
Mad_Gerbil #fundie theologyweb.com

Nothing compares to the wrong headed nonsense of a Secular state. A towel-headed AK47 toting maniac on a camel makes a great deal more sense then a Secularist. I fear the fallout of Secularism more than Islam.

Mad_Gerbil #fundie theologyweb.com

If I had to chose between Islamic Fundamentalists and a Secularist state I think I might want the Muslims to win.

<p>I'd lose my civil rights but at least I'd be with people who have a sense of 'holy' and 'right and wrong' even if it is misdirected. I find the utter cowardice of the Secularist to be nauseating as well.

jason #fundie theologyweb.com

[Replying to the question why it's ok for god to kill babies yet xians go nuts when doctors do it]

<p>You are assuming God has no right to do with his creations as he sees fit.

<p>But that is false. God kills everyone, but nobody complains about that. It is his perogative to do with his creation as he sees fit.

<p>Man butchering the unborn, something that is not his creation, is not a priveledge that man has.

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