
Aangirfan #conspiracy therebel.website

On 16 December 2014, it was reported that mysterious gunmen had killed 132 children at a 'heavily guarded' military-run high school in Peshawar (above) in Pakistan.

This looks like a false-flag inside job carried out by the security services.

Several children said that the gunmen communicated with each other in a foreign language.

Witnesses said that some of the gunmen were wearing Pakistani military uniforms.

The 2004 attack on a school in Russia's Beslan, which killed more than 330 people, was blamed on the CIA.

The Pakistani military is said to use Islamist militants to carry out attacks in places such as Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Peshawar is an area where the drugs and weapons mafias are active, and it is an area known well by 'CIA asset' David Headley.

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