
Will Hero #fundie xiantmo.wordpress.com

After i heard the so called” Korra and Asami thing” and read what the producers said— I was completely bewildered the entire time! It’s not right and people should understand that couples are dude and a gal not gal and gal :P But we do live in a falling world all we can do is pray and try to get Nick to wake up and smell the roses but i dont think that’ll happen anytime soon.. Lord help us all
but I still like the series just not the last episode couple ish part

Jamie #fundie xiantmo.wordpress.com

[About the Korra finale]

I can’t believe this happened on Nickelodeon. I’m in shock. But then again, considering all the other signs in American culture, it shouldn’t come as a surprise at all. I’m just heartbroken. I can take the opposing viewpoints, but now they’re targeting our children?

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