
Scott #fundie quicktopic.com


I totally agree that testimonies MUST agree with scripture and that scripture trumps all else, however, I believe that you are mis-interpreting scripture.

Jessica, I am tormented daily by demons. I am going to see the guy on there who calls himself exorcist. It's embarrassing, but it's true. I don't like to tell people because I don't want them to think that I am a nut, but it's true. I totally can relate to the people on that site because I am going through the same hell. It's a constant 24 hour a day battle. They woken me up all night on numerous occasions, they torment me. They blow down my throat, talk to me while I sleep and wake me up, they give me horrifying dreams. They have done things to me that I couldn't possibly have inflicted on myself.

I believe that the scholars in whom you trust are giving you misinterpretations of many words in the original hebrew/greek. Try strong's. He is one of the most trusted names. I truly pity anyone who dies without Christ and has to be with these demons for all of eternity in hellfire. BTW I did a study on that recently as well.

More soon,


Scott #fundie quicktopic.com


As I have said time and time again, I have seen demons and done battle with them on countless occasions. If I am not doing battle with demons either I am lying or crazy. Which is it? I know dozens of people who have experienced the same thing as I have. I challenge you the next time you get creeped out to say out loud "the Lord rebuke you" and see what happens. The creepiness will leave the room.

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