
Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

What is it really like to have a trans-identifying child? It’s the worst feeling you can ever imagine. Your child, who you raised and loved, now tells you everything you knew about them is wrong, even when you know you are right. You are the parent, after all, charged with the most important job of your lifetime— raising your child to be a healthy responsible adult. Now you can’t do that. You know in your head this is wrong but everyone around you tells you, you must affirm.

The doctors are atrocious. They have no sympathy for you. You are on the same level as a murderer, likely to cause the death of your fragile child. You will never see such disregard or disrespect as a parent, as you do when you question trans ideology when it comes to your child. Your feelings don’t matter. They no longer carry weight, even though, just the day before you were a respected member of society and in your social circles. You will be told you need to get over it. You’re the problem. You have a daughter now. Accept it, or your child will kill “herself”. And it will be your fault.

Your friends shun you. Your family blames you. You’re lucky if your spouse is on the same page. You have no one. You imagine killing yourself to escape. Meanwhile, your child changes their name at school, and receives the accolades of the school staff.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

As I sit in my dimly lit living room, surrounded by memories of a past that seem like a distant dream, I can't help but feel the weight of disappointment and betrayal pressing down on me. The silence is suffocating, broken only by the soft ticking of the clock on the wall—a cruel reminder of the passage of time, of the irreversible changes that have torn my family apart.

My mind drifts back to the day when my child, once my pride and joy, revealed their "true identity" as transgender. The shock and disbelief that washed over me were quickly replaced by anger and resentment. How could he abandon the person he was born to be, the person I raised him to be? The thought of my child rejecting his given name, his heritage, fills me with a sense of profound loss, as if a part of me has been ripped away.

But it's not just the loss of the child I thought I knew that weighs heavily on my heart—it's the knowledge that my child has chosen a path that I cannot condone, a path that goes against everything I believe in.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

Dear Daughter,

You said that you love us and are grateful for all that we’ve done for you, yet you have emotionally estranged yourself from us for the past seven years and have withheld any real expression of love or concern for us, forgetting birthdays and holidays, and leaving our questions and concerns unaddressed.


We never shamed you for the pretend squeaky voice you used to use, we didn’t mind when you wore a cat collar and cat ears everywhere you went. People have to grow up and into themselves, and we allowed you plenty of space to freely explore the depth of your own being, without judgment or ridicule.

But the person that you have become is a stranger to us. We recognize your face and your voice, but we have no idea who you are now. Sometimes I sincerely wonder if you are actually demon possessed. You are so immersed in a world that is contrary to who you had once been, I don’t know what else to think. Or else you hid your deviancy exceedingly well. You have taken your God-given talent and your expensive education and used it all to make a video game that is nothing more than a demonic tool for grooming children into a sex cult. May God have mercy on your soul!

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

I believe that there are some who genuinely feel that they are the opposite gender. However, I had always imagined that such people were adults when they decided on that path. Now here was my teenager telling me that he wanted to be a girl. And as I began to devour everything I could on the subject I became very disturbed at just how widespread and insidious the gender issue had become and how apparently intelligent, professional people were encouraging it amongst our kids.

We went to my son's doctor to talk over the situation and get advice. He was unsympathetic to my worries. He couldn't discuss my son, he said. Anything they talked about would be confidential; he was over 16 . Basically he could do what he liked was the message I received. We left with a referral to a gender clinic.

When we finally were given an appointment at the clinic (it took several months) my son was immediately affirmed, and called by his preferred pronouns and his new name. I was told that, when asked, he had said that he had been suicidal and had thought of harming himself. I didn’t believe this; I was convinced that he had been coached. Of course, the old chestnut ‘would I rather have a live daughter than a dead son?’ was trotted out, though at that stage I didn’t know that this is a story repeatedly told to parents who question the process.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Today I feel sad. I have been socializing lately, having drinks with parents who speak proudly of their young adult children who are off to college, or are starting promising careers. Other parents prattle on about adorable grandchildren and big family get-togethers at beach houses. I smile and politely ask for details, but I have nothing to add to these conversations. What would I say? My estranged son is still working a minimum wage job and poisoning his body with cross-sex hormones. I can’t confirm that he still has all his body parts. I will probably never have grandchildren, but maybe that’s better: I’ve read that trans-identified men who have children are often abusive narcissists whose B-cluster personality disorders are impermeable to therapy. We can’t afford a beach house, but who cares since there would be no family to gather there? It might seem like wasted potential that a young man whose IQ used to be in the 97th percentile now scrapes by working the cash register in a store, but after years of taking estrogen, his intelligence might be just average now, freeing him from the burden of high expectations.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #psycho pittparents.com

I threw my son out. I am not proud of that. Months of pain, grief, confusion and fury turned me into a powder keg that exploded one afternoon.
Well, as you guessed, my son decided to become a woman. He grew his hair long and started shaving his legs. I found out completely by accident when I was putting laundry in his room. I still remember my disbelief and horror. I can still feel the nausea in my throat when I think of him with a penis and boobies. He wouldn't discuss the trans issue with me, just said it was his life choice. He went to a woke doctor, got a referral to an endocrinologist, had his blood tests and got his hormones. All using money I had saved for his first car.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In 6th grade, my son wanted to join the Boy Scouts. I did not want him to join because I had gotten a bad feeling about it. Call it mother’s intuition. But my son begged. My gut warned me against it but my husband and son wanted it badly, so I gave in. In Boy Scouts the troop is run by the older boys and my son stepped up like I never had seen before. I was relieved and thought my instincts were wrong.

He loved all the hiking and backpacking. He made friends. In high school he became friends with another scout from a different school. Together they decided they were both “trans”. My son declared his new girl name and pronouns to his troop. I wrote to the troop leader to express my concerns, and also to point out that, because there were many autistic boys in the troop, I did not want my son celebrated, and have him potentially influence other vulnerable boys.

The troop leader sent my letter to the pastor of the church where the meetings were held, a gay man who had known my son for years. To my shock, he said we need to support our trans child. My son quit the troop soon after this because he did not like what scouts represented. The church that hosts the Boy Scout troop now flies the progressive pride flag, and sports a large banner reading “Trans rights are human rights”.

This troop played Magic: the gathering cards on all the backpacking trips. I’ve since learned this is another trans gateway drug similar to anime.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #fundie #transphobia pittparents.com

Then the wooden stake through our hearts: Our daughter posted a photo of our femmed-up son, sitting next to granddaughter on social media, tagged with #auntie #nontraditional. My God, she did it. She corrupted our granddaughter with the transgenderist lie and marketed the venality online. Vice signaling. God forgive them, for they know not what they do.


There are many ways God can intervene and heal this misery: The direct approach in which our son and daughter see the Guiding Light. Better yet, a massive exorcism of the entire transgenderist cult.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

We parents aren’t hobbyists or rubberneckers indulging a sick curiosity. We know that our own trans-identified kids (TIKs) have been captured by an institutionally supported cult: doctors, pharma, media, education, politicians, you name it. We’re scared of TIKs because we have them. We know them. We know how much anger TIKs harbor; the state and media supported Trans Cult has encouraged them. We know how evil TIKs can be.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Recently, my fancy private school posted a news release boasting about the students who had been recognized as National Merit Semifinalists. These are the kids who tested in the top 1% of Juniors who took the PSAT, around 16,000 of 1.5 million or so. These are bright kids. Like really bright kids. Wikipedia helpfully notes that previous Semifinalists include Jeff Bezos, Paul Krugman, Bill Gates, Elena Kagan. You get the picture: smart. Though our school should be justifiably proud of these students, they played a little game to disguise something: around 30% of the students are trans-identified. To disguise this, the students’ names were listed separately and apart from the photo.


We can see these bright minds getting sucked away (I’m looking at you Jazz Jennings, and yes, you, too, Chelsea/Bradley Manning, and definitely Vivian Jenna Wilson/Xavier Musk – with parents like yours, I can tell you are brilliant – tough luck), but no one cares.


Ironically, you know who is not transing away the gifted? Russia. You can bet your state-sponsored vodka that our global rivals aren’t sacrificing their greatest brains to this BS. Dear NSF, Dear Raytheon, Dear Department of Defense, pay attention: get this gender affirming “care” away from our kids – all of our kids.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

I DEFINITELY remember those days of obsessive rumination after my son told me he was “transgender” (there is no such thing). That was way back in 2015 when the only resource was 4thwavenow.com. I spent hours deep in the early morning hours reading, reading, reading because sleep was impossible. As more and more desperate families emerged, there was so much information to review and research, that I did indeed realize that it was becoming an obsession that was destroying my mental health. I would unsubscribe from everything, only to return and begin all over again. I had sunk into such a depression that I became unrecognizable to my family, friends, and most importantly to myself. I really wanted to die. Well, actually I just wanted to escape the pain and death seemed to be the only option.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Eighteen months ago, I was looking forward to my older son’s wedding. I especially loved the date they chose for the ceremony - 12/31/23, 123,123 - a waltz. I wanted to waltz with my eldest. He is a wonderful dancer. He only has one brother, and they are close, so I expected his brother would be his best man. However, things have changed since the wedding was announced. His brother will now be a bridesmaid.


As much as I wanted to waltz with the groom, I do not want to see my 6’ 4”, broad shouldered son dressed as a bridesmaid. All four of his grandparents were invited, but they are not attending. My parents told him they were too old to travel. My in-laws said they could not find a hotel room. They have all told me how they worry that my youngest son’s decisions will ruin his life. My father had tears in his eyes when he spoke of the pain of seeing his grandson in a dress.

Will my oldest miss having family there? His brother and probably his father will be there, but that is all, no mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles or first cousins. If they take a photo of the groom’s family there will only be four people in the picture, not thirty-five. Will his brother feel guilty that his choices have kept the rest of us away?

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

It was the summer of 2018 when the transgender hurricane hit our family. At 21, our never gender distressed son made the inexplicable announcement he was transgender. Any attempts at discussion were shut down and within weeks he'd estranged himself from us.
I've always been at a loss to explain why the question, “Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?” bothered me so much. Now I know. I have no memories of a daughter. We never carefully selected her name, never cheered her first steps, never took her to her first day of school, never encouraged her interests, never went first time bra shopping, never commiserated with her over her period. I only have memories of a son, a treasure trove of memories of my son. If I'm transphobic for remembering my son and admonished not to remember, then not only do I not have a live daughter, I only have a dead son.
We lost our only child and grieve alone without the support or even acknowledgment of anyone from “before.”

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

How do these anti-parent voices penetrate through to our children? There are lots of vectors, it turns out: pornographic books in school libraries, drag queens teaching sex classes—even school assemblies featuring trans women, like at my son’s middle school.


When the trans cloud struck him, he hated that he kept getting taller and we were no longer permitted to measure him. He loved video games and playing with his male friends. He never had female friends. I never imagined that there would be porn or trans ideas embedded into all these video games. How naive I was. It didn’t occur to me that anime would plant the next idea. I thought anime was innocent.


I wish I could re-do the moments when trans first hit my household. I rehash everything that happened, but I did the best I could. There is no way to navigate something you were not prepared for. How could anyone be prepared for this? His reasons for saying he was trans made no sense to me and I pushed back. Besides, if I had pretended to go along with his new magical thinking—he would have known I wasn’t sincere. I also said no to him, but this NO to transition deemed me abusive, and reinforced the “no contact” idea in my son’s head.