
lionofparadise #fundie #homophobia community.nytimes.com

To be born a Black person is biological genetics. Homosexuality is an acquired and learned sexual habit. That is not the same thing. It is an insult to Black people to equate sodomy with their skin color in which they had no choice. Homosexuals made an immoral sexual choice to practice deviancy, which is condemned by all civilized religion on the earth: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Thus, if you are going to favor this indefensible sexual choice, you cannot equate it with racial genetics. That's not the right way to seek sympathy with racial minorities or to manipulate readers by emotional association with civil rights. Homosexuality is wrong, immoral, abnormal and unnatural. And homosexuals and lesbians can also CHOOSE to repent and leave it behind, which many have done. They returned to normal, healthy, moral and natural relations as forgien sinners who accepted God's love for their personal benefit and societal welfare.

surgres #fundie community.nytimes.com

[Fundy is responding to a quiz about religions, which atheists do better on than others]

There is a world of difference between the FACTS about a religion, and the faith that inspires it. It is not surprising that atheists know more facts, because they use them to mock the faithful.

To put it another way, take a parent and a child. The child may not be able answer questions about their parent's history, and they may not even know things that they should. But the love they have for their parent is real even if it cannot be proven.

I despise your quiz because it shifts the focus from faith to fact, without any appreciation of the larger whole.