Cheesecake #fundie

Intelligent design does not argue against the facts that organisms do evolve.

Proponents of intelligent design are simply saying that the universe and the laws that govern it and act in it (including genetics and evolutionary capability) was intelligently designed by some sort of higher power. It does seem like a "good move" to design a creation that has the ability to adapt to the environment as it changes, does it not?

Also, guys, please give me this empirical data that shows how the "something" that we know as our universe came from nothing. Or please provide the empirical data that shows how life came from lifelessness..

Your data must be 100% backed up by scientific facts and (as the scientific method states) must be demonstratable and able to be repeated over and over again.

Neither of us can prove "empirically" how the universe and life came into existence.

Additionally, a serious question I have always wondering is how did we come to the VAST variety of plants that we see now? Everyone discusses the evolution of the animal side of the picture, but I rarely hear discussion explaning the massive variety of vegetation and where it all came from.



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