kalki666 #racist lordkalki.wordpress.com

Yeah, there is lots of knowledge out there that’s being supressed by the kikes. Like alternative/free energy. There are over 5000 viable patents for alternative energy on file at the U.S. patent office – all of them classified as ‘a threat to national security.’ You can make a car run on water – it’s been done – run an electric current through H2O and it breaks apart into hydrogen and oxygen gas – both are combustible. Of course the evil kikes would never release this technology – they have to keep polluting and enslaving the world.

Why do you think the Nazis made such huge leaps in technological innovation towards the end of the war? They freed themselves from the jew parasite that’s holding back and bastardizing humanity. Just like the Europe-wide expulsion of the jews lead to the Renaissance. Imagine a global purging of the jew – that will inevitably lead to a Golden Age for humanity!

That’s just around the corner.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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