CaiperLane #fundie

ANYTHING is possible. The Great Delusion must be something so easily believable because of HOW we're raptured. Again scripture says it's a great mystery and that's probably a good thing.

See how all the End Time movies make up rapture scenarios as if they were Truth? Now, unbelievers may be seeking THAT kind of rapture and when it doesn't occur like that, they won't think it's the Rapture that's been spoken of so much. They'll be easily deluded.

As for anything being left behind that's also conjecture. It's possible that in our "renewal" or "change" that those things just disappear or disintegrate.

I think the End Times movies have done a great disservice. They've made conjecture and personal interpretation into accepted truth/fact.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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