
lucifursam #racist blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com

[On Pastor Steven Anderson's tricking four rabbis into appearing in his anti-Semitic film]

These rabbis can cry 6 million tears for all I care. They like to suck the blood off a baby's freshly circumcised penis. Normally, a person would be imprisoned for such a vile and disgusting act, but according to their insane religion it's called Metzitzah b'peh and considered perfectly normal.

Ted Nugent #fundie blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com

n this insidious culture war raging to halt the American Dream of individual choice and pursuits of happiness, the fact that we have amongst us such feeble, ignorant and or misguided people who actually believe animals have rights, represents an indictment to how sheep-like people can become when they go to such lengths to protect their ignorance and attempt to treat living, breathing, precious wildlife as cartoon characters.

The Humane Society of the United States and PETA are criminal scams playing on this ignorance and the emotions of clueless people who don't care that none of their donations go to save anything, but rather to ban hunting, fishing and trapping. Such anti-science insanity forces wildlife out of the asset column straight into the liability column, but insanely, these scammers don't give a damn. That's why I am so dedicated to spotlight the cockroaches infesting our otherwise wonderful country. Censorship is for Mao Tse Tung fans, and they are pure evil.