
Steven Sherman #fundie lastdayscalendar.tripod.com

{{NASA recently announced an expansion of its near-Earth asteroid survey program, and described plans to deflect any dangerously large objects that would otherwise hit the Earth. Hearing about this, Steven Sherman wrote:}}

Asteroids in Bible Prophecy Reveal End Times and the Rapture

Since End Time Bible Prophecy Reveals that Asteroids are a Sign that Precedes the Rapture, Can NASA Really Protect Us from a Dangerous Asteroid Strike?

Although John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy claims that NASA will play a leading part in protecting the United States and the world from the threat of a dangerous asteroid strike, the Bible clearly reveals that asteroids are one of the end time signs that precede the Rapture.

According to Matthew 24:29, one of the signs in the heavens that will take place after the tribulation is that asteroids will fall to earth.

During the judgement of Noah’s day, all the springs of the great deep burst forth. Just as the waters beneath the earth were held in reserve as an outpouring of God’s judgement, so the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is held in reserve awaiting the outpouring of the final plagues of Revelation.

Jesus replied to his disciples’ inquiry concerning the sign of his second coming and the end of the evil world system by telling of the signs of his return. After the time of great persecution commonly known as the Great Tribulation, the signs in the heavens will include asteroids falling from the sky. After those signs, God’s elect will meet the Lord in the air as they are captured out at the Rapture.