
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Pahlavan #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt deviantart.com

A fetus is a human and has the same rights. We prosecute people who malaciously leave their babies to die - why are abortionists any different? Every human being deserves life. And if "bodily autonomy" is so sacred, why the bodily autonomy of the baby is not respected as it's harvested for organs? That's right. The industry of elective infanticide has to get it's resources somehow. So don't sweat it if your "friend" blocked you; you're better off without them.

Karianne Lisonbee #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

Utah Republican apologises for saying women can control ‘intake of semen’

In the aftermath of the US supreme court decision that ended the right to abortion, amid nationwide protests over the removal of women’s control over their own bodies, one Utah Republican said women could “control [their] intake of semen”.

The comment by Karianne Lisonbee, a state representative, came in response to an assertion that men should be held accountable for unwanted pregnancies, not just pregnant women, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

“I got a text message today saying I should seek to control men’s ejaculations and not women’s pregnancies,” Lisonbee said.

She added: “I do trust women enough to control when they allow a man to ejaculate inside of them and to control that intake of semen.”

Two Anons #ableist #crackpot #elitist #sexist boards.4chan.org

(UN Anon)
Female Domination in Humanity Now Appearing

In the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
In the primitive age women had to deal with with both hunting and cooking which gave rise to the male dominance.
Human females have been held down and not allowed to grow into their natural forms.

Now with technology and the males being more at ease the females are now evolving into what they originally should have been.

Notice that females are getting bigger and more violent as well while the males are shrinking and becoming more docile.
The ones afraid of this are now making stuff like artificial wombs and sex dolls because they have lost their dominance.
Most of Asia is currently seeing a female dominated growth.
The future is 9:1 female to male.

>but testosterone
Female also have it and they have more estrogen which is the reason mothers are protective and violent while mood swings are also caused by this.
Females are biologically more violent and aggressive than males if not held down from birth.

The males are mostly the ones that show off and try to get attention, entire species devoted to just showing off and look beautiful.
Sound familiar? Another example of males reversing the order of nature.
The good thing it is being fixed now, look at all the girly boys today and how many more women become tomboys

(Gadsden Anon)
Utterly retarded thread gazing into the imagination of a 90 point IQ idiot who can't use google to check up utterly retarded hypothesis.

>females are getting bigger and more violent
No, the educated women who're tall and work are getting genocided and replaced by women who're passive and are essentially mentally retarded. The gap between man and women is increasing.


Women, precisely RIGHT NOW, are evolving to be more dependable on men. Women are selected to be small, passive, and retarded, ironically precisely during "egalitarian" times. Tall educated women are literally being genocided, birth rate bellow 1 child per couple.

Dissident Mama #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt dissidentmama.net

Mama had carefully sat me down and explained that substituting a plural pronoun in place of a singular was unacceptable, unclear, and grammatically incorrect. “He” and “she” were the singular forms and ought to be used when appropriate; “they” must be reserved for the third person plural.

Moreover, said she, the widespread adoption of the singular “they” marked a dangerous fundamental shift in the English language, one motivated by the sloppy thinking of modern feminists, whose insistence upon being inoffensive (or, rather, upon their being unoffended), was slowly destroying the clarity and preciseness of our spoken and written word. Why I was correcting my friends’ grammar, I do not know. Perhaps I was showing off. Perhaps I was genuinely concerned for them and thought that by proselytizing them I could do my part to help reverse the slow degradation of the English language. It might have been a little of both.
Redefining words is a clever means of changing the way people think. The Soviets used this to great effect. So has the modern homosexual movement – just consider their appropriation of the word “gay.” They have chosen a moniker for themselves which intellectually distances their chosen sexual identity from the acts and desires which define that identity while simultaneously associating themselves inextricably with the concept of happiness, fulfillment, and gaiety, using the older meaning of the word for their own purposes even as they redefine it. It was a brilliant linguistic coup. So was the singular “they.”

Manhood and womanhood are rooted in the created order. We tend to conceive of them as being defined by certain roles, but those roles are merely a natural outgrowth of God’s created design. The roles He has ordained are congruent with our being as male and female, man and woman. Such is the Biblical understanding, though it is quite clearly not the understanding of mainstream America, or even of most churches.

idontcare_yousuck #sexist reddit.com

If you had an elective abortion, shut the fuck up
I'm sick of seeing women proclaim they had an abortion because they simply got knocked up. Do they not realize they are the reason why roe v wade got overturned? Because of them women who legitimately need abortions due to medical reasons, rape, incest etc. now are going to have to carry their babies to term. You're not brave if you had an abortion because you were irresponsible, you're a fucking coward.

closeurlegz #sexist reddit.com

RE: Must End All Abortions
Except w0men can’t keep their legs closed to prevent said pregnancy and abortion. If abortion takes such a toll on your mental health, why are you doing the very thing that causes the pregnancy and there for abortion? It’s because you can’t resist getting raw dogged by every penis you come across.

bicchlasagna #sexist reveddit.com

Why are most women so cruel to men?

I will honestly never understand it. This has ruined somethings about my own personality as well. I used to be a very caring and considerate person and because most women I interacted with were constantly cruel, demeaning & just straight up mean to me, I've become cold and distant. I find it disgusting how these women actually get a kick out of shaming and humiliating us men for literally anything we do. And the worst part is that society dictates to us that we're basically not allowed to react or say anything back otherwise we're labelled as "sexist" or "misogynist". For example, eventhough I haven't experienced this for myself, it's a well known fact that short guys have it harder in the dating scene. And the majority of women will not only reject them but will go as far as to ridicule and humiliate them over something they have zero control over. Body shaming men is totally fine but don't you dare say anything about women's bodies. Since women tend to overreact whenever a man makes such a comment, I feel like they're proving the misogynistic men right when they say that women are over-emotional and that you cannot have a rational argument with a woman. Call me a niceguy, Incel or whatever you like, I don't care. I won't try to prove I'm a good/bad person to some random stranger on the internet. The people close to me know who I am and that's enough for me. Sorry if this is all over the place but I just wanted to rant.

HeLiedTheyTried #sexist reveddit.com

"If every time med had sex, they risked death, physical disability, social shunning, a life altering interruption of their education or career, and the sudden life-long responsibility for another human being, I think they'd expect a choice in the matter."

Has anyone been perplexed by seeing feminists post this on social media for the past 24 hours?

Girls, that's what men have been dealing with over the past 49 years while you've had options. The only point you're making is that you really have zero clue (and zero willingness to learn) about the male experience in America.

Great gods just how fucking tone deaf IS it possible to be.

Every time I have sex, I risk:

becoming a father, whether I want to or not

getting an incurable STD/STI

getting injured(look up penile fracture, it's real)

having a false rape allegation filed against me, thus spending months/years in jail, becoming a pariah in my social circle, losing my life savings on legal defense, and likely draining every ounce of mental energy I have

having a false rape allegation filed against me,

To be fair, you run that risk whether you're having sex or not.

scalliano #wingnut #sexist doomworld.com

Problem is, saving the babes IS politically incorrect these days. If this does get out of development, I am fully expecting Duke to be sidelined and ritually humiliated by some insufferable bargain-basement Tessa Thompson-a-like. Deconstruction seems to be all that Hollywood has left.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy stormer-daily.rw

[From "The Slutpocalypse is Already Happening"]

The slutpocalypse occurred pretty much as we expected. Too many hoes, not enough hot chips or phone charges to go around[…]The reason, as always, is pure sluttery[…]
That’s just a taste. There are thousands of these videos from all across the country, and many of them are getting violent[…]
It looks like this could turn into George Floyd Riots 2. That’s difficult, because blacks don’t really care about this. Blacks do have more abortions than whites, but black men don’t care if women have abortions or not because they don’t really stick around either way. If anything, black men are probably vaguely opposed to abortion, though not in any serious way, just “she be out der fukin, she been gon deal wif what is.” Obviously, black men were the main driver of the George Floyd riots, whereas this is primarily about white women. They’ll be backed by Antifa of course, who also backed the BLM riots

It’s possible that black men will come out if they think they can loot. But even then, I doubt they want to be associated with women – “dem bitches wants to keel dey keeds, dats on dem”[…]
I support repealing Roe regardless, simply because it is the right thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean that this is not a gift to a struggling Democrat Party[…]What the Democrats could do is promise that they will pass such a law if they are reelected in the midterms[…]Given that all of these fraud techniques from 2020 have now been normalized[…]it might be enough[…]
That said, the more riots there are, and the longer they go on, the less of a help this is to the Democrats[…]
We might just have to bring back Blue Lives Matter flags too[…]
No, I wouldn’t go that far. But a super-cut of cops beating up abortion people with that Baked Alaska song about how we love cops is probably in order

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia scribd.com

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual States after almost fifty years. The decision of the Supreme Court did not rule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it has overturned its “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups fnanced by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed. And it is significant to see how violent and intolerant the reaction has been from self-styled liberals, from Barack and Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton, from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, from the Attorney General Merrick Garland to Joe Biden, not to mention the declarations of politicians and heads of state from across the Western world.

Actually, the following ought to be enough to make people understand the importance of this decision: attacks carried out by “pro-choice” groups, assaults against pro-life organizations, the desecration of churches, scenes of hysteria on the part of supporters of the right to kill the innocent life of the unborn child, emblematically uniting members of the Democratic party financed by Planned Parenthood, which in turn is financed by the government; the Woke Left; the followers of Klaus Schwab’s globalism; members of international Freemasonry; ideologues of green change and demographic reduction;propagandists of gender theory, LGBTQ+ ideology, and rainbow flags; adherents of the church of Satan, who consider abortion as one of their “rites” of worship; those who harvest and sell human fetuses from the death clinics; those who sell “vaccines” produced by human fetuses; [...]

Alf Jones #sexist quora.com

Actually women need men a trillion times more than men. Men created civilization, society, democracy and alllll the countless amenities and benefits that jaded, crone, old-bitter-hags enjoy. Men only need women for 1 thing. Women need men for everything. Enjoy!

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

(((Aliens))) Have Abducted Our Women


Western men (and women) should be very angry at Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Masonic lackeys. Like alien invaders, they abducted our women, brainwashing them to become lesbian and frigid. This vicious satanic attack on society by our traitorous "leaders" has been marketed as "women's rights." Feminism is elite social engineering, designed to destabilize and depopulate society, masquerading as grassroots social change.

Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female (worldy) power for male power expressed as love. Instead of surrendering power, feminism taught women to seek power instead of love.

The Power of Sexual Surrender, a 1958 book by female psychiatrist Marie Robinson MD, states that femininity is based on female sacrifice (altruism) and trust in a man. This is the wellspring of love, repaid by husband and children.

Feminism, which is Communist in origin, destroyed this trust and outfitted women with a psychological penis. Power = penis. Both sexes have been neutered. Where women once empowered men, now they emasculate them. Instead of devoted wives and mothers, many women have become sexually frustrated, angry, frigid man-haters. This indoctrination continues in the mass media today.

Hard2BeAGod , RangerRickReporting & bobokino #homophobia #fundie #sexist reddit.com

r/RoevWadeCelebration - “What’s next?”

( Hard2BeAGod )
Whats next is the banning of contraception and gay marriage. This country is finally walking with god.

( RangerRickReporting )
Thank you! 🥳 It is good to hear another who holds these truths in their heart ❤️ Jesus is King 🙏 and I am so proud this country 🇺🇲 is getting closer to walking alongside the Lord once again

( bobokino )
banning w*men from the internet would be a fire move as well

Various Redditors #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

So sad and so wrong

( Scaridian )
Imagine being a kid, going on the internet and you just so happen to come across a picture of a younger looking version of your mum, realising that it was from when you were still in the womb.

Finding out that at one point in your life, your mother had the ability to look at you and say, "Your sibling is a human being, but not you. You aren't a human being, not to me, you're something lesser, and I will fight for the right to kill you if I ever felt like it."

I'm so grateful that I have a mother who loves me.

(CanConCasual )
Agreed. My first thought was hoping that neither of those children, the one in her arms or the one in her womb, ever see that photo. No good can come of seeing your mother call you disposable. (Some would say she's not saying that about the older one, but she is. She's sending a clear message that she could have killed them before birth, and their survival was based solely on her whim.)

( wardamnbolts )
This is why we are prolife. To protect human beings from being dehumanized. So many PC people believe abortion is okay in the third trimester. It’s horrifying.

( kingBalian )
It's so sad that this mom has (at least) two kids, yet utterly dismisses the humanity of the younger one. But what is more crazy than this and the fact that it has more then 31k upvotes is that many pro-choices realize how illogical this argument is (look at the comments) and acknowledge that the baby is human. But they still support abortion

( Alucarrdd5647ue )
Thats depressing, I dont consider the psychopaths human.

( DiamondConfident1811 )
Basically putting a Judenstern on her babies body. Someone that is to be regarded as less than human

( IIXKingxRavenXII )
I don’t mean this rude. It is rude, but I don’t mean it that way. Every time I see these women I think “who the hell slept with her” 😂

[deleted account] #ableist #crackpot #elitist #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men's natural inferiority


1. Have 80°C less peripheral vision than women. Guess who’ll survive a stealth attack?

3. Have less accurate sense of smell and literally every wild animal marks territory through scent of their urine. Guess who must have led stone age human nomadic tribes?

9. Are more hive-minded. Guess whose better suited for innovation?

11. Experience less sexual pleasure. The clit alone contains around twice the amount of nerve endings as the entire penis…so you can guess.

12. Are less likely to be team players. They try to outdo and minimize others generally as opposed to women who lift each other up.

15. Are total disasters when it comes to sensory deprivation tests.

All this …and everything other commentators have said.

Men aren’t made to survive.

Men aren’t as essential for the survival of the species as women are. So mother nature didn’t bless her sons with the skills to survive.

The only thing women created that didn’t serve humanity are men.

Males are nothing more than their flesh. You die first, because you are disposable meat meant to be sacrificed for the worthier population. You are meant to live and die for us, instead of us. We will outlive you and perhaps even feed on you if necessary. Your existence is inherently less meaningful and necessary than any woman. We survive drought and hunger, we survive diseases, our genetics are mostly immune to the horrific abnormalities caused by the lack of a second X chromosome. You will see men with disgustingly mutated and broken beyond belief bodies at a much higher rate than women. The death of a woman is a loss great enough to pose a treat of extinction to the primal community. God was created from our image. Man is a walking dildo at best. You are taller and meatier than us because you have nothing else to contribute. Now go on, carry rocks with those strong arms. Run with your long legs but don’t complain when you need to be disposed of.

verifymejoshuaconnormoon & Asmobaby #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net


Women indulge troons way too much, both the ftms and mtfs find validation with women much more often than with men, the troon issue is like a female civil war.

gay men shit on ftms because they’re pathetic and an inconvenience at most.

the reason why women are passive/claim to support mtfs is because they’re violent narcissists who can physically harm us if they’re set off (not being the center of attention). that and women who are vocal against mtfs will get doxed and get rape/death threats.

the worst ftms can do when rejected by gay men is play the victim or call them faggots. mtfs are by far more unhinged and dangerous towards women, lesbians in particular.

i can confidently say that most women secretly are disgusted by them. nobody sees mtfs as women, just ignore them or pretend to support them out of necessity or pity. the ones who genuinely do support them are uninformed or just as crazy as the troons. there is not a single well-adjusted person who could look at the contents of this thread and honestly say they support troons.

Exactly this. Notice that only women ever get the "terf" label from MtF's. Never men, not ever. And the term "terf" can get you the rape/death threats and/or cost you a career as well.

Troons know it's way easier to punish a real woman - it's kind of what they're all about, really. They are making a mockery of us. They wish they could be us, fuck us, subdue us, replace us. It's this whole new form of misogyny, disguised as something "good" and "progressive."

And, yeah, we do find them disgusting. Especially whenever they "dress up" and look even more ridiculous. A real woman, at some point, figures out how to dress for her figure/bone structure but these troons never seem to do be able that (even the ones who get plastic surgery to look like Kardashians still look fucking ridiculous and try-harding). But it's our inherent "motherly" nature that will make most of us be neutral and/or nice to them out of self-preservation. Who wants to get punched by a man? Especially one that could "get away with it"??

sv3rige #sexist youtube.com

The reason you look the way you look is because you did not get pregnant right after you start menstruating. Your menstruation is literally your body nature, god if you are religious telling you to have children now.

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

God is a patriarchal God. He set up husbands to be head of their wives. The wives are commanded to submit to and obey their husbands. Every great institution on this earth has one leader. Marriage is no different. Two heads create a monster with contention and disunity. God created men to be the ones in authority over their home for unity and peace. When wives obey God in this area, they will see the blessings of obedience to God. Everyone longs for peace. God and His ways are the only way to peace.

Since men are the leaders in their homes, is it always their fault when their marriages fall apart? No. Women, unfortunately, initiate up to 80 percent of the divorces these days. We are told in God’s Word that a wise woman builds up her home but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. There’s a good reason for the verses in Proverbs warning men about quarreling and contentious wives.

LightWolf #wingnut #sexist descentbb.net

(Quoting the 14th Amendment)nor shall any State deprive any person of life...without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I don't see any of these children receiving their equal protection.

Let's say a person is forced against their will to be chained to you. Do you have the right to kill them?

Or, how about we take a trip to the not-so-distant past: These children cannot speak up for themselves, literally. Historically speaking, though they could certainly try literally, people denied civil rights legally could not speak up for themselves in almost every case. Tell me, what side of history do people tend to be on when denying civil rights to people who cannot defend themselves? Consider, for example, the historical south. They were the holdouts over slavery, long after others recognized that your race does not make you any less of a human. Slaveowners asserted they had rights to their slaves, that their slaves had no rights, and ensured that their slaves could not speak up without fear of punishment. One civil war and 13th amendment later, and Jim Crow started. Same thing, except on paper non-whites had some rights that southern states chose to completely ignore anyway.

The only difference now is that those being denied their civil rights physically can't even tell someone their rights are being violated instead of simply being at great risk to do so. The parallels to the racist south do not stack up in favor of the pro-choice movement. At this point I'm just waiting for a national act or constitutional amendment formally protecting unborn rights to complete this part of the story, and protecting the post-born is the next domino in the life movement anyway, much like a paper acceptance of civil rights was the first domino to full civil rights. Much like the pro-desegregation generation is already virtually gone, the solely pro-birth generation is already fading away.

At the end of the day, abortion is a conflict of rights: the mother's right to space and autonomy and the child's right to life. Neither should be infringed, but one has to. You have made it clear whose rights you see as greater, I disagree with that assessment. Citing people who simply assert that these children in fact do not have these civil rights is not going to change this.

nGwsMpm9 #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut archived.moe

Are white men all alone in the world?
>half of our own kind are traitors and hate themselves
>white women hate us
>goes without saying darkies hate us
>politicians we vote for don't care about us
Honestly feeling pretty demoralized about everything and am pretty much ready to just drop out of society. Video games and liquor feel a lot better anyways. Can anyone here actually explain to me what we're supposed to be fighting for? A short marriage and daughters who end up becoming whores? Sons that will likely become failures? It's over.

Wiki4Men #dunning-kruger #sexist wiki4men.com

Feminists typically deny the agency of women. The current influence feminists have on western society is resulting in the codification of the denial of women's agency in law.

The UK has recently shifted the onus of proof for sexual offences involving a man and a woman. If a man and a woman have sex and the woman asserts that sex was not consensual then the onus of proof is placed on the man to prove that the sex was consensual.

Similarly in most jurisdictions if a boy and a girl have sex under the age of consent, the boy is held accountable. And this despite the widely held belief that girls mature faster than boys.

Feminism seeks to minimise women's agency so that it can be seen as the saviour of women. Researchers, even feminist researchers, are starting to talk about this more as can be seen from this quote in a recent research paper on child maltreatment (child abuse):

Child maltreatment is a difficult subject for feminists. The reality is that women commit a significant amount of CM However, as Marie Ashe and Naomi Cahn note, feminist theory does not adequately account for this fact. For example, radical feminist theory, which has informed much feminist advocacy around DV, tends to view women as victims, a perspective that ignores women's agency, including the agency of women who abuse children. For cultural feminism, acknowledging the bad mother may pose an existential threat. Cultural feminists see women as different from men, and argue that women's differences need to be promoted and protected to achieve gender equality. What sets women apart, according to cultural feminists, is their ability to care and connect with others, an ability that flows from their experience as mothers. To suggest that some women are bad mothers deprives women of the special status cultural feminists rely on to further women's interests

China has recently moved to introduce new laws to counter "non-violent acts including brainwashing, manipulation of women, and instigation of female suicide."


If a woman opposes feminism or other ideologies co-opted by feminism, feminists do see that woman as responsible. This is explained by Alison Tieman here.

Rightguide #sexist #transphobia #wingnut forum.literotica.com

This Is Why Trans People need To be institutionalized

Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic

These people are absolutely mentally ill and should be hospitalized and under no circumstances should they be allowed anywhere near children.

Right, because that one person represents an entire community.

And you hate Twitter and probably never installed TikTok so...

I've watched TikTok videos on Youtube. It is the best testimony yet that feminism has destroyed life for the average American woman. I've never seen in one place more masculinized women. There is no doubt as to why so many American women 30 and over cannot find quality men willing to marry them and raise their bastard children. By the time they fuck their life away and hit that wall, they begin to realize they and their cats are going to die alone. Young men of quality are walking away from that fucking circus. These self-overvalued women bring nothing to the table except financial liability and children they won't allow him to raise. In essence, he'll be footing the bill for two separate households, one of which he won't control, and a heavily used coochie, there for security only.

🌿Witchy Kay🌿 #fundie #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt web.archive.org

You can still get an ectopic pregnancy removed. You can still get care for miscarriage. No you're not going to be investigated for miscarrying. No, you cannot be prosecuted for your abortion.

If any of these things change, I'll be hitting those street right alongside you.

I'm so tired of this political discourse BS of you're either all in something or you're a grifter. I don't support killing humans. Just dont do it. Not a vibe. Stop. So naturally I oppose abortion cuz it kills humans. It's really that simple. Not some internalized misogyny. Not me secretly being a conservative and just trying to play everyone. Not me tying to push a religious ideology on others. Just my foundation for my stance on issues. So yes, I can oppose abortion and also want to protect pregnant people from the assholes in our government that will use the opposition to abortion as a weapon to attack women, roll back actual rights, fight against things that bring down abortion rates and pass ignorant laws that will victimize pregnant people and get them killed.

John C. Wright #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist scifiwright.com

Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833 are both as dead as all the unborn babies they killed. (…)

The madness from [Roe v. Wade] spilled over to every level of life, and made our public officials, and our public, into screaming, nonsense-barfing, sneering, craven, blood-drenched monsters, harpies, anthropophages, and headless blemmyes. The great idols to Moloch loomed over every courthouse.

The madness led to the sodomy culture, the woke culture, the death of Disney’s soul, and to the encouragement of corruption both on a personal and political level. Oddly enough, if one traces the course of the mental disease, there are even connections leading to such remote side-effects as inflationary fiscal policy, confiscatory taxation, wokethink hatewhitery, suicidal energy policy, public riots and arson, all which would, at first, seem to be unrelated.

It is not unrelated. Accepting an evil axiom tacitly accepts, sooner or later, all the logical outcomes implied by it.

Roe v Wade cursed this nation. It darkened the intellect of our intellectual class and corrupted the morals of people. Ordinary youths became satyrs and rapists, each one a little Don Juan; ordinary young women became murderesses, each one a little Medea. The cult of Ganymede was released, and perversion worse than Sodom ever knew, built atop of pile of tiny skulls higher than any pyramid raised by the Aztecs.

Mike Pence, Donald Trump et al. #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut washingtonpost.com

Pence calls for national abortion ban as Trump, GOP celebrate end of Roe

As Republicans across the United States are celebrating the Supreme Court decision Friday to overturn the fundamental right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade, former vice president Mike Pence is calling for a national ban on the procedure, while former president Donald Trump argued the court’s decision is “something that will work out for everybody.”

In an interview with Breitbart News, Pence said that the Supreme Court voting 6 to 3 to uphold a restrictive Mississippi law banning almost all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy “has given the American people a new beginning for life, and I commend the justices in the majority for having the courage of their convictions.”

After saying that “life won” on Friday, Pence, who is considered a potential GOP contender in the 2024 presidential election, went one step further by arguing the court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health should lead to a national ban on abortion.

“Now that Roe v. Wade has been consigned to the ash heap of history, a new arena in the cause of life has emerged, and it is incumbent on all who cherish the sanctity of life to resolve that we will take the defense of the unborn and the support for women in crisis pregnancy centers to every state in America,” he said to Breitbart. “Having been given this second chance for Life, we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the land.”

Pence’s remarks came as Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision in a Friday interview with Fox News.

“This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago,” Trump told the network. “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody.”


Asked on Fox News about his role in the Supreme Court’s decision, Trump said, “God made the decision.”


JonathanTookerFan #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] why men shouldnt cry

the people who really run this society, the people who control the ideas that are quickly spreading and gaining influence want nothing but money and control. they want to turn man from a emblem of freedom into a cog for their mega machine. they do not care about your feelings.

the virtue signallers who obliviously spread these ideas as if they were true want nothing but positive attention, to show themselves in a positive light, they also do not care about your feelings. nobody cares about your feelings.

the "men should cry, they should let out their emotions, we need to crush toxic masculinity!!!" sentiment is not there to save you. its not there to make you happier or more successful, its only there to control you. think about it, they want you to stop "bottling up your emotions", they tell you that the sadness within you will only build up, the sadness that THEIR society is causing YOU should be "let out". they want YOU to "let out" the injustice THEY are causing YOU.

imagine you lock up two men in separate cages, one of these men cries a ton and the other doesnt cry. the man who cries a ton will never even try to escape the cage. when the man who cries starts feeling sad that hes in a cage, he will "let out" his emotions, he will cry. after crying, after all of his tears are gone, he will say to himself "you know what, things arent that bad, i can keep living in this cage".

when the man who doesnt cry starts feeling sad that hes in a cage, he will keep this sadness to himself. as the days go by, he will feel sadder and sadder, but he will still not cry. then, when the sadness reaches its limit, the man who doesnt cry will reach his breaking point. he will release all of that sadness at once, in a fit of rage. he will start questioning things, he will say to himself "WHY AM I IN A CAGE ANYWAY?!?!!??!?! WHY CANT I ESCAPE??!?!?!?". he will be so angry that the world is cruel that he will change it and he will break out of the cage.

bottling up emotions is how revolution begins. anger is how change starts. look at any successful man, does he cry? NO! because if he did he would never have changed his life. this is the secret the overlords dont want you to know. this, my friends, is the tearpill. :feelzez:

notsofreshfeeling #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: The underdog position

Yay, in the sense that TiMs play an important role in upholding male supremacy by performing a kind of sacred rite among males to violate and claim any space that might exclude them: single sex spaces for women, language that excludes males (e.g., "woman"), and bodies that exclude the male (i.e., female bodies). This is why you frequently find men who never made public declarations of support re: any feminist concern (abortion, domestic violence, rape) vociferously defending the "rights" of "trans women." So primal is this urge to protect their fellow penis-haver, that most don't even bother trying to make their "feminism" more believable by, say, making a fuss about abortion rights as well.

So, yes, of course men would not allow women, as a sex class, maintain an exclusive claim to sex-based oppression. They've been trying for years through Men's Rights Activism to make the case that men are oppressed by women as well, but they were failing. Transgenderism with its fancy wordplay has been the perfect language hack to create enough cognitive dissonance in people's brains for them to begin mindlessly parroting "Trans women are women." All men had to do was be willing to call themselves "women" to claim the status of underdog without actually being the underdog.

And, of course, this is where apologists would normally froth and spout murder/suicide stats among TiMs (as though 1) men don't have higher rates of murder or suicide, in general, and 2) as though men are killed because they are women). When transsexualism and cross-dressing were less socially acceptable, men were victimized because they were seen to be betraying the code of masculinity. Men responded to these TiMs as though the TiMs were provoking them, daring them. In that sense, to be a TiM has always been the most alpha male shit a man could do. TiMs don't even need masculinity; masculinity is for the weak. TiMs can dispose of masculinity and enter the underworld of forced feminization and still exude their maleness from every pore (forced feminization is, of course, pure fantasy and takes place on a symbolic level). Men need other men to show them that they will survive a feminine underworld. TiMs are like shamans for them (which makes sense since a lot of so-called "two spirit" men also played a shamanistic role within their communities).


Lauren Chen #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Lydia Moynihan: SCOOP: Google is offering relocation to anyone who wants to move to from a state affected by the #RoeVWade decision

Lauren Chen: Let's face it, big companies have an incentive for pregnant employees to get abortions.

It's cheaper to pay for an abortion than it is to pay for maternity leave.

So yes ladies, terminate your own young so you can keep making money for Google.

Yay, feminism!

Goober5000 #fundie #wingnut #sexist hard-light.net

Praise and glory to God for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The massacre of unborn children has been rolled back in many states already, with many more to come. This is a good day for America.

Appropriately, this decision was announced on the Nativity of John the Baptist, who, when still in his mother's womb, leapt for joy when his mother heard the greeting of Mary.

James Cary #sexist #fundie premierchristianity.com

For some, the same-sex kiss is enough to prevent them from taking their kids to see the movie. But for me, Lightyear raises another question that doesn’t seem to have been ‘settled’ in secular culture. It’s about gender. Alisha and her wife don’t just kiss; they have a child. In a world of post-modern, authentic self-determination, women can conceive without men. One assumes a man was involved in some way, although maybe in the Lightyear universe, that’s no longer neccessary.

If your child is watching this movie, maybe they’ll ask about it. And if you’d like to have that conversation with them, go ahead. But it’s probably more likely that they won’t question it at all, because mainstream culture teaches that two people of the same sex can just have a baby – like a man and a woman can. Gender doesn’t matter.

And Lightyear is a movie in which gender really doesn’t matter at all. Of course, this has positive elements as well as negative ones. Alisha’s granddaughter, Izzy, wants to be a space ranger, just like her grandmother. She leads a small, rag-tag team of underdogs including an old female ex-con (although her gender is very hard to discern) and a cowardly Australian man.

While moving on from the rigid archetypes of the helpless Disney princess who needs rescuing by the swashbuckling prince is a big step forward, we’ve now moved to the far extreme position: girls can do anything boys can, from being a space ranger to having a child with another woman. In fact, men and women are interchangeable in Lightyear. But why should this surprise us? After all, we live in an age in which US Supreme Court judge Ketanji Brown Jackson recently refused to define the word “woman” because she’s “not a biologist”.

Liz Wheeler #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

An unborn baby is a unique human person, distinct from her mother. We all know this. Science says so. Ultrasounds give us photos. We can hear the heartbeat. But notice ZERO Democrats today crying about Roe will discuss whether it’s an unborn BABY they want to abort.

Matt Walsh #fundie #psycho #sexist #wingnut nitter.net

(NOTE: Multiple tweets in reaction to today's events.)

This is one of the greatest days in American history. Praise God.

The Supreme Court has officially declared that all lives matter. Hallelujah.

History will look back on today like we look back on the abolition of slavery and the liberation of the concentration camps. It is a day when abject evil has suffered a major defeat, and many innocent humans will live and be free because of it.

I could not think of a better way to end Pride Month

Bring on your "night of rage" you demons. You don't scare anyone.

It's a good thing the Supreme Court affirmed our right to conceal carry right before this "night of rage" you guys are planning

This is an extreme version of the minority governing the majority that has been the GOP playbook for some time now. And these unelected right-wing judges could be on the court in like 2060 thanks to lifetime appts

As always, institutions are "broken" the moment they stop doing the Left's bidding

Don't be shy about delighting in the leftist tears today. You deserve to feel this joy and they deserve to feel this despair. So rub it in their face, by all means. Have fun with it. This is a great day.

One side is happy that babies will live. The other is sad that babies will live. And that is all you need to know about the ideological divide in America.

We are not done. We are not satisfied. A federal ban on abortion nationwide is the next step.

Man, this has been such a great Pride Month

Merrick Garland: “The Supreme Court has eliminated an established right that has been an essential component of women’s liberty.. The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision… DOJ will use every tool at our disposal to protect reproductive freedom.”

Biden's DOJ has announced its intention to seize unconstitutional power and override the Supreme Court. This is an insurrection far more dangerous than anything that happened on January 6.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The tsunami of pro-abortion disinformation has begun. Don’t believe the lies. Removing a baby in an ectopic pregnancy is *not* abortion. Miscarriage management is *not* abortion. Pro-life states are banning the intentional destruction of human lives. Join us.

Justice Samuel Alito et al. #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut npr.org

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades

In a historic and far raching [sic] decision, the U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade on Friday, declaring that the constitutional right to abortion upheld for nearly a half century, no longer exists.

Writing for the court majority, Justice Samuel Alito said that the 1973 Roe ruling and repeated subsequent high court decisions reaffirming Roe "must be overruled" because they were "egregiously wrong," the arguments "exceptionally weak" and so "damaging" that they amounted to "an abuse of judicial authority."


Joining the Alito opinion were Justice Clarence Thomas, appointed by the first President Bush, and the three Trump appointees — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. [...]


Writing for the majority, [Alito] said forthrightly that abortion is a matter to be decided by states and the voters in the states. "We hold," he wrote, that "the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion." As to what standard the courts should apply in the event that a state regulation is challenged, Alito said any state regulation of abortion is presumptively valid and "must be sustained if there is a rational basis on which the legislature could have thought" it was serving "legitimate state interests," including "respect for and preservation of prenatal life at all stages of development." In addition, he noted, states are entitled to regulate abortion to eliminate "gruesome and barbaric" medical procedures; to "preserve the integrity of the medical profession"; and to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or disability, including barring abortion in cases of fetal abnormality.

Ultimately, the translation of all that is that states appear to be completely free to ban abortions for any reason.


Montesquieu #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Great post, as usual Lori,

Many women do not appear to understand how it encourages a man to have to go and support a wife and children. Tens of millions of men married poor, and the love they developed in marriage, and for their wife and children inspired them to work and achieve far greater than they otherwise would have. When women go to work, it emasculates the man.

When he’s no longer the provider and protector, he often gets in trouble. Where there is no love in a marriage, there will be love outside of it.

zero_dwa and superTERKA #sexist #wingnut wykop.pl

[Translated from a Polish original via DeepL.]


Yes, my dear beauties, the fact that a woman has had a different sexual partner every week IS a real problem and it IS NOT normal, how is such a person supposed to be a good wife and mother if the chances of divorce increase proportionally with the number of previous partners?

What amused me even more in this thread was the statement that men do the same. Somehow I don't know any guy nor do I myself recall having sex with five females on my 18th birthday, in fact I don't recall ever having sex.

And this huge disproportion in the number of partners between the sexes IS a bigger problem than some LGBT or abortion issue even though nobody wants or is afraid to talk about it.

#przegryw #blackpill #p0lka


I wouldn't mind if they had as much sex as they liked, if only these trollops would mark themselves somehow. There's such a fashion for tattoos, Julkas love them so much, so why not make a sign on some visible part of the body saying ONS-lover or something else? xD let's make it a trend on TikTok and it will follow.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, such a p0leczka is modern, liberated and knows her worth!

Those who want a peaceful life, will stay away from such marriages, thanks to this there will be less mentally destroyed individuals, the number of divorces will decrease, there will be less lonely madams. All the advantages. And Chads and cucks will know which cunts were visited by half of the city, and that this is a good target for ONSes and FWBs that they like.

Carl C Curtis #homophobia #biphobia #sexist #wingnut thechristianreview.com

(A very conservative Christian reviews Rebel without a Cause, ignores all the gay subtext, and thinks it is an ode to tradition. Some choice selections from his review.)


At the station, Jim’s parents arrive and the first theme of the family comes into focus with the presentation of a mother who overly protects and a father who wants to be little more than a pal. The proper order of the household is thereby reversed, and, as the story unfolds, it’s clear that Jim grasps its effects. Fathers who are not authorities and bulwarks of strength produce wayward kids, though, notably, kids in search of the fathers they don’t have, as mirrored in the other characters of Jim’s age whom he slowly gets to know: Judy (Natalie Wood) who desperately wants her father to love and protect her, and Plato (Sal Mineo) who sees Jim as the father he has never known. Left to themselves for a brief time in a deserted mansion, the three fall into the roles of the father (Jim), mother (Judy), and son (Plato), which they yearn to see in their own fractured homes.

The second theme emerges in a high school field trip to a planetarium, where the students view an “educational” film about the beginning and ultimate annihilation of life on planet earth, or, as we might now say, the gospel according to Carl Sagan. As the students sit in the dark, the planetarium director coolly narrates the inevitable fate that awaits them all in a world “destroyed as we began in a burst of gas and fire.”


It’s a wonder he didn’t add, “Have a nice day.”


The title of what has become his most famous film may appear an appropriate epitaph for the life Dean led, but the film itself should banish the misconception, even as it teaches a few lessons that, sadly, still need to be inwardly digested by a society that has tenaciously resisted them. That’s another way of saying that James Dean was a rebel with a cause that needs to be ours.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). I am attaching photos of their Illuminati NWO New Age Wicca witch pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites’ UNICEF Ball with all their satanic devilish costumes. The Western feminist nations’ “uncovered women’s heads fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes worship these pedophile cannibal reptilian hybrid people as their gods and idols and mentors and role models and political leaders and heroes. This is why there is something seriously wrong with the heads of these 200 million American religious Christian hordes and other Western feminist nations’ fake Christians. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord! End of transmission
The reptilian hybrid pedophile
cannibal Satanist elite infiltrators inside BitChute are sabotaging the videos exposing the truth, and promoting their own Satanists’ ludicrous ridiculous stupid videos that keep the Western feminist nations’ “Bible redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes’ attention on dumb issues. <...> God does not need 200 million American religious Christian hordes who are walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s trousers to entertain Satan Lucifer and his fallen angels, but God can use one real Christian to banzai charge the devil and his kingdom and destroy it before we leave at the rapture. More the glory to God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. This is not merely my opinion, but the teaching of the Bible.  We read in Exodus 20:13... "Thou shalt not kill." Try as they may, abortionists cannot justify their heinous crime of torturing children to death. Abortion is a woeful sin, which makes the mother guilty of murder, and the father too if he consented. 

Thus, it is normal to feel GUILT after murdering one's child. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't feel guilty after murdering their own child, let alone why they did it in the first place. That's your own child! 

The Hanged Man #elitist #sexist incels.is

"Women have unlimited options"


Once in a while, the inferior gender, also known as women, will boast about their unlimited options by telling us that women have sex with who they want; men have sex with who they can.

While this is true, women will never be honest about it and admit that there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Having unlimited options does not make you noble; the way you deal with them does. If I choose to consume an unlimited amount of food, does that make me noble? No, it makes me fat and sick.

Worse even: women had to do absolutely nothing for that amount of options. It is not like they deserve it.

So what's noble about a woman who has unlimited options? Committing to one man and starting a family. Again: there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Oncefa2 #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

Soft power is much more relevant than hard power, and women are the ones who have the most power in society under this metric, not men

People usually point to the apex fallacy when discussions about power and patriarchy come up, but I think there's a much more important discussion to be had around soft power instead.

Even if men make up 60% of senators and 90% of CEOs, they represent fewer than 20% of people who have power at home, and only 16% of people who have custody over their children.

Women on average get their way socially, legally, at home, in the marriage and dating world, and in many other areas of life.

That represents a metric of power that is much more relevant to the vast majority of people. It is a form of power over your own life, and over the lives of other people who you know personally.

For example, 80% of relationships are controlled and dominated by women. Women also display much higher levels of social aggression and are more likely to get their way in gender mixed friends groups.

If men are being bossed around in their homes and have no say over their bodily autonomy, reproductive choices, or their own labor and financial future, then it doesn't really matter if they might have a measure of power at work.

In the end, whatever power they have publicly can be used and manipulated in private by other people.

The fact that men often hold formal positions of power in society may even be because other people push them there for their own benefit.

After all, it is preferable to be the wife of a CEO than to be a CEO yourself. The vast majority of wealthy women do not work, do not cook, do not clean, and often times don't even raise their own children.

Meanwhile the average CEO works 80 hours a week under stressful conditions and ultimately does not have any power when he comes home: his wife can leave him, take his money, his children, and continue her privileged lifestyle without him.

This is a rather bleak outlook despite being a "powerful CEO", which should make you wonder how much power a regular working man has.

Any analysis that fails to look at this is going to be fundamentally flawed.

Laura Wood #sexist #conspiracy #fundie thinkinghousewife.com

[From "A Few Thoughts on Swim Suits"]


FEMINISTS claim that women are more fulfilled and happy when they are free to wear almost nothing

The whole Western world has accepted their premises. You will be hard-pressed to find any woman on a beach today covered up to the extent that these women — such ridiculous figures, huh? — were in 1906[…]
The truth is, these ridiculous figures on the beach were much more likely to have a stable home life. They were more likely to have children. They were less likely to face the existential crises women face today. They lived in a more stable society with less crime. Political power and wealth were not so dangerously concentrated in the few. The federal income tax didn’t even exist! Our economic system was not yet crushed by debt, reducing most of us to insidious and hidden financial enslavement

It’s no secret that powerful people want women unclothed and actively promote it. Civilization demands clothes. Tyranny demands nudity

Immodesty undermines femininity. A woman’s greatest influence and dignity are not physical, but in her personality and soul

Immodesty is a form of aggression. Men are — by nature — sensitive to visual stimuli, much more than women, and cannot, except by emasculating themselves at some deep level, easily eradicate their responses to the female form[…]
The bikini, named after the island where the atomic bomb was tested, was introduced in 1946, when many women were tired from work in wartime factories and offices. The more sexually “free” women became, the more economically exploited[…]
Immodesty alienates women from God, the very source of their being

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