
canino1997 #fundie canino1997.tumblr.com

Even the option of prostitution is female entitlement. Incels that go to a prostitute are enablers. The most common way a female has power over a man is with their vagina. Females cling on to that power with everything they have. They are monopolizing sex. Females are monopolizing sex because deep down they know that they are objects and that they have no other advantages over men. Having a vagina is their default value. If you go to a prostitute you are engraving your subhuman ness. You say that no female would touch my genitals unless I pay her. You are accepting defeat. The females win if we go to a prostitute. They will successfully have power over you if you go to a prostitute. You will be a part of their monopoly they have on sex. This is why rape is such a big problem. The act of rape takes away their power. They feel powerless while being raped because they lose their power over lesser men if they get raped by lesser men. This is why rape is considered such a big crime. Females convinced the world that rape is such a big crime just to keep their power. They have convinced the world that rape is a crime just to be able to play out their sick monopoly they have on sex without repercussions. This sick monopoly they have on sex is the reason why we incels suffer. Men are being driven to prostitutes out of desperation that other females are responsible for. Prostitution is not an option for most of us because of that. Prostitution is accepting defeat and becoming part of their sick monopoly. Prostitution is giving power to females. Rape is taking power away from them. Females have the power in the sexual marketplace by default. They can try to go for chad. Men don’t have that kinda power if a 4/10 male would go for a 9/10 female she would say no and everybody would laugh at him. In the reverse case, chad is more likely to say yes. This is where the common incel belief that chad is taking away all girls come from. Every female has power over lesser man because of the double standard in dating and female entitlement. I want to eliminate that double standard. The legalization of rape would even the odds and end the sick female monopoly they have on sex.