
destiny #fundie newwavefeminists.blogspot.ca

What do Planned Parenthood and Playboy have in common?

An easier question to answer would be, what do they NOT have in common?

Planned Parenthood and Playboy are quite comfortable bedfellows, pun most definitely intended. Hugh Hefner contributes money to PP as well as NARAL, as a matter of fact. (Radical pro-choice feminists don’t like to talk about that.) Allan Guttmacher, former PP director and founder of its research arm, The Guttmacher Institute, was heavily influenced by Alfred Kinsey, the radical and infamous sociologist whose “research” helped shape the sexual revolution and by extension Playboy and the porn industry. His motives and methodology have since been widely discredited.

Both Planned Parenthood and Playboy encourage women to take little pink pills every day that cause early abortions, hormone imbalances, and quite possibly a host of other diseases after long term use, such as breast cancer and heart disease.

Both are super duper A-okay with abortion. Because after all, if you can convince a woman to take that pill and “take care of her problem,” you can continue to view her as an object and use her for your pleasure. If her eggs and her babies are disposable, why then, so is she.

It is imperative for us to understand that abortion does not exist in a vacuum. A culture steeped in certain attitudes was necessary to bring about the paradigm shift that enabled legalization to occur and to continue. These attitudes are represented perfectly by Planned Parenthood and the porn industry, soft-core and otherwise.

First, there is the idea that sex is a recreational activity designed for physical gratification, and that it’s therefore perfectly acceptable and even healthy to divorce the act completely from love or procreation. Putting aside religious beliefs or a lack thereof, it’s apparent that this increasingly prevailing attitude has led to a culture in which sex has been stripped of all significance beyond how fun it is. To take a random example, let’s look at two prime-time television shows on major networks. First there’s “Glee,” marketed to teenagers, and literally encouraging them to fornicate and telling them they’re frigid if they don’t. Then we have “Two and a Half Men,’ featuring a (now almost grown) child, in which the child’s uncle, played by a real-life lothario, drug addict, and woman-beater, is characterized solely by his rampant promiscuity and total disregard for women as anything other than objects by which to achieve pleasure. He loves to talk about these things in front of his under-age nephew. These are on during the family hour. Children watch these shows, and they learn simply and merely that sex is something fun to do, not that it’s serious or sacred in the least.

So what outcome does this laissez-faire attitude have? Teen pregnancy. Single motherhood, which even after correcting for poverty is the greatest single indicator of whether a child will grow up to be a criminal. A bloated welfare state, in which taxpayers watch their money pay to feed children born because their parents met in a club one night and felt like “doing it,” and she never even got the guy’s number. I could go on, but you get the idea. The state of the American family, and by extension our entire society, is what you might call in the current vernacular a “hot mess.”

Meanwhile, in Playboy/Planned Parenthood Land, the only gravitas reserved for the subject of sex is not for issues of morality or even ethics – what are those? – but the dreaded outcomes of STDs and pregnancy, which by the way are considered more or less equal in terms of desirability. In fact, as a friend of mine was told at a Planned Parenthood appointment in the late 90s, it’s better to be pregnant than get herpes, because you can always have an abortion, but there’s no cure for herpes.

Then there is the completely erroneous yet still common idea that it’s somehow liberating for a woman to be viewed as an object and used as a vehicle for a man’s pleasure. It’s obvious how Playboy encourages this, and by extension all of popular culture. Consider the nauseating TV hit “The Girls Next Door,” in which Hugh Hefner’s three “girlfriends” earnestly spoke to the camera about how normal and fulfilling their lives were. Methinks the ladies did protest too much.

Planned Parenthood goes even further to encourage the objectification of women. Part of it is their ferocious peddling of contraceptives and prophylactics, but abortion is the most direct way in which PP helps men see women as objects. Abortion places the onus of responsibility for a pregnancy on the woman. Because abortion is legal and encouraged by organizations such as PP as a valid and responsible choice, men in our society often feel quite justified in offering a woman the money for an abortion, and— that’s it. At that point, he has “done right by her.” He offered to pay for it, so he did his part. I have known a few women personally who aborted their children because the father didn’t want them. It’s no excuse, but this is a terrible burden to place on women.

The idea that abortion is pro-woman is patently ridiculous when you consider how much the industry has in common with pornography. When we think of exploiting women, we immediately think of sexually explicit photos and videos. But abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women. The sight of a Planned Parenthood sitting in a strip shopping center in a poor neighborhood in my hometown is more offensive to me than a million photographs of a saline-enhanced blonde in an American flag bikini straddling a Corvette.

Playboy, Hustler, Maxim, Sports Illustrated, and their ilk, not to mention hard-core porn, denigrate a woman’s soul by viewing her as a body without one, but abortion places a woman’s soul in danger by making her party to her own child’s death. The abortion industry exploits a woman’s fear and ignorance, invades her body, and brings death to her very womb. Then, unlike Christ, who told the woman taken in adultery to “go and sin no more,” they tell her, “Go do whatever you want with whoever you want. You have our number.”

Which reminds me: something else Playboy and Planned Parenthood have in common? Millions and millions of dollars.

Destiny #fundie newwavefeminists.blogspot.ca

The Protestant Pill Predicament
Ask most Protestants when life begins and more than likely they’ll say, "at conception."

Growing up Protestant, I never knew there was anything wrong with birth control, of any kind. As long as it was used within the confines of marriage, it was ok. And not even just that, it was considered "responsible" since it allowed us to space out and control the number of children we had. (We're big fans of the WASPy 2.5 kids thing. They just fit in our sports utility vehicles better that way.)

Now, many times I remember hearing friends spout off about how "God gave us a brain, and when it comes to family planning He intends for us to use it, by golly!" While I agree with that statement, it was obviously meant more as a jab at Catholics who are known for their much larger families- something many outsiders attribute to the natural family planning methods they use...of which I was completely ignorant yet still totally opinionated. Because see, in my faith, you trusted in God... to trust you with the number of kids you thought you should have. Did I fit as many "you's" in there as humanly possible? Hope so.

Anyway, the more involved in the pro-life movement I became the more I actually started learning what these Cathies (who I spent every day but Sunday with) had against the pill. And get this, it pretty much lined up with the same stuff many Protestants claimed to believe as well. It had nothing to do with Mary, or any saints, or their rosaries. It had to do with life beginning at conception, and faithfully trusting in the Lord to provide you with (and for) the size family He intended you to have.

However, it wasn't until years later, while volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center that I truly began to educate myself on the different types of contraceptives as well as abortifacients and abortion procedures. To my dismay, I started noticing an overlap in many of these methods. Take IUD's for example. While many people believe they stop conception because some of them contain a progesterone element, many simply stop implantation of the zygote by irritating the lining of the uterus. Conception (a.k.a. "when life begins") has already taken place, and that little life is just bobbin' around in there waiting to get knocked off by your giant copper womb harpoon.

I remember sitting with a group of ladies at our weekly bible study shortly after making this discovery, when one of them mentioned how her oral contraceptive was affecting her negatively. Before I knew it I was front and center in a real life, cheese ball IUD commercial. The woman next to me starts raving about her intrauterine device and explaining all of its fabulous benefits as the group leans in and listens intently. Seriously, the only thing missing was a monotone voice in the background delivering the laundry list of possible side effects. And as I sat there debating whether or not to jump in, I remembered how another friend recently went in to have hers taken out and discovered she was actually 7 weeks pregnant at the time. No telling what that IUD could have done to her child had it not been removed immediately. Surely this story would allow me to explain exactly how an IUD works without coming off as judgmental or holier-than-thou, right?

Not so much.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I realized these women didn't want to hear it. They knew what they knew because they didn't want to know any better. I was looking at my former self and immediately felt compelled to dig deeper.

After getting all of the facts from my OB/GYN, I went to the director of the Christian crisis pregnancy center where I'd been volunteering and began asking questions about why we gave married women referrals for birth control. She explained that it was a personal choice (hmm, where have I heard that before?) and that she wasn't entirely sure there was anything wrong with chemical contraceptives. Actually, she didn't even realize there might be something wrong with them until I started explaining what my doctor had told me...

Birth control pills are supposed to work by tricking your body into thinking it's already pregnant. And 99% of the time that is effective. However, when it is not, the pill goes on to create a "hostile environment" for the "fertilized egg" (i.e. product of conception, a.k.a "when life begins," b.y.o.b., no don't 'cause you're totally preggers, dude). Not to mention, the Plan B pill, which so many Christians proudly proclaim to be against, is actually just 3 birth control pills taken in a 24 hour window. How can we simply ignore these facts?

Now believe me, I wish they weren't true. I had been on the pill for years and suddenly started wondering if my hostile womb had ever run anyone off. I mean, here I was an avid respecter of life, who was ignorantly dosing my body with an abortifacient. And that's when I got pissed. It can only be a "personal choice" when we're given all the facts, and when it comes to birth control, we certainly are not. I am sick of women being kept in the dark in regards to their bodies. Many of the same lies revolving around abortion can also be applied to contraceptives. It's as though women cannot be trusted with the facts. Because if we have all of the information, we might choose differently, and then no one would be able to control our reproduction anymore. So much for "choice." The decisions have already been made for us. The only thing we're choosing is to remain ignorant.

Here's the deal- sadly, I've come to expect such deceit from the world. But not from my church. As Protestants we must wake up and realize our own hypocrisy. We're propagating a lie by omitting the truth. Either life begins at conception or is doesn't. It’s just that simple. And if it does, than we have some major changes to make.

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