
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

Any unfair coverage/criticism of a black person is automatically white supremacy, negated with fawning coverage from a non-white entity.

We call this black privilege.

Black elected officials criticized by white people is axiomatically a form of systemic inequality/implicit bias/white privilege and must be immediately and instantly denounced.

Folks, we come to the end of the delusional quest to fulfill Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream.

The Great Separation is upon us.

White people can pretend to be color-blind and that race doesn’t matter, but every day we are reminded that isn’t the case by non-whites.

Kyle Hunt #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #fundie renegadetribune.com

Let’s think about the “colors” white and black and see if this can help illuminate some of the occult aspects of the White genocide agenda.
In our world, everything even related to “whiteness” is considered inherently evil. Whiteness needs to dismantled, uprooted, deconstructed, and destroyed. Some of the promoters of anti-White racism claim they are not exactly calling for White genocide, but just destroying the identity of White people or some other such mental gymnastics, but many others are more open about their intentions of sweeping White people into the dustbin of history.
jews are at the forefront of the White genocide agenda. They feed us hatred of “whiteness” through the black “box” (TV) in the living rooms of the masses. However, given their small percentage of the population, they need dark allies to fulfill their wish to see a world without Whiteness. This is why they send Africans and Arabs into the ancestral homelands of the Europeans. Many of these invaders are also worshipers of the semitic black cube.

While the jews somewhat openly worship Saturn (on his day of Saturday) and the Muslims make it clear they are a cult of darkness, with the moon being their symbol, Christians are tricked into worshiping the darkness. They think Jesus is the “light” as a halo surrounds his head, and all the heads of the saints. This is because Christianity was forced upon people who were used to worshiping solar deities, whether they be gods or goddesses, and rabbi Yeshua was hoisted into the place of old deities.

The White people of this world, the Aryan race, are children of the sun.
As far as real light and darkness go, we really do need both for life to flourish. It is this balance that the forces consumed by blackness are upsetting. They are not only trying to extinguish the light of the White world, but they are literally blocking out the light of the sun, with various geoengineering programs already being tested and put into place.

Bellator Dei #fundie #wingnut #racist #homophobia dissidentmama.net

“Americans ruin Orthodoxy – especially those backwards white Southern redneck ones!” Such are the cries of the critics within and without the Church. Oddly enough, this criticism comes from two distinct and disparate camps.

The first and most insidious one are the Progressive/Leftist oriented “cradle” believers , as well as converts, who are trying to change the dogmatic teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church and conform it to the World. They manage somehow to perform mental gymnastics to justify their secularized “woke” worldview with Holy Tradition. They use a weaponized false sense of compassion and a very worldly carnal definition of “love” to do this.

Let us not forget, Progressivism is its own religion, complete with its own set of sacraments (abortion, birth control), Saints (George Floyd, Harvey Milk), and, of course, its own heretics (us, traditionally minded people, actual Patristic believing Orthodox Christians, Southrons). At the forefront this liberal-progressive assault are the ivory tower folks who fancy themselves “scholars” (Lord save us from these smug intellectual modernist academics)!
On the flip side to that madness is the second camp I wish to address: the LARPers. For those who may not know this term, it stands for Live Action Role Playing. In other words, pretending to be something you are not. These folks pose a unique problem, as well, as they believe that you, as an American or Western convert, have to pretend to be Greek or Russian to “truly” become Orthodox.
As a final thought, I just wish to say, Orthodoxy in Dixie is on the rise … and it is organic, Patristic, traditional, and gives honor to our ancestors for the Good that was in so many of them, not for their theologies. They were as pious as many of them knew how to be with what they had. Most of us are not even a fraction of the heroic men and women these valiant people of the Antebellum South were.

C.T. #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Reply to Franklin Ryckaert"]

Hi Franklin,

I am pleased to see you commenting here once again. Although it seems an obvious contradiction what you tell me—:

So you are proud of your ‘exterminationism’, but at the same time you keep on complaining about the crimes of the Allies against Nazi Germany and about cruelty against children and animals. Is that not a contradiction?

—there really isn’t

Have you read what I say in the fourth of my eleven books about pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the clash of psychoclasses with the Europeans that destroyed it?[…]They explain the difference between ‘unnecessary suffering’ and ‘necessary suffering’
From the point of view of the priest of ‘the four words’ (‘eliminate all unnecessary suffering’), the Carthaginians and their culture had to be exterminated so that those Semites would not be roasting their children alive[…]My exterminationist passion has to do precisely with compassion for those who suffer, especially animals and children at the mercy of human monsters, and the draconian measures that must be taken to save them from such unnecessary suffering
Otherwise, those Semites might even now be burning their children alive. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Mesoamerican civilisation, which lasted three thousand years, was fortunately destroyed by the Europeans. But even before the Mesoamerican civilisation, the Peruvian Indians committed atrocious human sacrifices
It all has to do with the distinction between necessary suffering (the Spanish Conquest made some Amerindians suffer, although it saved others) and unnecessary suffering (e.g., it’s unnecessary to martyr cows at the slaughterhouses). It may seem paradoxical, but my exterminationist passion has to do with my compassion for those who unnecessarily suffer because of others

Michelle Malkin #racist vdare.com

Black-on-Asian violence is a bloody reality. According to the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics criminal victimization report published in 2019, 182,230 Asians in America were victims of violent crime in 2018. Black offenders were the perpetrators in a whopping 27.5% of those cases—the highest of any racial group. Given that black Americans make up only 12% of the population, that means black offenders on a per capita basis commit more than five times as many violent attacks on Asians as whites or Hispanics.

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Women, especially WHITE WOMEN (even though this is how the brain of every single woman, regardless of race and culture, works), think this way. They are literally retarded and mentally ill. Being a woman is a mental disorder.

This is how their brains operate.

Look, it is a fact of life and of reality — women are fucking dumb, destructive, solipsistic retards that are responsible for the destruction of all societies.

When you let women out in society and partake in public life, this is what you get — destruction, disaster and stupidity!

I’ve been saying this over and over and over in my articles.

I have simplified what the world’s problems are due to — The Feminine — so that even the smallest, youngest and dullest among us can understand.

There is only one constant of human existence aside from death and that is the duality of Male and Female — Masculine and Feminine. One is Order and the other is Chaos. One is explorative while the other prioritizes safety, therefore non-explorative, ergo primitivism.
This is no different to allowing niggers — primitive hunter gatherers — run a western society. It is insanity!

Women are not intelligent, cannot process information and are literally agents of chaos.
Take responsibility for how things are — you are this way, because you are a gynocentric faggot that is in dire need of female validation and you will do anything for it. You are failing and are dying, because you refuse to take women to task, because you think she’s perfect and holy, because you are a pussy-panderer.

You insist on listening to women instead of listening to your fellowman. You shame and criticize other men, in order to gain favor in the eyes of women and in doing so, you destroy your manhood and masculinity. Then you turn around and blame Jews for what other men have been trying to teach your stupid ass about.

You deserve what you get!

Three Anons #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon 1)
Apartheid in Canada?

>in the past 10 years a huge influx of rich Asian (Chinese, Filipino, Indian, etc.) immigrants have flocked here, gentrifying the place and showing preferred treatment to their own kind
>they give discounts to their own kinds and are nepotistic in their hiring practices
>"invisible minorities" (white immigrant/non-anglo) seem to suffer the most from this because anglo-whites seem to be their preferred subservients, apartment complexes are inhabited disproportionately by Francophones, Maritimers and Slavs, etc.
>also seem to be negatively affecting Indigenous Canadians, from what I've gathered from talking to them

What the actual fuck bros? Where is our future headed?

(Canadian Anon 2)

Slavs are the most fucked over

>minorities and leftists consider them whites that are the same as anglos and french so criticize them for slavery/colonialism/etc
>most slavs are poor as fuck and were under subjugation of ottomans or habsburgs, then communists so they have no generational wealth or history of slavery/colonialism

Fuck them they don’t belong here either.

Bring the young women and leave the men behind. We have no need for more male competition in our society. Bringing their women in puts pressure on the native population to improve and gives men a power boost in the dating world. Stop simping for immigrants stupid. We’re full

(Russian Anon)
Ukrainians are the most capable of integration among all Slavs. Ethnic Russians, on the contrary, practically do not integrate, and outside of Russia they increase their patriotism towards Russia. Ethnic Russians are like Latinos, it may seem that they are integrated, but on a subconscious level they will always separate themselves and exalt

Federale #racist archive.is

Diversity is not strength. Whether it is terrorism, crime or lost and found, a homogeneous society is where society works for all its citizens. In Japan as usual, a prosperous and safe country is easiest built on a homogeneous society; diversity brings “Bowling Alone” and frequent terrorism among the social ills that destroy a community.

Homogeneity brings social cohesion, honesty, safety, and lost items returned to you.

The most important aspect of the story goes unmentioned; the Japanese police have so little to do they can concentrate on processing lost items of little value such as umbrellas and sunglasses. Think about this for a minute. The Japanese police don't have to deal with much crime, they don't have to deal with terrorism, they don't have to deal with a crime plagued underclass, and they don't have to deal with illegal alien criminals. They can actually try and serve the Japanese people by recovering and holding lost items.

And this is part of a deliberate policy of reinforcing honesty that starts with young children, instead of a policy of inculcating self-esteem and diversity ideology. It's a policy directly related to the high IQ of the Japanese people. Smart people make smart decisions.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack benjaminfulford.net

If all goes well, the satanic parasitical entity known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week. If that happens, then a domino effect will result in the removal of the blackmailed, bribed and brainwashed fools posing as leaders in other G7 countries. The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on January 31st. They were given until this week to come up with the money or be cut off from the borrowed money they need to stay in business.

We are asking the mostly Asian creditors to please not extend them any more funds and let this main source of the worlds’ evil die. The White Hats are promising to move in after the implosion to restore democracy, freedom of the press and competent economic/social/environmental stewardship.

Of course the Khazarian mafia and their political slaves are hysterically trying to prevent this by starting World War III in Ukraine. It’s like a schoolboy trying to blow up his school in order to avoid an exam he knows he is going to fail.
Even if the US Corporation once again pulls a dirty trick to kick the bankruptcy can down the road, the people are in open rebellion against their corrupt and incompetent rulers.

We note, for example, a growing rebellion by the rank and file Canadian military against their compromised top commanders.
The real reason for the vaccine is the mark of the beast social control, not pandemic fighting. As evidence, the P3 Freemasons sent us this picture of a prototype ATM machine that will not less you access money unless you have proven you have been vaccinated.

So, the military throughout the West needs to remember, forcing medical treatments on the people based on lies is a War Crime under the Nuremberg laws. It is punishable by death.

Already the Pharmacidical company CEOs are on the run.

Brad Wilcox #racist #fundie sltrib.com

In a rare move, a high-level Latter-day Saint leader and Brigham Young University religion professor has apologized for remarks he made Sunday about Black members and the church’s former priesthood/temple ban
At a fireside for Latter-day Saint congregations in Alpine, Wilcox said he gets questions from members who wonder why Black males didn’t get the priesthood until 1978, when the prohibition was lifted

Was Brigham Young, the faith’s second president, “a jerk?” he said they ask, or were early Latter-day Saints “prejudiced”?

Maybe they are asking the wrong questions, Wilcox suggested. “Maybe instead of asking why the Blacks had to wait until 1978 to get the priesthood, we should be asking why did the whites and other races have to wait until 1829
Wilcox, second counselor in the faith’s Young Men general presidency, issued an apology late Monday, saying, “I made a serious mistake last night, and I am truly sorry”

Wilcox went on to say, “The illustration I attempted to use about the timing of the revelation on the priesthood for Black members was wrong. I’ve reviewed what I said and I recognize that what I hoped to express about trusting God’s timing did NOT come through as I intended”
To those he offended, “especially my dear Black friends, I offer my sincere apologies, and ask for your forgiveness,” he said. “I am committed to do better”

Hajji Bilal #moonbat #psycho #racist dailykos.com

[Submitter’s note: Micah Xavier Johnson was the Black supremacist perpetrator of the July 2016 massacre of police officers in Dallas.]

The late US Army sniper/marksman Micah Xavier Johnson demonstrated the only way to EFFECTIVELY deal with white supremacist terrorists. He put five of ‘em in their graves. Begging Klansmen to stop murdering our folks would be like begging a rabid dog not to bite you.

Steve Sailer #pratt #racist vdare.com

UC Berkeley has boosted its enrollment from 32k in 2005 to 45k in the last year, but only provides dorms for a small fraction of that number, raising rents and, we are told, homelessness in Berkeley. A Berkeley NIMBY group points out that UC Berkeley has never done an Environmental Impact Report on its big increase in student body, and a judge agrees, telling them to roll back enrollment to 42k.

This reminds me that in a world with an intelligent GOP, the Biden Administration would find its lax immigration enforcement and plans for more immigration completely hamstrung by requirements for massive Environmental Impact Reports

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.

The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries
to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.

The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.

Women use hand mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.

Hyped as "a beautiful liberating experience...a celebration of women," this Masonic Jewish agitprop has done more to vulgarize and degrade womanhood, than even PLAYBOY magazine.

Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.

Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.

First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.

We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)

(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)

Minette Christel Kotzé #crackpot #conspiracy #racist linkedin.com

The official history is hiding a major world power which existed as late as the 19th century. Tartary was a country with its own flag, its own government and its own place on the map. Its territory was huge, but somehow quietly incorporated into Russia, and some other countries.

Yet, some time in the 18th century Tartary Muskovite was the biggest country in the world: 3,050,000 square miles.
We live in a virtual reality where true history is ignored and covered up. A totally false narrative is taught. Fantasies have replaced truth and everything is pushed way back to the remote past. Older advanced structures are credited to local people who came later who have no idea how to build them. Deception has been utilized to push history back a thousand years and create an artificial dark age. The time of Jesus was less than 1000 years ago. In the Middle Ages the i and J before numbers designated Jesus. Not the number one. For example i346 is 346 years after the time of Jesus.
The Druids who held such sway in England were Jewish. So were the Jesuits. So have been all the Popes and the Mormon leaders. The reason why Jewish people look down upon Christians is because they know they invented the Christian religion. Jewish beliefs are just a rendition of the former appearances and interactions of planetary Gods. Books written in Tartary were rewritten and sold as Jewish history. Much of the content was fabricated and interfused with traditional local beliefs. This is how they sold their religion. They used Monks to write what they wanted making them think they were doing God’s work. The burning of old books and the rewriting of them in order to change history is the real Reformation. Once one controls the money supply and its allotments then they control the country.

Federale #racist vdare.com

EXPEL THE BARBARIAN! —Why Does Japan Put Up With Expatriate Hack Julian Ryall, Who Campaigns To Destroy It With Mass Immigration?

Is Rachel on Ryall's speed dial? How did he find her? Why must the Japanese listen to a random black American's complaints about her hard life in Japan? If Japan is so bad, why did she stay most of her life?

She isn’t even a hafuu, half-Japanese, half alien, like the girl in the advertisement. She’s “African-American.” She should be content to live in a safe and orderly Japan. She might otherwise have been living in Chicago or Baltimore, and become a victim of her fellow blacks due to the Floyd Effect.

Ryall’s claim of Japanese “racism” against Koreans is somewhat curious. The two peoples are the same East Asian phenotype. Japan’s first settlers came from the Korean peninsula. While modern Koreans differ from the Japanese because of their deeper epicanthic fold, the difference is often imperceptible. Yet Ryall deploys all the buzzwords of the modern anti-racist. Maybe Ryall should visit South Korea to see racism in action [In Korea, double standards on racism, by Da-Sol Goh, Asia Times, March 24, 2020]. (Not that the two Koreas are any more obligated to import blacks or Muslims than Japan is).

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist amerika.org

[From “The cause of rising inequality is liberalism”]

[…] Social Darwinism: the idea that income should reflect ability and the best should rise, and that others will do better — a broad tide will raise all boats — if power, wealth and culture are in the hands of the more competent. This idea offends liberals to their core because it points out the contradiction in egalitarianism, which is that there will always be disparate results because there are differing abilities, and thus that attempts to create “equality” amount to parasitism on the more competent in order to subsidize the less, in reversal of evolution itself.

To an observer a thousand years from now, it will be clear that “rising inequality” is a case of focusing on a detail and missing the background. What has happened in the United States is not that inequality has risen, but that the population has changed in two ways. First, it has shifted from majority Western European (“WASP” in the vernacular) toward majority third world and fringe European under liberal immigration policy, and second, it has been altered by liberal social policy, which has changed focus from a K-strategy focused on strong families to an r-strategy focused on third-world style mass subsidy and absence of stable family, religion and culture.

The people coming into the United States now are almost all already of mixed-race as most third-world populations are, and generally of lower IQ. […] IQs in the West have dropped 14 points in the last century. […] a logical inference is that recent immigration has something to do with it. That alone explains inequality, which is that if you take a thriving first-world population and import a third-world population which lacks the ability to achieve what that first world population did, the third-world population will remain poor and thus statistically inequality will rise. Factor into that cultures based on endurance of dysfunction […]

Steve Sailer #pratt #racist takimag.com

As I may have mentioned once or twice over the past year, the media-declared “racial reckoning” following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, has been getting a lot of blacks murdered by other blacks. But I am not being ironic in saying that I am now stunned to find out that motor vehicle fatalities among blacks similarly soared 36 percent in June–December 2020 versus the same period in 2019, compared with a 9 percent increase among the rest of the population.

Whenever I uncover data that suggests that the reigning mental models of the great and the good have blood on their hands, I’m accusingly asked: Why do I care? What kind of disreputable weirdo am I to speak out just because more of my fellow Americans are dying violently?

Okay, okay, I’ll confess: Not only am I a notorious anti-murderist, I’m an anti-crashite as well

Paul Kersey #racist #conspiracy archive.ph

MSM Frets That GOP/GAP Is Embracing “White Identity” Politics. But That’s What The Base Wants

The first two articles attacked Republicans for bringing attention to the various states that prioritize non-whites for virus treatment. But Biden’s FDA recommended it, and according to Politico above, Biden’s CDC head Rochelle Walensky defended it.
This is well-known, and when not denying, the MSM either justifies it or encourages it—see a partial list of our coverage below.

The third bemoans Trump’s attack on progressive prosecutors—many of whom are black—who spend more time on his business dealings than on crime. The fourth focused on Republican criticism of Biden’s excluding whites from the pool of candidates to replace Justice Stephen Breyer. Apparently, you’re simply expected to accept all this.

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

Madea Goes To Mordor: Amazon's "LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER" Celebrates The Great Replacement Coming To Middle-Earth

Looks like darkness is already spreading across Middle-earth…

Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: The Ring of Power will be the streaming services version of Cutthroat Island, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, and Battlefield Earth on steroids.

A bomb of epic proportions.

Cherish Peter Jackson’s trilogy that came out in 2001 – 2003, for The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and Return of the King represent the pinnacle of western cinema.

David Cole #conspiracy #racist #wingnut takimag.com

Through my past and occasionally present work in casting I deal mainly with actors, so I’ve been most acutely aware of the effects of the hiring caps on that demo. The Substack piece concentrated mainly on writers and showrunners, and to be honest, I was rather stunned that the ethnic cleansing is so aggressive regarding off-camera jobs. I knew it would be ruthlessly enforced for actors, because changing the industry’s cosmetics is the easiest way to mollify nonwhite malcontents, most of whom think a “showrunner” is a guy who competes in exhibition relays.

But it was jarring to learn how deep the disease has spread. This isn’t a cancerous wart…it’s penetrated the industry’s bones.

Many of the insiders who were interviewed for the Substack piece spoke anonymously, and were only identified by color. But of those named, most were Jews. Of course, the authors take the safe route of not drawing attention to this fact.
Get those dudes some Bengay because they’re straining. What the omission actually means is that Jews are now white, to be erased along with all other whites.

From their own industry.

This is surely not what Hollywood’s liberal Juden had in mind when they opened the doors to this shit.
It turns out that Jews underestimated their soul brothers. The Substack piece details how black producers are using the caps and quotas, along with heavy-handed strong-arm tactics, to become the new power brokers and kingmakers in town (Jews are used to being mugged by schvartzes in the street, but not on the studio lot!).
We should be honest about this: Hollywood’s caps and quotas are not about adding blacks but subtracting whites. And now Jews are finding out that for the purposes of this discussion, they’re as white as Grace Kelly. If “whiteness is a state of mind” (the ideology pushed by the Ibram X. Kendis and funded by the Shlomo Oyveygenbergs), then Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs DNA don’t count for shit.

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Video: Proof that Most Humans are in love with Mental Illness and Degenerate Life Forms"]

Growing up with an Unknown Syndrome (The Unique and Delightful Ruby)

We are living in the epic pinnacle of history at a time where people who are “Empty Inside”[…]are looking for an external source of “stimulation” or “inspiration” in some cases
This phenomenon is extremely problematic in America, which thrives on supporting, defending and enabling degeneracy and also undesirables everywhere in society, as it fits in line with their “Democratic Values”
They have this urgency to tell almost everyone they meet, indiscrimanately:“YOU are Beautiful!”“YOU are Loved!”

Therefore, you’ll see people and life forms that are beyond questionable and demonic looking, and yet you’ll find endless hordes of these people who are embracing and feeling inspiration and hope for them
At a time when we require many Eugenics Measures applied to actually breed healthy and soulful Human Beings

Television Features like these are a major form of Mind Programming[…]you will notice how they pretend that she is “Beautiful” and that she is a “Human”
The Love for disabled people and exalting them above even Superior or Average Individuals, is a sign of grave weakness, sickness and decay of the Human Condition

In case you were unaware, both parents of this girl are Jewish
Even a droplet of their blood, taints the blood

If you have a keen eye for Proper and Desirable Genetics, you will also recognize that every single Human in the video is Untermenschen!
It is also the same reason that they worship demonic creatures like Stephen Hawking

Anyone who has strong Intuitive Qualities and Perception, can see the evil in this Man’s eyes, and would wish this creature to be put to death!

Laura Wood and Lawrence Auster #racist thinkinghousewife.com

[From "On Racial Peace and Separation"]

A FEW days before he died of pancreatic cancer in 2013, my great friend Lawrence Auster, who had written for many years so courageously and truthfully on the topic of race, said something I will never forget
“I believe in about a hundred years, all the races will be back in their homelands. Africans will live in Africa, Asians will live in Asia and Europeans will live in the West”
In the years since Mr. Auster died, the public rhetoric bitterly condemning the white race for a host of unforgivable sins, the psychological and political war against whites he wrote about, has dramatically intensified
All this was inevitable. The numbers are decisive. Whites have lost and are continuing to lose their demographic advantage, and non-whites, especially blacks, are being even more insistently and systematically, every day, incited to revenge and envy as a permanent mode of being
Racial division will always be a fact of the world, given the fallen human condition. But there is a long-range path toward relative peace, for America and Europe especially

That path must involve geographic racial separation[…]In Europe, this would mean the repatriation of millions of people — yes, millions
While there are advantages for nonwhites to live in a white dominated society, as is obvious from the many “migrants” who have invaded Europe in recent years, there are also tremendous psychological pressures. Blacks are constantly told they can achieve complete equality. This equality is impossible, and will always be impossible, because of innate and unchangeable differences
We must cultivate the will to separate, moving now whenever possible out of the major urban areas and to relatively white areas of the country (something whites have been doing instinctively for many years), but also we must strengthen their families

Paul Kersey #racist vdare.com

This is one of those moments when you realize your tax dollars would be better off set on fire than funding crack pipe distribution to advance racial equity.

But it serves as a wonderful addition to Black History Month (a milestone to truly celebrate) and a perfect question for an upcoming edition of Trivial Pursuit.

Unnamed Racist #dunning-kruger #racist archive.wakarimasen.moe

>And you say we don't belong here, fuck you


This is a report made by Dutch scientists (all retired because no one wants to risk their career). 400+ billion Euros has been spent in the Netherlands on immigrants between 1995-2019.
On average, an African immigrant costs the state 190,000€, a Middle Eastern immigrant costs 185,000€, an Eastern European 50,000€.
The only productive people are natives and immigrants from other Western European countries.

On page 73:
A Western immigrant (non-Slavic European) will contribute 42,000€ over their lifetime.
A non-Western immigrant costs the Dutch state on average 167,000€.
The average Moroccan costs 260,000€ over their lifetime.

On page 74:
A non-Western family with 30-year-old parents and 2 children under 10 years old costs the Dutch state 414,000€.
Take the same for a Western family and they contribute 60,000+€

Denmark has also made a similar report:

Not only are non-Europeans a net loss, but so are Slavs in the West. And it makes no difference if they're claimed as legal or illegal migrants.

Even the few "profitable" non-Westerners, no matter how many generations they’ve been in the West for, can't pay back into the West since all the of wealth, capital and net resources siphoned off to those aliens could have gone to Westerners and the children they didn't have because of those aliens replacing them in the first place.

Race is the only thing that matters. Go fuck yourself.

Victor Davis Hansen #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia amgreatness.com

What ultimately destroyed the evil empires of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were bankrupt dogmas. Crackpot ideology destroyed free expression. It ruined meritocracy and ensured unequal application of the laws—and so paved the way for far worse.

The Nazi idea of a superior Aryan race adjudicated everything from physics to tank design. Soviet commissars did the same, subordinating rational thought to communist agendas.

Zealots in both systems infiltrated the universities and schools to institutionalize indoctrination.

Wokeism, while not yet as lethal, is similar.
Why were most Antifa and Black Lives Matter criminals who looted, destroyed, and assaulted during the 120 days of summer 2020 not charged, much less tried? Why, in contrast, were the January 6 rioters or the current Canadian truckers treated disproportionately harshly by the media?

Had the same rioters on January 6 been waving pride flags and BLM banners, would some of them have been sitting for a year in solitary confinement and still uncharged?

Had the criminal protestors and looters of summer 2020 been wearing red MAGA hats, would they also have mostly gotten off without charges?

What would have happened had conservative demonstrators cut out a police-free “MAGA Zone” in Seattle rather than the exempted Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? Would the media similarly romanticized such illegality?
When ideology in places like Castroite Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and Venezuela warped the application of the law, destroyed the role of merit in assessing qualifications, silenced speech, and unequally applied the law, then society unwound.

In such ideological dystopias, eventually even the shelves empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos. Is that the future we await?

Scarier still, ideology ensures that such chaos is heralded as success. Critics are demonized and hounded. And the obsequious state media assures the public that things are going just great.

Bud_Spencer #pratt #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

RE: Florida Giving CRT the Hard Goodbye

I find this almost manic effort to convince us that Asians aren't kicking everyone's ass in America just so rich. The ne plus ultra of the Equity Brigade is income and wealth: The gap between black and whites is proof-positive of systemic racism that is keeping blacks down. Yet, somehow, the same phenomenon between Asians and whites, we are told, does NOT indicate that there is no systemic racism present....no, it's still there, oppressing Asians.

None of this makes sense unless the objective really isn't the objective.

The article completely DESTROYS Emobo's bullshit narrative

As I showed in a previous link, only four Asian sub-groups fare (slightly) worse then whites in median income, which is the central claim of you equity dopes as to why blacks are oppressed systematically.

I know one thing that keeps blacks from attaing success. White liberals who incessantly tell them their only hope is to rely on the generosity of white liberals, that there is no way they're going to ever succeed on their own.

I very much doubt there are any blacks who would have been more successful if they ignored it.

I'm certain there are thousans if not millions who would b better off ignoring the Left's gospel of despair. In a very real way, the most vicious white supremacists are guys just like you, Pecky.

I'd ask for an example of white liberals telling Blacks anything like what Bud claimed

Is this a joke? It's the entire premise behind the drive for "equity."

White guilt is a form of self-hate, Dud. Do keep up.

You know that white leftists are the only group that exhibits that, right?



Kaoru #racist thesolitarycity.blogspot.com

[From "The Real Cost of Slavery"]

I was a boy in the fourth grade in East Tennessee when our history teacher, a portly, middle-aged spinster from some flyover state in the Midwest, regaled us with tales of that “peculiar institution”: horrific accounts of abuses by cruel slave masters, and on the other hand tales of the brave abolitionists who “risked their lives” to free the slaves out of nothing but the goodness of their own hearts, “heroes” such as Harriet Tubman- a criminal who nearly killed someone for daring to get cold feet in his escape, by the way- and finally the war that erupted so that America’s greatest President Abraham Lincoln could emancipate the Negro race from the cruel South
Even as a young boy, the tales of slaves being beaten half to death by cruel masters for not picking cotton fast enough didn’t make a lot of sense to me, especially after we’d just read about how expensive slaves were
Southern slavery ended up being a negative for this country and people- but before you get the torches and pitchforks out, I do not believe that there’s anything morally wrong with it
What makes slavery stand out among the caste systems of antiquity is that it is temporary by design- it is only a system that is feasible in a pre-industrialized, agrarian society. The institution would have ended no matter what the results of the War were
That is not to say that the War and the abrupt end to Southern slavery didn’t matter[…]It made the problems that faced post-slavery states such as Brazil and various Caribbean islands thousands of times worse. The main downside of caste systems is that they breed resentment[…]The end of slavery created a ready-made fifth column- a population of malcontents who have every incentive to be malcontented
The solution here is to leave them alone as we wish to be left alone[…]Self-determination is the most peaceful way to go

RobertTorres #conspiracy #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill to stop Anti-White Racism

then its NOT DOING ANYTHING about the SOURCE of the problem.

If desantis and the GOP take all year to allegedly do a something,
about the jews latest race-baiting crimes, ONE AT A TIME,
the jew just cooked up THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FOUR MORE,
then desantis "fixed".

He's fighting some brave fight 1 year at a time against wearing masks in schools,
while 364 days of flying in airplanes of crime and injecting jewish sludge into children,
and continuing to hold trump supporters in prisons passes through.

And then he wants to ride that one empty gesture as leader of the Republicans.
Just because Republicans are even worse.
He supposed to deserve credit for better then nothing.
Alright you get one blank vote per empty gesture.
One last year and one this year. Two blank votes for desantis.

If ANYBODY DID want to actually do something about the jews race-bait crimes,
without even having to stick the word jew in it.
They would offer legislation for ACCOUNTABILITY IN MEDIA!

That how they jew is getting away with ANYTHING else.
Is through blatant NO-ACCOUNTABILITY for that jew media.

But keep an eye out for one person who possibly ever does.
We'll be looking at something special by then.

Shpongoolio Trismegistus #crackpot #racist kiwifarms.net

If you’re online, it takes about three minutes for someone to blame X ethnicity for every problem. Normal people shrug this off. Schizos find it as a link to other things and then spiral out from there, like Harris.

I've known quite a few blacks who employed similar sorts of defense mechanisms when constrained by more middle-class (white) social standards. They intuitively, reflexively, unconsciously pick up on the fact that their individual psychologies are at racial odds with their collective social environment. A similar thing happens when other races are forced to extensively interact with blacks. The more spiritually civilized races become extremely agitated when they're forced to defend their psychic cleanliness on a day to day basis against an invading race that not only does not adhere to the same moral framework as they, but are indeed anathema to the one being defended. You can see it in the rise of racial prejudice as America becomes both more black and more socially discordant. You can literally track the usage of the word nigger in analytics software on the internet tightly following the ebb and flow of politically correct language in mass marketing and journalism.

I think this guys unconscious was responding to what he saw as an extremely hostile social environment where no one was attracted to him, and no one respected him. The fact he was affirmative actioned all the way up to a fucking PhD. in philosophy literally sent him insane with confusion, hence his paranoiac psychotic focus on the fact he was a black man ensconced within an academic edifice housing the whitest social environment in existence.

He was no doubt surrounded day to day by whites, jews, native Americans, and other spiritually advanced races that unanimously broadcast the same subliminal signal ... "why the fuck is this nigger here ..."

Lance Welton #racist archive.is

Now what could be the reasons for Covid-19 disproportionately influencing blacks? As I reported last week, genetics alone would predict that they would be less susceptible. Blacks suffered less from Spanish Flu and they have even been shown to put up a stronger immune system fight against flu than whites who are matched for health status and other key variables. So, what, more environmental, factors could be overwhelming this hypothesized genetic advantage?

A big part of this in intelligence. Intelligence correlates with health because intelligent people better understand what is healthy and what is not. Intelligent people have higher future-orientation and impulse control. These make them less inclined to, say, take the extra piece of cake or not wash their hands thoroughly enough. They are more accepting of authority and more likely to obey authority. They are less dogmatic, less certain that they are correct, and, thus, more likely to take advice. These factors all mean that they are healthier and less likely to catch viruses.

If Covid-19 is not an Equal Opportunity disease, that means our race-denying Ruling Class is frightening most people too much—and not warning some people enough. This will not merely cause unnecessary chaos—it will cost lives.

ptpk2ptpk #racist #sexist reddit.com

The public perception of AMWF and WMAF is drastically in favor of AMWF. Simply do a Google Search for AMWF, or YouTube search for AMWF, or TikTok search for AMWF and the top results are nearly all positive.

The same cannot be said of WMAF, where the few videos that talk about it are mostly critical, and talk about it in the background of fetishization or colonialism.

Great post, Glad to see others finally seeing the dynamics change and its changing pretty damn fast!

This is soft power in action and it fits in perfectly in the time and era that we're in which is the streaming/digital era. This era has basically decimated the media establishment to the point where they can no longer pick winners and losers and are forced to compete. And the competing force is the never ending swarm of social media interactions that involve positive interaction between AM and its usually with white girls (my guess, 80%+).

It is because of these observations and visible anecdotal evidence that we see in day to day lives that more n more people are saying our true allies are white women, despite the unpopularity of this claim will bring on this sub. It was them (who probably dragged their asian boyfriend) to start youtube channels, tiktok videos, etc etc all to promote amwf relationships which has a knock-on effect of promoting AM's in a positive way.

Most, if not all erotic sex stories involving an AM on the internet is written by white women

Go search 'AMWF' on tiktok and you will literally find hundreds of millions of videos vs just a few million for 'WMAF'

The upcoming rom-com on netflix, 'My summer in Seoul' which is a love story involving an AM is also written by a white woman

Now compare that to what AF's have done. I can't think of any AF on top of my head who has a public profile in the media that has done anything positive for the Asian community as a whole, with the only exception that I can think of is Lisa Ling. That's pretty much it lol

DonReynolds & reyol #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

In their view, the Pope divided the New World into that given to Spain and that given to Portugal, by a north-south line. The Protestant nations were excluded from the New World, which included the British, the Dutch, the Balts, and the Germans. (Just why Catholic France was left out of the deal, I cannot imagine.) So the Protestants are the trespassers and interlopers in the New World.

After becoming independent of the Spanish Crown in 1824, the Mexican now sees himself as the rightful inheritor of every territory that was once claimed by Spain in the New World, not merely those lands claimed to be part of the original Republic of Mexico. Wherever a Spanish explorer planted his boot in North America, now rightfully belongs to Mexico, and is not limited to the Aztec empire. Now we also see Mexico as the champion of every American Indian nation in North America, which of course means all lands now occupied by white Europeans. (Yeah, the Spanish were white Europeans too, but forget that part.)


I very much doubt many Mexicans have even heard of the Treaty of Tordesillas. All they know is that Estados Unidos will provide for their every need if they can reach it.

Don't underestimate the legacy of the Treaty of Tordesillas. Deep down, all Latinos "know" that we are trespassers on their land. They don't know why but they sense it. It's a collective unconscious thing. It's that flash of anger they feel when they hear English being spoken. It's that lack of gratitude they feel every time we bail them out. It's that sovereignty for "mí" but not for "ti" that always plays out. If the Treaty of Tordesillas had been enforced throughout history, only Spanish and Portuguese would have been spoken in the Americas. Dutch, French and English would have been kept out and never heard. When a Hispanic shows evident annoyance at hearing English in an English speaking area, I call it the Tordesillas Effect.

Operation Q/Humorous Mathematics #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist humorousmathematics.com

Let's be very clear before we dive into this highly debated topic, the real Joseph R. Biden is dead and was executed via Human Rights International military tribunal in 2019 for crimes against children/humanity. Since then the individual we have seen campaign, debate, commit election fraud/treason, and get falsely inaugurated to a dissolved USA Inc. in the mainstream media has not been Joseph R. Biden. Rather, it has been a combination of CGI deep fake technology (for televised purposes), a deep state clone/double (which has already been phased out of the movie), and since the arrest demonstrated by the ankle boot (aka ankle monitor) an actor wearing a skinmask (rumored to possibly be Jim Carrey, his double, James Woods, Steve Martin, even JFK Jr. or General Michael Flynn, or any combination of the aforementioned). Simply put, Joe Biden or the actor playing his role rather known as "Bidan", is an illegitimate President. This has all been part of the plan and nothing can stop what is coming; God won already.

The actor or double is playing out the white hat military controlled shadow presidency to awaken the normies and libtards to the consequences of a president controlled by CCP, deep state, Khazarian, Zionist, Freemasonic, Illuminati, Jesuit, globalists trying to usher in the Fascist communist transhumanist pedophiliac Luciferian Nazi one world order. It had to be done this way not only to awaken the world, prevent another American civil war, but also to prevent the weakening of American borders thus making them susceptible to invasion from foreign deep state militias like CCP, ISIS, ANTIFA, Nazis, cartels, mafias, and gangs. The white hat military alliance is awaiting Bidan's approval rating to tank to 20% or below before going public with the operation (possibly the EBS) as they want to ensure the overwhelming majority of American's are onboard with removing the puppet publicly and legally.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Hegelian Dialectic

Thesis - Fake pandemic. Deadly gene therapy causing millions of deaths and injuries. Destruction of democracy and human rights.

Antithesis -- Confidence in government and all social institutions is totally destroyed. Led by courageous truckers, people revolt. Chaos. Supply chain issues. Violence.

Synthesis - Globalists restore social order. A handful of covid patsies are punished. Relieved, humanity accepts world government.

I'm not saying the trucker movement is false opposition. I've never been so proud of my fellow Canadians and urge everyone to get behind the truckers. Certainly the rank and file are sincere. Nevertheless, we should be aware that the trucker uprising may be part of an Hegelian dialectic. Frankly I don't care. False opposition is better than none at all.
Stopping satanist psychopaths from enslaving and exterminating humanity is never false opposition. They must be stopped at all costs.

We just need to ensure that the alternative is not globalism wearing a different mask.

All resistance to Communism is linked to Zionism. (Why they never define COVID in terms of the Masonic Jewish Conspiracy to dispossess, depopulate and enslave humanity. Covid is just the latest in this ancient vendetta against God and man.)

And Zionism is linked to Communism. It's a Masonic Jewish tag team.

Catherine Baldini #pratt #racist amren.com

Discovering That My Father Was White Led Me to Race Realism

My mother’s immoral actions led me to research genetics to learn how some mixed people could look the way I look despite 49 percent European ancestry. I came across websites that anybody in France would call “racist.” It quickly all made sense to me: the intelligence gap between blacks and whites was considerable. The fact that the former invented nothing and are louder, more violent and aggressive, scarier, fatter, and much less attractive (that’s truer of unmixed Africans; even as a child, I noticed it) than whites confirmed my own observation.

You can see it daily: left-leaning blacks tend to hate whites, especially white men, because of the superiority of white achievements in nearly every field. Almost all black-run countries are unpleasant places to live, and the foreign aid sent to them is a total waste of money.

When blacks rioted all over the world after George Floyd’s death, I found the violence disproportionate. Now I find it despicable. He was a violent criminal; yet he was treated like a martyr. Most black westerners are social leeches at best and predatory criminals at worst. If they get themselves killed by the police, they become glorious victims. Even when they succeed in life, they still manage to blame white supremacy, for some reason.

I am a mixed woman who looks black. I don’t plan to marry anytime soon because I feel that I’d be a white man’s burden, and I’m not attracted to black men. The world doesn’t need more mixed people who’ll be confused and resentful towards a part of themselves, so maybe I’ll adopt a white child — cuter, calmer, and smarter than a black child. I’ll teach him about how great his race and civilization are; but for now, I’ll be a pro-white advocate in my own ways. I don’t know what my white father is up to or even if he’s still alive, but I want to preserve his heritage. I don’t want the land he came from to become the land my mother came from.

Kevin McGary #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy charismanews.com

What plagues or torments you? Family? Economy? Uncertainty? Crime and chaos in the streets? Political conditions?

When considering why they're most tormented, most people think in these general terms. Rarely do we consider going beyond the "general" to delve into the depths of the essential criteria; the foundations of our eternal being; the condition of our immortal soul and its relative torment.
In the soul, grotesque imaginations, unbelievable levels of heartbreak and insatiably demanding aggrievements are just some of the highly emotional manipulations that can take root. Our foe manipulates it all to torment us. But fundamentally, he seeks to exalt and cement a permanent structure dedicated to himself in our souls; that structure is the totem of unforgiveness!

Satan fully understands the eternal and unequivocal demand God has declared: We must forgive to receive His forgiveness. Dire eternal consequences result from our unforgiveness, and foremost is we will not receive God's forgiveness!
Critical race theory (CRT), liberation theology and Black liberation theology all share a fundamental diabolical characteristic; that characteristic is the tormenting plague: unforgiveness! Ask yourself: If you could rely on God's overflowing grace to truly forgive others for all of the purported aggrievements and pain due to "slavery in 1800's," "white supremacy," "systemic racism," cries of "white nationalism," "white privilege," "victim/oppressor paradigms" and resentment toward the Western world and religion, then could you still concurrently embrace CRT and liberation theology?

If you are sincere, the answer is no! Those idea movements thrive on aggrievement and resentment; they cannot exist without embracing and committing to unforgiveness. These neo-cultural movements are not merely a direct attack on our family, community, national sovereignty and religious foundations (by driving divisiveness and hate). They, more importantly, attack our very souls directly.

Federale #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

A major fraud ring has been exposed in the refugee racket, but it is a drop in the bucket of all the refugee fraud being perpetrated by the Biden Regime at the border and inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). But it does expose inherent problems with refugee admissions programs and the employees used to administer those programs.

It might shock most readers, but for a large part, the refugee admissions program that funnels dangerous and welfare dependent aliens into the United States is not directly administered by Americans employed by the United States government.

Almost all refugees are referred to the United States refugee program by aliens employed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and assorted globalist Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) that are contractors to the UNHCR or affiliated with it and working in conjunction with the UNHCR. These NGOs run the gamut from organizations like International Organization for Migration (IOM) to alien smuggling organizations disguised as rescue boats.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

We would like to congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee and look forward to her Diamond Jubilee. She has done a lot behind the scenes to help liberate humanity.

The war to liberate humanity from an ancient Satanic cult is proceeding very well. In the biggest move last week, Turkish President Recep Erdogan was detained by white hat alliance members while he was visiting the Ukraine, CIA and Mossad sources report. In Canada, toxic vaccine pushing Crime Minister Justin Castro is on the run and may have already been captured, Canadian Secret Intelligence Service sources say.

Meanwhile, as the West continues to be paralyzed by its undeclared civil war, China is starting the year of the tiger with some very big moves, notably an accelerated attempt to take over Latin America.

There is also a lot more going on elsewhere but let’s start with Turkey. News reports confirm Erdogan is “Isolating after testing positive for Covid.” This of course is the new expression for high-level political arrests:

This happened after would-be Ottoman emperor Erdogan went to Ukraine last week to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The capture of Erdogan is very important because the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia that seized power in the West came via the Turkish self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi. If the alliance finds out Erdogan is fighting against the Khazarians, he will become an important ally. If he is one of their agents, he will die of Covid, the sources say. Either way, it will be a serious blow for the KM.
Justin Castro is a communist Manchurian candidate whose job was to turn Canada into a Khazarian slave camp. That is why Castro refuses to talk with the truckers but was happy to talk to the communist front of Black Lives Matter (whose leadership is mostly white). This is the same BLM that recently transferred millions to buy a mansion formerly owned by the communist party.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Jews and Asians want you to fight “Positively” while they fight Negatively to undermine the West."]

No greater buffoonery in the world, is the White Man who walks about falling for dogma that to fight Evil, one must not engage in its same levels to combat it
The Jews are specialists for having a Monopoly on the Philosophies and Pervasive understanding of “Hatred”, and this is not by accident, as they have positioned themselves to understand it more than the average individual
At this point we live in, the Jews and even Asians, along with some Christians and New Age Fools, have mostly outwitted Caucasians from fighting back
They got people into wearing masks for reasons of “politeness” so that they wouldn’t be perceived as others by “psychopaths” or being “anti-social” or being classified as a “mass-murderer”
Jews, even through the landscape of Christian Doctrines, have convinced most Caucasians to “Turn Their Cheeks” and to prove themselves to be “Better Than Their Enemy” while the Enemy works tirelessly to undermine them in all sorts of ways

Jews also have a statement they use to tell the goyim:“People only treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated”
The Chinese also have a saying “When fighting a Dragon, do not become the Dragon”
Do you really think the Chinese follow this wisdom themselves!?
I cannot say with certainty whether the Hakka Chinese are actually Chinese Jews in terms of literally being of part Jewish descent
In terms of Israel’s ambitions and the Jewish Race, the Jews have gotten to where they are by using “Victimhood” as a strategy to outwit all opponents
If Germans want to have to have a future, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that our people must become more Cruel, Cold and Callous to the outside world beyond anything that has been ever demonstrated by our Ancestors

Steve Sailer #racist archive.is

The Daytona 500, NASCAR's biggest race, also often baffles the uninitiated who tune in and can't quite figure out the appeal of watching stock cars go around and around and around … and around some more. But NASCAR's huge popularity owes much to having evolved into a covert ethnic pride extravaganza for one of the few groups who aren't allowed to honor themselves in public: Red State whites of Northern European descent.

Eugene Gant #dunning-kruger #racist vdare.com

Of the NFL’s 1,696 players, almost 1,200 are black. If the league mirrored American demographics—blacks are about 12.4 percent of the population—fewer than 215 players would be black. As well, almost 20 percent of the general managers are black, as French admits.

Ignoring the lawsuit’s anecdotal claims and focusing on other figures shows that blacks, relative to their share of the population, are overrepresented in most coaching and management jobs

Now let’s look at some data with which French is surely familiar. Since 2000, cops have arrested NFL players—again 70 percent of whom are black—more than 1000 times. That’s one arrest a week every week for 20 years. This year already, cops have arrested seven black NFL stars [NFL player arrests database: Records since 2000, USA Today.

Tom Shackleford #racist #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "A Month of Learning Begins"]

Attention bigots! This isn’t the winter of your discontent, it’s Black History Month. You need to learn that the intergenerational trauma inflicted on black bodies can lead to fraught confrontations during situations that your white privilege would lead you to consider trivial, or perhaps mundane

For example, waiting in line at Golden Corral for beef that tastes like it’s been marinated in dishwater. If the gentleman ahead of you secures the final morsels, you’d consider this proper according to the rules of chivalry and head to the chocolate fountain to contract hepatitis. However, the stress induced on a black body would lead to a spectacle of violence to rival the heroic deeds of the past, such as the Battle of Thermopylae

[40-person brawl breaks out in Golden Corral over reported steak shortage]

It’s important to respect the fact that black women built America without compensation and the tab is finally due. Below, we can observe a group of potential supreme court justices using their black bodies for a sit-in to demand reparations at a prestigious law school. Black bodies require food, or else violence will ensue. The dean wisely complied. At the time of publication, he is alive and well
Another thing I’ll say though is not to get between a black man and a chicken sandwich. The intergenerational trauma could get you killed. That’s precisely what happened a few years ago and the perpetrator didn’t live to regret it

There are many things to admire about black people, from the pyramids to peanut butter. Nonetheless, one must always remain cognizant of the complex dynamic that intergenerational trauma, the denial of reparations, and white supremacy plays in guiding their behavior. Also, never forget this is ultimately your fault

Israeli Anon #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

I hate most white people

I am going to be honest with you /pol/. I hate most white people, despite looking very white myself.

Let me explain, for 3000 years, ever since the Greekoids invaded Jewish lands, we have had nothing but suffering at the hands of whiteoids. In my view, the only good white people are some Eastern Europeans (Poles and Hungarians for example) and American whites like Evangelicals. Every other white is an enemy because their countries have done nothing but attack us.

Roman Empire is of course the start of it all, when it forced us to leave our land. After then, just suffering.

I hate white people because my ancestors demand it of me. It is my duty to hate my enemy, and to see him defeated. Amen.

(Swedish Anon)
A parasite that kills its host will eventually die.

Good thing we can survive without you then. We are not parasite, we are a predator.

You really are not. You never built anything. All you ever did was to infect societies built by greater people, then suck the lifeblood out of it - like a fucking leech. You are nothing but a tick yet to be discovered, removed, crushed, and flushed down the toilet..

Enjoy extinction, Swede.

(German Anon)
as a ashkenazi jew myself,
i feel you. i especially hate germans, they literally tried to murder my ancestors for fucking existing, i dont feel bad one bit for just leeching of this gov, every time i get welfare i see it as reperations to the damage they did to my family.


Napoleon de Geso #sexist #racist ncu.su

One more type of humanimals, who deserve to burn in one of deeper pits of hell: mongoloid cunts, who dont want to be fetishised

Not so deep as where biggest scum like pretty lithuanian females and overprotective daddies of teen girls belong, but still in one of deeper ones

Stupid mongoloid cunts, if you fetishised by fuckboy who pumps and dumps you - then being used by fuckboy is problem, whatever reasons he wanted your hole. And if being fetished by nice guy who wants to marry yoyu - then just be gratefull for having this great privilege, much greater than white men have being fetishised by some of your kind. How I "privileged white male" wish to have privilege of yours, to be admired and desired for my white beauty, and by hot ones of your kind, not uggies, or even worse - leeches, in what case it's not even fetishisation, but just exploatation. And so, being so white and beautifull, could just relax and rest my ass, because I'm just beautifull without necessity to do anything other than being kemono friend, so could be tang ping, could be even hikikomori, but still greatly desired, because I'm white and beautiful

And even more pisses me of your mongoloid stupidity, induced by Western feminist sjw degeneracies,, that I not even fetishiser of your kind, but of lolis, and you mongoloid cunts are just have more capabilities of being them, thats all. And I also fetishiser of good personality, girl being kemono friend comrade waifu of culture, what is opposite of hatefull toxic feminist sjw anti-fetishist cunt, as good waifu is only anti-chad and anti-fuckboy

Nicholas Stix #racist vdare.com

How One PA “News” Operation and Police Department Celebrated MLK Day: By Hunting for Whites Who Had Committed No Crime

Note that neither the black fake news reporter nor the black newsreader provided any context. “Diversity won’t bring me back” accompanied a photograph of a murdered white boy.

Bonchie #pratt #dunning-kruger #racist redstate.com

Leftist Narratives Crumble After Union Station Swastika Culprit Is Identified

You’ll probably notice the dates on those tweets are from last Friday, but there has actually been an update to this story. In fact, according to the Washington Examiner, a person has been arrested and identified for perpetrating the act.

Have you seen that reported by any mainstream news outlet? I bet you haven’t, and there’s a very specific reason for that: This crime doesn’t fit the preferred narrative.

Eugene Gant #racist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

Omar, who married her brother to commit immigration fraud, comes in where you’d expect: with political contributions.

Alpha News, an independent digital publication, divulged that link [Omar paid thousands by restaurant accused of stealing money intended to feed starving children, January 31, 2022].

“Rep. Ilhan Omar has partied at and received donations from a business accused by the FBI of stealing millions of COVID relief dollars from children,” it reported.

Again, none of this will surprise VDARE readers. Somali refugees are well known for robbing American taxpayers even before they lie their way into the country.

But not to worry. Diversity is our greatest strength!

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