Tom Shelly #racist

When considering the actions of niggers, don't ever forget that they are retarded; literally retarded. They have very limited IQ's and maturity. If not for the threshold of retardation being lowered in the 50's, more than half of the niggers in the U.S. would be classified as mildly retarded and receiving special education and disability. (the threshold, by the way, was lowered because too many niggers were being put in special education classes that the procedure was called 'racist'.)

It is a common for people to shun others around them who try to be more successful and there are a number of reasons for this: Envy, jealousy, a fear that it will challenge them, etc. And since niggers are retarded and unable to control or manage their emotions or analyze them, this causes them to act up on even their most destructive and negative of feelings and impulses without any aforethought at all. If a nigger goes off and gets a college degree, the other niggers will become angry and seek to destroy him when he returns.

And remember too that niggers have a basic and primitive jungle mentality so things such as violence and physical strength are looked upon as highly desireable while intelligence and cunning are looked down upon. That's why a nigger basketball player or criminal is looked up to while a nigger doctor or engineer is a sell-out to whitey. In fact, practically any nigger who works a regular job and tries to live a clean life is looked upon as an Uncle Tom and shunned by other niggers.

This behavior is just another manifestation of the fact that niggers are more akin to animals than they are to humans. After all, what separates humans from animals is the ability of the mind and intellect, not our ability to run, jump, or physical strength.

Ultimately, the nigger problem boils down to the mistaken belief that niggers can assimilate and get along in a civilized society or exist on an equal basis, they can not. Their diminished mental capacity and animal traits are ill-equipped to succeed in modern society and culture.



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