervised by state authorities.

The exercise in Mosbach, however, was organised by Uniter, a private support network for active and former soldiers and security personnel. Its founder, André Schmitt, is known to have founded and administered a Germany-wide Telegram chat group, which had sub-groups in which so-called preppers discussed plans to build up parallel infrastructures in preparation for the anticipated collapse of the prevailing social order.

The group chat, which was divided into southern, northern, western and eastern districts, expanded in the autumn of 2015, when Angela Merkel’s refugee policy became the focus of the national debate in Germany. Members discussed the threat of terrorist attacks and how to respond to them by hoarding weapons, munitions and food supplies.

They have since dismissed their chats as “thought experiments”.


Internal documents presented on the programme suggest the exercises were part of “Kommando Pipeline” training designed to produce in its last phase “combat-ready” fighters trained in handling rifles and handguns, as well as close combat and urban warfare.

In recent months a number of investigations across Germany have tried to establish a fuller picture of the network’s activities. In November, a member of one of the northern German chat groups went on trial in the north-east city of Schwerin accused of illegally hoarding and stealing weapons, partly from the German military.

A member of the southern network, a disgraced former army officer known as Franco A, is to stand trial over alleged plans to impersonate a Syrian refugee and carry out a terrorist attack that would be perceived as motivated by Islamist extremism. Investigators found a Uniter badge at his home, though the association denies he was a member of the network.

Germany’s public prosecutor general is also investigating a police officer and a lawyer who are suspected of plotting to round up and murder “representatives of the political left”. The accused deny any such plans.

Douglas Wilson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist dougwils.com

The 1950s, as problematic as some of it was to thinking Christians, is our closest historical reminder of a modern industrialized nation living in basic accordance with the fixed norms that govern human nature—as those norms are set forth both in Scripture and in our bones. Consequently, the 1950s must be disparaged. We must sneer, and further, we must curl the lip at them.

But think for a moment, ye who look down on the 1950s with disdain . . . did their decade, in comparison with the enlightened decade you live in, the one up here, the one in which we dwell at such a lofty height, have legal battles over whether seven-year-old boys should transitioned into what we are pleased to call “a girl?” Did they give boatloads of taxpayer money to organizations that chop human babies up in order to sell the pieces? Did they look at the very image of God, male and female, that He placed upon the human race at the very beginning (Gen. 1:27Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), and replace it with multitudinous genders of their very own devising, an action somewhat akin to a troubled art fanatic with a can of orange spray paint deciding to “fix” a Rembrandt?

No, back in the 50s, their crime was to broadcast sitcoms with names like Father Knows Best. The kind of thing that today’s sophisticates prefer is perversion and raunch, propped up with a laugh track. Really? Our culture is neck deep in the blood of innocents, and is teetering on the lip of the abyss, to the background noise of numerous evangelical think-leaders who are still nervously clearing their throats, afraid to say anything that might hurt a stray feeling out there, and Carl Trueman wants to warn us against the perils of the 1950s.

Speaking of the sanity of the fifties, allow me to share a poem from the year I was born, 1953, reproduced as it was published in The New Yorker, of all places. It is by Phyllis McGinley, and is entitled “The Old Feminist.”

Snugly upon the equal height,
enthroned at last where she belongs,
She takes no pleasure in her Rights
who so enjoyed her Wrongs!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From "West Virginia: Cops Punished for Doing Nazi Salutes in Group Photo!"]

Just when I think American cops couldn’t possibly be any more disgusting, they go and do something like this…

And completely redeem themselves!

Charleston Gazette-Mail

Several West Virginia state employees have been suspended after a photo emerged depicting a training class of roughly 30 correctional officers performing a Nazi salute.

Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety Director Jeff Sandy sent a letter to all employees Wednesday describing the photo as “distasteful, hurtful, disturbing, highly insensitive, and completely inappropriate.”

The photo, on state letterhead, shows almost all of Basic Training Class No. 18 displaying the Nazi salute. Text above the photo reads: “HAIL BYRD!”

Sandy’s letter states that the employees have been suspended and are under investigation, although it does not describe the photo itself.

Brian Abraham, an attorney for Gov. Jim Justice, said Thursday the “Hail Byrd” line refers to the trainees’ instructor.



And that reference to the Holocaust is just completely unnecessary, as it doesn’t have anything to do with anything.

Who wrote this Charleston Gazette-Mail article and made the decision to shill the Holohoax in it?

[Pic of Jake Zuckerman's profile]


What I want to know is: where were these Virginia Nazi cops when the cops of Virginia ambushed white nationalists at Charlottesville?

It seems unlikely that only the West of Virginia is based.

Well, I have a theory about this.

This is my theory:

After Charlottesville, all of the police of both Virginias were told they needed to “read up” on “far-right extremists.”

So they started reading up, checking out sites like the Daily Stormer, watching YouTube videos by radicals like Tim Pool, Sargon of Akkad and others, and they all had a startling realization: the far-right is right.

It is the Jews.

And these Jews are attempting to destroy the white race through mass immigration, feminism, Oxycontin and race-mixing.

So they went full wignat and started doing Nazi salutes everywhere, including in group photographs that were bound to be posted on the internet by someone at some point.


And that speaks to the actual reason why the cops are as bad as they are: it is the people running things that remove anyone who is good and keep anyone who is bad.

Dogdaze rocknsoul jay p patches #wingnut seattletimes.com

<comments on the Socialist city council member putting forth legislation to prevent winter evictions>

Is Sawant proposing any re-education camps for the land owning class swine?

viva mao! Viva la revolution!

Seattle will become the first American city whose name is preceded by “The Peoples Republic of” with Sawant and her cronies being referred to as General Secretary and The Standing Committee..

jay p patches
Leave it to the socialist. Someone that was not even born in the US. Good idea for her to go back and make a further mess of her own native country. However, it looks like Seattle voters want her. She was elected again by clueless local voters or come to think of by fraud. She has to go.

12-12-2018 #fundie #wingnut #pratt reddit.com


[a caricature of the titular “Edgy Atheist Millennial.”

Transcription: Edgy Atheist Millennial

Lol, religion is just a form of control.
(controlled by consumerism, pornography, and late night television)

Only weak people believe in God (Is actually weak in the flesh, unable to deny their desires)

Muh, god is dead.
(Has jumped on philosophical bandwagons and has no actual knowledge of theology and Christian beliefs)

Haha religion is like the worst thing in human history.
(Completely disregards that atheism and the lack of a moral code is historically linked with the worse atrocities)

* is prochoice to avoid being a reasonable parent
* wants to be babied by a mommy state
* is anti-whatever because SNL made some “jokes” about it
* in denial about the current fall of society

ChicDoom #wingnut reddit.com

[Comments under "TIL that during a prisoner revolt at Auschwitz in 1944, an SS guard was burned alive by prisoners in a crematorium oven"]




Good on them for fighting back.

Yep, let's celebrate criminals for burning law enforcement alive.


Reply by ChicDoom:

By the law of the land at the time, yes just as the guards were legitimate law enforcement officials. Regardless whether you think the law was just or not doesn't change the fact of what it was and it's assault on law and order.

[Original deleted but copies here, here and here)

earthquake, kilroy77, and user14963339457514 #wingnut #fundie seattletimes.com

<Select commentx on Seattleites gathering over climate change worries>

30 minutes ago
Sad...adults being Greta dumberged. I'm an excavating contractor, I take down trees, raise steers, have small farm. These climate goons suffer from Enviro-tardation.

42 minutes ago


Nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe humans are causing global warming

Not coincidentally, this is about the same percentage that believes in God.

In fact, there are numerous parallels between conservative Christianity and climate "science". Basically, both are an apocalyptic judgment conducted impersonally on mankind as punishment for our sins. So many horrible outcomes heading our way, all because we deliberately chose evil over good.

But we can avoid this Armageddon by acting reverentially to our higher powers. Repenting at Sunday worship service. Using energy efficient appliances. Both are paths to true salvation.

The predictions of the Pentecostal minister and the climate "scientist" can't be proven because they haven't happened yet. But don't dare question the words in the ancient biblical scriptures or the slope of the modern "hockey stick" graph!!

There is an inherent human need to believe in the supernatural. This entire "Climate Change" hokum is really just a fake religion - a belief system for atheistic leftists that puts humans - or, rather, themselves - at the center of the universe!

oispa #racist #wingnut reddit.com

[in the thread “What's your thoughts on George Zimmerman and his $100 million lawsuit against Trayvon Martin's family, and others?”]

He needs the money. He has extensive legal bills and is unemployable.

If you ask me, George Zimmerman (who is not white but Peruvian and Jewish) was the hero in this case. He knew that some "youths" were causing a crime wave in the neighborhood, so instead of listening to the bitter cucks at the police department, he went out and found the bad guy.

When the bad guy, absolute human garbage pile Trayvon Martin, decided to prove that he was the bad guy by attacking Zimmerman, Zimmerman took out the trash.

No one gained anything from having Trayvon Martin alive.

We all gain from having him dead.

He was a worthless, terrible, useless, parasitic, and destructive human being.

My only regret is that they wasted a coffin and burial plot on him instead of chucking his corpse into the Gulf of Mexico.

Shoostie #homophobia #wingnut baptistboard.com

Until sodomite marriage was enacted to be a weapon against our freedom, I'm not aware of any laws forcing anyone to support heterosexual marriage. If a sodomite doesn't want to support heterosexual marriage, that should be its right. But, the two are not equal. Heterosexual relations perpetuates the human race, and heterosexual marriage does it with the lowest socioeconomic cost. Sodomite marriage has no value, and by nature is immoral.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[A Star Wars theme park ride breaks down]

Yep, that's the Devil Mouse enjoying the benefits of Muh Diversity and Muh Social Justice. It builds rides that don't work, attractions no one wants, and relegates talent that could actually produce value for its holdings to venues secured behind paywalls while failing to resist interfering with their work to fulfill Muh Convergence objectives. This is not confined to Mouse Wars. The new Skyliner pods have also had issues.


If the spiritual element doesn't bother you, then shun the Devil Mouse for your physical safety.

Mark Marquis #racist #wingnut #psycho wnd.com

<comment on story of teens attacking off-duty cop at mall>

I would have blasted away, a whole pile of black or mexican youth, pulled out my extra magazines and kept firing until my handgun was to hot to hold, the number of notches in the grip would have reduced the grip by 90%, A WHOLE LOT FEWER " EBT" CARDS IN CIRCULATION, and a whole percentage point taken off the crime rate. It would have looked a remake of " Zulu dawn" with me winning.

Grust #conspiracy #wingnut terribletvshows.miraheze.org

CNN (short for Cable News Network) is a news channel often bundled with cable packages.

Why It Sucks Now:

1. Completely biased reporting in news. Until around the early 2000s they were actually considered to be the least biased news channel, especially during the impeachment of Bill Clinton (when most other news networks were making him out to be either a degenerate pervert or an unfairly persecuted saint), but they've moved massively to the left since then.

2. Often ignores most newsworthy stories that go against their interests.

3. Completely sided with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, doing everything to get her to win, rather than act neutral to both parties.

4. When a GIF of Donald Trump wrestling a man with a CNN logo for a head emerged, CNN tracked the man down and made him issue an apology, threatening to release the man's identity if he didn't. This led to a large backlash against them, leading to attempts at damage control.

5. Despite the immense backlash for threatening to blackmail the man who made the tweet, CNN doubled down on its decision saying that anyone who makes "hate speech" or "bigoted" comments should be "reigned in."

6. Tracked down a pro-Trump supporter through her Facebook page and publicly shamed her. The woman received harassment and violent threats as a result.

7. Has pretty much devolved into nonstop Trump bashing, with very little actual news in between.

8. Has dismissed and even defended the violent, terrorist actions of Antifa.

9. Recently has bullied a kid for wearing a MAGA hat.

10. Because of them, Trump supporters have spawned the infamous “#FakeNews” hashtag.

11. The Trump/Russia collusion, while a good topic to discuss, is overly supported by CNN, all just because of the Democratic Party lost the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.Thanks to the bias CNN is notorious of, the topic is left with flimsy evidence or the lack of evidence to back any electoral rigging, all leading to this conclusion: there was no election rigging in the 2016 Presidential Election.
*Even this result CNN refuse to accept, only to continue to milk this conspiracy theory out even if the final results are out. CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield even admit that this story is only made/investigated in hope of raising CNN's ratings.

James Mason #racist #wingnut #psycho nbcnews.com

A fan of Charles Manson and follower of Hitler, James Mason published essays in the 1980s that now act as the inspiration for a militant neo-Nazi group linked to multiple murders in the U.S.

“Revolutionary discipline must mean that WE will be the single survivor in a war against the System,” Mason wrote in 1985. “A TOTAL WAR against the System.”

But nowadays, Mason isn’t waging war with the system. He is, in fact, dependent on it.

The 67-year-old white supremacist lives in a government subsidized apartment in Denver and eats at soup kitchens.

In a brief interview last week, a few days after he was spotted picking up a meal at a city-run center for “homeless and hungry seniors,” Mason said he sees no contradiction between his writings and his lifestyle.

“Guerilla warfare, man. Guerilla warfare,” Mason told NBC's Denver affiliate KUSA. “You’ve gotta take what you have to get what you need.”

Mason’s old writings have gained new life with the rise of the Atomwaffen Division, a white supremacist group bent on overthrowing the government through terrorist acts and guerrilla warfare tactics.


In a typed letter, Mason initially declined an interview with KUSA for “purely tactical reasons.” But a reporter caught up with him this month.

In the interview, Mason rejected the suggestion that Nazis have been in decline since losing World War II.

“Look at the shape society is in. Look at the goddamned shootings. Look at the drugs. The suicides and the crime and everything else,” Mason said.

“I say this country lost. And decade by decade I see my beliefs proven over and over again. We’re prophets. Nobody’s listening to us, but they’re going right off the cliff thinking we’re nuts.”

Mason initially seemed to push back against the idea that his writing had inspired young neo-Nazis to commit violence. “If they were acting on my words, they wouldn’t be doing the things they’re doing,” he said.

But Mason, who insisted he's not a member of Atomwaffen, followed with an ominous and ambiguous statement about the possibility of violence.

“If you must do it, it seems to me to be only common sense that you’d want to do it right,” Mason said.

“Because it’s the end of your life. You may die out there in the street via SWAT team, or you may spend the rest of your life in the joint. Make it count for god’s sake.”

He did not elaborate.

church mouse guy #conspiracy #wingnut baptistboard.com

You know that the UN wants to attack the USA, not China and India. They are having another climate summit in Spain. They had planned on Chile but the Cubans started violent demonstrations down there because Chile has a successful economy. The Pope is friends with all the Latino communists and had former Bolivian dictator Morales in the Vatican along with Bernie Sanders. The Vatican is trying to interfere in the American presidential election.

Clearly, something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #sexist #fundie bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

You know you've got something worth watching when you get a comment like this: "Yes. Monotheism is the missing link that D&D needs for a medieval authentic feeling in your game. I use it. In addition it does one of two things. It either keeps SJWs away from your game, or it attracts them because they want to break your game or be an antichurch outsider. In those cases they always end up quitting because they don’t get what they want."

That man--one Iron Cross--is not wrong. It is a good and effective filter; what SJWs you get will be the more cunning subversive sorts, in which case the go-to play is to call them out, confront them on their bullshit, and tell them to stop being shitters or get punted.

But it's another comment that really poured salt into the wound: "Wouldn't traditional Germanic polytheism scare SJWs away too, what with all the traditional gender roles like women being masters of the home but men being prominent in hunting, war, and government ? Oh who am I kidding, anything traditionally European makes these guys squirm."

First, that man--one CptMorgan252--is correct. Second, it is also true that you can count the D&D settings that even try to create an authentic non-Christian environment on one hand and you'll have digits left over, and those few attempts are less than half-assed; most RPG designers are not well-read, or properly educated, so they lack the skill as well as the knowledge required to do so. That some manage to do it, however flawed, is entirely by accident. Third, the notable examples of RPGs that did try to do so might as well be dictionary examples of "critical darling" and "cult favorite": Runequest as well as anything non-Christian-yet-historical (e.g. Bushido) are your go-to examples.

I could go on about the degradation of Christendom, and that does play into it, but let's look at a more immediate cause here: most people playing D&D could not give two shits about authentic (non-)monotheism. They're there to play a game, and they couldn't care less about the lore surrounding it.

Joe Hoft #wingnut thegatewaypundit.com

Democrats running the House are planning today [December 2nd, 2019] to release their bogus report on fake and made up crimes supposedly committed by President Trump that would warrant impeaching President Trump.

President Trump is arguably the best US President since Lincoln, the last great President removed from office by Democrats.
Lincoln was assassinated after holding the country together and freeing Democrat owned slaves during the great Civil War. President Trump is too good for the Democrats. He has an ‘America First’ agenda which the traitorous Democrats and elites despise.

It’s time that we Americans stand and call this what it is. This is another Democrat attempt to remove a President through any means necessary. It is seditious and treasonous. The Democrats in the 1860’s that were in on the Lincoln assassination were killed in their escape or hanged high.

We are entering a new phase when it’s time to hold all seditious and treasonous Democrats who actively act to remove President Trump from office to the same fate!

It’s time for investigations and indictments of these Deep State actors who are attempting this coup of our government. Representatives and Senators in on it should not be exonerated. Hang them if that is what the law requires. Americans want justice! Without justice we have no country!

William Barr #conspiracy #wingnut washingtonpost.com

The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horo­witz, is due to release his long-awaited findings in a week, but behind the scenes at the Justice Department, disagreement has surfaced about one of Horowitz’s central conclusions on the origins of the Russia investigation. The discord could be the prelude to a major fissure within federal law enforcement on the controversial question of investigating a presidential campaign.

Barr has not been swayed by Horowitz’s rationale for concluding that the FBI had sufficient basis to open an investigation on July 31, 2016, these people said.

It’s not yet clear how Barr plans to make his objection to Horowitz’s conclusion known. The inspector general report, currently in draft form, is being finalized after input from various witnesses and offices that were scrutinized by the inspector general. Barr or a senior Justice Department official could submit a formal letter as part of that process, which would then be included in the final report. It is standard practice for every inspector general report to include a written response from the department. Barr could forgo a written rebuttal on that specific point and just publicly state his concerns.

Spokespeople for the inspector general and the FBI declined to comment.

Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement that the inspector general investigation “is a credit to the Department of Justice. His excellent work has uncovered significant information that the American people will soon be able to read for themselves. Rather than speculating, people should read the report for themselves next week, watch the Inspector General’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and draw their own conclusions about these important matters.”

The Russia investigation was opened after the FBI was told of statements made by a then Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, that the Russians possessed hacked Hillary Clinton emails. Papadopoulos’s alleged comments were key because they were made well before any public allegation that Russian intelligence operatives had hacked the Democratic National Committee.

The attorney general has privately contended that Horowitz does not have enough information to reach the conclusion the FBI had enough details in hand at the time to justify opening such a probe. He argues that other U.S. agencies, such as the CIA, may hold significant information that could alter Horo­witz’s conclusion on that point, according to the people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

Barr has also praised the inspector general’s overall work on the matter, according to one person familiar with the matter. The inspector general operates independently of Justice Department leadership, so Barr cannot order Horowitz to change his findings.

But the prospect of the nation’s top law enforcement official suggesting the FBI may have wrongly opened an investigation into a presidential campaign, even after the inspector general announces the agency was justified in doing so, will probably generate more partisan battles over how the Justice Department and the FBI operate.

It is not unusual for an attorney general or the Justice Department to disagree with some of an inspector general’s findings. However, typically those disagreements occur because senior leaders at the department believe the inspector general has been too critical. In this case, Barr has conveyed to others his belief that Horowitz has not been critical enough, or is at least reaching a conclusion prematurely.

People familiar with the draft language of Horowitz’s report said that while it is critical of some FBI employees, and found some systemic problems in surveillance procedures, it overall does not agree with Trump’s charge that the investigation was a “witch hunt” or a politically motivated attack on him first as a candidate and then as president.

Instead, the draft report found that the investigation was opened on a solid legal and factual footing, these people said.

Part of Barr’s reluctance to accept that finding is related to another investigation, one being conducted by the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, John Durham, into how intelligence agencies pursued allegations of Russian election tampering in 2016. Barr has traveled abroad to personally ask foreign officials to assist Durham in that work. Even as the inspector general’s review is ending, Durham’s investigation continues.

Barr’s disagreement with Horowitz will probably spark further criticism from Democrats, who have already accused Barr of using his position to protect the president and undermine federal law enforcement.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) charged in September that Barr had “gone rogue.”

In recent weeks, Democrats have charged that Barr’s Justice Department was too quick to decide not to investigate Trump over his efforts to persuade Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to announce an investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. The Ukraine controversy has led to an impeachment inquiry.

Criticism of Barr previously centered on his handling of the Russia investigation. The case that began in 2016 was taken over in May 2017 by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. After a nearly two-year investigation, Mueller filed a lengthy report of his findings to Barr, by which point he had charged 34 people with crimes, including 26 Russian nationals. Those charged and convicted included Trump’s former campaign chairman, former personal attorney, former deputy campaign chairman and former national security adviser.

After receiving the Mueller report, Barr released a short letter summing up its main points, including that there was insufficient evidence to accuse any Trump associates of conspiring with the Russians. Barr also said Mueller had made no determination about whether Trump had sought to obstruct the investigation, but Barr and his then deputy concluded he had not.

When the full report was released, Democrats protested that Barr had improperly skewed the findings to be more favorable to Trump.

Barr has dismissed such criticism, and charged it is Democrats who are abusing legal procedures and standards in their quest to drive Trump out of the White House.

“In waging a scorched-earth, no-holds-barred war against this administration, it is the left that is engaged in shredding norms and undermining the rule of law,” Barr said in a speech last month.

In his first months on the job this year, Barr made clear he had serious concerns about how the FBI had conducted the investigation into possible collusion between Trump associates and Russia.

The attorney general declared in April that the Trump campaign was spied on, though aides later said he used that term not in a pejorative sense but in the more general meaning of surveillance.

“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” Barr told lawmakers. “I think spying did occur, but the question is whether it was adequately predicated and I’m not suggesting it wasn’t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that.” He also criticized former leaders of the FBI, saying, “I think there was probably a failure among a group of leaders there in the upper echelon.”

Current and former law enforcement officials have said that, when presented with information about a possible plot to undermine the U.S. election, they had a duty to investigate, and that it would have been wrong not to have launched an investigation.

In the months since, Barr, through Durham, has pursued information related to a onetime associate of Papadopoulos, a European academic named Joseph Mifsud.

Mifsud was publicly linked to Russian interference efforts in late 2017, when Mueller revealed Papadopoulos had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the details of his interactions with Mifsud.

Shortly after his name surfaced publicly, Mifsud told Italian media he did not work for Russia. “I never got any money from the Russians: my conscience is clear,” Mifsud told La Repubblica. “I am not a secret agent.”

Since then, the professor has disappeared from public life, leading to a host of theories about him and his whereabouts. While court papers filed in Mueller’s investigation suggested Mifsud operated in Russia’s interests, Papadopoulos, conservatives and conspiracy theorists have suggested he was working for Western intelligence agencies.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #sexist brianniemeier.com

Western civilization now stands in a state of war. It is always a culture's hale young men who are called upon to defend against the barbarian at the gate.

In this case, the barbarians are already inside the gates, and many of them are our own women.

Relevant to this issue, the female preference for the Death Cult isn't as pronounced among married women.

Yes, young men are being asked to jump on a grenade that has a 50/50 chance of being live. Young men have been asked--and expected--to do the same throughout history. Society calls upon men to sacrifice our fortunes and lives because, biologically speaking, we are the expendable sex.

Complaining about that fact won't change it. That's why, however pure their intentions, MGTOWs will always be viewed as whiners by society at large.

Now, there's a big factor in the marriage vs. MGTOW debate that everybody misses. They miss it because it's a spiritual dimension, and as late Moderns we've been conditioned to regard spiritual matters as tertiary concerns at best.

That overlooked dimension is the matter of a man's vocation to a particular state in life. If your're working from a default view of man as a bald ape produced by blind chemical processes, marriage doesn't make much sense.


One big sign that God may not want you to marry is that you simply have no desire to marry. I'm not talking about cads who just want the milk without paying for the cow. I'm talking about the rare breed of men who aren't interested in fornication--or any form of sexual immorality, and can get along just fine without female company. Our licit desires and dispositions are good indicators of God's will for us because He uses them to lead us onto the path He's set. You might ask, "Why don't these guys just go be priests?" The reason is that if a man isn't properly disposed to be a temporal father, he's not disposed to be a spiritual father.

Rare cases aside, most MGTOWs do have sex drives but have sworn off marriage to avoid getting raked over the coals in divorce court. In the spiritual context, it's not hard to see that this movement is largely a result of the vocations crisis following Vatican II. A lot of MGTOWs are probably guys with frustrated vocations to the priesthood or religious life.

The point is, you're never going to find fulfillment by exclusively pursuing your material self-interest. True fulfillment only comes from sacrificing yourself for others.

Meanwhile, a key part of my literary legacy is still on sale for 99 cents!

Staffanstorp Municipality #wingnut #racist sputniknews.com

A tiny municipality in southern Sweden has stirred up a hornet's nest with a new commercial proclaiming that it's a safe neighbourhood, where ordinary Swedes can live and prosper.
Staffanstorp Municipality in Skåne County has incurred the enmity of mainstream media with its new commercial.
The film opens with a black and white scene from a dingy city full of graffiti, where some rowdy youngsters are seen harassing a mother and her daughter. The family then proceeds to move to Staffanstorp, where colour returns, and they get a new lease on life.
“Dreaming of improvement and striving for a better life is nothing but a sign of health”, the narrator says. “There are municipalities where security, elderly care, schools, and businesses really work. Where the inhabitants are proud of their municipality”, the narrator continues, adding “We welcome you with all our heart”.
The ad ends end with a slogan: “Staffanstorp, as the rest of Sweden should be”.
Staffanstorp's ad coupled with the municipality's previous combative stance against mass immigration has sparked polarising reactions. Representatives of Sweden's mainstream press, which is mostly liberal, spared no accusations.
Moa Berglöf, former speech-writer for the Moderates' former party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt and now an opinion writer for the newspaper Sydsvenskan, linked the film to a recent outbreak of violence in Malmö, when an immigrant teenager was shot, and called it “the most cruel thing” she has seen in a long time.
“So while Malmö is in mourning, the Municipality of Staffanstorp is looking to put up a commercial that ... I don't even know. This is the most cruel thing move I have seen in a long time”, Berglöf tweeted.
​Last week, Berglöf attacked Staffanstorp in an opinion piece, calling the municipality “blue-brown”, blue being the colour of the Moderate party which calls the shots there, and brown referring to the brown shirts of Nazi Germany.
The Nazi trope was utilised by her fellow journalists as well.
“Genuine domestic art ... blond und boden”, Dagens Nyheter's political editor Per Svensson tweeted, referencing concepts that were popular in Nazi Germany, such as “blood and soil”.
​Furthermore, many found the fact that all the actors representing Staffanstorp staff were white disappointing, lamenting the perceived lack of diversity. Some even accused the municipality of promoting white flight.
“People read too much. We do not register ethnicity, we do not think about what skin colour people should have when we make advertisements”, the municipality's strong man Christian Sonesson told Expressen.
“What is strange is that a family looking for security can irk opinion journalists to a degree when they pay more attention to the film than real, tragic events that happen”, Sonesson told the news outlet Nyheter Idag.

By contrast, many on the right were excited about the film.
“Fantastically nice commercial for Staffanstorp. Describes the situation of many Swedes and their quest for a safe life in a secure society”, Sweden Democrats MP Björn Söder wrote.
“The thing with the Staffanstorp's movie is that virtually every normal person is likely to find it quite sympathetic, while the establishment becomes hysterical over it. The latter's reactions are a very useful reminder of the different worlds these groups live in”, a user mused.
​Staffanstorp is a town in Skåne County and a central place in the municipality of Staffanstorp. Located between the cities of Lund and Malmö, it has about 15,600 inhabitants.

jecoil #wingnut deviantart.com

Submitter’s Note: (admittedly, I did pick this fight (from a post a few years old) but the remark is just so insane I couldn’t help but mention it here; also he blocked me so I couldn’t reply to some of his idiotic statements)

First: Any reputable historian will tell you that the slavery controversy was just ONE SMALL PART of a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM. Anyone who believes otherwise is a brain-dead robot parroting left-wing PROPAGANDA.

Second, did you bother to check the date on this post? THIS POST IS OVER FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD, YOU GODDDAM MORON. I'm dealing with a death in the family right now, and I don't need your left-wing, America-hating, hate-mongering BULLSHIT historical revisionism showing up in my fucking feed. So go to fucking hell, you retarded bastard.

Third, I don't have time to read your little fucking novel. If you can't respond to a post in just a few short paragraphs, THEN WRITE YOUR OWN GODDAM JOURNAL. Anyone who writes post as long as yours if a fucking attention-whore. Fucking idiot.

FYI I have lived in the South for DECADES and have NEVER heard even ONE person mention the Civil War outside of history class, so it is plain to me that you are not just an IDIOT, you're a GODDAM LIAR as well.

Go fuck yourself, you left-wing hack bastard, and stay the fuck away from me.

PS: If you don't like Alabama, here is the solution: FUCKING MOVE! Go to California or Massachusetts where left-wing sheep like you belong.

Jax1776 #wingnut #fundie #kinkshaming deviantart.com

During my years active and before, I've noticed a lot of Double Standards committed by the left. All of them are aimed towards what we love, ranging from American traditions to entertainment such as Anime.

For example, it’s OK to attack Donald Trump with false evidence of crimes, yet ignore the crimes Obama has committed along with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Threatening and degrading strong and accomplished Republican women like Melania Trump, Nikki Haley, and Elise Stefanik, while covering for evil and corrupt women like Clinton, AOC, and Nancy Pelosi

Making desecrating the American flag “legal” while making flags of tyrannical countries/terrorist groups, North Korea, Iran, Libya, ISIS, etc “illegal”.

Forcing people into changing heterosexual characters into homosexual characters while attacking the former of being “homophobic”.

Going after innocent people and accuse them of “rape” while the actual pedophiles and sexual predators get off scot-free.

Having female characters in anime, video games, fan-art, etc covered up while allowing male characters to go half-naked.

Fictional characters posing nude/swimwear is forbidden while vore, rape, quicksand, etc is allowed.

Attacking Political/Military Thriller stories (both actual & fan-made) as “Right-wing Propaganda” while promoting “Leftism” in stories.

Attacking our country as an authoritarian regime, while excusing the actions of Islamic dictatorships, foreign drug and human trafficking cartels, and the communist regime in China.

This only shows the hypocrisy committed by the Radical Left, using their tactic to attack both Conservative and Independent individuals while promoting their own ideas in entertainment and the mainstream media. We must stand up against them if we wish to be allowed to explore freely without any trouble.

David Mendacino #wingnut #racist seattletimes.com

<commenting on 20th anniversary of WTO protests in Seattle>

The WTO crowd of yesteryear became Antifa of today. The irony being it only took a populism to get them to shift with the wind. They were nationalists back then until they embraced the low information religion of identity politics and tried to conflate nationalism with racism because it became more profitable to pander towards non citizens.

Erick Erickson #fundie #wingnut dailywire.com

I would agree that something wicked is stirring right now. Scripture is clear there are things unseen, both good and bad. We should be perturbed at the rise of mass shootings, the renewed aggressiveness of abortion rights advocates, the censorious demands of LGBT activists and more. We should also be perturbed at the number of Christians who think they need a strong man in the White House to protect them when they claim to worship the God of the universe.

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