
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Brett Stevens #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist amerika.org

Clowns love to tell us how Communism has never been tried, or that it is the natural state of primitive man, and therefore we should discard all that we have learned since the dawn of time and embrace the red star, hammer, sickle, and gulag.

A look at American history shows us that, under the control of large corporations, America began as a Communist experiment which became, like all Utopian experiments, a brutal learning experience:

A major reason for the persistent hardships, for the “starving time,” in Plymouth as before in Jamestown, was the communism imposed by the company. Finally, in order to survive, the colony in 1623 permitted each family to cultivate a small private plot of land for their individual use.
Let us assemble what we can learn here. First, large corporations would love to have people dwell in Communist-like conditions, because that way the money would flow upward, much as it did in Russia after Communism fell, and maybe even during Communism.

Second, these companies feared the dominance of culture, in this case Anglo-Saxon culture plus Pilgrim religion. They wanted a heterogeneous group instead because it would have nothing motivating it except money, which allows these companies to take advantage of the profit motive to individuals that replaced the original Communist scheme.

We find ourselves still caught in this dilemma. Our Puritan streak wants to be pagan, nationalist, traditionalist, and that type of religious which demands people motivate themselves toward the good instead of simply avoiding the bad and otherwise being mediocre.

Mike Stone #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Just like the ones I knew before,
Simple minds accept it,
Muddled minds embrace it,
And they all grow dumber more and more.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Filled with needles and jabs of joy,
Where liars blather,
And traitors gather,
To smile and poison every goy.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
With every idiot in a mask I see,
They're all so stupid,
Living lives so putrid,
Accepting slavery with such glee.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
With every death I see today,
Where poisoned syringes glisten,
And dumbass Americans listen,
To every lie that comes their way.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know,
May your days be merry and bright,
And may you one day see the light.

Chernabog & soyer5 #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org



Biden orders his “zoomers” what they are gonna have to start doing as he yells ‘this country will be minority white European’ in one breathe and ‘you’re gonna have to start working with hispanics’ in another.

Working with the Hispanics to do what? Finally fix their potholes? Keep their electricity on? Majority of a country means nothing if most of your country is like El Salvador or Venezuela. The power will always be in the Aryan genes. Don't pay attention to current news or politics. Just repopulate the Earth with white people and watch our enemies scream in burning pain

This also shows how stupid blacks, and other lefties are. He is explaining how black people are in for dark times, whether they realize it or not. Hispanics will never pamper blacks the way whites have pampered them. They will never give young black hood rats that don't even belong in a classroom period preference over young Hispanics in college or Scholarships. They won't give two craps if a Hispanic cop shoots a black especially is the cop is clearly defending themselves. Blacks simply don't understand that the race card will not work with Hispanics.

It won't be Hispanics and blacks against whites. It will be whites, and Hispanics against blacks, like it often is in prison according to things I've heard. Black behavior is just too intolerable even for most non whites. I think before this possible future happens though, certain areas of the U.S may well balkanize, or secede. We all know this election was rigged. If Biden actually becomes the new president for the next four years then we may as well have never fought the American Revolution, and we would in fact be much better off under something like what the British monarchy was back then.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: California Gets Latino US Senator, Some Black Leaders Angry

(Wake up)

Black San Francisco Mayor London Breed called the Senate decision “a real blow to the African American community.”

Remember the time a White politician said “this is a blow to the White Community”? Neither do I.

(Tony Murphy)
Squabbling over the spoils while the White producers of said spoils stand aside and look on.


”12% of the population we are told but blacks must be in everything?”

The population of BLACK in the USA is actually 11.78% based on the 2020 Census count. They DECREASED in size.

That's because they abort at a greater % than any other group. They also slaughter themselves in violent crimes more than any other group.

Thank God for this!

(Eldridge Davis)

Blacks and Latinos don’t get along. But they put aside their differences on Election Day to vote against the wishes of white people.

So true. We'll see the coming conflict between them as Hispanics take over more and more what blacks think use to be theirs.


Somehow I am not bothered by this. Given I have no use for blacks or Latinos since I see them as they really are. Not as we're told we have to see them.

I would give anything to be a fly on the wall to see them not get those positions when they find out that Trump will get a second term. Wonder what will happen then.

Excuse me.... but Negroes are 6.5 percent of the population of California, but somehow they "deserve" to have HALF the US Senate seats? No bubba. Take a good long drink of the "democracy" you keep saying you want in this country, because 6.5 percent of the population is not going to elect anybody to state-wide office.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

This image doesn’t represent Los Angeles today. Blacks are less than 10 percent of the population, and whites are gentrifying the city. Interestingly, blacks began leaving after the 1992 riots, and those who have stayed are reportedly telling each other not to sell houses to non-blacks. “White return,” wrote an author for the website Los Angeleno, poses a “real existential threat.” Whites who tried to save Compton in the 1940s and 1950s made similar appeals to racial solidarity, but once again, we see politics is not about what, but who. When blacks integrate a neighborhood, it is a triumph and anyone who objects is a bigot. When whites move back, non-whites can tell them to stay away.

However, the major trend is the increase in Hispanics. Los Angeles is less than 30 percent white and is about half Hispanic. Whites don’t want to think about how much the city has become part of the Third World, with its attendant tribalism. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in 2007 on Hispanics’ “ethnic cleansing” of blacks. In 2018, a gang used a firebomb attack to drive blacks out of a housing development. It would be wrong to say there’s a broad campaign to expel blacks, but violently or not, Hispanics are pushing blacks out. Los Angeles isn’t the (however unedifying) black cultural center it was 30 years ago.

BLM is unlikely to bring blacks back to Los Angeles; the pressure from Hispanics is too great. Hispanics could develop a BLM movement of their own, built around ethnic interests. What’s clear is that barring radical change, the only whites with a future in Los Angeles are the millionaires in the Hollywood Hills and a few hardy gentrifiers. We’ll see how long they hold out.

bbbarbican & Radicalwhirl #moonbat #psycho #sexist #racist saidit.net

I give zero fucks about so-called "oppressed males": they're rapist, sadistic and violent like all males. In my experience, way more than white men who, let's remember, aren't the majority of males on this planet. Women who insist white men are the worst are self-centered and clearly haven't travelled at all. Or haven't thought about things very deeply. Why would men be any different outside of the US? (the default country per usual)

Go to any non-western country and see how men behave. You'll change your mind FAST. More likely, the cognitive dissonance will be too big, they'll decide to stay blind.

I agree about the race bullshit but I don't see women as sisters either. Most women are complicit. Especially heterosexual women who hate lesbians and who suck men's dick at every turn. Why on earth should I consider them sisters when the reason we still live in a patriarchy is because they keep fucking men and birthing boys? Fuck them. Don't care about the color of their skin: they will always side with their men instead of other women.

Being an asian woman, I can totally confirm that most brown men are entitled creeps who view women as nothing more than sex objects and birthing machines. Mainstream feminism is a joke nowadays. Libfems rant about how pregnancy and childbirth are what makes women powerful. Blatant ignorance, imo. Had women not been burdened with tearing apart their bodies to let this fucked up species continue, oppression and submissiveness would plummet.

CosmicFarmPrisoner #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

You are spot on with the intersectionality point. Black women will bring up racism as an excuse to shit on non-black women, lesbians will bring up anti-gay sentiment to shit on non-lesbian women, lower class women will bring up classism to shit on middle or upper class women, etc. Intersectionality gives them an out for their misogyny and a way to shut down on unflattering discussions about their men. Don’t forget a lot of these women are or want to be boymoms.

I don’t think it matters if women get along, though. Men don’t rule because they all get along, they rule because they are not averse to violence and killing.

As for arguing about privilege, just ignore it altogether. In fact, you should consider “privilege talk” to be a yellow flag. It exists to shut down a conversation and dehumanize the opponent. The various unearned buffs and nerfs of someone’s life are far too complex to boil down to (outdated) American class/sex/orientation/race dynamics.

Infighting and oppression olympics seem to be an inevitable consequence of leftwing movements, and today’s feminism is a leftwing ideology. Basically, the biggest loser wins. Don’t mistake my take as pro-rightwing. Women end up as an auxiliary group fighting for scraps no matter what political movement they join.

Why do you accept that sex is relevant to behavioral tendencies, but not race (or ethnicity to be more accurate)? Do you think that over thousands of years of environmental and cultural selection pressures, genetic drift and bottlenecks, and even hybridization with different archaic humans, that traits related to brain development and function would be the one thing to remained unchanged?

Bon, From the Land of Babble #racist amren.com

This is why I like Persians, Russians and Armenians. Talking about race to a Russian, Armenian, Filipino, Persian or Asian is like talking to amremers. Most what some call real Whites I know are disgusting liberals even after they have been robbed or raped by a black.

They are open RACISTS who positively despise blacks and hispanics and work to keep them out of the neighborhoods where they live.

BUT.. the major difference is that Armenians, Russians, Persians and Asians are extremely ethno-centric and have advocacy groups to support their ethnic group interests. In California, they have set up ethno-centric culture and language schools based on their distinct ethnicities. No one in the media calls these schools “racist” or demands that they admit, pay for and cater to blacks and hispanics. No one in the media, at least that I’ve ever read, has referred to these ethno-centric groups as Nazis, racists and bigots.

Try opening a Euro-based school for Whites of European descent and see how far you get! Try barring blacks and hispanics from your neighborhood by refusing to rent to them! Try forming an advocacy group specifically for Whites as is allowed ALL other ethnic/racial groups and see how far you get!! Try pointing out the many egregious examples of White hatred and White discrimination we Whites deal with every single day and see you far you get.

There would be a FIRE STORM of anger against any White who deigned to (RIGHTFULLY) defend White interests.

A better question to ask is WHY is open, blatant, White hatred is ALLOWED?

Cui Bono?

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #racist incels.is

Blackpill Foids want abuse, foids want forced sex, foids want domination, foids want male authority

Till gynocentric cucks accept those truths, the world will continue to be this dysfunctional mess. Foids are not meant to be taken seriously, you grab them, marry them, fuck them and if they bitch too much or disrespect you, you hit them in Minecraft, period. Fuck what they say they want. It's not important and if followed, everyone ends up miserable. Men are the ones supposed to call the shots. Stop being such pussies, fucking simp normies.

However soceity does not allow me to do it. As soon as touching one of their hairs I go to jail.

Exactly. So only low IQ thugs with no impulse control are able to offer foids what they want/need, and dysgenics happen. Foids are gonna get abused either way. It's better that such abuse comes from their loving committed husband than from some random psychopathic thug.

indeed, friend, indeed I would not marry but I would get a long term relationship. And they will have to pay for all the damage donne. Is as natural as them doing damage you know?

I wouldn't marry in this cucked clown world, but I would in a sane society where married was done the correct way and I had full authority over my wife.

Yeah, foids have to pay. People who think they have no agency and thus don't deserve punishment are cucks. We punish children and even pets for their misbehavior. Why not foids? They have less agency than men (cucks deserve nothing less than death in Minecraft, this is a no-brainer), but they have more agency than young children and animals.

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Never Forget: Obama’s Daughter Dates a White Guy – “I Didn’t Want to Like Him, But He’s a Good Kid”"]

We hear all of these things from Barack Obama about the superiority of the black race. We hear that they are more moral than whites, they are smarter, and they are the true actors of history.

However, meanwhile, Obama himself is half-white. Obviously, he can’t help that. We can’t blame him for that. However, it’s worth noting.

What he can help is the fact that his daughter is dating a white man, and he totally endorses it and supports it and invites the white devil to his quarantines.

New York Post

Former President Barack Obama revealed that daughter Malia’s British boyfriend quarantined with the family in the early days of the pandemic — and their grocery bill shot up 30 percent.[…]

He has to say “I didn’t want to like him, because I hate the white race, but it turns out he’s nice and so it’s okay a man from an inferior and evil race is having sex with my daughter, and I support it.”

He is teaching the white boy how to slam, as the cursed white boy (made in a laboratory by Yakub) slams his master race daughter.

He’s also corrupting his daughter with cigarettes and probably marijuana and alcohol.

Obama doesn’t even believe in the superiority of the black race.

He’s hoaxing it.

Yes, he might not have any control over his daughter, but he is endorsing it.

Someone should call him out.

Logician #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Here's an interesting facet, as black extremist advocacy has gained territory in the West, I find it progressively harder to find realistic comment on the state of Africa and the 3rd world. The conflicts and tribal wars get nastier, the criminality and corruption becomes more prevalent, but the reportage compared to 20 or even 10 years ago is hugely reduced. It's there locally, but increasingly it only gets through via 'alternative' or minority news aggregator websites. The MSM act as if the daily slaughters, kidnappings and tribal conflicts were near-non-existent. If another Rwanda occurred, would we even hear of it? At Mandela's funeral, the media were slobbering over the celebs and politicians who turned out, but no-one asked anyone for an opinion on the crowd booing the new regime because of their corruption and incompetence.

It would be a very interesting experiment to withdraw all outside support from sub-Saharan Africa. I'm guessing that the reversion to jungle conditions would occur within a matter of a few years.

That's already occurring on the fringes of the mega-cities in Nigeria and Kenya. The infrastructure does not exist and planned housing is an alien concept. But rather than establish 'new towns' to accommodate rampant population growth, the joke governments simply allow informal urban sprawl, with water and energy shortages, disease and crime. The running joke at one time was the regular conflagrations in Nigeria as squatters breached the surface pipelines to drain-off fuel for cooking and heating. Another interesting item I saw was a photo of local gangsters walking their pet jackals on leads.

Son of the 1st Revolution #conspiracy #racist amren.com

RE: Grooming Gangs Come from ‘Diverse Backgrounds’, Says Home Office

”British, American and Dutch grooming gangs? I’d like to see mugshots of those. Something tells me they look just like the Jamaican, Pakistani and Somali gangs.”

Dutch - Somalia's came to Holland and gained Dutch passports, then they were 'EU Citizens' who were able to come to England. Dutch my foot.

Nice job of this article obscuring the truth, "The nationalities and ethnicities of suspects in current investigations 'varied considerably', the report said, including British, American, Bangladeshi, Bulgarian, Dutch, Eritrean, Indian, Jamaican, Lithuanian, Pakistani, Portuguese and Somali." OK, how many of those supposed Brits were really Paki immigrants? The same thing goes for the supposed Americans and the Dutch. Were they white or black Americans or for that matter, Pakis with US or Dutch passports?

The only ones on there who are likely white are the Lithuanians. The Bulgarians were likely gypsies.

There is a document called "The United Nations Charter for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." It states that an indigenous people is not to have foreign culture(s), religion(s), or people(s), imposed on them (for example, the way the indigenous peoples of Europe have alien peoples imposed on them via immigration). When the British government signed onto it, it added a proviso that these protections would not apply to the indigenous people of Britain. And the indigenous fools in Britain and elsewhere in Europe keep re-electing the enemies who are doing this to them.

I was unaware of the penultimate sentence that you write but I do know that the evil Government of Tony Bliar argued that there was no such thing as an indigenous Briton and that 'we are a Nation of immigrants' (U.K. that is). And Bliar and other officals argued this and it was broadcast by the media.

Steven Rowell & CTON #racist amren.com

RE: Down with Robert E. Lee and Up with Barbara Johns

(Steven Rowell)
Of course the creator of Planet of the Apes was referring to the future when blacks would take over our society and enslave whites. In the movie the Time Machine, it was making reference to a race of underground half-humans who worked secretly to wipe out blonde hair blued eyed humans above the ground. This is a reference to a race today who is trying to commit genocide on Nordic peoples through mass immigration and interracial breeding.


”I’m just curious, what would happen to a White student in an overwhelmingly Black inner-city High School, who protested being beaten and robbed every week? Would the White student be hailed as a hero by Blacks? Why don’t some White Liberals try this experiment with one of their own kids?”

It'd really be something if the traitors among us had to live among their pets.

that's why I have no sympathy when I heard about a leftist German (or somewhere in Western Europe) that got 'diversified' by nonwhites. I have no sympathy when white liberals (like those stupid Scandinavian women) who went to North Africa and got beheaded. They should have known better and many of those white leftists actively work against nationalists in the West and promote open borders BS in the West. I say it's Mother Nature punishing them. No sympathy at all when bad things happen to white leftists. I really don't!

Various Incels #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL How the average w*man loses her virginity in 2020


for example my first time wasn't with a boyfriend (well he was a boyfriend, just not mine)

And they get offended if you call them whores

ITcels dropping unintentional blackpills as always

Fucking whores, I saw that thread too on IT.

mmm, not sure about this one, it is kinda worrying if boys and girls are having their first times with people they don't even love. Screw whoever you want, but your first time should at least be a bit special if you can help it, imo.

Just when you think one of them starts to make a good point, they start saying "screw whoever you want" fucking sick. Almost got fooled.

They are so open and proud about it as well.

”WhY dO iNcElS hAtE wYmYn”

call me crazy but maybe we shouldn't give voting rights to creatures who seem unable to do anything except act on the most base instincts insects are more advanced that normies

This is the entire point of democracy, so people can be given the illusion of freedom and choice while they do their own stuff and pursue easy pleasure. This is also why a lot of normies are easily fooled by the "conspiracy theory" smear, they cannot believe that a group of people would ever plan something and not just pursue base instinct.

jfl, this is why so few people understand why jews need to be eradicated, they can't fathom it.

Note how careful they are with their words, as if they're walking on thin ice stating basic obvious human morality.

Dave Daubenmire and other Christians #fundie #crackpot #racist cincinnati.com

Deputies were called Sunday when a Christian prayer group and Native Americans faced off Sunday at the Great Serpent Mound, the Native American national historic site in southern Ohio.

The Native American leader who was there says they were trying to protect a sacred site that belonged to their ancestors.

The leader of the prayer group says the mound is a place where dark energy is released into the world.

"I'm not calling the Indians dark," Dave Daubenmire told The Enquirer. "This has nothing to do with the Indians."

Daubenmire leads Pass the Salt Ministries out of Hebron, Ohio, about a two-hour drive from the snake-shaped mound which could have been built as long ago as 320 BC.

Led by Daubenmire, the group was there on the Winter Solstice "praying down (the) Satanic serpent mounds," according to the group's YouTube video recording the event titled "PAGANS TRY TO PREVENT PRAYER."
Members of the American Indian Movement of Ohio, including the group executive director Philip Yenyo, heard about the plans for the event in advance and met the Daubenmire's group in the parking lot.

"You need to leave. You have no right and no business doing this on this sacred site where our ancestors are buried," Yenyo said in the video "You're not going any further."

A man began approaching Yenyo repeatedly telling him not to touch him; the man appears to push Yenyo who is blocking his path. Someone says, "Get out of my way. Last time I tell you."

"Don't tell me to get out of the way on my own land," Yenyo said. "It's our birthright. It's our sacred site."

"It's public land," a member of the prayer group said. "This land will be taken in the name of Jesus."

"This land was already taken a long time ago," Yenyo said. "You people keep taking it."

Apefricoon Devil #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger chimpmania.com

Nigger pavement apes' shitty dark bodies are no more due to any "adaptations to solar heat" than their monstrous nostrils or coarse velcro "hair" are. Carleton Coon was just an ignorant Darwinist fool who, like all 20th-century Darwinian fools, believed humans and niggers are both apes and are "descended from common ancestors". (Hence the Darwinist libtards constant, deliberate, and degrading use of the exceedingly misleading words "white" and "black" to describe mankind and niggerkind respectively)


The tawny Hottentots live side by side with sable Kaffirs in Africa. The ancient "Indians" of California, in the latitude of 42 degrees, were as "blagg" as the niggers of Guinea. And in Africa, the darkest niggers are 12 or 15 degree north latitude; while they become less dark the nearer they approach the equator. Dark eskimos live in the exact same latitude as the fair humans of Highland Scotland, yet they don't have similar fair complexions. Gorillas and orangutan apes who live in rainforests of Africa and Asia, away from the "intense" solar heat", have similar shitty dark bodies as the full-blooded groids of sub-saharan Africa. Here in Australia, far away from the equator, the so-called "aboriginal" niggers have the same distinctive shitty dark bodies of the niggers of Africa. As you can see, Darwinian hypothesis of "natural adaptation" is nothing but a demoralising delusion wherewith libtards try to degrade mankind to social "equality" with disgusting Apefricoon beasts.

(PS. it's a well-known scientific fact that black objects absorb the most heat. And this is why you hear scientists telling elderly and young children not to wear dark clothes during scorching summer days)

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Most Americans can hardly imagine preferences for the majority and assume that if whites become a minority racial preferences will be finished. They shouldn’t count on it. Malaysia had preferences for the majority Malays even before independence in 1957, and has only extended them as time has gone by.

Malaysia is 60% Malay, 25% Chinese, and 8% Indian. Average IQs of Malays and Indians are about 87 while that of the Chinese is 103 to 106. The gap is as wide as that between American blacks and whites, with the inevitable result: Chinese dominate the economy. All Malaysians are officially divided into bumiputras, who get preferences, and non-bumiputras, who don’t. “Bumis” must be Muslim Malay stock, though they need not be from Malaysia. This means an immigrant from Indonesia gets preferences over Indians or Chinese who have been in Malaysia for generations.

In 1970, when the NEP went into effect, Chinese controlled 27 percent of the wealth. By 2000, despite discrimination, they increased their share to a remarkable 40 percent. When they are minorities, low-IQ groups welcome and even insist on preferences. When they are the majority, low-IQ people grant themselves preferences because they have the power to do so. That is clear in Southeast Asia, where virtually every country tries to control the Chinese. In Africa, high(er)-IQ Indians face systematic discrimination, as do whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe. As soon as blacks had power, they set about dispossessing the high-IQ whites.

If whites do nothing, low-IQ populations in the US will use their power legally to dispossess high-IQ minorities. Any ruling alliance of blacks and Hispanics will have fights and disagreements, but they will agree on one thing: that certain groups have more than they deserve and should be plucked.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

RE: Every Single US State Is Being Advised to Consider Ethnic Minorities as Critical Groups for Vaccination

This time, I will be very glad to accept all those hip hop gangster rappers will be the priority. because, " We proudly developed a very safe vaccine with efficacy over 90% within 10 months " does not sound realistic or safe at all....

(Spirit of Chronos)
I agree. Let minorities have first dibs on this dubiously safe vaccine. Then Whites can just sit back and watch the horrible side-effects from a distance.


Whites are minorities in at least two states, Hawaii and California. Will whites receive special treatments there?

Heck no. This is why I always say "non-Whites" and not "minorities." Whites are a minority in the world and even in much of the U.S.

Some day non-whites, especially blacks will have priority for all health care as whites are sent to the back of the line. That is what social justice will look like in an America where whites are the minority. Whites who believe they will be treated as kindly and graciously as they have treated non-whites are delusional and soon to be disappointed.

(Jeff Coffey)
You can already see this happening in the way that the Democrats make political appointments. There is no way that any vacant position will go to a white man, and if there is some position that was held by any sort of minority figure, it can only be filled by someone from an equally or more "oppressed" minority group. It's a one way street.

This is a good precedent that we need to remember and use for our purpose. If it is legal to give preference based on race, and this action shows that it is, then we can give preference to whites in other endeavors.

Rev. Thomas Littleton #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist watch-unto-prayer.org

In this decade, we have witnessed a wave of invaders into the West. Hordes of refugees, illegal aliens, sexual minorities, and various victims of injustice are currently invading our lands and our institutions. Driven by politics, globalism, multiculturalism, egalitarianism, and activism, every latest cause is wrapped in the appropriate tone and marketed with fervor – complete with compulsory compliance and emotional conditioning. The invasion of our cultural institutions has become a national mandate. Why then should we think the Church exempt from these forces and those whose outside interests are served by them?
In the Church, we have seen a slightly different species of these movements because theological limitations in the past easily exposed those who depart Christian orthodoxy for progressive mantras like Social Justice and Income Inequality. Yet today we see a new occupying force that has taken hold like a hardy weed in the Evangelical garden. In Biblical terms it is like the enemy who crept into the field undetected and sowed Tares (Weeds), as informed by Jesus’ parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matt 13:24-30). The result is that harvesting the envisioned bounty of the Field sown by the Lord of the Harvest becomes problematic once the Weeds have sprung up. The Lord does have a remedy for this predicament, but it is not a pleasant one for the Weeds.

The common misperception is that the Field has been neglected or there is no problem with the presence of the Weeds among the precious Wheat. This is not an accurate assessment at all. Today Evangelicals ARE becoming aware of the work of the Enemy in God’s Field. They have become an OCCUPYING FORCE IN EVANGELICALISM.

Stephen Cockett #crackpot #racist youtube.com

Mugabe re-named the country 'zimbabwe' after the ancient ruins at zimbabwe - because he said that they were the remains of a vast African Empire. When the archaeologists examined those ruins, however, they discovered that they were NOT part of any ancient civilization at all - but the remains of a 1200 year old islamic_slave fort. Mugabe named the country after a detention centre built by the arabs to round up local African victims.

Not that I am saying you're wrong but I beg a source or piece of information backing that.

it was a hard copy report - archaeological paper. I did not see it on the internet. I don't think the archaeologists realised the significance they just reported the facts. A lot of archaeology is becoming political now when it contradicts leftist narratives. Like the Early human remains (European) in the Americas that pre-date all the 'indians' that crossed the Bering straits from Asia much later.

My uncle Ron ran the Kariba dam for many years in the Rhodesia days. He was horrified to learn that Mugabe was having it taught in schools that the local people there built and maintained the dam!

What lies are these 😂😂😂. The great Zimbabwe ruins were part of the Mutapa empire and there are even accounts of it from the 1st European settlers we came into contact with. Islamic or Arabic influence is easy to see and you can mostly see it along the East African coast while the existence of similar stone forts is spread out throughout out Southern Zim. Don't just believe whatever white supremacy lies you are told 😂

this is what we are up against.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RageFuel My mother threaneted to divorce my dad,made a giant mess,insulted his family,me and my sister.

Now she is pissed bcs ı called her a ''Future tinder single mom'' Fuckin bitch,she does this every weekend,ı cant bare to be in the same house as her during weekends. She is pissed bcs my father doesnt buy her a car and comes home late from his own workplace (He earns a decent amount of money),thinks that he should get a proper job instead (Yeah a 40 something year old HS graduated man in current economy can definitly find a job.) Im currently staying in my room,door closed with pepper spray and a bat in my hand to stop her from wrecking my PC and killing my bird. In case she kills my birb and makes me go ER,ı just wanna say that ı love all of you.


hahaha my mum smashed up my old monitor and keyboard back in 2015, fucking women can get away with anything.

That's the power of having a hole. Everyone wants to fuck you and so they put you on a pedestal no matter how undeserving you are.

We need a Giga Chad Beta Male Uprising to save this planet earth . We are all going to absolute shit and doom and only the blackpilled beta male can relate and make changes . Normies and chads are dooming us all along side with modern foids. A beta uprising is the key.

We also need to close the borders to stop mixing. End feminism lgbt and degenerates.

i have autismmaxxed in the presence of my mother and sister. Now they act carefully around me .fearing that they might trigger me and I'll actually hurt them or even kill them.

El-grande-ricardo #racist #wingnut forums.craigslist.org

Jacob Blake is accused of raping a woman, violating a restraining order - but you call him victim.

George Floyd was a drugged out ex con who held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly while his friends ransacked her home - but you call him hero.

Juliet Germanotta is a passenger in a car seen on video being attacked - and you question her morals.

I was going to say it must be difficult keeping the different rules straight - but then I realized all you do is determine left or right to decide which one is the victim and which one the criminal.

Andrew Miller #conspiracy #wingnut #racist humansarefree.com

The stated goal of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican is “to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world” via environmental, social, and corporate governance.

Together, the council represents 200 million employees in 163 countries and has $2.1 trillion in market capitalization. If the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican were a nation, its market value would be more than the market value of the United Kingdom, but not quite as much as the market value of France.
Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is one of the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism. She is the founder and managing partner for the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican.

Lady Rothschild is a member of the United States Democratic Party. She married Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, a British financier, shortly after being introduced to him by Henry Kissinger at a 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland. The couple is friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton, who invited the Rothschilds to honeymoon at the White House.
When he was the president of the United States, Clinton wanted to build up a power in Europe and was the one who gave Germany the American firepower to conquer the Balkan states. And many of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s contacts in the Bilderberg Group and other trans-Atlantic organizations are working with the Vatican to reform American capitalism into something more like China’s mixed economy.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism, the China concordat and the pope’s meddling in American politics all have a common theme: They are bids to restore the Holy Roman Empire!

el_grande_ricardo #racist reddit.com

I (32M) and my girlfriend (30f) went looking for engagement rings over the weekend and I'm planning to propose soon. She's a teacher so we're looking at a summer wedding. I mentioned this to my sister and she was really excited for me. I mentioned that we were looking at some venues, and there's this old plantation that we really like in our area that may be the winner.
My sister really didn't like that because plantations are a "symbol of slavery and racism", and that it'd be really insensitive to get married there and it's offensive. I told her she was overreacting and she kept pushing the issue. So I told her to get off her high horse and quit the virtue signaling and she hung up. AITA?

NTA - your wedding, your choice.

I do find it funny, however. A couple months back a black actress purchased her childhood home - a shack on an old slave plantation. And everyone was all for it - because she was going to erase the negativity and fill it with love.

So buying property on a former slave plantation is wonderful because "the only way to erase negativity is with love" - but the same people will call you racist for having a wedding there.....

probably because the actress is black whilst the OP is (I'm assuming) not black?

Does that matter? Isn't love, "love"?
The plantations have an ugly history. You could, of course, proclaim this offensive and push for the remnants to be left to rot. But then the ugliness remains. Or, you could overwrite the ugliness by turning them into a place of happiness and joy.
People today go around looking for things to be offended by. And when they find something, they proclaim it loudly in order to get their 15 minutes of fame.
The unfortunate side effect of this attention whoring and virtue signalling (aka "tattletaling") is the destruction of history. No one person or group is all good, and no one person or group is all bad. But the tattletales focus only on the bad, and destroy the good along with it.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Georgia Governor Says No New Electors After His Future Son-in-Law Dies in Mysterious Car Crash"]

Over the weekend, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s future son-in-law died in a mysterious car crash.

Now, after suggesting he would appoint new electors, he has announced that he will not do that, issuing a statement on Sunday saying it’s “not an option that is allowed under state or federal law.”
The election riggers are out there now on TV attacking Donald Trump for daring to point out that the election is a fraud, basically saying it is bad for democracy to talk about it.

We should note also that the Georgia voting system implementation manager Gabriel Sterling, whose responsibility it was to ensure the vote was valid, appears to be ethnically Chinese.

This goes a long way to support the claims of various Republicans that the Chinese are involved in rigging this election.

It’s actually surreal the way this is playing out, where everyone knows it’s a fraud, and they’re just pushing ahead with it anyway.
["Riggers, Jews - Bad news!]

Phil Defer #psycho #racist amren.com

What’s It Like to Work for the Border Patrol?

Do illegals ever make a racial/national appeal to Hispanic agents to get preferential treatment or outright release?

Obviously, they never made that sort of appeal to me except in reverse — I got called racist more than a few times. For the Hispanic agents, they did get appeals that they were all part of the same raza, so why are you arresting me?

Are there any differences in the way agents of different races do their jobs?

No doubt about it that the most corrupt are the Hispanic agents. There are more of them, and they are closer to their ancestral homeland, being asked to stop people who look like them, speak like them, eat the same foods, and listen to the same music. Now, you would think that white Americans would be the best agents, but it seemed like the more obviously racially conscious a white agent was, the worse he was at the job. They seemed to retreat and bitch about the job but rarely make any arrests.

How could the Border Patrol be more effective?

A Biden administration would be devastating. I don’t think agents would have any incentive to go out and catch aliens just to watch them walk out the door again.

What did you like best about working for Border Patrol?

I loved hearing about how an agent defied our supervisors and got into a high-speed pursuit and made a bust despite them. I miss running down aliens after they scattered from a bust. I hated it when they got away, but it was so rewarding to grab them and ruin their stay. We had stickers that read “Border Patrol: Crushing Dreams” pasted around the office.

Phil Defer #racist amren.com

Are there any differences in how immigrants of different races behave?

I didn’t see much of a distinction between different Hispanic nationalities. The Chinese I arrested were generally very polite. The Indians I arrested were more defiant. They didn’t fight, but they would try to stare you down. I heard later that Bangladeshis purposely try to stare you down as a means of exerting their superiority. Cubans were rude and nasty. I don’t know if it was caused by coming out of a totalitarian state, but they behaved like a criminal gang. I once heard about a group of them that guarded the Porta Potties in a detention center and started charging other aliens to use them.

When I was on the Canadian border, we were warned about the Albanians and Serbs. They had a reputation of wanting to fight. We once had an Albanian make not-so-veiled threats about killing a group of us agents.

Did you ever see any evidence that the Mexican government helps people cross the border?

The Mexican military helps cross drug loads into the U.S. without a doubt. Wherever we saw their soldiers camped out along the border, we knew it was likely to be a drug zone. Mexico loves the remittances it gets back from Mexicans living in America. Mexico once had printed up brochures on how to sneak into the U.S. without getting caught and without dehydrating and dying. I was surprised the Trump administration was able to get Mexico to slow the flow. However, that might be because each Honduran in the U.S. is taking a job a Mexican would be doing.

It’s a poverty issue. As long as Latin America is poor and the U.S. is wealthy, they will continue to cross. Really, interior enforcement needs to be ramped up.

Joseph Kay #racist amren.com

Despite million-dollar salaries and near worship by millions of white sports fans, black basketball players express hostility towards whites. Many dread just walking the streets in a society that threatens “black bodies.” What can be done to cool it?

The league should play the next season in sub-Sahara Africa. They would avoid accommodations favored by foreigners in favor of small guest houses in slums such as Hillbrow and Berea. There would be some inconveniences for these millionaire black Americans returning to their ancestral lands. It will be important for these young men to dodge venereal diseases since sub-Saharan Africa leads the world in them. If sickness does strike, practitioners of African “traditional medicine” can cure the athletes.

Yes, there will be some crime — sky-high in many areas — but armed soldiers can accompany these wealthy Americans 24/7 and also guard their belongings when they are out shooting hoops. The guides can help them navigate encounters with local police and petty functionaries demanding payoffs for no reason whatsoever. However, African law-enforcement will not randomly shoot the athletes just for being people of color. Black lives really do matter in Africa!

These champions of blackness can experience other joys of post-colonial Africa. The trip may take extra time by American standards, especially if the athletes are attacked by bandits or kidnapped by Muslim extremists, but it will surely offer insights into the wonders of modern African transport.

This may help the millionaires better appreciate the “white way” of running society. America’s toxic whiteness and structural racism will remain, the police still feared for their anti-black predations, but black athletes may discover an appreciation for American plumbing, a functioning electrical grid, and an orderly transportation system.

tehgymcel420 #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting Life is too long

Only 25 and already had enough of this shit, I hate being a sand nigger. Whoever came up with the phrase that life is short was either coping or not an incel. Life drags by and seems never ending when you are an incel.

Exactly the same except I'm a latino nigger. Life is too short only when you get to enjoy love, sex, and material goods

tfw I'll never get to enjoy a female's stinky roast beef flaps.

If I was a chad I'd enjoy myself. I'd soak up every last second of my 80 year lifespan. Sadly, with only my copes and a few online friends it doesn't seem worth continuing for that long. I want to hold on though, until I have no choice but to give up

obamagavemeaphone #racist #wingnut patriots.win

[In response to Andrew Yang suggesting people should have a bar code in their phone if they’ve been vaccinated]

👌🇨🇳ok commie🇨🇳👌

Yang (; simplified Chinese: 杨; traditional Chinese: 楊; pinyin: Yáng) is the transcription of a Chinese family name. It is the sixth most common surname in Mainland China. It is the 16th surname on the Hundred Family Surnames text.

commies get the rope!

Andrey Rachkov #racist jta.org

A Ukrainian ultranationalist filmed himself toppling a Hanukkah menorah in downtown Kyiv while shouting about death to Jews.

The man, identified by the Ukrainian media as Andrey Rachkov, a provocateur with a criminal record, is the subject of a police investigation after video of the vandalism emerged on Thursday, the Ukrainian news site Zik reported Saturday.

Rachkov posted the video of his actions on Facebook, adding: “How to treat foreigners who are engaged in usurpation of power, occupation of territories, genocide.”

As he toppled the large menorah, he shouted: “To Ukrainians the power, Jews to the graves.”

Bradford H.B. #racist #wingnut humanevents.com

The left sees itself involved in a moral battle against oppression and injustice, one between good and evil. With that worldview, appeals to abstract ideas won’t cut it. Rule of law as an argument against illegal immigration won’t budge a progressive who sees illegal aliens as refugees done wrong by their governments (and ours). Same goes for proposing economic solutions to BLM’s list of oppression-based grievances.

The rhetoric towards whites resembles what Jews endured at the turn of the last century. “Europhobia,” anti-white animus, or “whitenessphobia” pours from nearly every major U.S. institution on a regular basis: major media outlets, places of work, governing bodies, and schools at all levels. Professors at prestigious universities are sharing white-shaming memes or declaring things like “white lives don’t matter.” Most disturbingly, these same toxic ideas have even been used to excuse heinous crimes, rape (as payback for historical black slavery) and murder (as payback for structural racism). Calling the ideas “un-American propaganda” as the White House did, is too vague. The people who espouse them are bigoted, full stop.

Failing to call out expressions of anti-white bigotry signals that the left is off the hook for their own racism. They’re not. If faced with a strong groundswell of coordinated voices, many among the woke left will suffer a deflated sense of moral righteousness. Conservative tactics may include: boycotts of companies that finance BLM extremism or engage in woke advertising, demands to universities to defund CRT/Whiteness-Studies courses, or open letters from top conservative and liberal voices condemning the more influential Europhobic speakers. As for the more strident and dismissive among the left, they’ll be forced to proclaim, even louder, that ‘racism against whites is not a thing’—a position that’s far more alienating to the mass public than it is defensible.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel I'm sick of seeing 6'0+ femoids

They're fucking everywhere. Go to a shopping mall at 3 o'clock on any day of the week for an hour and you'll easily see 20+ of them. Some of them are visibly taller than me too. It's not like I live in the Netherlands or northern Europe either. I live in England. It's hilarious how people here call 6'0 incels fakecels when fucking femoids that height aren't any kind of an anomaly. Tall starts at 6'4 6'0 is mediocre as fuck for a man.


6'0?? I might have seen a 6foot foid only twice in my life

where do you live where 6ft foids don't exist?


kinda makes sense, southern euros get brutally heightmogged by their northern euro counterparts. greek foids are hot though


Fuck that's brutal. I always wonder if there are any real Dutchcels on this forum that are only 6 feet or below. Being Norwegian and below 6 foot is still terrible though. Both your parents are Norwegian yeah? What are their heights?

They fucked me up with Ritalin. It's been proved that ritalin fucks up your growth, as well as a lot of other shit. It fucks up your test and growth hormones and shit. Because of that I'm shorter, my dick is smaller and etc. I HATE my parents and the whole Jewish phsycomedical establishment for it. HATE HATE HATE!

(The Abyss)
Looks let's be real, tall Chad men dicking down women over time raises the height of foids as nearly every woman breeds but not as many men, the children today mostly come from tall fans now at the same time these cunts are obsessed with frauding their height via heels just so they can make sure any man their interested on is genuinely tall. It's a shit test to separate the genetics.

Various Apartheid apologists #racist #wingnut patriots.win

DutchDonFan: South Africa is the best example of where the whole western world is heading if we don’t follow Trump all the fucking way.

TRUMPets: Whites literally being hunted down on their own property and having their homes taken as 'reparations' with the government's blessing. Fucking sickening. I was taught in school that Mandela was some saint, but he was a commie fuck, and his offspring is responsible for the atrocities I just described.

powershellder: And then the perpetrators literally starve because they don’t continue farming.

bewarethejogger: Imagine living in the perfect climate for farming, having world class farms left to you... and starving.

Sting: But we’re not even allowed to say why. Not even here can we be honest, not even here.

zhalias: I was also taught this lie. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, I learned about necklacing, and murdering white people for farmland. The country literally went from a food surplus, selling excess food to various other nations, to a full-on famine unable to support even half their population in the span of just a few short years.

Tellsyouhow: Necklacing. And people keep saying Africans never invented anything. Checkmate bigots.

Sting: They didn’t, someone else (((taught))) them.

JosefMengelecel & BummerDrummer #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is


Only when staring down the barrel of his gun do they finally feel remorse, and it's not even for him, it's for their own sake jfl. These kids are just expected to endure their torture from these psychopaths they go to school with. How could they expect the victim to be complacent and not snap eventually?

They don’t understand the capabilities of a man who no longer has anything to lose. The only way for them to feel or remorse or humiliation is when the barrel of the gun is placed against their head. They may not feel remorse for you but atleast they will be humiliated and will beg for their lives like bitches right before their brain gets pierced by a bullet

It's either a lack of empathy on their end or simply their inability to understand causes and consequences. They legit think they can get away with making every second of your life miserable and it shouldn't blow up in their face, you should just carry on and take the torture every single day.

Probably a combination of both. They can’t understand that people will want revenge if you wrong them.

At my school nobody gave a shit if you got bullied unless you were a “marginalized group” I.e if you were black, gay, tranny Jewish or hispanic/immigrant. Usually it was these people who were the bullies which is the ironic thing (trannies getting people expelled for homophobia, black women and mixed race males getting people expelled for racism, etc.) Any retaliation to them though and you’d get the whole school system right up your ass. One of my biggest redpills was when a flamboyant faggot/sissy kid said “I’ve gotten 11 kids expelled for homophobia” to me in high school.

watcher & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is

Whores pretending to be offended: the one thing that really pisses me off.

If there is one thing that rubs me the wrong way is when a whore pretends to be offended by anything an incel said or did.

We are talking about modern day women here, these walking fleshlights who drink a total of 20 gallons of nigger cum per week, listen to pop music that talks exclusively about hooking up and dick sizes, pretending to be offended because you either:

Said a woman is attractive or unattractive

Said or did anything remotely sexual

The bitch turns a 180 and becomes the most prudish woman ever, outraged that someone could be so filthy JFL

I hate women

Good observation. A pathologically sex-positive nymphomaniac on one hand, a prude as soon as it comes from an ugly male on the other hand.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #conspiracy #racist stateofthenation.co

There is nothing more dangerous to the cause of International Zionism than a powerful and loud champion for the people of Palestine—NOTHING!

Diego Armando Maradona was just such a highly influential champion for the Palestinian cause. There is not even a close second to the courageous advocacy that he undertook knowing full well it was as dangerous as anything a man could ever do on Earth.

It’s of paramount importance to know that Maradona’s stratospheric status in Argentina was attained when he scored his 2 goals against Great Britain during the 1986 FIFA World Cup at the Azteca Stadium in Mexico City. Each of those goals has received unprecedented attention by football fans the world over, one being called the “Goal of the Century” and the other being labelled the ‘Hand of God’ Goal.

That Maradona was singlehandedly responsible for the most ignominious football defeat in UK history — AFTER ARGENTINA LOST THE FALKLAND WAR — has been a HUGE thorn in London’s side ever since.

Carrying around such an albatross has been far too much for the British Zionists to bear. Hence, it’s quite likely that the outright medical assassination was a joint conspiracy carried out by both Israeli and British Zionists. Who else, in the entire planetary civilization, would have held such a multi-decade grudge against the extremely charismatic Diego Maradona?!

antisemit #conspiracy #racist #wingnut centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

ok i agree that natural law dictates to be more adapted to nature (like the native tribes once) .
but those tribes were children in their innocence .
capt cook found them everywhere friendly + hospitable . he only was killed by misunderstanding. but today we are no more under natural
law . we are today under the law of trickiness, insidiousnes, falseness, greediness, evil in
all forms and i only agree with some words of jesus : WHAT FOR WHEN YOU WIN ALL THE
WORLD BUT TAKE DAMAGE TO YOUR SOUL + let the children come to me . I despise to
adapt to the insidiousnes of the jews to learn more insidiousnes from them . an other thing
are the booty of the so called victorious over the conquered : there is not only material booty
and also science, patents, knowhow (looted by the jewinfested british+ USA) but also booty
of insidiousnes like : THE GESTAPO LEARNED FROM NKWD + polish spys INSIDIOUSNES +.
from JEWISH WORLDCONGRESS. later OAS/CIA learned more INSIDIOUSNES from GESTAPO + KGB : from them all learned the MOSSAD much more INSIDIOUSNES and today is master
of INSIDIOUSNES . and what are the results ? today they are all (CIA;FBI;MI6,MOSSAD;FSB)
WORLD KEEPING EVERY MAFIA INTO THE SHADOW : every man today generating a child
in this world is a moraly perverted criminal ! WITH ALL THIS INSIDIOUSNES THIS WORLD
WILL GO INTO THE ABYSS ! this was also thinking of REAGANS most dangerous man

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #racist #wingnut centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

If history is our guide, it is a safe bet that all hope is about to be lost. I hope Trump wins because that means the deluded patriots would win, and they are better choice for our nation than outright communists. Be sure to understand I am against the ZOG President Trump and many of his policies and favoritism of Israel, but I don’t see him winning, I think that is a fantasy of the conservative right.

Don’t get me wrong, I hope that good wins. But putting your hope in criminal politicians seems foolish. Trump has committed some horrible crimes for his Jewish friends, and he has surrounded himself with Jewish criminals that his Jewish elite friends have suggested (or ordered) him to hire.



What legacy does Trump leave us? Highest deficits ever, most slavish whoring to Israel ever, most corrupt political system ever and leaving it unfixed. If Trump doesn’t pull off his Hail Mary then the nation is in really big trouble as now half of the nation that voted for him may find the Joe Harris presidency unacceptable. Biden is unacceptable and so is Trump! Both are deeply flawed men, pathetic Jew whores who sold their souls to the devil.



Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Iran: Journalist Executed for “Corruption on Earth” ߤðߤðߤâ]

Everywhere that journalists function, they are de facto Western intelligence agents, whether or not they have direct contact with spy agencies (and most of them do have direct contact with these agencies).
Many people in the world want to kill journalists, because of the transformative role they have played in society, undermining traditional social norms and replacing them with strange experiments.
[…]As journalists believe that they are the ones who arbitrate reality, they believe that they are the ones who declare revolutions.

Iranian state television and the state-run IRNA news agency said that Ruhollah Zam, 47, was hanged early Saturday morning. The reports did not elaborate.

In June, a court sentenced Zam to death, saying he had been convicted of “corruption on Earth,” a charge often used in cases involving espionage or attempts to overthrow Iran’s government.[…]

Of course it was hardline conservatives that started the protests – they’re also controlled by the CIA. Any single group that isn’t a part of the mainstream is going to be controlled by intelligence agencies.
It’s absurd that a country like France that puts people in prison for speech is talking about free speech in a foreign country.
In the West, they say: “you have free speech, you’re just not allowed to speak about the Jewish ruling class, gays, women, immigrants, fat people, black people, abortionists, trannies, Sandy Hook, election fraud, and many other things soon to come on this endless list.”

Frankly, “you can’t speak bad about the leaders” is the single most basic form of speech suppression, and what we have in America and Western Europe is much more extreme and advanced.

UnapologeticMisandry #racist #sexist saidit.net

I dont care about any moids, including black moids. A rant

Over the past several months all I've been told is that, as a white women, I should feel sorry for black men and acknowledge their issues. I should acknowledge my "privilege" over them as a white woman and do my part to cater to them in society.

No thanks. Black men have ruined their communities. They have tortured, raped, sexually enslaved, and stolen from their sisters for money. No group of women is more shit on by their own men, than black women are by black men. I do care about black women as I care about all women, but I think their situation culturally is a result of the abuses done to them by black men, who used "muh whitey" as an excuse to shit on black women as the class below them, the way they always have, even before slavery. I don't give a fuck about black men's problems. I don't give a fuck about any men's problems.

I am not more privileged than someone who has the physical and social power to murder me, turn me out on the street, abuse me on film for money, get me pregnant, or rape me. This happens to impoverished white women every year, by black men. Race is a bullshit social construct. It has no basis in biological determinism. The only reality is sex and the weakness women live in psychologically and physically because of our ability to have children and because of our lack of strength. If white women and black men were trapped on an island, white women would be absolutely fucked.

UnapologeticMisandry #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Im often angry at women for their biological, endless masochism. Just as there is no group of women treated worse by their men, there is no group of women more willing to endlessly simp for a group of men who hates and rejects them at every turn just because they share melanin. I would love NOTHING more than to have real allyship with black women and girls. I have wasted a lot of time trying to get black women to see the bigger picture and the bigger problem with MEN, as a whole, and how race is redundant, because I used to feel for their struggles. However, black women refuse to give up their colorist, abusive, misogynist moids and continue to live in resentment and hatred of white women, Asian women, Latina women, basically any group of women that they perceive will "steal their men". I simultaneously feel sorry for them and have contempt for them because of this (similar to how I feel about all large groups of women).

Biological determinism forces groups of women to be cucks for their cultural group of moids, instead of caring about women regardless of race, class, national origin, sexuality, ect. I blame the misuse of intersectionality for making this worse. Women will never act as a single class, and one of the reasons is this tribalistic bullshit. It has long ago stopped being about helping certain groups of women with their unique struggles and started being about infighting regarding what group of women has it the worst, WHEN WE ARE ALL IN HELL.

This is another aspect of the Blackpill: The races of women are doomed to be pitted against each other, for the privilege of sucking up to our own skin color of moids. Black pickmes will continue to hate white women instead of ditching their stupid victim mentality scrotes. Female separatism continues to be a myth. All feminism, including intersectional feminism, is a fucking pipe dream because women will prioritize whatever aspect of "intersectionality" lets them align themselves with their stupid smegs.

_Moon_ , UnapologeticMisandry & Radicalwhirl #kinkshaming #racist #sexist saidit.net

(_Moon_ )
Women have a love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men. And this is ESPECIALLY the case among feminist and non-white women. The "me on Twitter; vs me IRL" attitude is a meme at this point: https://pics.me.me/me-on-twitter-vs-me-in-real-life-se-white-12717421.png All these BLM weirods on Twitter who """ironically""" call themselves "the white man's whore", etc. I think one of the reasons why they are so full of hatred for white women is that white women are statistically much more likely, of course, to have a relationship with a white man.

Mainstream feminism is nothing but a love/hate daddy-issue relationship with white men. Which is why it's so fucking useless. You cannot even talk about bread-and-butter issues like street harassment with them because when it comes to that, black and brown men are much worse, aggressive, violent, and stalkerish than white and yellow men.

Yeah but if you call that out it's racism somehow, even though I have no problem with black or brown women; I see them as my sisters but they will never see me as the same. I just can't stand their men. If they were paying attention they wouldn't be able to stand them either. White men are absolute degenerates just like the rest but your own eyes will show you that brown and black men are even worse by how they treat the women they're around. I'm not going to baby my own group of smegs but I am likewise sure as hell not about to baby an even more degenerate group of smegs. Black men can solve their own problems. They aren't entitled to the emotional labor of any women including white women.

This rant is one of the most honest ones I have ever heard. The intersectional bs is doing more harm than good. And all the newbie feminists, who wont think beyond how to please men ffs, are placing the ideology on a pedestal. This is why the woke feminism is so unappealing to me. On almost all social media platforms, we can see liberal feminist art and crap. Such waste of talents, imo.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Black Lives Matter Power Grab Sets Off Internal Revolt

(European Son)
Who woulda thought an organization created to immortalize Black thugs and run by Black thugs whom go around attacking innocents, looting cities across the nation, causing pointless destruction and burning down police stations all under false pretense would have management issues and internal problems...

(Spirit of Chronos)
Seems to be a 'self-correcting' problem. Their inability to sufficiently delegate and administrate on a business level, is unsurprising. They're acting in stereotypical 'gangsta' fashion. Impulse, avarice and greed pervading the scattered blm chapters internally, will only result in their own applauded extinction.

(Robert Kelly)
A revolution sponsored by Wal Mart, Amazon, the NBA and all of the major corporations and the Democratic Party of the United States. It's absurd how they believe that they are "fighting the man" when they have all of the mainstream media on their side, all of Big Tech, the entire Democrat Party (and even some Republicans) and every major corporation in their back pocket.

But somehow they're still fighting systemic racism... A system so racist it gives them countless millions and supports them unquestionably...

(Rich at Large)
Exactly. They are the establishment - or at least a tool of the establishment.

Actually, they are a pawn, and don't even know it.

(Cheri Rodriguez)

Murder is pretty common in black political organizations' upper echelons. Other blacks gunned down Malcolm X, after all. Louis Farrakhan certainly hated him enough to have arranged the hit. Who really shot MLK is anyone's guess. James Earl Ray possessed a completely mediocre intellect, but somehow turned up in England with a professionally-forged passport. Even where he got the money for airfare merits some question. I think FBI director J. Edgar Hoover arranged that one.

Young blacks don’t care about that. They’re much more concerned with the “assassinations” of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls.

Made in Heaven #fundie #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Just get married bro. Nuclear blackpill. Chads fuck dozens of married women.

(Made in Heaven)

85% upvoted and mostly positive comments. These are the same people that condemn incels. All of this is believable but it is infuriating how acceptable this is. I’ve been a personal trainer for six years and have fucked two dozen married clients. AMA

Sounds like less of a larp if you read all of his replies. This is just a degenerate chad. He apparently is also the father of a couple kids with these clients who he doesnt give 2 shits about. Some stuff a reddit cuck couldn't come up with. He's even fucking a friend's wife. He said muslim women were the most passionate/ went the longest /most positions. Five women have his child and are cuckolding the husband. Yet everyone is upvoting him and saying how impressed they are by him but unattractive men that complain about women online are somehow evil and immoral.

While this may or not be a larp, that doesn't really matter. At the end of the day, no man can deny that there isn't some animalistic euphoria in fucking another man's wife, to make another man's wife orgasm, to make another man's wife scream your name and beg for more. It's just another form of domination/mogging. And of course, this is why gender segregation, stoning, and hijab are needed.

Dude is also half Arab himself so that plays a role as well.

lmao clown wants to leave that part out so everyone thinks he's some white chad "stealing other races' women". Don't deny that he's 'basically white'. Many arabs can pass as european considering 1) they're both caucasion and 2) there has been a lot of mixing between the two, be it through the Romans, Ottomans, Viking slave trade, or colonization. I myself look white despite being full iraqi. Regardless, him being a levantine would still make it easier for these arab women to let their guard down, so to speak

Dawn Johnson #conspiracy #racist indepthnh.org

Newly elected Republican state representative Dawn Johnson apologized for sharing a racist and anti-Semitic meme on social media, but she declined to answer questions Friday about her apparent Neo-Nazi web browsing.

“I have no comment,” Johnson said when reached by phone on Friday.

Johnson, who also serves on the Laconia School Board, engages in debunked theories about the November presidential election online, and she recently shared an article from the notorious Neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, pushing a conspiracy theory about the presidential election in Georgia. Included in the article was an altered racist and anti-Semitic image.

In an apology posted to her social media accounts, Johnson apologized for sharing an article from the Neo-Nazi website, saying she was unaware of the source of the article.

“I have removed the report as it came from a source I do not agree with and thanks to a couple of people who showed me,” Johnson wrote.

Johnson herself initially complained on social media after the post was removed from her Facebook account. She included a screenshot that details the link to the article, showing it is coming from The Daily Stormer.

[The article Ms. Johnson linked was Georgia Governor Says No New Electors After His Future Son-in-Law Dies in Mysterious Car Crash; the picture read "Riggers, Jews - Bad news!"]

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is



spoilerOJ: When was your first lesbian experience?
Lana Rhoades: I think in the 4th grade.
OJ: Full-on pussy eating?
Lana Rhoades: Yes, I didn't really know what I was doing though.

wonder what 4th grade pussy tastes like


This is pure ropefuel. Not only can nearly any foid make a good living as a whore, but they're be celebrated for it too. Meanwhile many of us work our asses off to barely keep a roof over our heads and everyone hates us.


This is why we inkwell


She went to porn straight after she broke up with her boyfriend. L O L.

Gosh inkwell she just wants to support herself jeez dont project your internalized hatred onto this kween :bluepill::soy:


She’s also a huge racist who thinks blacks are superior to whites

I bet 100 bucks and my left kidney that she has a white bf.:feelsclown: Reason number 203 why Women don't deserve rights, i hope whoever her father is perished long ago.

(waste matter)
If a man did that his life would be fucked from that point.

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