
Ernie Grimm #fundie calcatholic.com

Ernie: ... Now that Darwinists rule academia, they will brook no contradiction, and they will happily commit employment assassination even against tenured professors who dare even to mention intelligent design. The Darwinists even have their own Gestapo in the National Center for Science Education led by a modern day Heinrich Himmler named Eugenie Scott.

KaraLynn #fundie calcatholic.com

Well, "Sister Ingrid", as Catholics we do NOT listen to the American Psychaitric Association on matters of faith and morals, we listen to the Magesterium. To enlighten you a bit about the "debunking", the APA was BULLIED into removing homosexuality from the list of mental disorders WITHOUT any scientific proof that it's NOT. Homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder that can be cured. There is PLENTY of proof for that.

Christopher Zehnder #fundie calcatholic.com

You seem to think of God as something partial like ourselves. But God is being itself, truth itself, goodness itself, beauty itself. Man's response to such a being could only be one of worship. If we do not worship such a being, we betray our own nature, since, to be fully human, we have to love beauty, goodness, and truth. God does not need our worship; he "demands" it because He knows we can only be happy if we embrace truth, beauty, and goodness.