
Angelos #fundie gamers4jesus.org

Some might want to address some of your other rants, but this one I had to repost. What about Hitler, Communism and Nazism?

Among the most bitter fruits of evolutionism are the unspeakably cruel systems fathered by Karl Marx (followed by Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc.) and by Adolf Hitler (who was building on the ideas of Nietzsche and Haeckel and others). It is arguable whether communism (with its anarchist and socialist cousins) or Nazism (with Mussolini's fascism and similar dictatorships) have produced the greater amounts of death and suffering in the world, but both were and are vile and deadly.

It is very significant, therefore, that both Marx and Hitler, with all their respective forbears, associates and successors, were doctrinaire evolutionists, trying to build their respective societies on evolutionary premises. There is abundant documentation of this assessment and, in fact, few would even question it.

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